You frickers told me this is better than Dark Souls. You lied to me. It's like a knock off version

You frickers told me this is better than Dark Souls. You lied to me. It's like a knock off version

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Pure jank

    • 8 months ago

      I love how enemies can get stunlocked so they just make them animation skip in your direction

      damn OPs right. game is literally unplayable

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder how they fricked up basic character environment collisions this hard. The problem doesn't exist even in the early 3D games.

      • 8 months ago

        >walk onto wooden pillar below
        >what the frick physics exist!

      • 8 months ago

        looks like the collision isn't flat, it has slopes on the (sides of the?) individual planks, that's why he slides.
        a company frickup.

        • 8 months ago

          Character hitbox is pill shapped, From uses this aproach on every game they make, if you don't hit the plank hitbox square on, you slip out of it, though as some other anon mentioned, this looks more like an emulation bug, my money is on him running at higher FPS than intended, DaS had the same problem if you ran it at 60fps on PC early on

    • 8 months ago

      You sound very dumb
      Its a pure 10/10 masterpiece

      I love how enemies can get stunlocked so they just make them animation skip in your direction

      RPCS3 emulation errors? I've never had this kind or any other issues in the game on PS3, in many many hundreds of hours

      • 8 months ago

        Is there any way to do multiplayer in RCPS3? I played DeS way too late in its life to do much of the online content.

        • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Skill issue

    • 8 months ago

      I love how enemies can get stunlocked so they just make them animation skip in your direction

      damn OPs right. game is literally unplayable

      I wonder how they fricked up basic character environment collisions this hard. The problem doesn't exist even in the early 3D games.

      With nostalgia as I haven't replayed BB or DeS for me its
      BB > Lies of P (not finished) >1 > De > 2 > Sekiro > 3
      Didn't finish Sekiro or 3 personally, just don't like them.

      >DS2troony is focusing xhis mental illness on DeS today
      Stay mad, stay rotting.

    • 8 months ago

      Less jank than Elden Ring lol

      • 8 months ago

        skill issue

    • 8 months ago

      this happens in DaS too. in fact, KYS. one of the best things about souls level design is when you had to do risky platforming to get items. there was an actual source of tension from dropping to platforms below, something they completely removed in Elden Ring and Sekiro. maybe we should make it like batman where everything autojumps and you can adjust your character physics on the fly too? homosexuals.

      • 8 months ago

        Dark Souls is my first Souls game and Demon's Souls isn't good
        Every enemy has no poise and can get stunlocked, your armor has no poise, your blocking is shit, the upgrade system is convoluted garbage that doesn't even reach the end until the game is over, world tendency is cancer if you are online, and dull busywork if you are offline, bosses are trash

        Literally none of those are valid arguments
        None of those things are the way they are by some mistake, but by intentional design
        Also the bosses are absolute kino except for Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus which are lame

        Miyazaki has now revealed to Game Informer that, even though the decision to create a Demon's Souls remaster would ultimately lie with IP holder Sony, it's not a project that he'd personally be interested in working on.

        "It's like when you write - when you're younger, you look back on [previous work] and you think 'Oh, goodness what was I thinking,'" Miyazaki explained. "It's not that I'm embarrassed, I just don't like to look at my previous works."

        Despite his reluctance to revisit older projects, Miyazaki did admit to having fond memories of Demon's Souls' development, especially as it "was the first action fantasy game that I created, or I directed". However, he also revealed that, "thinking about the idea of a remaster gives me kind of butterflies in my stomach and makes me a little nervous, so it's complicated."

        For all his personal apprehension, though, Miyazaki did acknowledged that, "there are many users and many players and fans out there who really love Demon's Souls". As such, he conceded that he'd be open to a remaster, provided it was to be handled by a studio "that really loved the original work and really put their heart and soul into realising it again."

        • 8 months ago

          Having trouble reading, or just being dishonest like is typical of your kind? He is talking about not liking his writing from back then.
          He knows the game is a masterpiece, just doesn't like some of the lore he wrote for it. Which is a bit odd tbh since DeS lore stands at the top as some of the best.

          were your parents related? like before they were married?

          Says the guy who doesn't understand basic english. I am 100% right, you must be moronic if you don't get such a simple thing as what "a finished game" means.
          Yes, if everything in a released game is finished, then its a fully finished game. It would be unfinished if they had kept that sixth archstone world in but left it half done.

          >nothing in bubsy3D is by mistake
          >this means its good

          Not an argument.
          All design in DeS is pure kino.

          >Literally none of those are valid arguments
          Yes they are
          >None of those things are the way they are by some mistake, but by intentional design
          Fromsoftware disagree, since they had to introduce poise and make various changes and even scrap mechanics
          >Also the bosses are absolute kino except for Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus which are lame
          Nah they are bad

          >muttmake clips
          You are reaching extreme levels of pathetic now.
          Not Demon's Souls.
          There were no infinite combos in the original game, obviously. It was made by actually talented devs unlike muttmake.
          >Fromsoftware disagree, since they had to introduce poise and make various changes and even scrap mechanics
          Low IQ nonsensical argument. They didn't patch poise into Demon's Souls, so no, there is no reason to think they had issues with the combat mechanics of DeS. The next game being different in some ways has no relevance in such a topic, its enough of a reason to make it different just because its a new game and it shouldn't be the exact same, even though what was worked well.
          >Nah they are bad
          Nah, DeS bosses are real kino.

          • 8 months ago

            the game is identical, cope shithead

            • 8 months ago

              Is your moronic clip meant to provide some sort of argument? All it is is you playing incredibly badly, so what?
              No, there were no infinite combos in the original

              >There were no infinite combos in the original game, obviously.
              yes there were. It was a notorious exploit because the push didn't cost any stamina and was instantly spammable, meaning no enemy could resist it since poise doesn't exist
              >They didn't patch poise into Demon's Souls,
              They couldn't even if they wanted. At no point Dark Souls was supposed to be different. It was a process of trial & error with flawed tech demos
              >Nah, DeS bosses are real kino.
              ok buzzword spouting moron

              They could have patched it easy if they wanted to.

              >There were no infinite combos in the original game, obviously. It was made by actually talented devs unlike muttmake.
              there were infinite stunlocks in the original game, the code and feeling of the remake is almost completely identical and many exploits are still intact.

              granted, i didnt like poise as a mechanic, and they completely trashed the system almost in later titles past DaS3. and even further, there were exploits to counter infinite stunlocks in DeS.

              eurogays should honestly refrain from commenting about DeS. you posers didnt get it till a year after everyone else played it in and out, it didnt even sell well there, and was almost completely overshadowed DaS's release a year later.

              >DeS bosses are real kino.
              most of the bosses are the equivalent of air and have no real challenge behind them, even soloing them is very easy. DaS had real step up in challenging bosses. the gargoyles in DaS are harder than most shit you encounter in DeS, and they're the first ones.

              No, there were no infinites in it.
              >muh difficulty
              Irrelevant to the topic. DeS bosses were kino.

            • 8 months ago

              the webm that destroyed DeSgays

            • 8 months ago

              DeS gays will literally tell you the gameplay isn't important because this game is like a painting, or some pretentious shit

              • 8 months ago

                the webm that destroyed DeSgays

                The gameplay is 10/10 though
                Why are you people like this? Why not just be an honest person? You know very well that clip is just someone playing bad. Like what the frick, how is that clip supposed to be seen as any kind of argument against the gameplay, its some moron playing like a moron, you can do the same in every game ever. The player is just rolling randomly and spamming R1 while being obviously too far from an enemy to hit them... ok, and?
                I could make clips of myself in Crash Bandicoot intentionally sliding into pitfalls and trying to jump on top of spikes, but nobody would think it makes Crash Bandicoot look like bad gameplay. You aren't achieving that with these always same clips of subhuman Black person shitskins playing Souls games incredibly bad either. When people see these, they just see a worthless subhuman playing bad, not a bad game.

                The frick is up with this webm?
                Did someone drop their mid-game save on the hands of their little brother? the dunce is literally spamming O and R1, but he also has a fire short sword, galr's set and Half Moon grass
                what the frick is this?

                Its a clip that gets posted by the same troony a lot in every Souls thread, he has similar clips of himself playing like a mongoloid in every Souls game. Like literally a moron with zero grasp on the controls, just playing like a literal monkey, and yet he thinks anyone will see that and think it looks like bad gameplay, not like a bad player. Its truly the most baffling schizo thing in the history of Ganker.

              • 8 months ago

                Stop samegayging, see [...]
                Is it my job to defend you playing like the shitskin monkey you are?
                What the frick are you on about moron? The lock on works perfectly, and the rolling attack isn't useless, you missed all of your attacks because of your Black person filth ape brain.
                Seriously, get off the internet and go chase some zeebras fricking apeman. Learning even console controller inputs is too hard for you clearly.

                the gameplay looks bad to me and you didn't really give an argument

              • 8 months ago

                No, you don't have an argument. You can't even know what the gameplay is like from a clip of someone who clearly has zero understanding of how to play the game. Its a clip of someone randomly spamming buttons, you realize that, right?
                Now take a knife, and cut your throat open with it. You are worthless to this world.

              • 8 months ago

                If that were DS3 you'd hit those enemies because its lock on works and the rolling attack isn't broken. And they wouldn't just stand around like morons doing one move either. All you have is cope

              • 8 months ago

                You should really get back to your tardwrangler, they must be worried sick.

              • 8 months ago

                The lock on is exactly the same in all of the games. It works just as perfectly in DeS as in any of the others. You just outed yourself as the schizo who posted that clip in the first place, you were just pretending to be someone else.
                The rolling attack, like every attack, works perfectly in DeS. You are truly subhuman and in a just world, people would be allowed to torture you to death for being such a worthless, dishonest piece of shit.
                >And they wouldn't just stand around like morons doing one move either
                Those are literally the first two enemies in the entire game, Black person, moron. You know this. They are actually more dangerous than the first similar hollow type enemies in the first stage of DS3, the High Wall.

                I hope nothing but horrible things happen to you for the rest of your pathetic life, rat.

              • 8 months ago

                It obviously doesn't. As you can see.

              • 8 months ago

                >as you can see
                I see a Black person MONKEY like you playing a game intended for humans like a monkey, by randomly spamming buttons
                That doesn't mean they don't work, its your brain that doesn't work because your parents were shitskins
                I have played the game countless times as have many others, and you are the only one who has ever tried to make these ridiculous arguments about lock on and roll attack not working, of course they work just perfectly.

                Listen to me.
                Take a knife from your kitchen. Raise it up to your throat, you worthless piece of subhuman trash. And cut your throat open. Make sure you cut deep.

            • 8 months ago

              The frick is up with this webm?
              Did someone drop their mid-game save on the hands of their little brother? the dunce is literally spamming O and R1, but he also has a fire short sword, galr's set and Half Moon grass
              what the frick is this?

              • 8 months ago

                Ok and why doesn't the lock on work? Why is the rolling attack useless?

            • 8 months ago

              watch them defend this

              • 8 months ago

                Stop samegayging, see

                The gameplay is 10/10 though
                Why are you people like this? Why not just be an honest person? You know very well that clip is just someone playing bad. Like what the frick, how is that clip supposed to be seen as any kind of argument against the gameplay, its some moron playing like a moron, you can do the same in every game ever. The player is just rolling randomly and spamming R1 while being obviously too far from an enemy to hit them... ok, and?
                I could make clips of myself in Crash Bandicoot intentionally sliding into pitfalls and trying to jump on top of spikes, but nobody would think it makes Crash Bandicoot look like bad gameplay. You aren't achieving that with these always same clips of subhuman Black person shitskins playing Souls games incredibly bad either. When people see these, they just see a worthless subhuman playing bad, not a bad game.
                Its a clip that gets posted by the same troony a lot in every Souls thread, he has similar clips of himself playing like a mongoloid in every Souls game. Like literally a moron with zero grasp on the controls, just playing like a literal monkey, and yet he thinks anyone will see that and think it looks like bad gameplay, not like a bad player. Its truly the most baffling schizo thing in the history of Ganker.

                Is it my job to defend you playing like the shitskin monkey you are?

                Ok and why doesn't the lock on work? Why is the rolling attack useless?

                What the frick are you on about moron? The lock on works perfectly, and the rolling attack isn't useless, you missed all of your attacks because of your Black person filth ape brain.
                Seriously, get off the internet and go chase some zeebras fricking apeman. Learning even console controller inputs is too hard for you clearly.

            • 8 months ago

              DeSgays BTFO

              • 8 months ago

                Samegayging for the 7th time
                You have very effectively BTFO only yourself by posting that embarrassing clip of you "playing" the game

          • 8 months ago

            >There were no infinite combos in the original game, obviously.
            yes there were. It was a notorious exploit because the push didn't cost any stamina and was instantly spammable, meaning no enemy could resist it since poise doesn't exist
            >They didn't patch poise into Demon's Souls,
            They couldn't even if they wanted. At no point Dark Souls was supposed to be different. It was a process of trial & error with flawed tech demos
            >Nah, DeS bosses are real kino.
            ok buzzword spouting moron

          • 8 months ago

            >There were no infinite combos in the original game, obviously. It was made by actually talented devs unlike muttmake.
            there were infinite stunlocks in the original game, the code and feeling of the remake is almost completely identical and many exploits are still intact.

            granted, i didnt like poise as a mechanic, and they completely trashed the system almost in later titles past DaS3. and even further, there were exploits to counter infinite stunlocks in DeS.

            eurogays should honestly refrain from commenting about DeS. you posers didnt get it till a year after everyone else played it in and out, it didnt even sell well there, and was almost completely overshadowed DaS's release a year later.

            >DeS bosses are real kino.
            most of the bosses are the equivalent of air and have no real challenge behind them, even soloing them is very easy. DaS had real step up in challenging bosses. the gargoyles in DaS are harder than most shit you encounter in DeS, and they're the first ones.

        • 8 months ago

          >provided it was to be handled by a studio "that really loved the original work and really put their heart and soul into realising it again."

          Shame that didn't happen, I wish he'd fought harder.

          • 8 months ago

            What would Miyazaki's remake be like?

            • 8 months ago

              His remake is Dark Souls. Dark Souls only exists because Sony owned DeS as an IP but Miyazaki wanted to make a sequel that wasn't PS bound, iirc.

              • 8 months ago

                >At the start of product development, Miyazaki wanted the title of the game to be Dark Race. He would not want to use the word Souls anywhere in the title, as that would remind people of Demon’s Souls and would only make the explanation harder with regards to whether the new game is a sequel or not. So the title Dark Race solves possible legal issues as well as differentiates the game from its predecessor.
                >However, Miyazaki soon found out that he could not use Dark Race as it had some racist implications.
                >While searching for a better title, they started using the code name “Project Dark.”
                >Miyazaki continued searching for a fit title for the new game, and he came up with two candidates - “Dark Lord” and “Dark Ring.”
                >Dark was confirmed as the title of the Project Dark, and both “Dark Lord” and “Dark Ring” were nominated. We could not get the trademark for Dark Lord, but we did for Dark Ring, so it was decided by then.
                >However, at around the start of the year, we learned that “Dark Ring” means anus. It was said to mean anus in British slang.

                tldr Dark Ring was the original name of the game

    • 8 months ago

      The exact same thing happened to me in Elden Ring, except it killed me. DeS is still better.

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder how they fricked up basic character environment collisions this hard. The problem doesn't exist even in the early 3D games.

      The lower plank briefly counted as the only terrain you were standing on, thus affecting your trajectory.

  2. 8 months ago

    I love how enemies can get stunlocked so they just make them animation skip in your direction

    • 8 months ago

      >drake sword user
      opinion discarded

      • 8 months ago

        Fire Longsword

        • 8 months ago

          >mp regen
          >magic damage bypassing resistances to bladed weapons, making its damage mostly consistent
          >found in possibly your second level
          what the frick are you smoking anon, crescent falchion is the scrub carrier

  3. 8 months ago

    >this fricking thread again
    OP things the Bell Gargoyles are a better boss than Maiden Astraea. Just imagine.

    • 8 months ago

      >OP things the Bell Gargoyles are a better boss than Maiden Astraea
      he is right

    • 8 months ago

      From a pure gameplay perspective it is though.

    • 8 months ago

      They are though. Astrea's not even a real boss

    • 8 months ago

      Bell Gargoyles is fricking great and possibly one of the best "early" bosses in vidya, Maiden Astrea is just ok.

    • 8 months ago

      Astraea might have a better atmosphere, but the gargoyles objectively make for a mechanically better boss.

    • 8 months ago

      She’s less of a boss than Bed of Chaos

  4. 8 months ago

    Gameplay in Dark Souls is straight up better but the game design of Demon's Souls is better. Dark/light is an interesting added layer, nexus vs semi open is better, etc.

  5. 8 months ago

    Best OST no Sakurabaslop.

  6. 8 months ago

    Bloodborne > Sekiro > Lies of P > Elden Ring > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2.

    • 8 months ago

      With nostalgia as I haven't replayed BB or DeS for me its
      BB > Lies of P (not finished) >1 > De > 2 > Sekiro > 3
      Didn't finish Sekiro or 3 personally, just don't like them.

    • 8 months ago

      With nostalgia as I haven't replayed BB or DeS for me its
      BB > Lies of P (not finished) >1 > De > 2 > Sekiro > 3
      Didn't finish Sekiro or 3 personally, just don't like them.

      Why are you listing Lies if Nig? It's not a From game

      • 8 months ago

        It's the only good Fromsoft copycat and deserves mention. From would be proud of Pinocchio Souls. Now just waiting on the Wizard of Oz DLC.

        • 8 months ago

          Anime Souls exists and I would say it's better than Twink Souls, even if it's generic shounen trash.

    • 8 months ago

      With nostalgia as I haven't replayed BB or DeS for me its
      BB > Lies of P (not finished) >1 > De > 2 > Sekiro > 3
      Didn't finish Sekiro or 3 personally, just don't like them.

      Are you people moronic or paid shills? Imagine actually putting some bootleg Korean Black person made jank like Lies of P anywhere on a scaling of Souls games
      Its pure jank, stop acting like its even in the same category as these games

      • 8 months ago

        >Its pure jank, stop acting like its even in the same category as these games
        better than DaS2

        • 8 months ago

          Yes but you subhuman morons rated it higher than DS1, DeS, Sekiro, Elden Ring and DS3 lmao
          No, Lies of P is not better than any of those

          • 8 months ago

            >higher than DS1, DeS, Elden Ring, DS3
            >higher than Sekiro
            Depends on the mood I'm in. Regardless, Lies of P is on the higher end.

            • 8 months ago

              Even saying that nonsense instantly reveals to everyone that you are incredibly moronic.
              DS1, DeS, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring are actual masterpieces.
              Lies of P is not a masterpiece. Its a janky copycat trying to imitate Souls games.

              • 8 months ago

                Bloodborne > Sekiro > Lies of P > Elden Ring. All day, every day. Cry about it.

              • 8 months ago

                And if we're being honest Elden Ring is a shit game anyway. Controls better than previous souls but the open world sucks absolute ass. I'll take the relative linearity of BB/Sekiro/Pinocchio over that aimless wandering dogshit any day of the week.

                No. You are actually just very, very deranged kek
                Elden Ring is an extremely god tier game
                Lies of P is an incredibly generic 5/10 Soulslike copycat, there are hundreds like it

              • 8 months ago

                >Elden Ring is an extremely god tier game
                >Lies of P is an incredibly generic 5/10
                It's an 8/10, actually, whereas Bloodborne and Sekiro are both 9/10, so that's why I rank it 3rd. Elden Ring is a 7.

              • 8 months ago

                No, you are very dumb.

              • 8 months ago

                >literal NO U response

              • 8 months ago

                Garbage in garbage out

              • 8 months ago

                Your posts were just too pathetic to give further attention
                Here's your final (You), you troll
                The asiaticslop is not even nearly as good as the worst games FromSoft has ever made

              • 8 months ago

                The guy laughing at you wasn't me, btw, more than one person likes Lies of P, no idea why you guys get so mad over it being a good game.

              • 8 months ago

                Shameless copycat breed shameless shilling

              • 8 months ago

                Its not a good game though, its just a generic Soulslike copycat. The only reason it has whatever small sales it has, is that its been 1½ years since last real Souls game release. If Elden Ring DLC had released the same week as Lies of P, the asiaticslop would have sold somewhere around 150 copies total. You know this to be true.

              • 8 months ago

                >you know this to be true
                Well yeah no shit, timing is everything lmao. Didn't BG3 release early due to Starfield? If Elden Ring DLC dropped I would have bought that first like anybody else. But it didn't, hasn't, Lies of P is here now, and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. I was hesitant, too, because I got burned on FFXVI between the awesome demo and mediocre-to-shit main game, but Lies of P was great all the way through.

              • 8 months ago

                Well the moron is claiming Lies of P is better than Elden Ring, do you see how idiotic that is? Literally no one would have heard of Lies of P if Elden Ring dlc released around the same time.
                Its obviously not anywhere near on the same level.

              • 8 months ago

                Bloodborne > Sekiro > Lies of P > Elden Ring. All day, every day. Cry about it.

                And if we're being honest Elden Ring is a shit game anyway. Controls better than previous souls but the open world sucks absolute ass. I'll take the relative linearity of BB/Sekiro/Pinocchio over that aimless wandering dogshit any day of the week.

      • 8 months ago

        Why are you listing Lies if Nig? It's not a From game

        >my opinion is more valid than yours!
        Don't care. Don't like Dark Souls 3. Dont like Sekiro. Don't even like Dark Souls 2 very much, but it is better. Lies of P is brilliant, bit I only included it because that guy did.

        • 8 months ago

          No one cares what you think

    • 8 months ago

      >LoP that high
      >verification not required

    • 8 months ago

      It's the only good Fromsoft copycat and deserves mention. From would be proud of Pinocchio Souls. Now just waiting on the Wizard of Oz DLC.

      Shameless copycat breed shameless shilling

    • 8 months ago

      Cry more lmao

      • 8 months ago

        I heard you like slurping down cum, here ya go!

        • 8 months ago

          >Elden ring, sekiro shit sold 10,20 millions of copies
          >Meanwhile this irrelevant asiaticshit bragged about having 100k views on twitch

          • 8 months ago

            >Bloodborne is the worst selling Souls game
            >Pinocchio sells even worse than that
            Kino is as kino does. Hey, wait a minute, why'd you wipe all the critic cum off your face? I thought you loved slurping cum!

            • 8 months ago

              I'm not the kind of pathetic thieves bragging about twitter trend and twitch views like them asiatics lol

              • 8 months ago

                >Backs away from critic cum slurping when pointed out
                >Backs away from sales accolades when pointed out
                >Continues to flail and scream for an authoritarian consensus to back him up
                I bet you use summons to beat bosses lmao.

              • 8 months ago

                >Backs away from sales accolades when pointed out
                huh? what are you talking about?

              • 8 months ago


                >Elden ring, sekiro shit sold 10,20 millions of copies
                >Meanwhile this irrelevant asiaticshit bragged about having 100k views on twitch

                If sales indicate quality then that means Bloodborne is an abject failure given its poor performance. But as we all know, Bloodborne is certified kino and I don't care about sales/critical reviews at all. Typical braindead From moron who needs other people to help define his opinion. It takes a discerning intelligence to recognize kino. Lies of P? Delightful. Elden Ring? Honestly not that good. Bloodborne and Sekiro? Masterpieces, even if one of them sold like shit.

              • 8 months ago

                >By the end of 2015, the game had sold over two million copies worldwide. Bloodborne won several awards and has been cited as a masterpiece, and is considered to be one of the greatest video games ever made.
                So where is that part about asiatic of p old over two million copies worldwide won several awards and has been cited as a masterpiece, and is considered to be one of the greatest video games ever made?

              • 8 months ago

                >Misses the point entirely
                >Continues to blanche about sales
                lmao. Anyways, Lies of P > Elden Ring, but BB and Sekiro are still king. Now go watch a 20 minute lore video to calm your illiterate ass down, god damn.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                You need to update this shit yo. Kind of funny that Sekiro still has more players than Lies of P the 2023 From killer

              • 8 months ago

                >Sold more than 2 million copes
                >abject failure
                >poor performance
                I wished

              • 8 months ago

                >1st party Sony marketing budget
                >2 million sales
                Remember how Days Gone was considered a failure at 10 million? Or how FFXVI's 3 million plunged SE's stock? Context is involved here, and BB's performance relative to what it was given don't line up. Mind you, I'm not shitting on BB, I love it to bits, all I'm saying is I find critical/commercial performance to be entirely irrelevant when talking about games that you like. If my favorite game of all time sold 10 copies, it'd still be my favorite game.

              • 8 months ago

                That not a failure for fromsoft though, only for japan studio and sony

              • 8 months ago

                Sure, but at the end of the day Bloodborne is a Sony game, funded, marketed, etc. It's my favorite Souls game (Lies of P is still 3), but it probably didn't perform as well as Sony would have liked. Also for what it's worth I LIKED Elden Ring, too, I just don't think it was that great given everything that came before it. In fact, for most of the game I was actively bored. BB / Sekiro / Pinocchio kept me engaged start to finish. And Pinocchio is the only souls copy that I feel is as good as the OGs, which is why I ranked it, and will continue to rank it, moving forward. Shit sales and average critical reception be damned!

              • 8 months ago

                sales accolades ?

        • 8 months ago

          Your inferiority complex is ... brilliant

          • 8 months ago

            Here is a better clone than that straight up bootleger asiaticshit

          • 8 months ago

            This board is for some reason obsessed with the number 8, as long as your game score an 8 every bots on this board will automatically sperging about how your game is the best in the universe, god gift to mankind, shit like that

        • 8 months ago

          Woke goyslop gets praise from paid industry "specialists", how surprising

          • 8 months ago

            Twink isn't woke goyslop? puppet having "gender" isn't woke goyslop?

      • 8 months ago

        game journalists and reviewers aren't people though? why would I care what they say, good or bad?

    • 8 months ago

      Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 >>>> Elden Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2

  7. 8 months ago

    I honestly don't know how someone could like Dark Souls and dislike Demon's Souls, Dark Souls is just Demon's Souls but slightly slower and you can facetank things in heavy armour.

  8. 8 months ago

    It has a bug that makes you roll in the wrong direction if you walk diagonally that was never fixed

  9. 8 months ago

    Snoys needed to cope with losing the Souls series

  10. 8 months ago

    snoys are homosexuals that try to pretend their exclusives are some hidden gems that are better than any multiplat game
    they do the same with bloodborne too, i bought a PS5 and i discovered the truth

  11. 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago

    >It's like a knock off version
    so you are moronic
    congratulations i guess

  13. 8 months ago

    Demons Souls hipsters will unironically try to tell you that this is a "great boss" because you have "solve an intricate series of puzzles like an adventurer". No i'm not fricking kidding.

    • 8 months ago

      everyone agrees puzzle bosses are shit
      but they are a million times better than shitty groups . duos . and shitty bosses with cutscenes in the middle of combat . or that heal to 100% to change phase

      • 8 months ago

        Basically you're bad. OK thankyou i always knew these were the people who like demons souls.

    • 8 months ago

      Total lie
      Not a single person has ever called Dragon God a good boss
      I'm guessing you are a DS3babby since those are the most known for compulsive lying

    • 8 months ago

      What are you talking about. Saying Dragon God or Bed of Chaos were good bosses will get people to automatically assume you're trolling.

      • 8 months ago

        >wants his bosses to just be hitting the roll button at the right time

    • 8 months ago

      What is the puzzle?
      >walk towards the only direction you can
      >see ballista
      >use it
      >keep walking the only direction you can
      >boss attacks you and clears the rubble blocking your way
      >find another ballista and use it

    • 8 months ago

      My dude, even when the game came out and we had the very first threads on it, people were shitting on dragon god because they filt robbed from a real fight with him

      • 8 months ago

        >people were shitting on dragon god because they filt robbed from a real fight with him

        Did miyazaki apologize for this with midir?

  14. 8 months ago

    DeS feels so off. It's jank.

  15. 8 months ago

    It's better if you like shittier weapons, shittier bosses, shittier world design, less challenge.

  16. 8 months ago

    I miss when we could have Souls game threads without rampant shitposting and obsessive autists reposting the same 5 webms in every single thread. What happened?

  17. 8 months ago

    >Lies of P sends Frombabies into a frothing rage

  18. 8 months ago

    Why would you listen to anything that is posted here?

  19. 8 months ago

    >tfw never got to play DeS online

    What was it like bros?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Scraping Spear

    • 8 months ago

      Gravity was my favorite weapon.

    • 8 months ago

      chaotic and had a quality that the later games never bothered with after DaS2. matchmaking was very loose, so invasions were constant.

      Black folk baiting blue phantoms into their games to have red phantoms delevel them (yes this happened).

      whacky scooby doo chases throughout dungeons.

      eventual battles between host and phantom were tense and drawn out. the TTK was relatively higher and it was harder to kill people. compared to DaS, the PvP was certainly better.

    • 8 months ago

      So imagine you get invaded, right?
      Now this Black person shows up with a spear, Casts a purple fog around him and some miracle
      He hits you a couple of times and you kill him in the end, pretty normal right, oh wait he revived, but you eventually managed to eat enough grass to get rid of him
      Next enemy that hits you shards all your equipment like if it was made of glass and paper
      You find out about what happens when durability hits zero
      you also now aware that it is fricking expensive to fix a full suit of armor
      But you keep playing with your back up gear, and hey, you got invaded by another homosexual with the same Spear.

      Repeat until you finally make the Scraping Spear and now you are one of the homosexuals casting Acid Cloud and Second Chance while invading with the Scraping Spear too.

      • 8 months ago

        The good old days.

        My dude, even when the game came out and we had the very first threads on it, people were shitting on dragon god because they filt robbed from a real fight with him

        I REALLY miss the old threads. They were super comfy. I was happy initially that more people got to play souls games when Dark came out, but turns out PC players are cancerous homosexuals that ruined the vibe.

  20. 8 months ago

    we can't help you being tasteless

  21. 8 months ago

    I have to concede to DeS gays that Boletaria has a different feeling and a few unique gimmicks.

    • 8 months ago

      >Rolling boulder
      >Explosive cellar with firebomb throwing enemies
      >Fire Wyverns
      >Walls under siege
      It's a worse High Wall

      • 8 months ago

        Boletaria is literally better at every single thing imaginable than High Wall lmao
        Holy frick DS3 homosexuals are unbelievable

        • 8 months ago

          I played this recently on ps3 and it does feel like something unfinished that would later become Dark Souls.

          But its literally the most finished, the only 100% finished Souls game lol
          Every single area in the game is fully realized, fully finished area design
          Are you stupid or something?

          Dark Souls ages even more poorly when you see all the shit they ripped off. Like the opening up doors ambush in Boletaria palace getting moved to the lower undead burg, the identical enemies, the undead soldiers and warriors that have identical scripting to Dreglings and Boletarian soldiers, and so on. So many similarities pile up

          >Vast and more intricate levels with great sense of scale and design were replaced by half assed lame and small "interconnected" levels constantly using tubular design and danger from falling/limiting player movement
          >The world feels artificial because Lordran is ridiculously small, constrained into its open world design. Boletaria feels like an actual kingdom.
          >Homeward bones break the gameplay by allowing an easy and cheap get-out-of-jail move
          >Asylum Demon - Get a face full of ass 3x because they just copy paste it twice later on
          >Taurus Demon - Somehow has more intricate attack animations than any other boss, wasted on shitty arena
          >Pinwheel - Worse version of False Idol from demon's souls
          >Bell Gargoyles - Worse version of maneaters from demon's souls
          >Capra Demon - Another shitty arena, this time with unnecessary enemy spam. Getting a plunge attack involves playing musical chairs
          >Quelaag - Make frickhuge arena for co-op kino, turns out the solution is to get in close after all. ZZzzzzzz...
          >Iron Golem - Worse version of tower knight from demon's souls
          >O & S - Most epic fight of the whole game forces you to backpedal for 90% of it
          >Sif - Literally has the same moveset as gargoyles except add a cool spin once in a while
          >Four Kings - "Muh DPS check"
          >Seath - Dishonest game design
          >Bed of Chaos - Worse version of Dragon God from demon's souls
          >Gwyn - L2 L2 L2 L2 L2

          Gwyn took only 3 parries and ripostes to kill, it's just so pathetic for a final boss.

      • 8 months ago

        The dragons are much more interesting obstacles than the one on the High Walls. Hell even the drake in DS1 feels more intense.

        • 8 months ago

          Their fire in DeS and DS1 actually kills you, unlike in DS3 where it just stunlocks you 200 times in a row making a really loud annoying stun sound effect every 10 frames
          Like everything in DS3, the High Wall is pure garbage
          Absolutely dogshit game

        • 8 months ago

          >The dragons are much more interesting obstacles than the one on the High Walls
          no they aren't

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, they are. The one on the high walls would only kill someone if they had narcolepsy and fell asleep at the controller.

  22. 8 months ago

    >You frickers told me this is better than Dark Souls.
    HAHA got another one

  23. 8 months ago

    I played this recently on ps3 and it does feel like something unfinished that would later become Dark Souls.

    • 8 months ago

      But its literally the most finished, the only 100% finished Souls game lol
      Every single area in the game is fully realized, fully finished area design
      Are you stupid or something?

      • 8 months ago

        some of the areas are bad and the gameplay is bad

        • 8 months ago

          No... all areas in DeS are incredible. The gameplay is incredible.
          I find it hard to believe you have even played the game, never before have I seen anyone say such crazy things about Demons Souls.

          • 8 months ago

            You're wrong. There's bad areas. And the gameplay is bad.

            • 8 months ago

              No, you are wrong. Every area is fantastic. The gameplay is incredible and a huge reason why Souls games became popular. If the gameplay was bad, there never would have been a sequel with similar gameplay.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes there would have been. They made the gameplay not bad. Shit areas.

              • 8 months ago

                You are a lousy troll
                DeS is known for god tier gameplay and areas

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah by hipsters. And op is telling you the game is shit right now.

              • 8 months ago

                You are a troll
                The series only exists because of how good DeS is

                I wonder how they fricked up basic character environment collisions this hard. The problem doesn't exist even in the early 3D games.

                They didnt dumbass, that won't happen there or anywhere else if you do that, those beams are literally meant for walking on
                Its likely emulator glitching

              • 8 months ago

                The beams were always slippery in DeS. It's risky to get any items placed on them.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't recall this ever being an issue and I just replayed DeS a couple months ago

              • 8 months ago

                You got lucky then

              • 8 months ago

                Just walk straight dude, its not hard
                Luck has nothing to do with it

              • 8 months ago

                Series exists because DS1.

              • 8 months ago

                DS1 would not exist without DeS being a great success, moron
                Goddamn you are such a fricking boring troll, get better material

      • 8 months ago

        I wish it was 100% finished. We were robbed of kino:

        • 8 months ago

          You don't understand what "a finished game" means.
          Everything IN the game is 100% finished, therefore the game is 100% a finished game, a finished product.
          It would be unfinished if it had an unfinished area in it, like Lost Izalith in DS1, like every area in DS2 - you know these visibly unfinished areas that prove a game was released and shipped before they had time to finish it.
          Nothing in DeS can give this feeling "it was shipped early" or "they ran out of time" to the player, because everything in the game is fully finished.
          Its the right choice to cut out an unfinished zone from the game completely, than to leave it in half done.

          • 8 months ago

            were your parents related? like before they were married?

  24. 8 months ago

    What's with the DeS hate lately? Which e-celeb made a video about it?

    • 8 months ago

      Dark Souls 3 is the first Souls game for many Gen Z gamers, Elden Ring may be too. So they go back to explore the series. Lo and behold, the game that started it all isn't quite as good as the later refinements. Meanwhile those of us who were there from the beginning still grant DeS/DS a special place in our hearts. It's not a conspiracy. Just people branching out and giving their feedback, similar to FF threads.

      • 8 months ago

        Dark Souls is my first Souls game and Demon's Souls isn't good
        Every enemy has no poise and can get stunlocked, your armor has no poise, your blocking is shit, the upgrade system is convoluted garbage that doesn't even reach the end until the game is over, world tendency is cancer if you are online, and dull busywork if you are offline, bosses are trash

        • 8 months ago

          Literally none of those are valid arguments
          None of those things are the way they are by some mistake, but by intentional design
          Also the bosses are absolute kino except for Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus which are lame

          • 8 months ago

            >nothing in bubsy3D is by mistake
            >this means its good

          • 8 months ago

            >Literally none of those are valid arguments
            Yes they are
            >None of those things are the way they are by some mistake, but by intentional design
            Fromsoftware disagree, since they had to introduce poise and make various changes and even scrap mechanics
            >Also the bosses are absolute kino except for Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus which are lame
            Nah they are bad

            • 8 months ago

              Every time

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        That's just not true. He's only ever sucked off demon's souls and loves gimmick boss fights.

  25. 8 months ago

    >he fell for it

  26. 8 months ago

    all these games suck. Just a different skin on the WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE EPIC HARDNESS YOURE GONNA DIE SO MUCH homosexualry

    • 8 months ago

      What's wrong with a game being hard, homosexual?

    • 8 months ago


  27. 8 months ago

    >It's like a knock off version
    moron, you have it backwards

  28. 8 months ago

    Dark Souls is a better game. Demon's Souls is a better experience.

  29. 8 months ago

    Joseph Anderson was right about this trash. It was never good. Same with Silent Meme 2.

  30. 8 months ago

    Who the frick said that? It’s janky as hell and way too fricking easy, there isn’t a single hard boss in the whole game, not even one, the game is like Dark Souls for casuals

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