you guys like to shit on this guy here, but I just replayed X5 and it was awful

you guys like to shit on this guy here, but I just replayed X5 and it was awful

X6 fails because it at least try something, X5 is just some reharsed idead barely put together

For me, it's X = X4 > X6 > X2 = X3 > X5

I like those missable guys from X6, it's replayable as hell

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Yeah X5 is pretty shit in a lot of areas that X6 gets flak for, for whatever reason. Some of them are even fixed by X6 but nobody realizes this.

  2. 8 months ago

    agreed but i'd put X3 behind X5 tho
    X6 with the shadow armor has been some of the most fun i've had with the Megaman franchise and with the correct chips combination that armor is broken
    i actually killed Sigma second form in like 3 hits lol

  3. 8 months ago

    I liked X4-6 but they weren't very balanced. I liked the Zero series a lot more for keeping a consistent medium to high difficulty level with gameplay balance..

    • 8 months ago

      The level design is a downgrade,all the areas feel so limited despite next generation hardware. Fujiwara's abcense is clearly noticed.They focused all on graphics and effects.

      • 8 months ago

        Not even the simplest, most braindead stage from X4-X6 can match how bad X3's level design can get.

        • 8 months ago

          I rather marathon X3 twice than to play amthe magma stage or tidal whale ONCE. I rather return several times to a stage without any loading times to pick up items at a speedy cool pace than to rescue robots on a shitty avelanche dragging the stage.

          • 8 months ago

            The problem isn't the pacing, X5 for example is a slog to 100%. The problem is that even Whale's stage has miniboss fights that require you to pay attention while most X3 stages can be either bruteforced or easily gotten through without taking too much damage depending on how you play. The difference between the way X3 does items and the avalanche example is that the avalanche provides you with an option: you wait a few seconds to get the rescues and have a safer time with the avalanche or ignore the rescues and go faster, which is more dangerous. In X3, there is no risk involved, you just have to get certain items before others to slowly slog through each stage if you want upgrades, with some of them having no benefit whatsoever (if you go to Hornet's stage first, you will be able to get Beetle's life upgrade without revisiting it, but since that upgrade is at the very start and going to Hornet first means fighting the airship "miniboss", there is no actual benefit to going to Hornet first)

            • 8 months ago

              the miniboss drags on too long , you have a limited space and nothing interesting happens, you have too little to explore you have to wait for a very long time its actually 90% of the level = bad level design
              This is the most moronic comparision I've seen here in vr/ you can't compare a overused gimmick in a limited area with avalanche coming every 5 seconds while you have to rescue robots to a open field with free movement while backtracking and you start pretty weak in X3 so you need all the upgrades cant believe you overanalized that shit , clearly a sperg. You have no idea what good level design is,go play a game like mighty no 9 Im sure you will like it since its repetivive and no fun.

              • 8 months ago

                It is bad level design, but it's still an actual threat and that means it's above the bare minimum, which was the point I was making: it's better than X3 stopping you for a miniboss that's just robots bringing crates with zero threat or challenge for an entire minute, or a miniboss that just tries to ram you when you're on the ground endlessely. The avalanche is used in only one level for two sections and X3 isn't an open field, it's a ton of straight lines, which is also the reason you don't need any upgrades: most of X3's enemies and bosses can be extremely easy to kill and some of the upgrades needed to get other items (such as the buster) only make it harder due to the upgraded buster being less efficient and also forcing you to stop to shoot it, which means that even if, for whatever reason, you find yourself not having enough health, you can also just use Zero to bruteforce stages since as long as he doesn't die, you can use him just fine.

              • 8 months ago

                the threat is there to drag on a unfinished game with a repetetive gimmick that gets used too much it kills the fun. I rather stop for the miniboss to test my new found upgrades and skills which adds a sense of accomplishment while going back for upgrades which goes towards good level design. Almost every X games levels has straight line towards the end but in X3 in and every other X game it actually has some areas that is a joy to explor that goes beyond the straight line except for X6. X3 feels like the most most metroidvania where the levels are huge. What do you have in X6 ? hardly any extra rooms besides the stage a, clear linear, boring level cramped to the bare minimum with shitty gimmicks that seems to be added in the last minute, despite being on a superior hardware and the game came out in the end of the ps1 life cycle, a random area from symphony of the night lasts longer and has more secrets than any X6 stage.

              • 8 months ago

                The gimmick gets used for two sections in one stage. There is no point for a sense of accomplishment when most upgrades are useless (or in case of the buster, outright worse than default) and it doesn't excuse bad minibosses, because then X5's Whale stage can also be excused similarly as "testing out the new armor while revisiting it for an item". It doesn't work that way. X6 is closer to a metroidvania than X3 because it does have alternate paths and secret rooms in most stages, even if sometimes X6 does stupid things with it (like the randomized totems in Scaravich), most of X3 is straight lines with a few stages having giant empty spaces, and even those don't have much exploring to do because what actually matters there is having the right items to get the item (like how you need the buster upgrade + ice weapon or one of the pink chips to get one of the ride armors that still require you to have the Hornet stage ride armor to even use them) that will usually be useless either way. If you avoid upgrades, X3 will just be mostly uninteresting as bosses and enemies are rather basic and don't present much of a challenge, while going for upgrades is just wasting time as they won't prove very useful and lock you in a strict order if you don't want to tediously revisit stages.

              • 8 months ago

                and then you encounter ice blocks, where is the free movement to explore and check around magma stage recycle stage too, awful shit gmmicks. It is not the same when you clearly have to wait for minutes for that section to end and then manage to be allow to attack it so you're weapon upgrade is totally irrelevant, while in x3 battle is over in much shorter time with all the free movement and the upgrade so yes that works that way for those who can understand level design. X6 a better metroidvania? hahahaha if metroidvania was anything you believed it to be it would be dead genre by now . Open "empty" spaces with no restrictritions ,free movement and no shitty repetitive gimmicks are much better than a unfinished shitty game that came out 7 years later on a newer console , X3 is much more innovative than X6 , megaman 1 is even more innovative than X6. Yeah keep bringing up that buster everytime sperg ,it was atleast fun to kill to bosses and shoot multiple enemies with it despite being a downgrade. Yeah and X6 would have been a good album if we look past the gameplay, shit on Hornet stage all you want, I rather use super armor to wreck and have fun and Hornet doesnt stand still as Wolfgang atleast . Dont talk about level design ,ever.

              • 8 months ago

                What is bad about linear level design? Why are you so obsessed with obstacles that force you to do something? You have those same limitations through weapons being required for items and midbosses being required to progress in X3, there is no X game that's truly "free" because those are action games. No, X3 does not allow speeding things up with upgrades or movement because every miniboss/boss encounter is locked in an arena and you have to go through Bit/Byte gates regardless if they're even there or not, and the only way to speed up at least some fights is by using weapons, none of the items you can get will make fights faster. X6 allows you to skip stages and each stage has an alternate path: that is a cause of quite a few problems in it, but it does mean that in practice, you can avoid stages you don't like or change up the stage order a decent bit. In X3, you will be visiting every stage regardless if you want to or not, and that means there is no reason to visit Hornet before Beetle or spend a lot of time just to get a few upgrades you won't even need in the long run. I think you have never actually played the games you're talking about, or at least you don't know how they work. Games like Super Metroid aren't about open spaces with no restrictions, you are very much so restricted as there are many sections where you're forced to tackle enemies or at the very least find a way to avoid them (unless the game forces you to kill them, like the space pirates before Ridley in Norfair).

              • 8 months ago

                Ive already explained this not going to repeat myself again .It doesnt matter if its a action game , Im not bound by restrictions of the gimmick and cramped up level, is this so hard to understand ?. I get by fast with the right weapon just like every other X game. All that word salad to try to seem intelligent and still brings up Hornet stage, you clearly have no understanding of what makes a game good oh Ive played them , I just dont overanalize a certain factor with unimportant details bombarbed with word salad so I can seem smart, I rather see the whole game for what it is and what it deliveres in the end and none things you said makes X6 a better game . It is the most hated x game in the community after x7.

                Games like Super Metroid aren't about open spaces with no restrictions, you are very much so restricted as there are many sections where you're forced to tackle enemies or at the very least find a way to avoid them (unless the game forces you to kill them, like the space pirates before Ridley in Norfair).

                WTF does this even mean?

                These are only handfull of sections of the game where 95% of it you can mess around and try different things limited only by your imagination, . Is this what you interpret when Ive said open space and no restrictions? clearly a neurodevelopmental disorder

              • 8 months ago

                Your post has absolutely nothing to do with what I've said. As for Super Metroid, think of it like a Rubik's Cube: yes, you can just mess around and eventually solve it, but if you take a more logical approach, you will be able to solve it more efficiently. In Super Metroid, the point of the game isn't just to screw around, as while you can do that and eventually get what you need, it's better to learn how to get what you need (say, an item) efficiently and whether you need it or not, and that will make you understand the game better, and part of what makes it interesting is that there isn't just one solution to every problem, and you can play the game in a variety of different ways: if you don't like getting a certain item or want to get an item early, you can usually do just that. Or, if you dislike a boss, there's usually a way to quickly kill it using an item, like killing Draygon by electrocuting it. In X3, there is no such dilemma because items do not help with the game much and the intended ways to get them earlier are not as efficient as just not getting them, and since most enemies and bosses are really easy, you can just avoid items entirely. Because of that, needing a ton of specific items to get another item becomes unsatisfying, since usually those remaining items will never be used due to them being weaker than what you already have, like the other ride armors.

                I do not know why you have such an obsession with saying I have problems, but if you have fun with X3, more power to you.

              • 8 months ago

                That webm shows how small and unfinished the level is. You have problems dude, writing so much that leads to nowhere and still being obsessed by the same things adding nothing to your argument . I dont care what you see it as you are not a intellectual. Of course I enjoy it, why would your opinion matter to me especially some weirdo who somehow decides to defend a unfinished game.

            • 8 months ago

              X3 can be bruteforced? That's funny, because I've read posts b***hing about X3 because the enemies are actually placed in a way that you have to engage them or dodge them creatively instead of just zooming through. Which I actually enjoy because it makes revisiting levels for items that much more fun once you start to "git gud"

              I think people in general are far too critical of X3. I know I'm in the minority, but I would place the first trilogy higher than anything that came after any day.

              • 8 months ago

                Most of the mook enemies are no threat unless they're placed to ambush you on ladders or elevators. You can brute-force or avoid those easily. The only enemy that truly makes you stop to kill it are the big mechs with maces.

              • 8 months ago

                There's actually one other enemy in X3 that's rather difficult to deal with, but it only appears in the secret version of the second fortress stage (unless you count the far easier to deal with, weaker version of it appearing at the start of Seahorse).

  4. 8 months ago

    Defend this.

    • 8 months ago

      >X6 fails because it at least try something
      it's a fail anon, but it's fun

      replaying it now again

    • 8 months ago

      Game is designed in a way where if you don't have one of the solutions, you will need to go back if you're the kind of person to use exploits. It's not the prettiest way to do it but it is what it is.

  5. 8 months ago

    There's a patcher tool of X6 in RomHacking with tons of options that makes it tolerable,modify nightmare souls to unlock nightmare Zero and able to use incomplete armors while playing as X. YMMV but if you can't stand vanilla X6 then do try the patcher out.

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