You like that, huh? Well, dont get too excited.

You like that, huh?
Well, don’t get too excited. The only way to experience us is a creatively bankrupt MMO, which butchered its own lore ever since the first expansion.

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  1. 2 weeks ago


  2. 2 weeks ago

    Bros help me name my Pandaria remix warlock

    • 2 weeks ago

      What sort of name are you looking for?

      • 2 weeks ago

        heroic but also loose

        • 2 weeks ago


  3. 2 weeks ago
  4. 2 weeks ago

    TBC was incredibly well written and the reason WotLK and all the subsequent expansions are capeshit tier bad is because 70 IQ subhumans like you complained about TBC storylines which lead to them pander to you morons ever since.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >TBC was incredibly well written
      homie I'm the biggest BC defender and even I know that the expansion was terribly written.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >incredibly well-written
      They completely butchered everything they set up in Frozen Throne. I have to admit it was kinda cool, similar to fighting monsters and Gods of Greek Mythology in God of War even though that destruction orgie got rid of too many cool characters. That is exactly what WoW was back then. They had cool characters like Illidan and Kael‘thas and just killed them off. But there are only so many you can kill, before you lose all interesting villains and anti-heroes. It was never a sustainable system and I dislike how they made Illidan and Kael‘thas just generic villains. Kael especially. TBC was so extremely careless with all of the cool Orc Clans and their Chieftains we were familiar with. No wonder they did the WoD expansion to rectify their mistake of leaving so many cool characters undeveloped.

      Nah. They should have added a new faction, the Illidari. That would have been awesome. Blood Elves, Naga, Broken Draenei and Satyr (so they have a presence on Azeroth too) under Illidan Stormrage. Demon Hunters as their unique class.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You never played TFT. If you did, and actually paid attention to the story, you would know TBC was the 100% natural and logical conclusion to Kael and Illidan story arcs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Illidan wouldn’t have lost to random Adventurers. He made Outland his own Kingdom. He owns everything and even got Demons on his side. As well as Naga, Blood Elves, Draenei, Fel Orcs, Satyr, Demon Hunters and many others. You can’t win against that.

          • 2 weeks ago

            "Random adventurers" is a subhuman illiterate streamer talking point, repeated by mongoloids who have never paid attention to a single unvoiced quest in the game. When I killed Illidan, I was not a "random adventurer". I was someone who defeated multiple dragons, an elemental lord, an Old God, Lich King's most powerful and trusted lich, a pit lord, Lady Vashj, and Kael'thas. And it wasn't me alone, by my entire army, aided by Maiev Shadowsong and Akama. I have canonically accomplished all these tasks, and there are in-game quests that acknowledge it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >TBC was incredibly well written

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dont look so will drown in your own blood! AIEEEEEE

    • 2 weeks ago

      TBC was written even worse than Vanilla, and that's the one that gave us fricking UNDEAD in Thrall's Horde.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why the frick would Thrall, leader of orcs, a race that were corrupted and enslaved by demons, and whose character arc was to redeem his people, break the chains of past, and lead them to a brighter future, feel sympathetic to a group of humans who were killed and raised as undead slaves by the same demonic masters who orchestrated his race's downfall, and allow them to join his alliance of outcasts in hopes of finding a brighter future?
        Zero surprise that an npc that is only able to regurgitate garbage Ganker talking points about hurrr why undead in horde durre is the same type of NPC that thinks it was TBC that suddenly turned Kael into a villain and it wasn't the literal natural conclusion of his TFT character arc. I honestly wonder how many of you morons even played WC3 and how many of you just bandwagon same NPC talking points for almost twenty years now.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >a race that were corrupted and enslaved by demons
          weird way of describing drinking demon cum for power
          Undead have also never ever strived for a brighter future nor do people who play undead want that, its a protectionist faction looking to keep itself going

          • 2 weeks ago

            For the Forsaken, it was an alliance of convenience. For the rest of the Horde, it was a genuine attempt to help what they saw as a troubled people looking for help and redemption. There are in-game quests and dialogues that address this, which you would know if you actually played the game.

            • 2 weeks ago

              which is moronic, because it paints other horde leaders as naive morons like Thrall

        • 2 weeks ago

          Boot up Classic and make an UD character, watch their intro, then come back to me and try to write that tripe again with a straight face you disingenuous c**t.
          I swear UD apologists are the single dumbest motherfrickers on planet earth.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Holy shit, I'm talking to a literal NPC right now, aren't I? Read

            For the Forsaken, it was an alliance of convenience. For the rest of the Horde, it was a genuine attempt to help what they saw as a troubled people looking for help and redemption. There are in-game quests and dialogues that address this, which you would know if you actually played the game.

            you unironic humanoid toaster. There is a massive fricking difference with what Forsaken themselves believe about their union with the Horde, the case they presented when they applied to join the Horde, and the views of the rest of the Horde towards them (some, like the Tauren spiritual leadership being optimistic, some being more cautious).

            which is moronic, because it paints other horde leaders as naive morons like Thrall

            Thrall is only a naive moron in WotLK and beyond, he was a well written character in WC3, vanilla, and TBC. It was only when the game started catering to Asmongolds of the world did he get flanderized into a pathetic peacenik - just compare his stance towards the Alliance in Onyxia questline and his stance towards the Alliance in those garbage WotLK pseudo-cinematics where he constantly longhouses Garrosh.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    playable nightb*rne don't even look good

    • 2 weeks ago

      New nelf models are so ugly.
      The old low poly ones were pure SEXO

    • 2 weeks ago

      Actual crime, the nightborne NPCs were muscular and sleek as frick, the playable ones look inbred.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    No worries, noname55 has our backs.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    The lore got butchered as early as WC3 you fricking moron.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >The only way to experience us is a creatively bankrupt MMO, which butchered its own lore ever since the first expansion.
    Has the collective unconsciousness just forgotten that the reason it's called World of Warcraft is because there's a whole Warcraft series separate from it?

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >WoW is supposed to be the best MMO
    >watch streams of this MoP remix that people are hyping up
    >just people running around nuking target dummy enemies or bursting down groups of mobs in dungeons before fighting bosses
    Huh... hear so much about how great WoW dungeons are but they look like every other MMOs dungeons except with worse graphics.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Any private servers with vulpera in them?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hope not

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