>You see, I can't send in some of my own entirely obedient disposable slave soldiers to destroy the bunker, or even check to see if you will a...

>You see, I can't send in some of my own entirely obedient disposable slave soldiers to destroy the bunker, or even check to see if you will actually do the job and not double-cross me, because then I would have to kill them. I mean, sure I frequently kill my own soldiers over the most minor offences, sometimes for no reason at all other than to keep other soldiers in line, but I happen to have an issue with killing them for this particular instance, which could potentially have devastating consequences if there was something important down there, and if you, a guy who I just met, and have been known to work for Mr. House in the past were to betray me.

Bravo Sawyer

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    can you guys just like....stop criticizing things I like?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >he posts it again
    Rent free at this point.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh shit this is the Fallout 4 guy?
      The one who keeps posting about how good FO4 is compared to NV?
      Man what a loser, on par with the kill all ponies moron.

    • 4 weeks ago

      buckbroken by New Vegas unironically

  3. 4 weeks ago

    They did not even bother to write an intro that makes sense

    • 4 weeks ago

      People have survived gunshots to the head before. It's not unheard of.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah but the odds of that happening is about the same as hitting the lottery.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Good thing my Courier has 10 luck then. :^)

          • 4 weeks ago

            Good thing he was always a brain damaged moron with a brain so small that two bullets missed it. Great writing Obsidiot.

            • 4 weeks ago

              They did not even bother to write an intro that makes sense

              >Put as simply as possible, the inciting incident is an event that occurs, in relation to your protagonist, near to the beginning of your story, which sets that story moving in a different direction.
              We generally do not consider unlikely inciting incidents to be plot contrivances, as the story being told is often a result of the incident.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Unless the courier was a synth…

          • 4 weeks ago

            Only Emilchad can write such kino. Obsidiot could never.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >*michael bay horns blare*

          • 4 weeks ago

            holy frick..

        • 4 weeks ago

          What would you say the odds are of someone not only surviving the nuclear apocalypse, but also being preserved to see the developed Wasteland? The TV series might have upped those odds a bit, but it's still less likely then surviving getting shot in the head with a 9mm.

          • 4 weeks ago

            isn't that what ghouls are?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Some, not many (though like 90% of the plot relevant ones are, because that's more interesting I guess).

    • 4 weeks ago

      >city of luck and gambling
      >courier begins the plot with act of extreme luck
      did you often fail english assignments in highschool anon?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    it needs to be someone strong enough to destroy the bunker, it can't be some random low class legionaire, it would have to be someone with a high rank.

    he also couldn't "just kill them", since the legion is """"noble"""" about who they kill and always have their reason, there's a reason why joshua graham was killed and why they kill their own soldiers in the battlefield, killing someone who was just following orders would be a terrible look for him

  5. 4 weeks ago

    his voice actor is cool

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Killing your own men for failing on an otherwise good track record doesn't seem like an efficient way to run an army, but then again the Legion absolutely wins the war without demigod player character intervention so what the frick do I know?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Why aren't the 22nd century Roman LARPers rational?!?!?!?!?!

      • 4 weeks ago

        Because of bad writing

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            >punish units or large groups guilty of capital offences, such as cowardice, mutiny, desertion, and insubordination, and for pacification of rebellious legions
            Oh noooooo

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Not that I'm defending Obsidian's writing or anything, but wasn't the Legion parts added later in development? I seem to recall a quote about them not wanting to even make a Legion path to start with. Would explain why a lot of the Ceasar interactions feel so out of place and bad.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They were not even meant to be joinable, just the cartoonishly evil faction. Caesar is a confirmed moron and Lanius is supposed to be smarter. But then he goes full moron too.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The NCR and the Mojave communities and House are the three primary factions. But they fricked up the Yes Man one cause it's not power to the people it's power to me, which was weak.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They were not even meant to be joinable, just the cartoonishly evil faction. Caesar is a confirmed moron and Lanius is supposed to be smarter. But then he goes full moron too.

      The NCR and the Mojave communities and House are the three primary factions. But they fricked up the Yes Man one cause it's not power to the people it's power to me, which was weak.

      Come to think of it the Enclave and the Unity are also comically evil, 1 dimensional factions. I think they just suck at writing villians

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unity aren't comically evil, the Master gives up too easily when presented with evidence that the mutant pop is sterile. Enclave aren't that evil too. You're talking about dudes who already were the shadow gov of the old world. Them wanting to sterilize the wastes isn't that nuts. But there's plenty of dudes within F2's Enclave anyways that'll help you stop that plan.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unity is pretty much globalists. Master wanted to eliminate racial differences because he saw it as the root of conflict. If everyone is the same universal world baby race, then everyone will hold hands and sing songs…then he eats them and absorbs them into his body for more power.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is too moronic to be canon

    • 4 weeks ago

      caesar for all his moronation still presents himself as a more competent villain than the fricking institute does, and I'm factoring in your ability to literally do everything possible to piss him off and still be allowed to waltz into the bunker. the institute is just too fricking moronic and nonsensical

      • 4 weeks ago

        Institute is a complex faction that actually has something to offer and can be redeemed

        • 4 weeks ago

          >something to offer
          no they don't
          >can be redeemed
          no they can't
          they caused irreparable damage and paranoia to the area and refuse to actually share and use their technology because all of its members are reclusive schizos. they're basically waiting for everyone up top to die first

          • 4 weeks ago

            When you take over The Institute you make contact with the surface, broadcast a speech of your choosing, take over Diamond City and have synths walk around freely and send out patrols to protect commonwealth. The paranoia will disappear. FEV lab is destroyed so no more supermutants. The actual villains of the Institute like Dr. Zimmer responsible for all the bad shit are gone.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >The paranoia will disappear
              "the rumored robots that have been bodysnatching people are not only real but are now flooding the wasteland and taking over as its main military force. rejoice wastelanders!"
              this is why people make fun of 4 babbies because they actually just cannot think about the plot at all

              • 4 weeks ago

                Synths are free to walk around. People will get used to them and not fear them. They will protect Commonwealth. Yes it will take time but is worth it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                ghouls have been around since the bombs dropped and people still don't like them

              • 4 weeks ago

                Diamond City has Nick Valentine but doesn't let in ghouls.
                Goodneighbor is tolerant to ghouls and people there like them.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the place thats specifically a crime ridden shithole is the only place that accepts the walking corpses despite their only issue is they look like zombies
                >this surely means the skinwalker robots will become universally loved
                theres also the supermutants who are fully intelligent and can live peaceful lives that everyone still fricking hates too. the suggestion people will actually adapt to these fricking robots is absurd and tells me you've never played any of these games

              • 4 weeks ago

                If people are fine with Nick Valentine they can be fine with other synths. Supermutants look like monsters, ghouls look like zombies. Synths can look like humans or robots.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >if people are fine with one exception they'd be okay with a full army rolling up to their door
                again all fo4 defenders seem to be functionally moronic and don't actually think about anything they say

              • 4 weeks ago

                Worked for Diamond City. You can see synths walking around and people have no problem with it. Who is going to oppose it? Minutemen? They do what you want. BoS? They are gone. Railroad? They are gone and loved synths. Institute is the one making synths. DiMA? He is a synth. Raiders? Who cares what raiders thinks?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You can see synths walking around
                >literally one known one
                >the other cases were the bodysnatchers people have been driven to insanity over
                >and the mayor that was covering all that up
                wow really fricking working out isn't it. I'm sure diamond city will love it when the organization thats been terrorizing them and actively covering it up just barges in with a full militia saying they've taken over.
                don't you fricking Black folk ever talk shit about new vegas again if you're this unable to think about the writing like this. everyone who defends 4 is just actually fricking stupid.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Anon... when you complete the game synths will walk around Diamond City. Not just Nick Valentine. You literally do take over the place. You put up the flags and everything. And you put on a radio broadcast signaling that a new management took over the Institute and wants to reconnect with the surface.

        • 4 weeks ago

          What hat is Piper Wearing in this picture? I don't get the reference.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah its one of those parts where you roll you eyes and mumble “…tsk, video games”.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    he could probably tell some people to do the job then kill themselves and they'd do it. but yeah the whole deal in these types of games is that nobody except you can do anything that is a quest.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    yeah i always found this part hard to suspense my disbelief for. it's just stupidly written

  12. 4 weeks ago

    You're inventing a contradiction where there isn't one by supposing he views his soldiers lives as without value and their achievements arbitrary. He doesen't. They don't kill you for succeeding, but for failing. If he killed someone who did their job right, what kind of message would that send to the legion?

    apparently you've typed this before and still haven't learned, but thanks for the thought experiment I never realized he had such a good reason until I thought about it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The pseud can't understand the concept of assassination

      • 4 weeks ago

        Who is he going to pin the murder on in the legion? Who will be the assassin? It has to be someone Caesar can trust with a dirty secret, someone like the courier who may as well do the job themselves. Hope they're quick, catch the guy at the door before he spreads the word about the skeletons in your closet. That's all supposing Caesar is willing and wanting to kill his own men for their successes, and that he has no morals.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >side quests have me at level 15 by the time I kill benny
    >roll into legion camp with Boone/ede
    >slaughter every living thing there
    >wonder why we need a robot army to begin with

  14. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is so overrated

  15. 4 weeks ago

    I hope the guy that makes this post isn't a shill for a game like F4

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Seriously though why didnt he at least ask the courier to investigate or tell him what the frick the bunker was for? Hell why doesn't the NCR or Legion ask the Courier to find a way to utilise the securitrons for their own benefit? It's completely possible because of Yes Man

    • 4 weeks ago

      Literally all he had to do to ensure nothing inside the bunker reaches House is to destroy the platinum chip
      Instead, no. “Take this fricking chip” and go inside the bunker and destroy whatever is inside. Totally don’t just like, activate whatever is inside. With the chip, that I confiscated, and gave back to you. Uh huh.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The chip acted as a key, he assumed that's all it was, because that's the only thing that would make sense to him, tech as small as the chip is beyond what the majority of the pre-war world was capable.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >just break the lock once for me
        >noone will ever try and break in to it after that
        not gonna cut it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Odds are way better than expecting House's top guy to follow through on his unsupervised bunker birthday party

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I don't remember him ever killing his soldiers for no reason at all. He did normal roman executions and such after failure but I don't remember anything arbitrary off the top of my head.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Synths could actually be very morale boosting in post-apocalypse.

    Loved one died? Get a synth version, it's better than being alone, which is why you get a synth Shaun. Robot friend wants to be more human? Get him a synth body. That's what you do for Curie. Someone being extremely unreasonable which will result in a lot of deaths? Replace them with a synth like Far Harbor.

    And before you know it you have a much happier society filled with more people, even if some of them have a plastic chip in their brain.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Idk I don't get the point. If a robot always develops free will they should get a synth body but beyond that why ever make one except to do evil body snatcher shit? What's with the slaves Why do they let the fricking janitors have nightmares and free will just to sweep a floor their whole lives?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It depends on the generations. Gen 1 and 2 are basically just robot skeletons. They are not very intelligent and even the Railroad is not sure if they should be saved.
        Gen 2.5 and 3 is where it gets strange. The Institute doesn't seem to agree on Synths. There is a even a scientist who helps them escape. One scientists thinks they are completely useless. When you talk to Synths inside the Institute they praise Father and seem happy.

        Replacing people doesn't have to be an evil option if everyone benefits from it.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Just happy to see this game receive some criticisms. I didn't play far enough to even make this specific kind of criticism, but my criticism is more just about general shallow dialogue, shallow gameplay, shallow exploration that both fails as a generic open world, and fails as an open world that could have complex navigation.

    The best way to put it. Is that Disco Elysium was what everybody sold New Vegas to me as. This deeply philosophical dialogue game where you talk to people and understand their sides blah blah blah, but after like 3 encounters with the Legion, it doesn't take a genius to understand that they're like the most cartoon villain villains ever, except they get a pass because they're based on something "real" and some bald moron quotes a philosopher.

    Find it ironic btw how the game that didn't even quote one philosopher felt more philosophical to me, than the one that didn't.

    Anyway. I'd argue that DE has 10x better world building too, and it feels almost like putting a puzzle together to talk to everybody and understand how this world is set up, on top of the already detective like main plot and yeah. Just fits together very nicely for a narrative focused game.

    Ive heard morons call New Vegas DA BESTEST EVER for its "narrative freedom" (literally have zero idea what this even means) but again. Just like with breath of the wild. I ask...what the frick does this hollow "freedom" mean if it doesn't actually enhance ANYTHING? If it doesn't make gameplay deeper? The writing more complex? The exploration more challenging and engaging?

    I'm convinced "freedom" as it's used lately, is just a superficial cheat word to cheat "goodness" without having to have a brain that can actually make that mean anything.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    He gave the courier the quest because the courier is the player who can appreciate a quest while his men are simply NPCs in a video game who don't get feelings of fulfillment from completing quests. He could give all the quests to his men to complete off screen, but that wouldn't be very fun as a game. How would you feel if every location you arrived at had no quests to do because they already did it themselves?

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah I always found that part stupid as well, but oh well. Sometimes concessions have to be made for gameplay reasons.

    At least they attempted an explanation.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    I don't know what you are talking about because I always kill Caesar right after I meet him I enjoy the challenge.

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