>Your favorite genre "died" because no one could improve on some of the earliest games produced beyond just modding those games.

>Your favorite genre "died" because no one could improve on some of the earliest games produced beyond just modding those games.
Feels bad.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >ESports pushing APM focused1v1 modes
    >Nobody making stuff for the entire other pallet of what it represents
    >Just mods that eventually get popular and take over

    Devs just need to make a game with a fun single player campaign to teach you, and a variety of multi-player options from bot stomps, to free for all, to the MLG 5 pool trash.

    • 11 months ago

      Ew, no. PvE is shit. Wastes dev time, and the AI can't ever match players without cheating anyway.
      Instead of pandering to the dumb and cowardly, they should try to innovate in the modes that matter.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          It's not bait. I mean it. Campaigngays are truly bad at the game, and they avoid MP because they refuse to learn the game or how the options fit together.
          Designing a game for them is a waste.

          • 11 months ago

            >The RTS genre is only good for campaigns and bot matches.
            An actual waste of life. What the frick is wrong with you?

            Kys competitivegay
            You are the reason why this genre died

            • 11 months ago

              >Keep two games alive while casuals burn through every other title in the genre and move on to RPGs
              >Be the reason the genre died

              • 11 months ago

                >a group of autist tryhards who couldn't hack it in ut2004 just kept playing brood war until sc2 came out
                yeah bro you sure kept the genre alive

          • 11 months ago

            I genuinely don't have the time to play PvP RTS games as kids etc means I have interruptions and no game gets played without constant pauses.

      • 11 months ago

        Shut the frick up. The RTS genre is only good for campaigns and bot matches. moron Black folk like you are what killed the genre in the first place.

        • 11 months ago

          >The RTS genre is only good for campaigns and bot matches.
          An actual waste of life. What the frick is wrong with you?

          • 11 months ago

            >he doesn't enjoy a good historical campaign
            Actual uncultured Black person.

            • 11 months ago

              I sure do love bashing an AI. Best thing ever.

              • 11 months ago

                I sure love mindless asiatic click.

                You don't "bash the AI" in a good campaign, you have varied and interesting objectives which range from easy to extremely challenging depending on your selected difficulty and a story to enjoy. If you find a way to cheese the AI of a game that does that (probably because, like your build orders you have to look everything up online) fricking congrats, you ruined it for yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                >I sure love mindless asiatic click.
                Oh, then you'll love Starcraft. AoE2 might be a bit above you though.
                >You don't "bash the AI" in a good campaign, you have varied and interesting objectives which range from easy to extremely challenging depending on your selected difficulty and a story to enjoy.
                Which ultimately come back to the same thing. Set vills on resources, produce whatever unit you need, then sic your army on the dumb AI.
                >If you find a way to cheese the AI of a game that does that (probably because, like your build orders you have to look everything up online)
                Anon, if you aren't designing your own build orders, you're cheating yourself.

                >a group of autist tryhards who couldn't hack it in ut2004 just kept playing brood war until sc2 came out
                yeah bro you sure kept the genre alive

                Yeah, because they kept playing their game.Did you?

              • 11 months ago

                Still. Not. Playing. PVP.

              • 11 months ago

                You. Are. A. Coward.

              • 11 months ago

                NTA but it's a videogame you autistic sweatlord. I bet you're the kind of deodorant dodging sperg to unironically play competitive smash.

              • 11 months ago

                >NTA but it's a videogame you autistic sweatlord.
                It's a video game made to be a timeless classic.

                You kept playing "your game" because that's all you hyper focused on because that's the only pvp you could do
                A small map, a first five build order and adhd assburger fueled control group cycling and another moron just like you

                >You kept playing "your game" because that's all you hyper focused on because that's the only pvp you could do
                I'm not seeing it.
                >A small map, a first five build order and adhd assburger fueled control group cycling and another moron just like you

              • 11 months ago

                no, you were
                and you know it

              • 11 months ago

                If I was filtered, I wouldn't play the game.

              • 11 months ago

                You were filtered because you never moved on
                Are you as good as you think you are? Or has the average skill level been going to shit as the number of players keeps dwindling in the fewer and fewer games that are still around doing actual tourneys

              • 11 months ago

                You kept playing "your game" because that's all you hyper focused on because that's the only pvp you could do
                A small map, a first five build order and adhd assburger fueled control group cycling and another moron just like you

              • 11 months ago

                With the way infantry limits cavalry movespeed and how bad attack move and pathing are in aoe2 ATM it might actually need more micro than StarCraft.

              • 11 months ago

                Just separate them into groups. If infantry didn't limit cav movespeed, you'd have knights running directly into pikes without support.

            • 11 months ago

              Read a book, iliterate Black person.

          • 11 months ago

            Ew, no. PvE is shit. Wastes dev time, and the AI can't ever match players without cheating anyway.
            Instead of pandering to the dumb and cowardly, they should try to innovate in the modes that matter.

            youre a fricking moron and hes right

          • 11 months ago

            so you're stressing over pvp matches trying to improve and you're probably not even in the top 1k, tell me what is wrong with you

            • 11 months ago

              >so you're stressing over pvp matches
              Says who?

      • 11 months ago

        i think the single player modes could be tuned to be fun and informative as a supplement to the multiplayer. (the AoE art of war stuff is amazing. try the Ottoman challenge in aoe4. its great.)

        the problem lies in the game designers and writers coming up with really boring campaign missions and stories that are just "oh hey build your base, then attack their base, and then surprise there's another base, attack that too"

      • 11 months ago

        competitive rts just ain't that interesting chief, compared to competitive shooters or even just online 4x. there aren't that much interesting things made and it all just ends up devolving to a game of who can physically click faster

        • 11 months ago

          >competitive shooter
          >use exact same weapon, map, strategy, etc in every game
          >impossible to tell one game from another due to total lack of strategic variety and scenario
          >literally just a competition to see who can click faster and more accurately

          >RTS games decided by who strategic innovation
          >novel scenarios that erupt like base races as maps, races and units are all wildly different

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah but rts games aren’t interesting to people who don’t know what’s going on. Shooters can be entertaining to anyone.

            • 11 months ago

              >the audience is too dumb
              what does that say about esports

              • 11 months ago

                Well no the audience just hasn’t poured hours into an obtuse game that nobody cares about.

          • 11 months ago

            sure but they don't look as fun watching them than actually playing it lmao

            also >t. has never touched a single shooter game in his life

        • 11 months ago

          >compared to competitive shooters or even just online 4x
          Online 4x is at least social, but competitive shooters are basic.
          >there aren't that much interesting things made and it all just ends up devolving to a game of who can physically click faster
          I know this meme is popular on Ganker, but that's really not how this game works.

          If you can get him on right now I would love to give it a shot

          You can challenge him directly.

          You were filtered because you never moved on
          Are you as good as you think you are? Or has the average skill level been going to shit as the number of players keeps dwindling in the fewer and fewer games that are still around doing actual tourneys

          >You were filtered because you never moved on
          Filtered by what, exactly?
          >Are you as good as you think you are? Or has the average skill level been going to shit
          Players have only gotten better, these past few years. DE did wonders for AoE2.

          • 11 months ago

            Ah yes, the revamp of a classic
            Like I said, you never moved on
            You're just the fat boomer ex jock still wearing a letter jacket, clinging to the same games we played 25 fricking years ago

      • 11 months ago

        >DoW tried to chase the eBlack person scene with the moba and asiaticclick shit
        >fricking dies and takes the series down with it
        Nah I'll take my goofy storylines and brainlet AI stomps over this garbage any day. At least the modding scene still kept it going after Relic signed off on the IP permanently.

        • 11 months ago

          We call that desperation. It sounds like it was already failing at that point.

          >aoe2gay thinks aoe2 is the only rts game that exist
          go frick yourself

          It's the only good one. Who the frick plays Red Alert?

          • 11 months ago

            lmao even
            if i wanted historical combat i'd rather play total war
            and aoe1 was still more fun than aoe2

            • 11 months ago

              >if i wanted historical combat i'd rather play total war
              Total War has shit MP and no macromanagement.

              So like Dawn of War III? And how'd that turn out?

              Was the game they made any good? That's the most important thing.

            • 11 months ago

              >aoe2gay thinks aoe2 is the only rts game that exist
              go frick yourself

              god these games look so fricking trash
              wc3 came out in 2002 and it had actual art design
              nothing excuses these flat plastic figures being pushed around a sandbox like kids playing with a gi joe
              BAR looks atrocious and it can't use supcom's excuse

              • 11 months ago

                Don't come to BAR
                Do NOT play it

              • 11 months ago

                I miss 2d isometric rts, they have some of the most SOVLful art in rts history

              • 11 months ago

                virtually all 2d spritework games are going to age more gracefully and we've known that for a long time
                but isometric less than others imo
                I don't mind it but damn I wish I could rotate that camera

              • 11 months ago

                pic unrelated? stronghold got many sequels, one as recently as 2021. no it wasnt good but it still exists

                listen R. Head you need to go back to discord and stop shitting up discussion here. BAR looks amazing. Just because YOU don't like the visual design doesn't mean no one does, you dumb gorilla monkey Black person

              • 11 months ago

                It looks fricking soulless
                I'd say its art direction is inexcusably bad but its clear it has no art direction at all

              • 11 months ago

                the graphics are good enough that it carries the game itself which is what makes total annihilation (bar) so good
                you have to have played the game to see how good the game is
                starcraft 2 doesn't come close to the level of tacticality and strategy of total annihilation

              • 11 months ago

                total annihilation (bar) as it is now, has the best ui and control scheme in any rts game out there

                you dont have to individually control units, you can create elaborate tactical moves within your strategy, it's an actual real strategy game not a base b***hing game

              • 11 months ago

                I dunno man
                I still prefer Homeworld's UI and movement
                shit looks sleek and easy
                plus there's no basebuilding at all

              • 11 months ago

                WC3 looked like absolute garbage even when it came out. I went back to WC2 immediately.

              • 11 months ago

                WC3 looked good then and still does now because it has great art design that stands the test of time
                good color palette, shadowing, contrasts, staying consistent with character silhouettes and making them recognizable, adding many layers of detailing.

              • 11 months ago

                Back then, Blizzard was god. You cannot say a game's art was bad because it wasn't up to Blizzard's standards back then. God they were so fricking good at making art.

            • 11 months ago

              I hate games that don't let you spam human infantry. I don't care for mechs. I want to spam infantry with some firesupport weapons.

      • 11 months ago

        only way competitive rts works is when a government funds it for training and recruiting military recruits

      • 11 months ago

        So like Dawn of War III? And how'd that turn out?

      • 11 months ago

        >the ai can't match players without cheating
        That's because you're looking at every match as if it's a 1v1 DM. Fun campaigns like WC3 have actual encounter based design and no build missions are essentially puzzles that you play around with units to solve. No shit the AI isn't a gigabrain Master level player, it doesn't need to be, it needs to be FUN.

      • 11 months ago

        >shitters lose to 6pool until gold in sc2
        If you do a stock standard protoss F2 build and stick it on a bot you can boost an account to plat.
        Dumb shit jerkoff mentalities and screeching that everyone is a noob drives people away because the look atbit and go "what a pack of abrassive shitheads". Arena shooters have the same issue, they aren't hard games but people act like Bulgarian Odessy is the standard of play when learning how to manage mega health and armor timings is 90% of a match.

      • 11 months ago

        have a nice day, metascum

      • 11 months ago

        Odd that you posted a picture of an Age of Empires unit, which were games that were almost entirely played via campaign and skirmish as opposed to the 0.00001% of players who used the online services to play competitively.

        • 11 months ago

          Bro, people still play AoE2, and the competitive scene is still very active. I'd even argue theirs more people playing online than versus AI nowdays.

        • 11 months ago

          >which were games that were almost entirely played via campaign and skirmish as opposed to the 0.00001% of players who used the online services to play competitively.
          The game rightly took off due to PvP.

        • 11 months ago

          >used to

          AoE2 never died

      • 11 months ago

        People play rts games for the campaigns. You are like 0.01 of the playerbase chud.

      • 11 months ago

        >no bro everybody play RTS for PvP nobody cares about PvE!
        Well, somebody already did the math.

        • 11 months ago

          It doesn't matter whether or not they like or care about PVE. It's trash.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off israelite I will NOT "engage with the ____ community" and I will NOT play always online

      • 11 months ago

        People like you is why RTS died

        • 11 months ago

          no hes only reason its alive, people like you dont play rts, you are fad Black person who drops it week after release, stop acting like campaign Black folk are keeping any game alive years after release. now go back to your mobile gaming contain board.

          • 11 months ago

            You seem confused. The guy who played the campaign over the weekend paid the same money as the comp guy who sank 10k hours into the game. Playing a lot does not make you a more valuable customer.

            • 11 months ago

              >You seem confused
              its seems you are the one lost, nobody is talking about money here but longevity of a game

              • 11 months ago

                Single player content, by default, lives forever.
                >but only X people are playing it at this exact moment
                On no?

              • 11 months ago

                name a fricking 1 singleplayer only rts which is alive to this day

              • 11 months ago

                Every single one of them. If you can play the content, the game is alive. There is no other definition.

              • 11 months ago

                ahaha, ok go back to mobile gaming board homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                You're a pretty stupid person.

              • 11 months ago

                Red Alert
                Red Alert 2
                Tiberian Sun
                Generals: Zero Hour
                Kane's Wrath
                Total Annihilation
                Supreme Commander
                Planetary Annihilation
                Dawn of War: Soulstorm
                Sins of a Solar Empire
                Empire at War

                To add to this, singleplayer is where the money is at, but multiplayer is where the exposure is at. Multiplayer keeps a game alive enough for people to know about it, but the singleplayer draws the people actually into the game of which a small set of people (be they shitter or good) go into dedicated multiplayer no-fun modes. Casuals won't, because regardless of their skill level they are casuals and don't care for that. Shitters do, because they exist to ruin your team games and they never improve.
                Your game kept alive by sweatlords and shitlords then gets an expansion or re-release that brings in the dosh that allows both of the casual- and competitive symbiotic parasites to leech off of each other and play the game in their way.
                They hate each other, but NEED each other. Shitters can fricking die though, no one needs them, not even to statpad.

                >implying that multiplayer is the only thing that keeps a game alive
                mods exist

              • 11 months ago

                Nobody plays Supcom for the campaign

              • 11 months ago

                It's more so about the exposure, mods tend to be for the established playerbase who are already playing your game and rarely bring in enough new blood to keep it supported or otherwise cause a revival.
                I am entirely fine with a community supported game, but younger people apparently aren't and will refuse to play it unless it gets a re-release.

              • 11 months ago

                lmao even all those games combined have lower playerbase than aoe2 or sc2, also only relevant and played game on that list is supcom which is purely multiplayer game.

              • 11 months ago

                >moving goalposts
                okay anon, whatever you say

              • 11 months ago

                holy fricking cope by campaign gay, you are claiming those sp games are alive when infact those are turbo dead with minuscule fraction of sc2 and aoe2 playerbase, on top of that only relevant title on that list is a purely multiplayer game. LMAO.

              • 11 months ago

                >when people still make and release massive mods of it to this day

              • 11 months ago

                >some autists releasing mods to game they played 20years ago means they are alive
                by that logic you can argue every game is alive

              • 11 months ago

                Literally yes. I'm asking for the third time: what other logic can there be? Game is only dead if you literally can't play it, like Darkspore or something.

              • 11 months ago

                Only if you can play it, anon. Remove Twitch from your mind and become enlightened to being 1 of 2 ultra sweatlords breaking the game and competing via Hamachi reaching the true pinnacle of competitive gaming which is akin to martial arts.
                You will see true skill instead of the illusion that is ranked online play.

              • 11 months ago

                i have never mentioned twitch once you disingenuous homosexual, i rate if game is alive by the size of their playerbase who still play it and all those games you mentioned have playerbase in hundreds, even combined its a fraction of multiplayer rts like sc2 or aoe2 go, fricking have a nice day and stay dead like all your favorite games Black person.

              • 11 months ago

                It is my first post to you and it is clearly differently written and largely a shitpost. Are you really this dumb?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Red Alert 2 still has an active playerbase with thousands of players playing it on the daily last i checked
                and that's with the fricking studio dead and the series being held hostage by EA outside of Remastered, plus the games themselves are hosted by the playerbase through their own methods outside of steam

                and you're still moronic because games only are dead when the community no longer exists to support it. your argument falls flat the moment you consider that games like Doom and Half-Life exist and are still supported by the community to this day, despite not being multiplayer games themselves. But you probably can't even comprehend something this basic because you'd rather keep sucking hard on that compgay wiener failing to realize that nobody cares about playing SC2 outside of koreans and AoE2 is still less known to normies compared to any Command and Conquer title

              • 11 months ago

                >some autists
                >releasing massive mods that completely expand on the game, add new factions and mechanics, and even at some points a total conversion to this very day
                >this means that the game is dead
                those don't add up my guy

              • 11 months ago

                The irony is that is how he's able to play AoE2 now. AoE2 was just as "dead" until the Forgotten memed itself into an HD and then DE port of the game.

              • 11 months ago

                >Red Alert 2
                >irrelevant and not played

              • 11 months ago

                You really don't get how this works, do you? Why don't you compare twitch views next you dumb zoomer.

              • 11 months ago

                if you think those games are "alive" you should have a nice day

              • 11 months ago

                Define alive. I can play all them just fine. Can't you?

              • 11 months ago

                Why would it matter if those games are "alive" when they're not live service games?

              • 11 months ago

                Red Alert
                Red Alert 2
                Tiberian Sun
                Generals: Zero Hour
                Kane's Wrath
                Total Annihilation
                Supreme Commander
                Planetary Annihilation
                Dawn of War: Soulstorm
                Sins of a Solar Empire
                Empire at War

                >implying that multiplayer is the only thing that keeps a game alive
                mods exist

                forgot Homeworld
                its also getting a new game sometime this year

              • 11 months ago

                Rise of Legends.

                You may leave now.

              • 11 months ago

                Dawn of War Soulstorm

          • 11 months ago

            Bold statement

            • 11 months ago

              its 24 old game which regularly hits over 20k people its more popular than 99% of games on steam while being niche genre, its definitely more popular than your made up singleplayer jack off simulator "rts"

              • 11 months ago

                15k of those 20k AOE2 players aren't in ranked MM or online lobbies, they are in campaigns or skirmish.

              • 11 months ago

                >its 24 old game
                Thats the point moron. When new games are not being made or are not nearly as popular, it's a dead genre

              • 11 months ago

                Black person how many rts games can you list from last 30 years?
                theres a lot of new rts in the works
                age of mythology
                homeworld 3
                beyond all reason
                Terminator Dark Fate
                Sins of Solar Empire 2
                if anything rts is more alive than ever.

              • 11 months ago

                How many actually came out in the last 10 years
                You bufoon

              • 11 months ago

                >never even answering the questing then moving goalposts
                how is it dead if there are more rts being released than ever before you braindead Black person

      • 11 months ago

        lol everyone point and laugh he thinks he's brave for playing pvp! lol!

      • 11 months ago

        Funny how dogshit and casul Ganker is with RTS games

        • 11 months ago

          >post a webm where you use a sorcery, incantation, buff, spirit summon or weapon art in elden ring, a single player game with editable saves
          >play 4v4 RT warcraft III, the casual game mode where you can do whatever chucklefrick strategy comes to mind and still win, even massing nothing but sorceresses and spamming sheep on enemy team

        • 11 months ago

          Ganker has hated compBlack folk. Look at any TF2 thread, similar situation with them ruining the game.

      • 11 months ago

        I and many other anons ITT would and could unironically rape your little b***h ass online anytime now. Post your goddamn info, coward. I bet your ELO is single digit just like your IQ.

      • 11 months ago

        And this is how we get dead games like AoE4 and CoH3.

        • 11 months ago

          AoE4, despite its launch and lack of SP content, is on an uptick. It could potentially become a respected title in a year or two.

      • 11 months ago

        they did, thats why dota got popular, tower defence got popular, auto battlers got popular

        • 11 months ago

          this is something that I really don't understand
          out of everything people tried to copy from blizzard, why did they never try to copy the fricking mapmakers?

          • 11 months ago

            probably because they cant monetize the custom and would lose the rights to them like blizz did

          • 11 months ago

            Every RTS thread proves that most people are clueless about how to design one, that includes modern devs

          • 11 months ago

            Custom games being shafted after WC3 is the biggest sin of RTS gaming.

      • 11 months ago

        comp gays like this homosexual deserve to be stoned to death

      • 11 months ago

        moron alert moron alert

        Generally speaking around 70% of RTS players in any game play single player.

        • 11 months ago

          Fine. Give them a chew toy campaign.

      • 11 months ago


        Latter anxiety homosexuals seething in the replies

      • 11 months ago

        AoE2:DE AI would blow out like 95% of Ganker just by using basic beginner tactics

      • 11 months ago

        You're not wrong
        Strategy devs gave stagnated with AI though. Basically just coding "if player does X then bot does Y"

      • 11 months ago

        Top quality bait

      • 11 months ago


        >But only in single player. I don't want MP of any kind cuz it's stressing.
        >Also I want a good story like the epic Red Alert
        >Also I play in easy mode
        >Also I don't want to really learn the game, I just want to build my dudes for an hour and then stomp the easy AI
        >And turtle
        >And I want to build bases, houses and decorate them
        >And I don't actually want the tactics, build strats or think in the game cuz that's for tryhards. I want a relaxing game that is ACTUALLY strategy like turn based games.
        >I actually want a turn based game
        >I don't want to deal with other players
        >And le epic Warcraft story too!
        >Is Cities Skylines an RTS?
        >If you tell me to git gud I will call you a tryhard and a blowout

        >What you mean RTS are dead then?

        Every RTS thread. Why are so many guys like this? Why not play a tower defense then?

        • 11 months ago

          that tiramisu looks delicious in your Pic

        • 11 months ago

          tldr this is boring, got Rambo I or II? Im just asking since youre projecting so goddamn much

    • 11 months ago

      literally any real time game will be played as fast as possible. thats WHY casual strategy games have tended towards turn based

      • 11 months ago

        There are games like Ground Control, the Mechcommander series, the Wargame series, Close Combat series, hell, even the newer engine Combat Mission games have real time. Of course these are arguably real time tactics games as opposed to RTS but at least it's not buildingslop

    • 11 months ago

      I had a lot of fun with starship troopers terran command. It's like if someone took those rts campaign missions where you get a couple of units and nurse them through a level then made a whole game out of it. Single player only which is exactly what I wanted.

    • 11 months ago

      Just bring back SCBWs map editor tools. Something something limitations breed creativity.

    • 11 months ago

      AoE2 is still alive and strong because of single player and bot stomps

      no, wait, you're full of shit, it's because of how perfect the multiplayer is

      • 11 months ago

        75% of the playerbase in AoE2 is in single player, dweeb.

        There's a reason why all of the expansions add campaigns.

        • 11 months ago

          do the expansions help sell the game to casuals who will play the game sporadically? yes
          should they do them to get more money? absolutely
          are they relevant for the game being still strong 20 years later? barely, if at all

          I don't even know what is it about anti-PVP gays that you feel the need to go around yelling about how much you hate PVP, frick off, moron

          • 11 months ago

            So pull some numbers, explain to me in a rational way why the more popular format is not the main factor.

            • 11 months ago

              >So pull some numbers,
              I'm talking about what I believe in. I don't have specific numbers to prove any point, do you?

              All RTSs have a bunch of single player campaign content, why are the most successful ones AoE2 and, up to a few years ago, Starcraft 2 and Starcraft? What a fricking coincidence that the best ones competitively just so happen to be the ones with the most success long-term.

              • 11 months ago

                Starcraft 2s most popular game mode is single player + co op comp stomp.

              • 11 months ago

                don't care, and people flocked to it because of competitive
                the casual crowd are a bunch of sheep following what's cool and trendy, they'll buy something and play it just because people are saying good things about it, whlie they themselves don't even have an opinion on the thing, they're just spending their time like a drone

              • 11 months ago

                Mindset like that is why companies tried so hard to aim for the competitive/e-sports focus and failed miserably.

                FIRST you make a good base game with great singleplayer/co-op, THEN the e-sport scene organically follows suit.

              • 11 months ago

                no, you just make a singleplayer that is passable
                normies loved the story mode in NRS games and the story in them is terrible with a few cool moments in between

                if the competitive is good people will be talking about the game years after its release, attracting the normies, which will eat up mediocre shit

                watch as AoE4 which is worse than AoE2 competitively has been failing since release

              • 11 months ago

                That's because AoE 4 has absolutely fricking abysmal campaign structure, peak soulless design and no custom game/co op support.
                Unlike AoE 2, of course.

              • 11 months ago

                all right, then watch as AoM, even the soon to be release remaster, underperforms compared to AoE2, because the competitive is worse than AoE2 (and AoM campaigns, hero/myth unit/human triangle, god powers, myth units are way more fun for casual play)

              • 11 months ago

                >FIRST you make a good base game with great singleplayer/co-op
                The 3 most successful competitive RTS (and most successful RTS period) are:

                1. None had co-op game modes until they had already gotten big
                2. AOE2's original campaigns were memorable, but from a game design perspective? Piss easy afterthoughts.
                3. Starcraft BW similarly has weak 90s RTS campaign game design
                4. In fact the only one out of the 3 who had a strong campaign at launch was Starcraft 2, but even then the actual narrative was derided and it wasn't wholly popular

              • 11 months ago

                And none of those single player/co-op people would be playing Starcraft 2 were it not for the pedigree of Brood War and 2's competitive scenes.

              • 11 months ago

                AND none of those Brood war pros would have even heard about the game if not for the popular single player campaign that made it well-known in the first place.

    • 11 months ago

      This. The e sport metahomosexuals ruined the genre

      • 11 months ago

        Why are people scared shitless of playing a game with its actual rules?
        It's like saying you like Fighting Games but not vs people, but to play against AI enemies and actually it's a beat em up

  2. 11 months ago

    >Still play RTS everyday
    >Still find matches everytime
    >This year has lots coming

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >This year has lots coming
      Got some suggestions to look into?
      Love stuff like AoE and Empire Earth

      • 11 months ago

        New RTS out/coming out

        Beyond All Reason (not exactly new but got a big update)
        AoE4 is in a new season
        Fragile Existence
        Tempest Rising
        Sanctuary Shattered Sun
        Fallen Frontier
        Homeworld 3

  3. 11 months ago

    because rehashing the same game over and over with slightly better graphics never happened
    oh wait it did, and does
    rts died because even the devs got bored of it, and the morons who played them could be more easily sucked in with other low-brow genres and in greater numbers too

  4. 11 months ago

    aoe2 is still very much alive at least

    • 11 months ago

      The trick is that AoE II actually serves both casual and competitive sides well. And the game was, in fact, significantly influenced by competitive AoE I during development.

  5. 11 months ago

    >feels good
    No it fricking doesn't
    Not every RTS needed to be aoe2 or starcraft
    A bunch of decent rts games were made during the late 90s and early 2000s brimming with soul and I'm sad the genre basically died

    • 11 months ago

      >feels good
      Who are you quoting?

    • 11 months ago

      Do you consider AirMech to be an RTS?

      • 11 months ago

        not him but airmech is what made me finally get a gmail in like 2009 or 2010
        it was only available on chrome store at the time
        really fricking awesome game at least back then idk what they did with it since then...
        idk what i'd call it. it is an RTS like herzog zwei is an rts. A-RTS? Action RTS? lol. like a dota match but you can build units and move them and shit.

  6. 11 months ago

    AoE2 had the best resource gathering system. Later games tried to simplify everything and focusing more on hero combat.

    • 11 months ago

      What was with the stat numbers AoE3 uses? Do they not understand unit readability and TTK?

    • 11 months ago

      This. Frick Warcraft for ruining the genre.

      • 11 months ago

        What's wrong with Warcraft's resource system?

        >gold as a baseline resource
        >wood as interactive tree lines opening up your base
        >experience from both creeps and fights with the enemy team
        >items from creeping with dynamic effects, each doing a different thing
        >control of neutral buildings on the map

        • 11 months ago

          I assume he meant the removal of stone as a resource compared to AoE, where it's basically gold but gray and limits what you can build. IIRC WC didn't have walls either so if you want fortifications you just spam your cheapest building.

          • 11 months ago

            making walls out of your buildings is a critical aspect of playing warcraft III
            knowing how you can move workers through gaps bigger units can't fit through, making tight walls to protect gold mines, etc
            you can fully block some passages with just 2 lumber mills, so much for fortitications

            what wc3 does a lot better is that tree lines form natural barricades that can be destroyed by siege attacks, spells like flame strike, worker harvesting, etc
            common cheese is to make a tunnel into the opponents base through their tree line and fill it with towers

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The frick you talk about? Warcraft had 4 different rescources you had to manage while most other rts just had the same shit but in other colours like AOE. In wc3 you had wood which was harvested in 3 diffrent ways. It also was critical to gameplay, in offensive and defensive gameplay. Cutting trees at the wong spot could losse you a game.It had housing which punished you with more upkeep when you just spammed a huge army. Also houses acted as defensive or supportive structures. And the mana management was cruicial for winning fights.

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking hate hero combat. The dumbest shit ever which always results in snowballing.

    • 11 months ago

      aoe2 is too much of a base b***hing game i realized
      im good at the game but not as good as the hyper focused adhd trannies

      total annihilation is vastly superior as it cuts out the unnecessary extra base b***hing

    • 11 months ago

      aoe1 did it better
      aoe2 just made it more casul-friendly

  7. 11 months ago

    Not all online play is bad.
    Co-op against bots is kino.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ganging up
      >On the fricking AI of all things
      Why is Ganker filled with cowards?

      • 11 months ago

        >this Black person doesnt do 2v4 or 3v5 with a buddy

  8. 11 months ago

    >play PVP
    >do worker rush every single game
    >do tower/cannon rush every other game
    >some games, play normal, but when losing, don't call gg, just run a single worker around building shit to force the enemy to hunt down my last units

  9. 11 months ago


    >the only way you're allowed to play RTS is vs bots or campaign
    >all multiplayer modes must be competitive and are too skill based for me

    anyone told this Black person that 4v4 RT is literally the most popular mode by playerbase in WC3 and has been since the game came out

  10. 11 months ago

    >autistic sweatlord
    >control group cycling

    oh my buttery jesus
    there is nothing implicit to RTS that requires it to be competitive

    • 11 months ago

      >there is nothing implicit to RTS that requires it to be competitive
      There is also nothing implicit to RTS that suggests competitive PVP isn't its purest form.

  11. 11 months ago

    Aoe2 is too easy tbh

    • 11 months ago

      Fight Hera right now.

      • 11 months ago

        If you can get him on right now I would love to give it a shot

        • 11 months ago

          You know you can just get to his elo level and match with him every day right?

  12. 11 months ago

    >and grubbys APM is breaking 400 as he moves those peons!
    >this is truly the most skill intensive game of all time and only a special class of hypergifted turboautists are capable of playing it
    >this is absolutely not footage of trench morons in 4v4 doing silly things
    >RTS is the sole exclusive domain of the competitive esport jerkoff

    • 11 months ago

      damn league's graphics really went downhill

      • 11 months ago

        I wish league had WC3 (originals) art design
        so pleasant to look at

        • 11 months ago

          I maintain that Reforged could've been good and it started out well. They hired a lot of prominent community members to work on WC3 patches as well, bringing people what they wanted for so long with needed Editor updates... and then just shitcanned the project and then told developers to rush it within a couple of months.

          Fricking moronic incomprehensible greed only to completely shit all over your reputation.

  13. 11 months ago

    never played any rts, is aoe2 definitive edition a good starting point? are they relaxing? they do look relaxing

    • 11 months ago

      play red alert 2 instead then branch from there

      • 11 months ago

        >is aoe2 definitive edition a good starting point?
        It's the definitive RTS experience. If you ever play an RTS, play that one. It's the only one you really need.

        It can be relaxing and it can be a hellish exercise in perfect efficiency. I think people over emphasize how min maxed RTS is online since most people are just regular players that mostly suck and just play for fun. AoE2 DE has stayed popular for so long for a reason.

        thanks guys

        how do you compare aoe to something like total war? I was interested in the warhammer games, should I buy the third one?

        • 11 months ago

          >how do you compare aoe to something like total war?
          Completely different. TW is only RTS during instanced battles. Macro, it's TBS. AoE2 is superior.

        • 11 months ago

          >I was interested in the warhammer games, should I buy the third one?
          Get DOW for 10 bucks. It comes with the first game and the two expansions. Dark Crusade is considered the best for a basegame experience and Soulstorm has a bunch of mods that add extra units like giant robots and about 8 different varieties of a supertank to play around with.

    • 11 months ago

      >is aoe2 definitive edition a good starting point?
      It's the definitive RTS experience. If you ever play an RTS, play that one. It's the only one you really need.

      • 11 months ago

        >aoe2gay thinks aoe2 is the only rts game that exist
        go frick yourself

        • 11 months ago

          AoE III was way better

          • 11 months ago

            what's sad is my aoe 2 and 3 were on cd, and I can't prove my hundreds of hours playing them.

            • 11 months ago

              Why would you have to prove that?

              • 11 months ago

                the only way I can prove it is whipping your ass in multiplayer.

              • 11 months ago

                Gotta maintain my gamer cred somehow.

              • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        har har

        • 11 months ago

          WG has no eco.

    • 11 months ago

      It can be relaxing and it can be a hellish exercise in perfect efficiency. I think people over emphasize how min maxed RTS is online since most people are just regular players that mostly suck and just play for fun. AoE2 DE has stayed popular for so long for a reason.

  14. 11 months ago

    I'm still mad they've divided the already minuscule fanbase by trying to sell the same game with worse graphics for a 'profit' one person can make just by having a decent job for half a year. I actually unironically wish everybody involved died painfully as soon as possible, fricking greedy tasteless human trash.

  15. 11 months ago

    It died because most players are too fricking stupid for RTS. The genre itself has improved massively but the more features you add to the games the more nuance is involved meaning the more intellect you need.

    • 11 months ago

      that doesn't explain 4x games and turboautism sims though

      • 11 months ago

        4x is brainlet-tier, but that works in its favor, and shipgays are in a world of their own.

        only way competitive rts works is when a government funds it for training and recruiting military recruits

        Name 3.

        Ah yes, the revamp of a classic
        Like I said, you never moved on
        You're just the fat boomer ex jock still wearing a letter jacket, clinging to the same games we played 25 fricking years ago

        >You're just the fat boomer ex jock still wearing a letter jacket, clinging to the same games we played 25 fricking years ago
        I'm a Zoomer.

        • 11 months ago

          >rts is more nuanced and more intellectual than 4x and grand strategy
          what did he mean by this

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm a zoomer
          I know, that's what's so funny about you
          You have no idea how good the genre used to be
          Aoe2 was already a dumbed down version of games that came before it

        • 11 months ago

          >Name 3.
          that's why it's a dead genre

        • 11 months ago

          >4x is brainlet-tier
          That's a new one kek.

      • 11 months ago

        Hey its me. the guy you replied to. I have a question: what the literal frick are you talking about? Those turbo autism sims dont do any better than RTS games.

        • 11 months ago

          i dunno what you're talking about man, the community might be not as popular but they're still pretty active. rule the waves 3 was just released two months ago, aurora c# was released last year and command modern operations was a year before that.

          rts games meanwhile has people either not play the newer releases because they just objectively suck or are just stuck playing older games released decades ago.

      • 11 months ago

        Turboautism sims and map staring absolutely annihilate "competitive video games". I dont fricking care I have nothing to prove. If i want to shoot or race or whatever yeah I'll try and have a good time but ranks and shit is just lame. I dont want to play your 20~ year old solved game.

  16. 11 months ago
  17. 11 months ago

    I like Age of Empires 4 and I play it regularly. It’s a good game.

    • 11 months ago

      It was ok. Unbalanced and it felt like it was lacking content but it was better than I thought it would be. I never figured out how China or the Muslim factions worked before I stopped playing.

    • 11 months ago

      Please do not lie. We can see right through you.

      >rts is more nuanced and more intellectual than 4x and grand strategy
      what did he mean by this

      That planning and macromanagement in 4x/gsg are functionally less impactful than in RTS games.

      • 11 months ago

        It’s actually fun though. Incredibly overhated game.

        It was ok. Unbalanced and it felt like it was lacking content but it was better than I thought it would be. I never figured out how China or the Muslim factions worked before I stopped playing.

        I feel like it’ll have a resurgence in a few years once the devs iron out the rough parts

        • 11 months ago

          >It’s actually fun though. Incredibly overhated game.
          I played both the Beta and at launch. It's just a dry mockery of AoE2. The landmark system, the muddled civ identities, the inconsistent core combat/unit relationships, and infinite gold model all make the game terrible.

      • 11 months ago

        >That planning and macromanagement in 4x/gsg are functionally less impactful than in RTS games.
        >less impactful

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, it's less impactful than in RTS. There are always wasted elements, and there's often an uninteractive mechanic that becomes the meta.

    • 11 months ago

      fricking love aoe4, amazing game albeit mismanaged by a shitty dev
      I main rus and abbasneed

  18. 11 months ago

    >an entire genre killed by chasing compBlack folk instead of making good video games.
    Tale as old as time. Reminds me of the invadergays screaming about PvP in Elden Ring being gutted, although that the a good ending for the souls-genre. R.I.P RTS games.

  19. 11 months ago

    i wish my friends liked RTS games. i don't like getting stomped alone.

    • 11 months ago

      don't even fricking try playing alone with nobody holding your hand
      you will get clapped

  20. 11 months ago

    I kinda hoped RTS would move away from esports crap to more casual PVE stuff, but I guess it died before that

    • 11 months ago

      Why would it? You would only shift to PvE to chase money, and if you wanted to do that, you'd be better off making a game for a PvE genre.

      >I'm a zoomer
      I know, that's what's so funny about you
      You have no idea how good the genre used to be
      Aoe2 was already a dumbed down version of games that came before it

      >Aoe2 was already a dumbed down version of games that came before it
      Name them.

      • 11 months ago

        RTS is a PVE genre you zoom zoom

        • 11 months ago

          >RTS is a PVE genre
          Look at the name. "Real-Time Strategy". It's not "strategy" if you're just bashing the AI.

          • 11 months ago

            >zoom zoom cant comprehend pvp only became a thing in the 2000s and RTS is much older

            • 11 months ago

              So, the genre overcame a technological limitation, and blossomed as a consequence.

              >the ai can't match players without cheating
              That's because you're looking at every match as if it's a 1v1 DM. Fun campaigns like WC3 have actual encounter based design and no build missions are essentially puzzles that you play around with units to solve. No shit the AI isn't a gigabrain Master level player, it doesn't need to be, it needs to be FUN.

              >That's because you're looking at every match as if it's a 1v1 DM.
              Yes, the format designed for play.
              >Fun campaigns like WC3 have actual encounter based design and no build missions are essentially puzzles that you play around with units to solve.
              So, you give the AI an advantage because it's too dumb to play correctly.
              >it doesn't need to be, it needs to be FUN.
              Capitalizing "FUN" doesn't add anything. You need the AI to cheat so you can feel like you've done something.
              Just play with other players.

              >this Black person doesnt do 2v4 or 3v5 with a buddy

              >Get another player
              >Instead attack brainless drones together

              >Name 3.
              that's why it's a dead genre

              Are you just saying random things?

              • 11 months ago

                its fun :). find new maps and develop new strategies to beat AI.

              • 11 months ago

                holy moron

              • 11 months ago

                >So, the genre overcame a technological limitation, and blossomed as a consequence.
                the genre blossomed because of games like command and conquer and warcraft, games which focused on the campaigns
                the genre died the moment it embraced compgaygery (starcraft 2), long before age of empires 2 was even released

                >Yes, the format designed for play.
                >competitive play is the only play
                fricking compgays i swear

                >So, you give the AI an advantage because it's too dumb to play correctly.
                >muh correct play is following build orders and metahomosexualry
                >games can only be fun if everyone plays fairly and play out the same scenarios every single game instead of having multiple different and more interesting scenarios where you are the one at a disadvantage

                >You need the AI to cheat so you can feel like you've done something.
                >he unironically cannot see things outside of the competitive perspective
                Black person the point is to play the campaign, you might as well fricking complain why puzzle games don't have you compete against other players for how fast you can complete a puzzle

              • 11 months ago

                why are you wasting time arguing with a moron whose only RTS was starcraft 2

              • 11 months ago

                >the genre blossomed because of games like command and conquer and warcraft, games which focused on the campaigns, long before age of empires 2 was even released
                >the genre died the moment it embraced compgaygery (starcraft 2)
                meant to say this

          • 11 months ago

            >call it real time strategy
            >just follows the same build orders every single game because you start with the same resources every single game, its all deterministic that you can pretty much predict how fast you can rush to castle age just by looking how far away the sheep are

            • 11 months ago

              > its all deterministic that you can pretty much predict how fast you can rush
              skill issue

              >just follows the same build orders every single game
              brain issue

              your fault if you force yourself to play the same builds every game

              • 11 months ago

                >skill issue is when the game is extremely predictable
                lmao okay moron

                >the game can totally be played competitively without following build orders!
                >follow this optimized build order though if you want to win bro

            • 11 months ago

              >just follows the same build orders every single game
              Stop playing Arena, dipshit.

              >name them
              Why, you'd have to get them off abandonware sites and you'd have to play mp locally
              But you're a zoomer, born in the wrong decade, with no actual human friends
              So I guess you're shit out of fricking luck, aren't you

              >No names

              its fun :). find new maps and develop new strategies to beat AI.

              >and develop new strategies to beat AI.
              This is degenerate.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, forbidden knowledge, zoom zoom
                I want you to die knowing the genre you've invested so much of your ego into was already a dumbshit clown version of itself by the time you could read

      • 11 months ago

        age of empires 1 lmao

        • 11 months ago

          I don't think anyone alive would actually try to assert AoE1 was good.

        • 11 months ago

          Is there a way to play the original AoE1? Only the remastered version is available on steam.
          Other than that, is there another old school RTS with interesting scenarios like AoE1 (I liked the one where you start with 2 priests and have to convert some peasants to start building). I'm sick of action and shooter games, just wanna go back to my good ol' RTS and management games like RCT2

          • 11 months ago

            i still have a copy from my dad, still works though music does bug out when you try to alt-tab

      • 11 months ago

        >name them
        Why, you'd have to get them off abandonware sites and you'd have to play mp locally
        But you're a zoomer, born in the wrong decade, with no actual human friends
        So I guess you're shit out of fricking luck, aren't you

      • 11 months ago

        If you looked outside of your bubble, you'd see they are chasing money with PVE, why do you think they released an AoE 1 expansion (of which the gimmick is entirely single player content) for AoE2 and promise to add the older campaigns (which is more singleplayer content)? The anniversary is a shit excuse as they could just add it to AoE DE instead, but that brings in, you guessed it, less money.
        Singleplayer shitters bring in the money, like it or not.

        • 11 months ago

          To add to this, singleplayer is where the money is at, but multiplayer is where the exposure is at. Multiplayer keeps a game alive enough for people to know about it, but the singleplayer draws the people actually into the game of which a small set of people (be they shitter or good) go into dedicated multiplayer no-fun modes. Casuals won't, because regardless of their skill level they are casuals and don't care for that. Shitters do, because they exist to ruin your team games and they never improve.
          Your game kept alive by sweatlords and shitlords then gets an expansion or re-release that brings in the dosh that allows both of the casual- and competitive symbiotic parasites to leech off of each other and play the game in their way.
          They hate each other, but NEED each other. Shitters can fricking die though, no one needs them, not even to statpad.

  21. 11 months ago

    >[VIDEO GAME COMPANY] makes new RTS game, pandering to competitive players
    >competitive players don't want to play it because it's new, and they can only competitively play the same ancient game they've been playing for 20 years
    >no one else wants to play it because it's pandering to competitive players, offering nothing to people who simply like playing video games and commanding armies
    Thus, a Genre dies.

  22. 11 months ago

    >my 'strategy' is to avoid human opponents

  23. 11 months ago

    this entire thread smells of people who first RTS was starcraft 2

  24. 11 months ago

    AoE 3 is an underrated gem, better than all other Age games. Too bad it is less popular. Still popular enough to get consistent updates tho.

    • 11 months ago

      that game balance is complete crap, whoever grabs the train line wins

    • 11 months ago

      >AoE 3 is an underrated gem
      It has high aesthetic value, but the gameplay is awful. Batch production, hero units, building restrictions, trade routes, infinite gold, and the stat numbers all ruined it as a game.

  25. 11 months ago

    What's your favorite campaign, singleplayerbros?

    • 11 months ago

      Epsilon route in Mental Omega unironically.

    • 11 months ago

      Necron campaign from Soulstorm was my jam. Love me some spooky robo skellies. I need to complete their run in Dark Crusade one of these days.

    • 11 months ago

      undead campaign from warcraft 3 and frozen throne

    • 11 months ago

      The salvage corvettes made it even more replayable.

    • 11 months ago

      Dawn of War original campaign, been playing Ultimate Apocalypse recently. It's great, the bots are insane and will frick you up

    • 11 months ago

      If you count it as RTS, Majesty.

      • 11 months ago

        How do you beat the dragon mission where it spawn at start of the game?

    • 11 months ago

      Company of heroes 1
      That mission I think in carentan where you have to survive while defending 3 bridges still gives me PTSD

    • 11 months ago

      My favourite would have to be Homeworld. Nothing else comes close in terms of emotional impact. WC3 is second. An enjoyable story with a good game behind it. Third is the Age of Mythology campaign. Doesn't reach the heights of WC3 but it's still great.

    • 11 months ago

      AoM personally, keep holding off replaying it in hopes retold is decent.
      If retold suck i got an excuse to play the original campaign an experience it again with even longer waiting time

    • 11 months ago

      Stronghold Crusader 2, it full of unfair bullshit but I like it. I guess it all about thinking how to exploit AI behavior to win the game when they have more X5 resources than you.

    • 11 months ago

      Any Dark Crusade campaign. Tiberian Sun is a close second.

  26. 11 months ago

    I kinda wished more games would do space battles like this one same for the galaxy conquest. Only other game with a similar mode was battle for middle earth

    • 11 months ago

      BFGA1 and 2 are pretty fricking good

      • 11 months ago

        they are good and scratch that itch, but 2 kept crashing on me and I gave up

        • 11 months ago

          Sad because i read it happened a lot to some people
          If it works it's great

  27. 11 months ago

    >moo2 is supposed to be the greatest 4x of all time
    >one of the most imbalanced games ever made and cannot be played against human opponents without every single game instantly descending into an unplayable state
    >and thats even WITH balance mods
    >simply because of the stupid ass mechanics of "take multiple turns for fleets to arrive" and "avoid entire battles instantly" "kill bases in 1 turn" and the fact all resources and production/research scale geometrically with no diminishing returns or feedback loop to keep them under control

    • 11 months ago

      >he didn't enjoy rushing to Orion and dabbing on everyone with death rays and rail guns
      Cybernetics paired with auto repair modules for that regenerating ship health per turn. Subterranean racial trait for the extra population cap and +10 infantry bonus and creative for the research breakthroughs. Shitter doomballs quake at the sight of a heavily armed battlecruiser that can heal every turn.

      • 11 months ago

        death rays are too costly and can't be miniaturized enough
        by the time you get them they're still worse than just using autofire armor piercing continuous laser cannons lmao

  28. 11 months ago


    i'm literally playing an rts right now
    it isnt even good
    its called crossfire legion
    its like a 6.5/10 or 7/10 at best

    • 11 months ago

      Looks like bootleg starcraft.

      >shitters lose to 6pool until gold in sc2
      If you do a stock standard protoss F2 build and stick it on a bot you can boost an account to plat.
      Dumb shit jerkoff mentalities and screeching that everyone is a noob drives people away because the look atbit and go "what a pack of abrassive shitheads". Arena shooters have the same issue, they aren't hard games but people act like Bulgarian Odessy is the standard of play when learning how to manage mega health and armor timings is 90% of a match.

      >If you do a stock standard protoss F2 build and stick it on a bot you can boost an account to plat.
      That speaks more to SC2's general popularity than anything.

      Yeah, forbidden knowledge, zoom zoom
      I want you to die knowing the genre you've invested so much of your ego into was already a dumbshit clown version of itself by the time you could read

      Yeah, you want me to know that by just saying it. Sure.

      have a nice day, metascum

      All of my mains are mid/low-tier.

      • 11 months ago

        imagine looking at that game and thinking starcraft, holy shit you are a zoomer

        • 11 months ago

          Please understand the zoomers never experienced CNC...

        • 11 months ago

          >Protoss worker drones
          >Terran scans
          >Reaper jump
          >Terran barrack
          >Same UI and ugly sci-fi aesthetic

  29. 11 months ago

    Competitive video games are simply not fun. Just look at comp players anywhere. They're never happy.

  30. 11 months ago

    AoE2 has one of the healthiest RTS pro scenes, yet the game still has the majority of the players playing campaigns or comp stomps.
    Catering to PvP gays only is a mistake.

  31. 11 months ago

    I figured out how to get Tzar Burden of the Crown working with midi on linux the other day
    It's pretty cool since the only sound font I had was a sega genesis one

  32. 11 months ago

    RTS AI need to be smarter and have personalities.

    • 11 months ago

      They don't. Just play against other people.

      • 11 months ago

        >Play against other people
        >Other people are even more one dimensional than AI because muh optimization

        • 11 months ago

          >Other people are even more one dimensional than AI because muh optimization
          That means you're fighting pubstompers who can be defeated with predictions, scouting, and timely responses.

          >So, the genre overcame a technological limitation, and blossomed as a consequence.
          the genre blossomed because of games like command and conquer and warcraft, games which focused on the campaigns
          the genre died the moment it embraced compgaygery (starcraft 2), long before age of empires 2 was even released

          >Yes, the format designed for play.
          >competitive play is the only play
          fricking compgays i swear

          >So, you give the AI an advantage because it's too dumb to play correctly.
          >muh correct play is following build orders and metahomosexualry
          >games can only be fun if everyone plays fairly and play out the same scenarios every single game instead of having multiple different and more interesting scenarios where you are the one at a disadvantage

          >You need the AI to cheat so you can feel like you've done something.
          >he unironically cannot see things outside of the competitive perspective
          Black person the point is to play the campaign, you might as well fricking complain why puzzle games don't have you compete against other players for how fast you can complete a puzzle

          >the genre blossomed because of games like command and conquer and warcraft, games which focused on the campaigns
          Then how did they fail to show up as prominent RTS titles today?
          >fricking compgays i swear
          You know I'm right.
          >games can only be fun if everyone plays fairly and play out the same scenarios every single game instead of having multiple different and more interesting scenarios where you are the one at a disadvantage
          If I have you at a real disadvantage, I'll push it for all it's worth until you're dead.
          >Black person the point is to play the campaign
          There is no point. If you weren't such a coward, you wouldn't go so far to defend this degeneracy.

          It died because they focused on E-Sports and Esports is dead content without a huge userbase.

          It died because there's no reason anyone would play a worse version of a game that already exists.

          • 11 months ago

            >It died because there's no reason anyone would play a worse version of a game that already exists.
            Yeah, exactly.
            No matter how much devs pander to compgays, not a SINGLE compgay will EVER play their games. Why would they? AoE2 and Starcraft are what they've practiced playing for decades. Picking up anything new would mean falling behind in an utterly unfamiliar world.

            • 11 months ago

              >No matter how much devs pander to compgays, not a SINGLE compgay will EVER play their games. Why would they?
              We would if the game was actually an improvement. It's just that none ever are. Devs don't take in feedback from RTS players.

              • 11 months ago

                You and your ilk will never consider any new RTS game an improvement, no matter what it does.

                >it's different from AoE2 and Starcraft in any way, even introducing a single minor mechanic
                You won't want to play it, because you'd have to abandon your literal DECADES of playing the same RTS game competitively.
                >it's the exact same as AoE2 or Starcraft
                You won't want to play it, as you already have the originals.

              • 11 months ago

                >it's different from AoE2 and Starcraft in any way, even introducing a single minor mechanic
                We'd embrace it if it wasn't something stupid like
                >Hero units
                >Arbitrary build restrictions
                >Unit summoning
                >Early access to uncounterable power units
                >Villfighting gimmickshit
                >Arbitary eco caps
                Or things like those. The unit relationships have to be done at least as well as AoE2's.

                It died because there is very little actual strategy other than who can build the the most efficient way the fastest.

                Just admit you've never played an RTS.

                opinions on Rise of Nations?

                Good game, but it suffered due to its offense/defense mechanics.

          • 11 months ago

            >Then how did they fail to show up as prominent RTS titles today?
            Supreme Commander, Homeworld, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Command and Conquer still exist bro
            Plus a lot of RTS games still have active modding communities for it like Warcraft 3, Empire at War, Battle for Middle Earth, Starcraft and Dawn of War

          • 11 months ago

            >It died because there's no reason anyone would play a worse version of a game that already exists.
            Yeah, exactly.
            No matter how much devs pander to compgays, not a SINGLE compgay will EVER play their games. Why would they? AoE2 and Starcraft are what they've practiced playing for decades. Picking up anything new would mean falling behind in an utterly unfamiliar world.

            I don't get why you'd construe this as an either/or between competitive and casual gaming when most successful games, especially RTS, do both well.
            No it's not wasted dev time, the reason new RTS don't create a long-lived userbase because most people aren't in it for playing competetively. They like to explore what you can do in the game. Starcraft BW let you play Raynor party, TDs and AoS, which signaled to every RTS thereafter that a great game comes with great customizability.
            But people also love to watch other people play games against each other and today's streamer landscape makes it an absolute nobrainer that people who are genuinely invested in being good and entertaining are what keeps the game alive.
            The most popular and talked about RTS have a stable competetive scene (relatively speaking, never forget the SC2 archon toilet) and an editor that allows you to invent game modes. People still play Forgotten Realms and RA2 by this day. They are good games but they simply don't do both things as well as >le big Microblizzard games did.

  33. 11 months ago

    It died because they focused on E-Sports and Esports is dead content without a huge userbase.

  34. 11 months ago

    You say you want better non cheating ai but you really don't. Aoe2 Rehoboam AI perfectly distributing ranged damage to not waste any damage, combined with machined learning for you sacred build orders would not be fun to play against at all.

    • 11 months ago

      nobody is asking for every AI to be genghis khan, people want smart AI but not impossible, very hard to do yes, but using true AI and lobotomizing it a bit may work

      • 11 months ago

        Compgays want to play a human, someone who is exactly like them
        But real truth is that they really don't, they want to play someone worse than them
        A computer opponent written to do the things people do will win almost every time because they do it faster and more efficiently, especially with scouting and espionage elements
        It's like chess. Everyone who gives a shit about chess knows that computers are almost undefeatable now, it's about playing fallible and habit strewn human opponents

  35. 11 months ago

    AOE2 is perhaps one of the shittest games I've ever seen played competitively. Building walls around forests and strafing 24/7 is so moronic

    • 11 months ago

      The melee pathfinding in AOE2 is infuriating. Archers have a ranged advantage and they can easily stack their damage on the same target. Total bullshit, then they get to dance around and dodge mangos. Micro is way too impactful in aoe2.

  36. 11 months ago

    unironically one of the best RTS I played in the last 10 years

    • 11 months ago

      Shame about the mandatory non-rts parts.

      • 11 months ago

        true, but keep things interesting for the most part

    • 11 months ago

      only a moron or someone who didn't play the game can utter something that moronic
      >the game jank and devs refuse to fix it
      >have to use keyboard remapper to edit hotkeys
      >can override attack timer by spamming
      it's shit, like, actual dogshit

      • 11 months ago

        >muh hotkeys
        you know you can just pause the game

        • 11 months ago

          ahh thanks for reminding me of another reason this game sucks
          it's not even RTS, just a shitty RTWP abomination

    • 11 months ago

      Zero-K is fun and still getting updates.
      >Terraforming is viable and necessary for setting up entrenched positions
      >Unit variety is huge, with strengths, scouts, counters, and various ways to build armies.
      >Best formation controls ever made in an RTS

      The game is boring and the story doesn't live up to it's potential.

      • 11 months ago

        cloakbots for the win
        you will never find my phantoms

  37. 11 months ago

    opinions on Rise of Nations?

    • 11 months ago

      the AoE 4 that never was

    • 11 months ago

      >RoN creator stopped making RTS so he could make Facebook games
      it's over

  38. 11 months ago

    You can't talk about competitive games on Ganker because 90% of Ganker are hugbox shitters

  39. 11 months ago

    It died because there is very little actual strategy other than who can build the the most efficient way the fastest.

  40. 11 months ago

    RTS games online are like fighters online. There are always going to be some autists that study the game inside out to the point it is no longer a game and ruins the fun for everyone they play against. The most fun you will ever have is against friends when the game is new and everyone is on the same playing field.

    • 11 months ago

      This, pretty much. When it's nonstop metahomosexualry it's no fun.

    • 11 months ago

      >There are always going to be some autists that study the game inside out to the point it is no longer a game and ruins the fun for everyone they play against.
      These are the people who truly appreciate the game and bring it to its limits so the devs can make it great for everyone. These are the people who know which elbows signify a knockdown, which stair they can still land a mid kick from, which grabs can be broken with option selects, and such. This provides valuable data for the devs from someone who can then show the rest of the playerbase how much the game has to offer.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm not ruining the game I'm actually really cool!
        empire of dirt

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not even describing myself here. I really do think it's cool that these guys can see so far into the data, and I think the devs like having people who notice the effort they put in.

          >Then how did they fail to show up as prominent RTS titles today?
          Supreme Commander, Homeworld, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Command and Conquer still exist bro
          Plus a lot of RTS games still have active modding communities for it like Warcraft 3, Empire at War, Battle for Middle Earth, Starcraft and Dawn of War

          >Supreme Commander, Homeworld, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Command and Conquer still exist bro
          They exist, but they're not prominent at all.
          >Plus a lot of RTS games still have active modding communities for it like Warcraft 3, Empire at War, Battle for Middle Earth, Starcraft and Dawn of War
          You could say that about a lot of dead titles.

          • 11 months ago

            >They exist, but they're not prominent at all.
            >not prominent
            >Command and Conquer
            >Supreme Commander
            >not prominent at all

            • 11 months ago

              Yes, they're not.


              What's the point of playing campaigns? If the online scene is dead, then the game is dead.

              • 11 months ago

                For AoE2 and many other RTS, the online scene is still alive and well. If you don't like the campaigns that's fine, and just like the PvP content, then you should be happy as an RTS fan

              • 11 months ago

                AoE2 has like 35 campaigns no?

              • 11 months ago

                >For AoE2 and many other RTS, the online scene is still alive and well.
                It's just 2 other games.

              • 11 months ago

                RTS campaigns are better than online because they are hand crafted and challenging. Online is just metagayging

              • 11 months ago

                >RTS campaigns are better than online because they are hand crafted and challenging.
                They are not challenging at all. It's why you can speedrun a campaign, but not a ranked ladder.

                >Yes, they're not.
                maybe that's because you don't go outside of your limited aoe2 sphere that much lmao

                Post numbers.

              • 11 months ago

                I fricking dare you speedrun seven kingdoms 2 campaign

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                jesus christ zoom zoom

              • 11 months ago

                I don't understand how that stops you from playing the campaign.

                It's not that I can't. It's that taking the bait would mean single-handedly boosting this game by 10%.
                Also, it's ugly as shit.

              • 11 months ago

                dont ever post again, you are truly the pinnacle of moronation

              • 11 months ago

                No one's interested in playing your shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >campaign is too easy
                >gets presented with a new game campaign that is probably hard

              • 11 months ago

                Zoomers are fricking hilarious
                They're the most tech adapted but still dumb as shit
                >omg look at what I built in computer legos
                >DOOD ITS SO FIRE
                and then you give them actual tools and materials and tell them to make a fricking birdhouse and the first thing they'll do is accidentally injure themselves with a tool and somehow damage the materials

              • 11 months ago

                I don't understand how that stops you from playing the campaign.

              • 11 months ago

                >c-cultural prominence doesn't count
                when people speak of rts, the first name that comes to mind would either be warcraft, starcraft, or command and conquer

                >inb4 pull out steam stats for games that were released before steam was a thing or run on their own servers

              • 11 months ago

                >when people speak of rts, the first name that comes to mind would either be warcraft, starcraft, or command and conquer
                It's always AoE2 or SC2. Only a select few 80s/90s kids would think of Warcraft as an RTS.

                >campaign is too easy
                >gets presented with a new game campaign that is probably hard

                Your game peaked at 104 players a decade ago. I am not the slightest bit interested.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's always AoE2 or SC2
                sorry i don't speak to filthy K*reans

              • 11 months ago

                Ok, see you later when mangalobe or some other talking head makes a video about it, and it suddenly turns out you always liked it.

              • 11 months ago

                thats why RTS died people, because zoomers are this moronic

              • 11 months ago

                >a game from 1999 peaked at 100 players on steam therefore its bad

              • 11 months ago

                Therefore I'm not interested. Bonus: It's fricking ugly

              • 11 months ago

                >Yes, they're not.
                maybe that's because you don't go outside of your limited aoe2 sphere that much lmao

              • 11 months ago

                zoom zoom

      • 11 months ago

        these are the people nobody likes or wants around

        • 11 months ago

          It's past time recreation, not an art, a study or a full time job.

  41. 11 months ago

    in all reality MOBAs killed RTS

    • 11 months ago

      >in all reality MOBAs killed RTS
      Nah, they just sucked away RPGgays.

    • 11 months ago

      it's comical how many people installed WC3 solely for mods while ignoring the game completely
      i've seen the grand total of one person playing the actual game and that person was my dad

      • 11 months ago

        >buy Starcraft Broodwar
        >finish singleplayer campaign
        >proceed to play 0 (zero) multiplayer matches besides UMS stuff like bounds, cat and mouse, tower defense, and the rare pvp lobby game

    • 11 months ago

      yeah bro just like COD clones killed boomer shooters, right?
      No what makes the difference is that shooters core audience aren't tryhards, unlike RTS and Fighting game playerbases

  42. 11 months ago

    Does it count as RTS?
    >t. never played campaign to full and just did the big sandbox to max

  43. 11 months ago

    Why don't Compgroids just play MOBAs if they want a PvP clicking simulator? Leave the military campaign games to people who wanna play military campaigns.

  44. 11 months ago

    my favourite thing to do in RTS games was have big comp vs comp team games then make a single unit and control it. Examples: In wc3 it would be a hero unit and destroy everything else. In home world I would make a single capital ship and just control that while computers battle around me.

    I remember in sc2 I would make a single marine and try to survive the frick fest.

    good times

  45. 11 months ago

    RTS is dead because of compgays, the rest moved on to turn based grand strategy games.

  46. 11 months ago

    We can never go back.

  47. 11 months ago

    RTS is not dead, its only dead to normies who only care about normie games like Leauge and Overwatch.
    RTS has a thriving competitive scene. Yet the singleplayer content is equally active. I don't get this "war" between competitive and casual players.

    • 11 months ago

      blame compgays for making everything a competition and killing rts as a genre

      • 11 months ago


  48. 11 months ago

    It's crazy to me that SupCom in 2007 was so advanced in many ways, that even many devs today can't replicate.
    >seamless zoom out from ground level to full map
    >queues and blueprints more advanced than in any game before it
    >dedicated dual monitor mode where 2nd becomes the minimap
    Of course you can prefer the gameplay of something else, but from a purely technical stance, everything else feels primitive after playing supcom.

    • 11 months ago

      >seamless zoom out from ground level to full map
      homeworld already has this one though

  49. 11 months ago

    Not dead

    • 11 months ago

      that autistic shit is moronic

      • 11 months ago

        thats simple as frick micro, how fricking bad are you at video games?

        • 11 months ago

          it's useless micro for adhd autists

  50. 11 months ago


    >Nice, my dude. I fricking love RTS. I used to play AoE2 4v4 in LAN with friends all the time. Standard, quickstart, Deathmatch Post Imperial, whacky mods, you name them.
    >I love strategy. I love Starcraft's pacing even though I'm not that fast. I love SupCom design. I fricking love every AoE, every Relic game, even gave DoW3 a chance, too bad it wasn't what we expected.
    >Deserts of Kharak? i'm up to it
    >Come on bro, why you shy?
    >You like Campaign modes? I can point you into some awesome ones if you like, it's a great way to learn the MP
    >Nah, man, don't be shy, everyone starts slow. It doesn't matter if you lose your first matches, whats important is that you learn and have fun doing so
    >Ladder anxiety is real, no denying it. Can you imagine? I still got that feeling too sometimes! but it's part of growing up. It's a game, a training of mind and soul. The real enemy is within, not the other player, he's just testing himself too. So give it all you've got!
    >Cities Skylines is cool, but that's not an RTS, senpai.
    >Actually, yes, I have a copy of The Art of War right here. It's incredible how it actually can be applied to any vidya too. I can lend it to you if you like.
    >Yes, see, I'll teach you the pacing and why build orders are important, but mostly to think like your enemy and be 2 steps ahead.
    >Never give up! I won so many games with pincer attacks or guerrilla warfare behind the enemy production, outnumbered and outclassed. Scouting is vital! You see, you might have foresight, but it's better to actually have true sight
    >Pushes, defenses, turtling, rushes, eco, micro, macro, cheeky infiltrations, offensive maneuvers, defensive tactics, tech domination, they're all valid, as long as you try your best
    >Wanna hit me up at AoE4? I play RUS right now, eco boom is interesting to me right now
    >Let's smash some bots in BAR next!
    >Next we hit the gym and then some work. Healthy body and a healthy mind!

    • 11 months ago

      CnCsisters... Chad didn't mention us...


    • 11 months ago

      art of war is always weird when its brought up
      its 50 pages of the absolute basics of military strategy
      it was quite literally intended for when a nobles son got appointed to be an officer in charge on troops and they didn't want them to go in completely blind and get themselves, and their troops, immediately fricking murdered
      it covers absolute basics like "you need to bring food and water" to yes, basics of tactics that you see mentioned a lot
      its not much military strategy, its more an here is the basics of what you need to not die because u probably have never had to do a single thing for yourself or ever had to think about how things work and permanently had ur dick sucked (metaphorically and literally) every day for ur entire life so we think you need this to not frick up, its not meant for advanced tactics or being some big deep commentary

      if u don't believe me, u can go read it, its fricking 50 pages, u can easily read it like 1-3 hrs depending on how fast u read
      obv there are longer versions where people dissect the teachings, but the OG, yeah, short af

      • 11 months ago

        Write that again, but in coherent english

  51. 11 months ago

    This entire thread has been a real gem.
    I'd like to give a genuine thank you to all the posters, especially the zoomer compBlack folk, we couldn't have had such hilarity without their shitty input.

  52. 11 months ago

    this entire thread is pretty much
    >only ever played AoE2, WC3, SC2

  53. 11 months ago

    aoe2gays think their crappy rts is on the same level as starcraft, warcraft, command and conquer, dawn of war, coh
    lol, lmao even

    • 11 months ago

      >aoe2 the only signifigant rts in 2023

      • 11 months ago

        no wonder the rts genre is dead

        Just kidding, AoE2 is a great game, one of the best in the genre.

        don't pretend to be me aoegay


        most known aoe2 unit is stolen from populous

        aoe2gays think their crappy rts is on the same level as starcraft, warcraft, command and conquer, dawn of war, coh
        lol, lmao even

        forgot to add homeworld and supreme commander

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Just kidding, AoE2 is a great game, one of the best in the genre.

        • 11 months ago

          Come on, fight for the winning team!

  54. 11 months ago

    I've been playing AoE2 since it first released and my only complaint about the HD version is I still think the graphics are too blurry and ugly. There should be an option for original graphics but I'm pretty sure this new engine is technically "3D" or some shit under the hood so we're print stuck with it.

    • 11 months ago

      Bro who the frick is playing HD? If you want the authentic experience, play AoK, if you want the modern experience, playing Definitive Edition

      • 11 months ago

        I meant definitive edition not the HD edition. These game titles are all gay moron shit that just means they're selling me the same game again anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          >I meant definitive edition not the HD edition.
          Lol fail larp

  55. 11 months ago

    tried to play it recently but i cant stand how attack-move makes my units stop attacking, they just disengage and waste time. I will stick to sc2 despite the flaws(terran being 1dimensional muh bio race) its still peak of rts right now.

    • 11 months ago

      >but i cant stand how attack-move makes my units stop attacking
      Try the "Stop" or "Patrol" commands.

  56. 11 months ago

    I hate aoe2 players obsession with arabia
    It takes less than a minute to find a ranked game in arabia but if you ban it you'll in for a 40 min queue

    • 11 months ago

      It's what all the pros play, and the people playing ranked want to copy the pros. All those maps, yet arabia and arena are the only maps that matter.

    • 11 months ago

      de_dust2 fever

      • 11 months ago

        For me it's es_graveyards

    • 11 months ago

      That's not how the AoE2 queue works.

  57. 11 months ago

    I never liked the resource micro in AoE2. I ended up preferring AoE3 because it has far less of that. No rebuilding farms or lumber camps, no camps at all, really. You just have to keep your villagers safe.

  58. 11 months ago

    games/genres dying is a way better alternative than existing in the current day. i sleep beautifully knowing 3D platformers are no longer commercially profitable besides the once-a-gen Mario entry and one-off indie game every 5 years or so, and that modern Sony will never see fit to rape my favorite series (Ape Escape) because of this fact.

  59. 11 months ago

    How do I beat hard AI in aoe2? They always archer rush me really fast and I can't do shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Theirs many ways to approach this.
      >Fast Castle and wall your base, if you're playing on an open map like Arabia, you will probably need to build a tower on your woodline and or forward gold
      >Scout Rush, you want to aim to hit their gold and wood while they're in early Feudal Age so they can't mass up Archers
      >Play into Skirmishers, Skirms into Crossbowmen in Castle Age is a really good way to have a constant flood of units, its a favorite strategy of mine

      • 11 months ago

        Scout rush seems easy to pull off. How many scouts should I have before I attack? Also when should I be upgrading to the next age? Is there some general rule of thumb? Sometimes I almost forget about it and just chill building villagers instead lol.

        • 11 months ago

          >How many scouts should I have before I attack?
          As soon as you get two Scouts. One Scout will lose to a Villager, but two can kill one easily. When rushing with Scouts you want to pick off stray villagers to damage their economy. Once you send your first two in, you can start to trickle more in. It's important to not lose your Scouts and take fights you'll lose units with, I'm not sure how bots react, but in online play people will fight your Scouts with Villagers, especially if they have a group of three plus Villagers.
          >Also when should I be upgrading to the next age?
          This is game-specific, but a good rule of thumb is when your econiomy lead from your rush is able to pay off in Castle Age. For example, if you have ~400 Gold and ~1100 Food, it's smart to age-up so you can go into Knights or other expensive, stronger units. You rarely want to age-up when it will set back your economy, since the aim of a rush is to get a while quick, potentially snowballing economic lead.

          Another important piece of advice I'd give is that Villager count is EVERYTHING. Idle Villagers are dead Villagers and dead Villagers are Villagers that aren't producing resources required to defend or push your opponent.

          • 11 months ago

            About to sleep so I'll leave you with this, it'll answer any questions you'd have better than I could.
            >t. 1500 1v1 RM

  60. 11 months ago

    S Tier: WC3
    A Tier: AoE2, Brood War
    B Tier: Red Alert 2, Total War
    C Tier: Starcraft II, Homeworld, Dawn of War
    D Tier: CoH, Supreme Commander, BAR

    • 11 months ago

      >WC3 on S tier
      >Red Alert 2 on B tier
      >Supreme Commander on D tier
      what did he mean by this

      • 11 months ago

        that supreme commander sucks dick and wc3 is in another league

        • 11 months ago

          how do i git gud at w3?
          i always get overrun by the ai, so much so i feel the ai is cheating and has infinite resources

          • 11 months ago

            buy a zeppelin
            pick units up with it
            set them back down

        • 11 months ago

          S Tier: WC3
          A Tier: AoE2, Brood War
          B Tier: Red Alert 2, Total War
          C Tier: Starcraft II, Homeworld, Dawn of War
          D Tier: CoH, Supreme Commander, BAR

          ha, an APM autist

        • 11 months ago

          its barely an rts, theres almost no base management and game actively discourages you from building big army.

          • 11 months ago

            >an RTS where controlling units matters instead of autistic base management, attack move deathballs and solitaire tech builds
            gee, really makes you think

            God forbid players have to actually interact with each other and match their ability to control units in an RTS instead of just playing a turn based game with a clock

      • 11 months ago

        WC3 is elevated by custom games, base game is just alright.

  61. 11 months ago

    The genre "died" because the focus shifted to pandering to dotards instead of paying attention to what actually made RTS games stand out: art style, campaigns, charismatic factions, music, map editors, memorable quotes. No, compgays care nothing for these things. Games like Stormgate are made for them, absolute soulless AI-tier slop filled with buzzwords like "community interaction", but at least it has le pvp balance to appease twitch viewers.

    • 11 months ago

      This game will be DoA it's a copy of SC2, yet SC2 exists so why would those players move over?

      • 11 months ago

        Because Blizzard is evil and this is made by the good guys!

        • 11 months ago

          I'd play it if they didn't include creeps and hero units.

  62. 11 months ago

    It's not single player cultists or compgays that kill RTS games. It's the ones that demands their autism to be reflected in balance.
    >Game comes out
    >People have fun in multiplayer
    >A minority focused on a specific simple subset of the game forms, be it simcity chokepoint maps, 10k games on the same map, asiaticclicking, etc.
    >Said minority b***hes and moans as infinitum how the game isn't balanced for their exact brand of autism
    >In worst case scenario, said minority gets their say, drives the majority away and the game becomes synonymous with their brand of autism
    This is how every multiplayer RTS dies, becomes asiaticclick or becomes simcity.

  63. 11 months ago

    >want to boot up Stronghold
    >remember there isn't much to do aside from the campaign

    • 11 months ago

      It's a shame that Crusader was pretty much an improvement in every way before the series went to shit but the Crusader campaign is just a series of generic bot matches.

  64. 11 months ago

    All this focus on "micro" and "esports" really killed the genre. SC2 could've been so much better, but no, they need to cater to high APM micro, clickty cklackty market.

  65. 11 months ago

    the best rts ever is alive and growing


    • 11 months ago

      I'd like to learn about this one. How's the feedback?

      • 11 months ago

        all units move according to physics, so their weight plays a role on how fast they move and turn
        for example air transports have to actually move down on the unit to pick it up instead of insta grabbing it like in this webm

        buy a zeppelin
        pick units up with it
        set them back down

        that alone defeats the adhd microing morons and instead the game makes you focus on making units with base building kept at a minimum

  66. 11 months ago

    Armageddon purists killed Worms as a franchise
    I hate Armageddon for doing that

    • 11 months ago

      I always liked Worms 2 the most

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        he's called darkstorN?? just realized wtf

    • 11 months ago

      but it's the best game in the series and still perfectly playable
      there was literally nowhere else to go

    • 11 months ago


      in both of these cases literally not a single game coming after was better and I don't mean design standpoint I mean sheer technical aspects
      Worms 2 base design was clean as frick, it's pleasant to play, the physics are interesting and involved and Team 17 simply could never get it right ever again and by the time they sorta started to get it right they completely ruined the visual style
      HoMM is even simpler: not a single game since 3 released in a finished, bug-free state (even 5 took 2 expansions to become just okay) and the amount of features in 3 was just peak and allowed it to remain the de facto standard even despite its flaws

      Both of these cases are far from the issue of simple popularity and rejecting the new

      • 11 months ago

        what if we just release the same game but with ludicrous amounts of content?

        • 11 months ago

          that's kinda what aoe2 DE is, they keep adding more and more content to it, far beyond what the original game had

          • 11 months ago

            but i like AoE1 more

            • 11 months ago

              yeah I do too

        • 11 months ago

          You can't outcontent HoMM3 and WA, it's simply impossible, they have years of fan support behind them, the amount of effort to do that is not justified by how niche these games are.

  67. 11 months ago

    It's either make more RTS that's focused on story and co-op content, or just stick with Starcraft 2 because it's not worth the time and energy to get good at another RTS competitively

  68. 11 months ago

    Everyone just copies C&C these days. When's early 3D SOUL coming back? Stuff like Lords of Everquest, War of the Ring or Emperor: The Battle for Dune.

  69. 11 months ago

    No, my favorite genre died because of normiefication of vidiya, The new audience wanted simple games and everyone went the way of bigger money.

    • 11 months ago

      RTS is basically just gameplay though and is probably the most "games" video game outside of platformers, arcade style action games, and arcade style sports games. Although companies did go the way of "bigger money", meaning they don't make RTSs since you can't make the bigger money as easily with this genre like you can with some others.

  70. 11 months ago

    any age of mythology bros around

  71. 11 months ago

    true, they never beat rugby world cup 2011 🙁

  72. 11 months ago

    rts are pretty nice because u can play 1v1 and have a blast
    but when ur buds are on its not just "1v1 only" u can play team games together, or u can vs each other in like a 2v2 and its a lot nicer for playing with friends
    its pretty good

  73. 11 months ago

    >majority of RTS posters on Ganker know what they are taking about, understand the negative impact of "esport" and "competitive RTS", among other things.

    Do you all hang out on /vst/? Maybe thats why the board is so good (supposedly) despite the lower traffic.

    • 11 months ago

      most of old-Ganker recognizes that esports homosexualry as well as the killing of community servers has been a disaster for online games

      there used to be a time when the mere mention of esports (asides from Brood War) would get your thread gore spammed to death

      • 11 months ago

        >there used to be a time when the mere mention of esports (asides from Brood War) would get your thread gore spammed to death
        was that in the early 2010s by chance?
        there was a notorious gorespammer on Ganker who got so mad at a tripgay that he set up a bot which effectively made discussing metal impossible for a long time

      • 11 months ago

        should include brood war

        brood war esports are fricking cancerous and deserve to be forgotten and ignored and disregarded
        its stupid as frick
        this is your "esport"

        • 11 months ago

          >Being greedy
          Nothing unusual.

        • 11 months ago

          >pro gets countered by cheese because he was being greedy
          why is this a bad thing

  74. 11 months ago

    esports autism is what killed it, they made it all about the pvp meta and practically barred anyone who wasn't willing to put hundreds of hours towards learning shit from the genre

    the skill floor on these games is too high for the average gamer to enjoy them

    when relic tried to make a more approachable game with DoW2 of course the autists hated it because it wasn't exactly like every other game in the genre

  75. 11 months ago

    I feel like I've already seen the same moronic arguments by the same comp homosexual in another RTS thread, similar writing style and all.

  76. 11 months ago

    Barely anyone wants to work away from the formulas that the big games established so the genre has been stagnating pretty badly.

  77. 11 months ago

    nobody has managed to top Abe's Oddysee, the cinematic platformer genre has stagnated since then

    • 11 months ago

      to elaborate on this, later games in the genre might still be good but none of them have 10% the creativity and worldbuilding that Oddworld has

  78. 11 months ago

    >the original post ends the thread and every post after it is morons being wrong while complaining about other people who like the genre
    I'm glad the thread veered back into being a normal rts thread, seeing a good OP for one had me spooked

  79. 11 months ago

    play zero-k and turn friendships into deeply rooted rivalries

  80. 11 months ago

    >can't sell on consoles
    >can't outdo the golden era games
    >can't make a good mp rts
    >can't make a good campaign
    What's one to do?

  81. 11 months ago

    It died because it all devolves to APM meta tactics. They are solved games.

  82. 11 months ago

    Anyone notice the minecraft x aoe2 collab? Who the frick is that even for?

  83. 11 months ago

    How much Ganker hate competitive games, and just want to PvP in souls games like moron, or beating up bots while they spend 2 hours castle-ing, is really proving to me how trash the players here are

    • 11 months ago

      now click on any webm this thread and see if shitters actually populate these boards or not

    • 11 months ago

      Looks like I found the "casuals try to act elitist because they suck at vidya" thread.

      Because companies now use esports as an arm of marketing, they have to hate everything adversarial or competitive, even if the vidya in question predates this marketing by decades.
      Any thread about competitive vidya is full of manchildren with a severe case of dunning kruger shitting up every discussion with
      When you press them to see what they're talking about you quickly realize they don't even play X vidya and have no idea what the frick they are saying.

      It's the latest hip thing with the casual hipsters here (see: normalgays & newbies).

  84. 11 months ago

    Competitivegays didn't kill RTS, but publishers chasing them as an audience did.
    It's like FPS, there is space for a myriad of styles, but if every Dev/publisher tried to make their own CS:GO and nothing else, the genre would go down in the drain, fast.

  85. 11 months ago

    >reinstall game
    >guess I'll have fun and try a few tactics and civs
    >game1: got cavalry rushed
    >game2: got cavalry rushed
    >game3: got cavalry rushed
    >game45: got cavalry rushed

  86. 11 months ago

    >RTS is dead
    What are you talking about bro, we're getting a new Pickmin

  87. 11 months ago

    now that we hit photorealistic levels in terms of graphics there should be a new rts coming out. shit would look really good

  88. 11 months ago


    AoE2 has most if its active playerbase in single player at all times, anon.

  89. 11 months ago

    Frick AoE2. I hate fast castling.

  90. 11 months ago

    Romans shouldn't have knight line

    • 11 months ago

      Chinese should have a feudal age tech called "fireworks" that gives a LOS bonus or something. (consolation prize for not having gunpowder)

  91. 11 months ago


    didnt read irrelevant

    • 11 months ago

      Straight booty blasted

  92. 11 months ago

    Why does the myth perpetuate that learning the RTS basics (ie: simple build orders and unit strategies) is some impossibly steep and difficult learning curve that you need to be a 10k omega class intellect to overcome? Why do the vocal shitters who drive curious people away from RTS games focus on this so much? Is there something inherent to their playstyle that renders them incapable of changing what they're doing? Is it an attitude or pride thing where they get flustered that slowly produce a trickle of shitty units doesn't work on players the same way it works on an AI on braindead easy difficulty setting? How do we crack the code of why so many people get mad about basic strategy in... real time strategy games?

    • 11 months ago

      It's cope from people who don't want to face a failure. Because it's not hard, but in learning RTS you will inevitably eat shit hard quite a few times before you really learn and pull your act together.

      The act of sitting there 8 minutes into a multiplayer match and realizing you forgot to build a second dark age building and you see your opponent age up to feudal right as you start building a lumber camp? That's too fricking much for most people to handle, it's a hard failure and the failure is entirely on them. That's why so many games are team based. LoL, MMOs, CoD and Battlefield, Halo, it's all designed like that to protect the ego. Whereas the RTS has no reservation about harming your ego.

      • 11 months ago

        Lots of RTS have team matches, but the RTS 1v1 is definitely a harrowing experience because there's a lot of pressure on you. Most people aren't playing games to be tested these days, they want escapism. It's why movie games sell so much despite being garbage.

        • 11 months ago

          the worst thing about 1v1 is people quitting. they don't even want to challenge themselves

    • 11 months ago

      RTS games require you to pay attention to a lot of things at once and this overwhelms most people. Obviously you can train and learn to handle the multitasking, but that means dedicating yourself to put in the time and effort to improve. And once again most people simply don't want to do that. So it's easier for people to get mad at the game and call it flawed instead of just sitting down and practicing.

      • 11 months ago

        rts games are a lot easier if you learn all the hot keys.

      • 11 months ago

        >Obviously you can train and learn to handle the multitasking, but that means dedicating yourself to put in the time and effort to improve. And once again most people simply don't want to do that.
        This. This is not only valid for RTSs, but almost any competitive game.

    • 11 months ago

      I'll give an example. one of my last 1v1s in wc3 (non fricked version) it was some newbie against me. they just get intimated because they have no experience. dude attacked me with 4 orcs, and I already had druid of the talon. it just takes practice

  93. 11 months ago

    Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne is already the ultimate RTS. There’s nothing else to improve except graphics. Yet somehow Blizzard managed to frick up the remake. Incredible.

  94. 11 months ago

    >SIngleplayer shitters trying to claim they keep the lights on for comp players when everyone knows damn well it's a good custom game scene that does this.

  95. 11 months ago

    Why is it so hard to expand on the base builder RTS idea? Give me something like Spellforce 1. A story driven RTS with carriable progression. Give me some more elaborate NWN2's castle mechanic too if you can. Like you could give me a big map with lots of areas to explore and I have to battle and settle in that area to conquer resource explotation and defend those areas later on if they get attacked. And let me meet/find special heroes that can be assigned to different posts in my castle which will unlock features or unit upgrades.

    Idea-wise is not that hard and it all has been done before too.

  96. 11 months ago


    yea i like to play games to have fun and relax and have enough challenge to keep me stimulated, im not here to have a masochism dick measuring contest.

  97. 11 months ago

    singleplayer babbies: make sure you check out Knights and Merchants

  98. 11 months ago

    are there any good rts online games around now?

    • 11 months ago

      AOE2 has active development. It also has a lot of players, they're also old AND new players, which means not only does the old playerbase approve of the new additions/updates/changes. Since it's taking on new players in droves as well it has the full skill curve from bottom tier trash, to average player, all the way up to the pros fully populated without any gaps.

  99. 11 months ago

    I miss wc2. I want to play with mud

  100. 11 months ago

    Where's my RTS deathmatch game styled as a battle royale builder on a world with limited resources where you speed through limited tech trees to branch out and send dudes to kill each other or fight over resources.

  101. 11 months ago

    The RTS genre died because nobody who plays RTS wants to play anything other than the 1-2 RTS they consider the "only good one(s)", and literally any deviation from those games is considered blasphemous heresy. The "death" of the genre is well-earned and well-deserved, because nobody who is an enthusiast should be given anything more than the single thing they evangelize moreso than anything else.

    • 11 months ago

      >Age of empires 4
      Gone back to AoE 2 remake tier shit
      >Company of Heroes 3
      Fricking shit
      >Battle for middle earth 3
      >Total War
      Historical titles are shit and they've become DLC israelites of the highest order
      >Rise of Nations/Legends
      Never ever getting another
      >Dawn of War 3
      >Empire Earth 3
      >Command and Conquer 4
      >Age of Mythology
      Soulless remake onroute

      Don't blame me because you homosexuals make shit games.

      • 11 months ago

        You could have just said "I agree" and spared yourself this moronation.

        • 11 months ago

          Why would I agree with a fricking moron that's wrong?

          • 11 months ago

            >RTS genre is dead because RTS "Fans" don't play anything but AoE2 and Starcraft BW/2
            >Make a seething list about every other RTS coming out and asserting they're all dogshit
            What the frick are you even trying to say here? Are you going to pretend you have some extensive list of RTS you play? Or are you going to just repeatedly play the same 1-2 games you consider "the only good ones" in the genre, as I stated earlier?

            • 11 months ago

              Everything I mentioned that's dogshit IS dogshit, or are you really trying to tell me Empire Earth 3 was a good fricking game?
              And how the frick did you come to the roundabout schizo theory that I only play 2 games when I literally just made a list of the series I play.

              >dawn of war

              Was that the latest release you fricking idiot or a game that's 12 years old?

              Seriously, what the frick is with these moron replies? ESL? African internet usage times? School holidays?
              Is it so much to ask for you Black folk to not have double digit IQ's?

              • 11 months ago

                >when I literally just made a list of the series I play.

              • 11 months ago

                no I was just saying that retribution was my favorite dawn of war expansion.

              • 11 months ago

                Any expansion that adds the guard is best expansion

              • 11 months ago

                >do you like getting fricked in the ass?

              • 11 months ago

                Do you enjoy being the equivalent of an oversized moronic toddle?
                Least you did SOMETHING on the 13th try, right?

        • 11 months ago

          Why would I agree with a fricking moron that's wrong?

          are you guiz agreeing to gay sex?

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          >Mention the latest releases in every other game
          >To a post talking about new games
          >Think I meant the originals

        • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >dawn of war

        • 11 months ago

          The Kaptin saved this game. Its a shame that hes stuck there for the foreseeable future.

      • 11 months ago

        >Soulless remake onroute
        They did everything right with AoE2 DE though.
        I mean, except not having old assets like AoE1 as an option.

        • 11 months ago

          The fact that they're still doing remakes is what fricking kills me.
          I've played Age of Mythology
          I've played it for fricking years
          I don't want to play it for another 1000 hours with "day night cycles" and a few UI upgrades.
          I can play it just fine without that and have been doing so.
          What I can't play is a new game that doesn't exist.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm hoping to get what I got with DE: a practical way to play AoM PVP with matchmaking and some rebalancing. If it looks good it's a bonus.

  102. 11 months ago

    >I want an RTS
    > But slow paced
    >In fact turn based
    >And wanna make my dudes and fight in epic big battles like im a general
    > Different units comp? That sounds tryhard
    >Techs? That sounds like build paths and i dont wanna learn that
    >Pincer attacks? Lmao what a tryhard babble
    >Disruption of economy? Lmao thats some tryhard words, im a general not an economist
    > I want the biggest tank, and i want it now
    >Building costs? Boring shit for tryhards
    >I dont wanna hear "scouting", means nothing to me
    >MP? Thats a solved building path and I... No I dont wanna play against a person who solved the game or me
    >I wanna play against an AI that plays always the same so i can solve the game
    >I wanna fight in my "own terms" and whenever i like, not when my enemy forces me to because i wanna be the one forcing, just dont know how
    >And if you beat me youre a tryhard korean in age of stratcraft i played that game all the time as a kid and was a god i know what im talking about but dem evil koreans made it bad

    Ugh. Is it so hard to understand?
    Anyways, what RTS game lets me roleplay as a good general? Without those -pesky- mechanics in the way
    I main Protoss btw

    • 11 months ago

      >dbz hero

      • 11 months ago

        >my name is trunks

  103. 11 months ago

    >thread about RTS games hits bump limit.
    >the essentially dead RTS genre

    • 11 months ago

      Outing shitters is hilarious

      Just ask "why don't you play in MP, then?" and you'll see them recoil, bawl, anger, quiver and say: "i've been found out."

    • 11 months ago

      Local spastic has been keeping the thread going.

      • 11 months ago

        This. He's useful in pretty much only that way, but still useful.

  104. 11 months ago

    Singlecels, can you explain?

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