Your first FF?

When did you play it? How old were you when you played it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    FF8, 1999, 12yo

    • 2 years ago

      I was never allowed a console or a gb but eventually my parents relented and got me a 2nd hand PS1 and got me a bunch of bootleg games. Among it was FF8, I start it up and was blown away by the opening sequence. Immediately got hooked onto the characters and storyline.

  2. 2 years ago

    FF4. About ten years old when I got a shitty bootleg with a faulty save battery for my GBA. It was an original GBA, too, without rechargeable batteries, so I couldn't even cheat this very grave flaw with some childlike ingenuity.
    I still had fun. I used the first few hours as a way to learn English while I finally resolved to ask one of my uncles to see if I could fix it. That sort of sparked a not-so-short-lived interest in electronics.
    The twists that come after in the story were made all the sweeter.

    • 2 years ago

      please tell me you work in electronics now to make the story complete

  3. 2 years ago

    FF8. I think I got it at the start of 7th grade, but I don't think I finished it until Summer vacation.
    I might have restarted it at somepoint to get missing G.F.s.
    I remember I was stuck for a good month looking for that damn White SeeD ship.

    • 2 years ago

      Tell me about it, the white SeeD ship almost made me gave up the game. Back then online guides were all in text files and no pictures. Finally got help from this older neighbour friend.

  4. 2 years ago

    Just playing FF8 now, squall rinoa selphie lvl100
    squal with 122speed + auto-haste
    rinoa auto-protect cover vita 60 spirit 60
    selphie magic 233 luck 90 auto-reflect

  5. 2 years ago

    ff1, the original on NES
    I was 11.

    • 2 years ago

      you must be in your early 40s 😛

    • 2 years ago

      Wow you're too old to be here lol

      • 2 years ago

        You're here forever

    • 2 years ago

      With you FF1 bro. Good old Garland

  6. 2 years ago

    FF4 on PSX, had a dual-disc of FF4 and Chrono Trigger. It was part of several games that my grandmother bought alongside the PS1 itself after my father died. I must have been around 6 back then.

  7. 2 years ago

    Got mystic quest from a bargin bin in 96 when I was 8.

  8. 2 years ago

    FF7, 2001, 14.

    For some reason I got a PS2 with FF7 instead of a PS2 game.

    • 2 years ago

      because there wasn't shit on the PS2 then it had literally just launched. I guess we are twins then, because that was my first Final Fantasy as well, it was my launch title and I am the same age as you

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I got FFX next, then back to FFVIII and IX.

        Later on I got Origins.

        • 2 years ago

          ah that's where we differ, I got FF chronicles next, then played Chrono Cross, then got 8,9,10 and tactics for charismas, after that I played anthology

  9. 2 years ago

    FFII on GBA for Christmas of 2004. I was 14.

    A cousin introduced me to the series by playing the ending sequence of FFX back during Thanksgiving of 2003. When I visited him during the summer of 2004, I watched him play a good chunk of Crystal Chronicles; he lived in the remote countryside, so he did not have the set up for us to do multiplayer. I guess that I technically booted up FFI first, but I almost immediately switched to II instead and played it from start to finish. This makes II the one that I am most nostalgic about, and I tend to rate it most highly of the NES triology.

  10. 2 years ago

    VI and 8 or 9 years old I guess. Then VII the day it came out.

    I miss Final Fantasy being good so badly I'm honestly considering playing XIV at this point and I say that as someone who fricking despises MMOs. I need something because I have no faith in XVI at all after what I've seen so fat.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm assuming you want turn based combat

      You need to move on to other series at this point, FF is never going back from action.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't, I want a party I can control and story that's actually shown and given prominence in game. It's not a big ask. FFXIII, and FXV were both absolute trash and FFXVI has been giving me XV vibes.

        While you mention turn based FFVIIR did modern turnbased combat phenominally.

  11. 2 years ago

    Never played a ff.

    • 2 years ago

      >he hasn't been consistently disappointed for the better part of the last 20 years

  12. 2 years ago

    FF7 when I was 10, couldn't get past the first boss fight as I kept attacking it when its tail is up. Gave up and decided that FF sucks lol. Fast forward a few years later with the release of FF8, played it and was amazed by the story. Decided to give FF7 another go, never looked back since then.

  13. 2 years ago

    Emulated 6 back in 2009

  14. 2 years ago

    FFVII, I was 7 years old
    I think this was back in 2001. I borrowed it from a friend, problem was it was the spanish PAL version so I didn't understand shit but I remember beating sephiroth

    • 2 years ago

      For a 7 year old who doesnt understand spanish, you sure know your way around the game

  15. 2 years ago

    First Final Fantasy game I played to completion was 12 on PS2. I was 15 I believe. I thought it was pretty based, I actually liked Vaan. I liked how he wasn't an angst-ridden protagonist and told Gabranth to frick off during their final confrontation. he was just over the whole thing. man was i surprised when i finally went to a message board about ff and i found out everyone hated it. Now that I think about it, it's the only final fantasy game i played to completion. The rest are kinda gay. I really liked the world, characters and aesthetic of 12.

  16. 2 years ago

    FFTA on a GBA emulator I was early 20s

    • 2 years ago

      same tbh but in my teens. i always found it weird how the game references the franchise so much.

  17. 2 years ago

    Dissidia Duodecim and I was 16.

    I've since gone back and played 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, and Crisis Core

    • 2 years ago

      What made you start with Dissidia of all games

      • 2 years ago

        Friend wanted to play together during high school. I was aware of the Final Fantasy brand, but I had only played a small handful of JRPGs before.

  18. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy X
    Don’t remember
    Don’t remember

  19. 2 years ago

    FF1 gba

  20. 2 years ago

    FF3(6). I was 9 (1997).


    People under 30 should not be on this website reeee

  21. 2 years ago

    FFXII, 2007, 17

  22. 2 years ago

    FF4, 2005, 14 years old

  23. 2 years ago

    I played the first one with lightning originally (XII or XIII I forget) and I got stuck at one boss about 3 hours in. I remember the black guy with the bird and some pretty neat environments that stuck out on the 360 but it was mostly hallways.

    Currently doing my first play through of Final Fantasy (the first one), specifically the 20th anniversary version on the psp. I really enjoy it and I'll probably play the pixel remaster and the NES one later one. It's a delight of a game, very comfy. I don't usually get very far into games but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna beat this one.

  24. 2 years ago

    FFI in 1991, six years old.

  25. 2 years ago

    FF7, watched my friend play it at his house. He was a dickhead but we bonded over vidya.
    He tried to get me to watch him play FF6 but 2D games didn’t look very interesting.
    I think my first actual FF game was tactics advance. I felt more proud owning it than anything but slowly found it to actually be a pretty good game.

    • 2 years ago

      haha i remember the time when watching your friend play game is a thing back then. I enjoyed it especially when he is playing FF because of the storyline and when he is stuck at a boss we will discuss strategies, we were around 9 or 10

  26. 2 years ago

    first FF was either 4 (SNES) or Mystic Quest in like 1994, when I was 5 at the time

  27. 2 years ago

    FF 7, I dunno, 2001, 2002? And I was probably 9 or 10. Might have been a bit later, but that feels right

    I've played 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, and 15, along with Crystal Chronicles on the Gamecube. And Dirge of Cerberus.
    7 is the only one I ever really liked. I played and kinda enjoyed 1, 9, 10, and Crystal Chronicles (though I never finished 10), didn't really like 3, and just didn't like 2, 8, or 13, didn't finish 8, didn't personally finish 13 but experienced most of the game as a spectator. 1 & 2 were the GBA combo release, played when I was maybe 14, 3 was the DS remake when I was maybe 15, 10 was on the PS2, similar time, Crystal Chronicles was probably around 12 or 13, 8 or 9 were on PS1 discs, probably played on a PS2 when I was like, 22, 23, and FF13 I played the beginning of then dropped when I was probably 24, but played a few battles and tiny bits of it 24-25 when I was watching my dad play it over about a year. No idea when I played Dirge, but I didn't actually hate it.
    4 is probably the one I'm still most interested in playing, and I always figured Crystal Chronicles would be great if it actually let me play with anyone

    The weird thing is, if you asked me if I was a fan of the series, I'd say yes, even though if you then asked which games I actually liked, 7 would be the only one I'd answer. I'm actually playing it while a buddy who is staying with me now watches, since he's never seen it

    I did a funnee and named Aeris my ass, so people say things like "They took my ass", "I can't find my ass", "my ass is gone", "my ass will never smile again", and "my ass was Ancient". It's more funny than it deserves to be. I also named Vincent StPatrick, because he has so very much to repent for, the black bile flows
    I fricked up with Red Xlll. I misremembered some lines of dialogue, so I named him Luke for an entire scene about his dad, but then it fell flat. At least Mr. T likes me
    And all of this has the features of a good Nick Cage film

  28. 2 years ago

    ff8 1998 11 years old.
    screenshot is my party for my recent playthrough on the remastered ver 😛

    • 2 years ago

      How did you wind up with 8 being the first one you played? Most everyone I know in your age range who picked up the series during 5th gen started with FF7.

      • 2 years ago

        Because I was only attracted to FF8 due to the graphics lol... from there I realised what I have been missing out

    • 2 years ago

      Ultima goes to Elem-D

      • 2 years ago

        I change my elem def constantly depending on boss to absorb their attack. Haha after playing ff8 multiple times i realise it is the easiest among all ff

        • 2 years ago

          Yea same here, played so much 8 that there is not much to learn anymore and there is not really any point to go full 100% lowlevel rosetta stone madness, only to watch omega cry..

  29. 2 years ago

    Someone remind me, in the original FF7, was it confirmed that Shinra themselves blew up Reactor 1, with a much more destructive bomb than the one AVALANCHE originally intended to use, the way it is in the remake? That annoyed me in the remake because it severely lessens the consequences Barrett and company have on their shoulders.

    • 2 years ago

      Also in the remake, while returning on the train from the Reactor 1 mission, Cloud instead Barrett says the iconic line about people being like the train they're on. Sorry for complaining about these things in this thread, I didn't want to make a new one.

    • 2 years ago

      There was zero implication that the first bomb was anything but what Barret and Avalanche thought it would be.
      The reality of the casualties DID hit some of the other members, especially, iirc, Biggs, but Barret only gave it a passing acknowledgment, in the vein of "Yeah, we killed people, but they worked for Shinra, so it's fine, and we had to."

      It's actually a fricking huge issue if they are trying to spin that narrative in the remake, because Barret's story is one of the most condensed and powerful distilations of the game's themes of people living and believing the lies they tell themselves.
      Barret didn't care who he hurt, that was the point. Everything about saving the planet was an excuse to kill people from Shinra, it wasn't until later that Barret really understood the full weight of the planet's imminent demise, and actually started fighting to protect it.
      At the moment you start out in FF7, Barret set out to blow up a reactor belonging to Shinra, for the singular purpose of damaging Shinra property, and killing Shinra employees. The planet talk was a cover, and a way for him to go on without accepting that he was a murderer, and wanted to murder more. It isn't until he encounters Dyne that he really starts accepting that truth, and is able to see the information from Cosmo Canyon not as propaganda to use against Shinra, but as a cause worth fighting for as a primary goal.

      To be clear, the SECOND bomb is more ambiguous, since Shinra knew about, and likely could have disarmed the bomb if they had really wanted to. And I doubt Avalanche has the means of producing a device Shinra couldn't tamper with and disarm.
      However, as the explosion seems more or less the same as the first, weak evidence points to them just letting the bomb go off, instead of adding anything else to it.

  30. 2 years ago

    7, I was about 12, I played the PC version on my laptop.

  31. 2 years ago


  32. 2 years ago

    I grew up with Final Fantasy

    >Final Fantasy 1
    On the original NES when I was about 7 or 8. Had the Nintendo Power guide and everything. I still remember my first party configuration was fighter, black belt, white mage, black mage. For me and all my friends on the playground, it didn’t go over our heads that Link and Mario fricked around with dumb princesses but the FF crew got that shit out of the way in the beginning and moved on to bigger and more pressing issues

    >Final Fantasy 2
    Zoomers hate this poorly aged game that they now know as FF4 but in 1992 I was 10 and this game blew me away for being the first video game I ever played with something resembling an actual plot and a reason to care about something other than getting a high score. It’s still a comfy romp down nostalgia lane for me

    >Final Fantasy 3
    Now we’re talking: you will never know the joy of popping this bad boy into your SNES on Christmas of 1994 and hearing that opening tune of Terra and the two magitek knights marching across the tundra while you rapidly forget about all your other Christmas toys.

    >Final Fantasy 7
    Shut the frick up what happened to 4, 5, and 6? Three whole CD’s? OMG holy shit look at those 3D graphics OMFG this is the single greatest video game I’ve ever played!

    It’s hard to overstate what kind of impact this game had when it landed in 97 and I was 14 and firmly its target audience

    >Final fantasy 8
    I was way overhyped for this game being firmly entrenched in the Final Fantasy fandumb and spent months speculating about this game just for me to end up hating the junction system, hating Squall and Rinoa, and remember thinking it was like a rip off of 7 but for all the wrong reasons

    Another step in the wrong direction.

    The last good one. The end of an era. My younger brother tells me that 12 isn’t bad but he likes 8 so I have my doubts. I tried 13 and it traumatized me for being a poorly paced mess with a convoluted story and shitty linear gameplay

  33. 2 years ago

    last year. (23)

    okay i mean the truth is more FFTA (age 13) but i mean mainline i went through the entire series starting at ff4.

  34. 2 years ago

    It was around the year 2000, when I was 8. My best friend was fricking obsessed with FF7 and 8, so I went to Blockbuster and rented out the only FF game they had there which was Origins and played II. I didn't know what I was doing and I died a lot, but I thought it was cool I could use a sword in both hands and my characters would eventually hit more and more as they got stronger.

  35. 2 years ago

    FF1. Didn't beat it as a kid, but I was probably 8 or 9. Remember loaning it to a Mexican kid and visiting him, and he showed me him one shotting Chaos with the master.

  36. 2 years ago

    FF7, 2000 or 2001, I was 10 or 11. Was at my cousin's place and while watching him play Diablo 2, I noticed he had FF7 for PC with like 2-3 discs in it or something. He gave it to me for free and got to the snowy area before I lost my PC.

    RIP cuz

    • 2 years ago

      how do you lose a PC??

      • 2 years ago

        Dad took it away, didn't get a new one until I could afford one.

        • 2 years ago

          uh oh. he found your zamn folder

  37. 2 years ago

    FF14. It was 3 months ago. No I will not play your console trash with moronic combat systems, and I had far better childhood playing KOTOR and Warcraft

  38. 2 years ago

    FFVII. I was 8-years-old and can't remember having played any other game that could qualify as an RPG before it besides "Secret of Evermore" on the SNES. I remember being sucked in by a game that seemed to be set pieces and story first with turn-based combat where success was visually determined with math. I was definitely one of THOSE Millenial kids for whom it was their gateway drug.

    Red XIII was also so freakin' cute.

  39. 2 years ago

    FF7, 02-03 maybe? Around 13.

    My step brother mentioned that it was considered one of the best games ever, and I just happened to see it on sale for like $15 a few weeks later so I picked it up. Got instantly hooked on it, so much so that it caused verbal arguments with my mother because I would play for hours on end and not go outside and she would try to turn it off while I was playing. No game had that effect on me before then, I usually only played games in short bursts, not all day every day.

    • 2 years ago

      that pretty much what happens to me whenever I play an FF lol. I would tell my mom that I need to find a save point, but maybe deliberately steal an extra 30mins of play time haha

  40. 2 years ago

    i think ff8? I was pretty little and played it with my older brother, dunno if we finished it. It was either that or ff6 cause i definitely remember playing that with a zsnes emulator when i was like 8

  41. 2 years ago

    FF7 on my ps1, i was around 8 around 2001.
    Nowadays i dont replay it, it is kinda old and stale.
    remake is more fun

  42. 2 years ago

    I could've played FF1 first but I have no way to know that for sure. I do know we had the Atari and NES before I remember holding SNES controllers.
    The first FF game I actually remember playing was FF4. At time of release I would've been 2 but I most likely would've played it later in 1995 so I would've been around 5-6.

  43. 2 years ago

    Played FF7 on Christmas of 1999 when my dad got me and my brother a PS1. Was in the first grade and I just turned 7, simple times

  44. 2 years ago

    Mystic Quest... I was 4 years old. It helped spark an interest in reading. My next was FF6.
    FF6 is still one of my favorites to this day. Even my mom enjoyed playing it, after sitting down to play it and bond with me, which eventually backfired as she just kinda took over my console and played it when she got home from work. I could play it on weekends lmao.
    On the plus side, she started buying new consoles and whatever RPGs she could get her hands on, which was cool.
    Good memories.

  45. 2 years ago

    Either 4 or 6, I don't recall. My brothers had both and I started playing them before I could really read. Didn't actually beat either of them I was 12-13 and emulated them on my computer.

  46. 2 years ago

    FFXIV, 23 yo

    • 2 years ago

      Kys Xiever why don't you just die already?

  47. 2 years ago

    Nobody asked for it, but Cait Sith is an underrated character. His stats are some of the best in the game, his limits aren't great, but people meme how bad they are, and Vincent's are still worse. He's one of the two good mages you get after Aerith learns Darth Vader was her sled, and Vincent is atrocious, while Cait is also the tankiest character.
    Only Cloud and Red Xll are better across the entire game of their availability, and Red is entirely because the Seraph Comb has insane stats for when you get it.
    If you want to meme exclusively about endgame potential, then frick you, Cait Sith can kill anything earlier than anyone with slots, which is exactly as relevant as setting up a lucky 7 multi-mime gimmick or some shit, which is not very.

    His story is one of learning to seperate right from duty. He fricks up in exactly a comparable manner to Barret or Tifa, and takes it just as hard, but people meme that he's a bad character, so they never realize his is not only the same critical thematic points the game runs on, but his is the most clear, concise, and direct distillation of those themes, in a format that is, for most people, the most relatable expression of those themes, as most people don't have PTSD from their home being burned down, and so will facilitate other people's wild fantasies to hold onto fragments of their past, for example. Many people have been in a situation where they were supposed to do one thing, but knew it wasn't the right one.

    • 2 years ago

      People don't like the stuffed animal character model and slots and dice are kind of boring. That's it really.

  48. 2 years ago

    FFXIII 2010 10 years old

  49. 2 years ago

    FFVII Eidos PC release with actual Yamaha sounds, 20th of November 1998, 13 years old.

  50. 2 years ago

    4 on the PS1.

  51. 2 years ago

    FFIX. I played in the early 00s when I was 4-5. Couldn't get past Disc 1. Played it in 2020 and finished it. Awesome game.

  52. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy. 1991. 9 years old. Yes, I know I'm an oldfrick.

  53. 2 years ago

    FF6, 14 years old, in 1999.
    One of the better ones and I wouldn't have gotten obsessed with the series if it hadn't been. Favorite these days is 5, though. Funny thing is that I was really obsessed with the series for only a few years because 12 was so wretched that I never bought a new release after that.

  54. 2 years ago

    Not sure which was the first one I played but FF tactics advance is the first one that I finished when I bought a gba when I was 8yo

  55. 2 years ago

    FF7, 2020, 16 years old

  56. 2 years ago

    FFX, 12 years old. Never beat it. Beat FF1 at 24 though and beat 2, 3 and 4 afterwards. I'll start 5 any day now. They're comfy to play.

  57. 2 years ago

    Downloaded ZNES and a bunch of roms at the local lan house and just went to town.

  58. 2 years ago

    FF8. Probably 13-14 in 1999. I remember checking out the demo disc at a friend's house. Ending up getting it later.

  59. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy 2 on SNES which I later found out was actually Final Fantasy 4. I can't remember how young I was but really young, like learned to read while playing it young.

  60. 2 years ago

    FF4 probably when I was like 6-8 on the SNES.

  61. 2 years ago

    I would love to see a Final Fantasy game that uses the actual concept art design of the characters and its surrounding world by Yoshitaka Amano. Those drawings truly evoke the feeling of the fantasy world. But I can see how it will never happen haha. Not everyone's cup of tea.

  62. 2 years ago

    Ff6 on Gameboy advance

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