Your party gets wrapped up in planar hijinx and ends up in the Mean Girls universe. How do they fare?

Your party gets wrapped up in planar hijinx and ends up in the Mean Girls universe. How do they fare?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Suburban Chicago? Fine, I guess. probably better then where they were anyways. The South Side would be a different story though.

    • 4 months ago

      ask me how I know you've never played a horror game

  2. 4 months ago

    Better off than an average /tg/ thread

  3. 4 months ago

    Our sorcerer ends up crying after being bullied for her weight. The fighter is killed by Black folk after an unfortunate run-in with 15% of Evanston Illinois' population and an arcane device known as a Hi-point.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I roll to seduce the now emotionally vulnerable sorcerer. I get advantage, right?

    • 4 months ago

      Rolled 2, 13 - 1 = 14 (2d20 - 1)

      I roll to seduce the now emotionally vulnerable sorcerer. I get advantage, right?

      Frick it, I'm rolling for it.

      • 4 months ago

        Damn I got a 12. Hopefully the DC is low. I want me a qt sorcerer gf.

        • 4 months ago

          sorcerers are bawds, you're good

  4. 4 months ago

    the internet's gretest tragedy is that it shields people like this spammer troony from lynching
    it's so important to have a threat of beatings if you wanna have a working society
    instead this way these fricking homosexuals can just exiat unpunished
    OP I hope someone kicks your teeth in IRL

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >school bullies in the 80s and 90s
      >none of this bullshit in the 80s and 90s
      >schools crackdown on bullies in the 00s 10s and 20s
      >rampant school shootings and homosexualry runs rampant

      I was bullied, but holy shit i see the necessity of natural predators to thin the herd.

      • 4 months ago

        Would you undergo 10x the bullying if it meant the herd gets thinned? I'm talking physical abuse, sexual abuse, name calling, reputation tarnishing all throughout your public education experience? No friends, no girlfriends. Loneliness and pain for years and years?

        • 4 months ago

          I think gays and morons should be allowed to exist, as long as it's in secret. See people like OP have a right to live but it should be locked up in the family attic with no internet access.
          Instead on the internet they can just pollute public spaces. Why? No beatings. Being a homosexual online should get your knuckles hammered into a fine dust.
          and frick the jannies

  5. 4 months ago

    That would be crossover central, my current homebrew system is running a Gossip Girl campaign

  6. 4 months ago

    He will ask for the three shells.

  7. 4 months ago

    Suffer not the b***h to live

  8. 4 months ago

    >Group 1 game 1
    The halfling is bullied as he should be, the giant, dhampir clown girl is either a hit or terrifying, Lovecraft's catgirl will likely shred several b***hes, my elf's autism is impenetrable to bullying, my backup PC/Synth summoner kobold will either reach the top of the social hierarchy or become her dragonsona and go full kaiju on some b***hes

    >Group 1 game 2
    We're mostly all kids, so I'm not sure we'd get into too many relevant shenanigans, but my warpriest would try to keep the others from being bullied too hard. The others would either join in or be bullied, 50-50 chance for each. If any of the npcs make the half-dragon cry his blue dragon momma will likely start to rampage

    >Group 2 primary game - I'm currently the DM and still don't have a 100% grasp on the party's personalities, only been like 2 sessions and most of it has been dungeon crawling, not RP

    >Group 2 backup game 1 - A greedy foxboy with a couple of guns, a gruff ronin, a hobgoblin who's name is literally a pun on Karen, and a small army of goblin minions, I have a feeling this plays out like a weird episode of Always Sunny

    >Group 2 backup game 2 - One PC is a shapeshifting nerd god of tech and wealth, the other's his sugermomma/dragoness goddess of fertility, dragon, wrath, and dragon. They will rule the school and soon, the city

    • 4 months ago

      dndrones need not respond

      • 4 months ago

        None of them are D&D, three of them are PF though

  9. 4 months ago

    >Navigating the high-tier female socio-political scene
    They get absolutely smoked. Nothing would remain of my poor party.

  10. 4 months ago

    >How do they fare?
    depends on if the Mean Girls universe has the capacity to penetrate MDC plating on SAMAS armor

    • 4 months ago

      Frick yeah. Mean Girls would totally go for Coalition Soldiers. Also unfortunately they would probably fall for Psi-Stalkers and Dog Boys

    • 4 months ago

      you can't armor the heart

  11. 4 months ago

    >this shit thread still up
    mods are a bunch of fricking trannies

    • 4 months ago

      I think gays and morons should be allowed to exist, as long as it's in secret. See people like OP have a right to live but it should be locked up in the family attic with no internet access.
      Instead on the internet they can just pollute public spaces. Why? No beatings. Being a homosexual online should get your knuckles hammered into a fine dust.
      and frick the jannies

      the internet's gretest tragedy is that it shields people like this spammer troony from lynching
      it's so important to have a threat of beatings if you wanna have a working society
      instead this way these fricking homosexuals can just exiat unpunished
      OP I hope someone kicks your teeth in IRL

      • 4 months ago

        die of cancer ASAP you fricking spammer
        you and the homosexual mods that won't ban your homosexual ass

  12. 4 months ago

    >The Paladin and the Knight take up humorous teaching gigs in History and PE, respectively.
    >The Fey-Hunter disintegrates Rachel McAdams into a dust pile, thinking she's a nymph. He's promptly arrested.
    >The Witch is bullied into oblivion on account of her warty green skin, but comes back with a vengeance in the third act after breaking her curse and glowing up into a strong black woman.
    >The Sword-Dancer initially enthralls the girls with his exotic accent but they then find out he's really 2000 years old. He's promptly arrested.
    >The Brothers become a classic duo of a brickhouse star football athlete and his twiggy orbiter yes-man and wreak havoc on many a nerd.
    >The Shadowcaster joins the theater kids group and gets bullied by the Brothers.
    >The Druid gets a gig as school janitor and everyone thinks he's a crazy drug addict.

  13. 4 months ago

    My party is perfectly equipped for handling uppity b***hes. Bard, Wizard, Druid, Rogue and Paladin.
    We can simply kill because:
    >few qualms about murder
    >no registered existence on this plane
    >no reputation to protect
    >can cast seeming, pass without trace, fireball

    Or we can frick with them on their own level but worse:
    >again, no reputation or identity to protect
    >can cast polymorph and seeming to work intrigue by playing other b***hes
    >the druid can listen in to conversations as a fly
    >use prestidigitation to fake a condom while polymorphed into one of the crushes, giving them interplanar chlamydia and pregnancy
    >use command and suggestion to force them into embarrassing themselves
    >bestow curse to make them fail, say.. everything charisma related when you square off in a b***h duel
    >mage hand legerdemain means invisibly knocking over drinks into their clothes, making them trip and fall, pulling up skirts, planting drugs (and snitching)

    Magic is magic and my party has a chaotic streak.

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