Your thoughts on Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies?

Your thoughts on Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies?

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  1. 8 months ago

    pretty bad
    barely a step up from DQ8 which was pretty bad too

  2. 8 months ago

    It's my favorite in the series, but I have an obsession with games that let you create your own custom party members.

  3. 8 months ago

    i liked the story. there is more grinding needed than in dq8 though.

    • 8 months ago

      Not bad but the MMO quest design is just awful and its a bit too easy.

      You didn't really need to grind at all unless you mean post-game, which yeah duh because that was a big feature of the game.

  4. 8 months ago

    I really don't care for how slow the combat is. DQ combat is supposed to be extremely fast and snappy.

  5. 8 months ago

    My fav DQ game. Love it.

  6. 8 months ago

    Needed a serious balance pass.

  7. 8 months ago

    Been emulating it on my phone and it's cool. I really like how your armor actually changes your appearance. The only DQ game to do that other than the MMO probably. I love being able to drip.

  8. 8 months ago

    pretty solid

  9. 8 months ago

    Challenge run kino. As a one-off game I didn't like it that much, but man it's great for challenges. Some of the accolades for finishing the game are ridiculous, like the Pacifist accolade for finishing the game with less than 250 battles won. There are also speedrun accolades, with the lowest being sub-12h. Also, there isn't an accolade for it but the game is designed with soloing in mind as long as you have sufficient game knowledge to know about things like the Blocker's Manual or how to craft gigasteel items early.

  10. 8 months ago

    When the 3DS eshop was going down my girlfriend and I modded our 3ds's and put every single ff/dragon quest/Pokemon whatever other series on them

    We played through every DQ today and aside from 6 which had nothing appealing to me going into it, I dreaded 9 equally as much just from how the community described it

    We're currently on 9 and I'm having a blast, I love the treasure map stuff, I have maybe over 100 hours in it so far after the majority of the series was 10-30 hours

    Quest design is a bit dul and the combat is exhausting after 9 games of being mostly unchanged but I really enjoy it

    • 8 months ago

      have you been switching between series or just plowing through dragon quest? Ive been on a jrpg kick this summer and playing dq and ff, switching back and forth once in a while but Im thinking about taking a break to avoid burning out after 5 ffs and 3 dqs. Anything youve done to keep it fresh?

  11. 8 months ago

    Incredibly comfy and the only DQ that felt right on handheld.

  12. 8 months ago

    Stella is hilarious in the (Eng) version I played.

  13. 8 months ago

    Good game - played it almost 10 years ago now but still can remember a lot of the stories. Harry Potter School and Plainsmen stick out to me in particular. Also Leviathan Town and Upover. Oh and scientist guy.

    • 8 months ago

      OH and when you go to jail for a bit and meet the conductor dude. See, great game.

  14. 8 months ago

    I couldn’t handle the terrible ds 3d and custom characters seems like it would completely destroy the possibility of a cohesive story

    • 8 months ago

      The game mostly just pretends they don't exist

      • 8 months ago
        Santa Claus

        You can theoretically just play the entire game as a single character, so no wonder the game pretends they don't exist.

        • 8 months ago

          Solo runs of DQ9 are actually pretty fun.

  15. 8 months ago

    beautiful aesthetics. fun story. should have been a successor to 3 with a deeper class system. instead it locks all the interesting alchemy pot items and class skills behind hours of proto mobage "please play on the train to your salary man job kudusai" grinding. and so the main game encounters don't take advantage of any of the new mechanics really.

  16. 8 months ago

    Any quest that had nothing to do with the towns suck and makes the game a slog. This and 2 are the only DQs I cannot finish. I enjoy the battle theme a lot.

  17. 8 months ago

    The fact that you can't obtain 100% alchemy or item completion without DLC killed my view of this game. After VIII, which was the last Dragon Quest that hadn't been israelited by Enix (allowing full completion with a single purchase and no internet connection), here comes IX which requires shitty DS wifi that requires WEP. Only morons who don't know basic wifi security would keep their routers on WEP so anyone with a clue couldn't connect any DS games online.
    >but what about public wifi, anon?
    The portable aspect was stupid too because by being on the DS, it necessitated a total overhaul of graphics, sound, and even gameplay. It's all a gimmick, from the prime era of shitty gay gimmicks like dual screens and motion controls. At least on the Wii they might have had the restraint to keep motion control out of the systems but they couldn't help themselves turning IX into a pseudo-MMO; in fact, early on in development it was going to be ACTION COMBAT! Imagine how SHIT IX would be without turn based. And as usual, the west is an afterthought because no one, even in big cities, played this game, at least publicly, so the local multiplayer was useless from the beginning.

    And to top it off, the DLC was unobtainable for nearly a decade, rendering a physical cartridge incomplete if you hadn't done all the grottoes and quests before Nintendo/Gamespy shut down their servers. Only recently could you connect to that one fan server for DLC. None of this would've been an issue if Squeenix stayed on the Playstation, or made a Wii game. The only thing worse would be a mobile game (the only place to get party chat in IV was mobile until very recently where someone made a party chat romhack for DS). Absolutely disgusting israelitery and it was a sure sign that VII was the last true Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest game (despite loving VIII, it should never have been 3D).

    All that being said, I had fun with IX like a pig roling in mud. XI was the one that broke me...

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't there exist an ActionReplay code which unlocks all quests?

      • 8 months ago

        Yes. There's also a save editor that's existed since the game was current that can unlock it.

        • 8 months ago

          There's also an alternative server you can connect to.

    • 8 months ago

      >made a Wii game.
      Wii servers are dead too. Metroid Prime 3 is similarly fricked, but at least in that game it's mostly just concept art locked away forever.

  18. 8 months ago

    Full party customization at its best
    Gimped by being on DS

  19. 8 months ago

    One of the most underrated intros in RPG history

    >Warrior tanks hit
    >Priest heals
    >Mage buffs
    >Martial Artist takes aggro and tanks
    >Warrior strikes
    >Immediate segue to comfy return to town montage
    >Ending with scene from main plot
    Perfect blend of combat, party/inventory management, and the plotline displayed in less than two minutes

    • 7 months ago

      As an VIII-baby I was disappointed when it came out because I saw it as a downgrade in terms of story, graphics, and music.
      But in retrospect I prefer it. The full party customization and focus on smaller vignettes over a grand story with pre-defined characters makes it closer to what I now think an RPG should be.
      Also probably my favorite world map in vidya. So much variety, details, and things to find but still condensed unlike the vast emptiness of the maps in VIII and XI. Not to mention the theme:

      I haven't seen this since I played the game nearly a decade ago. Massive nostalgia wave.
      Agreed on the intro. I also love the aesthetic. It's a shame DQXI went for a generic Unreal Engine look for it's environments instead of something more stylized like this.

  20. 8 months ago

    I was really excited for it, went through the hell of thinking it was going to never leave Japan, and ended up buying it day one. It ended up disappointing me in the end though, especially once I got to the "post-game" and it turned into hunting down grottos. The emphasis on multiplayer, with so many items being locked behind it, also kinda fricking sucked for anyone who wasn't a Japanese teenager living in a major city.

  21. 8 months ago

    I came to this board specifically to talk about this game. I own it but never ended up playing it.
    9 and 6 are the only mainline ganes (save 10) that I have never beaten.
    Is there a patched rom/cheat code list so I can play it from start to end with all the extra content? Preferably in japanese. I don't play japanese games translated anymore if given the chance.

    • 8 months ago

      How and when did you learn Japanese?

      • 8 months ago

        During the covid shit. Got stuck at home and grinded japanese for 2 years straight without missing a day. Looking back, it was a good time.
        Now I read manga and play japanese vidya and ignore all the drama and crying over localisation and censorship

        I was thinking of getting that DQ X offline edition but even the japanese were shitting on it for being low effort and bad.

        • 8 months ago

          Have Japanese gf or not yet? Go get that Jap pussy anon.

    • 8 months ago

      For extra quests, I recommend getting the save editor and enabling them. It's a single press, the safest way. There are codes, but one bad code was going around the net that caused bugs, too risky. I think almost all of them are postgame, though.
      You can also give yourself the fan favorite grotto maps that were shared around the whole world like Kawasaki Locker and Masayuki.
      To get DLC items, there are codes that change Stornway shops so they sell DLC items.

  22. 8 months ago

    What ruins it:
    Online bullshit
    Visible encounters
    mmo gathering and crafting
    endless grind before being allowed to fight a ton of bosses.

    It's still ok but it's worse than 8/7/6/5

  23. 8 months ago

    You learn the spells way too slow, the mages are blasting the final boss with level-2 spells. That sucks even harder when you remember that this is the first game where they went all in on spells scaling to Wisdom rather than a small range of values like in DQ8

  24. 8 months ago

    What killed the game more than any other complain is that there were no main characters, its not like they didn't have memorable characters that could join your party, there's at least one guy or girl that's almost one sentence away from joining, but they never do, and its a shame

    • 8 months ago

      It was my first DQ (that I remember) and while I enjoyed it a lot back when it released, it's probably my least favorite now. The grind (levels, quests, alchemy materials, grotto maps) often feels unrewarding and the main plot is such a slap in the face that it makes me think the game would be better off without one. That said I still like it for the part where you get the ship and are free to go pretty much wherever and do whatever you like.

      Actually, in the post game DLC quests you can get Aquila and all the inn girls to join you. Would've been so much better if they joined during the story, though.

      • 8 months ago

        >You can get some characters you might actually like in the post-post-post-post-post-Game
        >They're mute from the moment they join
        I will still take them but come on, the only character that talks through your journey is the gyaru fairy, she's great but she's only one person, party banter and character arcs are one of the one big part i like DQ games

      • 8 months ago

        The grotto grinding sucks so much
        >endless corridors filled with enemies that you instagib on the first command input that only exist to slow you down
        >find the boss, it's Trauminator that you killed 351000 times already
        >whatever, at least it might roll a high roll grotto
        >Received: Bronze Mine of Dolour lv.21

        • 8 months ago

          That's because the treasure map you've cleared sucked as well as your level, including level resets. You're supposed to grind yourself up, resetting your level from 99 to 1 at least 5 or 6 times while getting increasingly better maps.

          The grind in DQIX is ridiculous, but it's shortened a lot if you get a good map through the pseudo-street pass feature. I got a few good ones and had my mc at 99+3, but even that isn't enough to get the best maps. Also never got the one that only has metal king slimes on one floor, otherwise I would've probably grinded to 99+9 or something.

  25. 8 months ago

    I was disappointed that the dangerous bikini didn't have different designs for each class like in dq3

  26. 8 months ago

    Really, really fricking good.
    First DQ I ever played, still the only true DQ I'm aware of, with multiplayer capability.
    So good I got GBAs for myself and my wife of the time specifically for this one title and we played it together.

    I wouldn't go back to her because she turned out to be a faithless prostitute, but I'd play this again.

  27. 8 months ago

    The beginning of the end.

  28. 8 months ago

    cost to much.

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