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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago


  2. 6 months ago

    streamerbait slop

  3. 6 months ago

    i don't like arirals

    • 6 months ago

      Me neither. But it seems that they loose relevance after their tree house gets finished.

  4. 6 months ago

    white supremacist adjacent

  5. 6 months ago

    I'm only on Day 3 but I'm already getting tired of going out to get Hash codes from servers but there isn't enough to do on base to make the days go by any faster.

  6. 6 months ago

    yeah real subtle

  7. 6 months ago

    I really quite like it, Probably some of the most eerie and scary moments i had playing a non-frictional studio game. Some of the events genuinely catch me by surprise and created for really cool real life moments where searching for documentation on them lead to nothing as it was part of a really new update, and no one the thread would believe me lol. I'm a pretty impatient player so the slow hour long days and gameplay loop seems like it would have lost me, but new little things every day and the general dread from going outside at certain times helped break up the feeling pure monotony for me.

  8. 6 months ago

    It's a fun game, but I feel like the "horror" elements are nonexistent at this point which makes events like Bad Sun just feel kinda annoying. Oh, NOW you're a horror game, gee thanks I'll just wait in the basement for the next twenty five minutes I guess thanks. The only guy who can get scared by this game is Vargskeletor and that's because he could get scared by a curtain

    • 6 months ago

      The Joel streams are getting worse and worse because the creator of the game keeps putting in more and more content and Joel doesn't do ANYTHING. He fricks around and trips over himself over and over, sees one event, does a few scans, then doesn't stream against for a month.

      I like Joel but I really wish he was better at video games.

      • 6 months ago

        Ehhh it's kinda half-n-half for me. I love watching Joel experiment with crazy bullshit like trying to nail the TV to the ATV for an hour and a half, but I do agree that he should play the fricking game every now and then. At this point I think he just expects the events to come to him after Bad Sun and the Pyramid happened one after another

  9. 6 months ago


  10. 6 months ago

    homosexual furtroony game

  11. 6 months ago

    way more fun than I was expecting but I haven't kept up with the updates since I was somewhat burnt out and resetting objects again and again was annoying
    Kind of just waiting for a steam release to play again
    Also I really hope he gets the TV able to use other video types than MP4 if possible

  12. 6 months ago

    Signal simulator is better

    • 6 months ago

      really? or just contrarian opinion? because it looks really generic

      • 6 months ago

        I mean, it depends on what you're looking for. I you want a game that's actually about looking for alien signals in space with things happening every now and then Signal Simulator is easily the better game. If you want a wacky not at all serious game about aliens then go for Voices of the Void

  13. 6 months ago

    It's bad. It fails to be scary, it fails to be fun. What you're left with is basically just a directionless sandbox where you walk around completing meaningless tasks over and over.
    In Signal Simulator the horror came from the hints that you're being watched, but in VOTV it shoves it in your face so much that by the time something actually happens you're already numb to it.
    I'm not going to bother getting into the fact that the dev is a massive homosexual who'd rather add his gay furry OCs and groom teenagers on Twitter than add actual content. I will say that VOTV threads on Ganker are the only time I've been banned for using the word "troony" on Ganker, which says something about the type of people this game attracts.

    • 6 months ago

      signal simulator failed to be scary, it showed aliens first week in-game time and didn't get scarier at all.
      it's votv shit happens only after first week, game has very good pacing it has higher things happening and small.

      • 6 months ago

        >it showed aliens first week
        Anon please go to bed

    • 6 months ago

      signal simulator failed to be scary, it showed aliens first week in-game time and didn't get scarier at all.
      it's votv shit happens only after first week, game has very good pacing it has higher things happening and small.

      if anything, a "scary" signal simulator game should be about the balancing act between finding aliens and accidentally luring them over to destroy earth. stuff like trying to do tasks while under alien surveillance without getting caught researching their ships. it'd at least give you an excuse to frick about playing solitaire or something instead of just waiting for signals to process

      • 6 months ago

        what you described is a very boring game.
        good game would have tension, release, tension, release, tension, climate.
        something signal simulator failed to do.
        votv does it better but arguably too much of it, there also isn't enough player agency in what is happening.

      • 6 months ago

        signal simulator failed to be scary, it showed aliens first week in-game time and didn't get scarier at all.
        it's votv shit happens only after first week, game has very good pacing it has higher things happening and small.

        just make siginal simulator but fnaf
        there I did your job for you moron furgay dev

  14. 6 months ago

    im here for art and art only.

  15. 6 months ago

    Not on steam so not a real video game

  16. 6 months ago

    Map update fricking when?

  17. 6 months ago

    It's furshit, and the dev wants to focus more on memes than improving the game.

  18. 6 months ago

    Has potential but unfinished. Also really wish the dev didn't put his fetishes in the game. Wait for it to be finished

  19. 6 months ago

    I thought it was cool at first but like every troony game it puts in a troony aesthetics inspired character that ruins immersion. the fact that it's the aliens in this game is stupid. it could have been actually interesting aliens, not just a cat girl self insert race.

    • 6 months ago

      I think it would have been more tolerable if there were more aliens races that fricked with you instead of the catgirls being the main one.

  20. 6 months ago

    cool in most respects but really needs work done on pacing
    as it is it feels like there's two stages of the game, one where you don't have time to frick about and explore and one where you have nearly nothing to do all day
    some upgrades and items cost too much for what they do for you and others cost too little
    also other weirdness strewn throughout like your daily free supply delivery only giving you a box if you don't have any which creates a funny dichotomy where you should never have extra boxes lying around until you get that freebie and fill it for cash efficiency, a minor autistic nitpick to be sure but one that just doesn't really need to exist in the first place
    could also use better softlock protections than "just hit X reset on your save"
    fricking fix nails already so I don't have to reset half of them when I load the game back up
    and sex minigame with dr ena

    I hope the new map will breathe some life into the experience since there isn't really much reason to explore unless you already know there are things out there to find, 90% of the cool stuff on the map isn't in places where you would ever chance upon it doing your chores so to find it going in blind would require just walking into nothingness and eating up time you don't have until late in a run

  21. 6 months ago

    Arirals are pure fricking sludge and have damaged any hope of this game generating genuine discussion because it's either coomslop posters or people aggressively against it
    the later days just being nonstop, back to back HUGE events with very little downtime just completely ruins the flow of the slow paced nature of the game
    completely sidelining signals (THE FRICKING. MAIN THING. THE GAME WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR.) in favour of wacky events is also fricking rancid, there's still some planet types with like three signals in the pool
    Keep in mind I absolutely adore this game, but it's getting really tiring just seeing the direction it's going as well as the state of Ganker threads about the game

    • 6 months ago

      would give anything for an update that just adds like, hundreds of signals
      not even LE SPOOKY DEMON FACE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ones, just some variety to the space ambience that would make it feel a lot more immersive than churning out the same two unknown and gas giant signals every second

    • 6 months ago

      he looks like he fricks aliens

    • 6 months ago

      The reason it's moving away from being about signals is because 1) the dev is a furgay coomer enslaved by his degenerate sexual desires, and (more importantly) 2) no one actually wants to play a real signal game. People say they do, but very few of those people actually would if offered one. Both VOTV and Signal Sim are only known to most people because popular streamers covered them. I guarantee you the exaxt game you're looking for exists somewhere on Steam with 3 reviews. There's simply no viable market for a game that's actually about sitting at a control station scanning for alien life. There has to be streamer/coomer bait elements to hopefully bring in an alternate audience.

      • 6 months ago

        Speak for yourself but Signal Sim is genuinely one of the comfiest games there is for me, the signal aspect as well as just being able to watch full fricking TV shows and shit is so damn good
        VOTV kinda scratches that itch but again, it's such a damn shame Nose is so weirdly hesitant on fleshing out the planet ambience pools
        It wouldn't even get the in way of his coomershit either you know? I've always wanted to post about this directly to him but I can only imagine how horrendous the feedback discord is

        • 6 months ago

          the last bit of copium would be to assume he'll add a lot of 'filler' signals near the end of development
          pretty sure there's genuinely like only two gas giant ones, no way is that final

  22. 6 months ago

    Wishes it was lethal company

  23. 6 months ago

    I like it.

  24. 6 months ago

    idk, new builds keep coming out in the middle of my playthroughs so I'm just waiting on 1.0 at this point

  25. 6 months ago

    shit game shilled by Ganker furries, i played for 10 hours and literally nothing happened

  26. 6 months ago

    A game for engineers? 'cause I have no idea what to do

    • 6 months ago

      What are you confused by?

  27. 6 months ago

    I don't play garbage that doesn't support modern resolutions.

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