Yup, I got filtered

I tried, I truly did. I really wanted to give this a chance. The story is cool, the characters are cool, the music ficking ROCKS. But that battle system and encounter rate sucks to high heaven and it just ruined the whole experience.
Guess Persona really did start at 3

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  1. 6 months ago

    Yeah. The gameplay is bad. You can play on easy mode, use one of the broken fusion skill combos (elec + thunder for example), and use emulator fast-forward function a lot. But it'll still be pretty bad gameplay. EP is a little better, but still not great

    Persona 1 gameplay, however, is not shit. It's retro RPG gameplay, so it will scare zoomers. But it's good.

    • 6 months ago

      Persona started at 3

      • 6 months ago

        Y'know, in the vast unlikelyhood that Fatlus finally decides to remake this game, will you Black folk switch over to "Persona started at 2" instead?

      • 6 months ago

        Persona ended with Punishment. Frick all the gay high school dating sims that came out after that.

    • 6 months ago

      so you skipped the first one altogether? Cause persona 1 had much higher enemy encounter rate.

      the sheer amount of random encounters make it bad. Still love it more than any other persona. Maki is such a sad character, I wish there was a way to save the real maki

      • 6 months ago

        >Maki is such a sad character, I wish there was a way to save the real maki
        Hmm what do you mean. "Real" Maki gets out of the hospital, graduates, is implied to date MC, and then in P2 we see she's training to be a therapist and at some point she also learned to wield a Persona on her own

        Unless by real Maki you mean fake other world Maki. But she is a persona (but not that kind of persona) of real Maki and gets merged into her psyche at the end.

    • 6 months ago

      >Persona 1 gameplay, however, is not shit.
      Very, deeply wrong. Whilst P2's gameplay is slow and easy, P1's gameplay is marginally less slow, easy, and extra tedious with a completely pointless grid-based combat system that serves not to challenge, but to annoy. Frick P1's combat.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          You: Delusional.
          Me: Sane.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, by shit

  2. 6 months ago

    Honestly, just cheat lol. I cheated to get the cards because I really didn't feel like grinding for them

  3. 6 months ago


    1 - complete shit
    2 Innocent Sin - a little better but still basically shit
    2 Eternal Punishment - another little improvement but still basically shit

    The people who say 2 is better than 3, or that 3 was a betrayal of the series, or something like that - those people are absolutely stupid as frick and that is god's honest truth

    • 6 months ago

      3 was shit too

  4. 6 months ago

    Persona 2 > Persona 2 EP > Persona 1 > Persona 3A > Persona 4 > Persona 3 > Persona 5

  5. 6 months ago

    Persona started a 4

  6. 6 months ago

    You gays are all wrong
    Persona obviously started at Trinity Souls

    • 6 months ago

      is it good? I never watched it. If it's better than persona 5 "story", I'll at least give a chance

    • 6 months ago


  7. 6 months ago

    banger op tho


    • 6 months ago

      Would be better if Lotus Juice hadn't Lotus Juiced all over it

    • 6 months ago

      I prefer the original, sure they do drag out. But it sets the tone quite well.

      • 6 months ago

        Well it's a good thing the EP remake brings the song back.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, thankfully this version of the game is now available in English after so many years.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It's a good song, it just doesn't fit Persona 2

  8. 6 months ago

    just put the game on easy, fast forward whenever you are in a dungeon or in combat and only play with auto battle
    play it like a vn and it's good

  9. 6 months ago

    This game cannot be any worse than the bullshit that is Soul Hackers

    • 6 months ago

      Frick you, Soul Hackers was ludo of the highest degree
      Unless, of course, you're talking about the sequel, in which case, fair enough

      • 6 months ago

        Soul Hackers gameplay is a whole other level of horseshit. The minute you run low on mag you're grinding just to get more, and it's a long uphill road getting enough of it because your demons are all overleveled by then

        • 6 months ago

          Anon... you fell for the
          >imagine summoning demons in a game called devil summoner

          You never need to grind for MAG. As soon as Nemissa gets her first hit-all spell you can spam that to dispatch almost every battle. Especially if you pumped her with a little Agility so she goes first. That plus a good Zoma and maybe one other demon and you'll run a MAG surplus by far. Exchange the excess for macca and you can also buy whatever you want whenever you want.

  10. 6 months ago

    What combat system would you prefer to have that fits into this aesthetic?

  11. 6 months ago

    Just talk to the demons. That will at least net some benefit not to waste resources on battling them. At the very they'll leave the battle.

  12. 6 months ago

    why are zoomers so fricking weak?

  13. 6 months ago

    The story and characters are overrated too. P1 is a lot more interesting and atmospheric in that regard, P2 is as juvenile as the games that followed.

  14. 6 months ago

    I finished IS and EP, the games are just shit. EP less so, but IS on PSP is one of the worst JRPGs I have ever played. The story isn't even as good as P2gays make it out to be, it has a good premise, but it takes forever to get to the actually fun part and the storytelling is bad enough throughout the game that even when it gets to bringing up some interesting ideas or having something fun going on in the story, it never lands. The cast is decently charismatic and Eikichi and Lisa play off each other well, but their character arcs are unbearably boring, Lisa's idol arc was so boring and felt like it would never end, and the story can't even commit to the moral lesson it's trying to pack into Eikichi's story and immediately undermines it when his arc is done.

    Playing the game was such a boring slog that it made me completely re-eavaluate my opinion that a game can have a good story but bad gameplay. I don't think the game has a great story anyway, but I could have enjoyed it a lot more had it no been packaged into a shit JRPG, it being structured around that gameplay makes even the things that I think could work fail. It made me realize that even the games I considered to have bad gameplay but good story in the past actually gave much more consideration to how the story would be told as you played the game, giving the story the time to breathe it needed when it was the focus and not letting the gameplay sections feel so detached from the story and overlong that it's hard to remain engaged. P2 doesn't feel like it does either of those things, to the point that it doesn't even feel like the people making it cared about it. I felt like I was playing a game by people who were sleepwalking through every aspect of the game's design. I still can't believe how bad it was because I am admittedly a huge Fatlus wienersucker and will defend so many of their games, and I even think the SNES SMTs and P1 are good, but I hated IS. EP's better, but not great.

  15. 6 months ago

    I would say thay this game could use a remake, but Fatlus would frick it up so hard by adding shit thay won't belong like S Links and shit

    • 6 months ago

      The only few things I would hope for in terms of a remake would be of the additional scenarios in the PSP ports. I wouldn't be surprised if Atlus were to try to integrate S. Links to appeal to newer players. But I wonder how it would work considering the structure of the plot. It's not like the modern games where it takes place over the course of a year. All in all, it would be nice if Atlus just ported their catalogue onto modern systems.

      • 6 months ago

        bold of you to assume atlus likes making money

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