>best class. >worst class

>best class
>worst class

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Best class: Spy
    >Worst class: Spy

    • 2 years ago

      Spy is the most fun, yet is also the most underpowered

    • 2 years ago

      Spy is the most fun, yet is also the most underpowered

      Spy is hard countered by game knowledge and communication but his mere existence adds a shit-ton of depth to the game. Would have to agree.

      • 2 years ago

        He makes the first choke of Borneo near impossible for blu

    • 2 years ago

      Until trickstabbing/frontstabbing/glitchstabbing is patched, he'll always be the most broken class by far.

      Backstabbing should only apply to backstabbing, simple as.

    • 2 years ago

      Spy is the most fun, yet is also the most underpowered

      Spy is hard countered by game knowledge and communication but his mere existence adds a shit-ton of depth to the game. Would have to agree.

      I absolutely hate playing spy and fighting against (good) spies, however it's undeniable that this class is a big part of TF2's lasting appeal. The Spy's gameplay, and the defensive measures that must be taken by other classes when there are good spies about, constitute something that is completely unique to this game and that none of the dozens of supposed TF2-killers have yet to successfully emulate.

    • 2 years ago

      i will kill a normal spy 7 times out of 10 no matter how skillful he is, but some spies are literally fricking untouchable, like 6 pyros spy checking and they never find them then boom you get backstabbed and the freeze cam is of the spy literally a fricking mile away somehow, i'm pretty sure those are cheaters and they're way more annoying than snipers. They dominate the leaderboard and the game is pretty much over the second the join since they kill like 5 people with the kunai rendereing them fricking invincible. I know a good spy when i see one but those gays will backstab you while you airblast them away

      • 2 years ago

        Spy's problem is that he has so much downtime. He first has to travel around the enemy team invisibly and pray a stray flame, bullet, or explosion doesn't nick him or he's toast. After that he has to carefully approach who he wants to kill because he most likely can't get away with more than one at a time. Every other class is more immediately effective because they can just start shooting when they see an enemy and at a much farther range. If they didn't nerf the ambassador to oblivion he would be way better.

    • 2 years ago

      >My team spy: fail backstab and proceed to die or hide in corner with cloak and dagger
      >Enemy team spy: 1v5 with kunai chain face stabber

      • 2 years ago

        >my team's pyro: wm1 200 ping fresh install who doesn't even know there are spies in the game
        >Enemy team pyro: Det jumping reflect god with a spies marked on his mini map

      • 2 years ago

        >my team's pyro: wm1 200 ping fresh install who doesn't even know there are spies in the game
        >Enemy team pyro: Det jumping reflect god with a spies marked on his mini map

        reddit. NEXT.

  2. 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    Soldier's the most fun
    Engie or Sniper is probably the most boring with no depth to them whatsoever

  4. 2 years ago

    Most fun class: Soldier
    Most overpowered class: Sniper
    Most easy class: Pyro
    Most boring class: Heavy
    Class I never bothered to learn: Spy

    • 2 years ago

      Swap pyro with solider.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, Pyro will always be the noob fodder class because W+M1 is so braindead, now with the post JI simplified airblast he is even more braindead

  5. 2 years ago

    Sniper is the worst as in he's actively bad for the health of the game. All my friends stopped playing TF2 because they were tired of Sniper's bullshit and that was before the bot crisis started.

  6. 2 years ago

    Pyro has a low skill floor but once you git gud you have so many paths to take. Stock, combo, support etc Personally im a stock, panic attack, homewrecker/power jack chad. Because I love reflecting shit, ambushing with a shotgun blash to the back.

    >completely shut down that backpack solider, so much so he never shoots at me
    >reflects a huntsman
    >spies hate me and cry in chat
    >scouts scream when i beat them in a shotgun duel

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      something tells me that the homosexual that made this chart mains scout and spy

      • 2 years ago

        >mains scout and spy
        As God intended. Most fun classes

    • 2 years ago

      Mad you didn't get healed.

    • 2 years ago

      You just took the list someone posted earlier and randomly shuffled them around you gay.

  8. 2 years ago

    Wish we got a world where Spy got more acutaly spy stuff as unlock rather than just a series of stat swap guns, knives and a worse sapper. Give me tracer darts, ability to make decoys, a sapper that makes sucks health and ammo if you put on a dispenser.

    instead you get a mattador carried by janky hitboxes and is still the worst class

  9. 2 years ago
  10. 2 years ago

    I miss the sandman cleaver combo

    • 2 years ago

      Was super fun to land

  11. 2 years ago

    Best: my favorite
    Worst: Your favorite

  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Demo with sticky spam is considered high skilled
      >Meanwhile demoknight a totally melee reliant class is trash
      who wrote this shit?

  13. 2 years ago

    it's 2022 homosexual, time to let the fricking game die

    • 2 years ago

      it's 2022 troony, time to realize that you will never be a woman, also that constantly cooming and simpin for literal who prostitutes is a waste of time

  14. 2 years ago

    Heavy has the highest skill requirement of any class in the game. He literally can't even move. You need a 200IQ to do all of your positioning before the fight even starts. It's like playing chess where you have to submit all of your own moves ahead of time while your opponent plays normally. He's also the only class that can't look around while fighting because of his continuous-fire weapon. Playing Heavy is the experience of being a blind man with no legs.

    Despite this, he's the most important. More important than the medic or engineer or anyone else. Why? Because despite being a fat fricking cripple, Heavy demands RESPECT. You walk into the same room as a well prepared Heavy? Dead. You try to play the objective without focusing down the Heavy? Dead. Nobody warned you that a Heavy spent the last 3 minutes trundling around your flank? Dead, you and your whole team, and frick your dispenser too. Spies exist to commit SUICIDE on the enemy Heavy to make the game even playable, the enemy Heavy dying is 30 full seconds of the objective being 20x easier to capture.

    You CAN NOT compete with the Heavy. He's the true intelligent man's class. True strategists play Heavy and lead their team to victory, everyone listening to the Heavy's orders because he's got 3x as many points as the next guy and a 12:1 k/d. You are the cliff face the waves of the enemy team break themselves upon, as well as the spearhead used to pierce the frontline. It's no wonder almost nobody plays Heavy, the sheer responsibility that comes with such power as well as the tactical thinking necessary to take advantage of it is much more complicated than Soldier's 'shoot at feet' or Pyros 'W + M1'.

    • 2 years ago

      Positioning and spy checking is all heavy is

      • 2 years ago

        Chess is just picking up pieces and putting them back down.

    • 2 years ago

      I would argue spy is as important in these respects as heavy, spy is faster but incredibly weak when found out and as such also demands 200IQ 4D chess skills, a skilled spy against a clueless heavy will destroy him, and a spy master against heavies that are not masters will destroy them as well, a good spy player makes the entire enemy team shit themselves looking behind their back and will use any opportunity to attack at the best moment in order to win the game when the other team is not paying attention.

      The only thing that might make spy worse however, is the absurdly high skill ceiling, mastering requires everything from you, even luck, you need focus, reaction speed, quick thinking, and many times literally just instinct and muscle memory aquired after dying thousands of times after failing backstabs that looked like they should have worked or getting found out by players who looked back at the last minute.

      • 2 years ago

        >I would argue spy is as important in these respects as heavy
        I would disagree with this insofar as Spy is a pick class while Heavy has capacity has a power as well as a pick class. You can drop a Spy or a Heavy into an area to clear it out of some enemies, but only the Heavy can be left there to keep enemies out into the future. A Spy defending a room by himself is a room undefended from anyone with ears.

        • 2 years ago

          >uncle dean class categories

          go back

          • 2 years ago

            >hear common terms
            who let you out of your pen

            I meant in general, if we're talking competitive spy is definitely fricked compared to a heavy, if spy was balanced around competitive it would be OP in every other scenario

            Competitive meaning 6s? Because those are aids and nobody should ever think about them.

        • 2 years ago

          I meant in general, if we're talking competitive spy is definitely fricked compared to a heavy, if spy was balanced around competitive it would be OP in every other scenario

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah a slightly more competitive casual space such as uncletopia where spy still can shine because of the chaos is fine but real competitive where organized teams are fighting for their lives completely changes the dynamic

    • 2 years ago

      >jump around corners
      >look behind you every now and then
      >die to a sniper so avoid that sightline
      >die to another sniper
      >switch class

      • 2 years ago

        >Sitching classes instead of sneaking up on the sniper as heavy and embarrassing the frick out of him.

      • 2 years ago

        >die to sniper
        >decide to take matters into my own hands
        >order medic to uber me
        >charge out sliding door
        >sprint straight through mid up to a group of snipers with my gru
        >moronic enemy pyros airblast me closer to my target and shave several seconds off my travel time, all according to plan
        >drop three snipers with three melee crits
        >proceed to win game

        Just Heavy stuff, you wouldn't understand.

    • 2 years ago

      People think heavy takes no skill because when they see his barrel pointing at them, they're already dead. They don't know how much work went into getting the barrel there in the first place.

      • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    How 2 fix sniper with one easy step:
    >remove all primaries except for Sydney Sleeper, Huntsman, and Classic
    It's that simple

    • 2 years ago

      >How 2 fix sniper with one easy step:
      Get rid of 150 damage quick scopes.

      • 2 years ago

        That's a much better idea than mine. Honestly I'm fine with anything they do, as long as the Huntsman stays untouched

    • 2 years ago

      just give him reverse dmg fall off

      • 2 years ago

        I think it's called "Damage ramp-up."
        A better way to fix sniper is make him do mini crits on headshot until you have at least half charge. Frick quick scopes this ain't call of duty.
        Buff the SMG to make sniper not defenseless in cqc unless he runs jarate, though.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah that charge up idea is better
          allows for skillful close range headshots without just clicking two button and getting an insta kill but still punishes players who arent aggressive enough or have bad movement

  16. 2 years ago

    I refuse to play any class other than medic, scout, soldier or demo (or sniper/spy if im having a laugh) These are the only fun classes

  17. 2 years ago

    On which angle:

    Fun? I had more fun with Heavy and Pyro. And playing around their limitations felt more involved than the theoretically more skillful classes like Demo or Soldier.

    Skill? With most everything being hitscan, by default the classes with non-hitscan weapons require more skill than others to play well. Even if Demo can be played as a spam-bot.

    Utility to team? Spy and Sniper overlap, but can take out the objectively most utility class of medic before their trump card can be deployed. But, because of their nature, they tend to get over-picked and thus become a detriment to the team.

  18. 2 years ago

    How do I have fun playing Engi?

    • 2 years ago

      Because he's fun.

    • 2 years ago

      By getting gud
      >Learn how to wrangle jump
      >Learn how to wrangle abuse
      >Learn how to frontier justice abuse
      >Get good aim and frick 99% of the people that think engi is easy to kill but forget he has a shotgun and 150 hp.
      >Learn how to wrangle abuse lvl 3s and carry your whole team since the only counter to you is coordination or an overwhelming amount of coordinated spam.

      • 2 years ago

        >and 150 hp.
        Isn't that just with gunslinger?

        • 2 years ago

          If you are taking 1v1s as wrench sentry you are probably doing something wrong honestly.

    • 2 years ago

      Play like your team mates are bots that you need to guide to victory with proper building placement. 99% of engineer players don't seem to realize how much control he has over his team just through dispenser and teleporter placement.

    • 2 years ago

      Figure out the cheekiest spots for mini sentries and later clean house with your juiced up Frontier Justice
      >tfw that time I died before I could unload my >20 stored crits
      It still haunts me

    • 2 years ago

      >put on shotgun/panic attack, gunslinger, pistol
      >don't place any minis
      >destroy with meatshots/pistol cleanups

    • 2 years ago

      don't stress over every lost building. Realise how much you can help with a tele and dispenser.

    • 2 years ago

      learn to relax and play comfy. you dont have the speed or immediate firepower to take 1v1s constantly. if you run gunslinger, keep an eye out for where your team is and how much shit is getting slung their way to determine where you should go/place your mini.

    • 2 years ago

      Aggressive jag engie on payload offense.
      Level 2 sentries are mean, and still very disposable, especially with all the ammo just laying around the front lines.
      People sleep on the short circuit cart defense too.

  19. 2 years ago

    how do i enjoy scout in 12v12s? i just die constantly since theres only 2-3 ways to go and theres so much explosive spam.

    • 2 years ago

      Avoid closed spaces
      Don't play it on payload offense, play it on defense instead, scout is just very efficient at covering zones when it comes to payload defense.
      Just flank 24/7 in koth since playing in any main region will end up with you dying to spam.
      If there's too much spam just switch to something else, there's 8 other classes in the game for a reason

  20. 2 years ago

    Best: Medic
    Worst: Sniper
    I have no beef with snipers, but the class has no reason to exist in a game with such cramped maps.

    • 2 years ago

      His soul job is getting Medic and Engi picks from a safe distance.
      After that it's killing overhealed Heavies and countering their enemy team counterpart.

  21. 2 years ago

    >Best wiener
    >Worst wiener

  22. 2 years ago

    Heavy absolutely does require skill, I can tell because I've played with unskilled Heavies before. Heavy was my favorite class to play and I was good with him. I also enjoyed Scout but I wasn't quite as good.

  23. 2 years ago

    >Best class
    Objectively Soldier. Developers plainly state he was designed to be the most well rounded class. Able to be comfortable in any situation. The backbone of any team.

    >Worst class
    Pyro. Admitted by the developers to struggle getting kills on his own. He is an offensive support class. Meant to run into the enemy team, set them on fire, die, and leaving them on half health so the rest of his team can clean up.
    He was originally designed for players who had bad aim due to terrible connection. The flames particles are easier to hit opponents, and thus designed him around hitting enemies and retreating.
    He's really only useful for supporting engineers on defensive holds. Killing spies, reflecting projectiles and repelling ubers.

    • 2 years ago

      Pyro can frick up Scout pretty good

      • 2 years ago

        If he can catch them.

      • 2 years ago

        If he can catch them.

        I main both pyro and scout (scout for longer) and scout vs pyro is an interesting match up. It really is a mind game as well as circumstantial. If even a great scout gets too close and enters your flame range he's dead: the thing about the flamethrower is that it completely invalidates evasive maneuvers, meanwhile as a pyro you can jump and spazz about all you want making it harder for him to land shots. You can flame him, push him away and follow up with a det blast. As scout all you have to do is keep your distance and if you do get close make sure you land your shots—but that's easier said than done though. As pyro I'll hide around corners duke them just enough to lick them with flames. As scout, you see a pyro out in the open and he doesn't see you he's as good as dead. If you both see each other it's a more difficult game. The problem with scout and match ups where he has to keep his distance is that in a 12v12 picking off a pyro or direct hit soldier gives time for more enemies to appear and focus to be on it. It's often better to flank a pyro and stick your gun up his ass

  24. 2 years ago

    What do you do as Scout when getting close isn't viable? Plinking people for 8 damage with the pistol isn't too great

    • 2 years ago

      Take the alt-routes designed for you, spies and pyros to flank enemies. Use Bonk to run past enemy chokeholds. Use Crit-A-Cola to extend your range. Keep in mind that the Scout isn't balanced around (most) 32 player maps.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean? Like there's a sentry or too much spam? I click the "find new game" button. Jokes aside I usually patrol the flanks or try to get to the back line. Or are you referring to trying to stay back from pyros and direct hits?

    • 2 years ago

      Take advantage of the chaos every time of your teammate distraction or just pop nuke cola to distract sentry.

    • 2 years ago

      switch classes
      there are nine (9) of them

  25. 2 years ago

    Heavy is the main character

  26. 2 years ago

    are the bots gone? can i play the game now?

  27. 2 years ago

    >troony fortress 2
    >in 2022

  28. 2 years ago

    >Loud brapping echoes throughout the map
    >Camera cuts to RED base
    >Heavy is sitting on Scout's face
    >Scout is visibly erect
    >Heavy pulls out a hot pepper and eats it
    >Eyes go wide
    >"Uh oh"
    >Lets out an atomic brap
    >Scout gets up
    >His face is on fire
    >Sniper runs in and throws a mason jar at the Scout
    >"I upgraded mates!"
    >Heavy looks at the Scout
    >The jar was full of chunky half liquid shit
    >Scout pops a boner again
    >Demo walks in and begins fricking the Scout while smothering as much of the poo on him as possible
    >Scout braps hard enough to inflate the demo and separate them
    >"I've got two dickets to the cum show, and I'm not giving 'em to ya. I'm going with YOUR dickets"
    >Demo begins to float away
    >Spy runs up and grabs the demo's legs
    >"Well, off to visit your mothers!"
    >Spy slips due to the poop and lands anus first on the scope of a BLU sniper who was looking up and spinning (He's a bot)
    >Sniper begins shooting
    >Spy begins pissing and sharting from the experience
    >Medic and Engineer gaze upon the whole scene with a concerned look on their faces

  29. 2 years ago

    Why does this guy STILL spam this extremely long and unfunny greentext? He almost never gets any (You)s so why does he still do it?

    • 2 years ago

      Eh. Next.

    • 2 years ago

      Every version is personalized.

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