>BTFO's elden ring 5 years before it even comes out

>BTFO's elden ring 5 years before it even comes out

CRIME Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    When's his game Rondo of Bug coming out?

    • 4 months ago

      critics strive for perfection which can never be achieved.

  2. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        He tends to play games blind drunk, was that one of those streams?

        • 4 months ago

          >moronic e-celeb cuck is a pathetic loser who can't function without alcohol
          Embarrassing. Hope he dies of cirrhosis

          • 4 months ago

            Well he is Irish

        • 4 months ago

          No. He said the game was one of his favorites. I love playing guitar *completely fails smoke on the water riff*.

          • 4 months ago

            >I love playing difficult gamer action games!
            >dies in very easy bayonetta, has to go back to fromslop

            • 4 months ago

              >I love playing action games
              >gets forced into dogshit minigames, endless cutscenes and QTEs
              Kamiya is a hack.

              • 4 months ago

                git gud

              • 4 months ago

                At what? Watching a movie?

              • 4 months ago

                at pressing r2 and then x

              • 4 months ago

                Too many buttons for Frombabs

    • 4 months ago

      How the frick can someone be this bad

      • 4 months ago

        Being a critic requires you to be terrible at games. Btw this is exactly how DSP plays SOR2 lol. Same character and tactics.

        • 4 months ago

          2D beat-em-ups are complete shit, to be fair

          • 4 months ago

            Nah. SoRs are pretty cool games. Especially SoR 3, Remake and 4.

            • 4 months ago

              the first streets of rage is complete kusoge

        • 4 months ago

          That elevator is the hardest part of the game

      • 4 months ago

        The secret is to play while reading chat.

        Almost all of these "look at how dumb this streamer" videos ignore that they're playing with less than half of their attention. Not all of them, some streamers are just shit.

    • 4 months ago

      What a brainlet. No wonder he prefers the gimmicks and never dared to talk about the Souls PvP or the mechanics of Sekiro.

      • 4 months ago

        People who flaunt Souls PvP always fail at any real PvP fighting game

    • 4 months ago

      Being a critic requires you to be terrible at games. Btw this is exactly how DSP plays SOR2 lol. Same character and tactics.

      he was also drunk and in the middle of a rant btw

      • 4 months ago

        So is every Irishman at every moment of every day.

      • 4 months ago

        >defending his boyfriend
        Good sissy.

        • 4 months ago

          Very feminine of you

          • 4 months ago

            >admitting he feels compelled to defend his favorite TroonTuber whenever he's called out on his moronic videos

            • 4 months ago

              I feel compelled to attack people who post stupid shit.

              • 4 months ago

                Exactly, which is why we're all bashing TrantranMatosis's moronic videos. Glad we agree, pup.

              • 4 months ago

                No you're a moron who thinks that a clip of someone forgetting to reload a gun in a videogame means anything.

              • 4 months ago

                It means he's a moron who sucks wiener at games, but more importantly, his dumbass "criticism" videos demonstrate that his understanding of the games he's reviewing is fundamentally flawed. Fortunately for him, his fanbase consists of moronic Black folk like you who slurp down his jizz and beg for more.

              • 4 months ago

                Post your Devil May Cry DMD S rank playthrough.

              • 4 months ago

                I accept your concession.
                >h-hehe owned!
                I don't play troony May Slop.

              • 4 months ago

                So you're telling me you have no rebuttal and you have a troony fetish?

              • 4 months ago

                I'm telling you I don't play Capcom's slop.

                >My criticism is reliant upon watching the moron's video and discovering that he fundamentally doesn't know what the frick he's talking about
                ah yes the good ol' "ALALALLALA I CANT HEAR YOU" argument

                >braindead strawman because he can't handle his boyfriend being criticized
                If you read through the thread you'd see various posts of anons dissecting the potato farmer's arguments, but you'll just cry and say "NUH UH" or "lol I'm not reading all that shit" because you're a homosexual. Your family deserves to be killed btw.

              • 4 months ago

                No, I'm pretty sure you mentioned trannies because you're one yourself. Sort of like those pedos who try to claim others are pedos to hide their shame.

                >another moronic strawman because he can't handle his boyfriend being criticized
                I was playing it when it came out on GameCube, i.e. before you were born.

                Post your RE4 Professional no death run.

              • 4 months ago

                >n-no u!

                You use Reddit spacing and are a mentally ill 27 year old male who cries about YouTube videos and Elden Ring. Ew.

                >literally no spacing in that post

              • 4 months ago

                So you don't even play the videogame that you're accusing him of being bad at.

                You really are just mad that he called DS2 shit aren't you?

              • 4 months ago

                >Your family deserves to be killed btw.
                and thus the troony shows his true colors by going apeshit and dilating, menacingly screaming death threats

                too bad you will join the 50% soon

              • 4 months ago

                >gives up and starts crying

              • 4 months ago

                hello red.dit

              • 4 months ago

                > .
                Hello resetera

              • 4 months ago

                >he doesn't know about the filter
                holy shit you ACTUALLY are from reddit lmao, jesus go back and kys

              • 4 months ago

                Take your meds you moron, I was making a joke about you throwing a shitfit over punctuation

              • 4 months ago

                Your criticism is reliant on a 27 second clip from a livestream. You're an idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                My criticism is reliant upon watching the moron's video and discovering that he fundamentally doesn't know what the frick he's talking about. You're the one who's hung up on the fact that I made fun of your troony crush's shitty performance in RE4 and are obsessing over it. I hope your mother gets shot in the head for the crime of shitting you out.

              • 4 months ago

                >My criticism is reliant upon watching the moron's video and discovering that he fundamentally doesn't know what the frick he's talking about
                ah yes the good ol' "ALALALLALA I CANT HEAR YOU" argument

              • 4 months ago

                >I made fun of your troony crush's shitty performance in RE4 and are obsessing over it. I hope your mother gets shot in the head for the crime of shitting you out.

                Clearly we are dealing with a mentally stable individual here.

              • 4 months ago

                You haven't even played RE4.

              • 4 months ago

                >another moronic strawman because he can't handle his boyfriend being criticized
                I was playing it when it came out on GameCube, i.e. before you were born.

              • 4 months ago

                You use Reddit spacing and are a mentally ill 27 year old male who cries about YouTube videos and Elden Ring. Ew.

              • 4 months ago

                >You use Reddit spacing

                No, I'm pretty sure you mentioned trannies because you're one yourself. Sort of like those pedos who try to claim others are pedos to hide their shame.

                Post your RE4 Professional no death run.

              • 4 months ago

                >implying that was reddit spacing
                lmao your ass hurt is palpable. It's sad how children are so easily infected with troony brainrot

              • 4 months ago

                It's Reddit spacing. Where do you think "Reddit spacing" originally came from?

                Why don't you put a line between your greentext and text? Because you're some ResetEra shitter that doesn't know the board.

              • 4 months ago

                >gets angry at people for being bad at videogames
                >doesn't even play videogames

                Anon you need professional help

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Anon I am hearing what you are saying and it has become very clear that you are a mentally ill autist who spergs out at everyone because someone didn't like your favourite souls game.

              • 4 months ago

                >Yes, Master, you're right... I'm kneeling like a little b***h pup... Please accept my concession...
                Good dog.

              • 4 months ago

                What the frick is this image?
                Oh you're some Brazilian shitter. Every fricking time.

              • 4 months ago

                Rent free.

                >he doesn't know about the filter
                holy shit you ACTUALLY are from reddit lmao, jesus go back and kys

                >immediately outs himself as a moron in the very next post
                The jokes write themselves.

                Yes I will accept your concession. You have nothing to stand on.

                >n-no u!
                Most certainly a Tardkurat.

              • 4 months ago

                Take your meds you moron, I was making a joke about you throwing a shitfit over punctuation

                >OH NO NO NO NO

              • 4 months ago

                Yes I will accept your concession. You have nothing to stand on.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >didnt quote anon
                >he portrayed himself as the wojack
                anon, no

              • 4 months ago

                >It means he's a moron who sucks wiener at games

                Prove you're better than TrantranMatosis at videogames by posting your DMC1 DMD S rank no damage playthrough.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm telling you I don't play Capcom's slop.
                >braindead strawman because he can't handle his boyfriend being criticized
                If you read through the thread you'd see various posts of anons dissecting the potato farmer's arguments, but you'll just cry and say "NUH UH" or "lol I'm not reading all that shit" because you're a homosexual. Your family deserves to be killed btw.

              • 4 months ago

                Shiiiitt you got him. There's no way that Discord poster even plays games how he gonna beat this

                Discord-kun what you gonna do you gonna let this Anon talk to you like that? Goddamn

              • 4 months ago

                >trite /misc/turd drivel
                Yawn, 90 IQ max

              • 4 months ago



                Rent free, moeshitter.

              • 4 months ago

                dumb dbspic

              • 4 months ago

                >Died in Resident Evil 4? Heh.. now your whole argument is moot

                Yes. yes. we know you're seething. there's no need to post twice

    • 4 months ago

      Well this 30 second webm invalidated everything he has ever said and convinced me to never watch his videos ever again. Being bad at video games is super cringe.

      • 4 months ago

        Similar thing happened with that bloodboune guy when I saw his Mon Hun gameplay, no reason to listen to someone that bad.

    • 4 months ago

      welp there it goes my respect

    • 4 months ago

      Was he drunk or fricked up on drugs or something?

    • 4 months ago

      Being a critic requires you to be terrible at games. Btw this is exactly how DSP plays SOR2 lol. Same character and tactics.

      He was streaming while trying to entertain his audience he's bound to play worse and he's done a dmc1 no damage s rank DMD run before and did something similar with viewful joe something that most of you here wouldn't have the skill or willpower to do

      • 4 months ago

        >It means he's a moron who sucks wiener at games

        Prove you're better than TrantranMatosis at videogames by posting your DMC1 DMD S rank no damage playthrough.

        this was spliced though

        • 4 months ago

          Nobody is claiming it wasn't. This autist cant even S rank 1 level, never mind the whole game.

    • 4 months ago

      >No watermark, no stream UI, no timestamps, no chat
      Totally no fake, totally not anon playing.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >Consolebabies are bad at shooters
          woooooooow shocker

          • 4 months ago

            Get this, he says it's one of the "games that define him".

            • 4 months ago

              Hes an internet persona so it actually does define his image publicly as that celebrity persona.

            • 4 months ago

              So? He's not a hardcore combo mad autist

              • 4 months ago

                The point is he has no skills in a game he says is one of his favorites. The only games he has ever mastered are Kamiya slop because he's obsessed with that hack for some reason.

              • 4 months ago

                >The point is he has no skills in a game he says is one of his favorites.
                I don't see the problem

              • 4 months ago

                Not having any proficiency in something you say is your favorite is called being a poser.

              • 4 months ago

                Nah there is nothing wrong with that

              • 4 months ago

                have a nice day.

              • 4 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 4 months ago

                No it just means you like that thing most, that's what favorite means.
                I love huun huur tu the tuvan throat singing band. I cant throat sing, they are still my favorite band.

              • 4 months ago

                >No it just means you like that thing most
                You like it so much you can't even devote time to get good at it? Disingenuous.

              • 4 months ago

                You doing okay anon?

              • 4 months ago

                >t. vidya journo

              • 4 months ago

                Show me your Professional S rank playthrough

  3. 4 months ago

    >gets so mindbroken by elden ring that he stops making videos forever

  4. 4 months ago


    Oh hey, I haven't seen you whining like a woman in a while, how's your transition going?

  5. 4 months ago

    I still think the whole context sensitivity thing was a just a turbo autistic hyper fixation, and that it's not a real issue at all.

  6. 4 months ago

    watching it right now and he's shitting on elden ring years before it came out. I agree 100% elden ring is shit

    • 4 months ago

      We know you do, Cucktosis

  7. 4 months ago

    buy an ad

  8. 4 months ago

    >enjoys the smell of his own farts so much that he actually starts believing that his explanation of why demon souls and dark souls are good are the only possible truth and it's actually what miyazaki intended as well
    >later games directed by miyazaki all double down on the things he shat on ds2 for
    >stops making videos
    at least he figured out he was full of shit
    a shame his moronic patrons can't do the same

  9. 4 months ago

    Are we pretending Arcane Kinship didn't completely obliterate his arguments?

    • 4 months ago

      >a retort to a 20 minute video is 2 hours long
      i have a sinking suspicion that video is yours and I will not watching it. the comments alone are enough to tell me the contents

      • 4 months ago

        >I will not watching it
        esl pls

        • 4 months ago

          >slight mistake
          >everything else is perfectly legible
          >second language
          So it is you, huh?

          • 4 months ago

            stop trying to downplay it

        • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Is this how you handle all confrontations with reality? By sticking your head in the sand?

        • 4 months ago

          No i get my opinion from reddit and twitter
          but I did actually watch it for a little bit while i continued to shitpost in /vg/. His video is arguing semantics and I didnt bother watching the entire thing. I started to skip large parts of it, and still, semantics.

        • 4 months ago

          When your reality needs to be drawn out for 2 hours to make a point to a random on the internet and most of the people who actually watched it thinks it's moronic doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong, but don't be surprised if it gets dismissed.

      • 4 months ago

        >40 minute Dark Souls 2 critique
        >2 hour Dark Souls 2 defense
        >10 hour critique of the defense
        They say that someone is still working on a 100 hour rebuttal to Mauler to this day...

        • 4 months ago

          >They say that someone is still working on a 100 hour rebuttal to Mauler to this day...
          it's hbomb again probably, he was so mad he went bald

        • 4 months ago

          >100 hour rebuttal
          honestly Id watch it

    • 4 months ago

      Matthewmatosis is moronic but Arcane didn't BTFO shit
      Both miss completely the point of Souls combat and how its mechanics work

      • 4 months ago

        Matthewmatosis, someone who was too narrow-minded to incorporate something as simple as a shield into his gameplay, let alone things like spells, which weren't even mentioned once in his video, is the last person in the discourse around these games who should be calling anyone narrow-minded, it's simple projection. Matthew has no ability to recognize any of From games other than DeS as their own individual experiences and instead sees them as acts of mimicry that can only emulate DeS. He says that From has unfortunately focused on certain elements to the expense of others, presuming himself suited to tell From how to make their own games or what's their vision while he posits the virtue of artistic freedom, which sounds much more narrow-minded than the fans that he himself calls narrow-minded and him essentially calling From sellouts is nothing more than juvenile mudslinging. Furthermore i do not think that his exaltation of demon souls works, because it was achieved by bashing other games and making them seem lesser in comparison, instead of letting DeS stand on its own two feet. Clearly it did resonate with people, but it's an hollow victory since it was achieved exclusively through the use of sophistry, generalizations and fallacious tactics. The problem here is that none of the dark souls games are rolling simulators, anyone who owns these games can try for themselves and yet the misconception still persists. After all Matthew's video communicates it in a way that seems trustworthy enough to anyone who isn't ready to undertake the process of analyzing and debunking Matthew's cavalcade of horrendous arguments. In the end i do hope that you might be more willing to play around with all these enjoyable and varied game mechanics that the developers at From spent years crafting and maybe next time a person on the Internet says something far-fetched try doing some of your own fact-checking and put their words to the test.

        • 4 months ago

          He plays Dark Souls with a shield tho

          • 4 months ago

            So does Miyazaki

            • 4 months ago

              glad we disproved the silly copypasta

          • 4 months ago

            if he did, he would know how powerful it is

            • 4 months ago

              he knows how powerful it is, watch his dark souls commentary blud

            • 4 months ago

              >50 str
              >Probably about 30 vit
              >10 end

              Jesus Christ.

        • 4 months ago

          >Playing with shield
          You never beat the game
          Even worse

        • 4 months ago

          >exclusively through the use of sophistry, generalizations and fallacious tactics.
          lol, everything b4 this was nothing but that. what a waste of time. I think there's 'something' wrong w matosis statements, can't tell what, but this is not it.

      • 4 months ago

        The point of Souls combat is that it's trash yet Fromsoft keeps putting the emphasis on it, which exposés it as a garbage tier combat more and more

        • 4 months ago

          This. Demons Souls' core combat isn't good, it's meant to compliment the level design by restricting you.

          This falls apart on the back of making bosses faster and faster. People are crying about DMC in this thread but honestly tell me some of Elden's bosses don't play like a Bayonetta bosses, while others like that fricking Lava Giant are absolutely horrid.

  10. 4 months ago

    What exactly gives this guy any authority on game design?
    Does he work as a game designer or is a professor in game design something. If you tell me he's just some virgin with a mic I am going to laugh.

    • 4 months ago

      He has a game in development but it looks like a massive pile of shit

      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't look like anything because it doesn't exist.

  11. 4 months ago

    Let me just say this: I'm currently majoring in game design and this guys videos are considered a bit of a joke.

    • 4 months ago

      How are those UX design lessons going?

    • 4 months ago

      Considering the state of the industry, I can't imagine you are learning anything useful

  12. 4 months ago

    shut the frick up

  13. 4 months ago

    >be a loser NEET that does nothing but sit on his ass all day playing video games for 7 years because making videos after quitting his job was too much work
    Most of you here are less detestable

  14. 4 months ago

    He didn't BTFO shit, he was proved wrong at every turn
    Elden Ring is an evolution of Demon's Souls design that pretty much course corrected every single mistake the Souls trilogy did.
    It brought back physical damage types that actually matter. Finally there's shit actually weak to slash besides naked NPCs, strike gives a considerable advantage against armor throughout the whole game and thrust is very powerful against enemies with scales or beasts. In no other Souls game this is as relevant as in Elden Ring.
    It expanded the weapon categories, standardized their moveset and then smartly picked several weapons for special moveset variations in a way that makes sense and gives variety (besides maybe the special R2 to Death Poker, since most players use it for the weapon art with pure Int build), and balanced those weapons around their stats, status effects and skill requirements in a way choices are well defined and provide tradeoffs/advantages.
    It massively reduced fall damage to complement verticality in level design, added a proper tool to get over obstacles and traverse enviroments.
    It brought back strong elemental counters, more and reworked focus on the use of consumables and combining attack and has several special boss fight-related tools. It also brought back status inducing builds that aren't a complete meme like in the entire Souls trilogy

    • 4 months ago

      and yet, it has no soul at all

      • 4 months ago

        This post and webm basically prove his point exactly, actually. I just find the whole thing funny because everyone involved has no clue what they're talking about and probably have never played a king's field game or even armored core.

        its copypasta

    • 4 months ago

      This post and webm basically prove his point exactly, actually. I just find the whole thing funny because everyone involved has no clue what they're talking about and probably have never played a king's field game or even armored core.

      • 4 months ago

        >never played a king's field game
        if I had to play ONE, which one would it be?

        • 4 months ago

          I'm partial to the second one, but know that they're all slow

          • 4 months ago

            thanks for the reply, anon
            ive been waiting for at least one of you kind frens

            • 4 months ago

              You're welcome. The rest of the thread is morons calling each other trannies and arguing at strawmen. If much rather engage with an honest question.

    • 4 months ago

      All of that just doubles down on the combat which is his issue with the direction they took. There's nothing like Maiden Astraea, Fool's Idol etc. in ER. Bonfires are numerous and you can teleport all the time, which DS fixed with the good world design. Souls was great because of the immersion and sense of adventure it offered, later entries could only go in more with the combat and raising the difficulty.

      • 4 months ago

        Dark Souls games are about the combat and difficulty though. And Demons Souls had no adventure in it. It was just linear levels you played one after the other.

        • 4 months ago

          this is the most gen alpha post ive read on this site

          • 4 months ago

            Doesn't mean anything

        • 4 months ago

          Fool's Idol was far more creative, immersive and memorable than anything from ER. All because of the one NPC you have to kill outside of the fight. Some players will not even encounter him the first time, others will but not attack as he is non-hostile and doing something unique. That is adventure, that is something that will differ from player to player. Throw in how the levels went for drastically different looks and feel, same with the bosses. They really wanted to make a game that spread itself over many areas. A lot of the issues we're talking about are just to be expected after so many entries. They can't keep that same creativity and designs forever so they shift to combat, to PVP, to open world. The games are still good but lacking as it feels like combat is all they're putting the focus and effort into.

          • 4 months ago

            Ok, and when you burn the windmill to drain the poison that doesn't count because it's not muh demons farts and rabblel rabble dark souls 2? Is that it? Because DS2 did all of that and has more adventure elements than demons souls

            • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              What is the logic behind lighting a windmill on fire removing a pool of poison in a completely separate section of the fortress?

          • 4 months ago

            You are a massive moron. Elden Ring is far more creative and unique. Half the playerbase didn't know about shackles or blasphemous claw

            • 4 months ago

              Blasphemous Claw sucks though.

    • 4 months ago

      I agree about Elden Ring's combat being good but I still think he was right. I was surprised at Elden Ring's combat being good because I was so bored by DS3, as similar as they are in many regards.

      • 4 months ago

        >but I still think he was right.
        He isn't. He missed several basic fundamental aspects of Souls games. Since he can't understand how it works his criticism crumbles like an house of cards. He b***hes about blood vials in Bloodborne without realizing that Bloodborne tried to incentivize the rally system by making healing a consumable, he doesn't understand how difference between various movesets and how each boss reacts to various attacks is what elevates Souls games above other action games and what Souls-likes fail to deliver upon, but is convinced that some barebones shallow narrative elements tied to games that many consider having absolutely no story are paramount instead.

        • 4 months ago

          forgot to add, he actually said that there's no way for spells to set up melee finisher or viceversa when DS1 can be broken with Intelligence builds using exactly that

        • 4 months ago

          You sound llike a frickin nut job.

          I'm not gonna watch your 2 hour video arguing the semantic nitpicking of what he said rather than creating a coherent argument.

          He laid out a pretty clear picture of what was interesting in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and how it's migrated away from that to something else, that isnt necessarily bad, but not the same or as interesting.

          • 4 months ago

            What's "interesting" about demons souls and dark souls is just in his head and completely made up. It doesn't stand up critical scrutiny and analysis, evidence, the facts.

            • 4 months ago

              Where's your 2 hour video critique?

            • 4 months ago

              >is just in his head and completely made up
              It's not.
              It's a very real experience that many many people had.
              There are a number mspaint comics from the time illustrating the concept.

              I think the most popular and vivid is about the dart gun traps in Sens.

              Why are you so angry about this?

              • 4 months ago

                because he is a gen alpha gamer, these young types completely devote themselves to a particular franchise/company, so basically any critique or even slightly negative opinion about Fromsoft is taken as a personal attack

              • 4 months ago

                Ironic cause you cant criticize demons farts without its fanboys throwing a hissy fit some action-rpg where you spend 99% of your time killing things isn't actually about the action but instead a point and click puzzle game art piece.

              • 4 months ago

                >Ironic cause you cant criticize demons farts without its fanboys throwing a hissy fit
                Demon's and Dark1 fans actively acknowledge that the games have problems though. No one tries to pretend that they aren't incomplete games with plenty of ideas that didn't work out well.

              • 4 months ago

                Come to grips it's an action-rpg game, where most of your time is spent in combat(but apparently combat isn't a focus!) and difficulty was the point. Tell me how difficulty isn't the point in a game where you lose all your souls and restart the level and lose half your hp. Say it. FRICKNG SAY IT! Say it. You cant because you think it's some puzzle adventure art piece.

              • 4 months ago

                I loved Demon's and Dark because they felt like a proper 3d evolution of Metroidvania. The combat is only one part of it, not the entirety.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok well you're fricking mental cause there's nothing Metroid about Demons Souls. And Dark Souls has no puzzles.

              • 4 months ago

                Also the game gets harder the more you die but geeeez now souls games are all about duh difficulty, not like Deomns Souls'sss *farts*

              • 4 months ago

                to clarify In DeS, it gets harder because of Black world tendency, which is from killing named NPCs and dying in human form.

              • 4 months ago

                this isnt dmc, the difficulty was to make the world seem foreboding, which makes sense because the whole point was to have the player explore an interesting dark fantasy world

              • 4 months ago

                Ok, but the difficulty later isn't also to make the duh "world foreboding blah blah blah" because why? Why you fricker? What fricking changed? Nothing.

              • 4 months ago

                >What fricking changed?
                the developers innovated less and started simplifying things to aim for a broader appeal, and started focusing on things they were not good at
                also you talk like an esl, i can barely understand your 'sentence'

              • 4 months ago

                Demons Souls is so niche that they didn't completely fricking remake the game to sell ps5's to a broad audience. WOW you're so smart. Duh demons souls "durrrr i cant play it what do I DO???"

              • 4 months ago

                what are you even saying, take your meds holy shit

              • 4 months ago

                You people dont say anything. It's all just "demons souls makes me feel things" dont care. Not an argument.

              • 4 months ago

                i think you are just making things up to get mad at, regardless its clear you have nothing more to offer, good day

              • 4 months ago

                Wow you have nothing

              • 4 months ago

                Now show a fight as thematic as Tower Knight. That's what I thought.

              • 4 months ago

                Dark Souls 2 is way more complex than demons souls. Literally nothing got simplified past demons souls.

              • 4 months ago

                Your experiences are just your feelings and i dont have time for them

              • 4 months ago

                Give Abigail's honker's a good squeeze for me, Ben.

          • 4 months ago

            I never made a israelitetube video in my life, moronic schizo
            You can't actually arvue because you don't play videogames, you watch israelitetube essays about it

            I don't know if he got specific things wrong because I haven't watched the video in 5 years or however long so I don't even know what the specifics he gave were, but I agreed with the general idea that the games had been becoming more action-oriented when the combat itself wasn't interesting enough for the game to stand up as just an action game. I don't place the same importance on the narrative elements that he does, but it's fair to be upset about the drifting from those narrative elements to focus more on the action when those narrative elements were of importance in the series early on and still remain of some importance even if it's reduced. Maiden Astraea is one of the more popular Demon's Souls bosses and it's not for the moment to moment action, Sif is one of the more popular Dark Souls bosses, and though I'd say the action is part of it, if you ask anybody who likes the fight to say what they like about it, you can be confident one of the first things they'll say is they like that it has an emotional edge and the detail of Sif limping.

            If you're satisfied by the combat in the games and don't care about the lack of focus on the narrative elements fine, I am too for many fights, but it's a reasonable thing to be unsatisfied with if in the past you enjoyed that about the games and didn't find the combat of something like DS3 to be a good substitute.

            I never said I don't care about the narrative elements. I'm rebuking both the very idea that those are what made Demon's Souls important and special and that Fromsoftware games ever rejected or abandoned such elements. It's an ignorant and bad faith argument, because in every fricking game we get the mandatory sad bosses
            I think Alexander and Blaidd are by far the best questlines Miyazaki wrote in terms of emotional impact and completely shit on Maiden Astrea because they have actual build up, but you don't see people claiming Elden Ring is such a great game because of something as subjective and secondary as a questline.

            • 4 months ago

              >You can't actually arvue because you don't play videogames, you watch israelitetube essays about it

              Literally the only reason youre so mad about any of this is because you watched some video game essay that counters the MatthewMatosis thesis.
              MatthewMatosis's perspective are and were generally perceived and accepted by the general audience and community through the degradation franchise through DS2 and DS3.

              Youre playing the weird nerd gatekeeping game, where you try to espouse the most contrarian or obscure perspective to assert your niche credibility.
              But that isn't the point of any of this.
              The point is to understand games better.

              You don't have to agree with MatthewMatosis, but his perspective is far more developed and accepted than any other.
              Pedantically screeching about how Dark Souls is not a "literal" sequel as opposed to a "spiritual" one, or other bizarre accessory nitpicks is babyshit.

              If you had a counterargument to MatthewMatosis, you would simply state it.

              • 4 months ago

                >MatthewMatosis's perspective are and were generally perceived and accepted by the general audience and community through the degradation franchise through DS2 and DS3.
                Couldn't give a shit about what normalhomosexuals and secondaries that fail to understand the fundamental mechanics at play think
                >Youre playing the weird nerd gatekeeping game, where you try to espouse the most contrarian or obscure perspective to assert your niche credibility
                I'm gatekeeping against morons, yes
                >You don't have to agree with MatthewMatosis, but his perspective is far more developed and accepted than any other.
                moronic groupthink
                >Pedantically screeching about how Dark Souls is not a "literal" sequel as opposed to a "spiritual" one, or other bizarre accessory nitpicks is babyshit.
                what the frick are you talking about? I answer to my own opinions, and those solely
                >If you had a counterargument to MatthewMatosis, you would simply state it.
                I stated my counterarguments in this very thread already, openly so

                >d how each boss reacts to various attacks is what elevates Souls games above other action games
                Dark Souls didn't invented hitstun dumb homosexual.

                It sure did it more right than anything else, tied to insane weapon variety and tomovesets interacting in more interesting ways that remove spacing assistance and soft-lock and creating a more freeform combat

                People do say Elden Ring is good for the content of its questlines, though they are critical of how vague the questlines can be to follow, characters like Ranni, Blaidd, Fia are often spoken about fondly and contribute a good deal to people's opinions about the game. It's obviously not the only thing people say is good about it, but it is one of them. That aside, I don't think it's unfair at all to say it was one of the things that made Demon's Souls special, again, if people didn't care for that kind of thing then a boss like Maiden Astraea wouldn't be one of the most popular in the game. I also wouldn't say From have completely abandoned any bosses with a consideration for narrative, but I do think it's something they've drifted away from, there are gimmicky bosses even in DS3, which was the game that made me agree with the sentiment that they were moving away from the things that made previous games interesting in favor of the action, but even with some gimmicky bosses, it still had such an abundance of action-focused bosses with a combat system that didn't lend itself to that focus that it didn't work out for me.

                I like Deacons of the Deep more than Gael, when I got to Gael I had grown so tired of the combat that despite all the cool presentation, I felt very aware of the fact that I was just pressing circle and R1 on my controller. Obviously you're just pressing buttons in any game, but a game that engages you won't be so dull that you feel like you're just doing the rote action of performing the same actions a few times. I was so bored by what was supposed to be this big epic battle in DS3 because the combat was so tired that I couldn't even engage with the big finale beyond going through the motions. Even Deacons of the Deep surpassed it just by giving me the novelty of having lots of enemies. That's my problem with DS3 and he seemed to share the general feeling.

                Gael is a mediocre boss because it lacks the interactivity and moveset designed to incentivize movement that half the boss roster of Dark Souls 3 does. That's why bosses like Midir, Twin Princes, Dancer, Aldrich, Dragonslayer Armor, Friede... instead are great since they feel unique to play against. But like with Matthewmatosis since there's no real understanding of what Souls bosses should be, partly because we didn't have decades of genre to set up standards, then the criticism is completely misplaced and translates towards "muh gimmick boss". This is an issue many Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 bosses have since Fromsoftware didn't develop their boss design overnight.

              • 4 months ago

                >It sure did it more right than anything else, tied to insane weapon variety and tomovesets interacting in more interesting ways that remove spacing assistance and soft-lock and creating a more freeform combat
                Monster Hunter did it long before soulslop even born. Monster Hunter never needed to include lock on too.

                >muh make dmc
                have a nice day
                have a nice day

                They are one-trick ponies and you know that deep down too. As long as Fromslopware still uses same game design formula bosses will only get more and more delayed attacks and more and more input reading. They simply don't know how to make it harder with the current formula.

              • 4 months ago

                >Monster Hunter did it long before soulslop even born.
                Except worse, a lot more scripted, and generally tied to hp damage to specific hitboxees like Bloodborne does, which is not as good as the stance system
                >Monster Hunter never needed to include lock on too.
                The ability to have the option to freely move without messing your targeting or having to turn the stick is why it controls a lot more accurately, yes
                >They are one-trick ponies and you know that deep down too.
                No, I know that you are mad that Fromsoftware developed, cultivated and expanded their own game design which is apprently too obtuse to you so you want them to twist it into a bastardized generic DMC clone. Unfortunately for you, you won't have it your way

                I like most of the bosses you mention, aside from Midir who I felt everything I felt with Gael but worse, but the majority of the bosses in the game did not give me the feeling that Twin Princes did, for example. I liked Twin Princes because I thought the two bosses at once gave it an intensity that made it interesting, I think Friede is good as well because even though they've gone on to emphasize multiple phases even more, that Friede just kept going gave it a feeling of a test of endurance that I liked. The main thing I like about those fights is that when I think of them, I don't look back on just rolling and punishing and rolling and punishing and rolling and punishing until it ended or I got greedy/mistimed a roll and died. My problem with DS3 was that I did look back on most bosses and feel like it was exactly that, and that's boring. Those bosses are reliant on the core mechanics to be interesting which I don't think they are. You say that there are many bosses that feel great and unique to play against, but I think those bosses are the minority rather than the majority and the two ways I see to fix that are to rework the combat system, which I think Elden Ring did a bit to its benefit, or be like Demon's Souls and make more of an effort to give bosses a unique gimmick.

                I don't like every boss in Demon's Souls, but I have to at least credit it and say that I don't just think of rolling and punishing when I think of fighting bosses in it, and I can't say that for DS3.

                >but I think those bosses are the minority rather than the majority and the two ways I see to fix that are to rework the combat system, which I think Elden Ring did a bit to its benefit, or be like Demon's Souls and make more of an effort to give bosses a unique gimmick.
                Elden Ring reworking combat is just one of the reason. A lot more effort went into making sure bosses enforce positioning through otherwise undodgeable combos, and that boss design fit for its new mechanics. An example being the use of area of effect so frequent but limited in area or directional

              • 4 months ago

                You're either a pajeet or slav, having trouble pinpointing...

              • 4 months ago

                You are seething, that much I can tell.
                Not every game needs to pander to everyone. You have a lot of mediocre generic action games where you press square, square, square, triangle

              • 4 months ago

                >Not every game needs to pander to everyone. You have a lot of mediocre generic action games where you press square, square, square, triangle
                I agree, that is why I stay away from these mediocre action games with nothing else to really offer, and focus on games that show high levels of competence in the areas i do care about

              • 4 months ago

                Like what, gay sex sims? lmao

              • 4 months ago

                no? do you have something you want to tell the class anon?

              • 4 months ago

                >n-no u!
                I accept your concession, troonyMatosis wienerslurper.

              • 4 months ago

                you can't stay away from its threads, seethe-kun

              • 4 months ago

                >A lot more effort went into making sure bosses enforce positioning through otherwise undodgeable combos, and that boss design fit for its new mechanics
                For Elden Ring, I agree, and I said in the first post I made that I think Elden Ring's combat is good, but I still agreed with the video when I saw it because I think DS3 fails where Elden Ring succeeds. I don't think Elden Ring has the best combat ever, but it was good enough that plenty of bosses didn't fall into that same issue of just feeling like rolling and punishing.

              • 4 months ago

                >Except worse, a lot more scripted, and generally tied to hp damage to specific hitboxees like Bloodborne does, which is not as good as the stance system
                no, it's actually much better than souls'. it's not tied to HP but with how much damage you deal to certain parts of the monsters, so the better players can actually time that to use to their favor. outside of that it's infinitely less scripted because it doesn't lead to a riposite like souls

              • 4 months ago

                Learn to read AT LEAST what you greentext, gay. And no, it's literally outdated, Bloodborne had it and it wasn't good enough so they resorking it into a universal cumulative poise with hitbox wide multipliers allowing for attack specific interactions (such a guaranteeing stagger from a fully charged attack on enemies on specific animation frames, but also rewarding the use of multiple sources of damage). Elden Ring did it so well no other series in the industry actually managed to make a 0 poise boss like Malenia and avoid so competently stunlock abuse thanks to hyperarmor

              • 4 months ago

                >Learn to read AT LEAST what you greentext
                not an argument
                >And no, it's literally outdated
                >hitbox wide multipliers
                >specific interactions (such a guaranteeing stagger from a fully charged attack on enemies on specific animation frames, but also rewarding the use of multiple sources of damage)
                so timing your attack right is a specific interection?

              • 4 months ago

                >not an argument
                Not supposed to be an argument, it's a suggestion for you, you explained me how Monster Hunter hitstun works after quoting me saying the exact same thing
                Because it doesn't lend itself any well to combat that isn't defined entirely by hitting big enemies. Elden Ring merges an universal stagger system that works on every kind of enemy design, from generally dictating the stability and resistance to stagger for various weapons of simple sword enemies of various sizes and levels of hyperarmor to having special modifiers that guarantee stagger by specific parts of larger enemies, including damaging body parts
                >so timing your attack right is a specific interection?
                There's very few games where you can completely shut down and deal extra damage to an enemy by simply attacking or applying proc or counterattacking in specific frames of its own attack animation

              • 4 months ago

                >Learn to read AT LEAST what you greentext
                not an argument
                >And no, it's literally outdated
                >hitbox wide multipliers
                >specific interactions (such a guaranteeing stagger from a fully charged attack on enemies on specific animation frames, but also rewarding the use of multiple sources of damage)
                so timing your attack right is a specific interection?

                also forgot to post
                >0 poise boss like Malenia and avoid so competently stunlock abuse thanks to hyperarmor
                malenia has 80 poise like some other bosses and when she lightly deflects your attacks she can't be poise broken

                >not an argument
                Not supposed to be an argument, it's a suggestion for you, you explained me how Monster Hunter hitstun works after quoting me saying the exact same thing
                Because it doesn't lend itself any well to combat that isn't defined entirely by hitting big enemies. Elden Ring merges an universal stagger system that works on every kind of enemy design, from generally dictating the stability and resistance to stagger for various weapons of simple sword enemies of various sizes and levels of hyperarmor to having special modifiers that guarantee stagger by specific parts of larger enemies, including damaging body parts
                >so timing your attack right is a specific interection?
                There's very few games where you can completely shut down and deal extra damage to an enemy by simply attacking or applying proc or counterattacking in specific frames of its own attack animation

                >saying the exact same thing
                I'm clearing your possible mistake. it's not tied to HP, but damage done
                >Because it doesn't lend itself any well to combat that isn't defined entirely by hitting big enemies
                ok? still I think it's much better than staggering a giant space rock horse with multiple dagger attacks
                >There's very few games where you can completely shut down and deal extra damage to an enemy by simply attacking or applying proc or counterattacking in specific frames of its own attack animation
                ironically you can do all that on MH and you also need to account for what parts you're hitting. I feel like it's much more satisfying because you not only need to time it right but it also makes the excution more difficult

              • 4 months ago

                >ok? still I think it's much better than staggering a giant space rock horse with multiple dagger attacks
                You can have both in Elden Ring, which is the whole point of the post. You can stagger a giant golem by overloading it with glintstone darts. This doesn't conflict with the fact that you can also hit its legs until it falls, it just adds to it, and the universal stagger bar that account for these alternative options and unique elemental interaction is indeed objectively superior, at the very least in terms of complexity/game design

              • 4 months ago

                >You can have both
                both what? I think staggering a giant enemy with smaller attacks in different parts of their body is bad/silly

              • 4 months ago

                >generic DMC clone
                What's generic about DMC? There is nothing like it. All the soulslikes play and look the same
                >Le dying medieval world
                >Same control scheme
                >Prepare to roll
                Not even old GoW, Bayo or Ninja Gaiden plays like DMC and they have their own identity.

              • 4 months ago

                >how is it generic?
                >by the way these dont count

              • 4 months ago

                Bayonetta is the closest and even that's pretty different. Not just the setting but also gameplay-wise. You don't dial-a-combo in DMC or you don't have dodge offset.

              • 4 months ago

                I like most of the bosses you mention, aside from Midir who I felt everything I felt with Gael but worse, but the majority of the bosses in the game did not give me the feeling that Twin Princes did, for example. I liked Twin Princes because I thought the two bosses at once gave it an intensity that made it interesting, I think Friede is good as well because even though they've gone on to emphasize multiple phases even more, that Friede just kept going gave it a feeling of a test of endurance that I liked. The main thing I like about those fights is that when I think of them, I don't look back on just rolling and punishing and rolling and punishing and rolling and punishing until it ended or I got greedy/mistimed a roll and died. My problem with DS3 was that I did look back on most bosses and feel like it was exactly that, and that's boring. Those bosses are reliant on the core mechanics to be interesting which I don't think they are. You say that there are many bosses that feel great and unique to play against, but I think those bosses are the minority rather than the majority and the two ways I see to fix that are to rework the combat system, which I think Elden Ring did a bit to its benefit, or be like Demon's Souls and make more of an effort to give bosses a unique gimmick.

                I don't like every boss in Demon's Souls, but I have to at least credit it and say that I don't just think of rolling and punishing when I think of fighting bosses in it, and I can't say that for DS3.

            • 4 months ago

              People do say Elden Ring is good for the content of its questlines, though they are critical of how vague the questlines can be to follow, characters like Ranni, Blaidd, Fia are often spoken about fondly and contribute a good deal to people's opinions about the game. It's obviously not the only thing people say is good about it, but it is one of them. That aside, I don't think it's unfair at all to say it was one of the things that made Demon's Souls special, again, if people didn't care for that kind of thing then a boss like Maiden Astraea wouldn't be one of the most popular in the game. I also wouldn't say From have completely abandoned any bosses with a consideration for narrative, but I do think it's something they've drifted away from, there are gimmicky bosses even in DS3, which was the game that made me agree with the sentiment that they were moving away from the things that made previous games interesting in favor of the action, but even with some gimmicky bosses, it still had such an abundance of action-focused bosses with a combat system that didn't lend itself to that focus that it didn't work out for me.

              I like Deacons of the Deep more than Gael, when I got to Gael I had grown so tired of the combat that despite all the cool presentation, I felt very aware of the fact that I was just pressing circle and R1 on my controller. Obviously you're just pressing buttons in any game, but a game that engages you won't be so dull that you feel like you're just doing the rote action of performing the same actions a few times. I was so bored by what was supposed to be this big epic battle in DS3 because the combat was so tired that I couldn't even engage with the big finale beyond going through the motions. Even Deacons of the Deep surpassed it just by giving me the novelty of having lots of enemies. That's my problem with DS3 and he seemed to share the general feeling.

          • 4 months ago

            >get BTFO
            >sling insults
            As expected of a troonyMatosis fanboy.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't know if he got specific things wrong because I haven't watched the video in 5 years or however long so I don't even know what the specifics he gave were, but I agreed with the general idea that the games had been becoming more action-oriented when the combat itself wasn't interesting enough for the game to stand up as just an action game. I don't place the same importance on the narrative elements that he does, but it's fair to be upset about the drifting from those narrative elements to focus more on the action when those narrative elements were of importance in the series early on and still remain of some importance even if it's reduced. Maiden Astraea is one of the more popular Demon's Souls bosses and it's not for the moment to moment action, Sif is one of the more popular Dark Souls bosses, and though I'd say the action is part of it, if you ask anybody who likes the fight to say what they like about it, you can be confident one of the first things they'll say is they like that it has an emotional edge and the detail of Sif limping.

          If you're satisfied by the combat in the games and don't care about the lack of focus on the narrative elements fine, I am too for many fights, but it's a reasonable thing to be unsatisfied with if in the past you enjoyed that about the games and didn't find the combat of something like DS3 to be a good substitute.

          • 4 months ago

            There's more emotion fighting Vendrick than Sif because he's been hyped up as this big Gwyn type boss but he's just a hollow shell limping around a forgotten tomb, and there's a narrative and adventure element to fighting him by getting the dragons souls. BUT MY EXPREIENCES DONT MATTER DURRR DARK SOUS2 RABBLE RABBLE make way for REDDIT DOG! Woah Miyazaki0-Sama!

            • 4 months ago
            • 4 months ago

              Okay, did he complain about Vendrick being too action-oriented because if he did, I don't remember it. I don't recall him claiming that from DS2 on there was zero effort to consider the narrative in any fights, and if the suggested that then I'd disagree with it, but if the the suggestion was that it was something they drifted farther from in favor of focusing on action combat that's not good enough on its own then I would agree with that, and that's not a stance that would be invalidated by the odd fight in there like Vendrick or Micolash that mix things up.

              • 4 months ago

                He complains by omission ignoring everything that would destroy his argument.

              • 4 months ago

                you might be a tad autistic kiddo

              • 4 months ago

                He brings up Micolash a lot in those videos as I recall but still considers Bloodborne guilty of the same thing overall. The odd instance of something like Micolash or Vendrick doesn't invalidate the whole trend.

              • 4 months ago

                Fool's Idol is its own "odd instance" 99% of the game is hacking at things cause that's the point of an action rpg.

              • 4 months ago

                I would say Fool's Idol, Dragon's God, Tower Knight, Storm King, King Allant, Astraea, Old Monk and Old Hero all qualify as gimmicky bosses, and arguably others as well. When I think of Phalanx, I think of its strong weakness to fire as the thing that distinguishes it, when I think of Adjudicator I think of the weakness on its head and the arena designed to let you hit it. There are some bosses in Demon's Souls that are just straight combat, but when they come along they work well because they're unlike what you're used to. A boss doesn't have to have some unique item or gameplay mechanic associated with it to make it distinct, it can just be something like the Taurus Demon in Dark Souls. You could just roll and attack it, but if you mention that fight to anyone who has played Dark Souls they'll immediately think of the opportunity for the plunging attack you get by climbing back up. Things like that help give a boss an identity that they'll lack if every boss is just in an open area and you beat it just by learning to dodge its attacks and punish it.

        • 4 months ago

          >d how each boss reacts to various attacks is what elevates Souls games above other action games
          Dark Souls didn't invented hitstun dumb homosexual.

        • 4 months ago

          >Bloodborne tried to incentivize the rally system by making healing a consumable

          Except it doesn't work so he's right again.


        • 4 months ago

          >how each boss reacts to various attacks is what elevates Souls games above other action games

        • 4 months ago

          >He b***hes about blood vials in Bloodborne without realizing that Bloodborne tried to incentivize the rally system by making healing a consumable

          Blood vials discourage the use of rally since there's a risk involved in counter attacking whereas using a blood vial is effectively instant and you can always carry more than you need so there's no downsides.

    • 4 months ago

      The most shallow stat shit and nothing about interesting combat mechanics that work more like puzzles

    • 4 months ago

      >He didn't BTFO shit, he was proved wrong at every turn
      his entire argument was that souls became too much shonen anime and reddit cringe is EPITOME of that design choice, every single boss if a fricking flying multi combo spastic

      • 4 months ago

        it's insane how DeS and DaS1 were known as down to earth games where you are rewarded for not playing mindlessly and the players used to brag about that. something drastically changed after DaS3 and ER

        • 4 months ago

          its also why I kinda stopped playing these games, sekiro at least was doing its own thing but elden ring is just dark souls 4: hardcore edition and I was tired of that shit 3 games ago

  15. 4 months ago

    >souls games make similar games for fans who want more of what they already love and sekiro provides an entirely new and unique experience that plays completely different

    >zelda betrays its entire identity and alienates its core fans to make a generic culmination of every shitty industry trend 10 years after they initially got popular

    God I hate this hypocritical homosexual

  16. 4 months ago

    never played a souls game and never watched his souls videos (since I might play one someday) but this guy is based
    reminder that he browses Ganker and said Black person in his bioshock infinite video and has never bent the knee about it
    pagodamonium will probably be good when (if) it comes out

    • 4 months ago

      Shut the frick up, Matthew.

      • 4 months ago

        I fricking wish
        have you heard his girlfriend's cute as frick voice?

        • 4 months ago

          >he wants to frick Matosis' troony boyfriend

          • 4 months ago
  17. 4 months ago

    idk what the point of this thread is considering everybody who loves elden ring is immune to these criticisms

  18. 4 months ago

    >is getting paid by patrons to develop his game
    >has been doing blog posts and streams every so often in order to offer at least some kind of content to the people supporting him while he develops his game
    >at the start of 2024 he just said frick it, no more streams, no more patreon blog posts, nothing

  19. 4 months ago

    Ganker is an Electric Underground board now. Matosis stopped making critiques.

  20. 4 months ago

    What mental illness causes someone to be assblasted about a video made a decade ago lmao

  21. 4 months ago

    also many people seem to miss that in his video, he is not saying what demon souls IS, hes saying WHAT he enjoys about it
    if the developers intended the souls series to be action games, then his point is that they are bad action games. there are plenty of other games that do action and combat much much better

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe he should play Myst instead of wanting Souls to be an indie point and click movie fart game.

      • 4 months ago

        the whole point of the video was explaining why he is not interested in souls games and why he will not be playing them going forward, anon
        why are you so mad? he is just sharing his opinion

        • 4 months ago

          >why are you so mad?

          Because this place is full of weirdos who obsess about internet people. They go into a fight or flight mode when their opinions are challenged and seek to destroy the source of the issue in an emotionally primitive manner.

    • 4 months ago

      >i enjoy novelty over superior gameplay
      Wow, what deep and insightful commentary

      • 4 months ago

        the 'superior gameplay' still isn't that good compared to literally any other action game, thats the point
        the novelty is what drew him to the souls series, he has dmc and w101 to play if he wants good gameplay

        • 4 months ago

          >it’s not dmc so it’s bad
          Holy shit, have a nice day, you brainless homosexual

          • 4 months ago

            who are you quoting?

            • 4 months ago

              >he has dmc and w101 to play if he wants good gameplay
              Are you pretending to be moronic or…?

        • 4 months ago

          >good gameplay

    • 4 months ago

      >if the developers intended the souls series to be action games, then his point is that they are bad action games
      I deeply hate homosexuals like you and Matthew. Anything that doesn’t fall into your extremely narrow minded and arbitrary definition of action is immediately considered bad to you. DMC isn’t the definitive paradigm of good combat, you dumb homosexual. Not everything that falls outside the scope of juggling punching bags is automatically worse. Fricking morons like you are the reason Bloodborne and DaS3 betray many of the core design philosophies of DeS and DaS1 because it your atrophied brain you equate something as fast movement equaling deeper and more challenging gameplay. have a nice day

      • 4 months ago

        >Fricking morons like you are the reason Bloodborne and DaS3 betray many of the core design philosophies of DeS and DaS1 because it your atrophied brain you equate something as fast movement equaling deeper and more challenging gameplay
        Absolutely fricking based, I don't ever see anyone pointing this out. I fricking hate Shitborne for this

  22. 4 months ago

    The designed themselves into a hole with bosses and enemies as soon as they made Bloodborne and Sekiro.

    Instead of making Elden Ring ditch the Dark Souls RPG class/gear setup and just making Elden Ring's main character more limited and static (ala Sekiro, Breath of the Wild) to accommodate the new combat pace of bosses from Bloodborne, what you instead have is Duel of Fates: From Software Edition where you're playing as a wheelchair.

    • 4 months ago

      They just don't know how to design complex combat mechanics. Most people in the industry doesn't know this too, it's not exclusive to them. Fromslop games has good hitboxes and overall good enemy/boss design but when you look at the moveset of your playable characters they are just lacking. They simply don't know how to expand on it while keeping the same game design. Given the state of their latest games I would say they are hyper focus testing rather than having any ambitions to make good games though. Souls games are "slow" compared to any of the other action game series for example simply because that's what casual audience wants. Souls games gives you a character creator instead of having a set character because that's what the casual audience wants. Souls games still has over the shoulder camera because that's what casual audience wants, even Sekiro's camera zoomed out during big boss encounters, this never happens in ER because that's more cinematic and immersive. Their games are hyper focus tested for casual audience and that's what they do best. Making a "hardcore" game for casuals.

      • 4 months ago

        Pretty much this. It garners more attention to have Maliketh twitch clip highlights than to pull back on animation speeds and align it with the player character and environment.

        For what it is, it's still good, but you see how much Armored Core's bosses outdo Elden just based on what the player can do in a fight.

        I don't like the class/RPG aspect in Souls. It limits the game and doesn't allow you to flesh out enemy and level design in order to compensate for some player playing with a bow and a rock.

    • 4 months ago

      >muh make dmc
      have a nice day

      They just don't know how to design complex combat mechanics. Most people in the industry doesn't know this too, it's not exclusive to them. Fromslop games has good hitboxes and overall good enemy/boss design but when you look at the moveset of your playable characters they are just lacking. They simply don't know how to expand on it while keeping the same game design. Given the state of their latest games I would say they are hyper focus testing rather than having any ambitions to make good games though. Souls games are "slow" compared to any of the other action game series for example simply because that's what casual audience wants. Souls games gives you a character creator instead of having a set character because that's what the casual audience wants. Souls games still has over the shoulder camera because that's what casual audience wants, even Sekiro's camera zoomed out during big boss encounters, this never happens in ER because that's more cinematic and immersive. Their games are hyper focus tested for casual audience and that's what they do best. Making a "hardcore" game for casuals.

      have a nice day

      • 4 months ago

        >Examples listed were Zelda and Sekiro

    • 4 months ago

      Sekiro is nothing like the other games, you braindead homosexual. It’s complete morons like you that take the most superficial similarities and conclude they’re the same fricking think. I guess Tenchu: Shadow Assassins is a fricking Souls game too, huh?

      • 4 months ago

        >the most superficial similarities
        see this is why your fanbase of mouthbreathers is a laughing stock

        you're so fricking stupid and ignorant of the media you think sekiro has "superficial similarities" with souls while it's of course the complete opposite, the differences are surface level and it's fundamentally the same shit game

      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't matter, what matters is the devlopment and animation lessons From learned from Bloodborne and Sekiro, applying them to future games.

        Or it's just a coincidence Elden Ring and DS3's bosses are much faster.

  23. 4 months ago

    fromtrannies being completely mindbroken by the potato Black person and trying to cope by calling him bad at games while he beats much harder games than fromslop will never stop being funny

  24. 4 months ago

    I genuinely believe the fact that From's next two games after this video were Sekiro and Elden Ring is why he stopped making videos. After HACKtosis smugly lectured us about the decline of Fromsoft, they released two universally acclaimed masterpieces each of which is one of the best games of all time. Meanwhile, what did this hack do in the time since this video was released? Desperately shill wonderful 101 some more before quitting making videos entirely to focus on some generic indie platformer.

    • 4 months ago

      >two universally acclaimed masterpieces
      yeah like god of my wife's son and he teared this shit moviegame to shreds

      oh by I forgot winning the doritos pope awards and getting rave reviews from game journos only counts when it's fromslop, the absolute state of fromtrannies

    • 4 months ago

      >eventually all we'll have is a generic blob of a game, enjoyed by everyone, and loved by no one

      • 4 months ago

        >generic blob of a game
        >generic blob of a game
        Elden Ring

        >loved by no one
        >loved by no one
        >Elden Ring

        • 4 months ago

          >eventually all we'll have is a generic blob of a game, enjoyed by everyone, and loved by no one
          this LITERALLY describes elden ring lol

          • 4 months ago

            People everywhere love elden ring, even here in contrarian central. Pretending they don't is the kind of blatant dishonesty necessary to be a Hacktosis defender in current year.

            • 4 months ago

              Cope Fromshart

            • 4 months ago

              Not that anon, but I really liked ER's cities and structured parts, but everything else is really fricking mediocre, and the boss fights are mostly misleading animations that have built in delays to catch you rolling. The open world is fricking huge and fricking empty (albeit beautiful), the crafting is completely tacked on and pretty much useless, there's a lot of weapons but not many upgrade materials, so experimenting is counterproductive, most dungeons are fricking boring reskins with few exceptions, bosses and enemies get recycled an absurd amount of times, some summons and spells/weapon arts are absolutely busted and trivialize most encounters, and so on.
              Most of these problems stem from a fundamental change in direction compared to earlier entries. DaS focused much more on exploration and "world building" with slow and methodical combat, whereas ER tries to focus more on faster and more varied combat and the open-world aspects of the game, with some successes and many failures.
              Most people who are passionate about games and have played ER will have some big criticisms, even if they really liked it.

              • 4 months ago

                >and the boss fights are mostly misleading animations that have built in delays to catch you rolling

                The further problem with this is that rolling in itself was a meta-game thing where Dark and Demons never really intended players to use it, not the least at the cost of defense, so now it's like a meta part of the game that wasn't meant to be there but now the bosses are all built around it?

                So instead of making good combat defense like Bloodborne's dodge or Sekiro's parry, you're just rolling around again.

              • 4 months ago

                >so now it's like a meta part of the game that wasn't meant to be there but now the bosses are all built around it?
                The bosses are only built around it if rolling is your primary defensive option.
                Other options like shields, parries or just tanking the hits are perfectly fine defensive options that can very easily work well and interact well with the bosses.

                The only thing that makes rolling standout is that it is the defensive option with the least investment requirement.

              • 4 months ago

                Anon's point isn't that they won't have criticisms of it.
                People have big criticism of DaS or DeS, which is the point of comparison.
                It's that ER isn't
                >A game enjoyed by everyone but loved by no one
                When this board on its own shows otherwise with the frequent arguments involving people who do love the game.

              • 4 months ago

                But people have plenty of criticisms for DaS and especially DeS.
                What we are talking about here is how the newer games shifted focus compared to the older ones and the consequences it had on the series as a whole. In this thread alone some people even compliment ER on some things it did way better than DS3.

                >and the boss fights are mostly misleading animations that have built in delays to catch you rolling

                The further problem with this is that rolling in itself was a meta-game thing where Dark and Demons never really intended players to use it, not the least at the cost of defense, so now it's like a meta part of the game that wasn't meant to be there but now the bosses are all built around it?

                So instead of making good combat defense like Bloodborne's dodge or Sekiro's parry, you're just rolling around again.

                I don't think rolls weren't intended to be good in DaS, but I do agree that it's a meta-game element meant to fix a fundamental problem with the series' combat system. But the series was never meant to be a hardcore action game where you have access to many moves and tools to defeat overwhelming odds.
                The games always strived to make you feel like you were exploring a dangerous, hostile and dreary alien world, that's where the difficulty comes into play and why it doesn't explain most mechanics to the player. Because of that many people say that DeS and DaS were "hardcore games for normies", it gave many people a taste for difficulty and overcoming it, and many people got into actually hard games after playing the series, most didn't.

              • 4 months ago

                >What we are talking about here is how the newer games shifted focus compared to the older ones and the consequences it had on the series as a whole.
                Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
                The response line I was following was from

                >eventually all we'll have is a generic blob of a game, enjoyed by everyone, and loved by no one

                Which rather than focusing on the priority shift itself was using that priority shift as a reason to claim Elden Ring is made to be generic and loved by no one.

              • 4 months ago

                gonna be honest, i dont see anything that people would 'love' about elden ring that isn't done better than other souls games
                people love fromsoft and the souls games, they don't love elden ring

              • 4 months ago

                Sounds like you are determined to do your routine.

              • 4 months ago

                i think you are imagining things again

              • 4 months ago

                I personally loved the exploration and combat more in ER than in any other souls game.
                Looking into the distance to mark points of interest, charting a route across the map to explore the most area I can.
                It just felt more engaging for the game to let me get lost and stumble around different areas rather than the previous's games approach where exploration mostly came down to taking different turns or checking below drop offs.

                ER combat also just feels more engaging than any of the other games.
                I genuinely enjoyed most major bosses in ER than in most other souls games and even mini-bosses like the crucible Knights really stand on their own and shine out.

              • 4 months ago

                If you loved ER's exploration the most you should try the Far Cry games

              • 4 months ago

                I never really looked their way being Ubisoft open-world games, on top of an fps which I don't tend to play as much.
                But I guess I can take a look.
                Any in particular you would recommend?

              • 4 months ago

                >gonna be honest, i dont see anything that people would 'love' about elden ring that isn't done better than other souls games
                I got my eyes open to this when I was talking with a friend that said he was blown away by elden ring. I only started to understand that he felt like that because it was his first souls games. I then understood that the game was just "another souls game" to me because I've played basically the same game before

              • 4 months ago

                >Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
                >The response line I was following was from

                >eventually all we'll have is a generic blob of a game, enjoyed by everyone, and loved by no one

                Yeah, I kind of jumped in and started rambling sorry.
                It's because I felt that

                >eventually all we'll have is a generic blob of a game, enjoyed by everyone, and loved by no one
                this LITERALLY describes elden ring lol

                was kind of misleading as a statement, and people kept saying that people who like DeS and DaS pretend they are perfect and can't be criticized.
                In a sense, he is correct. I feel that the reason it was made open-world is because it's the hot thing at the moment, but it probably forced them to implement a jump button, and that gave us really great level design.

                gonna be honest, i dont see anything that people would 'love' about elden ring that isn't done better than other souls games
                people love fromsoft and the souls games, they don't love elden ring

                You might be interested in a very narrow range of things, extremely self-centered, or just blind.

              • 4 months ago

                what does ER do better than the other souls games?

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Jumping and vistas.

              • 4 months ago

                It isnt a zero sum issue anon. Fix your brain.

  25. 4 months ago

    so I see we're at the 'Anger' part of the stages of grief?

    • 4 months ago

      how new r u

      they've been seething at matt ever since that video, that was five years ago

  26. 4 months ago

    Reminder that demons souls hipsters actually think this is a "great boss" because you have to "use your brain like an adventurer.." no i'm not kidding.

    • 4 months ago

      i dont think ive seen people defend dragon god much? even matt said some failures are expected when you're always experimenting...

    • 4 months ago

      he akshually says this boss is indefensible, you're so mad you don't even listen to what he says lmao

    • 4 months ago

      Gimmick fights to even out the rollspam fights are good. Both need to be there to even each other out.
      Right now we're at a place of RollSpam Boss Gauntlets, which loses it's appeal quickly due to how punishing they are.

      • 4 months ago

        >Rollspam boss gauntlets

        Crazy how many dumb homosexuals can really say with a straight face, "I do not like the game in its basest form, but please cater to me anyways."

        • 4 months ago

          Basically lol. No idea why they do this to themselves.

        • 4 months ago

          >I do not like the game in its basest form, but please cater to me anyways

          We're saying that WASN'T the original intent of the games, and nor is it the point of the game.
          The point was this

          But people have plenty of criticisms for DaS and especially DeS.
          What we are talking about here is how the newer games shifted focus compared to the older ones and the consequences it had on the series as a whole. In this thread alone some people even compliment ER on some things it did way better than DS3.

          I don't think rolls weren't intended to be good in DaS, but I do agree that it's a meta-game element meant to fix a fundamental problem with the series' combat system. But the series was never meant to be a hardcore action game where you have access to many moves and tools to defeat overwhelming odds.
          The games always strived to make you feel like you were exploring a dangerous, hostile and dreary alien world, that's where the difficulty comes into play and why it doesn't explain most mechanics to the player. Because of that many people say that DeS and DaS were "hardcore games for normies", it gave many people a taste for difficulty and overcoming it, and many people got into actually hard games after playing the series, most didn't.

          • 4 months ago

            You are the game player not the game developer you dont know what the intent was.
            You are just being a culture of critique loser.

            • 4 months ago

              Then why is there a tier in your rolling based on weight? Why are there shields?

              • 4 months ago

                Ask the devs bozo

  27. 4 months ago

    frick off
    buy an ad

  28. 4 months ago

    >You're there. As an adventurer. Trying to decide how best to overcome a difficult situation. Using your brain to outsmart the enemies and conquer the mind bending high iq bosses.

    • 4 months ago

      he said this about DeS, not DS1. Also he's specifically talking about bosses like Fool's Idol or Tower Knight

      • 4 months ago

        Ok so when you destroy the cuffs to kill wolnir that doesn't count, because why? WHY?

        • 4 months ago

          Cope Fromshart

        • 4 months ago

          Because new bad and old good

  29. 4 months ago

    >Complains about DS3 being a "roll to win" game
    >Miyazaki rehauls the bosses in Elden Ring to punish the roll spammers and put more focus on exploration

    What's the problem?

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is the game becomes a meta game in a game.
      The animation wind-up on Margott ends up being there to trip up previous establishments and seasoned players, rather than for it's own sake.

      We got shown how much better combat can be with Sekiro's simple parrying system, but instead we go right back to spamming roll.

      • 4 months ago

        have a nice day

        • 4 months ago

          seething fromshart

        • 4 months ago

          >can't refute anything
          >keel urself dood lol

      • 4 months ago

        What reason would ever constitute for its own sake?
        If Elden Ring was the first game fromsoft released would that be for its own sake?

        The animation wind-up is not just there to trip up seasoned players.
        It works double duty by also being a small window of opportunity that can be used to your advantage wether it is by repositioning, attacking or just getting a break to recover stagger.

        • 4 months ago

          If Elden Ring was the first game fromsoft released those windups and extremely fast attacks would not be in the game, period.

          • 4 months ago

            Answer the question

            • 4 months ago

              I did.

              • 4 months ago

                You have not given any reason that would be considered 'for its own sake'.
                You also completely avoided answering the second question by just denying it outright.

              • 4 months ago

                DS3/ER delays are both moronic in their own right, and doubly moronic as they only exist to compensate for the increased skill levels of the fanbase
                its moronic

              • 4 months ago

                They're fine just dont dodge until they actually attack like you are supposed to. I'm convinced the complainers are just low functioning morons and the game is too much for their impaired brains to handle. They've hit their cap mentally and the game demands non moronation to function and it upsets them.
                It's like a wheelchair bound person seeing stairs and having a meltdown.

              • 4 months ago

                I doubt you have ever played an actually difficult action game before, it is a cheap trick and it looks silly

                Ok, then you're just not gonna answer.
                >doubly moronic as they only exist to compensate for the increased skill levels of the fanbase
                >Follow up game changes AI behaviour to cover a mechanical flaw
                >This is a bad thing

                they should focus on what they are good at rather than trying and failing to make engaging action combat

              • 4 months ago

                >rather than trying and failing to make engaging action combat
                That seems to just be your opinion when ER seems to be very well regarded on that end.

              • 4 months ago

                >appeal to popularity

              • 4 months ago

                No different from just saying
                > It's just bad

              • 4 months ago

                >They're fine just dont dodge until they actually attack like you are supposed to

                Dumb fanboy post.
                >dude just do X
                Learn that there are more perspectives to a game that what you think on your 20th playthrough.

              • 4 months ago

                >dodges the second he sees any sort of animation
                It's not the game's fault you're an ADHD zoom zoom twitchy little moron.

              • 4 months ago

                Nah just basic logic. It's there to catch people on autopilot and it works. Dodge at the right time. Its basic gameplay you clowns refuse to learn so people make fun of you because kids can learn to adapt to it lol.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok, then you're just not gonna answer.
                >doubly moronic as they only exist to compensate for the increased skill levels of the fanbase
                >Follow up game changes AI behaviour to cover a mechanical flaw
                >This is a bad thing

              • 4 months ago

                They're fine just dont dodge until they actually attack like you are supposed to. I'm convinced the complainers are just low functioning morons and the game is too much for their impaired brains to handle. They've hit their cap mentally and the game demands non moronation to function and it upsets them.
                It's like a wheelchair bound person seeing stairs and having a meltdown.

                They could make a challenging game, more so even, without cheating unfair bullshit if you didn't have roll spam and iframes.

              • 4 months ago

                >cheating unfair
                You got made fun of for trying this already dont do it here too.

              • 4 months ago

                It's obviously the same sisters as usual. Same bad takes, same moronic struggle session style shit.

              • 4 months ago

                This is who from makes games for. They cant imagine having their roll spam and iframes taken away, but they wanna tell others to git gud lmao

              • 4 months ago

                Seethe more meatwound.

              • 4 months ago

                These are players who unironically engage in Souls PvP as if it were Apex Legends or something. That's who the 'gitgud' posters are.

              • 4 months ago

                >muh iframes
                Found the genuine aspie hyperventilating over games prioritizing being mechanically oriented over being 100% accurate depictions of reality. I bet you have a meltdown over a town in a video game having 10 buildings also.
                >d-did… did he just roll through that fist instead of having a unique unpredictable animation that completely changes the timing and distance of the character each time!?!?!??? omg i’m losing it!!!!!!!!!!

        • 4 months ago

          >The animation wind-up is not just there to trip up seasoned players.
          >It works double duty by also being a small window of opportunity that can be used to your advantage wether it is by repositioning, attacking or just getting a break to recover stagger

          This is genuinely how fanatics and radicals think. Common sense dictates that Margott is there as a stop-gap boss to redirect the player. The windup in animations are there to trip up established players and redirect them to the south.

          If you want to blindly believe that it isn't a meta-design choice 5 games deep into a series then be my guest. Have fun falling for a religious cult in 10 years.

          • 4 months ago

            >something sonething cultist

          • 4 months ago

            My guy read the post.
            I never said there wasn't a meta element to it.
            But it's not just a meta element at play, it also creates more mechanical depth by allowing good players to take advantage of the situation.

            • 4 months ago

              The reason for something like that existing for its own sake that early in the game is if there were previous gameplay mechanics set up to reinforce it.

              Why does the opening boss to an established series of punishing games where the main choice of dodging is a frame invincible roll wind up attacks in a non-natural way? If anyone in the thread comes to the conclusion other than, "From did it to be sneak ;)" then you're genuinely stupid.

              • 4 months ago

                you are a moronic homosexual, that move is actually an homage to the gargoyles flying up in the air and loding the halberd for 3 seconds, which you could also dodge by running.

              • 4 months ago

                Ah yes, the 'Gargoyle Homage'. What an iconic enemy.

              • 4 months ago

                >Is if there were previous gameplay mechanics set up to reinforce it.
                Even if we exclude stagger as a mechanic, stamina and positional attacks already reinforce delay attacks as a mechanical development.
                Both of these allow a good player to build up their advantage against the boss by getting in a safe spot to attack from or building up more stamina to deal more damage.

                While a player whose roll spamming won't be able to keep their stamina up as high, nor get as frequent opportunities to attack and will deal less damage in a longer period of time.

              • 4 months ago

                Wrong. That's why the true first boss in the game works on the back of shield parries which is also reinforced by Weeping Peninsula's enemies.
                If you don't understand why Margott is designed like that, there's no helping you.

              • 4 months ago

                You can say wrong all you like those are the mechanical results.
                Yes, the devs are changing the rules to mess with veteran players.
                But it's not just to make the game harder, it also is to refine how the player interacts with the enemy AI even within the existing mechanics.

                Did you really think the devs set Margit to do a slow-ass hammer swing in between constant attacks just because?
                No, it is to show a clear opportunity where the delay is long enough that you can take advantage of it.
                An advantage even if you're only aware of prior game mechanics because you can hit him or move around to bait an easy to respond to attack.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't feel it's well designed. I can feel it's meta-designed when I play it.
                It's still one of the best boss fights in the series, just from how well varied all the attacks are. But there's a bias on us for that because we're seasoned.

                I like how Margit throws the knives and makes me double think when to roll and how to approach it, but if I take a step back and view the fight objectively and for new players especially, it just doesn't make sense.

                And Margit is two of the best fights in the game , this isn't even getting into the worse cases.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm gonna be honest, I never felt the meta-aspect to it.
                To me, it felt fine especially as the game progressed and Margit's role was revealed.
                Him being this figure that frequently held the wall to the goal of the tarnished made his fighting style feel appropriate.
                Like all his meta components are a reflection of his battle experience against those seeking the throne.

                As far as I know, he's also the boss most reliant on it no one else uses it to his extent.

          • 4 months ago

            >gets BTFO
            >starts sperging out like a moronic woman

      • 4 months ago

        I don't want Sekiro trash in my Souls game
        I want to play a Souls game. YOU are free to play Sekiro

        • 4 months ago

          Sekiro might as well be a souls game, the gap isn't as big as AC.

          Secondly, the level design and character actions of Demons Souls don't work well in an open world game, that's why Elden Ring is 10/10 in the legacy dungeons where caution is needed vs just running around on a Princess Mononoke elk.

          Sekiro's actions fit an open world better. It's like putting Ocarina link into Tears of the Kingdom.

          • 4 months ago

            >Sekiro might as well be a souls game, the gap isn't as big as AC.
            No it isn't. Souls games are defined by combat interaction based on your weapon of choice, which may or may not involve parrying, trading, spacing, blocking, dodging or simply outranging enemies
            Sekiro is just some rhythm game

            • 4 months ago

              >Souls games are defined by combat interaction based on your weapon of choice

              Souls is defined by its atmosphere which ties into the level design. Having 100 weapons to choose from lessons the game, now you have to fit this one interaction around every single major combat style.

              • 4 months ago

                moronic wannabe vidya essay drivel.
                Sekiro "interactions" can be broken by simply delaying attack chains or deadzoning. Its level design is also utter garbage

              • 4 months ago

                >Its level design is also utter garbage

                True, and that's because it's trying to fit into Dark Souls' level design.

            • 4 months ago

              they used to be atmospheric dungeon crawlers. nowadays they're mediocre action games

  30. 4 months ago

    >make one negative comment about fromsoft games
    >immediate paragraphs of screeching and webm spam
    why does this happen? this is the only 'fanbase' that I see this with

    • 4 months ago

      If you have watched the video you would know it's not just "one negative comment".

    • 4 months ago

      that's what happens when pressing the roll button at the right time becomes a substitute for owning property and getting a family

  31. 4 months ago

    I think this video echoes a lot of those points too
    I'm just so bored with humanoid bosses thats "creative" because he can delay attacks
    and some semblance of a dungeon with just floor switches or some key from an npc to unlock doors, even 2D zelda games had way more unique dungeon designs
    also people that want more open world games can go frick themselves

  32. 4 months ago

    I began to have a sneaking suspicion MatthewMatosis was actually an idiot when I watched his DS2 video. This video confirmed my suspicions.

  33. 4 months ago

    Man, even the MUSIC is more soulful in demon's souls

  34. 4 months ago

    reminder those are his points
    >souls combat is shallow
    >the subsequent games have focused on combat to the detriment of the weird experimental design of earlier games
    >this is a problem as it works against immersion since being unpredictable works in favor of the slow careful exploration that made des and ds interesting
    >on the other hand the copypasted poison swamps and rote memorization of blatantly artificial attack animations shatter this illusion of discovering a strange hostile world and instead scream "I'm playing a video game"
    >fromsoft can't even fix huge flaws like input buffer, terrible collision detection, shithouse camera and bad AI after more than a decade of making the same games
    all of these are perfectly reasonable and true critcisims and fromdrones absolutely screeching about them show they're barely sentient subhumans

    • 4 months ago

      >souls combat is shallow
      Says you and other morons. How “deep” is DMC’s combat when most of the enemies are extremely similar or incredibly gimmicky? Name a fun DMC enemy to fight against. What the real difference between DMC and DaS is, the combat in DMC is player focused meaning the player has more options and priority than the enemies, which are glorified punching bags/obstacles, while in DaS it has enemy focused combat where the player abides by a very strict and narrow rule set while the enemies have a variety of abilities and control the rhythm of combat as the player is more defense oriented. But brainless morons like you and Matthew are incapable of understanding differences in approach and think one is inherently superior to the other. I bet you think Max Payne is superior to Resident Evil 4 because Max moves faster than Leon and has more movement options, huh moron?

      • 4 months ago

        Matt would say that Max Payne and RE4 do different things better, though Matt would probably prefer RE4. I don't understand why you are so reductive. Also if you want examples of well made action games with deep combat and with focus on enemy variety, just look at Kamiya games

        • 4 months ago

          >though Matt would probably prefer RE4
          Not sure why since he's trash at it

          But by all means let's treat this literal moron's braindead "points" as objective facts when he can't figure out how to fricking reload in a shooter

          • 4 months ago

            so you admit that you're the schizo who keeps spamming these webms every thread because 6 years ago he made a video that is still making you dilate? thats kinda pathetic...

            • 4 months ago

              >oh frick he's right, I can't even argue
              >HURR DURR SCHIZO
              I accept your concession. Go slurp down Trantranosis's cum some more.

              • 4 months ago

                yep, seems i was right

                I’m positive I’ve played more than you have.

                playing them on 'very easy' doesn't count, you know

              • 4 months ago

                lmao it literally is a Trantosis fanboy from YouTube

              • 4 months ago

                is this a falseflag or do fromsoft fans really whine like this after they get BTFO?

              • 4 months ago

                fromsoft has BY FAR the worst fans in the industry, even tendies and snoys aren't as obnoxious

              • 4 months ago

                >sucked off Cuckcuckgaytosis
                >thinks this counts as a BTFO

        • 4 months ago

          >games with deep combat and with focus on enemy variety, just look at Kamiya games
          >same exact punching bag gameplay with 10 different enemies
          Are you genuinely moronic?

          • 4 months ago

            you don't play action games, do you?

            • 4 months ago

              I’m positive I’ve played more than you have.

        • 4 months ago

          You didn’t name a DMC enemy that’s fun to fight

      • 4 months ago

        >How “deep” is DMC’s combat
        quite deep as it has a lot of different tools allowing skilled players to essentially customize their offense and defense with a lot of relatively complex execution, as opposed to souls garbage which is always the same simplistic interaction

        but of course I don't expect a brain damaged fromtroony to even begin to understand what depth means

        • 4 months ago

          >buzzwords buzzwords signs of being a homosexual underage b&
          >hurr durr ur a troony
          Absolutely pathetic.

          • 4 months ago

            yeah that's what I thought, 80 IQ max, probably brown, has no idea what depth even entails, typical fromdrone

            • 4 months ago

              >doubling down on being an obnoxious homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                See ya, troony

      • 4 months ago

        >How “deep” is DMC’s combat when most of the enemies are extremely similar or incredibly gimmicky?
        NTA but I'd say it's much deeper. at best what you need for souls games is patience and basic timing. if you want to combo on DMC you need to be much faster and if you don't want to be damaged all the time you gotta use a lot more tools that are available to you

        • 4 months ago

          >yeah it’s so deep and complex! you can either juggle enemies with this weapon or this weapon! you can also abuse unintentional engine exploits to easily win!! and building up super meter just so you can take off small chunks off a boss’ health bar on higher difficulties is the epitome of action gameplay!

          • 4 months ago

            honestly it's a much better loop than

            • 4 months ago

              >says game is “deep” and “complex”
              >never elaborates
              >gets ass blown out
              >doesn’t offer any sort of counter argument
              >resorts to reductionism
              I can’t even tell if you people are Matthewmatosis fanboys, DMC fanboys, anti-DaS contrarians, or low effort shitposters trying to farm (You)s anymore

              • 4 months ago

                >never elaborates

                >How “deep” is DMC’s combat when most of the enemies are extremely similar or incredibly gimmicky?
                NTA but I'd say it's much deeper. at best what you need for souls games is patience and basic timing. if you want to combo on DMC you need to be much faster and if you don't want to be damaged all the time you gotta use a lot more tools that are available to you

                I'm going to try to explain again to you but DMC takes a lot more skill to be as efficient as you can be in souls
                >gets ass blown out
                when? your post is literally just reductionism of the game mechanics and I just replied in the same tone. if you want an example of souls "deep" combat being that loop I cited you can look at basically ANY webm on the thread. if you want one example look here

                He didn't BTFO shit, he was proved wrong at every turn
                Elden Ring is an evolution of Demon's Souls design that pretty much course corrected every single mistake the Souls trilogy did.
                It brought back physical damage types that actually matter. Finally there's shit actually weak to slash besides naked NPCs, strike gives a considerable advantage against armor throughout the whole game and thrust is very powerful against enemies with scales or beasts. In no other Souls game this is as relevant as in Elden Ring.
                It expanded the weapon categories, standardized their moveset and then smartly picked several weapons for special moveset variations in a way that makes sense and gives variety (besides maybe the special R2 to Death Poker, since most players use it for the weapon art with pure Int build), and balanced those weapons around their stats, status effects and skill requirements in a way choices are well defined and provide tradeoffs/advantages.
                It massively reduced fall damage to complement verticality in level design, added a proper tool to get over obstacles and traverse enviroments.
                It brought back strong elemental counters, more and reworked focus on the use of consumables and combining attack and has several special boss fight-related tools. It also brought back status inducing builds that aren't a complete meme like in the entire Souls trilogy

                >rolls through the telegraphed attack
                >move to the left
                >cast spell

  35. 4 months ago

    Go away

    • 4 months ago

      read the thread homosexual, we're discussing VIDEO GAMES

  36. 4 months ago

    funnily enough he's still right. souls games lost a lot of their atmosphere over the years and elden ring is just a reflection of that. the game feels like a big theme park sprinkled with the usual souls enemies, forever waiting for someone to pass in front of them so they can aggro. if you're going to make an open world you should at least have a world that feels alive, instead they stretched a souls game to appeal to normalgays

  37. 4 months ago

    the only cool boss in this game is radagon
    margit was nice for the novelty of hard boss in early game, the other times you fought him felt like a joke or even a chore
    other bosses range from eh to fricking bad

    • 4 months ago

      I wouldn't say Radagon is a *well* designed/balanced boss, but it is a great spectacle boss like of the best in Demons Souls, and that's exactly what you need in these titles.

      • 4 months ago

        What's bad about Radagon?
        I think he's pretty well done in general, his only major sour spot being that he's tied to Elden Beast.

        • 4 months ago

          >What's bad about Radagon?

          Mechanically, it's a frustrating fight that doesn't really have a design purpose.
          In terms of spectacle though, it's 10/10 using the summons, the narrative, the landscape changing after.

          But if you were to put the player and Radagon in a testing room box, you'd feel how poor it is, whereas something like Genichiro in a box a 10/10, and the opposite invalidates it (summoning, large field)

          • 4 months ago

            >that doesn't really have a design purpose.
            What the frick?

            • 4 months ago

              Yes, a design purpose. A "narrative" purpose, yes.
              A combat design purpose? Not really.

              Something with a good combat design focus (initial encounters) is Fallingstar Beast, Leoninne Misbegotten, Margit.

              A lot of souls bosses fall into the category of, "just roll and wait and hit".

              • 4 months ago

                LMAO EVEN

              • 4 months ago

                >that webm
                wow.....looks completely boring
                people play this crap?

              • 4 months ago

                No one is parrying the final boss on their first run of the game. Apply yourself you ResetEra autsist.

          • 4 months ago

            >Mechanically, it's a frustrating fight that doesn't really have a design purpose.
            I honestly thought Radagon was designed as a 'rush down' boss in an interesting manner not done before.
            By teleporting he removes the advantage of gaining distance to disengage the player always had, while also deflecting spells.
            This means he's always in the player's face and forcing an interaction, which means the player has to look for other options to control the pace of the fight.

    • 4 months ago

      The gravity boss on a mule with the desert full of summons is the only creative boss in ER to me
      Other bosses feel like a derivative from older games

  38. 4 months ago

    >Ganker cries about YouTube homosexuals
    >MatthewMatarded posts a video of him crying over Souls games while fundamentally misunderstanding it

    • 4 months ago

      Dude you need to stop treating the place you hang out as a strawman like what the frick are you doing?

    • 4 months ago

      >Ganker shits on journalists and ecelebs constantly

      • 4 months ago

        >instant strawman
        I accept your concession.

        • 4 months ago

          >look mommy I've read the wikipedia page about logical fallacies!!
          I accept your dilation

          • 4 months ago

            >gives up completely
            Yawn. You're boring. Entertain me more next time, Discord sister.

            I guarantee you don't understand Souls games.

            I'm not TrannoidCucktosis.

            • 4 months ago

              sneedation accepted

    • 4 months ago

      >I AM SILLY

    • 4 months ago

      I guarantee you don't understand Souls games.

  39. 4 months ago

    i dont understand why his point goes over so many morons heads
    its like a woman with big breasts getting breast reduction surgery solely to go for the 'androgynous tomboy' look
    the lady is actively going against what works for her to chase a look she is not built for
    she gives away something she was naturally talented in to do another style that she can at best only be mediocre in

    • 4 months ago

      >woman with big breasts getting breast reduction surgery solely to go for the 'androgynous tomboy' look
      no woman does that

      • 4 months ago

        >he doesn't know

    • 4 months ago

      Because have surprise surprise, it's some ResetEra autist that plays DS3 every single day and argues about it non-stop.
      You thought all these posts were different people?

      • 4 months ago

        >You thought all these posts were different people?
        honestly no, even the ones without samegay webms all read like some ruskie foaming at the keyboard

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah he's got all the webm's saved up in the wings. It's like those dumb fricking DS2 PvP threads that plagued the board for months.

  40. 4 months ago

    >random literal who has mild commentary about the series
    >FromDrones' buttholes prolapse from anger

    • 4 months ago

      Guess this is the new coping mechanism for the sisters its showing up in all thread today.

  41. 4 months ago

    your eceleb is overrated garbage

  42. 4 months ago

    All of you guys are moronic.

  43. 4 months ago

    I don't care too much about his Fromsoft opinions but it really bothers me that he says he really values originality and innovation yet he swallows and praises all the atlus smt slop

  44. 4 months ago

    I accept your consnession

  45. 4 months ago

    >Died in Resident Evil 4? Heh.. now your whole argument is moot

  46. 4 months ago

    I'm genuinely sad he was too cowardly to make a Sekiro video. Seeing him whine about it not being juggleslop for 45 minutes would have been peak comedy.

  47. 4 months ago

    god fromshit threads are really low quality

    • 4 months ago

      bad games, bad threads

    • 4 months ago

      i partially got into these games because demon's/dark souls threads on Ganker seemed really fun back in the day

      i can't imagine anyone reading the shit we have now and feeling like they're missing out

    • 4 months ago

      It's good game design discussion, there's just one autist here who hates Matosis.

  48. 4 months ago

    Yup, he's pretty based
    Elden Ring was garbage

  49. 4 months ago

    >someone had the audacity to say this is more scripted than parrying/breaking stance and reposting the enemy
    holy shit

    • 4 months ago

      Don't bully them this hard, they have no concept of playing an action game where you either block or use an I-frame move.

    • 4 months ago

      Man thats dumb.

  50. 4 months ago



  51. 4 months ago

    he was right

    the masses don't want cool unique games like demon's souls, they want generic blobs like elden slop

    • 4 months ago

      I won't count that image because PS5 exclusive.

      • 4 months ago

        if you want I can show you the PS5 only sales of elden ring which are 2 times higher than demon's souls

      • 4 months ago

        the PS5 exclusive bombed. sold like 1.3 million or something like that

    • 4 months ago

      Demon's Souls is a shit game.

  52. 4 months ago
  53. 4 months ago
  54. 4 months ago
  55. 4 months ago

    >DS2 autist

    Oh here we go.

  56. 4 months ago

    Matthew is 100% write and y'all salty as frick about it. There is little to no engagement with the "combat" in Souls games after Dark Souls 1. It's all just variations of the same thing, and they don't do it well because they started focusing solely on the combat instead of the creativity and atmosphere of the early games. Souls combat is at its core shallow and repetitive, and there's no sense of improvement or growth because there's nothing to improve on. There are no combos to be mastered, no specific attack strings that unlock a different moveset that you can chain into specific situations: there's light attack, heavy attack, and roll. No one gets any sense of achievement out of doing this over and over, and if they say they do they're lying. It's like claiming you feel accomplished because you got the high score on Bop It.

    • 4 months ago

      >100% write
      Can't make this shit up. E-celeb wienersuckers are a special kind of moronic

  57. 4 months ago

    DS1 isn't about the combat we'll just flood areas with enemies you have to fight because it's ughhh a puzzle card swapping game! yeah they really believe this shit..

  58. 4 months ago

    How are Dark Souls 3 and ER any more about the combat than Demons'ss Souls?

    • 4 months ago

      The games aren't about combat. They're about the world.

      • 4 months ago

        that doesn't mean anything

      • 4 months ago

        Ok so from games have shit combat, cool

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, that's the point.

          • 4 months ago

            You doing okay lil sis?

            Ok so from games have shit combat, cool

            • 4 months ago

              Because if you have too much freedom of movement and utility, then THE WORLD becomes too easily circumventable and overcummable.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok so from games have shit combat, cool

        • 4 months ago

          You doing okay lil sis?

    • 4 months ago

      >this moronic troony is posting his webm again

    • 4 months ago

      That's a strange resolution anon.

  59. 4 months ago

    Sekiro revealed the formula is simon says to the masses. Elden ring carries that over and filtered people while being easy simon says. It upsets people that thought they were good at a hard game when it was never hard.

    • 4 months ago

      That's what Fart Souls games have always been. They're embarrassingly shallow slop

      • 4 months ago

        The sisters are so goofy and moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >Sekiro is simon says

      And Souls is just rolling.

      • 4 months ago

        That is part of the simon says. A simple delayed attack mindvroke the people that thought they were good but never were.
        I teach special needs kids, I'm 99% sure the repeated complaints are coming from people on the spectrum. Choice paralysis is common in them and shared with autistics that need life carers.

        The games are dogshit easy. They either have a brain impairment or some form of motor issue impairment, that is the only way to explain the weird inability to perform basic gameplay demands correctly. This shit ain't rocket science lol

  60. 4 months ago

    >You're there. As an adventurer. In a deadly and unique hostile environment. Trying to decide how best to overcome a difficult situation.
    >Series principles gets replaced with Michael Bay anime cutscenes and roll again and again...and again and again and again gameplay
    No longer a series where you outsmart your opponent and conquer areas with your cunning and wit. It's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.

    • 4 months ago

      Theres a pasta about ds2sissies and their ds3 copes. It's been 30 fricking years anon move past it.

      Because if you have too much freedom of movement and utility, then THE WORLD becomes too easily circumventable and overcummable.

      That's fine. Humans dominate the globe because we walk on 2 feet and made traversal easy as a result. Dont hate the player or the game, hate yourself.

    • 4 months ago

      bro this is literally everything mathewmuhshit was saying you did in demons souls but it's right fricking here in DS2, but it doesn't count because, why?

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      How is running away some revolutionary tactic that you felt the need to make a webm for it

  61. 4 months ago

    Elden Ring is laughably slop and embarrassingly pedestrian.

    TotK, on the other hand, has everything. Rich in story, scope, breadth, and complexity, Tears of the Kingdom has completely redefined the gaming landscape. In continuing and evolving one of the most storied and illustrious franchises in gaming history, TotK has shown once and for all that video games not only CAN be classified as high art, but SHOULD be. This is the standard that MUST be striven for going forward, lest future games remain perpetually in TotK's gargantuan shadow. The physics system ALONE is garnering collective gasps and whispers of "How the FRICK did they do it?!" from the gaming community; and not just the gamers, but the developers and creators themselves. NO ONE outside of Nintendo knows how this game accomplished what it did, especially on the hardware it runs on. It challenges the minds and intellects of its playerbase, tantalizing them with the notion that anything, truly ANYTHING, is possible, should the requisite intelligence and imagination be achieved and employed. Non-creatives and simpletons are unable to enjoy TotK because its majesty eludes them.

    Of course, none of this has touched upon the other aspects of the game, such as the mesmerizing story (a mature and sophisticated narrative that delves into themes of loyalty, honor, and love without being overly pretentious or vague for the sake of it), the satisfying, skill-based combat, the innovative and interesting crafting system, and the utterly breathtaking exploration of a colorful, vibrant world that draws you in with every new ruin, collectible, and secret discovered.

    TotK is magical. Incredible. A new high in the storied history of Nintendo, and gaming in general. We won't see another release of this caliber or technological sophistication in our lifetimes. I am so very proud and excited to be a part of it.

    • 4 months ago

      As pasta as this is, Zelda does win over with story.

      From Software have this fricking stupid idea that your game shouldn't really have story because muh celestial nihilism.

      Melina for example, shows up like 4 times in Elden Ring's story. How about you actually have the player talk and connect with her at every bonfire and really sell the endings?
      Oh nope I guess you just sit on a chair now and "le cycle will continue XD"

      Every fricking game is "The cycle will continue" and it's lazy.

      • 4 months ago

        >Every fricking game is "The cycle will continue" and it's lazy.
        You'll eventually realize why the heroes journey story telling device is visually depicted as a flat circle or cyclical.

        You've been conditioned by bad schools of thought.

        • 4 months ago

          bro every souls game is
          >world is fricked by some cataclysmic event, you're some fricking rando zombie who goes around killing heroes and gods past their prime to collect MacGuffins and then either continues the cycle or ends it
          it was cool the first 2 times, not so much the fifth time. I love elden ring's world and lore but the premise of the plot is fricking recycled

          • 4 months ago

            That's fine. It worked then and it works now.
            Protip - it will always work.
            You not liking it means you dont like it. That's fine.it doesnt mean it is bad as it is clearly liked by the vast majority.
            A healthy mind would have walked away when the pattern they didnt like showed itself after the first 2 times. You only have yourself to blame for upsetting yourself.
            Dont ever expect the world to change to cater to your individual perspective. Internalize that mindset and you'll find much fewer things to needlessly complain about.

            • 4 months ago

              >appeal to popularity

              • 4 months ago

                We aren't in a debate club gay stow it. You got told to grow up so be upset if you have to be but stop trying to piss on my leg for not humoring you.

              • 4 months ago

                >its good because its popular

              • 4 months ago

                Who are you quoting?

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I think shes just venting let her go its harmless banter.

            • 4 months ago

              >Protip - it will always work.
              not really. if you're making sequels there's a certain point where the story gets too stretched for it to make any sense. specially in a franchise where most of the story is told by item descriptions and left to interpretation but the players

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah it will always work. Cyclical stories work because we live cyclical lives irl. We partition all things into a series of cycles. Age, days, weeks, months, years, eras, epochs. Good times to bad times, best of times to worst of times.
                All cycles.

              • 4 months ago

                Basically a pseud take on "we can't write any other kind of story because we are incompetent and don't know how"

              • 4 months ago

                Kek shes so angry

              • 4 months ago

                This is what happens when shitters have to face Mendez without incendiary grenades (they don't work on him in the NTSC Gamecube version).

                why do u have to be mad? its only game

              • 4 months ago

                Some of the people here post to upset people. When they get told to stop because its rude they get upset.
                Ganker is tired of these frickers. I wont call them discord like others but they feel off like raiders. Ganker doesnt have to cater to them since they only show up to cause issues on purpose.

              • 4 months ago

                I think we're talking about different things anon. the problem isn't the cycle itself but the fact that you're always on back facing the same problem. you mentioned the hero's journey and that's represented in a circle and that's because the adventurer/hero goes from the world he knows to the unknown world, outside of his comfort zone, and goes back to the world he knows. now imagine that you had him go in three adventures and in all of those three he learned the same lesson. that's how it feels with you playing dark souls 1 to 3. you're back in the same world, doing the same job of lighting the flame, just seeing the world decay more little by little

              • 4 months ago

                It's different games so it isnt the same thing over and over. It is the same structure but they aren't the same story.
                The tarnished isnt the chosen undead for instance. It isnt 2 games repeating the same story for the same character like you're implying.

              • 4 months ago

                >It's different games so it isnt the same thing over and over
                I'm specifically talking about the dark souls trilogy. sure they do basically the same thing on their other souls games but as long as they fill them with lore people will be ok with it

              • 4 months ago

                The dark souls trilogy is 3 separate games so the point still stands.

                >doing the same job of lighting the flame
                How did you play ds2 thru 3 and still link the flame by 3? Like what the frick is your argument did you learn nothing playing?
                They might feel the same to you because you do the same thing in all of them. Other people dont play like that. Most do multiple endings in every entry so the narrative never actually plays out the same.

                I chose not to address this but lol yea wtf.

              • 4 months ago

                >3 separate games
                ? those games are, not exactly direct but mostly, sequels that reference each other. 3 being the culmination of a lot of cycles going on even

              • 4 months ago

                There are 3 games in the trilogy, hence trilogy?
                You just learn english?
                The other anon is
                >I read 1 book so I read all books
                Level moronic. Probably teenaged based on his edgy grimdark nihilism. Its wicked cool.

              • 4 months ago

                what are you taking about anon? I'm saying that there's a point where you can't keep going on about cycles if you're not going to change anything. those games aren't self contained and they have an overall narrative on the trilogy. my point is that with this structure there's only so much one person can take from the world before they get bored

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >doing the same job of lighting the flame
                How did you play ds2 thru 3 and still link the flame by 3? Like what the frick is your argument did you learn nothing playing?
                They might feel the same to you because you do the same thing in all of them. Other people dont play like that. Most do multiple endings in every entry so the narrative never actually plays out the same.

              • 4 months ago

                >Like what the frick is your argument did you learn nothing playing?
                we know it doesn't matter. none of it does and that's the problem. those games being about cycles is the reason they don't work as sequels narratively. and yes I did all the endings in the games

              • 4 months ago

                >devolves into nihilism when pressured
                Kek NGMI

              • 4 months ago

                into nihilism
                what nihilism? the games tell you that it doesn't matter. if they are about cycles and how everything happens again and again what do you think the players take from that? if anything I think lighting the flame and giving humanity more time of prosperity is better than not

              • 4 months ago

                >what nihilism
                >we know it doesnt matter. None of it does
                Okay schopenhauer time for your nappy.

              • 4 months ago

                >the games tell you that it doesn't matter. >*gets upset when they dont matter*
                Personal problem. Like you said it's a running theme you only have yourself to blame after a point.

                I think you're projecting here. I'm more than happy to sacrifice myself to buy humanity time. the games themselves do tell that nothing will change and that infinite cycles of lighting the flame happened and nothing seems to be changing that tho

              • 4 months ago

                >the games tell you that it doesn't matter. >*gets upset when they dont matter*
                Personal problem. Like you said it's a running theme you only have yourself to blame after a point.

              • 4 months ago

                ok just don't have a troony chimpout when we point out that fromsoft reuses the same story for every single game

  62. 4 months ago

    >450 reply e-celeb thread still up

    • 4 months ago

      matthewmatosis threads always turn into actual vidya discussions

  63. 4 months ago

    This guy can literally only play Kamiyaslop. Air Zonk is an easy game and he couldn't beat it after hours of trying.

    • 4 months ago

      We saw your post the first time bucko

      • 4 months ago

        >seething TrantranMatransis wienerslurper

  64. 4 months ago

    >Dark Souls

    >Monster Hunter

    >Legend of Zelda

    >Way of the Samurai


    >Dynasty Warriors

    None of these games play exactly like DMC, Bayo, and W101 so their combat is objectively all shit. Also, Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Blade, e-girlpop Chainsaw, God of War, Dante’s Inferno, Splatterhouse, and Marlow Briggs are also all shit because even though they play like DMC, Bayo, and W101 they aren’t as good so they’re still shit. Only Kamiya has ever made games with good combat in them.

  65. 4 months ago

    I want to know how DS2 isn't the one where you think like an adventurer and outsmart your enemies over hitting the rollbutton at the right time, but Demons'ss' souls is? Does that make any sense to people?

    • 4 months ago

      because people dont like DS2 very much and most of it is only small parts in the levels and not the bosses, which is eventually what the arguments devolve into

      • 4 months ago

        So fanboys arguing with feelings and emotions and not facts

      • 4 months ago

        But you can kill persurer with a single ballista shot. Exactly the kind of thing a quick thinking adventurer would do and isn't at all about hitting the roll button at the right time. But that doesn't count because, why?

        • 4 months ago

          Because easily killing a boss with a ballista shot isn't fun. It isn't even that clever since it is just right in the middle of the boss arena. Might as well play a movie game.

          • 4 months ago

            More fun than anything in demons sharts

            • 4 months ago

              The demon souls gimmick bosses suck as well. This "thinking like an adventurer" stuff is moronic, because most of the time it isn't particularly clever or satisfying.

              • 4 months ago

                WOW, So what is even good about this game? You dont like the combat! You dont like the bosses! You just look at atmosphere and read item descriptions and call it the best game ever and say Dark Souls 3 is trash..

              • 4 months ago

                >resetera troon dilates again when he imagines another strawman that criticized his favorite game

              • 4 months ago

                I like Souls combat. I think Matthewmatosis has some rose-tinted views of the older games and how you "outsmart the opponent" which isn't the reality of how they played.

          • 4 months ago

            Demons souls hipsters dont even think their game is fun. they just sit around the nexus and look at 'atmosphere'

        • 4 months ago

          honestly it's one of the more "out of the box" thing in the game but it's still not much more than just being clever. it's not a required thing and the persuer will destroy them most of the time so most people won't ever know you can shoot those

    • 4 months ago

      No one played that one but the group of nasties on Ganker that use it as a shitposting topic.
      It never actually gets talked about.

  66. 4 months ago

    How is it even possible to be this bad at Yoshi's Island?

    • 4 months ago

      lets see you do better while drunk, reading chat, and breaking down why aristotle's critique of tragedy doesn't work in a modern context

      • 4 months ago

        >this is what Trantosis wienersuckers actually think of him

    • 4 months ago

      I used to speedrun this game when I was like 8. Holy shit

    • 4 months ago

      >South American autist has all these webms of some Irish dude totally own him on a forum


  67. 4 months ago

    fromcultists try not to spam webms when threatened challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

  68. 4 months ago



  69. 4 months ago

    Uh sisters I thought he was supposed to be good at this game?

    • 4 months ago

      troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony troony

    • 4 months ago

      Post yours.

      • 4 months ago

        Not even the game's biggest fan likes it enough to get platinum ranks.

        • 4 months ago

          >Not even the game's biggest fan likes it
          there are bigger fans of bayo than matthewmatosis newbie

        • 4 months ago

          Post yours.

    • 4 months ago

      he has said multiple times that he is bad at bayonetta because of its focus on reaction time
      hes like 35 anon, the years are getting on him
      viewtiful joe is a lot slower paced and he's much better at it
      also ill say its pretty creepy that you've been scouring his streams this whole thread to find more "incriminating evidence", your obsession is extremely unhealthy

  70. 4 months ago

    I played Elden Ring and can confirm it is really good. So I don't really care what someone else has to say because I already formed my own opinion. I don't think zoomers can comprehend this without the help of a youtube video.

  71. 4 months ago

    This is what happens when shitters have to face Mendez without incendiary grenades (they don't work on him in the NTSC Gamecube version).

  72. 4 months ago

    Remember Demons Souls isn't about duh cambat, it just has levels that are straight forward gauntlets of enemies with a roll again and again...and again and again and again boss at the end. But watch the hipsters tell you it's actually Metroid *farts*

    • 4 months ago

      play a real action game, queer

      • 4 months ago

        play a real adventure game, like Myst, if you want no combat and just wanna look at atmosphere like a homosexual

      • 4 months ago

        Like what?

        • 4 months ago

          devil may cry and ninja gaiden

          • 4 months ago

            Ninja Gaiden is good. DMC is Kamiyaslop.

            why are you so obsessed with this literal who? did he make some video 8 years ago that made your neovegana quiver with rage or something?

            This thread is about your e-daddy.

        • 4 months ago

          why are you so obsessed with this literal who? did he make some video 8 years ago that made your neovegana quiver with rage or something?

  73. 4 months ago


  74. 4 months ago

    >i want a dark desolated world
    >with a dying order and corrupt church
    >with evil dark forces being the real mastermind
    >the player can choose to continue the dying rule or become their own master by owning the darkness
    >and le maiden!

    • 4 months ago

      kys you ghoulish troon

      • 4 months ago

        >no argument
        just admit that ur hack company can't write any other kind of story. do it pussy.

        • 4 months ago


          kys you ghoulish troon

          • 4 months ago

            go back to resetera, shitskin troon

  75. 4 months ago

    If Matthewmatosis was smart he'd just run past the enemies. If you were an adventurer that's what you would do

  76. 4 months ago


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