It's too bad they never released a fourth game for the Tiberium series. What happened?

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  1. 7 months ago

    What are you talking about? It ended at Tiberian Sun.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick you, 3 might not have been as good as 1 or 2 but it was still damn decent in a lot of ways

      • 7 months ago

        The only saving grace about 3 is a mod that brings Tiberian Sun elements

      • 7 months ago

        I thought base 3 was better than Kane's Wrath tbqh.

      • 7 months ago

        Ignore frickers like that, there is a group of zoomers who are trying to mingle with the C&C community and they believe C&C3 somehow sucks, most likely for contrarian sake.

        • 7 months ago

          YWNBAW troony Wars berry boy

      • 6 months ago

        >not as good
        3 was better than both. the only thing tibsun had over 3 was environmental design and variety, and that could be pretty easily fixed by mods if C&C modders weren't universally moronic and too preoccupied with adding their own goofy fanfiction

        • 6 months ago

          Better than both in being worse, how come that the most popular mod for C&C 3 is the one that makes it more like TS?

          • 6 months ago

            every C&C mod for every single game in the entire franchise has been moronic bullshit for drooling morons like you

            • 6 months ago

              verified nonsense.

            • 6 months ago

              imagine a community caring about his games.

              • 5 months ago

                whose games?

        • 6 months ago

          >The game that released 8 years later has a more refined gameplay loop

          The entire genre was still moving forward at this time and balancing wasn't a huge thought in 1999. C&C3 didn't do anything groundbreaking is the issue, it was just another iteration with worse designs, story and setting.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick off Shortbus, you are a fricking gay who posted scat at the official forums and C&C3 will always be better than TS.

    • 7 months ago

      Came to post this.

      C&C 3 was fricking garbage.
      C&C 4 was a repurposed bug people mobile game or something, they never actually bothered with a proper C&C 4.

      • 7 months ago

        >C&C 3 was fricking garbage.
        Man that's a bit harsh. I'll accept that it's a bit fanfic-y but damn, it wasn't that bad.

        • 7 months ago

          >Story was trash, ignored most of what came before
          >Atmosphere in game was trash, ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
          >Competitive multiplayer focus without much for the casuals to do aka destined to die out

          Whole thing was soulless trash. They should just have done generals 2 instead.

          • 6 months ago

            >Atmosphere in game was trash, ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
            at least the main theme is perfect

            • 6 months ago

              To this day I have never again had such a kino experience with a main menu as I had when I first opened TibWars. The music, the Tiberium-scarred Earth, and the short clips of devastated civilizations, all of it was perfect. It legitimately made me feel a sense of loss and melancholy as I watched the ruined planet turn.
              Then C&C4 shat on all of that with the Tiberium Control Network bullshit.

              • 6 months ago

                you're braindead if you think C&C3 was any good.

              • 6 months ago

                Explain how it is bad WITHOUT the "muh tibsun" nonargument

              • 6 months ago

                Game looks like a generic post apoc setting with no sovl or unique quirk to it, just with glowBlack person salt instead of radiation or acid rains, simple as.

              • 6 months ago

                >spells soul with a v unironically
                Ah, your brain is air-cooled, I understand.

              • 6 months ago

                >asks for opinion
                >declines said opinion and calls you moron because of one word

                Yep, that's your average Cum & wiener 3 troonyboy, further dialogue is futile.

              • 6 months ago

                >Game looks like a generic post apoc setting with no sovl or unique quirk to it
                name 1 other game. Just one. Go ahead

              • 6 months ago

                I actually wish there were more post apocalyptic rts games with hostile environment.

              • 6 months ago

                It literally looks like Fallout: Tactics.

              • 6 months ago

                this might be the stupidest post on the entirety on /vst/ right now

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but it looks like Fallout Tactics to me.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but it looks like Yoshi's Wooly World to me.

              • 6 months ago

                Why the frick did you post two pictures from Fallout NV?

              • 6 months ago

                Add in the moronic-looking urban-fashion-guerilla nuNOD troops Fallout: Tactics looks exactly like C&C3. At least Red Alert 3 look good, even if it was utter garbage.

              • 6 months ago

                here's your (you). That's all you really want out of this baitfest, right?

              • 6 months ago

                You like the moronic-looking urban-fashion-guerilla nuNOD troops from C&C3? Is that why you're so butthurt?

              • 6 months ago

                >having an opinion and speaking of it openly is bait
                You are a zoomer snowflake.

                Fallout Tactics looks nothing like C&C3, the first one is a 2D isometric tactics RPG, the second is a full 3D RTS.
                If 1 (one) concept art causes the entirety of C&C3 to turn into "literally Fallout Tactics", I can only call that bait. Bait devised by an autistic moron in pathetic need of attention and validation. Bait so fricking stupid, I can only compare it to /vst/ MPgay rants about their headcanons and why nobody likes them irl due to rabid autism connected to said headcanons

              • 6 months ago

                >someone makes a throwaway joke
                >and they're autistic because [insert 4+ post autistic rant here]
                I see.

              • 6 months ago

                >C&C could have been the 40k sized TT game of America.
                VGH! What kane have been!

              • 6 months ago

                You know, its all jokes and fun, but then you learn that C&C 3 has only two types of maps, either a generic wasteland or a city/futuristic city that is barely touched by the supposed world-wide ecological apocalypse. But then again, half of the campaign maps are just re-used multiplayer maps, and not the other way around.

              • 6 months ago

                >generic wasteland
                That's exactly what Fallout: Tactics looks like.

              • 5 months ago

                Wish it was possible to get the collector's edition for a reasonable price or at least that nod soldier figure, it's the only collector's edition I truly ever wanted to have, actually.

                Tiberian Sun is one of the best games ever made.

              • 5 months ago

                >tiberian sun
                >not ra2

                At least have some taste, Christ.

              • 5 months ago

                Why would Nod spend all that equipment and training on its meat shield infantry. It makes much more sense to keep that for the Black Hand and other elite infantry. Nods basic infantry should be guerilla radicals that are used mainly as bodies to throw at the enemy while its elite units strike vulnerable points.

              • 5 months ago

                nta but the reason they could afford to give their basic infantrymen proper equipment is simply because they could afford it, controlling the majority of tiberium holdings during the first war and being one of the only major world powers besides GDI by the second war despite internal division in the beginning.

              • 5 months ago

                I thought the whole point of Nod having militia was obvious.
                >The world was in apocalypse state.
                >GDI own all the rich blue zones.
                >Nod was not the same superpower after losing two wars.

                Why would not focus resources on tech that mattera. Nod control most yellow zone, which has most the population. So it was easier to just make high numbers of milita zealots.

                Why do you think Nod focused more on steath tech, because GDI has the brutal force them.

                Nod realized going toe to toe with GDI is dumb.

              • 5 months ago

                That's always been how Nod's forces work because they've always been weaker than GDI.

              • 5 months ago

                True, but in TD Nod was superpower that could buttheads with GDI. The lore even states at one point Nod soldiers were better equipped than GDI.

                All the setbacks probably screwed Nod bad.

              • 5 months ago

                >True, but in TD Nod was superpower that could buttheads with GDI.
                No, they were a rising power. A super power? Maybe, but not one that could go toe to toe with GDI. Notice how in TD Nod relies the most on media manipulation and sabotage and other covert operations. Note as well that GDI dominates the skies, seas, and has the stronger units on the land too.

                Personally, given that Nod has a few multiplayer/CovertOps exclusive units, I like to reason that the war in TD kicked off a few years earlier than Kane wanted, hence why Nod doesn't have any real airforce, can't deploy Chem Warriors or MLRS's in large quantities, nor those laser fences we see in the ending cutscene.

                Things are quite a bit more balanced in TS because at that point Nod has widely deployable stealth tech and subterranean capabilities, which counters GDI's air, space (and maybe sea?) capabilities. That war also ends in a much more closer to equal status, with Nod not remotely in any way destroyed by GDI and with Nod having successfully wiped out their biggest base (Hammerfest).

                TD ends in total GDI victory with the Brotherhood all but gone; broken up and scattered into different factions all their territory functionally claimed by GDI. Not so with TS. Alas, I went on a tangent there.

                My point is, Nod is at its weakest in TD.

              • 5 months ago

                They were raising superpower at the time TD. But yes Nod was the weaker of the two for sure, just not by much in TD.

              • 5 months ago

                They were weaker by a lot in terms of raw force. Just look at their core nations as opposed to GDI which has the whole of US, most of South America, all of Europe, Russia, Australia, ect. Nod has a bunch of third world countries and China (which at that time is not so powerful)

              • 5 months ago

                Wait I thought Australia was Nod?

              • 5 months ago

                No, that makes no sense

                You can see from the map that Nod's biggest member states are Iraq, Iran, and China.

              • 5 months ago

                How did Nod get Australia in CNC3?

              • 5 months ago

                I have no idea but society broke down pretty well in the 21st century so that would have changed the geopolitical landscape a lot. During TS you can see places in the US that Nod holds; both GDI and Nod hold bits of territory all over with no-mans land in between. Nations barely exist at that point as fast as I'm aware.

              • 2 months ago

                They didn't the only reason Nod had any presence in Australia was that the Black Hand fricked off to the Australian badlands after Tiberian Sun and GDI, who engineered the entire rebellion in the first place, let them.

                GDI decided to let the Black Hand rot in Western Australia so Macrion could have his giant Waco Compound.

                Then when Kane took back the Black Hand and caused the massive explosion, GDI was forced to abandon large parts of Australia in the aftermath which let Nod move in.

              • 5 months ago

                >The lore even states at one point Nod soldiers were better equipped than GDI.
                I don't recall where this was ever stated. I do remember reading, I think in Renegade, that the average Nod soldier was little better equipped than a third world constrict, as in fact most of them are. However that actual Brotherhood officers and professional soldiers, which were fewer in number, were just as well equipped and trained as any GDI soldier/officer.

              • 5 months ago

                You can find info about it on CNC wiki.

              • 5 months ago

                You'd have to say where so I can see the source and context.

              • 6 months ago

                >having an opinion and speaking of it openly is bait
                You are a zoomer snowflake.

              • 5 months ago

                >tfw someone saved my shitty mspaint drawing

              • 2 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                >At least Red Alert 3 look good

              • 5 months ago

                C&C3 is the best C&C and its not even fricking close. That game still plays the best all these years later.

          • 5 months ago

            > ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
            It literally had aliens as a playable faction you drooling simp

            • 4 months ago

              I think anon was referring to the tiberian flora and fona present in Tiberian Sun, stuff pretty much indicating tiberium was converting the earth to an alien ecosystem. I think the only remnant of any of it in TibWars was the visceroid, and its appearance was changed from the blobs that we saw in Dawn and Sun.

              • 4 months ago

                Of course he was referring to the cool ass flora and fauna. I can't believe they just ditched all that awesome looking shit for "generic desert #340."

              • 4 months ago

                >I think anon was referring to the tiberian flora and fona present in Tiberian Sun,
                Yes. I always hated how C&C3 did away with that and re-imagined Tiberium to just be green crystals growing over everything and not a plant that produces green crystals on these pod things after it spreads roots through the soil to leech all minerals and nutrients. Spreading itself as well through blossom trees that it mutates from the native environment. Then all the other stuff you see in Tiberun Sun. C&C3 was such a misstep.

          • 4 months ago

            It wasn't soulless and it wasn't trash. You're likely mad because China. Other than that, the game was good. Settle down, anon.

            • 4 months ago

              He's talking about C&C3 being soulless trash, not Generals

      • 4 months ago

        What are you talking about? It ended at Tiberian Sun.

        >Story was trash, ignored most of what came before
        >Atmosphere in game was trash, ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
        >Competitive multiplayer focus without much for the casuals to do aka destined to die out

        Whole thing was soulless trash. They should just have done generals 2 instead.

        I liked C&C3.

        >Atmosphere in game was trash, ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
        at least the main theme is perfect

        To this day I have never again had such a kino experience with a main menu as I had when I first opened TibWars. The music, the Tiberium-scarred Earth, and the short clips of devastated civilizations, all of it was perfect. It legitimately made me feel a sense of loss and melancholy as I watched the ruined planet turn.
        Then C&C4 shat on all of that with the Tiberium Control Network bullshit.

        > ignored all the cool alien shit that Tiberian Sun and Firedtorm created
        It literally had aliens as a playable faction you drooling simp


    • 3 months ago

      Kane's wrath was great, frick off.

      • 3 months ago

        I liked the part where Kane, the megamind and master tactician appointed a crazy white woman that hates AI as a chief technician that oversees his super AI that is somehow better than CABAL despite being worse in every aspect.

        Or how cyborgs die on Tiberium despite being more advanced than in Tiberian Sun, or how CABAL didn't knew about those cyborgs

  2. 7 months ago

    >Tiberium series
    What is that? The covers look a bit like they are Red Alert 1&2 knock-offs.

    • 7 months ago

      What's a Red Alert? You must be mistaken.

      • 7 months ago

        Mistaken? No, I am John!

  3. 7 months ago

    Why is EA like this?

    • 7 months ago

      Capitalism unironically

      • 7 months ago

        the first capitalists grew rich by carefully managing their cattle - counted by the head, capita - and gradually increasing their number and value through ensuring the herd's wellbeing

        killing the golden goose is the plain opposite

        • 7 months ago

          C&C was no longer a golden goose when it was killed, the RTS genre in general is extremely niche because it decided to appeal exclusively to hyper-competitive sperglords and the average person is no longer interested

        • 6 months ago

          Nah, you see, they killed the golden goose for short term profit because there were a few eggs inside of it as well

          • 5 months ago

            then your position is "capitalism bad because fools destroy themselves"

            but fools should destroy themselves, and be replaced by wiser men

            • 5 months ago

              the problem is EA hasn't destroyed itself, they just keep getting wealthier and buying more studios, capitalism just lets them run rampant through the industry, even if they do eventually go out of business they've already done a lot of damage

              • 5 months ago

                These days companies don't even need to be profitable to stay in business. Not that EA will ever not be profitable considering they have the market cornered on normie trash.

        • 4 months ago

          the golden goose only placates a small group of people. In order to capture wider audiences you need to dumb things down and make them more accessible. That's why RTS is dead and MOBA is thriving.

      • 7 months ago

        damn guys did you know volcanoes are caused by volcanism

  4. 7 months ago

    >Kane's gone? Yeah, right.

    • 7 months ago

      >MFW this guy is actually Kanes brother and starred in a TV-show with Jesse Ventura

      • 6 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >newbie thinks I am making shit up

  5. 7 months ago

    >It's too bad they never released a fourth game for the Tiberium series. What happened?

    It's been, 13 fricking years, holy shit, and you reddit homies still didn't came up with a joke better than "C&C 4 does not exist"? And then you accept shit like Rivals and half baked remaster with your arms wide open. Go figure why remastered collection volume 2 didn't came out and why such thing as Legions exists.

    Yahweh bless Electronic Arts for successfully scamming C&C goymers for two decades.

    • 7 months ago

      The Remaster was good though
      I still hope they do TibSun and RA2

      • 7 months ago

        20 dollars for a plastic-looking textures, broken difficulty settings, steam achievements that still won't register most of the time, tasty cadmium Mammoth Tank in a 200 dollars anniversary edition that also included pins and other small merchandise that looks worse than those same things but decades ago in special editions of the games when they first came out, and also obelisk/tesla coil dildos with "made in china" written on them, artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3, with half of the job such as providing of the source code and cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free.

        Feels like majority just bought remaster in hopes that EA will make more C&C in future, while never actually playing it, i actually wonder why so little people who bought the remaster on steam have the achievements, is it because almost no one actually played the game, even first two levels, since they give achievements for that, or the game just didn't registered them.

        • 7 months ago

          >broken difficulty settings
          How? I don't have the remaster. I've only heard of people complaining how they changed the airstrike AI so you can't bait it as easily

          • 7 months ago

            The guy from the community that EA asked to test new difficulty levels, i.e. hard and easy, just cheesed all missions by knowing all the bugs and exploits, and then reported to EA that the game is fine and they shipped it without checking it, in other words, hard was absolutely busted and easy was piss poor easy

            • 7 months ago

              It's what's his name that posts on steam forms. He even admitted to doing that on steam formas.

              • 7 months ago

                nyergurds that butthole

              • 7 months ago

                C&C subreddit moderator and editor of the C&C's fandom wiki page where he wrote-out almost every mention and reference to Kane being Biblical Cain because of his socialist and atheistic beliefs, replacing them with references to one of the Isaac Asimov's books about ancient alien trying to leave the Earth, which with all things considered is really damn funny, because, the only game that outright states Kane's origin as ancient alien trying to leave the Earth, while contradicting all of the information and Biblical references presented in previous games from Kane's Wrath and all the way to Tiberian Dawn is C&C 4: Tiberian Twilight, a game that most of people hate and deny its existence, including Nyergurds himself

              • 7 months ago

                C&C subreddit moderator and editor of the C&C's fandom wiki page where he wrote-out almost every mention and reference to Kane being Biblical Cain because of his socialist and atheistic beliefs, replacing them with references to one of the Isaac Asimov's books about ancient alien trying to leave the Earth, which with all things considered is really damn funny, because, the only game that outright states Kane's origin as ancient alien trying to leave the Earth, while contradicting all of the information and Biblical references presented in previous games from Kane's Wrath and all the way to Tiberian Dawn is C&C 4: Tiberian Twilight, a game that most of people hate and deny its existence, including Nyergurds himself

                How do buttholes like this manage to work their way into having any sort of authority over anything? Granted, they're generally the only ones with the time to apply themselves to such things, but surely their toxic idiocy is apparent enough to warn off anyone from giving them the reigns right?

              • 7 months ago

                In this case he's an autist with C&C1 hyperfocus, he knows his shit regarding that game and has made patches for it. Sadly he's too autistic to have any manners though

              • 7 months ago

                His patch is barely acceptable in my opinion. The game still crashes alot with it. Even at lower resolution.

              • 7 months ago

                The answer is simple, nepotism and circlejerk dick-sucking, you won't get this high unless you'll suck someone off, while people higher than him in community hierarchy are all major wienersukers to EA, albeit EA gives less than a zero fricks about them and their sycophancy, probably even less than the community in general and series itself

              • 7 months ago

                Nyerguds is a qweeb.

        • 7 months ago

          The new graphics are okay, but thankfully you can just toggle on the old graphics. Steam achievements are gay and I never touched the difficulty slider since the original didn't have one.

          >tasty cadmium Mammoth Tank in a 200 dollars anniversary edition that also included pins and other small merchandise that looks worse than those same things but decades ago in special editions of the games when they first came out, and also obelisk/tesla coil dildos with "made in china" written on them, artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3
          You can thank LRG for that

          >with half of the job such as providing of the source code and cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free.
          Literally nothing wrong with this

        • 6 months ago

          it's a good remaster and none of your points are correct. You have shit taste

          • 6 months ago

            >broken difficulty settings
            >steam achievements that still won't register most of the time
            >cadmium Mammoth Tank
            >artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3
            >cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free
            These are factually true though

            • 6 months ago

              Provide a source for each of those claims or you'll be raped to death.

              • 6 months ago

                >broken difficulty settings


                achievements that still won't register most of the time

                Mammoth Tank

                that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3

                upscaling being made by community members for free

              • 6 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Is there any evidence that the OG game didn't scale difficulty by making enemy units better or worse? Because the guy himself doesn't provide evidence of the OG game.

              • 5 months ago

                Original Tiberian Dawn doesn't have difficulty levels

              • 5 months ago

                Red alert does and I'm pretty sure so did command and conquer. Don't fricking call it tiberian dawn, that's the dumbest title given to it by zoom zooms.

              • 5 months ago

                Shut frick up zoomie gay, it was the name given to it by the devs, frankly the full name of the sequel was supposed to be Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun.
                The only choice you were given in the original Tiberian Dawn upon starting a campaign was between Global Defense Initiative and Brotherhood of Nod.

              • 5 months ago

                It was never called Tiberian Dawn until kids like you got into this years after the fact. Tiberian Sun was not even that popular. The game was always just called command and conquer. I played this shit in 1995 don't question me homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                How could you play Tiberian Dawn when it came out if you were still in the balls of your alcoholic father?

              • 5 months ago

                Because I'm in my 30s and my alcoholic father played command and conquer

              • 5 months ago

                nta, they referred to it as Tiberian Dawn as far back as 1997.

              • 5 months ago

                Forgot link:

              • 6 months ago

                >that ad
                holy BASED i miss how america used to be

              • 5 months ago

                where the frick is that background image from

              • 5 months ago

                Looks like an old magazine add for Command & Conquer.

              • 5 months ago

                i'll break ur nose kid

              • 4 months ago

                Gulf War Highway of Death
                Kys right now for being too yung 2 remember, zoomcuck

        • 5 months ago

          Frickin hell mate, you an absolute idiot.

      • 7 months ago

        there's no point in remastering tibdawn or tibsun, the design of these games is old and janky, the only thing we need is tibwars 2

        • 7 months ago

          So, you are asking for yet another half-assed soft reboot made with the sole purpose of getting the attention of competitive trogs and Koreans?

    • 7 months ago

      What the actual frick are you talking about, there are no C&C games with those names.
      Also the remaster was good.

      • 7 months ago

        LEGION was the second iteration of CABAL, you get to play as them during the Nod campaign in the C&C3 Xpac. I don't remember if they were a skirmish-mode sub-faction.

        • 7 months ago

          LEGION was second iteration of dev's feeble attempt at responding to plyers backlash after C&C 3 looked nothing like Tiberian Sun, and all the buildup from the Nod ending of Firestorm was wasted. C.A.B.A.L. was written off, completely destroyed and what was left became part of Kane's mind in C&C 3. LEGION is just a machine, not a cybernetic organism like C.A.B.A.L., LEGION is what if EVA was a playable character at best, an insert for the player, which it is, and the supposed advanced army of cyborgs that he leads, and that C.A.B.A.L. didn't knew about for some reason, is so fricking advanced that it doesn't have anti-air cyborgs and uses regular murder-hobos instead, and they die on Tiberium even though they are supposed to be immune to it and also get healed on it just like mutants.

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            Cool render, is it a mod for OpenRa?

          • 7 months ago

            What is this monstrosity?

            • 7 months ago

              A new C&C game you've asked for

          • 4 months ago

            Dead Space 4 looks nice

            Tiberian C&C concept art had so much potential yet they fricked it up so badly.

          • 2 months ago

            It's actually funny how far the C&C IP has fallen. It's been desecrated so many times it feels like a running joke. Next entry into the series will be a Kane dating sim at this point.

            • 2 months ago

              Just play the mods

          • 2 months ago

            Nice model work, but shame about literally everything else.

        • 7 months ago

          Ohh yeah legion cool bro so cool, that AI which was TOTALLY FRICKING MUTE the entire time and basically NOTHING LIKE CABAL yeah brilliant...

          <Jlaw thumbs up gif>

    • 7 months ago

      C&Chuds btfo

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry, not reading allat

      • 7 months ago

        Зaпocти физyхy, eблaн

        • 7 months ago

          Пpими тaблeтки, шизoид.

    • 7 months ago

      >half baked remaster
      Anon you should play the games in question before talking.

      • 7 months ago

        I played it, somehow feels worse than the original

        • 7 months ago

          it's literally the same game under the hood. Right down to the shitty harvester pathing.

    • 6 months ago

      Remaster was good though. Everyone shat on Rivals and I am fairly certain no one pretends that Rivals exists either.

      20 dollars for a plastic-looking textures, broken difficulty settings, steam achievements that still won't register most of the time, tasty cadmium Mammoth Tank in a 200 dollars anniversary edition that also included pins and other small merchandise that looks worse than those same things but decades ago in special editions of the games when they first came out, and also obelisk/tesla coil dildos with "made in china" written on them, artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3, with half of the job such as providing of the source code and cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free.

      Feels like majority just bought remaster in hopes that EA will make more C&C in future, while never actually playing it, i actually wonder why so little people who bought the remaster on steam have the achievements, is it because almost no one actually played the game, even first two levels, since they give achievements for that, or the game just didn't registered them.

      >20 dollars for a plastic-looking textures
      Can be turned off. Having options isn't bad, at least it's not like AoE2:DE that has it's perpetually ugly remastered graphics plastered everywhere with no way to change it (or hell, no way to change the cutscene illustrations either).
      >broken difficulty settings
      No clue about that, so this one is completely new to me.
      >tasty cadmium Mammoth Tank in a 200 dollars anniversary edition that also included pins and other small merchandise that looks worse than those same things but decades ago in special editions of the games when they first came out, and also obelisk/tesla coil dildos with "made in china" written on them, artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3,
      Who the frick bought any of that shit? Collector's Items is for redditors. Even if the remaster is fricking great doesn't mean that morons should buy collector's shit provided by EA because it's guaranteed to not be worth it.
      >with half of the job such as providing of the source code and cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free.
      ...this is bad how?
      Not to mention better this than dealing with the bullshit that is OpenRA

    • 5 months ago

      >half baked remaster
      Huh? Okay, I mean I've been Ganker for almost 20 years now so I'm used to seeing utterly baffling opinions. The remaster is solid and fun. It's a great way to enjoy the original games again.

    • 4 months ago

      >and you reddit homies still didn't came up with a joke better than "C&C 4 does not exist"?

    • 3 months ago

      Ill take your bait. Remaster was good.

  6. 7 months ago

    It was the best in the series. So good it mindbroke C&C babies.

    • 6 months ago

      up there with the Star Ocean 3 "life is a vidya game" plot twist, we'll never have good things again

  7. 7 months ago

    Leave it to CHina

    • 7 months ago

      I love anime in my C&C!!

      • 7 months ago

        This but unironically

        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Okay, I know you like Mental Omega, but what about the new game?

    • 6 months ago

      what the hell

    • 3 months ago

      >Anime C&C
      Now I'm reminded that it would've been perfect if Arknights and C&C had a collab event. And both series have mutating rocks in them.
      Kane as a 6 star with some pretty powerful skills and talents, not to mention base abilities, would be dope.

  8. 7 months ago

    It could have been Republic Commando CNC kino.

    • 7 months ago

      Dead Space 4 looks nice

    • 3 months ago

      Dead Space 4 looks nice

      >you will never have a Scottish tomboy commando and vaguely ethnic Nod priestess fight over you in the middle of an alien invasion

  9. 7 months ago

    Tiberium phone

  10. 7 months ago

    >never played red alert 1
    >never played C&C
    >used to frick around at a friend's house with tiberian sun
    >doing random skirmishes
    >not getting what the frick was I doing
    >still loving it due to atmosphere
    >get red alert 2, like it
    >get generals, not my cup of tea, there was less atmosphere, maybe due to 3d
    >get C&C3, like it despite its flaws
    >get red alert 3, goofyness went overboard, see the cannon shooting paratroopers in the air and uninstall
    >hear C&C4 was shit, never touch it
    I should just go back to the old titles I guess, I might do a C&C run up to kane's wrath.
    Is there a sort of canon in what campaigns are relevant to the game after, or are you supposed to just play them all?

    • 7 months ago

      Definitely try Generals again. I didn't like it very much when it came out but gave it a try years later and I consider it probably one of the best games in the series along with Zero Hour. I feel like Zero Hour gives a lot more character to the factions (you get live action cutscenes for instance), they felt a little bit bland in the main game. The game needs some setting up though, gamedata.ini mod to raise up the camera and AA and AF forced to look good.

      • 7 months ago

        I will look into it. I also sometimes get the urge to go back and finish the Act of War campaign, but often enough when I go back to play old games I soon remember why I stopped playing them at the time.

    • 7 months ago

      Generals have really great gameplay but everything else be it graphics, music or atmosphere mostly sucks.

      • 7 months ago

        Are you fricking mad? The music is better than General's gameplay! Sure there is nothing that can compare to Grinder, Act on Instinct, Hell March, or really anything from RA2 or older, but the sound track is still fricking solid.

      • 2 months ago

        Couldn't disagree more. The game is carried by its atmosphere. Only C&C could make this generic modern warfare setting so full of character. The unit quotes are so memorable.

        • 2 months ago

          >Couldn't disagree more.
          Ok grandpa, take your meds. I hope you still learn in the asylum why rifles shouldn't look like tubes.

          • 2 months ago

            I'll give you that the visuals are outdated, but that's 1/3. Music and atmosphere are not as bad as you're claiming at all.

    • 7 months ago

      Tib Sun and RA2 are great. Tib Dawn and Red Alert 1 are kind of clumsy since it really is just tank-spam the game with bad path finding.
      Generals was pretty fricking kino when I played it originally. It lacks the over the top atmosphere of Tib Sun and RA 2, but seeing the 3d units and effects blew my fricking mind.

      Never played any of the ones after that though.

      Honestly, tried to go back and play C&C Remastered and it's pretty fricking clunky.

      • 7 months ago

        Tib Sun was a big childhood game for me. I put who knows how many hundreds of hours into it.

        • 6 months ago

          The Alt history of that game (Twisted Insurrection)
          is pretty good and you don't need Tib Sun installed to play.

    • 7 months ago

      TibDawn and Red Alert 1 are first-gen RTS games. If you plan on playing them, just enjoy them for their simplicity. I like to refer to the first two C&C games as amazing soundtracks with some cool RTS games attached.

    • 7 months ago

      The canon of the franchise and it subseries is somewhat light. Without getting too much into spoilers, there was a time when the tiberian and the red alert series were supposed to be part of one continuum, which was dropped around the time the 2nd generation C&C games (i.e. TibSun and RA2) came out.

      Within their own respective series, it is a story of varying consistency. The Tiberium series is somewhat more stringent in its narrative than red alert, but for both series you don't really need much context from earlier titles. You get the most of possible callback when you play the very first game, Tiberian Dawn, as it gets the most callbacks from both Red alert 1 and Tiberian Sun. Red alert 2 of course picks up after the first and you get told the interlude between the two games in the installation program, but for the most part you're fine with knowing the general outcome of the preceding game. Gameplay-wise however, the games do their fair share of making you feel at home if you know the predecessor, i.e. general factions, signature technologies, units and playstyles.
      You can also observe this pattern with the Dune Games.

      Regarding Generals, I don't quite know nough about it so as what to say in regards to its canon or whether to recommend it to anyone. They were released in a time when 3D was still somewhat awkward while 2D has been mastered for quite some time, so I'd think the second generation C&C games are nice to look at and the first generation are nowadays fine. You will of course find the older games lacking in gameplay depth and quality of life features. This is why i hope that they give a proper remastering to Tiberian Sun and RA2.

      If you wonder about play order, there are several possible ways. In any case, you should start of at the beginning. Get the remastered collection and play Tiberian Dawn and Red alert 1. After that, proceed either in release order or pick the series which fancies you more and play these through in release order

      • 7 months ago


        You can somewhat ignore the Add-Ons for the first two games, but beyond that, they become important additions the respective game's story. You can play them up until their third instalment or jump off earlier if you deem them too wacky. Only play the fourth Tiberium game if you're really determined to see the franchise through to the end. Otherwise, it's not worth it and might even sour the good taste you had from the previous games, retroactively.

      • 7 months ago

        >I don't quite know nough about it so as what to say in regards to its canon
        Officially it's an entirely new universe with no relation to the other games. Though I do like the fancanon of it being the original timeline you see in RA1 with the agitated Einstein.

      • 7 months ago

        >there was a time when the tiberian and the red alert series were supposed to be part of one continuum, which was dropped around the time the 2nd generation C&C games (i.e. TibSun and RA2) came out.
        It was never dropped. They were making plans to tie them back together through Ren2 and C&C3. Among other things, they would have made Yuri a time-traveling Nod acolyte.
        Thankfully Westwood died before it could embarrass itself with this crap.

        • 5 months ago

          >It was never dropped. They were making plans to tie them back together through Ren2 and C&C3.
          This would have been terrible. RA2 onward belongs in its own universe because of TONE. RA2 and especially RA3 is just too silly to be part of RA1 or the Tiberium series. Of-course they have some light hearted moments or aesthetics in places too, but over all RA1 and the Tiberium games take themselves seriously. RA1 should be part of Tiberium canon but nothing after that.

      • 5 months ago

        I still consider Red Alert canon to C&C1, probably with a Soviet victory since Kane appears in the Soviet campaign and the Brotherhood of Nod is all but named. Plus, the Soviets conquering all of Europe and then collapsing in the 1990's just before Tiberium shows up is a good backstory to C&C1 that explains GDI's relative struggle against Nod. Red Alert 2 is a lot of fun but I'm not sure if I even consider it a real sequel to RA1 because at least vanilla RA1 takes itself very seriously where-as RA2 is mostly light hearted and vaguely parody.

    • 4 months ago

      TD and RA1 campaigns are fricking brutal. Mostly due to bad balance and outdated mission design.
      GDI grenadiers roll over everything, while the AI cheats like a motherfricker, to the point the only way to win is to cheese them.

  11. 7 months ago

    >There will be no true C&C4 where you have to take on the actual Scrin military
    >The one in C&C3 are a mining expedition

    • 6 months ago

      >>The one in C&C3 are a mining expedition
      *group of poorly armed farmers

      • 6 months ago

        That's even crazier. I feel robbed of the possibility of fighting the Scrin Overlord and his actual military.
        But in all honesty Scrin open up so much potential for GDI and Nod in terms of tech advancement.
        Also imagine the Forgotten getting some of it too via various means.
        All the factions would've become even more futuristic/cyberpunk-ish than they were in TibSun. Nod would also have a more techno-organic look probably too.

        • 6 months ago

          >But in all honesty Scrin open up so much potential for GDI and Nod in terms of tech advancement.
          >gdi and nod but with CUHRAZEEEEEH alium technology!!!1one
          Yawn. You should have a nice day.

          • 6 months ago

            Go touch tiberium.

            • 4 months ago

              Frickin' kek, I love you bro. That was grand.

            • 2 months ago

              This reminds me, did CnC 3 & 4 even had Visceroids or other mutant wildlife?

              • 2 months ago

                >Visceroids or other mutant wildlife?
                Just visceroids
                >cnc 3
                They're created when Corruptors kill infantry
                >cnc 4
                They're suicide bomber units trained from a captured Forgotten structure

          • 6 months ago

            doesn't have to be ayylien tech, can just be tiberium based anti-scrin weapons

  12. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      You know.
      They know.
      Learn better bussines lesions in you next lifes, shitnons.

    • 4 months ago

      honestly the only things wrong with Rivals were the microtransactions and the game's reliance on them (and everything that enables it like lootcrates and unit leveling). The trailer and the general artstyle could also use a few more months in the oven but if there was no microtransactions you could've overlooked them, because:
      The core of the game was good, could use slightly bigger maps and a bit of a balance change, but it is fun to just tap a squad of Nod bikes or GDI jumpjet grenadiers, tap to where the enemy harvester ought to be, and watch the fireworks. It's fun to have a small skirmish with a few tanks, some rocket squads, and maybe a helicopter. It's fun to play king of the hill, and it's fun to ignore it to just burn down the enemy base directly with a flame tank and some flamethrower infantry support. It's not a big grand game of big war like the computer C&C, but it's a mobile spinoff with simple controls and simpler eco, it doesn't want to be a big war and it almost succeeded in that.

      But as I said at the beginning, microtransactions and leveling killed the game before it could even get made. It happens to everything EA touches, now more than it ever did. I don't need to elaborate on this.

      • 4 months ago

        Rivals had the worst timing possible for its announcement

        • 4 months ago

          EA literally copied everything Blizzard did down to a T, announced mobile game instead of a proper product, received backlash, announced remaster to get back some brownie points back and use beforementioned backlash as an opportunity to make some quick cash, outsourced remaster to the same malaysian sweatshop that Blizzard did.

          Yet where Blizzard failed, EA succeeded, but not because Remastered Collection of C&C was a better than WC3 Reforged, which it was to a certain extent but only because of how much simpler and small first C&C games are in comparison to WC3. It is more of how much C&C community is cucked to one of the worst gaming companies in the whole world, where Blizzard fans are more organized and lived with their frickery for years, C&C just accepted all the shit that EA did to the franchise. This anon here

          20 dollars for a plastic-looking textures, broken difficulty settings, steam achievements that still won't register most of the time, tasty cadmium Mammoth Tank in a 200 dollars anniversary edition that also included pins and other small merchandise that looks worse than those same things but decades ago in special editions of the games when they first came out, and also obelisk/tesla coil dildos with "made in china" written on them, artbook that had none of the original concept art or new concept art made specifically for remaster but had screenshots from mods for Red Alert 3, with half of the job such as providing of the source code and cutscene upscaling being made by community members for free.

          Feels like majority just bought remaster in hopes that EA will make more C&C in future, while never actually playing it, i actually wonder why so little people who bought the remaster on steam have the achievements, is it because almost no one actually played the game, even first two levels, since they give achievements for that, or the game just didn't registered them.

          and some other posts in this thread have already explained problems with Remaster but i'd like to add that the only asset in Remaster that doesn't look plastic or soapy is TD Construction Yard, but only because they used it as part of the promo-camapign, "Hey look goy... C&C fans! We are combining art-styles of the in-game assets with their cutscene counterparts to provide updated classical yet new experience". Also Jimtern himself stated at some point that Remaster came out only because his contact at EA asked if he has any ideas on how EA can exploit Rivals backlash.

          • 4 months ago

            >asked if he has any ideas on how EA can exploit Rivals backlash
            Sounds spicy. Got sauce?

          • 4 months ago

            Rivals was announced before Diablo Immortal and came out the month after DI was announced at Blizzcon. EA had been making free2p shovelware and browser games for years. They weren't copying Blizzard at something they were already doing
            >outsourced remaster to the same malaysian sweatshop that Blizzard did.
            Where do you gays come up with this shit.
            CnC remaster was done by Petroglyp

            • 4 months ago

              This is incorrect. CnC remaster was done by the same studio, the only difference is that unlike Blizzard, EA actually scoped them properly, and they had Petroglyph's assistance.

              Warcraft: Refunded bounced between 'remaster', 'reimagining', and 'new DOTA mapmaker but this time we get all rights pretty please'. It was entirely Blizzard's fault it was shit.

              • 4 months ago

                I'll bite. The same "sweatshop" studio you speak of is Lemon Sky, which does graphics, not the game.

            • 4 months ago

              LemonSky Studios, ever heard of them? Their former employee, Benjamin Tay, who worked on C&C Demasterered Collection is now making furry inflation and C&C inflation porn with vehicles under the alias of Direct and Dominate (NightShadow02) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVuOSA4H3SQ

              • 4 months ago

                This is an artist
                Do you understand the difference between making a game and just making the art for it?

              • 4 months ago

                So this is why the only actual piece of concept art in their artbook is a screenshot stolen from a Red Alert 3 mod

              • 4 months ago

                >says there's cnc inflation porn
                >look at his username
                >its just 3d cartoony cnc vehicles that do silly things

                Are you an ESL? Do you know what porn is?

              • 4 months ago

                Can't you see that fricking Chinook on the pic you posted? Or AC-130 from the vid? Or here, take a look at another one with the ORCA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smfjj6jv3G0

                I ain't paying for his Patreon to show the explicit proofs, but know that his top contributor is Plokite Wolf who is a notorious furry inflation fetishist from Croatia, he's also famous for coopting CNCNZ.com, having raging hate-boner towards Westwood and classical C&C games and also being lead designer for Tempest Rising.

                Pic related is a link to inflation furry porn artist

              • 4 months ago


                This shit seems pretty based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogWiDtWjfMo is that your idea of porn?

              • 4 months ago

                You sir are genuinely fricking pathetic. Who the frick even cares what this guy does? Frick off back to defending Vaush on /misc/ or something.

                Shills already active, maybe Plokite Wolf did got fired from Slipgate after Kingpin fiasco

              • 4 months ago

                Tell us more

              • 4 months ago

                Tldr, Slipgate Ironworks, known for having issues with every project they worked on, fricked up big time this time by making a "remaster" of Kingpin: Life of Crime, they were so lazy and sloppy in fact, that they didn't even AI-upscaled old textures while claiming to redraw them by hand, they literally AI-generated new textures. And now Slipgate, 3D Realms to whom they are b***h and Embracer Group in general to whom 3D Realms are b***h, were hit with massive layoffs. And all that with Embracer Group imploding on itself much like its predecessor, THQ.

                And Plokite is either already fired, or will be soon, and he doesn't want links to his favorite inflation artists and accusations of coopting someone else's projects to be the first things that his possible employers will find about him while doing the background check.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't understand how embracer is kill when they snapped up dozens of small studios
                Where did that money come from and how did then explode so quickly?

              • 4 months ago

                Explaining it to you would take too much time and would probably be worthless; look at it this way, the banks had a free money jar running for the past decade or so, and Embracer exploited this free money jar to buy enough studios to get a big buyout and cash, but then the free money jar got stoppered up and Embracer was left holding the bag.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok so it was money laundering gotcha

              • 4 months ago

                That would be StormGate

              • 4 months ago

                None of these recent Slipgate games seem to have much of a positive reception. Does TR have any chances of being good?

              • 4 months ago

                Imagine Tiberian Dawn but in 3D, not the N64 port, just Tiberian Dawn but in 3D, BUT strapped off all its charm and with RA3 fetus melted to it in some sort of daemonculaba.

                And you will have a modern 3D RTS game with all the problems of one of the first RTS games that came out 30 years. But the thing is that one game came out 30 years ago when everything was still a novelty and each new game was trying to push the limits and add something, and another is supposed to revive the genre while actively regressing because "classical and just like old C&C games".

                Archived thread filled with shills and overly aggressive MO fans, but should do - https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1521049/#q1523118

              • 4 months ago

                LemonSky Studios, ever heard of them? Their former employee, Benjamin Tay, who worked on C&C Demasterered Collection is now making furry inflation and C&C inflation porn with vehicles under the alias of Direct and Dominate (NightShadow02) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVuOSA4H3SQ

                You sir are genuinely fricking pathetic. Who the frick even cares what this guy does? Frick off back to defending Vaush on /misc/ or something.

            • 4 months ago

              >CnC remaster was done by Petroglyp(h)

              At best Petroglyph made jukebox feature, provided EA and sweatshop with the source code and some technical advice
              At worst they were involved in the production only for their logo to be put on the box art in order to bolster the sales of the game, "Hey look goy... C&C fans! Petroglyph are involved, they are former Westwood devs remember? (With only 2.5 actual ex-Westwood devs remaining at Petroglyph, with 2 people being Joe Bostic and janitor, and 0.5 being Frank Klepacki because he's literally everywhere these days)"

  13. 7 months ago

    Tiberium Wars was mid tbh

    • 7 months ago

      >hard to see where you can build
      >worse aesthetics than tibsun
      >no frank klepacki
      >gdi was blue
      The gameplay was still good IMO ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • 7 months ago

      C&C3 is probably my favourite game in the franchise other than Renegade which doesn't count. It's like they took the best parts of Generals and put them into a more typical C&C style game. If the campaign wasn't so fricked by the balance patches the gameplay would be flawless. The only letdown for me is the entirely forgettable soundtrack.
      I didn't like Kane's Wrath nearly as much as the base game even though it adds Zero Hourlike factions and indirectly nerfs Scrin. The balance just feels weird and wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        The balance is user-selectable with a command line argument (-modconfig), but I believe this will only work with the DVD version. There should be skudef files in the game folder that you give to it to launch the game with an older patch. There's a fanpatch that enables it for online store versions too but I haven't used it.

      • 7 months ago

        Kane's Wrath would've been 10/10 for me if the global conquest mode wasn't so shit.

  14. 7 months ago

    >What happened?
    EA being EA happened, how come you don't know this?

  15. 7 months ago

    I only just now realized that CABAL is a pun on the old programming language COBOL widely used in mainframes in the 90s.
    I guess you could say I'm a regular Albert Einstine (another obsolete 20th century figure with C&C plot relevance)

    • 3 months ago

      I know it's been months but truly this is a based post

  16. 6 months ago


  17. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      That's a medium tank, dumb dumb.

      • 6 months ago

        The Bradley is a medium tank?!?

        And it was a box tank with a round turret when you played the game, the sprite is translated fairly faitfully to the sprite it is supposed to replace, except they based too much of the details on the T-54/55.

        You don't see Nod/GDI troopers run around with calicos in the cutscenes or the sprites either, but that is what they are armed with in the buy button on the sidebar.

        Original Cameo is a Bradley. It's supposed to be a Bradley.

        • 6 months ago

          These portraits are often inconsistent. Sea Scorpion's portrait in RA2 also looks a bit different than the in-game model.

        • 6 months ago

          Not according to the original sprite.

          • 6 months ago

            Demastered Collection homies on their way to explain how cartoonishly toy looking ZTZ-88 from the the remaster is more lore accurate than retrofitted Bradley because original sprite looks like a box with a sphere on top of it despite the fact that even manual mentioned that Nod have all this American tech such as BFV(Bradley) and DPV(Buggy) due to shady dealings with American military contractors

            • 6 months ago

              >moronic Black person incapable of understanding that the sprite never matched the cameo nor the FMVs, so the remaster sprite not matching the cameo and FMVs are a point in the remaster's favour in regards to accuracy.

              • 6 months ago

                >moronic Black person

              • 6 months ago

                >That is a detraction
                Wow, a game isn't perfect! Probably shocking news to Black folk like you.

        • 6 months ago

          >The Bradley is a... tank?!?
          Not exactly.

          • 6 months ago

            Honestly even military contractors who made it doesn't know what Bradley is actually supposed to be with how much it was changed from the original idea of light troop transport made for reconnaissance.

            But the one in the game is supposed to be retrofitted with light tank gun instead of autocannon, with troop transportation being sacrificed for anti-tank capabilities

            • 6 months ago

              I think manual even said the light Tank is Bradly fitted with 75MM Cannon instead of the usual 25MM.

          • 6 months ago

            Next you will tell me a Merkava isn't a tank either

            • 6 months ago

              The anon above answered best on the Bradley matter.
              But just because a vehicle has treads and a turret doesn't automatically make it a tank.

            • 6 months ago

              correct, tanks are supposed to survive at least light AT

          • 6 months ago

            >didn't photoshop the outfits and mask to look like pic related

            Missed opportunity.

            • 5 months ago

              I always regretted how Renegade ditched the original C&C1 aesthetics. Visually Renegade looks like it should take place between C&C1 and Tiberian Sun. I always liked how C&C1 had that modern aesthetic with a few science fiction elements, a couple of "near future" vehicles and technology, but otherwise grounded in the modern day of 1995 or so.

              • 5 months ago

                >Visually Renegade looks like it should take place between C&C1 and Tiberian Sun.
                That's where it is chronologically too.

              • 5 months ago

                No, it takes place during C&C1. Some of the missions are even missions from C&C1 and Havok is the one who infiltrates Nod Temple Prime just before the final GDI mission.

              • 5 months ago

                I think that might've been their original intentions, judging by some early concepts. I haven't read up on Renegade's development, so I'm not sure when the decision was made to make Nod resemble Cobra with the red jumpsuits. Giving them gas masks makes some sense since t-poisoning was going around during the first war and the Brotherhood was more knowledgeable about its effects.

              • 5 months ago

                >I think that might've been their original intentions, judging by some early concepts. I haven't read up on Renegade's development
                Indeed it was the original idea with Renegade. The designs being faithful to TD I mean. I don't recall when or why it was changed. While I do think Renegade's designs and aesthetics are cool, as I said it feels like something that would take place right in between the 30 year gap between TD and TS. The gasmaks and and such are fine and just makes sense from a design standpoint since gasmask enemies don't need faces and so fit generic enemies well. Plus, gasmasks with the gray fatigues better lines up with TS's black armor with masks (with a few red highlights).

                Like I said, I just prefer the grounded look of TD or else the full on Sci-Fi of TS to the middle ground that Renegade kind of falls into.

          • 6 months ago

            I thought the NOD used modified version with bigger gun to turn into a light tank.

        • 3 months ago

          T-55 makes much more sense as a matchup against GDI's Abrams and the actual unit in-game always was closer to a round-turreted T-55/72 than a Bradley (which mounts a rapid-fire autocannon).
          The games were never that great about consistency between portraits, sprite, and CG depiction- look at the Red Alert MiGs, which appear as MiG-23s but in cutscenes appear as MiG-29s.

          • 3 months ago

            This is what happens when you switch halfway the project from the 1970s to the 1950s.

          • 3 months ago

            >The games were never that great about consistency between portraits, sprite, and CG depiction
            I thought the C&C1 minigunner was a testament of this. Every single depiction of it is different, down to the manual. It's the most basic unit so there's no way they didn't do this on purpose.

          • 3 months ago

            your a fricking moron, a big fat fricking gorilla monkey dumbass without any reading comprehension.

          • 3 months ago

            >T-55 makes much more sense as a matchup against GDI's Abrams and the actual unit in-game always was closer to a round-turreted T-55/72 than a Bradley (which mounts a rapid-fire autocannon).

          • 3 months ago

            >T-55 makes much more sense as a matchup against GDI's Abrams and the actual unit in-game always was closer to a round-turreted T-55/72 than a Bradley (which mounts a rapid-fire autocannon).
            I prefer the bradley because I don't like units from Red Alert and Command & Conquer being literally the same. Same function in game terms, but I think there is great visual variety between Red Alert and C&C by replacing the Light Tank and Artillery with new modded models.

      • 2 months ago

        It's a main battle tank!

    • 6 months ago

      And it was a box tank with a round turret when you played the game, the sprite is translated fairly faitfully to the sprite it is supposed to replace, except they based too much of the details on the T-54/55.

      You don't see Nod/GDI troopers run around with calicos in the cutscenes or the sprites either, but that is what they are armed with in the buy button on the sidebar.

    • 6 months ago

      And in RA1 it's represented by an M24 Chaffee in cinematics - your point?

    • 2 months ago

      Honestly even military contractors who made it doesn't know what Bradley is actually supposed to be with how much it was changed from the original idea of light troop transport made for reconnaissance.

      But the one in the game is supposed to be retrofitted with light tank gun instead of autocannon, with troop transportation being sacrificed for anti-tank capabilities

      I think manual even said the light Tank is Bradly fitted with 75MM Cannon instead of the usual 25MM.

      So it's a Bradley Chassis with a Chaffee turret.

      Maybe Nod was sold a bunch of turretless Bradley's and they had to stick what they wanted on top.

  18. 6 months ago

    Know what the most painful part is dude?
    They released THE FIRST DECADE, inferring there would be a second for us to enjoy.
    Then EA killed both franchises in 4 years

  19. 6 months ago

    >It's too bad they never released a third game for the Tiberium series.
    Yeah, sucks but what can you do.

  20. 6 months ago

    your feeling of helplessness is your best friend SAVAGE

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        the product of a tortured brain

        • 6 months ago

          why are we never getting an absolute kino soundtrack like RA2 ever again

          • 6 months ago

            the product of a tortured brain

            power to overwhelm and destroy

            • 4 months ago

              Frank still produces music:

            • 4 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          I though for a second that you were calling me a moron as I started scrolling from the bottom of the thread.

        • 4 months ago

          dumbass Black folk

          Frank still produces music:

          Frank Klepacki is fantastic. I used to interact with him on FB. Great person who just wants to jam out and make sick music for games. Love that dude.

  21. 6 months ago

    dumbass Black folk

    • 6 months ago

      Che stronzo disgustoso

      • 6 months ago

        get killed homosexual

  22. 6 months ago

    rivals was a fun little game at least, no need to sperg out about it so hard just because it's not really a c&c game. if anything, it was much more fun than tiberium alliances.

    • 6 months ago

      playing either makes you a traitor

  23. 6 months ago

    How's Red Alert 20XX and Rise of the East? Are they any good?

    • 6 months ago

      20XX is the good one

  24. 6 months ago

    >muh post-apocalyptic RTS!!1one
    Isn't that just TibSun? What a silly award to give to C&C3.

  25. 6 months ago

    >tfw C&C modding is dying away
    feels bad man

    • 6 months ago

      Let the community burn, them homies sold their souls to EA and Tencent's underlings anyway

    • 4 months ago

      >Check out the moddb for Generals for the first time in a while
      >Main article is some political tract from some troony communist who spends 95% of the shit crying about NATO instead of talking about their fricking mod

      Maybe it should die if this is what modders are like now.

      • 4 months ago

        Enhanced Zero Hour?
        Oh wow what a fricking disappointment

      • 4 months ago

        That game is only good mechanically. Which is no surprise as it is an iteration of Sage engine. Or however it's spelled.
        Otherwise kids who grew up playing it have a massive nostalgia and that's that. VO is not bad too I guess. But it is frick ugly, the designers had to turn to muh Middle East and muh Red (paper) Tiger because the audience wouldn't have bought into RA3 at the time. Even with man-cannons shooting bears out. It felt like a cash grab through and through.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah yeah yeah who the frick cares it's better than fricking RA3 which is only surpassed by CnC4 by how dogshit it is.
          >yuh nostalgia is clouding the game, the game is only good for the gameplay
          Which is what every game should aspire to be, dipshit. Get the frick out.

          • 4 months ago

            >it's better than dogshit, which is only surpassed by literal satanic diarrhoea
            Wew, lad. No the own you were aiming for, I reckon.

  26. 6 months ago

    I want another over the top red alert with cutscenes and hot chicks

  27. 6 months ago

    Why no Remaster Collection Vol. 2? What the frick is wrong with EA?

    • 6 months ago

      Too easy to frick up

    • 6 months ago

      too much effort, can't steal mental omega team's work, etc

      • 6 months ago

        One cease and desist letter later and there will be noMOre MO
        One promise of a remaster vol.2 and everyone will forget about MO
        This would be really profitable for EA actually, since they could sell remaster of RA2 in China where it is very popular

        • 6 months ago

          I wouldn't be surprised if they trashed the idea of a remaster because of the world trade center mission, the paris mission with eiffel tower, and the Hollywood mission. Just too haram for "modern sensitivities"/spineless neutered zoomers and alphas

        • 6 months ago

          keep dreaming

  28. 6 months ago

    What is the best way to play CNC with our using that homosexuals patch?

    • 6 months ago

      Vanilla Conquer, it's made from the source code of the original game but ported to work with current PCs. The only downside I can see with it is that custom campaigns or missions don't work.

      • 6 months ago

        First time hearing about this. Will check it out.

      • 3 months ago

        thanks anon, original cnc was always iffy and movies were choppy on my pc, but this works great

  29. 6 months ago

    I wish there was a newer C&C with modern era nations

    • 5 months ago

      I always wanted full remake of TD with the UN as third factions. Maybe have new campaign base on what the UN was doing during the war.

      • 5 months ago


  30. 5 months ago

    C&C is the Star Wars of the RTS genre

    • 5 months ago

      Cool as hell until it was bought by a big company then utterly ruined?

      • 5 months ago

        A has-been legacy franchise that was once a smash hit, but later mismanaged major entries (sequel trilogy for star wars, twilight for c&c) killed its future

  31. 5 months ago

    As I see it, ea did not understand what the potential of tiberian sun had.
    They decided to go the route of a simple red alert variant, one that had less zany elements.

    The sad thing is that they almost had it, it was even present in the game, only off to the side, where it wasn’t in the way.

    But first, I have to go on a tangent:
    Tiberian Sun, the first of the series that I played, told the story of a doomed world, tiberium was spreading everywhere, it was changing the climate, xenoforming eart, and we(humans) could do nothing to stop it, and in our desperation we turned towards one of two factions:
    The optimistic GDI, who believe we can persevere, undo the damage, fix things.
    Or the Brotherhood of Nod, who seem to think the only way forward is to embrace the change, and change with it.
    All while the world is experiencing a slow apocalypse, one that will take generations to complete.

    Cnc3 did include this aspec, but only thematicly, tiberium is more prevalent than ever, you get to see landscape torn up and warped by tiberium, but.
    In Tiberian Sun, tiberium is not only a resource, but also an obstacle.
    Tiberium is present in large patches, and is constantly spreading, and sending infantry through this is just a bad idea, veins also spread, ripping apart anything large, corrosive gas hangs in the air.
    For Tiberian Sun, that was about it, but the potential was there, the potential to have a match not only against an opponent, but against the map itself, you were fighting not only to defeat your opponent, but to survive long enough to do so.

    And that, is what EA forgot, in 3, the themes are there, but the game is not tiberian anymore, it’s a more basic red alert with a reskin.

    • 5 months ago

      I hated how C&C3 redesigned Tiberium to just be crystals glowing over the landscape, ditching what was established in C&C1 that Tiberium is a PLANT with bulbs and roots that produces crystals as a side effect of the roots leeching nutrients and minerals out of the soil. As you said, Tiberium and the whole ecosystem around it, and the way it affected the setting, was very interesting and unique. Tiberium mutations could be genuine threats to your army and determine how and where you do battle.

  32. 5 months ago

    The third one ruined it so I stopped playing. Pretty sure the made a fourth. Maybe in name only or something but I'm not even going to bother looking it up. Red alert 2 and Tiberium sun were peak C&C

    • 5 months ago

      There was no fourth game.

      • 5 months ago
  33. 5 months ago

    I like C&C 4's aesthetics

    • 5 months ago

      everyone does but denies the fact. otherwise entirety of the c&c's modding community would have been dead and buried years ago without all these sweet sweet tiberian twilight assets.

    • 5 months ago

      >I like C&C 4's aesthetics

  34. 5 months ago

    just got command and conquer remastered and am playing it for the first time ever. having no attack move sucks. i hope it gets better.

    • 5 months ago

      the first games were really rough and nukes were shit. Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 is where the Westwood greatness comes from

      • 5 months ago

        how long are the campaigns of the original C&C and red alert?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah it wasn't invented yet. There are alternatives like setting guard mode on one of your own troops so they attack anything on their path, or stopping them with S and setting them to guard the area with G

      • 5 months ago

        queue units wasn't invented at the time, but they used it in the remaster.

      • 5 months ago

        >set guard mode on 1 troop so they attack anything in their path
        theres a way to put guardmode on 1 guy and have the rest act like it's a kind of attack move? if so, how do i do it?
        i use the ctrl-alt-click method to guard an area, but they have to reach the area first before they start fighting.

        • 5 months ago

          >ctrl-alt-click method to guard an area
          I don't think this works in the first C&C like it does it the later ones where your units will attack en-route. I mean that, for example, if you have one slow unit like a mammoth tank and some humvees, you can ctrl-alt-click the humvees on the mammoth and just drive the mammot around and the humvees will try to protect it. It's pretty janky but the only way to get them attack like that.

          • 5 months ago

            damn, thanks. ill do that later. it sucks moving all this shit.

    • 5 months ago

      That was one is the main complaints with the remaster. Not many QOL improvements. I do like the unit queue but you can tell the game was not designed for it.

  35. 5 months ago

    EA happened

  36. 5 months ago

    *blocks any chance of a remaster*

    • 5 months ago

      They could censor the level for the US market. No one outside the US gives a shit about 9/11 (anymore).

      • 5 months ago

        false; it is widely celebrated

        • 2 months ago

          >3rd worlders think making jokes about 9/11 hurts them
          >Americans have been making 9/11 jokes since day 1

          • 2 months ago

            When Barbenheimer memes went out there was a group of Japs who were offended and started making references to Bin Laden, only to be surprised that some American kids made photoshops of Barbenheimer + Bin Laden. It does feel like that the only ones hurt about 9/11 are those really old boomers plus any first responder/soldier that went to Iraq. Everyone else just memes about it.

    • 5 months ago

      Fun fact, on the night of September 10th I played the New York map in Skirmish and I blew up the WTC.

      After 9/11 I played a Skirmish as USA against Iraq AI's and while the early match went well I made mistakes and got BTFO.

  37. 5 months ago

    Eh, I never cared about C&C 3. I hated how it was trying to be the original C&C. I hated how Tiberium was redesigned and I didn't like the aesthetics or how all the tech had regressed instead of building on what Tiberium Sun did. It was cool that it had live action FMV's though.

  38. 5 months ago

    How do War Factories work in Red Alert?
    Allied and Soviet War Factories look identically yet they are different?
    I remember in one allied mission I stole a Soviet Construction Yard and a Soviet War Factory which allowed me to build soviet buildings and soviet units. So far so good but then later I build a second war factory (using that stolen soviet construction yard) and it suddenly unlocked the allied vehicles but they could only come out of the new factory and the soviet units only from the old factory. Why the frick does it work like this?
    Tiberium Dawn was so much better and easier to understand.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry about it.

    • 5 months ago

      You're overthinking it.

    • 5 months ago

      Not sure about Red Alert, but for the original C&C and beyond if I were inclined to explain game conveniences I would say that GDI & later Nod war factories use 3D printing to assemble armaments in the field. Would also explain how some buildings "unfold". I mean we do see a Construction Yard do it in a cinamatic...

      • 5 months ago

        I think every C&C game uses 3d printing for their construction methods.

        Yes, even Generals. In fact, we can already do something similar today.

        • 5 months ago

          Well I don't recall that ever being a thing in the lore but as I said it would make a certain degree of sense.

      • 2 months ago

        There's actually a Cutscene of Red Alert 2 showing how they made Mammoth Tanks in the factories and it looks like they just have the parts of tanks brought in and they just lego them together in the factory

    • 5 months ago

      I just assume Red Alert and 2's factories were just run by technicians and military personnel, hence why some basic infantry would pop out of destroyed structures or that they're just automated by early factory robots.


  39. 5 months ago


  40. 4 months ago

    is Twisted Resurrection dead?

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        shit. I guess aro really was holding it all together

    • 4 months ago


      Feels bad man

    • 4 months ago

      shit. I guess aro really was holding it all together

      How exactly Aro is related to a mod that NoStrings voiced GDI EVA for, or is it because they are both British homosexuals?

      • 4 months ago

        Aro was the leader of the Twisted mod

        • 4 months ago

          Twisted what?

          • 4 months ago

            Twisted Balls

  41. 4 months ago

    I now fear the Star Wars strategy game Jimtern is currently working on will also get the axe and it will be over for RTS games at EA.

  42. 4 months ago

    I liked RA3

    • 4 months ago

      It's a fun game. It's not even a bad strategy game. But it's an even worse successor to what RA1 has started than RA2 was.

  43. 4 months ago

    playing C&C3's GDI campaign again for the first time since the game was released, holy shit did the balance patches frick it up. It's not even slightly enjoyable now.
    Sorry that I failed you Lando, but I won't fail the UEF and their superior game.

    • 4 months ago

      what exactly is not enjoyable about it? I'd say it's reasonably hard, some missions require a bit of experimentation to find the optimal solution, usually that solution is to be more aggressive, expand early on and use more hard counters to what the enemy throws at you, though admittedly you won't know what units you need to be ready for until you get wrecked a few times. all in all it was pretty enjoyable for me.

  44. 4 months ago

    Am I fricking moronic? C&c 3 Sarajevo mcv defense is a clusterfrick?

    • 4 months ago

      All the Sarajevo missions got raped by the "balance" patches.

    • 4 months ago

      Even with the 'balance' patches forced on the campaign missions, that particular mission can still be cheesed fairly early into it. Pump out some predator tanks and engineers and rush the top right base. It has anti-infantry defenses so your tanks should be able to walk right in. Fund the attack by selling the defenses intended to guard against attacks from that base. With the base destroyed/captured you only have to worry about infantry and air attacks from their respective directions.

      • 4 months ago

        You can just sell the walls and invest the money into western celebrities and then rush that base, or some other rushes i forgot, or just play mission the intended way, its not really that hard and you can play around it

        • 4 months ago

          ok so I'm just moronic then

        • 4 months ago

          >that base
          Don't they have 3 bases in that mission

          • 4 months ago

            yes, the mission was clearly fricked by the patches. Econ halved and nod rockets out ranging turrets.
            if anyone says that selling wall segments was how the devs intended they are moronic, yes it works but it's obvious they too had to follow someone else's guide on how to cheese this bullshit.

          • 4 months ago

            infantry and air are nothing but a distraction, 2 entrenched rifle squads and 2 pitbulls will handle this with minimum attention required although you'll need to micro the rifles a bit because nod rockets get extra range

            yes, the mission was clearly fricked by the patches. Econ halved and nod rockets out ranging turrets.
            if anyone says that selling wall segments was how the devs intended they are moronic, yes it works but it's obvious they too had to follow someone else's guide on how to cheese this bullshit.

            >selling an useless prop which serves zero function is esoteric cheese strat you're not supposed to know about
            I'm sorry but you might be unironically mentally challenged

            • 4 months ago

              >selling an useless
              You are most definitely mentally challenged.

              • 4 months ago

                how exactly does a wall which is positioned
                >next to a ridge
                >next to a tib field (it actually forces your harvester to go around it so it hampers your economy)
                >next to a river
                help you anyhow? the ai doesn't even target it so it can't facetank damage

            • 4 months ago

              >infantry and air are nothing but a distraction,
              Both become a significant enough problem if you're too slow.
              >2 entrenched rifle squads and 2 pitbulls will handle this with minimum attention
              For like 3 waves at the absolute most. You will be halfway done capturing the NE base at this point.

              • 4 months ago

                infantry base mainly becomes a problem if you rush to save the convoy without disposing of the vehicle base first, because they're entrenched all over the city and containing them is pretty micro intensive, which may cause you to mismanage the other front and lose your tanks. air base doesn't even build vertigos so all it can do is deal chip damage with venoms unless your infantry is out in the open, where it shouldn't be because APCs exist.
                but after giving it some thought I believe this mission mainly confuses the players because it gives them the wrong idea. you're told that reinforcements will come if you just hold on, so that's what people tend to do. then it turns out that the promised reinforcements are a meager 6 basic vehicles and an mcv, and you even need to rescue them because of nod ambush, so that's what people tend to do next, splitting their forces and compromising the defences of their base. then they usually get overran by tanks while entrenched nod infantry grinds up whatever they sent to save the convoy. also the whole energy management gimmick is another thing which is largely blown out of proportions by the game's narration. switching the turrets all the time requires a lot of micro and it might be quite overwhelming, but in fact if you're playing correctly then you should have a steadily growing armored force (you should not lose vehicles in the initial phase of defence, you're supposed to hug your war factory and repair them) which quickly renders anti tank turrets unnecessary. in other words it's better to focus on vehicle micro than on power juggling micro. tanks are mobile, gain vet and are free to repair, while turrets just drain your limited economy

              • 4 months ago

                >infantry base mainly becomes a problem if you rush to save the convoy without disposing of the vehicle base first
                No, it loops around your defences looking for a gap if given enough time. It also can hunt your harvesters. The only way to prevent all that is to base creep.
                >air base doesn't even build vertigos
                It does, eventually. I don't remember much from v1.0 but the things I'm describing is how v1.09 works.
                >but after giving it some thought I believe this mission mainly confuses the players because it gives them the wrong idea. you're told that reinforcements will come if you just hold on, so that's what people tend to do.

              • 2 months ago

                this mission is fricking aids lmao
                Why are apcs so goddamn squishy? they are ARMORED ffs. I'm not expecting a tank but they're fricking made out of paper

              • 2 months ago

                They're fast and do gigadps when loaded with infantry

      • 4 months ago

        >Fund the attack by selling the defenses intended to guard against attacks from that base.
        Not necessary and even a bad idea because raids from the SW base will eventually come from there. Unless you base creep to passively interrupt the raids, but that has other disadvantages.

        You can just sell the walls and invest the money into western celebrities and then rush that base, or some other rushes i forgot, or just play mission the intended way, its not really that hard and you can play around it

        >You can just sell the walls
        Also a bad idea as walls frick up pathfinding of computer-controlled units.

  45. 4 months ago

    I actually like what C&C3 patches did to the campaign. It feels like an extra Brutal difficulty after having figured out Hard.
    I think only Kane's Tower is some real MO-tier bullshit, the rest are manageable.

  46. 4 months ago

    I dont care much about C&C3 I just know it gave me my favorite RTS mod ever

    • 4 months ago

      Has someone decompiled MEC2 yet? With how the creators have abandoned it there should be no objections to fixing the few remaining significant bugs.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think so. The mod was barely known to begin with. I would have loved a campaign too.

  47. 4 months ago

    Am I the only one terrible at rts games like C&C because I treat it like a city builder?

    • 4 months ago

      You aren't the only one. No game has ever got the city builder mood right though. New throwback retro games don't have the right scale so you don't enjoy it.

      • 4 months ago

        I have lost missions in MO because I don't want to build on roads

        My brothers

    • 4 months ago

      I have lost missions in MO because I don't want to build on roads

      • 4 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Used to do the same as kid. Lost my shit whenever a campaign mission had a timer.

  48. 4 months ago

    jesus christ those last couple kanes wrath campaign missions were so headache inducing it makes me want to put down rts for a little bit

  49. 4 months ago

    Whats some good CnC mods?

    • 4 months ago

      rise of the reds, shockwave, tiberium essence, mental omega, ra 20xx, red resurrection, dawn of the tiberian age, generals evolutions

      • 4 months ago

        I dont care much about C&C3 I just know it gave me my favorite RTS mod ever

  50. 4 months ago

    >tfw you realize Tiberian Odyssey, Condition Red, TS Rising, AGSA, new D-Day or Robot Storm will never ever ever come out

    • 3 months ago

      projects like D-day, TS:Rising or Global crisis are graphics showcases, not something you actually play. you're not missing out

      • 3 months ago

        >graphics showcases
        I thought that TSR is just an elaborate two decade scam for social clout and shit

        • 3 months ago

          how does the scam work?

          • 3 months ago

            Social clout and recognition mostly

  51. 4 months ago

    The problem with all Tiberian Sun mods is they all get rid of the Random Map Generator.

    • 4 months ago

      it's not possible to make it work correctly when mods like DTA or TI replace most of the terrain

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, but it's such a fun feature for me.

  52. 4 months ago

    so is kane really adam's son

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, as far I'm concerned.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, as far I'm concerned.

      dumb plot point, they should have kept Nod's beliefs and origins a mystery. Classic case giving too much detail.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't feel like that. I think it raises more questions than it answers, which adds to Nod's intrigue.

      • 4 months ago

        making him a straight up alien is too lame

      • 4 months ago

        They're called the Brotherhood of Nod, following a man named Kane.
        Only GDI's most ardent supporters would deny Kane's status as a Biblical immortal, as it would appear as though they're capitulating to the organization's claims and beliefs, lending their opponents some legitimacy.
        >Kane: Bow your head, Parker. You walk on hallowed ground. How disappointing to see you have no sense of history. This is the original site of the Brotherhood's temple, the true source of Nod's power.
        >Havoc: You're making this up as you go along, aren't you?
        >Kane: I didn't think you would understand the significance a man of your intelligence couldn't possibly comprehend.

      • 3 months ago

        >dumb plot point, they should have kept Nod's beliefs
        You must be a moronic C&C3 fanboy.

        • 3 months ago

          I like C&C3 despite its many flaws yet I think he's moronic too.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah, the Bible being literally true in C&C makes it unique. Very controversial for modern audiences. I think they should have done a little bit more with it. For instance, if Firestorm was based off of both the Nod and GDI campaigns being canon then it would be fitting and consistent with the divine protection Kane has that both McNeil and Solomon may have harmed him and "won the war" at the end, only to be immediately cast down. Hell, considering the Philadelphia is destroyed of C&C 3 they may as well have done it at the end of Tiberian Sun. It would make sense then during Firestorm if the communications problems are a result of the space station being blown up and debris still raining down, not to mention the loss of GDI high command. At the same time, the increased Tiberium mutations could be the result of Kane's missile being launched just before McNeil ransacked his temple.

        That's still my headcanon to this day since I never played C&C 3.

        • 3 months ago

          >Nah, the Bible being literally true in C&C makes it unique.
          Consider reading Genesis chapters 7 and 8 sometime.

  53. 4 months ago

    Nice alive RTS franchise you've got there!

    • 4 months ago

      Legions is coming out this year :^)

      • 4 months ago

        What the fricks a Legions?

        • 4 months ago

          another mobileslop for chingchongs
          fate worse than death

          • 4 months ago

            Honestly people should have expected this when they were buying remaster

  54. 4 months ago
  55. 3 months ago

    >the one guy who did get the remaster from LRG

    Yes I wish the light and coil were better made. But the cadmium tank? It is meant to be a display piece, you are not supposed to bite it.
    The only serious complain with the set is how easily the package get scratched. I guess it build character or something.

    As for the game, this probably the best thing we going to get. It is not like they will fund a remake anytime soon with the state of aa or aaa rts.

  56. 3 months ago

    WTF Happened to Generals Evolution anyway? there's no way that mod is fully finished

    • 3 months ago

      Lead dev is from Mariupol and he got caught in russian 3 day special military self-humiliation

    • 3 months ago

      Lead dev is from Mariupol and he got caught in russian 3 day special military self-humiliation


  57. 3 months ago

    all modern C&C games are now dirt cheap on Steam for some reason.

    • 3 months ago

      just EA slashing the price of old games or possible TibSub/RA2 remaster incoming?

    • 3 months ago

      i prefer OpenRA to remasters. they're nice, but it's a 90mb zip archive vs 32gb of disk space for upscaled movies. OpenRA has Dune 2000 too.

    • 3 months ago

      EA is up to something: https://old.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/1b30jbo/cc_games_on_steam_minus_remastered_have_had_their/

      • 3 months ago

        They are up to scamming cum & wiener goymers again

      • 3 months ago

        I heard the first C&C remaster was a success, so it confirms Red Alert 2 remaster.

      • 3 months ago

        It's actually this, Makes me wonder if purchasing all the collection will have me download an EA launcher

        • 3 months ago

          reviews on zero hour say no EA launcher

        • 3 months ago

          >recommended os windows 10
          >they actually put the old 2d c&c's there which don't even work on windows 10
          Or did they really patch the games? I might be giving EA too much credit by even considering this.

        • 3 months ago

          Also the map editors have been open sourced.

      • 3 months ago

        It's actually this, Makes me wonder if purchasing all the collection will have me download an EA launcher

        So do the games work on modern hardware now or do I still have to mess around with fan patches and shit?

        • 3 months ago

          Most should run out of the box, though if you want to play on 1080 you might have to do some Ini editing, Generals apperently has some issues, but those seems to be getting fixed .
          The only issue is playing Multiplayer, which you have to rely on stuff like cncnet, or in the case generals wait that the fan patch works on the steam version.

          you can see Cnc.community if they update the statuses on that front.

  58. 3 months ago

    There's no way they released Generals without censoring it is there?

  59. 3 months ago

    >No C&C remastered
    >No Tib Sun and RA2 remastered

    I mean, I’ll still buy it.

    • 3 months ago

      >No C&C remastered
      Well it's still fresh and it's pretty much its own being here. The Ultimate Collection is about all those C&C games that came before the Remaster...including the one that doesn't exist.
      >No Tib Sun and RA2 remastered
      Yeah. Still waiting for those...

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, if they remaster RA2 we gonna lose so many mods whose creators already left years ago

    • 3 months ago

      >No Tib Sun and RA2 remastered
      Should the stuff be seriously considered as we speak, EA and Petroglyph better be taking their sweet time working on it because if they play their cards right, it could end up just as successful as AoE2 DE.

  60. 3 months ago

    These are old games that should have been massively reduced ages ago, but EA thought it would be a good business decision to try and suffocate the franchise. I think the move shows this is the end of the franchise in the eyes of EA.

    Compared to other somparable games, the price could be lower, but it's not terrible.

    Then again, this is steam, where you are loaning games only.

    I think I may just wait for them to come to gog and buy them there.
    Most other games released in this batch are cheaper on gog, so comparing the prices, I expect C&C franchise to be $5 there when it comes. But also, still have a frickton of games to go through.

    • 3 months ago

      >in the eyes of EA
      Hope you all remember this important part.

  61. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


      What you want then true fatass, playing the shitty Tempest Rising "game"; we don´t have any other choice for playing any RTS games in this current age, dumbass.

    • 3 months ago

      The "original creators" can kill themselves for all I care at this point, they are inept cowards at negotiating and making video games forever.

    • 3 months ago

      It's been 20 years. The original creators don't care anymore and will not give you new releases in the franchise.
      >inb4 Petroglyph
      They've got like 4 legacy employees at most now without much involvement beyond TS.

  62. 3 months ago

    It is basically confirmed that EA did threw all of Westwood's archives into dumpster and the source codes of TS and RA2 are lost forever, so, there will be no another half-baked demaster

    • 3 months ago

      >source code missing
      It's open source.

      • 3 months ago

        Tiberian Sun is freeware, means its free, like literally free

        Source code is what game is made of, source code will allow all sorts of crazy shit for mod makers, from making crazy ass mods to simply fixing hardcoded problems of the game

      • 3 months ago

        Owning the source code is critical for a remaster, doesn't matter if the game's open source, without the original programming files you cannot rebuild a game from the ground up. You cannot remaster an old car from scratch if you don't have the car factory.

    • 3 months ago

      What's the context for this? Steam doesn't host source code and the source code for TD/RA is open source.

      • 3 months ago

        EA let him inside to search the archives for anything that can be used in UC Steam release, he found the source code of the community-made map editor FinalSun that was made in cooperation with Westwood, but there was no TS or RA2 source codes, which confirms that they are lost, unless someone recovered the hard drives with them after EA threw Westwood's archives into dumpster, just like some dude recovered gold and platinum discs - https://twitter.com/SuperweaponTeam/status/598917966676111360

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly I can see this happening as they were trashing the video tapes for the fmvs too... but someone took them before they were destroyed

          • 3 months ago

            They only recovered recordings in shittier quality though

        • 3 months ago

          >EA threw Westwood's archives into dumpster
          Why would they do this?

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              Once again, shitty wiki quality "trustfull" content strikes again.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Aha, sure anon.

              • 3 months ago

                What you want then true fatass, playing the shitty Tempest Rising "game"; we don´t have any other choice for playing any RTS games in this current age, dumbass.

              • 3 months ago

                David "ingenius" intellect and logic strikes again.

              • 3 months ago

                >"Oh no, stop defending an evil AAA company that literally threw away awards that are currently outdated."
                >Proceeds to saw X shitty youtube videos of people who still thinks that """criticize""" EA is gonna to resolve anything at this point.

              • 2 months ago

                >leave alone the multimollar dollar company

        • 2 months ago

          >RA2 source codes
          FRICK! This way we will never get a game running on 64 bits with support for all cores on the processor.

  63. 3 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      drives me nuts

  64. 3 months ago

    >theres no decent C&C Dune mod because they all got shut down

  65. 3 months ago

    the frick is "Command and Conquer"? some kind of Dune 2000 mod?

  66. 3 months ago

    Ok grandpa, go back to the residence of old people that you got escape...

  67. 2 months ago

    How did you guys beat the Generals Challenge on hard?
    When it came out I probably just beat it on easy with turtle into superweapon spam, so I wanted to revisit it and try to beat it "fairly" on hard, preferably just using units without base defenses, superweapons and free money buildings.
    BUT I can't do it. Already in the 2nd mission (vs Stealth), the enemy unit spam starts early and just hits hard forever. I can't repair and rebuild my guys fast enough to handle the attack waves + damage from enemy superweapons and powers (frick powers especially, fricking toxin bomb just declares everything that moves in my base dead).
    Not to mention the attacking part is unexpectedly obnoxious. Units really are made out of paper in this game for better or worse. On one hand I can wreck most things easily with some inferno forcefire. On the other hand if there is any air or something passes through, the whole blob goes goodbye.
    And the obvious solution is "support them with direct combat units". And I do, but they inevitably step 1cm away from the blob into enemy base defense range and evaporate instantly. And the vehicle pathfinding in this game is surprisingly shit so it happens a lot.
    I eventually gave up on my goal and just decided to try anything that works, and found the simplest winning combo of:
    >Rush expansion + oils ASAP
    >Bunker up with defenses
    >Eat shit while teching up
    >Snipe enemy superweapon with SW/powers
    >Get free money economy up
    >Slowly chip away until a death ball is assembled
    >Go around cleaning up the dead opponent
    But there's gotta be a nicer way to do it other than turtling up. Maybe I chose the wrong general for it (I chose Inf).
    Also for some reason vs Laser my units all got stuck on some non-existing stealth enemy and I had to manually move focus to actual enemies.

    • 2 months ago

      >Also for some reason vs Laser my units all got stuck on some non-existing stealth enemy and I had to manually move focus to actual enemies.
      Yeah I've had that happen before too. I think it's some scripted unit that makes the AI's power redirection gimmick work.

    • 2 months ago

      >Also for some reason vs Laser my units all got stuck on some non-existing stealth enemy and I had to manually move focus to actual enemies.
      Yeah I've had that happen before too. I think it's some scripted unit that makes the AI's power redirection gimmick work.

      I remember the invisible, invincible recon drones, did anyone else get constant lag/freezes on this mission? It didn't happen the first few times I played it, but after the third or fourth playthrough as soon as any of my units move into the fort it starts. The only thing that seemed to fix it was blowing up all of Townes airfields, after that it worked fine.

  68. 2 months ago

    anyone got a download for sagemetatool? Dev wants patreon bux for it, frick that.

  69. 2 months ago

    RA2 mods fixed for steam yet? Mental omega, RA20xx and such

  70. 2 months ago

    >mfw I'm playing the NOD campaign in tiberian dawn
    Holy shit. What do you mean I cant build turrets until like the 9th mission? I hate being resource starved while the enemy keeps constantly throwing shit at me along the endless air raids
    Ah yes give me some weak shitty units with MCV against two fricking mammoth tanks at the start
    people back then were built different

    • 2 months ago

      And smarter than the current "gaymer" community, that's for sure.

    • 2 months ago

      People in the best were moronic and bad at games, any footage or old forum talks demonstrates such.

    • 2 months ago

      Not sure about other people, but back then I used to just play the skirmish mode of RTSs without caring about the campaigns at all.

      • 2 months ago

        Tiberian Dawn didn't have a skirmish mode.

    • 2 months ago

      >mcv vs two mammoth tanks
      That’s the penultimate Nod mission you disingenuous gaylord. Running around to isolate the two tanks and microing bikes against them is not fricking rocket science.

  71. 2 months ago

    Rate my song, anons. Btw I'm a Nod supporter just wanted to make a song from the GDI's perspective first.
    >[Verse 1]
    Meet Kane, leader of the Brotherhood of Nod
    Seeking redemption, he longs to return to God
    Through his desire for conquest, he started a Tiberian War
    Now is the world really better than it was before?

    >[Verse 2]
    Got into a fight with the GDI's might
    Now it's up to General Sheppard to set things right
    Under the banner of peace, he incites the brawl
    To finally put an end to this dark turmoil

    In the shadows we stand, GDI's strength our guide
    Against Nod's dark hand, we'll turn the tide
    With General Sheppard's might, we'll make our stand
    For a future of peace, across our land

    >[Verse 3]
    Next up we got Anton and Oxanna
    They really think Tiberium is akin to God's manna
    The war continues for a round two
    But the future's uncertain, our fate we'll pursue

    >[Verse 4]
    Battle mechs and Mammoth Tanks are deployed
    Nod's forces, in the end, are destroyed
    But the war is far, unlikely to be over
    Kane can't die, he's like a rover

  72. 2 months ago


    b***h please. It is still the best RA2 mod out there

  73. 2 months ago
  74. 2 months ago

    Do the steam (Ultimate Collection) versions of Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3 just work without having to download any unofficial patches?

    What about Generals?

    • 2 months ago

      I mean, they all "just work", as long as you use a single monitor and don't tab away from the game.

    • 2 months ago

      C&C3 and RA3 should work from get go

      Generals i think is still fricked, because neither the EA or sycophants from the community are capable of just double checking if everything works in the release they are trying to sell for the fifth time, Ultimate Collection is the Skyrim of the RTS games if you didn't knew. Not even talking about the implementation of decade old community fixes

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, all 3. For Tiberium Wars, it includes a patch that reduced resource collection, so if the campaign is too frustrating, you can use google to find a patch that reverts it back to the base version.

      Just so you know, in that collection, the original C&C crashed for me whenever any action happened at the top or bottom of the map.

      • 2 months ago

        >Just so you know, in that collection, the original C&C crashed for me whenever any action happened at the top or bottom of the map.

        That bug has been in the game since the original

  75. 2 months ago

    I hear you can shrink your own MCV/harvesters to increase their speed, but I can't figure out how to do it. I can click "force attack" but when I click the shrink ray it turns force attack off. I tried with hotkeys too.

    • 2 months ago

      in RA3 I mean

  76. 2 months ago

    WTF happened to Tempest Rising? No updates for almost half a year.

    • 2 months ago

      The game's dead, but what people expected from the studio that didn't made anything better than a bunch from mediocre to bad boomer shooters

      Oh and a shitty Kingpin "remaster"

      • 2 months ago

        "The gaimn is gonna to ve goood annd goona kill EA to ever criait C&C gayms agein"
        -Some boomer butthole

  77. 2 months ago

    What's up with Yuri's Revenge GDI Mission 3, Power Play? After I saved Bill Gates and got reinforcements, I used the weather machine to kill all the yuri clones around the silo, then just had all my tanks make a bee line for the silo and somehow they were able to destroy it before getting wiped. Seems like they want you to strategically capture a lot of power plants but micromanaging with limited units in this mission seems pretty difficult. What's the point of all the money you get? Just to repair the plants/weather machine?

  78. 2 months ago

    turing test but for autists trying to pass as human

  79. 2 months ago

    I let Parliament down...

    All those tanks and UFO's, bros, what do I do? I guess Guardian GI's are the answer, but it's so tedious positioning them individually. I mean they give you 20 minutes in this mission to prepare, but replacing the ones who die while the combat is still going on sucks. Also I tried using prism tanks since they were so effective in the previous mission but it turns out they're no good against tanks.

  80. 2 months ago


  81. 2 months ago

    What ones should I play?

    • 2 months ago

      I swear I made this post before
      >good shit
      Zero Hour
      Yuri's Revenge
      >some people love them, others don't care for them
      Kane's Wrath
      Tiberian Sun
      Renegade (is a first person shooter)
      >Shit beyond redemption

      • 2 months ago

        You should put RA1 in jank, is very much the same bad early RTS genre that C&C1 has.

      • 2 months ago

        >good for start
        Generals / Zero Hour (you need some unofficial patches tho)
        C&C3 / Kane´s Wrath
        RA3 / Uprising
        >If you want to experiment
        RA2 / Yuri´s Revenge (good, but VERY overrated IMO)
        TIberian Sun AKA C&C2 (hope you like weird concepts like subterranean transports vehicles and fast suicidal drones that destroy by free one of you buildings X minutes)
        Renegade (cool concept wasted because todays industry cares more about the dick fight within AAA and indies, instead of trying to make a mix within Battlefield an a RTS)
        >circlejeck chinese extintion event
        C&C: Legions
        >doesn´t exist
        C&C 4

        • 2 months ago

          >if you a expert and you are a masochist that likes bad old RTS desing
          C&C 1

          • 2 months ago

            Why the frick would the originals be hard suddenly? Are you all zoomers?

            • 2 months ago

              It seems to me that the issue is not actually complexity and obsolescence, but simply getting used to other games in the series. I had the same problem when I tried to play Zero Hour after I'd played enough RotR: the original started to feel too... primitive.

              And yes, I would like to ask something.
              Mental Omega, Act 2, the Soviet Campaign.
              Couldn't Yuri have gone through a specially built metro for the high command to escape from the Soviets? Or was it not built in the world of the Red Alert?

              • 2 months ago

                >the original started to feel too... primitive.
                That's fair. They do have a limited number of options, no upgrades, no cool things like garrisoning or jumpjets.

                >And yes, I would like to ask something.
                >Mental Omega
                Sorry, haven't played it and have no intention to. Never liked what they did to the setting. I have a barrier where liberties taken with the setting can snowball too much into something I cannot tolerate.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah that

        You should put RA1 in jank, is very much the same bad early RTS genre that C&C1 has.

        RA1 is not really substantially different from C&C1 in terms of jank, it's the same generation of game.
        Also I'd bump TibSun to good tier. It's less popular than RA2 is in that generation I think, but I do think it still deserves to be placed there.
        C&C3 > RA3 probably. RA3 is okay game, but it sort of feels like caricature of itself. I never really liked the artstyle and unit design. Story and custscenes being even sillier was okay but how hard it pushed the cheesecake was kinda cringe.

        • 2 months ago

          >was kinda cringe.
          Good for you.

      • 2 months ago

        Tiberian Sun and Firestorm are my absolute favorites. Nothing can beat their atmosphere.

  82. 2 months ago

    C&C3 is my favorite, Generals second favorite. I miss RTS (not gay shit like Starcraft)

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