Competitive Pokemon is a joke.

Competitive Pokemon is a joke.

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    It is a joke, but not because of genned mons, but because people try to play a game full of dice roles competitively. The problem with pokemon is that the battle mechanics were designed for a kid's single player game in the 90s. It is inherently uncompetitive and "competing" in it is just silly.

    • 10 months ago

      Believe it or not some people find competition fun.

    • 10 months ago

      >he doesn't into risk management and probability calculations

    • 10 months ago

      > game with uncertainty and probability can't be competitive
      Let's just ban all card games as well, it's over for poker

  2. 10 months ago

    There should be a fresh, catch of the day tournament where EVs are banned to shake pff these tourists believing pokemon is easy money

  3. 10 months ago

    Only the japanese are honorable enough to not cheat.

    • 10 months ago

      >How should we tell him?

      • 10 months ago

        VGC is such a fricking joke. How is TPC going to say Genning is illegal but don't enforce their own rules for years, to the point Genning is view to be normal. Ray Rizzo should've been DQ'd , and Wolfie but they just let it slide. The moronic VGC players b***hing that genning should be legal are only a symptom. TPC is really the ones to blame for being so lax and irresponsible

        • 10 months ago

          We probably need to start mass reporting or something.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't think they know how to detect it. Pkhex Kurt is the only person in the world autistic enough to care.

        • 10 months ago

          What do you propose, revoking the championship title?

          • 10 months ago

            yes with a 3 year ban

    • 10 months ago

      Modifying game data can land you in jail in Japan

  4. 10 months ago

    Why are hispanics such a cheaters?

    • 10 months ago

      Why are Germans such cheaters?

      >such a cheaters
      >ESL spergout

  5. 10 months ago

    Retcon IVs or give players direct control over the numbers.
    Alternatively, permanently movecut Foul Play so people don't have to cheat for 0 attack IVs.

    • 10 months ago

      or just ban cheaters

    • 10 months ago

      You could always play showdown.
      There is no point in asking for them to remove IV's it will never happen. And even if they did, people will cheat anyway. They want to stop cheating, they should provide pre-made teams to players that want to participate. No Home, No Genning, No time wasted. Everything is open sheets and mostly mirror matches. The common argument is that everything is based off skill and not "pokemon" then it shouldn't even matter.

      • 10 months ago

        I kinda like that idea. I’ve bred and trained plenty of competitive Pokemon ingame, and it’s such a slog.

  6. 10 months ago

    >12 hacked mons in total
    Those in possession of these 12 are probably in jail by now, tho. "Hacking" a console thru illegal 3rd party programs leads to at least a 1-year sentence to jail + community service in Japan.

  7. 10 months ago

    For those against genning, is the argument just that's against the rules? What's morally wrong with it? In a competitive setting, don't we want to test players' skills when it comes to in battle decision making and team theory, rather than the act of building a team in game?

    • 10 months ago

      catching and training pokemon is a major part of competitive pokemon.

      • 10 months ago

        Then throw away your friends when they have bad IVs like this dude, right? Anime taught me not to be like him.

        • 10 months ago

          >he doesn't bottlecap his starter and fix its stats so it can be battle ready
          Do you even like Pokemon

        • 10 months ago

          Your telling me you have never won a game by swapping in a pokemon to take a hit, sacfrifice themselves, and have advantage the next turn?

    • 10 months ago

      You're using a third party program to give yourself an advantage over your opponent. It's pretty self explanatory. In a competitive setting, Skill is important yes, but you're not playing the game as intended therefore you're liable to get disqualified. It's not a good look on a company to have a franchise that's built on catching, raising and battling pokemon and their "top" players not only don't play the games but gen which is against the rules.Still TPC are moronic for not enforcing the rules and also

      I don't think they know how to detect it. Pkhex Kurt is the only person in the world autistic enough to care.

      which is insane to think about since they should be able to detect it, but I think TPC doesn't really care as long as you aren't caught. It's all about keeping up appearances. Will they start to crack down on genning? Maybe. At this point I don't really care.

    • 10 months ago

      >for those against touching a soccer ball in play with your hands, is the argument just that's against the rules? What's morally wrong with it?
      Literally by virtue of being illegal some players are choosing not to do it, which creates an advantage to those players who choose to break rules. Ergo morally its not fair that they do it and I cannot simply by playing by the rules.

    • 10 months ago

      >What's morally wrong with it?
      Not everyone can gen, therefore nobody should. Argue "P2W" semantics all you want like the VGC copers, but we're talking about a competitive format which began with TCG where you have to BUY the cards first and foremost. Cease.

      • 10 months ago

        >Not everyone can gen, therefore nobody should.

        It really is that simple.

        • 10 months ago

          The thread ended when it was agknowladged genning is against the rules and is grounds for DQing

  8. 10 months ago

    Do we know yet what that DLC 'PKHex-like' feature Khu had mentioned is yet? Almost forgot about it until all this came up.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably just a way to reorganize your EVs if they're maxed out

  9. 10 months ago

    Real question; wouldn't it be possible for every Pokémon's legitimacy to be backed up by an unique blockchain, effectively turning them into some sort of worthkess NFT or something along those linesaaá?
    Then when tournament day comes they just have to check it and dump all cheaters effectively

    • 10 months ago

      Any system that allows offline play is succeptable to hacking.

  10. 10 months ago

    >minimum 78 hours and $180 needed to build a viable competitive team
    Defend this right fricking now. My heart goes out to all of those people who were DQ'd for "cheating", and didn't want to waste weeks of their lives grinding for shit.

    • 10 months ago

      How outrageous and unfair you have to actually PLAY the videogame you bought to get a chance of competing with the top players around the world

    • 10 months ago

      >VGC players when they need to actually play the game

    • 10 months ago

      The whole point of genning is to avoid playing the games and investing into building a team. "pay to win" isn't applicable here because there's no single, or combination of pokemon that guarantee's you a "win". Making a team is easy and you can always trade if you don't have a mon. These are suppose to be "pro" players yet they don't want to invest time or money in the games. Compare to someone who plays in the FGC, who has to spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours doing the same thing over and over, makes VGC players look really bad. Genning will never be legal, and I assume it's going to be even harder in the future to not get caught if TPC is serious. Either Gen properly or play the games. You really have no excuse.

      • 10 months ago

        NTA but will also I will add to this;
        The reason I cannot trade my resources to another across a game is because of cheaters existing. One would imagine if I really wanted a Landorus but only had Scarlet I could put up a Chi-yu on GTS and get one. If all Pokemon were legal I would never have to worry about what I get traded back to me getting me banned even if I legally acquired it from my perspective.
        ALSO, you know Pokemon Go has up to legends from XY now. You can fsrm genies, Cresselia, and all sorts of legend with daily raids too. The only Pokemon anyone has to worry about acquiring outside of sca/vi are Urshifu and Enamorus.

      • 10 months ago

        This is a terrible analogy. "Playing the game" for all the games on the left means PvP, but Pokemon bootlickers use it to mean "doing all the tedious single player shit that genning circumvents." There is no useful skill gained from building a comp team the long way, it's a pure time/money sink.

        • 10 months ago

          >pure time and money sink
          >spend thousands of dollars and a week traveling to foreign countries and only chance to even break even is getting top 4.
          >top prize is less than part time fast food wages for a yearly event

        • 10 months ago

          You have to invest into the games. That was the point of the image. Terashard farming, farming ability patches,Mints, rare candies etc - buying the games and catching and raising pokemon. It's all part of the game. Genning is not which is why it exists so you avoid playing the games. If you think it's tedious, then gen properly or play showdown. But don't b***h if/when you get caught.

          No amount of crying is going to change anything.

          • 10 months ago

            VGC is not a Pokemon catching competition, or a Polemon training competition, or a terra shard farming competition, or an ability patch/mint/rare candy farming competition. Nor is it a Pokemon video game buying competition.

            • 10 months ago

              It's a competition that involves making the best possible team to win. All of the things things you listed are part of the team making process, no?

              • 10 months ago

                >making the best possible team to win
                No it doesn't. There is no skill in doing a 30 hour grind to replicate a meta team, which is all the top VGC players would be doing if genning were actually removed. There's no skill to it, just sheer RNG, and the skills VGC as a metagame aims to test out is prediction and reaction.

              • 10 months ago

                Work smarter (legally), not harder

              • 10 months ago

                So I should gen undetectable Pokemon. Thank you for agreeing.

              • 10 months ago

                Im sinply saying a team does not take 30 hours to grind for. This isnt gen 4. You shouldnt gen just like you shouldnt skip the turnstile at a subway, but it's clear I'm not going to convince you otherwise, all I can do now is warn you you better not get caught if you must cheat.

              • 10 months ago

                >You shouldnt gen just like you shouldnt skip the turnstile at a subway
                Piracy isn't theft you child. Not paying your taxes to use a public service deprives the service from its maintenance and operation budget. Not playing story mode before going to a competitive tournament does less than fricking nothing to hurt GF, Nintendo or VGC.
                You actually can't bullshit out a scenario where even testing for genning is valid in the first place. That's what's so fricking funny about these threads, seeing people desperately rushing in to take bullets for the largest entertainment company on the planet get stumped by basic ethics questions.

              • 10 months ago

                >Piracy isn't theft
                Way to argue something nobody has said. If you got a copy of Pokemon Scarlet through the freeshop or a .cia I don't care. Homebrew is based. But in a tournament you aren't getting free software, you are entering a competition against other people. To cheat is to do wrong by every participant in that event that doesn't cheat because you have resources they didn't have access to.
                >inb4 muh discord bots
                because it is against the rules

              • 10 months ago

                Way to fundamentally misunderstand the argument because you completely stopped reading as soon as you thought you had a 'gotcha!'

              • 10 months ago

                >Not playing story mode before going to a competitive tournament does less than fricking nothing to hurt GF
                Thats not the argument or the problem
                >You actually can't bullshit out a scenario where even testing for genning is valid in the first place.
                Dont need to
                >get stumped by basic ethics questions.
                What question have you asked that hasnt been adressed?

              • 10 months ago

                >What question have you asked that hasnt been adressed?
                How does generating a legal team confer an advantage to a player against those that raised their teams on-cart?
                And you won't answer this question because we all know the answer is that it confers no advantage beyond avoiding a massive fricking timewaste, which actually makes banning genned mons more questionably unethical than the reverse.

              • 10 months ago

                >How does generating a legal team confer an advantage to a player against those that raised their teams on-cart?

                You're using a third party program to gen a perfect team. Doesn't matter if it's a legal team. It's against the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                So you can't answer the question, because you know it makes Nintendo look bad/stupid and you would literally hotbox your car with mustard gas for Nintendo if they asked you to.

              • 10 months ago

                I did answer the question, not my problem if you don't like the answer. It's not about the legality of the team, it was the means of getting that team. Not sure why this is so hard to understand. It's not a complicated thing to understand unless you were a delusional manchild. I'm not even the original anon you were replying to

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not about the legality of the team, it was the means of getting that team.
                How does generating a team confer an advantage to a player against those that raised their teams on-cart?

              • 10 months ago

                We're going in circles now.

              • 10 months ago

                You're not answering the question

              • 10 months ago

                And you're not reading. That question has been answered several times already. It doesn't change anything.

              • 10 months ago

                If genning was legal how would generating a team confer an advantage to a player against those that raised their teams on-cart? If it wouldn't, then you only prove that the rule is arbitrary bullshit that means nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                This argument means nothing because the rule will never change.

              • 10 months ago

                The rule means nothing because there's no justifiable reason for it to exist.

              • 10 months ago

                No one cares what you think.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why agree to it by entering the tournament

                Your inability to answer the question reveals that you know the rule is based on Nintendo huffing its own farts, i.e. fricking nothing, and every adult human that hasn't been beaten by society to the point of fetishizing bootlicking understands that rules with no meaningful grounding can be ignored.
                Conversely, your clinging to the corporate position on this demonstrates that you are one of said bootlicking fetishists.
                So again, I ask you, why does Nintendo say it's bad and why do you agree?

              • 10 months ago

                Then why agree to it by entering the tournament

              • 10 months ago

                Thats all I wanted to hear, thank you.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's bad
                >because i say its bad
                >because its bad
                Yes, YOU are going in circles.

              • 10 months ago

                >because I say it's bad
                Because the people who run the tournament say it's bad. If you can't agknowladge that we have nothing further to discuss.

              • 10 months ago

                >the people who run the tournament say it's bad.
                why do they say it's bad, though? And why do you agree?
                >we have nothing further to
                Anon you can only pull the 'I'm not responding anymore' card a certain number of times while still responding to every single post before you just sound desperate.

              • 10 months ago

                >why do they say it's bad, though? And why do you agree?

                Bruh where are you going with this?

              • 10 months ago

                Your inability to answer the question reveals that you know the rule is based on Nintendo huffing its own farts, i.e. fricking nothing, and every adult human that hasn't been beaten by society to the point of fetishizing bootlicking understands that rules with no meaningful grounding can be ignored.
                Conversely, your clinging to the corporate position on this demonstrates that you are one of said bootlicking fetishists.
                So again, I ask you, why does Nintendo say it's bad and why do you agree?

              • 10 months ago



                >buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

                I'm not reading all that shit. If you agree the terms of service, it means you abide by their rules. I don't care about your manbaby tantrum, it changes nothing.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                If you don't want to follow the rules you are legally bind to, you can simply not play.

              • 10 months ago

                nta, but it's just a simple thems the rules type of shit. An event organizer set an expectation and not meeting it comes with a punishment from point deduction to disqualification. If they set a dress code and you turn up dressed differently they can boot you.
                As to why they set the rule I would guess they want people to play the game to keep the aesthetic of being a pokemon trainer. I dont personally agree with it, however I do agree that the event organizer has the right to set and enforce whatever rules they want.

              • 10 months ago

                >why does Nintendo say it's bad
                The same reason every other game company doesn't like people modifying their software. It's in almost every single EULA you've ever clicked "agree" on.
                >why do you agree
                Because your participation in their tournament is not a requirement. You need them, they don't need you.

              • 10 months ago

                >rules good not because one corporation said so
                >but because every corporation says so!
                You'd enjoy watching other men sleep with your partner if you had any kind of human contact.

              • 10 months ago

                Again, you don't need to participate in their tournament.

              • 10 months ago

                I accept your concession

                It's a children's video game, they don't have to change shit. GameFreak wants you to log hours in game, trading things between players, and winning and losing battles. VGC is an unprofitable marketing expense, and nothing more.
                Sure you can wish for them to cater to your postgame grind, but they've done the exact opposite with no battle facilities. You're supposed to play the game casually. Want to sweat? Stick to showdown or go play a different game that is intended to be competitive. They won't listen to you, it's been 25+ years of inaccessible postgame grind.

                >GameFreak wants you to log hours in game
                I don't care what GameFreak wants

              • 10 months ago

                >vgcucks when they compete to be the face of Game Freak's sidegame content for a year

              • 10 months ago

                You mean when they compete to build their own clout and social media presence, leading to both prize money and advertiser/merch sponsorships.
                No normal people are tuning into VGC because of GameFreak or TPCI. I guess people like you don't understand that?

              • 10 months ago

                >You need them.
                They literally don't, Showdown still exists

              • 10 months ago

                So stay there.

              • 10 months ago

                If you don't want to follow the rules you are legally bind to, you can simply not play.

                Don't need to since people will still Gen

              • 10 months ago

                >the answer is that it confers no advantage beyond avoiding a massive fricking timewaste
                If anything, genning levels the playing field since many of the top players can bypass the same timewaste through money/connections.

              • 10 months ago

                They already do. Yes, even with genning. A lot of people are too lazy to even hack their switch

              • 10 months ago

                You're literally doing the
                >whats 2+2? And dont say 4!
                As said before if cheaters never existed I still don't need every game or to grind everything to acquire everything I need for the team; I could shiny hunt or put up a legend I have on GTS to get what I need. I can buy mints or get them from raids. I could do the same with vitamins or just power item train like the old days. Not only is it fast and easy, there are many ways to do it to get the results you want. For the huper specific such as 0IV legends there are hyper specific ways to do it. If you dont agree that putting in that amount of effort should yield that amount of reward than so be it, but that doesn't just dismantle the fact that the level of hyper-specific optimized results are being aquired without the otherwise needed effort through genning and I need you to agknowladge that ignoring the rules of the competition means ignoring the merit of the sport, regardless of if you don't agree with the idea of putting in the time for prep.

              • 10 months ago

                If grinding teams legally is insanely quick and easy
                and generating teams is insanely quick and easy
                then what is the advantaged conferred by generating legal teams on PkHex as opposed to generating it on-cart?

              • 10 months ago

                In 2010 it was hours, but today it's minutes with the only exception being legend IVs

            • 10 months ago

              What the frick are you talking about? You have to do those things to make a team for competitive. You the game? Was this suppose to be a Gotcha?

              • 10 months ago

                When you're in the tournament you're not competing to see who can grind Pokemon and items the hardest, you're BATTLING Pokemon. That's ALL the tournament is about, the grind to actually build a team is completely arbitrary and pointless since there's no difference between a genned team and a manually built team besides time and money and actively detrimental to the competitors since every hour spent grinding for your team is time spent NOT practicing, analyzing the competition, refining your strategy, ya know, playing the part of the game the tournament is actual about.

              • 10 months ago

                Play the game or gen properly.
                Those are you're only two options.

                More people will get caught in the future, make sure you aren't one of them.

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody needed you to tell them that, captain fricking obvious. Nobody is defending players who genned their pokemon wrong despite knowing ahead of time they'd be getting tested.

              • 10 months ago

                >or gen properly
                Concession accepted

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody needed you to tell them that, captain fricking obvious. Nobody is defending players who genned their pokemon wrong despite knowing ahead of time they'd be getting tested.

                morons. people have been saying this from the start. VGCucks have been b***hing and whining that they shouldn't get penalized for breaking the rules. There ever only was TWO options. You guys are sitting here whining about playing the game, as if that's going to change anything. Genning will never be legal, why b***h about it?

              • 10 months ago

                Of course people are ticked off about there being a one-time rule change about something that was tacitly allowed for over a decade, you fricking dumbass. But the people who decided to frick around and find out got what they deserved.
                >Genning will never be legal
                It literally is if your Pokemon passes the gen check lmfao. You are seething about nothing just as hard as that twitter literal who.

              • 10 months ago

                >It literally is if your Pokemon passes the gen check lmfao

                Point to me exactly where TPC endorses Kurt and PkHex.

              • 10 months ago

                Point to me where the gen checker finds the difference between an cart-generated mon and a PkHex mon that have the exact same data fricking lmao

              • 10 months ago

                >Avoiding the question
                Exactly, that's what I thought Black person. No one cares about your made-up rules.

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody cares about VGC's made up rules, you mean.

              • 10 months ago

                Made-up rules that you agreed to.

              • 10 months ago

                >Delusional VGcuck

                You were saying moron? Go back to your hugbox(Twitter) and keep circlejerking how the rules should cater to you. You want to play, you follow their rules. It's that simple

              • 10 months ago

                Just because you're good at Smogon battles you aren't entitled to go to VGC if you can't follow their rules.

              • 10 months ago

                This has nothing to with following the rules, this has everything to do with the rules being moronic (especially since genning was never disqualified before) and the game itself being needlessly gatekept by arbitrary money and time sinks.

                VGC is a joke not because people """"cheat"""", but because the process of simply acquiring a competitive team legitimately is so unnecessarily time consuming and costly that you literally can't possibly blame players for circumventing the bullshit

              • 10 months ago

                You are allowed to disagree with the rules, just peotest the tournament by not being in it. To argue so confidently yet still participate and say you are following the rules when you are not is moronic

              • 10 months ago

                >When you're in the tournament you're not competing to see who can grind Pokemon and items the hardest, you're BATTLING the Pokemon you acquired and raised.
                Fify. We aren't given rental teams. This is like going to a dog show hoping you'll be lent a well trained dog to enter with. Raising them is the prepwork, the competition is the next phase.

              • 10 months ago


                >making the best possible team to win
                No it doesn't. There is no skill in doing a 30 hour grind to replicate a meta team, which is all the top VGC players would be doing if genning were actually removed. There's no skill to it, just sheer RNG, and the skills VGC as a metagame aims to test out is prediction and reaction.

              • 10 months ago

                >making the best possible team to win
                No it doesn't. There is no skill in doing a 30 hour grind to replicate a meta team, which is all the top VGC players would be doing if genning were actually removed. There's no skill to it, just sheer RNG, and the skills VGC as a metagame aims to test out is prediction and reaction.

                Pokemon bans cheating, so they must value the process developing a team if that's the team you take and use at an event. How else do you make pokemon tournament ready in the confines of the rules?

              • 10 months ago

                >How else do you make pokemon tournament ready in the confines of the rules?
                Gen them legally.
                But your post is entirely moon logic. VGC didn't enforce rules against genned Pokemon for over a decade so... what? Did Nintendo not value developing a team until 5 minutes ago? And either way why should players care what Nintendo values or doesn't value? It can't be shown that what Nintendo does or doesn't value is helping the VGC player community in any way.

              • 10 months ago

                >VGC didn't enforce rules against genned Pokemon for over a decade
                They did though. All they did was use better cheat detection software this time.

              • 10 months ago

                So they didn't enforce the rules. Lightly recommending people not generate Pokemon because something might eventually happen and they wouldn't like that very much is not enforcement. So it evidently wasn't in line with their 'values' or whatever cope bullshit until 5 minutes ago.

              • 10 months ago

                >Gen them legally.
                Contradiction, there is no legal genning when genning by nature is illegal. You may mimmick legal attributes but that doesn't make it legal, that makes it indistinguishable.
                >VGC didn't enforce rules against genned Pokemon for over a decade so... what?
                I could speculate a reason but it's moot, see


              • 10 months ago

                Imagine spending thousands of dollars for your pokemon themed vacation(because realistically that's all these events are) and risking the main attraction on a probably.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, if you can't actually demonstrate that a pokemon was generated by PkHex compared to on-cart generation, then your ruleset is literally subjective. You're just guessing or assigning 'intent' at that point. There's no moral or ethical conflict to disregarding a law that isn't even internally consistent or meaningful, and that's a core psychological truth. That's WHY people generate Pokes for VGC or pirate shitloads of digital media or jaywalk and feel no remorse. Those 'wrong' actions can only be demonstrated as 'wrong' within the subjective framework of an arbitrary ruleset.
                >but it's still against the rules
                and nobody cares. People aren't going to stop doing it even if they signed a piece of paper that agrees to the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                If you stole my wallet and I can't prove it was you, did you steal my wallet?

              • 10 months ago

                >If a bear shits in the woods and nobody is around to know, did a bear shit in the woods?
                Of course a bear shit in the woods, and the bear knows it shit in the woods

              • 10 months ago

                you can't steal something by replicating it, moron. That's why I brought up piracy earlier.
                The comparison you're trying to make is if there's a wallet sitting on the ground with no form of ID and no clear owner, is it ethical to take it and it's contents? Which the majority of people would do even if they agreed that it was theoretically unethical or if the law required otherwise. You can't demonstrate that the person in that scenario has harmed anybody else, and certainly nobody feels as though they've harmed anybody, so any law against that action would be entirely subjective and on behalf of nobody. It's the same thing with piracy.

              • 10 months ago

                That is not the intent of the hypothetical nor the logic I am bridging from it.

                >If a bear shits in the woods and nobody is around to know, did a bear shit in the woods?
                Of course a bear shit in the woods, and the bear knows it shit in the woods

                This guy gets it.

              • 10 months ago

                >you better not break arbitrary indefensible rules at the videogame tournament or your conscious is going to be upset
                Nope, because my conscious isn't persuaded by legalism.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you so superior that you can ignore rules you agree to when signing up for such an event?

              • 10 months ago

                Certainly superior to bootlickers that defending arbitrary and indefensible rules for no reason

              • 10 months ago

                It's not a superiority thing, it's the logical conclusion the vast majority of the VGC playerbase and audience already arrived at years ago. Did you ever stop to think why so many players gen Pokemon but choose to do so within the confines of what's considered legal for the game? A LOT of players could have theoretically gotten away with generating totally illegal mons with busted stats and flown under the radar. But they didn't, because the average human actually invested in their community makes better judgment calls and rules than corporations living on the other side of the fricking planet.

                >buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

                I'm not reading all that shit. If you agree the terms of service, it means you abide by their rules. I don't care about your manbaby tantrum, it changes nothing.

                die mad and learn what buzzwords are

              • 10 months ago


                You're not above the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                nta, but it's just a simple thems the rules type of shit. An event organizer set an expectation and not meeting it comes with a punishment from point deduction to disqualification. If they set a dress code and you turn up dressed differently they can boot you.
                As to why they set the rule I would guess they want people to play the game to keep the aesthetic of being a pokemon trainer. I dont personally agree with it, however I do agree that the event organizer has the right to set and enforce whatever rules they want.

                >but it's the rules
                People will continue to generate mons legally as they always have. The takeaway here is that you need to do some introspection and think about why you feel compelled to defend the rules come up with by Nintendo when you can't even come up with a good justification for them after the fact.

              • 10 months ago

                cool story sister, but Genning is still illegal. You don't have to acknowledge it, doesn't make it any less true. Let's hope you don't complain like you are now when more people are caught in the future. Cause it will happen. It's inevitable.

              • 10 months ago

                >but Genning is still illegal.
                Oh no! The pokemon police are gonna heckin arrest and imprison the world champion! It's gonna happen live on stream!! It's illegal and punishable by death!

              • 10 months ago

                What was the purpose of this post?

              • 10 months ago

                To highlight your stupidity of moral grandstanding and rulebooking shit you have no clue about.
                >it's illegal!
                Ok, punishment where?

              • 10 months ago

                >Ok, punishment where?

                You were saying?

              • 10 months ago

                VGC was won with a hacked pokemon. Where's his punishment? Oh, there isn't one and there isn't going to be one? Crazy!

              • 10 months ago

                Just because he wasn't caught doesn't mean it makes it legal. Do you really need this explain to you?

              • 10 months ago

                >you didn't catch me at the crime scene, you can't press charges!
                >your evidence means nothing, I've already won! sign the check!

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, extreme genners have this criminal mentality, their lack of self awareness is insane.

              • 10 months ago

                >oh no! i look stupid! time to play dumb!

              • 10 months ago

                >no argument
                Concession accepted.

              • 10 months ago

                In all seriousness of course I don't want anyone beheaded but if I saw a cheater get pulled out mid set like Boy Who Laughs at Pronouns did I'd get a giggle out of the specticle like I am now with the Twitter meltdown many caught players are having.

              • 10 months ago

                Imagine just admitting to being a bootlicker who gets off on seeing authority used arbitrarily against others. Disgusting.

              • 10 months ago

                Why do you care if it was arbitrary or not? Rules are to be broken according to you, don't you remember? Or are rules important only when they benefit you? You can't have it both ways, manchild.

              • 10 months ago

                you're not very good at reading

                I get what you're saying. I don't want anyone hurt but if you agree to rules you agree to the dangers or consequences. I think for this I'd default to the concept of gross negligence where if the person agrees to terms that may have some risk but are misled just how risky it is, or misled the condition of what they are doing the morality of that falls on the organizers. If I go rock climbing I accept the risks involved, but if my harnessing equipment is ripping apart or the hooks are so rusty they become brittle under my body weight that shouldn't be something I had to calculate ahead of time.
                I knownlittle of NASCAR in honesty so if these limiter plates were known to be so dangerous it depends if the racer was aware of this risk.

                So the rules are never worth re-examining or changing, because 'thems the rules', even when those rules do literally result in traumatic brain injuries and death. That's really the standard you're going with? There is no point in which its okay to demand rules be changed or disregard them, because 'thems the rules,' even to the point of physical harm?

              • 10 months ago

                >Playing the games can result in traumatic brain injuries and death

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody was talking to you, moron-kun. Go back to


                with your fricking reaction gif and stay go.

              • 10 months ago

                That is arguing something else entirely. If I rock climb I am under the impression it is with modern saftey standards to minimize my risk. Just because something is inherently dangerous doesn't mean improvements to prevent harm or death should not be involved. But the last argument about NASCAR and football did not pose that the players were attempting to use constructs outside of regulations to improve their saftey and simultaneously were compelled to participate. If I am aware of some bullshit danger in Football in the 1920s I could simply reject playing in thr game, I always had that option. I'm assuming the previous post did assume that option to, but if the player was not aware of the risk there is a nonzero chance that ethically falls on the employer of the team to either inform the player or not hire him without having that knowladge, depending on how common this knowladge is.
                I have said in this thread before if GF would be willing to introduce some "competitive box" where we could build our own rental team but only for pvp/competitions I'd be perfectly content with that. I wouldn't hate the time saved either frankly. The hard line I'm drawing is that because I understand the rules, because I understand the work I will need to put into my team for the competition and because I agreed to these rules I am obligated to follow them, and if I don't I'm unsportsmanlike and cannot say I am a winner in the sport.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you a tourist? Can't think of a single anon here who wouldn't have a giggle seeing someone get BTFO'd like that

              • 10 months ago

                In all seriousness of course I don't want anyone beheaded but if I saw a cheater get pulled out mid set like Boy Who Laughs at Pronouns did I'd get a giggle out of the specticle like I am now with the Twitter meltdown many caught players are having.

                based sociopaths

              • 10 months ago

                /vp/ is notoriously full of the worst kinds of autistic degenerates so that's not exactly solid logic my guy. The schizo talking to himself in his child character vore thread would laugh? Guess everyone else better do the same!

              • 10 months ago

                Strawman, even as a silly attempt at a joke, doesn't change the fact that VGC is stepping up their game, considering how awareness of the abundance of hacked teams in Worlds can bring a bad reputation to the sport. If you really are a grown, fully functional adult with np time to train you should realize you are signing a CONTRACT (a legally binding agreement) with TPCi the moment you accept to participate in Worlds.

              • 10 months ago

                >awareness of the abundance of hacked teams in Worlds can bring a bad reputation to the sport
                How, exactly? Showdown is the biggest thing in competitive Pokemon and it absolutely doesn't interact with real game carts at all. Nobody is under the delusion that VGC has anything to do with normal gameplay except distant Japanese salarymen. In the same way that pro CSGO players aren't measured by their performance in matchmaking, people know VGC players have very little to do with the core game.
                I mean frick's sake, 6v6 pick 4 doubles is NOT EVEN A PLAYABLE FORMAT in the story mode.

              • 10 months ago

                I said "bad reputation to the SPORT", not to the games. But tainting the sport can indirectly taint the brand. Which is bad marketing and you don't want that.

                The only option would be for them to legalize genning and that's obviously never gonna happen. Adding an ingame editor takes away the training part and people would have no reason to becalled trainers, which is also a marketing buzzword TPCi enjoys using; it'd also reduce the pokemon to mere data and there's internal guides in which TPC instructs their partners never to do that.

              • 10 months ago

                >The only option would be for them to legalize genning
                Or keep the rules unenforced like they did for a decade or more without controversy. Of course doubling back on stupid rules now would mean tacitly admitting they were bad, and nothing is more upsetting to the distant asiatic salarymen than admitting a mistake.
                Or GameFreak could fundamentally change (read: improve) their mobile-tier dogshit gameplay, although that's not a VGC-specific complaint.

              • 10 months ago

                ....So you're mad they are finally deciding to enforce their rules?

              • 10 months ago

                Game was fine for over a decade with bad rules that went unenforced, the decision to start enforcing (but even then not really) said bad rules did not make the game better.
                >y-y-y-you m-m-mad b-b-b-b-bro!!?
                Gonna have to try harder than that my guy.

              • 10 months ago

                So you're mad that they are enforcing the rules. Seems a bit moronic don't you think? If you're so good at genning, why does it matter if they enforce the rules?

              • 10 months ago

                Anon why are you mad that I don't respect the rules? Show me why the rules are worthy of respect.
                I've already done this song and dance multiple times in this same thread, you're not getting points for originality here

              • 10 months ago

                Why are you worthy of respect if you're actively ruining the integrity of the sport

              • 10 months ago

                >integrity of the sport
                Nintendo didn't think it was ruining the integrity of the sport when they allowed people to generate without saying shit for over a decade

                That is arguing something else entirely. If I rock climb I am under the impression it is with modern saftey standards to minimize my risk. Just because something is inherently dangerous doesn't mean improvements to prevent harm or death should not be involved. But the last argument about NASCAR and football did not pose that the players were attempting to use constructs outside of regulations to improve their saftey and simultaneously were compelled to participate. If I am aware of some bullshit danger in Football in the 1920s I could simply reject playing in thr game, I always had that option. I'm assuming the previous post did assume that option to, but if the player was not aware of the risk there is a nonzero chance that ethically falls on the employer of the team to either inform the player or not hire him without having that knowladge, depending on how common this knowladge is.
                I have said in this thread before if GF would be willing to introduce some "competitive box" where we could build our own rental team but only for pvp/competitions I'd be perfectly content with that. I wouldn't hate the time saved either frankly. The hard line I'm drawing is that because I understand the rules, because I understand the work I will need to put into my team for the competition and because I agreed to these rules I am obligated to follow them, and if I don't I'm unsportsmanlike and cannot say I am a winner in the sport.

                >But the last argument about NASCAR... did not pose that the players were attempting to use constructs outside of regulations to improve their saftey and simultaneously were compelled to participate
                This did actually happen with NASCAR's restrictor plates, there were all kinds of controversies and many fans and players openly and loudly arguing that they made the sport more dangerous. Things didn't change until Dale Earnhardt Sr, probably the single most famous driver in all of NASCAR, fricking died in a crash and a lot of the blame was put on restrictor plates which had caused him tons of problems in earlier races.
                Tangent aside, your choice to measure your worth as a competitor against how well you can play the game Rules-As-Written is simply not the mindset of most competitors in higher level sports, whether it be e-sports or the Olympics. Most sporting events and communities have continual controversy between fans, players, and the rulemakers and there is a constant flux to the rules, There was a period in competitive Baseball during the 90s where virtually every major player was on steroids and nobody did anything about it, because it was deemed by the players, fans, the officiators, and the advertising networks that Roidball was more engaging. Then the pendulum swung back and right now competitive baseball is seeing a sharp decline in audience and player engagement despite being a much more strict sport.
                Nintendo do not have the objectively correct viewpoint on how VGC should be played. Players, fans (to some degree) and officiator positions need to be considered for the sake of the health of the game, both meta-competitively and in terms of viewer engagement (since that's ultimately where the money comes from and the reason comp events even happen).

              • 10 months ago

                >you're actively ruining the integrity of the sport

              • 10 months ago

                For starters I've lost all respect for VGC players and I know I'm not alone
                This just makes competition look bad
                Whining about rules that are never going to change for a solid week is only making it worse

              • 10 months ago

                >For starters I've lost all respect for VGC players and I know I'm not alone
                I promise people who think like you are in the minority. People who aren't terminally online don't care about this stuff.

              • 10 months ago

                Who plays high level VGC and isnt terminally online? I honestly wonder if I should hang around in more pro discords and VGC showdown chat to get more player insight. I've gotten really weird latley and can't seem to muster the energy to pretend to be jolly just to make and keep new friends.

              • 10 months ago

                So I'm to assume you used to have respect for VGC players back when they weren't getting caught cheating?

              • 10 months ago

                Depends on the year
                the ecelebs have always sucked

              • 10 months ago

                I respect their battle strategies and expertise, not as much the integrity

                Depends on the year
                the ecelebs have always sucked

                I kinda like Niel Patel, his videos get right to the point more often than not and he doesnt do cringey memes like moxie

              • 10 months ago

                Good faith does exist in this world, you cynical ass. It's what makes trade and businesses possible. But since, in your manchild head, everything is about you and whether or not it benefits you, you can't help but project your own cynism into society as a whole.

              • 10 months ago

                I have a discord with my only friends I've met over various video games on steam. We sometimes have pokemon competitions and the prize is a gift card or some game off steam. It's a total of 30 people in there that known each other for like 11 years. None of them are interested in VGC and were making fun the people who got DQ'd. mind you over the years they turned into absolute normies and one of them in particular got turned off from trying out VGC when they heard most competitors use PKhex.

              • 10 months ago

                >NO YOU'RE MAD
                Yes, MAD with curiosity why someone would ape out if genning is so easy, You've made it clear you think you're above the rules and you intend to keep genning. cool. Why does enforcing the rules matter then?

              • 10 months ago

                There is literally no way to "prove" to you the rules are worthy of respect because every explanation of the rules will be met with "But I don't care I don't value that"

              • 10 months ago

                Sure you can, the rule that says which pokemon you're allowed to use for a format.
                That one is worth respecting because if I could use Incineroar right now, that would actually be a tangible advantage in my favor in battle.

              • 10 months ago

                >every explanation of the rules will be met with "But I don't care I don't value that"
                Because you can't explain why the rules matter in the first place. You've given no good reason for who genning Pokemon should be illegal in the first place, thus no reason players should respect the rules

                you agreed to to follow the rules when you decide to sign up and participate in their event. You can't pick and choose which rules to follow, just because you don't "respect" it. Why kind of logic is this? Did you not have a father growing up?

              • 10 months ago

                >You can't pick and choose which rules to follow
                Why not? I won't be caught if I do it properly. Tell me what's stopping me.

              • 10 months ago

                Because you agreed to follow them you stupid moron.
                >I'm going to gen anyway!

                Ok. Go for it. But don't complain whether you or someone get's DQ'd. Again, you you're going tro gen properly why get mad if they enforce the rules?

              • 10 months ago

                Because making surface-level rules that discourage genning does more to scare away new players than it does to restrict the actions of established players, so you're raising the barrier to entry while not in any way disincentivizing the action that the rule was created to prevent.

              • 10 months ago

                Nothing scares away new players more than tryhards who have to cheat to win.

              • 10 months ago

                Cute, but demonstrably untrue considering VGC has only grown in the over a decade that Nintendo has utterly failed to enforce the no-genning rule.

              • 10 months ago

                That doesnt prove who these newcomers are or how involved with high level pokemon upon starting vgc

              • 10 months ago

                Literally doesn't matter so I don't know what point you think you're making. Genning being tacitly allowed was clearly not discouraging people from jumping into VGC. Freezing people out of being able to use certain mons unless they buy a bunch of obsoleted hardware to do legitimate tradeups AND a huge timesink while top players just have connects to do that for them is openly moronic. Nintendo should fix that problem and then they might have legitimate cause to ban genning.

              • 10 months ago

                >tacitly allowed
                So if you try to force a woman to have sex and she says nothing ('cause she's scared as hell to say a word), does it mean you were given a "tacit" approval to rape her? Stupid idiot.

              • 10 months ago

                Take a long look in the mirror and realize how much of an absolute psycho you sound like

              • 10 months ago

                >missing the point on purpose
                Not surprising from a cynical cheater apologist. I'll leave itthere as you'll resort to strawman and trolling to avoid acknowledging the core issue.

                Did everyone get really hyped over that one guys Pachirisu because of it's nickname or how the player trained it, or was it because it pulled off an unorthodox and unexpected strategy?

                Can you show me one example of a VGC Pokemon getting notariety because of how it was obtained or trained?

                A lot of people who saw that are karengays. Is that naíve? Yes. Do the millions who saw that match care about intrincate team composition and match ups? Absolutely not. Most are there just for that feel-good story about the underdog beating or helping beat extremely strong pokémon. Just like how the majority who watched Evo moment 37 get hyped only because Daigo only had one pixel left in his health bar, not understanding basic stuff like the fact he buffered parry BEFORE Justin did the super, which is technical knowledge most people wouldn't even notice. Same with proper stat spreads or the fact that Pachirisu was chosen because of its [Follow Me + Electric immunity + enough bulk to eat a Draco and active its Sitrus berry] combo.

              • 10 months ago

                It's almost like the existence of the rule is what's holding them back from being on equal footing.

              • 10 months ago

                If I'm playing the game legitimately I'm not going to want to enter a tournament with hackers, simple as.

              • 10 months ago

                How do you know they're hackers if they don't trip the detection tool?

              • 10 months ago

                If you play out the full set, you would never know they were a hacker.

              • 10 months ago

                >Complains he can't use his perfect IV team that was created with a third party program
                >Complains about barrier to entry for new players

              • 10 months ago

                >he can't use his perfect IV team
                Yes I can? Getting past the detector is piss easy.

                I think the real scare for new players is actually the thousands of dollars to attend the event. Right now anyone can hop on showdown and experience the meta, for free/no time comit. If they like it, they can then start investing into it.

                Sure, but are you really arguing we should have MORE barriers to entry? At least cost to attend isn't literally arbitrary.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yes I can? Getting past the detector is piss easy.
                Now read the rest of the post.

              • 10 months ago

                It didn't occur to you that new players in the VGC community are often actual children/teenagers, who are getting into the format through the online ladder? And that those kids/teens might lose interest in the far more complex metagame of the official format if they don't have access to usable tools to skip the insane grind?

              • 10 months ago

                Seems like most people are doing fine without the use of PKhex.

              • 10 months ago

                You say that from a single tournament where the vast majority of teams were genned (or outsourced by those that could afford it and didn't want to risk tripping the detection tool) and only a small handful of people got caught with genned mons.
                Are you so ignorant you actually think everyone who was genning got caught?

              • 10 months ago

                You act like the third-party program is any kind of barrier. If you have Internet access, you have access to genned Pokemon.
                That's why the rule is bad; it existing objectively makes the game less accessible and it being properly enforced makes the game less competitive. No one wins or comes out happy with this rule if it's properly enforced.

              • 10 months ago

                So you're telling people they should break the rules because "you think it's dumb".

              • 10 months ago

                If everyone playing VGC collectively for over a decade agreed that genning wasn't hurting the format... it wasn't hurting the format.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm telling people you should break this rule because the Pokemon becomes more accessible and competitive when the rule is broken.

                >I don't care
                Doesn't matter
                >I will still Gen
                Doesn't matter
                >I don't want
                Doesn't matter
                >I hate how
                Doesn't matter
                >I feel
                Doesn't matter
                >But what about
                Doesn't matter
                >The rules don't
                Doesn't matter
                >TCPi su-
                Doesn't matter

                Get this through your head.

                Regardless of how you feel about it, the rule is never going to change. Again, if you intend to Gen, you have no right to complain if you get caught because YOU agreed to follow the rules. You're not above the rules TPCi set at their event. If Genning is so easy - this rule is shouldn't mean anything to you. If it's enforced , it shouldn't even matter to you. You're literally chimping over things you have ZERO control over. You have to cope.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm telling people you should break this rule because the Pokemon becomes more accessible and competitive when the rule is broken.

              • 10 months ago

                I think the real scare for new players is actually the thousands of dollars to attend the event. Right now anyone can hop on showdown and experience the meta, for free/no time comit. If they like it, they can then start investing into it.

              • 10 months ago

                why get mad if they enforce the rules?
                I'm not mad. I'm allowed to call out a moronic choice in any way I please, even if I'm not the victim of said choice and never will be.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm going to ignore the rule about seeding. So what if I lose 4 games. I paid to go the the event and partipate.

              • 10 months ago

                Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Frick around and find out

              • 10 months ago

                >every explanation of the rules will be met with "But I don't care I don't value that"
                Because you can't explain why the rules matter in the first place. You've given no good reason for who genning Pokemon should be illegal in the first place, thus no reason players should respect the rules

                It was explained to you here

                I said "bad reputation to the SPORT", not to the games. But tainting the sport can indirectly taint the brand. Which is bad marketing and you don't want that.

                The only option would be for them to legalize genning and that's obviously never gonna happen. Adding an ingame editor takes away the training part and people would have no reason to becalled trainers, which is also a marketing buzzword TPCi enjoys using; it'd also reduce the pokemon to mere data and there's internal guides in which TPC instructs their partners never to do that.

                , genning Pokemon harms the fantasy the games are structured around that the players at these competitions all trained their Pokemon. Your response is obviously going to be "it doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt the competitive aspect", but to Gamefreak it does which is the purpose of that rule.

              • 10 months ago

                >the fantasy the games are structured around that the players at these competitions all trained their Pokemon
                Nobody who plays or watches VGC ascribes to this fantasy though. Your argument literally is just saying "I'm ignorant about competitive play culture." Again, Nintendo did nothing about genning for over a decade and the audience engagement and player pool have only increased as PkHex and trade bots have become more well-known.

              • 10 months ago

                Obviously some people care otherwise absolutely nobody would be defending the decision lol

                this is moronic and literally not true. Even ignoring genning it's extremely common for competitors to have other people breed, raise, and train their teams

                >it's extremely common for competitors to have other people breed, raise, and train their teams
                Literally why would this matter? As long as people see them as "legitimate" Pokemon nobody cares because trading is part of the game.

                You guys are literally just playing dumb, spectators get annoyed by genned Pokemon for the same reason shiny hunters get annoyed by genned shinies.

              • 10 months ago

                >the people defending the VGC rules change are delusional manchildren that think serious players enjoy garbage mechanics like breeding and enounter resetting
                Not exactly a good look, but we both know the reality is that people defending the VGC rules change are just autistics that are mad other people don't choke on GF/Nintendo's wiener and have better things to do with their lives than take bullets for a multi-billion dollar corporation.

              • 10 months ago

                >Obviously some people care otherwise absolutely nobody would be defending the decision lol
                If this thread is anything to go by the only people who "care" are just bootlickers who's only argument is "thems the rules"

                >You guys are literally just playing dumb, spectators get annoyed by genned Pokemon
                [citation needed]

              • 10 months ago

                >Nobody who plays or watches VGC ascribes to this fantasy though. Your argument literally is just saying "I'm ignorant about competitive play culture."
                I'm gonna need a source on that. Not gonna take the word of a cheater apologist at face value. The fact you try to reduce this to "only what I, the competitor do, matters, nothing else" shows you are some kind special needs turbo autist since the most basic common sense and social awareness evades you so easily.

              • 10 months ago

                Did everyone get really hyped over that one guys Pachirisu because of it's nickname or how the player trained it, or was it because it pulled off an unorthodox and unexpected strategy?

                Can you show me one example of a VGC Pokemon getting notariety because of how it was obtained or trained?

              • 10 months ago

                Pachirisu used the move Electrify to force the enemy's moves into electric type attakcs which would then do nothing against his partner Garchomp. Combined with Follow Me and Nuzzle it was an amazing support Pokemon pick chosen because the strategy fit so perfectly.

              • 10 months ago

                Gamefreak should enforce the rule properly if they want people to care about the rule.
                As long as I can pass with a properly genned Pokemon, there's no good argument to respect this rule.

              • 10 months ago

                this is moronic and literally not true. Even ignoring genning it's extremely common for competitors to have other people breed, raise, and train their teams

              • 10 months ago

                By your logic VGC hasn't had any integrity for decades now.

              • 10 months ago

                Which is true btw

                I think the real scare for new players is actually the thousands of dollars to attend the event. Right now anyone can hop on showdown and experience the meta, for free/no time comit. If they like it, they can then start investing into it.

                Also true. Im a 30 year old man with a car and vacation time yet cant find local PCs closer than 3 hours away and cant easily afford to hotel myself halway across the country multiple times a year alone. Shit sucks. It was easier when I was younger and all my friends still went to regionals together.

              • 10 months ago

                >By your logic VGC hasn't had any integrity for decades now
                Uh yeah that is how a lot of people feel, they believe the genning problem is out of hand and in light of modern improvements making legitimate Pokemon easily obtainable it has become absurd that people refuse to just play along with the fantasy.

                >Obviously some people care otherwise absolutely nobody would be defending the decision lol
                If this thread is anything to go by the only people who "care" are just bootlickers who's only argument is "thems the rules"

                >You guys are literally just playing dumb, spectators get annoyed by genned Pokemon
                [citation needed]

                >[citation needed]
                Playing dumb

                Gamefreak is literally never going to change this rule there is no point to sperging about it

              • 10 months ago

                >Uh yeah that is how a lot of people feel, they believe the genning problem is out of hand
                [citation needed]

                >in light of modern improvements making legitimate Pokemon easily obtainable

                >Playing dumb
                >No source

                >Gamefreak is literally never going to change this rule there is no point to sperging about it

              • 10 months ago

                >Skip to 9 minutes
                >He's hunting zero attack shiny Flutter

                Bro this is ad bait vid.
                >Oh my god I have to OWN the game to play?

              • 10 months ago

                >Was so excited thinking he found a gotcha he didn't bother watching for 30 more seconds where he disregards the time to hunt a shiny and only counts the time to get a 0 attack non-shiny Flutter
                How embarrassing

                >Oh my god I have to OWN the game to play?
                >Game if played in SV
                >Need to buy other games and hardware and subscription services if you want to have every option available to you and not be at an objective disadvantage

              • 10 months ago

                >Was so excited thinking he found a gotcha

                I'm not watching your 40 minute video dumbass. I really could not care less that you have to catch a handful of Flutter Manes.
                Also Flutter Mane at level 50's attack is so low that any IV from 0-3 is the same attack so you need to catch a whopping 10 of them even if you care about this dumb autistic scenario.

              • 10 months ago

                >I-I-I'm not watching
                You already did
                >I-I-I couldn't care less
                Still bothered to reply

                Just take the L

              • 10 months ago

                >every explanation of the rules will be met with "But I don't care I don't value that"
                Because you can't explain why the rules matter in the first place. You've given no good reason for who genning Pokemon should be illegal in the first place, thus no reason players should respect the rules

              • 10 months ago

                Except nobody's arguing against things like species clause or the 6v6 pick 4 format. Some elements of the competitive format are clearly worth accepting and make the metagame stronger, where the alternative would be 6v6 legendary dittos, and other elements are clearly not.

              • 10 months ago

                Why do the rules matter so much that they need to be enforced?

              • 10 months ago

                Game was fine for over a decade with bad rules that went unenforced, the decision to start enforcing (but even then not really) said bad rules did not make the game better.
                >y-y-y-you m-m-mad b-b-b-b-bro!!?
                Gonna have to try harder than that my guy.

                >Or keep the rules unenforced like they did for a decade or more without controversy.
                So then some people can break the rules but others cant? I hate it even more

                Why do the rules matter so much that they need to be enforced?

                Anon why are you mad that I don't respect the rules? Show me why the rules are worthy of respect.
                I've already done this song and dance multiple times in this same thread, you're not getting points for originality here

                By saying you agree to the rules in entering you are saying you promise to respect them. If I'm talking to someone who has 0 interest in playing the tour and is just stating your opinion then you're free to go, but that's not the conversation I'm under the impression I'm having.

              • 10 months ago

                >So then some people can break the rules but others cant
                Literally anyone can use PkHex and literally anyone can generate a Pokemon with game-legal stat values, moves, etc.
                As opposed to your vision of the future where the top players with tons of money and clout can have their frionds/fans train Pokemon for them and new players with no connections can't.

              • 10 months ago

                tell that to the 2k I made this year from daddy tpci off of pkhex, stay mad

              • 10 months ago

                hope the below minimum wage payrate was worth it

              • 10 months ago

                more than you made typing that salty post, and I had a lot more fun

              • 10 months ago


                nta, but it's just a simple thems the rules type of shit. An event organizer set an expectation and not meeting it comes with a punishment from point deduction to disqualification. If they set a dress code and you turn up dressed differently they can boot you.
                As to why they set the rule I would guess they want people to play the game to keep the aesthetic of being a pokemon trainer. I dont personally agree with it, however I do agree that the event organizer has the right to set and enforce whatever rules they want.

                didn't defend the rules. Just said it's their tourney to do with as they wish. I personaly have no issue with people genning because they don't want to breed, raise or tweak stats throughout the season. Assuming the pokemon has legal stats what I see as a spectator remains the same.
                Genning isnt a moral evil, but it is illegal under the rules set by the TO.

              • 10 months ago

                Don't care
                Didn't ask
                VGC is a joke
                Die coping

              • 10 months ago

                I am above unenforceable rules. Don't like it? Enforce them properly.

              • 10 months ago

                Looks like they did recently. Not sure why anyone is surprised.

              • 10 months ago

                If you gen properly, the rule is unenforceable.

              • 10 months ago

                Everyone is above the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                >A LOT of players could have theoretically gotten away with generating totally illegal mons with busted stats and flown under the radar.
                Thats outright false. Top cuts at tournaments get stat checked. And need I remind you of Ray Rizzo's Dream Ball Aegislash? No man, people pay attention, and even if a judge isnt looking all it takes is one guy who knows the calcs so well to notice something that shouldn't have happened happened and to alert a judge. You wouldn't make it even adding 1 attack point to your Landorus for long.
                But this tells me a lot about your mentality as a person and player. It sounds like you have no qualms circumventing rules and agreements if you disagree with them instead of making it plain that you disagree and won't accept such terms. I pray you either learn to improve that or it never comes back to bite you.
                I won't act like I'm better than you, I'm not and have that same attitude towards many things irl, I just feel particular about the principal of the matter when it comes to competition between 2 or more people in a sport.

              • 10 months ago

                >I just feel particular about the principal of the matter when it comes to competition between 2 or more people in a sport.
                So you'd defend objectively moronic garbage that has literally gotten people killed, like limiter plates in NASCAR races or not having to wear any kind of protective gear for DECADES in American football, because "the officials said so and thems the rules"?
                Not trying to equate Pokemon rules and real life dangerous sport rules here, beyond questioning where you draw the line between being a bootlicker for the noble cause of sport and exercising your own free will.

              • 10 months ago

                I get what you're saying. I don't want anyone hurt but if you agree to rules you agree to the dangers or consequences. I think for this I'd default to the concept of gross negligence where if the person agrees to terms that may have some risk but are misled just how risky it is, or misled the condition of what they are doing the morality of that falls on the organizers. If I go rock climbing I accept the risks involved, but if my harnessing equipment is ripping apart or the hooks are so rusty they become brittle under my body weight that shouldn't be something I had to calculate ahead of time.
                I knownlittle of NASCAR in honesty so if these limiter plates were known to be so dangerous it depends if the racer was aware of this risk.

              • 10 months ago

                >We aren't given rental teams.
                You should though. Genning for comp would die in an instant if they just added showdowns battle simulator to the game itself and let competitors just simulate their teams in game. There's literally no reason not to do this, it puts everybody on an even playing field and eliminates the time and money barrier to entry.

              • 10 months ago

                >There's literally no reason not to do this
                It costs $ to implement postgame features that 0.01% of the purchasers could potentially use. It is not worth it, and if they ever did implement it, it'd be microtransaction based 🙂

              • 10 months ago

                A) Rental Teams are already a thing, all that's missing is the ability to manipulate the numbers.

                B) If VGC cares so much about legality, they should address the underlying issue for why so many players gen their mons. """Cheaters""" are just a symptom of the game having arbitrary money and time sinks that don't do anything to test player skills. VGC is a joke because the only way most people even bother competing is through using third party programs to circumvent the retreated barrier of entry.

              • 10 months ago

                The only reason this isn't already a thing is because GameFreak couldn't actually maintain an online battle simulator that sees Showdown's site traffic. If they weren't entirely fricking incompetent they'd have DMCA'd showdown years and years ago.
                >you follow their rules
                Or I just gen my pokemon so that they read as legit to the gen janny. I know you get off on licking boots but that's not my thing so I will continue doing what I want.

              • 10 months ago

                Should? I can get behind that. But we aren't given that, you can't just ignore the rules and expect different because you morally disagree.

              • 10 months ago

                >you can't act in the interest of your own best ethical or moral judgment because... YOU JUST CAN'T, OKAY!!?

              • 10 months ago

                Why shouldn't I ignore a rule that isn't probably enforced?
                What stopping you from committing petty theft if you needed the money? Enforceable laws. When a rule isn't enforceable, it's worth dogshit.
                If they're not going to make me get rid of my properly genned pokemon, why would I do it willingly?

        • 10 months ago

          >these are the people who want to represent Pokemon as its annual champion

        • 10 months ago

          >There is no useful skill gained from building a comp team the long way
          For PvP? Probably. But you aren't given that option, because of the rules of VGC your team must be legal and unhacked. Now you could circumvent this if you worked with someone or got someone you trusted to do it all for you, but those skills and resources are required. Either way, the "grind" is designed to be a nessicary part of the game and competition.

          • 10 months ago

            >your team must be legal and unhacked
            Properly genned pokemon are indistinguishable from naturally generated ones even by the hack detection used by VGC. The rule itself is unenforceable nonsense and the players who got caught using genned mons are a tiny percentage of the total players who used genned teams which is approximately 100%.

            • 10 months ago

              Doesn't matter. still against the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                Everyone is going to continue genning anyways. The rule doesn't accomplish anything except creating an artificial barrier to entry for new players. Longtime players know or will learn how to gen properly to evade detection and the top meta players can just pay people to train teams for them if the risk of getting caught by gen detection ever becomes substantial (it won't).

              • 10 months ago

                First of all, not everyone gens. Second, playing the games is not an artificial barrier. The point of Genning is to avoid playing the games and it doesn't matter how many mental loops you jump through to avoid that fact. You can Gen all you want, but it will always remain illegal, and if you get caught that's on you.

              • 10 months ago

                >First of all, not everyone gens.
                Yes they do
                >Second, playing the games is not an artificial barrier.
                Yes it is. VGC is not a test of how well you play the singleplayer content, its a multiplayer competitive format.
                >b-b-but Nintendo/GF said!!!
                Nintendo/GF only sponsor VGC because it makes them money. They aren't arbitrators of morality, nor do they ultimately have the final say since their own policy and detection methods are easily circumvented.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yes they do
                Stop reading right there.
                You're delusional.

                Genning will remain illegal. Doesn't matter how much you cry about it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Genning will remain illegal.
                And people will continue genning. You and Nintendo do not possess the tools to stop it without entirely changing the data structure of how pokemon are generated on-cart, which Game Freak doesn't have the competence or intent to do. Because at the end of the day the games and events are going to make the same amount of money either way and the people making the games know that. The only people who percieve a benefit to goose-chasing the competitive scene are moronic asiatics going on a power trip because they couldn't make something more of their lives than 'Pokemon VGC judge'

              • 10 months ago

                >The advantage it gives you over other players who are following the rules make it amoral.
                What's the advantage? Assuming a genned player is making game-legal Pokemon that pass on the online ladder, meaning no impossible stats or moves?

                >making the best possible team to win
                No it doesn't. There is no skill in doing a 30 hour grind to replicate a meta team, which is all the top VGC players would be doing if genning were actually removed. There's no skill to it, just sheer RNG, and the skills VGC as a metagame aims to test out is prediction and reaction.

                >Yes they do
                Stop reading right there.
                You're delusional.

                Genning will remain illegal. Doesn't matter how much you cry about it.

                You're using a third party program (not endorsed by TPC/against the rules/against the law in Japan) to generate a perfect IV'd team for an official competition and you're confused why people are getting disqualified? Gen all you want, but it's a risk you take regardless of how "undetectable" they are. (which is funny cause Kurt always points out when teams are genned) If and when you or someone get caught you cannot complain. The rules do not cater to you, play the game or gen properly.

              • 10 months ago

                >or gen properly.
                Why did you need to quote 4 posts just to capitulate like this

              • 10 months ago

                I don't get the morality angle. I am sure there are idiots who think that people who gen pokemon are evil, but it's just against the rules.
                Petition for the rules to change, boycot events, start talks with TPC/GF do whatever you feel is right. Until then is it so much to ask to follow the rules?
                >time sink
                We're talking about profesional pokemon players that spend countless hours practicing, theorycrafting teams and paying for travel and accomodation.

                To anyone who defends genning because of accesibility why not advocate for online tournaments people can more easily fit into their schedules? Removes travel time and expenses entirely. Maybe then top VGC players can save up for PLA and rebuying Sw/Sh since half seem to have sold it since they competed last season.

            • 10 months ago

              >if you dont get caught at cheating nobody can DQ you
              More news at 11. Doesnt make it right, and as you see in


              even those who got away with it can still be caught later on, even if nothing will be done about it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Doesnt make it right
                There is nothing that makes it wrong. It confers no advantage over other players within the skillset being tested by VGC. Genning wasn't seriously tested or opposed at any point until now and nothing has changed as a result. The people who exactly 5 minutes ago jumped on the controversy bandwagon unironically get off to licking Nintendo's boots (and/or just have a huge complex against VGC players).

              • 10 months ago

                >There is nothing that makes it wrong.
                The rules make it illegal
                The advantage it gives you over other players who are following the rules make it amoral.
                You cannot possibly contest this.

              • 10 months ago

                >The advantage it gives you over other players who are following the rules make it amoral.
                What's the advantage? Assuming a genned player is making game-legal Pokemon that pass on the online ladder, meaning no impossible stats or moves?

    • 10 months ago

      You'll spend hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars flying to Japan, but not on a game you supposedly like enough to engage in the competitive scene?

  11. 10 months ago

    tpc only care is sell merch in this "competitons" lol

  12. 10 months ago

    Why are a bunch of secondaries who have never touched comp allowed to have opinions on this subject?

  13. 10 months ago

    This is just the fraction of people who didn't gen properly.

  14. 10 months ago

    Why are a bunch of secondaries who have never actually played the game allowed to play in VGC?

    • 10 months ago

      Because Nintendo wants money and VGC makes them money through viewership and ad revenue, but only if the players are entertaining.

    • 10 months ago

      Rich people hangouts will NOT be tainted with things like rules and standards. I go to vgc to socialize and post pics of the venue on twitter.

  15. 10 months ago

    I wonder if the Olympics did something similar if we'd see a correlation of cheaters/performance enhancers by region

    • 10 months ago

      Well roiders when caught are given the boot. One could look up statistics of people removed from the olympics for steroid abuse, but theres a good chance discovering those people will happen during qualifiers, initial screenings, or even by the team outside of official competitions, so I dont think its as easy to track

  16. 10 months ago

    I don't think it's too late for them to add a reverse hyper training item in the second DLC

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry anon, Pokemon's already working on the plushes for gen 10, and the TCG art is already in the works. Cant stop that gravy train!

  17. 10 months ago

    The means to legality is more of a joke.
    Legendary Pokémon are only one per save.
    Mythical Pokémon are tied to time limited events and distributions.
    Tera shards and Ability Patches require hours of farming Tera raids.
    TMs require farming materials.
    There are no ways to treat individual strengths as 0 even though HT exists.
    Base point training requires money which requires hours of grinding or defeating around 28 Pokémon in a row at max.
    For certain spreads you need feathers which require you to swim around a lake for the uncertain chance of finding them.

  18. 10 months ago

    I thought japanese players were supposed to be tech illiterate?
    How did ~220 japanese players knew how to gen properly?

  19. 10 months ago

    genbros, always remember. /vp/ is the minority on this issue
    we will continue genning, will continue making money off TPCI with genned pokemon, /vp/ will seethe eternally about it and no one can say or do anything to change that.
    keep genning bros, keep fighting the good fight. always break unenforceable rules.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't care if people Gen, but it's really fricking annoying reading whine posts from genners when they get caught. What did you think was going to happen?

      • 10 months ago

        >I don't care if people Gen, but it's really fricking annoying reading whine posts from genners when they get caught
        This. It's not even like genning properly would take that much extra work for players of that calibre either.
        They just didn't give a frick, until they did.

    • 10 months ago

      >we will continue genning, will continue making money off TPCI with genned pokemon
      Lol if youre selling you probably are fooling idiots to buy pokemon that cant even pass a basic check

  20. 10 months ago

    >player a gens team in 1 minute, works for 59 minutes, practices VGC for 2 hours
    >player b breeds team in 1 hour, practices VGC for 2 hours
    who has the advantage and why?

    • 10 months ago

      b breeds team in 1 hour
      Physically impossible

      • 10 months ago

        ok you make 59 minutes into 4 hours 59 minutes and 1 hour into 5 hours
        doesn't change my example, both players spent an equal time practicing VGC

        • 10 months ago

          False scenario. Fix the proposition so that there is a fixed budget of hours that the player can only spend by interacting with the game, and you'll see that genning gives the cheater more time to practice battling compared to the player who follows the rules of competition.

          • 10 months ago

            Why are the rules set up in such a way that the legal player has such a limited amount of time to actually practice? Could it be that the way Nintendo's policy and game design intersect here is bad and therefore should be ignored?

            • 10 months ago

              Not everyone is a neet with limitless free time to grind a children's video game. A fixed time budget with any amount of hours still proves the point -- more time to battle instead of training the team will yield better battling skills, which is why the majority of players cheat.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not everyone is a neet with limitless free time to grind a children's video game
                So you agree that either the core gameplay needs to be changed to not be an incessant grind and timesink, or the competitive tournaments need to allow people some mechanism to skip that timesink in the name of leveling the playing field

              • 10 months ago

                It's a children's video game, they don't have to change shit. GameFreak wants you to log hours in game, trading things between players, and winning and losing battles. VGC is an unprofitable marketing expense, and nothing more.
                Sure you can wish for them to cater to your postgame grind, but they've done the exact opposite with no battle facilities. You're supposed to play the game casually. Want to sweat? Stick to showdown or go play a different game that is intended to be competitive. They won't listen to you, it's been 25+ years of inaccessible postgame grind.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes we've already established that VGC and it's rules are a joke and only a corporate boot licker would defend their moronation

          • 10 months ago

            >Fix the proposition so that there is a fixed budget of hours that the player can only spend by interacting with the game
            That is not reality. You don't have a fixed budget when playing a game. Why would I adjust my example to that false framework just so you can make a point?

  21. 10 months ago

    >If genning was legal

    But it's not. And it never will be.
    So why argue about something that will never be? Seems like a waste a time.

    • 10 months ago

      If genning was legal how would generating a team confer an advantage to a player against those that raised their teams on-cart? If it wouldn't, then you only prove that the rule is arbitrary bullshit that means nothing.

      • 10 months ago

        This argument means nothing because the rule will never change.

  22. 10 months ago

    As someone who is pro-genning, it's because what I care about in competitive Pokemon is the skill/knowledge in battles and with the theory behind building teams. Having the time to grind that team in game isn't an expression of skill, it's just the shit you have to do to even play the game. It is against the rules, and there is no way TPCI would ever make 3rd party genning legal obviously. However I wish in the future we had a way in game to more easily tweak IVs and build a team quickly. Imagine how much easier it would be to get people into VGC then

  23. 10 months ago

    Just practice on showdown like a normal person and then gen properly when entering official competitions.

  24. 10 months ago

    >tfw I genned all my entire team and made it to day 2 and didn't get dq
    >Neither did any of my friends who made it to worlds too
    Just because a few morons can't gen properly doesn't mean everyone is too moronic to gen properly.
    Keep seething and malding breedies.
    You're all shitters who wouldn't even be able to win a single match in a regional. You're nothing but crabs in a bucket.
    People will continue genning until the end of time and there's nothing you can do about it.

    • 10 months ago

      They just want to justify time wasted.

    • 10 months ago

      I have already accepted this, I happily play good matches against smart and practiced opponents with the teams I built fully knowing they probably got theirs from some discord. In truth it's a realization I had to make years ago if I were to ever continue playing this game.
      Doesn't make it right though, but I still have fun

  25. 10 months ago

    Miserable people crave the misery of others. They don't care for any other reason.

    • 10 months ago

      Why would they lower it? You have Showdown for all your competitive needs.

  26. 10 months ago

    Breeding and soft resetting has literally always been the worst part of "competitive" pokemon and even pokemon as a whole. The only people who b***h about skipping them have sour grapes, are bootlickers, or are just plain old contrarians

    That said rules are rules so if you get caught that's on you

  27. 10 months ago

    Is there actually any player that makes it to worlds that doesn't gen whatsoever? Even the champ did it and it's illegal in Nipland.

    • 10 months ago

      If they aren't injecting directly I imagine they're still using a hacked switch in some way because even with how easy it is get the nature, IVs and EVs you want, getting tera shards is still tedious as frick when there isn't an event on that shits out all types. I hope to god the DLC just lets you buy them directly.

  28. 10 months ago

    >Has no argument
    >Resorts to calling everyone a bootlicker

    It's like literally the same as trying to argue with a troony that there's only two genders and the only they can do is call you a "chud". Hilariously enough they think they are above the rules as well.

  29. 10 months ago

    >t-t-they're never gonna legalize genning
    source or not an argument

    • 10 months ago
      I highly doubt the company described in this article would ever allow genning.

      • 10 months ago

        That article is bad, the TPCI reps who said nuzlocking was the same as cheating didn't understand the question and thought it was in reference to randomizers and other forms of romhacking.

  30. 10 months ago

    They need to put serial codes that tell which booster pack a pokemon card was pulled from, so that players can bring their receipts to check if they opened their deck naturally or genned it by buying singles.

    • 10 months ago

      Nice try. Buying singles in this case is just having your friend do it for some money. It would actually be like showing up with crayon drawings and going"wrll all the text is the same!"

  31. 10 months ago

    These are only the ones who did it poorly enough to get caught

  32. 10 months ago

    So this settles it then, the players getting DQ were morons, right?
    I mean, if half of the rest of the players are doing it and getting away with it.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I think whether you are pro or anti gen we can all agree here.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh yeah 100%

    • 10 months ago

      was there ever any doubt?

  33. 10 months ago

    I sincerely hope the english percentage leads to them banning all Gaijin just to watch Wolfey have a mental breakdown

  34. 10 months ago

    >English “people” are cheaters
    Nothing new for race traitor

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