Diablo 2 sisters... they're making fun of us again

Diablo 2 sisters... they're making fun of us again

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    I mean, he has a point.

    • 12 months ago


      I like D2 but could never see the appeal of doing Baal/Meph runs all day every day.

    • 12 months ago

      Of course. Diablo 2 was great, but it was from a different time when standards were much lower. Most zoomers on Ganker who defend it haven't even played it anyways.

  2. 12 months ago

    still not playing nu diablo

  3. 12 months ago

    As opposed to doing
    >nightmare dungeons runs
    >Whispers runs
    Its all the same shit with a different paint.

  4. 12 months ago

    Diablo 2 remastered should've added a map machine like POE for end game so we could get random tile sets and mobs. I know purists would get butthurt, but D2 has no long term sustainability because it has no end game at all.

    • 12 months ago

      They should've made trading not completely aids if the droprates are so low its practically mandatory.

      • 12 months ago

        Well yea that too. I am a boomer so I experienced D2 in it's peak, but it needs modernization to be playable now. Most of the play time back in the day was just grinding baal and trying to trade.

        They should've dropped D2 remastered with new updates and left D2 original the way it is for the gays who want to play with bots all day.

    • 12 months ago

      you clearly never reached poe's endgame, which is runing the same map over and over,

      • 12 months ago

        you clearly never reached poe's endgame because you can do whatever the frick you want. that includes doing nothing but killing uber bosses

      • 12 months ago

        >which is runing the same map over and over,
        Anon if you think PoE endgame is "one map over and over" then YOU are the one who hasn't actually gotten there. You probably consider finishing A10 Kitava and then struggling with your busted-ass build in T1 white maps because you have no res and thus can't efficiently move upwards to be the "end game".

        • 12 months ago

          you clearly never reached poe's endgame because you can do whatever the frick you want. that includes doing nothing but killing uber bosses

          yet it's always cementery or crimson temple

          • 12 months ago

            I think you're misunderstanding something. People chain maps like Cemetery or Crimson Temple because they're chasing div card drops as a way to make currency. Which is absolutely a thing you can do, but if you want any real chance at getting card drops, you're going to want to optimize your time spent per-map as well as maximize the mobs and IIQ per map. You can do it without, but we're talking about multipliers on fractions of a percentage of drop chance.

            But that's also not the only way to make currency, it's just one way. If you're running a specific league mechanic, you may favor other maps for their layout. If you're bossing, the map choice is mostly irrelevant and you're just after boss fragments. Maybe you're hunting beasts to sell, in which case map doesn't matter. I know some people run randomized map layout for Vaal Temples now because of the guaranteed chests.

            No one is making you run Crimson Temples, and statistically you lose nothing by not doing them since you're likely not going to be getting card drops anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        Mapping is the mid game actually. End game is pinnacle bosses, deep delving, simulacrum, crafting, temple chasing for corruptions, and making meme builds. You probably got filtered at red maps and are mad. You absolutely do not have to treadmill in maps and can make a ton of dosh doing other really creative things

  5. 12 months ago

    I'd rather do that 15000 times.
    >t. D3 rifts for 3 weeks because I was genuinely having a very mild amount of fun on my laserbeam wizard

  6. 12 months ago

    >finish campaign
    >uninstall and never play again
    what kind of mental illness do you need to actually play these braindead ARPG endgames?

    • 12 months ago

      But Anon, don't you want to get the 0.00001% drop that lets you shave 5 seconds off of your boss kill? Come on, isn't that fun?
      I've been playing sekiro again for the first time in years and a playthrough to the 'bad' end took me 7 and a half hours. Now I'm going to get the true end and then probably not play it again for years if ever again. Games should just end at some point, they shouldn't consume every moment of free time you have like a second job. I can't bring myself to play destiny 2 because that is what it feels like, work. Just doing the same repetitive missions I've done a thousand times already because bungie is incompetent.

  7. 12 months ago

    >D2's itemization
    >D4's gameplay
    >PoE's mapping
    if only

    • 12 months ago

      D4 itemization is 10000x better moron

      • 12 months ago

        anon, come on. It's better than D3's but not D2's

      • 12 months ago

        i seriously hope youre joking. If not, youre a fricking moron

      • 12 months ago

        fricking KEK. Every single weapon is just some stat boost shit and don’t feel uinique

  8. 12 months ago

    >+11% more damage who bleed for 6 secs

  9. 12 months ago

    Diablo 3 is the only good Diablo game

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago
  10. 12 months ago

    >literally 2 diablo 4 threads up and one is 14 hours old
    >twitch viewership dead
    >reddit activity dead
    >people have to solo world bosses because there's not enough participation
    Damn this game died fast

    • 12 months ago

      Was intentional, they wanted to release the core structure of the game so they can drop content through cash shop, battle passes, and "expansion packs". They are going to milk the frick out of every idiot that bought this garbage.

      • 12 months ago

        and hows gona buy it if none play it

    • 12 months ago

      >people have to solo world bosses
      aaaand you messed up. World bosses and events are still full, I can leave and return to see multiple groups ready to kill the boss or legion invasions.
      you don't play the game.

      • 12 months ago

        >you don't play the game.
        Of course I don't lol
        Imagine paying for this shit

        • 12 months ago

          >of course I'm wrong
          we know, anon, we know

      • 12 months ago

        Aaaaaand youre a homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      >Ganker seeths slightly less for one day
      >ggguys the gem is ded
      lmao the cope. as a rule of thump if there are 500 reply threads every day for a game that means it's making a shitton of money and is far from dead.

      • 12 months ago

        YIIK: Game of the Decade.

      • 12 months ago

        Damn, sounds like this D3 rehash is getting owned by Fable already then

        • 12 months ago

          Don't insult D3 like that.

        • 12 months ago

          they are talking about one aspect of the game, which is ugly woman bad. you can cope and seethe all you want but it won't change the fact that diablo 4, wow, resident evil 4 remake and elden ring are all phenomenal games. being a contrarian doesn't make you cool.

          • 12 months ago

            You're delusional if you think this shit you're getting 30 cents per hour to shill is anywhere near RE4 or Elden Ring, Pajeet

            • 12 months ago

              >i hate good games
              okay Gankerermin go play your gacha shit or attelier ryze or whatever low effort trash. the general consens on thing on this site is awfull. literally everything here is upside down.

  11. 12 months ago

    the real question is: when are we getting a new season of diablo 3

    • 12 months ago

      never again lol
      maintenance mode

      • 12 months ago

        We're getting the last season in a month or two. Then maintenance mode in winter. I'm good with it, since the seasons were way more about resets than new content.

    • 12 months ago

      probably in 3-4 months but i really like this season

      • 12 months ago

        What's unique about it?

        • 12 months ago

          For Season 28, Rites of Sanctuary, we’re travelling deep into the mysterious ruins of the Festering Woods. Amid a mining expedition, citizens hailing from New Tristram stumbled across an ominous Altar carved from an archaic material bearing cryptic markings. Shaken to their core by the eldritch aroma of the monolith, they’ve enlisted the assistance of brave Nephalem willing to investigate this sinister discovery that was once left to time—the Altar of Rites.

          Home to power thought to be extinct from Sanctuary, the Altar of Rites will bestow these mystic forces upon worthy Nephalem. . .after a sacrifice is offered. You can begin interacting with the Altar of Rites at Level one.

          Upon arrival at the Altar of Rites, players will see 26 icons called Seals and three Legendary Potion Powers. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the elements below.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh, there's actual new content/systems each season? I thought D3 seasons were just new item drops and a progress wipe. It's a shame if there's really 28 different subsystems for D3 and the players can't play the old ones.

            • 12 months ago

              They only started doing that recently. Nice little farewell tour for the game.

          • 12 months ago

            ugh im reinstalling >_<!

            • 12 months ago
  12. 12 months ago

    Diablo 1 isn't much fun to replay aside from clearing as each class once. 2 is great for casual replays, ladders, hardcore and casual multiplayer. 3 is good for casual multiplayer and hardcore runs, but not as much as 2. Immortal is decent for exactly one campaign playthrough and nothing else.

    Dunno what 4 is good for. Cozy feelings and MMO atmosphere without paying for a sub? The campaign isn't as good as 1 or Immortal, but it's not a good casual or intense multiplayer game either.

  13. 12 months ago

    >Game has no itemization system. Every item is literally 100% identical except for randomly rolling a buff to a random skill for your class. Technically there are "stats" on items but they mean nothing, and the game neither encourages nor rewards stacking or prioritizing or needing any specific gear stats in any way.
    >Everything in the game is always scaled to your level, so you're always fighting the exact same challenge level mobs. Leveling up accomplishes nothing because your gear and levels do not let you outstrip content or overpower it.
    >There's no trading system, and very limited item storage, so your running of dungeons to level up just results in you either needing to tediously discard or sell or scrap everything because it's all useless. You can't even leave gear in the dungeons because it gets auto-mailed to you anyway.
    >There's no bosses or challenges to aspire to or overcome. There's nothing to do except push for more and more "+1% Generic Damage" nodes on the ridiculous paragon tree.

    I don't understand what Diablo 4 is meant to be. Is this a glorified idle clicker game?

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 3 was the same way with everything scaling to your level. The only difference is the numbers got really big and had to be expressed in scientific notion. World Tiers are the same thing as torment levels, except there are only four of them instead of 20+

      • 12 months ago

        >It's the same thing but even more aggressive and the player has less agency.
        Sounds bad.

      • 12 months ago

        Diablo 3 stops scaling once you hit level 70. Torments are set %increases where world tiers have a minimum level but continue to scale to your level once you're passed it. They really aren't the same

    • 12 months ago

      It's a game hastily made after diablo immortal fiasco in a last ditch attempt to extort money out of the "diablo" name
      The game's lead designer left the company 1 or 2 years ago. It was designed to be as safe as possible, there is literally nothing innovative about it. Even the "mmo" aspect is just random matchmaking up to like 5 people. It's not meant to be anything.

      • 12 months ago

        It's fricking crazy because it'd be like if you played WoW, or some RPG like Final Fantasy or something, and the game gave you new loot and weapons and armor to equip, and they all had numbers on them, but in practice everything just does identical damage and you never get better at killing things.

        So you have Jimmy at level 1 swinging his wooden sword, and he's in a party with Arena Champion Bootystabber who's swinging his endgame giant demon blade, and doing the exact same damage to the little boars they're fighting.

        • 12 months ago

          FF has done that a few times, always to the detriment of the game.

          who was the original guy? Why did he leave?

          If you mean for 3RoS, Josh Mosqueira. Under him D3 turned around about as much as it can without throwing vanilla out entirely. He was working on D4 until he ended up quitting on bad terms. He works with Ken Levine now, unfortunately.

        • 12 months ago

          Making item stats uninteresting in an ARPG is an accomplishment itself, I'll give them that. Legendary powers are fun - there is nothing quite like them in D2 and maybe you could say that PoE support gems are like legendary powers, except the actual items themselves are probably designed by WoW dev team that had to help with D4's development. It's nothing but "damage to x with x condition"

          who was the original guy? Why did he leave?


          • 12 months ago

            I look at items I get and I have no idea if they are upgrades or not. Is this ring with 4 random stats better than the other lower level ring with 4 random stats and a legendary power I'm not really using? I have no idea.

      • 12 months ago

        >See Blizz North struggle with Diablo III.
        >Destroy the company.
        >Hire WoW and RTS guys for new D3.
        >Meddle with it so much that it comes out a fricking mess.
        >Get a guy to save D3 after horrible launch reception and RMAH has to be removed (aka no more whale dosh).
        >Overall he seems to succeed.
        >Put him on Diablo IV.
        >Meddle with his project so much he leaves and it died.
        >Get someone else to make Diablo IV.
        >Meddle with it so much HE leaves too.
        >Push the corpse out the door.

        It's almost funny how cyclical it is.

        • 12 months ago

          who was the original guy? Why did he leave?

        • 12 months ago

          Wasn't Diablo 4 in development hell for like 8 years, too?

          • 12 months ago

            Kinda. Josh's version was only alive for like two years. Another team was working on Fenris, which was in dev hell for like 7 years and was intertwined with Immortal's development, yeah.

    • 12 months ago

      There are stats that are important but they are moronic. Everyone stacks the same things - crit, crit damage, vuln, and one flavor of close/far damage. The variety in affixes and how you go about building a character is moronic. It's incredibly one dimensional
      >overpower builds are better as crit builds
      >lucky hit fricking sucks
      >everyone picks the same defensive legendaries
      >everyone has the same stats on their gear
      its not an arpg its basically a battle royale where everyone has the same stats. They are hoping people lean into the pvp because everything else is shallow and moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      >Technically there are "stats" on items but they mean nothing, and the game neither encourages nor rewards stacking or prioritizing
      items being generic is shit, but you're moronic if you think this is true
      > There's nothing to do except push for more and more "+1% Generic Damage" nodes on the ridiculous paragon tree
      kek, you get immense amount of power from the Paragon tree.
      Just like this moron,

      >literally 2 diablo 4 threads up and one is 14 hours old
      >twitch viewership dead
      >reddit activity dead
      >people have to solo world bosses because there's not enough participation
      Damn this game died fast

      you don't know what you're talking about and you don't play it
      >o-of course I don't play it!!
      yea we know, as per your post.

      • 12 months ago

        Just give up already rajeesh, the marketing campaign is over. Come back in season 1.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 4 : A game for dads
      As a dadTM I feel the time has come to explain to the virgins on this sub who this game is for : dads. To understand why D4 is a game for dads, and exclusively for dads, you need to understand who dads are :

      First of all, by definition, dads are sex-havers. At least once in any case. Many of you won't understand, but once the P goes in the V your interest in endgame mob density is severely reduced.

      Second, dads are rich. Dads spend most of their time working, which is why most have only made it half way through caracter creation. Also, kids are very cheap, seeing they eat much less than fully grown humans. This means dads have a LOT of disposable income. So you can understand dads do not care about spending 30$ to play a few days earlier or 25$ for a little wolf hat. This also signals your dad status to other dads.

      Thirdly, dads profoundly dislike their spouses and argue with them all the time. Most of them are actually separated (although in a few rare cases they can be in a stable relationship a cool gamer wife / fellow sex-haver). Now what is the theme of D4? Pursuing and killing a mother who got in a disagreement with a dad. We could not relate more.

      Finally, dads are nostalgic. They yearn for a time where video games were about having fun, not excel spreadsheets. They don't care that the sorcerer meta is very limited. They are just happy to be casting little bolts of lightning. Unlike you, most of them are not on Adderall and can tolerate a 10 second cooldown.

      So in conclusion, please stop with all the dads vs no-lifers endless debates. This game was clearly made for dads. We have so little left, please let us have this one game.

      Edit : seeing all the messages from fellow dadsTM who are touching grass and tapping ass really warms my heart. The min/maxing nerds must really feel small this morning.

      • 12 months ago

        I get the joke, but yes I agree that Diablo 4 definitely seems to be designed for people who play the game in like, 1 hour sessions maximum. Which is ironic because the vast majority of people hyping and sharing the game on the internet are people happy about how many hours they're going to no-life into the game, just non-stop marathon gaming sessions.

        But all that means is they're going to maybe finish the story and do some leveling, and then just have nothing left to do and it's only day 3.

        • 12 months ago

          >I get the joke

    • 12 months ago

      I still think they probably made a ton of content for the game but they cut it to release it in seasons

      • 12 months ago

        100%, they have to know that the endgame is bad and unsustainable currently - probably why they scheduled their first season release 6w? after launch which normally would be insane, to release content they have already completed

        but there is problems like QoL stuff, scaling, itemization that aren't really fixed with new content and are more reworks that i'm a bit worried it'll be year(s) before we see and make a huge difference in the game, the current endgame wouldn't even be anywhere near as bad with more density and a bit of QoL

    • 12 months ago

      Level scaling makes every game worse, it invalidates any progress and makes you feel like you are in a hamster wheel worse than gacha game daily task mechanics ever will, there has never been a single game made and there never will BE a single game made that is better because it has level scaling, it's not even a possibility.

  14. 12 months ago

    D2 dungeon runs are more fun than D4 dungeons or helltides. Takes almost no time to get to the location and there's no tedious objectives to complete, just kill the stuff you want to kill and move on.

  15. 12 months ago

    Diablo 2 was made before the concept of "endgame" was a thing.

    • 12 months ago

      Endgame should always be pvp

  16. 12 months ago

    except d2 endgame isn't limited to baal runs
    you can run diablo, mephisto, travincal, pindleskin, shenk, eldritch or some other unique elites of your choice
    you can do ubers
    you can do tc85 zones with like 20-30 different zones to chose from
    you can do terrorized zones if you are playing d2r

    whoever made that post is a complete fricking moron who never played d2

    • 12 months ago

      People don't even do baal runs except for 99-100 level grind which is literally 1 skill point and 5 stats
      You clear up to baal and leave. Whoever made it has no clue about that either

    • 12 months ago

      Terror zones especially were a really nice addition to get you back to farm old zones you wouldn’t ever go back to

  17. 12 months ago

    Who the hell was doing endless ball runs in Diablo? End game was all about PvP.

  18. 12 months ago

    I'm just waiting for Last Epoch to be finished, even unfinished and in a bad state it's still so much more fun to play than D4.

    • 12 months ago

      There's something about endgame of LE that gives me existential crisis that no other ARPG does. I have fun getting up to like level ~85 on a character, but once I unlock empowered monoliths I lose all interest.

    • 12 months ago

      Sadly whoever balances the game has the same philosophy as blizzard devs.
      >you can play anything and create cool unique builds!
      >oh you found something unintended? deleted from the game. please play the builds we made for you

    • 12 months ago

      >only 5 skills at a time
      After Grim Dawn giving me as many abilities as I want I can't go back to any other games. 🙁

    • 12 months ago

      last epoch class design is actually god tier compared to what blizzard shat out
      just hope they make the endgame fun cos man last time i tried it it sucked balls

  19. 12 months ago


    Yes it was! But at least the loot we got in D2 was tradeable, diverse and interesting. MF'ing was a means to an end and that end was trading and amassing wealth. Doing so allowed you to unlock new ways to improve and play your character on different types of content.

    In D4, the monsters just spew out oceans of unusable crap and having to go through it all is a tedious chore. You'll never find something a friend can use. You'll never find that perfect twink gear that makes your alt OP. You'll never find something amazing like a Griffons that you can liquidate and improve every single piece of your gear. You'll never unlock a new area or farming location that now fits you better. It's just shallow leveled slop that doesn't even come close to the depth of doing Baal runs 15,000 times.

    • 12 months ago

      got eem
      got eem

    • 12 months ago

      >You'll never find that perfect twink

    • 12 months ago

      Seriously? Yikes.

  20. 12 months ago

    an item's level required scaling with your own level is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in the entire genre.

  21. 12 months ago

    >feel when playing Diablo 2 right now
    It's a 1:1 mod in Grim Dawn.

  22. 12 months ago

    Tbh I hope they add rifts eventually, they were more fun than nightmare dungeons.
    It seems like they tried too hard to be different from Diablo 3 so that they also removed the good parts of it.

  23. 12 months ago

    >nu-blizzard shitting on Diablo 2
    They already destroyed classic Warcraft 3 too.

  24. 12 months ago

    >see credits
    Problem solved.

  25. 12 months ago

    I feel like medianxl is the only ARPG that really did endgame structure correctly. You had to progress your way through the endgame and unlock different sections of the game with keys till you finally progressed to the final boss

    Every other game just seems content to let you mindlessly farm the same areas over and over again to improve your character instead of adding another sense of progression by clearing areas and unlocking more areas, it also gave you an actual goal to work towards (killing the true final boss)

    • 12 months ago

      Median XL is some weird lightning in a bottle and I feel bad for anyone that doesn't play it because it's a janky D2 mod. Especially since the dev changed, the game also changed dramatically and its strengths are even better now. There's no other ARPG that gets the progression that right. There's a shitton of balancing issues for the absolute endgame content (labs, Samael and the newest boss they added I guess), but getting to that point is still great

      • 12 months ago

        I gave up on mxl during the goblin season after I realized my quillrat build was completely unviable for hell

        • 12 months ago

          I won't deny that balance isn't one of its strongest points, but they're revamping trees every season and usually they change 1 or 2 trees nowadays to bring them up to par with others. I think quillrat sucked for a while though and I have no idea what it is like now

          • 12 months ago

            well it doesn't even exist anymore, so I'd say they also gave up on rato

            • 12 months ago

              It got changed to an owl for some reason, it has the same fundamental skills and archetype, just a different aesthetic because rat looked ugly I guess?

      • 12 months ago

        If medianxl had similar graphical capabilities and player base of PD2 it’d be really really good

        • 12 months ago

          MXL is an abomination. PD2 is actually worse than that. the only good D2 mods are from 1.10 or prior, I can't think of a single one past that time period that stacks up. if you have the time to spare, please play nezeramontias, eastern sun and kingdom of tenai.

          • 12 months ago

            Nezeramontias is ok
            Eastern Sun is a waste of time and it barely feels like you're not playing LoD
            Never played Kingdom of Tenai.
            Median is an entirely different game and mogs them

            • 12 months ago

              I have several thousand hours in all 4, and I have played every major iteration of MXL since all the way back when it was directly under the careful watching eye of brother laz and was a great mod. I'm telling you from experience which mods are big and good, if you a review on every D2 mod ever made I could probably do it, I have upwards of 20K hours just put into mods and another 40K in vanilla, if there is one thing I am completely confident about in my trainwreck of a life, it's my ability to tell other people the pros and cons of diablo fricking 2.

              • 12 months ago

                Tell me the appeal of Eastern Sun then, because I played ES Rising on an anon's recommendation a few days ago. Normal and NM progression was like LoD with new cube recipes and stuff. Sure, it was harder, but the trees are 90% the same as original game, so I played a blizz sorc for the million time, with a bunch of new crafting materials. I didn't make it through hell after act 3 because I got bored, but I couldn't find anything about the endgame except for farming the newly added zones for more crafting materials.
                I played median in 1.E9 for the first time and loved it back then too, but you can't deny that Laz was taking forever to add anything new. I don't like the current UMO autism and the fact that endgame is impossible on builds because of their animation speed caps and horrible balancing either
                Shill me on Kingdom of Tenai. I think I played it actually. If I'm not thinking of another mod, it only had normal difficulty, and the dev was only done with act 1 at the time. Then it got abandoned or something

              • 12 months ago

                I liked Eastern Sun because it changed how each character functioned while still not breaking character too much. I will admit to you right now I have a thing for mods that increase the efficacy, AI, or other features of summons, and Eastern Sun does appeal heavily to summoncucks such as myself. the new runewords were interesting but they were actually just a stepping stone to endgame, they added SO MANY new interesting elite uniques that were build defining so quitting in early hell is like leaving right on the cusp of a lot of cool shit starting to happen.

                KoT is hard. very, very hard. but, every situation is "fair hard", which I cannot say the same for of Samael+ in MXL, even the hardest challenges in KoT are just skill, gear, or mechanic checks, there is no situation where you are simply outmatched and there's nothing you can do, and every character can clear hell, I did it just to prove it was possible because it's harder on some than others (throw barb was a nightmare even though it was fun). when I say these things, invariably, someone installs the game, reaches normal throne room, teleport and all mobility skills are disabled, and the final wave spawns and it's just one dude named Dai'Haqk or some shit, and he sprints at you at over 30,000% runwalk speed and I see them b***h in a later thread about how I was lying. he, too, is just a mechanic check, and telling you what it is ruins it. there are zones where teleport is completely disabled, and there are a couple zones which you will just leave the game paused on overnight and come back the next morning because the area map takes that long to traverse, Durance 3 in particular is a gigantic labyrinth that seems to never end and your first time will take 3-5 hours to get through (this is a skillcheck too by the way, but I won't spoil it, it feels so good to figure it out).
                next post will have what defines KoT as a unique mod from others ->

              • 12 months ago

                KoT has 3 core mechanics that work differently from most other mods; the skill trees of a character are now ALL passives, 1 of those passive trees is the same on every character and 3(there's 4 tabs) are character specific. which leads into the second; all your active skills are enchanted onto an orb in your stash, with some skills being oskills anyone can learn and some being class bound skills. this item will also slowly accumulate buffs as you progress, it is the proto-model of the cube upgrade charms in MXL essentially, with skills baked into it as well. the third and most significant difference is the crafting system; the game has a GIANT crafting system worked into it of thousands of items, crafting is completely deterministic meaning if you have the recipe and the stuff to make it, it always turns out the same except for the rolls. ALL of your best gear is crafted, if I recall right you literally craft up a unique into a higher tier of unique then a higher tier until you reach the pinnacle of that item, and most of them are not terribly hard to find the base for, it's getting all the materials together and the recipes and stuff that is the challenge. KoT will require a LOT of time to clear, there are certain encounters like Dai'Haqk that make most of the superbosses in MXL look like a joke, but again they ALL have mechanic checks and can be cleared on any class, even the weakest ones can do the hardest content if you know how unlike MXL where only 1-2 classes per league can even clear past the halfway point of the endgame.

              • 12 months ago

                I'll give KoT a go, I somehow mixed it up with another mod called Le Royaume des Ombres, no idea why

              • 12 months ago

                for the crafting system alone it's worth a go, but...you may or may not be able to find the documentation which you will absolutely need, I would check first if it's still hosted somewhere beforehand, maybe phrozenkeep if the main website isn't online anymore.

  26. 12 months ago

    Why is Druid so fricking trash bros?

    • 12 months ago

      because you arent playing a bear druid

  27. 12 months ago

    They're right. "endgame" in diablo was always fricking cancer. It was only made worse in LoD.
    If you want to actually have fun, just play through the game. Maybe finish hell if you're into it. Anything beyond that is just autism.

  28. 12 months ago

    remember those days where you can play a video game and enjoy it for what it is, instead of linking up your mind to the internet to synchronize with paid shills and reviewers, braindead and brainwashed userbases, just so you can validate yourself? zoomers will never be able to understand this

    • 12 months ago

      yeah i still play diablo 3

  29. 12 months ago

    I did it 50000 times and never got bored, I'm just crazy?

  30. 12 months ago

    that's cool, i stopped playing blizzshit 20 years ago.

    • 12 months ago

      lmao look at this paypig. i stopped playing blizzshit 40 years ago.

  31. 12 months ago

    People will still be playing D2 when the last D4 server has long since shut down

  32. 12 months ago

    Diablo is literally the ARPG for the casual market. Actually moronic of people to assume the majority want something different. If something even takes a second longer to understand these people fold like paper. The people who play games like these where everything is homogenized and nothing is unique is okay, just let people play the game they want. But if you play these games stay in your lane and don't try to complain about other games being too complicated for you. I will say most Blizzard fans have stockholm syndrome though, such a cultish devotion to a company that actively hates them.

    • 12 months ago

      like what game? the whole genre is just clicking stuff and looting. i don't see how any other arpg has more depth than diablo.

      • 12 months ago

        Say what you want about Path of Exile and especially the state its in now, but you can do a lot of creative things in that. Making a character who hurts himself to explode every 0.05 seconds for example. It's not optimal for all content, but I don't care if its not optimal if its fun. The game let me figure out how to do that. In most ARPGs you don't get to choose how an ability changes, if you don't wear this item that changes your main skill in a way that you don't like you're fricked. God I hate zoom zoom PoE.

  33. 12 months ago

    wish i could play d4 but lstc 1809 isnt support. fricking homosexuals

  34. 12 months ago

    how many times are you going to make this thread you cumguzzling itwitter homosexual?

    • 12 months ago

      Man resurrected looks like trash compared to the original.

    • 12 months ago

      god I miss no cooldowns
      I'd rather spam the same OP skill over and over than keeping an eye on the shitty ass skillbar to see if the 15 second cooldown is off yet, so insanely unsatisfying

      • 12 months ago

        damn your stupid.

      • 12 months ago

        but diablo 2 had cooldown lol

        • 12 months ago

          a 3 second cooldown on meteor or whatever doesn't count

          • 12 months ago

            >doesn't count
            can't make this shit up.

            • 12 months ago

              are you braindead? why the frick would I complain about a cooldown so small it's insignificant to the experience?

              • 12 months ago

                By the time you get to the end game of any of these arpgs resources become meaningless and everything has it's cooldowns reduced by 80%. zoom zoom fgt

              • 12 months ago

                okay? I'm talking about diablo 2 here, I don't care if Last Epoch: Of Exile or whatever gives you cooldown reduction out the ass once you're 150 hours in, I just played diablo 4 and the barb ability "Leap", I kid you not, is on a 15 second cooldown so frick you

              • 12 months ago

                Oh you're talking about Diablo 4. You have my permission to shitpost then.

    • 12 months ago

      Jesus Christ that looks awful.

  35. 12 months ago

    It's weird to think it's been 9 years since a Blizzard game worth spending any money on at all came out. And since WoW went to shit. And 13 since the last one that wasn't a trash fire on launch. And 21 since the last game that was good for its whole life.

  36. 12 months ago

    >shills are still trying

  37. 12 months ago

    Anyone playing Diablo 3 on the Switch? Started 2 days ago and it's fun af

    • 12 months ago

      I play once in awhile. It's a good time waster

    • 12 months ago

      D3 is a good game, they just needed like a fricking decade to complete the game with the stuff that makes it work, since launch D3 was ridiculously basic and simple, made to be expanded upon at the cost of more DLC and paid updates

  38. 12 months ago

    Why are they shitting on their own fanbase? These marketers aren't very bright

    • 12 months ago

      This is just a post from a random guy, you don't look very bright.

  39. 12 months ago

    I like D4 and D2, it just so happens that D2 is one of my favorite games of all time. It's not perfect though nothing is, and it's flaws aside, I still keep coming back to it over 20 years later. D3 was fun and pretty good too, but it just didn't have the longevity that D2 brings because everything is handed to you SO fricking fast and easily in the same way that D2 Ladder is really only super engaging for the first few weeks to month or so, even as somebody who doesn't ladder start with a Sorc or Pally because I can just trade up for my key pieces with PGems, Rals, and Key sets alone to everyone who DID start with a Sorc/Pally.

    Having said that, the reason D2 still works to this day despite "15,000 a day Baal runs" although not true, because there's a ton of other farms than just Baal council for exp, is because you have clear cut long term goals to work towards which are further enabled with trading. D3 fricked this up with RMAH so they could have had it but didn't, and D4 seems to be taking the D3 RoS endgame route wherein you're given everything and really you're just looking forward to hitting level 100. But it's a live service game so we'll see what they come up with.

    Either way, whoever posted that on Reddit is a total gay and has not spent nearly enough time with D2 as they'd like to appear to have.

  40. 12 months ago

    I'm making a Necromancer Ganker, currently level 40. I like running my skeleton horde, is it really that bad to use and should I just respect and take the Bone Spear pill?

    • 12 months ago

      Its fine. It won't really matter til t4.

      • 12 months ago

        And in T4? Don't want to spend 20 hours GRINDAN only to see the entire thing falls apart.

        • 12 months ago

          Then you'll probably respec.

          • 12 months ago

            After completely free respecs at any time in Diablo 3, the fact that they demand large amounts of gold (which isn't flowing like water) to change even a single point is a huge QoL reduction.

            • 12 months ago

              Its cheap as frick.

              • 12 months ago

                When I completely changed my build in the 40s it was over 10% of my total gold to do a full reset. Compared to 0 gold in Diablo 3, it's infinitely more expensive.

  41. 12 months ago

    id rather run baal 15k times for items that are unique and fun rather then stat sticks and aspects that are required to have to even have a build.

  42. 12 months ago

    >this thread again
    D4 trannoids continue SEETHING over the objectively better game

  43. 12 months ago

    they don't even realize that their joke is peak gaming and I have to fight the intense desire to reinstall and make another level 99 EVERY DAY of my life. just one more 99 can't hurt, right? it's not even hard now, you can do it in a couple hundred hours instead of a couple thousand. what would it hurt to just reinstall and play just a little bit, just once?

    they aren't even correct, it was around 22,000 runs for 99 in 1.10 but only if you were doing top2 baal AND diablo the entire time, which only private runs pushing a single person to world first did. outside of that situation, it was probably closer to 30-35K runs

  44. 12 months ago

    Jesus. Diablo 4 is so bad they can't even talk about it without mentioning 2.

  45. 12 months ago

    Sure, at least there are a handful of fun builds in D2 because Blizzard cared very minimally about "balance" and put fun first for anything that wasn't outright game destroying broken. Unlike D4 which nerfed everything into the ground because they mathed out the average playtime versus leveling and determined that a specific rate of EXP gain was necessary to ensure maximized play duration, and therefore battle pass purchases, before boredom caused a quit.

  46. 12 months ago

    D1 is shit
    D3 is shit
    D4 is shit
    PoE is shit
    grim dawn with polish would be good but since it's not, it's shit
    wolcen is shit
    last epoch is shit
    titan quest is shit

    D2 is the only good game the genre has ever had, and unless things change it's gonna remain that way forever.

    • 12 months ago

      torchlight sisters... we are safe from his wrath...

      • 12 months ago

        I enjoyed torchlight 2

      • 12 months ago

        I forgot torchlight even existed. TL2 wasn't terrible for a casual playthrough, certainly better than D3/D4/PoE, not amazing though, probably around grim dawn tier. still sad about all the lost potential from grim dawn because the itemization, skill systems, passive systems etc are all amazing, but the combat is kind of garbage and that brings the entire experience down, if they made GD2 on a better engine I would actually be pretty excited for it.

        • 12 months ago

          On no planet is Torchlight better than D3. Get real chud.

          • 12 months ago

            the only arpgs worse than D3 are D4 and wolcen.

            • 12 months ago

              Torchlight has more clunky D2 design. D3 gameplay is a decade ahead. You're not even just tasteless, you don't understand competent game design either and are blinded by cartoony graphics in your normalgay franchise.

              • 12 months ago

                torchlight is not really a good game, I never said I liked it, I said it's better. a 5/10 is still better than a 3/10.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah ok. Open wide Black person.

                D1 7/10
                D2 5/10
                D3 9/10
                Immortal 7/10
                D4 6/10

                This is a formal btfo. Do not respond.

              • 12 months ago

                the campaign alone puts diablo 3 at like a 6 at the very best and only if you absolutely love everything else it does

              • 12 months ago

                Dang so the scores already rising.

              • 12 months ago

                i wasn't that guy, just wanted to point it out

              • 12 months ago

                Oh cool. So don't play the campaign then.

              • 12 months ago

                are you moronic? actually unironically just play cookie clicker if you just want to see number go up and not be immersed in any type of fiction or story

              • 12 months ago

                I play for the gameplay loop. Yes.

              • 12 months ago

                and that's how I can tell you have no soul

              • 12 months ago

                >He doesn't have multiple arcade patterns to jump into and optimize
                ngmi. Poor story/atmospheregays. They don't even know what "the zone" is.

              • 12 months ago

                It's actual clown world shit that Diablo has turned into an arcade game experience.
                Get your kill streak up! Ruh roh, gotta kill all the monsters before the timer is up! Oh no watch out for the big glowing red puddles!

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah Resident Evil Mercenaries is pretty dope.

              • 12 months ago

                now imagine if RE mercenaries was the main way to play through the campaign

              • 12 months ago

                What an improvement that'd be.

              • 12 months ago
  47. 12 months ago

    Will never understand this shill tactic.
    >oh yeah you have problems with new product? well old product that you like is actually DOGSHIT

    • 12 months ago

      the diablo community is extremely weird about that since Diablo 2 fans have been so vocal about how shit the new games are compared to 2, so new fans are in a rush to downplay everything that game has done well as a cope

    • 12 months ago

      You dont need to stand up to the bars you set through sheer effort and genius in the past if you manage to smear it in misinformation
      Kinda like the kid wanting to stand up for himself and not wanting to be compared to the merits of his father, he would do anything to separate himself from it, but blizzard cant sell you a diablo game under the premise of not being diablo, so their only alternative to standing against D2, the genius of its era is either invest all the time an effort to fine tune the game into a modern masterpiece that pushes technologies like D2 was. Or they could pay a bunch of shills to say "NO YOU SEE D2 WAS ACTUALLY SHIT", which one do you think is more cost effective

      • 12 months ago

        I wish there were some way to get people to understand that D1 and D2 weren't even made by Blizzard, so it's a moot comparison, they aren't trying to "beat their previous amazing game", they are trying to beat an amazing game that they stole from someone else by firing off the entire studio and requisitioning all of their assets after they were done profiting off of them.

  48. 12 months ago

    Let me play devils advocate here.

    Doing worldstone keep + baal is actually more interesting than much of D3s endgame because you are dealing with many immunities and need to be switching up your spells around depending on the mobs and dodging projectiles etc.

    This is assuming you are doing it solo (which one typically is when farming loot) and that you arent already in GG gear to make everything trivial with spamming 1 spell.

    Diablo 2s endgame was more interesting because your charater could find a niche and play to it, rather than endgame being 100% about how fast you can clear screens of monsters there were many different ways to get rich in D2.

  49. 12 months ago

    I don't know why they bother, blizzard didn't even make D2, I don't know why they are expecting a company that was just a publisher to make a game as good as the developer they fired and stole the IP from.

  50. 12 months ago

    So glad we went away from the shit design that was D2

  51. 12 months ago

    It's alright. At the end of the day you're all morons for playing a shitty, stagnated genre that hasn't meaningfully evolved in any way over the last twenty years.

  52. 12 months ago

    Playing endgame any Diablo is one of the most boring things I can think of, why do people subject themselves to it? It's like playing an MMO but even more boring and monotonous.

    • 12 months ago

      The alternative for a lot of these "people" is actual gambling with real money instead of their own time. Probably a healthier alternative.

  53. 12 months ago

    but seriously though, nobody else reply to him, it's not even mediocre bait.

  54. 12 months ago

    Diablo 3 introducing greater rifts was a great idea and only homosexuals hate them. You can shit on Diablo 3 for everything EXCEPT greater rifts.

    • 12 months ago

      I love the art style of diablo 3 and think custom character designs are fricking cancer and the worst thing about diablo 4
      I don't want to look at your ugly subhuman custom char designs with tattoos i want to look at beautiful aesthetic made by professionals who know how art works

      • 12 months ago

        >wanted this beard type in d4
        >get shitty pubic hair tier and soibeards

  55. 12 months ago

    can't even make a decent asian looking sorceress to rival Li Ming.

    • 12 months ago

      I played the male. I love that snob persona he has.

    • 12 months ago

      She's too perfect tbh

      • 12 months ago

        Perfect voice, too.

        • 12 months ago


  56. 12 months ago

    I dont play loot games or mmos. They are all trash.

  57. 12 months ago

    They ain’t wrong though. 15000 sounds light.

  58. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 has unsatisfying gameplay

  59. 12 months ago


  60. 12 months ago

    I wish it was Diablo 2 style items and stats with Diablo 4 style gameplay and variety. Diablo 2 gameplay kind of sucked because the endgame was very repetitive and the difficulty balance is way off, but I don't like the stats and items in D4.

  61. 12 months ago

    I had a low opinion of D4 while leveling and in the campaign. But now that I'm done with that, the game is pretty great. It has itemization/stat issues but the paragon board is pretty interesting. As a bleed barb it changes how you can apply vulnerability and which skills you want on your action bar. Now I'm looking forward to the patch (and fixing shitty legendaries) but hoping they don't buff too many things.

  62. 12 months ago

    its so boring there is so many people playing after 20 years that they even made a remaster.
    repetitive doesnt mean boring.
    d2 is repetitive but fun.
    can't say the same about d4.

  63. 12 months ago

    What's a good D2 Necro/Druid summoner leveling build?

    • 12 months ago

      the ones you find through google usually suffices, it's a pretty simple build
      altho I think druid summoner isn't super viable iirc in non-remastered d2 so keep that in mind

      • 12 months ago

        everything is d2r focused AND only tends to offer like one or two top builds, no options

        • 12 months ago

          this was the one I followed on my d2 necro playthrough

    • 12 months ago

      >summoner leveling build
      Summoners level with nukes.
      You can level with summons but it won't be "good"

  64. 12 months ago

    Are all moronic e-celeb and streamers literally SHIIS for big corporations?
    These moronic mongs live of blizzard money and live to shill with moronic "centrist logic".
    Holy shit.

  65. 12 months ago

    If you want the best D2 experience, you play ladder trade.
    If you want the best PoE experience, you place hardcore SSF.
    You're welcome.

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