Droga in DND

You know you can make DND feel a lot more realistic and true to everyday life by including drugs IN THE FICTION GAME right?

The halflings? Growing marijuana...
The tavern? Cooking meth in the back like literally Breaking Bad...
The bandits? Smuggling cocaina...
The orcs? High on PCP...
The guards? They're working for the DEA...
The dwarves? They literally CRACK ROCKS...
The elves? They're CARTELVES... and HIGH ELVES...

Why don't you put drugs in your DND World?

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    I wanna see an Ogre on Bath Salts

    • 8 months ago

      no you do not


      You know you can make DND feel a lot more realistic and true to everyday life by including drugs IN THE FICTION GAME right?

      The halflings? Growing marijuana...
      The tavern? Cooking meth in the back like literally Breaking Bad...
      The bandits? Smuggling cocaina...
      The orcs? High on PCP...
      The guards? They're working for the DEA...
      The dwarves? They literally CRACK ROCKS...
      The elves? They're CARTELVES... and HIGH ELVES...

      Why don't you put drugs in your DND World?

      Alright. only worthwhile thing here

      To explore this idea, check out hot springs island.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is ogre on bath salts stronger than ogre on PCP?

    • 8 months ago

      >Black folk on bath salts typically cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages
      >give the average proportional amount said Black person consumes to an Ogre
      send that ogre in the general direction of whatever country you have an issue with, wait a few hours and behold, the problem has downsized itself to a single ogre on bath salts.

      • 8 months ago

        video related, essentially what's going to happen

  2. 8 months ago

    >The elves? They're CARTELVES... and HIGH ELVES...
    Ok, I'll give you a (You) just for these puns

  3. 8 months ago

    Stavi per postare su diochan e ti sei sbagliato OP?

    • 8 months ago

      Infatti. Gia che ci siamo: qualcuno cercando giocatore in zona Caserta?
      E dove si trovano comunità online gdr italiani?

      • 8 months ago

        Gli Italiani devono solo crepare come i ratti che sono.

        • 8 months ago

          Incredibile /misc/ ha imparato ad usare google translate

      • 8 months ago

        Switching back to english
        >Infatti. Gia che ci siamo: qualcuno cercando giocatore in zona Caserta?
        I can't help you there, i'm from Abruzzo near Pescara

        >E dove si trovano comunità online gdr italiani?
        They're dead as frick. In the past (around 2004) i was moderately active on the gdritalia forum before they nuked it up, there was also ilnucleo, pangurps and some others. All dead except for dragonslair as far as i know. You have better luck on discord if you're zoomer/troon or even facebook if you're xlleniam/genx/boomer.

        • 8 months ago


          I want an IRL group and my university mates are too far away.

          On the theme of the thread: what are cool drug effects in game?

          Having a disadvantage to hit is good, but we need more varied effects. Like seeing multiple enemies or having a 50% chance to start a turn with haste.

      • 8 months ago

        >qualcuno cercando giocatore in zona Caserta?
        Sorry, I'm in the north.

        Switching back to english
        >Infatti. Gia che ci siamo: qualcuno cercando giocatore in zona Caserta?
        I can't help you there, i'm from Abruzzo near Pescara

        >E dove si trovano comunità online gdr italiani?
        They're dead as frick. In the past (around 2004) i was moderately active on the gdritalia forum before they nuked it up, there was also ilnucleo, pangurps and some others. All dead except for dragonslair as far as i know. You have better luck on discord if you're zoomer/troon or even facebook if you're xlleniam/genx/boomer.

        >They're dead as frick. In the past (around 2004) i was moderately active on the gdritalia forum before they nuked it up,
        Oh, the memories....
        >You have better luck on discord if you're zoomer/troon or even facebook if you're xlleniam/genx/boomer.
        I hate discord so fricking much.

  4. 8 months ago

    wow the moron making these "hilarious" threads is my compatriot, sadly and unsurprisingly

    • 8 months ago

      How do you know he's Italian and not just Latino fricking things up?

  5. 8 months ago

    drugs are cringe, I don't even have beer in my homebrew price list.

  6. 8 months ago

    I thought that OP was using jell-o as a metaphor for the meaningless overdose of color coded dragon variants.

  7. 8 months ago

    >Play fantasy pretend escapism game
    >To have more of the mundane real life!
    Must be tough being brain-damaged

    If I wanted to do drugs, I've got a rave club two blocks away

  8. 8 months ago

    I do put drugs in my game.

    Dragon's Dandruff
    A crumbly powder mixed with water and drank. Drinking the concoction immediately fills one with a sense of self grandeur and confidence. It also increases all ability scores and their maximum by 2 for the duration of 1 hour. While in this state the user is more active, more likely to engage in dangerous activities, and less receptive to criticism or having themselves questioned, especialy by anyone smaller than them
    After the hour, the user gains 2 levels of exhaustion

    Powdered Power
    A glittering powder that is consumed by snorting. It immediately fills the user with a sense of Euphoria, confidence, and strength of body and mind. For one hour you have advantage on all Attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws and your movement speed is increased by 10 feet. Once the hour is over, you suffer from the effect of haste sickness for 10 minutes. Taking another dose of Powdered power staves off this effect.
    (Party won't be told this one is EXTREMELY addictive. Anyone who takes it must succeed on a DC 16 con save after to not suffer addiction, with DC increasing by 5 after each dose)

  9. 8 months ago

    Go away, you're supposed to be 18 to be here.

  10. 8 months ago

    I always assumed that potions were a euphemism for this.

  11. 8 months ago

    >needing to add yet another houserule to the tarrasque-sized pile to salvage 5eslop

  12. 8 months ago

    Alright, you got me.
    >Why don't you put drugs in your DND world?
    By anon, I do. It's not even illegal, because my world is almost entirely feudal in nature, and ill-regulated. The only thing preventing the formation of large drug-based operations is that there's no centralization of merchantry yet. There's literally no east-indian companies and the like to start opium wars or to haul drugs around the world.

    But there are definitely halfling colonies in the emerald sea that grow a field of the feast-ferns for pipe weed.

    • 8 months ago

      If that's the case how come someone's minting coin?

      • 8 months ago

        What are you talking about, schizo? Various institutions are minting coins because it serves their purpose to have a reliable mode of exchange and a central "guarantee". But false mints and screwing with the coins is common, and merchants generally do not care about where coins are from, but are willing to accept many coins based on weight and origin.

        Since my setting is colonial and somewhat isolated in nature, foreign coins are relatively uncommon, and the mint in Defiance regularly re-mint foreign coins to guarantee the metal content and weight/size of coin, but they operate by decree of the Grand Duke and the behest and funding of the Merchant's Guild. Ultimately, no-one is enforcing a single currency.

        • 8 months ago

          How to fix mint-frauding: Make seals and shapes that are hard to forge, such as the one in Japanese yen coins.
          > Decor and fancy shape shit.
          > Holes cut in to them.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, the coins are minted on dwarven presses (the dwarves having one of the few other major colonies on the continent, although contact is sparse) and have holes in them (which also allows you to thread the coins on strings or to stack them on pins). Still some scum carve them up, especially gold coins since the metal is soft enough to regularly deform on their own even without tampering.

            I suspect it's going to be a while before they figure out a good technique to groove coins along the edges.

  13. 8 months ago

    DND = Don John & Drug on

    and why does everyone forget about the ignominious illusionists - instant high for a ~~*price*~~.

  14. 8 months ago

    Fill your boots; it's free on drivethru

  15. 8 months ago

    How would the opium wars fit into that list?

  16. 8 months ago

    >The orcs? High on PCP...
    Why the frick are the orcs high on PCP? That sounds horrible

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