
What makes these people not frick each other constantly? I see them often described as perverted and sadistic. Would a woman in this society not see everyone around her as a sexual conquest, people to be subjected through perverted intimacy, gender be damned?

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  1. 3 months ago

    It's less perverted, more sadistic, and add a fricked up culture that actively incentivizes backstabbing.

  2. 3 months ago

    they live for hundreds of years, sex gets boring after first few decades

    • 3 months ago

      That doesn’t seem to apply to vampires? Why would that apply to drow? If anything i’d think they’d be constantly seeking new debased forms of pleasure. Truly a race of libertines after my own heart.

      • 3 months ago

        Vampires don’t frick, they seduce so they can suck the blood of busty heroines for our musclebound hero to rescue

        • 3 months ago

          when vampires don't frick how is dhampir made?

          • 3 months ago

            Those tend to happen for a variety of reasons, fricking is just one and you could argue that only "new" vampires would still be interested in fricking.

      • 3 months ago

        >That doesn’t seem to apply to vampires?
        Depends on the setting. Anne Rice vampires are impotent.

      • 3 months ago

        >That doesn’t seem to apply to vampires?
        The undead mindset is far different than the living one.

      • 3 months ago

        They don’t want to tick off a certain dark goddess that they worship by not showing her enough respect, which keeps them busy.

        Speaking of vampires, why don’t we see more Drow vampires?

        • 3 months ago

          Had a friend play a drow and got turned into a vampire. He basically just played a vampire from then on. Also Lolth hates undead

          • 3 months ago

            >Also Lolth hates undead
            One of Lolth's greatest gifts is an undead servant.

            • 3 months ago

              >Lolth gives you a reward
              >Gets pissed off if you don't use it
              >Gets pissed off if you do use it
              Lolth would make a great Greek goddess

              what picture from?

              Akiba Maid Wars. It's about maid cafes battling against each other. Never seen it so I'm not sure if they're seriously killing each other or not.

          • 3 months ago

            >Also Lolth hates undead
            Does she? One of her lovers is a vampire.

            • 3 months ago

              >my rules for thee not for me
              also not just a vampire, but also a human

              • 3 months ago

                >but also a human

        • 3 months ago

          Your picture is blatant Lloth cult propaganda! Her true for is a large spider with only her head still resembling an elf!

          • 3 months ago

            IIRC Lolth can appear in any form between fully drow and fully spider.

            • 3 months ago

              She can. I was just being silly for silliness' sake. I am right about her true form though. Correlon Larethian really fricked her up.

              • 3 months ago

                >Correlon Larethian really fricked her up.
                Yeah I bet, wouldn’t you?

              • 3 months ago

                After the shit she did? He should have just killed her.

              • 3 months ago

                >cucks you with your best friend but it is okay because he said sorry
                >tries to murder you and pins it on your daughter
                >just being a shitty mom in general
                >manipulates own grandson into becoming her patron probably fricking him too
                tbh from what I know I think they actually need evil gods because of balance or some shit like that, and who knows, maybe whoever is going to replace Lolth could be even WORSE
                >also in a strange roundabout way Lolth is the water-soluble glue which keeps her kids from killing each other because they both agree she sucks
                I could have sworn Lolth and Corellon had another daughter something about war, name beginning with V- oh well, it's not like she's important

              • 3 months ago

                What the

      • 3 months ago

        Vampires at least have the excuse of having no libido because they're technically dead

      • 3 months ago

        In most settings Vampires are undead and therefore cold and unfeeling. Assuming they could even get it up or become aroused I doubt they would be able to finish.
        Vampires use their sexiness to lure targets away from safety.

    • 3 months ago

      >hundreds of decades
      >lets draw them as five years old
      why are you weebs all degenerate child frickers?

      • 3 months ago

        That's how five year olds look where you're from? What do they put in the water?

        • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Thank you

      How would most Drow women react to getting pregnant by human? Would they be willing to marry the human man?

      • 3 months ago

        Disgust, no.

      • 3 months ago

        disgust until she's mindbroken by daily mating press and chad-zak mega orgasms

        • 3 months ago

          >disgust until she's mindbroken by daily mating press and chad-zak mega orgasms
          Sounds like a plot of a Japanese anime.

        • 3 months ago

          I cant tell if this is slop or the game's graphics lel

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        I think we both know how feminists deal with such... inconveniences.

        • 3 months ago

          Have the child, child support rape the father, and then turn the child into a troony?

  3. 3 months ago

    >fapbait image
    >dump world-building question
    >no remarks about actual systems, campaigns and player characters

    • 3 months ago

      >doesn’t know what i’m talking about
      Holy newbie

    • 3 months ago

      gotta keep you on your toes

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Nothing repulses +95% of women more than weak men, and drow society is structured to make drow men as weak in relation to women as possible. The drow make more sense when you realize Lolth is BPD sadomasochist and her entire theology is an elaborate shit-test on the various Lawful and Good gods that they've yet to pass.

      It's true.

    • 3 months ago

      >Exist in multiple systems
      I bet you're family and friends are sick of your banality

    • 3 months ago

      lurk more

  4. 3 months ago
  5. 3 months ago

    >not see everyone around her as a sexual conquest,
    they are unimaginably egoistic and paranoid and extremely power hungry due to their race, their civilization and all their environment and factors internal and external. Sexual stuff is inferior to that and they would use it as a tool. They are wicked and would consider becoming slaves to their hedonism a weakness.

    Pretty much think that their desire for Power dominates their desire for pleasure by a margin of a myriad, though it all there. Think dark eldar. Hedonistic, but not my 600lbs life hedonist, power always comes first by a vast distance.

    • 3 months ago

      >though it all there
      though its all there

    • 3 months ago

      I understand your point, but it does seem like sexual conquest is the ultimate power move for this race. Imagine being an accomplished arachnomancer and you’re raped by a matron mother or one of the daughter just because you’re fit or intelligent. You literally become a b***h.

      • 3 months ago

        >ultimate power move for this race
        >You literally become a b***h.
        Losing face is a great blow and a great loss, like a public defeat in combat even when its behind closed doors. Fame and rumors and things like that. Sexuality is powerful but this would be known throughout the drow society. The internal antagonisms would include that and harsh extremely cruel lessons regarding it so the "hellraiser" extremes would be used to make sure one house does not to another just because one female or male cannot control their sexual desire or is not competent enough to know what is going on.

        Its a society with constant backstabbing, literal or social power-wise or in may other ways, so crazy stuff would happen.

        Direct violence in an intimate moment wouuld not be excluded if a partner suspected of being fricked over by the other in a non-sexual way, so they would be careful not to expose themselves during sexual encounters and in their sexual lives in general.

        Like being caught with their pants down. Or their spider-silk boxers or whatever :)|

      • 3 months ago

        >sexual conquest is the ultimate power move for this race.
        that would be down in their list actually. They cannot conquer anyone sexually other than some drow commoners of low quality (the only possible hedonists and even then it means they would not survive long) or some very vulnerable of a higher caste which would be 0000000000,1% chance.

        Power. Their are hedonistic for power, not for sex. They are not modern porn viewers or some common modern human bawds or prostitutemongers.

        You are weak? You die now or soon.

    • 3 months ago

      This anon gets it. Drow are the ultimate epitome of will to power - they are Ragnar Redbeard's ideal, Machiavelli's Prince, and Nietzsche's uebermensch in elven form, with all the magical arts that come with it. In fact, I had the idea that drow females use their sexuality to get fools to underestimate them and think with the wrong head - making them all the easier to enslave. They're not as sexualized as humans like to make them out to be.

      >sexual conquest is the ultimate power move for this race.
      that would be down in their list actually. They cannot conquer anyone sexually other than some drow commoners of low quality (the only possible hedonists and even then it means they would not survive long) or some very vulnerable of a higher caste which would be 0000000000,1% chance.

      Power. Their are hedonistic for power, not for sex. They are not modern porn viewers or some common modern human bawds or prostitutemongers.

      You are weak? You die now or soon.

      True, but I think drow, being as sadistic as they are, would have prison rules for sexuality - homosexual rape as a flex. I also had the idea drow nobles (male and female) would keep human/light elf slave girl harems like SM Stirling's Draka. Sexual violence such as castration, impalement through the anus are frequent atrocities inflicted on captured male foes.

      They don’t want to tick off a certain dark goddess that they worship by not showing her enough respect, which keeps them busy.

      Speaking of vampires, why don’t we see more Drow vampires?

      Vampires are a Balkan interpretation of the sleep paralysis monster/shadow people trope that comes out in the night to feed of human blood, hates sunlight and Christian holy symbols, etc.

      Drow/dark elves originally come from the Celtic/Germanic interpretation of the sleep paralysis monster/shadow people trope and come out at night from underground castles to poison people with disease, feed off of night mares, etc. They fear the sun and Christian holy symbols, etc.

      Drow and vampires are redundant.

      Nothing repulses +95% of women more than weak men, and drow society is structured to make drow men as weak in relation to women as possible. The drow make more sense when you realize Lolth is BPD sadomasochist and her entire theology is an elaborate shit-test on the various Lawful and Good gods that they've yet to pass.

      It's true.

      Drow males are only "weak" in comparison to the females - only the strongest drow males get to breed. Most drow males are highly capable warriors and wizards capable of easily killing a superior number of elite human warriors.

      • 3 months ago

        They keep killing each other which keeps their population down. Only Vhaeraun's Drow are into massive population expansion to help colonize the surface while still maintaining strongholds in the Underdark. The problem is Vhaeraun is heavily underrated and has a small following compared to Lolth.

        The Germanic concept of dark elves just meant ghosts that dwell in the dark and while were thought of as gloomy, they were not evil. Good and evil as objective concepts are not in ancient Germanic legend except for betrayal. Dark elves dwelled in the dark while regular elves dwelled in the light. Elves were also thought of as purified ancestors waiting to be reborn through their bloodlines while dishonorable ancestors were erased from existence.by Niddhoggr.

        • 3 months ago

          The exact nature of elves in Germanic myth is hotly debated, but the Prose Edda description of dark elves as living underground and being blacker than pitch absolutely inspired drow. The Irish Aos Sidhe also live underground and were often malevolent to humanity.

          >homosexual rape as a flex. I also had the idea drow nobles (male and female) would keep human/light elf slave girl harems like SM Stirling's Draka. Sexual violence such as castration, impalement through the anus are frequent atrocities inflicted on captured male foes.
          that is too sexual in its description and too much 40k dark eldar with details, keep it vague in the games as you are still playing a game and not twisted pornographic sadomasochism but with swords and spells. Also your friends might be drinking and eating something and would not want be given the urge to vomit. Yes dark elves are fricked up, but do not frick up the table.

          Also if drow males rape other drow males as a form of domination then they would get murdered eventually by some of them and would abandon the practice since the sexual act is fundamental and breaches like that can overcome the survival instinct making the raped kill the rapist without regards for his possible execution later. This would be banned among each other.

          human/light (i assume you mean surface elves, as if actual mythological Light Elves, if a single Light Elf was kidnapped there would be a world war and the lands of the dark elves would become empty husks almost all dark elves would be slain, no cities would be left just some remnants of dark elves here and there) elf slave girl harems would be assumed to exist but surface elves even in fantasy despite the various stuff written in novels to make the drow look fierce are not weak military-wise they are superior. They kicked the drow under the earth and they can kick them to non-existence if need be.

          Oh, under no circumstances would I ever go into such detail - maybe some vague mention of it being better to be dead than a captive of dark elves.

          I'd assume light elven slaves are extremely rare - light elves are a match to dark elves and are not likely to let themselves be taken captive.

          > True, but I think drow, being as sadistic as they are, would have prison rules for sexuality - homosexual rape as a flex.
          This is what I argue.
          >I also had the idea drow nobles (male and female) would keep human/light elf slave girl harems like SM Stirling's Draka.
          i suppose this works since the females couldn’t get pregnant but male sex slaves could never be a thing. Why would a noble woman ever sully their womb with a lesser creatures spunk, regardless of what the porn illustrators would have you believe.

          I mentioned the Draka as an example - Draka believe themselves to be superhumans (eventually this becomes reality as they genetically alter themselves) and genetically compromising the race by breeding with non-Draka is a capital crime. However since Draka society is matrilineal, the children of male Draka and female serfs are serfs and therefore there is no punishment for either party. Female Draka make use of a legal loophole and fulfill their needs to dominate by raping their female serfs (Draka sex-segregated schooling leads to a general acceptance of homosexuality/bisexuality). Nice people.

          >ultimate epitome of will to power
          the problem is with the myriad drizzt novels, with half-drow, with drow all over the place with drow wal-marts and whatever their image in the game has become something not rare or special but some still cool but fading pseudo-fierce dark dudes or gals.

          They have become common, accessible, flat and approaching the level of lame and boring.

          where is the mystery about the coal black elves somewhere under the earth?

          Thinned to death just like Salvatore's bank account was fattened.

          Drizzt and Eilistraeens were okay because they were exceptions to the rule. Of course the problem is they've spawned lots of copycats and the original evil drow have been distorted into parodies into the nightmare creatures they were originally intended to be.

          >elf slave girl harems
          this would actually be impossible, the elf would commit suicide or dream herself out of her body and die. However that works.

          This has become a hentai manga porn thing and concept.

          Humans can be kidnapped, but elves would be missed and sought out. They have a divinations and magical powers and can find out what is going on, its not some human farmer.

          Good point. I rip a lot of obscure concepts from Tolkien and that might be yet another of them. (I have not specified the existence of light elven slaves among dark elves to this point) It'd at least be a good way out of all the demeaning elf porn.

          • 3 months ago

            >he Prose Edda description of dark elves as living underground and being blacker than pitch absolutely inspired drow. The Irish Aos Sidhe also live underground and were often malevolent to humanity.
            yes this is the fact and reality of it, and its the best version.

            >they were exceptions to the rule.
            now dark elves feel common and not special. Its like Planescape, Sigil. You see a fricking cornugon and a mind flayer and a yeti down the street and then the DM wants to run an adventure and you see a fricking hobgoblin and even if you see the 3 previous mentioned things they are all a joke. A joke. Common and boring, like actors in suits.

            And surface elves have become too human-like. They are supposedly magical beings and not just some pointy eared models prancing around.

          • 3 months ago

            >Draka sex-segregated schooling leads to a general acceptance of homosexuality/bisexuality.
            I like to think drow have no problem with homosexuality. Males embody the spartan and imperal samurai aspect of love, not like they’d get that with drow females. Drow females to me would participate in homosexuality in the same way prisoners do, only to subjugate they’re perceived lessers.
            Of course i’d also like to think that because of the lower social cast for males that some females would inly be able to experience true love alongside other women, no social heat for showing affection to another woman. Why would anyone actually care?

            • 3 months ago

              >aspect of love,
              there is no word for love in the drow language, nor a concept nor should there be. Nor camaraderie in a virtuous manner.

              Their "loyalty" to each-other stems from self-interest and their fierceness, it is not spartan or samurai-like. Its not obedience to the law or to their sense of duty.

              Its to their ego, their desire for more power and their desire to cause pain to others and demean them.

              Self-interest in an extreme and obsessive manner to the tiniest detail.

              Consumed by their ego and everything simply satellites around it.

              An alien malignant twisted mindset that is missing most human parts, as they are inhuman.

              • 3 months ago

                From the Greenwood himself
                >The Drow words are:
                alurlssrin = unselfish, deep love
                raggath = act of love (lovemaking)
                lurraggath = act of love (sacrificial or noble deed)

              • 3 months ago

                >Greenwood himself
                yeah he is an butthole, frick you Ed, what can you expect from a degenerate, he was going to make faerun an orgy realm and we would not even had the realms as they are now.

                Gygax, Greenwood and the rest have written tons of junk (Indra as CN in 1e and CE in 2e while he is a LG hero, embodiment of good and god of order).

                If they were my friends i would tell them, don't write that shit it does not fit and you are being a lazy butthole. This will ruin the setting greatly or little by little till its just nothing special.

                with these the fantasty dark elves of D&D are just a pseudo-fierce race and society and its become common as well.

                They might as well be disgruntled humans with blackface that live underground with most of their women on their period 24/7. This is how this will end up.

                Ignore that shit and give greenwood the finger, he is an butthole and has proved it aplenty.

                Keep the dark elves DARK.

              • 3 months ago

                >faerun an orgy realm and we would not even had the realms as they are now.
                so he would make realms 5e even in 1e

              • 3 months ago

                >They might as well be disgruntled humans with blackface that live underground with most of their women on their period 24/7. This is how this will end up.
                this is what is planned for the entirety of the game by company policy.

              • 3 months ago

                >Greenwood himself
                this mongrel thinks he is Tolkien? He is not, he is nothing.

            • 3 months ago

              >aspect of love,
              dark elves do not care about Lolth, their house, their city, their family, their this or their that. Even for the drow race.

              They care about their EGO and everything can be seen from the outside as being loyalty and care and love and something of the sort for the above but it is only about their EGO.

              Their desire and power their desire for domination. EGO.

            • 3 months ago

              ITs just as likely that drow females would follow similar practices as classical Athens/feudal Japan/the Ottoman Empire and decide that "males are icky, true romance is between two females" and thus romanticize relations between an older superior female and a younger one.

              There's even some dialogue along this line from Baldurs Gate III (source: BGIII wiki, Minthara Banter page):

              >Karlach: Hey, so, what's romance like in the Underdark, Minthara?
              >Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, romance is commonly a luxury enjoyed between women. Men are mostly present for propagation.
              >Minthara: Here on the surface, gender does not define one's role so strictly. There are weaklings of every sort.


              >Karlach: It's funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn't think you were able.
              >Minthara: I took my first lover before you were a spark in your father's eye, child.
              >Karlach: Go on.
              >Minthara: She was a high priestess of House Vandree. Beautiful, elegant, ruthless.
              >Minthara: I adored her, and had been sharing her bed for some time when the order came that she must die.
              >Minthara: I stayed with her while the poison did its work, and whispered words of comfort as she slipped away.
              >Karlach: Oh no.

              >Why would a noble woman ever sully their womb with a lesser creatures spunk, regardless of what the porn illustrators would have you believe.
              Wouldn't they just sterilize them, then?

              That or relegate them to breeding more slaves. We castrate male draft animals all the time, drow wouldn't be any different.

              • 3 months ago

                Didn’t realize they went that deep with it. I do appreciate the attempt at discussing romance amongst the drow. It does seem to match up with some others in this thread about how the males are simply so low that they are nothing but breeding stock, romance is for the higher caste.
                Reminds me of this excerpt from DotMM

                This is from Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
                >Unless combat in area 7c draws their attention, two female drow named Pellanonia Auvryndar and Ghirith Nhilran are engaged in a consensual act of torture in this room
                >Drow. A large, rotating platform with leather straps takes up most of the room. Pellanonia is strapped to the platform while Ghirith lashes her with a scourge.
                >Gear. Lying on a chair in the northeast corner are Pellanonia's armor and weapons.
                >Pellanonia and Ghirith are lovers. If she must, Pellanonia can slip free of her bonds with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Once free, she tries to arm herself. As a daughter of House Auvryndar, she uses her status in the house as a shield, claiming that she's worth more alive than dead.
                >This room and the one before it on the 3rd level are what peaked my interest in this topic. I feel if i was playing a male drow and came across this i would try to extort Pellanonia. She’s literally being dominated.

            • 3 months ago

              Given how utterly sociopath drow women are and how terrifying it must be to be a male dealing with them, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of male drow have had a """bro""" they spent some intimate time with.

              I'm not even doing a thing, it's just the logical conclusion of how awful drow society is. the women are all murderers incapable of ever letting their guard down around each other for a moment, and the men are terrified disposable second class citizens who can probably only ever realistically expect to find a moment of emotional release with another man.

              • 3 months ago

                I remember in the late 90s or early 00s there was a reference to how it's not uncommon for the all male scouting parties to basically be composed of """ bros""" who confide in one another and so on.

              • 3 months ago

                Let's not forget that drow males aren't helpless victims - they're every bit as sociopathic and violent as female drow.

                >SM Stirlings Draka

                How is it possible this dude and this series doesn't get talked about and laughed at more? He literally created an entire alt history universe to justify his femdom d/s fetish

                Funny thing is the Draka books are pretty good alt-history/sci-fi as long as Stirling keeps off the lesbian BDSM - which he goes more and more into as the series progresses.

                >drow competitive mutual yuri rape for the purposes of pecking order
                anon please, i can only get so erect.

                As Baldur's Gate III indicates, its likely that female drow would see other, younger females as romantic partners (who would engage in relations with a male for romantic purposes?) - see classical Athens, feudal Japan, the medieval Islamic world, and even the Draka for examples. Maybe it is encouraged to keep the backstabbing down to a reasonable level.

              • 3 months ago

                Given how utterly sociopath drow women are and how terrifying it must be to be a male dealing with them, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of male drow have had a """bro""" they spent some intimate time with.

                I'm not even doing a thing, it's just the logical conclusion of how awful drow society is. the women are all murderers incapable of ever letting their guard down around each other for a moment, and the men are terrified disposable second class citizens who can probably only ever realistically expect to find a moment of emotional release with another man.

                and if I may add, Drow don't just have female>male
                their society is way more nuanced like that
                it is more like noble female>noble male>commoner female>commoner male>lower class
                and then we have the Baenre which are way on top, followed by the seven houses on the ruling council, and then we go slowly all the way down
                and of course, we have the masters of the different schools which are also way on the top
                >which is why someone like Pharaun gets to give someone like Quenthel so much lip which came back to bite him in the ass, literally

                a lower-caste female would never demand sex from a male they KNOW is from a higher caste than they are
                they'd ask nicely and slowly slink away if they'd hear a 'no'
                also there's Tiago Baenre(male drow), for whom consent is optional
                plus there are a lot of fallen female drow, who lost Lolth's favour in one way or another
                like Danifae's 'nightmare time' in Resurrection comes to mind
                they become prostitutes living in slums
                and influential males who made their name either as mercenaries or merchants (or wizards)
                >the three male M's: Merc, Merch, or Mage

              • 3 months ago

                >noble female>noble male>commoner female>commoner male>lower class
                Wrong. Multiple sourcebooks indicate the highest caste male would never be above the lowest caste female

              • 3 months ago

                And I'm sure you got some source which indicates this, because it is hard for me to imagine the like of Gromph, Jarlaxle or even Pharaun to be below the lowest caste female

      • 3 months ago

        >homosexual rape as a flex. I also had the idea drow nobles (male and female) would keep human/light elf slave girl harems like SM Stirling's Draka. Sexual violence such as castration, impalement through the anus are frequent atrocities inflicted on captured male foes.
        that is too sexual in its description and too much 40k dark eldar with details, keep it vague in the games as you are still playing a game and not twisted pornographic sadomasochism but with swords and spells. Also your friends might be drinking and eating something and would not want be given the urge to vomit. Yes dark elves are fricked up, but do not frick up the table.

        Also if drow males rape other drow males as a form of domination then they would get murdered eventually by some of them and would abandon the practice since the sexual act is fundamental and breaches like that can overcome the survival instinct making the raped kill the rapist without regards for his possible execution later. This would be banned among each other.

        human/light (i assume you mean surface elves, as if actual mythological Light Elves, if a single Light Elf was kidnapped there would be a world war and the lands of the dark elves would become empty husks almost all dark elves would be slain, no cities would be left just some remnants of dark elves here and there) elf slave girl harems would be assumed to exist but surface elves even in fantasy despite the various stuff written in novels to make the drow look fierce are not weak military-wise they are superior. They kicked the drow under the earth and they can kick them to non-existence if need be.

        • 3 months ago

          tbh drow also love to enslave and subjugate powerful races just because they can, and it probably gives them some sort of power high
          same reason they enslave 'adventurers'
          >then pull a surprised Pikachu face when those races/adventurers 'unexpectedly' and suddenly rise up

          • 3 months ago

            >enslave and subjugate powerful races j
            mind flayers are better at it

            • 3 months ago

              which is kind of funny because drow also often team-up with mindflayers
              >they'd team up with the Gith but the Gith hate mind flayers and always attack them which makes it hard to get some good trade relations going

              • 3 months ago

                >drow also often team-up with mindflayers
                cannot ever trust a mind flayer even more you cannot a dark elf

      • 3 months ago

        > True, but I think drow, being as sadistic as they are, would have prison rules for sexuality - homosexual rape as a flex.
        This is what I argue.
        >I also had the idea drow nobles (male and female) would keep human/light elf slave girl harems like SM Stirling's Draka.
        i suppose this works since the females couldn’t get pregnant but male sex slaves could never be a thing. Why would a noble woman ever sully their womb with a lesser creatures spunk, regardless of what the porn illustrators would have you believe.

        • 3 months ago

          is Drowtales still a thing?

          • 3 months ago

            Just looked it up and apparently it ended in 2022. Which turned out to be a huge wtf moment for me. THough they do have a new comic called Hel

          • 3 months ago

            It's ended. And the ending is a letdown.

        • 3 months ago

          >male sex slaves could never be a thing
          actually, pictured here, male sex slave to drow couple for two years

        • 3 months ago

          >Why would a noble woman ever sully their womb with a lesser creatures spunk, regardless of what the porn illustrators would have you believe.
          Wouldn't they just sterilize them, then?

          • 3 months ago

            To what end? As others have described, drow see sex as a tool, a tool to leverage power over others. Letting a slave frick you would be something only a super deviant would do

            • 3 months ago

              it would only be less than ideal when it is a human, drow breed true so any elf/drow would just be another drow with like green eyes
              >but who would be suicidal enough to point that out to your matron mother
              >you want a face full of snakes? that's how you get a face full of snakes

              also technically the dark elves (ancestors of the drow) bred with their moon elf/sun elf slaves so it is a long line of (elven) rape babies
              >and then Lolth happened and shit went (literally) down, with the shit being the dark elves and the down being the underdark

        • 3 months ago

          This pic gave me an idea for a version of drow who go a bit the biopunk route and use spider appendages and other insectoid parts in their architecture and technology. For example, cranes and elevators that are basically giant, controlled spider legs - and your picture can be recreated in this way: misfortunate captives trapped in web for a game of chess observed by a large host of drow, the spider leg crane is used to move the pieces on the board or to rip/twist their heads and kill them as the game progresses

      • 3 months ago

        >ultimate epitome of will to power
        the problem is with the myriad drizzt novels, with half-drow, with drow all over the place with drow wal-marts and whatever their image in the game has become something not rare or special but some still cool but fading pseudo-fierce dark dudes or gals.

        They have become common, accessible, flat and approaching the level of lame and boring.

        where is the mystery about the coal black elves somewhere under the earth?

        Thinned to death just like Salvatore's bank account was fattened.

      • 3 months ago

        >elf slave girl harems
        this would actually be impossible, the elf would commit suicide or dream herself out of her body and die. However that works.

        This has become a hentai manga porn thing and concept.

        Humans can be kidnapped, but elves would be missed and sought out. They have a divinations and magical powers and can find out what is going on, its not some human farmer.

      • 3 months ago

        >drow competitive mutual yuri rape for the purposes of pecking order
        anon please, i can only get so erect.

        • 3 months ago

          How do they determine who wins such rape?
          Is it the first to cum loses?

          • 3 months ago

            well, it's about power. So it's who ever ends up dominating the strugglefricking.

            • 3 months ago

              What if they're both power bottoms?

              • 3 months ago

                you're not really getting the concept here.

      • 3 months ago

        >SM Stirlings Draka

        How is it possible this dude and this series doesn't get talked about and laughed at more? He literally created an entire alt history universe to justify his femdom d/s fetish

        • 3 months ago

          It's pretty good for what it is. It's sleazy and fun, and the Draka themselves can twirl a mustache like few other villains in fiction. If you can't enjoy it because the alt timeline doesn't quite add up or because the Draka-Nazi war is logistically impossible or whatever, then you need to get into a pulpier mindset.

          • 3 months ago

            I've read it before, I just don't get how he never got bullied for it more. Like, you seem like you've read the trilogy which manages to maintain a slightly restrained kink level, but did you read the time travel sequel set 1000 years after the Draka win that literally actually has them create a fetish society of submissive beautiful normal humans who are biologically hardwired to get aroused in their mere presence?

            • 3 months ago

              The time travel novel is such a wild ride that I can't bring myself to shit on it. It's like if a smut writer was commissioned to do the official novelization for Terminator 2 and had free rein to change whatever he felt like; it's awesome in its own bizarre way. He probably does deserve to be bullied for it, but he also deserves kudos for the sheer balls it took to write and publish something like that under his real name.

              • 3 months ago

                I liked the part where in the first 20 pages the 6'4 literal ubermensch caricature woman (who's parents enslaved the nazis) has to 16 year old teenagers sent to her to ravish by slave scientists.

                You think it can't get more insane but it's just a continual ascent from that to her acquiring a harem of trophies, mindbreaking people (even a gay man who had never been attracted to women before) and raping gangbangers.

                It feels like he's tried to bury the book somewhat and forget it exists, but I remember. Just like how before Scott Westerfield created the first YA novels he had a weird scifi thing that opened with a teenager literally tentaclefricking a robot into sentience.

              • 3 months ago

                He hasnt tried to bury the series because it's embarrassing. He has said the time travel one in particular would make a great movie if he ever gets a deal with Hollywood. However he doesn't often talk about the series anymore because his old publisher, who hold the legal rights to it, took it away from him because they were mad about how he kept letting the villains win. Losing his baby to pearl clutchers is a painful memory for him, so he keeps it in the past.

  6. 3 months ago

    >not frick each other constantly?

    Dark Elf women want to frick you, the dark elf man, but above that they want to frick you over and frick you up.

  7. 3 months ago

    They do, though. They frick like crazy and use either magical or chemical means to prevent conception.

    • 3 months ago

      thanks, Ed

    • 3 months ago

      Absolutely not, for one they need as high a birthrate as possible to counter all the backstabbing and Underdark threats, plus there's the chad-zak, the death battles of multiple fetuses that cause the mother an orgasmic ecstacy beyond comprehension each time one of them dies, a gift from Lolth to encourage more breeding.

      • 3 months ago

        Fricking hell

      • 3 months ago

        >plus there's the chad-zak
        People need shut up about it, it's not canon for everything drow and all settings. Yes, you know some cool lore snippet, it's outrageously hilarious, we know.

        • 3 months ago

          Might as well not talk about drow at all if we can’t talk about the one “interesting” thing about them.

          • 3 months ago

            drow have many interesting things about them, bregan d'aerthe, different drow gods and their worshippers and how they interact with each other
            >especially Eilistraee and Vhaeraun because they're the only ones who actually matter aside from Lolth
            you could write so many interesting stories about drow
            drow cities which are not named Menzoberranzan and so on
            >really wonder what happened to Ched Nasad
            they're sitting on a fricking treasure trove and won't touch it

      • 3 months ago

        >plus there's the chad-zak
        There is not. Shut the hell up.

  8. 3 months ago

    >What makes these people not frick each other constantly?
    What makes you think they don't?

  9. 3 months ago

    I wonder if you read any drow-related books
    they frick a lot
    like those 50+ cousins have to come from somewhere and drow like Drizzt, Valas and Ryld seem more like the exception to the rule

  10. 3 months ago

    They do tho?

  11. 3 months ago

    Hedonism is not productive.

    Look at the Melniboneans, the direct inspiration for D&D's drow. They had taken hedonism to such an extreme that their civilization, once the most powerful empire in the world, collapsed within a few years of their Emperor's attentions being diverted by a Black Blade.

    Drow are a society of slaves, where even the most powerful Drow are slaves to the Spider Queen. If they don't work hard, they will be eliminated, or worse. It's actually impressive to imagine they do anything for fun at all, considering they are constantly fighting for their lives to appease their Goddess the best they can.

    • 3 months ago

      Drow have shitty lore and better made dark elves should exist elsewhere

      • 3 months ago

        I like dunmer for that reason. Frankly Melbourne elves suck, and I have to try and force myself to continue reading Elric for how much I detest the prose (Doesn't help at least some of the stories are first person I think? And others are written like a stage play). Endlessly edgelore hyper villain is fine if they're something to massacre like Ayleid elves but I'd rather something a little more banal than Slaaneshi human-harps and using slaves like you use toothpicks.

        >Also if drow males rape other drow males as a form of domination then they would get murdered eventually by some of them and would abandon the practice since the sexual act is fundamental and breaches like that can overcome the survival instinct making the raped kill the rapist without regards for his possible execution later. This would be banned among each other.
        >This would be banned among each other.

        If you're unfamiliar with the term just look up Russian prison rape/military rape culture. Male rape would be exceedingly common and mundane for drow given how little males are valued, how short and brutish and nasty their lives are, how women are out of reach for them and unless elven sexual impulses are low they will be as men are without access to women (Prisons, british navy, Russian military, Taifali/Heruli). This is just stuff we shouldn't see regularly depicted in game/lore because of how magical realm uncomfortable it is same way I'm not a fan of dysentery showing up in my roleplay.

        • 3 months ago

          moronic hohol detected

    • 3 months ago

      Work on your art.

  12. 3 months ago

    >inb4 not all drow are Menzoberranzan drow

    You need a safe place to frick. Thus introducing my new business idea: drow love hotels

    >clandestine entrances all throughout the city
    >drag your willing or unwilling partner to the entrance and have them searched by professionals
    >all concealed weaponry disposed of, secret poisons neutralized, latent enchantments dispelled, hidden spiders re-homed
    >rooms with top notch sound proofing, durability, and stain resistance
    >guards oversee activity to intervene when needed to protect paying clients
    >or when the client just wants a little assistance
    >post-coital return of the paramour/victim to their appropriate household in good/fair condition
    >appropriate healing/mending/memory erasure as needed
    >some of those nice chocolate mints on your pillow

    All for reasonable prices! How much do you value your boning time? Don't you want to do it right?

    • 3 months ago

      There's one tiny little problem with the enterprise - the staff running the place would need to be 100% trustworthy. Which is not the sort of employees available commonly Underdark.

      • 3 months ago

        Hire some Modrons, they aren't Good but are 100% trustworthy.

      • 3 months ago

        Imagine letting a client of yours come to harm! The shame of it would shut down an entire branch location So individual would be betrayers must have very, very good reason to protect their clients. Good pay is half the equation: why take a bribe when you are already well off? The consequence for disobeying the hotel company would also have to be extremely harsh. Even for drow. Ten years of torture hardly seems enough. No, their very soul needs to be in jeopardy. I'm sure some magical contingency can be arranged. It will add to the overhead, but that all gets passed on to the customer. Poor drow can rut in the dirt like high elves or at their matron's house like spoiled children.

        >Hazbin Love Hotel

        Never seen it

        • 3 months ago

          >Client comes to harm
          >Entire branch is shut down
          >Hotel staff is tortured and shamed
          If someone can cause all that by putting some poison in a client's coffee then you'll have every drow in the underdark trying to sabotage this hotel. Then there's the ambitious junior staff trying to rise in rank or the senior staff trying to get uppity juniors punished. Hundreds of sexy drow in maid outfits will die over this while Lolth laughs.

          • 3 months ago

            what picture from?

            • 3 months ago

              Akiba Maid War.

            • 3 months ago

              looks like some sort of maid war

    • 3 months ago

      >Hazbin Love Hotel

    • 3 months ago

      there are cooler cities out there than Menzoberranzan, but nobody cares about them because the Baenre/Drizzt don't come from there
      they reach from cultural melting pots (Erelhei-Cinlu only has 40% drow) to cities ruled by mages (Sshamath) and then there are cities which have way more people(drow?) in it than Menzoberranzan (like Eryndlyn)
      my fav is Orlytlar though- it's kind of like Las Vegas except in a cave and with way more crime and an entire city district which they put underwater for the fish people
      >they're LIBERTARIAN drow

      • 3 months ago

        >an entire city district which they put underwater for the fish people
        Flood the entire city and make it underground drow Rapture with magic heroin.

        • 3 months ago

          >when you give the level 25 drow wizard magic weed and return five minutes later to find the entire cave flooded
          >"It sounded like a good idea at the time"

        • 3 months ago

          >when you give the level 25 drow wizard magic weed and return five minutes later to find the entire cave flooded
          >"It sounded like a good idea at the time"

          How would that work more specifically. No Queens, No Gods only Drow? How much of a wizard would you need for an undersea city in dnd language, Is 25 actually reasonable? Maybe some sort of injectable oil that gives multiple uses of a spell? Half golem daddies?

      • 3 months ago

        >there are cities which have way more people(drow?) in it than Menzoberranzan
        Not anymore.
        Nulore retconned Menzo to be the oldest and greatest lolth city despite it being relatively new and insignificant in old lore.

        • 3 months ago

          this is bullshit, you can't just make nulore and ignore everything which came before it!

          • 3 months ago

            Menzo had been the model all descriptions of drow cities were based off since the Drizzt books despite it originally not being the largest city and being kind of an outlier in how fanatically devoted to Lolth they were. At this point might as well make it official, given most players don't even know other drow cities exist.

    • 3 months ago

      Why would I rape my maidens in an establishment run by someone else, when I have perfectly good villa of my own for it? Do you think I have the time to purge the room in your love hotel of scrying magic every time I want to ravish someone? Who the frick does your establishment cater to? Some lowborns who don't have enough wealth to keep their own rape lairs?

      Your business idea disgusts me.

      • 3 months ago

        how many maidens do you rape that you need your own personalized rape lair?

  13. 3 months ago

    This is from Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
    >Unless combat in area 7c draws their attention, two female drow named Pellanonia Auvryndar and Ghirith Nhilran are engaged in a consensual act of torture in this room
    >Drow. A large, rotating platform with leather straps takes up most of the room. Pellanonia is strapped to the platform while Ghirith lashes her with a scourge.
    >Gear. Lying on a chair in the northeast corner are Pellanonia's armor and weapons.
    >Pellanonia and Ghirith are lovers. If she must, Pellanonia can slip free of her bonds with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Once free, she tries to arm herself. As a daughter of House Auvryndar, she uses her status in the house as a shield, claiming that she's worth more alive than dead.
    >This room and the one before it on the 3rd level are what peaked my interest in this topic. I feel if i was playing a male drow and came across this i would try to extort Pellanonia. She’s literally being dominated.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds hot

  14. 3 months ago
  15. 3 months ago

    logically speaking shouldn't good Elistrean drow communities have explosive population growth?

    • 3 months ago

      Most elistrean communities are small and matriarchal, and don’t have nearly as much necessity to propagate, you know since there’s no backstabbing, ritual sacrifices, and their goddess isn't just a cult leader

      • 3 months ago

        they're still drow so they'll still have the same potential birthrate and still have sex, and because they don't kill most of their children they'd end up with a ton of them

        The lowest ranking woman in Drow society tends to outrank the highest ranking man in the room.
        Why give that up for a bunch of naked guys dancing in pond water with bastard swords to the useless daughter of your edgelord spider goddess.
        Worst yet they don't believe in rampant slavery and killing the short ones you probably grew up loving killing the short ones

        not all drow are evil psychopaths, some just want to dance naked in the moonlight

        • 3 months ago

          I'm saying you're giving up alot to dance naked.

    • 3 months ago

      The lowest ranking woman in Drow society tends to outrank the highest ranking man in the room.
      Why give that up for a bunch of naked guys dancing in pond water with bastard swords to the useless daughter of your edgelord spider goddess.
      Worst yet they don't believe in rampant slavery and killing the short ones you probably grew up loving killing the short ones

    • 3 months ago

      They're intensely persecuted by other Drow, and the only major community of them has them as maybe a plurality. It's far to the south and relatively irrelevant to the Sword Coast.

    • 3 months ago

      Because Elistrean drow force feminize their men.

      I'm only half joking, the deep ed greenwood canon lore is that male priests of Ellistrea must, if they want to have actual powers, undergo the "change dance" and live as or actually become women for a time.

      • 3 months ago

        Got retcon'd
        And I'm not even mad about it, it would make sense that the children of a man hating baby-eating spider who is into femdom turn equalists
        >Also Vhaeraun is a lot more gender inclusive
        >It just happens that most of his clerics are men because- well why would a woman care about men's rights when Lolth already makes her a powerful cleric?

  16. 3 months ago
  17. 3 months ago

    Are all drow like this? Is it that the higher up the social ladder you go the more conniving and rapey they get?
    I'm currently working on a setting where not!drow are the main focus (it's set on not!morrowind and the inhabitants a fusion of the dunmer, classic drow, melniboneans, tzimeze) and so I'm trying to figure out how to characterize everybody. As in, do I make them all haughty and conniving, using slaves for most manual labor. Do I just make the upper classes like that, and have the peasantry be more "normal", sending their own farms and smoking crack in the off seasons?

  18. 3 months ago

    They may be perverts, but they hate each other.

    I bet they'd rather jerk off.

  19. 3 months ago

    Drow are physically weak and lacking in endurance and libido. So they have little sex.

    • 3 months ago

      I wonder who could be behind this post.

      • 3 months ago

        pissed off Duergar still seething about lost opportunities

  20. 3 months ago

    Are drow into pegging?

    • 3 months ago

      No but they will be.

  21. 3 months ago

    frick chromatic aberration makes digital art look like absolute shit

  22. 3 months ago


    that entire thing makes zero sense
    I'd just like to think Eillistrea's followers
    >and Vhaeraun's for that matter
    would a) rather sleep with surface elves
    and b) wouldn't just get constantly knocked up
    >teach her about how contraception works
    yeah, because a 200-year-old elf doesn't know about contraception or abortions

    • 3 months ago

      >yeah, because a 200-year-old elf doesn't know about contraception or abortions
      >Implying Lolth allows her followers to use contraception or have abortions
      She needs drow to be breeding at a high enough rate to offset the absurdly high mortality rate. Assuming she's only recently moved to the surface, it's entirely possible a 200-year-old drow does indeed not know about contraception

      • 3 months ago

        that’s why slaves exist, why do you think we have drow with green eyes?

  23. 3 months ago


    >or else the population of the kingdom will be 90 % half-drow within a couple of generations.
    sounds good to me, better yet help her create a new good drow kingdom one mating press at a time

  24. 3 months ago

    >coomer thread
    >drow thread
    Pic rel

  25. 3 months ago
  26. 3 months ago

    >see everyone around her as a sexual conquest
    If hedonism became the no1 thing in dark elf society, of any city, that city would be eradicated from internal and external factors within a few years at most. The no1 thing is always Power and always not sexual power.

    Military, financial, resource, mortal races slaves, magic, monsters as slaves and so on.

  27. 3 months ago

    >woman in this society
    they are like asian tiger moms but a in a very wicked way (they don't want just their child to achieve and the rest) that is inhuman and far more extreme than anything imaginable but not like cougar-women sexually, however that expression is.

    They are cruel to others and cruel to themselves. Extreme discipline.

    Their hedonism is confined, in an iron cage with spikes pointing inside towards themselves and out towards others, though great.

    They are hedonistic but not as a human is.

  28. 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago


    >Broodmare Dark Elves

    that’s why slaves exist, why do you think we have drow with green eyes?

    pointed out, it's way more likely that they just have male drow frick female slaves to keep their numbers up. Any resulting males stay slaves while the daughters that can pass for full drow get to play with their big sisters. Consequently they probably have the highest population of half elves. It's just that they'll never admit that because someone finding out the high priestess is part dwarf will get you stabbed.

    • 3 months ago

      > Consequently they probably have the highest population of half elves. It's just that they'll never admit that because someone finding out the high priestess is part dwarf will get you stabbed
      This just… is unbelievable. If anything i’d think male drow would be the ones creative half-drow and the likely hood of one looking identical enough would be so few and far between it isnmt even worth mentioning. They’d just be slaves for the nobles if not outright exiled into the underdark.

      • 3 months ago

        >This just… is unbelievable
        Because it's not a thing. Half-drow are rare.

        • 3 months ago

          Greyhawk had the city in Vault if the Drow have plenty of half-Drow, but in Greyhawk the city was a run down slum and the noble houses and their vassal families lived in estates surrounding it in the Vault.

          • 3 months ago

            it helps that they seemed to have more humans and even an entire ghetto of outsiders
            unlike Menzo which has (had?) like 1% humans
            like, I remember A SINGLE human in the Menzo ghetto in War of the Spider Queen (excluding some NPCs when they went to the surface) and like literally ZERO humans in the first Drizzt book (Homeland)
            and considering how Drizzt talks about them, I'd argue the majority of Drow probably never see a single human in their life-time
            I guess more 'cosmopolitan' drow-cities/settlements have more humans and other races and drow 'see' more of those races
            the more I think about it the more I feel like Menzo is sort of like 'the bible-belt of Lolth' while other cities are more 'lax' but still kind of like 'oh yeah we're still Lolth-sworn, but we’re not as crazy about it as those menzos- you see we don't enslave everyone, we just hate poor people'

  30. 3 months ago

    so how sadistic are drow? if you're a drow male does your mom or sister wake you up in the kennel by kicking you in the face with a steel toed boot? or is it more like extreme chauvinism?

    • 3 months ago

      Depends on how much they like you. If they do like you, they'll give you the privilege of licking your blood off their boots.
      If they don't, they'll mostly ignore you and make you do boring menial tasks in between getting pegged by them and their friends.

      • 3 months ago

        >If they don't, they'll mostly ignore you and make you do boring menial tasks in between getting pegged by them and their friends.
        And this is bad how?

      • 3 months ago

        I refuse to believe pegging is popular among drow. Fecundity is the most important part of sex for them, why would they participate in sodomy?

        • 3 months ago

          No christgays to call booty fun sodomy.

          • 3 months ago

            Oouuuuuu, he’s scared of the christian boogeyman that terrorize our fantasy bored. Frick off, I’m Hindu. And white.

          • 3 months ago

            Most ancient civilizations tended to look down on men who were sexually submissive towards other men though.

            • 3 months ago

              Banging another man is acceptable.
              Being banged by a man is disgusting.
              Being pegged is fine as despite the appearances, you are the one with the power

              • 3 months ago

                >Being pegged is fine as despite the appearances, you are the one with the power
                keep telling yourself that

              • 3 months ago

                What if a significantly weaker man sticks his wee tadger up your bum, solely because you allow it? Are you then, somehow, not the one with all the power?

                why am I arguing with a Tate proponent

            • 3 months ago

              They looked down on tops too. All the gays were disliked. The "They only hated bottoms" thing was revisionist tripe.

            • 3 months ago

              This is a fictional, matriarchal society that already looks down on men as a whole.
              What's your point?

      • 3 months ago

        Pegging is gayer than two men having sex.

        • 3 months ago

          you in the closet or something?

          • 3 months ago

            >is with a woman.
            >wants to be the one who is is penetrated.
            Don't project your closted homosexuality onto me.

            • 3 months ago

              You gotta either get with the times or get in the box, old man. You’ll be floating down the river in no time

              • 3 months ago

                The times are gay and I'll stand my ground youngin. Someone has to.
                You can take my life but you'll never make me gay.

              • 3 months ago

                Bad news. You're already gay

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                While he is a sad sexual luddite, don't forget you are just as river-bound as him.

                t. 38 years old
                every morning brings a new ache in the body, every night brings a new way to sleep poorly

              • 3 months ago

                Git gud.
                I'm 42 and have no pain when I squat double my bodyweight or run 20kms

              • 3 months ago

                Do you have kids and a full-time job that requires an hour's drive both ways? If so, tell me your secrets

              • 3 months ago

                Yes except only 15 minute drive.
                Gym after work so there's no traffic on the way home, long run on Sunday mornings.
                Go to bed early

      • 3 months ago

        How do I apply to join Drow society?

  31. 3 months ago

    It's your game, who's stopping you?

  32. 3 months ago

    Sex is the primary source of entertainment for Dark
    Elves. Since it cannot be used for procreation, it is used
    as therapy, diversion, a fun pastime, a competition, a
    method for political advancement, and so on. There are
    almost no religions that require a Dark Elf to take up a
    vow of celibacy and the few that do are seen as weird
    deviants. There are no formal rules on sexual
    relationships because sex, marriage, and procreation
    are completely separate from one another. Dark Elf
    attitudes towards sexuality are derived from their
    The first is the obvious one – no sexual union will result
    in a child, which defeats the primary biological purpose
    of sex in other species. This means there’s no risk of
    getting pregnant, no need to be concerned about
    bastards, or having any sort of physical evidence of an
    affair. Most marriages in Dark Elf society are
    monogamous and might even be stipulated in the
    marriage contract. Polygamy is not frowned upon and it
    really depends on the family unit.
    The other aspect of Dark Elf sexuality is the gender
    ratio. Women outnumber men three-to-one, so while
    female-male pairs are the goal, they are not always
    possible. First off, many Dark Elf women tend to engage
    in homosexual relationships, against which there is no
    stigma. The other is the role of men. Generally
    speaking, men are the lesser sex in the Dark Elf
    matriarchal society, and as such, unless they are
    married, they will be passed around from woman to
    woman with no real say in the matter. And the truth is,
    this does happen. But a pragmatic-minded male can
    absolutely use this attitude to leverage his position to
    “climb the ranks,” and achieve greater personal goals.
    Because of these two chief components, Dark Elves
    have a very laid-back attitude towards sex. Outside of
    the marriage contracts that expect monogamy, sex is
    free and readily available in many social situations.

  33. 3 months ago

    There's precedent for them to frick a lot, and precedent for them not to.

    In my personal Underdark setting I've got one house that are in a big sexual-manipulation war between males and females, that buy their security by providing other houses or factions with regular 'outcastes' to use as sacrifices, female concubines (to show off, as they're considered especially beautiful and delicate) or slaves (they've actually reverse-eugenics' themselves by casting out the most cut-throat, leaving only the most 'safe' or rules-abiding).
    And another house that's basically Fantasy Charcharadons. Bigger and darker than average, whole shark theme with masks and spiked armour, brutal martial culture and initiation rites, firmly misandristic and quite cannibalistic (amusingly, hunting and martial honour rites, need to band together against local hazards, chivalric bend and appreciation of swords has led them to follow Eliastraee in all but name).

    Drow are, as a race, one of the best aspects of DnD. They're fairly unique, relatively very exotic, and yet are variable and flexible enough as a concept to fit a lot of roles or angles.

    • 3 months ago

      >Shark themed
      Did you get that idea from the multiple fetuses eating each other lore?

      • 3 months ago

        No actually, I got that from a couple spots of lore that said that Drow don't recognize other races as equal, and how Drow may or may not do edgy shit to lesser races.
        So I figured that they'd eat Duregar or Humans as a point of delicacy or somesuch.
        The Shark theme came about just as a matter of developing culture, with them being big on quiet violence, living bordering the Lowerdark, and favouring a kind of ambush, fast assault warfare.

        Similarly with being an Eliastraee cult, I made them when she wasn't a big thing, and didn't know about her, but they just naturally came together in a way that later on, matched her to a T.

        Also the multiple fetus' eating each other is called Autophagy, and actually does occur irl with Sharks. Which I didn't know about until later, but I do actually quite like as minor Drow lore, to emphasize that life is hard down there.

        • 3 months ago

          The Celtic dark elves were said to eat humans from time to time and practice vivisection for fun, probably where Moorwiener got the idea for his Melniboneans (the prototype for drow) doing the same. I decided to take the vivisection and ritual human eating for my dark elves as well.

          I refuse to believe pegging is popular among drow. Fecundity is the most important part of sex for them, why would they participate in sodomy?

          It wouldn't be something you'd do to a drow unless you wanted his family to assassinate you.

          • 3 months ago

            As if his mistress would even let him leave her side for the chance.

  34. 3 months ago

    Almost all taverns will have a brothel attached to them.
    Most religions will have a sexual component. Pleasure
    slaves are always in high demand and there are those
    who made their fortunes doing so. Dark Elves are not
    shy about having sex with slaves and foreigners and
    quite a few of them work as prostitutes, courtesans,
    entertainers, and so forth in human and demi human
    regions, with no cultural stigma against it internally,
    though obviously there are those who decry the loose
    morals of the women and men of the Dark Elves.
    With all this, it must also be noted that in addition to
    being entertainment, Dark Elves do recognize the power
    of using sex as a trade good and method of influence.
    As mentioned before, Dark Elf men can be passed
    around within the same social group to generate favors
    and influence for both the women and the men. The
    Dark Elven courtesans use their beauty and sexual
    prowess to influence the foreigners. And since Dark Elf
    society generally has their obsession about power and
    dominance, there is no real concept of power
    imbalance in sexual relations beyond the most obvious
    slave-master relationship.

  35. 3 months ago

    What's with Dark elves of all sorts loving femdom?

  36. 3 months ago

    Reminder, homosexuality is romance or sex between members of the same sex, not the sex acts themselves. If a woman pushes a mans head into her crotch, smacks his ass, pegs him, etc. that is not gay sex, that is straight sex. You’re simply submissive
    Femininity is what’s attractive to me

    • 3 months ago

      it's still sodomy (or buggery if you're heathen) and therefore shameful and condemnable

      • 3 months ago

        Why do all you christcucks feel the need to wave your moronation everywhere?

      • 3 months ago

        It's pretty good bro. I enjoy regular fricking but getting dommed makes me cum so hard.

      • 3 months ago

        Gonna have to agree with

        Why do all you christcucks feel the need to wave your moronation everywhere?

        on this one, bucko. Learn how to enjoy sex, if you’ve ever even had it.

    • 3 months ago

      homies forget our g spot is in our butts

      • 3 months ago

        Our g-spot is in our foreskins, it's just removed for purposes of profit.

        • 3 months ago

          Only removed if you're israeli or slave to the israelites.
          The civilised world all have ours

        • 3 months ago

          foreskin is more like male clit

          • 3 months ago

            I see, you did your part for Kellogg.

  37. 3 months ago

    3 separate things

    erotic fantasy regarding fantasy elves, drow, high etc. Keep it personal and not in the actual tabletop games. Kept inside you, its fun potentially but makes huge a mess.

    complete bullshit written by "established" and "respected" authors of D&D. To the trash pile. They deceived the paying customer by writing idiocies (see deities and demigods, legends and lore, thoughts of darkness adventure, drow words for actual love and higher virtuous concepts, and a ton of other published material from all settings and editions, from Original D&D to 5e or the 6e/D&D one aka we cannot even properly number editions game) and inaccuracies due to their laziness and worthlessness of character. Junk, throw that away. Outside.

    Common fricking sense and read on mythology and folklore and everything related to it. Keep that and add or subtract from the game so it does not suck and the 2 above do not make you waste your time, your money and your enjoyment of the hobby.

    the game has become flat and was getting flattened since day one

  38. 3 months ago

    Because, as strange as modern society may make it seem, people actually do want things other than sex.

  39. 3 months ago

    > Be drow "teenager."
    > Be very horny.
    > your gigachad brother catches the eye of a matron's 3rd daughter.
    > The daughter you had eyes for.
    > want to kill him.
    > Decide against it because he occasionally gets you more food.
    > It's a year before you see him again.
    > see his face bruised and covered in scratch marks.
    > see him in the finest of silks walking with said matron's daughter near the slave quarters.
    > manage to catch him for a conversation.
    > apparently, beatings are "how she shows her love" and slashing is what she does when she's mad.
    > insists he's ok with it
    > find him in the spider cages a week later when sent to clean them.
    > skinned.
    > becomes obvious where your brother's girlfriends new 'dress' came from.
    > hear there was some bullshit about a sister trying to seduce him. 3rd sister just got tired of the games and killed him instead of her sibling.
    > just see that b***hes face when looking at other women now.

    Hmn. I can see why such a society is far less horny than the way they dress would appear to suggest.

  40. 3 months ago

    >domgays jumping through logic hoops trying to convince themselves they are not gay.
    Kek. Always funny.

  41. 3 months ago

    Hey there sexy momma

  42. 3 months ago

    drow women should be bound, gagged and kept in direct sunlight with their holes easily accessible to be completely honest and frank with you

  43. 3 months ago

    Okay please someone help me out. I have been trying to search for hours for a previous dnd editions campaign that follows a couple drow houses and the players are expected to plays as drow. I can’t for the life of me find the name of it.

    • 3 months ago

      You people are worthless, I found it. It’s called Council of Spiders

  44. 3 months ago

    Thank goodness this wasn't an AI image though, because apparently that makes a thread worse

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        nah, there's sexier drow posted in /slop/ daily

        • 3 months ago

          I prefer my jack off material to be made by someone who can, y'know, get off on it.

          • 3 months ago

            that's dumb

            • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Making a robot capable of cumming probably is within realm of technological possibility nowdays.

  45. 3 months ago

    this thread inspired me, thoughts on these dark elves?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Thin your paints.

  46. 3 months ago

    >Drow are canonically manlets/femlets
    >"Anyway, this is my character Dip the drow and he's 6 feet tall"
    I am going to be honest, I’d just ignore that part too

    • 3 months ago

      >dom femlet
      Why'd you ignore that though? That sounds grand.

      • 3 months ago

        >why does the drow keep their elf teammate in chains?
        >it's the only way they can see eye-to-eye

    • 3 months ago

      D&D's Tolkien/Poul Anderson/Moorwiener style elves being midgets for some reason is so weird to me, as someone who came to D&D via those fantasy stories and Gaelic folklore. These elves are coded as ancient northern European aristocracy, they should be fairly tall on average.

      • 3 months ago

        That's why you find smaller than average elves whenever they are negatively connoted, for instance your regular HFY fantasy.

      • 3 months ago

        They live underground. It's not hard to figure out

      • 3 months ago

        >ancient northern European
        They were manlets.

        • 3 months ago

          Because of malnutrition, why wouldn't they still be taller than all other ethnic groups, relatively speaking, just like they are now?

        • 3 months ago

          Nobility had better food than most people, they would have been tall on average. Hence the comment about them being coded as nobility.

      • 3 months ago

        Tolkien's elves were tall. The Hobbit describes Elrond as a full head taller than Gandalf, though Gandalf's shoulders were much broader.

        • 3 months ago

          Very true, they were also tall in Anderson and Moorwiener's work too, as well as in Irish myth at least.

          So what do most drow actually do? Considering manual labor and similar menial tasks are more often than not done by slaves, right?

          They're sort of like the Spartans but without the autistic level of disdain for anything not related to combat - they engage in typical aristocratic/elven pursuits - training for war, studying the arcane arts, hunting, and composing poetry, music, and other arts.

          It was retconned out of the setting and it was more complicated than that, some other half-elves also played some role.
          Even with this minor small kingdom existing at some point in the lore (forgot its name), doesn't change the fact that drow see themselves as superior than most other races and actually care about their genetic make-up. Again, half-drow are rare for a reason. It's mostly /tg/ that brings that small kingdom up for coombrained reasons (even though, iirc, it was more drow men taking human slaves) as some kind of evidence that all these lusty drow girls are totally over those awesome humans and their lack of a constitution malus, oh boy. So much better than spell resistance, increased charisma, intelligence and dexterity, inherent spellcasting and dark vision.

          I recall the nobility/warrior caste of that kingdom were half-drow, the commoners understandably were not. Obviously a kingdom being ruled by half-drow after a violent drow conquest has...unpleasant implications.

          How would most Drow women react to getting pregnant by human? Would they be willing to marry the human man?

          They're almost guaranteed to sacrifice/abort the child.

    • 3 months ago

      D&D's Tolkien/Poul Anderson/Moorwiener style elves being midgets for some reason is so weird to me, as someone who came to D&D via those fantasy stories and Gaelic folklore. These elves are coded as ancient northern European aristocracy, they should be fairly tall on average.

      They live underground. It's not hard to figure out

      Interestingly, or not, it's something that D&D itself has gone back and forth on.
      Gygax liked smaller elves, I have read in books that this is because he liked fairy tale elves, I have heard from people who knew him that after the hobbit worries he decided shorter elves was safer for future copyright concerns.
      During the TSR era, the default and Greyhawk used shorter elves as Gygax intended, but individual settings were allowed to deviate.
      Forgotten Realms and Dark Sun both having tall elves for example.

      Then when WotC first took over they kept this tradition. That is why the 3rd edition FRCS and Races of Faerun still mention elves as being as tall as humans while the PHB uses Greyhawk heights.
      During the change to 3.5e there was a decision to also standardize all races across all settings, which is why every setting suddenly had 50 flavors of elf and 30 flavors of dwarf since they all existed next to one another and they all used the Greyhawk heights now, which is why the 3.5e Player's Guide to Faerun lists short elves.

      During the D&D 4e days, chasing the popularity of the LotR movies years after the fact led to elves being standardized as a tall race across all settings.

      And now in the 5e days they're standardized as small again.

      These changes are kind of funny in context, because you have the early Drizzt books referring to Drizzt as a runt which he was in 2e, 3e, and 4e, but in 3.5e and 5e he's the drow equivalent of 6'4", his mom being called tiny also sticks out when she's near the top of drow female heights in the current edition.

      Likewise Qilue is described as having the appearance of a typical drow matriarch in height and in her dominating presence, when she's 6 feet tall, an impossibly tall height for a drow in the current edition, and yet implies that this isn't out of the ordinary at all.

      • 3 months ago

        >In 5e they're standard as small again
        And in Baldurs Gate(3) they're back to being as tall as the other 'medium' races
        >You get two flavors: build like a tank or otter mode
        But that could be cause it is a video game and they have video game restrictions
        Though those games are also considered part of D&D/forgotten realms

      • 3 months ago

        maybe drow are just short because of malnutrition and magical radiation
        >those giant pink magic pools

        Because of malnutrition, why wouldn't they still be taller than all other ethnic groups, relatively speaking, just like they are now?

        Nobility had better food than most people, they would have been tall on average. Hence the comment about them being coded as nobility.

        maybe female drow and some males just got lucky and managed to get better food and less radiation which is the reason some are taller than the average?

        • 3 months ago

          Two things - drow apparently have plenty of food, so they wouldn't be malnourished.

          Secondly, all elves are arguably nobility - I had the same idea Tolkien did that elves elect their rulers from their own number. Of course, with drow you can always take over by successfully killing the current ruler if you don't agree with them.

        • 3 months ago

          The magical radiation has been around since AD&D and actually made Drow stronger through exposure. That was also when Drow were tall.

          As far as the books have shown while Drow have class related issues in terms of lower and upper classes, neither are particularly malnourished.
          In fact AD&D explains what malnourished drow look like and I can't think of one described drow who had those features.

  47. 3 months ago

    Chad-zak is real

  48. 3 months ago

    Wheenver i see a pic like this it really tricks my brain into thinking maybe OP looks exactly like that.

    • 3 months ago

      It’s true, I do.

  49. 3 months ago

    >What makes these people not frick each other constantly?
    I think they do. Just in ways that we would find repulsive.

  50. 3 months ago

    Hello OP. You're looking very sexy today, just saying.

  51. 3 months ago

    So what do most drow actually do? Considering manual labor and similar menial tasks are more often than not done by slaves, right?

    • 3 months ago

      train mages, fighters and clerics
      >they also have bards and rogues but I suspect they're getting sorted out during their training to specialize
      >drow wizard apprentice being like: Screw this, I am going to become a bard
      whip slaves
      enslave other races
      they sure do love their drugs and sex
      sacrifice surface elves (and each other) to their evil spider goddess
      coming up with plans to backstab each other and eradicate other houses to climb up the social ladder
      being paranoid about the lesser houses trying to eradicate their house to climb up the social ladder
      accumulating wealth and power
      and like every third month they have a fun hunting game in which they set the local favela on fire and kill every goblin, orc, gnoll (and other races; including lower class drow) entertainment for the drow of every age and sex
      they also love shopping, braiding each other's hair and doing their nails, you know standard male stuff

  52. 3 months ago

    The same reason worst koreans don't have a high birth rate.

    • 3 months ago

      The frick are you on about, leaf?

      • 3 months ago

        The women hate the men.

        • 3 months ago

          I saw more affectionate couples out in public during my year in Korea than I do now back in the USA.

  53. 3 months ago

    You know, we should really see half-drow more. I bet they'd be useful as spies if nothing else.

    • 3 months ago

      Half-drow viking warrioresses? Sign me up

    • 3 months ago

      Half-drow would be as suspicious as regular drow, for the same reasons as you think they should be more present.
      And again, drow don't like to racemix downwards.

      • 3 months ago

        Isn't there a nation in DnD canon that got invaded by the drow, and a few generations later the population was mostly half-drow?

        • 3 months ago

          It was retconned out of the setting and it was more complicated than that, some other half-elves also played some role.
          Even with this minor small kingdom existing at some point in the lore (forgot its name), doesn't change the fact that drow see themselves as superior than most other races and actually care about their genetic make-up. Again, half-drow are rare for a reason. It's mostly /tg/ that brings that small kingdom up for coombrained reasons (even though, iirc, it was more drow men taking human slaves) as some kind of evidence that all these lusty drow girls are totally over those awesome humans and their lack of a constitution malus, oh boy. So much better than spell resistance, increased charisma, intelligence and dexterity, inherent spellcasting and dark vision.

          • 3 months ago

            I think it was actually loviatars half-elf priestesses taking drow males to make more half-drow
            for some reason Loviatar and Lolth seemed to get along great

          • 3 months ago

            I think it was actually loviatars half-elf priestesses taking drow males to make more half-drow
            for some reason Loviatar and Lolth seemed to get along great

            Very true, they were also tall in Anderson and Moorwiener's work too, as well as in Irish myth at least.

            They're sort of like the Spartans but without the autistic level of disdain for anything not related to combat - they engage in typical aristocratic/elven pursuits - training for war, studying the arcane arts, hunting, and composing poetry, music, and other arts.

            I recall the nobility/warrior caste of that kingdom were half-drow, the commoners understandably were not. Obviously a kingdom being ruled by half-drow after a violent drow conquest has...unpleasant implications.

            They're almost guaranteed to sacrifice/abort the child.

            Dambrath went through several versions.
            AD&D Shining South version: many years after a king successfully led a raid into Halruaa that led to the destruction of the nation's greatest school of magic and several of its most important arch mages, setting back the nation's magical research in ways that have never been recovered from, his lazy descendant by many generations ordered mining in a new area that had recently been discovered as being resource rich. Drow living there sent back several corpses and a message saying "frick off, we're full"
            The new king said in the name of his great great grandfather this land is his and he's taking it.
            Many dead humans later a group of loviataran priestesses who happened to be all moon elves arrive and see the land is ripe for the taking.
            They struck a deal with the drow to help alleviate some of the city's problems (particularly ones caused by mass overpopulation) for an army.
            Drow saw it as two birds with one stone, so a massive army of drow slaves was sent to the surface, bishbashbosh drow tells the army not to come back, Dambrath is the aftermath of a war where drow won and then decimated/fricked the population to death.
            The book goes so far as to say there are jokes about how impossible it is to find a pure human in the land now, and those who claim to be pure are considerably more swarthy than their ancestors who once ruled the land.
            The ruling class is almost entirely drow and half drow/half-elf though.

            3e Shining South: much of the history is left out, and now instead of the army raping and pillaging the land, they returned home after a successful mission, leaving the half-drow/half-elves in charge.

            4e Forgotten Realms: There weren't that many half-drow to begin with and they didn't have big noble families so one bloody coup later fixed that whole situation, it's now generic war torn fantasy land.

            5e Forgotten Realms: Shining South?

            • 3 months ago

              Dambrath was great. By 2nd edition the writers had given it a really unique yet plausible and grounded cultural identity. It had lots of neat little quirks too, like how the dolphins living near the capital port city were oddly helpful and would rescue drowning sailors, and were so universally loved by the population that the Loviatar priestesses declared the dolphins sacred to Loviatar and gave the death penalty to anyone who harmed one. But the core premise of the country was problematic so it got unceremoniously thrown in the garbage in 4th edition.

              • 3 months ago

                >But the core premise of the country was problematic so it got unceremoniously thrown in the garbage in 4th edition.
                The core premise of DROW is problematic though. They're completely and irrevocably a racist trope.

              • 3 months ago

                True, but they reached a critical mass of popularity before "problematic" was a thing, so they get handled differently.

              • 3 months ago

                They're a huge plagiarism of Michael Moorwiener's Melniboneans who were intended as dark parody of the British Empire in its declining days. But also a mixture of Norse myth with some modern stuff. It wasn't just dark skin = evil.

              • 3 months ago

                >They're racist
                What kind of ethnicity lives in caves and sacrifices elves to their evil spider queen while it's own race produces nothing of value and just murder-rapes everything they get their hands on?

                They're a huge plagiarism of Michael Moorwiener's Melniboneans who were intended as dark parody of the British Empire in its declining days. But also a mixture of Norse myth with some modern stuff. It wasn't just dark skin = evil.

                >The British
                Oh my God, it all makes sense now, and they're ruled by a queen too!
                >Also dark elves have pointy ears and red eyes
                >Calling then racist just because they're black(literally grey) is kind of weird, they're a FANTASY race
                Salvatore's writing though is laying it on THICC
                >Drizzt please, please stop

                I'm a dark elf enthusiast and spidergirl enjoyer and let me tell you it's all Lolth's fault. I hate her, she's the worst. Her BS is the only reason I can't get into Drow, the only Dark Elf in fiction I don't fricking dig and it's all thanks to her shit. This as nothing to do with the thread, I just need to rant about how much I hate this b***h.
                10/10 spidergirl, would tie her on her own web and rail her.

                Do you hate her or do you want to frick her? Corellon is that you?

        • 3 months ago

          The ruling class of its society, yes. It's to the east.

    • 3 months ago

      Drow send out their albino kind to be spies, hiding in plain sight pretending to be other types of elves.

      • 3 months ago

        It's funny that the albinos exist only because Greenwood was asking how the frick drow are supposed to infiltrate anything when any one with detect magic will realize they're disguised, and TSR said "I dunno you figure it out"

        • 3 months ago

          apparently moon elves can also come in light blue; and so do drow
          just take a lighter skinned drow and dye their hair
          >isn't it a little weird to have moon elves with light blue skin? I am just thinking
          >having a moon elf in the party who can cast darkness, dancing lights and fairy fire like: "Don't worry guys I have three cantrips"
          >party falls down a chasm, everyone but the 'moon elf' is injured
          >"How'd you survive that?"
          >the party starts giving weird sideways glances "You're a moon elf, right?"
          >DM: everyone but the 'moon elf' roll an insight check
          also, I bet leucism could also exist in drow

          • 3 months ago

            To be fair that's a newer thing.
            Drow have been charcoal black, now and always up until relatively recently.
            Only albino moon elves are light blue (how albinism shows up among them).

            • 3 months ago

              Except in the 80s when they were briefly depicted with brown skin.

              Likely the source for Pirotess of Record of Lodoss War who then inspired all subsequent anime dark elves to be brown-skinned with light hair.

              • 3 months ago

                Based Piro being the mother of all brown elffus

              • 3 months ago

                Frick. Now that slopgay's name makes sense.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Some gay in the ai slop threads who makes some oc donut steel waifu that's a brown elf with yellow eyes and white hair and named it piro.

              • 3 months ago

                Art depictions versus text depictions, though which one is more important I can't say.
                Artists who did colored art were infamously told "black elves" and thought that meant "american black" and since the heads of TSR at the time really didn't give a frick about their own games/settings they never corrected it.
                It's insanely that that happened at all.

              • 3 months ago

                >elves on the cover look like bimbos with fake tans and bleach blonde 80s hair that were both in style at the time
                Yeah thats definitely what happened

              • 3 months ago

                wait until you see some of the oldschool forgotten realms covers
                from what I've read it seems back in the old times the artists wouldn't even read the descriptions which were provided to them
                >like look at 'Starless Night'- look how they massacred my boy!

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, allegedly the artist read "45 year old elf" and called it a day since he doesn't have time to learn how elves work.

              • 3 months ago

                >check wiki; do some math
                >Drizzt is 60 in Starless Night
                frick, dude hadn't even hit the magical 100 by that book but Drow officially become adults at 26 with their first blooding so they're a bit different from the other elves and their adults day care centres

              • 3 months ago

                Drow being considering adults in their 20s does prove that FR realm elves being considered adults at 100 is a cultural thing, since it's not likely drow would age that much faster than surface elves. Surface elves live long enough that they don't consider anybody with less than century of life-experience old enough to be considered an adult, but drow tend to live for a far shorter time so their definition of adulthood is much closer to humans.
                In Greyhawk drow are supposed to reach biological adulthood at 100, though, which begs to question how they haven't gone extinct given how high their mortality rate is.

              • 3 months ago

                Drizzt had a hard life.

              • 3 months ago

                He should have just fricked his sister.

              • 3 months ago

                >Was basically his mom
                >Is also his full-blooded sister
                >First words from her mom regarding Drizzt: do not frick your brother
                At least she got over it

            • 3 months ago

              >Two albino elves have twins
              >One comes out literally white and the other covers out black
              >"Babe, is there something you forgot to tell me?"
              The joke is one is high elf albino and the other Drow albino

          • 3 months ago

            Albinism exists in humans to varying degrees. Being that elves are compatible enough to interbreed with humans, it's unlikely they have multiple types of melanin cells, therefore making leucism unlikely. Especially when the writers identify the pale Drow as albino. However, being that you can get Moon Elves ranging from blue, purple, to regular skin tones, it might be possible after all.

  54. 3 months ago

    Hello OP. You're looking very sexy today.

    • 3 months ago

      Thank you

  55. 3 months ago
  56. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >black hair
      >blue eyes
      absolutely disgusting

    • 3 months ago

      >african nose
      The most disgusting thing in this thread.

  57. 3 months ago
  58. 3 months ago


    the former

    • 3 months ago

      >The former
      Are you implying my BG3 romance with Minthara a lie!?

      • 3 months ago

        there are always exceptions. No race is monolithic

  59. 3 months ago
  60. 3 months ago


    >Half Drow exist with human fathers
    Pics or it doesn't exist

    • 3 months ago

      Gimme a few months. I'mma make it happen.

      • 3 months ago

        >this pic
        I like to imagine she's a ditzy airhead whose just realized her top got caught by the table, and has yet to think of a way to extract herself with any shred of dignity, so she just freezes until she does. (she won't think of a way)

        • 3 months ago

          cute low int drow girls...

          • 3 months ago

            >slopper fantasizing about women on his intellectual level

          • 3 months ago

            I prefer low wiz

            • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                if you go too far down the intelligence scale you get literal morons; if you go too far down the wisdom scale you get a ditz

      • 3 months ago

        there are always exceptions. No race is monolithic

        >Half Drow exist with human fathers
        Pics or it doesn't exist

        the former

        How would a Drow girl react to being told you have a fart fetish?

  61. 3 months ago
  62. 3 months ago
  63. 3 months ago
  64. 3 months ago

    You're a gorgeous woman OP

  65. 3 months ago

    they kind of do, but they also have a hierachy of murderous b***hes going

  66. 3 months ago

    why did the trjannies delete my dark elf thread?

    • 3 months ago

      how autistic are you

      • 3 months ago

        What rule did it break?

  67. 3 months ago

    I'm a dark elf enthusiast and spidergirl enjoyer and let me tell you it's all Lolth's fault. I hate her, she's the worst. Her BS is the only reason I can't get into Drow, the only Dark Elf in fiction I don't fricking dig and it's all thanks to her shit. This as nothing to do with the thread, I just need to rant about how much I hate this b***h.
    10/10 spidergirl, would tie her on her own web and rail her.

  68. 3 months ago

    Would it make sense for a (female) high elf slave to survive Drow slavery for a couple of years? You know, without getting sacrificed to Lolth

    • 3 months ago

      Depends on the edition.
      The later the lore you use the more destructive drow are.
      In 2nd edition for example, Greenwood described drow as having a spa culture, which doesn't exist in later editions. Ironically the jokes about drow males getting promoted due to being good at sex still exist, or at least existed up until relatively recently, but those jokes kind of rely on that spa culture enabling drow of differing social levels to interact without necessarily knowing where each other are on the totem pole. Otherwise when is a high ranking female actually going to frick a useless guy and discover he's good enough to spend money on?

      • 3 months ago

        replied to the wrong post?

  69. 3 months ago

    >what makes these people not frick each other constantly
    They do.

    With a society that has a murder rate that high, they have to constantly be having children or they would collapse as a civilization.

    Nobody tell OP about the semi canon drow womb murder orgasms.

  70. 3 months ago

    I wish the Forgotten Realms was as much of a degen place as the people who seethepost about Ed Greenwood claim it was.

    Truthfully, he just detailed how each town has a brothel (pretty true to life in ye olden days kek) and people had 70's relaxed norms toward sexuality. If Greenwood had been born a decade or two ago and grown up to be an adult in current year where pretty extreme kink is normalized (people will casually toss around dom and sub preferences when a decade ago nobody would have know what that was) in the west, well, then things might have gotten freaky.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, the only things that really are "out of the norm" is the fact that casual sex is so common and that Ed is an equal opportunist with armor, so just as there are mostly naked barbarian men there are many women who adventure in boots a belt and a cloak.

  71. 3 months ago

    There has to be a better lore for drows than D&D

    • 3 months ago

      Yes mine that I've only used for an unfinished porn novel

      • 3 months ago

        please tell me more, I am mildly curious

        • 3 months ago

          Bronze age city state dark elves but they also discovered gun powder so they have medieval tier cannons and handgonnes/matchlocks alongside magic

          • 3 months ago

            more like tell me about the porn

            • 3 months ago

              defeated elf noblewomen get taken as slaves, carried away to a far away land and raped a lot to the point that they become the progenitors of an entirely new society of dark elves (elf mother = elf offspring in this case)

              • 3 months ago

                wouldn't they be light elves if they're kidnapped elf nobles though?

              • 3 months ago

                no the light elves are mostly primitive hunter-gatherer or basic agriculture tribes

              • 3 months ago

                Just to be clear: who does the raping and who gets the raping

              • 3 months ago

                human barbarian tribesmen do the rape, dark elves and a few light elves get the rape

              • 3 months ago

                Standard fantasy erotica slop then
                At this point I might just write my own

              • 3 months ago

                please do, nothing wrong with classic premises

              • 3 months ago

                t. dwarf

  72. 3 months ago

    Op you are so delightfully sexy

  73. 3 months ago

    Forgive me, I don't know much about Drow, but I'm horny.

    I'm imagining a society where they're not just a matriarchal society, they're also deeply misandric. The wealthy elites are dominated by romantically lesbian couples who have a harem of excellent breeding stock to service them.

    I suppose they could marry their sons off to women, but if sexuality isn't an issue for most Drow women, why would you ever bother past once you're rich enough?

  74. 3 months ago

    >I don't know much about Drow, but I'm horny
    Yeah, that's drow threads.

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