Electronic Devices

>Reading Call of Cthulhu newest edition
>See pic related
>Laugh at stupid boomers that don't use phones/tablets/laptops to view PDF's and run games if they want to or rules search.

Why would they put something so stupid in a current TTRPG book? This is so boomer-land it blows my mind.
What do you think? If someone said I couldn't have my phone turned on I'd tell them to frick off, personally.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    >zoomerbrain cant imagine without beeps and boops
    well imagine my shock

    • 4 weeks ago

      But Anon, how will OP frantically spam his reactions gifs on discord?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Call him wanker. OP hates that.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Did Chaosium release an 8th edition or something? Seems kind of pointless and misleading to refer to a game that came out a decade ago as "newest" as if its something that's upcoming or just arrived.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That would be the newest version, genius.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The word your looking for is latest. Newest implies something is new and something that is a decade old is not new.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nah mate, that guy's right. New implies new, recent implies new. Most recent and newest and latest all only mean appears last on a list of things ordered by time with oldest first. I baked three trays of biscuits a couple of days ago, the oldest tray was 10 minutes older than the other two but them being oldest didn't make them old. If you think newest implies new you should steer of car salesmen, especially second hand cars.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >run game for zillennials
    >look up and see 5 players each on their phones
    >run game for boomers
    >do not see a SINGLE phone
    Dunno what to make of this. Been told I'm a shit DM for not being able to compete with the dopamine machine but it has to be a fricking generational thing. I've seen boomers addicts to their phone too. I just don't fricking use technology at the table. I've wasted time copying monster stats into note cards so I don't have to use my phone while DMing. I've had people get pissed I didn't reply to texts for 5 hours because I was running DnD. I don't care. I know being the DM is the most engaging and yes I get bored as a player. That's why I don't understand why DMing is so undesirable. It's the most engaging role of the group.

    • 4 weeks ago

      zoomer gamers will never be millenial gamers even if theyre right on the cusp.
      too much gaming difference.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >why people no DM
      DM is hard job

      as in, there's work to be done, far more than being a pl*yoid

      that's it. that's why

      • 4 weeks ago

        >DM is hard job
        Depends on the game. All games are a b***h to run until you master the art of Ass Pulling.
        >I wanna do X
        Alright, gimme a Y check
        *Run with the result*
        Monster stats are nice and all, but you should have a general idea of what level appropriate enemies can do, average stats, equipment, etc to the point you can Ass Pull an encounter on the spot and run it well.
        You know the area in general, you can Ass Pull a shop/inn/NPC that fits to move shit along.
        Just slap a quick note about that existing now and move forward.
        Your actual planning should be for stuff that you know will get interaction (a dungeon, major POI location, important NPCs, etc), the overwhelming majority of your game is gonna be an Ass Pull because players are gonna do their own shit. In that way, players are gonna flesh out your world more than you are. You just move shit along. Absolutely do not be afraid to let players fail and deal with their consequences though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nta but
        >DM is hard job
        Harder than playing, yes, but currently people tend to overestimate the actual amount of work needed. Depending on the game (the moving parts, overall complexity) and the person (being quick witted or not, having a lot of sysmastery or not, etc...) with 1-4 hours of preparation you can have up to 2-6 game sessions worth of content to use, even more if the players are prone to in-game discussions.
        That said people should not get a pass just because "prefer being players", if you get bored because you don't have the spotlight and things are getting dragged down a bit you should find game related activities to engage with, like taking notes, drawing maps, defining downtime procedures for your character, reading the manual, etc... and not browsing your goddamned phone.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    me on the left

    • 4 weeks ago

      Seems about right. The kids don't care about the actual game or adventure you're running, they want whatever social clout comes with being a "tabletop game nerd."

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Seems about right. The kids don't care about the actual game or adventure you're running, they want whatever social clout comes with being a "tabletop game nerd."

        • 4 weeks ago

          angry potato joe is online?
          or is the computer even turned on?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the social clout of playing TTRPGs
        Damn where you at, I might just sell my house and move.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Being a "nerd" has been cool for more than a decade now. Not an actual nerd, mind you. You should purchase a single D&D book and a set of dice and post pictures of them on... Twitter I guess, with captions like "lol I'm such a geek."

          • 4 weeks ago

            >they only buy one book so they're fake gamers
            Normies don't want to spend $900 buying every piece of shit WotC puts out, making them smarter than most posters on /tg/.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Buying anything from wizards makes you fake

              • 4 weeks ago

                People say that but forget how frickhuge of an improvement 3e was over 2e and the absolute batshit amount of content that came out for it.
                5e is little more than a very simplified version of 3e (which did get more bloated than a tick). It isn't surprising that it became popular.
                That said, 5e is probably the worst edition I have ever seen in terms of content. No straight up campaign settings, no adventures that aren't 1-20 campaign books that are all mostly shit, and the fricking thing has been out for TEN YEARS. People trying to shoe horn the system to fit everything is incredibly annoying too. Dudes on a map, going to trap filled dungeons in search of loot, and that's it. Play like that and D&D is still a damn good system. Using it to be psychic vampire lesbians trying to seduce a goddess of roses and rule the Meat Flap Male Eradication Front is dog shit. You want THAT kind of game, play FATE. You want a NOT! 40K setting with loads of vehicle battles? GURPS.
                But, no, some moron has made a 5e version of those games that is universally going to be shit but SUCCESSFULLY keeps people from even glancing at any other system. d20 back in 3e honestly did that shit better.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Play like that and D&D is still a damn good system.
                No. I vehemently hate 5E when played like that. It's a truly garbage system.

              • 4 weeks ago

                lol, yea, and translations of foreign literature SUCESSFULLY prevent people from learning foreign languages.
                A lot of people are going to go their whole lives without ever learning a game system other than 5e D&D, this is fine, die mad.

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's not the amount bought or not, it's the content produced with it. A current year normoloid may have 3 books and 0 proof of games in 10 years (maybe 1 or 2 filled character sheets on d&d beyond) while, in the same time span, a deranged anon may have a shelf worth $1000 of inane shit complimented with folders containing physical campaign notes and character sheet PLUS a hard drive filled with work in progress notes, maps, etc...

      • 4 weeks ago

        it's not about the clout. the truth of the matter is that they are looking for a far lesser experience than what the older player is; it's partly their fault and partly not their fault, because of popular stuff eroding the outside view of a hobby

    • 4 weeks ago

      I unironically would rather game with the person on the right.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The little dice box/tray combo is a good invention and is unfairly maligned in this image. Nothing else appears wrong at first glance.
      >t. thirty five year old boomer who looks unsettlingly like the left hand person

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Two braindead consoomers
      >Neither can imagine anything other than media
      Match made in heaven

      • 4 weeks ago

        the thought bubbles represent inspiration not imagination

      • 4 weeks ago

        If that's what you got from that, I feel sorry for you.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >If someone said I couldn't have my phone turned on I'd tell them to frick off, personally.
    Sure, don't let the door hit you on your way out. Make sure to cry about it online for likes and upvotes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Sure, don't let the door hit you on your way out. Make sure to cry about it online for likes and upvotes.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Why do boomers need detailed miniatures to use their imagination? Why do they need to turn tabletop RPGs into off-brand Warhammer?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Me and my friends didn't even use GM screens or battle maps and just drew on regular loose leaf paper meanwhile the guys I play with will get confused as to how to play without something sitting their that's a direct one to one with what's supposed to be happening in hsme.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's ok to be poor, anon. It is more fun to use miniatures for some games, some times. Props help create an atmosphere.

        I never thought I'd end up being the old man that yells at the cloud, but here I am... Older, and everything is more cloud-like, and I want to yell.

        Right? It's the worst. On the other hand, I rand a game for a few months for three people in their early twenties, and me and one other player in our 40s. I said "please keep your phones away" during character creation and it never came up again. Every once in a while someone would look at a text or something discretely. But asking seemed good enough to mostly prevent the problem.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Poverty is not a temporary state for the majority of people and there is neither do they have any way out of it. Your condescension speaks to your vapid and psychopathic personality. It's little wonder you're addicted to consumerism, being such a hollow and easily influenced person.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    A general rule at my house (And I'm not joking here,) is that everyone leaves their phone by the door. Myself included. If you need to use your phone or it rings, you go to the front foyer to use it. You can come back when you're done.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hahaha, holy shit, what a fricking loser.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Go frick yourself Black person, that anon is based, seethe moron.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >mindrotten creature that can only communicate by spewing buzzwords
          You don't even play any games, frick off.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You house sounds like shit and you sound like a shit person.
        Glad I'll never have to associate with you. Have a bad weekend and hope you join us in 2024 one day before you die of old age.

        Imagine getting THIS UPSET over having to leave your phone by the door. Holy shit, you weren't raised right. Your parents failed you. Sorry anon. I pity you.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm sorry you think that is normal and acceptable behavior. I'm sorry you were raised that way, I'm sure there is a lot of underlying trauma there, but you can be and do better than your parents did.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I definitely miss my college years(99-03) and being able to just have a game without constant interruptions. I wish I could wave a magic wand and magically make any mobile device more advanced than a Sidekick stop working. Force everyone back into first person POV again.

          Everyone's going around just desperate to flex on other people in petty ways. Off-leash dogs at the state park, blasting music on bluetooth speakers on the bus, stopping to have conversations in busy entryways. My wife's a librarian and they won't even tell patrons to keep conversation volume down or not look at porn on the computers anymore because they know they'll have a fight on their hands.

          As someone who can’t look people in the eye without having a panic attack, I absolutely love that it’s socially acceptable now to never fricking hold eye contact while you have your magic slab out. Everyone’s a zombie, safely locked away in their own containment sphere. Autists of the past could only dream of how good it would get.

          Autists of the past used to be buck broken by neurotypicals until the less severe ones could LARP as a normal person and that was a good thing. I'm totally serious here, aspies who would be incel NEETs today worked part-time at the computer repair store and had a weird girlfriend in the 90's.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You house sounds like shit and you sound like a shit person.
      Glad I'll never have to associate with you. Have a bad weekend and hope you join us in 2024 one day before you die of old age.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I know that this is just easy bait.

    Seriously though the number of people who simply can't function without constantly staring at a screen is mind-boggling. It does interrupt games. And dinners. And conversations. And work. And literally everything. Buncha socially moronic children who can barely look someone else in the eye without having a fricking panic attack.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I never thought I'd end up being the old man that yells at the cloud, but here I am... Older, and everything is more cloud-like, and I want to yell.

    • 4 weeks ago

      As someone who can’t look people in the eye without having a panic attack, I absolutely love that it’s socially acceptable now to never fricking hold eye contact while you have your magic slab out. Everyone’s a zombie, safely locked away in their own containment sphere. Autists of the past could only dream of how good it would get.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Glad you found your safe space, anon. Psych. Grow some fricking balls, learn social skills, and stop pretending that incompetence is an illness. You have to learn things.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I sure was not expecting the boomer brigade but it is the weekend so...

    Every good DM uses a laptop or tablet. Note cards is caveman stuff.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You're on /tg/. We've always been an older crowd. It's been clinically demonstrated that people who don't write by hand have worse memories and comprehension. It's an incredibly important skill, and it's actually a niche hobby among zoomers. You should get into it so that you can become smarter and better than you are.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The DM is allowed to keep his computer out because he's playing all the time so he can't get distracted by Reddit or Twitter or Discord. Pl*yoids need to stay focused and should use paper sheets so they do not mentally check out the moment they're not in the spotlight.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    90% of this thread was mad when telephones stopped having cords, so I wouldn't listen to these fools about anything.
    Hand writing notes lol.
    >Not using the most basic tech everyone even has in their pockets and uses for most jobs

    Boomers are currently dying at a rate of 1 every 15 seconds, hope it gets lower soon and takes the other braindead cavemen with them soon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You house sounds like shit and you sound like a shit person.
      Glad I'll never have to associate with you. Have a bad weekend and hope you join us in 2024 one day before you die of old age.

      Do you homosexuals even play TRPGs ? Or you're doing it for social media clout ?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm 39 years old.
        My phone keeps me in contact with my family and has alerts for when my type 1 diabetic daughter who is 4 years old goes to high or low so, you can frick off with telling me what to do with my phone.
        Also, do you boomers not have downtime where you're character is doing nothing or someone is looking at some rule thing that you can't just check your messages and/or Facebook for a second?

        You dipshits sound like if you look at a phone you can't look away, which sounds like a personal problem with being old-brained as frick.

        • 4 weeks ago

          "Hey, anon, could you turn your phone off?"

          • 4 weeks ago

            I doubt my response would be that drastic but if it helps your argument to make up imaginary responses from people you don't know, go for it.
            I'd tell them I'm not turning off my phone and will be keeping it on me and powered on, if that is a deal breaker, I probably wouldn't want to join your table anyway, so nothing of value would be lost.

            • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          Black person, we're in the same miserable age-range, and last thing I need is for my players to be worried about their social media upvotes or likes, while I'm trying to manage a game of Shadowrun or Mekton. Because it means they cant unplug their brain from Zucc's spyware network for five fricking seconds to divert their brainpower for something else than deep fried tiktok slop or reddit upvotes
          Your kid has diabetes? Fine, understandable in that regard, but if you're gonna get distracted every 5 seconds for retweet notifications or derail the game to show us a shitty tiktok trend while the rest of the party is trying to set up a hit on Renraku's R&D facility or prepare to face a skaven engineer ready to take over fricking middenheim, then you and I will have a fricking problem

          • 4 weeks ago

            No offense, but if these are the players you see with phones then you're community is garbage and shit.
            I'm a fricking adult. I know when to use my phone and when to not use it.
            I'm not autistic either, so that might have something to do with it. I suggest getting a better friend group. These issues are not related to the tech, they are related to the people you are playing with.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Also, the way you throw around the word ''Black person'' makes it pretty obvious about the kind of person you are, and the kind of people that would associate with the kind of person you are.
            Like I mentioned before, I probably wouldn't want to play with you or your playgroups anyway.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Is it your daughter's diabetes you're worried about, or are you starting xer on testosterone already at age 4?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I refuse to be punished for other players' problems. Fricking kick them.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This is exactly how addicts react when told they have a problem.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We can't all make it through life with an abacus, you fricking braindead old piece of shit.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Okay, okay! But would you mind just putting your phone in your pocket and not taking it out during the session?

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                Okay! Okay! You're not addicted. You just need access to your phone at all times. I understand.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Then die

          • 4 weeks ago

            I AM NOT ADDICTED!


        • 4 weeks ago

          Imagibe having littld self-control lmao. Fricking hell.

        • 4 weeks ago

          senile old frick thinks he's not the boomer lmaooo

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Lemme check FB for sec'.

          Fricking Hell mate. Of all the places and knowledge at your fingertips? I'll make sure to base a npc on you for my next Kult one-shot.

          Frick off this board already!

          • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          >just check your messages and/or Facebook for a second?
          You go to places to hang out with people in a social environment still have the compulsion to check Facebook?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bro you sound wound up.
          Close Ganker, chill for a bit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >trusting your partner so little with your daughter's life
          >or being a single parent

        • 4 weeks ago

          Come back when you turn 18, underage gay.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >spawned a genetic subnormal who would die in nature from...eating food
          >is a phone-addicted poofter
          Yup checks out. Do the world a favour and euthenise yourself and your dead-end family asap.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Oh, you're that guy. The guy who swears he can make time for a game, but then he didn't tell THE WIFE and shows up to the session with his kids in tow and is like "CAN THEY JUST PLAY IN THE LIVING ROOM DURING THE GAME"

          Frick you. If you need to be monitoring your child's blood sugar 24/7, then you should be doing that rather than fricking off until your kid's old enough to take care of themselves. There's a whole group of people trying to do a thing here.

          And don't give me this KIDS THESE DAYS shit. I'm older than you.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I play in a dark room with candles. Playing any gay game on the phone will certainly kill the atmosphere. Lucky me, my players also think like this.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >"Ehm, I'm using the computer for my pdfs, telling me not to use it is ableist against people who can't read a physical book."
    >"Anon, it's your turn."
    >"Huh? Sorry, I was browsing Reddit, what's happened?"

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >the youngest of boomers are/will be turning 60 this year, with the oldest being ~78
    How many do everyone in this thread know who even have the mental faculty to stay awake at a table for hours to a time, let alone play a character properly?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Where is the lie?

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Running a game for my generational cohorts can be an exercise in uttermost frustration because of those things.
    It's worse because half of them keep their character sheets on their phones, and every time we've gotten physical sheets half of them manage to lose them in a week. I've even tried keeping all the character sheets at my place but they still manage to fricking lose them.
    One day I'll grow enough of a backbone to do more than ask them to put them away, but they are friends so being firm is harder than it might be. They're not respecting the time I'm putting into this by looking at twitter but if I go off about that I'll sound like their fricking mothers so who knows. Maybe I'll just start hosting games somewhere with no signal like a cave.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You must be a pretty shit DM to lose character sheets that are kept at your own home huh.
      I play in a group and we look at our phones all the time and are still invested 100% into the game.
      What kind of mental issues do people have that would require them to be 100% phone or 100% dnd lol.
      Stay mad and I hope all your friends leave you for a better DM because you obviously can't cut it.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >router has a phone app that lets me manage the parental controls
    >specifically, app blocking
    >blocks both the website version and the executable app
    >can be put on a schedule
    At precisely 6:30pm sharp on session nights, the internet mysteriously becomes incapable of connecting to social media sites. Who knows how that could be happening? Anyway, make your attack roll.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well Played, Sir

    • 4 weeks ago

      Those fricking old moron thinks phones can't get on the Internet without wifi.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maybe I was a little too vague about it, but nobody's even noticed that I've done it yet, and it's been over a year. They don't get any notifications, so it isn't demanding their attention. When they do look at it, it gives them a loading screen, then they look away and get engaged by the game before they notice that it should have loaded by then.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Lol. He has to trick his friends to pay attention to him.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    yeah idk man when threads about smartphone use pre-covid were more popular i had the same opinion

    if you literally cannot trust me to pay attention to the game without outside input why did you even invite me to the game, similarly i just let me glance at my phone if it gets a message christ it takes like 10 seconds to drag it out, glance at it and put it back away - you dont even have to stop narrating

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >olds demand to be treated a certain way
    >olds demand others behave certain ways around them
    >olds are also unwilling to alter their behaviors in any way to suit others
    >throw a fit when others don't want to deal with this
    Hmmmmmmm, I wonder if theres a name for this kind of behavior

    • 4 weeks ago

      Setting boundaries.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not when The Kids These Days do it though, then it's moronic brainrot and probably liberal corruption too

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sounds like cancerous toxic behavior to me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hopefully they die off soon. They are usually shit RPers and DMs anyway

      • 4 weeks ago

        Don't cry so hard little anon.
        Someday soon you will be old.
        Someone caring will wish for your early death.
        The Circle of Life.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The GM is called game MASTER for a reason. If you cannot accept that, you should not play.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I’d say everyone is allowed to use their devices under the masquerade of using it for rules but if you start or browsing shit unrelated to dnd you are a shit player. Also it’s your turn X ‘huh’
    Shits me off.

    T.guy who uses tablet for rules but also keeps an exhaustive pen and paper session log.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    everyone with a preemptive excuse is lying and coping
    "I should be exempt because [emergency] could happen"
    if an emergency happens you tell people at the time it does and they will forgive you, that's how special circumstances work, you don't need to tee them up beforehand

    • 4 weeks ago

      do you think people pre-schedule their emergencies or something?

      • 4 weeks ago

        my post was badly worded

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Sorry zoomer, I'm not asking.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Isn’t that literally a felony?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Your Honour! He was looking at his phone!
        >during a tense game of Car Lesbians!
        >And he even asked me which stat to roll! >There's only two stats!

      • 4 weeks ago

        >officer you don't understand
        What are the fricking radio feds going to do, send me a letter?

  22. 4 weeks ago

    It's an excellent suggestion, if only because it means not playing with people like you.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Can't wait until these peabrained dipshit old fricks piss off and die already so TTRPG's can evolve past what they thought playing in their basement as 7 years olds was like.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You trying waay to fricking hard in bumping this thread homosexual. The discussion has dried out, move on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >when will TTRPGs evolve past the TT already

      • 4 weeks ago

        when will angry young turds evolve past the angry young turd era anyway

    • 4 weeks ago

      This, but for everything except fiction. I love reading boomers old fricks fictional fantasies and schizo opinions about the world. But letting them have any say in shaping my world (reality) is a mistake. Its like whole generations have delusions of their worth and opinions. They're amusing at best.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Hang outs for kids these days are literally them in the same room looking at their phones.

    Its fricking sad.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Technology has always been fascinating to kids, moreso than socializing. I remember my generation playing those old ass nokia minigolf mobile games like it's a championship in primary school.
      The solution our parents did was simply not let us hang out unless we go play basketball or football or something. We didn't go "hang out" we went to do something together. Usually at our parents recomendation, until we grew up.
      Parents that take a break from parenting by giving their kids a smartphone are morons, doubly so if they don't do it temporalily.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Not that I'd tell you to turn it off, life happens and I don't want someone missing a family emergency or anything, but if you're glued to your phone my group would be telling you to frick off before you'd get a chance to say it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hey, wow, a reasonable ask.
      Thanks for not being a booming dipshit.
      If someone is just staring at their phone tell them to frick off, it's that easy.
      Boomers are social morons and a lot of zoomers are as well.
      Frick both of them.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Cheers to that

    • 4 weeks ago

      same man. Alot of my players use sheets on their phones, but no one is texting or looking at memes or youtube or somthing. That would just be rude.

      When im a player, I do use a spell book app, but everything else is pen and paper

      • 4 weeks ago

        Most of my players use paper, but I recently had a guy that brought a digital character sheet. I was nervous at first, seeing him staring at it during combat, but I quickly realized it was a non-issue when he came into his turn with a plan and realized he was just studying his sheet.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    It's pretty much only done in a military context. If you're just raiders, you neither have the time (setting fires isn't as easy as it looks in movies without ready access to accelerants) or the inclination. Your goal is to grab portable wealth and get out of there with a minimum of fuss. If you're a foraging army though, burning homes and farms displaces the local population and denies their resources to your enemy, who presumably has the time and connections to make continued use of the territory when you've moved on.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    You aren't allowed to have phones of any type in a courtroom. So do zoomers regularly throw shitfits about that during jury selection and getting held in contempt or tossed out by the bailiff?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's almost like olds might be delusional and obsessed with the strawmen they make up in their heads

  29. 4 weeks ago

    escaping smartphone addiction must be a horrible burden to the youngsters

  30. 4 weeks ago

    >he is bumping again to continue telling people how he "rand" a game of d&d in the before-time
    >he is confused by the use of no minis
    >he doesnt realize a using a grid is an optional rule
    I know the spread of smartphones through your area has been like wildfire, but I promise life on the ganges isn't going to change that much, sir. You don't have to self pity bump again, I think we got how much you dislike your pager.

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