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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Is MEIOU the Mental Omega of ewwIV?

    • 8 months ago

      Can't stand meiou, whole mod is like someone took the cookie clicker estate mechanics and made that the whole game. Id rather just play vanilla at that point plus it runs like shit.

  2. 8 months ago

    Considering an ambitious campaign.

    >start as Austria
    >expand the HRE out to original Roman Borders, far into North Africa and the Middle East
    >decentralized reforms
    >create HRE-ified Rome.

    How does this sound? It'll be one hell of a challenge, playing Austria is already a cat-herding contest as it is.

    • 8 months ago

      Also, I'd have to make a bunch of puppet states and release them because there aren't enough releasables. Rough one.

      • 8 months ago

        Considering an ambitious campaign.

        >start as Austria
        >expand the HRE out to original Roman Borders, far into North Africa and the Middle East
        >decentralized reforms
        >create HRE-ified Rome.

        How does this sound? It'll be one hell of a challenge, playing Austria is already a cat-herding contest as it is.

        I did something like this a long time ago with Austria. Just have a plan for who gets what. For me Genoa got Africa, Knights got Holy Land, etc. Once HRE princes no longer take up a diplo slot it's easy going. In terms of Europe I never went into Iberia but had good fun balkanizing France.
        Post pictures once you've done it.

        • 8 months ago

          >Post pictures once you've done it.
          I will do so.

    • 8 months ago

      Only Europeans can join the HRE.

  3. 8 months ago

    frick off pdx im not paying $500 for your ms paint 3.0 game
    >inb4 hurr durr you can play for $5 a month

    • 8 months ago

      I got the whole thing for 20 bucks on humble bundle. Get on my level discountlet.

      • 8 months ago

        HEY, ME TOO!
        That was a really good sale.

      • 8 months ago

        I got the whole thing on for 0$. How about you get on mine level, huh?

        • 8 months ago

          >he has to manually install each and every mod and be a freeloading Black person
          no thanks I'm white

          • 8 months ago

            >He considers a copy-paste from folder A to B to be too much work to bother
            Is this the famous Steam brain-rot? Where people below 30 are less capable with using computers than the freshly minted retirees?

            • 8 months ago

              >he will have to repeat that exact procedure every update, and hope that his favorite Russian mod pirate site has updated all of his mods, or that Steamworkshop downloader doesn't bug out like it does 90 times out of ten

              >no thanks I'm a goyslopper

              >paying for things is a goyim thing

              • 8 months ago

                Jesus Christ, what sort of level of cultism do you have to be to not see anything wrong mods behind a paywall.
                When I want to play a mod for Victoria 2 I just go on moddb and download the mod. When I want to play an EU4 mod I have to make a paradox forum account, connect it with my steam account to show them that I've bought the game and only then can I download.
                Why can't EWW4 modders just upload their mods to moddb or nexus?

              • 8 months ago

                Zoomers don't know how to use computers, its that simple

              • 8 months ago

                This is why everyone says buy the base game because it's like 5 bucks and pirate the dlc.

              • 8 months ago

                >what sort of level of cultism do you have to be to not see anything wrong mods behind a paywall.
                I do see a lot of things wrong with it, but I don't work in Paradox and I can't do anything about it so rather than be a moaning Black person I'll just buy the whole thing for cheap and enjoy hassle-free modding. Go find someone else to be mad at.

              • 8 months ago

                All mods are on skymods
                I use GoG Eu4 with a cracked launcher.

              • 8 months ago

                This is why everyone says buy the base game because it's like 5 bucks and pirate the dlc.

                The base game was given for free literally a dozen times. And I'm not snide, just pointing out. Last time was I think something like May?

              • 8 months ago

                Imagine being so fricking clueless, you just start saying random nonsense in the dire hope it will somehow stick.
                You really have no clue how modding works, don't you?

              • 8 months ago

                >moron doesn't know that steam-exclusive mods have to be downloaded through skymods or steamworkshopdownloader
                >moron doesn't know that mods on skymods frequently go outdated and have to be manually requested to be updated by the site owner
                >moron doesn't know that mods from steamworkshopdownloader are not packaged with the .mod files needed to actually make the game recognize the mods, necessitating the player to manually create the .mod file themselves for potentially dozens of mods
                >moron calls anyone clueless when he's clearly a Bethesda drone who thinks every game is as simple as Skyrim to mod
                you were probably in grade school back when I had to manually install 70 mods for a pirated copy of Stellaris every single update, zoomie. Don't even bother (you)ing me with some moronic seethe instead of a proper retort.

              • 8 months ago

                >a pirated copy of Stellaris every single update
                your mistake was updating the game
                I just pirate games and play them without any updates forever

              • 8 months ago

                that's nice and all but sometimes updates fix pressing issues. I remember the early days of Stellaris when one outpost could claim multiple systems and enemy could somehow steal systems from you without starting war.

              • 8 months ago

                This is a good point, I don't think steam workshop lets you download old versions of mods so if you ever rollback an update you'll have to use skymods to get archived versions.

              • 8 months ago

                >Talks about Stellaris as some distant past
                >Calls anyone a zoomer
                >While being clearly incompetent with modding and projecting how hard it is to do on your own
                Like the other anon said, why would you CONSTANTLY update the game, other than suffering from steam brain-rot and thus it being done automatically for you? Because I'm pretty certain I was swapping floppies around the time your parents were still in high school.

              • 8 months ago

                >moron doesn't deny not knowing how modding modern paradox games work and just deflect to "why do you update so often?"

          • 8 months ago

            >no thanks I'm a goyslopper

          • 8 months ago
            Menace II Society

            >t.indian Hands wrote that
            >t.Wetback hands wrote that
            What important is that you will never be white CARLOS RANJEET.

  4. 8 months ago

    Flick is a tard

  5. 8 months ago

    >Has Circassian woman swanning over a Russoid
    There are times when I wonder if Flick is getting worse and worse at trolling, or has ever-worsening propaganda brain-rot.

    • 8 months ago

      >women never fell in love with their conquerors, they are all patriots

      • 8 months ago

        That isn't the word I would use for what Russians did in Circassia or with Circassians. But given your post was made during Amerimutt hours, at least your ignorance is somewhat justified

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not caught up on Russian-Caucasian politics but I do remember reading about a Russian mercenary officer in the late 19th-early 20th century who despised Circassians so much he would keep a collection of heads of Circassians he had killed under his bed to help him sleep

          • 8 months ago

            They wiped out anywhere between 800k to 1.5 million people in an active, deliberate way. It's not "despise", it's one of the better documented genocides ever conducted.
            And they did it for a completely useless piece of land that, once so severely depopulated, became even less useful.

            • 8 months ago

              It's pretty crazy how everyone (even buddhists) start genociding muslims for no reason haha

              • 8 months ago

                And yet China keeps denying that they're committing a holocaust there.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not holocaust. The chinks are putting the Uighurs in camps to be assimilated into chinkdom. A holocaust would be if they gas the Uighurs in rooms with wooden doors instead.

              • 8 months ago

                >Le education camp copium
                t. holocaust denier

              • 8 months ago

                You do know you just labelled yourself as a Holocaust denier, right, newbie?

              • 8 months ago

                >t. newbie

            • 8 months ago

              deserved for being mohamedans

              • 8 months ago

                When did they convert, they start as orthodox in game

              • 8 months ago

                Vast majority of Circassians were members of both the Armenian Apostolic Church and just Orthodox. The ones that SURVIVED were Muslims, because they could just run off to the Ottomans without any major fears.

              • 8 months ago

                You are wrong. However you should take your sources for this information to your local university history department and make sure they sign something that will say you are partially credited or fully credited for this discovery.
                >Starting in 1717, Circassians began to convert en masse to Islam. This was the product of an effort launched by the Muslim Ottoman Empire to expand its influence in the Caucasus Mountains. The predominant branch of Islam among the Circassians is Sunni Islam, which most of its modern-day population of five million practice

                During the """genocide""" the circassians were offered the chance to convert and those that did were not killed.

              • 8 months ago

                Your "source" says that in the 1700's, Circassians began to convert en masse. It doesn't actually say if it became a majority of the population

              • 8 months ago

                >Circassian genocide in triple quotes
                Come on, Ivan, you can better than that.

    • 8 months ago

      ">Has Circassian woman swanning over a Russoid", says increasingly nervous Circassian man for the 20th time

    • 8 months ago

      This picture is years old, Anon. Calm down.

      • 8 months ago

        >Flick's brain-rot wasn't set 5 years ago
        Optimist, I see

    • 8 months ago

      i literally don't even know what that is you stupid fricking homosexual lol holy frickin shit lol poor eurogays are so fricking annoying
      "a circsassian ruthenoid caucagolian would never submit to a slavgerm anglod balton, if you look at the spear battle of 1235"
      shut the frick up you poor peasant old world country homosexuals lol holy shit, get off the internet, you shouldnt even be allowed to have the internet, the internet was made by white upper middle class americans, for white upper middle class americans. your people could not invent a computer. your people could not build an airplane. if the plug got pulled between us (real humans) and your people, you couldnt even produce a single automobile. so shut the frick up, you arent real
      no one gives a frick about your $2000 gdp per capita, no civilization, no modernity, no military, no progress, pseudo country. just go away
      that also goes for russians too by the way, im not picking on you got buttmad about russians. russians are also pseudo people too

      • 8 months ago

        touch grass you terminally online amerishart

        • 8 months ago

          What are you gonna do, cast a gypsy curse? Talk to the imam about it? Do a gay little kicking dance? Get alcohol poisoning at me? Lol

        • 8 months ago

          first, if you sell your women as slaves, they might end up anywhere.
          second, don't get anyone mad enough to assign a German on COIN

          > Russian generals such as Grigory Zass
          > *looks closer
          > Georg Otto Ewald Freiherr von Saß
          every time

      • 8 months ago
  6. 8 months ago


    Swap the effects of 'at peace' and 'centralization effort' for autonomy, then give 'at peace a further -.02 debuff. Centralizing your country should be a continuous struggle throughout the game, with big rewards (more money and manpower) for being able to carry through with it for a long time. That was like THE problem for European states during the game's time. Passive autonomy reduction should be very very low, only to help keep stragglers at a safe minimum of behindness.


  7. 8 months ago


    Are you ok?

    • 8 months ago

      No, I've wasted my life on a troony homosexual third-world Black person incel website called "Ganker".

  8. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >teutons still live
      >not Prussia
      My Black person what are you doing?

      • 8 months ago

        Taking it slow.

    • 8 months ago

      if they vote for you you are going to lose the empire in 1 or 2 years anyway when you flip protestant

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I realized that I was way too small at the time to handle it so I converted to dump the emperorship.

        Maybe I'll do it later.

  9. 8 months ago

    Why the frick does the sardinian tree not give claims on central italy states, not even Rome.
    You get permaclaims on occitan and gascon culture provinces but not on Rome not even when you own the rest of Italy

    • 8 months ago

      Stay on your island Nephilim. The time of the giants is passed it's homosexual SAPIENS now.
      Maybe it's trying to get you to go into Savoy territory? In either case just make your own claims in Carthage.

  10. 8 months ago


    You were banned over posting gore, which is true, and not about your post.
    Next time, post the same shit without the gore

    • 8 months ago

      You're an idiot if you don't think jannies are selective with their bans. And they would have banned me whether I posted gore or not, they just would have used some other nebulous rule like "offtopic" or "complaining about Ganker".

      • 8 months ago

        Anon, ever since new, pro-bot policies came to life last year, I've got banned on /tg/ more times, that I've been banned in total since '09.
        That doesn't change the fact that you've posted gore on blue board and throw a tantrum over punishment for that. Your political views and ideas have nothing to do with any of it. It's just wrong image for wrong board.
        Hence: drop the image and you will be fine. You might as well just use any of the billion clips of Russian tanks being turned into turret catapults with AT weapons, those are fine game due to being "blue".

        • 8 months ago

          >That doesn't change the fact that you've posted gore on blue board and throw a tantrum over punishment for that.
          I think I got a 2-3 day ban from that exact same thread, you do get bans from lasism and for ukra-russo off-topic posting both here on /tg/, even if you just call someone a Black person in an off-topic post chain.

          But you are right about how fricking easily you get warned or banned on /tg/ now compared to the early days, never been banned before this year, and now I have gotten 2-3 warnings and bans over there.

  11. 8 months ago

    /tg/ is the proof that men's hobbies should stay as men's hobbies.
    I hate w*men so much it's unreal.

    • 8 months ago


  12. 8 months ago


    You're an idiot if you don't think jannies are selective with their bans. And they would have banned me whether I posted gore or not, they just would have used some other nebulous rule like "offtopic" or "complaining about Ganker".

    have a nice day subhuman commie, your constant seething is completely off-topic regardless whatever braindead leftist delusion you use to justify it.

  13. 8 months ago

    >try byzantium run
    >do everything normally
    >build army and alliances
    >wait for ottos to declare on some anatolian minor
    >they declare on me instead
    >it happens again

    • 8 months ago

      redhawk's guide is better for the current patch

      • 8 months ago

        I was following his guide lmao
        I already had another 1.35 byz run a while ago and the ottos behaved exactly as in the video, for some reason they feel like attacking me first today

  14. 8 months ago

    >wait until Ottomans build a massive army
    >declare war and occupy all their money provinces
    >just avoid battles and let them go bankrupt
    I'm not fighting pedos

  15. 8 months ago

    >turks beeline for murmansk while I take out goldmines and their capital
    that's one way to save on manpower costs idiot AI

  16. 8 months ago


    Maybe stop being a fricking commie, you tard. Ever thought of that? Maybe then you'd stop getting banned for commie-shit.

  17. 8 months ago

    I've gotten myself in the most cancerous position. I'm playing Prussia, Austria hates me, Lithuania and Poland are separate but allied, France is allied to both Lithuania and Spain.

    So now it's just a shit sandwich. I'm just gonna have to chew through HRE princes until I have some weight to throw around. Lithuania has 40k, Poland has 40k, France has 100k, Spain has another 100k.

    This is a nightmare.

    • 8 months ago

      bro just do germany by the 1500s just like in the video ez pz end game tag like that

    • 8 months ago

      Your best option is Denmark and Bongs in that order. Denmark is a good ally but dogshit to fight against.
      What about Bohemia as well or have you started taking their shit?

      • 8 months ago

        Bohemia got HAPSBURGED in the first few decades. They got involved in a war with Hungary, it was complicated, and lots their entire army of 25k. Then Austria pounced. Now Austria has Bohemia, Silesia, and some stuff in southern Germany as well.

        bro just do germany by the 1500s just like in the video ez pz end game tag like that

        I think I'm going to ally England and hope for the best. France is just so huge right now, it's insane. Pray for me.

        • 8 months ago

          What about Venice, Milan, Tuscany? They come in after Denmark and Bongs because Venice is going to drag you into turk wars but they are a good counter (distraction) to Austria.

          Also Ottomans has 250k how does that even happen? It's impossibly large.

          You are probably playing on VH. Hard is enough unless you are a masochist.

  18. 8 months ago

    >playing Yuan
    >randomly have discovery of Australia spread to me
    >decide to take exploration ideas so I can have a cool Mongol Australia
    >Portugal shows up out of nowhere and drops 4 colonies before my first one is fully established
    >"ok maybe I'll go for California instead"
    >all of Western North America colonized already by Spain and England for some reason all the way up to Cascadia

    The year was 1578. I started playing EU4 shortly before the release of Leviathan. Has it always been like this? Does the community not take issue with the state of colonization?

    • 8 months ago

      It wasn't always like this. I don't remember when it tilted over, but colonization is way too fast and there are way too many native nations now. I think that happened around the time of Leviathan. I've seen people still complaining, but it doesn't seem like the biggest issue to them, unfortunately.

    • 8 months ago

      >I started playing EU4 shortly before the release of Leviathan
      Genuine condolences.
      Depending on who you ask, the final DLC was either Mandate of Heaven or Third Rome. Everything after those is a mixed bag, and everything after Dharma was a shitshow (Dharma included).
      And you've started up when the game was at its lowest low, which absolutely fricked whatever was still playable in the game, colonisation included.
      Nobody sane plays past Rule Britannia, and that one is only "up" because bunch of good mods requires patch that came with it.

      • 8 months ago

        So playing on older versions is more fun? If so, which one?

        • 8 months ago

          Like I've said, ymmv, but anything past patch 1.24.1 is actively hurting your game. It really started to rot with 1.25 mission rework into the current trees, mindlessly aping GoY$ design.

    • 8 months ago

      >Does the community not take issue with the state of colonization?
      Declare a colonial war.

    • 8 months ago

      1- The state of colonization is the reason it's somewhat fun to play colonizers, you can paint the map somewhat quickly rather than reach 1812 with large strips of land uncolonized.
      2- Players are fine with it because nobody knows the history of pre-19th colonization, while everybody want themselve over the 30 years wars and whatnot.

      • 8 months ago

        Speak for yourself I'm not fine with it, it's made playing any non major as a colonizer shit and I'm on the brink of just modding all settler bonuses in half and removing half the tribes in the game

        • 8 months ago

          Do eet

        • 8 months ago

          There's a guy who posts solutions to your problems in every thread since at least January and they work. There's also another guy who posts the math on Inno in every thread but people still keep posting this reddit tier nonsense that Inno is not as good as 2 or 3 idea groups combined.
          >look through the archives
          >put up with it
          >go cry on paradox plaza

  19. 8 months ago

    Also Ottomans has 250k how does that even happen? It's impossibly large.

  20. 8 months ago

    How do we feel about this war? Am I ready? Me and Austria are on same mil tech. I have full quality ideas, he has full defensive ideas. I could wait longer and maybe get an alliance with France, maybe.

    This is a big deal so I should probably take it slow, not just jump into it headlong.

    • 8 months ago

      Post the league war mapmode

  21. 8 months ago

    And it's just my luck that England stayed catholic this game. Everything is against me.

  22. 8 months ago

    And so it begins.

    • 8 months ago

      Thats an easy win dude. Just take out princes one at a time and keep an eye on when Russia overruns Lithuania. Then its just everyone vs Austria (and England, who will do nothing). You've already won

      • 8 months ago


        The strat is to snipe princes while Russia bops Lithuania? I was going to beeline for Austria and use my 3 star general (5 fire 4 shock) to whack him good, which I thought would give us a decisive advantage. I'm afraid that if I try sieging down princes he'll go straight for my capital and I won't be able to stop him. I'll be relying on the AI to defend my land for me.

        Idk, I'm not a general. We'll see how it goes.

        • 8 months ago

          The problem with bee lining the Emperor is that every country has a -50 "Religious War" modifier to peaceing out and Religious Domination is 50% WS. Plus, loads of little princes really add up. I find it more reliable in any large war to focus nations one at a time before isolating the largest nation

        • 8 months ago

          >I was going to beeline for Austria
          You want defeat in detail. Princes are pathetically weak on their own, and you should take them out first, for the simple reason that you can gobble them all down and, more importantly, won't have to bother with them sending 20 different stacks all over Europe. Instead, you will have 1-2 Austrian stacks to deal with, which can be stalled over a single siege, while you take out one price after another.
          Always, and I mean ALWAYS focus on taking out small fries first. This still allows you to push victory, forces AI to "reconquer" lost land (rather than attack your territory) and decreases the number of participants. By the end of the war, you have either a very easy annexation or just as easy vassal. Hell, they might want to bail out of the war on their own, which is still a good thing.

        • 8 months ago

          >I was going to beeline for Austria
          You want defeat in detail. Princes are pathetically weak on their own, and you should take them out first, for the simple reason that you can gobble them all down and, more importantly, won't have to bother with them sending 20 different stacks all over Europe. Instead, you will have 1-2 Austrian stacks to deal with, which can be stalled over a single siege, while you take out one price after another.
          Always, and I mean ALWAYS focus on taking out small fries first. This still allows you to push victory, forces AI to "reconquer" lost land (rather than attack your territory) and decreases the number of participants. By the end of the war, you have either a very easy annexation or just as easy vassal. Hell, they might want to bail out of the war on their own, which is still a good thing.

          Besides, when you are sieging something, it works like a light source for moths - everything will come to you, but in small, useless stacks, that you will be just mauling to death before further reinforcements arrive. EU4 also changed morale mechanics (and so did 3), so you don't have to be afraid of the infamous EU2 meatgrinder, where sending 1 k of troops in synced way, so new arrival reaches the province every other day kept your morale super-high, forcing enemy to just collapse eventually.

  23. 8 months ago

    I'm actually gonna fricking cum

    • 8 months ago

      Well done m8.
      Check these idiots out. It's only going to get better once I'm at 100% cav ratio.

  24. 8 months ago

    How do you play this shit on a 1440p monitor? With a magnifying glass?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't. I'm a broke college student. I can't afford that kind of luxury.

      • 8 months ago

        ah zoomie cap fr fr?

    • 8 months ago

      i use a resolution mod (ironman compatible)

  25. 8 months ago


    i assume that what triggered your so1 rage is the OP picture of a kievan rus character?

  26. 8 months ago

    I've theory crafted before that the most BS military strat is Orthodox Prussia. Would it be a fun campaign and what patch should I do it in?

    • 8 months ago

      do it with at least Lions of the North. You get the branching mission tree and you can choose the non HRE conquest path that takes you east.

  27. 8 months ago

    >open the game for the first time
    >play for a while as cyprus
    >the year is 1520
    >finally land in western africa
    >discover that all local nations already have cavalry and one has artillery

  28. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      some nice Silesian provinces there
      silesians are hard workers in fertile lands so this is a nice result
      polish economy relies on silesia (which was gifted to them for free) lmao

      • 8 months ago

        >for free
        If you exclude like half of prewar Poland then yeah it was for free. Silesia is kind of a shithole these days.

  29. 8 months ago

    Starting a new England/GB game. I played my first one to the 1580s and it went pretty well but I made some major mistakes that hampered me in the later game like wasting a ton of ADM coring Ireland before getting the PU event, among other things. I'm pretty decent on handling European affairs as Britain but there's other stuff that confused me.

    Any advice for colonization like the order I should do it in? I'm thinking of trying to rush for the Cape ASAP so I can get started on creating the Raj early and also I got cucked by my ally Portugal last time so I don't want to repeat that. Also what should I do for the parliamentary debates? I know some of them are really overpowered but it would be nice to know when to use the better ones.

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm thinking of trying to rush for the Cape ASAP
      check out the mission if you choose the colonisation path you get cape town for free with a stock exchange.

  30. 8 months ago

    I haven't played in a long time, but what the frick is this mission tree garbage and why the frick do they all end up giving you free claims on the entire content?

    • 8 months ago

      PDX saw how well HoI4 focus trees can be monetized by doing minimal work and packaging 3 or so focus trees per DLCs and thus added mission trees to EU4 to milk more DLCs instead of actually improving the game and adding new game mechanics. At least that's my guess.

      • 8 months ago

        No need to be upset my friend, you can ignore it entirely.

    • 8 months ago

      PDX saw how well HoI4 focus trees can be monetized by doing minimal work and packaging 3 or so focus trees per DLCs and thus added mission trees to EU4 to milk more DLCs instead of actually improving the game and adding new game mechanics. At least that's my guess.

      Yeah it was really fun just repeating the same garbage missions over and over again, really good gameplay.

      • 8 months ago

        >Can have missions tied to his current, actual situation, for a bonus that helps with said situation
        >Or a pre-definied line that often requires to do completely moronic thing to gain a bonus into useless shit
        Gee, what a great idea!
        EU2 had the best missions. Randomly generates stuff with varied complexity and point pay-off. EU3 introducing bonuses for finishing missions was in the long run a mistake.

        • 8 months ago

          >completely moronic thing
          You just outed yourself as a moron.

  31. 8 months ago

    >playing Merv in Ante Bellum
    >fighting my first war against the Shapurids
    >my 2 siege pip general fails nine consecutive 49% siege ticks in a row
    >Shapurids succeed on a 28% and come back and lift the siege
    >I lose the war because of this
    Talk me off the ledge anons.

    • 8 months ago

      Just assault the fort, if you've gone through that many ticks it should barely have anyone left in it

    • 8 months ago

      ledge makes your corpse very messy. No open casket funeral. Rope self instead.

  32. 8 months ago

    >ottomans has 330k in 1560
    I guess the game is over then lmao. Whatever.

    • 8 months ago

      >open console command
      >revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151 revolt 151
      problem solved.

  33. 8 months ago

    The current mission trees really do railroad the game, which normalgays love, and it ruins the sandbox feeling of the game.

  34. 8 months ago

    Is there some kind of trick for getting meiou to not run like shit and crashing?
    Would also like tips for playing france

    • 8 months ago

      >to not run like shit
      Too many changing variables in each province to not choke out the lone CPU core that ew4 uses I guess? So no tricks here
      Personally I only ever crash if I click too much on the yearly processing tick

    • 8 months ago

      Disable water in option file. Works in all PDX games with a map. No clue about the crashing part though.

  35. 8 months ago

    I love my forts
    I love min-maxing defenses
    I love my forts taking 2 months to advance a single tick
    I love my forts killing 1/4 of the enemy total army all by themselves
    I love ez wins on my fort provinces

    Did I mention I love forts? Because I love forts.

    • 8 months ago

      >47k men can't siege a fort
      imagine the sheer number of secret passages those guys must have

      • 8 months ago

        I wish you could put field armies into forts. Not "refill garrison", but if you had 50k men in a field army, you should be able to shove them in there Przemyśl style. The Austrians had 138,000 men in that fort

        • 8 months ago

          kek I did not even notice the garrison of 17k
          You already have armies in there

          • 8 months ago

            That just gets to the point that garrisons are conjured out of thin air. You occupy a castle and it slowly fills to 3k men from...? I guess the locals are just that eager to help you fight their government. Realistically, you should be able to refill garrison from day 1 and this should be the ONLY way occupied garrisons refill. That would make forts totally critical to warfare and would slow things down in the early game.
            But of course this will never happen

            Should be cores, honestly. Surviving the first few decades should come with big profits, meaning free cores on Anatolia.

            I'm not a BYZgay but it'd be cool if provinces also flipped to Greek. Though this also gets to the issue of provinces being monolingual and monoreligious.

    • 8 months ago

      Cringe. In Imperial Russia the conscripts are the forts.

      • 8 months ago

        That is true comrade, but think it this way, why throw away into an open field meat grinder until they pour into a single fort and then either let them bleed themselves out, or attack them on the fort for an easy, quick victory.
        This strategy worked well against the combined forced of the Ottomans and the Frenchfries.
        It just makes the game that much easy.

    • 8 months ago

      If you blow the horn, the walls shall fall.
      (innovative, divine, espionage, offensive)

  36. 8 months ago

    So, basically, it's over for Byzzie bros?

    • 8 months ago

      As stated in last thread, certain devs at paradox hate Byzantium.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not a Rome lover but out of all the fantasy tags in the game (Novgorod, Mamlukes, Teutonic Order, Ming, etc), Byzantium is the one that seems to get shit on the most.

    • 8 months ago

      This is going to be a b***h to figure out how to get passed this.

    • 8 months ago

      >fort assault ability -75%
      Harsh but presumably you can still just hire a frickload of mercs and siege down Gelibolu the old fashioned way.
      >shipbuilding time 200%
      Blocking the strait on your own will be basically impossible but you can still take advantage of other nations fleets. Albania and the Knights are easy to bring into an offensive war since they have cores on Otto at the start, and if you attack Epirus for your core early on you can vassalize them and benefit from their small fleet as well

    • 8 months ago

      what do they even give in return for all this? Byzzie better be Prussia-tier after all the hassle to get it started now.

      • 8 months ago

        claims on anatolia

        • 8 months ago

          Should be cores, honestly. Surviving the first few decades should come with big profits, meaning free cores on Anatolia.

        • 8 months ago

          that's gay. Claims are absolutely useless. I always just released some Anatolian minors to core the whole thing for me then annex them.

    • 8 months ago

      What is the historical rationale for this? Low army morale makes sense because people would have seen the writing on the wall and felt they were fighting for a lost cause, but why would shipbuilding time be so much longer when they still had their ports? Why would they become so bad at assaulting forts?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, historically blocking the strait and assaulting the Gallipoli fort is the easy meta strat for Byz players. Teaching the Ottoman AI to control the strait would be hard, kneecapping the player with a modifier is easy.

      • 8 months ago

        >but why would shipbuilding time be so much longer when they still had their ports
        Because building ships requires fricking timber.
        Guess what you don't have an easy access to as a city state literally surrounded by your enemy preparing to rape your ass
        As for forts - no idea, probably "if morale bad, then storming forts for almost guaranteed death badder"

      • 8 months ago

        >Low army morale makes sense because people would have seen the writing on the wall and felt they were fighting for a lost cause

        >but why would shipbuilding time be so much longer when they still had their ports
        Because building ships requires fricking timber.
        Guess what you don't have an easy access to as a city state literally surrounded by your enemy preparing to rape your ass
        As for forts - no idea, probably "if morale bad, then storming forts for almost guaranteed death badder"

        >Because building ships requires fricking timber.

        These two make sense. They should also apply to any tag that has one province or has been reduced to 2 or 3 provinces. Massive morale loss for the rest of the game and increased ship building time lmao.

        • 8 months ago

          I'd be on board with that if they did it consistently. Also, for all the disadvantages Byzantium has at the start, I actually think they should buff Constantinople's fort level. If they had one advantage, it was that those walls were leaps and bounds above what anyone else in the world had at that point in time. If we're going to get super detailed in giving historical disadvantages, we should also get the historical advantages, few as they may be for Byzantium.

          • 8 months ago

            >I'd be on board with that if they did it consistently.
            It's too much work for paradox no doubt. It would probably have to be a disaster and then a scroll click decision thing you can select if you get out of it. Now that I mention this the Teutonic Disaster Rise of the Prussian Confederacy as a timed disaster would probably be more palatable.
            I think every other "doomed" state (Novgorod, QQ, Mamlukes, Granada, Knights, Irish Petty Kings, etc) should be getting something to show they are fantasy tags.

          • 8 months ago

            >If they had one advantage, it was that those walls were leaps and bounds above what anyone else in the world had at that point in time
            It really wasn't. And I blame it squarely on PDX that people started to jerk off to Constantinople's fortifications. They were bog standard of that era, their main feature is that they were old, rather than erected in past 50 or so years.

            • 8 months ago

              Anon "THE WALLS OF CONSTANTINOPLE" were a thing as far back as AoE2

  37. 8 months ago

    How do we feel about the Georgia and Armenia reworks they showed off today?

    • 8 months ago

      Can I get the cliffnotes on them senpai?

      • 8 months ago

        >georgia can now become byzantium by conquering its former territory
        >or get PU wargoals on Russia, alternatively
        >armenia can now form super armenia with +1 to each dev in every province you convert to armenian culture

    • 8 months ago

      Georgia is now the Third Rome
      Armenia gets boni for genociding people

  38. 8 months ago

    Oh also the black and white sheepies too.

  39. 8 months ago

    how come they haven't introduced a busted mechanic like "same religion provinces don't give you overextension"?

  40. 8 months ago

    Prussianon back again, I was complaining about how big the ottomans were getting earlier but I have a lucky break now. They took way too much land out of Austria in one war and now half of Europe has enough AE malice to enter a coalition. We'll see if enough countries join to crack them open.

    Orange = enough AE to join a coalition
    Red = already in coalition
    green bars = truce, so can't join a coalition

    • 8 months ago

      aren't your estates influences a little too high?

      • 8 months ago

        I don't think so. I start getting anxious when they're 80% plus.

        • 8 months ago

          i'm saying because the age of absolutism is just around the corner, unless you're not planning on playing past 1600

          • 8 months ago

            I've only been past 1600 once before and it was a long long time ago. I'm not really sure what absolutism is or what it does or why estates being high influence is a bad thing in the AoA.

    • 8 months ago

      >protestant Prussia
      disgusting. Stay catholic as Prussia, become guardian of the faith, then fight the Ottoman whenever they try to invade a Cath country. Usually any Catholic country the Otto tries to invade will be allied to Austria, so already you have Prussia+Austria+an ally country come bearing down on early game Ottoman at once.

      • 8 months ago

        >Stay catholic as Prussia, become guardian of the faith, then fight the Ottoman
        I sense some really weird border shape

        • 8 months ago

          you'd be correct. The Ottomans never stood a chance with both Prussia and Austria coming down on them. The flipside of this is that instead of a green blob I have a white blob to deal with the entire game.

          • 8 months ago

            ... that's where you flip Protestant and go medieval on Austria

            • 8 months ago

              >flip to protestant
              >in 1770 after I've already eradicated Luther's heretical bullshit from northern Europe
              nah. I also went medieval on Austria already. Poland and Wallachia used to be white on the map too.

              • 8 months ago

                >He released Poland
                >And gave them Silesia, Lusitia and half of Saxony
                You can't be serious

              • 8 months ago

                I'm playing a vassal swamp game. Poland, Wallachia, Sweden, England and Novgorod are all my vassals on that map.

  41. 8 months ago

    How do we feel about this war?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah war it, you will win

      • 8 months ago

        easy win

        I feel like you stress too much. Have some faith in yourself. Also, why is your army so small? I feel like with that land you should be closer to 70-80 FL

        ok anons sorry I'm really tense right now because it's on ironman, I don't want to frick up really bad and get mad.

        I feel like you stress too much. Have some faith in yourself. Also, why is your army so small? I feel like with that land you should be closer to 70-80 FL

        Idk, I'm at max army limit right now. I'm not very good at this game yet.

        • 8 months ago

          >ok anons sorry I'm really tense right now because it's on ironman
          Dude calm down, it's just a videogame, learn to relax a little bit, being this nerveous and on edge is not good both for your health nor your gameplay
          In time you will learn to keep cool even in Ironman

          We can give you some tips on how to play better, if you want.

        • 8 months ago

          Its okay dude, its only a game lol.
          As for your army limit, are you at 0% autonomy everywhere? If you are, you could build regimental camps. Though those are only worth it if you've maxxed out on money producing buildings

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like you stress too much. Have some faith in yourself. Also, why is your army so small? I feel like with that land you should be closer to 70-80 FL

    • 8 months ago

      easy win

  42. 8 months ago

    E-israelite Bore

  43. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      What mod is that

      • 8 months ago

        Meiou and Taxes

      • 8 months ago

        bloat and taxes

  44. 8 months ago

    Seeing a first world power Austria getting this mercilessly torn appart brings me so much joy.
    Frick the HRE.

  45. 8 months ago

    Luv me forts.
    Luv Russian winter.
    Luv defensive stance.
    Luv ramparts
    Luv defensive oriented reforms.
    Luv Edict of Resistance.
    Luv Attrition stacking.
    Luv Garrison Size stacking.
    Luv Defensiveness stacking.

    Simple as.

    • 8 months ago

      Bragging to AI attrition rates is like bragging about painting the map frog-blue - of course the AI is going to have staggering attrition rates, because it's the fricking AI

  46. 8 months ago

    forts too powerful. Basically turn the game into WW1 a century ahead of time. Armies should be able to bypass forts at the cost of massive attrition and combat malus AKA how forts work in real life instead of magically stopping people from going through.

    • 8 months ago

      just assault forts bro

      • 8 months ago

        >forts too powerful.
        >Meanwhile me with cannons and press cannon button to cast cannon spell and break wall
        Forts are only strong before you get cannons. Once you get cannons they're more of a speed bump.

        Works only in the early-mid game.

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            nay thee

        • 8 months ago

          Even if it did by the time you hit the late game your army composition should be an entire back row of cannons so you can easily just get the maximum siege bonus in every siege just by a little stack micro.

    • 8 months ago

      >forts too powerful.
      >Meanwhile me with cannons and press cannon button to cast cannon spell and break wall
      Forts are only strong before you get cannons. Once you get cannons they're more of a speed bump.

  47. 8 months ago

    Aaaaaaaaaand there it is, the only reason why I am playing this nation.
    The 1 million reserve achievement, was that hard but wasnt that easy, merely required Quantity + Religious + all Orthodox provinces + Stack the everloving shit outta of Moscow manpower + Spam Barracks/Soldier's Households almost everywhere, which funny enough this last thing was harder to do than the rest.
    So funny see taking 50k casualties in a single fight and then recovering that same number 5 months later.

    • 8 months ago

      at least get the one where you have to consecrate rome since you're plating orthodox

      • 8 months ago

        Alright, I dont have a navy and I dont think I will have enough time in this run to actually capture and consecreate Rome's state but I will try nonetheless.

  48. 8 months ago

    When are they buffing innovative ideas?

    • 8 months ago

      Innovative is only useful if it is one of the first two ideas picked, anytime after that you are wasting wizard points.

      • 8 months ago

        I think innovative would be better if the tech cost reduction was removed and everything else about it would be buffed. As it is the cost reduction is most of the reason to pick it and the rest is cheaper institutions. With no tech cost and better bonuses overall it would shift from you must pick this first to you can pick this mid game to make institutions cheaper as you blob out among other relevant benefits for an expanding mid game country.

  49. 8 months ago

    Nvm it was fairly easy, just had to skullfrick the Pope, Castile and Venice

  50. 8 months ago

    Should I go a diplo idea or a mil idea? I already have offensive and religious.

    • 8 months ago

      Diplomatic ideas for less ae against arabs.

  51. 8 months ago

    so ive found out the mods that let me put technological penalties on certain regions or cultures so i could make it more historically accurate, now is there a way to remove cavalry from the savage nations that never domesticated the horse?

    • 8 months ago

      kek which mods are they?
      perhaps african cavalier is an ostrich rider

      • 8 months ago
        the second one does the same as the first one in a way but its code is much easier for me to figure out (they need fixing tho, some stuff is broken like colonialism spreads faster than renaissance or even feudalism sometimes).

  52. 8 months ago

    last eu4 dev diary made me realize the pure, seething hatred paradox has for ERE
    >"the interest in this country is uncanny"
    >entire update is nerfs
    >very specific penalties aimed at destroying every single viable byz strat
    >it's a muslim dlc, all other muslim countries just got buffs and cool content

    no doubt because any ERE campaign is inherently hostile to the turks, making it a no-no

    it has also taken them a suspiciously long amount of time to give ERE any content in ck3, even though in ck2 "legacy of rome" was among the first things they released, but they still ensured muslims and le vikings were playable from the very beginning

    • 8 months ago

      what vexes me is that Byzantine still doesn't start with Renaissance already unlocked. The real Renaissance was caused by Byzantine refugees flocking to Venice and bringing Classical ideas back to the west. Somehow the motherfrickers responsible for spreading it to everyone irl don't start with it in this turk-loving game.

      • 8 months ago

        Technically the Arab nations and Turks should get it as well. The Muslim learning that this game hammers so hard was just scholars using classical ideas. Also most of them were burned alive or fled as exiles for being heretics because application of the scientific method is sorcery and against their religion.

      • 8 months ago

        >what vexes me is that Byzantine still doesn't start with Renaissance already unlocked. The real Renaissance was caused by Byzantine refugees flocking to Venice and bringing Classical ideas back to the wes
        You stated the reason yourself, but are apparently too dumb to figure it out.
        As expected from a Byzboob

        • 8 months ago

          >Renaissance is just the re-adoption of classical ideas
          >somehow the people who never lost them don't benefit from them at the start of the game
          frick off Turk.

          • 8 months ago

            This is actually a problem I have with most Byzantium mods, they either have Byzantium reform into English style Parlimentary Monarchy or just continue like it always has. Byzantium in it's last century was profounded introspective, if some miracle (or perhaps more cynically a European alliance) delivered them at the last second, the Renissance Era Byzantium would be a different beast to the past, a wierd combination of Latin and Eastern views
            The Ottoman Empire sort of did this for a time, but no one was ever able to fully get over they were Muslim

          • 8 months ago

            Let me walk you through your own post, so you can figure out your own moronation. I will use Caps for the important bits
            >Renaissance is just the RE-adoption of classical ideas
            >somehow THE PEOPLE WHO NEVER LOST THEM don't benefit from them at the start of the game
            Also: if you are stupid enough to consider "Renaissance = simply access to Greek translations of Latin classics", and ignore the ENTIRE FRICKING ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL BUILD UP TO IT, you might be genuinely moronic.
            But I guess your stupidity makes me a Turk.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm sure that makes sense in your head, Turk.

          • 8 months ago

            Also also
            >Separation of power
            >Republican bent
            >Free science
            >Hell, just fricking universities
            Yeah... no.

            • 8 months ago

              They actually focused on this a little in their last century, it is where the idea of capitulating to the Pope in that Union outside of desperation came from
              Again they tried this but did not have the money
              Again they also tried this but did not have the money

              Robbed of all their pride, the Byzantines finally changed in their last century but it was too late to actually do anything, a tale as old as time for Empires

            • 8 months ago

              You getting a 666 in your post invalidates it. You ally of satan.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe, just maybe, because Byzboobing is a thing all the way back to EU2 (EU1 didn't have the problem, as it starts without them) and people jerking off to the "Bring back Byzantines back from the brink" concept get tiresome after 20 years

      • 8 months ago

        >get tiresome after 20 years
        why would it matter?
        almost nobody is left from 20 years ago, why would latisha care or even know how the eu2 community was?

        • 8 months ago

          >why would it matter?
          Imagine being nagged for the rest of your life about some shit you did while still in the college.
          Oh, right, you can't even grasp such perspective, as you aren't even 20 to begin with, not to mention spending 20 years being nagged

        • 8 months ago

          That's precisely why they are so angry about it: there is nobody from the original team left, and yet they have to react to meme that not only is stale by itself, but never appealed to them in the first place. This is a standard situation with any long-running project that simply gets inherited by new creators over the decades. It's the same hate boner Star Trek writers have to Trek itself - they didn't even want to do it, but got stuck with it and the fandom it brings, so they are lashing out
          >b-but doesn't make sense
          Those people are doing their JOBS. They are paid for it. There is nowhere in the contract they have to enjoy it or even supposed to enjoy it

      • 8 months ago

        >why would it matter?
        Imagine being nagged for the rest of your life about some shit you did while still in the college.
        Oh, right, you can't even grasp such perspective, as you aren't even 20 to begin with, not to mention spending 20 years being nagged

        >maybe, just maybe
        >oh right

        why can't americans communicate like normal people? when they try to be snarky and ironic it is beyond embarrassing
        has the corn syrup and marvel movies fried your brains into this state of permanent passive aggression?

        • 8 months ago

          I'm Czech.
          But I learned English from American movies and Japanese (sic!) games, so go fricking figure.

          • 8 months ago

            then it's even more embarrassing

            That's precisely why they are so angry about it: there is nobody from the original team left, and yet they have to react to meme that not only is stale by itself, but never appealed to them in the first place. This is a standard situation with any long-running project that simply gets inherited by new creators over the decades. It's the same hate boner Star Trek writers have to Trek itself - they didn't even want to do it, but got stuck with it and the fandom it brings, so they are lashing out
            >b-but doesn't make sense
            Those people are doing their JOBS. They are paid for it. There is nowhere in the contract they have to enjoy it or even supposed to enjoy it

            the notion is bullshit, just admit they hate ERE because of the abduls they have in the team and the dicksucking rituals they need to perform for them

            • 8 months ago

              >No, the real, tangible reason doesn't count
              >Instead, it's idpol
              Let me ask you this simple question:
              Who makes a better customer: an entire nation, already constituting of nearly 15% of your entire playerbase, OR bunch of memers that don't even make 1%?
              But I guess a corporation present on stock market doesn't care about raw fricking profit, it just wants to do feels-good shit for the sake of it.

              • 8 months ago

                >Who makes a better customer: an entire nation, already constituting of nearly 15% of your entire playerbase, OR bunch of memers that don't even make 1%?
                good to see you agree with me

                >oh they don't actually really HATE you, they just do it for money
                if they did so they wouldn't have to constantly humiliate EREnjoyers or cry about them and spitefully nerf the country to piss them off
                they 100% hate ERE because it is the swedish thing to do

        • 8 months ago

          I'm Czech.
          But I learned English from American movies and Japanese (sic!) games, so go fricking figure.

          And if it's any consolidation - half of those make no sense in Czech, even not as figures of speech

        • 8 months ago

          joss whedon has a lot to answer for

      • 8 months ago

        Shitskin Christcucks are mad

        kys roaches

    • 8 months ago
      Menace II Society

      Shitskin Christcucks are mad

      • 8 months ago

        Eastern Orthodox is characterised by Eastern European ethnonationalism thoughever

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Reading this post is funny now, because the latest Dev Diary thread over at the Paradox forums is full of assmad Muslims and leftoid Islamophiles who are seething hard about Byzantium (as well as Armenia and Georgia) getting content while many literal who Islamic minors have gotten nothing so far. They're accusing the trannies/Swedes at Paradox of being Eurocentric chuds.

      • 8 months ago

        >Islam nations
        Black sheep
        White sheep
        Arab dev diary likely focused on minors is next

        >Christian nations
        If anything Christians should feel oppressed. I want a Cyprus tree and a chance to convert the region to Nestorianism now to balance it out

        • 8 months ago

          Byzantium probably has more players than the rest of those countries combined except maybe Persia, Paradox would have to be moronic not to give them something.

      • 8 months ago

        it's actually baffling. Byzantium got massive detrimental factor that made its survival even more difficult, Karabakh is still basically doomed unless in a hands of a veteran player (in which case mission threes won't even matter for a success), only legit improvement was for Georgia, which really was a mere implementation of historical accuracy, instead of being prematurely butchered. Yet muzzies still sperg how now Giorgis and Papapopopouloses will overrun Middle East and shit.

        • 8 months ago

          They will because I, the Poland player, will let them.

  53. 8 months ago

    turkroaches and their consequences have been a disaster to grand strategy games

  54. 8 months ago

    >moron ally decides to help opm against the roaches
    >moron ally loses a third of their land in the peace deal

  55. 8 months ago

    is eu4 combat ai the dumbest out of all paradox games? allies just sit and watch as im getting fricked with their completely capable army not moving an inch to help

    • 8 months ago

      >is eu4 combat ai the dumbest out of all paradox games
      Not anymore. There is both GoY$ and CK3 AI. GoY$ genuinely can't into the game itself on any level, while in CK3 AI doesn't understand how retinues work and after a rework, also can't stack them properly.
      We can argue about Stellaris and V3, but those games are borked, so no point overthinking that the AI doesn't work in them

      tl;dr it used to, but there are PDX games with even worse combat AI

      • 8 months ago

        what is GoYS, again?

        Works only in the early-mid game.

        As the uncle Bonaparte advises,
        "Cannons are your friend" my guy

    • 8 months ago

      I remember the AI being even dumber than it is now, after all its not like EU4 military mechanics got expanded so they had some time to make the AI slightly less stupid, HOI4's combat AI didn't have this privilege, CK3 combat AI does dumb shit but if its just handling one stack its usually okay, i guess Victoria 3 post beta will probably be the best ever if Paradox doesn't keep expanding military mechanics.

  56. 8 months ago

    i think ck3 combat movement is pretty good. It will always glue their armies to you when you ask for their help and they predict and react to the troop movement on the field, it works like it should in my opinion
    also i dont know what you talking about ck3 doesnt have retinues it has levies

  57. 8 months ago

    Thoughts on Westernization being brought back as a mechanic?

    • 8 months ago

      I haven't played vanilla EU4 in so long i don't even know how institutions work

      • 8 months ago

        you can be on the other side of the world from where it spawned and just dump a bunch of mana points to get it to appear in one of your provinces

        • 8 months ago

          Well at least in M&T more istitutions require a lot more stuff to spawn

          • 8 months ago

            I just wish half of them weren't just tech level and previous institution
            The only ones that you actually need to think about past commercialisation are meritocracy and global trade, with the latter only really catching your attention because the AI is too dumb to create a proper trade post network by itself before 1700s

          • 8 months ago

            I still hate that they gutted MEIOU and Taxes for making a fricking academic economic simulator that fails to actually simulate the economy in a realistic way and can only be played a single way.
            I have yet to have played any other mod that had *Had* simulated Byzantium as well without the end result being dude roman empire lmao.

            • 8 months ago

              M&T "economic simulation" is deeper and more realistic than basically any strategy game ever albeit, even better than Vicky 2

            • 8 months ago

              >making a fricking academic economic simulator
              >can only be played a single way
              That's a feature, not a bug.
              As in - it's a simulator that exists to prove a specific theory of historical economy is correct.

    • 8 months ago

      It'll never return because paradox needs to sell their asia dlc's

    • 8 months ago

      Westernization as it was - frick no
      Tech groups and ability to swap them to higher one, outside the institution system - yes.
      The trick is not to make them "cultural", but rather period-based. Thus you might embrace the institutions, but your country is still backwards anyway, kind of how PLC, Ottomans and Muscovites/Russia looked for the most of the early modern.
      Essentially you would have both institutions and tech groups in the same time, but the tech groups can be swapped (both way), working similar to the old Innovativness slider

    • 8 months ago

      I like vic2's westernization. EU4's one was shite though so no thanks.

      >there is no "West" and Europe in that period did not have a categorical advantage over other nations
      Pic related.
      >Europe was in a good position because of muh slave trade
      This is bullshit and you can find out why within thirty seconds of researching it, yet they keep mentioning it for brownie points. That or they've been had by their education system. For frick's sake, Rome had a LOT of slaves (20-30% of their population), so did the Greek city-states before them, and they served as the lowest form of labor. The Atlantic slave trade is so overused as an argument against Europe by these morons.

      • 8 months ago

        That infographic is so bad, it's not even funny.

      • 8 months ago

        that chart is lying out of it's ass, and you know it.

        • 8 months ago

          >46% of the 37 discoveries were from the arab world between 200 and 1199 AD out of the 1224 total, which gives 17 discoveries for the arabs at that time
          >plus the 1% of the 243 in the later date range which gives 2.43 rounded up
          >((17+3) / 1224) * 100 = 1.6%
          Learn to read and what percentages are next time, ahmed.

          • 8 months ago

            The fricking chart said Total, not Weighted Average. Not my fault the devs can't be less disingenuous about their maths.

    • 8 months ago

      I westernized once as Ming china in 1530

  58. 8 months ago

    tried playing some random north american tribe in 1400s, it was pure suffering: a lot of skipping time doing nothing, fighting for scraps, and when i finally got a decent income and some territory everyone unionized at declared war on me almost simultaneously

    • 8 months ago

      Didn't they waste an entire DLC on making tribals fun to play?

  59. 8 months ago

    When playing England, is it better to diplo vassalize a few Irish minors, feed them Ireland, then diplo annex them later on; or just annex it all outright?

    • 8 months ago

      The only factor is if you need to keep admin or diplo.

      When they make EU5, I'd like to have some emphasis on creating more historically plausible gameplay.

      It's 1590 and France has already conquered most of West Africa. The Europeans are all over North America despite England having laid down its first colony historically in 1600. This happens every game.

      It's just unnerving seeing every single game be so completely unhistorical. It annoys me. Any mods to fix this? Also, what are the best mods for eu4?

      IRL Henry VIII picked naval ideas instead of exploration. Just tag switch to every tag and pick the ideas they picked.
      >It's just unnerving seeing every single game be so completely unhistorical.
      kek just uninstall and read wikipedia

    • 8 months ago

      Whoever I'm playing as I prefer to use vassals to hold territory with cultures I don't accept.
      When I play Muscovy I always release Karelia and give them all Karelian/Sami provinces. I get a strong vassal, and I don't have to bother with karelian being unaccepted before I form Russia. Same goes with England/Ireland. It's not worth holding unaccepted culture land when a vassal with it as an accepted culture can do it for you.

      • 8 months ago

        karelia and sami are low dev and are irrelevant to convert to novgorod or even muscovite
        waste of a diplo slot on prime trade company lands

        • 8 months ago

          >trade company
          I've never used that mechanic, is it as broken as people say it is?

          • 8 months ago

            It gives naval force limit even on landlocked provinces which is really good for Russia. Other than this I would not say it is broken. You get effectively zero tax, manpower in exchange for trade power and goods produced (which is OP if you pay for that upgrade). If you can leverage 50% of the TCs node you get an extra merchant and at that point it starts to become broken.

    • 8 months ago

      If you have Domination just annex them outright, don't bother coring run at overextension for a few years until you have the whole island the just release the whole Kingdom of Ireland under PU, then just diplo annex them down the line and keep the event buff.

  60. 8 months ago

    When they make EU5, I'd like to have some emphasis on creating more historically plausible gameplay.

    It's 1590 and France has already conquered most of West Africa. The Europeans are all over North America despite England having laid down its first colony historically in 1600. This happens every game.

    It's just unnerving seeing every single game be so completely unhistorical. It annoys me. Any mods to fix this? Also, what are the best mods for eu4?

    • 8 months ago

      my brother in Christ, if we have EU5 we won't even have colonialsim or proper warfare.

    • 8 months ago

      Back in the day the berbers used to have increased hostile core creation cost, which the AI would consider when attacking them, and there wasn't a strait connecting iberia and morocco
      I don't know why they introduced that strait

  61. 8 months ago

    Would modding out the admin tech 10 requirement for European formables be a bad idea?

    • 8 months ago

      You can only know by trying it out anon, it can't be that hard to edit a few lines in some text files.

  62. 8 months ago

    Imagine how satisfying will BTFOing the turks as byzantium be after all the nerfs pararoaches gave them

    • 8 months ago

      It will probably make me post it on the forum just to rub salt in the wound.

  63. 8 months ago

    >devs hate byz due to it being a very old meme or ethnic hatred
    >they nerf it into the ground, also buff ottos for unrelated reasons
    >players still find ways to bypass the nerf to btfo ottos as byz and taunt devs about it
    >devs get mad
    >they nerf every way to bypass the previous nerfs
    >they remove byz achievements so players stop trying to play byz
    >players mod achievements back in, and undo some of the byz nerfs while nerfing ottos
    >devs ban the mod out of sheer rage
    >players and devs keep shouting at each others and being passive aggressive in the forums and websites
    >EU4 falls apart because devs are too busy being shit on and trying to fix every exploit that could help players win as byz
    >PDX says "frick it" and starts development on EU5 earlier than planned

    • 8 months ago

      You forgot the final step
      >paradox studios in spain and sweden gets charlie hebdo'ed by raging muzzies for failing at making eu4 players stop genociding turks as byzantium

    • 8 months ago

      devs of the darkest dungeon did this every time people worked out optimal combinations
      i like to imagine the swedes and spanish islam lovers seething

      • 8 months ago

        Hellion with no self debuffs on every ability of note
        My beloved

        • 8 months ago

          >4 lepers
          >4 dogfrickers
          >4 bounty hunters
          >4 jesters
          nerfed below the ground
          I settled on 2 bounty hunters 2 houndsman iirc
          I'm going to take a break from Eu4 for a while (my 100% cav armies on holy horde were too OP) and play other games where I can make broken combinations like wartales and battle brothers

          • 8 months ago

            >>4 lepers
            Explain me the lore of this one.
            The 2 backrow Lepers are completely useless, the only thing I can think of they can do is to spam Solemnity to get back to good shape while the front 2 lepers fight?

            • 8 months ago

              pretty much
              >move forward if front 2 damaged
              >1 shot
              it was a conveyer belt of fun

      • 8 months ago

        Devs of DD are literally mental, so no surprises here

    • 8 months ago

      devs of the darkest dungeon did this every time people worked out optimal combinations
      i like to imagine the swedes and spanish islam lovers seething

      mental illness

  64. 8 months ago

    >paradox pissing of achievement hunters
    Now THAT'S funny

  65. 8 months ago

    Thinking of reverting to 1.33 since all the new DLCs suck and are barely even worth pirating. 1.33 because colonization is better than in 1.34. The game should have stopped having these goyslop mission tree DLCs a long time ago.

  66. 8 months ago

    Anyone got any idea why burgundy is not choosing me? I have max relations, high diplo rep, max trust, and a large army. They have low relations with the emperor and no main allies besides me

    • 8 months ago

      they initiated the royal marriage with you which means when charles dies they have no royal marriage with you

      • 8 months ago

        I initiated it

        It may help to look at the event triggers, conditions, etc. Here it is:
        Click on the "Expand" buttons to see more.
        From what I just looked you must be their ally and have the most provinces among their allies but could be wrong.

        Ive read that a few times and i cant see anything there. My only assumption is that there is something somewhere else dictating their choice. Something weighting it

    • 8 months ago

      It may help to look at the event triggers, conditions, etc. Here it is:
      Click on the "Expand" buttons to see more.
      From what I just looked you must be their ally and have the most provinces among their allies but could be wrong.

      • 8 months ago

        I initiated it
        Ive read that a few times and i cant see anything there. My only assumption is that there is something somewhere else dictating their choice. Something weighting it

        Yeah here it is:
        >Enabled if: Any country:
        >Is not a subject nation other than a tributary state.
        >Is a monarchy.
        >Is not the Emperor of the HRE.
        >Has a royal marriage with Burgundy.
        >Is not Flag of France France.
        >Country with the most provinces is saved as bur_strongest_ally
        That is ONE of the options, the other two being it going to France or the Emperor of the HRE, with greater odds if certain conditions are met such as +100 opinions and such.

        • 8 months ago

          Actually it's a 5 options event my bad, the last two are either if France is already gone or subject nation or declare independence and France gets PU cb over you.

        • 8 months ago

          I have the most provinces of the allies, france and austria are not at 100 opinion. I understand it can select itself but it shouldnt be doing that every time. Hell ive gotten it before as like 8 provinces albania

  67. 8 months ago

    we literally tell you every thread not to rely on the burgundy inheritance event unless you're the emperor or france
    just conquer the lowlands like a man

    • 8 months ago

      Its not that i really want it. I just dont want france or austria to get it. France is the most annoying country this patch and i dont want to deal with them getting burgundy. I also dont really want to fight a death war to stop them from getting the pu. Its just annoying that there is not a good way to tell the AIs weight torwards an event.

      • 8 months ago

        if it makes you feel better the ai sometimes gets fricked by the dutch revolt

        • 8 months ago

          I cant recall the last time ive seen them lose to the revolt

  68. 8 months ago

    friday night boys
    >load up eu4
    >roll ottomans
    >open console and hit debug mode
    >use own provinceid to recreate alexander the great's empire in 1444
    >add in a few thousand ducats for mercenaries and 800 of each mana
    yeah, it's vidya time

  69. 8 months ago

    r8 my coalition

    • 8 months ago

      It's joever

      • 8 months ago

        just release something big and cancel vassals if you don't want to fight

      • 8 months ago

        Should've genocided ottomutts instead for the reduced AE

  70. 8 months ago

    > 64 absolutism by the time "court an country" ends
    > can't roll back because ironman
    How do I recover from this?

    • 8 months ago

      2)delete the process

  71. 8 months ago

    When playing as an american tribe, how to convert yourself in to christianity?

    • 8 months ago

      The real question is: why would you? Aztec religion is one of the best thing out there, you should be aiming for that instead of just about any Christian denomination. Why embracing vastly inferior religion other than larp?

      • 8 months ago

        Because i want to ally with the europeans as a mean of survival. You cant advance without bordering their colony and you cant survive if they hate you or want your shit, at least from my current experience.
        and im not playing aztec, never said i do.

        • 8 months ago

          >Because i want to ally with the europeans as a mean of survival.
          Play alone or die.

          • 8 months ago

            ok thanks for the help dude

            • 8 months ago

              >Because i want to ally with the europeans as a mean of survival
              You absolutely dont need europeans, nor really any ally, if you play as Aztecs, as any other native you need allies.
              The catch is that you can war european colonies without dragging their overlords in, a very important tactic to employ is to 'spawn camp' their colonies, wait for a couple of overlord colony provinces to turn into a proper colony, then inmediadly DoW and quickly take all their provinces, even if they are stronger than you, they wont be ready nor have to troops to stop you. Annex the whole colony and embrace all institutions you can

        • 8 months ago

          >and im not playing aztec, never said i do.
          And I've implied you should be converting to Aztec religion, you dumb shit, but oh well, I guess you need it laid down really simple here.

  72. 8 months ago

    that was quick

    • 8 months ago


  73. 8 months ago

    neat idea for a game but spending 95% of your time waiting for manpower to recharge and coalitions to disband ruins it a bit

    • 8 months ago

      Without those limitations the game would get boring after two decades since there would be nothing slowing the player's blobbing, if you want more stuff to do in peacetime and the possibility to actually build tall try M&T.

    • 8 months ago

      just hire mercs and no-cb some random country in africa if you want to keep blobbing

      • 8 months ago

        sure but for some moronic reason attacking a random 2-province African tribe without a proper land claim will severely destabilize my entire country

        • 8 months ago

          >why are our sons being sent overseas to die
          >i dunno lol
          Makes sense to me. I'd be mad too

        • 8 months ago

          just pay the adm points and be done with it, it's literally a one time thing

  74. 8 months ago

    Haven't played in a long time, what's some autistic mod with obscure nations and shit I can try

    • 8 months ago

      Europa Expanded if you want tons of mission trees, events, and shit to do
      if you're into d&d then Anbennar is ok, it does have a better genocide simulation than base game so that part is fun
      Third Odyssey for peak autism what if Byzantium fled to the new world meme
      Ante Bellum is ok for alternate history stuff too, has custom achievements in game for certain nations in the decisions tab

    • 8 months ago

      Expanded Mod Family

      Europa Expanded if you want tons of mission trees, events, and shit to do
      if you're into d&d then Anbennar is ok, it does have a better genocide simulation than base game so that part is fun
      Third Odyssey for peak autism what if Byzantium fled to the new world meme
      Ante Bellum is ok for alternate history stuff too, has custom achievements in game for certain nations in the decisions tab

      >Europa Expanded
      EE is beyond broken and has moronic powerups.

  75. 8 months ago

    anyone in here play Clan Date?
    How are they for a sengoku playthrough?

  76. 8 months ago

    unholy alliance

  77. 8 months ago

    >Declares war on me
    >Literally does nothing, never sends ships to blockade provinces, never disembarks nor walks troops, nothing
    >Just chill and slowly consolidate defenses and gain trickle war score
    Based AI

  78. 8 months ago

    >Inmediadly after posting this, the roaches for some fricking reason decides to join the war in my favour
    >War score battle section shows ottokeks actually wrecking the shit outta of the spaniards and portuguese while I do quite literally nothing at all but drill
    This is both cursed and blessed

  79. 8 months ago

    >IMMEDIATELY as I post this the Spaniards white peace the ottomans, and portugal white peaces me
    What a fricking ride, this never happened to me before

    • 8 months ago

      this game can be so fricking moronic sometimes

      • 8 months ago

        Oh definely, but as long as it plays in my favour I wont complain about it.

  80. 8 months ago

    Should I play Russia again or Bohemia?

    • 8 months ago

      personally I find Bohemia more fun since you get a central European PU swarm to fight your wars, can easily become Emperor and have a religion unique to you. While Russia after the initial wars is mostly just spending years waiting for your armies to march across Siberia.

    • 8 months ago

      Russia games are always filled with soul.

  81. 8 months ago

    How do I get more merchants in MEIOU? I keep losing and gaining them and I'm not sure why. Went from 4 to 2 to 3 to 2 again.

    • 8 months ago

      Unironically get better at trading

  82. 8 months ago

    Why is my English Channel so poor? Always hear it's meant to be rich but I've got half the money Lubeck does. Thinking about taking Denmark just so I can steer some of it.
    Also have half the Ivory Coast trade power and 90% of South Africa but I'm hardly getting any money from it because no one in else Europe has started colonizing Asia yet - do they usually get there eventually or do I have to do it all myself? Bit annoying when the entirety of Indonesia is on the same tech level as Europe

    • 8 months ago

      Trade node info, if that helps

      • 8 months ago

        You need local trade good production to boost the local value. And more trade needs to be incoming from upstream nodes such as the north sea, lubeck, ivory coast, and chesapeake bay. Since you seem to dominate the channel but have nothing in lubeck and likely the north sea nothing is incoming from there. You also need to boost bird mana dev and build workshops/factories.

        • 8 months ago

          Haven't been developing much because I'm chronically stuck with bad rulers and low monarch points, and haven't been building because I'm 7500 gold in debt. Dev in general seems like a really small income benefit for the scarcest currency in the game.
          I am planning to take some provinces in North Sea and Lubeck, just need to get Poland or someone to ally me against Denmark. Already took Hamburg, free city AE is ludicrous

          >Why is market entirely dependable on colonies and passing Asian trade poor?
          >Why the market that collects half of Eurppe trade richer than that?
          No idea anon. One of the biggest mysteries of the universe

          Does it usually take until later for the AI to start colonizing outside of South/Central America? This is my first proper game so I'm not sure on the timescale

          If you aren't already established on the Cape by that year, you have only yourself to blame for such low income CoT

          What do you mean by established on the Cape? I own most of it, not bringing in much money though

          • 8 months ago

            >Does it usually take until later for the AI to start colonizing outside of South/Central America?
            yes, in fact the only the trade nodes you need to get the most out of america and indonesia are caribbean and ivory coast
            i'm guessing seville is the richest trade node in the world

            • 8 months ago

              Was late to the Caribbean, just have a small colonial nation in Amazonas. Venice (38) and Genoa (37) are both slightly richer than Seville (35) though

              >lvl 1 trade nodes
              The desolate village of Brabrant
              Anyway, do you have West Africa? Guinea is a money printer if you're in the English Channel because all Asian trade eventually ends up there and you can then send it to England. If you don't control Guinea then all the wealth of China won't matter (not in a trade sense) since most of it will go to other nodes. When playing France/Netherlands/England its the most important node to rush. Castile gets away with not needing West Africa because it can rush Caribbean for that American gold. But also, like other anons said, Asian trade mostly goes through Alexandria before being split between Venice and Genoa. Its not until colonizers set up in Indonesia that you can effectively poach Chinese and Indian wealth through the Cape

              Don't you need a DLC to upgrade those? All I have is Conquest of Paradise, Wealth of Nations, and Res Publica, because that's what came with it on sale.
              I have 51% of West Africa, somehow Spain/Portugal/France combined are pulling ~30% of the remaining power despite only having a couple islands in the area. Presumably because they control the upstream nodes?

              I dont like africans m8 so I'm not to blame ok?

              I've got 68 minutes played on steam

              stop replying as me, schizo moron

              • 8 months ago

                i'm surprised colonization is going so slow
                >don't have all dlc's
                oh that's probably why
                well sadly for you the greedy devs assume the player owns all dlc's when it comes to balance

              • 8 months ago

                Lil bro go to csrinru and cream api all the dlc for free

              • 8 months ago

                >Don't you need a DLC to upgrade those?
                Do you? Brussels, Holland, and London are level two; so you must have upgraded them at some point since conquering a trade node decreases its level (and none of those are level three in 1444).

              • 8 months ago

                yes, to upgrade TC, you need dlc but not having an ability to upgrade them is fine: do not listen to them

                Lil bro go to csrinru and cream api all the dlc for free

                i'm surprised colonization is going so slow
                >don't have all dlc's
                oh that's probably why
                well sadly for you the greedy devs assume the player owns all dlc's when it comes to balance

                a lot of dlcs wreak the game balance completely and make player far too powerful, your dlc combination is a good one

          • 8 months ago

            >I own most of it, not bringing in much money though
            The point isn't owning all of it or making profit out of it, but passing Asian trade through it.
            How fricking new to EU4 and its trade system are you, exactly?

            • 8 months ago

              I've got 68 minutes played on steam

              • 8 months ago

                Then pic related, I guess
                Trade system in 4 is moronic to EU grogs and counter-intuitive to newbies, while being responsible for making 2/3 of the economy work. The only people who find it good are zoomers who weren't sieved out by the game in the first place. Read up just about ANY guide on trade, otherwise you're for a horrible time, especially as anyone around the Channel.

    • 8 months ago

      Trade node info, if that helps

      >Why is market entirely dependable on colonies and passing Asian trade poor?
      >Why the market that collects half of Eurppe trade richer than that?
      No idea anon. One of the biggest mysteries of the universe

    • 8 months ago

      If you aren't already established on the Cape by that year, you have only yourself to blame for such low income CoT

      • 8 months ago

        I dont like africans m8 so I'm not to blame ok?

        • 8 months ago

          Friendly reminder you must be at least 16 to successfully pretend to be 18

    • 8 months ago

      >lvl 1 trade nodes
      The desolate village of Brabrant
      Anyway, do you have West Africa? Guinea is a money printer if you're in the English Channel because all Asian trade eventually ends up there and you can then send it to England. If you don't control Guinea then all the wealth of China won't matter (not in a trade sense) since most of it will go to other nodes. When playing France/Netherlands/England its the most important node to rush. Castile gets away with not needing West Africa because it can rush Caribbean for that American gold. But also, like other anons said, Asian trade mostly goes through Alexandria before being split between Venice and Genoa. Its not until colonizers set up in Indonesia that you can effectively poach Chinese and Indian wealth through the Cape

      • 8 months ago

        You can make an effective siphon out of Cape if you take it early, but given how clueless the original anon is, I doubt he actually has any grasp of the trade system anyway. And Cape works without Indonesia - it's just an extra money source, rather than pre-request. The main use is that having Cape allow to secure monopoly, so idiot AI won't ruin anything for you.

  83. 8 months ago

    so i'm having a pretty chill game as austria in ironman, about to form the HRE. Then i noticed that i can also form Germany so i was thinking if i could first form Germany and then the HRE
    Is it possible? tried googling but havent found a clear answer

  84. 8 months ago

    What's more fun, Scotland into Britain or England into Angevin blob? I haven't played in a while and it looks like those guys got some content

    • 8 months ago

      Scotland has one of the worst mission trees in the game. That aside, Scotland into Britain is pointless. I would only recommend it if you have some kind of idea in mind that specifically involves Scotland (RP or something) but even then, as soon as you become Britain you are just England, pretty much.
      Scotland is like England but you are slowed down by between 20 and 30 years. The economy alone is just suffering for 50 years.
      England has the most content in the game and the missions make them so OP you will quit by 1550. Do it for cheevers or some RP idea where the Angevin takes over the planet.

  85. 8 months ago

    cap on advisor discounts is 90%???
    wtf is this dogshit I'm on 110 I should be paid for advisors fricking swedish c**ts

  86. 8 months ago

    How do I increase province trade power in MEIOU? Investing in commerce? Investing in industry or other goods? I've tried all of the above, but it seems to fluctuate wildly.

  87. 8 months ago

    Funny, Bonaparte became a cannon officer after military school. He truly loved cannons.

  88. 8 months ago

    How am i supposed to use trade companies? Is there reasons not to annex entire states, should i just be taking the trade centers and ignoring the rest?

    • 8 months ago

      >Is there reasons not to annex entire states, should i just be taking the trade centers and ignoring the rest?
      Governing cap. If you have it to spare, take full states.

      I've been trying to get into EU4 since I got it for free a little while ago but I keep bouncing off of it even though I now understand at least the basic mechanics. But is there seriously a hard limit on how much you can conquer at once? Can the Ottomans seriously not take the Mamluks in a single war even though they did literally that in real life? I really have to win a war, take a quarter of their land, wait for the truce to expire, start another war, take another quarter of their land, wait, etc? That's so boring.

      >Can the Ottomans seriously not take the Mamluks in a single war even though they did literally that in real life?
      The mod I'm playing does that. Also Great Horde and Novgorod annex in one war as well. It's quite alarming to see Ottoblob triple in size. Perhaps Paradox will add an event or two in the future.

  89. 8 months ago

    I've been trying to get into EU4 since I got it for free a little while ago but I keep bouncing off of it even though I now understand at least the basic mechanics. But is there seriously a hard limit on how much you can conquer at once? Can the Ottomans seriously not take the Mamluks in a single war even though they did literally that in real life? I really have to win a war, take a quarter of their land, wait for the truce to expire, start another war, take another quarter of their land, wait, etc? That's so boring.

    • 8 months ago

      that's just how it is, the longer the game goes the more land you can take
      by the end of the game you can take almost half a continent in one war

  90. 8 months ago

    Thinking of doing a run as the Papal State with the goal being taking all of Italy and forming the Kingdom of God. Any tips? I imagine northern Italy is going to get messy, even after they come out of the HRE.

    • 8 months ago

      rival and excommunicate the big ones
      ally and diplo vassalise the small ones
      if you are waiting for AE to calm down dig into Tunis

  91. 8 months ago

    Should I swap to Byz or stay Venice? I kind of want to go with plutocratic right now, but if I decide to swap, that'll become Aristocratic, which is kind of a wasted idea group for Byz.
    Original plan was of course to just play Venice, and Byz is getting its own update soon anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      you keep your old idea groups when switching government and byzantium decision doesn't change your government anyway

      • 8 months ago

        >byzantium decision doesn't change your government anyway
        This I did not know. Maybe I'll try that, because otherwise I'm not feeling this game. 1480 and France has Milan and Naples PUs already and a Spanish Alliance. They've also rivaled me and I'm excommunicated.

  92. 8 months ago

    Anyone knows when the next sale will happen? I want to continue developing my mental illness at a reasonable price.
    Is anything else that I don't already have even worth grabbing?

    • 8 months ago

      I heard there's a permanent 100% sale on csrinru

      • 8 months ago

        I don't deal with that shady shit. If I didn't have the game at all then that would be an easy pirate but I'm too deep into this hole. I don't like mixing illegal shit with my steam account and I don't even know how that works anyway.
        >inb4 but bro nobody cares nothing will happen!
        Sure maybe, I don't like living in constant fear though.

    • 8 months ago

      just pay for the monthly subscription

      • 8 months ago

        This. 25 bucks for six months and if play more than that you are a gay anyways

    • 8 months ago

      You can pirate the whole fricking game from GoG games in like 10 minutes.

      • 8 months ago

        yeah but I already have so many DLCs here, pirating the whole game now would feel like I wasted so much money
        Anyway, I'm gonna get the sub and wait for sales.

        • 8 months ago

          You did waste a lot of money, why waste more? Suck it up and pirate the rest.

          • 8 months ago

            Anon, you've been had, you're exactly in the sunk cost fallacy.

            it's too late young lads I have already subbed

            • 8 months ago

              You are not me buddy.
              But yeah I did sub so you're not wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          Anon, you've been had, you're exactly in the sunk cost fallacy.

  93. 8 months ago

    Rather than getting +200% build time for ships, byz should get +200% build cost. The reason being they don't have access to the wood but if they are willing to pay then they should be able to get wood.

  94. 8 months ago

    HRE stands for Holy Romagnol Empire

    • 8 months ago

      What's a good nation to play as if I want to be emperor? Austria and Bohemia seem like they'd be too easy, while I've played Brandenburg too many times.
      Any other German minor particularly good?

      • 8 months ago

        Goslar. They have a great idea set, especially the flat imperial authority growth like Mantua. That alone lets you breeze through reforms once you manage to become emperor.
        Other than that, forming Bavaria is fun too but I haven't tried a full campaign with them yet.

  95. 8 months ago

    does multiplayer eu4 devolve into people death waring rather than losing a single province

    • 8 months ago

      also getting as much manpower as possible and assaulting every fort

      • 8 months ago

        would anon call it fun

        • 8 months ago

          to play this game you have to be autistic, but to play multiplayer you have to be extremely autistic

          • 8 months ago

            I'm of the opinion that multiplayer eu4 is everything that is wrong with eu4 condensed.

        • 8 months ago

          I've been kicked out of every game for either wooden wall abuse or putting a fort on every tile. You can do interesting things that are fun (especially with the trade system where you can deny everyone else any ducats) but you're going to get banned4lyfe.

    • 8 months ago

      That or hugboxing. EU has no limited wars.

  96. 8 months ago

    but triple tiered walls in a time with not artillery is kinda very resilient

  97. 8 months ago

    The AI is so fricking stupid, I can't get my vassal to colonize because they refuse to build enough boats to explore. All the 100s of ducats I gift them just go into buildings, is there nothing I can do?

    • 8 months ago

      Do they even have exploration or expansion ideas?

      • 8 months ago

        Halfway through exploration and just picked expansion. I thought they forbade vassals from picking those ideas which is why I was excited about the prospect of them actually colonizing on their own.

  98. 8 months ago

    haha funni fort

  99. 8 months ago

    Hot take
    MEIOU 3.0 is fun

  100. 8 months ago

    God I love murdering colonizers
    Playing as underdogs is fun
    Fortressing up all chokes and turning your nation into a fricking meat grinder is amusing
    I love when forts play the game for you

  101. 8 months ago

    Any tips on the Frozen Assets achievement?
    I don't normally care for them but the idea of making the White Sea the most valuable place on earth is quite interesting.
    My idea is just to conquer into Persia and funnel all the silk and gems north, it will take a while sure but is this not the right way to do it?

  102. 8 months ago

    I will truly never understand how combat works in this game. I'm in a war where I'm defending a fort when France sends in a stack of 37k to assault it. Despite me having a stack of 35k that is supposedly optimized in composition from what I've read and me being mil tech 14 while France is 13, my defenders start getting absolutely crushed. I quickly reinforce with another 35k stack, doubling the amount of troops I have over France...and they obliterate the 70k troops in a few seconds.

    I then go on to utterly lose the war in which my allies total ~200k soldiers to my enemy's ~100k, as all of my allies wander around in stacks of 1k doing nothing while France sends roaming death squad stacks against everyone. The only way I ever win wars is to sit around and keep checking every once in a while to make sure that no major nations will join my enemy, even when I have several major nations on my own side.

    • 8 months ago

      press L, military, army quality and post a screenshot of you and france

    • 8 months ago

      Click on the unit during battle and you'll see the enemy rolling 9s every shock phase while you roll 1s.
      Useless allies is a given. You can try to get them to attach or assign objectives and hope they do something. The enemies forming a doomstack and wiping your moron allies is a certainty otherwise.

    • 8 months ago

      Tech is only one part, there's also
      >Combat ability bonus
      >shock and fire damage and defense bonuses
      >General shock and fire bonuses
      >Unit pips
      >Dice rolls
      France gets a built in 15% morale which is huge and an extra 5% discipline which isn't as huge but still big if you aren't one of the big quality powerhouses like Sweden or Prussia. If they're winning lots of wars they're also building prestige and tradition to roll high quality generals. If you're fighting against France and you're slacking on mil ideas to make up the difference you're going to be at a bigger disadvantage than normal.
      Mil techs are also not equal. There is not much of a difference between 13 and 14, while there are huge differences between 14 and 15, or 15 and 16.

  103. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      What about Defensive + Infrastructure?

      • 8 months ago

        No idea, I still haven't updated to 1.35 or whatever version adds Infrastructure. It's fortmaxing build, right?

        • 8 months ago

          Construction + Infrastructure + Governancy cost + Fortmaxing
          It's really fricking good if you blob but also play defensively.

        • 8 months ago

          Its the new economic idea set but without the good policies. And yes they nerfed economic for this shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Economic was too good as it was.
            People talking like innovative is the best for saving mana on techs when if you take eco first you're going to save more on dev clicks over the entire game.

    • 8 months ago

      isn't this outdated?
      no one picks innovative ideas anymore because they're trash

      • 8 months ago

        If you like mana points innovative ideas are mathematically the best in the game if chosen first or second. If you don't care about monarch point generation then yeah, they are trash.

        • 8 months ago

          The main issue is that inno makes techs cheaper but that's about it. You can get the same tech savings by taking admin, diplo, and merc ideas and getting stronger ideas overall at the cost of needing to pay more up front. You could even take inno just up to the cost reduction and cancel it once you get the other ideas built out. Inno is better for colonizers though since exploration/expansion will take up two of your first three slots.
          I still take inno where it's thematically appropriate but it's less of a must pick than it used to be.

          • 8 months ago

            >that's about it
            That's not it at all.
            > You can get the same tech savings by taking admin, diplo, and merc ideas
            3 idea groups? Stopped reading.

            • 8 months ago

              3 idea groups you're probably taking anyway

              • 8 months ago

                >merc ideas
                >probably taking anyway
                The fantasy thread is that way

              • 8 months ago

                >yes don't take the idea group that strengthens mercs and removes all the downsides to using them
                The only time you don't benefit from mercs is as Russia, Ottomans, or Ming. Basically any huge quantitymaxxing tag where manpower doesn't matter.

        • 8 months ago

          Proof? If you play wide I really doubt innovative ideas are going to save you more adm points than administrative ideas

          • 8 months ago

            Even if you play tallish in western europe, the cost savings from admin will save a tech or two's worth of points in a few decently developed provinces.

            • 8 months ago

              >a tech or two's worth of points
              >1200 admin points
              >from "a few provinces"
              I take it "a few" means "the entirety of Europe"
              You guys are hilarious.

              • 8 months ago

                You know I meant the difference in cost between the savings on inno vs not inno, stop being autistic just because you know you're wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                I think you need to learn English lad.
                > stop being autistic just because you know you're wrong.
                what are you babbling about?

              • 8 months ago

                >Can't read plain english
                >Claims others need to learn english
                absolute autism

    • 8 months ago

      innovative sucks but that siege policy with offensive is just too good

      • 8 months ago

        The main issue is that inno makes techs cheaper but that's about it. You can get the same tech savings by taking admin, diplo, and merc ideas and getting stronger ideas overall at the cost of needing to pay more up front. You could even take inno just up to the cost reduction and cancel it once you get the other ideas built out. Inno is better for colonizers though since exploration/expansion will take up two of your first three slots.
        I still take inno where it's thematically appropriate but it's less of a must pick than it used to be.

        inno is absolute garbage, can't believe people still have discussions about it

        I can't tell if you're all moronic or just being contrarian.

        • 8 months ago

          if you blob you save more mana with adm
          if you play tall you save more mana with infra
          inno has literally no place in the game except for the 15% inf ca policy meme stacking

          • 8 months ago

            >if you blob you save more mana with adm
            >if you play tall you save more mana with infra
            Let's see your numbers.

            • 8 months ago

              >>if you blob you save more mana with adm
              >-25% ccr vs at most -2.5% all power cost and dip/mil tech discout
              yeah I wonder whats better
              >>if you play tall you save more mana with infra
              >-10% dev cost + another -10% dev cost from easier prosperity + even more from cheaper expand infrastructure vs at most -2.5% all power cost and tech discounts
              again I wonder whats better

              • 8 months ago

                Cool, so you're just pulling stuff out your ass. Take care. See you in the new thread.

              • 8 months ago

                hang on I will do some numbers haha

              • 8 months ago

                >no argument
                I won.
                I was even being nice and didn't mention that when you eventually reach 100 Innovativeness, inno ideas fall of even further.
                Midwit idea group for midwits.

              • 8 months ago

                lets see the arithemtic come on

          • 8 months ago

            Everyone forgets the biggest caveat with idea groups. Even *if* Inno results in the most mana savings mathematically for that you give up the benefits from picking something else first. You lose the relations and warscore cost from diplo, as well as diplo cost.
            You lose the exploration and colonization advantage of explo/expa
            You lose dev and building cost reduction of infra.
            You lose CCR from Admin and admin tech cost.
            And probably the biggest one, if you're going humanist, by not taking humanist first you're paying more for all subsequent ideas.
            Sure it can be argued that you can take Inno second, but let's be honest, if you're advocating for the cost savings of Inno you're taking Inno first, there is no taking inno second unless it's to prepare for cheaper institutions and the siege policy later down the road.

            • 8 months ago

              You're forgetting that it's the first 50 years.
              >exploration and colonization advantage
              missing out on those sweet greenland fish provinces going up by 100 a year instead of 110.
              >dev and building cost reduction of infra
              All your devving is done before you can pick an idea group. Devving for the age bonus and devving for renaissance. Also, you'll be building at max 2 churches and maybe 3 marketplaces if you are going for a big power.
              If you're coring so much in the first 50 years that it is making you a savings, diplo ideas can't really help you with what's coming. There are geographical exceptions to this such as a nation that can hit different religious groups constantly.

              • 8 months ago

                >Devving for the age bonus and devving for renaissance. Also, you'll be building at max 2 churches and maybe 3 marketplaces if you are going for a big power.
                these are the people arguing for inno lmao

              • 8 months ago

                These people are playing an entirely different game than I am. I'm always in a state where I'm up on tech, ideas, and yet have to dev click just to not go over cap on points.

              • 8 months ago

                That happens when you do jack-shit all game and just turtle with 5 provinces. 90% of my admin points go to coring new territories, I'm rarely up to date on admin tech.
                >give land to vassals
                Requires some moronic DLC like half the important features in this game

              • 8 months ago

                pirate the DLCs it's very easy you'll play the game as it should be.
                Which is fricked, instead of DLCs it should be updates but whatever, I'm not paying for it anyway.

        • 8 months ago

          As shit as inno may be if your playing a blob game the most important thing you can have in the mid-late game is siege ability. Reason being for the past several patches AI is pussified and refuses to engage an army with a good general that's even 1 tech ahead. Doing a Mongolia-Yuan run rn and it's insane watching the AI sit 90k troops around my 27k stack sieging their capital down and just not engage me. Didn't take inno offensive because I wanted to go funny horse mode but if I did it would speed things up a lot.

  104. 8 months ago

    How big you can make your forts anyways?
    What's the biggest fort you have seen in this game?

  105. 8 months ago

    Frick sakes.

  106. 8 months ago

    inno is absolute garbage, can't believe people still have discussions about it

  107. 8 months ago

    is just a game why you have to be mad

  108. 8 months ago

    >tfw adding more provinces so I can have more comfy playthroughs within a region

  109. 8 months ago

    Give me ONE reason why I should ever go below 30% crownland outside of emergencies

    • 8 months ago

      Picking up all three mana privileges day 1 as an OPM, or at least the admin and mil ones if you have a dogshit ruler

  110. 8 months ago

    >want to do leverage the magnates as Poland
    >denied the Nieszawa privilege so now I need to go the second path
    >need LESS THAN 2 privileges for the Szlachta and 50% crown land
    >I have 2 privileges, Pacta Conventa (can't be removed) and Golden Liberty
    >to remove Golden Liberty I need to either swap out of Polish Elective Monarchy (can't be done), have 70 absolutism (super late game) or get 90% crown land and wait for 1615 (literally fricking impossible since the Szlachta is exempt from seizing land)

    So I'm just fricked forever now or what? It's literally the first mission.

    • 8 months ago

      You get crownland from developing, but it would be very painful getting to 90% just from doing just that. Changing governments seems like the most reasonable solution, I don't know how hard they tried to lock you into the elective thing but you can sometimes bypass locked tiers by taking the reforms that turn you into a theocracy/republic.

      • 8 months ago

        You get the elective monarchy as soon as you go for the king that gives you the union with Lithuania and when he dies the Pacta Conventa pops up. It's impossible to swap out of it, the game literally says so when you hover over it.
        Shit used to be way more simple back in the day. A series of events would pop up around late 1500s/early 1600s where you tell the szlachta to frick off, you fight a civil war and bam, you're a normal country with hereditary monarchy. Now there are all those missions and conditions and shit.

    • 8 months ago

      You probably should look up the eu4 wiki page for Poland, there usually are guides on how to do certain things as certain nations. Most are outdated, but some are really useful.

      • 8 months ago

        I checked reddit and found a guy who's just as confused as me about this mission tree and the advice is to basically either take the hit from the nieszawa privilege and play normally or refuse it and repeal Golden Liberty as fast as you can before the game slaps Pacta Conventa on you and makes repealing Golden Liberty impossible. If you fail at this, then the only option of progressing this branch of the mission tree is by triggering the struggle for royal power disaster around year 1610 in age of absolutism which forcefully changes your government.

        Yeah I think I'm just gonna reload a save. God damn it Paradox.

        • 8 months ago

          did you try this?

          if you're REALLY desperate the tier 3 mbanza-kongo project allows you revoke any privilege ignoring loyalty and influence
          it's similar to the puppet the nobility reform, except it should (probably) work with golden liberty

          • 8 months ago

            Sorry, I haven't played the game since Emperor came out, what the hell is that? Sounds like a mod or something.

            • 8 months ago

              >he doesn't know about the op great projects
              it's all vanilla btw

              • 8 months ago

                I have no idea how this works bro. Also how the frick am I supposed to make it to Congo as Poland before 1610 when struggle for royal power fires?

              • 8 months ago

                >he doesn't know about the no-cb country into make vassal into use vassal cb to core adjacent provinces and ignore coring distance strategy
                bro BRO...
                I guess there's nothing you can do but accept your fate, poland isn't hard but paradox are incredibly incompetent and made it so completing poland's missions is almost impossible if you went blind

              • 8 months ago

                I just reloaded the save and did it before pacta conventa hit. Had to replay like 70 years but oh well.

    • 8 months ago

      if you're REALLY desperate the tier 3 mbanza-kongo project allows you revoke any privilege ignoring loyalty and influence
      it's similar to the puppet the nobility reform, except it should (probably) work with golden liberty

  111. 8 months ago

    raise the hard cap on advisor cost reduction NOW

  112. 8 months ago

    Sorry lads I'm picking innovative I need the free policies and advisor discounts

  113. 8 months ago

    political dynasties
    random candidate +2 stats
    Try it out for God Tier presidents and doges that rule for life.

  114. 8 months ago

    Hey bros, best source to dl the dlc files? Not trying to drop $200 on this shit, haven't pirated in a while

    • 8 months ago

      >best source to dl the dlc files?
      the steam page

    • 8 months ago

      Try out

  115. 8 months ago

    >Want to take a small exclave from a distant nation
    >Start war
    >Occupy the exclave
    >Have to then embark on a massive war in the far off mainland of the enemy country because it's the only way to get the war score to take the exclave

    Why. Why is there no way to do smaller, focused wars in this game? I don't feel like invading mainland Spain just to get my hands on the part of Crimea they have. It's fricking ridiculous.

    • 8 months ago

      it's a small exclave. get your ticking warscore. done.

  116. 8 months ago

    is there any mod that turns ducal prussia into a march instead of vassal for the poles?

    • 8 months ago

      Why would you need a mod you can just manually do it.

      • 8 months ago

        because im not playing as poland obviously, but its pointless anyway because pdx fricked up and and forgot to make the brandeburg pu event work with ducal prussia anyway

  117. 8 months ago

    Is the AI hard coded not to convert reformation centers or something? I forced-converted Switzerland to Catholic, the center is their only province without religious zeal, I tagged over and they would be able to do it in just 8 months, but they don't, what the frick. They don't have humanist ideas either.

    • 8 months ago

      ai in general seems to be really lazy with conversion. Most of the province changes the reformation always seem to be from religious rebels or CoR rather than missionaries, and colonies never seem to bother converting the natives

      • 8 months ago

        They probably have some weird cost/benefit analysis that sees paying for conversions as a bad investment so they don't do it.

  118. 8 months ago

    jokes on you i play with the most unoptimized idea groups just to spite metagays

    • 8 months ago

      What even are the meta idea groups in EU4? Offensive and Innovative? I always go Offensive and Innovative/Economic as the first 2.

  119. 8 months ago

    Please, post more Mayo & Texas screenshots

  120. 8 months ago

    just post any EU4 screenshots I want to look at funny country name placements and atrocious siege day counts

    • 8 months ago

      Install Extended Timeline.
      Play Chud
      Post screenshots
      I only have Chudovo in this mod, city of the chuds.

  121. 8 months ago

    What's the right way to protect your territory when you have a variety of little provinces across the sea from your mainland? I've formed Italy and along the way I ate Venice and Genoa, and now have mainland Italy plus a string of provinces along the Balkans, Greek islands, and Crimea. When a war starts, they all get bum rushed before I can do anything.

    Do you keep forces in each of your little exclaves, or do you sail them there in times of war? Because if I try that, I'm usually trying to land in an occupied province through a superior navy which doesn't go well. But having my forces spread out causes issues too.

    • 8 months ago

      Forts + Ramparts + Defensive Ideas.

    • 8 months ago

      I just ignore them, it's never enough WE/warscore to make a difference.

    • 8 months ago

      transports and basic level forts tend to do me if you hate letting any of your territory be occupied. You can ferry armies pretty quickly around the Mediterranean

    • 8 months ago

      This here

      Forts + Ramparts + Defensive Ideas.

      is the right answer. I played a Lubeck game where I had calais, east frisia and antwerp. Put fort and ramparts on them and AI will go for them every time. Good fun watching France trying to book it out as I drop a 50 stack on them.
      If you can put fort and ramparts on a swamp, mountain or hills it is even better. After you have stackwiped them scorch the earth because they will come back.

  122. 8 months ago

    Haven't played EU4 for years, surprised people can still play it after all unconnected mechanics.

    Looking forward to EU5, with:
    >3D portraits
    >10 more more provinces
    >no mana
    >no national ideas

    • 8 months ago

      Not many mechanics being added anymore, now it's all about nonsensical mission trees

    • 8 months ago

      >Implying EU5 won't just be the launch version of EU4 with slight graphical improvements, necessitating another decade of DLC to slowly work its way back to the amount of content EU4 ended up with

      I doubt a single mechanic added to EU4 via DLC will be in base EU5.

      • 8 months ago

        There will be some mechanics from EU4 DLCs but they will be mostly stripped away with the promise that future DLCs will do the same ideas but much better. Same thing they claimed with CK3.

    • 8 months ago

      But isn't that just Vicky3, anon? You think they'd do that? Make a Vicky3 clone for 1444 and call it EU5?

    • 8 months ago

      I play Meiou and Taxes so i don't care, also EU5 is gonna be more simplified than EU4 guaranteed, there won't be pops or anything that like that.

      • 8 months ago

        EU IV has pops?!

      • 8 months ago

        EU5 will have pops if Johan is in charge. They almost got added to EU4 at one point.

      • 8 months ago

        God I hope they don't add them. EU5 is gonna run like dogshit with them just like Vicky3 and Stellaris and paradox will keep pretending that a massive slowdown in the mid to late game isn't a problem.

  123. 8 months ago

    Does anyone know why Austria doesn’t change names or become green when you subjugate them as the Ottomans?

  124. 8 months ago

    >Pacta Conventa event doesn't fire for like 200 years
    >had to make it fire through the console to make the struggle for royal power crisis start ticking in order to remove golden liberty
    I don't know if this is just another Paradox moment or if I really were this lucky to not get a single ruler with a stat of lower than 2 in the span of 200 years.
    I can't imagine playing this shit in ironman.

  125. 8 months ago

    some pretty nice QoL stuff coming to the game according to the latest diary

    • 8 months ago

      its probably the first update/content pack for EU4 in years I'm actually interested in.

  126. 8 months ago

    >Be Venice
    >Want to take out Austria but they're too strong
    >Build alliances
    >Notice that the Franco-Ottoman alliance is going to war against Austria-Hungary
    >Bavaria and some HRE minors are in a separate war with Austria-Hungary
    >Join in by declaring war with my allies Great Britain, Russia, and the Commonwealth
    >Watch all of Europe just fricking gangrape Austria and Hungary
    >Wars end
    >Austria and Hungary no longer exist
    >I have a big chunk of their territory

    Most satisfying thing I've seen happen in EU4 in a while. I always try to time wars like that, but to get so many major countries dog piling one country at once like that is rare in my experience. I've never played a game where Austria-Hungary is just gone. I feel like I have to see it through to the endgame just to see how it turns out now.

    • 8 months ago

      Lithuania and Muscovy are out of the running to become Lord of the Russias, Kazan and Chernigov take their place.

      That sounds pretty good. See it through to the end and do something cool like venetian mexico.

  127. 8 months ago

    The game at this point gives you so any inno boost event on its own I really don't see the point in wasting an idea slot on it . Hell last time I played UK I had about 100 innovative by 1570s without even trying just from going Anglican and following the tree

  128. 8 months ago

    when is EU5 coming out

  129. 8 months ago

    sow discontent is such a broken bs mechanic. when will they be removing it? or do the devs actually think a random modifier than increases rebels with no real way to counter it is a fun mechanic?

  130. 8 months ago

    >kill ottos as byz
    >all take the balkans
    >mamluks frick the ottos further and take all southern turkey + the three exact aegean provinces I needed to get permaclaims on anatolia
    >I need to rush finishing the ottos and taking everything I can having only manually claimed 3 provinces
    >mamluks get a 70k army and 5 alliances in africa
    Time to call in the winged hussars

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