Fallout 4 would be the best Fallout game if they fixed the dialogue system and the main quests were at the level of Far Harbor.

Fallout 4 would be the best Fallout game if they fixed the dialogue system and the main quests were at the level of Far Harbor.

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  1. 1 month ago

    >fallout 4 would be the best fallout if it wasn't putrid dogshit
    huh, very insightful

    • 1 month ago

      The gameplay itself is the best of all Fallouts. It's actually fun, unlike the isometric point and click snoozefest of 1 and 2 or the Gamebryo number exchange jank of 3 and NV. You can actually outskill enemies with good aim and clever movement.

      • 1 month ago

        and yet some PS2 shooter have better gameplay elements when it come to shooting and melee, bethesda is so backward it isn't fun, it's just sad

        • 1 month ago

          It is barely serviceable. People massively overrate how much better 4's gameplay is. The AI is still braindead and likes to stand around shooting you, the RPG balance is absolutely FRICKED compared to 3 or NV, the movement still feels like ass, you still have to go into the config files just to equalize your mouse sensitivity, it goes on and on. Just because it has COD ADS and better gun animations doesn't mean it's suddenly a "good shooter."

          Shit, at least NV was directed by a gun sperg and has a great gun roster because of it.

          ... and that's still enough to be better than all previous Fallouts. My point stands.

          • 1 month ago

            it's barely less jank than 3 or NV, the only real improvement in term of gameplay was how power armors where made to work

            • 1 month ago

              >it's barely less jank than 3 or NV
              Play 1 hour of NV combat then 1 hour of 4 combat and you'll see. If you never use VATS it's even more obvious how shit the combat on 3/NV is.
              I like playing 4 without using VATS.

              • 1 month ago

                why are you ignroing this that breaks down why you're wrong

                Gameplay includes dialogue/RPG mechanics and it always will.

                You're selecting one section of it (combat), in which it still falls victim to the gamebryo jank just lesser so. That's why Fallout 4 is weak, because it's singular strength over prior entries is something that nobody is playing the games for in the first place.

                Don't even get me started on other shit that contributes to combat that Fallout 4 absolutely botches from a /k/ schizo perspective. Mods can fix the combat in Fallout 3/NV to an acceptable level, what mods can't do is fix everything else in Fallout 4 that it does worse (RPG mechanics, dialogue system, choice & consequence, side quests, writing)

                We have mods
                >b-b-but mods don't cou
                Why, I have a PC, they're free (as much as Bethesda wishes they weren't), so they exist.

                New Vegas modded > Fallout 4 modded
                New Vegas unmodded > Fallout 4 modded (and unmodded) because the base game is fricking dogshit, including the combat (in all Bethesda games).

                That's literally you arguing that Skyrim has better gameplay than Morrowind because it has one element of gameplay (combat) over it, which is simply not true.

              • 1 month ago

                >New Vegas modded > Fallout 4 modded
                The problem with New Vegas for me is pretty much no replay value, so I see no point in modding it. The quests are god-tier, but once you've done them, there's no reason to replay the game, at least for me. I don't suffer from the autismo of doing every quest variation myself to see different outcomes, I can play the game once then check different outcomes on the wiki.
                That said, I have played NV more than once, but the last time I played was many years ago. Once I finish the main quest I put it down.

                4 is a game I can just pick up and play because the gameplay is fun and is disconnected from questing. You can go around upgrading weapons and engaging in combat picking different perks for gameplay variety.

                >Play 1 hour of NV combat then 1 hour of 4 combat and you'll see
                see what? that it's more fluid & bullets act like pinpoint lasers while enemies are just as moronic as they previously were & there’s no weapon condition to worry about making the game a brain dead gallery shooter? Amazing so much fun.

                >there’s no weapon condition to worry about
                I don't think this mechanic adds much to the game.

              • 1 month ago

                Weapon condition is just another thing you can balance a weapon with. It can be a nice limited for when you find a strong weapon very early in the game for example, or an additional limiter on a seriously high damage weapon like the LAER.

                I think it's good.

              • 1 month ago

                >The problem with New Vegas for me is pretty much no replay value,
                >i'm not autistic enough to do the things that give games replay values like tackling quests differently

                Sounds like no game has replay value for you then.

                >4 is a game I can just pick up and play because the gameplay is fun and is disconnected from questing.

                That's fine, if you as you admit, need braindead games to have fun after a long days shift at McDonalds, more power to you. I can't argue against low IQ people because that's just the way you were born.

                So, eh. Thanks for your statement I guess, not sure why you felt the need to post it

              • 1 month ago

                Good job cherry-picking my post, straw manning and throwing in cheap insults.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean what was your post? You literally admitted that you didn't feel the need to replay New Vegas because you didn't care for the replay it offered and just liked Fallout 4 because you could pick it up and "disconnect" (literally "turn your brain off bro") and shoot shit.

                What did I misrepresent? That was your point? What is there to even argue against such a subjective statement like that? You want a casual looter shooter game and not an RPG, that's what I got from your post. Which is perfectly fine sis

              • 1 month ago

                Mechanically engaging games give you a reason to come back to them. NV is not mechanically engaging, that's my point. It has the best quests, but once you do them, there's no reason to come back. You already know what happens. It's like rewatching a movie or TV show. Some people like doing it, but I don't see the point. The moment to moment gameplay of NV alone does not justify replaying it.
                I'm not even saying 4 is amazing in that regard, but it's better than NV.
                To further add to my point, I think 3 fails in both fronts, and is the worst of the bunch.
                >you could pick it up and "disconnect"
                This is straight up misrepresenting what I said.

              • 1 month ago

                I would unironically rather shoot shit in NV than 4 and I play tons of shooters. the difference a good weapon roster makes.

              • 1 month ago

                >Play 1 hour of NV combat then 1 hour of 4 combat and you'll see
                see what? that it's more fluid & bullets act like pinpoint lasers while enemies are just as moronic as they previously were & there’s no weapon condition to worry about making the game a brain dead gallery shooter? Amazing so much fun.

              • 1 month ago

                >bullets act like pinpoint lasers
                Funny you say that because the Laser Rifle is one of the weapons that have random spread. If I'm not mistaken all automatic weapons have random spread too.

            • 1 month ago

              i wouldn't understand why people like you are so dishonest tho.
              Play 3/nv and you'll see how the gunplay is shit compared to 4

              • 1 month ago

                in a way i kinda feel like a game with simple quake-esque shooting is a better fit for fallout than attempting to copy cod/bf/etc

                it's a game with deliberately spongy enemies where they want you to shoot weakpoints on enemies, i'd refer a dot or crosshair to actual sights and decent hipfire 2bh

              • 1 month ago

                if that's your opinion why not but i don't share it ,i do think they should actually make weakpoints much more "reactive" but keep a "cod" gunplay. The only thing is what do you with the "vats" ? because it's totally useless in 4

              • 1 month ago

                I could agree with that. I really like shooting weakpoints when they matter, like shooting out legs on melee mutants or shooting out protectron arms in 4

              • 1 month ago

                >"vats" ? because it's totally useless in 4
                I used it to look for mines since I always step on them

              • 1 month ago

                It can be useful for spotting enemies too.

              • 1 month ago

                Well enemies will come at you, mines are a problem if you dont see them

              • 1 month ago

                It can be useful for spotting enemies too.

                this is kinda broken, especially as im doing a sniper build. in the future it should be regulated on harder difficulties

              • 1 month ago

                If I'm not mistaken you couldn't see mines in previous games

              • 1 month ago

                I always use vats as a last resort, like if I take a huge amount of damage and spot a ghoul sprinting at me five feet away

              • 1 month ago

                I only played 4 once so I can't remember how it went but in New Vegas by the time you did it you are already dead since you will miss the enemy at point blank range

              • 1 month ago

                Because shit being less shit than shit, is still shit. It's a non discussion, nobody is playing Fallout games for the combat, or any Bethesda game for that matter and if you are, then yikes.

              • 1 month ago

                wow amazing answer moron

              • 1 month ago

                cheers bro. Glad you finally see why New Vegas is better

      • 1 month ago

        It is barely serviceable. People massively overrate how much better 4's gameplay is. The AI is still braindead and likes to stand around shooting you, the RPG balance is absolutely FRICKED compared to 3 or NV, the movement still feels like ass, you still have to go into the config files just to equalize your mouse sensitivity, it goes on and on. Just because it has COD ADS and better gun animations doesn't mean it's suddenly a "good shooter."

        Shit, at least NV was directed by a gun sperg and has a great gun roster because of it.

      • 1 month ago

        Gameplay includes dialogue/RPG mechanics and it always will.

        You're selecting one section of it (combat), in which it still falls victim to the gamebryo jank just lesser so. That's why Fallout 4 is weak, because it's singular strength over prior entries is something that nobody is playing the games for in the first place.

        Don't even get me started on other shit that contributes to combat that Fallout 4 absolutely botches from a /k/ schizo perspective. Mods can fix the combat in Fallout 3/NV to an acceptable level, what mods can't do is fix everything else in Fallout 4 that it does worse (RPG mechanics, dialogue system, choice & consequence, side quests, writing)

      • 1 month ago

        >best of all Fallouts.
        You're moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        1 and 2 were the best ones

      • 1 month ago

        even if it was true it doesn't matter, because the weapons in 4 are all shit and boring. Most of it is pipe weaponry and the stuff that isn't is bland or moronic looking - like the lewis gun looking abomination AR. The last good game Bethesda made was F3 and even that had critical frick ups with it regarding the main quest and world building.

      • 1 month ago

        >You can actually outskill enemies with good aim and clever movement.
        It is an RPG. Player dexterity should not be the determining factor in combat encounters. Not to mention the level-scaling induced health bloat, which greatly undermined the improved combat.

      • 1 month ago

        Gameplay doesn't, and will never matter in RPGs that actually are succesful RPGs. Otherwise all turn based games would be bad for that alone.

      • 1 month ago

        >You can actually outskill enemies with good aim and clever movement
        no the frick you cant, every enemy is a bulletsponge in 4

  2. 1 month ago

    I'm not complaining that Fallout is the most tolerant series. I know that it's filled with racism, sexism and blatant religism. But Far Harbor is literally, "LOL OLD PEOPLE FRICKIN' SUCK DUDE," on crack.

  3. 1 month ago

    well yes, BG3 showed that in a rpg actual gameplay don't matter that much and that writing is what matter

    • 1 month ago



      • 1 month ago

        yes you can hate it because it's pozzed and woke, but it's still properly written and every quest mesh with each other in a coherent way, knowledge and habilities will give you alternate choices and you have proper dialog, not just
        >tell me more
        at every fricking npc

      • 1 month ago

        Just say you haven't played BG3.

  4. 1 month ago

    Literally if they left the RPG mechanics as they were in 3/NV and included actual unique weapons ala NV instead of random drops for quest and exploration rewards that alone would make the game feel so much better

  5. 1 month ago

    >This game would be better if they had made a better game
    amazing opinion OP, truly revolutionary.

  6. 1 month ago

    >F4 would be great if it wasn't F4

  7. 1 month ago

    >fixed the dialogue system
    mods fix that though

    or at least they did before Todd broke them

    • 1 month ago

      There are mods that show you what your character will say, but that doesn't change the fact that those things are still:
      no (yes)
      sarcasm (yes)

  8. 1 month ago

    Far Harbor was annoying because of those fricking radiation storms. I know you're supposed to build those fan things to make them go away, but it's just like, frick you, dude.

    • 1 month ago

      The rad storms freak me the frick out, especially the crackly thunder.

  9. 1 month ago

    'At the level'
    So passable? Far Harbor is the only part of the game that has anything resembling okay quest design or writing, and even the writing is fricking questionable in a lot of parts. The only way to enjoy Fallout 4 is to embrace the fact that it's not even trying to be an RPG and do the looter shooter explore shit until you get bored.

  10. 1 month ago

    The wild part is that there's a handful of moments in the game+DLC where there's a dialogue check for your SPECIAL or a perk, and a few object interactions. Like when you can repair parts of the U.S.S. Constitution. But then there's nothing else in the rest of the game.

  11. 1 month ago

    The skills are also pretty fricked, most are boring +10% boosts

    • 1 month ago

      yeah but this also made 4 have the least spongy enemies

  12. 1 month ago

    Far Harbor is alright, it's what Fallout 4 should have been in order to be a good Fallout game. But Far Harbor is incredibly overrated probably because it is directly compared to the steaming pile of shit that is Fallout 4's main story. One path was fantastic, and the rest were just competently executed. And the entire leveling system needs a revamp, along with a massive fleshing out of pre-existing locations and (if Bethesda really insists on focusing on it) the settlement system needed more, like the option to run a casino or slave trading or literally anything else. Also, I really dislike the general aesthetic and the feel of its setting of Fallout 4. Everything was sacrificed for the sake of colorful shooting galleries every three feet, the setting desperately needed fleshing out as well.

  13. 1 month ago


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