
Will this save the collies?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    this game is awful, permanently in early access, $30 for a pile of shit while the developers work on the "spiritual successor" and the rapidly dwindling player base is infested by pedophiles, who come from reddit to keep posting this shit here. if this sounds like your idea of a good time, kys.
    for the love of god, do not buy, you're welcome

    • 2 years ago

      don't believe me? here are anons (not reddit tourists) discussing gameplay issues:


      it's not even fun

    • 2 years ago

      don't believe me? here are anons (not reddit tourists) discussing gameplay issues: [...]
      it's not even fun

      We get it, you got bullied in the game.

      • 2 years ago

        ok groomer, i thought you homosexuals were anti-bullying lmfao

        • 2 years ago

          Unfortunately for you I'm not a discord troony, but I am concerned that the game attracts schizos like yourself. Hopefully you're not lying and aren't playing still because I run into a few ingame every so often (who I teamkill if they act like Black folk)

          • 2 years ago

            ok groomer

          • 2 years ago

            >not a discord troony
            yeah i don't believe you, go groom some more children in your shadow council, TM.

          • 2 years ago

            >not a troony
            >posts anime

            • 2 years ago

              >Falling for the israelite scheme to turn Ganker against anime
              The israelite fears the samurai.

              • 2 years ago

                Anime as a medium is now part of the mainstream and is affected by that just like everything else.
                The only people who post tranime on Ganker now are newbies. Especially shitty reaction images with nu-anime, these are the worst offenders.

              • 2 years ago

                Ganker was made because weebs were banned off of something awful, have a nice day and go back /misc/ closet homosexual tourist

              • 2 years ago

                >big battle happening in wide open field
                >get in my LUV and drive around it behind enemy lines
                >do a 180
                >blast Highway to Hell as I drive over 20+ wardens all facing the wrong direction, the rest panic scattering and angrily plinking at me as I drive into friendlies
                >wait a while
                >do it again, wiping out a spotter and 3 mortars bunched up
                >wait a while
                >do it again

                LUV best weapon.

                Anime at the time of Ganker's inception was actually cool. Now it's full of gay weeb shit. have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          trekker is too scared of the scary Ganker hackers to ever step out of his reddit safe space

      • 2 years ago

        speaking of redditors

    • 2 years ago

      these $30 to $30 "early access" games are the cancer that imho is slowly killing steam. its the nature of steam's popularity and the cash grab mentality of constantly releasing a new game. the early access promises "ita going to get EVEN BETTER", but it never does. either the playerbase dies because the devs are so fricking slow in releasing any meaningful content (most games become old/stale by the 18 months of widespread release mark) or they never release any content at all, basically scamming customers.

      most of these "gmaes" would be considered mod-tier and undoubtedly free to play 12+ years ago, but now steam lets them charge money for it.

    • 2 years ago

      Cry about it homosexual, low rank rats should frick off anyways

  2. 2 years ago

    Only thing that can save Colonials at THIS point in this current war is actual communication and a complete dispersal of egos from the remaining clans. Will this tank save the Colonials after the update? Probably not. Cutler will just shut it down like every other tank in existence.

  3. 2 years ago

    why does every thread on /vm/ always have one raving schitzo? is it always the same guy?

    • 2 years ago

      >is it always the same guy?

      • 2 years ago

        Who'd that be ? As he has a hard on against Wardens my best bet would be either Leak, Fish or Fireblade.

        • 2 years ago

          >don't talk about the game or gameplay
          >go on discord troony witch hunts instead
          yeah nothing has changed

          • 2 years ago

            Stuck a nerve eh.

            Gameplaywise there's not much to talk about the game. it will probably die out even if they do a complete overhaul to the logistics system just because it burns through people too fast. It probably has been played and abandonned by every possible kind of logistics addict. I'm glad i can still play the game in what remains of it's peak. Game stil has a few moment where it can shine.
            My best advice to the new players would be to pick up the game play it for 1 update war and not touch it ever again. you'll have some fun moments and some shitty moments but if you play for more than that it's all downhill. See resident schizo as a prime example of the brain rot the game can induce.

            • 2 years ago

              >easy and convenient
              driving multiple hexes back from the frontlines to a logi town is neither of those things

            • 2 years ago

              >return the truck
              The logicucks can go find it, clean it up and take it home when im done with it. Dont like it? play frontlines next time

              • 2 years ago

                >Dont like it? play frontlines next time
                i do
                i steal truck all the time
                i steal it, lock it, drive it in front of your AI
                steal, lock and block your roads
                when i was done grenade spamming your friends i killed off your WTs
                in slow mo i was a fat Black person waddling around at night that shit was heavy
                i actually stole a truck and drifted it into your own partisans
                by accident
                sank two of your freighters bc too lazy to steal it
                drove around in a barge with no weapons to shitpost in chat at your team
                pulled all your AT and tanks towards my position
                died, stole your trucks, and drove them into the river because frick it

                >logicucks can go find it, clean it up and take it home
                clean it up jannie, dont care

                game is shit, dead game soon, but anon is right. i remember the colonials took our base, then took our shit and/or destroyed it. then disabled the rest of the vehicles to roadblock our push. at night. wanna destroy that vehicle? cool beans man, go ahead and give away your position. have fun getting bleeding out or mg'd.
                don't be a Black person, drive the truck back

              • 2 years ago

                >nooo not my precious truck!
                make a new one 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                oh look, a salty colonial everyone;
                >make something
                >do something
                >nothing happens
                >make a new one 🙂
                >nothing happens
                >lose war
                cya next week homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >>make something
                maybe if you could drive your own tanks you wouldnt have to prostitute them out to unreliable third parties? alas you cant, so make me a new one logi 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                welcome to chans homosexual, now frick off

            • 2 years ago

              Why are you so obsessed with whining about this game?

              • 2 years ago

                It's like War Thunder.

                Bad developers, awful community. Everything is constant fricking whining.

              • 2 years ago

                It would be better if they just shut the frick up and let the game just die in that case, instead of being an autistic screeching moron (hard on this board, I know)

        • 2 years ago

          Two nukes ready to go, hope they are used this Warden Weekend.
          Will be fun to see how fast the dual 20mm tank will be skipped if SiegeClap doesn't force it on us.

          Don't know and don't care, at least namegayging makes it easier to filter the local schizo.

          • 2 years ago

            >all fields is namegayging
            welp, confirmed WUH groomer
            please spend your hard earned money/welfare bucks for the opportunity to play with some of the internet's most obnoxious and disturbed pedophiles

        • 2 years ago

          Could be that leak wannabe Black person Astorias

          • 2 years ago

            The following players are antifa / commies
            Downvote them if they type in world chat
            [CL] Ordinary Square

            Mel and Xyara are also morons who want to 'end toxicity' and otherwise normal people simp for them.

            Most people here don't care until they cant type anymore though, and I know these people will make world chat 'whats the best form of communism?' 24/7.

            According to warden trannies, astorias is a nazi so I doubt thats true.

            • 2 years ago

              >$30 to see unemployed pedophiles on welfare (how else are they always online?) discuss the benefits of communism

            • 2 years ago

              He's a hohol shill

  4. 2 years ago

    Join Wardens, Discord groomers Cymo and Xyara had an in-game gay pedo wedding. In a war game. It was heckin' based and valid, they even came over here from Reddit to insist "IT'S MA'AM."
    Do you still want to spend $30 on this? Do you see how angry people itt get for telling you this is a bad game with a shitty playerbase? Game is dying and they need more victims.

    • 2 years ago

      Rarely are there enjoyable moments, unless you have friends. Is it worth $30? Absolutely not with the state of the community and game.

  5. 2 years ago

    Good fights in Heartlands all evening again.

  6. 2 years ago

    Did they ever fix the claBlack person shit on this game? I remember you basically couldn't do shit unless you joined one of these troony discords and sucked up to some homosexuals with an ego problem.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe play the fricking game and you’d find out that you can do plenty solo. Better yet, get some friends and do shit with them. I don’t even do ops with my clan and mostly solo until my IRL friends decide to hop on.

    • 2 years ago

      >Did they ever fix the claBlack person shit on this game? I remember you basically couldn't do shit unless you joined one of these troony discords and sucked up to some homosexuals with an ego problem.
      no, and it continued to get worse. here's a fun example: streamer harassment. A new streamer will bring in a desperately needed population spike but since they're not part of the troony chain of command, they'll be constantly harassed and reported for stuff like "HE SHOWED THE GAME MAP ON STREAM HE'S GIVING THE ENEMY INTEL REEEEEEEEEE" until they subordinate themselves or move on to a better game.
      The troons doing this shit all have alt accounts on the enemy team to see their map anyway.
      we haven't even gotten to men in their 40s spamming cum and femboy at 12 and 13 year olds yet

      Maybe play the fricking game and you’d find out that you can do plenty solo. Better yet, get some friends and do shit with them. I don’t even do ops with my clan and mostly solo until my IRL friends decide to hop on.

      lmao what a charmer, what a compelling reason to play
      do not buy this game. do not waste $30.

      • 2 years ago

        Take your meds schizo, can you tell the class what happened to make you seethe eternally?
        Not telling anyone to buy anything, but if they already have the game they could find out quickly themselves instead of listening to some moron(s) on a board known for being populated by the lowest denominator of their communities.
        Take. Your. Meds.

        • 2 years ago

          do you think you're making a strong case for the playerbase every time you act like this? $30 to play a bad early access game with you?
          keep it up, groomer

          • 2 years ago

            Join Wardens, discord groomers Cymo and Xyara had an in-game gay pedo wedding. In a war game. It was heckin' based and valid, they even came over here from Reddit to insist "IT'S MA'AM."
            Do you still want to spend $30 on this? Do you see how angry people itt get for telling you this is a bad game with a shitty playerbase? Game is dying and they need more victims.

            ok groomer

            what is up with the mentally ill people in these threads?

            • 2 years ago

              t. triggered pedophile

            • 2 years ago

              Leak posting outside of sigil again

            • 2 years ago

              Leak posting outside of sigil again

              Could be that leak wannabe Black person Astorias

              no one knows who these homosexuals are, reddit groomers.

              • 2 years ago

                >everyone who isn't a /misc/ astroturf troony homosexual shill is a groomer
                have a nice day

                t. triggered pedophile

                >t. Black person that doesn't know how the meme works
                GO BACK

              • 2 years ago

                >chimping out at a month old post
                ok groomer

            • 2 years ago

              it's just a samegay, ignore them

  7. 2 years ago

    >anon says it's a bad game not worth $30
    >immediately call him schizo
    >while at the same time keeping an "enemies" list on hand and swearing that the game developers are engaging in a massive conspiracy against your team
    Now THIS is Foxhole posting

  8. 2 years ago

    This game is one of the better 20 € I've ever spent, tbqh.

  9. 2 years ago

    This thread and especially


    convinced me not to buy the game now.
    What a shithow.

  10. 2 years ago

    I love this thing so much, a shame Wardens were only able to finally get it at t2 so late

    • 2 years ago

      >just grab a buddy, gas masks n filters and some binos
      >hop in and drive around the base outskirts for a bit and act as QRF
      >anything too heavy, just back the frick up and return to base while leaving a map post upon your departure.
      >check the map every once in a while to see if there are any collie partisans interested in playing stupid games
      >rinse and repeat

      quite comfy but its understandable why its that late to get. people would spam that shit and would horde component mines more than they already do if it were released any earlier

  11. 2 years ago

    tfw new

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        idk what that image is supposed to mean, i'm new at the game.

  12. 2 years ago

    for what purpose did they ban sniper rifles

    • 2 years ago

      the game is by morons for morons

    • 2 years ago

      Because The Vision.
      >Will be fun to see how fast the dual 20mm tank will be skipped if SiegeClap doesn't force it on us.
      It is going to be forced tech, no one in their right mind would use this piece of shit outside tier 1-3.

      • 2 years ago

        They better increase the damage on the 20mm to not be a joke

  13. 2 years ago

    How do you deal with AI going behind enemy lines? It seems like all my attempts end in getting turned into swiss cheese by a line of bunkers.

    • 2 years ago

      Just try until you find an opening, Although it is easier with listening kits and a radio now.

    • 2 years ago

      Stick to the edges of the hexes. When you travel away from the DZ, occasionally pause to check ahead. Especially when moving around corners.

  14. 2 years ago

    Playing colonials this war has been hilarious;
    >huge concrete bunker base
    >built on main road
    >behind front lines
    >running logi to front lines a disaster because you have to drive through the concrete spam base
    >front line falls
    >stupid concrete base becomes the front line
    >arty crew barely has room to fire and reloaders are getting run over left and right
    >friendly tanks and logi are getting stuck
    >tanks can't defend perimeter anyways because infantry can't even get to it
    >try it anyways
    >trench and barbed wire spam connected to perimeter bunkers
    >but there's no fricking DOORS or PORTS in any of these bunkers
    >can't even access the garrisons
    >now everyone is doing the barbed wire shuffle to exit these useless trench wedges just to fight back
    >wardens build a few basic trenches outside AI range to kill off anyone that has to leave stupid spam base just to defend it
    >cue in cutler spam, entire perimeter get btfo'd
    >not even enough room within perimeter to build basic pillboxes
    >everyone is now stuck in a foxhole parkour simulator aka hell trying to climb over bunker spam to fight back
    >/unstuck gets spammed in chat
    >everyone gets to watch a dumb climbing animation before getting blown off a roof by a tank
    >everyone gets gas spammed
    >everyone dies

    I came back a few days later and the entire base was deleted off the map. Probably one of the most satisfying things I've seen in the game so far. Seriously, when are they going to exile these spergs into their own minecraft tier foxhole building simulator. I can't even imagine how many components had to die just so I could enjoy the playing experience of fighting off tanks and MGs with mammons and a fricking pistol.

    • 2 years ago

      I like building, but demolishing the mega autismo bases is satisfying. My favorites were the Market Road and Roilfort ones

    • 2 years ago

      If builders can build concrete bases that incorporate troop and logi movement, I will fight till the very end to keep it alive. Otherwise, I will fight or send resources elsewhere if shit builders are setting us up for failure. Some people need to learn a lesson the hard way.

    • 2 years ago

      I have literally never seen one of those concrete megastructures at full capacity. I see turrets sticking out every which way but no one manning them. Maybe a pocket of actual artillery somewhere in there but that's it. Do they really get used ever?

      • 2 years ago

        I mean by the time tanks or HVFC show up they're either shooting the concrete from 45 meters, or 150mm'ing it down from afar, or trying to burst it down with a bunch of 250mm's. So sitting in one with an HMG is kinda worthless unless you can anticipate a satchel rush on that location.

        • 2 years ago

          >I see turrets sticking out every which way but no one manning them
          they're AI turrets, probably, since all bases are built around the assumption that nobody is going to be there to defend them

          I mean these things. I have never seen a bunker gun like this being used, I half think they're purely decorative at this point. It's always open-air artillery or mobile ones.

          • 2 years ago

            that's a howitzer garrison
            they're ai that autoretaliate against mortars and artillery

            • 2 years ago

              Oh, huh. So if someone uses artillery close enough to them they'll try and fire on where the shell came from? Crazy.

              • 2 years ago

                it can fire back at anything within 400m or so, which isn't exactly close, but yeah

              • 2 years ago

                How many times do they shoot back after being hit?

              • 2 years ago

                once the bunker its connected to is hit by mortar or arty fire, all howi connected to it fire 5 times with extreme accuracy at the source player and tracks them specifically(if an arty piece hits you can have the gunner run away from the pit to bait the fire away) once all 5 shots are done the howi resets.

          • 2 years ago

            that's a howitzer garrison
            they're ai that autoretaliate against mortars and artillery

            I've seen squads antagonize this dumb thing to the point it's stuttering back and forth to find a target. Never had a problem destroying one. I made the same dumb mistake trying to swivel an EAT back and forth between an infantry flank and four tanks (plus two push guns). I guess I share the same intelligence as one of these things.

      • 2 years ago

        >I see turrets sticking out every which way but no one manning them
        they're AI turrets, probably, since all bases are built around the assumption that nobody is going to be there to defend them

  15. 2 years ago

    >All Light Tank models have been downsized. For some background information, the Light Tanks were the original tanks added to the game back in 2017. Since then, we've added many new tank classes and through this process realized that their scale no longer made sense in the current lineup of vehicles. They now better reflect the scale of light tanks from WW2 and also leave room for even larger tank classes we have planned for the future.
    >even larger tank classes
    Bros.... do you think.......

    • 2 years ago

      I want battle tanks back bro

    • 2 years ago

      If thinks get crazy like that I will nut. Early Foxhole hinted at something way cooler than just not!WW1/2

  16. 2 years ago

    >insufferable homosexual player base comes to Ganker from discord because of "DID YOU SEE WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT US ON FOUR CHAN???"
    >demonstrate how pathetic and insufferable they are

    • 2 years ago

      As opposed to
      >social rejects get banned from everywhere else
      >go to shit up Ganker because they were forcibly ejected from everywhere where their actions had concequences

      • 2 years ago

        Just ignore the schizo like you would any other mentally ill troony (redundant)

        • 2 years ago

          no. its fun to finally have a real schitzo to mess with and not the fake glowing kind the other boards are full of

  17. 2 years ago

    judging from this thread the foxhole community is extremely autistic

    • 2 years ago

      its an MMO in a fictional pseudo-ww2 setting with an elaborate crafting system. that said this thread is particularly bad because ~~*some people*~~ are obsessed with screaming to the heavens about how bad they think the game is and a new unpolluted thread is like crack cocaine to them. actual people ingame are pretty friendly from what ive seen

      • 2 years ago

        i dunno if i'd call the crafting system elaborate

      • 2 years ago

        lmfao the lies just write themselves

        • 2 years ago

          i dunno if i'd call the crafting system elaborate

          The system itself is simple. The multiple different trucks and cranes, cratedness vs uncratedness, constantly refueling mines, different carrying capacities by uniform, shared qeues, different production times per item, limited transport capacity, variable fuel tank sizes and efficiencies, and limited construction sites make it elaborate. Its not a deep system, but its wider than it strictly needs to be. Its no factorio, but do YOU know any non-autismos who want that level of detail in their shooty game?

          • 2 years ago

            >different trucks
            90% of the time there's no reason to not use basic and the remaining 10% is fuel
            either there's a prebuilt one on site or you bring a mobile one, also not crafting
            >cratedness vs uncratedness
            i'll give you this one
            >constantly refueling mines
            not complex or crafting
            >different carrying capacities by uniform
            mostly irrelevant except in situations where one uniform is clearly strictly better
            >shared qeueus
            >different production times per item
            that's not player-side complexity, you just press button and come back later
            >limited transport capacity
            this is a repeat of the first entry and usually isn't crafting
            >variable fuel tank sizes and efficiencies
            irrelevant for transport, just hit the refuel to full button and and then
            >limited construction sites
            not crafting

            • 2 years ago

              >90% of the time there's no reason to not use basic
              if you want to be even remotely efficient you should be using a flatbed but what would i know
              >either there's a prebuilt one on site or you bring a mobile one
              sometimes you need to bring the Bmats to build one on site since they're slow as frick and cant be loaded on flatbeds or barges, but its not generally an issue, just an inconvenient extra step. why cant i just drive the flatbed into the unloading dock?
              >not complex or crafting
              it is if you want to use mines. its not complex to push a button, but its a whole issue if you're the one who has to go build the truck then fuel it up and drive it over
              >mostly irrelevant
              yeah but i want my damn knight armour to not be fricking worthless
              you like waiting four hours for a mediocre discount on a vehicle you only want one of? alternatively, you like hammering?
              >you just press button and come back later
              if i had the time or more importantly patience to do that id also have time to make a spreadsheet of production times so that i wouldnt have to
              >this is a repeat of the first entry and usually isn't crafting
              granted, but crafted stuff you cant use or bring with you is objectively a waste of time
              >just hit the refuel
              ah yes, this works wonderfully on barges and roads where every fuel tanker is already empty. and you cant afford to waste all that shit you're bringing, so guess what takes an entire slot in your truck?
              >not crafting
              how is the availability of construction sites not a factor complicating construction? get real

      • 2 years ago

        Scrap makes bmats
        Scrap makes fuel
        Scrap makes explosive mats
        It's not elaborate
        bmats make 90% of items
        bmats + emats make 9% of items
        3 lategame items require you to get some sulfur, refine it, and use that too.

        This is way simpler than a ton of mmo crafting or alchemy systems where each different recipee takes multiple inputs of different items. It's not complicated.

        for what purpose did they ban sniper rifles

        Sniper rifles are back next war, but nerfed. Can't use them on the barge or the APC because a small warden clan called BWMC started to shoot colonial logi trucks on bridges from a barge, and colonials were too stupid to create a boat and go kill it. They just kept driving into the ambush over and over and whined about it.

        If builders can build concrete bases that incorporate troop and logi movement, I will fight till the very end to keep it alive. Otherwise, I will fight or send resources elsewhere if shit builders are setting us up for failure. Some people need to learn a lesson the hard way.

        I've started to leave extra space for parking and I've always been a fan of doors and fighting space. My shit I built last war barely got attacked at all though


        I mean these things. I have never seen a bunker gun like this being used, I half think they're purely decorative at this point. It's always open-air artillery or mobile ones.

        yeah thats a howi garrison. I had fun shooting 150mm at a bunker with like 4 or 5 of these on it in the baths right before it fell. Every time we'd launch a few shells we'd eat like 5 retaliation shots, and have to pause to repair our artillery and hex trench.

        I've seen squads antagonize this dumb thing to the point it's stuttering back and forth to find a target. Never had a problem destroying one. I made the same dumb mistake trying to swivel an EAT back and forth between an infantry flank and four tanks (plus two push guns). I guess I share the same intelligence as one of these things.

        It rotates trying to find a target if it doesn't have an angle. The AT turrets swivel if you hit them from like a 90 degree angle too, but are out of line of sight.

        once the bunker its connected to is hit by mortar or arty fire, all howi connected to it fire 5 times with extreme accuracy at the source player and tracks them specifically(if an arty piece hits you can have the gunner run away from the pit to bait the fire away) once all 5 shots are done the howi resets.

        I'm not sure its 5. You might be right but I think we only got like 3 waves of retaliation fire on us. I wonder if going into cover stops it?

        • 2 years ago

          the recipies are simple and resource gathering is simple, but how many of those MMOs have weight encumberance AND limited inventory slots with arbitrary stacking rules and logistical management between crafting stations?

    • 2 years ago

      Doom and gloom

      Fun with occasional cum spam in chat

      • 2 years ago

        >Fun with occasional cum spam in chat
        >spammed at minors because it's apparently a human right now
        woah based NAMBLA Unity Hub, how will anti-LGBTPedo bigots ever recover?

  18. 2 years ago

    how did the playerbase get so miserable? people were cool when this game first released. what is all this talk about pedophiles, kids and trannies actually play this game now? btw what happened to all of the chinese players who would appear out of nowhere in hordes and then disappear

    • 2 years ago

      >how did the playerbase get so miserable? people were cool when this game first released. what is all this talk about pedophiles, kids and trannies actually play this game now?
      the techhomosexuals

    • 2 years ago

      its the same guy having a meltdown over multiple weeks of multiple threads

      • 2 years ago

        t. coping reddit troon
        not everyone who criticizes the game (and especially its players) is the same person, schizo

        • 2 years ago

          >troony troony troony troony
          excellent point, i have absolutely no evidence to suggest every raving drama post is made by you

          Is this shit still a middle schooler bullying clique simulation?

          it even has the six hours of monotonous class and homework parts!

  19. 2 years ago

    What's the point of making snipers useless instead of removing them from the game? Same with the shotgun, it's been useless for years now.

  20. 2 years ago

    Is this shit still a middle schooler bullying clique simulation?

    • 2 years ago

      yes, also evidenced by player behaviour itt

      • 2 years ago

        How the frick did it happen to a game like this? Are there so few normal people playing multiplayer games in general anymore or what? I'd expect the playerbase to be normal WW1/2 nerds, not these insane losers.

        • 2 years ago

          >normal WW1/2 nerds, not these insane losers

        • 2 years ago

          it starts with basic MY SIDE IS BETTER THAN YOUR SIDE. then it goes into persecution complexes about "the developers are hindering my side and helping your side," coupled with progressively more complex and outlandish conspiracy theories. I think this is survivable, but it didn't stop there.
          About a year ago after winning a bunch and doing a lot of posturing, Wardens had a string of bad losses to the Colonials. Certain Warden regiments had formed a clique called "Warden Military," and in a case of broken clocks, identified (or blame) poor teching organization as the reason for those losses. Colonials had/have "Quartermasters" collecting tech materials and bringing them back to tech centers, so WM copied this system.
          Except someone in there decided that instead of QMs (because that's a Colonial term), that they would be called techmaids (techhomosexuals) and use the game as a platform for his gender issues. I don't know who it was exactly, but there were certainly enough WM members who wanted to go along with it. WM already had an strong sense of entitlement and unwarranted self-importance: this made it worse. Soon you start to see teamkilling for techmats, cum spam, incessant talk about femboys, mass reporting and censorship of anyone asking them to stop, gay Warden marriages, Warden movie night, extreme hostility towards streamers, etc. Things more indicative of playing a discord clique rather than playing a war game. A lot of people quit, some eventually went Colonial, but the Colonial side also feeds into the incessant MY SIDE IS BETTER THAN YOUR SIDE shit and has led to a decline in quality of gameplay and numbers.
          Since these people are addicted to the power and control they've never had outside this niche video game, they're desperate for new blood to go run their ops for them while they movie night or complain about Ganker threads on their discord.
          inb4 schizo samegay liar collie propaganda early access game is worth $30

          • 2 years ago

            >Things more indicative of playing a discord clique rather than playing a war game.
            Yeah this is the experience I've had in a lot of multiplayer games lately. Shit sucks, I just want to play a game as it is, not have to join some troony clique and adopt their memes, bully people outside the clique, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            >extreme hostility towards streamers
            yeah but they deserve it

          • 2 years ago

            Since when did channers start defending streamer gays? Streamers are fricking cancer.

  21. 2 years ago

    They could really just fix this game by making it so that clans can't own anything and only claim vehicles for 24 hours.

    • 2 years ago

      the way this game is designed kind of makes clans a necessity though, organization is just too important. how is a solo player going to get a coordinated tank push going? beg in world chat for logi to bring free tanks to the front? spend 12 hours scrooping and building tanks himself so he can drive them all up and hope there's competent randoms willing to help? and that's not even getting into base building, arguably the most important aspect of the game and it is simply not possible to do solo unless you're the most autistic neet ever
      they could partially solve this by making public squads less shit, turn them into a pseudo-lfg thing where squads can advertise what they're doing. being able to throw up a post saying "planning a tank op, join if you want to help out" would make organizing with randoms so much more feasible - however i believe the devs have already said they don't want to do this because it doesn't fit their Vision. when you look at the design decisions they're making with anvil it becomes apparent that they like clan gameplay and all the power squabbling and clique bullshit is working as intended

      • 2 years ago

        >when you look at the design decisions they're making with anvil it becomes apparent that they like clan gameplay and all the power squabbling and clique bullshit is working as intended
        Players have been treated by clans as a resource to spend like bmats. tlThe problem is, you can get more bmats, players move onto other games. Then you either have to poach players or attempt to convince them to buy the game.
        How many years has Foxhole been early access? It's almost Star Citizen. 1.0 is around the corner but it's STILL early access. It'll be the last population spike before they completely abandon for Anvil, and not a single lesson will have been learned by anyone.

        • 2 years ago

          >Players have been treated by clans as a resource to spend like bmats. tlThe problem is, you can get more bmats, players move onto other games. Then you either have to poach players or attempt to convince them to buy the game.
          yup, and this is probably always going to be an issue because of how logi works - players *are* resources in a sense because you need enough of them to hold down LMB on rocks to actually get any resources. most vets don't want to do this because it's miserable work so the easiest thing for them is to foist it on new players, and those new players end up getting burnt out after 10 hours of playing Rhineland Truck Simulator. i don't know how they can really fix this without completely redesigning logi from the ground-up, which they're not going to do. buffing resource output might be a good band-aid to make things less tedious and encourage more solo players to try building shit on their own but realistically it would probably just make clannies work overtime and hoard even more supplies
          >It'll be the last population spike before they completely abandon for Anvil, and not a single lesson will have been learned by anyone.
          doesn't help that they're getting all their feedback from the worst possible sources. they only listen to the reddit and the discord, and neither of those places are going to talk about the fundamental problems with the game because they're filled with clannie powerusers who benefit from the fundamental problems. it's all just BUFF MY SIDE NERF THEIR SIDE bullshit which is basically rearranging chairs on the titanic. closest we've gotten to a group actually trying to make the game better was the logi union and while that was overall pretty gay it did lead to some decent qol improvements

          • 2 years ago

            A big reason why my friends quit was because it basically turned into
            >Okay, we've done infantry for a few hours, we want to try vehicles now.
            >Okay, let's go scrap for a bit.
            >Well, if we want anything more than a jeep with a pistol mounted to it, we need to get components
            >Component fields are camped 24/7 by Clans
            >Attempt to get a few to make any vehicle
            >instant TK and report

            • 2 years ago

              You and your friends need to learn how to scrounge random bases for free vehicles better, because on the Warden side I have had no issue getting free fully-stocked tanks that were just sitting in a lot. It got easier late war with there being more tanks/vehicles than crews that some clans were just giving them away in world chat. For Collies, I imagine it’s easier since MPT is a thing.

              Most fun I have though is usually with a spitfire or any LUV and qrfing partisans or tanks with a bonesaw stowed in the inventory

              • 2 years ago

                >You and your friends need to learn how
                no they don't, because they already quit

              • 2 years ago

                >You and your friends need to learn how to scrounge random bases for free vehicles better, because on the Warden side I have had no issue getting free fully-stocked tanks that were just sitting in a lot.
                this is a good strategy but you better make sure no one sees you because a low-rank driving away with a clan vehicle is going to be accused of alting and mass reported

              • 2 years ago

                >>You and your friends need to learn how to scrounge random bases for free vehicles better
                Or just play a better game that doesn't have people like you in it.

              • 2 years ago

                which clan are you in lmfao

              • 2 years ago

                So are you a clannie or are you not even playing the game? Either way it shouldn’t matter because now the vehicles are actually being used instead of sitting around getting stolen by partisans.

                >You and your friends need to learn how to scrounge random bases for free vehicles better, because on the Warden side I have had no issue getting free fully-stocked tanks that were just sitting in a lot.
                this is a good strategy but you better make sure no one sees you because a low-rank driving away with a clan vehicle is going to be accused of alting and mass reported

                The only time someone asked me about a vehicle I wrenched was some clannie that asked where I got it, and I lied about building it myself in a garage and they left. Even if someone did see, it’s not even against the rules so I couldn’t care less.

              • 2 years ago

                I will steal your fully-loaded tanks, and I will grief your storm cannons. I will have fun at your expense.

          • 2 years ago

            >closest we've gotten to a group actually trying to make the game better was the logi union and while that was overall pretty gay it did lead to some decent qol improvements
            the logi union was made well aware upon its formation in late 2021 that devs had already planned for a logi QoL update early 2022 so they deserve zero credit for that update happening. they also knew upfront that devs like to work silently and release status updates when things are almost ready but that didn't stop them from sperging out throughout the game, discord, and reddit about how oppressed they were for doing logi as if they were being held at gunpoint.
            unless these losers get banned or get a life, the game is going to remain stuck with these bottom feeders for a long time.

  22. 2 years ago

    asymmetrical tech has been a complete failure as a concept and if they want this game to survive they need to go back to the only asymmetry being map design. it is the only way to stop the balance tug-of-war and the nonstop screeching over dev bias

    • 2 years ago

      It really was an absolute moron move to take a map that's already unbalanced and creating issues, not fix it and instead add further asymmetry atop it.

  23. 2 years ago

    I was right.

  24. 2 years ago

    >Be me
    >started war 35
    >still see myself as a newb even tho my rank is high
    >my stats sheet says i'm actually a machine
    >i still see older vets than me as actual hero
    >we're so few of actual old timers now
    >some of them joined clans
    >some went so crazy on FoD that they quit
    >some turned into pedo/furries and went to jail, do not collect 200$
    >some joined the other side out of spite
    >war...war does weird shit to you man
    >i ride solo since war 40+
    >i take some long breaks but when i play im really into it
    >people know me and salute me and the rank in the field
    >i always have a ton of commend to give to people on the frontline because i also shit a ton of stuff at the factory.
    >i often have the pleasure of commending no-ranks into private and making sure everyone at spawn see him rank-up and congratulate him because he deserved it and fougth without a rank for the past hour at some random bridge.
    >if im at a main faction hub and see you struggling to understand logi, i will help or give you bmats
    >i look at every map post every now and then and see what i can actually help with.
    >i will join in 5 min, you dont know me but i will be watching you figth, and i will commend you.
    >who am i?
    >just some old officer,who love to turn recruits into officers.

    now you migth ask...why would anyone do any of this?
    Because i hate the other side so much it's unreal.
    I never do war crimes, i will pickup the enemy body and even ask our medic to heal him, i will talk to the enemy in all chat and friendlishly taunt them without insult because i 'member the joy of interfaction voicechat and also the horrors of it.

    But i swear, if i see your filthy head pop-up out of a trench, i'm gonna fricking explode it.
    This is a flamewar, and i fricking hate colonials.
    (But i actually love you very much because we both love to play small soldiers)

    • 2 years ago

      I just really hate Colonials

    • 2 years ago

      this greentext could have easily been written with myself in mind. even though those victory map posts leave out the little guys like me, there is satisfaction knowing that regiments and even coalitions have been able to tip the scales of a qrf or op towards victory through my efforts filling in their logi gaps or providing redundancy with supplies. the reddit and discord degenerates are ruining this game, but there's still some decent new and old players left who retain the fun atmosphere that I remember from earlier days.

    • 2 years ago

      I know this feel. Ever since I joined during War 14 the game's gone down hill. The wardens got really bad when the Gankerermin got banned.

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't even bought the game yet
        was Gankerermin a clan or something?
        why did they get banned?

        • 2 years ago

          >I haven't even bought the game yet
          i strongly reccomend you keep it that way. the game very accurately captures the feeling of being one powerless rando in an army of thousands, and it feels like shit

          • 2 years ago

            I've enjoyed playing planetside 2 and SS13 colonial marines, is it that bad?

            • 2 years ago

              maybe not that bad

            • 2 years ago

              same, anon. it really reminds me of old school CM in some ways. Its worth a shot. Watch some gameplay, scratches a similar itch to CM

            • 2 years ago

              Planetside 2 lets you pull a tank every five minutes and spawn every ten seconds. Foxhole takes an hour of grinding instead of playing for a tank and takes a minute to respawn. Also infantry cant do shit on their own so good fricking luck. You dont even get grenades unless someone grinds for em and an hour of grinding and driving gets you like 180 tops, and you have to share
              >thats a lot of grenades
              Yeah but you didnt bring 180 respawn supplies did you, so good luck using them all in one life homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                I’m honestly plagued more by people over supplying frontline bases which get killed without most things getting used by people who just grab rifles and nothing else

              • 2 years ago

                It'd be a good feature if you could 'assemble battlekits' in bases.

                Pick up to 5 items, (example: Rifle, 3x rifle mags, Mammon) and for the same it takes to pull the heaviest object of the kit out, you pull out all 5. This might incentivize the use of weapon better than the simple rifle, and quicken the Spawn to combat time.

                Im not sure if it'd be better to have those be faction set at the tech center, individually in a personnal template type deal, or created directly as at the base.

              • 2 years ago

                Weird, which items are overlooked?

              • 2 years ago

                Gas Mask, self explanatory
                First aid kit: even if you're not playing medic, a single first aid kit can save someone's life, and technichly an entire Platoon's life, since medics can't bandage themselves.
                Radio: Map Updates are godtier
                RadioBackpack: Become the watchtower.

              • 2 years ago

                Mines, All tripod weapons, 40mm and 68mm shells (even with crews taking way too much shells for their tanks, logi still finds a way to not spread the shells out in the contingency bases), and as mentioned before, all medic supplies that aren’t bandages. The only thing I feel like I have to really hunt for is a wrench.

              • 2 years ago

                Gas Mask, self explanatory
                First aid kit: even if you're not playing medic, a single first aid kit can save someone's life, and technichly an entire Platoon's life, since medics can't bandage themselves.
                Radio: Map Updates are godtier
                RadioBackpack: Become the watchtower.

                The radius for radio backpack is tiny, and it's heavy too. Listening kits and tripods are a better idea.

              • 2 years ago

                they don't even work in vehicles, which surprised me. seems like that'd be a prime use

            • 2 years ago

              You'll love it.

              • 2 years ago

                why would he, or is this just lazy shilling by an abuse victim wanting to perpetuate the cycle?

        • 2 years ago

          >was Gankerermin a clan or something?
          A collection of randoms that did good partisan work but sadly had to do gamer things and got banned.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            /v/ermin was unironically good partisans. So good that even clannies respected them and value their efforts. A pity they didn't know how to restrain their autism.

            • 2 years ago

              It's what happen when you recruit on Ganker.
              You can either get some gems of stupidity or some pretty impressibe people.

              Also the Ganker thread always used to be very pro warden and had some pretty savory anti-collies memes until the whole thing about saying wardens are troony started poping out and people posting stuff like ''Should i join collies this war bros?''

              These thread are Warden owned, and playing colonial is a disease of the mind.
              And the only cure is to beat them over and over until they understand their place in life.
              Face down, ass up.

              pic unrelated, i dont have the pics of the rat shitting on the collie

              • 2 years ago

                >Play colonial goyim
                >Wardens are full of trannies goyim
                >We are the hecking based faction goy

              • 2 years ago

                >implying wardens being trannies is some made up collies psyop
                holy cope lol literally anyone can hop on warden and see the techmaid shit and cum spam for themselves, i'm not happy about what the wardens have become but trying to pretend they're still the same as when Gankerermin was around is just sad

              • 2 years ago

                it's desperate schizo recruiting for a homosexual team in a dead game
                do not buy

            • 2 years ago

              All the OG vermin were perma banned 3 years ago

              • 2 years ago

                wrong, the game is just trash.

                It's what happen when you recruit on Ganker.
                You can either get some gems of stupidity or some pretty impressibe people.

                Also the Ganker thread always used to be very pro warden and had some pretty savory anti-collies memes until the whole thing about saying wardens are troony started poping out and people posting stuff like ''Should i join collies this war bros?''

                These thread are Warden owned, and playing colonial is a disease of the mind.
                And the only cure is to beat them over and over until they understand their place in life.
                Face down, ass up.

                pic unrelated, i dont have the pics of the rat shitting on the collie

                here take a few of my old pictures

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Ah yes, the windmill of friendship.
            Nothing bad here my friend! we're all trannies here!
            It's only a song about a flower called erika!

            • 2 years ago

              An excellent movie that should be required viewing in Cold War modules of history classes. Assuming the various Ministries of Truth in each country allows it. All the actors played their parts exceedingly well and it's a damn fine way to kill a couple hours in the afternoon along with a glass of the finest grain liquor over ice made with pure rainwater, of course.

            • 2 years ago

              the flower is edelweiss but i guess it's a synonym for the girl erika so close enough. my grandma said boys died going into the mountains for those sometimes so it was a big deal.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              Loser windmill

              • 2 years ago

                >Loser windmill

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Because i hate the other side so much it's unreal.
      it's unreal because you're so moronic that you think it's really that different
      i just play qrf + partisan for whichever side has the losing streak because it's boring being on the winning team and needing to wait in queues to do anything interesting
      they're both full of idiots making up excuses to cope for skill issues while they fight over the same shitty trenches over and over again using almost identical tactics so it all comes down to which population has the bigger group of crybaby furries, troons, and other self-important homosexuals

      • 2 years ago

        I'm sure you actually believe your own delusions.

        • 2 years ago

          how was he being deluded? do you even know what that word means?

          • 2 years ago

            >Because i hate the other side so much it's unreal.
            it's unreal because you're so moronic that you think it's really that different
            i just play qrf + partisan for whichever side has the losing streak because it's boring being on the winning team and needing to wait in queues to do anything interesting
            they're both full of idiots making up excuses to cope for skill issues while they fight over the same shitty trenches over and over again using almost identical tactics so it all comes down to which population has the bigger group of crybaby furries, troons, and other self-important homosexuals


  25. 2 years ago

    If you're there rigth now or if you were there earlier.
    so comf with those tunes.

    • 2 years ago

      God I hate Wardens as much as Colonials now

      • 2 years ago

        i really don't know why the frick it hasn't be clamped down on

  26. 2 years ago

    >Foxhole's gotten even worse since I left
    I just pity anyone still playing this. It's sunk cost fallacy at this point, constantly pretending they're having fun when they aren't. Just to try and justify what they paid for and not admit it went sour. It's even worse when you're a pre-world war gay like me when it was actually damn good fun and remember that. It's like stellaris, it was fun. At first. Then the devs sucked all the fun out of it to appease b***h ass tards who couldn't into actual strategy.

    Seriously just stop. The dream is dead, move on, play something actually fun. It's okay to admit a game went to shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I shoot the blue man and get dopamine when he fall over, I fail to see what is flawed

  27. 2 years ago

    I've spent the better part of the last three days fighting over the same virtual corner of a burnt down barn and I've thoroughly enjoyed my time.

  28. 2 years ago

    a pal of mine wants me to pick this game up, but i thought i'd ask my friends on Ganker(nel) first.
    is this game fun?
    whats the difference between colonial and warden?

    • 2 years ago

      If you have a friend to play with, you will have a lot more fun than playing solo. Most vehicles require at least a crew of two to use effectively, same with things like artillery and mortars.

    • 2 years ago

      a Warden is a homosexual who will UwU at you and ask you to 'refill the battle skirts exdee" while treating you like yesterday's crap. A warden will shoot you then claim you walked into his gun.

      a colonial is an undisciplined gaylord who never returns the trolley, lazy, pessimist and a bit of a furry. A collie would rather steal his fellow man than be honest for a minute.

    • 2 years ago

      >is this game fun?
      I promise you its not, its a second job at best

    • 2 years ago

      no please save both your money
      >inb4 redditors in an abusive relationship with a bad dying video game hurl abuse at me

    • 2 years ago

      The game is amazing. Virtual third person crack cocaine.

      The factions both have their own weapons and vehicles but there's little practical difference.

      • 2 years ago

        >The game is amazing.
        >Virtual third person crack cocaine.
        possibly true for those unable to admit how terrible the game is
        >The factions both have their own weapons and vehicles but there's little practical difference.
        also a lie because all both teams do is scream about how unfair the other side's equipment is
        do not buy

        No hes right

        >The game is amazing
        Amazingly still alive, amazingly shit, amazingly mismanaged by the devs
        >Virtual third person crack cocaine
        A life ruining addiction
        >The factions both have their own weapons and vehicles but there's little practical difference
        Because most of them either dont matter, or are trash, and whoever wins is whoever has the most autistic clans on the longest anyway

  29. 2 years ago

    >82dk appears at a front
    >immediately go there and throw bombastones at them until they quit

    my favorite pastime

  30. 2 years ago

    >The game is amazing.
    >Virtual third person crack cocaine.
    possibly true for those unable to admit how terrible the game is
    >The factions both have their own weapons and vehicles but there's little practical difference.
    also a lie because all both teams do is scream about how unfair the other side's equipment is
    do not buy

    • 2 years ago

      No hes right

      >The game is amazing
      Amazingly still alive, amazingly shit, amazingly mismanaged by the devs
      >Virtual third person crack cocaine
      A life ruining addiction
      >The factions both have their own weapons and vehicles but there's little practical difference
      Because most of them either dont matter, or are trash, and whoever wins is whoever has the most autistic clans on the longest anyway

      I have no idea what kind of mental disorder leads to posts like these but whatever.

      • 2 years ago

        >I just spent YEARS in a terrible early access game!
        >I spend my free time when I'm not playing defending it from HATERS!
        >YOU'RE mentally ill!
        Do not pass Go, do not spend $30

      • 2 years ago

        Severe autism. Most people would simply stop playing and maybe leave a bad review, but this is Ganker so there is enough schizos for each and every thread on the board. This is probably the fate of those who get mindbroke by logi and don’t know what to do anymore.

  31. 2 years ago

    I miss when this game was less full of assblasted clannies and sperging morons.

  32. 2 years ago

    Who here frontpilled?
    idk how to drive
    too complicated
    too much walking

    I have killed dozens and held off pushes with a rifle alone, sometimes on one spawn, and I will kill again.

    • 2 years ago

      i do this now except i alternate with wrenching back line trucks full of rmats for tanks i want to drive.
      at any given time there are 1000-2000 loose rmats within 5 minutes driving distance of any mpf hub

      • 2 years ago

        I skip that step and just wrench the tanks.

    • 2 years ago

      does the game still allow this? used to do this when it first launched, just played solo in front lines and tried to lead pushes and exploit holes. stopped playing for a while and came back i think 2 years ago and just ended up getting shot by ai most of the time.

  33. 2 years ago

    Played this game briefly a couple years ago, kind of interested in trying it again.
    I see all this talk in this thread about trannies and really just want to ask:
    How much trouble should I expect to get in (i.e. getting b&hammered) if I give any trooner troopers I come across shit for being the gross sex pests they are?
    They seem to be literally obsessed with cum and sex, quite nasty individuals, I'd be upset with myself if I didn't at least call them out on it

    • 2 years ago

      >How much trouble should I expect to get in (i.e. getting b&hammered) if I give any trooner troopers I come across shit for being the gross sex pests they are?
      in voice chat? minimal unless you get mass reported by a clan, which is possible
      in text? don't expect to stay in game for too long

      • 2 years ago

        Except 2 or 3 real troons that should have kept playing runescape or something, the rest wont care and will probably find you funny but wont say it because we all have tasted the bad-comms hammer once.
        Back in the early days worldchat was wild and then the bans started so we all took it down a notch because the game is actually enjoyable.

        Some very helpful and polite highranks now probably once were ultratrolls back in the early days.
        No windmill of friendship and blasting the ''flower song'' anymore.

        It's all about knowing where is the line between calling someone out on being a degenerate and harassing them.
        In short, dont harass or give too much energy to it.
        Be subtle and remember that even if you think Black folk cant do anything rigth or that gays always need to mention that they love penises,if they're supplying my front or throwing a nade rigth on the enemy face, they're alrigth in my book.

        Personaly i really dont give a frick about what people do with their dick in their free time but still hate cum spam because of how weak it is to just shut people up, even the morons have a chance to prove they're dumb.
        Nobody get a special treatment in foxhole, we're all a bullet away from death.

        I wasn't gonna just go full blast in the all-chat or anything. I'd handle it with more subtlety than something like spamming "YWNBAW! YWNBAW!" or praising H-man without any hint of joke or irony.
        More like, if I pull up to the frontline and Astolfo is gayging it up in the trenches I'd ask why the only thing on his mind in the middle of a warzone is cum and sex.
        If they get downed, deliberately stand on their corpse and mock their moronic behavior while they bleed out.
        >gays always need to mention that they love penises,if they're supplying my front or throwing a nade rigth on the enemy face, they're alrigth in my book.
        Yeah , I totally understand this in the long run it doesn't matter if Major General Brick Shithouse or Flowerboi Astolfo is running logi's, you're still getting fresh ammo and gas masks etc at the end of the day.
        I just have an issue with these gaylords prancing around in just about any video game with no impunity and having to fricking listen to it, lest they decide to get the admin they send thigh pictures to on discord to come online to defend his kitten with the banhammer.

        • 2 years ago

          honestly if you're going to be the platoon femboy you should at least contrast your homosexual shenanigans with being a top-tier asset to the situation as well at which point you wrap back around to being based.

        • 2 years ago

          Go Colonial, it's less of a problem, and even if you make a mistake, just praise Comrade Xi and you'll be forgiven.

          • 2 years ago

            I'd rather be a trannie than a commie

            • 2 years ago

              given how much alt-right homosexuals came out as a wiener sucker, that doesn't surprise me

            • 2 years ago

              based. commie bussy always ends up being sloppy seconds. who in their right mind would support that?

    • 2 years ago

      Except 2 or 3 real troons that should have kept playing runescape or something, the rest wont care and will probably find you funny but wont say it because we all have tasted the bad-comms hammer once.
      Back in the early days worldchat was wild and then the bans started so we all took it down a notch because the game is actually enjoyable.

      Some very helpful and polite highranks now probably once were ultratrolls back in the early days.
      No windmill of friendship and blasting the ''flower song'' anymore.

      It's all about knowing where is the line between calling someone out on being a degenerate and harassing them.
      In short, dont harass or give too much energy to it.
      Be subtle and remember that even if you think Black folk cant do anything rigth or that gays always need to mention that they love penises,if they're supplying my front or throwing a nade rigth on the enemy face, they're alrigth in my book.

      Personaly i really dont give a frick about what people do with their dick in their free time but still hate cum spam because of how weak it is to just shut people up, even the morons have a chance to prove they're dumb.
      Nobody get a special treatment in foxhole, we're all a bullet away from death.

    • 2 years ago

      >They seem to be literally obsessed with cum and sex, quite nasty individuals, I'd be upset with myself if I didn't at least call them out on it
      just don't go on the warden side if you don't want to deal with it. people will yell at you if you say cum in world chat for being a warden degenerate

  34. 2 years ago

    >be new
    >do something to try to help
    >veteran player shouts at me to stop
    >won't explain why beyond "its bad"
    I've since figured out why "its bad" in just about every case and in every case I have, it wouldn't have taken long to explain to me, and may have even saved 100 or so bmats each time
    I understand git gud but there is a real opportunity cost here. Do these people just not want to win?

    • 2 years ago

      I try to answer peoples questions and teach people, but a lot of moronic high ranks just want to be elitists and never bother answering questions

      • 2 years ago

        and the ranks don't really mean much either, but players in this game are so fricking dumb that they think rank = skill rather than heckin wholesome updoots for doing the most boring and mindless shit in the game, or haivng their asses padded by clannies that frick up every op they do anyway

  35. 2 years ago

    did wardens tech hangman this war?

    • 2 years ago

      Haven't seen one yet

  36. 2 years ago

    what in gods name do I do now?

    • 2 years ago

      die, respawn, avoid that spot.
      maybe a moderator will show up if you whine long enough. yes they exist

  37. 2 years ago

    >crude oil doesn't stack in the fuel trucks
    now I see why we don't have petrol lying all over the place

    • 2 years ago

      you guys have petrol?

    • 2 years ago

      yup. standard trucks are straight up the only way to transport crude. it's awful and entirely intentional
      on the plus side it does mean if you're willing to put up with it you can get petrol for comps pretty frequently

  38. 2 years ago

    How fricked are we ?

    • 2 years ago

      Stage III

    • 2 years ago

      FOD was immediately stage 4 as Icanari is a diaper fetish troon from the start

      WUH / WM you're at stage 3

      WA is at stage 1 as they had to issue a statement to condemn racism and homophobia in an attempt to have good optics after being attacked by WUH troony mods for allowing memes

      Sigil is stage 4 homosexualry and the admin openly cheats and brags about it

      • 2 years ago

        literally any discord community is immediately at stage 4. frick off, troon

        • 2 years ago

          ok boomer

          • 2 years ago

            genuine question, why do you redditors keep coming over here? you already have your troony subreddit and your troony discords and yet you still feel the need to astroturf in the one thread that hasn't been completely overrun

            • 2 years ago

              you're trying way too hard to fit in to what you perceive as a Ganker culture
              no one gives a shit about using discord and if you go into any vm group that uses one and offer to pay for a vent server or something, no one cares about privacy and will say discord is just easier. Get over yourself. If you actually gave a shit, you'd just be admin on one of these and be able to communicate with everyone who plays the game, and dismiss the concern troll attempts by trannies for not being inclusive enough.

              • 2 years ago

                genuinely this
                all you need to do to get the trannies to frick off is to not bow to them
                You don't even have to ban them, just say no

              • 2 years ago

                I cringe every time I see this schizo newhomosexual.
                All he talks about, 24/7, is Discord and trannies.

                I don't like Discord myself, but I do use it to communicate and I literally have never encountered anyone talking about trannies. The most odious things that have ever
                happened to me on discord is occasionally seeing some cringe anime avatar or encountering one of the gay bots. But I just block anything with the word bot in the name anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                >in defence of schitzos, ive only ever found maybe one public discord for a game that wasnt dominated by a small club of MTF trannies and their orbiters.

                that said, who fricking cares? you have real friends dont you? discord is for playing with them, not trying to form parasocial relationships with other spergs over your shared autistic game/politics obsession

              • 2 years ago

                I'll admit that I rarely ever go onto the public discord for Foxhole and even if I did, I couldn't post there because it requires you to validate it with your real phone number.
                lmao, frick that. I haven't validated things with my real number in years.
                I agree. I love this game, but I'm not going to hang out on Discord. Discord is for planning battlefield operations and maybe some shitposting about the ebil devs.

              • 2 years ago

                ive never gone there because i dont care what its like and i hate this game too much to make it part of my daily life, but im sure its no worse than any other benign discord on earth

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you hang out on this thread if you hate the game?

              • 2 years ago

                its the engineering game autism showing up again. i can clearly see that the game is broken beyond repair and that im wasting my time, but theres this irresistable itch in my skull that says "maybe THIS time, with an extra step here and some time saved there, the game wont be horrible. maybe THIS time, you've figured it out"

                i know i havent
                i know i never will
                i cant stop trying
                help me

              • 2 years ago

                >help me
                Just play some EU4. Or better yet, a nice long CK2 (idk if CK3 is any good and I'll probably never buy it so I won't find out).
                I was working on a really cool mod for CK2 where you could return the Byzantine empire to Hellenic paganism, re-open the Oracle of Delphi, get prophecies which had random effects, struggle with Christian revolts and internal coup events, make Troy a holy city, and resurrect the Olympics. It's on the shelf for now, but I had a lot of the Oracle of Delphi events done.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just play some EU4
                i said im autistic not pathologically an accountant. i need moving parts to be invested

              • 2 years ago

                Well, I can't help you there. Foxhole is the only shooter game I like.
                You should play a game that interests you. No sense being bitter at a game that doesn't. I hear good things about Squad.

              • 2 years ago

                >play paradox game
                Kys grooming Troon
                Paradox games turned my friends either into troons or Muslims

              • 2 years ago

                >Paradox games turned my friends either into troons or Muslims
                i guess video games really did make people violence!

              • 2 years ago

                >Paradox games turned my friends into Muslims
                what paradox game is turning people into muslims lmao

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                The only way to unite the galaxy is through jihad

              • 2 years ago

                Paradox games just reveal who you truly are.
                >Be me
                >Test out cold war mods on HOI4
                >Try to see how many different ways I can kill African commies as Apartheid SA
                >life is good

              • 2 years ago

                based sisypheananon
                i'm in the same place as you, the game fricking blows but there's no substitute
                >I hear good things about Squad.
                it's round-based, logi is an afterthought, it takes 20 minutes of holding down W to get to the action, and most of the people who actually know how to play are insanely cringey UHHH TANGO BRAVO DELTA WE GOT BOGEYS ON OUR SIX OVER military larpers. it's fun enough but it's not really anything close to foxhole

              • 2 years ago

                I remember reading somewhere, possibly on /vm/, that there was some game developer tied to a big studio who was making his own version of this game as he was frustrated with Siege Camp's shortcomings.
                Project Anvil could fix all of the technical issues that Foxhole has, but it still won't be worth playing if the player base is just as pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                >Project Anvil could fix all of the technical issues that Foxhole has, but it still won't be worth playing if the player base is just as pathetic.
                have you seen any footage of it? they're designing it to appeal to the worst parts of the playerbase. the combat sucks (the sword gameplay is the same as foxhole bayonet gameplay i.e. run around like a moron and spam LMB to win) so the game revolves around medieval logistics, you spend most of your time doing exciting things like collecting wood or tilling soil. the settlement system is literally a built-in mandatory clan where the people who do the most logi have the most power, picrel

              • 2 years ago

                I really really really hope none of you are stupid enough to fall for buying Anvil

              • 2 years ago

                how about Hell Let Loose?

              • 2 years ago

                >how about Hell Let Loose?
                NTA, but anything engineer or logistic related is extremely basic and simple to keep the up the pew pew.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah like that other anon said hell let loose is basically a more realistic battlefield, it's fun but it's not even on the same level as squad in terms of complexity. plus it's also round-based, the persistent war aspect is the biggest reason i play foxhole. as flawed as foxhole is it's really the only game doing what it does, planetside 2 is closest but it's far more flawed

              • 2 years ago

                One must imagine syssiphus playing a different fricking game

                >Project Anvil could fix all of the technical issues that Foxhole has, but it still won't be worth playing if the player base is just as pathetic.
                have you seen any footage of it? they're designing it to appeal to the worst parts of the playerbase. the combat sucks (the sword gameplay is the same as foxhole bayonet gameplay i.e. run around like a moron and spam LMB to win) so the game revolves around medieval logistics, you spend most of your time doing exciting things like collecting wood or tilling soil. the settlement system is literally a built-in mandatory clan where the people who do the most logi have the most power, picrel

                Oh god. How long until bankruptcy?

              • 2 years ago

                They'll never go bankrupt as they're funded by the leaf gov

              • 2 years ago

                >One must imagine syssiphus playing a different fricking game
                based and Camus pilled

    • 2 years ago

      >there are people who want users banned for wrongthink, and they're killing forums
      >if only all the wrong people who think that were banned it would be fine, because then everyone would be just like me and noone would ever fight or argue!
      good luck!

      • 2 years ago

        thank you!

  39. 2 years ago

    >Game is a isometric shooter
    >poeple wear matching uniforms
    >everyone die in (almost) one hit
    >you can kill anyone even your side
    >literaly everything about the game is about building for war/arming for war/waging war
    >possible troon presence ingame under 1% and play during SEA timezone, little brown war machine powered by rice and estrogens and boner for nazi-chic
    >some schizos go on Ganker everyday and makes a wargame with 1k active players all about trannies and furries.

    It's uh...simple you uh...kill the discord.

    • 2 years ago

      t. got AIDS at the Warden gay wedding

    • 2 years ago

      >possible troon presence ingame under 1% and play during SEA timezone, little brown war machine powered by rice and estrogens and boner for nazi-chic
      I didn't even know it was possible to achieve this level of bizarre cope

      • 2 years ago

        >1+ year of gay wedding femboy cum troon spam on Wardens
        >"akshually that's the Collies doing it"
        why are homosexuals like this?

        • 2 years ago

          >Schizo is a Collie
          Checks out

          • 2 years ago

            >mentally ill pedophile Warden calls others mentally ill
            >assumes everyone is the same poster to cope
            checks out

            • 2 years ago

              Your meds will kick in eventually, just keep using them regularly

              • 2 years ago

                have you stopped grooming boys yet?

              • 2 years ago

                Do you have actual proof or are you just the discord autist assigned to this thread?

  40. 2 years ago

    I heard a great thing said by one of my Warden brethren that rings true. “No matter how we treat them. It won’t be as bad as how Collies treat each other.” Collies are their own worse enemy. Nothing will save them except themselves

    • 2 years ago

      >I heard a great thing said by one of my Warden brethren that rings true. “No matter how we treat them. It won’t be as bad as how Collies treat each other.”
      yeah man the way colonials treat each other is truly disgusting. i asked a question in world chat the other day and, get this, people just responded to it normally instead of yelling about cum! later i helped out with some tech running, and you know what they said to me? they said "thank you"! not one mention of me being a femboy or wearing a maid outfit! no one should have to suffer in these conditions

    • 2 years ago

      holy projection

  41. 2 years ago

    haven't played in a few years, should i join collies this time? it seems like warden has gotten pretty bad

    • 2 years ago

      If you are obsessed with seeing trannies everywhere go collonials.
      If you were born before the 1999 go Warden.
      And if you are born before 1999 AND still see trannies everywhere, have a nice day.

      Why are you making this wargame about your personnal psychosis and gender/identy politics?

      Instead of thinking you're some kind of propaganda master, grab a rifle and try to figth at the front for more than 5min before getting shot by someone laughing at you bleeding.

      Also, New vic physics, whats up with that, i ran so many people in a wheelchair its ridiculous.

      • 2 years ago

        idk wtf any of that shit means friend, last time I played there were AI defenses everywhere. what's it like now?

    • 2 years ago

      wardens have more gay/troony shit
      collies are worse at the game
      pick your poison

    • 2 years ago

      if you want rampant child grooming discord homosexuals spamming cum and having gay weddings in-game, go Warden
      if you want Reddit incarnate, go Colonial

      play something else/don't buy this

  42. 2 years ago

    How many successful ops you done this war soldier?

    • 2 years ago

      I just keep killing on the front. My average k:d is 5:1. I've singlehandedly fended off attacks by squads of enemies with just the basic rifle.

  43. 2 years ago

    >Gankerermin would defend the femboy cum homosexual shit
    nice try Reddit. go back.

  44. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      someone save that poor twink

      • 2 years ago

        The twink is a logi main. There is no saving him.

  45. 2 years ago

    Haven’t played for a year.

    Is the game good now?

    • 2 years ago

      If you like partisan they gave them another kick in the balls in the form of observation towers.

    • 2 years ago

      no, in fact it's worse

      someone save that poor twink

      infested with homosexuals like this

  46. 2 years ago

    Is the balance on this game still shit? The devs insist on giving Wardens the best in everything but those trannies always find a way to b***h about being the underdogs

    • 2 years ago

      Game is at the most balanced state so far, unless you count the early war advantage colonials have with their superior armory

  47. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >~20 hours logged
    >see all this talk about the troon menace
    >have yet to actually see any
    I do play on colonials tho and not wardens.
    Most I've seen is a field hospital of sorts signed "kitty kit uwu field hospital" or something like that

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah like other anons have said it's much more of an issue on Wardens. Playing as Collie you'll run into some gay stuff (mostly just gay signs like you saw and """women""" with deep voices in prox chat who you better not refer to as "bro") but Collies don't really have any gay shit ingrained in their culture like Wardens do with techmaids and all that. In fact, since gay shit has become a Warden tradition Collies are automatically opposed to a lot of it - run around yelling about how you're a femboy on the green side and you'll be told to shut the frick up and possibly teamkilled

      it's desperate schizo recruiting for a homosexual team in a dead game
      do not buy

      Game's still fun if you go Collie

      • 2 years ago

        >Game's fun if you go collie
        have a nice day Black person you don't even play the game

        • 2 years ago

          >seething this hard
          I struck a nerve, huh?

          • 2 years ago

            >faction full of shitskins, chinks and redditors
            >more fun
            You have to go back

            • 2 years ago

              >continues to celebrate pedophile homosexuals on Wardens
              >tells others to go back
              lmao. lmfao.

            • 2 years ago

              >implying any of those things are worse than trannies
              The chinks literally don't even speak. You're just proving my point

  48. 2 years ago

    >equip shovel
    >repeatedly teamkilled and mass reported by clangays
    >get banned because mass reported
    How the frick does anyone like this shit?

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds like you either made it up or you're leaving out most of the story

      • 2 years ago

        If you've ever actually played Collie you'll know that if you equip a shovel you'll be teamkill spawncamped by clangays because you might dig a trench.

    • 2 years ago

      exceptionally common occurrence. do not buy this game

      This sounds like you either made it up or you're leaving out most of the story

      deranged troon who teamkills and mass reports the victim

      If you've ever actually played Collie you'll know that if you equip a shovel you'll be teamkill spawncamped by clangays because you might dig a trench.

      idk about collies but when I played warden this happened at least several dozen times. you're also probably a homosexual who can't be honest about how fricking shit this game's community is
      >t. was officer in a WM homosexual fest regiment
      >inb4 "collie psyops propaganda" schizo episode

      • 2 years ago

        schizo spotted

    • 2 years ago

      >equip shovel
      >repeatedly fill in trenches and artillery craters within AI radius
      >get commends and mass kudos
      Skill issue.

    • 2 years ago

      unless you know what you're doing such as

      >equip shovel
      >repeatedly fill in trenches and artillery craters within AI radius
      >get commends and mass kudos
      Skill issue.

      , shovels have gotten a reputation as more of a liability than asset. too many instances where morons grab shovels and dig everywhere only for the enemy to take it minutes later because there's no trench mods, nearby AI, or other defensive measures. disruptive structure placement is against the rules some players are liberal with how they interpret it, although holding a shovel in itself shouldn't warrant getting reported.

  49. 2 years ago

    A reminder they are here too

    • 2 years ago

      i dont get this incel values thing. Being anti-incel means you think its cool to have a used up prostitute? I dont know how you wire neurons in your brain in such a way that you can ever interpret that as a cool or ok thing in your head lmao

  50. 2 years ago

    How am I supposed to gather components if claBlack folk have at least 1 dude in the component field at all times, ready to just scroop it all for themselves??

    • 2 years ago

      >mining components, ever
      >farming components, ever
      Clanners are just as bad as solos in letting stockpiles expire. And every individual lets a personal refinery go public at least one time. Unironically spend a few hours just bullshitting in a backline logi hub and watch as hundreds of rmats go public. I'd also say to actually communicate and just ask for some. I've only run into a few clanners who were complete dicks and would not talk or outright TK for components. Fields and Mines are public. If someone is trying to bogart it you can either bully them back or return later. Take your pick.

    • 2 years ago

      >doing party-san
      >find a truck surrounded by walls in the middle of nowhere in collie territory
      >blast it open
      >1000~ish Rmats
      Thank you goblin clanmen

      • 2 years ago

        A good thing these types of shitters are on both sides. Remember: Parking lots outside of Logi Hubs are ILLEGAL.

  51. 2 years ago

    >in this game every step of logistics is done by the player!
    >base defences are automated

    • 2 years ago

      worse than just being automated, base defenses don't actually consume resources
      a rifle garrison eats one gsup every hour, regardless of rounds fired

      • 2 years ago

        God thats filthy
        >logistics for thee, but not for clannie!

        I guess they have to pay the base builder troll toll though, maybe that evens it out

  52. 2 years ago

    So, who's winning this war?

    • 2 years ago

      probably colonials
      >wardens at a massive population disadvantage
      >alts dumping everything
      >the new colonial tank is amazing at pve
      >colonials have more organized claBlack folk
      >colonials push while everyone is sleeping
      >wardens don't fortify gains
      >a lack of non claBlack person warden logi drivers
      >wardens don't have many builders this war
      >colonials exploiting border bases
      as an example maiden's veil was attacked with at least thirty to forty colonials while wardens could only muster twenty at the most. not only that, during its last stand by wardens, colonials lost five tanks right off the bat and still had more in reserve while wardens were struggling with everything they had; no bandages and bmats for the longest time

      • 2 years ago

        Game needs to show us the faction populations

      • 2 years ago

        >things are horribly unbalanced and broken but only when it affects muh preferred faction
        >implying wardens havent been using the same shitty cheese mechanic for years
        >collies were winning long before any of their new late game tech came out
        >barely anything considered a nerf hit the warden side yet crybabies acting like giving collies actual PVE is the worst thing ever
        >wardens had yet again another massive mid game power spike but wasted it
        >warden clannies once again showing up for clout and building useless vanity bases but leaving the front to die in the hands of randoms
        >82DK and 27th getting skill issued in Endless Shore and their bases wiped by literal randoms with arty and assorted collection of minor clans


        • 2 years ago

          >implying I give a single frick about faction

          loyalty or whatever gay Black person mental gymnastics you homosexuals espouse
          there isn't any cope, so nice projection you dumb Black person. everything i've typed was a statement of unbiased facts. you've only continued to reinforce my original statement that colonials will potentially win the war. ie. the war is going in their favour. nothing to do with balance or whatever the frick you're talking about

          >barely anything considered a nerf hit the warden side yet crybabies acting like giving collies actual PVE is the worst thing ever

          there are many good things about the new tank, and many bad things. it's just that I highlighted the major strength. is it great at PVE? yes. is it good in linebattles against other vehicles? not entirely, because it's prone to getting tracked and having its rockets bounce. it having the most armour in the game doesn't offset how slow and manoeuvrable it is.

          is that better you petulant moron?

          • 2 years ago

            its the troony obsessed collie spammer, just ignore her

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >82DK and 27th
          WM ultrahomosexuals lmfao

  53. 2 years ago


  54. 2 years ago

    why the frick is ‘cum’ not banned.
    i’m sick and tired of this shit. nobody wants to see it.
    every fricktard that plays this game should report anybody on any occasion using ‘cum’ in chat. take back your game.

    • 2 years ago

      Play collies you fegget

      • 2 years ago

        nice psyop, troony, but im going to keep playing warden while being extremely homophobic and racist and there is NOTHING you can do about it

    • 2 years ago

      because the fruitcake leaf devs sympathize with child groomers (I WONDER WHY THAT IS), this is also why "pedophile" is censored so you can't call them what they are

    • 2 years ago

      >every fricktard that plays this game should report anybody on any occasion using ‘cum’ in chat. take back your game.
      i downvote all the cum messages when i'm bored and doing logi, i don't know if downvoting actually does anything but it makes me feel slightly better

      • 2 years ago

        I think enough downvoted messages actually gives people "bad communications" under their activity log.

  55. 2 years ago

    >game where one of the big selling points is that every gun and bullet has to be made by real people from resources harvested by real people
    >oh btw if you spawn a border base a bunch of free shit magically appears
    for what purpose?

    • 2 years ago

      >for what purpose?
      Appeasing the braindead masses that can't coordinate to make OPs to open new fronts.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably to instigate the fight. Instead of expecting regiments to plan OPs they set up a claimable loot box with enough materials to get a bunker base STARTED.

    • 2 years ago

      Because random can't coordinate for shit and they need devman to hold their hand and open new fronts. Otherwise they will only go where there are fights, reaching player limit on those hexes and complain to devman that the game is boring because they can't go to where there is fight.

    • 2 years ago

      Because logi sucks
      >spend an hour mining and trucking
      >base gets 30 shirts, 30 rifles, 60 magazines, 15 gas grenades, 15 bandages, 15 masks and filters, 15 bayonettes, 100 bmats and some binoculars
      That will sustain a front for a full hour until i get back for sure!

      • 2 years ago

        If you don't want to mine just grab salvage off mines and make shirts and other stuff that requires only bmats (or just haul the bmats themselves). Leave the complex items to clanners arn dudes who are willing to watch paint dry.

        • 2 years ago

          >or just haul the bmats themselves
          based and builder pilled

        • 2 years ago

          Sure i can just make lots of trash fast but then the front just gets piles and piles of trash. There's only so much a defender can do with rifles shirts and gas grenades, and attacking is out of the question

    • 2 years ago

      i can get why the spawning of a border base is important for keeping up the number of active fronts but why the frick does it generate supplies
      put a dropoff point somewhere in the owned hex that lets you deposit crates and have them spawn in to the border base when it appears

  56. 2 years ago

    Thank you warden clannies for donating all this delicious loot to the Legion

    • 2 years ago

      imagine being a warden and playing to defend a region when all of your clans just hoard shit from you and, even worse, don't even try and scuttle or use any of it when they're about to lose the region. wardens are truly cucked

      • 2 years ago

        >defending a clan region ever

      • 2 years ago

        >defending a clan region ever

        >defending a clan region ever
        this unironically
        when randoms showed up to defend maiden's, the claBlack folk in charge there started yelling in voice chat and region chat that we weren't doing enough.

        no one wants to be yelled at or told to do anything by literal who morons who place AT bunkers that face each other on the road

        these mouthbreathers had 600+ shirts, infinite 40mm and 68mm shells, infinite arty shells, but nothing actually useful like
        >tanks that could use those shells
        >actual artillery pieces
        >any automatic weapon
        >any automatic weapon ammo
        >gas mask filters
        so instead of pulling one of their many dipshit claBlack folk off the line to get the things they're hoarding that are needed on the front, they just continued kvetching and blaming others for not solving their problems for them.

        good riddance

        What clan tag makes you happiest when you kill one of them? For me it's [GOON]

        1CMD. they're fun to play against

        • 2 years ago

          >so instead of pulling one of their many dipshit claBlack folk off the line to get the things they're hoarding that are needed on the front, they just continued kvetching and blaming others for not solving their problems for them.
          unironically just play colonial, i remember a few wars ago t3c put all their codes on map markers along with a bunch of other regiments when kalokai was under threat. they seem much more sporting.
          >1CMD. they're fun to play against
          are they good or bad. who are the good colonial clans?

          • 2 years ago

            >are they good or bad
            I have no way of knowing if they field tankers, as a majority of colonial crews are absolutely fricking moronic, so I can't comment on that. 1CMD infantry seem to put in good work; one of their infantryman alone can take out about six moron wardens doing that spinning garbage. They also seem highly organized and they've shit on me and my buddies day many times with sticky rushes.
            >who are the good colonial clans?
            No idea and can't be fricked to find out. 1CMD infantry are the only ones I've bothered to remember purely because of the amount of times I've directly seen their nametags.

            clans are for Black folk anyways

          • 2 years ago

            Collies have a bunch more small and mid sized clans than they do large ones.
            1CMD is one of the larger ones as is CGC (the infamous Chinese nightcapping horde), just know that even at full strength our bigger clans are still nowhere as big as some Warden clans, so we just work together in regional coalitions with whoever is around.

            The situation in Endless Shore was expected to be a massive frick up for the Colonials since (according to "Colonial High Command") we had zero major clans assigned to the region to counter the 27th and DK death stack. Somehow our randoms, minor clans and shard 2 noobs managed to delay them long enough to turn the tide.

            • 2 years ago

              Late war on the losing side both sucks and is fun at the same time. Haven't had this feeling since war 85. Surrounded by drooling morons and clannards seething that they don't have force of numbers on their side, but at least privates are happy to blow up tanks when you show them how. Delayed the destruction of Allsight by a bit by pulling the emplaced guns out of storage while everyone was confused and shoving some low ranks into them, at least until I saw those 6 CGC tags come out of the dark with satchels and everyone just stared at them.

              The telling thing is I never saw 82DK log on. It was randoms with the odd clanman building. Moors is the place where the only warden clans that are fighting as a regiment are, which again is telling because its the only place to hold. Callahan's Passage was hilarious since it was just a few random builders (including one shred guy building a concrete base to try out the wardens), and some small french clans who built glorified carparks the Collies split open in 15 minutes of concentrated effort. They screamed at me about a trench connector and I watched from my mountain hall as their base was obliterated.

              • 2 years ago

                >Callahan's Passage was hilarious
                It was. The constant ownership change was nuts. One day it'd be Colonials, the next it'd be Wardens then back to Colonials.

                Defending in White Chapel against Collies was fun. Us eventually repelling that gay streamer, pushing into Procession, then having a straight push into Crumbling and eventually Solas. Went to bed that night, woke up, and saw Collies pushing back hard at Crumbling and Wardens falling back all the way to Procession.
                >They screamed at me about a trench connector and I watched from my mountain hall as their base was obliterated.

              • 2 years ago

                >Callahan's Passage was hilarious
                It was. The constant ownership change was nuts. One day it'd be Colonials, the next it'd be Wardens then back to Colonials.

                Defending in White Chapel against Collies was fun. Us eventually repelling that gay streamer, pushing into Procession, then having a straight push into Crumbling and eventually Solas. Went to bed that night, woke up, and saw Collies pushing back hard at Crumbling and Wardens falling back all the way to Procession.
                >They screamed at me about a trench connector and I watched from my mountain hall as their base was obliterated.

                >Wardens killing badmanlarry's partisan base in The Lance at Callahan's Passage

              • 2 years ago

                kek, I changed my name to a bunch of random moonrunes and CGC gays gave me all kinds of free shit, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have taken down that concrete corner protecting allsight town hall

                running with them in suicide satchel waves was fun, wish I could have seen the asspain warden clanny troony chat

              • 2 years ago

                the defense of allsight was so pathetic it actually made me feel kind of bad for wardens
                they had about 4 tanks total and 1 of them got stuck in a ditch. the rest was basically pve

              • 2 years ago

                Woah woah woah 4 tanks!
                I did not knew we even had that many left!

                >it actually made me feel kind of bad for wardens
                Funny how it goes eh...
                Maybe thats because you enjoy playing the underdog after all.

                >1 of them got stuck in a ditch
                thats the exact reason why i wont let anyone else drive my tank,
                Because if the gunner sucks, atleast you can manoeuver out of the way.
                But if the driver matter how good of a shot the gunner is.
                if the moron driving start paniking and drive rigth into a ditch...tank is not only dead, its gonna get captured and thats a thousand time worse.

              • 2 years ago

                >its gonna get captured and thats a thousand time worse.
                my tank crew carries six filters and stickies for that reason
                no one is ever going to capture our tank

              • 2 years ago

                I will trap you with bikes and fart down your commander's haych until you beg for death.

              • 2 years ago

                >trap you with bikes
                >implying we wouldn't scuttle our tank with our own stickies
                no U
                >fart down your commander's haych
                good luck, we're behind 7 filters!

              • 2 years ago

                >30% of your weight is filters
                Have you tried 2+1, 74 bmats, 3+1 mags for a pistol, a wrench, a radio, binos, and a hammer? Works for me, regularly achieve 1:3 or more

              • 2 years ago

                don't forget a bandage, those things are practically weightless

              • 2 years ago

                I was there in a silverhand the whole time (we had 9 more sitting in Clanshead ready to go but unused) and I was yelling at people to find a middle ground between suiciding tanks and refusing to anchor the line. Your tank line hung back and all we had to do was tap them, but there was way too much Collie infantry compared to our own (and actually aware of what to do) that we couldn't advance at all which condemned us to a slow death at the town hall. If I had a chieftain I'd honestly have been able to do more because you lot didn't even have a HVFAT until the very end of the siege.

              • 2 years ago

                >defending a town
                >with TANKS

                Not sure if you're moronic or new but that is literally the last place to use tanks. You have limited movement along with extreme corners and cover for infantry to ambush you. Tanks belong in highways and open fields. What Allsight needed was field guns and lots of infantry repairing the concrete defenses and spraying down satchel teams. Every tank you had inside the city was 3-4 less infantry doing actually useful shit.

        • 2 years ago

          Just looking at the lMaidens lootbox your clannies hoarded at least 16 crates of arty plus another 8 guns already uncrated. Also no real shortage of automatics or tripod weapons. Curiously, not many tanks left unless you wanted to try your luck with a few crates of LTs or ATHTs.
          You do the math here.

          Also let me get this straight - a refinery town with a hospital had an acute shortage of both bandages and bmats. There were at least 224 crates of bandages in the seaport and over 1k bmats.

          I was told Warden public logi was generations ahead of the Colonials.

          • 2 years ago

            >Also no real shortage of automatics or tripod weapons
            There were machines guns mounts, but no ammo or non-mounted variants of the guns. There were fiddlers, yes, but no ammo. ATRs were also limited, as was their ammo.
            Hey. We had a hundred mammons, and handgrenades and some stickies, though!
            When we first arrived to help, there was hundreds of medkits, trauma kits, plasma. But no bandages.
            All of us were trying to repair the bunker base and realized very quickly that we ran out of mats. This is a bunker base that was stocked on everything except for the things I stated.
            Frick knows, I don't supply those morons.

            My group of friends supplied Reaching Trail alone with about a thousand crates of bmats and other shit and all of it's gone. Gone as in they were actually used to build proper defences.

            • 2 years ago

              >Reaching Trail
              Viper Pit*

          • 2 years ago

            >I was told Warden public logi was generations ahead of the Colonials
            Been a while since I played this shitty game but it used to be the exact opposite assuming whoever told you that isnt pulling your leg

          • 2 years ago

            >I was told Warden public logi was generations ahead of the Colonials.
            they sure are
            pic related

            • 2 years ago

              Please tell me this was a bob at a backline seaport for kitting out tanks and not literally at the front line

              • 2 years ago

                It is literally on the frontline. Screenshot was taken this morning.

              • 2 years ago

                At least logi finally got you your bandages and bmats lol

              • 2 years ago

                looking at the interactive map, it looks like colonials took that specific base down already so
                L O L

            • 2 years ago

              images like this remind me that i really wish bunker inventory on map was at all organized rather than just sorted by count
              color mod helps but jesus christ why are the small arms not all in one cluster

          • 2 years ago

            >I was told Warden public logi was generations ahead of the Colonials.
            Colonials are the ones that are renowned for their logi. Never was Wardens.

  57. 2 years ago

    What clan tag makes you happiest when you kill one of them? For me it's [GOON]

    • 2 years ago

      SIGMA or V

      SIGMA is the Reddit Regiment and if they arent getting their asses kicked in game, they're too busy farming le epic karma on Reddit boasting about inane shit like "we destroyed 3 trucks! collies are malding!"

      V simply because "notaclan" apes sure act like one and its funny as frick to beat them at shadowdancing and watch them alt F4 immediately.

      • 2 years ago

        meant to reply to

    • 2 years ago

      Ah, Sigma. I was part of the leadership of Sigma until it got bigger and more "reddity". Red is a cool
      guy, he's what you'd call
      based and not a fruitcake at all. It's the other officers that bothered me a lot, and actually got me banned. One day I snapped from having to put up with their homosexual shit and got kicked.

  58. 2 years ago

    I want to play this game. Which is the /misc/ faction and which is the /lgbt/ faction?

    From the limited research I've done it seems:
    Warden: nazi femboys
    Collie: redditor troons

    I'm not trolling, help a noobie pick the more based faction please.

    • 2 years ago

      there is no /misc/ faction, both sides are pozzed, but there's a lot more trannies on wardens, the nazis all got banned like 20 wars ago. collies have less troons but more redditors and far more chinks
      if you're new ignore this thread and just play one war on each faction to see which one you like more

      • 2 years ago

        >Nazis all got banned
        Why would I pay $30 to play with troons for a war or two then get banned when I inevitably call someone a Black person?
        Oh well, looked like a cool game.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah if you can't keep yourself from saying no no words you're not gonna last long before you get banned sadly

      • 2 years ago

        Are there any based clans I can chill on teamspeak with at least?

        • 2 years ago

          not as far as i know, there used to be the Gankerermin but they all got banned or quit ages ago. people in here have talked about starting a new clan but it never goes anywhere

          • 2 years ago

            Do you know any other games I can socialize with people without troons getting in the way? I heard hoi4 can be based if you find a good server but that might be difficult.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, but they’re closed off groups for obvious reasons. You just have to be lucky enough to find them in game to get in with them.

          • 2 years ago

            Can I name myself something obviously based but not bannable to attract them or will it glow? Also which faction are these closed groups on? Maybe I should go foreign language collie I doubt [MY EUROPOOR COUNTRY] has that many troons.

            • 2 years ago

              depends on your europoor country, if you're your average east euro /misc/tard then I'm sure you can say Black person in your gutter language with impunity

    • 2 years ago

      >Warden: nazi femboys
      >Collie: redditor troons
      Yes and no.
      big majority of the playerbase is actually chill and normal,regardless of the side.

      >collie rp
      A D-day every 2-3 day with a bunch of random as meatshield and high rank sitting in tanks and throwing infantry at the wardens machineguns until they run out of ammo.
      The ultimate ''Za rodina! simulator''
      it's about that ''being drafted into a war you dont want and knowing you're cannon fodder because some brass needed to get noticed and receive commands by some clan leader but you're staying to figth for the boys at the front''
      >Old playerbase
      redditor troons, easily get mad at new players, Couple of them are chill, but i remember when foxhole was full of furry..i've actually seen some of their fursonna and i was legit concerned, i started as a collie and have some good memories of some people but overall i didnt like the hivemind attitude.
      >infamous collie moments
      everything related to streamers/hivemind bans/That Discord ''thing''/mass report against Rats
      >Why Collies?
      You love ww2 aestethicc and having actual camo in a wargame.
      - collie vibes-

      Pic related, Techmaid being a gay

      >Wardens rp
      This is the ''Lose your foot to gangrene in stalingrad,simulator while logistics is getting blown up to bits in the backline''
      It's a lot about camaraderie and that feeling of ''everything sucks'' about war but how it makes us brothers.
      Old playerbase = nazi femboys/Weeaboo boomers/based Black folk/funky frenchs/drunken slavs, You either love them or hate them. (Think /b/ in the early 00', bunch of lonely nerds making friends with every type of people and race and calling each other gays and Black folk in the process)
      >infamous warden moments
      Missing with a nuke...twice/that lesbian wedding/free father lemon/the jade cove incident/CUM
      >Why chose wardens?
      Judging by your post, You are able to be subtle when trolling.
      -Warden vibes-

      • 2 years ago

        >missing with a nuke
        They didn't miss. They hit exactly what they wanted to hit. You are hiding the fact it was their own logistics hub.

  59. 2 years ago

    >godcrofts falls
    >entire warden backlines implode

    Tick tock trannies...

  60. 2 years ago

    >kirknell has fallen
    yeah it's over

  61. 2 years ago

    its over.

    • 2 years ago


  62. 2 years ago

    next war when

  63. 2 years ago

    nvm, tomorrow 1pm ET

  64. 2 years ago

    When is 1.0 coming?

  65. 2 years ago

    wtf Collies finally managed to win? Wardens must have been not playing

  66. 2 years ago

    >run around deadlands fight pit shanking enemies
    >everyone screaming to report me for griefing

    I don't get it.

  67. 2 years ago

    >clan rolls into a region and spends 4 hours, 20k artillery shells, and countless other supplies/vehicles to take out a mega base
    >as soon as the town hall is tapped they frick off
    >collies retake it from the 5 randoms defending it and within an hour everything is rebuilt

    • 2 years ago

      >clanners are useless homosexuals who only chase easy wins

  68. 2 years ago

    Is Conclave balanced?

  69. 2 years ago

    Is it worth the discount?

  70. 2 years ago

    Game is on sale.

    Tell me why I should or shouldn't buy it.

    • 2 years ago

      do not buy
      >overpriced. if it were $10 maybe it would be worth tossing that away
      >built on a bad engine, limiting size of player conflicts and causing you to wait in queues
      >dwindling player base desperate for new victims to con into doing shitty grunt work like holding left click on scrap fields
      >game is aggressively anti-player, the UI itself aims to be a giant timesink
      >logistics is a huge part of the game, made as onerous and unfun as possible
      >this has left only the most hardcore morons left playing. none of them are actually any good at the game but they will mass report you for virtually anything. especially holding a shovel.
      >one team is cum spamming pedophile troons obsessed with femboys. the other team is Reddit incarnate. both revolve around their respective discord cliques
      >devs are subsidized by the Canadian government, therefore they answer to nobody
      >game has been early access for years. it still is.
      >devs are developing a spiritual successor to Foxhole and are merely milking it for money, mentally they're checked out from the game.
      >just read any /vm/ thread on it, it doesn't paint a pleasant picture despite Reddit tourists desperately trying to convince people it's a good game that was worth dumping hundreds to thousands of hours of their meaningless lives into

      • 2 years ago

        >especially holding a shovel.
        Stop digging trenches and foxholes in AI range and this will stop happening you inbred moron.

        • 2 years ago

          thanks for proving my point.
          >I'm a day 1 player and some terminally online homosexual is teamkilling and reporting me while screaming into his microphone saying everything but why. what a fun game. I should keep playing with these people.

          • 2 years ago

            Did you ask? Or did you just sit there getting shit on like a moron?

          • 2 years ago

            Lurk more and ask around. Also stop being a drama queen homo. I've never not gotten an explanation and advice when I did dumb stuff as a newb.

            • 2 years ago

              >I've never not gotten an explanation and advice when I did dumb stuff as a newb.
              really? some complete random drove me around on a tour the very first time i started playing. the second time some guy taught me how to use cranes

              • 2 years ago

                Turns out everyone's experience differs. The best tool you have to mitigate shit like what that homosexual experienced is willingness to communicate AND willingness to cooperate. Cooperation being the harder obstacle is my observation. Are there people who do not know how to do this, or simply will not, and act like vigilante homosexuals? Absolutely, this is a game full of egos and you will see them thrown around freely. Are many of the players willing to talk, explain, reason, and argue (read negotiate)? Yes, the few that refuse to cooperate or argue are generally immature little kids who think they got this whole thing figured out. Then they start digging trenches next to townhalls and relic bases, perfect for the enemy to hide in and destroy the bases for FREE. And by FREE I don't just mean that they didn't create it or they are exploiting enemy resources, I mean it actually costs NOTHING. No BMats, no RMats, nothing but your useless time to dig a trench or foxhole. You know what would be better next to a townhall or relic base? Pillboxes. Or a Bunker Base. There is still animosity toward the neutral defense exactly because it is neutral, there are simply better options and I don't think I've EVER been yelled at for building a pillbox within Base Range that has AI.

                To tell the truth, worst I ever seen a guy kept pulling vehicle crates at a stockpile and refused to talk. Multiple people asked him to stop and were trying to explain that he is in the wrong tab to pull a vehicle in voice chat AND text. Eventually someone shot him down with a pistol and picked him up. THEN HE STARTED TALKING! WOW! The stockpile shut down (for the most part) just to teach a newb how to crack open a vehicle crate and pull a vehicle. And the only reason it got ugly was because he wouldn't talk.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, thats always how it is isnt it. lucky i dont leave my shit in seaports i guess

              • 2 years ago

                Why not? Seaports are just bigger and more accessible Storage Facilities. 50 hours is more than enough time to log in and move something around to refresh the reserved stockpile timer.

              • 2 years ago

                >stockpile timer
                man i have other shit to do. if it takes more than two hours to build AND ship its not worth building or shipping, and if there's any of it left two hours later i made more than i needed

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah bud, I'm sure those 80 shirts are gonna win the war.

              • 2 years ago

                the current setup is an amphibious lander on a barge, with around 30 sets of shirts ammo and guns, some spare fuel, 30 gas grenades, some masks and filters, and as many bandages as i can stuff in. maybe some other grenades or rockets too so the lander can bust pillboxes. what more could i ever need? also what the frick are you doing that only makes 80 shirts in two hours?

              • 2 years ago

                That shit will be gone in less than an hour. You'd be lucky if your landing lasted that long.

              • 2 years ago

                >That shit will be gone in less than an hour
                yeah thats the point? it exists to be used, not hoarded. used by me and anyone im playing with specifically. if randoms want to give me free shit then great, and if randoms want to play with no shit then great, but i dont care about supplying people other than myself and my own entertainment. once i run out ill just stop playing and do something else

              • 2 years ago

                I get that but stockpiles exist so you can continue doing this, not just one and done. 50 hours is the reserve time, that's 2 days + 2 hours. I don't like logi much but a few hours in the backline farming could easily pump those numbers up.

              • 2 years ago

                a stockpile means more building and shipping time for only a marginal increase in efficiency. i dont want to play regularly enough to refresh stockpiles, or play long enough to justify the extra investment. regardless the limiting factor is transport space and the lack of single crew vehicles, not manufacturing. i can easily fill a whole truck with shells, but i cant deliver a gun AND the shells AND all the other crap i make easily without massively overinvesting in multiple trips between a seaport and a front line base that may not even have the logistical equipment to unload the loot im bringing. and after all that what do i have? some tanks i need randoms to crew? literally hundreds of RPG shells i could never hope to use? entire inventories full of gas grenades? all i really need is one gas grenade really, nine times out of ten i can procure a gun on site

              • 2 years ago

                Eh, once your reserve expires your stockpile goes public. You are still helping even if you don't play often enough to maintain a stockpile reservation.

              • 2 years ago

                I dont want to "help", i want to play the game every 100Rmats i dont personally use is an hour of my precious life not spent on me having fun. Its objectively a terrible waste

              • 2 years ago

                If you don't want to help you should stop playing, every action you do against the opposing faction helps. You are pretty had at being selfish.

              • 2 years ago

                I never said i wanted to be a handicap, i just dont care about some abstract faction win i have functionally no influence over. I follow basic sustainability practices- i take nothing from the bases and i leave nothing behind when im done. Actually thats probably what everyone should do rather than hoard useless bullshit or leave dozens of vehicles noone needs to rot in a seaport

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >smug furry reaction
                >to celebrate being cucked to death by a clanny
                i dont understand you sometimes Ganker

              • 2 years ago

                they're reddit tourists

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Considering a post I saw on the Reddit, it's definitely a frick redditfug

              • 2 years ago

                >ignores the entire point of the story to cry about trenches
                Holy shit get over it, homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                Trenches are based, kys clannie

              • 2 years ago

                Calm down WO1

              • 2 years ago

                Double negative=positive. I meant everyone typically is super helpful as long as you don't go full sperg mode yourself.

            • 2 years ago

              >stop being a drama queen homo
              these are the only people that play Foxhole in 2022

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If you decide to buy, hit it and quit it. It has its moments, but the most fun you're gonna have is staying on the front lines. Everything outside of combat is complete horseshit. Idgaf what pic related thought was a good idea for the game, because;
      >artificial scarcity plagues resource harvesting/refinement
      >timers (aka artificial time sink) plagues manufacturing
      >even the simple concept of pulling an item takes forever
      >population imbalances/no counters
      >map is too big for the current player base
      ..the list goes on. Once you smash all those ingredients together, you're burning through real hours doing mindless shit just to have minutes of real game play. The hardcore player base tacitly knows this, but they're so deep into their own version of sunken cost fallacy that they're not going to change. It's just stupid people lashing out when you tell them their version of fun is moronic. There really are some aspects of this game that simply serve as an online daycare center for the most hopelessly autistic spergs out there.
      I genuinely think I could crash my way through the base game of DS1 faster than it would take one person to scrap and supply everything needed for one tank, drive it to the front, and get a kill. I see people run past vehicles that need crews all the time, because frick that. It's more fun to snipe from a good spot, bayonet, be a medic...anything. That's why I love grenades, especially gas. You could push more armor and infantry back than any tank could, and it doesn't take all weekend to get that accomplished yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        >map is too big for the current player base
        the weird thing is that it's simultaneously too big and too small

  71. 2 years ago

    do you think t2 defenses should be stronger?

    • 2 years ago

      No they are good where they are at. I think a better fix would be a way to make them deployable faster lategame with AI and junk. You cant do shit against tanks until you get AT guns up and that takes way more time that most people have to build.

  72. 2 years ago

    Why are wardens eating shit so hard so early?

    • 2 years ago

      Warden strategy hinges on winning day 1 of every war. If they don't get more gains than colonials, the big clans will consider it a waste of time and declare "break war", followed by shitting up reddit and discord. Of course, this won't stop the clanny trannies that suck up all the rmats for their autism bunker bases 5000 miles away from an active front, they simply won't share their hoarded resources.

  73. 2 years ago

    Do not go blue.

  74. 2 years ago

    Let me ask. As a lifetime video game griefer, and as a sizable youtuber with a large fanbase, how much seethe can I extract? How much salt can I mine? How angry can I make people in this game as a solo player?

    I don't know anything about this game other than it's kinda top down'ish and everyone hates the clanning problem. I refuse to join a guild or play with others. What can I expect as a famous youtuber that solos the game? I can quite easily leverage the pathetic SEO on youtube to create new "metas" for any game I play and make the normies / new players of said game follow my influence and basically do as I say. I've been doing this for quite a while now just so redditors and shit make hate threads how I'm misguiding new players and misinforming them, but because my channels gets millions of views per month they can't stop me.

    Should I get my fans to buy this for me so I can ruin it? What do I need to do to sink this game, or make the current playerbase enraged?

    • 2 years ago

      Easy. Trenchbuilding. every homosexual on there HATES trenches with a passion

      grab a shovel, and just build random as FRICK trenches everywhere to make everyone Seethe.

      • 2 years ago

        Lmao. Are they hard to delete or remove or something? Would it be my team that gets upset? How long does trench building take?

        Is this a reverse troll to make me useful and non-toxic?

        • 2 years ago

          Nahh. It'll rile people up.

          Especially if ita at random fricking places, AND if you upgrade it to Tier 2. I guarantee that everyone will hate you.

          Because Tier one is easily reversible, you can fill it back in, Tier 2 isn't. Its a pain in the ass for both builders and Frontliners.

        • 2 years ago

          Also, I know this sounds counter intuitive, but building it on frontlines will ANGER PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY AT YOUR SIDE

          Because it gives the enemy cover when they capture it, and overall not fun to play in.

          The best spots would be infront of major playee built bunkers, because it would give the enemy some repreieve, gives them a safe place to pelt the bunker with shit aswell.

    • 2 years ago

      >tanks and shit in seaports are free, just take them
      >always carry a wrench and a can of fuel, people leave free vehicles just laying around all the time (if they didnt unload it somewhere then the stuff inside was probably worthless anyway)
      >gas grenades kill infantry AND vehicles, and do less damage to friendlies in masks. Never shy away from throwing a gas grenade!
      >equipment in a captured base is wasted equipment. Always load up on launchers and ammo, use it or lose it
      >trenches are good for more than just infantry, they stop a whole range of vehicles too. Dig them on roads, open fields, anywhere you can!

    • 2 years ago

      >Should I get my fans to buy this for me so I can ruin it?

      • 2 years ago

        No, but I could invite him along for a cameo if he has the game. He loves this kinda shit.

      • 2 years ago

        sseth doing a foxhole video would be the best thing to happen to the game in awhile. The huge player influx would force them to open shard 2 back up, and there would be constant war between clannies and ssethtards over wrongthink on shard 1

      • 2 years ago

        sseth doing a foxhole video would be the best thing to happen to the game in awhile. The huge player influx would force them to open shard 2 back up, and there would be constant war between clannies and ssethtards over wrongthink on shard 1

        Holy frick, the autiststic SS13 players lost their minds when their shitty game got flooded with Sseth trolls, imagine how buttflustered clanny troony spergs will be when a thousand morons are filling entire hexes with trenches and blocking refineries by playing bumper cars in front of them.

    • 2 years ago

      please don't give these homosexuals money

    • 2 years ago

      >how much seethe can I extract?
      observe this war, play next, this community sucks
      here's some ideas;
      learn to love the game first, hate comes fast after that, observe/fail this war (you won't/will), please don't advertise virtual austismo daycare center logistics, hate on scrapping and logi until they cry. don't ever do logi, ever.
      frick logi, frick those morons
      you missed the early game seethe of running trucks downhill into enemy sandbags
      >vics destroy sandbags
      >spergs scrap, make, deliver, and build useless sandbags lol
      >choo choo truck into your shit
      ignore chat, use a radio and binoculars, die, do it again, frick logi
      >frick logi
      request shit in the logi list (on map) and waste it
      >that's what everyone does
      do arty and supply arty, it's actually fun (except late game frick minecraft simulator autistic fricks ruin it)
      game attracts too many driving and building simulator gays (prove me wrong)

      more mayhem;
      >lock scrap harvesters and cranes in production hexes
      >by accident
      >park, lock, block, and abandon vehicles on main roads
      bonus points in combat/front line areas
      >find barges, load up with (un)willing participants and die in the sea
      >drive a tank tank of (un)willing participants into death
      >at night
      >heal downed enemy troops next to (nice!) dropped items
      >highlight the not fun tank experience
      >highlight passive screen saver experience
      >suicide truck into enemy lines full of logi shit
      >cook grenades during clicklock
      >mortar flare your position
      >gas your position
      >dig useless trenches
      >install barbed wrong direction
      >antagonize shitpost streamers such as bad man larry
      >watch them cry more
      honestly frick you this game sucks and devs cashed out
      have fun building arty/tanks gay

      >Should I get my fans to buy this for me so I can ruin it?

      No, but I could invite him along for a cameo if he has the game. He loves this kinda shit.

      sseth doing a foxhole video would be the best thing to happen to the game in awhile. The huge player influx would force them to open shard 2 back up, and there would be constant war between clannies and ssethtards over wrongthink on shard 1

      Holy frick, the autiststic SS13 players lost their minds when their shitty game got flooded with Sseth trolls, imagine how buttflustered clanny troony spergs will be when a thousand morons are filling entire hexes with trenches and blocking refineries by playing bumper cars in front of them.

      sseth would ruin this game for better
      this game sucks
      but that won't happen

      • 2 years ago

        My favorite pastime is locking all vehicles, dumping their fuel, and hiding all the wrenches in the entire hex. Clannies go APESHIT trying to figure out who dun it.

      • 2 years ago

        >run around autism bunkers and delete all the bunker upgrades and pipes
        >bask in sheer asshurt of sperg screaming about alts 30 minutes later

    • 2 years ago

      Easy. Trenchbuilding. every homosexual on there HATES trenches with a passion

      grab a shovel, and just build random as FRICK trenches everywhere to make everyone Seethe.

      Nahh. It'll rile people up.

      Especially if ita at random fricking places, AND if you upgrade it to Tier 2. I guarantee that everyone will hate you.

      Because Tier one is easily reversible, you can fill it back in, Tier 2 isn't. Its a pain in the ass for both builders and Frontliners.

      don't just build trenches. build trenches with barbed wires on both sides, along with barbed wire covering all the open areas

      just like with mines, 99% of the playerbase would rather sit and complain instead of getting a clue. wrenches/hammers can remove the barbed wire so if you could remove all the wrenches within reach you could elongate the salt farming

      • 2 years ago

        Landlines behind sandbags on main roads

        • 2 years ago

          I don't know what those are, but he should do that too

          Let me ask. As a lifetime video game griefer, and as a sizable youtuber with a large fanbase, how much seethe can I extract? How much salt can I mine? How angry can I make people in this game as a solo player?

          I don't know anything about this game other than it's kinda top down'ish and everyone hates the clanning problem. I refuse to join a guild or play with others. What can I expect as a famous youtuber that solos the game? I can quite easily leverage the pathetic SEO on youtube to create new "metas" for any game I play and make the normies / new players of said game follow my influence and basically do as I say. I've been doing this for quite a while now just so redditors and shit make hate threads how I'm misguiding new players and misinforming them, but because my channels gets millions of views per month they can't stop me.

          Should I get my fans to buy this for me so I can ruin it? What do I need to do to sink this game, or make the current playerbase enraged?

          if anything, just merely existing with boatloads of new unranked players in the backlines would drive the claBlack folk and troons mad. you don't even have to do anything, literally idle in areas with component fields/scrap fields/mines/refineries and cause there to be heavy loads and queues.

          I guarantee if you continuously idle in front of high traffic areas like a refinery some lolcow will show up and make a fool of himself

          if you want to go even further, DOORSTUCK and HELLO? comes to mind and works insanely well. pic related

          I'd post the video where the screenshot is from, but I don't want my friend to get banned

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >idle in front of high traffic areas like a refinery
            Any good logi worth their weight in scrap will just run you over. Your fault for being in the road. Seethe.

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Oh Damon, there’s a lot of 3x3 bunkers people forget to protect. Put a rifle garrison in the middle just to be safe. Those storm cannons? Don’t want ransoms using them, better squad lock it for safety! Tech maids bothering you? Just don’t give them your tech!

    • 2 years ago

      case in point, see

      >idle in front of high traffic areas like a refinery
      Any good logi worth their weight in scrap will just run you over. Your fault for being in the road. Seethe.

      do you troons even read?

      • 2 years ago

        You stupid? If someone gets killed by a vehicle in a logi hub no one gives a frick unless it continues to happen. Are you literally 8? Were you never told to not stand in the road you moron? It's 100% deserved and you are a moron.

        • 2 years ago

          I never said anything about roads, troon. you're precisely the lolcow that's showing up
          >idle around
          >troon shows up and gets buttblasted

          what are you going to do if someone blocks the refinery with a vehicle? thanks for being my content

          • 2 years ago

            You move it, inbred. Do you really think you are cool or funny with this shit? Fricking Wardens, man. Actual children.

            • 2 years ago

              >bringing up faction shitfighting for no reason
              confirmed clannie moron

              • 2 years ago

                Well I don't see Colonials acting like actual fricking kids, pretending to be cool by laughing at people playing the game. Go back to discord, troony.

              • 2 years ago

                have you tried actually asking them about their opinion on children?

              • 2 years ago

                Only two kinds of people in this world- autopedophiles and the regular kind...

            • 2 years ago

              Well I don't see Colonials acting like actual fricking kids, pretending to be cool by laughing at people playing the game. Go back to discord, troony.

              that's not a warden flag, you blind Black person
              who is seething now? LOL
              >Go back to discord, troony
              more projection from the actual troon claBlack person LMAO

              • 2 years ago

                Touch grass.

    • 2 years ago

      a lot of lazy bums fill up fuel trucks in the backline regions, and never bother to bring them to the front where fuel is needed! take some time to help out by driving these trucks to the front, you can usually find them sitting by seaports and storage depots

    • 2 years ago

      Build a ton of signs in front of interaction points with the resource buildings. Have your sycophants updoot them, game has dogshit interaction layers which slows people down. This game has a weather system, complete with a freezing mechanic, park ships in the middle of rivers, lock them and let them freeze, the more the better. Stack shipping containers three high around the refinery in the backlines, then damage them with machine gun fire or explosives, just 1% of damage is enough. Getting access to a clans private storage is always gonna generate seethe, its a long con though. Take the tech materials from a refinery and carry them into the ocean, when you die in water your inventory despawns. You can empty bunkers of supplies, and it wont show up in logs if done on foot. This is tedious alone, but with a couple people you can quickly deplete a base of the supplies needed to keep up maintenance, or reduce respawns, or have anti tank weapons to defend against armor. If a base is planning to be upgraded to concrete there should be a mixer around, these mixers have no means to prevent people from just taking the contents. Empty or destroy the mixer and watch as you waste hours of work in a couple minutes.

    • 2 years ago

      Steam says it has 1,700 active players right now. All in all a dead game. Does it have a stand alone client? Crossplay with non-Steam? Crossplay on consoles?

      I feel like Foxhole would be a really good game to troll on, but I honestly know nothing about the game. Are these good troll methods to piss "clannies" off that I can do as a solo, or am I being mislead?

      -Making trenches everywhere. Bonus for surrounding them with barbed wire and hiding wrenches/hammers. Upgrade them to tier 2. (?)
      -Locking vehicles and dumping fuel. Hiding wrenches.
      -Delete bunker upgrades and pipes.
      -Sandbags in roads with landmines behind them.
      -Drive trucks filled with fuel to the front lines. (?)
      -Park ships in the middle of rivers and lock them.
      -Stack shipping containers 3 high, deal 1% damage to them.
      -Take tech materials from a refinery on foot so there are no logs.
      -Take precious materials into the ocean, then die so they can't be retrieved.
      -Unload materials from concrete mixers, or destroy them. Apparently minutes spent ruining hours of work.

      wait are you Daniel?

      • 2 years ago

        No, Daniel is part of an enemy camp. I don't associate with him nor do my people.

        • 2 years ago

          wait are you Mandalore?

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      are you any of the following: bubgames, dnsl, ruben sim, sseth or stimpee?

  75. 2 years ago

    >4 days into the war
    >warden lines absolutely shattered on literally every front, constant 20+ man queues for all regions

    What the frick happened?

    • 2 years ago

      they didn't tech hangmans

    • 2 years ago

      break war, doesn't count

    • 2 years ago

      Assuming the war didnt end since i last looked collies were taking 20% more casualties on every front and winning regardless. Now it seems more even, which implies the overpop is even more severe

      • 2 years ago

        It was weird around 3 days in. Callahan's Gate was completely starved of logi, but barely anybody could enter Deadlands because there were no wardens in it. So it was basically a couple of collies slowly whittling away at the town's defenses by themselves for hours until eventually some wardens spawned in allowing more collies to assist.

  76. 2 years ago

    what the frick happened to wardens? this is pathetic even for a >break war

  77. 2 years ago

    Steam says it has 1,700 active players right now. All in all a dead game. Does it have a stand alone client? Crossplay with non-Steam? Crossplay on consoles?

    I feel like Foxhole would be a really good game to troll on, but I honestly know nothing about the game. Are these good troll methods to piss "clannies" off that I can do as a solo, or am I being mislead?

    -Making trenches everywhere. Bonus for surrounding them with barbed wire and hiding wrenches/hammers. Upgrade them to tier 2. (?)
    -Locking vehicles and dumping fuel. Hiding wrenches.
    -Delete bunker upgrades and pipes.
    -Sandbags in roads with landmines behind them.
    -Drive trucks filled with fuel to the front lines. (?)
    -Park ships in the middle of rivers and lock them.
    -Stack shipping containers 3 high, deal 1% damage to them.
    -Take tech materials from a refinery on foot so there are no logs.
    -Take precious materials into the ocean, then die so they can't be retrieved.
    -Unload materials from concrete mixers, or destroy them. Apparently minutes spent ruining hours of work.

    • 2 years ago

      >1,700 active players
      sounds about right, game has been hovering around 2,000 active for the last year or so. It was even lower before that, like sub-1,000 for years. When there was an influx of streamers and it got to 4,000 the devs had to create a separate server, the game just isn't built for that many people.
      >Are these good troll methods
      Some of these let you have plausible deniability as a noob while still making clanBlack folk livid, while others are undeniable griefing that you'll have to do secretly to not get your account banned. Honestly I'd just dig trenches everywhere on the front line, that will provide an immense amount of salt for something so simple

    • 2 years ago

      >I honestly know nothing about the game
      A majority of equipment in this game is user created and time-gated--in the sense of mobile games. It takes real-world minutes to hours for some things to create.

      >Making trenches
      Trenches are a good method, but everyone spawns with a hammer, so removing hammers would not be advisable.
      Also another time consuming task that may not contribute to any butthurt that isn't your own for having wasted time.
      >Drive trucks filled with fuel
      I think that anon was referring to ferrying friendly players to their death. Or suiciding the truck that contains rare/expensive materials

      Blocking high-traffic roads with a vehicle while you are in it is also a great one.

      Everything else in that list is guaranteed to cause someone mental anguish.

      As for
      >1,700 active players right now. All in all a dead game
      If you've ever griefed Ganker in Minecraft when it was still in closed beta/open beta, griefing Foxhole players would afford you a similar experience.

      vid related is the type of players you'll interact with and the reaction you'll recieve, should you succeed

      >1,700 active players
      sounds about right, game has been hovering around 2,000 active for the last year or so. It was even lower before that, like sub-1,000 for years. When there was an influx of streamers and it got to 4,000 the devs had to create a separate server, the game just isn't built for that many people.
      >Are these good troll methods
      Some of these let you have plausible deniability as a noob while still making clanBlack folk livid, while others are undeniable griefing that you'll have to do secretly to not get your account banned. Honestly I'd just dig trenches everywhere on the front line, that will provide an immense amount of salt for something so simple

      >Honestly I'd just dig trenches
      couldn't you figure out who dug trenches by using the F menu where it shows you the builder? or is that exclusive to actual buildings? either way, feigning ignorance works every time

      • 2 years ago

        He means the fuel tankers people park by garages mines and seaports so you can instantly refuel without having to carry a jerry can over. Taking them and driving them away is a huge inconvenience to anyone trying to build, get or otherwise operate a vehicle

  78. 2 years ago


  79. 2 years ago

    I sometimes imagine being put in charge of a game studio, like Foxhole, and cleaning house. This will never happen, and many of my ideas are likely infeasible, but I would like to list some of them. Perhaps you will find them interesting. Perhaps you can sell them to the redditors, or perhaps not.

    1. A way to remove Soldier Supplies
    The SS concept helps fuel the mundane logi hell, and reduces players to a "shirt", made, hoarded, and expended by clans. I feel my solution would create a more strategic game, wherein the player is more powerful and important, and acts and feels like a soldier in the field.
    I call it the "pack system"
    With the pack system, spawn island is deleted, and every player spawns in one of their home region`s fortresses (more on fortresses later). Apart from pistol, they spawn w/ a "pack", a soldier`s ruck modelled after historic examples.
    This "pack" is unique to the player, and bears his name. Only one instance exists. If the player takes a new one from spawn, the old one disappears. The pack cannot be taken by friendlies. If picked up by enemies, it will despawn in 5 minutes if not retrieved. It causes some incumbering, and can`t be worn in driver/gunner seats, though can be strapped to the outside (Tanks w/ external stowage kino)
    The player will walk, hitchhike, and be moved by personnel-transport logi (as would now exist) to the front.
    At the front, the player will find a town hall or the like, and will press a button that says "drop pack" to deposit the pack in the hall. It can be retrieved again, but takes time to "assemble". Crucially, if the hall is destroyed, the packs within are kaput.
    This sets the player`s spawn point at the town hall. The player now can theoretically respawn infinitely here.
    This sounds busted, but I propose that it adds strategy and weight to player movements.
    Cont... sorry for length, harder to articulate than I thought.

    • 2 years ago

      Firstly, the direction of the fight is determined by where the player drops his pack, NOT where the clans dump their hoarded resources. The player doesn`t need "shirts", he chooses the battlefield and the clans bring fighting equipment to HIM. Sure, they`ll b***h at first, but they can`t move his pack like they can move his shirts, so they are forced to get their act together and support the troops, or be flattened.
      Secondly, the fighting man drives the army, not clan-hoarded mats. It is now a major logistical undertaking to move men w/ their packs and gear between sectors. Rather than running them over, logi will be obsessed with guiding and transporting players. Logi may set up high-speed services for re-deploying men and materiel via the home regions (trains, anyone?). This is how real armies work, and gives the player a strong sense of being "in the field". You can`t just click and teleport, it really matters where the men go. If you manage a true surprise attack, you will reap the rewards, and the enemy can not just teleport in your path. The game becomes strategic in a way that is based around the men, not clicking rocks and hoarding shit.

  80. 2 years ago

    Thirdly, the pack system adds the fear of death. At present, bases are lost with thousands of items because the men aren`t protective of "shirts"; they aren`t theirs. In other cases, logi removes the items and abandon the men to their fate, being overrun and slaughtered, the player force vanishing before the enemy. This is all absurd. When the only spawn point is the home regions, fronties will fear for their packs. Facing collapse, they will panic and flee, just like real meb. They won`t stand and fire pistols at tanks, and their logi will help pull them out. Green pushes, Blue withdraws. Blue attacks by surprise, Green re-deploys, changing the balance of the front. When surrounded, troops are stuck. They can`t kys and return to spawn, They are tied to their pack. There is no breaking in to relieve them, w/o carrying your heavy pack. The positions of men and their lives matter. The human spirit takes precedence over clantroony resource hoarding.

    Sorry for length, was harder to articulate than I thought. Hope I wasn`t too confusing. If I don`t get totally ridiculed as a deranged spastic, then I may post more ideas, but it takes time due to 2,000 word limit and mind cloud requiring constant editing.

    • 2 years ago

      Let me take you, for a moment, to the worst possible world
      >logi goes from reduced to shirts to reduced to a dead bus service to an empty hex. No logi? Drive yourself alone or eat shit
      >bases cannot be defended without clanny logistics supplying clanny infantry and clanny transportation. Even if randos could go there the risk to the individual of starting a new fight or supporting a dying one is too great
      >if clannies fear a front is going to fail they will withdraw first, leaving randoms at the mercy of massive overpopulation with no logi to bail them out
      >fronts with no people get no supplies, and the only fronts with reliable defence are clannie fronts, which means clans are incentvised to only supply their own even harder
      >travel times for braindead shitter infantry means the player base contracts harder than an altar boy's sphincter before 1 on 1 "private bible study"
      Shirts arent even that bad, you can get like 225 in 20 minutes at the worst possible efficiency. If you want travel times anyway just steal a truck and bring your own gear, its more reliable and gives you that independence you want

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for criticising my shit firstly, since I need an outside perspective to see what`s wrong with it. I`ll try to address your points.

        >logi goes from reduced to shirts to reduced to a dead bus service to an empty hex. No logi? Drive yourself alone or eat shit
        I guess I should have stated more that something like the pack system would have to come along with a total reform of all logi and clans, but, even in the current scenario, a "dead bus service" is infeasible, as players are the prime resource with the pack system in operation. Logi would no sooner stop shipping players than they would stop shipping shirts and rifles presently. If, hypothetically, all truck drivers were to simultaneously OD on their meds and leave all their troops in the home regions, their whole side would lose that same day. They would be delivering rifles to empty garrisons. It`s just infeasible.

        >bases cannot be defended without clanny logistics supplying clanny infantry and clanny transportation. Even if randos could go there the risk to the individual of starting a new fight or supporting a dying one is too great
        Clans controlling all supply is a major issue with the present game and one which the pack system is not intended to fix. Fixing this would require the complete gutting and overhaul of the logi and clan systems. If the packs system counters the clanny-troony supply chain hijacking in any way, then it would be by the fact that people can drop pack basically anywhere, potentially forcing the clans to serve the players in the field rather than trying to control all operations. But again, the pack system isn`t designed to counter this problem.

        • 2 years ago

          >if clannies fear a front is going to fail they will withdraw first, leaving randoms at the mercy of massive overpopulation with no logi to bail them out
          You have me here. The only hope is that clannies would attempt to rally and lead the randoms, as randoms are a not-insignificant part of the players, and clans would have to come to realise just how much randoms do for them, and would have to actually convince them to voluntarily move their packs, rather than just up and leaving w/ the shirts for the next base. I should have expected that clannies, arrogant and self-important as they are, would rise to hysterical levels of autism once they were afraid of having to drive out from the home regions again. This is the major flaw in my idea, and is solved only by complete reform of the clan and logi system, which it now becomes apparent is by far the primary thing that needs to be done to save this game.

          >fronts with no people get no supplies, and the only fronts with reliable defense are clannie fronts, which means clans are incentvised to only supply their own even harder
          If people and supplies do not go to fronts, then the enemy advances there unopposed and wins the war instantly. There is no imaginable system of logistics, clans, or respawns, where it would be feasible to not have men and equipment on a front. If the clannies insisted on just not giving anything to anyone, then they would never win a battle again, nevermind a war. Even clanny-trannies aren`t that stupid. Even with the present clan system, a system by which all players must find their way to the front and drop their packs would force the clanniess to co-operate and share, or else perish. With a totally reformed clan and logi system, the pack system could be better.

          • 2 years ago

            >travel times for braindead shitter infantry means the player base contracts harder than an altar boy's sphincter before 1 on 1 "private bible study"
            In terms of player retention, which is a major issue in Foxhole, I think the reasons for people leaving are three:
            1. Mindless slog, whether it be running at foxholes with HEs for hours or clicking rocks
            2. Clans
            3. Related to the two above, the feeling of individual powerlessness
            In terms of mindless slog, for the infantry slog, a gameplay overhaul is in order, but the pack system may help in the following ways. Firstly, the danger of the town hall being destroyed drives co-operation, and a less simple-minded mode of thought, which must surely be better than a mind numbing meat grinder. Secondly, the fact that a man is rooted to his position results in more investment in the front and greater understanding of the strategic picture. The pack also makes the player think beyond the target immediately in front of him, motivating him to more dynamic movements such as re-deployment and withdrawal, based on the collective judgement of the situation.

            • 2 years ago

              In terms of clans, the main error you may have made is in underestimating the extent to which clans rely on the contributions and compliance of randoms. A pack system, by which the randoms at best decide exactly where they want to go, and at worst are ferried everywhere by clan logi, would require the clans to win the active co-operation of randoms, and to actually lead them. The pack system liberates the random fundamentally because the clannies can not move your pack, and secondarily because the random develops a feeling that his position and life is important. The random is a large section of the players which the clannies can not afford to ignore. If they do not win the active co-operation of the randoms, who can drop pack and set up an infinite respawn anywhere, then the war will be lost and the clan will be ruthlessly brushed aside by organisations that have enough sense to care for the common man.
              As for the feeling of individual powerlessness, I believe I have addressed it in the above points.

              • 2 years ago

                >Shirts aren`t even that bad, you can get like 225 in 20 minutes at the worst possible efficiency.
                These are the facts as they really are. This whole deranged system that I`ve written now far far too many words about was never a response to shirts, it was simply an idea that came to me, and it occurred to me that it would indeed replace shirts. It is not a standalone suggestion, and fits into a broader framework of suggestions that I have conceptualised for radically altering the game in such a way as to allow it`s rather brilliant idea to reach it`s fullest potential. I am fully aware that not even one of my suggestions will ever be considered by the homosexual morons that run this game, but I write anwyay. I started in war 19, but quit quite a while ago because of the state of things. I guess I just can`t bare to see it go out like this when it really didn`t have to. As for that broader framework of suggestions mentioned, I had written sections on fixing asymmetry and map changes, but accidentally deleted them, so this is likely the last I will post for now.

                I apologise profusely for the monstrous wall of text, but it just sort of came out. I have been in a frenzy thinking about ideas to revitalise this game recently and don`t know why. I guess it`s just such a great concept, so poorly executed. Thank you massively for having critiqued my shit, I hope my answers, if indeed you were aspergers enough to read them, didn`t come off as coping too much. Until this thing of obsessing over ideas for improvements passes, I will try to refine the pack system and the wider reforms around it based on your criticisms and my own realisations.

      • 2 years ago

        >travel times for braindead shitter infantry means the player base contracts harder than an altar boy's sphincter before 1 on 1 "private bible study"
        it just wouldn't be Foxhole without pedophile fantasies

  81. 2 years ago

    Warden tank goes in wide trench, eats up a fricking landmine

  82. 2 years ago

    Much later, a bike combo gets unlucky when flimsy car meets medic with ignifaust

  83. 2 years ago

    >notice a salvage mine has nearly 5k salvage in stock
    >its right next to the refinery
    >some moron is camping the component mine next to it telling people to go away
    >go off to run more petrol
    >he's still there
    >salvage is capped now
    >refuses to move to let me get the salvage
    why are people like this?

  84. 2 years ago

    Digging trenches still gets you TKed? Didn't they make trenches worth building a while back?

    • 2 years ago

      careful, some warden troony from reddit will tell you this was never a thing and you're the schizo, not him

    • 2 years ago

      Ah... Mon petit bridge fight... How I yearned for thee...

      Only if you dig them like an absolute moron, upgrade them to T2, and then reserve them so nobody can modify them.

      • 2 years ago

        gallows is the definition of hell
        >wardens have massive upgraded bunker complex
        >colonials have 10,000 foot cliffs to shoot from
        the worst part is all the morons/new players on colonials keep clogging up the region so any hope of a sustained arty barrage to break the warden bunker is null and void

  85. 2 years ago

    >always put up a fight even when losing, prolong the war to multiple weeks
    >ragequit and lose before tech tree is finished

    why are wardens so fickle? even after they got all their amazing mid-game tech that shits on everything the colonials have (ATHT, Cutlers, 40mm field cannon, gravekeeper) they still completely fumble.

    • 2 years ago

      We're too busy having hot gay sex to play foxhole right now, maybe next war?

  86. 2 years ago

    I refuse orders from high rank tards

    • 2 years ago

      Good thing there isn't a single "high rank" in that image.

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