Frick you, I liked it.

Frick you, I liked it.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    Good for you, but you lose points for even acknowledging anglogermcuck copes in the first place. They are always going to be asshurt over Ubisoft games and especially ancient Greece/Egypt/Rome stuff because they desperately want to pretend they wuz, but they're actually chink gypsies and Ubisoft knows that clearly because they do their research.

    • 3 years ago

      Will I like it? Here's my personal AC games ranking for reference.

      >t. Ranceed Shitdeep

      • 3 years ago

        If you enjoyed origanz then you'll have fun with odyssey and valhalla as well

      • 3 years ago

        Syndicate isnt as bad as people make it out to be. The story is nonsensical and pretty Ubisoft generic "take back city from bad guy's control" but the gameplay is fun, for a ubisoft game.

      • 3 years ago

        What do you like about Origins? Because it goes far more into the RPG side of things, especially player choice for dialogue. If you disliked the whole "Can't assassinate stuff X amount of levels higher than you" then take that but now you're required to have an entire armor set focused entirely on Assassination to get to that level. They also made it so you need to focus on Hunter, Warrior, or Assassin trees instead of being proficient in all three at once. Meaning, if you don't wear Hunter equipment the bow is effectively shooting sticks at enemies.

        Valhalla is significantly more like Origins but with some of the good mechanics kept from Odyssey. The problem is the story and characters outside of the DLC are terrible.

        I'm not a fan of Odyssey but it's okay if you want a time waster. It's not really an AC game, especially if you want to hunt a mysterious group because the Cult barely have a presence in Greece and the guys you hunt are the equivalent of hunting the phylakitai in Origins. That's the level of development over 90% of them have.

        • 3 years ago

          >What do you like about Origins?
          Big, authentic, open world to explore with varied biomes and regions. You really felt like you were going on an epic adventure to avenge your son and save Egypt. Also just exploring the world and uncovering secrets was tremendously fun

          • 3 years ago

            Odyssey's not really like that. I mean, it's big, but the vast majority of the areas you go to blend in together because there's no Greek/Roman/Egyptian split like Origins had, it's just Greek and all the buildings tend to look incredibly similar. The only thing that really denotes Sparta are some giant statues and the sanctuary on the hill (Which is a sanctuary that looks the exact same as any other internally) while the only thing that denotes Athens is some larger buildings and groups of buildings. There are some unique areas like Lesbos (This misty island at the top-right), the area at the bottom-right where a certain side quest is, Makedonia (Which is the giant forested section at the upper portion of the map), and a couple of the docks are unique, but overall you will feel like every area you visit is very similar compared to Origins.

            The tombs are the exact same snake mazes except incredibly rarely there's a second level you go to for like five seconds to drop down back to the first compared to Origins' unique ones. The forts are much better set up than Origins had them and feel much more compact but still a nice enough size. They don't feel remotely stealth-oriented though even though you can clear it fully without alerting anyone.

            The Eagle Bearer is also all over the place with regards to what their goal even is compared to Bayek and outright contradicts themselves during their journey so even though you're hunting the Cult it feels very superficial and only gets worse when you start looking into what canon paths the MC takes.

            It's also got a significant amount of removed gameplay features Origins had to flesh out its worlds. The towns suffer the most and feel completely lifeless by comparison.

            I went into it expecting something like Origins so please understand I was not setting out to hate this game and it disappointed me greatly despite sinking over 200 hours into it.

            • 3 years ago

              >it disappointed me greatly despite sinking over 200 hours into it.
              Wouldn't expect anything less than peak autism from a triphomosexual

              • 3 years ago

                AC games are my guilty pleasure, far be it from me to not 100% one of them.

            • 3 years ago

              Thank you for this response. I'll make sure to steer clear Odyssey in that case. How's Valhalla? I'll be pirating that one anyway since there's no way in hell that I'd use Uplay but is worth a hundred hours?

              • 3 years ago

                >How's Valhalla?
                It's like an in-between between the two. The maps are much better and feel more unique but a lot of people don't like the English flatness or greenery compared to the mountains and sea of Odyssey or the mix of cultures in Origins. It has secondary maps the size of CotP/FoA. It's also far less historically correct all over the place if that's going to bug you, there's castles everywhere.

                Combat feels significantly better than either title but the abilities are much more toned down and boring than Odyssey's even when you take the DLC stuff into account. It's also WAY easier, I'm talking "Murder everything in seconds on the hardest difficulty with level scaling +60 your level" easy. There's also a much bigger focus on stealth and instant assassinations are back to ignore leveling assassination parts of the skill tree entirely allowing you to go to endgame areas and explore wherever you want as long as you avoid animals.

                Characters and story are the worst in the series, bar none. Basim is probably the only character you care about at all. Eivor doesn't care about the Hidden Ones but does care about killing the Order of the Ancients so there's merit in hunting them. They constantly introduce characters you're meant to care about but barely flesh them out and never go back to them again, or if they do go back to them it's to kill them off for some sad moment as if you cared.
                Story amounts to going to an area, leaning the problem of the area, getting into arguments with someone/joining together with someone, and then either killing an OotA member or killing whoever started the issue.

                DLC is significantly better both with characters and story, and Siege of Paris felt like a proper AC mini episode from back in the older games.
                >but is worth a hundred hours?
                Entirely up to how much you like AC. I've thrown this much time into it somehow (Includes the DLC + River Raids + Mastery stuff) and I don't regret it but I wouldn't say it deserves it.

              • 3 years ago

                Thank you for this detailed response. I guess I'll just do a new game+ of Origins to drive away that AC RPG itch. Also what is CotP/FoA?

    • 3 years ago

      Black person

  2. 3 years ago

    >Frick you, I have shit taste.

  3. 3 years ago

    frick you too

  4. 3 years ago

    When are we getting a game set in modern Greece?

    • 3 years ago

      the game would have to have a pickpocket minigame

  5. 3 years ago

    Its fine. The problem is the world is too big for the content they put in there. Its like 15 hours of actual plot spread thin over 200 hours of game.

  6. 3 years ago

    If it had pre-origins gameplay I would've bought it. I'll get it if there's a mod to make it like this.

  7. 3 years ago

    >try uplay+ to play valhalla
    >congratulations, you now have access to all the dlc
    >cool, but i'd like just the base game, please
    >sorry, you can only download the full package with uplay+
    >b-but that's a 130 GB download
    >enjoy :^)

  8. 3 years ago

    >I have terrible taste in video games!
    Frick you, too, blogposter.

  9. 3 years ago

    Yeah, it's the kind of game you are aware is not a masterpiece, it's uninspired, you know the story is absolute garbage, but at the same time it's amazingly fun to play and explore.
    Also, Kassie carried this game. Her charisma and personality made doing sidequests not feel like a chore just for the joy of getting more and more dialogues. There's just something about how she delivers her lines. Based voice actress.

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      She cute

      • 3 years ago


  10. 3 years ago

    I also liked it, but I also think it could have been better if they gutted the grind.
    Modern AC games are the same old Ubisoft games with a different coat of paint.

  11. 3 years ago

    Its absolute dogshit and anyone who likes it must have brain damage. Assassins creed does not mix well with an RPG system. It is an immersive sim, where you are supposed to be a deadly assassin. Every single enemy beating a health sponge even on lower difficulties is absolutely unexcusable design for an assassins creed game. Its BORING. Watching numbers go UP is NOT fun

  12. 3 years ago

    Just beat the game, not a masterpiece but not bad at all and really fricking fun after I used mods to get rid of region locking, level scaling, the grinding, and microtransaction bullshit.
    My favorite parts were probably the legendary hunts and the mythical creature fights. Some of the cultists were fun to hunt and kill as well. Fate of Atlantis is a solid DLC, the legend of the first blade wasn't terrible but felt derivative.
    I would make sure not to kill any of the hot mercenaries or daughters of artemis and would instead pound them into submission and recruit them - my head cannon was that Alexios would frick them into submission and sail around with a harem of his conquests

  13. 3 years ago

    This game is up there for having the most padded filler shit. The main story was alright but even that dragged on a bit. I prefered the games from Syndicate and before when you can pretty much beat everything around the 50 hour mark tops.

    • 3 years ago

      The main filler is leveling up, which without the exp boosts (or modding) takes fricking forever. Also the questing system could be explained better, would be easy for someone to check the message board and load up on 12 irrelevant quests

      • 3 years ago

        The levels didn't bother me much, what bothered me was the repetition of the padded shit. I need to find someone, go here you'll find someone who knows, b***h knows where the person is I am looking for but before she tells me because she doesn't trust me I have to help her with 3 problems, complete her 3 sides quests, she says she's under attack and I must help before she tells me where to find person. There's so much you must do 3 of this or that before you can progress which is why the game is like 200 hours long.

        • 3 years ago

          Fair enough, I can't argue against that. Way too much just fetching, though finally figuring out what quests to comfortably ignore helped in that regard. Still even the main quest has too much just running back and forth

        • 3 years ago

          >what bothered me was the repetition of the padded shit. I need to find someone, go here you'll find someone who knows, b***h knows where the person is I am looking for but before she tells me because she doesn't trust me I have to help her with 3 problems, complete her 3 sides quests, she says she's under attack and I must help before she tells me where to find person.
          ugh reminded me of red dead redemption 1, where's bill williamson!?

  14. 3 years ago

    Game was only good for the first few hours.

  15. 3 years ago

    i played a bit of it, i like the female protag. the atmosphere and setting is great but that's the only ubisoft ever does well semi consistently. combat is w/e and it's a far cry from the first couple ac games but i don't mind greek skyrim with mmo loot

  16. 3 years ago

    Best part of this game is Spartan kicking people off of cliffs and into fires

  17. 3 years ago

    Origins was better tho

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