He was right about Classic.

He was right about Classic.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Mike Adriano looking ass

  2. 5 months ago

    >no changes
    >made changes anyways
    they fricked it up

    • 5 months ago

      It's cause both the devs and especially the community couldn't come to an agreement on what they wanted the product to be, so they try to make a product for both crowds with different ideas and ultimately just make a streamer game.

      • 5 months ago

        >It's cause both the devs and especially the community couldn't come to an agreement on what they wanted the product to be

        • 5 months ago

          The "community" also turned the game into an aids-ridden minmaxing parse culture where you need all your world buffs beforehand to tank fricking Molten Core and you're kicked if you even suggest doing something like bear tank or

          • 5 months ago

            And then they catered to that moronic mindset

            • 5 months ago

              Season of Mastery was them giving the most cancerous players what they wanted instead of what the game itself would need. And look how dead it turned out.

              Season of Mastery showed us that the classic dev team has no fricking clue about the game they oversee. Just like how Season of Discovery is "giving players what they wanted" in the form of this half assed "classic plus" facade. Look at the drop off. Look how many players are raid logging. Look at the BG premades. Look at the GDKPs for a fricking level 25 raid. And look at the bots. The hundreds of thousands of bots active everywhere.

              The dumpster has been on fire and instead of finding some fire extinguishers they keep rolling up with pieces of trash from other dumpsters and telling us "wait and see!" before hurling it on the inferno.

              • 5 months ago

                >look at how many players are raidlogging
                Compared to regular vanilla when all you did was raidlog?
                Or tbc when all you did was raidlog?
                Or Wrath when all you did was raidlog?
                I'll even give you a hint, Cata classic will also just be raidlogging

              • 5 months ago

                >but these other things
                Stay on topic, homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                You can't use raidlogging as evidence of SoD being bad if every version pre Legion was just raidlogging
                Or admit that every version prr Legion sucked and the game needs m+
                Either way you lost

              • 5 months ago

                Nobody raidlogged in actual vanilla holy shit lmaoooo
                You zoomer Black folk are actually fricking moronic

              • 5 months ago

                >raid logging
                >BG premades
                implying all these wouldn't be happening in some perfect version of the game lmao.
                The players you get today are to blame too, culture is fundamentally different, the landscape and pace at which people interact with the metagame is vastly accelerated. There's just too much information out there to ever get a true vanilla experience again, all of you need to stop chasing the dragon.

              • 5 months ago

                Not really, much of it is game design
                Vanilla is full of gdkps because it's easy to carry half a raid group.
                In retail, SOME of the top guilds can manage to carry 1 or 2 players through the content, most CE guilds won't be able to carry 1 and most mythic guilds aren't even CE. Meanwhile Keystone carries are way more common because Keystone are much easier and you don't even need to time it for loot
                Metagaming it's a product of how easy it is to meta game. In classic because everything was set in stone players knew from day 1 what would be overpowered and all they had to do was pick the right class at character creation. In retail it's so easy to reroll and catchup that people hop around when things change. If it takes 2 weeks to gear up chasing the meta is easy, if it took 4 months people would be much more hesitant

              • 5 months ago

                >blaming gdkp and bots on players
                Blizzshart cucks are truly mentally ill
                Neither of those exist on Everlook vanilla private server, because the staff actually ban for them unlike blizzard
                Entirely a staff issue if either exists

              • 5 months ago

                I don't want fricking temporary seasons, I want OSRS for WoW

        • 5 months ago

          Get with the times grandpa.

        • 5 months ago

          Except for pic rel because classic andies will quit the raid if they lose their world buffs.

        • 5 months ago

          Hope you're playing in 4:3 on a computer from 2004 and 0 addons and clicking your spells like you did in 2004

          • 5 months ago

            Everyone had tons of add-ons and used key binds, you subhuman zoomer

            • 5 months ago

              You weren't even an adult when WoW released.
              I was. Go watch old footage of WoW, clickers were the majority of players instead of just the shitters

              • 5 months ago

                I played then, and no, nobody was a clicker by the time they hit level 60

        • 5 months ago

          The crowd that wanted no changes at all was never more than a tiny fraction of the classic fanbase.

        • 5 months ago

          Blizzard didn't create GDKPs, bots, gold farming, inflation, gearscore, general min-maxing, speedrunning and who knows what else the jaded, childish middle-aged community concocted in less than a year of Classic experience.

          • 5 months ago

            gdkp was created by chinks who are naturally inclined to be gambling monkeys

            change my mind

      • 5 months ago

        they added layering when NO ONE wanted layering... then a subset of the community will always back blizzard, always defend their changes, so once it was in the game it was done and they never took it out even though it fricked up so much.

        • 5 months ago

          They added layering because without it the game shits the bed and you can't have more than a couple thousand people total on a server. The fact they let the servers swell up to 15k people with layers meant that after the initial population boom, it leveled off to a healthy number of a few thousand, instead of retail servers that leveled off into graveyards. The small issues with layering are worth the long term fix for dead servers.

  3. 5 months ago

    Well yeah, Retail's still doing better than Classic.

    • 5 months ago

      WoW retail is still objectively the best multiplayer game in the world.

    • 5 months ago

      >retail is doing better numbers just trust me bro

      • 5 months ago

        retail has way more microtransactions, the effects of a more bot friendly token, and the expansion sales. it should be doing a lot better than classic even if it had 2/3 the players.

      • 5 months ago

        It's not that hard to imagine, retail players a complete paypigs.

        • 5 months ago

          >the most popular multiplayer game in the world has more people interested in a stupid mount than there are people who are interested in a asiaticclicker 500 apm game, one of the most niche genres on the industry
          wow, what a nothingburger!

        • 5 months ago

          >Most popular MMO for 20 fricking years has items that outsell a game in a genre that was dead 22 years ago

        • 5 months ago

          his claim is totally false if you have a 4th grade mathematics level

      • 5 months ago

        Retail makes more money for blizzard now than in wotk

        • 5 months ago

          >retial makes more money
          They have way more cosmetic options and services to sell to you in retial.
          The whole reason why your sub is for BOTH retial and classic is they want Retial people to play classic like they would ever stop paying for wow in the down time.
          While hoping some of the Classic people will try out retail and get sucked into the pay for Mogs mounts chevos loop.

          • 5 months ago

            Absolute cope. Retail is the most profitable blizzard game by a wide margin, again, it makes more money now than it did in Wrath.

            • 5 months ago

              >long term sub game with Huge margin Mounts and Shop items tied to 6 month sub on top of 25% margin tokens and zero effort 10 person team classic makes most money for company
              Not sure how its cope to say WoW always made the most money and makes more from the fewer people now.

      • 5 months ago

        >Retail is not doing better numbers just trust me bro

    • 5 months ago

      What the frick is that monkey speak. Like I'm ESL but holy frick

    • 5 months ago

      More people play Classic.
      morons spend big money on retail. Xpacs, tokens, store bullshit etc

    • 5 months ago

      >wow earns the most money
      The wow Token exists and its margins are gigantic The players also buy everything up from the game store not to mention services.
      >Retial has more population
      Imagine taking a devs word on this without backing it up.
      Imagine being a dev mouth piece for free.

    • 5 months ago

      >Retail is doing better than classic
      >WOW is still Blizzard most profitable franchise
      >WOW is in the gutter right now, so it isn't a very high bar for the other franchises.
      >Which means the other franchises, specially classic, are doing WAY, WAY worse than we think.

    • 5 months ago

      Classic isn't monetized to hell... Yet. WotLK did just get the wowtoken, so I'm sure store mounts are on the way. But of course retail is going to make more money, it has more avenues of revenue and it's the same sub as classic, if a player plays both are they counted as a retail player or a classic player?

      • 5 months ago

        OG wotlk introduced store mounts bro

        >why don't you try actually answering it instead of being a homosexual?
        There was nothing to answer, you just randomly defended warrior being overpowered
        >If an enhance shaman buffs their group with windfury, totems, bloodlust, spot decurse AND they do as much DPS as a rogue, why brings rogues?
        If a Boomkin brings MOTW, Crit aura, brez and they do as much DPS as a mage, why bring mages?
        Wow if only classes had things like varying damage profiles, non throughput utility or skillcap that would make you want to bring the good player on a mage instead of windowlicker on a shaman
        Strange how it works on retail where every spec is still clearing the hardest content, huh?
        >Naxx had a 7% clear rate
        No it did not you dumb frick Black person. Here are the logs for Naxx 40, of the guilds that started the raid (~21,000) there were ~16000 that full cleared
        Its actually a 76% clear rate
        Youre so fricking delusional you actually thought you were some above average player for clearing naxx lmfao

        >you just randomly defended warrior being overpowered
        Warrior is the only hybrid DPS that can't heal, that's why they get to top the meters along with the pure DPS
        >Wow if only classes had things like varying damage profiles, non throughput utility or skillcap that would make you want to bring the good player on a mage instead of windowlicker on a shaman
        Strange how it works on retail where every spec is still clearing the hardest content, huh?
        What's the point in even having classes at that point then?

        >Here are the logs for Naxx 40, of the guilds that started the raid (~21,000) there were ~16000 that full cleared
        >Its actually a 76% clear rate
        Those logs don't show me anything % wise moron, just how many guilds cleared it. We can also talk about M'uru, the classic boss that had a 2% clear rate pre-nerf if you want

        • 5 months ago

          I understand you can't do basic math so I'll help
          Number of guilds that cleared ÷ total number of guilds is clear rate, which is 76%

          all you're basically saying is "nuh uh, it's really easy" like a 1st grader

          It is really easy and the numbers have already been posted

          • 5 months ago

            do you have any other source for this 76% clear rate besides your screenshot which doesn't say much?

            • 5 months ago

              The log data says everything, you're grasping at straws because your entire narrative is in shambles

              • 5 months ago

                your log data just says 16k cleared it, it doesn't say 16k out of what. percents are important in math, dude

              • 5 months ago

                I already told you what the total was and it has the numbers on the image for you to add up, the total is ~21000
                Never mind that you can just see on the visual chart that the overwhelming majority were 15/15

              • 5 months ago

                does the 21,000 include the non 15/15? what a weird fricking screenshot you used. You could've picked something better

              • 5 months ago

                Yes you fricking moron, add up the numbers
                It shows how many guilds are on each boss, the total 21000, is how many guilds are in the raid total
                Of those guilds, 76% full cleared, or ~16000, because the raid is piss easy

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, do you have any other stats to back up what you're saying? I'm not sure how warcraft logs works and if it includes every single guilds attempts. I also like how you ignored the m'uru pre-nerf 2% clear rate

                All because you want to believe wow classic is super easy. maybe cause you assumed like most people before classic launched that vanilla was a really hard game and when we played on the super nerfed 1.12 version you didn't want to admit you were wrong so you pretended that "wow was always easy" and now you'll deny anything you don't like to avoid admitting you're wrong

              • 5 months ago

                Because your muru clear rate is just as made up as the 7% Naxx number. You've provided no evidence for it while I clearly posted the naxx clear rate
                >I'm not sure how warcraftlogs works
                The issue here is that you're just insanely bad at the game and unaware of everything around it

              • 5 months ago

                so you're argument is that I'm bad? basically what a 1st grader does when they're trying to argue?
                >Because your muru clear rate is just as made up
                Google "m'uru 2% clear rate"

              • 5 months ago

                Yes you are bad and too stupid to understand warcraftlogs
                >Google "m'uru 2% clear rate
                Which is just morons comparing number of wipes versus kill pulls, which is never how people discuss clear rates. If you want to talk pull counts Muru is still utterly trivial when you have bosses like KJ, Unaat and Azshara and Tindral pushing 0.1%
                A 50 pull boss for bad guilds shotgunning wipes is not impressive, it's laughably easy. Even heroic Denathrius averaged like 110 wipes on progression and that's not even mythic.

              • 5 months ago

                again, like a 1st grader. M'uru had 2% clear rate despite being a rerelease. He's not an overtuned Mythic boss with a million mechanics to learn

              • 5 months ago

                No it does not
                Wipe versus kill pull is not clear rate. If everyone wiped to a boss the first pull but killed it the 2nd it would have a 100% clear rate, not 50%
                Muru was never 2%. From the same thread on MMOC
                >in week 1 10,317 kills of the first boss of Sunwell and 1,689 full clears
                Sunwell, and therefore both Muru and KJ, were already at a 16% clear rate week 1. This would only get higher as more guilds raided
                Muru was never anywhere near 2%

              • 5 months ago

                he was when sunwell launched. warcraft logs might be including the post-nerf version that made the fight super easy

              • 5 months ago

                No, he wasn't.
                Those numbers are from week 1, the end of Sunwell had almost 17000 guilds full clearing
                Even week 1, pre nerf, 16% of guilds full cleared, because it's a total joke

              • 5 months ago

                week 1 was 2% clear rate. M'uru is not an easy fight by any stretch of the imagination. I have no idea why you so desperately want to believe classic is an easy game but whatever

              • 5 months ago

                I've already posted the numbers that show it was not 2% but 16%+ week 1, and would still get even higher pre nerf
                You can't show any sort of counter evidence (because it doesn't exist) and have been caught lying multiple times

    • 5 months ago

      I fricking hate this twitch numbers equals success thought process; if a game is good i'll fricking play it not watch someone else play it.

    • 5 months ago

      >told by a very senior staff member

    • 5 months ago

      reads like a fricking james joyce novel. english, motherfricker

    • 5 months ago

      >wow is still blizzards king in terms of $$ vs any other game
      >retail is still king in terms of numbers
      dollar numbers?
      viewers on youtube?
      player numbers?
      damage per second?
      ..what the frick does this mean?? given the first point I imagine dollars but that's obvious when retail is L I T E R A L L Y p2w.
      classic is just time2win because its ez

      • 5 months ago

        If it's p2w why are only good players at the top

        • 5 months ago

          the top players are obviously paying the most moron
          >buying gold
          >lets you buy power
          >lets you gear up multiple characters

          • 5 months ago

            It does no such thing
            The game shits out gold at players but all crafted gear is limited by sparks available

            • 5 months ago

              >top players aren't buying gold
              holy fricking cope. also, my point was blizzard are raking it in from shitters who are buying runs when they clearly has no place doing heroics / mythics
              literally p2w

              • 5 months ago

                But those shitters are still below the good players not spending money, aren't they?
                Seems like you can't p2w

              • 5 months ago

                >top players don't use gold
                holy fricking cope
                >Seems like you can't p2w
                You can't buy runs? GDKP doesn't exist? Shitters absolutely are clearing content they have no right to be because of p2w LOL
                you clearly don't play the game

              • 5 months ago

                Gdkp does not exist in retail, no.
                You must be confusing retail with classic
                The amount of gold you use is much less than the amount of gold the game gives you

              • 5 months ago

                Top players are buying gold.
                GDKP exists in retail.
                Cute that you ignore people buying runs because you have no counter-argument. I accept your concession

              • 5 months ago

                Gdkp does not exist in retail, you're imagining things to justify your asshurt
                None of the top runs are bought, paypigs can never reach the top

              • 5 months ago

                Top players are buying gold.
                GDKP exists in retail.
                Cute that you ignore people buying runs because you have no counter-argument. I accept your concession

              • 5 months ago

                Post proof of a retail gdkp

              • 5 months ago

                Top players are buying gold.
                GDKP exists in retail.
                Cute that you continue to ignore people buying runs because you have no counter-argument.
                I accept your concession

              • 5 months ago

                This is pretty embarassing classic sisters, we can do better than this!
                Let's regroup!

              • 5 months ago

                >still no counter-argument
                still accept your concession

              • 5 months ago

                I already countered you
                Top players don't buy gold because the game hands it to you
                Gdkp doesn't exist on retail and you've failed to provide any proof of it
                You can't buy your way to the top

              • 5 months ago

                >Top players don't buy gold because the game hands it to you
                And I countered top players are buying gold because it allows them to gear up multiple characters and buy all the consumables they need.
                >Gdkp doesn't exist on retail and you've failed to provide any proof of it
                GDKP does exist in retail and has always been a thing. this isn't even worth contesting, you're objectively wrong.
                >You can't buy your way to the top
                People are paying for complete mythics. It's literally pay2win

                Repeating your arguments when I have decimated them is not an argument. I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                You do not need to buy gold to afford consumables, they're dirt cheap.
                You do not need to buy gold for your gear, your gear comes from m+ and crafted gear costs a few thousand to make and you get tens of thousands of gold per character every week without even trying to earn it
                You do not know how the game works
                >GDKP does exist in retail
                Then prove it
                Show me one dragonflight gdkp
                >People are paying for complete mythics
                A mythic means nothing, these are low rated runs and therefore irrelevant. The paypigs are far behind real players

              • 5 months ago

                >log in
                >first thing I see is boosting adverts
                Literally p2w. I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                There's an entire (default, added by the devs themselves) chat channel only for boosting

              • 5 months ago

                Where is the gdkp?
                Heroic raids are irrelevant easily bugged content

              • 5 months ago

                GDKP are not a thing on retail due to personal loot.

              • 5 months ago

                Did they re-add personal loot again? Because they removed it fairly recently

              • 5 months ago

                It's right there in the screenshot. Players are completing content they aren't good enough to clear by using gold.
                Literally pay2win and I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                There is no gdkp in that screenshot
                >Players are completing content they aren't good enough to clear
                But none of it is relevant
                You could buy everything in that screenshot and you'll still be behind average raiders. Therefore they cannot be winning anything
                It's not p2w

              • 5 months ago

                Players are completing content they aren't good enough to clear by using gold. I have proven this and you have no counter-argument.
                Literally pay2win and I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                They have not won anything because they are sitting below all real players in progression

              • 5 months ago

                if you can farm gold with braindead grind, buy a run and get what you want (mounts, gear, achievements or titles) it's p2w

              • 5 months ago

                >if you can farm gold and buy a carry its p2w
                So...every game ever?

              • 5 months ago

                idk, is WC3 p2w?

              • 5 months ago

                Wc3 isn't an mmo you fricking moron
                But it is about farming gold then spending it to win, so by your definition it is.

              • 5 months ago

                you said "game", you dimwit
                >But it is about farming gold then spending it to win, so by your definition it is.
                ok, do you have a way to buy gold in game with real money to build a town hall or an arcane sactum?

              • 5 months ago

                >moving the goal post
                Sorry, you said farming gold and spending it to clear is p2w so wc3 is p2w

              • 5 months ago

                moving the goal post? i'm just asking things in order
                everyone, even the most moronic wowdrone knows that p2w involves real money
                you just got slapped with a hand that was traveling at a snail pace

              • 5 months ago

                >They have not won anything
                They have cleared content above their skill level because of gold. It's p2w

              • 5 months ago

                Clearing easymode raids is not winning

                moving the goal post? i'm just asking things in order
                everyone, even the most moronic wowdrone knows that p2w involves real money
                you just got slapped with a hand that was traveling at a snail pace

                Yes that is moving the goalpost. You said grinding gold and spending it is enough to constitue p2w. Right

                if you can farm gold with braindead grind, buy a run and get what you want (mounts, gear, achievements or titles) it's p2w

                No mention of real money, just claiming that being able to farm gold then use it is p2w.

              • 5 months ago

                >You said grinding gold and spending it is enough to constitue p2w.
                correct, when the game facilitates the exchange
                guess what, wow token is not only the way blizz facilitates RMT, but also gets a cut for doing nothing.
                financially smart? yeah. ethically correct? not really. pay to win? absolutely

              • 5 months ago

                Every MMO has trading, and many arpgs

              • 5 months ago

                sure, but we're not talking about other mmos, we're talking about if wow is p2w or not. and also there are degrees. some mmos are more p2w than others, and wow is flirting with the kmmo model.
                at this point, it's not really "moving goalposts" when i'm pretty sure you saw this coming a mile ago seeing that you use the same argument than most wow players that defend the wow token
                and even then, you are no longer arguing with me, but trying to convince yourself that wow is not p2w. everyone else that isn't a blind fanboi know this is a fact.
                gotta say, though. i was expecting the usual "wow token is the hurdle that separates carries from rmt" argument, but you just skipped it went directly to hissing at the corner

              • 5 months ago

                It is moving goal posts
                These posts

                >You said grinding gold and spending it is enough to constitue p2w.
                correct, when the game facilitates the exchange
                guess what, wow token is not only the way blizz facilitates RMT, but also gets a cut for doing nothing.
                financially smart? yeah. ethically correct? not really. pay to win? absolutely

                if you can farm gold with braindead grind, buy a run and get what you want (mounts, gear, achievements or titles) it's p2w

                Establish that farming gold and being able to trade it is enough to qualify as p2w. That's a nonsensical standard because it would make every mmo p2w
                You will never have someone show up to raid with a bunch of upgrades because they spent real money, because there aren't upgrades to get that way. Heroic raid loot is useless, mythic keystones are trivial for any real player and crafting gear is throttled by sparks. You cannot win by spending money, the only thing that would even be faster than doing it yourself is level boosting which is beyond irrelevant in WoW
                Wow is entirely skill gated

              • 5 months ago

                you can stop pretending to be moronic at any moment, p2w involves real money transactions. we all know that, you SHOULD know that. just because i didn't explcitly say it on my posts, doesn't mean it's not there. i was throwing a bait, but you took the whole pole
                >Wow is entirely skill gated
                pffft hahahha. tell that to my mythic nzoth kill, where I was asked to kms so i don't get MCd and wipe the raid.
                pure skill alright

              • 5 months ago


                if you can farm gold with braindead grind, buy a run and get what you want (mounts, gear, achievements or titles) it's p2w

                EXPLICITLY calls out farming/grinding gold as enough. These are the goal posts you keep trying to move because you got blown out.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah, and RMT is done with real money
                call it "moving goalposts" all you want, doesn't take away the fact that wow is P2W

              • 5 months ago

                Nothing in that post said rmt, it explicitly says grinding gold. You refuse to address that because you know I'm right
                You lost

              • 5 months ago

                >discussing p2w
                >"gee, he dont say nufin bout reel money, so he dont mean dat"

                guess you're just a legit moron, nevermind

              • 5 months ago

                >Didn't say
                You EXPLICITLY called out grinding for gold. This is not nebulous or implied, it was clearly stated that farming gold and then spending it is rmt

              • 5 months ago

                yes yes, i know you're a true moron already.
                you need everything spelled out for you, cause your brain starts hurting

              • 5 months ago

                they used to bother banning people who bought gold not encouraged it. old blizz knew RMT makes the game worse and had artistic integrity. nu-blizz is soulless and doesn't wanna fork over a comparatively tiny amount of money to improve their game experience

              • 5 months ago

                No, they didn't
                People sold gold and accounts all the time in the past

              • 5 months ago

                you're never going to completely get rid of gold buying, it's always gonna be a thing but in the early days of wow they did a decent job of cracking down on it, especially compared to now

              • 5 months ago

                No they did not, nobody ever got banned for gold buying and bots were far more abundant

              • 5 months ago


                you can just google search "world of warcraft rmt baneable" and see for yourself

              • 5 months ago

                uh sweaty, he needs an unbiased souwce

              • 5 months ago


                Abuse of the economy bans in WoW usually pertain to gold buying or selling, for real-world money.

                While back in the day, most of it was obtained through gold farming, nowadays boosting and carrying are the biggest gold makers on retail. And, for Classic WoW, that’s mostly GDKP runs.

                Thus, for abuse of the economy, you can expect the following:

                temporary suspension for up to 30 days;
                removal of all gold involved;
                permanent ban.

              • 5 months ago

                anon I was being sarcastic, I believed you

              • 5 months ago

                yeah, i know, but our friend doesn't like actual links proving him wrong

                >WoW gold buying, without being banned. - possible?
                >There is no such thing as buying wow gold with 100% safety, however, you can get away with it without being banned, but that's just luck Blizzard can track the gold, so if it goes like farmer - mule - you, they can still see who got it in the end.

                Right in that post it says that Blizzard started cracking down AFTER the token, confirming there was not this past world of integrity where they stopped rmt

                yeah, cause in the above text says that blizz had no way to tell if you were RMTing or not. hence the "just luck" portion. The implementation of the token was never with the playerbase in mind. they saw potential financial gaining from it and chased it.

              • 5 months ago

                from a 2009 document
                >World of Warcraft does not in any way tolerate RMT.

                "Blizzard does not recognize any virtual property transfers executed outside of the Game or the purported sale, gift or trade in the "real world" of anything related to the Game. Accordingly, you may not sell items for "real" money or otherwise exchange items for value outside of the Game. (Blizzard Entertainment, 2008)"
                >Article 8 from the TOU

                Your links only proved me right, stating that blizzards enforcement started after the token. There was no old days where blizzard was stopping rmt
                Because you're ESL, you can't understand the difference between it being against the rules and those rules actually being enforced, which is what the actual discussion was
                You continue to show no effort of rmt being stopped before because it wasn't
                The countless threads on playerauctions prove that clearly enough

              • 5 months ago

                >wow token gets implemented in 2015-03-24
                >the 2008 ToS explicitly says that RMT is not tolerated

                are you stupid? just because they had no way to tell that you were RMTing, doesn't mean that you won't get banned cause you flexed your RMT on trade channel, you mongoloid

              • 5 months ago

                >just because they had no way to tell that you were RMTing
                Means it wasn't enforced, and I'm right as always. Thanks.
                >you won't get banned cause you flexed your RMT on trade channel
                This is the equivalent of saying blizzard enforced their no swearing rule because if you spammed Black person in tradechat you would get banned
                Nobody ever went and flaunted their rmt in tradechat in the first place, so rmt was never being stopped by blizzard

              • 5 months ago

                >Means it wasn't enforced
                people got banned. it was enforced
                >Thus, for abuse of the economy, you can expect the following:
                >temporary suspension for up to 30 days;
                >removal of all gold involved;
                >permanent ban.

              • 5 months ago

                People were not getting banned
                The ToS saying you *can* get banned is not proof of people actually getting banned
                Your ESL monkey brain isn't at a high enough level for this conversation

              • 5 months ago

                oh shit, then since I botted throughout wod and didn't get caught means that botting wasn't against the ToS then, pheww...

              • 5 months ago

                Again this post is clearly esl. Your subhuman brain is running on fumes at this point and still losing the argument st every turn

              • 5 months ago

                is that the best you can do? proven wrong multiple times you resort to esl calling? lmao, wowdrones are something else

              • 5 months ago

                You haven't proven me wrong favelamonkey, you keep posting ToS instead of proof of enforcement
                Then one of your posts says the crackdown was after the wow token, proving me right

              • 5 months ago

                what about

                or a guy saying that got caught?
                >Is there any chance I could get my account back?
                idk, he sound banned

              • 5 months ago

                That first post again is no proof of enforcement, just you yet again posting the rules because you're genuinely too Hispanic brained to know what the word enforcement means
                The second post the OP avoids the one guy who asked for proof, because he's lying. He got banned for botting or hacking and is trying to downplay it to get his account back

              • 5 months ago

                in the first post someone is asking if he can be banned for trading gold to himself, clearly implying that there's a similar rule in the ToS I already linked
                the second post is a guy admitting he got banned for gold buying. of course you'd call him a liar cause it goes against your narrative
                people don't go around the internet claiming they've done something wrong like breaking the ToS. I wanna believe most wowplayers have enough braincells to shut up and quietly eat the ban cause they know they did wrong.
                this also made me realize that unless I find a vid of a wowdev outright saying that RMT is a bannable offense, you'll say it's all fake. And even then, you'll probably say it's a deepfake

                wow is p2w. delude yourself all you want

              • 5 months ago

                He's a liar because he dodged the single post asking for proof
                > unless I find a vid of a wowdev outright saying that RMT is a bannable offense
                Is your skin black as night? How do you STILL not understand the discussion is whether blizzard was actually stopping rmt before, not whether they wrote it was against the rules
                Stupid fricking subhuman on my website

              • 5 months ago

                >He's a liar because he dodged the single post asking for proof
                gee idk, he maybe made a throwaway account and really didn't want to get his char name blacklisted?
                think moron, think
                >How do you STILL not understand the discussion is whether blizzard was actually stopping rmt before, not whether they wrote it was against the rules
                they were, i have no doubts
                people who are willing to admit it on the internet are the one who got their account stolen and used for RMT and those who ask "you guys think i might get my account back?"
                Is your skin black as night?
                let's go lower, think of me as a pajeet.
                A pajeet is tearing you a new one.
                I've found multiple sources saying that RMT is bannable, people are getting banned and ways to circumvent being banned.
                You have nothing.

              • 5 months ago

                You're not tearing me a new anything moron, you continue to not post proof
                >gee idk, he maybe made a throwaway account and really didn't want to get his char name blacklisted?
                think moron, think
                Your character name would not get blacklisted for posting an email from blizzard moron.
                >I've found multiple sources saying that RMT is bannable,
                That was never the question
                >people are getting banned
                No proof of that happening
                >and ways to circumvent being banned
                You can take precautions against being banned even if they don't actually ban people just to be safe
                In that thread you posted Voltec literally says he bought gold and never got banned, thanks for more proof I'm right.

              • 5 months ago

                they still do, you just have to give blizzard a cut through the token and it's all good

              • 5 months ago


                you can just google search "world of warcraft rmt baneable" and see for yourself

                >same 1 claim they got banned with no proof
                >from 2023
                Ah yes clear evidence they totally used to ban for rmt

              • 5 months ago

                >>from 2023
                here's a guide to "Avoid getting banned for botting and buying or selling gold!" from 2014

              • 5 months ago

                Right in that post it says that Blizzard started cracking down AFTER the token, confirming there was not this past world of integrity where they stopped rmt

              • 5 months ago

                from a 2009 document
                >World of Warcraft does not in any way tolerate RMT.

                "Blizzard does not recognize any virtual property transfers executed outside of the Game or the purported sale, gift or trade in the "real world" of anything related to the Game. Accordingly, you may not sell items for "real" money or otherwise exchange items for value outside of the Game. (Blizzard Entertainment, 2008)"
                >Article 8 from the TOU

              • 5 months ago

                >Clearing easymode raids is not winning
                They have cleared content above their skill level because of gold. It's p2w.

              • 5 months ago

                >still no retort

              • 5 months ago

                idk why the p2w aspect is even an argument at this point. wow IS p2w with blizz tax

    • 5 months ago

      Anon I hope you die from bleeding out after being castrated by a rusty fork. This post is the most painfully unintelligible thing.

      • 5 months ago

        yes sar please to be trusting senior developer's retail numbers

    • 5 months ago

      A pony in retail wow made more than the first year sales of SC2

    • 5 months ago

      Classic andys on suicide watch

    • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    More like J Allen Brap

    • 5 months ago

      J. Allen Br-ACK

  5. 5 months ago

    Yeah, he was. There definitely were some people who legitimately wanted to play Classic again but 95% of people were asking for it wanted "Classic with changes" but basically just retail.

  6. 5 months ago

    Remember all the fuss about how big melee leeway is, and how quick everyone tried to forget about it?

  7. 5 months ago

    Yes, he was right.
    People wanted a time machine and something familiar to do with friends as a comfort blanket.
    That being said, Blizzard also half assed it and took every opportunity to handicap it, monitize it, and turn a blind eye to degeneracy and bots.

    The blame is shared. Players made it their mission to suck the fun out of the game while lying about "muh journey" and Blizzard made it their mission to hamstring everything good about the game.

    Lets also not forget that Classic released going into a year long lockdown where you were encouraged and rewarded for staying inside all day farming Scarlet Monestary like a neet. People really underestimate the artificial longevity the game got from the coof heard round the world.

  8. 5 months ago

    morons can complain all they like about how much they hate nu-blizzard, but when it comes right down to it, it prints money, and far more people like their games than those who don't

  9. 5 months ago

    Vanilla is just there so the jaded veterans will get off their back. Essentially a funnel to suck everyone that loved the old game out of their important environment so they can crank up the money grubbing with less backlash.

    • 5 months ago

      And everytime they update the classic client for these gimmick seasons and vanilla era gets a little worse with retail menus, cast animations, and bugs, the era players just scream into the void and keep playing as they drift a little further from the game they think they're still playing.

      • 5 months ago

        The solution is simple but a painful one - give up entirely on the mmo genre, and try to live in the real world. Yes, things used to be good but now they're not and that's just how it is.

        • 5 months ago

          >implying WoW was ever good
          Because of its reliance on player retention models did it kill MMOs

      • 5 months ago

        >retail menus, cast animations
        Neither but keep making shit up

    • 5 months ago

      And everytime they update the classic client for these gimmick seasons and vanilla era gets a little worse with retail menus, cast animations, and bugs, the era players just scream into the void and keep playing as they drift a little further from the game they think they're still playing.

      The solution is simple but a painful one - give up entirely on the mmo genre, and try to live in the real world. Yes, things used to be good but now they're not and that's just how it is.

      >implying WoW was ever good
      Because of its reliance on player retention models did it kill MMOs

      Retail is dead, get over it

  10. 5 months ago

    >I didn't have fun in classic 2019
    >I'm not having fun in SoD
    He's wrong and the hundreds of thousands of players proved it

  11. 5 months ago

    Any pre-Cataclysm WoW is a much better game than Retail no matter how I slice it, but it's underperforming financially because of whales buying up everything on retail. Obviously.
    So they can say
    >see?! It's not making enough money, we were right!!
    No. Compare unique player numbers and then we'll talk, but they won't disclose those because Blizzard knows I'm right. They don't want to give good games to players, they want to make garbage for the whales to spend thousands of dollars on.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean it's worse every way you slice it
      Worse classes, SoD balance is an utter embarrassment
      Worse content, Molten chore 0-1 mechanic bosses
      Worse pvp, ontop of the abysmal class design and balance the vanilla honor system is one of the dumbest things ever made and is completely wintraded
      >unique player numbers
      Retail wins. We already know from blizzard that the average active alt count is 3, that puts dragonflight over 2 million and classic at sub 250k
      Classic only exists in streamer circles because the low IQ Brazilians who watch streamers are also the ones who play pservers and classic

      • 5 months ago

        Enjoy your gay centaur homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          >can't actually refute anything
          Every time
          Vanillagays are fricking pathetic, just like their dogshit game

      • 5 months ago

        TBC has better class design than retail

        • 5 months ago

          >shadowbolt shadowbolt shadowbolt shadowbolt
          In your dreams gay

          • 5 months ago

            I didn't say rotation design moron, I said class design. Every spec in TBC was worth bringing to a raid because of the unique buffs and utility they brought (Moonkin Crit aura, Spriest mana battery, etc, etc)

            • 5 months ago

              How the class plays is the core of class design you fricking moron, not a passive buff they add
              Never mind that they couldnt even manage to make every spec worthwhile in buffs,
              Demo lock, MM hunter, Mut and Sub rogue were all worthless in TBC and not worth bringing even 1 of
              So the classes sucked to play and the balance was bad, good fricking job TBC. And lets not even talk about how bad TBC arena was

              • 5 months ago

                Tbc made ALMOST every spec worth bringing. Stop being a moron about semantics. Boomkins, Spriests, Non-healing shammies, whatever. They were all worth bringing for the buffs they brought

                I'd rather have TBCs classes than retails. The rotations might be more fun but they're all significantly more homogenized.

              • 5 months ago

                >Stop being a moron about semantics
                Its not semantics, they failed at the one thing you claimed they did successfully
                They failed to deliver both balance and engaging gameplay, meaning its bad. Its bad in every single way, which is pathetic
                >Boomkins, Spriests, Non-healing shammies, whatever. They were all worth bringing for the buffs they brought
                Meanwhile in a good game theyre worth bringing because they actually fulfill their role as DPS well AND have unique utility.
                >I'd rather have TBCs classes than retails.
                I'm sure you would, low skill players love not having to be good at the game to perform well. You might lick windows and drool on your keyboard but hey you can put down your totems so thats good enough. Good players dont think like this btw
                >The rotations might be more fun but they're all significantly more homogenized.
                No, every class being 1 button spam but some just doing more damage is homogenized as hell. Retail classes have significantly different damage profiles and toolkits that make them unique. Shadowpriest was desirable for bringing Mind Soothe and Mass Dispel, not because its 1 button rotation did more damage than the next classes 1 button rotation like TBC lock

              • 5 months ago

                Hybrid DPS like that aren't supposed to top the meters (except warrior) and in retail EVERY class has that utility (homogenization) or they removed what made the classes unique. The rotations might be more engaging but when every class has similar buffs and utility, then what's the point in having classes?
                >I'm sure you would, low skill players love not having to be good at the game to perform well. You might lick windows and drool on your keyboard but hey you can put down your totems so thats good enough. Good players dont think like this btw
                Did you Clear Naxx 40 and Sunwell pre-nerf? No? Then stfu

              • 5 months ago

                >they arent supposed to except warriors those get to
                >in retail EVERY class has that utility (homogenization) or they removed what made the classes unique
                >but when every class has similar buffs and utility, then what's the point in having classes?
                But they didnt, as I already clearly demonstrated
                No class but priest has mass dispel or mind soothe
                Being able to actually do damage is their primary role in a group, the spec shouldnt be unable to do that well because bringing one (1) of that spec helps to apply a debuff.
                Again its clear you just arent good enough at the game to understand class design at a higher level.
                >Did you Clear Naxx 40 and Sunwell pre-nerf? No? Then stfu
                I clear mythic raids, which have 1% clear rates instead of the 70% that naxx 40 did you fricking moron. Did you actually think this was an accomplishment or something? Holy frick

              • 5 months ago

                Naxx 40 in vnailla had no where near 70% clear rate nor did Sunwell.
                Not even that guy
                Gratz on your whatever.

              • 5 months ago

                >Naxx 40 in vnailla had no where near 70% clear rate
                but it did in classic, which is the same raid except people arent on dialup internet
                Because the content is piss easy mindless boomerslop
                Surely you arent dumb enough to actually think naxx 40 is comparable to mythic raiding, right?

              • 5 months ago

                The only comparable part is wrangling 20 more mouth breathers together to do it.
                Other than that there is nothing about Classic that is difficult
                Though i would be the clear rates would be much higher had they the toold and blizzard attentiveness to bug fixses they have today.

              • 5 months ago

                40 Naxx isn't super easy. It might have less complicated mechanics than retail shit but that doesn't mean it's easy. Everything is tuned to be pretty deadly and punishing

                >Naxx 40 in vnailla had no where near 70% clear rate
                but it did in classic, which is the same raid except people arent on dialup internet
                Because the content is piss easy mindless boomerslop
                Surely you arent dumb enough to actually think naxx 40 is comparable to mythic raiding, right?

                No one said it's harder than mythic but Naxx 40 isn't brainlessly easy either. Part of the difficulty is that it was the only raid in 1.12 (the patch classic used) that wasn't nerfed to hell and actually matched up with player power

              • 5 months ago

                >but Naxx 40 isn't brainlessly easy either.

                >why don't you try actually answering it instead of being a homosexual?
                There was nothing to answer, you just randomly defended warrior being overpowered
                >If an enhance shaman buffs their group with windfury, totems, bloodlust, spot decurse AND they do as much DPS as a rogue, why brings rogues?
                If a Boomkin brings MOTW, Crit aura, brez and they do as much DPS as a mage, why bring mages?
                Wow if only classes had things like varying damage profiles, non throughput utility or skillcap that would make you want to bring the good player on a mage instead of windowlicker on a shaman
                Strange how it works on retail where every spec is still clearing the hardest content, huh?
                >Naxx had a 7% clear rate
                No it did not you dumb frick Black person. Here are the logs for Naxx 40, of the guilds that started the raid (~21,000) there were ~16000 that full cleared
                Its actually a 76% clear rate
                Youre so fricking delusional you actually thought you were some above average player for clearing naxx lmfao

                Anything cleared by 75% of players, specifically 75% of classic players which are already the dadgamer trash that cant handle retail, is brainlessly easy.
                >Part of the difficulty
                There is no difficulty.

              • 5 months ago

                >40 Naxx isn't super easy. It might have less complicated mechanics than retail shit but that doesn't mean it's easy. Everything is tuned to be pretty deadly and punishing
                Maybe for people that were already carrrying the dead weight of a raid.
                The only thing Naxx did was decrease the amount of carry weight from like 20 slots to 15

              • 5 months ago

                all you're basically saying is "nuh uh, it's really easy" like a 1st grader

              • 5 months ago

                Its not easy, also retail is objectively much worse, so you are stupid for playing it
                Naxx had a high clear rate in classic because it's solved content, which you are comparing to progression raiding. Incredibly low iq take.

              • 5 months ago

                Naxx had a high clear rate because it's piss easy
                The reason it wasn't progression content is because it was piss easy
                Mythic raid is already solved on retail, but for some reason it hasn't been cleared by 75% of players. Almost like execution actually matters in hard content huh?

                Retail is better, in every way

              • 5 months ago

                No. You are obviously mentally moronic. It has high clear rate because again, it's old content which means it was solved long ago. The only reason why any raid is low clear rate at first is that it's new content and it takes time for the right strats to be found.
                Retail is literally a 0/10 game. You are playing a gay centaur simulator with zero redeeming qualities or even remotely acceptable gameplay. Zero talent has existed at blizzard for over a decade. You blizzard cucks are literally Stockholm syndrome slaves with no mind of your own.

              • 5 months ago

                Except strats have already been found for every other raid in WoW and they don't instantly fall over to dad gamer morons like classic raids do
                Solving the fight does not make it trivial, classic fights were trivial to begin with because the game was badly designed.
                Retail wins in every single regard, and you have to actively lie to try to justify classic and your inability to keep up with the higher skillcap of retail

              • 5 months ago

                Skill levels pointless in WoW outside of the top .001% of players who are clearing content world first. Anyone can hop on a melee class and have a 95+% parsed rotation with hekili addons in all forms of content. The difficulty comes from being stuck with 19 other inefficient grey parsing morons who have trash computers and bad weakura setupts.

              • 5 months ago

                No, they actually can't. The average player is not coming anywhere close to 95% parses in mythic, in fact I don't think you even know how parses work
                If you were so good (you arent) you would be an esports pro

              • 5 months ago

                >esports pro
                zoomer troony homosexual detected

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah but I'm sure you're super good at the game but just hate free money lmao

              • 5 months ago

                why don't you try actually answering it instead of being a homosexual?
                But I'll go ahead and explain it for your slow ass anyway
                If an enhance shaman buffs their group with windfury, totems, bloodlust, spot decurse AND they do as much DPS as a rogue, why brings rogues?
                If a Boomkin brings MOTW, Crit aura, brez and they do as much DPS as a mage, why bring mages?
                Do you understand why the hybrid tax is a thing now, dumb-dumb?
                > instead of the 70% that naxx 40 did you fricking moron.
                Naxx had a 7% clear rate, not 70% and this was with it being a 15 year old raid

              • 5 months ago

                >why don't you try actually answering it instead of being a homosexual?
                There was nothing to answer, you just randomly defended warrior being overpowered
                >If an enhance shaman buffs their group with windfury, totems, bloodlust, spot decurse AND they do as much DPS as a rogue, why brings rogues?
                If a Boomkin brings MOTW, Crit aura, brez and they do as much DPS as a mage, why bring mages?
                Wow if only classes had things like varying damage profiles, non throughput utility or skillcap that would make you want to bring the good player on a mage instead of windowlicker on a shaman
                Strange how it works on retail where every spec is still clearing the hardest content, huh?
                >Naxx had a 7% clear rate
                No it did not you dumb frick Black person. Here are the logs for Naxx 40, of the guilds that started the raid (~21,000) there were ~16000 that full cleared
                Its actually a 76% clear rate
                Youre so fricking delusional you actually thought you were some above average player for clearing naxx lmfao

              • 5 months ago

                >Did you Clear Naxx 40
                is this supposed to be impressive? Naxx 40 was a complete fricking joke and my mostly casual guild in classic cleared the raid in around 2-3 hours each week.

              • 5 months ago

                what makes rpgs satisfying is having a well defined role and doing it well, retail sort of has this but it feels like you’re in a group with 20 druids that can all do everything

              • 5 months ago

                what makes RPGs satisfying is the sense of progression you get from playing and difficulty is an important aspect to that since it doesn't feel nearly as good to earn something that's just handed to you

              • 5 months ago

                >difficulty is an important aspect to that
                Classic clearly shows that people do not actually care about how difficult things are as long as number goes up
                On top of that the number of people that do truly difficult content is so low but they are also probably the most loyal blizzard payers at this point.
                Outside the multibox token farmers.

              • 5 months ago

                >Classic clearly shows that people do not actually care about how difficult things are as long as number goes up
                Or maybe it shows that it's still a fun game despite using the nerfed difficulty of all the content in 1.12?

              • 5 months ago

                >Or maybe it shows that it's still a fun game despite using the nerfed difficulty of all the content in 1.12?
                If it was fun people would not have been paying for boosts and buying gold to get items so they could raid log just as quickly.
                Sure its fun if your once a week event is trying to get gold or pink numbers on a website that tracks that stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                >If it was fun people would not have been paying for boosts and buying gold to get items so they could raid log just as quickly.
                That's what wow is. People raid log at max. Not because of gold buying or boosts or any of that shit. But because there's nothing else to do at max other than farm shit, pvp or pve and pve has a lockout on content that varies in time

              • 5 months ago

                poopsock raiding sucks, i’d rather do easier raids with people i like but retail totally forsaked casual raiding to sell tokens for gold carries

              • 5 months ago

                pre-wrath is nice because it’s less aoe faceroll, it would be nice to see another iteration on vanilla/tbc style class design but if you look at sod they don’t understand it and added a ton of aoe

              • 5 months ago

                it isn't just the aoe. It's stuff like feral and ret paladin topping the meters when hybrids aren't really supposed to

              • 5 months ago

                >pre-wrath is nice because it’s less aoe faceroll
                There are more mechanics going on in a single pull of m+ than all of Blackwing lair.
                Its objectively not faceroll, vanilla is where you just blast damage on autoattacking mobs the whole time

              • 5 months ago

                >There are more mechanics going on in a single pull of m+ than all of Blackwing lair.
                People who think this is a good thing are the reason WoW has gone to shit.
                moronic homosexual Ion designing the game around 1% of the players propped up by people who seek validation through WoW raiding

                Oh how I wonder why the game has less than 1/10th of it's peak playerbase

              • 5 months ago

                More than 1% of players are capable of pressing an interrupt shitter, sorry youre below Black person-IQ

              • 5 months ago

                I'm much better at the game than PvE morons.
                If you never got over 2400 in Arena you're trash

              • 5 months ago

                Anyone playing WoW is trash regardless of what mode it is. The game has far to much handholding and meta comps to think some number matters.

          • 5 months ago

            >classic has multiple levels of spells, allowing for more demanding resource management
            >retail only has one constant, scalable level for every spell
            How are you this blind?

      • 5 months ago

        >Worse classes
        Which classes are worse specifically? You can't manage classes having mana? Did you get filtered by ranged ammunitions?
        >Worse content
        Oh yea, so different from modern bosses. Also the entire experience is ruined by dungeon/raid finder. If you can't make the distinction between making lasting social contacts in classic vs overwhelmingly not speaking to anyone when going to a dungeon can only mean that you either didn't play classic or you're so anti-social that you don't even realize the problem.
        >Worse pvp
        Oh no! You know it's primarily a social oriented game and you are not supposed to win every single combat right? If you find an enemy you can't beat, you have disengage skills for a reason. Run away and ask for help moron.
        >unique player numbers
        >Retail wins.
        Source? I'm don't care about approximations or averages.

        • 5 months ago

          >Which classes are worse specifically?
          Every single one of the because theyre shallow 1 button dogshit
          >You can't manage classes having mana?
          Retail has far more depth to resource management than "kill it fast enough you dont oom".
          >Oh yea, so different from modern bosses
          Yes very much so, single bosses in retail have more going on than entire raid tiers in classic
          >If you can't make the distinction between making lasting social contacts
          Is that what you call your GDKP lmao?
          Nothing in classic requires a lasting social contact, because its all easily puggable mindless garbage. Meanwhile youre not pugging through mythic raiding in retail, period. You actually need a consistent group to clear retail
          >Run away and ask for help moron.
          So again, nothing can ever be skill based. You hard lose 1v1 because their class is overpowered and then you win 2v1 because its a 2v1. No skill cap needed, that would be unfair to cryboomers
          You also completely dodged the comment about the vanilla honor system, so I'll just accept your concession that its indefensible dogshit since thats clearly the case
          >I'm don't care about approximations
          Being bad at math is an IQ issue, blizzard gave the average active alt count players have, the numbers flow straight from that. Retail won

          • 5 months ago

            >Every single one of the because theyre shallow 1 button dogshit
            Please give me specifics instead of generalizing.
            >Retail has far more depth to resource management than "kill it fast enough you dont oom".
            moronic concept. Just talk about the loot you have like normal people and distribute them as you see fit. Actually getting the loot is secondary, playing with others FOR the loot is the primary gameplay. You know, it's about the friends we made along the way and so on and so forth. Classic is more social oriented and I have made more contacts both temporary and lasting than retail because you need to build the party yourself and you have downtimes where you usually talk with your fellow party members.
            What the frick does this even mean?
            >You actually need a consistent group to clear retail
            Not really. You can clear retail with the raid finder without having to interact with anyone honestly.
            >You hard lose 1v1 because their class is overpowered and then you win 2v1 because its a 2v1.
            Yes and I don't have any issues with it. Overall, it's not about whether I win the combat. I'm not a bad loser who can't accept that he got beaten by an overtuned class. I go to the nearest city and ask for someone to whoop their ass and maybe I'll get a nice story out of it.
            >You also completely dodged the comment about the vanilla honor system
            I "dodged" it because I literally don't care about the honor system. For me, PvP is also a social experience in MMOs, not a race to get the most currency or whatever out of it. If you want to take it as a concession, go ahead, but you are wrong because for me it's simply not applicable.
            >Being bad at math is an IQ issue
            If you want to go heavy on projections then I don't think you are anywhere close to me honestly unless you have a masters degree in anything. Obviously I could be wrong but both of us are projecting right now.

            • 5 months ago

              >Please give me specifics instead of generalizing.
              Classic Frost mage is a 1 button rotation
              Retail frost mage is not
              Classic Destro lock is 1 button
              Retail Destro lock is not
              This is desperate and pathetic
              Retail destrolock manages dynamic soul shards. As already explained, vanilla lock presses shadowbolt on loop
              >moronic concept
              Would be nice cope if it wasnt rampant on classic, too bad for you.
              >Classic is more social oriented
              Its not, everything is easily no voice pugged. Thats not social
              >I have made more contacts both temporary and lasting than retail
              This only says that you arent likeable in retail, which shitters usually arent
              >What the frick does this even mean?
              Holy frick you dont even play MMOs lmao
              This is it, the average moron defending classic doesnt even know what pugging is. lmfao

              • 5 months ago

                >Would be nice cope if it wasnt rampant on classic, too bad for you.
                blame nu-blizzard for that shit. they should've banned GDKP but hiring people to moderate classic would've cost 50 cents so it wasn't worth bothering with

              • 5 months ago

                >This is it, the average moron defending classic doesnt even know what pugging is. lmfao
                Oh no! Anon doesn't know the meaning of a single word. It's completely over. How can anyone recover after this or even mention that they played the game?!
                Frick off moron

            • 5 months ago

              Obvious chatGPTslop

              No human spending this much effort arguing on this topic doesn’t know what pugging is

              >Please give me specifics instead of generalizing.
              Classic Frost mage is a 1 button rotation
              Retail frost mage is not
              Classic Destro lock is 1 button
              Retail Destro lock is not
              This is desperate and pathetic
              Retail destrolock manages dynamic soul shards. As already explained, vanilla lock presses shadowbolt on loop
              >moronic concept
              Would be nice cope if it wasnt rampant on classic, too bad for you.
              >Classic is more social oriented
              Its not, everything is easily no voice pugged. Thats not social
              >I have made more contacts both temporary and lasting than retail
              This only says that you arent likeable in retail, which shitters usually arent
              >What the frick does this even mean?
              Holy frick you dont even play MMOs lmao
              This is it, the average moron defending classic doesnt even know what pugging is. lmfao

              Don’t reply to “his” next post. This is a great example of a social media engagement bot

              • 5 months ago

                Id like to believe its a bot, but I'm sure a bot can at least look up some of the most common slang in the game
                These literal morons genuinely exist, its crazy isnt it?

              • 5 months ago

                It’s a social media engagement bot, stuff like that is done on purpose to create “frustration events”. It’s a known technique in other algorithmic based activities such as slot machines and vidya.

      • 5 months ago

        If you think retail WoW has any merit left it's clear you're a moron

      • 5 months ago

        SoD is not vanilla or classic even, in any way, so why are you using it as an example? Because you never even intended to have an honest argument, retail Black person?

        • 5 months ago

          Vanilla balance is even worse though, meme specs truly unplayable

          • 5 months ago

            only cause vanilla classes were mostly unfinished

          • 5 months ago

            Balance is irrelevant and not important. Balance literally holds 0% importance in how good a game is, it's meaningless.
            The class design is simply objectively at its best in vanilla.

            • 5 months ago

              No balance is important, it's key for how players interact with content
              Vanilla class design offers nothing good unless you're brown skinned and think the brown class should be overpowered. It's objectively shallow and badly made, putting it as the clear worst class design WoW has had

              • 5 months ago

                No its definitely the best class design the game ever had. Balance is meaningless.

              • 5 months ago

                actually TBC is the best class design the game ever had because it's vanillas design but most of the specs were actually finished

              • 5 months ago

                Nope, shallow and mindless
                You might not understand if you're south American like most classic players, but having actual skillcap is important and classic fails entirely in that regard

            • 5 months ago

              >Paladins can heal and heal only, and they don't even do a good job at healing they are mostly brought for buffs
              >this is good design because, well because I said so, okay?!?

    • 5 months ago

      >Any pre-Wotlk WoW is a much better game than Retail

  12. 5 months ago

    If he was right he'd still have a job

  13. 5 months ago

    He was right and he was wrong.

    What he got right:
    Yes, there are things about classic that are/were moronic and unfun and the people who like them are actually autistic morons. For example: having MOST specs in ALL classes not work. Being forced into one spec because the others are just shit. Having to do certain things, certain roles. Having some classes absolutely have no chance vs others in pvp, etc.

    What he got wrong:
    People DO want to have to interact with others on some base level. They DO want a bit of a grind, a bit of stress involved in leveling and playing. That's what gives it all meaning. They do not want to just 'press a button' and get given everything. That is what killed the game.

    • 5 months ago

      do you know why most of the specs in vanilla didn't work? because they didn't have enough time to finish them and held off until TBC

    • 5 months ago

      >For example: having MOST specs in ALL classes not work.
      >Having to do certain things, certain roles
      >Having some classes absolutely have no chance vs others in pvp


      • 5 months ago

        You cannot justify it being about classes when raid comps still end up to be 2/3 warrior/rogue over every other class
        Clearly those classes are not balanced
        >It's built on dnd
        It's not, at all. WoW casters are a complete inversion of DnD where they have weak basic damage spells as warriors and rogues run amok

        • 5 months ago

          they weren't balanced cause they weren't finished till TBC

  14. 5 months ago

    Yeah no shit

  15. 5 months ago

    Oh he is? And yet I'm not touching retail ever again.

  16. 5 months ago

    I had a great time in classic. Quit right before Naxx dropped because my guild got bored of AQ and half of them quit

  17. 5 months ago

    He was right if only for the fact blizzard dithers and lets things last for months so they can milk as much money from people playing and raid logging content.
    Only to string them along into the next Expansion Classic.

  18. 5 months ago

    No? It was and still is dozens of times more popular than retail has been since original Wrath

    • 5 months ago

      Classic is giga dead

      • 5 months ago

        Not evert remotely as dead as retail
        We already know that retail only has 10k players nowadays

    • 5 months ago

      Era is fricking dead, even the fullest servers are struggling to get full 40 mans together anymore.
      Wrath is giga dead because the content is over and no one wants to do Ruby Sanctum next week
      SoD was off to a good start but had 5 days worth of content at most and even the single dad with 7 kids and 3 full time jobs was completely done everything it had to offer 3 weeks ago, servers are emptying out from boredom and we're still over a month away from the next drip feed of content that will burn out in 2 weeks

  19. 5 months ago

    classsic has more people raiding than retail by an order of magnitude

  20. 5 months ago

    he was wrong, classic was great
    I had an awesome time on grobbulus

  21. 5 months ago

    This fat homosexual sabotaged Both Origin when he was head of Q&A and SOE when he was leading the Star Wars Galaxies project.

  22. 5 months ago

    >a lot of players excited for classic
    >huge hype around it
    >everyone sharing their old stories with the game
    >"it's gonna be great"
    >it lauches
    >dies 3 months later
    >still has a small addicted playerbase
    >not big enough to call it a success
    >blizzard tries to revitalize the concept multiple times
    >every iteration has a life span of 2-3 months
    >people realize is the idealization of playing classic what they love, not actually playing classic
    >"you think you do, but you don't"

    He was too right. Classic has only served to keep the WoW operation afloat for each quarter, making it look like people play it, but it actuality, it's just well timed releases to get a boost in the MAU and lie to the shareholders saying everything is OK
    At the end, Blizzard is puppeteering a rotting corpse for the ones that will never quit wow in the first place, and Cata Classic (lemao) will start to show the bones, before completely turning into dust

    • 5 months ago

      Because classic players have objectives now and once they're achieved you can stop playing.
      In SOD I leveled to 25, did BFD once and quit. Took me 3 weeks and I had fun.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, that's what they were forced to learn. WoW is no longer a 24/7 game. It's a seasonal MMO, cause they had to scale down the production. Thing is, retail is no longer quality enough to keep the interest for more than a month or even to resub on each patch. They are milking old iterations and tweaking them. Which looked fine at first, but now they're running out of cows.

        • 5 months ago

          >Retail is no longer quality
          This coming from the guy running rehashed bfd that had to be nerfed because some moron put high spell resist on a low level boss
          Meanwhile retail continues to put out raid after raid that absolutely mogs classic

          • 5 months ago

            >Meanwhile retail continues to put out raid after raid that absolutely mogs classic
            not a tall order, both classic and retail are shit, but somehow, blizz seem to care more about classic

            • 5 months ago

              >Blizzard seems to care more about classic
              You meant to type retail right?
              Classic is a meme project with 2 devs just trying to chase streamer memes to keep twitch streamers happy while classic realms die left and right

              • 5 months ago

                i'm not saying they financially do, but check the latest blizzcon, most announcements are nostalgia based. ofc they can't abandon retail, that'd be dumb. but, pr wise, they are putting more eggs in the classic basket

              • 5 months ago

                >check the latest blizzcon
                Retail got 3 expansions announced
                Classic got...rehashed BFD. Which retail already rehashed back in WoD but it wasn't paraded around as relevant because it's not

              • 5 months ago

                >Retail got 3 expansions announced
                >War Within
                >and ????
                >none of them will have a x.3 patch

              • 5 months ago

                War Within
                The Last Titan
                Retail gets 3 expansions because they're focused on retail, classic is abandonware left to the Chinese bots

              • 5 months ago

                I see you fell for the meme. Back in the Cata days, each one of those would be called a Major Content Patch, rather than a expansion. This is why they aren't doing more than 2 major patches per "expasion" now.
                They realized players will always hate "current expansion", and the hope for the "next expansion" will keep them subbed.
                I'm so sorry bro. There's nothing to be excited anymore

              • 5 months ago

                >Back in the Cata days, each one of those would be called a Major Content Patch
                No kidding. Firelands and Dragon Soul would be called expansions nowadays. Crazy how blizzard has fallen

              • 5 months ago

                Cata had one patch with a minor subzone in Molten Front
                4.1 had no new zones, rehashed dungeons and no new raid
                4.2 had no new dungeons
                4.3 had no new zones and rehashed most of its raid
                So tell me how multiple new zones, dungeons and raids would be just a content patch in Cata?

              • 5 months ago

                >So tell me how multiple new zones, dungeons and raids would be just a content patch in Cata?
                You just did it. Just move 4.1 dungeons to 4.2 and rename 4.2 and 4.3 to 12.0 and 13.0. Boom. World Soul trilogy. Are you sure you don't work at blizzard?

              • 5 months ago

                Except Midnight and Last Titan will both have multiple new zones, dungeons and raids
                Unlike those patches, none of which offered all 3 and most didn't even offer 2/3

              • 5 months ago

                i'm not saying each one of those would be the size of an old patch, not even blizzard is that shameless, yet.
                but announcing 3 expansions beforehand, with the content scope is a great risk and raises a lot of red flags.
                i can't really discuss this, cause it's high speculative and would take forever. I just hope that future me would feel curious about resubbing, cause everything since 9.1 has been a huge let down.

              • 5 months ago

                Soon they won't even have x.2 patches once they realize they can just shit out expansions and have all the chinese bot farms buy 3 million copies of their $60 patches

              • 5 months ago

                >Back in the Cata days, each one of those would be called a Major Content Patch
                No kidding. Firelands and Dragon Soul would be called expansions nowadays. Crazy how blizzard has fallen

                Yeah, I think the first glimpses of this new "philosophy" appeared during the Nzoth raid, where players kept saying, even to this day, that the Black Empire should've been its own expansion. And Guardians of the Dream sealed the deal.
                Congrats. Retroactively, Visions of N'zoth and Shadows of Argus are expansions now lol

  23. 5 months ago

    >chink goldbots to the left of me
    >chink goldbots to the right

    • 5 months ago

      me in the middle buying gold

  24. 5 months ago

    Retail tourists and wrathbabies do not (said to Vanilla enjoyers) "You think you do but you don't" make.

  25. 5 months ago

    retail raids should be forced to be 2/3/5

  26. 5 months ago

    Lot of ffxivcultist falseflagging in this thread.

  27. 5 months ago

    Arin Hanson?

  28. 5 months ago

    Not really.
    Classic was great for me until I hit 60, now every fricking raid has like a dozen people who buy gold taking all the good loot despite being absolutely shit at everything.
    I was top 5 in DPS as an off-spec warlock in blues doing BWL just because the noobs gold buyers don't know how to stay alive. Then these asiatic buttholes outbid me on everything despite already having AQ40 gear out the ass. At least the gold was good but Jesus Christ these homosexuals literally cannot play the game. Took 3 tries to kill Nefarian because the morons didn't have cloaks and didn't know how to avoid the Shadowfire without one.

  29. 5 months ago

    >dragon Isles is a full continent larger than northrend
    >plus the caverns
    >plus the emerald dream
    >full slate of dungeons plus reworked old ones
    >3 raid tiers
    >somehow this isn't a full expansion but copypasting Naxx is
    Cope off the charts right now

  30. 5 months ago

    I don't get it. Classic has like 4 devs and takes minimal resources from the main game. Why are retailtrannies so assblasted by it?

  31. 5 months ago

    >we want good game
    >makes bad game named "good game"
    >still more popular than other bad game
    I still play classic private servers though not giving these c**ts a dime

    • 5 months ago

      If you wanted a good game you wouldn't be playing pservers
      You are brown

    • 5 months ago

      If you wanted a good game you wouldn't be playing pservers
      You are brown

      If you wanted a good game you wouldn't be playing wow
      You are a moron

      • 5 months ago

        Exactly, that's why I'm looking forward to Dawntrail

  32. 5 months ago

    How do people still convince theirselves to play WoW when everyone treats it as a solved math problem instead of an RPG.

    What the frick is this game

    • 5 months ago


      people who still play wow, needs no convincing. they are addicts
      the real problem is that wow doesn't attract new players

      • 5 months ago

        WoW does a good job of being a cesspool that requires an abrasive amount of investment to get into. With a severely outdated UI, an emphasis on using external information not available ingame, and a metagame culture so pervasive that it has even dungeon finder runs turn into casual chimpouts? It's no fricking surprise you can't sell this game to new players.

  33. 5 months ago

    raid logging can be fine if there's enough raids to do in a week. When Naxx came out in classic it felt like I was doing a raid almost every day which is a decent balance to achieve in terms of how engaging it is. I just wish there was a little more farming you could do outside of raids

  34. 5 months ago

    No they just handled it poorly. I've been playing Warmane Onyxia and its been very enjoyable.
    >No GDKP
    >Swipers will always exist so you can just whale in the cash shop
    >dual spec available for 100g
    Only dogshit system has been the PvP gear grind.

  35. 5 months ago

    people just wanted WOW without the trannies and females making decisions

  36. 5 months ago

    >classic has more players than retail because...BECAUSE IT JUST FRICKIN DOES, OKAY?!

  37. 5 months ago

    >you don't want classic
    >yes we do
    >makes classic with 90% of players being bots ruining the experience
    >see? I was right

  38. 5 months ago

    I fricking kneel ... I remember when he called wow grifters "hate merchants". This man is based beyond belief

  39. 5 months ago

    I enjoyed playing classic a lot actually but Blizz as a company kept being so moronic that I didn't want to give them money anymore. If I ever get the itch badly enough I might go looking for a private server.

  40. 5 months ago

    picrel was a chad, and wow's writing got worse after he was me tood.

  41. 5 months ago

    Compared to 1-25 how much time does it take to go from 25 to 40?
    Was it level 48 as a half way to 60 or something?
    newbie to vanilla btw.
    Sometimes I feel like the quest xp is a scam if you don't care about the faction zone rep or green quest rewards compared to killing mobs back to back like a korean mmo style because some quests make you walk around waaay too much for little xp.

    • 5 months ago

      40 is like the halfway point in Vanilla, things start slowing down a lot after that. Quests are sparse, you're sent all over the world, and dungeons get much longer and complex.

  42. 5 months ago

    SoD is the most fun I had since original tbc-wrath

  43. 5 months ago

    welp, what can we gather from this thread?
    >j allen brack was somewhat right
    >classic is saving blizzard from oblivion and apathy
    >major content patches are now called expansions
    >wow is pay to win
    >some wow players are willing to turn on their brain in pure denial about it
    >wowplayers' first instinct of defense is deflecting to other games, specially xiv

    another successful wow thread

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody said anything about xiv, xivtroon

      • 5 months ago


        Lot of ffxivcultist falseflagging in this thread.

        • 5 months ago

          >one single mention
          He was right because you're falseflagging right now

  44. 5 months ago

    >no one mentioned it
    >o-okay, but just once
    >y-you're falseflagging!!

    • 5 months ago

      It was a completely ignored post made once in the thread, trying to put it on a highlight reel is obviously being disingenuous and pretending you didn't make that post in the first place
      Same reason despite getting blown out about the 3 expansions are just patches cope it was claimed to be true again, because you have to lie constantly

      • 5 months ago

        >and pretending you didn't make that post in the first place

  45. 5 months ago

    >Appeal was supposed to be the original WoW experience
    >Now it's just a rerun server that slowly revisits everything

    Glad I quit ahead of the Burning Crusades Classic.

    • 5 months ago

      I quit when they announced the store mount and lvl boost, I was genuinely excited for TBC Classic before that. Then they removed a bunch of harmless shit from the game to do damage control for the fact that there's a bunch of sex pests working for Blizz

  46. 5 months ago

    >promise an unchanged vanilla wow
    >don't ban bots or goldbuyers
    >add boosts and wow tokens
    Thanks... Classic was great......

    • 5 months ago

      just dont buy the boost or the token, idiot

      • 5 months ago

        Other people do, it fricks up the economy and empties out the world.

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