Here's your easy to understand mass appeal fighter bro

Here's your easy to understand mass appeal fighter bro

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >Another failed Riot game

    • 4 weeks ago

      riots games have been pretty successful though
      lol has remained popular for longer than dota
      teamfight tactics seems to be doing ok
      their card game did ok, i think development has stopped now?
      valorant ate counterstrikes lunch

      compare that to valve with artifact and underlords, and riot seem like geniuses by comparison.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >valorant ate counterstrikes lunch
        rest are correct but holy shit as someone who plays both this is just not true. maybe at the start, but after cs2 launch not really

        • 4 weeks ago
          Dark Draker

          CS2 is a different game and "at the start" of what? Vals been out a while.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >their card game did ok, i think development has stopped now?
        Cardgame was a complete flop, which is amusing because it was actually the best game of their catalogue when considered against its competition. The key to success is making absolute dogshit, it would seem.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nice bait homosexual.
        All lies,

        • 4 weeks ago
          Dark Draker

          Besides the card game, which I love but has never done okay, the others are all truths from that poster tbh. TFT and League shit on autochess and dota. Val shit on cs1

      • 4 weeks ago

        Valve would probably do just as well if they embraced a younger aesthetic and most importantly pumped hundreds of millions into a nonstop esports advertising campaign

      • 4 weeks ago

        Riot is just doing what their daddy CCP does. Censor everything negative said towards them while pushing their own narrative until people actually start to believe it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        On the other hand, they released several games I've never heard anyone talk about (Ruined King, Sylas's game, Nunu's), the MMO is pretty much dead, and I remember a League ARPG shown in trailers, I don't know what happened to that one

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's the point. Tons of their shit flopped or got canned, but drones only keep bringing up LoL and Valorant.

          And before some moron starts spouting Valve shill - I remember Artifact yes.

        • 4 weeks ago

          No-one talks about those other games here but no-one talks about lol here either. The world of games is much larger than this echo chamber. Most of my lol playing friends have played most of them and from what I can tell there's only been one stinker.

          • 4 weeks ago

            /vg/ was created for that
            If games with massive playerbases were constantly allowed threads here, it will be a bigger shitshow than it is now.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >riotdrone talking about echochambers

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ruined King is a spiritual sequel to Battle Chasers Nightwar. It's a solid turn based RPG. No idea if it sold or not. I just liked Battle Chasers and this was essentially more of that. But then this wasn't a Riot developed game but a work for hire by Airship Syndicate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the lol spinoffs were also underwhelming, but riot pumps money into them to keep the life support on, while valve just cuts their losses and goes back to sitting on their hands

      • 4 weeks ago

        Artifact bombed, but Underlords actually did good. Valve just didn't care to support it, presumably because they're Valve.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >riots games have been pretty successful though
        You are absolute wrong you fricking moronic shill, LoL is in shambles, it's dead on US, dying on EU and losing interest in Asia, they are cutting costs everywhere they can, now they are using pajeets to make their skin and even reusing assets on their new skins to try to make profit before everything goes to shit.
        Their card game is Dead, they fired all the department that were working on the new game, they will announce in October the death of the game.
        Valorant failed to be a CS:GO2 competitor, it was the Overwatch killer but barely touched on valve shooter.
        TFT is a failure because they can't monetize enough yet, Riot always say how they are trying to make a monetization for the game that turns the game into a massive profit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >LoL is in shambles, it's dead on US, dying on EU and losing interest in Asia, they are cutting costs everywhere they can
          the FGC will be their rebound gf who loses weight to catch his eye after the breakup

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Valorant failed to be a CS:GO2 competitor
          lol no it absolutely did not, last major had less viewers than valorant madrid tourney, the game keeps growing while CS2's numbers are just upheld by cheaters and fake bots farming cases, it's slowly but surely dying. Valve failed to bring in new people with their shitty ass CS:GO clone, they were too lazy to and didn't take the risk to make a brand new game now riot eats their fricking lunch with valorant because the game gets constant updates, new maps, new agents, new everything while the lazy homosexuals at valve couldn't even add everything that was in CS:GO in yet, for example it took them 8 months to add left hand mode in, frick this company.

          • 4 weeks ago

            provide evidence for your claim or at least take a basic fricking english class, jesus christ. Commas are not a substitute for periods 100% of the time, get your thoughts together before vomiting them onto my screen like this, PLEASE.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >said the ignorant fat frick amerishart who is too fricking moronic to learn a different language but complains when someone makes grammatically mistakes when it's not even his native language
              kys butthole

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why its always sea monkey and ironically indians defending Riot so much?

            • 4 weeks ago

              All they can afford to play.

            • 4 weeks ago

              All they can afford to play.

              >no argument
              got it

              • 4 weeks ago

                What argument? You just smoked yourself. Riot has to put insane amount of resources towards development of Valo to provide constant flow of new content while CS homosexuals have almost exact same numbers with nothing lmao.

              • 4 weeks ago

                remind me again how old the CS franchise is compared to valorant? so ofc CS has a massive fanbase but more and more people start to wake up and realize how fricking moronic valve has become and move over to valorant cause riot threats their fan base MUCH BETTER, they listen to feedback and fix shit ASAP unlike volvo who takes MONTHS to add basic settings into the fricking game but keep staying on that thinking ship while the smart people move over to valorant

              • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        The card game never kicked off. It is a better game than hearthstone but hearthstone and magic fans already have their games which made LoR redundant. Valo and league are the only ones that did well so far. Fighters are a dead genre in the long-terms so they're fighting an uphill battle with that as well

        • 4 weeks ago

          The card game was doomed to fail because Riot misunderstood the genre. People don't want to try a new CCG, they want to stick with what they've been playing for the past 10 years because that's where their collection is. Which is a shame, because LoR has one of the most generous F2P systems I've ever seen and was actually a well-designed card game, unlike Hearthstone.
          This fighting game may have legs because, and this is coming from someone who has never played a fighting game, people seem to move from game to game over the years so there's a chance people may latch onto this one for a good while.

          • 4 weeks ago

            nah. their card game sucked ass because it was designed as an anti-hearthstone and resulted in the driest experience known to man.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    it's in moron notation

    • 4 weeks ago

      Black person what the frick are you doing?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's j. if you Jump and it's 7/8/9 if you don't jump.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Numpad notation is for queers.

      • 4 weeks ago

        So for the FGC?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >uf for up-forward, for forward-jump
        >not for homosexuals

    • 4 weeks ago

      Somehow managed to make normal notation look worse than numpad notation.

      Numpad notation is for queers.

      Numpad notation is for homosexuals, I agree, but there is something wrong with the guy that wrote all that shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      numpad notation is for homosexuals

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >terrible name that doesn't leverage the IP
    >team game
    >Mahvel level tism combos
    It's dead on arrival. ASShomosexual players aren't gonna stick to this

    • 4 weeks ago

      don't forget
      >shitty roster despite LoL's pantheon of chars
      >still in development when next-gen fighters have already released

      • 4 weeks ago

        >shitty roster despite LoL's pantheon of chars
        This I wont' forgive. Like I'd doubt some of my favorites from back in the day like Twitch would get in--even if he'd be great to try to translate into the game--but then there's obvious picks like fricking Jax being somehow missing from the announcements so far.

        Granted, I don't care so much now that they axed his fantastic original design for something that appeals more to women and the chinese, but he's such a clear pick otherwise

        • 4 weeks ago

          DLC bro

          • 4 weeks ago

            The game will be free, and I doubt they could get away with not having the champs be earn to play. After all, SF5 of all games offered that, and it doesn't have a F2P model or pedigree to it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah this. Frick am I gonna do with 6 characters? Is this a billion dollar company making a fighting game or is this launch Skullgirls??? We really waited this long for such a tiny roster and frick all movesets?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >LoL list of characters
        >Mandatory Jinx due to Arcane
        >Not DESTRUCTION MAN, but Darius - the ripoff version from Noxus
        >Token color reps Ekko and Illaoi. They evade Lucian like the plague for some reason
        >No Master Yi, No Pantheon, No Jax, No Braum, all Yordles but Gnar (Mega Gnar install) and Rumble (Rising Thunder injoke) banned due to size.
        >Could have cool shit like Cho'gath and Tahm Kench, but monster characters don't sell like bawd Pop KDA girls.
        Damned by the IP and the dollar.

        • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          They avoid Lucian because he's a scary black Black that shoots guns. Ekko and Illaoi subvert expectations of race and even gender, so they are perfect to use as tokens.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >They'll allow Ekko to get brutalized, but now allow a black man with wife guns to shoot.
            Next you'll tell me Annie won't be allowed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >shitty roster despite LoL's pantheon of chars
        yeah what the frick? granted I don't play LoL but I'm aware some of the more famous characters at least
        where are they?

      • 4 weeks ago

        roster despite LoL's pantheon of chars
        100% this. The only characters on the roster people actually like are Ahri and Yasuo, and those are only beloved by fricking weebs and coomers. We could have the champs people actually like. Pantheon, Fiddlesticks, Kayn, Azir, Jax, I could go on. But instead we get fricking Illaoi, who has always been niche both in pickrate and out of game popularity. Ekko, who is nothing but an annoying c**t. Katarina, who people only play because she's a fricking zoom zoom adderal assassin and not a good character. Darius, who is just ok I guess. And Jinx, who is only liked by people who never played League and just watched Arcane. It's a fricking tragedy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I just realized how fun aatrox would be and I'm pissed.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Literally no Lee Sin
          >Literally no Akali
          >Literally no Irelia (Crowds shouting BETTER NERF IRELIA)
          >No Blitzcrank
          >No Mundo
          Just tokens and bland picks. I mean, I guess they have to keep a few in the chamber when player numbers drop to bedrock.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thats not even the best part
      >2v2 tag fighting
      >Where your partner has control over certain mechanics while you’re fighting

      People are going to hold each other hostage with this system and the salt will be incredible.

      • 4 weeks ago

        As if anyone will be playing the teams mode a week after launch

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah I remember when MK did that shit. Fun idea in theory but awful in practice.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >People are going to hold each other hostage with this system and the salt will be incredible.
        Amazing, they've transferred the same 'I don't have to blame myself for my incompetence, it's my TEAM'S fault' Dunning-Kruger from the main genre to the spinoff genre

      • 4 weeks ago

        No-one is playing teams with randos.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Finally, I can blame my fighting game losses on someone else.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >mahvel level tism
      >that b***h basic staircase with an assist
      lol, lmao
      I think most marvel combos are in video form because the notation on some of them is absurdly long

      • 4 weeks ago

        I refuse to believe that anyone actually learns combos like this. It’s so much easier to just watch a clip of it and figure it out yourself.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Mahvel-level tism combos
      It's DBFZ-tier. Definitely not Marvel. Not without 4-5 more OTGs and supers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>team game
      how else will you avoid taking responsibility for being bad? putting 100% of skill responsibility doesn't retain players well because it filters all the egotripping manbabies

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thats not even the best part
      >2v2 tag fighting
      >Where your partner has control over certain mechanics while you’re fighting

      People are going to hold each other hostage with this system and the salt will be incredible.

      you have got to be fricking kidding me. MOBAhomosexuals really need their teammate baby blanket at all times. embarrassing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a team game so you can play with your friends.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >just sit there and watch

          • 4 weeks ago


            • 4 weeks ago

              Ah yes I love playing my favourite game with my friends: sitting there doing nothing while they play.
              Thank you Riot for distilling the funnest part of playing CS with friends the being dead and silently watching while they play into being a pure game.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >so you can play with your friends.
          you can already do that in normal fighting games genius

          • 4 weeks ago

            not on the same team "genius"

            • 4 weeks ago

              then you're not playing a fighting game with your friends.

              • 4 weeks ago

                get friends

              • 4 weeks ago

                i do
                we run tekken every friday. maybe try a fighting game, civvie.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >making your friends play tekken 8

              • 4 weeks ago

                lmao PLEASE get some friends

              • 4 weeks ago

                go to locals civvie

        • 4 weeks ago

          Unironic skill issues to occur
          >Guy 1 is good at fighting games
          >Guy 2 isnt
          >1 dies and 2 can't defuse the bomb/capture the objective/run that shit back
          >Guy 1 is effectively 1v2ing
          >If Guy 2 isn't even getting to play without sabotaging the game by tagging in and dying, why should he bother playing in the first place?
          This'll be interesting. Also
          >Intrusive LOL anti-cheat eating your PC while you play

          • 4 weeks ago

            This is already true for every PvP team game in the world.
            There's no PvP team game that doesn't fundamentally work this way.

          • 4 weeks ago

            why is there a kernel-level anti-cheat for a fighting game?

    • 4 weeks ago

      They should have just made a smash clone. That would be extremely popular. Failing that, a 1 person SF clone could have worked ok too. A fricking tag fighter though? Wtf were they thinking.

      • 4 weeks ago

        How does no one in this thread realize they don't give a frick whether or not people actually play it

        It's meant to be a spectator sport, just like all their other shit
        They looked at the crowd at EVO and wanted that for their new game.

        Smash isn't even AT EVO. People sure as frick aren't spamming "when's Smash?" in the twitch chat.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Stop copypasting reddit comments.

          • 4 weeks ago

            How do you know it's a Reddit comment?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Smash isn't even AT EVO.
          Literally only because Nintendo said no after Sony bought EVO. Smash isn't gone because the organizers don't want it there, especially since it was usually one of their highest entrant count events.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Wtf were they thinking.
        They werent. They didnt knew the frick they are doing and scrapped years of development. In 2020 Clockwork who worked on TAG games and is a Marvel champ joined dev team and then with him Creative director who unironically thinks that BBTAG is the best fighting game ever made so it makes sense why those homosexuals would push for and design a tag game.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >killmonger hairstyle character is in this
    oh my fricking god
    make it stop

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hey Illaoi is way older than that trend.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Why does it feel so goddamn slow and tedious?
    Mahvel is usually fast despite taking awhile.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The game has the feel of a dad trying to get his son to like the same things he does. So a bunch of marvel heads have made weird changes in the hope being slow with massive hitstop will make the zoomies love their game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        more like hitslop

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's truly an amazing feat to have this much hitstun and still completely fail at conveying impact or weight.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's an ankle high gremlin bro

            • 4 weeks ago

              If the attacks are enough to kill Superman of all people, I expect some more friction.

            • 4 weeks ago

              And Superman looks like he's been filled with helium with how weightless he is in this clip.
              And don't be a disingenuous homosexual, all characters in this game move like that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >And Superman looks like he's been filled with helium with how weightless he is in this clip.
                That’s Smash clones in general. Characters move like they’re made of hollow plastic.

            • 4 weeks ago

              you say that as if its any different for the other characters

          • 4 weeks ago

            The gremlin doesn't have enough oomf in its animation to justify that amount of hitstun. It doesn't look impactful.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can't just put the same amount of hitstop on everything. Weaker attacks have to have minimal or maybe even no hitstop, while the stronger attacks can be given more hitstop.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Back when I was a teen I played with MUGEN for a bit and it usually boils down to screen hitshake, maybe some flashing, and a better hit sfx.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm surprised Multiversus even got as far as it has with how shitty it looks in motion, it was the first thing I thought about when I saw gameplay of it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It definitely felt better to play than to watch.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    look dude if you cannot understand a fighter with magical dial combos you cannot understand any of them

    its as scrubby as it gets

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Tag game
    >Combo autism

    Hard pass

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >shart fighter notation
    that's an ick

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Did you really expect anything else from mahvel oldheads?
    From the guys who worked on power rangers?
    From clockwork, the mahvel evo champion?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Whats the name of the game again?

    • 4 weeks ago


  11. 4 weeks ago

    I've always thought this game should have more league fanservice (even something silly like integrating items into movesets or stages based on their other games) so there could be at least an attempt of having a semblance of soul instead of being Marvel-lite with esports sludge aesthetics but then I remembered the average league player can't handle an APM higher than 12 and it makes more sense why they're appealing outside of league players

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >Expecting Riot to make anything noob friendly or mass appeal
    Fricking LoL has crazier combos than Guitar Hero invoker like fricking Talon lv1 kill or Aphelios and is overall more micro intensive which puts a bigger strain on the player.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How can you say LoL isn't a mass appeal casual game?

      • 4 weeks ago

        He's accidentally correct, albeit for the wrong reason. League is impenetrable. This isn't because it's deep, it's because it's wide and obtuse. There are
        >168 champs, each with 5 abilities factoring for passive
        If we're being generous and only counting QWER abilities, that's still 672 abilities that you have to learn to understand MUs. The learning process is slow and awful. The community is toxic. As a new player, your options are to either play with randoms and be told to find rope every game, or play with friends who will leave you in the dust because they're League addicts. Deaths result in long respawn times, which result in fewer opportunities to learn, especially outside of ARAM. A single mistake can snowball into an unwinnable lane where you are essentially forbidden from playing the game for the next 20-30 minutes. Or maybe you're unlucky and you get a bad MU in your lane, but how would you even know it's a bad MU? You're still struggling to remember your 100th ability as the game progresses without you.

        League, despite its reputation, is one of the least approachable and pleasant-to-learn games I've ever played.

        • 4 weeks ago

          NTA but yeah I tried playing recently with some of League addicted friends and it made me realize this game is literally a huge knowledge check. The amount of champs you need to know, what to pick for what lane, what to counter-pick, etc. is enormous. And people would always b***h about how Tekken has too many movelists. Learning match up of 30 characters is a lot easier than match up for 100+ characters with several different builds that the enemies will use and you have to use as well.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah, we're inclined to believe a popular game must be doing everything right. It must be approachable but have the exact complexity everyone desires. Often its just not that logically. A fair amount just work off a win being addicting and loses being aggravating. Or just kind of snowballed and because its what everyone else plays you have no choice.

          Its why I really can't call if this will be popular. Logically a team tag game should put everyone off. But maybe casuals will like that they can just throw shit out and the general looseness of the combo system. Though I'm almost certain balance patches will be too heavy handed in an attempt to make everyone play right.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I was going to say that I am interested to see whether my League addict friends who have heretofore refused to play fighting games will take to Riot's fighting game. But upon reflection, I don't really know how a fighting game can replicate the #1 thing that gets people to play League: the addictiveness that you're describing. I think it's much more transparent when fighting game matchmaking throws you a guaranteed win or loss.

            These days I don't even listen to them play League because it's mostly a lot of yelling, but it sounds like games fall into one of three categories
            >i'm so fricking useless (40%)
            >i'm so fricking huge (55%)
            >unicorn game where it's actually competitive and no one's seething (5%)

            • 4 weeks ago

              >how a fighting game can replicate the #1 thing that gets people to play League: the addictiveness that you're describing.
              I think the big problem, and possible why fighters seem more difficult, is the highs you get are a different things. Feeling yourself in a fighter is all down to a consistent level of high level play. Getting those punishes, going for the harder combo, getting the right read. All in a very short space of time and all very demanding. Matches where you dunk on a bad player have an appeal but it feels kinda like using a training dummy. Mobas have so much going on over such a long period that a great game is a less stressful affair. There might be moments where you are asked to preform at a high level but for the most part its the basic little things you always do going right for once. Its more like the feeling of a card game where the deck you built suddenly just works perfectly for once. These all require high level play but a fighter never stops being stressful.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Interestingly I’d say DOTA 2 is simultaneously worse and better in this regard. It’s worse because the knowledge checks are way more extreme, but I’d also say it’s better because character power is so moronicly high that if you know the absolute basics you can still contribute *something*.
          >t. shitter who gets the dopamine release whenever I get the mass stun with Warlock

        • 4 weeks ago

          To this day I still don't understand why the super popular games like League, DotA and CS are allowed to be unapproachable messes that require insane amounts of practice and external resources to even stand a chance against the addicts playing for decades. They offer jack shit to help onboard new players and normies still love them despite getting their shit pushed in 24/7.
          And then we have fighting games that constantly need to get dumbed down while people complain about there being no ingame tutorials and needing to practice execution and matchups. Why the frick does this cause endless seething while other genres are just straight up worse?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's because they're team games. So you either play with friends or you play with randoms guilt-free because you can blame them for the loss.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why do you think most common complaint from players of those games is about their teammates lol. You people really dont realize how insanely strong peoples ego and psyche can be when it comes to certain stuff. A lot of people attach their self worth to a lot of shit they do including fgs. Imagine that paired with playing 1v1 game where you get smoked all day. 1v1 gamemodes are not popular at all for that reason. Reminder that CoD devs tried to push 1v1 gamemode back in 2019 but their playtesters and test groups didnt wanted to play it at all until they made it 2v2.

          • 4 weeks ago

            systems are incomprehensible so they have plenty of things to blame a loss on besides themselves

    • 4 weeks ago

      >micro intensive
      woah they put meepo in the game?

    • 4 weeks ago

      high reaction speed and apm =/= microq

    • 4 weeks ago

      >talon level 1 kill is a hard combo
      The only difficult combo in League is the Riven animation cancelling combo ONLY because you'll have no idea whether it's working or not unless you're timing it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >crazy combos
      >micro intensive
      Mundo no care, Mundo thinks skill issue

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Takes down half my HP from a fricking machete hit
        >I'm a god damn tank garen
        I hate this c**t like you wouldn't believe

    • 4 weeks ago

      Invoker is 10 times more complex than anything lel have.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lol what? League “combos” are literally just pressing 4 buttons in the correct order. It’s really not a very mechanically difficult game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Bait used to be believable. League got its start because it was less complex than DOTA. Still is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      MOBAs are one of the most popular moron friendly casual appeal genres ever lol

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Games need to stop doing these slowass hitstops, they make hits feel less snappy.
    More games should instead do Vsav or KOF-speed hitstop.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I still can't believe they changed the name to 2XKO

  15. 4 weeks ago

    I thought Riot was a chinese developer? LoL looks like a mod to warcraft mod

    • 4 weeks ago


  16. 4 weeks ago

    >tag fighter
    dead on arrival

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >Multmillion company
    >MMO production stops
    >Fighter soon to flop

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >another infinite combo fighter

    oh. so it changes nothing. boring

  19. 4 weeks ago

    the frick is a uf?
    the frick is a j.S1??????
    the frick is a df.H??????????????????????

    • 4 weeks ago

      Up forward, a forward jump
      Jump S(1), implying that the jumping S move is a multi hit move and that for this combo you only need the first hit to connect
      Down forward H, usually a move to launch your opponent into the air

      • 4 weeks ago

        d.H is dash heavy ?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Jump S(1), implying that the jumping S move is a multi hit move and that for this combo you only need the first hit to connect
        Not actually though, S1 and S2 are the buttons bound to special moves. The problem with the post is the awful notation.

      • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      seeing zoomers who only understand homosexual notepad notation makes me sick

      frick anime fighters

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Are they really keeping the one button specials?
    I really hope that there isn't going be a one button DP.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    baixo H > diagonal pra cima e pra frente > pulando L > pulando M > pulando H > pulando S1 > L > M > H > diagonal pra baixo e pra frente H > diagonal pra cima e pra frente > pulando M > pulando H > pulando S2 > Darius pra trás T > T (Revezamento Imediato chamando Darius) > baixo H > baixo S1 > T (Revezamento Imediato chamando Illaoi) > impulso > diagonal pra cima e pra frente > pulando, pra baixo e H > baixo baixo S1

  22. 4 weeks ago

    what they frick were they thinking

  23. 4 weeks ago

    meanwhile granblue fantasy versus be like

    L>L>L>backwards H+S

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't like grubble rubble, but its at least a baby game that seems designed with babies in mind. Not trying to make marvel approachable while not really understanding what people find hard.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't like grubble rubble, but its at least a baby game that seems designed with babies in mind. Not trying to make marvel approachable while not really understanding what people find hard.

      Nah, even Granblue can have combos just a bit shorter than that length, just instead of assists and rejumps you've got extensions off of specials and use of your bravery points. Plus, some of the characters can be a bit anti-babies, although yeah it's still pretty casual. 66L can attest to that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Certain granpoo chars have even longer combos with manual timing anon. Watch some high level gameplay once instead of parroting moronic shit.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    The frick are their buttons? Light Medium Heavy Tag Special1 Special2?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, They could still easily put this in numpad notation and make it way simpler to read.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    How to read notations for morons for most fighting games:

    >If you're playing Tekken/Mortal Kombat
    Use f,b,d,db,df,u,uf,ub for the directions and then 1,2,3,4
    >If you're playing Capcom/SNK fighters (or just traditional fighters in general) like Street Fighter, Marvel, KOF, Samsho, or Fatal Fury
    Use f,b,d,db,df,u,uf,ub for directions, and then lp,mp,hp,lk,mk,hk
    >If you're playing anime fighters (or are unsure of the games usual notation) like Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Granblue, Melty Blood, etc.
    Use Numpad notation so 1 = down back, 2 = down, 3 = down+forward.

    This shouldn't be hard to understand, just learn the different notations for each game rather than just relying on numpad notation for a shaky "one-size fits all" approach. Don't give me that bullshit that numpad notation is the only method that should be used just because Asia uses it for 99% of their fighting games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >This shouldn't be hard to understand
      下H > 上前方 > ジャンプL > ジャンプM > ジャンプH > ジャンプS1 > L > M > H > 下前方H > 上前方 > ジャンプM > ジャンプH > ジャンプS2 > ダリウス後方T > T (ハンドシェイクタッグでダリウスへ) > 下H > 下S1 > T (ハンドシェイクタッグでイラオイへ) > ダッシュ > 上前方 > ジャンプ下[H] > 下下S1

      So easy! Just don't try and learn anything from someone who speaks a different language

    • 4 weeks ago

      numpad notation is the best notation. even for typability and language barrior crossing alone. as much as i love to type in stand jab stand short stand strong 2*QCF punch stand strong strong shoulder *5 QCF fierce stand forward jab shoulder towards strong QCF jab. numbers are easier for people who don't speak english and to type

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If you're playing Capcom/SNK fighters (or just traditional fighters in general) like Street Fighter, Marvel, KOF, Samsho, or Fatal Fury
      im pretty sure people use numpad notation for those, english notation is only used in Tekken and MK because for some reason everyone in both games universally agreed to use numbers for their buttons instead
      also SNK games use ABCD you fricking hard

      • 4 weeks ago

        >you fricking hard
        hard from what pajeet?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I will use numpad notation for all 2D games, get fricked.
      Also Tekken using 1/2/3/4 instead of ABCD is moronic though I am fine with wr. just like I'm fine with j. for an aerial move like j.2C to denote being airborne

      • 4 weeks ago

        wr annoys me because I've seen people interchangeably use it for while running or while rising.

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's fair, though I would say 6[6] for while running

          • 4 weeks ago

            Generally wr is also shown as FF(F) in tekken.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I would say while running because the input you use to get into that run can vary.

        • 4 weeks ago

          in the games wr is used for while rising

          in the community, wr is while running always. while rising is called while standing (ws)

          • 4 weeks ago

            Don't tell the autists in this thread that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It should have always been while sprinting to avoid confusion but can't expect the americna fgc to nto be full of retared mouthbreathers.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Tekken fricked up when they didn't use LP/RP/LK/RK instead of 1/2/3/4

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think the argument boils down to "LP changes based on side swaps" or some shit, but I'm not drudging through musty fricking forum posts from Americans and Euros about a game that has disrespected the few characters I gave a shit about. I'll get T8 because I'm hopelessly in love with the genre, but not for more than 10 dollars. Not anymore.

          I would say while running because the input you use to get into that run can vary.

          How would you delineate while rising vs while running in a concise way then?

          • 4 weeks ago

            While standing is the typical term.

            • 4 weeks ago

              While standing is not while rising though, since while standing states any time a character is not in another state

              • 4 weeks ago

                While rising and while standing are the same state.

              • 4 weeks ago

                While standing is when one is standing upright
                While rising is when one is going from crouching to standing but is not yet standing

              • 4 weeks ago

                While standing is while you're standing up.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No what you're calling "while standing" is just standing. If someone says "while standing" (and they usually won't) they mean "while standing [up]".

          • 4 weeks ago

            It doesn't changee based on side though, it's literally character Left/Right and Punch/Kick. People are just largely moronic.

    • 4 weeks ago

      numpad notation for everything that can support it is the only way for the world to effectively share combos and tech in written and annotated forms.
      Back in the days of GGXX, Blazblue and JP only anime games (aka when the genre was good) even the massively xenophobic japanese largely used numpad notation as it just makes sense, its an effective shortform and the numbers themselves are EXTREMELY good for sharing weird inputs and exact directions to press in various situations.
      The only time I'd say you wanna use QCF, QCB etc is in spoken language since saying anything longer than 236 or 214 a lot ends up being a mouthful and hard to follow verbally.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >2H > j.L > j.M > j.H > j.S(1) > 5L > 5M > 5H > 3H > j.M > j.H > j.S(2) > 4T > 5T > 2H > 2S(1) > 5T > 66 > j.d.[H] > 22S(1)

    • 4 weeks ago

      >S(1) when it's evident that S1 and S2 are different moves or even part of the "super" input, e.g. 22S1
      >no jc for jumpcancels
      >j.d.[H] left in

      • 4 weeks ago

        I have no idea what the frick j.d.[H] is even supposed to be, is j.D like a hitgrab and you hold H to follow it up or something.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's just j.2[H].

    • 4 weeks ago

      weeb notation is so nasty

    • 4 weeks ago

      Chinese algebra be kinda messed up. I prefer tekken, its not as senile.

      u, f, d, b, 1,2,3,4.

      dash is a ff or bb.

  27. 4 weeks ago


  28. 4 weeks ago

    Didnt tag shit killed mk1? That shit is too complicated for normies
    If sf4 was that popular was because it was easy for normies to join too without being treated like morons

  29. 4 weeks ago

    FGs are a boomer genre and it's beset by trannies on top of that

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's the only boomer genre that fully sold itself out. CS still plays like CS. dota still plays like dota.... Street fighter and tekken do not play like street fighter and tekken anymore.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    yeah that shit is doa. the canon bros are scammers that haven't produced anything worthwhile in a decade. the only upside to this game may be the female character models.

    i remember when people were scared of riot joining the fgc and how much of a paradigm shift it could be - good laughs

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Why did hey nerf Ahri's breasts?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You already know the reaosn.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    I do not care for tag fighters.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    When the frick are they going to make a competent single player game for the oldgays and the Arcanegays who don't want to deal with their toxic multiplayer community bullshit?

    • 4 weeks ago

      They had a diablo-style game in development, possibly canned by now

    • 4 weeks ago

      They tried to thay with indie games. It did not work out

      • 4 weeks ago

        They made that so it could fail and they could point and go "SEE THESE PEOPLE HATE INDIESSSSSS". Nobody asked for anything but a fat-ass Tristana and big titty poppy dating sim/vn, and they can't even go and do that.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    I will continue to ignore asshomosexuals and just jerk it to yordles

    • 4 weeks ago


  35. 4 weeks ago

    it's simple
    >no tahm kench
    i don't play

  36. 4 weeks ago


  37. 4 weeks ago

    is an uninterruptible combo which removes over half hp a desirable thing on a fighting game? I hate those, it's like the game becomes a rithm game

    • 4 weeks ago

      There's nothing wrong with it inherently, it just depends on the context of how easy it is for it to happen, not in execution, but how resource dependent it is or what the starter needs to be or whatever. If you can get high damage off of every little hit then that's bad but I don't think there's anything wrong with it being possible to get high damage so long as the circumstances are right.

      • 4 weeks ago

        is an uninterruptible combo which removes over half hp a desirable thing on a fighting game? I hate those, it's like the game becomes a rithm game

        good example is SC2 Astaroth's 66A. It's a bad move that you don't want to use often, but if you counterhit with it and cancel into 66A.B then you get 50% of the opponent's lifebar.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I actually don't mind rare big damage shit, i just fricking hate sitting though cutscene length combos or even doing them, it's just tedious.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I like the middle ground where cutscene-length optimal combos are possible under perfect conditions:
            >stocked assists
            >plenty of meter
            >cornered opponent
            >took some risks to get a perfect starter
            Remove one of these conditions and the combo gets shorter/worse. Remove all and you get a 2 second long BNB. The OP clip actually fits this description FYI. You won't likely be able to do this combo more often than once a game.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Hopefully, i really enjoy short combos with lots of back and fourth gameplay, when it goes full anime and i am either blocking for what feels like ages or having to do the same long as combos over and over, it drains my soul.

              lots of short 2-3 second long combos just feels more fun and engaging to play. i don't feel like i am a viewer as i watch myself get comboed or sitting there blocking, and i don't feel like a robot doing some long ass string

              • 4 weeks ago

                The neutral game is what is interesting about fighting games, not the combos. But people lost sight of that with the introduction of meters. Flashy combo feel good shit.
                A round shouldn't be over in 2 or 3 netural exchanges, it should be more like 7.

              • 4 weeks ago

                2 or 3 is fine just cut the cinematics and it bo5

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not enough exchanges to develop the fight on either side with read/react/test/adapt. More neutral exchanges also means getting beat means getting beat. Getting "caught out" or somebody getting "lucky" doesn't really turn it around significantly. A third round would be uncommon and meaningful.
                Besides, without the cinematics that bo5 exchange is actually like 25-30 seconds.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Neutral is what's interesting
                >Those with the fighting game gene are never in neutral long, and get to bust hot combo loads and win.
                No shit. Imagine a fighting game without combos. Not exactly good spectator sport without a hook, (like bleeding people in UFC, or a car crash in Nascar - the second most boring thing to exist.)

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Not exactly good spectator sport
                focusing on this instead of just making a good game is what is killing fighting games for the players
                why would you want to contribute to that.
                esport gays are insufferable

    • 4 weeks ago

      half the HP is not as bad in a team based game with 2 or 3 character teams.
      I dont think that kind of combo length is interesting though. these combos wont be hard either, just long. waste of time as far as I'm concerned.

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's being made by marvel vs capcom fan Black folk so the long uninterrupted combos are the explicit goal in development more than any other fighting game

      yes it's dogshit

    • 4 weeks ago

      As long as we don't get the Battle for the Grid situation, we're good.
      >Get hit once, die.
      >"Burst? You're a homosexual if you want burst."(ACTUAL DEV QUOTE FROM THE DISCORD)
      >Combos are so freeform and easy to do, but if you feel good about a 75% combo, have a nice day, since your opponent can immediately hit you once and invalidate you, with a touch of death combo!
      Tag games suck but that was awful.

      • 4 weeks ago

        combos were never a good mechanic

        • 4 weeks ago

          Reject modernity, return to bushido blade.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Unsheathes GUN

    • 4 weeks ago

      you have brust tho

  38. 4 weeks ago

    i'm not really into VS Fighting but purely as a visual standpoint, i fricking hate combos being 3 years long

    FighterZ is the prime exemple of horribly long combos where the opponent that's getting his ass clapped just has to watch

  39. 4 weeks ago

    Realistically I'm just going to do light medium heavy launch light medium heavy special on every character until my friends stop making me play this game. I don't give a shit about combos.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >gays think this is hard
    lol? imagine this but with insanely tight timing,positioning AND motions in between thats what older games did. this is easy as frick and looks like BBTAG/Battle for grid especially which didnt had hard execution at all.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sorry for not being autistic enough for overly long fighting game combos.
      This does not look easy and you homosexuals need to get some perspective.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You're moronic thats it. You get that shit down after 10-15 minutes in training mode especially in game like XKO. Thats very possibly longest and most optimal combo thats why they posted it to meme too because they knew people will talk how long it is.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Only morons are people that waste their time on this dying genre.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why are you in this thread then you braindead homosexual. Go play your snoy ubisoft cinematic experience and frick off.

          • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      And I'm sure everyone clapped.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    there's no reality is which a tag fighter was going to be easy or have mass appeal

  42. 4 weeks ago

    >dumbed down modern fighters
    dropped, literally no point in playing a fighting game that rewards button mashing and punishes people who actually want to get good?

  43. 4 weeks ago

    >tag fighter
    >annoying long combos
    jesus, this thing will be dead within a month

    • 4 weeks ago

      it could be the worst fighting game ever made, the massive amount of riotdrones and paid shill streamers will keep it popular for a long while

      • 4 weeks ago

        mortal kombat is the biggest fighting game in the world and tag shit killed it fast

        • 4 weeks ago
  44. 4 weeks ago

    >Standard BnB Combo
    Should be about 5 seconds long.
    >Big punish/counter Combo
    10 seconds
    >Extra Big punish/counter Combo with level 3 cutscene super
    20 seconds max, and it should be rare.

    Shorter is fine, but if your fighting game goes above that it's semen slurping and not for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >get hit once
      >lose over half your health
      Nah, I'd rather take the tag fighter with long combos. You actually have to work for your damage in those.

      • 4 weeks ago

        that combo is harder than anything you will press in project lel.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Thats harder than combo posted in OP lmao.

          >canceling specials into specials via sf6 slime rush is hard
          lmao state of this board

          >get hit once in a mahvel tag fighter
          >lose 100% of your health
          >except this time you have to watch a 20+ second 100+ hit combo

          idk that doesn't sound much more fun to me

          There's a chance they may drop something in those 20+ seconds and knowing how to do those kinds of combos takes actual skill unlike most modern fighters with their brain dead 10 hit combos that do 70% damage.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah man its possible people will fall asleep while pressing their braindead easy no motion combos and then drop them.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Bruh have you seen the inputs for this game? it's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of the game actually being fun to play.

              >Muh inputs
              A 10 hit combo doesn't magically become harder than tag combos because you have to move the stick a bit

              • 4 weeks ago

                Oh you don't know about breaks or feint cancels. I mean you think cancelling specials into specials is how drive rush works so I shouldn't be shocked.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Bruh have you seen the inputs for this game? it's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of the game actually being fun to play.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No one said it itself is hard. Its simply harder than whats in OP.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thats harder than combo posted in OP lmao.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >get hit once in a mahvel tag fighter
        >lose 100% of your health
        >except this time you have to watch a 20+ second 100+ hit combo

        idk that doesn't sound much more fun to me

        • 4 weeks ago

          Actually you literally cannot lose more than 1/3 of your total team health maximum, and in order for that to happen the opponent usually has to spend all of his resources to do it. Unlike solo fighters where losing over 50% of your total health per mistake is a common thing with very little to sometimes no resource spent.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Actually you literally cannot lose more than 1/3 of your total team health maximum

            and don't make me dig up Apologyman's literally unstoppable Firebrand setups where your whole team is dead if you get touched

            • 4 weeks ago

              >140+ hit combo
              how did anyone ever take this game seriously lmao

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fighting games as a whole are not supposed to be taken seriously because when you do that you end up with dull ass games like SFV, MK, or modern Tekken.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Here's your (You). Personally would rather eat shit and die faster. Fighting games aren't even fun unless playing with friends.
        >Then one is better than the rest and nobody really cares about winning.
        This is why Monster Hunter is the autism of fighting games done right.
        >Visible improvement.
        >Can get swaggy when you know a monster's moveset
        >Co-op instead of making people hate each other and ape out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >20 second combos
      Oh shit Black person what are you doing

    • 4 weeks ago

      >that damage
      no thanks game is ugly af too

    • 4 weeks ago

      Can't wait for nobody to play this but constantly post about it for a month.

      • 4 weeks ago

        *USA and Europe as usual

    • 4 weeks ago

      the combo in this video should have ended four times before it did end

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'd rather play 2XKO than this slop.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Go play BBTAG then.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >this is Ganker's new savior of fighting games
      Yeah, because it worked out so well for Melty and DNF Duel.
      2XKO looks amazing in comparison.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Now we're talking

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ganker is gonna be so mad when they actually have to play garou. shitters who cried about juri and luke have no idea what they're in for

    • 4 weeks ago

      >slime rush
      I hate modern fighting games.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Back to /vg/ dumb Black person.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Looks clunky as hell.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Standard BnB
      3 seconds.
      >Big punish counter
      5-6 seconds.
      >The big homosexualy hyper combo counter hit souffle
      8 seconds. Steal from Granblue and make it end the round instantly if it's going to kill. Stop wasting time.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    Roster sucks

  46. 4 weeks ago

    This clip made me realize this game is literally being made just for esports viewers, no average person actually enjoys fighters like this. there is no way they expect people who play mobas to pick this up.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    too bad its a shitty marvel clone and not something more enjoyable to just play without autism like street fighter or tekken.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Pulling out difficult combos is what makes fightans fun. Just give the player a way to break out of the combo with meter or something.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    >handshake tag
    God I fricking hate team fighters so fricking much why do they keep making them

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was looking forward to this game because it seemed like it was going to have short combos, simple inputs and no tag shit, sort of like a smash game. Now they've done a complete 180 and made MvC: LoL edition. RIP

      Assist synergy and teambuilding add a fun layer of strategy to fighting games. UMvC3 is like half card game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        13 second long combos aren't very fun to execute or sit through

        • 4 weeks ago

          matter of taste i suppose. resets are fun on both offense and defense and happen about twice a match in tag fighters. even without the reset/breaker element i still enjoy combos though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        which fricking sucks, marvel died for a reason, and it killed the lastest mortal kombat.

        Only special case would probably be dbfz and that was just pure IP power carrying it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        A better way to introduce strategy into fighting games is to have a singleplayer mode where you build your own characters and pit them up against other players.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    I was looking forward to this game because it seemed like it was going to have short combos, simple inputs and no tag shit, sort of like a smash game. Now they've done a complete 180 and made MvC: LoL edition. RIP

  51. 4 weeks ago

    Why do people have such a hard on for long ass combos?
    Imagine if in volley ball after every time your opponent scores he was allowed to juggle with the ball for one minute while you stand there looking at him waiting for the match to resume.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    What were they thinking, they were trying to dodge the Project "L" jokes so hard that they made one of the worst titles I've ever read, dear god

  53. 4 weeks ago

    >13s long combo
    and pass, tag fighters so fricking bad.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    this game is being designed for twitch viewing, they are probably banking on LoL viewers being attached to the characters and watching it.

    Also side note, what a fricking shame this is being made by the riot that no longer makes sexy women, sex appeal is a quarter of the reason you play a fighting game

  55. 4 weeks ago

    >Changed Illaoi's breasts into pecs

    • 4 weeks ago

      You really missed riot killing their character design?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Illaoi was basically the gold standard when it came to hulked out muscle mommy. Everybody approved, chud gooners and sjw twitter trannies alike.
        Why change it?

  56. 4 weeks ago

    >Another character with shaved sides haircut
    If I had any interest in fight games, I still wouldn't play it.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    Man when i show my friends who play league this who thought this would be a game where new players could hop in and play a fighting game, they are going to be crushed. I warned them the second i learned it was a tag figther.

    It does suck though, having a free to play fighter that was friendly to new players and would have massive IP reach would have actually been god tier for the genre.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Gatekeeping is good

  59. 4 weeks ago

    This has fail written all over it, no casuals will take the time to learn this shit. The game will end up like any other FGC game, a very small bubble of fighting game autists but it won't bring the masses in

    • 4 weeks ago

      My guess it will be big for a month at least, until the new players that just like the characters/setting start running into the combo autism players in most of their matches.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its hard to say cause the freedom might mean they just mash and have fun. SF6's modern controls have lead to more casuals than you'd think sticking with it. Even fair amount of streamers still playing. However when someone does some echo teleport into setting tentacles and a left right handshake crossup. Yeah it might put them off. Regardless they'll say it is the best and most approachable fighter ever and I'm not even mad they'll get a big sack of cash.

      • 4 weeks ago

        SF modern controls literally got my brother who never played a fightan before to pick it up because he liked the characters, now he has over 300hr. they were actually a great idea on capcoms part, lets people enjoy playing a fighting game without having to spend a ton of time on muscle memory and shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Cannon brothers: "Players are going to have to find their fun"
      >New players and those not autistic invested in fighting games will suffer. They'll need to decide whether or not they can goon to losing, or need to play something else.

  60. 4 weeks ago

    >the NEUTRAL GAME is what makes fighters fun
    >combos should last three hits
    >no i dont want to play samsho with you cause uh well its just not for me

    • 4 weeks ago

      by the time samsho came to PC their moronic job porting it killed it, and i haven't owned a console since the 360 days.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Buy me Samsho anon I’ll play with you

      • 4 weeks ago

        by the time samsho came to PC their moronic job porting it killed it, and i haven't owned a console since the 360 days.

        buy it if you're one of these anti combo gays. find out for yourself how boring that shit is lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          I didn't say combos are bad, i said 13s long combos are.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm on your side of this argument for 3D fighters. SoulCalibur 2 is the FG you're looking for and it's maybe my favorite game ever.

            Blocking is much easier in 2D fighters than 3D. I think the tag subgenre solves this problem better than any other: make the game fast and with long blockstrings so you can feel like you're forcing your opponent's block open instead of just tricking them. The thing is that with high speed and lock blockstrings you also get long combos, can't avoid it. Even zoner neutral is very blockstringy in these games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Samsho was unplayable for years, Black person
      SNK made their own bed.

  61. 4 weeks ago

    >needs assist + bar
    shit character already

  62. 4 weeks ago

    I dont even remember when was the last time a fighter had appealing character design

    its all negresses
    pink colored bullshit

    sad to see

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cammy in sf6 is pretty fricking hot my guy. though if they add r mika and cover her ass, i will drop the game and share your opinion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      dumb /misc/troon

  63. 4 weeks ago

    2XKO looks better than every other modern fighter.
    Is all this doomposting coming from third-world SNKgays that are worried about Fatal Flop getting overshadowed by this game? Feels like it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You have to suffer from profound mental moronation to think that. Plus FF comes out later this year while XKO at most and best might get a closed beta late this year. homie they have like 6 developed characters and Illaoi wasnt fully finished in EVO Japan build as devs themselves said too. That game will come out late 2025.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Think CotW is early next year, they've been hush about platforms so some think it'll also be on the switch 2. I don't think anyone could seriously consider it and 2XKO being in any sort of direct competition though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Imagine how sad it'll be when 2XKO' beta has a higher player count than SNK's new game lol

        From what I've seen, a good number of SNK anons don't even want the game to blow up in popularity.

        >w-we didn't want it to sell anyways
        That's called copium anon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why would SNKgays be worried about a F2P asshomosexuals tag fighter?

    • 4 weeks ago

      From what I've seen, a good number of SNK anons don't even want the game to blow up in popularity.

    • 4 weeks ago

      project lel looks like shit and the only reason anybody talks about it is because morons think riot is too big to fail and that it will be a guaranteed hit.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Those morons are right tho anon. Riot pays people to play their games thats why their card game and TFT operate(d) at loss for fricking years and still do. They are balls deep in twitch bounty systems and they contract even small as frick streamers with 150 viewers on average. Riot will bruteforce popularity by throwing money at poverty tier communities just like they always did thats why so many FGC ecelebs shill this game so hard they already are under contracts for sure. They call those paid shills "community pillars" internally for a reason lmfao.

  64. 4 weeks ago

    >we getting rid of motion inputs so the game can be played by anyone
    >we also have moronic combo links and tag combos
    Why are they moronic

    • 4 weeks ago

      How is this moronic? They removed massive execution requirement cruch for shit ton of people. Go and ask anyone who tried to get into fgs and first response at very least 8/10 times will be motion inputs. Autismos cant do a DP motion but will memorize 50 hit combos or 100 different character paths and builds and mechanics. It sounds moronic but thats how it is.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This. If you've ever tried LoL it's basically optimization the game. Laning is really repetitive and involves practicing the quickest ways to do stuff. Same as FG combos once you remove the motion inputs.

        This game is going to be huge and Ganker will start pretending it's too casual for them instead of too hard

        • 4 weeks ago

          The point isn't about it being hard, but an odd choice for a game designed to attract moba kids. More than they can handle but not that complex either.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I can't let you talk shit about the MOBA kids because I tried their game once and they raped me for days. I quit playing with like 3 total wins.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah as I said its fricking moronic but thats how it is. I know autismo who is consistent highest rank in League/CS but when he tried to play fighting games he was malding about inputs all day.

          Riot are actually geniuses and you morons who think this game will flop are so wrong. Riot is master class when it comes to psychology, they KNEW EXACTLY what they were doing with 2XKO. Why aren't fighting games as popular as other genres? ....... YOU know YOU suck if you keep getting your ass beat. Now that its 2v2, you can always blame your teammate. Genius strategy.

          This might be first time when they actually dont know the frick they're doing. Riot bought Radiant back in 2016 after they pitched League fighter to them between working on Rising Thunder and they liked it so much they bought entire company. We know for a fact that game got completly reworked and redesigned at least one time. Developing a fighter for almost full decade definetly isnt in "know what they are doing" tier but i do agree that game will not flop thats not happening.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Developing a fighter for almost full decade definetly isnt in "know what they are doing" tier but i do agree that game will not flop thats not happening.
            This game has tentpole potential if they're smart about how it rolls out. Seems like they're using the same F2P model as LoL had. I understand in that game you had a monthly roster of free champs and had to pay like $5 if you wanted to own one. FGs would really benefit from that monthly patch type of system. Keep things fresh instead of turning out like UMvC3. It's a great game but everyone wishes it could get just one update.

            • 4 weeks ago

              You mean what Granblu does?

              • 4 weeks ago

                granblue is free to play roster or whole roster nothing inbetween.
                killer instinct had the lel system though.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >granblue is free to play roster or whole roster nothing inbetween.

              • 4 weeks ago

                yes you moron. you straight up cant buy single characters in the free version.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >FGs would really benefit from that monthly patch type of system. Keep things fresh
              You clearly don't play fighters. Hell we even have an example of a company who does this sort of thing with NRS and they hate it. Fighters take a long time to figure out so fast patches results in knee jerk reactions. Instead of spending time to figure out if something is a problem or the real source of an issue you get rapid blind fire. Usually creating new issues along the way. All while making it really hard to keep up with 20+ MUs changing all the time.

            • 4 weeks ago

              no they wouldn't. fighting game meta takes a lot longer to figure out. and the average player is moronic.

              every time a new fighting game launches, the internet is full of scrubs complaining about millions of things that are actually not a problem, once you learn the matchup.

              it really boils down to the same issue why fighting games are hard to get into. it takes time and some effort to understand how to actually play and most people are lazy and weak and don't want to put in any effort.

              same reason why most people can't play an instrument or have no actual skills in anything they do in their free time

        • 4 weeks ago

          this is by far the most moronic comparison I have seen in my life.
          straight up end your life.

        • 4 weeks ago

          im just too autistic to play a game that requires me to communicate with other people and i think the league artstyle is really ugly

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Go and ask anyone who tried to get into fgs and first response at very least 8/10 times will be motion inputs.
        they only complain about those because they haven't gotten into the genre deep enough to understand that the actually hard part of fighting games is neutral, blocking, footsies and mindgames. amd those things you literally cannot remove or dumb down further without making a game ass.

        fighting games can not be casualized well. it's just not in their nature.
        and all these weak gays who dropped fighting games because muh motion input, will only get even more butthurt when realise they've lived a lie and those arent even the hard thing about the genre

        mark my words, there will be immense amounts of salt and coping due to this

        • 4 weeks ago

          >fighting games can not be casualized well. it's just not in their nature.
          Play soul calibur 2

        • 4 weeks ago

          >fighting games can not be casualized well
          ultimate ninja storm and smash begs to differ

          • 4 weeks ago

            Those aren't fighting games.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >if it is not plane locked 2(.5)d it is not fighting game
              nice goalpost moving

              • 4 weeks ago

                >being smug while not knowing anything about anything.

                you're so fricking moronic, holy shit.
                they aren't fighting games precisely because a lot of factors that are essential to a fighting game experience are missing, massively dumbed down, or changed to such a degree it might as well be another thing.
                what, you're gonna call wrestling games or the UFC games fighting games too? After all people fight in it too, its a fighting game!
                legend of zelda is my favourite fighting game series..
                fricking mongoloid

                it has frick all to do with perspective. or visual presentation.

              • 4 weeks ago

                They're fighting games. If you have to make an elaborate bullshit definition just to exclude them from the genre then you've lost and you're seething about it. Get over it, moron.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >wrestling games or the UFC games fighting games too
                They are though. Stop being autistic fricking homosexual, shmups are still shmups whether it is cave autism, euro side views, turian rpg lites or anything in between.

                both of you don't even understand what makes a game or why it is relevant to groups of people.
                just because there's fighting in a game doesn't make it a fighting game as in, what we are talking about here with the community around it etc.
                you might as well say F-Zero and Formula 1 sims are the same type of game. which is obviously moronic.

                you can call it a fighting game, but you can't bundle it in with things like street fighter or tekken.
                because the mechanics and game design are sufficiently different and people play them for very different reasons.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >you might as well say F-Zero and Formula 1 sims are the same type of game
                they are. the genre is called racing games

              • 4 weeks ago

                >anon discovers the term racing game

                these two examples appeal to a complete different playerbase, because the mechanics and what the focus is on is very different, is the point

              • 4 weeks ago

                They're still both racing games.

              • 4 weeks ago

                not the point.
                when we talk abiut fighting games in the context of the player base, like we are in this thread. games like ninja storm and smash are generally excluded, because their playerbase is seperate.

                that's the point. they are fighting games but thats not what we're talking about when we talk about "fighting games". communicative nuance is hard to understand when you have autism or dont even play the games.
                why are you even posting in this thread

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ah so it doesn't count because it hurts your narrative.

              • 4 weeks ago

                no, it doesn't count because those games are sufficiently different mechanically that they are not part of traditional fighting games, aka what we are talking about here. youd know this if you could read, i said so in my first post.
                stop trying to "win" an online argument against a stranger to protect your ego. you simply dont know what you're talking about or are very young and have no idea about vidya history

              • 4 weeks ago

                Wait until you discover subgenres.
                Gonna blow your moronic mind.

              • 4 weeks ago

                if i brought up subgenres youd have just said i was moving goalposts. stop being ridicoulus.

                you're not talking to me to learn something or reach an understanding. you just want to win an argument, while already having forgotten what this was even originally about (why casualization by nature doesnt work well in fighting games).

                hell, you don't even play fighting games. again, why are you even talking

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're the one that said that they're different genres and then seethed when pointed out racing games is a genre.

              • 4 weeks ago

                i said they aren't fighting games. which they aren't in the context of what we are talking about here. everyone who plays fighting games can tell you this.

                the same applies to my racing game examples. i never said they arent racing games. i said they are for two completely different player bases. which is true. so ofc you have to make up a lie to cope yourself into believing you were right

                also all you just did is prove that the original point doesnt even matter to you. youd rather argue semantics to feel smug. israelite

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Ummm ackshuaslly Mario Kart isn't a racing game it's a bing bing drivey wivey because uhhhh it just is!

              • 4 weeks ago

                i accept your concession. you tried.
                don't reply to me again, I'm ignoring you now

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the mechanics and what the focus is on is very different
                the focus in racing games is going the fastest to win the race. all sorts of games from f zero to f1 23 to assetto corsa to mario kart to colin mcrae rally have a design language they share. the similarities in construction, design, goals, and ways information in conveyed to the player clearly mark them as belonging to the same genre. they are all racing games. this applies to other genres like first person shooters, rythm games, fighting games, real time strategy, platformers, etc.

                its worth mentioning those genres have overlap in players, where a player familiar with one game in the genre will branch out and try other games within the same genre.

              • 4 weeks ago

                doesnt change the fact that someone who is into tekken and SF typically doesnt play smash or any arena fighters. at least not competitively.

                same reason why smash being at evo or any bigger tournaments used to be a special occasion (and still is to a degree) and why arena fighters have never been part of the main lineup of any big tournament or even bigger locals for that matter.
                or why smash is still typically seperate from fighting game locals anywhere in terms of the people who attend

              • 4 weeks ago

                >anon discovers the term racing game

              • 4 weeks ago

                >wrestling games or the UFC games fighting games too
                They are though. Stop being autistic fricking homosexual, shmups are still shmups whether it is cave autism, euro side views, turian rpg lites or anything in between.

          • 4 weeks ago

            there's a reason the smash community and fanbase is basically entirely seperated from the rest of the FGC. Ninja storm and games like it aren't even fighting games.
            Im tired of zoomers not knowing genre terms and what they describe.

            >fighting games can not be casualized well. it's just not in their nature.
            Play soul calibur 2

            this one is easier to learn the base mechanics but definitely not casualized, what are you saying.
            in games like that, newcomers only get btfo even harder by someone who knows how to play

            It should have always been while sprinting to avoid confusion but can't expect the americna fgc to nto be full of retared mouthbreathers.

            it really should. what do the koreans or nips use for notation there?

            Don't tell the autists in this thread that.

            fightan threads on Ganker are always an unmitigated desaster

  65. 4 weeks ago

    Is this written in greek? That sentence cannot be parsed.

  66. 4 weeks ago

    they completely murdered their game with only one tweet, congrats to Riot

  67. 4 weeks ago

    Riot are actually geniuses and you morons who think this game will flop are so wrong. Riot is master class when it comes to psychology, they KNEW EXACTLY what they were doing with 2XKO. Why aren't fighting games as popular as other genres? ....... YOU know YOU suck if you keep getting your ass beat. Now that its 2v2, you can always blame your teammate. Genius strategy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      no one is gonna go online to wait until the other guy decides to tag you in moron especially not ADHD moba players

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not to mention it'll be FREE and probably function the same way as Valorant and LoL where it constantly gets updated for years. Why would you grind Tekken 8 or SF6 and pay 60 bucks when it'll be obsolete when Tekken 9 and SF7 comes out?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Legacy skills matey, nobody wants to get their PC bricked by Riot.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You think normies have "legacy skills"? Riot games are successful for a reason. Autochess isn't even relevant in this pic, that's how bad TFT destroyed it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Where's your heckin card game?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Legends of Runeterra is garbage due to power creep and the devs creating truely ridiculous mechanics that are just LOL +1/+1 if you do X.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >power creep
                Oh no! Not le heckin power creep! No heckin card game ever had that before!

              • 4 weeks ago

                LoR doesnt even have 10 expansions yet

      • 4 weeks ago

        being f2p helps only so much, look at all the f2p smash clones that crashed and burned

    • 4 weeks ago

      other fighters did that already.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No you see that doesn't count.

  68. 4 weeks ago

    SNK, the company that operates a miracle of making games that no one plays according to USA, Canada and Europe, but for some strange reason they keep making games

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cause a Saudi pays them to.

  69. 4 weeks ago

    combos are the easiest and least interesting part about fighting games.

  70. 4 weeks ago

    Tagshit AND no Shuma-Gorath? dropped

  71. 4 weeks ago

    i dont even play fighters and can understand those notations. man people are babies.

  72. 4 weeks ago

    will this use Vanguard as well?

    • 4 weeks ago

      0% chance it won't, the game is there so to get you to install vanguard so it can trawl your pc and sell your data. It's free to play not free to run.

  73. 4 weeks ago

    Fricking lol. Even with the sheer amount of people that play league I just can’t see this game taking off very strongly. The average league player thinks a flashy combo is being able to W-E-Q-R someone with Azir for his shuffle combo. It’s easy as frick but most of the player base thinks it’s black magic.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If the game is free I will be playing on launch just to shit on scrubs trying to learn how to play a figthan game, the moment that the game starts getting to sweaty I will be back to my SF6.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't think LoL players are ready for the world of grime that is BBTAG.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Play LeBlanc in LoL
      >Play LeBlanc in Project 2ko
      ><Autistic combo that takes 50 years>
      ><Doesn't kill>
      Why would I leave my magic hag (leggy) for some fighting game?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >LeBlanc player
        I hope you and your entire extended family get AIDS

        • 4 weeks ago

          learn 2 cc noob

  74. 4 weeks ago

    Why do FGCels jerk off about not blaming losses on others while crying about their character, their opponent, their opponents character, their controller, their opponents controller, internet, temperature, magnetic poles, their chakra, lack of sleep, lack of food, smell, console and so on.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    Ganker can doompost as much as they want but this is going to be the next big fighting game and Garou 2 will remain as irrelevant as it always was.

    • 4 weeks ago

      without a doubt, the skins alone will sell absolute bonkers. just imagine if they announce this skin for ahri, it's literally over

      • 4 weeks ago

        now imagine this being not just a skin but with different sound effects, victory poses etc. the zoomer weebs will eat this shit up like there is no goddamn tomorrow

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is why it became a tag cancer BTW.
        Riot saw dollar signs in making the game worse.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why would they play a fighting game just for a skin when Wild Rift already offers high quality skins and is the same game as League but on mobile?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >anon posts one (1) CotW webm
      >immediate FLOP FLOP 2XKO WILL BTFO COTW posting

      Games aren't coming out until next year, at least wait till the end of 2024 before you start pitting the games together in your moronic shitpost wars.

      • 4 weeks ago

        cotw is gonna flop though

  76. 4 weeks ago

    I really don't get it. All they had to do was pump out a platform fighter that is f2p and you can queue ranked coop in just like brawlhalla and instead they listened to muhcarde crapcumguzzling boomers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Platform fighters that aren't smash bros will get soiled by the diapers that the smash bros players will throw at the game. REE STOP TRYING TO COPY SMASH BROS REEE!!!

      Every time, either way. All they had to do was something like pic related maybe. Simple control scheme + mind games build in from the get go.

      • 4 weeks ago

        She says in a thread seething about it copying mahvel.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Early footage showed devs of Project L playing Melee, but they probably agreed to this sentiment. That, and the Marvel bias in the project leads is inescapable.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >block button

  77. 4 weeks ago

    i absolutely cannot wait for asshomosexual Black folk to complain about 50/50s and strings

  78. 4 weeks ago

    That just looks like one of the easier Uni combos but with tagging instead of chain shifts and none of the shitty double dash attack on landing links.
    I'm a little surprised they have down forward and air command normals though.

  79. 4 weeks ago

    Stupid ass name.

  80. 4 weeks ago

    Daily Reminder that Rising Thunder died so we could have this shitty game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Rising Thunder was shitty too but at least it was out and playable.

      This shit not only looks like ass, with questionable mechanics, it's taken a decade to materialize.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Rising Thunder, crap as it was, gave legendary salt. For that, I salute it.

  81. 4 weeks ago


  82. 4 weeks ago

    What the frick?
    Project L's selling point was making fighting games accessible to human beings. Did they let the FGC c**ts convince them to do otherwise?

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's the same problem is skullgirls. you cannot let a sweaty mahvel grimelord design your babbygame for normalgays because they are mentally abnormal

    • 4 weeks ago

      It was clear from the first reveal trailer where they showed arcade fricking cabs and went all muh fighting feefees nostalgia instead of just "yeah we want you to play your favourite lol character in a fighter and have it feel good"

    • 4 weeks ago

      >FGC c**ts
      The director is a mentally ill marvel player, they can't be treated

    • 4 weeks ago

      Normies don't spend more than a few hours mashing in fighting games anyway, they don't buy DLC either. Why would anyone want to appeal to them?

  83. 4 weeks ago

    So just
    >Basic 1-2-3-Special
    >Basic 1-2-3-Launcher
    >Basic 2-3-Special
    >Tag Attack
    >Jump to Hit then Super
    It's funny how that seems hard to people. Like the notation is bad but the video is right there and shows how basic it is.

    That being said, I'm curious what this "handshake" bullshit is, since it is switching characters to do a couple of inputs and switching back before the original character leaves. If they've already explained it in another video, I wouldn't know, since I refuse to give a shit about actually following-up myself before the game hits.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Bro hit yellow rank in Tekken 8 and thinks he good at fighting games lmao

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nuh uh. I'm not playing T8 until they add Bob

        • 4 weeks ago

          i miss him bros...

          • 4 weeks ago


            • 4 weeks ago

              i have to say the line everytime i use his rage art

    • 4 weeks ago

      *jump cancel*
      .jc is tricky for newcomers

      >I'm curious what this "handshake" bullshit is, since it is switching characters to do a couple of inputs
      The handshake tag is like BftG assists. Push the assist button again and that character takes point.

      I think there are like 3 different perks you can choose on char select regarding extra actions. This player chose the one for an extra handshake tag. So he gets a free second assist call and that's how he brings the first char back in to finish the combo

  84. 4 weeks ago

    >even more censored Ahri
    Did they forget what the actual character is supposed to be or

    • 4 weeks ago

      They got the gooner money, then they censor and get the ESG/trans money.

  85. 4 weeks ago

    i played the tentacle lady when i played lol, then theynerfed her and i uninstalled because i didnt want to learn how to play

  86. 4 weeks ago

    WHY FRICK do you guys hate Valorant so much? It honestly has so much soul in it, I'm surprised you all hate it so much and instead praise soulless games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's just unhinged riot haters

    • 4 weeks ago

      >It honestly has so much soul in it
      What the actual fricking frick am i reading? A chinese Counter Strike clone with abilities and Black worship/lgbt shit has soul lol...

      • 4 weeks ago

        Actual characters>noface teamslop

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Actual characters
          >characters designed by some Black consultant and mentally ill white self hating cucks
          >Actual characters
          lol ok zoom gen z subhuman. you need to go back to kneeling

          • 4 weeks ago

            >reeeee I have a smaaaaaaalm peeeeeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
            OK sweetie but in the real world people enjoy valorants characters. It's one of its biggest strong points and reason to play.
            Meanhile, cs: *Fart noises*

            • 4 weeks ago

              >brown trooncel
              I know you are one yes indeed. Now go back to Black person worshipping.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Keep making up terms for why your is so small and no woman will even talk to you lol.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >for why your is so small
                I know you are seamonkey brown wienerroach yes. Riot shills are fricking street shitters and Black person worshipping sea monkeys lmao. Plus why you homosexuals spam CS characters at me I hate CS never played it and its played by albino Black person slavoids.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Black person have you seen the females in CS? lmao, i rather have some lgbt whatever shit in the game but at least the fricking girls look hot unlike cheater-strike were they all look like literally fricking trannies

        • 4 weeks ago

          >id rather have brown trannies than old grannies
          Ok? I know you are browncel homosexual. We established that already.

          • 4 weeks ago

            last time i checked jett, viper, sage, fade etc. aren't brown trannies but this on the other side... LMFAO!!!!!

          • 4 weeks ago

            Hell even an actual troony in valo looks pretty cute, unlike the abominations you find in cheater-strike

    • 4 weeks ago

      Seriously the hate for Valorant is so unjustified. Riot does a shit ton right with this game and it keeps improving, they are on track of beating the shit out of a over 30 year old framchise while the lazy fricks at valve go on vacation and sit on their yachts living off braindead morons who still earn them over 50 million every single month for still buying cases lmao

  87. 4 weeks ago

    >more anime tagslop
    No thx

  88. 4 weeks ago

    Will this have kernel level malware that bricks your PC?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Unknown for now, but probably yeah
      Which is hilarious since it's A) already bricked some peoples PCs and B) their other proprietary anti-cheat got leaked which appears to have directly caused T1 and the asian e-sport league to get DDOSd into oblivion

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unfortunate. I actually like BBTAG and assist games.
        Fighting games don't need anti-cheat but I doubt that matters to whoever is in charge of Vanguard.

  89. 4 weeks ago

    >Heavy, jump, light>medium>heavy, special, light>medium>heavy
    Yeah this does seem pretty simple.

  90. 4 weeks ago

    I'll stick with Tekken.

    • 4 weeks ago

      same ;_;

  91. 4 weeks ago

    what does that last notatio nmean? jumping down H? why is it between "[]"?
    is it a kara cancel or what

  92. 4 weeks ago

    tu eks kei ow?

  93. 4 weeks ago

    >abcd abc
    boring combo. enjoy watching this for 80% of the match. game is going to suck

  94. 4 weeks ago

    why would you play a game with a moronic name like this?

  95. 4 weeks ago

    >has so much soul in it
    >by having le marvel quips level characters

  96. 4 weeks ago

    >Tag game (Degenerate 45 year combos, touch of death combos)
    >Mass appeal
    Pick one.
    Playerbase will drop like flies when the bribe period ends.

  97. 4 weeks ago

    we'll never get another game like SFV because scrubs cried about not being able to mash their way to victory

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >Chip Fighter 4

    • 4 weeks ago

      SFV was the first baby casual game that set us on the path we're on now

      • 4 weeks ago

        god I really hope you dont believe that SF4 was the hardc0re one.

  98. 4 weeks ago

    there's your biggest red flag

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Rat clinging to the ship. How soon after launch will they abandon this game for the next "hype" flash in the pan game to make 10 minute click-bait videos out of?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nah he is going for the bag on this one. Only did a 10 minute video on HxH and CotW but nearly 2 hours on tuco. Described the most basic shit in detail.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dunno how well that will go given Riot fans are notoriously bad for watching content.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Riot will pay people with 2 viewers to stream their games forever. Its a safe bet in terms of money just not actually growing as a channel.

            nta by why would you abbreviate a game that's already an abbreviation?

            Cause the original fails in every way a name could, at least tuco you instantly say the real name right.

        • 4 weeks ago

          nta by why would you abbreviate a game that's already an abbreviation?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I expect every FGC personality is going to go all in on this, don't Riot pay huge amounts in tournaments and shit? I can see the game doing well just on marketing alone even if the game itself turns out poorly. Unless it's disastrously bad it probably won't be bad enough for the e-celeb advertising to be ineffective.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >don't Riot pay huge amounts in tournaments and shit?
            Its complicated. They prize pools often aren't the biggest, but many players get a wage as do content creators/streamers. Thing is no one actually cares about FGC content creators, and top players rarely have big fan bases that'll follow them to every game. So it'll probably create some sort of ecosystem but likely not the wave they expect.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I can see the game doing well just on marketing alone even if the game itself turns out poorly

            My prediction. 2XKO will flop. There is a good reason why League of RuneTerra and the 2d platformers were not profitable and why Wild Rift didn't kill off their competitor Mobile Legends. It's because League fanbase only play games in the client which are League and TFT. 2XKO's fanbase will be mostly from the FGC but eventually it will bleed out its playerbase because of the skill gap between newbies and veteran FGC players. And if its true that it is F2P then I don't expect League players to buy skins that much. Why? Because they are already buying skins in League and TFT. Both these games are easier to play while 2XKO they'll most likely lose a lot which will make them think it's not worth buying at all.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >And if its true that it is F2P then I don't expect League players to buy skins that much. Why? Because they are already buying skins in League and TFT
              Bro people make entirely new accounts for ranked and buy skins for those.
              One more game isn't going to stop them paypigging.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >League of RuneTerra
              As someone who's been playing from day one:
              It flopped because the game gives you everything for free and then there's a three month delay between new content getting added.
              So everyone played it for a month, unlocked everything they wanted without paying a cent, and then fricked off because they saw they wouldn't be getting new cards for several months.

              The game itself was and still is objectively very good.

            • 4 weeks ago

              The problem with 2XKO is because it's simply too hard, no casual wants to learn this autistic FGC combo shit, people are very interested in this game but they made the game mostly for FGC homosexuals so the casual will play a few matches, get shit on and will stop playing. Riot had the chance to onboard millions to a fighting game because of the F2P model and failed at it for making it not casual friendly enough and listening too much what the FGC autists have to say. it's seriously GG

              • 4 weeks ago

                This. Most League players are casuals playing against bots, ARAM or TFT. These people are just chilling. 2XKO is made by sweaties for sweaties. Their target market is completely off.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >don't Riot pay huge amounts in tournaments and shit?
            No. Riot has deals with teams and contracts ecelebs/content creators and pays them directly money for playing their games. Their tourneys have relatively small pots actually but its offset from them paying up big uprfront salaries of pros,getting sponsors deals for those teams and more. This is why FGC poverty shills will eat that shit up like nothing else before.

          • 4 weeks ago

            initially yeah. but there's still the problem of fighting games being intrinsically unappealing to most people because they force you to actually get good by yourself in order to keep playing without endless frustration.

            I think itll have big initial numbers and then drop substantially after 2 weeks, just like any fighting game, maybe even harder.
            and then we'll get to have weeks of stupid threads on Ganker about player number drops because zoomers think its a big deal to dab on because they don't know shit about videogames

  99. 4 weeks ago

    samurai shodown was the only accessible fighter of the last few years. if only snk wasn't fricking moronic

    * granblue fantasy versus (original) sort of was as well, but the character picks and balance were absolutely dogshit, not even getting into the other moronation like bad online and no gacha codes on pc

  100. 4 weeks ago

    >inb4 ekko bnb is also piss easy

  101. 4 weeks ago

    This combo is not that bad. It's just sequentially pressing the button strengths off a launcher and jumping in a game with no motion inputs.
    The real thing that's gonna kill new players is the situation after getting combod. You're either back in the same position or have to eat a mix up, usually both.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Tag/airdash games always have frick me in the ass resets/knockdown setups, it's the most add devastating situation for newbies because you're waiting 10 seconds where you can't do shit for the 1 frame where you have to make one of six choices or go back in the blender

      dead on arrival, should have made a SF2 clone.

  102. 4 weeks ago

    What the frick is that notation

    • 4 weeks ago


      OG notation that strikes fear into guilty queer soive newbies

      • 4 weeks ago

        >OG notation that strikes fear into guilty queer soive newbies
        But I pay kof

        • 4 weeks ago

          uhhh donde esta de biblioteka haha ha FRICK YOU

          • 4 weeks ago

            SNKgays aren't welcome in 2XKO threads.

            That's it I'm picking rugal

        • 4 weeks ago

          SNKgays aren't welcome in 2XKO threads.

  103. 4 weeks ago

    The only way I will ever play a fighting game again is if this or the hxh game are a true mvc successor. If both fail then fighting games are truly dead and not worth playing.

  104. 4 weeks ago

    Who the hell is the audience for this? Even trying to get past the fricking stupid name I can't tell. I'm a fricking casual when it comes to fighters and only like some NRS slop, Soul Calibur, and somehow the most recent Street Fighter.
    That screen shot is like everything I b***h and moan about in the genre condensed.
    Is it for Marvel and Hyper type fans? If so why does it look so slow? Who is it for?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Who the hell is the audience for this?
      >I'm a fricking casual
      Not you.

  105. 4 weeks ago

    how the frick am I meant to say this shit
    two ecks kay oh?
    two times knock out?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >esl anon can't read
      Maybe Garou is more your speed buddy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Genuinely what where they thinking?
      How do you even pronounce this?
      >two ex kay oh
      >double kay oh

      morons. The name is fine.

      • 4 weeks ago

        have a nice day Riot chink

      • 4 weeks ago

        >anons struggling to see how this is meant to be said by a human mouth
        >nuh uh it's fine you're moronic
        Perhaps you're the moronic one here? You got an argument beyond a single word? Please enlighten us bro, how are you meant to say this shit. Personally I think "Texaco" is the funniest

        • 4 weeks ago

          i agree with you its not clear, but how the frick do you get to texaco. is this an anglophone thing?

      • 4 weeks ago

        the first one is right you tripple homosexual, how could you not figure this out on your own? must be an amerishart, no question about that

        Riot-kun the next time you collect your internet shill money just pass the message back up that the name sucks. It's a losing battle here.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Im the second qoted you and I agree the name sucks but if you can't figure out how to pronounce it you definitely have below average IQ

  106. 4 weeks ago

    So still no

    But atlesast we have illaloi.. over the literal brawling character sett.. or lee sin ok?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Confirmed in a dev video alongside Jinx from wayyyyyy back.

  107. 4 weeks ago

    It's sad how many design choices feel so easily correctable, but the dev team has this echo chamber of yes-men that are too excited just at the prospect of a massively mainstream fighting game. Just off the top of my head:
    >The name 2XKO is terrible
    >Takes from one of the most interesting character pools in gaming history and creates one of the least interesting fighting game rosters in recent memory
    >The UI just takes a vague and inoffensive e-sports-themed approach
    >None of the visuals outside of Illaoi's lvl2 super are anything to write home about given the competition, and I think a lot of people preferred how this game looked in the anniversary teaser
    >The focus given to duos is absolutely insane and a waste of marketing
    >Laser-focused on getting influencers to spread the word about the game, and half of the recent marketing has just been tiktoks without an actual target audience

    A lot of people seem to think the game can't fail due to its developer, IP, and influencer support. While this is a bit of an extreme comparison, I strongly suggest those people look back on mvci and see what lessons can be learned from it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      from one of the most interesting character pools in gaming history and creates one of the least interesting fighting game rosters in recent memory
      The full roster isn't even revealed yet and Granblue had the same problem but kept adding fan favorites as dlc and now Rising has an amazing roster

    • 4 weeks ago

      they're not in the business of making good videogames that players will love and play for a long time.

      it's all about catering to esports (if multiplayer) and appeasing investors and suitBlack folk. more people need to understand this is the case for most big producers

    • 4 weeks ago

      2XKO is going to be a massive success and seeing Ganker's FGC homosexuals lose their mind over it will be hilarious.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Don't get me wrong, I want it to be both good and successful, I'm just worried about what we've seen so far

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't think it will fail cause the bar for an alive fighter is pretty low, hell the bar for the bigger fighters is pretty low. But you really can feel the US FGC echo chamber + board room decision making. You can tell they hyper focused on oh the name is like the description of what you do and is a unique phrase and is very modern. There was no creative vision behind it though which is how I feel about everything I've seen.

    • 4 weeks ago

      from one of the most interesting character pools in gaming history and creates one of the least interesting fighting game rosters in recent memory
      This one you're wrong about (and its still up in the air until the final roster but for the beginnings its fine)
      The marketing thing you're also wrong about since the game is still fricking forever away from a real release too (which is a different mistake entirely)
      The other stuff you're right about though

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The marketing thing you're also wrong about
        No he isn't, they've been on a marketing blitz with EVO Japan and the messaging is all over the place. They're really betting on influencers, but then also that it is a baby game. The tweet in OP is mixed messaging in general. Casuals can't read it so go oh this is too much for me, players aren't impressed by a simple combo but think the notations look like vomit. It wants to be FGC branded so bad but being so overtly not grass roots makes it stick out.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Here's the problem, THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY MARKETING YET
          The game is MULTIPLE quarters out, so they aren't actually marketing fricking anything. Or what, do you think they're gonna shadow drop the game and say they secretly made fricking 20 characters when it took them fricking forever to get Illaoi out?
          Hell people are dumping a bit on hxh for having a low roster and that's a 2v2 tag game with what 16 outta the gate?

          • 4 weeks ago

            They put out endless videos and worked with lots of people to show the game off. That's marketing. Early marketing is still marketing.

            • 4 weeks ago

              To say they're wasting their marketing push on duos when they haven't even begun actually marketing their product to people not already actively invested is factually wrong though

  108. 4 weeks ago

    Fighting games are garbage for Black folk. What's new?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nawww whose as cute wittle edgeword!
      You are!

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. Black person.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Naaawww look the edgeword wants attention!

          • 4 weeks ago

            OK Black person.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Nnlooooooooooooo stoppppp it!!!!!!!!!!
              lmao edgelord seething

    • 4 weeks ago

      Black folk in the west, but Japanese tournaments still fill seats. We literally just had Evo JP and it was all ugly Japanese NEETs, as it should be.

  109. 4 weeks ago

    Still one of the worst video game titles ever

  110. 4 weeks ago

    >card game hemorrhaging momey because somehow the greediest and israeliteest company alive doesn't know how to monetize it
    >valorant is just the worst aspects of CSGO and Overwatch combined and is solely kept alive by chinks
    >fighting game (fricking lmao)
    >riot forge quietly smothered in their sleep because it didn't make seven thousand billion gorrillion dollars
    >mmo devs tearing their hair out and contemplating the rope because some czech homosexual overhyped the project beyond what they're capable of delivering
    What a shit show

  111. 4 weeks ago

    Genuinely what where they thinking?
    How do you even pronounce this?
    >two ex kay oh
    >double kay oh

    • 4 weeks ago

      It literally should have just been called Double KO

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, that would have been a lot better, though honestly even then it wouldn't have been great. It's odd they don't just name it something with "League of Legends" in the title, I would think it could only do them good to piggyback off of it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the first one is right you tripple homosexual, how could you not figure this out on your own? must be an amerishart, no question about that

  112. 4 weeks ago

    The people working on the game are degenerate anime kusoge players

    • 4 weeks ago

      sounds based to me

      • 4 weeks ago

        For the 50 people who have actually played games like HNK, TMNT Tournament Fighters, Sailor Moon S, etc

    • 4 weeks ago

      I like anime kusoge but don't want to play this, so I don't think they're making it kuso enough

  113. 4 weeks ago

    long combos really do stay with you once you learn them. i was tricked into playing skullgirls for about 100 hours years ago, and i can still do the one bnb that i know despite not playing any fighting games for years.

  114. 4 weeks ago

    >Soulless 4 button layout with no motion inputs
    Yeah, League shitters can keep this braindead boring game, I'll play real fighting games instead

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