how did you finally break free from WoW?

how did you finally break free from WoW?

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  1. 8 months ago

    i didn't

  2. 8 months ago

    ICC releases thursday boiz

    • 8 months ago

      how is the gold buying for them gdkp going?

      • 8 months ago

        Just join a guild.

  3. 8 months ago

    My guild disbanded so I unsubscribed.
    I played from late Legion to Dragonflight, with several month long breaks.

  4. 8 months ago

    by trying FFXIV
    havent played either in over a year now, i am free from the worst game genre ever

  5. 8 months ago

    It hasn't been a good RPG recently so I haven't had much reason to stay subbed for more than a couple of months throughout the expansion.

  6. 8 months ago

    It wasn't fun to play anymore.

  7. 8 months ago

    Destiny was better than wow

    • 8 months ago

      What about now

  8. 8 months ago

    by not having fun

  9. 8 months ago

    they turned into a hang out spot for trannies and stop catering to the player base that made them into a mutli billion dollar company

  10. 8 months ago

    Cataclysm released, and I realized that despite how much the vanilla map had changed I was still doing the same shit from a decade ago.
    The only time I ever resub now is to make my wow-addict friend try other MMOs with me in return.

  11. 8 months ago

    WoD happened. Even the ever-loyal drone since vanilla in me saw the iceberg this ship was about to sail into well before it launched and knew to get the frick off.

  12. 8 months ago

    I was so bad that I played for one month and have been WoW-free since then.

  13. 8 months ago

    I recently tried getting into the classic versions of WoW but realized I did it over 10 years ago and all that I have to look forward to is dungeon and raid spamming for loot and GDKP and quit at lvl 10

  14. 8 months ago

    I asked myself what the frick I was doing and that it doesn't even matter in the game. Because after a couple of months, a new update is released that'll have to do all the grinding all over again

  15. 8 months ago

    Like 10 years ago.

  16. 8 months ago

    By playing it for the first time ever during shadowlands, i dabble from game to game and have been doing so for the past 10 years or so, wow retail never really entertained me, i gave it a shot, got really bored of the questing style and ultimately did a bunch of content and left for classic, i played classic on and off, i have a lot of respect for classic, but i am past my prime gaming so even though i raided karazhan in tbc and naxx in wotlk i eventually get burned out very easily, i still respect classic a lot, it just needs a lot of time and i could never catch up when i'd take my leave because every other group is either GR gayging or running gdkps, i remember sitting on EU's most populated server, gehennas, which is like 99% to 1% horde asking if anyone wanted to run any raids, turns out there's just gdkps or guild runs, guilds are nice but it's a big time investment and it feels sucky to be the guy who's behind and needs carry, so while i respect classic very much and i wish i could experience it, its catchup mechanics suck mainly because there isnt a community around it, people want to run consistently succesfull raids in order to gain gold from gdkps, rather than for the fun of it.

  17. 8 months ago

    Blizzard made it very clear I wasn't welcome anymore.

  18. 8 months ago

    by never getting into it in the first place

    • 8 months ago

      your trophy sire

  19. 8 months ago

    Endgame is a literal wall for anyone not paying real money to participate in it.
    Anything with friends is still more fun than m+ with friends
    m+ solo is pure masochism

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah m+ solo is massively unfun and they’re never going to fix it because it drives token sales for carries. Games fricked by RMT

    • 8 months ago

      You can join a guild

  20. 8 months ago

    The race between addon makers and raid designers became tiresome.

    • 8 months ago

      Most of the reasons already stated in this thread, but especially

      No point of playing wow unless you can “socialize” with others

      >play Shadowlands on launch because I still knew a couple of people that played regularly
      >hit cap in a few days
      >didn't really enjoy it
      >try to do WQ
      >realize how time gated the gimmick was yet again
      >decide it wasn't for me anymore and stop

      But also, the game just isn't worth your time anymore regardless. It simply isn't doing enough to justify the time investment. There's so many options in gaming in current year, so many better experiences you could be engaging with that wasting time on WoW seems very foolish and that's why its users get compared to drug addicts. You'd have to be an addict to still be playing it.
      At its core, WoW is a mediocre action RPG and if you don't spend your time on it interacting with others that's all it is. You're better off spending that time elsewhere.

  21. 8 months ago

    No point of playing wow unless you can “socialize” with others

  22. 8 months ago

    >how did you finally break free from WoW?
    I just stopped playing it lol, it's that easy.
    Now they fricking spam my mailbox with 50% troonyflight sale and free game time every single month.

    • 8 months ago

      There hasn't been a month since it was released that it's not on a 50% off sale kek. Almost like people are tired of P2W game masquerading as an esport

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          WoW tried to rebrand itself as an esport in the past couple of years via the MDI and RWF and the consequences have been catastrophic for the game. It's now filled with sweaty room temp iq zoomers who think it is actually a competitive esport and not an MMO

          • 8 months ago

            >wow is now a zoomer game
            sounds like bullshit to me m8

            • 8 months ago

              If you hang out in pro-retail discussion areas, it's pretty obvious. There's millennials who can't let go and have mostly migrated to classic, or still play retail but have a job/family and buy their way through all the content with a credit card. And there's zoomers that started after Legion and have colonized retail and treat M+ like a seasonal esport game, because that's what it is now.

              • 8 months ago

                As someone who soft quit during Legion and hard quit in Shadowlands, the game being centered around M+ is so fricking gross to me. This one tiny aspect of the game becomes its entire focus and the only thing players and designers care about. There's not even a point to raiding anymore, you get better gear from M+.

                I went and played GW2 and XIV instead, but XIV is currently a raidergay only game and you can only play GW2 for so long. So now I'm playing Runescape.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah it's the only thing that matters nowadays. They added a bunch of world events for casual players in DF, but they're all rapid catchup gear mechanisms all with the end goal of getting you into M+ and not intended to be fun, repeatable activities in themselves.

                Ion being the game director has had disastrous consequences for the game. He did the impossible and managed to make it unappealing to casuals in a way that no previous director could have dreamed of managing

              • 8 months ago

                I liked m+ in Legion because I love dungeons and don't really care about raiding or pvp. The idea that I could get 4 friends and run dungeons and really push ourselves to our limit and earn good loot to boot seemed like a great idea. I mean it works in Diablo 3 which is where they stole it from. Sadly it turned into a toxic e-sports environment where people feel forced to run it with some meta strat because the gear is so good.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah it's the only thing that matters nowadays. They added a bunch of world events for casual players in DF, but they're all rapid catchup gear mechanisms all with the end goal of getting you into M+ and not intended to be fun, repeatable activities in themselves.

                Ion being the game director has had disastrous consequences for the game. He did the impossible and managed to make it unappealing to casuals in a way that no previous director could have dreamed of managing

                I liked m+ in Legion because I love dungeons and don't really care about raiding or pvp. The idea that I could get 4 friends and run dungeons and really push ourselves to our limit and earn good loot to boot seemed like a great idea. I mean it works in Diablo 3 which is where they stole it from. Sadly it turned into a toxic e-sports environment where people feel forced to run it with some meta strat because the gear is so good.

                m+ is the only real improvement that's been made to wow since vanilla
                >no! I don't want to do group content! I want to do---
                what? you want to do what, exactly?
                >I don't wanna get kicked for being shit!
                you and the rest of reddit, the most """toxic""" community in the game

              • 8 months ago

                It's funny when the biggest autist shitheads in the game driving normal people away accidentally self-identify like this

              • 8 months ago

                For real I cannot stand these boomer homosexuals making their lack of skill someone elses problem, I want to focus on the troony shit

                I pug to the mount every exp launch as moronic classes while playing with my moronic friends who can't dodge aoes to save their lives. I see a lot of "toxicity" when I pug with my friends who brick every other key they do, never when I play without them. if you see a lot of "toxicity", the source of it is you
                >driving normal people away
                normal people don't play m+ beyond key levels so low that you could clear them with vanilla characters

              • 8 months ago

                For real I cannot stand these boomer homosexuals making their lack of skill someone elses problem, I want to focus on the troony shit

              • 8 months ago

                I want the game to have content besides daily quest chores and instanced dungeons.

              • 8 months ago

                it never has had content outside of that

  23. 8 months ago

    Back in Legion I simply realized that I didn't like that busy work world quest shit.
    Later realized that I really never liked MMO's for the MMO aspect, so I never got the feeling of wanting to go back.

  24. 8 months ago

    many things I found shitty and not fun
    >BFA released
    >unfun systems like azerite or whatever it was called, felt like you were losing if you didn't log
    >need to do dailies every day (look above)
    >raiding was totally unfun and I was getting a headache form 2h of it
    >personal loot in raids
    >mythic+ spam, it's just too much
    >the game not being an MMO
    >didn't even touch on the story, it just makes me sad

    that's why I know the game is unfixable FOR ME and I don't believe I'll ever play it again

  25. 8 months ago

    I used to buy every expac then quit after a month or 2 cause it's trash, kept falling for the "it's good this time we swear!" meme. after BFA was blatantly going to suck all the way in the beta and they refused to change anything I realized the game will never be good again because it's ran by people who are incapable of making a good game. didn't buy shadowlands or troony flight won't buy ever again.

  26. 8 months ago

    Retail has apparently been shit for so many years, so I never felt the incentive to ever return to it, so I unexpectedly broke the on-off cycle I had for like 15 years.
    I tried Classic, had a fun few months but months of raid degeneracy burned me out of that too.

    Came back for HC Classic, got a character to 60, after another few weeks getting a character to level 41 I realized that man, just leveling through those same zones over and over again is REALLY fricking boring eventually.

    Think I'm done unless they have something really, REALLY drastic this Blizzcon. Classic+, timeline reset, etc.

  27. 8 months ago

    >singing slave songs while mining
    >gm pings me about it
    >call him a pedo and tell him to swan dive off the roof of whatever sheet metal favela he lives in
    >account removed

    • 8 months ago

      You got what you deserved for being an edgy homosexual, but GMs can be very petty I discovered

      >GM does dickall to help me with an ingame issue
      >fill in a post-GM survey, rate it 0 in most things because again he did fricking nothing
      >the survey specifically says that they will never contact you in regards to your survey response
      >fricking GM starts messaging me regarding my survey response
      I don't know if they get reprimanded if they get shit scores or something. Still didn't help me though.

      • 8 months ago

        >You got what you deserved for being an edgy homosexual

        Incredible how basic internet behavior that was absolutely everywhere for years and years is now "edgy" and deserving of punishment.

        • 8 months ago

          >Black person Black person Black person
          >HUH? have a nice day homosexual MOD
          >wtf why was I banned
          This would get you banned on literally any service even 20 years ago.

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              >ARE YOU GOING wiener SUCKING???

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe stop being a racist chud butthole???????????????????????

          Wow! It's *almost as if* ........butthole behavior gets punished!


        • 8 months ago

          >wtf social norms change over time?
          >this has never happened before to anyone!
          Ganker is filled with manchildren with arrested development

          • 8 months ago

            >capitulating to humorless homosexuals who hate you

            change just means different, not better. I'm not going to stop saying homosexual just because hordes of normgroids watched Glee and Ugly Betty and now think gay=good.

            • 8 months ago

              and you're free to do that, just like how private companies are free to eject you from their services for doing so.

              • 8 months ago

                And eventually homosexuals and Black folk will have nothing to play either

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Capitalist bootlicker

          • 8 months ago

            They literally haven't, it's just been screamed into your face by belligerents. There is a massive fricking difference you moronic ape. If you didn't see this shit in school, you never actually learned a damn thing. I can do the same and act the same because this is how things work, the only people upset are those who have been conditioned to react that way, like you moron. Claiming *it has changed* because very loud, very annoying leftists claim it has, along with the elite. Really doesn't give you any legs to stand on.

            Go smoke a wiener

            • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >singing slave songs while mining
        >gm pings me about it
        >call him a pedo and tell him to swan dive off the roof of whatever sheet metal favela he lives in
        >account removed

        I remember shitposting in trade chat and getting 3 day chat suspension for it. And about 10 seconds before server disconnect that applied the penalty some little GM weasel pms me saying "tsk tsk, what a naughty boy you were <charname>'. I did not even have a second to respond lol. honestly wtf with these powertripping homosexuals. I bet local janitors are just like that.

  28. 8 months ago

    I take lots of breaks from wow, I will likely be back when I want to play an mmo because troonyshit or not it is the only real mmo

  29. 8 months ago

    >how did you finally break free from WoW?
    When the sexual harassment case came out 1-2 years ago iirc. I couldn't in good conscience financially support a company that sexually harasses femme-presenting people, especially marginalized communities such as BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, disabled, and neurodivergent minorities. Never visited Goldshire since.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this how they actually call it now, or you're just memeing?

    • 8 months ago

      kys, please

    • 8 months ago

      Exquisite bait, finely crafted.

  30. 8 months ago

    Played on and off from wrath all the way through BFA

    The moment I killed heroic Ghuun something snapped in my brain and i closed the game that night and never went back to retail.

    Playing classic in 2019 just cemented my decision because it really opened my eyes to just how much the game had changed since I started playing

    • 8 months ago

      I quit in BFA beta because azerite armor was the most boring "feature" they'd ever cooked up and they dumpstered artifacts for it while azerite garbage was all passive effects. You went from somewhat active rotations to across the board 5 button rotations that were easier for them to balance. When they're designing things so that they don't have to do work instead of making the game fun you should always check the frick out. Turns out after Legion that M+ was used this way too so that they could create even less dungeons than they had before and they were basically lowering that number by 1 per expansion to begin with.

  31. 8 months ago

    >play Shadowlands on launch because I still knew a couple of people that played regularly
    >hit cap in a few days
    >didn't really enjoy it
    >try to do WQ
    >realize how time gated the gimmick was yet again
    >decide it wasn't for me anymore and stop

  32. 8 months ago

    My guild died with the bfa launch and it was a group of bros, so I didn’t see the point. Legion was a good place to stop.

  33. 8 months ago

    The almost year-long content drought between Cata and MoP, followed by MoP's announcement. Also, the raidfinder.
    My guild also slowly quit playing. Haven't been able to make a friend over the internet since.

  34. 8 months ago

    I gave it one more shot with Legion because I like Illidan, after skipping Warlords, then I played Legion for a while and eventually just had to face that the systems were pure garbage and was never going to get better. Haven't played since and not planning to go back. I definitely miss earlier WoW from Vanilla to WotlK and parts of MoP as well.
    When I play XIV I'm constantly reminded of just how good WoW used to be, because in comparison XIV is lacking in so many departments. The production values are so low even compared to vanilla WoW, and I'm almost at Shadowbringers now. It just ain't the same, but the systems are not as terrible right now as WoW so I am just comfily playing slowly through the story and trying jobs that look cool.

  35. 8 months ago

    Easy. The game became bad, and never got good again. It became easier because everyone I used to play with dropped the game one-by-one

  36. 8 months ago

    Hardcore is too much of a grind and I got burnt out

  37. 8 months ago

    I first tried wow during panda land when my friends talked me into it and thought it was insanely boring. Friends would talk me into trying each expac when they dropped but I'd always bounce right off since the game was always shit.
    Eventually I tried vanilla with nostalrius since I always heard vanilla was actually good and I actually liked it, played it until blizzard killed it then played classic when it came out and played it until just before naxx dropped because I was just so fricking sick of raiding.
    I played TBC for a bit but hated what it did to the game and quit a bit after hitting max, didn't bother with Woltk classic.
    Turtle wow announced a pvp server coming at the end of the month so I'm going to just play that. I don't think I'd try an official classic+, Its obvious blizzard can't make decent video games anymore.

  38. 8 months ago

    Wrath launch

  39. 8 months ago

    I had a six month sub running and then they released the human and orc heritage quests. They ruined the illusion, and told me that my time with the game was over. I'm no longer the target audience and Blizzard doesn't want me. So the next month I just let it run out and never resubbed.

    • 8 months ago

      >then they released the human and orc heritage quests. They ruined the illusion, and told me that my time with the game was over.
      Stopped before that happened. What happened in those quests to make you feel like that?

      • 8 months ago

        Keep in mind it's been months so my memory isn't exact but more or less:
        >human heritage quest is about rich people being evil and must be stopped
        >except the (white) daughter of the rich guy, she apologizes for being rich and promises to be an ally and is forgiven (sort of)
        >orc heritage is doing some trials which have little impact
        >you meet a few important orc lore characters but nothing major just the usual women leaders are the future crap
        >thrall gets snubbed over aggra for some reason
        >no grom or orgrim
        I probably missed some things but that's the gist of it. They did add a nice nod to old players who completed Marshall Windsor's quest in vanilla but it's just one line of text iirc. No Anduin Lothar or Uther. Oh and Vanessa Vancleef is there too because who knows, I guess she's the oppressed people stand-in.

        • 8 months ago

          That does indeed sounds pretty fricking lame for a major expansion feature.

  40. 8 months ago

    The game pushed me way itself.

  41. 8 months ago

    i quit when they announced one of the main features of cataclysm was to ruin the vanilla world

  42. 8 months ago

    Tried FF14 after WoW shit the bed. Then FF14 shit the bed and now I dont even care play any MMO.

  43. 8 months ago

    I didn't. I'm still playing on a solo server

  44. 8 months ago

    I got into a good guild and realized the game is easy when you don't have shitters in your group. I became an elitist after that and grouping with pugs or friends of a friend for M+ or easier raids became unbearable and rage inducing so I just quit

  45. 8 months ago

    erp is better on epsilon

    • 8 months ago

      I seriously doubt that. Goldshire before it was all actual female prostitutes charging real life money will never exist again and futa is irreversibly tied to gigahomosexuals now. I miss my niche of degenerates.

      • 8 months ago

        It's uh, pretty good man. Lots of degenerate activity.

  46. 8 months ago

    It just stopped being fun. Simple as.

  47. 8 months ago

    Quit the first time after they released Garrisons and it became obvious I’d just be doing that shit on 9 characters for 3 years.

    Came back for Classic and quit after my server died. My guild did the last 25 man raid on that server pretty hard to do on a server that only had maybe 35 total active accounts. Eventually they offered free transfers off but by that time the entire server population (both factions) probably couldn’t clear Kara.

  48. 8 months ago

    Cataclysm and its fetish for MUH VEHICLES IN EVERY QUEST.
    Ruined any semblance of immersion so I left.

  49. 8 months ago

    I actually gave the game the benefit of the doubt and have been trying it for the first time this month, since the only MMO I ever really got into (FF14) is quite literally going to be devoid of content for a whole year until the new expansion
    It's pretty fricking cool how much customization and options you have in regards to a class' skills and I wish 14 had the same stuff as opposed to the weird homogenization, even if things are less optimal it's cool to mess around with, and the dungeon designs being super open with a ton of optional paths is really damn fun
    But holy frick it's actually sad just how barren the early levelling areas are in terms of other players, is this normal for both factions? I understand they REALLY try to push a level boost/skip on you but I'd rather just play through everything normally as opposed to that shit, was never a fan of level skips.
    Is there really no incentive for oldgays to go back to older zones? That's kind of a shame honestly, but I'm having a surprisingly decent time with the game regardless.
    Not sure why it's heralded as a terrible game or whatnot, but I suppose I wasn't around for the golden era.

    • 8 months ago

      >is this normal for both factions?
      yeah, unfortunately thanks to the 10 billion free boosts they give to people it completely killed the early levelling population

    • 8 months ago

      there's nothing like level sync in WoW for old content so it's basically all ignored, except for stuff that drops unique transmogs and mounts. those are run solo by max level characters.

    • 8 months ago

      the game is all about level as fast as you can until you get to current expansion content island. next expansion will be a exactly the same where a new content island "appears from the fog" or whatever the frick that bloats the world even further while kalimdor and eastern kingdoms still lie there rotting.

    • 8 months ago

      >Is there really no incentive for oldgays to go back to older zones?
      The game is designed in such a way that all content is disposable and if it's not current content it's legitimately a waste of your time.

    • 8 months ago

      >But holy frick it's actually sad just how barren the early levelling areas are in terms of other players, is this normal for both factions? I understand they REALLY try to push a level boost/skip on you but I'd rather just play through everything normally as opposed to that shit, was never a fan of level skips.
      Yes. WoW has a seasonal aproach to content were only the most recent expansion/patch is relevant, everything else is dead content. It's the total oposite of FF14 were people still go back to do content from previous expansions.
      >Is there really no incentive for oldgays to go back to older zones? That's kind of a shame honestly, but I'm having a surprisingly decent time with the game regardless.
      No. Even if there was a incentive, the game has no level sync so you can't experience old content in the way it was originally intended. the game wants you to focus on the most recent content and nothing else.
      >Not sure why it's heralded as a terrible game or whatnot, but I suppose I wasn't around for the golden era.
      Terrible writing, repetitive endgame, metahomosexualry, hyper focus on harcore players. etc...

  50. 8 months ago

    cataclysm back when it came out. relapsed for BfA and played it for a bit. thought zandalaris were cool. quickly realized after the novelty of not playing it for nearly 10 years wore off, the game was trash and felt like a waste of time. haven't played it since. followed the game a bit outside of playing it though and shadowlands seemed like the most insane moronic creation of all time. can't believe how ass that shit was and how hard it raped the lore. does blizzard just not give a shit anymore or is it a "great reset" style philosophy of trying to filter out the old players as hard as possible to make your playerbase only filled with troons and limp wristed homos?

  51. 8 months ago

    Legiondaries and the AP grind killed my enthusiasm. I didn't even make it to Nighthold. I came back near the end of the xpac and did a few Antorus runs and that was alright but I didn't stick around. I played for a single month in BfA and a single month in Shadowlands and haven't touched it since.

  52. 8 months ago

    I played from vanilla release til the AQ war effort. After that ive just been reading wow websites and my old guilds website to see how they managed in later expansions.

    I never got back to my first account that i raided early with but im still addicted to the yellow numbers flying on the screen, and female nelf asses eventhough i played horde. Thinking about resubbing for the next retail patch and maybe going through some hc classic leveling as well. I wish i had something else going on with my life but wow is just comfy.

  53. 8 months ago

    I sat at a training dummy for like 3 hours testing rotations and different specs and then realised I was paying money monthly to do this. Immediately cancelled my sub, didn't say anything to my guild

  54. 8 months ago

    wasn't there some massive shitshow with the hardcore servers or something

    • 8 months ago

      hc is probably the only healthy part of the game remaining because it's levelling focused, there is no endgame to speak of, no token, no obvious botting (yet) and no RMT

  55. 8 months ago

    shadowlands was a gigaslog

  56. 8 months ago


  57. 8 months ago

    mmo gays should go to the mmo board
    stop shitting up other boards with your slop

  58. 8 months ago

    unironically i got older. mmos just arent fun anymore

    • 8 months ago

      >mmos just arent fun anymore
      what i liked about them was the social aspect, that just isnt there anymore

  59. 8 months ago

    >Legion our longtime raid guild sucks now and takes almost until the end of the xpac to clear Mythic Argus making everyone burnt out as frick
    >Beta for Azeroth is mega shit and unfun and everyone quits during the first raid tier
    >Reform for Shadowlands and its even worse and we quit and disband during the first raid tier
    >nobody ever played again
    Last time I had fun with the game was WoW Classic in 2019 - 2020 during the time my retail guild was on break. I never should have came back for Shitlands.

  60. 8 months ago

    Never got into it in the first place. When it first came out I was in like middle school and when I expressed interest my parents said I had a choice between WoW but no other vidya or other vidya. I chose the later and I easily dont regret it. I did play it much later when legion came out but I only bought a months time and spent some time exploring the world seeing the dungeons and raids and I hated it. No one talked to each other and obviously the content was so easy a 3 year old could complete it so it was the least engaging game I had ever play. I then later played classic for a month and had some fun since there was some "challenge" and people would communicate. Ultimatly though it was too tedious and I didnt renew happy that I made it like level 52 though for like 15 bucks I had my fun. MMO addiction is not something I can say I understand.

  61. 8 months ago

    I hated Wrath of the Lick King. I hated how they turned their raids obsolete within the lifespan of the expansion pack, hated how easy heroics were, and hated PVP where i believe WOTLK was when the term "globaled" started to come into use. Only thing i remember liking was when they gave the Cenarion War hippogryph a running animation that was a fun few minutes.

  62. 8 months ago

    blizzard can't even do the bare minimum anymore

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      lmao it's the nightborne all over again

    • 8 months ago

      >Turn them red and lower the detail
      I can't tell if they pushed this onto some troony who was too lazy to do shit or a pajeet who has no idea what warcraft is.

      lmao it's the nightborne all over again

      I refuse to play WoW until they fix them and give suramar as a main city.

  63. 8 months ago

    Retail: WoD introduced mythic which meant my 10 man group that had downed heroic (now mythic) garrosh before prepatch had to take on 10 window lickers. We also lost 3 people because he had a kid in the middle of SoO, one was the dudes irl brother, and final one was unrelated.

    Our raid collapsed because the window lickers were genuinely awful to be around (unironic bong rips over voice comms when we were walled on iron valks). When GM had enough so did I and I left.

    Classic: I'm still playing but likely will quit after this tier as cata was fine but not good enough for me to continue for.

    • 8 months ago

      >bong rips over voice comms

  64. 8 months ago

    I had only been playing most of Dragonflight because I discovered Mythics was not as difficult as it once was back during MoP. It was nice to have amazing gear that was better than what you get from heroics but just as I expected, once I got the gear there was nothing else to do. I don't care for long ass raids and I am not doing them for 3 item levels superior gear.

  65. 8 months ago

    Legion final zone and BfA release finally broke me

  66. 8 months ago

    trannies, homos and third world boost selling Black folk ran this shit into the ground. I'll never come back to the steaming pile of shit

  67. 8 months ago

    I play for about 2-3 weeks every xpac on the last patch just to see the stuff, its fun if even just to see how much they have fricked up each time.

  68. 8 months ago

    >main tank and officer in guild
    >online every day for at least 4 hours
    >regularly help people out by carrying them through M+
    >moving house, no internet for 3 days, warn guild about this weeks in advance
    >come back, big argument made 3/4th of the guild leave and form two new guilds, only the shittest players stuck around and immediately ask me to carry them through more M+
    I'm never playing a MMO again, fricking manbabies.

    • 8 months ago

      M+ isnt fun anyways. theres always someone taking it way too seriously when its not even higher than +15

      • 8 months ago

        >warrior join group
        >charges into first pack of mobs
        >doesn't aggro them but pulls 2 more
        >stands by himself in the next room fighting 2 packs while the other pack kills the party
        >key is bricked 20 seconds into the dung
        >"why so serious lol?"
        >do the downranked key with him because everyone makes mistakes
        >he does the same thing again
        >"lol xD"
        I don't understand how anyone can find this fun.
        well, once in a while maybe.

        • 8 months ago

          It's not fun, half the low keys I did when trying out the mode in SL were someone doing something unfathomably stupid and the group self-destructing 10 minutes in, after the group took 30 minutes to assemble and fly out to the dungeon. It's hard to believe this is the premiere mode in a AAA billion dollar game.

      • 8 months ago

        it isn't that fun, but pretty good way to gear people when the tank knows what he's doing. When you're playing with guildies, they're more likely to listen. If they don't, we wouldn't bring them to raids.

  69. 8 months ago

    I haven't seriously played since cata, but I tried MoP, Wod, and Legion each for like a month.

    I think the biggest reason why I never go back to WoW anymore is the fact that I don't like the way any of my favourite classes play anymore compared to how I liked them around WotLK. Like last I checked Unholy DKs are still just fricking Dr Pimple Popper build/spend bullshit, I don't want to dust off my old DK for that shit.

  70. 8 months ago

    I started in Shadowlands and ended in Shadowlands.

    It was good, I enjoyed my time and leveled every class to max and did some LF Raids, never touched M+ because it was evidently luck based and not skilled based due to randoms. WoW Dungeons are imo the best in the industry and I could play a lot more of them if there was better systems for progress/rewards/difficulty.

    But M+ is just tacky. The problem I think is that the time commitment vs rewards is broken. You have to run them a lot to get anything of note, which means its better to switch when someone fricks up rather than keep with a group, which leads to toxic behavior.

    Games like Destiny 2 do it better. If you finish a GM (highest difficulty) dungeon, you always get massive rewards, you likely only need to run it 1-3 times in an entire season. People commit, take their time, and are far more chill about it because you dont need to run it 100 times.

    tldr WoW should make it so drop rates in end game content (high level raids/mythic) is close to 100% on everything. The reward should be completion, not weeks of grinding. That would attract more people and mellow out the autism over it.

    • 8 months ago

      The guy running the game nowadays is a massive autist and doesn't see any problem, the current playerbase also doesn't see a problem because everyone who doesn't like it quit already. There is no hope for change.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I have no hope of positive change. You can't now remove the only income WoW has which is boosting, you would just get fired. And boosting only works if the game stays as it is.

        • 8 months ago

          The president and CEO of the company sells boosted runs live on stream, the situation is so much more fricked that people realize

          • 8 months ago

            Developers need to learn that goodwill is a real thing that impacts your game and doing shit like this kills it.

            • 8 months ago

              The company has been sliding even further downhill under this guy, he's an empty suit mercenary exec from Microsoft that will probably disappear with a golden parachute once the acquisition goes through

    • 8 months ago

      destiny is just a better game using a similar formula in general, albeit it does have its own problems and lightfall was a big disappointment and also the developers are some of the biggest virtue signaling lefty homosexuals in the industry
      they also had the courtesy to just remove deprecated content they have no intention of supporting from the game, which was a controversial move but probably for the best, and something wow will never do because that would require blizzard to give a shit

      • 8 months ago

        >they also had the courtesy to just remove deprecated content they have no intention of supporting from the game, which was a controversial move but probably for the best, and something wow will never do because that would require blizzard to give a shit
        I can see why people got so mad about it, but as someone who joined in Lightfall it was pretty nice. It keeps the bloat out and its easier to get into/catch up with everyone.

  71. 8 months ago

    I never really got super into it, I played on a friend's account and he paid me to level up chars for him, I made about $2000 all in all, he eventually offered me the account outright and to join him in selling mythic runs (MoP era) but I just didn't really care for the game, it was always a job, I liked doing battlegrounds, they were fun, but the game on the whole was not something that I was invested in, I never really LIKED raiding, I just did it cause why not, if I got good gear he'd pay me more.

  72. 8 months ago

    When I was 10 my dad said he'd buy it for me but then we both forgot, so I never got to try it.

  73. 8 months ago

    Raided during tBC and quit during the months long delay for Ulduar in WotLK. The most fun I had was fricking with Alliance with my friends, outside of clearing content. Played BfA for like a day before I dropped it completely.

  74. 8 months ago

    I only ever played on private servers 20 years ago and private servers sucked ass. I was a teen and didn't have the audacity to ask my parents to pay for a WoW subscription. So I never really got that into the game

  75. 8 months ago

    The story is too fricking good, the world areas are shit, but atleast I know of them thanks to the MSQ. In WoW I literally don't care about any of the areas anymore because the lore is trash.

    • 8 months ago

      >The story is too fricking good

  76. 8 months ago

    got baited for the last time with the stupid dragonflight marketing from content creators
    before that I skipped shadowlands and only played BFA for the first few weeks

  77. 8 months ago

    I got kicked out of a guild for using the word Autistic in discord.

  78. 8 months ago

    I said Shadowlands was the final straw and if it was shit i'd never touch it again but i still occasionally play classic

  79. 8 months ago

    >how did you finally break free from WoW?
    Classic vanilla ended

  80. 8 months ago

    Classic Shadowlands when? Can't wait to relive the nostalgia!

    • 8 months ago

      Not long to wait until we can enjoy the classic SL storyline again, written by this literary titan

  81. 8 months ago

    never started

  82. 8 months ago

    Classic+ is going to reel us all right back in. I am guilty.

    • 8 months ago

      We both know it ain't happening.

      • 8 months ago

        when will this meme fricking die already

        Chris Metzen is going to announce Classic+. You know it is coming

        • 8 months ago

          The classic team is 10 people and their dog. Who is going to produce all this content? Classic exists solely to funnel people into retail. The retail team (the people who run the game) actively loathe classic.

          • 8 months ago

            no you dont get it, the people who worked on retail(which i hate) will produce content for it but i totally wont hate it like i hate retail!!

            • 8 months ago

              If the entire point of Classic+ is to branch the game's development from Vanilla while explicitly trying to avoid the principles that define modern Retail, I'd at least keep an eye on it to see what comes of it.

              • 8 months ago

                >the devs are just going to put on their 2004 wow dev thinking caps and make new content that fits in the style of vanilla wow
                ah yes, how could i be so obtuse?

              • 8 months ago

                It would require funnelling significant resources away from retail which is their cash cow. The classic team has historically been a shoestring budget group that only is allowed to run because how cheap it is to make. Classic+ would turn that on its head and make classic very expensive suddenly. I don't see it happening, but maybe retail really is doing that badly that classic+ now makes sense financially. I wish they shared actual numbers from retail so we knew if it was on deaths door or not, because it sure seems like it if you login right now.

                You are delusional and pulling that out of your ass. The idea of Classic+ was to develop the pre-existing plans for the game that were about expending Vanilla horizontally like the Emerald Dream or Hyjal. If you've played Vanilla it should make sense since no raid was ever made completely irrelevant before Naxx. They took the goblin vertical route instead by releasing expansions and making past content useless. This game could have been so much better without the tier homosexualry but it is what it is. Can't count on nu-blizz to fix it.

                Did you homosexuals all just miss that "If" at the start of the sentence?
                I don't even know what the frick Classic+ is supposed to be, that's just the first idea that came to mind to somehow fit the title which would actually make me interested in it.

              • 8 months ago

                It would require funnelling significant resources away from retail which is their cash cow. The classic team has historically been a shoestring budget group that only is allowed to run because how cheap it is to make. Classic+ would turn that on its head and make classic very expensive suddenly. I don't see it happening, but maybe retail really is doing that badly that classic+ now makes sense financially. I wish they shared actual numbers from retail so we knew if it was on deaths door or not, because it sure seems like it if you login right now.

                Not you, sorry.
                I don't expect it either, but that's goes without saying for something as stale as WoW.

              • 8 months ago

                whats the point of speculating about a pipe dream?

              • 8 months ago

                It would require funnelling significant resources away from retail which is their cash cow. The classic team has historically been a shoestring budget group that only is allowed to run because how cheap it is to make. Classic+ would turn that on its head and make classic very expensive suddenly. I don't see it happening, but maybe retail really is doing that badly that classic+ now makes sense financially. I wish they shared actual numbers from retail so we knew if it was on deaths door or not, because it sure seems like it if you login right now.

              • 8 months ago

                You are delusional and pulling that out of your ass. The idea of Classic+ was to develop the pre-existing plans for the game that were about expending Vanilla horizontally like the Emerald Dream or Hyjal. If you've played Vanilla it should make sense since no raid was ever made completely irrelevant before Naxx. They took the goblin vertical route instead by releasing expansions and making past content useless. This game could have been so much better without the tier homosexualry but it is what it is. Can't count on nu-blizz to fix it.

        • 8 months ago

          It's not. A handful of people at Blizzard want it to happen but they won't get the greenlight by the board to actually start developing and release a whole new product. Hardcore got a pass because it was just applying simple rulesets to an already existing game. Classic happened to counteract a shortfall due to private servers which are primarily vanilla and wotlk related. I expect wotlk era and cata classic to be next in line but that will be most likely the end after those.

        • 8 months ago

          By all accounts, he's going to announce a retail Azeroth revamp. Classic+ will be Cataclysm with a slightly different dungeon finder and an optional permadeath mode, enjoy.

    • 8 months ago

      when will this meme fricking die already

    • 8 months ago

      You're going to be really disappointed getting your hopes up like this when Blizzcon happens

    • 8 months ago

      Chris Metzen is going to announce Classic+. You know it is coming

      The precedent simply isn't there. Classic has been, from day one, a low effort cashgrab to reel in nostalgiagays and a gateway drug to retail for newcomers.
      Plus, they know they can't start introducing new content to Classic because it would kill retail overnight.

  83. 8 months ago

    stopped playing during MoP
    came back to try the game during BfA, I think patch 8.2.5 was the latest one.
    played until SL release, then played 1 week of SL with a free code from an AMD card and said "yeah frick this"

  84. 8 months ago

    First month of Shadowlands because I couldn’t ignore the absolute devastation of the setting any longer.
    I will miss you PCU.

  85. 8 months ago

    I was trying to quit for good since WoD, but it was Shadowlands finally broke me. I realized that none of the butchery Legion inflicted upon the game's design would ever be undone, it was to be the new norm, the shit class design, the FOMO treadmill, the borrowed power bullshit, Danuser and Golden making a mockery of what already wasn't the most stellar story and lore, all of it was here to stay and I was all the more the fool for taking years to figure it out.

  86. 8 months ago

    >how did you finally break free from WoW?
    I get bored easily and Im not able to play two months in a row, three weeks max at best, per year
    doing the same fricking dungeons for two years and the same raid every six months is pure autism

    • 8 months ago

      Same. For me my interest dies as soon as I get ahead of the curve, I have zero interest in doing the dungeons over and over again in some imaginary competition. Up until getting your first heroic kill the game can be pretty fun, lots of fights and mechanics to learn and so on. Raiding and dungeons are good even today, just not good enough to play endlessly

  87. 8 months ago

    Stopped being young and lost all of my gaming ability.

  88. 8 months ago

    Easy, I never started playing

  89. 8 months ago

    Cataclysm, very boring.

  90. 8 months ago

    Was really already sick of TBC after just getting max lvl and replacing my T2/3 with blue shit. PC crashed didn’t want to reinstall mods. Just said frick it and canceled on the spot. Never went back.

  91. 8 months ago

    MoP, it was shite

  92. 8 months ago

    literally just stop logging in.
    dont tell anyone
    dont even open up battlenet
    literally just play anything else

    my personal issue with the game was i never had time to play other shit. it was either wow or many other games to play.

  93. 8 months ago

    moved to a different state

  94. 8 months ago

    I just had enough of the greed, the toxicity, the time enslaving, and the Mythic+ difficulties. You also have to join a hardcore guild and spend every fricking day grinding for hours and hours just to do the Mythic difficulties, and one slip-up will get you kicked. Plus people are not friendly too.

    I'll stick with FFXIV, thanks.

    • 8 months ago

      >Plus people are not friendly too.
      By far the worst part. People that play nowadays are just joyless poorly socialized meta zombies. You will never make any decent friends in retail.

  95. 8 months ago

    I shot myself because of shadowlands

  96. 8 months ago

    I just play to to level alts and find transmogs/mounts/battlepets. Also since I started playing at the end of BfA there is a lot of old story and stuff to see which is fun. I play it for a couple months then unsub for awhile then jump back in when I want something mindless to do. I've never run a m+ dungeon or raid above LFR and I never plan too.

    • 8 months ago

      congrats you are blizzards demographic. the only thing that seperates you from others is you dont defend it by saying stupid shit like 'LOL WHY DO PEOPLE HATE THIS EXPANSION? IM HAVING FUN FISHING AND DOING BATTLE PET SHIT FOR 1 HOUR A DAY BECAUSE IM A SINGLE MOM"

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I'm not gonna defend this expac because I've not experienced everything there is to do. I also really don't care enough to waste my breath on it.

        >mountsmogscheevos spotted in the wild

        Yup. Don't worry though, I won't shit up your lobby or anything and then get mad.

    • 8 months ago

      >mountsmogscheevos spotted in the wild

  97. 8 months ago

    I learned that private servers are better

  98. 8 months ago

    it started with WoD. the moment they retconned shit I thought "it's only downhills from now on"

    • 8 months ago

      They've been retconning things since world of warcraft released, I don't see how wod would have been the straw that broke the camels back in that regard.

  99. 8 months ago

    Quit in cata, came back for DF and ive been playing since.
    Tried every other mmo, they are dogshit
    WoW still king

  100. 8 months ago

    It was either Legion or BfA. I just realized that I wasn't having fun playing the game, and hadn't had fun all the previously times I'd payed for a month on the release of an expansion, only to play for maybe a few days.

  101. 8 months ago

    Time gated content, war mode instead of PVP realms, and the level scaling killed it permanently for me. Also, straight up moronic shit like hunters having a healing spell. I haven’t played since Legion.

  102. 8 months ago

    I stopped playing after WotLK and never went back.

  103. 8 months ago

    Realized it was dogshit after cata and never returned
    kinda blows my mind that people actually want cata classic

    • 8 months ago

      >kinda blows my mind that people actually want cata classic
      Nobody wants this other than a tiny weird fringe group for whom cata was their favorite expansion

  104. 8 months ago

    the constant pandering to furries and WoWs worst section of playerbase is what got me to leave eventually
    it started around cata with looking for raid and has never stopped since
    I did play Legion though

    • 8 months ago

      They've pivoted from furries, they now target scalies

  105. 8 months ago

    Finno-Fanno got me, but I was already really close to the edge before when I realized that literally every human I knew who played Worlo was an unlikeable scumbag, every streamer was an unlikeable shill, and every story element after Cata was complete dogshit. Met literally three dudes talking about XIV at Blizzcon and that's all it took.

  106. 8 months ago

    When the Free Trial expired (and yes before anyone says there isnt a free trial, if you bought the battle box thing before Pandaria came out you got a free 30 day sub, not sure what its like now). I spent like 30 days obsessing over the game, even at work I was looking up stuff about the game, its all I ever thought about, so when the trial was over I was finally free because I knew if I paid my life was over. I got to like level 45 or something, forget what I was but it was a darker skinned elf.

    • 8 months ago

      good choice

  107. 8 months ago

    Who's this extremely zesty looking gay? Doesn't look like Warcraft to me, so no thnaks

  108. 8 months ago

    I left when Cata came out because I didn't like the portals or ruined world. Came back briefly for MoP but didn't raid or anything, then Warlords of Facebook made me drop the game forever. Then an old friend of mine badgered me into playing Dragonflight with him. If they cave to autorunning neckbeards and remove the fun new flying I will be dropping it again.

  109. 8 months ago

    Cata nerf happened, that's when I realized that WoW's community never cared for proper dungeon pacing and were more concerned with GO GO GO speedrun asshomosexual mentality.

    I stopped playing the game seriously and moved onto roleplay on/off. I eventually stopped in Shadowlands because the setting just got so bad. Dragonflight made it worse.

    • 8 months ago

      The community in BC did care about proper dungeon pacing, but so many new players joined during Wrath (wrathbabbies) that were trained that dungeons should be mindless aoe spam, that anyone who cared for the methodical BC way of doing doing dungeons was drowned out by the braindead new players. And they've never been able to put the genie back in the bottle ever since wrath

      • 8 months ago

        Precisely, that's when the game was eternal wrathbaby. I was oblivious to the harm that gearscore made on the game because I was in the same raiding guild since vanilla, but I heard that's also when the irrational demands from PUGs started to creep in (like needing a higher gearscore than what the raid drops, or you MUST play the build thats on elitistjerks or no invite)

        • 8 months ago

          Gearscore is the predecessor to score and ilvl which are now burnt into the game because instead of tackling community gatekeeping easy content with absurd requirements as an undesirable behavior, Blizzard gave them the equivalent of power tools built into the game itself to make it even easier. Now the endgame is so gatekept that if you don't get your M+ score up in the first two weeks of a season, you're going to have an extremely hard time convincing any group to allow you to see the endgame dungeon content. It's hard to fathom how it could have been more mismanaged than it has been

  110. 8 months ago

    I really don't have anything to say about WoW other than I kinda understood that the current writers couldn't do jack shit without leaning heavily on the old lore, lore that they squeezed to death in Legion. I simply can't bring myself to care about bald Satan or whatever the hell is going on in troonyflight, not to mention I was never a fan of M+ or the autistic community that has developed from there.

  111. 8 months ago

    They released the first expansion and ever patch afterwards was a step downhill. I never made it to the second expansion.

  112. 8 months ago

    My hatred of all things LGBT and leftism overpowered my addiction to WoW.

    It's that simple. They killed their eternal cash cow with the homosexualry. It started with BfA but you could only feel the rot truly in SL. Dragonflight is just full mask off. 11.0 will be more of the same, Chris Metzen won't change shit.

    • 8 months ago

      I agree with this to some degree. The new staff at Blizzard doesn't understand Warcraft's tone at all; or understands that what makes the universe interesting is that there is a diversity of cultures and ideologies. It's the inevitable conflict this causes that gave the universe depth, but now everyone in-game is lockstep with modern California leftism. It really ruins the rest of the game, no matter how mechanically sound it is.

  113. 8 months ago

    Tauren paladins was it for me.

  114. 8 months ago

    It never got a hold of me. I was and will always be more into Runescape.

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