How do I git gud at this?

How do I git gud at this? I played SMT Strange Journey before but having complete customization of my characters is much more overwhelming for me. I have no idea what skills are good or not but I feel like I have to commit to something in order to not get ass-blasted on B2F

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  1. 12 months ago

    You could just try multiple runs because you’re gonna have to die a lot anyway playing these games

  2. 12 months ago

    make sure you only go to floor 2 at night like the npcs tell you so you don't get raped by chickens

  3. 12 months ago

    >random battle
    >enemies 2shot your characters
    >run out of tp after 2 casts
    >waste money reviving
    At least you keep your 10 new wall lines on the map

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Enemies 2shot your character
      Use buffs and debuffs and hit weaknesses. Dont just mash attack.
      >run out of tp after 2 casts
      If a character is casting every turn they better be a class with high TP or some way to reduce costs. Or pick a cheaper skill to spam

    • 12 months ago

      That was my experience with trying 3 and then 5.

      I have gotten older and slightly less moronic so wondering if I should try 3 again...

      Then again, I could just get Dungeon Travelers 2 for the moe easier dungeon crawler..


  4. 12 months ago

    I've been thinking of playing one a etrian odyssey game. Which do you guys recommend?

    • 12 months ago

      4 is the easiest one.

      • 12 months ago

        okay so I keep seeing this as I'm playing through 4 (about half way through 6th stratum) and I'm curious. What makes 4 apparently much easier then the others?

        • 12 months ago

          Just generally easier enemies and more powerful player classes.

        • 12 months ago

          4 is easier but I wouldn't say "much" easier. You are still getting a real EO experience

        • 12 months ago

          Just generally easier enemies and more powerful player classes.

          Add that with skills having lower overall sp costs so you can play around with many skills even with the lower lvl caps for subclasses that are still somewhat viable for maingame due to how frontloaded everything is, and dungeons being smaller meaning there's less pressure on your tp pools.

        • 12 months ago

          I'd say the biggest thing is sort of a design shift in class design. 1 is on the basic side and isn't the hardest, but has some screwy and buggy aspects that can be tough to deal with. 2 is where they tried to experiment more with adding weird gimmicks to classes, with a lot of mixed results. 3 can be hilariously broken to bits, but finding out what is or isn't broken on a first playthrough isn't necessarily easy and skillsets can still feel sort of random. 4 is the first game where classes have more focused design and there's rarely these weird, random skills that feel pointless. I don't even mean as in terrible skills like bugged Loyalty, but stuff like a lot of Gladiator's club skills where they have some random chance to bind or inflict confusion, or Landsknecht's random ailment skills in the axe tree. Stuff that's rarely used or at best ends up as filler until you get that one skill you always use.

    • 12 months ago

      Any of the 3DS ones except Nexus are a good place to start. IV has really strong classes all around and enemies are a bit easier compared to the rest of the series so you can build a team that will most likely work in any situation. The Untold games are remakes of the first 2 games with a story mode added that give you a predetermined party if you aren't too comfortable with building your own team. V is the most modern Etrian in terms of design, it's character building has you choose a race for base stats and then a class, with you later unlocking 2 specializations of each base class to choose from. The only reason Nexus isn't a good starting point is because it's a game where the classes available are based on a popularity list instead of actual balancing, 90% of the labyrinths are from the older games, and it's too long for it's own good.
      If the 3DS entries aren't easy for you to get or you don't want to emulate them, out of the 3 remastered games either 1 or 3 would be the best. 1 is the first and gives you an idea of how the series started, while 3 is more in line with the future games in terms of game design. 2 is the one where there's a lot of baffling decisions (for example, FOEs, one of the main mechanics to the dungeons, don't give any xp so there's no reason to fight them) that I wouldn't recommend it unless you're already a fan of the series.

    • 12 months ago

      3HD is a good starting point

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


      That game manages to hit every single note for me. The most gallant and heroic OST, Faith is my pillar forces you to clap every single monster in your way until this informs you that (you) are the one getting clapped by the flowers and the moles.


  5. 12 months ago

    Here you go.

    All of the skill descriptions are there complete with how much they increase per level. I don't know if the HD version has some balancing though.

    • 12 months ago

      It does.

      • 12 months ago

        Apparently EO3 is the only one that didn't really receive any rebalancing at all - though it's also the one that needed it the least.

        • 12 months ago

          I thought the whole reason people would want to play the original 1/2 over the remakes is to play with the original game balance, what's the point if they change it?

          • 12 months ago

            None of the broken things that were broken in the player's favor were fixed, like Immunize in EO1. They just went and fixed a few skills that flat out didn't work properly and buffed a few others. Overall balance is roughly the same otherwise. Though apparently beasts in EO2 are still virtually worthless since they still use the target's defense when intercepting attacks, so it's not all improved either.

          • 12 months ago

            The remakes changed a lot more than just the balance, the also redid the labyrinth layouts and added new battle mechanics

        • 12 months ago

          >though it's also the one that needed it the least.
          lmao what

          • 12 months ago

            Yes, I'm playing the way god intended.

          • 12 months ago

            Considering the other games in the collection, I get it. EO1 has some pretty buggy stuff, EO2 is home to some of the absolute weakest classes in the series. Although none of them really got the help they needed.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean that's nice but it still gives me very little idea about which things will actually be useful to me and what order to prioritize them.

      I'm not looking for someone to just tell me the most efficient way but I guess I'm asking more like, how would I figure it out for myself? Just trial and error?

      • 12 months ago

        >Just trial and error?
        Yeah, that's what you'll be mostly doing with dungeon crawlers in general. Some games handhold you a bit form the beginning but EO games mostly let you figure things out on your own BY DYING

      • 12 months ago

        might as well follow a guide then if you arent willing to try things out. the game is vague on purpose so you can experiment. its an old school type of rpg, not much handholding. I learned the hard way not to level provoke skills first on a tank as they have no defense or stats to take the hits.

      • 12 months ago

        You just play the game. If you pick an incredibly weak team like 3 front line zodiacs and 2 farmers, it'll be obvious it's not gonna work when you step into the dungeon. If you pick a non minmaxed team, the worst that will happen is that you'll be forced out of the dungeon a bit more often, meaning you'll spend more time on each floor, and in doing so, end up with more exp + loot. So it automatically balances itself out. The skills don't tell you the numbers because it's unnecessary to know them to play and beat these games.

        • 12 months ago

          >the skills don't tell you the numbers because it's unnecessary to know them to play and beat the games
          While I agree with this, there's no point in not showing the numbers to a player since it's just skill data. It can also help a player decide on how they want to allocate their skill points so they avoid situations like II Roar.

          • 12 months ago

            holy shit that's moronic

          • 12 months ago

            In the modern games they're a lot better at trying to make every skill sort of viable too. Although it can throw you off when the shitty basic first attack skill is pretty good. I know that's a thing occasionally in EO1 but it's not common.

          • 12 months ago

            2 has lots of fricked up skills, though not quite that bad.
            hexer poison goes from 15% inflict at level 1 to 105% at level 10 though the curve isn't that extreme. Landsknecht has the skills that scale off how much health you have but both of them in optimal conditions are completely weaker than the generic cleaver and deathaxe skills you get.

          • 12 months ago

            Where do you get this data? the only wiki I know of died

            • 12 months ago

              That's from gamefaqs

      • 12 months ago

        I've played a few EO games and these are the things a character can specialize in:
        > Weapon damage: Cheap, reliable, big damage, usually goes last in the turn.
        > Elemental Damage: Usually from spells. Great for hitting weaknesses and dealing with armored enemies.
        > Status Ailments: They are extremely powerful in these games.
        > Bindings: Like status ailments but also block enemy special attacks.
        > Buffs and Debuffs (Necessary even for random encounters to avoid attrition)
        > Direct Healing
        > Slow Healing
        > Damage absorption: High armor, dodging, or nullifying skills.
        > Chase: Advanced. Big damage but requires someone else on the team to provide the triggering conditions.

        Pick five. Also you shouldn't take more than one summoning class (all Wildlings, most Ninjas, some Farmers) because you can only have one summon at a time. Farmer can make for an effective member of the core team by using the money they generate to heal with items, and the XP bonus to give everyone extra stats.

        If you want to be an ultra baby, what

        otherwise enjoy doing the shitty 50 fish quest to have enough exp to handle Narmer

        if you replace Princess with Monk is the most vanilla start you could pick.

        • 12 months ago

          I should mention that Bindings and Status Ailments synergize. Monsters gain a resistance after being affected once, but it's independent for binds and status ailments so you can stagger them.

        • 12 months ago

          >> Bindings: Like status ailments but also block enemy special attacks.
          Plus stat changes
          Head -30% accuracy
          Arm -30% damage
          Leg -30% evasion

          • 12 months ago

            I don't know in what game it started but head binds also increases TEC damage taken.

  6. 12 months ago

    I bought EO1 and refunded it after 10 minutes because it was boring

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        I bought EO1 and refunded it after 10 minutes because it was boring

        Good. The games are total dogshit

      • 12 months ago

        >Paying for still JPG character portraits

        • 12 months ago

          seethe and kys. Ur game is shit

  7. 12 months ago

    You break it. SQ makes its basic story bosses superboss tier for some reason although for 3 the third, fourth, and fifth (only Deep City, other two are fricking strong) are weak. You find what feels broken and abuse the frick out of it. Oh and Buccaneer suck until Stratum 3. You don't need a Monk for healing, Zodiacs and Gladiators are strong for earlygame. At least 1 Arbalist is mandatory for Stratum 1. Shinobi and Shogun are fricking broken. It is near impossible to kill a Yggdroid but it is also near impossible to fit them on your team. Hoplite are the only tank. Princess/Prince are invaluable
    Don't use Wildlings. Ever.

    • 12 months ago

      You also need to recruit 5 Farmers. They are worthless in a fight but you can keep one around for the passive that boosts EXP gain and they are really strong at getting you around Stratums

    • 12 months ago

      Terrible "advice". Never post again.

    • 12 months ago

      >You don't need a Monk for healing
      Not necessary? Certainly. A welcome addition especially for a first-timer? Absolutely.

  8. 12 months ago

    What party is everyone running for 3?

    • 12 months ago

      otherwise enjoy doing the shitty 50 fish quest to have enough exp to handle Narmer

    • 12 months ago

      Gladiator Sovereign
      Ninja Arbalist Zodiac

      Sovereign tank is fun! Just dont waste points on the ability that heals if they are at full health.

  9. 12 months ago

    you're supposed to play with the lparchive guides because the games don't tell you shit about your skills

  10. 12 months ago

    licky ricky

  11. 12 months ago

    EO5 has such a cool concept for a final superboss and yet the design is complete shit

  12. 12 months ago

    What do I do with shogun?

    • 12 months ago

      Retire someone into a shogun
      Sub buccaneer
      Grind shogun up quickly with sea quest exploits like king penguin or scylla
      Max out swashbuckling with 1 point in second sword
      Equip shogun with a gun in main hand and katana in off hand to use katana skills from the back line at full damage since skills calc off the first weapon
      Max out limit boost
      Max out 5-ring sword
      Equip limit gauge boosting weapons
      Be able to use a limit on your shogun every single turn, up to and including negating all incoming damage

      • 12 months ago

        >Grind shogun up quickly with sea quest exploits like king penguin or scylla
        Considering HD isn't a DS game I doubt you can manipulate battle seeds

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah except you can. The inner workings are all the same except in cases where values on skills changed, like Otori. Manips still work just fine if you close and launch the game fresh.

  13. 12 months ago

    >just unlocked ronin in EO1
    best way to level one?

    • 12 months ago

      have an allslash landshark and toss some salads.

      • 12 months ago

        I only have an axe land

  14. 12 months ago

    I got filtered by the 4th stratum and rage quit because I didn't want to change my party when it obviously wasn't working. I was using princess/shogun/monk/arbalist/buccaneer. I thought I could use the princess as my tank but it didn't work.

    • 12 months ago

      >Use princess as a tank
      >wow my party just isn't working
      >fricking buccaneer

      How did you even reach the penultimate with that party dude lol. Can't you just max volt / fire resistance on the Sov like a hoplite wall but worse?

      I love how III wants you to try out different classes and subclasses but the gruesome difficulty pretty much forces to not try out different classes.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh I just got there and it's pretty rough. I made it more manageable by going back and exploring the parts of the earlier stratums I hadn't been to and killing FOEs.

      >Use princess as a tank
      >wow my party just isn't working
      >fricking buccaneer

      How did you even reach the penultimate with that party dude lol. Can't you just max volt / fire resistance on the Sov like a hoplite wall but worse?

      I love how III wants you to try out different classes and subclasses but the gruesome difficulty pretty much forces to not try out different classes.

      Is Buccaneer not very good? I've been using one all game with a rapier and the headbind has been helpful and he never runs low on TP due to his class ability.

      • 12 months ago

        >Is Buccaneer not very good?

        It should be fine in your party considering every other DPS in your party is slower than your bucc. The Dragon requires some preparation , it binds your characters and then rapes you with a lightning attack, otherwise he just spams a really weak fire attack and sometimes a tail attack that binds you, he starts schizoing out at 20-40% and starts countering your attacks with binds.

        Unless i'm confusing the boss order i'm 300% you can kill the Dragon with your party if you reset your useless skills or level up. Go finish all your quests/sea quests (google it up)

        at least you didn't got filtered by the GateKeeper like that other guy lol

  15. 12 months ago

    I like the overworld in 4 and I'm tired of pretending just having a single 30f labyrinth is better

    • 12 months ago

      I thought exploring it was neat but finding the stairs to the next floor but not being able to easily explore it since the enemies are as strong as if you skipped a floor gets annoying. I feel like that kind of structure would work better in a game that wasn't as linear when it comes to power level.

      • 12 months ago

        4 is the easiest game to explore to the point it feel like you're cheating. all you have to do is get a ninja/farmer up to like level 30 and then you can use safe stroll and second crop for 1tp.

        • 12 months ago

          >55tp double crop reduced by ninja's class skill (-9tp) = 1tp

          • 12 months ago

            I guess I was remembering the game wrong but you only get 1 level of second crop because it only costs 10tp then.

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah, it does but that just gives you exactly one more gathering attempt per trip for that unit.

              • 12 months ago

                it's one more time every time you use the skill, which you can do as many times as you have tp.

              • 12 months ago

                Ah, right. But that just sounds so tedious.

  16. 12 months ago

    I dropped EO3 at the 3rd stratum. What a boring mess, just hallways>random encounters>hallways>damage tiles. Dungeon Crawlers are such an inherently boring genre.

    • 12 months ago

      Molten Caves is unironically the lowest point of the game, sadly.

      I like the overworld in 4 and I'm tired of pretending just having a single 30f labyrinth is better

      It added some variety in gameplay and more freedom than EO3's sea. It was comfy but the game has its own problems.

    • 12 months ago

      why would a man play a Dungeon Crawler if he doesn't like Crawling Dungeons?

      • 12 months ago

        Because crawling dungeons can be fun, it just wasn't fun in this game, more tedious than anything

        • 12 months ago

          EO and Wizardry are the only good dungeon crawling series.

          Only people with an extra chromosome are able to enjoy Ichi Software games and DT is just a masturbation game.

          • 12 months ago

            They should do a crossover

          • 12 months ago

            >dohna dohna looking colors on etrian chars

            Jesus christ Alicesoft. Combine the gameplay + the hentai and I'll take a trilogy please.

      • 12 months ago

        >the game is bad on purpose, therefore it's good

  17. 12 months ago

    So how important is it to have Gather/Chop/Mining skills early on?

    • 12 months ago

      Only on the gathering teams since you want your main team to actually survive.
      Important for EO1 since it's unrelenting, EO2 you can just poison-kill Chimaera constantly when he respawns, EO3 you can kind of get by with fishing on the sea but farming yields better results.
      4-5 made it easier with like 1sp cost to max out.

    • 12 months ago

      EO1 makes it very easy to grab 5 new hires, give them all 3 chop, and make money.
      EO2 makes it much harder especially since you have a chance to get ambushed and killed, while also making it give less money. Not as useful here.
      EO3 has combat study so you can level your farmers for free. Just check on them and put more point into combat study occasionally, then at level 5 you can rest for free and grab some gathering skills.
      In all of the games you'll want a proper gathering party eventually since in 1 and 3 its the best way to make money and in all the games it gives a bunch of unique drops you only get from gathering.

  18. 12 months ago

    Having the classic party composition of tank, healer, damage dealer helps a lot. Last two slots are up to you

  19. 12 months ago

    Trying to get into these games again after a few unsuccessful attempts and I think its starting to sink its claws into me. Running kind of a standard boring team of hoplite gladiator arbalist zodiac and monk but we're pushing through really well. Think I've only died maybe 9 times and just started the 4th floor. Slowly feel like I'm starting to "get it"

    • 12 months ago

      That's actually one of the safest and consistently strongest EO3 teams, so you chose well. The games are fairly hard for newbies if you deviate from the tank, healer, damage x2, support+maybe damage setup unless you really know what you're doing.

  20. 12 months ago

    I beat both Persona Q games, this can't be that much tougher.

    • 12 months ago


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