How do you feel about characters in battle wheelchairs?

How do you feel about characters in battle wheelchairs?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    I would be 100% on board with cripple in exoskeleton, like The Surge did
    Or even mechs, wheelchairs are so fricking lame man

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Fpbp. Its fiction after all. If exoskeletons were much cheaper and more advanced irl. Most disabled would ditch the wheel chair.

    • 2 months ago

      Even metal gear solid 5 made the scientist have a metal exoskeleton that also converted as a chair and that game is set in the past.

      • 2 months ago

        Then he got put in the cringe boat

      • 2 months ago

        he's also one of the most contentious and memorable characters from that era. SJW writers handling Huey would have made him boring and into some unquestionable good guy because of his disability rather than playing with his complex over it which is one of the things that makes him interesting as a character

        • 2 months ago

          I mainly remember him for the "it should be you on this cake snake" image.

        • 2 months ago

          >you're a liberal cuck
          >I'm based & redpilled

        • 2 months ago

          He is a fairly well written character. He is a huge piece of shit but he has flaws that explain his actions even if you cannot justify them. You are meant to hate him and when you see him being put in the boat you either feel pity for this little manipulative frick or you want Venom snake to strangle him in front of the troops.

          I love mgs5 even if the game shat itself at the end and is unfinished. The time you have to execute your crew because they are infected will stay with me for a long time.

          • 2 months ago

            it's ambiguous enough that i've seen it argued he truly was innocent in everything and he's just a fricking moron that Skull Face and Kaz used as a patsy. it's one thing i like about MGSV, most interpretations like that can be supported.

          • 2 months ago

            It's weird they broke his robot legchair and put him in the boat still wearing it instead of just taking it off.

    • 2 months ago

      >The Surge
      Kinda awesome that Warren made an appearance in 2, which means he wheeled himself out

    • 2 months ago

      This, and the cool thing is that this kind of tech isn't even too far in the realm of science fiction. We already have people with realistic, working Bionicle legs. If the game is set in fantasy, then just have them use some magic or something to float around.

    • 2 months ago

      The problem is that that isn't ""including"" the wheel-chair-morons and that is the only purpose for this shit.

  2. 2 months ago

    it's fricking dumb, not one with an uncurable issue want representation for it

    • 2 months ago

      idk there are some good doujins about blind girls

      • 2 months ago

        yeah I'm sure blind women feel super represented when they read them

        • 2 months ago

          you just reminded me about the music game for deaf people kek

        • 2 months ago

          maybe they can get their older brothers to read it to them for the fully immersive experience

    • 2 months ago

      There are some segments of disabled people who make it their whole personality and reject any effort to "fix" them. They're basically troons, but crippled.

      • 2 months ago

        >but crippled

  3. 2 months ago

    They're cool
    Also people fine with blind and deaf monks, samurai, warrior but not wheelchair? Duality!

    • 2 months ago

      >roll blind monk
      >get one of those sticks with a ball on the end that gives 600ft true sight, advantage on perception checks, unlimited detective magic and counts as a holy avenger for no reason, for free. It also teleports to your hand when you want it to.

    • 2 months ago

      Because blind warriors are badass.
      Wheelchair "warriors" are not.
      You have no womb.

      • 2 months ago

        Frick you.
        Professor X is based, and he was always better chairbound.

        • 2 months ago

          Charles isn't really a warrior though, he's more of a leader/intellectual? i think most of the issues with wheelchair characters in the modern age is people wanting to put so much focus on it but the second it comes to limitations they don't exist and the character is a wheelchair ninja which is moronic. Charles could frick you up with his mental powers but take those away and he's just a crippled man.

          • 2 months ago

            >with his mental powers but take those away
            Well, old X-Men cartoon had shown in the Savage Land, that removing powers restores Xavier's legs' functionality. To the point he can act like a soldier again.

            • 2 months ago

              yeah i remember in the movies too they did something with that where he took some drug that allowed him to walk but it suppressed his powers? so i'm not sure what the comic book lore is on that personally. but i was more speaking of a hypothetical where he lost his powers but still couldn't walk.

        • 2 months ago

          >watch any episode of the xmen
          >30 seconds into a fight someone knocks the hover chair over and charles is ejected at the speed of sound.

        • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      The fantasy of the blind monk is like Daredevil, they're somehow more perceptive than someone with 20/20 vision because of all their other senses being heightened.
      Someone rolling around in a wheel chair but still getting hard countered by a step is not cool or fun for anyone. Just like playing a blind monk that disabled your monitor so you literally couldnt see shit would also not be fun.

      Why the frick would someone who cant walk and has to wheel themselves around all day also want to be constrained to that in a video game? Do you think paraplegics wouldn't want a badass exo skeleton or magical spell to move their legs instead?

      • 2 months ago

        The wheelchair represents their identity (homosexualry) and fetidh. No wheelchair means no homosexualry or fetish for them.

        Look at Hades 2 instead of making Hephaestus a buff guy with prosthetics, he's a fatfrick on a wheelchair.

        • 2 months ago

          Hephaestus being in a wheelchair is a reference to a specific urn depiction of him. Also buff? The real complaint should be that he's not ugly and disfigured. For being such a shit series at least GOW3 got that right and made his face gruesome.

          • 2 months ago

            The wheelchair represents their identity (homosexualry) and fetidh. No wheelchair means no homosexualry or fetish for them.

            Look at Hades 2 instead of making Hephaestus a buff guy with prosthetics, he's a fatfrick on a wheelchair.

            Hepheastus had club feet didnt he? I think thats why
            His feet were fricked up so he couldnt walk too well which led to his legs being a bit fricked up
            But dude should still be buff and shredded from the waist up given he's the good of metal working

            • 2 months ago

              Actually in lore hephastus just had a fricked up face from beatings
              He had no trouble walking or doing anything else
              He was just ugly

              Zeus killed all physically maimed children he had

              • 2 months ago

                I thought there were vase paintings of him with backwards ass feet
                But that was 6th centure and before, not after

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                We know what they say about guys with big feet. What does it mean if they're backwards feet?

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                Ya he made a chariot for his horse automation to take him around
                The myth with it was "to emulate and surpass heliods chariot"

              • 2 months ago

                >that cheeky look on his face
                What does he know?

              • 2 months ago

                He was building it to surpass heliopolis
                So mostly that int beats cha

              • 2 months ago

                he knew about the cripple meta way in advance

              • 2 months ago

                see, that's better

              • 2 months ago

                why does this make me think more of segways than wheelchairs kek

              • 2 months ago

                No the paintings didn't have that detail
                Only the later writings described him as "halting"
                Mostly they described him as Disfigured man with a vigorous body, wearing a chiton and handling forge equipment

            • 2 months ago

              One could argue he was made portly to meet the image of the chubby village blacksmith. Think Griswold from Diablo or something. Kinda like how the stereotypical tavernkeeper is fat and jolly and redfaced.

              But in Hades 2 it's so blatantly obvious Heph was designed by someone with a bara fetish.

        • 2 months ago

          It literally is starting to feel more like kink and fetish shit masquerading behind the guise of being "woke" and "representation" isnt it

          Like I am running out of legitimate reasons to doubt that it isnt just the degen devs trying to shove their fetishes into the game and needed a good excuse to do so

          • 2 months ago

            it's not the wheelchair itself that's the fetish, the fetish is that they're imposing themselves on you and your culture and forcing you to play their game. it's a power thing. it's why so many sociopaths LOVE the pronoun stuff and will intentionally make it as confusing as possible so they have an excuse to go after you. it's a power flex.

            • 2 months ago

              That also makes sense and once again it all comes full circle back to "Everything is about power". Its all monkeys trying to impose their power on others to carve out just a slightly bigger social status claim

      • 2 months ago

        malignant narcists that make some physical aspect of themselves their entire personality because they aren't interesting people love this shit about "being seen". turns out there are plenty of boring c**ts like this that can't walk as well so they want their wheelchair to be their whole identity and their shield.

        i started encountering this kind of thing years ago when i began noticing people referring to themselves as Disabled (yes, with a capital D, the way libshits will capitalize black when referring to nogs) which is probably the best argument i have ever seen for eugenics

        • 2 months ago

          >the best argument i have ever seen for eugenics
          Interesting, why do you think you should be castrated anon?

      • 2 months ago

        Sora from Air Gear "fought" on a wheel chair but it remained badass so in part it's bad execution.

        • 2 months ago

          at least when Japan does it, it's probably because someone had a cool idea, it's not a bunch of fat liberals tweeting to each other about how they're gonna "own da chudzzz" by making a Daredevil reboot where Elektra is a fat black woman with crutches

        • 2 months ago

          Wheelchairs can look as cool as smoking, but only in manga.

        • 2 months ago

          Come on, sora actually used mechanical legs while sitting on that wheelchair.
          If you want to make example with manga.
          Use tank chair.
          It's literally a murder autist with an ironman wheelchair.

        • 2 months ago

          at least when Japan does it, it's probably because someone had a cool idea, it's not a bunch of fat liberals tweeting to each other about how they're gonna "own da chudzzz" by making a Daredevil reboot where Elektra is a fat black woman with crutches

          Wheelchairs can look as cool as smoking, but only in manga.

          Like, look at this autist.

          • 2 months ago

            Translation nevera

      • 2 months ago

        what if we put rocket boosters on it, and let it drift?

    • 2 months ago

      >blind monk = overcomes his issues with determination and honing his skills with other senses DESPITE being blind
      >wheelchair dude = disabled American with guns

      The problem isn’t the wheelchair, is that he cannot overcome that issue despite being in fiction. If he is just a shitty character that exists just to be a cripple then we have nothing to root for.

      Even someone like Raubhan from FF14 fights without 1 arm and he is badass despite being a cripple.

      Want a good example of wheelchair in fiction? Professor X. He’s a genius and keeps the mutants in check despite being a cripple.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh I like your FF14 example because some guy does get put in a wheelchair. He ends up doing fricking nothing.

  4. 2 months ago

    Absolutely stupid, unless it's some sort of Professor X type character.

  5. 2 months ago

    Very little reason for them to exist. If the character is irreversibly crippled despite the magic/technology of the setting and still wants to be a combatant, a wheelchair is a terrible choice of vehicle. The operator is left completely exposed in OPs image, it has low ground clearance, and no clear means of operation/locomotion. Give them a mech suit, tank or fighter jet.

    • 2 months ago

      literally just strap an invalid to a big menacing ogre's back and you have better traversal + an iconic duo

      this and wheelchairs never ever have worlds that are built around them so it looks even more out of place hmmmmm lets say in fantasy where most roads are shit and there is plenty grasslands/forests

      • 2 months ago

        >literally just strap an invalid to a big menacing ogre's back and you have better traversal + an iconic duo
        A gung-ho adventurous mage travelling on the back of a skittish orc sounds fun and would actually make for an interesting disabled character, not this bullshit

        My rogue does this shit just fine 🙂

  6. 2 months ago

    this guy gets an exception, otherwise it's dumb

    • 2 months ago

      Because for Bentley he had an entire character arc out of it. Also his wheelchair wasn't Uber-OP, it was still Bentley's character that was so great and special.

      How do you feel about characters in battle wheelchairs?

      I don't know who started this dumb trend of shoving oddly-advanced-yet-still-straightforward wheelchairs (the absolute lamest way to overcome this disability in a fantasy setting) in their P&P sessions but it felt so sudden and forced. Can't help but feel like it was just an easy win for activists and it's a new thing to sell to D&Dtards. And now people get brownie points when someone inventively brings up how difficult it would be to actually fight in a wheelchair and they get to "clap back" with
      >it's not a disability, it's a different ability

  7. 2 months ago

    Why are people with down syndrome not represented in video games? I don't think I've seen any yet, aren't they a neglected minority?

    • 2 months ago

      nha it's (you), the player

    • 2 months ago

      again, it's already been done

      • 2 months ago

        THE MURRAY HATES Black folk

    • 2 months ago

      Stardew valley had an entire cast of Down syndrome characters

    • 2 months ago

      >Why are people with down syndrome not represented in video games?

      Because they haven't made a game about you yet.

    • 2 months ago

      They are the wrong kind of minority, with the wrong kind of disability, in the leftists mind, those are just runaway abortions.

    • 2 months ago

      Downies don't use social media so lefties can't harvest updoots from them

    • 2 months ago

      >Why are people with down syndrome not represented in video games?
      Bro, that's like every JRPG

  8. 2 months ago
  9. 2 months ago

    what is up with that moronic ass handcannon design?

  10. 2 months ago

    >take combat wheelchair bc I'm a power gamer
    >wheelchair is indestructible and impervious to harm to prevent chuddettes from bullying me as I power game
    >get out of wheelchair in the only doorway into the mcguffin
    >planeswalk to hentailamd leaving the wheelchair blocking the only way to get the mcguffin

  11. 2 months ago

    >blocks your path

    • 2 months ago

      You wish, those things have unlimited flight.

  12. 2 months ago

    >gay in my D&D group demands to play as a fricking cripple
    >Humor him
    >You are in a dungeon, in order to proceed, you must complete your individual tasks which the ghost of the dungeon has given you. You each have to enter into a different area of the dungeon
    >Weelchair gay rolls to his part of the dungeon
    >There are stairs leading upwards, what do you do?
    >I cast levitation
    >Do I need to remind you that the dungeon is cursed and the curse causes all magic to not work
    >Make him get out of his wheelchair and pathetically climb up the stairs
    >A gargoyle comes to life and attacks you
    >give him massive penalties for every one of his actions since he's flailing around on the ground like the spastic cripple that he is
    >He gets mad and leaves
    >Cries "I won't play with you anymore, you fricking butthole"
    >Once he's gone, the remaining players all thank me
    Good riddance.

    • 2 months ago

      The whole room clapped!

    • 2 months ago

      >make shit up
      >its not even funny

    • 2 months ago

      Are you the GM that made a troony constantly roll Will saves to not kill himself?

      • 2 months ago

        holy shit lmao. im gonna need more info on this one anon

    • 2 months ago

      >gay want to play cripple
      >"only at the condition you help me homebrew some GRUPS rules into DnD"
      >never got bothered again

    • 2 months ago

      these people have no awareness.

      >play dnd
      >your character will face individual challenges
      >character is expected to fail sometimes, preserve
      >character placed in a trial
      > "This is too hard and mean Mr DM. You are supposed to take it easier on me because I'm disabled :("

      • 2 months ago

        >intentionally punish someone for playing a character you told them they could play
        >do it maliciously and not for character drama
        >the immature person here was the player
        Lmaoing at your life

        • 2 months ago

          While the story is bullshit, it could have been played just fine, if the player is wasting a spell on levitate to traverse normal obstacles, they're going to find themselves behind, which is an actual downside, hell you could put enough obstacles that he's out by the time he turns back and has to traverse them through mundane means.

        • 2 months ago

          DnD is collaborative story telling at its core.

          Wheelie demanded the DM tell a story according to his wants.

          The DM told his story, and the player didn't like it. Simple as.

          >want to play a character with arachnophobia, for character flavor
          >placed in a chamber filled with spiders
          >fail to roll nat 20's to will save
          >throw a hissy fit because "flavor" got in the way of my hero story

          • 2 months ago

            putting someone in an unwinnable situation is not good storytelling in an interactive medium

            • 2 months ago

              They put themselves there, they could have checked for gargoyles, cast detect monster, gone back to get help or anything other than flopping down onto the ground in a dungeon.

              • 2 months ago

                >they put themselves there
                no, dm put them there
                >checked for gargoyles
                i guess?
                >detect magic
                no magic allowed
                >gone back
                individual tasks

                RPG's do this constantly.
                Hero's falling to their lowest point is central to almost every hero story.

                What GOOD stories have heroes never failing, and always persevering.

                EVEN Superman has horrific shit happening to him.

                falling to the lowest point=/=getting killed by a random monster

                this is one of those cases where gameplay and narrative are at odds
                I don't do tabletop but I don't think success is guaranteed every time

                success isnt guaranteed but dms dont actively try to create scenarios that are unwinnable specifically for your character

                the frick is this stupid statement
                it is perfectly normal to run into enemies in RPG that you cannot kill in your/their current state and you need to come up with a plan quick.
                *HE* chose to be a cripple, and this means that a lot of combat encounters are pretty much unwinnable in direct confrontation
                *HE* wanted to play a character who had to overcome great challenges, but when those great challenges arrived, he bailed

                >you need to come up with a plan quick.
                such as? monster spawned on top of them, dm came up with 'massive penalties' and the player cannot cast magic
                >*HE* chose to be a cripple, and this means that a lot of combat encounters are pretty much unwinnable in direct confrontation
                the combat encounters that were created after player made the character and the player was ready to bypass movement issues via levitation anyway
                >*HE* wanted to play a character who had to overcome great challenges, but when those great challenges arrived, he bailed
                because the character was intentionally given unbeatable challenges

              • 2 months ago

                In a world where resurrection is a literal spell and not super rare thing (depending on dm), death is absolutely a low point. Could use that as a launching off point to embark on a quest to restore his legs, to exact vengeance on the big bad who did this to him, to make the world a better place for people who suffer like him, etc

              • 2 months ago

                yeah but the story would never be about how losing his legs was a bad thing because it's supposed to be a power fantasy thing, regardless of what the actual tone of the game is, they HAVE to be able to zoom around and do wheelchair ninja stuff or you're being ableist and discriminating against them!!!!

              • 2 months ago

                >you think you got the best of me with stairs?
                >heh, nothing personal kid
                >starts using the square room like a skateboard loop de loop
                >gain enough speed to use the first step like a ramp
                >use incredible speed to decapitate the gargoyle on the way up


                >warrior gets to swing his axe 3 times
                >cleric gets to cast 2 spells

                god I hate pick me power fantasy homosexuals

              • 2 months ago

                actually the idea of like some regular crippled guy that might be more bookish that ends up with a magic ninja wheelchair (that's possibly sentient?) would be really funny. all he wants to do his read his books and his wheelchair has the personality of Dante.

              • 2 months ago

                New character: warforged wheelchair

              • 2 months ago

                >good dms dont actively try to create scenarios that are unwinnable specifically for your character
                Without knowing exactly how the scenario played out, all we can do is shit and piss.
                If the DM did that just to frick with the player? Foul play. But I think a situation like that can be cool if it's supposed to play into character development, or if at least the party can help out.

            • 2 months ago

              RPG's do this constantly.
              Hero's falling to their lowest point is central to almost every hero story.

              What GOOD stories have heroes never failing, and always persevering.

              EVEN Superman has horrific shit happening to him.

            • 2 months ago

              this is one of those cases where gameplay and narrative are at odds
              I don't do tabletop but I don't think success is guaranteed every time

              • 2 months ago

                Only if you have to roll for it. That original post reads as failure guaranteed nearly every time because the guy running the game decided to put him in that situation.

                the frick is this stupid statement
                it is perfectly normal to run into enemies in RPG that you cannot kill in your/their current state and you need to come up with a plan quick.
                *HE* chose to be a cripple, and this means that a lot of combat encounters are pretty much unwinnable in direct confrontation
                *HE* wanted to play a character who had to overcome great challenges, but when those great challenges arrived, he bailed

                >the player chose it all!
                Not so fast, fartsniffer. The DM chose to put the player in an unwinnable encounter that the player would obviously not enjoy to get back at him for nagging him to play a wheelchair guy. As the DM, either have a pair of balls and outright deny him as the guy running the game or accept that one of the players is running a character who has XYZ capabilities, and if you don't put him in a situation that is interesting and engaging then you're a bad DM for willingly running a game with this factor and being unable or unwilling to think critically to come up with something interesting.
                For the player's part, if there was another way offered and he did not think critically himself to approach the situation in a novel way that played to his strengths then he was being a bad player. The guy telling the story probably would have included that detail to further shit on the guy though, so it obviously did not happen.
                Not that guy btw but your post was really fricking stupid so I'm shoving my dick into the reply chain.

              • 2 months ago

                >they put themselves there
                no, dm put them there
                >checked for gargoyles
                i guess?
                >detect magic
                no magic allowed
                >gone back
                individual tasks
                falling to the lowest point=/=getting killed by a random monster
                success isnt guaranteed but dms dont actively try to create scenarios that are unwinnable specifically for your character
                >you need to come up with a plan quick.
                such as? monster spawned on top of them, dm came up with 'massive penalties' and the player cannot cast magic
                >*HE* chose to be a cripple, and this means that a lot of combat encounters are pretty much unwinnable in direct confrontation
                the combat encounters that were created after player made the character and the player was ready to bypass movement issues via levitation anyway
                >*HE* wanted to play a character who had to overcome great challenges, but when those great challenges arrived, he bailed
                because the character was intentionally given unbeatable challenges

                >The DM chose to put the player in an unwinnable encounter
                exactly. and what did he do? he didn't come up with any plan to outwit the GM. he failed at the challenge he set for himself at the very first encounter.
                >bad DM for willingly running a game with this factor and being unable or unwilling to think critically to come up with something interesting
                No, the GM plans a lot of his encounter and campaign beforehand. The group actually has the challenge to create a party that is able to take on the challenges. If *YOU*, the player, chooses to play a moronic cripple who painfully crawls up some dungeon stairs for a puzzle, then gets surprised by an encounter, then *YOU*, the player, have to come up with a plan to solve this challenge.
                The encounter might be unwinnable by brute force, but in any RPG, there are always a million different ways to come by. If *YOU*, the cripple player, is unable to find a way, then I'm sorry but I have to tell you this: TTRPGs are not for you.

              • 2 months ago

                how are you supposed to 'outwit' the gm in a situation where you are forced to proceed alone but cannot cast spells and get massive penalties to all rolls

              • 2 months ago

                there's this secret technique called approaching the table without being a huge annoying homosexual

              • 2 months ago

                you outwit a GM by coming up with a plan that surprises him. have you ever played TTRPGs before?
                >b-b-but what can I do???
                you chose to play a cripple. it's up to you how you solve this puzzle.
                >b-b-but I cannot w-win
                not in direct combat, no. come up with a better plan or you are dead.
                >b-b-but we are playing combat heavy RPG here an-
                why the frick did you create a character that is unable to fight for a combat heavy RPG?
                I wish to conclude: There is a reason why people like you are not playing TTRPGs, and I think you are close to realize what it is.

              • 2 months ago

                i dont think you have ever actually played a ttrpg

              • 2 months ago

                I play every weeks, for nearly 2 decades. I have played with people who create blind characters on a regular basis, or moronic shit like brawler pixies, and not a single one of them ever complained about encounters being "too hard" for their moron cripple characters. they always find a way and pull through.
                go frick yourself, cripple moron. if coming up with other plans than "my moronic cripple character crawls around on the floor, then dies" is too hard for you, don't play. you are not appreciated.

                >No, the GM plans a lot of his encounter and campaign beforehand.
                You are wrong and do not play tabletop if you just assume this. That is not necessarily true in regards to this encounter, or even in regards to most of anon's campaign. The level of prep for any one part or larger brush stroke of a region or section of his game is not guaranteed and will depend on his style and honestly, the amount of time he had before that particular session. The guy didn't even mention that it was a campaign, just that this was his DnD group, so this all could just be a one-shot and not tied to larger events or places in his setting where consistency matters more.
                Some DMs plan out every single detail meticulously and have a very finely-crafted sandbox that quickly falls apart when players do or try something that throws them for a loop. Others have a general idea and statblocks ready and keep things more open for improvisation, which leads to descriptions and detail that may not be as finely honed, but in terms of experience allows the players more freedom to try stranger and more unorthodox tactics without worrying that they will be throwing the DM for a loop and ruining their flow.
                All of that is to say that if the DM allows a player to use a particular character then if they DO prep anything, it will be with that character in mind, and if they DON'T prep something beforehand, they will be improvising with that character in mind. The long and short of it is that the GM and that player clearly didn't like each other, the DM was a pussy and wouldn't just give a hard no, he decided to passive-aggressively get back at the player by putting him in a patently unfun scenario, and the guy left because he wasn't enjoying himself anymore. Maybe the player deserved it because he was a douche but the DM was being a gay as well.

                >You are wrong
                alright, lets see why
                >Some DMs plan out every single detail meticulously and have a very finely-crafted sandbox that quickly falls apart when players do or try something that throws them for a loop.
                no, you are wrong. "magic is not allowed in that part of the dungeon, and at the puzzle, there are stone gargoyles who come to life" is not some meticulously crafted detail to offend the moronic cripple player.
                >the guy left because he wasn't enjoying himself anymore
                good. if you don't enjoy yourself because you actually have to roleplay as the moron cripple that you created, then you shouldn't be part of the group in the first place. stay away, and never come back.

              • 2 months ago

                >no, you are wrong.
                Anon your reading comprehension is not very good. I brought up the two examples of different DM styles to illustrate my point that it is incorrect to just assume that DMs in general and that anon in particular plan out much of their encounter and campaign before any one session. My talking about how some DMs meticulously craft sandboxes was not specifically in reference to the original example, but again to illustrate that just assuming prep work is wrong and outs you as someone who doesn't actually play or only assumes one way to run games is the "default" way.
                If you actually played as often as you say then it would be obvious to you that making an assumption for how much original anon had planned would be stupid with the information given, so you're lying or moronic. Because you can't understand basic english, my current guess is the second one.

              • 2 months ago

                anon, your examples are detached from reality and fail to illustrate any point besides
                >you see, I don't believe in planning encounters, and I ridicule anyone who does by claiming he plans every single detail out only to watch his constructions fall apart
                I actually played more often than you are willing to believe, and planning simple shit like "no magic in this part, encounters of this kind at this part" is so far detached from actually planning every detail of a campaign, that it makes me wonder how you managed to solve any encounter without immediately crying and harassing the GM.

                yes yes youre a hardcore epic veteran dm and fail to see whats wrong with a situation where a player loses 80% of their options and the remaining 20% are nearly useless and require a lot of consistently high rolls to not die
                thats cool but you cannot really do shit to a gargoyle in a nonmagic dungeon without having magic weapons on you (which a caster most likely doesnt have if its a very early (like lvl3) dungeon
                your other theoretical sources of dmg are some no damage dogshit like alchemists fire
                so the players only real option was running away after seeing a statue with the assumption that its a gargoyle (in a no-magic dungeon)

                >a player loses 80% of their options
                the player gave up 80% of his options at the start of the campaign, *and* when he decided to leave his wheelchair to cripple up a flight of stairs, and then he actually, unironically tried to fight a fricking gargoyle while flying on the floor like a moron
                this player has done EVERYTHING wrong you can do wrong in this scene:
                >enters an area that disabled your skills
                >leaves the only thing that lets you move behind
                >gets surprised by an encounter while being unable to move and unable to use his skills
                >decides to fight it
                I'm gonna repeat this for you: if you play TTRPGs like this and then complain about the GM being unfair to you, TTRPGs are not for you. I don't know what you expect or want out of a roleplaying game, but if just want to play a moron cripple who dies at his first encounter and then complain about it, in all seriously, frick off. nobody wants or needs you.

              • 2 months ago

                >the player gave up 80% of his options at the start of the campaign
                how? the player literally tried to cover theirs weaknesses with specific spells that got disabled to prove some imaginary point
                >decided to leave his wheelchair to cripple up a flight of stairs
                because its literall ythe only way to progress
                >unironically tried to fight a fricking gargoyle while flying on the floor like a moron
                what was he supposed to do? try escaping a gargoyle that has 4x his speed?
                the players most reasonable option was praying that the dm isnt a drooling moron that hates his players

                have you considered that the DM and the group prefer challenging and grounded campaigns?

                why are you coming at this from the perspective that the guy choosing to play as a cripple deserves special treatment? are you a cripple yourself or something?

                being put in a situation that removes almost all of your options is actually special treatment
                and making a campaign grounded and challenging by limiting your options and making encounters more rng dependent is the most moronic thing you can do

              • 2 months ago

                I don't know if you're just incredibly dishonest or you have dementia, because you talked about story-anon planning out his encounters and campaigns here

                >The DM chose to put the player in an unwinnable encounter
                exactly. and what did he do? he didn't come up with any plan to outwit the GM. he failed at the challenge he set for himself at the very first encounter.
                >bad DM for willingly running a game with this factor and being unable or unwilling to think critically to come up with something interesting
                No, the GM plans a lot of his encounter and campaign beforehand. The group actually has the challenge to create a party that is able to take on the challenges. If *YOU*, the player, chooses to play a moronic cripple who painfully crawls up some dungeon stairs for a puzzle, then gets surprised by an encounter, then *YOU*, the player, have to come up with a plan to solve this challenge.
                The encounter might be unwinnable by brute force, but in any RPG, there are always a million different ways to come by. If *YOU*, the cripple player, is unable to find a way, then I'm sorry but I have to tell you this: TTRPGs are not for you.

                as a rebuttal to my point about him being a bad GM for knowing a player rolled a certain character and bring unable or unwilling to think critically to come up with an interesting challenge that actually plays off the character having XYZ abilities and limitations.
                Your counter to that was that the GM plans out a lot of his encounter and campaign beforehand. So when I correctly respond that you don't know how much story-anon planned out his encounter, and you tell me that such things are trivial and don't need to be planned, I have to think either you have dementia or you think that I do.
                Either the GM had to plan out his encounters and campaign so it's permissible that the situation that arose was uninteresting and unfun, or it is trivial to alter such things(which it is) and story-anon was just being a shitty GM to spite a player he didn't like. But if you're going to pretend that your own reasoning that the GM must plan out such encounters is now moronic when you see the logical conclusions, all I will say is concession accepted, I'm happy you reasoned yourself that your argument was moronic.

                You say I didn't do all of them at once
                But that's because I had 6 players, 3 doing 1 thing 2 doing another, the barb being the terrible face that gets the party into trouble
                The cleric having to go haggle for scrolls of revive while we played out the wizard being murdered in a coliseum
                The lich splitting the party up In a.mssive Dungeon designed to frick each character over

                So you admit that it's fricking stupid to say "well I've seen all of these elements separately and you can make an interesting situation out of them individually, so of course the same will apply when all of these constraints are mashed together to the point of the player being unable to move or roll or defend himself while he's all alone."
                Concession accepted here as well.
                Have a nice day, moron.

              • 2 months ago

                Each scenario IS the mashed up scenario
                The other players were doing other things and the player was alone
                The player had no real strengths to use, and had major problems (which litterally killed the wizard in one of them)
                And they had no way to make it better but to play through it, he'll or high water

                You seem to not be able to read

              • 2 months ago

                no whenever the DM saw the guy was playing a wheelchair character he was supposed to drop any pretense of a hard adventure and instead make a fun padded bouncy castle for wheelchair guy to feel awesome in, anything less is being a shitty GM

              • 2 months ago

                >Each scenario IS the mashed up scenario
                Clearly not to one individual character, which is what we were talking about in regards to story-anon's player, because different bad things with separate constraints were happening to different party members, and not all to one individual at the same time. Can you read your own posts, or keep your stories straight?

              • 2 months ago

                Please tell me what was missing from each
                As, it seems that I can't read what I write

                I will wait.

              • 2 months ago

                The fact that every single constraint was levied onto a single character simultaneously, which goes from being 3 interesting scenarios happening to a part of collaborating players who can play off each others strengths, to a painfully uninteresting scenario where every constraint is levied on a single character in an effort to just kill him. I said this like 3 times anon, you're blindingly stupid.

                A wizard that moves half speed from armour penalties, can't use magic, is not proficient in gladiator weapons and gets killed
                Seems like this is exactly what happened to wheelchair man

                If you were a better GM than story-anon(I hope you are because that's a low bar) then I'd hope you gave wizard some opportunity to fish for an out or interact meaningfully with the barbarian to possibly eke out an advantage in the situation. Did your player do nothing to improve their situation at all? Because I have to assume your gladiator arena structure is more interesting than "this is a cave with one staircase and there's a gargoyle at the top" and there was something that could be leveraged with proper planning.

              • 2 months ago

                To spell it out each one was a different session
                Each scenario was the Fricked character having to play fricked

                5 players are doing things : last player is
                In session 1 : the barb who has to navigate through nobles and not speak out and kill someone
                Session 2: the wizard owes money and ends up having to fight in a coliseum under the coliseum rules and gets killed ; in the background the cleric role plays haggling for resurrection scrolls because we all saw it coming
                Session 3 : a lich fricks the entire party over, splits them all up and forces them to deal with the worst scenarios for each

                The players had to figure out how to play through these
                Even if that meant dying

              • 2 months ago

                Okay so thanks the wizard scenario actually had a lot going on, with different options prior to and time to prep for such a thing, and the wizard had an actual out going into the whole thing of getting rez'd anway. So it's not like the story-anon example at all, why didn't you jsut say "I'm a massive moron" from the start so we could have an understanding?

                As the second person you responded to
                I was just pointing out that the scenario The person you keep trying to say is stupid and can't read IS the exact same as the given scenario for the wheelchair
                This was to imply that you appear to have problems reading and are possibly projecting

                Almost had a point until anon undermined you by revealing that there was a lot of context and buildup to the situation that involved a lot of player choice and agency, and the wizard went into the situation with a plan to get rez'd anyway. So it's not exactly the same as the wheelchair scenario with no buildup and a GM with a hate-boner for a player that he didn't like and no established outs or way for ressurection described.
                How about you project your fingers into a woodchipper before you type another post that stupid?

              • 2 months ago

                the wizard went into combat assuming he could get through it
                He couldn't

                You are just a massive moron aren't you?

              • 2 months ago

                >the wizard went into combat assuming he could get through it
                >He couldn't

              • 2 months ago

                It's almost like you can't read
                Define background _ hint it's simultaneously
                Guess which players saw it coming: not the wizard

              • 2 months ago

                you are LITERALLY moronic, huh?
                it literally doesn't fricking matter if one player didn't see it coming if everyone else knew and prepared for the fight's outcome AT THE SAME TIME AS THE FIGHT WAS HAPPENING
                it's not in ANY way comparable to a surprise dungeon designed to make you useless and die

                It's funny how illiterate you are

                have a nice day

              • 2 months ago

                It does when the one player was the one that got fricked
                Kinda like how the wheelchair user got fricked

              • 2 months ago

                no, it does not because other players know what's going to happen and are effectively going to continue that plot point which results in different players playing different roles in the same scenario
                on top of that your wizard was actually aware of what can happen lol
                how is that in any way similiar to a disjointed surprise murder where other players are performing tasks completely unrelated to your death?

                No thanks
                I like dunking on morons like you too much

                Jesus the amount of cope is heavenly
                Just admit you fricked up and move on everyone disagrees with


              • 2 months ago

                Oh man like all the other players did in the wheelchair scenario?
                Where they did the trials and completed the Dungeon

                Almost like if the wheelchair man stayed he might have had a way to be brought back or something but this was just a setback?

                But no he birthed and moaned and left

              • 2 months ago

                trails that were completely unrelated to his death but its not like they couldve done anything anyway lol
                why would you keep playing with a malicious dm

              • 2 months ago

                Because I can play games and have fun?
                The dm wasn't the problem hear, it was the player

              • 2 months ago

                well the problem is that he couldnt play games because the dm prevented him from doing anything LOL

              • 2 months ago

                Huh, that's not how it seemed
                It seemed that the dm gave him a challenge
                And he decided to leave when he failed

                Only person stopping him was himself

              • 2 months ago

                the challenge in question boiled down to rolling 14 nat20s in a row and hoping that the gargoyle rolls below 9 on 20 of their 28 rolls

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                Dig deeper, it's really helping you get people on your side

                O wait

              • 2 months ago

                Friend, I say this in the most respect.
                You have no idea what you are saying and are just doubling down. Just stop

              • 2 months ago

                We only heard about wheelchair man's trial
                We have no idea if this was a surprise dungeon or what anyone else was doing

              • 2 months ago

                No thanks
                I like dunking on morons like you too much

              • 2 months ago

                Jesus the amount of cope is heavenly
                Just admit you fricked up and move on everyone disagrees with

              • 2 months ago

                It's so funny to see how much moronation you bring

                Just move on, no one agrees with you

              • 2 months ago

                It's funny how illiterate you are

              • 2 months ago

                Holy shit the cope on this moron
                Go jerk off somewhere else, hughschool dropout

              • 2 months ago

                Jesue you can't read at all and just vomit shit you made up in your head all day don't you
                Get out before your bull finds out you were online again

                Keep crying, taint-lickers. Seeing your malding brings me joy

                the wizard went into combat assuming he could get through it
                He couldn't

                You are just a massive moron aren't you?

                Yeah that's not anything like the situation described by story-anon. It sounds like you let players interact meaningfully and ultimately have agency and outs in an otherwise tough situation. You also respected the players enough to make such interesting decisions that amounted to more than "you have to go to the anti-magic staircase and climb, now there's a gargoyle you have penalties lol."
                If you can't see the difference between your situation and the story in the thread then you're even dumber than you type. And you type like some who is not very smart.

              • 2 months ago

                Look at this person cry out
                How fricking stupid are you
                Single digit or double digit iq?

              • 2 months ago

                Confirmed angry taint-licker. Are you mad I outed you for where you place your fetid tongue?

                Oh man like all the other players did in the wheelchair scenario?
                Where they did the trials and completed the Dungeon

                Almost like if the wheelchair man stayed he might have had a way to be brought back or something but this was just a setback?

                But no he birthed and moaned and left

                >yeah he was gonna get rez'd for sure! They totally were gonna bring him back
                Where did you read that? From anon's telling of the story, he said everyone was happy and thanking him and offering him blowjobs for making the player quit. Lying b***h.

              • 2 months ago

                Single digit then

              • 2 months ago

                Stay mad, concession accepted

                no, it does not because other players know what's going to happen and are effectively going to continue that plot point which results in different players playing different roles in the same scenario
                on top of that your wizard was actually aware of what can happen lol
                how is that in any way similiar to a disjointed surprise murder where other players are performing tasks completely unrelated to your death?

                The only other person in this thread with a fricking brain, and they rage against you as well.

                Same place you read about the other trials and players

                Where are you reading here

                >gay in my D&D group demands to play as a fricking cripple
                >Humor him
                >You are in a dungeon, in order to proceed, you must complete your individual tasks which the ghost of the dungeon has given you. You each have to enter into a different area of the dungeon
                >Weelchair gay rolls to his part of the dungeon
                >There are stairs leading upwards, what do you do?
                >I cast levitation
                >Do I need to remind you that the dungeon is cursed and the curse causes all magic to not work
                >Make him get out of his wheelchair and pathetically climb up the stairs
                >A gargoyle comes to life and attacks you
                >give him massive penalties for every one of his actions since he's flailing around on the ground like the spastic cripple that he is
                >He gets mad and leaves
                >Cries "I won't play with you anymore, you fricking butthole"
                >Once he's gone, the remaining players all thank me
                Good riddance.

                that the players were gonna bring back the wheelchair wizard, when by anon's recounting they were all bowing in respect when he ran off the player? I demand an apology for your stupidity.

                I mean if a player dropped after getting fricked up once, I wouldn't want him back
                And if he was making characters and b***hing about it, I would probably buy the FM a drink for knocking him down a peg

                If it's clear that you're not wanted then it would be moronic to stay, but that only further reinforces my point that this guy would not get rez'd and this is not anything like the other situation described by the diaper-shitting DM whose players clearly had enough experience and planning that his wizard's death would end up being a secret rez by his buds.
                He was right to leave if he wasn't wanted but it was still being a shitty DM not just talking things out and railroading him to a game death instead.

              • 2 months ago

                Same place you read about the other trials and players

              • 2 months ago

                I mean if a player dropped after getting fricked up once, I wouldn't want him back
                And if he was making characters and b***hing about it, I would probably buy the FM a drink for knocking him down a peg

              • 2 months ago

                Jesue you can't read at all and just vomit shit you made up in your head all day don't you
                Get out before your bull finds out you were online again

              • 2 months ago

                As the second person you responded to
                I was just pointing out that the scenario The person you keep trying to say is stupid and can't read IS the exact same as the given scenario for the wheelchair
                This was to imply that you appear to have problems reading and are possibly projecting

              • 2 months ago

                A wizard that moves half speed from armour penalties, can't use magic, is not proficient in gladiator weapons and gets killed
                Seems like this is exactly what happened to wheelchair man

              • 2 months ago

                yes yes youre a hardcore epic veteran dm and fail to see whats wrong with a situation where a player loses 80% of their options and the remaining 20% are nearly useless and require a lot of consistently high rolls to not die

                literally its all in the preparation stage. If you spend days pouring over source books you can cook up insane utility and damage.

                >last campaign I was in
                >we played from level 5 to 20
                >actually played weekly for like 8 years
                >I play a barbarian pit fighter who was a potion addict. Living on the streets, fighting in the arena to earn enough to get fricked up on potions
                >find god, redeem myself, become a paladin while staying clean off potions. Barbarian grappler specialty, who cross classed to paladin.
                >be fairly weak powerwise
                >other friend in party
                >spent weeks researching and building
                >makes a ranger / alchemist / magical archer
                >has hordes of potions, magical inks to draw any utility item he wants and have it manifest, tons of enchantments he can whip up for arrows
                >all the good tabletop utility skills maxxed
                >gear perfectly selected for optimal skill gain and damage
                >creates spreadsheets for what to roll for all combinations of alchemical buffs, potions, buffs, enchantments
                >When I cant grapple, I swing a greatsword
                >"okay, I hit him for 80 damage"
                >friend rolls
                >okay, I have bomb arrows, these alchemical enchantments, this buff, and i hit for.... 285 damage"
                >oh we are facing a challenge we arent prepared for
                >friend "okay, I draw enough rope and lumber to create a bridge"

                His character moves the story forward the best but is boring af

                thats cool but you cannot really do shit to a gargoyle in a nonmagic dungeon without having magic weapons on you (which a caster most likely doesnt have if its a very early (like lvl3) dungeon
                your other theoretical sources of dmg are some no damage dogshit like alchemists fire
                so the players only real option was running away after seeing a statue with the assumption that its a gargoyle (in a no-magic dungeon)

              • 2 months ago

                So.. a normal game?
                Most games I run players are really hampered and halve to use one or two things to full advantage to win

              • 2 months ago

                yes, a caster who cannot cast and has penalties to everything they do has their options 'halved'

              • 2 months ago

                So a normal game?

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                I am seriously asking.
                That seems pretty normal to me
                30 years of running games and most of the time it's fun shit like making sure the face of the party is distracted while the ugly barbarian has to roll play through a nobles party
                A mage has to sub in for a gladiator friend that he owes money to, and magic isn't allowed
                The lich is competent

              • 2 months ago

                Not him but none of those are really applicable to the original post because those are interesting situations with many options for collaboration between players and fun interactions.
                I remind you that the original post's situation was
                >you must go do this alone
                >and also you cannot cast spells as a wizard because all magic is disabled everywhere here
                >and you must leave your only means of transportation behind at the bottom of a flight of stairs
                >and you will be attacked by a gargoyle when you have no means of defending yourself
                >and I will give you massive penalties for "every one of your actions"
                In your 30 years of running have you heard of the term "railroading?" Because that's pretty clearly what that was, to the point of putting each individual player on their own railroad so nobody can help each other out and interact. You'll deny this because you're invested in winning the argument but deep down you know that it was the anon being a shitty DM.

              • 2 months ago

                no troony, it was the homosexual being a shitty player

              • 2 months ago

                It can be both, and probably was. I won't run interference for the player being a snowflake homosexual but I won't defend anon being a shit gm either.

                Assuming the four tasks weren't identical staircases made of anti magic, he could have swapped with one of the other party members. If they were then yeah that's clearly just targeting the player. That said, it didn't happen.

                >If they were just targeting the wizard in a wheelchair by giving him the task of an antimagic staircase

              • 2 months ago

                Hey, "solve the puzzle/fight by swapping tasks/opponents with another guy to cover for each others weaknesses" is a standard theme, I was trying to give a tiny bit of undeserved credit.

              • 2 months ago

                Assuming the four tasks weren't identical staircases made of anti magic, he could have swapped with one of the other party members. If they were then yeah that's clearly just targeting the player. That said, it didn't happen.

              • 2 months ago

                the point is he threw a tanty and ran off as soon as he saw that the game wasn't going to turn into his SJW cripple power fantasy like he wanted, he made zero effort to actually engage in the game, his entire interest was showing off how inclusive and progressive he is for playing a cripple

              • 2 months ago

                trying too hard

              • 2 months ago

                i accept your concession troony, go run back to /tttt/ and cry to your xisters about how the hecking chuds are so mean to you

              • 2 months ago

                But he clearly made an effort to engage, by making his character a mage and preparing levitate to get through situations when he had to do without, instead of expecting the chair to do that part for him.

              • 2 months ago

                when faced with an obstacle he immediately wants to magic it and handwave away the disability he was so intent on playing instead of doing anything interesting with it, he was just there to virtue signal lmao

              • 2 months ago

                That's not handwaving apart from in the literal casting magic sense, is a rope handwaving the problem away when facing a long drop? Is a bluff check handwaving when trying to enter a party without an invitation?

              • 2 months ago

                >the gargoyle is standing over your crippled body what do you do
                >I roll to seduce
                problem solved

              • 2 months ago

                >the gargoyle is a bottom, you can't get an erection due to your paralysis
                The game was as rigged from the start.

              • 2 months ago

                I treat him like he is even more worthless then me

                "At least I can feel through my flesh, you will be forever denied that with your smooth marble skin"

              • 2 months ago

                >pulls out scroll of stone to flesh

              • 2 months ago

                Gargoyle is forever immune to twink death, and disregards your slight.

              • 2 months ago

                Not sure what that means?
                But we have established that he can be seduced and that he is a bottom right?

              • 2 months ago

                >"At least I can feel through my flesh, you will be forever denied that with your smooth marble skin"
                How do you respond without sounding mad?

              • 2 months ago

                >only above the waist, cripple

              • 2 months ago

                He didn't leave until after climbing the staircase without his wheelchair the DM threw an unwinnable encounter at him to kill him. If you have ever been at a session like this and it's clear the DM just hates you and is trying to kill you, it's not worth your time staying there because you're not going to have fun at that point.

                And all of mine were
                You must do this alone (either because no one was nearby or because they weren't allowed or lich)
                No spells or backup (barb and spells hah)
                And worst pairing (nobles + int 8 barb, wizard in a gladiator tournament, competent lich)

                Yes I have heard of railroading
                You may have seen me describe "distracting the face"
                "Owing money"

                I see you did not do all of these at once because it would be an uninteresting situation at that point due to lack of fun and engaging options, because every one of your solutions hinges on something that you couldn't do in anon's story. I don't know how you couldn't put this together yourself. You're doing the equivalent of
                >He asked him to light a fire underwater? Come on anon, I've put players in situations where they had to light a fire, AND in situations where they were underwater. Not railroading!

                Hey, "solve the puzzle/fight by swapping tasks/opponents with another guy to cover for each others weaknesses" is a standard theme, I was trying to give a tiny bit of undeserved credit.

                If it was actually an option then sure and I won't say for sure that someone dumb enough to cripple their character wasn't also dumb enough not to take that option if it was available. But something tells me that the DM really wanted the player to find that antimagic staircase.

              • 2 months ago

                You say I didn't do all of them at once
                But that's because I had 6 players, 3 doing 1 thing 2 doing another, the barb being the terrible face that gets the party into trouble
                The cleric having to go haggle for scrolls of revive while we played out the wizard being murdered in a coliseum
                The lich splitting the party up In a.mssive Dungeon designed to frick each character over

              • 2 months ago

                And all of mine were
                You must do this alone (either because no one was nearby or because they weren't allowed or lich)
                No spells or backup (barb and spells hah)
                And worst pairing (nobles + int 8 barb, wizard in a gladiator tournament, competent lich)

                Yes I have heard of railroading
                You may have seen me describe "distracting the face"
                "Owing money"

              • 2 months ago

                how is any of that comparable to the caster being put in a scenario where to avoid death they have to roll 2dmg quarterstaff/dagger/whatever attack (with disadvantage if they arent on the wheelchair) against a tanky monster that outruns them (and hits them with advantage if they arent on the wheelchair)

              • 2 months ago

                Gladiator wizard with no spells and in gladiator armor he isn't proficient in

                It was litterally one of the scenarios
                Only more deadly as it wasn't 1v1 but brawls

              • 2 months ago

                that'd be a pretty cool point for character development, if he got out of it
                >I once got stuck in a situation where I couldn't use magic
                >since then I've been lifting, just in case

              • 2 months ago

                Stage 5: Accepting your death.

              • 2 months ago

                literally its all in the preparation stage. If you spend days pouring over source books you can cook up insane utility and damage.

                >last campaign I was in
                >we played from level 5 to 20
                >actually played weekly for like 8 years
                >I play a barbarian pit fighter who was a potion addict. Living on the streets, fighting in the arena to earn enough to get fricked up on potions
                >find god, redeem myself, become a paladin while staying clean off potions. Barbarian grappler specialty, who cross classed to paladin.
                >be fairly weak powerwise
                >other friend in party
                >spent weeks researching and building
                >makes a ranger / alchemist / magical archer
                >has hordes of potions, magical inks to draw any utility item he wants and have it manifest, tons of enchantments he can whip up for arrows
                >all the good tabletop utility skills maxxed
                >gear perfectly selected for optimal skill gain and damage
                >creates spreadsheets for what to roll for all combinations of alchemical buffs, potions, buffs, enchantments
                >When I cant grapple, I swing a greatsword
                >"okay, I hit him for 80 damage"
                >friend rolls
                >okay, I have bomb arrows, these alchemical enchantments, this buff, and i hit for.... 285 damage"
                >oh we are facing a challenge we arent prepared for
                >friend "okay, I draw enough rope and lumber to create a bridge"

                His character moves the story forward the best but is boring af

              • 2 months ago

                >No, the GM plans a lot of his encounter and campaign beforehand.
                You are wrong and do not play tabletop if you just assume this. That is not necessarily true in regards to this encounter, or even in regards to most of anon's campaign. The level of prep for any one part or larger brush stroke of a region or section of his game is not guaranteed and will depend on his style and honestly, the amount of time he had before that particular session. The guy didn't even mention that it was a campaign, just that this was his DnD group, so this all could just be a one-shot and not tied to larger events or places in his setting where consistency matters more.
                Some DMs plan out every single detail meticulously and have a very finely-crafted sandbox that quickly falls apart when players do or try something that throws them for a loop. Others have a general idea and statblocks ready and keep things more open for improvisation, which leads to descriptions and detail that may not be as finely honed, but in terms of experience allows the players more freedom to try stranger and more unorthodox tactics without worrying that they will be throwing the DM for a loop and ruining their flow.
                All of that is to say that if the DM allows a player to use a particular character then if they DO prep anything, it will be with that character in mind, and if they DON'T prep something beforehand, they will be improvising with that character in mind. The long and short of it is that the GM and that player clearly didn't like each other, the DM was a pussy and wouldn't just give a hard no, he decided to passive-aggressively get back at the player by putting him in a patently unfun scenario, and the guy left because he wasn't enjoying himself anymore. Maybe the player deserved it because he was a douche but the DM was being a gay as well.

              • 2 months ago

                I have been doing for 30+ years
                I have never planned anything
                Half the time I roll up to the table and just go

              • 2 months ago

                Damn auto correct

              • 2 months ago

                >roll up to the table
                IRL wheelchair user confirmed?

              • 2 months ago

                I know it and own it

            • 2 months ago

              the frick is this stupid statement
              it is perfectly normal to run into enemies in RPG that you cannot kill in your/their current state and you need to come up with a plan quick.
              *HE* chose to be a cripple, and this means that a lot of combat encounters are pretty much unwinnable in direct confrontation
              *HE* wanted to play a character who had to overcome great challenges, but when those great challenges arrived, he bailed

            • 2 months ago

              being an annoying homosexual that wants to use a tabletop session to virtue signal is not good storytelling in an interactive medium

            • 2 months ago

              >playing MAGE tabletop
              >Play a drug dealer
              >friend is playing a tortured musician
              >large backstory about his guitar coming from his dead brother or mentor or some shit
              >friend goes to a manager who also sells drugs to celebrities
              >I arrive to supply drugs to manager
              >friend fails his perform check
              >manager says he's shit, he'll never make it
              >cops arrive to bust us
              >I convince him to escape out the second story window with me
              >rolls a nat 1 climbing out of the window, falls 2 stories
              >lands on his guitar destroying it completely
              >getting chased by the cops
              >he rolls a nat 1 climbing a fence and he gets trapped on the fence snagging his pants
              >we all now need to bust him out of jail because he has information we need

              One of the best unprepared tabletops I ever got to play. The guy playing the musician loved it because he became a forever meme amongst all of us and we all laugh and tell that story

              • 2 months ago

                if the guy who wrote the wheelchair story dmded that your friend wouldve gotten shot to death by cops (if he somehow survived the fall and if he somehow survived suicide will saves caused by destroying his brothers memento)

              • 2 months ago

                That's a pleasant story and I genuinely enjoyed reading it but it doesn't apply too well here unless your friend rolled decently to climb out the window or climb the fence but massive penalties were applied specifically to railroad him into his failure because there was a predetermined outcome that someone really wanted to happen.
                It also doesn't really apply here because I assume you and your friend both enjoyed playing with each other and spending that time in each others company, and one was not trying actively to keep the other from having fun.

            • 2 months ago

              the guy rolled his character, the DM didn't give it to him. if you were rolling a character and got 3s for all your stats and chose to continue then the game being difficult for you is your own fault

              if you roll a paraplegic cripple and expect everyone else to suspend their disbelief and cast aside verisimilitude for your benefit then (you) are the butthole, not the DM.

              • 2 months ago

                i guess its fine to make all encounters unwinnable for an average party and then tell players its their fault for not rolling higher stats and minmaxing builds

              • 2 months ago

                have you considered that the DM and the group prefer challenging and grounded campaigns?

                why are you coming at this from the perspective that the guy choosing to play as a cripple deserves special treatment? are you a cripple yourself or something?

              • 2 months ago

                because trannies like this think like this and do things like this all the time, they're allowed to impose themselves because of their identity and if you say anything about it you're a bad person

                >you're a liberal cuck
                >I'm based & redpilled

                >Snake is some autistic bearded incel, I'm an alpha male that crushes pussy on base every day

              • 2 months ago

                He did get special treatment, he got an encounter designed specifically to render him useless and without any help. If a barbarian invested heavily in melee, but brought a bow along just in case, then had a solo encounter where he had to leave the bow behind and then fight archers shooting from the other side of a a lake of acid, it's not the barbarians fault.

              • 2 months ago

                >some convoluted scenario where a bow can't be used for some reason, and also there are enemies that can only be engaged in ranged combat

                are you always this dishonest?

              • 2 months ago


                >a staircase coated in anti magic, that must be climbed without any help from the rest of the party, with a gargoyle ambush on top
                are you always this dishonest?

              • 2 months ago

                I'll give you a hint, the bow in the scenario presented isn't the wheelchair, it's the mages entire fricking spell repertoire.

              • 2 months ago

                this really gets to the heart of the issue lol, the guy isn't playing a spellcaster who happens to use a wheelchair, the guy was playing a wheelchair users who happens to be a spellcaster. remove the wheelchair and you have nothing, because visibly playing a character in a wheelchair is the ENTIRE point for that guy. that's the problem.

              • 2 months ago

                You're assuming a lot, since the only encounter took away both his wheelchair and magic at the same time.

              • 2 months ago

                >the wheelchair-bound spellcaster loses his magic
                >keeps going
                >the wheelchair-bound spellcaster loses his wheelchair
                >keeps going
                >the wheelchair-bound spellcaster gets ambushed
                >keeps going until he dies
                >"WOOOOOOW he only cared about the wheelchair"

      • 2 months ago

        Depends on the challenge and the understanding that the player and the GM have about the current game and that character's place in it. I played a quad amputee for a campaign that was carried around by another player and we all enjoyed ourselves because I didn't push the limits on what I could do and the GM didn't have it out for me because we all had an understanding that it was in good fun and when my cleric was put in situations where he got rekt for it, it was to enhance the enjoyment of the game for everyone involved.
        The original thing with the wheelchair in the dungeon sounds like a player and GM having a disagreement about what to allow, and instead of the GM telling him flat-out no and the player respecting that, two mistakes occurred that doomed it from the start. The player made the mistake of pressing the issue despite being told no and the GM made the mistake of begrudgingly allowing something in his game that he knew he would hate. The situation that resulted was the bad kind of adversarial GMing, where both people hate each other but one happens to be god.

    • 2 months ago

      You just sound like an butthole in your fantasy

    • 2 months ago

      You sound and act feminine.

    • 2 months ago

      And that gay's name? Albert Einstein.

    • 2 months ago

      I would have thought this was a cool story when I was a teen but this just seems like a bully power fantasy when in reality it's just grown men playing pretend and getting mad someone is playing pretend in a way they don't like

      • 2 months ago

        you don't pass

      • 2 months ago

        So you're a troon, and you were the kid when playing pretend who would say

        >Nuh uh, I have the omega black power armor that makes it so bullets dont hurt me. I also have insane reflexes and can dodge them anyway.
        >I also have a gun that shoots nuclear warheads and NOBODY can defend against it

        We all hated that kid.

        DnD is literally playing pretend within a given framework. If a player wants to come in and have changes made to the framework, they have to clear it with the DM who makes a judgement call.

        DnD is literally not people doing whatever they want and telling a silly story.

        • 2 months ago

          no thats actually what the dm did
          >you cannot use your wheelchair because there are stairs
          ok i cast levita-
          >you cannot cast spells
          ok ill just cli-
          >a monster killed you

          • 2 months ago

            You're mind reading.

            We have a few truncated statements on what happened. Surely shortened for comedic / humor value.

            I don't think it was a 10 second exchange just having the DM frick the player in the ass.

            We don't know what challenges the other players faced.

            Fighter could have had weapons taken away, hands broken, etc.

            Casters can't cast.

            My best guess is;

            DM created a dungeon or is using a premade dungeon. Doesn't want to spend a lot of extra time modifying for one players demands.

            Player tries to defy existing rules and is stopped.

            Did the player fail a perception check on detecting enemies or dangers? Did the player even check? For all we know the player could have been playing as moronicly as his character was.

            Faces an already prepared challenge with handicaps he gave himself.

            Complains about it and leaves because the results of his efforts didnt match his imagination.

            The amount of times I've tried to pull moron shit and been met with absolute failure is incredible. But I try anyway.

            >See a remmoraz
            >playing a grappler
            >decide to try to get it tied up in chains
            >burn myself to death launching the party on a multi session quest to revive me
            >worth it for the memes of everyone making fun of me for it

            • 2 months ago

              You're also mindreading if you think that the DM specifically prepped or sourced the dungeon beforehand. You have no way of knowing how much was planned and how flexible the DM reasonably could have been to work with the players so that everyone enjoyed their time together at the table.

              I have been doing for 30+ years
              I have never planned anything
              Half the time I roll up to the table and just go

              Exactly. Some people who run games do so more spontaneously and it makes for more flexible adventures if they are good at ad-libbing and keeping the pace. It's moronic and smells of either no actual tabletop experience or very limited tabletop experience if anon is just assuming that everything(or even most) was already planned out and set in stone for that dungeon. No wrong way to do it but it is wrong to assume there is one way and go forward with that assumption.

          • 2 months ago

            Honestly if I was a disabled mage an I saw an anti magic staircase as the first obstacle is go to one of the other three and ask to swap trials.

    • 2 months ago

      >the dungeon is cursed so no magic works
      >but a magic gargoyle magically comes to life in it
      work on maintaining continuity in your short stories bro

    • 2 months ago

      >some people here actually thinks this is real

    • 2 months ago

      >Magic doesn't work at all in the dungeon
      >Somehow in this story it's the gimp that is upset by this and not the casters.
      Yeah, this never happened.

      • 2 months ago

        i always play magic users in RPGs given the chance and find anti-magic scenarios interesting personally but tastes vary. i'd be annoyed if it were the first ever adventure.

    • 2 months ago

      >gay in my D&D group demands to play as a fricking cripple
      When this happens, I just make a wonderer healer to fix them just outside the first dungeon. For free. The wonderer healer is never seen or hear from again.

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Sorry chud but the new rules added a wheelchair that is turbo overturned to the point that it's a good idea to become a cripple willingly just to use it

    • 2 months ago

      I was there and it happened

    • 2 months ago


  13. 2 months ago

    can be cool if it flies or has tank treads but not ordinary wheelchairs

  14. 2 months ago

    I remember a short news story I once read in the middle of the GWOT about how the Army and marines were ending the test program to put soldiers and jarheads on skateboards in combat and I just couldn't fathom how this got to the point where they'd test anything considering that you can't send in guys to the battlefield beforehand to sweep away all the pebbles and twigs and shit that'll frick you up. I understand that pentagon cols and lt. cols want OER bullet points but come the frick on.

    • 2 months ago

      To be fair soldiers with roller skates sound rad

  15. 2 months ago

    >four automatic guns which are either sentient or just firing blindly constantly, back ones mounted on swivels, front ones shooting at knees. Player is incapable of reloading or clearing a jam, no aiming mechanism in sight
    >some side mounted blades to make every doorway an impossibility, set at shin height for maximum sales of more chairs.
    >two front spikes that either barely extend past the footrest or not at all, perspective is hard, ankle height.
    >single squad barrelled shotgun, player is firing all of which at once onehanded, because why have two functional limbs when you could have one
    >front trolley wheels can't even turn, so player has to pop a wheelie to change facing
    Assuming this shit has a magic motor because if this is wheeled by hand it's even more of a frick up.

  16. 2 months ago

    Give it threads like a tank and actual armor protecting their limp legs and it actually looks cool.
    I'm 99% sure no one would give a shit (not even Ganker) about disabled characters if they actually fit with their setting, like that girl from Fear and Hunger 2

    • 2 months ago

      Something like this?

      • 2 months ago

        i like the breasts but the body+head are exposed and the weapons are small caliber
        why not armor her and give her an mg, rpg and flamer with fuel tanks stored in the tank chassis?

    • 2 months ago

      >I want to be disabled
      Ok that might give interesting interactions
      >But I don't want it to disadvantage my character
      Alright, kinda ruins the point but I guess it would make for a backstory, you could have a magical spell or apparatus operate your legs
      >no I need to be in a wheelchair
      Ok I guess we could hook up some fantasy version of-
      >it needs to recognisably look like a modern wheelchair

      • 2 months ago

        >but i don't want it to disadvantage my character
        That's the exact point where most of this crowd loses me, being disabled doesn't make you useless irl, but it does make most things HARDER, and that's something that can be explored in games to not only create interesting gameplay, but also bring some fricking empathy to the general public about what disabled people deal with on a daily basis.

        Something like this?

        Threads are cool, but her body being completely nude and projected forwards is stupid, good art though.

  17. 2 months ago

    Fricking stupid. If they're in a fantasy world, I'm sure the writers can come up with ways to fix someones legs so they can go to places that don't have wheelchair ramps installed.
    Those fricking morrowind dwarven spider-mech-chairs make much more sense.

  18. 2 months ago

    99% of the time combat wheelchair designs are moronic because the setting allows for tech that is way better than a fricking wheelchair
    any character that settles for a chair when they could have a mech suit is a poseur

  19. 2 months ago

    I think they're fine. Like, they're stupid and pandering, but do I really need to get angry about it? I know a guy who lose his arm at the elbow who really likes Jaime Lannister. On top of being a good character, my friend connected to him because he too had to learn how to use his non-dominant hand for things, and didn't magically overcome his problems. I figure the same is true for people in wheelchairs. I say let em be happy.

  20. 2 months ago

    I doubt a disabled person would want to roleplay/play as a disabled person.

    • 2 months ago

      Why do people think this? Maybe if it's someone that became disabled, but why do people think that disabled people wouldn't want to play as literally all they have ever known?
      I suppose you'd be surprised that the majority of people choose to play as generic humans that look like themselves rather than fantastical flying races and stuff.

  21. 2 months ago

    moronic if they actually need the chair and/or the chair is nothing more than the thing helping them move around.
    Awesome if the battle wheelchair is effectively a combat mech with weapons and features installed, and the character can walk normally otherwise.

    • 2 months ago

      Why is it moronic if they need the wheelchair. I think that a better wheelchair should be interesting not just a literal wheelchair but it defeats the purpose of a wheelchair if they can just walk around.

      • 2 months ago

        Think Belger from Final Fight.

  22. 2 months ago

    Soulless homosexualry

  23. 2 months ago

    As with all things, I take it in the spirit it was given. Trying to make something cool, or give something cool to an already cripple character in a cool way that works in the setting? It's cool. Trying to virtue signal, make cripples feel represented or otherwise smells of gay danger hair shit? In the trash it goes.

  24. 2 months ago

    I think it's dumb, but only because wheelchairs look really bad. A disabled character that can't move around on their own is fine but the vehicle has to look good and better than a wheelchair

  25. 2 months ago

    It's been done before.
    Just off the cuff:
    Munch from Munch's Oddysee
    Bentley from Sly Cooper
    If you're thinking it's new and original, and somehow gotcha that it's never been done before, it proves you didn't even try and look it up.

  26. 2 months ago

    Is this mtg art?

    • 2 months ago

      It's Bayonetta fanart.

    • 2 months ago

      Legends of Runeterra

  27. 2 months ago

    >magic exists
    >settle on being wheelchair bound for life instead of shapeshifting or growing limbs or having familiars move your legs or drinking walk again potion
    moronic logic breaks worldbuilding
    >scifi setting
    >settle on being wheelchair bound for life instead of getting a mech, exosuit/skeleton, jetpack, jump pack, regrowing limb tech, neural implants, limb implants
    its literally too moronic of a concept to make it work.
    >real life setting
    >be wheelchair bound for life, no way to cure it exists
    >no game
    except the beginning of that wolfenstein game, and only the beginning, and you know exactly why. Because it would be just boring annoying tedious shit and thats not what video games are about

    • 2 months ago

      I'd just assume that it was some magic curse or something like 90% of player backstory contrivances. I had an aarakocra whose wings were burned away by a curse that a minion of ogremoch cast and he was questing to get them back. That was a means to an end because I felt like playing an aarakocra but the DM didnt want flying, so we worked something out.
      There are spells in DnD that would just straight up cause what you consider logic-breaking, being crippled in itself doesn't break anything and can enhance storytelling if you have some force or entity cause it directly or indirectly. Just a matter of working together so everyone can have fun.

  28. 2 months ago

    when was the last time in fantasy a character lost his glasses and became useless

    • 2 months ago

      this b***h

  29. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Maybe there was a crippled enemy and she pushed him off the chair and took it for a spin.

    • 2 months ago

      this, there's so many ways to make handicapped people interesting but THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING INTERESTING WITH IT

  30. 2 months ago
  31. 2 months ago

    Fear and Hunger 2 did it best. Mostly a hindrance, with certain niche benefits. But it was fine because it was bound to a single character, and was literally a wheelchair, not some stupid 'battle wheelchair' that tries to overplay the thing as so powerful and non-hindering that the whole thing becomes patronizing.

  32. 2 months ago

    its not the worst tbh.
    >world full of magic and miracles
    >you can even become a GOD.
    >decide to be a woman (still fail tho)

    • 2 months ago

      Deciding to become a woman in a world with magic isn't that bad. But if they don't just use a magic potion to do it and become an actual woman (woman), then it's moronic.

  33. 2 months ago

    In this particular case you have there, it works. The flavor text and context tell that she's the boss of a group of saboteurs, pretty much demolition and sabotage experts of Noxus, which might explain her being crippled, some explosive related accident.. Noxus is a place with magic, but it isn't available for everybody and, in fact, it's hoarded by aristocrats, soldiers, etc. She's wheelchair bound most likely because she is not considered a big enough asset to warrant a more expensive or definitive option, if they have it even available, since Noxus is notoriously inconsistent with its resources.

    Also, it seems to be this particular scene takes place in a situation where she's forced to fight, so she just put as many guns as she could on her wheelchair rather than her being an active fighter.

    This is one of the few situations where it's fine.

    • 2 months ago

      I love LoR but you're coping too hard
      The people who designed this got fired anyways

      • 2 months ago

        What the frick are you talking about? It makes complete sense, specially with the current characterization of Noxus using any resource available. Having a woman in a wheelchair shooting guns is too much of a stretch for an empire that reanimates corpses just to use them again as suicide bombers?

        It completely fits Noxus' ideal of fighting at any cost.

        This one makes sense. You might not like it, but it has enough explanation and background to fit.

        • 2 months ago

          Is that not bayonetta?

          • 2 months ago

            No, it's a Legend of Runeterra minor character.

    • 2 months ago

      You could certainly have a disabled character who uses a tooled up means of transport without it being moronic
      You could even have a character forced to modify a wheelchair on short notice and not be moronic
      That design is still moronic.

      • 2 months ago

        Noxus has a really "edgey" aesthetics. It's a bit too much, but it's still fits how Noxus usually looks, especially the rank-and-file soldiers.

        • 2 months ago

          It was mostly the fact that every weapon apart from the back spindle guns are at ankle height and impede the normal function of the chair, edginess can be excused as per the setting.

          • 2 months ago

            Fair enough. I doubt the original artist actually did any research on wheelchair mechanics, so understandable.

  34. 2 months ago

    Wheelchairs are almost universally stupid
    just drive a chariot

    • 2 months ago

      I think a rickshaw would've been more badass.

      • 2 months ago

        literally anything would be cooler than being forced to sit in a chair and move yourself.

        its a world of fantasy and the best thing the player could come up with was a chair with wheels.

        >carried by familiars
        >hovering and carried by imps
        >walks on hands instead
        >mech spider carries you
        >charisma chad carried around by adoring harem
        >require regular injections of walk juice
        >spiderman around using grappling hooks

        • 2 months ago

          >be me, imp
          >summoned by some cripple witch to carry her around
          >constantly touching her crippled legs and butt (she can't feel it)
          best job ever

        • 2 months ago

          >necromancer animating his useless legs
          >druid using vines to control his legs
          >dude just straight up turning himself into a centaur

          • 2 months ago

            >Character with disease eating at his limbs has to graft whatever he finds on enemies

            • 2 months ago

              shit, that's a cool idea
              >obsessed with finding the perfect pair of limbs so he always skulks around battlefields and hungrily eyes people's legs

          • 2 months ago

            >druid has to find a creature with 6+ legs to transform into so he can deal with 2 being immobile

            • 2 months ago

              >be handicapped druid
              >all my animal forms are handicapped as well
              could be interesting, or maybe just depressing

          • 2 months ago

            >Wheelchair dude is there to fuel the severely ableist berserk warrior in the party

            • 2 months ago

              the possibilities are endless

              • 2 months ago

                add qt girl as meat armor.

        • 2 months ago

          >necromancer animating his useless legs
          >druid using vines to control his legs
          >dude just straight up turning himself into a centaur

          >Controlling a swarm of animals that act as your legs and mimic your actual legs

          • 2 months ago

            >necromancer animating his useless legs
            >druid using vines to control his legs
            >dude just straight up turning himself into a centaur

            >be me, imp
            >summoned by some cripple witch to carry her around
            >constantly touching her crippled legs and butt (she can't feel it)
            best job ever

            literally limitless cooler options

  35. 2 months ago

    Why not take all these silly, over the top battle wheelchair designs, and instead of awkwardly trying to pass them off in RPGs in a 'WE'RE JUST AS CAPABLE AS YOU' cringe way... make a weird, destruction derby wheelchair basketball game where the players slam into eachother like they're in extreme bumper cars?

    • 2 months ago

      If everyone is in a wheelchair, then no one is a special snowflake.

      • 2 months ago

        >one of the unlockable players is 'special snowflake'
        >angry mountaineer whose legs were eaten by a yeti
        >tracked down the yeti and killed them, juryrigged the Yeti's bones to make an ice-themed enchanted bone wheelchair
        >freezes opponents solid and leaves icy trails behind them on the court that causes slips
        >screams Arnold Freeze tier ice puns all game

  36. 2 months ago

    I'm crying.
    Riot thank you. Finally I'm represented in a game.

  37. 2 months ago

    They need to cut the legs off entirely if they're going to do this. Just MY OPINION.

  38. 2 months ago

    >Cripple in sci Fi universe
    >Choosing "battle wheelchair" over just getting bionics or piloting a mech
    >Cripple in fantasy universe
    >Not just learning magic to get around like levitating or teleporting or riding a mount
    It's just the laziest kind of self inserting possible, if I was a cripple I could make up so many more interesting scenarios than just "yeah I'm in a wheelchair but with guns"

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      You could have them riding a mount. Lots of crippled nobles did that back in the day. How is riding a weelchair preferable to riding a big wolf?

      • 2 months ago

        the crippled savant/idiot strongman pairing is also underrated (i was actually thinking Bran and Hodor when i wrote this but this keeps it vidya related. although i'm not actually sure if the alchemist is a cripple)

    • 2 months ago

      Kinda weird to post this sentiment for 40k, of all the settings. One of the most notable fluff Inquisitors literally floats around in a force chair.

      • 2 months ago

        If I remember correctly that's because it was the bottom half of the necron that took his legs

        So... more of a trophy than a disability
        And a well earned one

        • 2 months ago

          >get your arm cut off by an ork
          >replace it with their power klaw
          >get your legs blown off by a necron
          >replace it with their destroyer platform
          We need a veteran who's body is 99% trophies from xenos who dismembered them (and 100% admech approved somehow)

          • 2 months ago

            Yarrick was that

            Ork claw
            Tau eye implants
            I think a leg was from one of the lesser factions

        • 2 months ago

          Nah, he's talking about Ravenor, Eisenhorn's protogé, who got blown to bits in a heretic terrorist attack. Essentially just a mangled chest and head sealed in a floating plasteel orb.

          • 2 months ago

            I was thinking about an inquisitor
            Can't remember the name but it started with R

  39. 2 months ago

    Battle wheelchairs are a fundamentally moronic concept. It would be cooler and unironically more believable to have a crippled character fight in a normal wheel chair.

  40. 2 months ago

    if cripples can get battle wheelchairs then I should be able to get a T-62A

  41. 2 months ago

    moronic. If its even just as good as a regular non battle wheelchaired character, then every character should use one, since there should not really be any downside. Its just virtue signallers trying to virtue signal to the detriment of any logical consistency in a setting.

  42. 2 months ago

    People creating these kinds of characters to "Represent" disabilities dont represent the disability at all.
    How the frick is it representation of being wheelchair bound when the wheelchairs have better mobility than someone on two feet?

    Its like making a black character to preach to american audiences about how "in touch with the african american struggle we, the kindhearted devs, are"
    And then said black character gets treated exactly the same as all the other characters and his race is never brought up and he may as well have been white.

  43. 2 months ago

    Lesser restoration is 45gp
    Remove curse also 45gp
    Greator restoration 95gp
    Regeneration 100gp + 100gp material component

  44. 2 months ago

    A battle wheelchair is a copout to avoid having to roleplay. It's for idiots who just want to showboat.

    A regular wheelchair is fine. It forces you to roleplay and play around your character's weaknesses. Actually use your brain.

  45. 2 months ago

    fat people dont make escapist fantasies where they are even fatter and unhealthier.

    children dont make escapist fantasies where they are younger and morehelpless.

    the disabled do not make escapist fantasies where they are even more crippled and a further burden on themselves, their families, and society.

    its a completely nonsensical forced meme created by people with disability fetishes.

    • 2 months ago

      Regular people do make escapist fantasies where they are faced with some novel challenge and learn to play around it and step(lmao) into someone else's shoes. This is just a more moronic version of playing a character who's missing an arm or has a perpetual geas that prevents him from communicating with the clergy of a particular deity or he takes massive damage.
      People who take it seriously for muh representation are dumb but I'd enjoy the opportunity to be forced into some wheelchair-like situation in a place with myriad steps and staircases. Having to convince a stranger to carry you to the top of a large staircase would be an interesting encounter.

  46. 2 months ago

    Noxian gimmick assassins are always cool even the lame wheelchair one.

  47. 2 months ago

    moronic in all circumstances and every attempt to make the idea 'cool' has entirely failed. A contributing reason is that same uncomfortable feeling you get ehen you see women on social media saying a morbidly obese woman is beautiful, even though theyd scream at you if you agreed and said they look like said woman. Theyre just pretending handicapped people arent handicapped. Professor X had a wheelchair and was fine but it was unmistakable that being crippled was a detriment to him, and people treated him as if he were crippled.

    Put simply, by attempting to look for ways to make a combat wheelchair cool (you want to pander) you will never be able to write a character whos a cripple people who are crippled can actually relate to without wincing as they know what youre doing. Youll also never succeed.

  48. 2 months ago


  49. 2 months ago

    >The fixed epithet for Hephaestus, used from the eighth century B.C. by Homer, Hesiod, and other ancient authors until the fifth century A.D., is "Amphiguéeis," i.e., with both feet crooked. He is also called "Kullopodíou," i.e., clubfooted.

  50. 2 months ago


  51. 2 months ago

    I think there's an episode in ATLA where they visit the temple of the airbenders only to find out that a bunch of normies moved in, one of them being a dude in a wheelchair. They spend the entire episode trying to make him look cool (and to show he's doing the best he can in his situation) but at the end of the day he was still a dude trapped in a box with wheels while others were shooting fire out of their buttholes.

    • 2 months ago

      i recently rewatched the show and i didn't think the character was bad or annoying or anything. it wasn't like the OP pic where his wheelchair was his superpower, all the other kids could use the airbending staves to fly as well, it was just more notable with him because of his disability. i thought it added to his character and his relationship with his father who was an engineer so obviously his dad made the wheelchair for him. it wasn't weirdo pandering stuff from white liberals that want to look as woke as possible.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh I agree, it's sweet and all and shows that being a bender isn't everything. Hell, even in Korra they showed that technology is able to go hand-to-hand with "magic".
        The dude just wasn't a main character.

    • 2 months ago

      i recently rewatched the show and i didn't think the character was bad or annoying or anything. it wasn't like the OP pic where his wheelchair was his superpower, all the other kids could use the airbending staves to fly as well, it was just more notable with him because of his disability. i thought it added to his character and his relationship with his father who was an engineer so obviously his dad made the wheelchair for him. it wasn't weirdo pandering stuff from white liberals that want to look as woke as possible.

      The abandoned pilot for a western sailor moon that was lost media until someone dug it out of the library of congress in 2023 (not making this up) had Sailor Mercury in a wheelchair. And when she powered up it turned into a magic FLYING wheelchair.

      Look it up, it's as hilariously dumb as it sounds.

      • 2 months ago

        you're lying
        you fricking liar

        • 2 months ago

          Fine, get spoonfed. But now you have to watch it. gay.

          • 2 months ago

            What on God's green earth did I just watch

      • 2 months ago

        i feel like i'm having a stroke

        you're lying
        you fricking liar

        • 2 months ago

          Fine, get spoonfed. But now you have to watch it. gay.

          hooy frick I'm literlly sittging here doing th OH N=ONON O meme with my face og fuvck

  52. 2 months ago

    As long as the chair looks cool(that doesn’t)

  53. 2 months ago

    >sorry disabled people can only be heroes and positive now, disabled villains aren't allowed
    i will never not be mad about this

    • 2 months ago

      No fricker ever associated this man with being a cripple

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but what the hell do you mean 'not associated'? Dude just straight up is a disfigured, wheelchair bound, burn scarred, one armed freak. He IS disabled.

        It's like saying nobody ever associated Simba with being a fricking lion.

        • 2 months ago

          I always thought it more of him being just old and feeble. The fascist dystopia being led by old and bitter men obsessed with strength and punctuality they themselves lack.

      • 2 months ago

        i somewhat disagree, i don't think anyone associated disability with him or being evil, but his being crippled is 100% integral to his character. but his morality and choices were his own.

  54. 2 months ago

    pandering to the mentally ill omni-fat danger hairs who think that disabled people just... aren't disabled okay?

  55. 2 months ago

    Like my toddler cousin walked in on my martial arts tournament and we all decided to stop so we could coddle him

  56. 2 months ago

    "Battle Wheelchairs" are moronic because they're in no way practical and have to have about a million things added onto them for them to make any sense. Yeah, laser guns and mecha are not real, but they're also cool and generally a lot of work is put into make them feel like part of a universe. If the technology was available to make "Battle wheelchairs" then the person in one should instead just have an exoskeleton type suit that does the same thing but actually makes sense in a combat scenario.
    The reason people hate this shit so much is because in D&D it is like "Okay it can float up stairs, you can't be knocked out of it, only you can move if you want it to, it can float on water, it gives armor, it has infinite storage, it does X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, and E!" and it feels like a self insert power fantasy for the 10 Little Timmys in wheelchairs that play D&D. Why not just give them some kind of magical boots or leg guards or pants that let them walk around? I mean I feel like a warrior who had his legs fricked up but then had his leg armor enchanted to be able to move him around could be a cool design that could have legitimate upsides and downsides, but instead it is just like "Yeah, the guy in a wheelchair needs to be objectively stronger than anyone else because... something something diversity and inclusion"

  57. 2 months ago

    A character in a wheelchair in combat/adventure situation is perfectly fine, even good, but you gotta take the disability into account when considering motivations and story.

    Say, you have dungeon delving stuff, say you have a disabled language specialist that has to come with the rest of the team to a vertical death-trap that is super fricking hard to navigate even for able-bodied people. It would be actually kinda interesting setup for mission structure and mechanics to find routes for the wheelchair guy. That would actually be pretty nice.

    Alternatively, it's not that I even care if some crippled person wants to do a power fantasy of being able to jump and climb over rubble at high speeds. Don't see why I should be upset if they want to do that in their own scenarios, but if it's a prescribed scenario with an npc in a wheelchair that is also kitted to be a perfect ninja without any proper consideration to how he does that in a wheelchair, that just would be lazy and unimmersive.

  58. 2 months ago

    Don't rely solely on the chair.

    • 2 months ago

      but these people don't have a personality or any identifiable traits beyond the chair

  59. 2 months ago

    Depends on the wheelchair

    • 2 months ago

      Why not just make it a car?

  60. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago


  61. 2 months ago

    >wheelchair is a murder weapon
    it's okay, let her have fun

  62. 2 months ago

    I dislike battle Wheelxhairs because they're anti-RP in RPGs.
    A party with rogues approaches tasks in a different way than one with mages, or one with warriors. Each of those adds a different thing others do not which leads to role play. There's roles and there's interplay for players to engage with.
    The Wheelxhair exists and was created for a single purpose to be a perfect tool to replicate a normal person walking. And it does so in a way that can be a heavy-handed way that's best described as "it just does, alright?"
    Rough terrain? "it just does, alright?"
    Narrow passages? "it just does, alright?"
    Ladders? "it just does, alright?"
    A giant just kicked a door into smithereens and struck it? "it just doesn't, alright?"
    Not with owner? "it just does, alright?"

    The only real option for players is to ask whether a healthy person can use it, and if not, delinerately hit your own leg for a crippling wound.

    That said, some characters fit the disability-chaired design, like von bolt from AW.

  63. 2 months ago

    I don't play games with them unless it's something really-really-really-really-REALLY out there.

  64. 2 months ago

    It's just too silly for me to take seriously

  65. 2 months ago

    Repasting from the previous thread.
    Why refute? If a person in high magic setting full of good gods of healing, neutral druidic gods of healing and, in some cases, evil murdeefricking gods of evil healing with consequences at the expence of the suffering of healed person and various other sacrifices is in a wheelchair, it only can mean, that this person is so fricked up, evil and dangerous, that all gods and their clerics refuse to heal him and that summoning Tarrasque to deal with this fricker would be not only fully justified, but should be supported by all measures from calling illitids to dealing with yugolots and other various horrors.

  66. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      how do they

      • 2 months ago

        They don't

  67. 2 months ago

    moronic. they would and should die first due to their inability to maneuver well in the battlefield
    they should stay at their homestead instead

  68. 2 months ago

    Why not give it tank tracks or have it hover like Professor X instead of it literally being a wheelchair?
    Even a set of legs like Urgot would have been cooler

  69. 2 months ago

    I ended making one of my own for my project

    • 2 months ago

      Why do all of these supposed combat chairs leave the pilot completely exposed? Add a canopy or something, it's as bad as those mechs from the matrix

      • 2 months ago

        because it doesn't belong on the battlefield, duh

  70. 2 months ago

    Looks moronic. Also why would somebody in a wheelchair want to roleplay as somebody in a wheelchair?
    >Oh boy! Now my legs can not work in real life AND in this magical fantasy realm!

  71. 2 months ago

    wizards just want to cast spells and handwave their low str, dex and con away

  72. 2 months ago

    Crippled characters are fine but combat wheelchairs are stupid.
    You know what gets dicked over by sticks? Or rocks? Or loose soil? Or a steep-ish incline?
    Bigass, thin street wheels do, homie. The least you can do is have an inventive suspension system, or all terrain tires, or fricking mechanical legs. Go talk to Rumble or Urgot who have already figured all that shit out. Rumble would be absolutely jazzed to show his work off. Anything but a modern push chair with knives stapled to it like you just got entered into the Robot Wars rookie leagues and are about to get your shit slapped by a spinner bot who's owner knew what they were doing.

    • 2 months ago

      >You know what gets dicked over by sticks? Or rocks? Or loose soil? Or a steep-ish incline?
      >Bigass, thin street wheels do, homie. The least you can do is have an inventive suspension system, or all terrain tires, or fricking mechanical legs.
      yeah but they don't want to play a character in a wheelchair because of the roleplaying/character opportunities it provides, they want to play a character in a wheelchair so they can brag about being progressive

  73. 2 months ago

    people in wheelchairs should be put down like dogs and the idea that those exist should be wiped

  74. 2 months ago

    My rogue does this shit just fine 🙂

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      There's no reason to bring the chair along in this scenario, using what's left of your legs to steady yourself against the tower as you pull yourself up, then scurrying around like that with your high dex score is way stealthier than trying to scrape metal banded wood over a balcony

  75. 2 months ago

    People already came up with cool designs in the 90s. Why are we regressing?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      morons NEED to self insert

      • 2 months ago

        ive seen posts from Black folk in actual wheelchairs and they dont like it
        because they always self insert as someone with functioning legs shocking i know
        no its just homosexuals trying to get brownie points from people who dont even play their game

    • 2 months ago

      It's either they're uncreative as frick or just want their cripple fetish in the game.

  76. 2 months ago

    I like tank treads on mechs if you count that. And I like pic related but only really once he ditches the wheelchair for spider legs.

  77. 2 months ago

    it's fricking stupid and not cool

  78. 2 months ago

    why do spergs who have never dm'd a campaign try to argue about encounter design

    • 2 months ago

      why do trannies that don't play games feel the need to criticize how others play their games

    • 2 months ago

      I will argue about absolutely anything I have no experience or knowledge of, it's my divine right and a special talent I'm proud of.

  79. 2 months ago

    i wouldnt want the constant reminder that i'll never walk again in my escapist hobby. thats how you know the homosexuals pushing for this shit arent even gamers. Non gaming related sidenote: Nighmare on Elm Street 3 had a great wheelchair bound character. He learned to master his dreams because that was the only way he could escape his life as a cripple and he almost soloed Freddy with his wizard powers. Obviously got ganked in the end, but he went out like a boss. Easily the best character in the entire franchise.

  80. 2 months ago

    >making a situation challenging by reducing it to a series of dice rolls
    i sleep

  81. 2 months ago

    There's a character in this Gundam show called Build Divers who is completely pitch-black blind and is only capable of seeing within the VRMMO they play, and I felt more for that guy than I did any "Le capable" wheel chair guy.

    • 2 months ago

      100% with you on that

  82. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      I have successfully spent at least one morons time

      Stay mad, concession accepted

      The only other person in this thread with a fricking brain, and they rage against you as well.

      Where are you reading here [...] that the players were gonna bring back the wheelchair wizard, when by anon's recounting they were all bowing in respect when he ran off the player? I demand an apology for your stupidity.

      If it's clear that you're not wanted then it would be moronic to stay, but that only further reinforces my point that this guy would not get rez'd and this is not anything like the other situation described by the diaper-shitting DM whose players clearly had enough experience and planning that his wizard's death would end up being a secret rez by his buds.
      He was right to leave if he wasn't wanted but it was still being a shitty DM not just talking things out and railroading him to a game death instead.

      Responding to one person for an hour while DMing a game with friends in the background

      This was a fun game

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago



      • 2 months ago
  83. 2 months ago

    It's only cool of they're telepaths and psychics like Charles Xavier. Otherwise it's super lame.

    Like, the idea is you're meant to compensate their loss in a massive boost in the opposite end.

    Blind monks are cool because they gain hypersensitive spacial awareness through hearing, touch, and smell.

    It's the same with characters that have disabled bodies. You pull a Stephen Hawking, if the body is disabled, then you make their mind hyper powerful. Not just extremely intelligent, but you give them addition psychic and magical abilities. JJK did this too with Mechamaru, and it's super cool.

    If you're gonna give a disabled character a wheelchair to make them as martially capable as an athlete, that's just flat out moronic.

  84. 2 months ago

    shit's cool

  85. 2 months ago

    If it was basically a tank, I'd be okay with it.

  86. 2 months ago

    >He plays 5e
    Play Pathfinder 2e.

    • 2 months ago

      I play pokeboobs

  87. 2 months ago

    >People in chairs want representation
    >Mounted combat has existed for thousands of years

    Crippled in the legs, crippled in the brain. Do not simply accept your limitation, be the master of it.

  88. 2 months ago

    Where is the inoperable face goiter representation?

  89. 2 months ago

    Dear, oh dear...

    • 2 months ago

      Gehrman doesn't fight in his chair though, only these guys- and they're slow as shit and rely on surprise ambush tactics

  90. 2 months ago

    >How do you feel about characters in battle wheelchairs?
    Is Legends of Runeterra the worst card game ever made?

    • 2 months ago

      artifact died 2 month after release so LOR is only close second

      • 2 months ago

        hey thats not fair
        it was a closed beta (more like alpha) where you had to pay 18 bucks to get in
        its so much worse

  91. 2 months ago

    The issue is they don't use the spy the rules of the world to their idea. This is a world of magic, you should use magical means. Greater restoration is a 5th level spell and can cure your disabilities. Artificers can craft magical prosthesis. You wanna start disabled? Sure but know that it's a curable ailment in this world and you hold yourself back for choosing to stay disabled

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