How would (You) save the hardcore stealth genre?

How would (You) save the hardcore stealth genre?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Remove quicksave.

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        Filcher is actually great. All it's really missing is voice acting. That would bump it up from (good) amateur love project to serious title.
        The no-quicksave and score metric is great but the levels tend to feel a little bit small, otherwise the game would be too difficult. Maybe a one-time use checkpoint item with bigger maps would perfect it, or maybe it's fine already. The only serious complaints is that the achievements are bugged.
        The dev should step up production and scale (and marketing) for a sequel

        • 6 months ago

          >one-time use checkpoint item
          honestly the plantable tree in Ultima isn't a bad idea, it'd fit well in a stealth game, especially if you had to hide it from guards, etc.

      • 6 months ago

        the crouch slide is amazing I kinda wish Thief had it

    • 6 months ago

      >Average have to be creeping on tiles for 20 mins since guards are alert level 2 enjoyer
      Frick off, it's gonna ruin experimentation

      • 6 months ago

        You mean shitters coping at getting caught and not just rolling with it.

    • 6 months ago

      I played through thief 1 with no midmission saves(well except escape) and I generally jump at the chance of a game offering coherent beginning, middle, climax stakes THAT SAID I don't think that mixes particularly well with conceit of most stealth games, you being a slick professional that doesn't leave a trace. When you play without quicksaves and you get spotted you feel like a frickup, even if you survive the game is kind of a wash at that point like you're locked into an F grade. What does make rolling with the punches and scrapping through by the skin of your teeth satisfying is when just plain survival is the focus, not so much the discretion. The tomb levels in thief were great fun to complete in one run, the mission with human guards on the other hand became an elongated benny hill sequence.

      • 6 months ago

        Try Filcher. It does the idea really well. You have a blackjack and tranquilizer to knock out guards (in the old no killing idea). The levels ARE smaller so if a run does shit itself late game it's only 15 minutes washed out and not 40 or so. The tension is great in my opinion. I would love to play xcom and shit without savescumming but xcoms give you so many dangerous plot-point curveballs the first playthrough basically requires some scummery.
        >oh capturing an enemy mid mission ACTUALLY spawns an elite enemy wow I'm glad I did that in the middle of a fight lol

        >one-time use checkpoint item
        honestly the plantable tree in Ultima isn't a bad idea, it'd fit well in a stealth game, especially if you had to hide it from guards, etc.

        Yeah, something like this but only allow it in certain areas. Not bonfire bullshit but an old timey crash 1 checkpoint

    • 6 months ago

      That's frustrating as hell in MGS games, though.

    • 6 months ago

      you're gonna filter all the LGSgays if you do that tho

      • 6 months ago

        Thief' would suck balls without quicksave.
        >rope arrows without quicksave
        >mantling without quicksave
        no thank you. this is why console games started "streamlining" everything the moment they moved from saves to checkpoints.

        • 6 months ago

          or they could just fix ladders/mantling/rope arrows so they're don't randomly fail 50% of the time? then get rid of quicksave

          • 6 months ago

            Is there any game with that level of freedom which didn't have jank and glitches sometimes? Rope arrows work on any eligible surface. Same with mantling. It's impossible to QA every possible thing the player will do. Of course, you could fix it:
            >you press X to get on a ladder which now snaps you into a canned animation until you get off on the other side
            >you can only attach rope arrows or mantle at predefined points
            Hence why console slop is always like this.

            • 6 months ago

              mantling in prey was fine for example, Thief's climbing is just badly coded (it's especially glitchy on modern fast PC)

          • 6 months ago

            Thief' would suck balls without quicksave.
            >rope arrows without quicksave
            >mantling without quicksave
            no thank you. this is why console games started "streamlining" everything the moment they moved from saves to checkpoints.

            >rope arrows
            What the absolute frick are you talking about? Why would you ever need to quick-save rope arrows? Why would you even need it for ladders? The only thing that gets weird is mantling failing sometimes but it isn't even something you need to save spam over.

            • 6 months ago

              new to Thief huh?

              • 6 months ago

                No. The only way you have rope arrows "failing" is if you frick up and confuse a non-wood texture for a wooden one.

    • 6 months ago

      Worst idea ever

  2. 6 months ago

    By making more?

  3. 6 months ago

    >splinter cell
    What does this even mean?

    • 6 months ago

      hardcore stealth because of the mechanics (sound detection, light detection, different speed)

    • 6 months ago

      In Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, enemies are hyper-aware, completely paranoid and kill you in two hits. Thief is much easier and has a lot more leeway in mistakes.

    • 6 months ago

      The hard vs soft core scale in stealth games is basically how freely and quickly you can move
      So Thief & SC are on the harder scale because you generally have to move slowly and you only have limited ways to defeat the enemies
      >I know both games can be played fast but the INTENT is to play them slowly and that's how casuals will play them
      Then a bit further down the scale you have MGS1 & 2 which are much faster-paced stealth games, your movement options are still limited but you aren't slowly crouching around, you're able to run and quickly headshot guards
      Then in the very soft scale you have Dishonored, where you can instantly delete tons of guards and dance around them with your various abilities
      You can insert lots of stealth games along this continuum

      • 6 months ago

        >The hard vs soft core scale in stealth games is basically how freely and quickly you can move
        Yes but not only, I see it as how "true" it is to a real stealth experience with sound and light detection (not him)

      • 6 months ago

        Enter Shinobido where you can move fast as frick and kill everyone but also eat shit and ruin everything if you don't know what you're doing.
        >Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.
        Black folk

      • 6 months ago

        >So Thief & SC are on the harder scale because you generally have to move slowly and you only have limited ways to defeat the enemies
        MGS3 EE is way harder than Thief or SC on their max difficulties.

  4. 6 months ago

    you cant save it, the problem is not the genre, its the players.

  5. 6 months ago

    I want more games like Sniper Elite

  6. 6 months ago

    get someone who makes good levels, get someone who makes an interesting setting, copy and adapt the old games mechanics

    • 6 months ago

      Find a good writer
      The rest will trickle down

      where do you find these people if there's no interesting stories in vidya nor enough stealth games to show good level design

  7. 6 months ago

    Find a good writer
    The rest will trickle down

  8. 6 months ago

    Another Sly Cooper please

  9. 6 months ago

    light, sound and camouflage should all matter. enemies should be basically too much to handle therefore stealth being the only reasonable option.

  10. 6 months ago

    Make a campaign for

    • 6 months ago

      like the black parade? but what if you prefer modern settings

  11. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      thankfully chaos theory changed that

      • 6 months ago

        how so?

        • 6 months ago

          you can still be seen when you're in shadows, you need to be in a darker place for them to not see you (sometimes it doesn't really translate on what you can see on screen because everything is made clearer for the player to spatialize itself)

          • 6 months ago

            The joke is also about green flashing night vision goggles you have literally popping out.

            • 6 months ago

              the joke is that your dark silhouette still stands out against a brighter background. sam standing in a dark hallway with a bright room at the end = guard can't see it because guards can't interpret silhouettes

              thankfully chaos theory changed that

              chaos theory doesn't change that at all..

              • 6 months ago

                >the joke is that your dark silhouette still stands out against a brighter background. sam standing in a dark hallway with a bright room at the end = guard can't see it because guards can't interpret silhouettes
                And did you read what I said? it's ALSO talking about the bright green lights that pop out in the darkness.

              • 6 months ago

                the triangular goggles at least serve an excellent visual tell for where fisher is and what direction he is facing, so they can be excused

              • 6 months ago

                that's the point of them, they don't actually glow in universe. if you look in a mirror, sam's goggles are dull, and looking at spies in spies vs. mercs, the goggles don't glow.

              • 6 months ago

                >guards can't interpret silhouettes
                I guess it would be annoying getting spotted for something you could forget about, and how would they program something like this?

                >the joke is that your dark silhouette still stands out against a brighter background. sam standing in a dark hallway with a bright room at the end = guard can't see it because guards can't interpret silhouettes
                And did you read what I said? it's ALSO talking about the bright green lights that pop out in the darkness.

                It makes it cooler

    • 6 months ago

      At least Thief had the keeper training excuse to why is Garret invisible

    • 6 months ago


  12. 6 months ago

    Thief is alive and well. TBP is basically Thief 3, the only criticism is the insane reverb they left on Hume's voice, when he's supposed to narrating his thoughts to the player. The echo sounds weird.
    In terms of level design and writing, it's on par with TTLG.

    • 6 months ago

      the black parade is RIDICULOUSLY good. had it released back in the day it would've easily been a mission pack they could legitimately sell.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeeeaahh I need to get into Thief FMs, looks like an extremely comfy sub-hobby.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm only 2 levels in and I'd say it has surpassed Thief 1/2 honestly.

  13. 6 months ago

    The red terminal is under attack.
    Ping ping.. ping ping... ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping
    Will always remember u double agent

  14. 6 months ago

    slow it back down. somehow convince the industry to stop shoehorning limp-wristed stealth segments in every other game.

    • 6 months ago

      despite all of this, blacklist was still a major step towards stealth compared to conviction, even if still casual and whatnot

      • 6 months ago

        yeah they were overcorrecting after conviction did everything it could to not be a splinter cell game

      • 6 months ago

        Hell no! Its passable stealth game on its own,but as SC title? Absolutely trash!

        • 6 months ago

          wouldn't say trash because I had my fun with it replaying it sometimes, but we agree that it shouldn't be called splinter cell at all

    • 6 months ago

      It’s like a collage of everything wrong with the early 2010s.

  15. 6 months ago

    how is this as far as stealth is concerned?

    • 6 months ago

      Pretty great until you get to the tavern and its less about sneaking for a minute.
      Haven't tried the newest update.

    • 6 months ago

      I hate Early Access so much. It looks promising, but I am not gonna buy a half finished game. Same with Shadows of Doubt

      • 6 months ago

        worst thing is it's only about 20% done, so it will be atleast late 2025 until the full release, that practice of releasing 10% finished game as "early access" should be banned

      • 6 months ago

        >I hate Early Access so much
        Why? I see it more like a way for the game to gain money to sustain the development and for people that pay the game to "shape" how the final version will be (if you don't considerate scam early access games)

    • 6 months ago

      I hate Early Access so much. It looks promising, but I am not gonna buy a half finished game. Same with Shadows of Doubt

      I've played both Gloomwood and Shadows of Doubt in EA, and Gloomwood fills me with hope for a great game (maybe 2 years down the line) while SoD was a big disappointment

    • 6 months ago

      Imagine if thief but you're making tnt traps and use looney toon logic to fool the enemies.
      It's pretty fun, haven't played the tavern update though.

  16. 6 months ago

    theif is far more than just stealth, it's strongers point is atmosphere and a sense of place

  17. 6 months ago

    Rate the upcoming contestants to save the genre :
    >Covert Ultra
    Fast paced terrorist-hunt with stealth
    >DataJack 2020
    Isometric immersive sim for autists
    >Serpens Eternal Thievery
    Thief but you can rewind time
    >Intravenous II
    Splinter Cell and Hotline Miami but now with gun customization and more ""imsim"" elements and seemingly better stealth
    >Corpus Edax
    Melee RPG Immersive Sim
    >Core Decay
    Boomer Shooter with Immersive Sim elements and stealth seemingly like Deus Ex
    >The Directorate: The Spy Who Killed A Saint
    Top Down cartoony James Bond

    • 6 months ago

      Eternal Thievery
      >Thief but you can rewind time
      But saveloading already exists?
      >Splinter Cell and Hotline Miami but now with gun customization and more ""imsim"" elements and seemingly better stealth
      I hope so, the first game was okay but I wouldn't replay it

    • 6 months ago

      I would bet my left nut that not one of these has sound propagation like Thief, and at least 30% of them don't even have surfaces matter

    • 6 months ago

      All extremely based
      DataJack, Intravenous 2 and Directorate > the others, because first person = worst person

    • 6 months ago

      >mfw I haven't heard about ANY of those
      Doing god's work, anon.

  18. 6 months ago

    >the original Xbox Splinter Cell games are backwards compatible
    >still listed on the store
    >even currently on sale
    >haven't been able to actually buy them for the last year or so
    anyone got an explanation for this bullshit?
    I just wanted to try out the better version of Double Agent.

  19. 6 months ago


  20. 6 months ago

    Add goblins

    • 6 months ago

      is it worth playing this if I didn't like the first Styx? barely got 30 minutes in, felt ridiculously unpolished

      • 6 months ago

        It's more moneyed

      • 6 months ago

        Yes? Best stealth games since 2010 imo. Especially second game,and i heard the third one is coming out!

        • 6 months ago

          >be sneaky goblin
          >starts quoting Toy Story pixar movie and other modern day le reddit humor
          I uninstalled at that point

  21. 6 months ago

    The 2 most important things in a stealth game are
    >Well designed levels
    >a responsive and smart AI that reacts to the player in a believable way

    Almost every new stealth game gets one of these 2 aspects wrong

    • 6 months ago

      what makes a well designed stealth level?

    • 6 months ago

      >a responsive and smart AI that reacts to the player in a believable way
      impossible to do, the A.I needs to be consistent to be fun to most people which means it needs to act dumb or samey most of the time, also making a smart AI would probably be tense in terms of the money you put into it for the returns (also would probably need a fricking big PC)

      All extremely based
      DataJack, Intravenous 2 and Directorate > the others, because first person = worst person

      >because first person = worst person
      no first person is based and awesome for immersion

  22. 6 months ago

    more options to get away, balance this around a multilevel alert system like MGS but less forgiving. Levels 1-5
    >1. youre a ghost, nobody knows youre there
    >2. somethings up, not sure what or who, but something
    >3. something dangerous is happening, and people should be ready
    >4 (2.5). you are here, maybe not dangerous, but you shouldnt be here
    >5 (3.5). you are here and dangerous, eliminate
    Once someone sees you after registering that someone has died/been incapacitated there should be no way to deescalate to Level 2 or 1. The player should have tools to slip away but now that everyone is alert it will be considerably harder to slip in and out of places with guards now posted up at chokepoints and aggressively patrolling

    • 6 months ago

      Splinter Cell Blacklist.

      • 6 months ago

        I agree

    • 6 months ago

      This was sort of my problem with No One Lives Forever, where if you get caught once the rest of the level becomes just a regular shooter. Also really annoying alarm sound

    • 6 months ago

      there's some serious problems with this idea though:
      1) it feels cheap if 1 little mistake makes the entire level harder
      2) it makes difficulty snowball, which is kinda the opposite of what you want (e.g. quicksave is a safety valve for difficulty, letting the player make the game easier at any time to handle rough spots)
      3) the devs would have to design the entire game twice, once for ghost state and once for someone's-around-alerted state. Not really an efficient use of their time, I'd rather have more levels instead
      4) it's annoying as a player if you miss out on the "real" layout and enemy setup, just because you alerted 1 enemy early on

  23. 6 months ago

    Are we still pretending that Thief 3 is bad?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It's telling that even the release of THI4F didn't redeem this game

      • 6 months ago

        i seen lots of people say “maybe thief 3 wasn’t so bad after all”

    • 6 months ago

      It's not bad. It's just a downgrade from Thief 2 in every way except visuals. I still adore it and would put it in the top 10 stealth games of all time.

  24. 6 months ago

    >tonnes of weapons
    pure stealth has always been dogshit. stealth action is more fun.

    • 6 months ago

      the problem is right there. Why do I need 80 variants of a fricking ak47, why do I need 6 tiers of AK47 ranging from shitty to ELITE. What if instead of 1000 SMGs, you give me a sound bomb, or a jar that I throw that shatters and attracts attention, why do I need gogogadget rocketarm and super sniper and giant robot when the ai is so braindead I can dance around them and they wont see me. MGSV will never cease to disappoint

    • 6 months ago

      >give tools to people who want to have fun and shoot everyone
      >give tools for people who want to stealth the game

  25. 6 months ago

    >Sam's NVG lenses glowing bright green so everyone can see him
    This is literally unplayable as a hasnods

  26. 6 months ago

    we can't, the stealth genre is already perfected by the holy trinity.

    • 6 months ago

      is Hitman even stealth? seems more like subterfuge

    • 6 months ago

      I like metal gear as well, but this made me chuckle

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      it's crazy to me how thief and mgs came out in the same year. thief feels lightyears ahead of mgs1, which barely innovated on metal gear 2 in terms of stealth gameplay. I know thief was a pc game and could do a lot more, but still.

      • 6 months ago

        As did Tenchu. Jesus, 1998 was a crazy year.

        • 6 months ago

          I always liked that stealth is entirely optional in Tenchu. Yeah, you want to stealth for the rating, but it's not like you can't finish it by just slaughtering everyone.

        • 6 months ago

          I always liked that stealth is entirely optional in Tenchu. Yeah, you want to stealth for the rating, but it's not like you can't finish it by just slaughtering everyone.

          Why haven't you played Tenchu yet, Ganker?

          • 6 months ago

            I love Tenchu. A few months ago I tried Shinobido and it is just as excellent. The mercenary system is awesome.

          • 6 months ago

            intro upscale

    • 6 months ago

      it's crazy to me how thief and mgs came out in the same year. thief feels lightyears ahead of mgs1, which barely innovated on metal gear 2 in terms of stealth gameplay. I know thief was a pc game and could do a lot more, but still.

      Why the frick do people keep bringing up MGS in stealth game threads? Firstly, MGS is less a game than a movie. Only about 35% of a playthrough is interactive. Almost half of the duration of what actually is interactive is forced combat. We're talking about a product that's something like 15% stealth gameplay. That's probably comparable to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or something. Is that a stealth game too then?

      • 6 months ago

        The larger problem is people with a grudge against MGS pretending it didn't do the things it did. It's one of the more insufferable circlejerks on this board. You're all moronic.

      • 6 months ago

        MGS3 has much better stealth mechanics, MGS1 is more memorable as being one of the first cinematic games.

  27. 6 months ago


    >they detect you out of light from insanely far away
    meant to say, a combination of far away and insanely fast

  28. 6 months ago

    every stealth game should have a metal gear solid tranquilizer gun
    i don't care if it makes the game piss easy its satisfying as frick

  29. 6 months ago


    >really not hardcore
    alright, let's say true stealth then


    >I played a bit of the alpha, its rather kino
    Same and like you I hope we'll see more diversity in the levels like the police station in the alpha, I've seen that there will be some kind of social stealth mission in a nightclub and I hope there will be more stuff like this

    more options to get away, balance this around a multilevel alert system like MGS but less forgiving. Levels 1-5
    >1. youre a ghost, nobody knows youre there
    >2. somethings up, not sure what or who, but something
    >3. something dangerous is happening, and people should be ready
    >4 (2.5). you are here, maybe not dangerous, but you shouldnt be here
    >5 (3.5). you are here and dangerous, eliminate
    Once someone sees you after registering that someone has died/been incapacitated there should be no way to deescalate to Level 2 or 1. The player should have tools to slip away but now that everyone is alert it will be considerably harder to slip in and out of places with guards now posted up at chokepoints and aggressively patrolling

    >The player should have tools to slip away
    what if you could threaten a guard (by catching him off guard) to take his talkie and say that the threat has been eliminated? would only work once of course

    • 6 months ago

      >I hope we'll see more diversity in the levels like the police station in the alpha
      this may sound like a massive reach but im calling it
      Do you see that "Intravenous : Mercenarism" prequel that has you playing as a mercenary named Gideon? im 99% sure Gideon will be a bossfight in IV2

      • 6 months ago

        I haven't really thought about this but it could be, since you play as 2 characters I wonder how it would play out if they reunite or something like that

        • 6 months ago

          >since you play as two characters
          i dont get this part, what does Sean have to do with Gideon?

  30. 6 months ago

    It doesn't need saving. It just has to go back to being niche where it belongs. Hardcore stealth simply isn't for your average played.

    • 6 months ago

      >Death to Spies
      That's actual stealth Hitman rather than it being just an option.

  31. 6 months ago

    tell people to buy the styx games
    hope they make another styx game
    it was good

  32. 6 months ago

    I just want a game that blends Splinter Cell with modern Hitman design
    >Big-ass level
    >Multiple ways of achieving one of the many objectives you can tackle upon entering.
    >Lambert yelling in your ear for setting off a single alarm

  33. 6 months ago

    Let the player to control the experience from Assault to Extreme European.

    And yes, Black Widow is the perfect character for a stealth game.

    • 6 months ago

      garbage, let me fix that
      >close up that zipper
      >add a mask, probably overall hood too
      there, great female stealth character

      • 6 months ago

        I love masks. You have a great taste.

  34. 6 months ago


  35. 6 months ago

    Chaos Theory but even better.

  36. 6 months ago

    I bought SPECTRE. I'm going to try it out this week. Supposedly it is a spiritual successor to Spies vs Mercs.

    The art direction seems sexy enough.

    • 6 months ago

      it's interesting that stealth multiplayer is an even smaller niche

    • 6 months ago

      Check out Intruder if you have friends, I've had a lot of fun with it and there are custom maps

      >since you play as two characters
      i dont get this part, what does Sean have to do with Gideon?

      I don't know, but since you play as two characters I guess there might be a point in time where they interact outside of a radio

    • 6 months ago

      i'm sorry for your loss. I followed development of that game for over a year and its still a janky piece of shit. The two devs are inept and take no criticism from their game and have gone radio silent for months since its "early access" release. Not to mention it was released for like 32 bucks for what was a glorified tech demo. Yes i'm malding holy shit.

      • 6 months ago

        Is malding same as balding?

  37. 6 months ago

    you replace the humans with something else, whether it be robots or monsters. and I'm not talking about amnesia style vanilla hide n seek horror. the monsters should be interactable, they should have dynamic behavior and complex patrol routes, it should be possible for them to be neutralized/killed though they should perhaps be more resilient than the typical human guard.
    this solves three of the key issues with stealth
    1. the unavoidable aesthetic failure state of being a ninja in a location on red alert where everyone knows shit went down.
    2. the heavily incentivized and repetitive task of knocking out guards one by one.
    3. the suspension of disbelief breaking contrivances that make human guards blind and moronic with the memory of goldfish.
    the recent black parade while it contains human guards is a fantastic example of the kind of possibilities granted by inserting various horror creatures into a stealth game.

  38. 6 months ago

    How do we fix tacked on stealth systems that ultimately add absolutely nothing to the game?

    • 6 months ago

      Stealth has the same characteristic as the driving genre, it is used by other projects with more mechanics as a complement and not as the central theme.

    • 6 months ago

      Sekiro is a bad example. Poorly implemented stealth absolutely contributes to the gameplay because one of the most important lessons of Sekiro is that only a moron who wants to die fights fair and plays by the rules. You're supposed to stab bosses in the back so that they start the fight already wounded. You're supposed to cheat, because that's smart. When an opponent doesn't cheat against you, it's their own fault when they lose. And then you get into the final boss fight, and the boss literally brings a gun to a sword fight, because you were stupid enough not to bring your own. Stealth is an essential tool for refusing to engage on your enemy's terms. When someone challenges you to a duel at high noon, the best way to win is to strangle him in his sleep the night before.

      • 6 months ago

        Bizarre cope

        • 6 months ago

          Is consistent with the main story. Stealth is not the core mechanic, it's a cheat feature.

          • 6 months ago

            Though I suppose it wouldn't hurt if Sekiro's stealth mechanics had more depth to them. For example, the game has a semi day-night cycle based on how you progress. With a shadow based stealth system, you could kill some bosses with even better advantages, by sneaking up on them at night instead of during the day.

            • 6 months ago

              Originally they were going to make Tenchu but the stealth system created by Takuma Endo is on another level. Apparently they tried to implement it without satisfactory results and for that reason they gave a more direct approach to combat. He even polishes it further in Shinobido. And well Kamiwaza Way of the Thief is something totally different.

      • 6 months ago

        >it's shit on purpose so it's good
        Yeah, that's pure copium in action.

        • 6 months ago

          It's not shit on purpose and it would be better if it wasn't shit. But being able to sneak around in a game that's all about difficult boss fights is an appropriate feature in Sekiro in particular because the entire story revolves around fighting unfair and having no honor hindering your actions. The point of the original post is why should games that are not based on stealth have tacked-on stealth? Well, Sekiro has a reason for having it. Not letting your opponent play is a legitimate method of winning when the only thing that matters is who lives and who dies.

          • 6 months ago

            >It's not shit on purpose
            But you said it was. It was made as it was by design and you said it was poorly implemented, so it's intentionally bad.

            • 6 months ago

              Not him but you should stop he already explained it perfectly

        • 6 months ago

          >it's shit on purpose so it's good

    • 6 months ago

      Sekiro stealth is fricking terrible and has zero purpose, nobody argues in favour of that.
      Being able to just run past trash filler encounters in an action game and not get penalized/forced into it is pretty nice, though.

      • 6 months ago

        >and has zero purpose
        It's there to thin out the mooks and give you an edge against tough enemies like those spearBlack folk. It's a tool, not the entire game.

    • 6 months ago

      Stealth in sekiro shouldnt even be a thing because its not a Stealth game to begin with

  39. 6 months ago

    Invasions in Watch_Dogs 1 and 2 are pretty good. The console servers for WD1 are still operational.

  40. 6 months ago

    Make it a porn game, like you're stuck in the city without any clothing for some convoluted reason, and need to make it home without anyone spotting you.

  41. 6 months ago

    Make it more like games and less like movies

  42. 6 months ago

    Honestly, you don't. Not without some sort of hook and several other mechanics at play like what Hitman or MGS have tried to do. Pure stealth by itself just isn't fun, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Thief in particular, is one the most overrated games I've ever played. It's been paraded for years as this highly advanced, "cerebral" stealth experience, where the AI is laughably moronic and easily exploited, and requirements to finish missions on max difficulty are mind-numbingly tedious or arbitrary (pick up all treasure in this empty and large as frick map where your character moves at snail's pace, and knock out X amount of guards, and other meaningless garbage that has nothing to do with skill or intelligence).

  43. 6 months ago

    Play Deus Ex.

    • 6 months ago

      Mathematically unlikely

    • 6 months ago

      I need to do the nameless mod, anyone played it?

      • 6 months ago

        Just play the Malkavian Mod instead.

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        I'm playing it right now. Many members of the original team reunited and released TNM 2.0 three months ago. They removed a lot of the empty space from the original mod's maps and added a few new levels and weapons along with bugfixes. I highly suggest it.

        • 6 months ago

          great then, I'll make sure to play it soon. I also need to play human revolution and mankind divided

  44. 6 months ago

    letting it rest

  45. 6 months ago

    Literally just buy any of the newer Hitman games

  46. 6 months ago

    >we have Splinter Cell at home
    >wait, it's actually GOAT

    • 6 months ago

      Different style of stealth. Blending in with the crowds vs. trying to not be noticed period. That said, Ubisoft, for the love of frick, give me a new Splinter Cell or AssCreed multiplayer. I miss the frick out of both.

  47. 6 months ago

    I kinda liked Blacklist's game play. No I did not like nu-Fisher and the cast. Frick the gay spy thriller cinematic nonsense. I liked how it was in the old ones. The faster stealth was pretty enjoyable.

    • 6 months ago

      >spy thriller cinematic nonsense
      this was a big part of the original games, just done more tastefully.

    • 6 months ago

      Conviction is a guilty pleasure imo.

      • 6 months ago

        It would be better if you weren't forced to slaughter everyone in every mission practically.

      • 6 months ago

        I hope the conviction beta gets leaked one day. It was closer to Hitman than Splinter Cell but I've always found it fascinating.

        • 6 months ago

          didn’t they can it because they made assassin’s creed with the ‘crowd stealth’ concept instead?

          • 6 months ago

            I think so. But if you watch the SC demo and compare it to AC1, they really don't have much in common gameplay wise. Conviction was much more dynamic and experimental.

      • 6 months ago

        I agree, I fricking love its atmosphere and aesthetics




      • 6 months ago

        If it's a crouch walk simulator I'm done with those. A stealth game should be about traps, misdirection and improvisation.

        Conviction is overhated because of it's stupid plot. It exposed a lot of fake fans of the series for how they were talking about it "betraying" Sam Fisher's character even though it was all on track with Double Agent.

        • 6 months ago

          Most Splinter Cell fans only really like Chaos Theory and 1. Pandora Tomorrow and Double Agent (especially the next gen versions) are controversial.

        • 6 months ago

          >crouch walk simulator
          I mean the best way to conceal yourself is by crouching

  48. 6 months ago

    Just make sequel to Mark of the Ninja

  49. 6 months ago

    Most people don't have the patience for real stealth games. A really good set of indie devs or a AA team could make a great stealth game, that's where I'd look for one.

  50. 6 months ago

    Black Parade just came out, no saving needed now.

  51. 6 months ago

    How about CO-OP Stealth?

    • 6 months ago

      Only one I can think of offhand were the co-op missions in Chaos Theory, and that all boiled down to forked paths so P1 can manipulate something which makes it safe for P2 to do their thing, and vice versa.
      Plus many, many network errors making it near borderline unplayable because Ubisoft couldn't into networking back then

    • 6 months ago

      Only one I can think of offhand were the co-op missions in Chaos Theory, and that all boiled down to forked paths so P1 can manipulate something which makes it safe for P2 to do their thing, and vice versa.
      Plus many, many network errors making it near borderline unplayable because Ubisoft couldn't into networking back then

      >play chaos theory coop with friends when it comes out
      >none of them understand stealth games
      it's a niche within a niche

  52. 6 months ago

    god damn I love amon tobin

    • 6 months ago

      it was a surprise to see jesper kyd did some tracks on the ost too

  53. 6 months ago

    stealth should design their missions around "the alert state" first and then worry about the "unalert state"
    in this way it should be expected that the player is discovered and the base is on alert, the matter is when they will get discovered. it should almost never be the fail state.
    there is no reason for one half of the base to be kicking back watching tv and scratching their balls, when an operative raised an alarm on the other side.

    • 6 months ago

      Okay but tons of people complain that when you get spotted you shouldn't be swarmed by guards (Intravenous and probably some other games when you watch people in these kind of threads)

  54. 6 months ago

    Rope arrows are usually fine. One time though I was climbing one and when I got to the the top I launched like a rocket 50 feet into the air the opposite direction.

    • 6 months ago

      I only quicksave around rope arrow use, fiddly little fricks

  55. 6 months ago

    >love the idea of stealth
    >too impatient to take it slow leading to always fricking shit up and getting frustrated
    is there a cure for this kind of autism?

    • 6 months ago

      Yes, your meds.

  56. 6 months ago

    Anyone played Thief Simulator 2? I bought it, haven't had a chance to get into it yet. I thought the first one was pretty fun

    • 6 months ago

      First one was jank as all hell and it looked interesting but very poorly optimized. TS2's minimum reqs says "GTX 960 or equivalent" while reccomended is a 1070. Why do so many games require new GPU's?

    • 6 months ago

      I tried it a bit, not really enough to form any solid opinions. It looks the same as the first pretty much like same map, some changes. I played the first one way more.

  57. 6 months ago

    >People bringing up Shinobido
    Soul. More people should play this.

  58. 6 months ago

    It's unsalvageable. Modern gamers hate pure stealth games that aren't designed for them to run and gun.

  59. 6 months ago

    The modern thieving simulators are pretty decent, especially the VR ones. VR stealth is much better because you have to hide your body and head and have no third person view.

    • 6 months ago

      It's a shame SS2 is the one getting the VR port, I think Thief would work really well especially with how well bows and thrown objects work. Plus grabbing/climbing things directly with your hands could fix a lot of the jank mentioned in this thread.

  60. 6 months ago

    copy MGS V exactly but make it coop and have more bases

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Yes, gr wildlands came close, but could be done much better. Another studio should attempt the idea

  61. 6 months ago

    Make it FAST, give the player quake speed.

  62. 6 months ago

    How about the Sting? it's more of a party-based heist game where you also have to handle your logistics, but stealth is obviously a part of it.

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