I cried when I realized

I cried when I realized

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    I wonder how Souls players feel when they play a game with an actual story, with real characters and plotting and dialogue. Do they feel overwhelmed? Is it too much? If item descriptions and vague mentions of zanzibart are enough to break their hearts, a fully fledged story must be life changing for them.

    • 11 months ago

      except videdogame writers are universally bad at writing.
      a common rule of thumb for writing is "show, don't tell"
      in videogames we take this one step futher: "do, don't show"
      by using sublety and allowing players to connect the dots themselves, fromsoft lets the players imagine writing that is better than any "real" writing could ever be.

      • 11 months ago

        >a common rule of thumb for writing is "show, don't tell"
        >in videogames we take this one step futher: "do, don't show"
        If 90% of your argument on why something is bad consists of quoting arbitrary rules written by someone else, then you've failed in demonstrating why it's bad and only succeeded in demonstrating you're a conformist.
        Fromsoft stories are and have always been by the numbers rudimentary AI tier. The work itself is incredibly pretentious and lackluster. Any success of it is owed to worldbuilding and even that is largely in part purely due to the fact that it's so vague and nondescript that players have to largely make up shit, and ofcourse you're not going to be dismissive of shit you came up with yourself. You're not connecting dots, you're blatantly making them up as you along.
        Fromsoft isn't writing at all. Any homosexual can in two seconds string together vague meandering bullshit at the level of "fromsoft writing" (picrel)

        • 11 months ago

          >Any homosexual can in two seconds string together vague meandering bullshit at the level of "fromsoft writing"

          More than enough to give flavor to a video game.

          • 11 months ago

            >More than enough to give flavor to a video game.
            Flavor isn't quality. Shit is also a flavor. Vomit is a flavor, unwashed wiener is a flavor. Just because something has a flavor doesn't mean you should eat it up. Metaphorically and literally.

            • 11 months ago

              you had me at unwashed wiener.

        • 11 months ago

          >obnoxious drivel that I didn't finish reading
          these are video games, stories serve as motivation and flavor

          • 11 months ago

            Just because you're in abject denial of reality doesn't mean shit that offends you isn't true. Grow thicker skin and you'll find the truth a lot less obnoxious.
            >I didn't finish reading
            Your illiteracy isn't my problem.
            >these are videogames
            projects in hundreds of millions of dollars witwriters that often get paid upper end of five digits, "it's videogames" hasn't been an excuse in decades so you can ride off that wiener at will.
            Read the post above yours

            • 11 months ago

              you keep missing the point

              it doesn't matter how much money you throw at a project, games don't "need" stories

              interactive fiction is fine, mixing interactive fiction and games is fine; if you like those

              but games are games. I'm fine with minimal "story" told through item descriptions because I play games for their gameplay

              evidently, a lot of people get that and enjoy from's way of doing things. you're stuck on your faulty understanding of what "video games" are

        • 11 months ago

          Seeing how every single attempt at replicating Souls formula has failed I think you don't have any ground to call it "pretentious". It's hard to believe that From's art of writing is actually too deep for someone but here we are.

          • 11 months ago

            >Seeing how every single attempt at replicating Souls formula has failed
            Mechanical does not equal literary. Rather than calling what I have grounds on, maybe learn basic comprehension first. Though I'm not holding my breath as that would require you pulling your head out of your ass.
            >too deep for someone
            Big statement for a homosexual who used mechanical incompetence in replicating something as a defense for mediocre writing. Your stupidity genuinely writes itself at this point.

          • 11 months ago

            Plenty of games with good stories failing to replicate Souls formula (Something many games HAVE managed to replicate) is a problem in lack of understanding the combat formula, not writing, lords of the fallen failed because all enemies are damage sponges that turn on a dime and have unbreakable shields and not because it "failed to capture the nuance of zanzibart forgive me" you moron

        • 11 months ago

          show don't tell is a rule because letting the reader put it together makes for a better reading experience than directly telling them, it helps set the scene and not only all of these writing benefits, but it better mirrors reality since people don't tell you they are angry, sad, hungry, whatever, they do things that clue you into it and you make a guess from there
          for example
          >joe is angry and yells "you are a fricking moron" at peter
          >"you are a fricking moron" joe yells at peter
          you don't need to be told hes angry, you can piece it together by his actions and the situation, unless, you are a fricking moron

          thats the purpose of show don't tell

        • 11 months ago

          you've missed the point entirely
          the reason why people like the fromsoft way of story telling is that it is optional
          if you want to get involved in the story and scour the world for information you can do that, and it's rewarding cause you found it yourself.
          but if you don't care, then you don't have to interact with the story at all, and that's the true beauty of it
          so many games are ruined by mediocre and just plain shitty writers stuffing story down your throat in the form of railroading and mandatory cutscenes.
          don't you feel frustrated when you want to play a game but you have to talk to a bunch of shitty npcs who you don't give a frick about in order for the game to give you permission to do what you want? isn't it tiring to have to sit through cutscene after cutscene so the writers can feel important and you retread the same ideas and character stereotypes that you've seen your whole fricking life? well in a fromsoft game you don't gotta deal with any of that shit
          if you want story, all you gotta do is look for it, and if you don't care, you don't have to get story inflicted upon you like a punishment

          if there were games out there with good writing, maybe you would have a point, but the fact is most games have mid writing at best, and i'd rather have little to no story than have a bunch of shit story shoved down my throat.

          • 11 months ago

            every time Fromsoft "writing" is attacked, you see these sickening weeb morons defending it by claiming
            >uh actually there has never been a well-written story in a video game!
            and then go on to defend their own trash with "bro just make the story up as you go!"
            fricking nintendo fanboys are less pathetic than this

            • 11 months ago

              name games
              if there are narrative experiences that are worth sitting through cutscenes and npc dialogue present them
              what are these games that are so great?

      • 11 months ago

        >a common rule of thumb for writing is "show, don't tell"
        >in videogames we take this one step futher: "do, don't show"
        "don't show, don't tell", wait until someone on youtube writes a fanfic on what the game's story was all about
        Bravo, Miyazaki

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, people uninterested in thinking for themselves or too autistic to handle ambiguity instead simply take whatever popular youtubers say as "canon".
          Lore threads on here when the game was new were great though

      • 11 months ago

        Souls games have literally the exact same lore as Bungie shit like Destiny and Halo - oodles of scatterbrained 2deep4u pretentious pseudointellectual literary references hamfistedly thrown into a blender and spread thick as peanut butter over a game that amounts to literally nothing more than "just fricking kill everything"

        I can't really decide which is worse: western midwits like Ken Levine who actually sincerely believe the nonsensical shit they spew is profound, or the soulless insectile attitude of the Japs who openly admit they don't comprehend anything they write because they are autistic savants who can't parse data that isn't arithmetical in nature.

      • 11 months ago


        >a common rule of thumb for writing is "show, don't tell"
        >in videogames we take this one step futher: "do, don't show"
        If 90% of your argument on why something is bad consists of quoting arbitrary rules written by someone else, then you've failed in demonstrating why it's bad and only succeeded in demonstrating you're a conformist.
        Fromsoft stories are and have always been by the numbers rudimentary AI tier. The work itself is incredibly pretentious and lackluster. Any success of it is owed to worldbuilding and even that is largely in part purely due to the fact that it's so vague and nondescript that players have to largely make up shit, and ofcourse you're not going to be dismissive of shit you came up with yourself. You're not connecting dots, you're blatantly making them up as you along.
        Fromsoft isn't writing at all. Any homosexual can in two seconds string together vague meandering bullshit at the level of "fromsoft writing" (picrel)


        Souls games have literally the exact same lore as Bungie shit like Destiny and Halo - oodles of scatterbrained 2deep4u pretentious pseudointellectual literary references hamfistedly thrown into a blender and spread thick as peanut butter over a game that amounts to literally nothing more than "just fricking kill everything"

        I can't really decide which is worse: western midwits like Ken Levine who actually sincerely believe the nonsensical shit they spew is profound, or the soulless insectile attitude of the Japs who openly admit they don't comprehend anything they write because they are autistic savants who can't parse data that isn't arithmetical in nature.


      • 11 months ago

        >except videdogame writers are universally bad at writing.
        >a common rule of thumb for writing is "show, don't tell"
        Doesn't this just make the case that Fromsoft games writing is just dogshit because 99% of it is not only written, but most of it comes literally from item descriptions.
        >by using sublety and allowing players to connect the dots themselves, fromsoft lets the players imagine writing that is better than any "real" writing could ever be.
        So somehow, telling rather than showing is bad except when Fromsoft does it. Nice special pleading you got there.

      • 11 months ago

        >"show, don't tell"
        Souls games do tell, they just only tell half of it in item descriptions.

    • 11 months ago

      Quite the opposite, you baby who needs mommy to read him the bedtime story. In big boy games like Souls, the story is a puzzle, yet another layer of gameplay, that you have to piece together yourself. The great IQ filter, if you will. I guess we know where you stand, you of sub-saharian descent

      • 11 months ago

        >Can barely speak English
        >Pretends they are smarter than anyone
        Yep, it's a fromdrones alright

        • 11 months ago

          >can barely speak English
          >it's a fromdrones alright
          i accept your concession

          • 11 months ago

            He accidentally put a 's' in his sentence. Your post was full of errors

      • 11 months ago

        >I beat the game unarmed, without flasks, and without dying
        >I dodged Malenias waterfowl on the first try
        >I knew what the story was getting at without looking it up online
        Yea, this is a fromdrone

    • 11 months ago

      i enjoy both minimal and in depth lore and/or story telling

    • 11 months ago

      No joke, in terms of video game stories, From games have ruined me. I absolutely can't stand "normal" cutscenes and dialogue anymore, I just want the characters to stop talking. And no, if anything any narrative that is barebones but has just enough worldbuilding and personality to stimulate my imagination is generally just as rewarding to me as a conventionally told story.

    • 11 months ago

      >a game with an actual story
      That's a nice fricking joke.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh look at this boy
      Thinking he is some kind of smartass because he plays certain kind of videogames
      Did you cry when your favourite character died in the last visual novel you played?
      Arrogant little gays like you should hang in the streets

    • 11 months ago

      I'm instantly disgusted because all the characters are ugly on purpose diverse muttgoblins. If you mean Japanese games I like looking at waifus so no issues there.

    • 11 months ago

      >I wonder how Souls players feel when they play a game with an actual story,
      Its like people would rather have a game with no story than gayslop with mediocre to horrible story

    • 11 months ago

      most moronic post I've seen in quite a while

    • 11 months ago

      The truth is that fromdrones hate stories, as they hate thinking in general. They cannot comprehend, they can only consume

    • 11 months ago

      I'm convinced at this point "souls having a plot" is a psyop

      • 11 months ago

        What do you mean anon? Dark Souls 1 literally tells you most of the plot at the start of the game. And you get the rest from an NPC after ringing one bell. I'd say you'd have to be moronic to not know the plot.

    • 11 months ago

      How From Software handles stories
      >doesn't waste your time with minor shit
      >cutscenes are brief and straight to the point
      >clues of the greater picture given by interacting with NPCs, item descriptions, and environmental detail allowing the player their own agency in how they approach the story
      >side quests the player can naturally stumble into
      How other devs handle stories
      >take control away from the player
      >cutscenes out the wazoo
      >no really, every minor interaction has to have a fricking cutscene
      >forced walking sequences
      >railroad player from point A to B the entire game
      >gotta play *exactly* how the devs want or you fail the mission/quest/whatever

      • 11 months ago

        The ideal of a good story in your eyes is litteraly a Wikipedia synopsis

        • 11 months ago

          Even that would be too verbose, I think. The point stands: why tell at all when you have such means to show everything? It's not good "writing" because it isn't writing. It's moving beyond the written medium and storytelling in a visual medium. Obviously this is going to filter low IQs who can't even follow a movie plot like your mother who talks back to the screen. I'm not saying it is some le superior storytelling method, but it isn't trash just because it doesn't conform to prior expectations.

      • 11 months ago

        tldr: They are hacks so they just put vague bullshit in item descriptions and brief lines of dialogue then let fanboys think there's more to it than there actually is

    • 11 months ago

      probably smart
      im almost sure 80% of the peoplethat play these games just wait for youtubers to explain the story for them.

    • 11 months ago

      What games have compelling backstories that are outright explained rather than implied or discovered? I've never sat through an imaginary history lesson and thought 'wow, how interesting'

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I wouldn't know. Games haven't had decent writers in ages. I can't think of a single game from the last 6 years with actual kino writing and story

    • 11 months ago

      Bored, mostly. I don't play videogames for story, I'd rather watch a movie or read a book for that. Nothing against people who do enjoy it, but not for me.

    • 11 months ago

      i have played every souls game since demons and have not once paid much attention to the story

    • 11 months ago

      Not really, considering my favorite games include Metal Gear which requires constant attention just to wade through Kojima's insane babbling.

    • 11 months ago

      You're talking about a group of kissless virgins who shit themselves when you say zanzibart

    • 11 months ago

      Carmack was right about story in a game.

    • 11 months ago

      Your story is the equivalent of graffiti on a railcar

    • 11 months ago

      It's like when someone who watches anime reads a novel that isn't YA tier

    • 11 months ago

      Damn this really struck a nerve with the fromdrones.

      • 11 months ago

        What’s always been hilarious about these seething midwits to me is that physical fitness directly correlates with brain function; the better your nutrition and the more active your body, the better your mind works. The ancient Greeks figured this out over two millennia ago and modern science proved it beyond doubt. Yet in these pitiful half-men’s minds eating properly and spending six hours a week on physical exercise is some insurmountable time-sink that denies them time to learn.

    • 11 months ago

      They don't play other video games. Fromsoft cultists genuinely only play games with the fromsoft logo on it.

      • 11 months ago

        They don't even do that.
        Those chucklefricks probably don't even know what A.C.E., Otogi or Deracine is.

        • 11 months ago

          Nobody knows what Deracine is, all four PSVR players were busy with Beat Saber.

    • 11 months ago

      >a game with an actual story
      >with real characters
      >and plotting
      >and dialogue
      Tell me you have a long thick dildo stuck in your ass without telling me you have a long thick dildo suck in your ass, the post. You'd have a point if there were actual games with actual mindblowing story telling on par with great books but that's not the case at all, it's never been so because games writers are failed movie directors.

      After one full year, modern game writers, numales and god fricking knows what other type of eldritch horrors still seethe about this fricking two button hit-hit-dodge video game.

      I just don't fricking get it. Is this reverse psychology? is it shills shilling shamelessly? i have no interest in playing any souls games because they look dreadful and depression inducing but you freaks? how in the frick can you still seethe about this shitty series after so much fricking time?

    • 11 months ago

      >people just play one type of game from one publisher
      zoomer cultlets everyone

    • 11 months ago

      Watching someone elses story is like cuckolding.

    • 11 months ago

      You don't tell a story and trick them into filling the gaps with their own preferred headcanon

    • 11 months ago

      soulsBlack folk are the type of people who dont read quests and fast forward dialogues. I know because I was one

    • 11 months ago

      IN AD 2101


    • 11 months ago

      >all these seething cope fromdrone replies
      Hearty kek lad.

  2. 11 months ago

    ER has terrible lore


    • 11 months ago

      Holy shit that's exactly my ranking!

      • 11 months ago

        You're right but I also really wanna shit on DaS3 for being "remember this? remember that? hurr durr" while answering almost no questions from previous games while asking a shitton more.

        100% correct ranking

        how can one troony be so obessed with elden ring xhe goes in every ER related thread just to samegay bump his own post?

        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I laugh at your pathetic obsession

    • 11 months ago

      You're right but I also really wanna shit on DaS3 for being "remember this? remember that? hurr durr" while answering almost no questions from previous games while asking a shitton more.

    • 11 months ago

      Elden Ring has From best lore though
      Everything else is literally
      >And it was nothing
      >And then the world started
      >And so good and evil also started
      Over and over

      • 11 months ago



        • 11 months ago

          No it's not you fricking moron

          • 11 months ago

            you are a fricking brainlet

      • 11 months ago

        >Elden Ring has From best lore though
        lmao no it doesn't

        • 11 months ago

          lmao yes it does it actually has one where you can connect most entities because of the mass amount of items that nearly all have their own item rather a story/lore full of cheeseholes like in Bloodborne where 50% of the theories are based on "if", ER actually has them backed by either dialogue lines, item descriptions, cutscenes, endings or architectures/visual placement of areas

          • 11 months ago

            What's the lore for all the stupid side dungeons with bosses in rooms that they can't even fit in

      • 11 months ago

        Poor bait

    • 11 months ago

      Elden Ring has the best lore because it was written by a western fantasy writer. Japs can't write western fantasy for shit and it's actually embarrassing how many people act as if Dark Souls has some amazing deep lore when it's just a bunch of nonsensical nip ideas that are presented in a cool way
      ER > Sekiro >>>>>>>>>> Everything Else

    • 11 months ago

      100% correct ranking

    • 11 months ago

      Every single game is about Buddhist death/birth cycles and it's fricking stupid.

    • 11 months ago

      Based beyond belief. Though I'd say DeS=BB on most days.

    • 11 months ago

      Completely wrong.
      ER>BB>DS>DS3>DeS>DS2>Sekiro talking purely in terms of lore.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Damn dude, are you me?

    • 11 months ago

      DeS lore wasn't much of anything either. And DaS3 lore wasn't bad, even if the game itself was a boring slog.
      ER goes at the bottom for sure, though.

      Pic unrelated I think.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't understand people's love for Dark Souls' lore. It's absolute fricking dogshit, and it often feels like it merely exists to fill in blanks and explain awkward cut content. If you look at what was actually cut you can see in almost every game in the series how many files exist that contradict what actually wound up being in the final product. It's also obvious they seriously don't give a shit about the lore in these games, they're always an afterthought and each sequel never does anything with what came before. The only game that I think is halfway coherent - and even that's a stretch, is Demon's Souls for having level descriptions, NPCs that weren't yet as awkward as they later became, and an actual lore dump that gives your character a proper motivation for what you're doing. Seriously, there's no motivation for anything the player character does in this series except for in the first game.

      • 11 months ago

        Everything you wrote is brainlet moron cope
        Watch this and shut the frick up

        • 11 months ago

          I know the lore fricking well, I've been playing every game of this series on release since I imported Demon's Souls' American release. It isn't cope, it's the absolute truth. If you cling to this fricking mess you're an idiot.

  3. 11 months ago

    >see "identity" mentioned
    >control+f trans
    >18 results
    Fricking knew it.

    • 11 months ago

      if you go to


      you'll see trans everywhere

  4. 11 months ago

    I wonder who had it worse, Maliketh betrayed by Marika, Blaidd tragically disposed of by Ranni or Serosh, rippef apart by Godfrey

    • 11 months ago

      My boy Blaidd

    • 11 months ago

      >Blaidd tragically disposed of by Ranni
      That didn't happen, nothing could stop Blaidd's madness

      • 11 months ago

        >he bought into the blue c**t's psyop
        Sure thing buddy. And I'm sure she also had a perfectly justifiable reason to get her black knife prostitutes to shank Iji to death as well.

        • 11 months ago

          The black knives aren't Ranni's underlings and they're not under her control.

          • 11 months ago

            They HATE Ranni, because they took the fall for the Night of Black Knives and were mercilessly hunted and slain, and their leader imprisoned in a gay baby evergaol. Iji getting ganked was her Two Fingers trying to get at her and her gang after they realized what she was up to, by telling some of the surviving black knives "hey, I know where that b***h who sold your entire order out after you did her dirty work lives, wanna stab her and her friends?"

        • 11 months ago

          ranni double crossed them with the kotbk, she just used them to destroy her flesh and begin her plan to overthrow marika

    • 11 months ago

      Blaidd and Iji knew what waited for them. They believed in Ranni and her vision and have their lives willingly. Ranni's sin towards Blaidd was not trusting him till the end and having him locked away. Marika knew Maliketh, no matter WHAT wouldn't betray her. Ranni had a moment of doubt that definitely hurt Blaidd at the end, but even then he fought valiantly to protect her.

      • 11 months ago

        Iji had Blaidd locked away, not Ranni.
        He even says it was his decision.

    • 11 months ago

      Blaidd deserved better

  5. 11 months ago

    You didn’t realize you were told. The bits of golden embers coming off the crimson/black destined death attacks? You never thought about that but you should, makes you think.
    Godfrey is King Arthur by the way.

  6. 11 months ago

    you just know

  7. 11 months ago

    So what was his deal?

    • 11 months ago

      Yiffer, basically.

    • 11 months ago

      I dont get it
      Its the fat creature you fed eyes to in the east, right ?
      Why does he turn hostile midway ? Just cause he got mad ?
      And why does he teleport to dragon land ?
      The frick is going on ?

      • 11 months ago

        Notice how numerous characters in ER have a "duality" theme and can straight-up project a second version of themselves across large distances (most obviously spelled out with Sellen who is both chained up in a dungeon and chilling in her lab teaching us sorcery).
        Gurranq/Maliketh is originally in Farum Azula, the most remote location possible, to guard the Rune of Death within himself. But he is also projecting himself to the Bestial Sanctum, where he recruits us to collect deathroot for him. This is his desperate attempt to curb the effects of the stolen Death fragments which directly caused Godwyn's spreading deathblight cancer.
        I believe his violent outbursts are him being literally mindbroken by his regret and failure of guarding the Rune of Death. Maybe his projected self is also somehow less coherent, notice how he speaks normally once you finally encounter him for real.

        • 11 months ago

          Fat man is actually a big dog and the big dog was the “shadow” of Marika the blonde goddess b***h who gave birth to all da demigods when Marika came there was another god called the gloam eyed queen who was empyrean too and cradled those godskin guys you may have seen around and they could kill gods with destined death so the fingers basically let these two fight and whoever won would rule the new era so Marika sent her dog to do it and the dog just slaughtered them because he is very strong and Marika made him guard the rune of death and then Marika started rulling the lands between and had sex with Godfrey and “Radagon” (you won’t believe who he is!)

          But a while ago ranni one of the demigods didn’t like the order whether through a personal vendetta, moon brainwashing, or both idfk but she decides to hire some all female assasians to steal the rune of death and contrary to real life they actually got the job done and they used it to kill Godwyn and Ranni committed suicide at the same time along with her finger or something but anyway the dog was NOT happy about this and became very depressed and I think he self isolated because of his failure. He sealed the rune within him and which is the dog you find in the east and it’s partly why he wants to eat death while the one in the Sky is in the past or something because that place is fricked up and you can’t see it anywhere except for one tower in the middle of nowhere.

          TLDR: marika’s giant dog who guarded death and failed and you gotta put him down so you can burn the tree

          Ah, got it, thanks

        • 11 months ago

          >blah blah sex with Haruka

      • 11 months ago

        Fat man is actually a big dog and the big dog was the “shadow” of Marika the blonde goddess b***h who gave birth to all da demigods when Marika came there was another god called the gloam eyed queen who was empyrean too and cradled those godskin guys you may have seen around and they could kill gods with destined death so the fingers basically let these two fight and whoever won would rule the new era so Marika sent her dog to do it and the dog just slaughtered them because he is very strong and Marika made him guard the rune of death and then Marika started rulling the lands between and had sex with Godfrey and “Radagon” (you won’t believe who he is!)

        But a while ago ranni one of the demigods didn’t like the order whether through a personal vendetta, moon brainwashing, or both idfk but she decides to hire some all female assasians to steal the rune of death and contrary to real life they actually got the job done and they used it to kill Godwyn and Ranni committed suicide at the same time along with her finger or something but anyway the dog was NOT happy about this and became very depressed and I think he self isolated because of his failure. He sealed the rune within him and which is the dog you find in the east and it’s partly why he wants to eat death while the one in the Sky is in the past or something because that place is fricked up and you can’t see it anywhere except for one tower in the middle of nowhere.

        TLDR: marika’s giant dog who guarded death and failed and you gotta put him down so you can burn the tree

        • 11 months ago

          >and Ranni committed suicide at the same time along with her finger or something
          it seems all the empyreans had their own fingers that looked over them, i guess like antennae?

          • 11 months ago

            The Two Fingers in the roundtable could be seen as the “main” two fingers while the ones you find elsewhere, such as on top of the divine towers or Moonlight Alter, which was originally where her corpse was atop the Liurnia tower. Given that you’d assume each demigod would have their own fingers, don’t remember if there was any dialogue or text denying that only empyreans got one, just Ranni saying their own fingers decided they were empyrean worthy.
            About the three fingers, obviously 2 + 3 = 5 which is your hand so some think the three fingers were split off from the two, but this would’ve been way far back in the past. Fingers are a big theme throughout Elden Ring, and the beastmen of Farum Azula valued their five fingers as a source of intelligence. Given how far back the Elden Ring has impacted this world (you can see it in the azula mausoleum, you’ve prob seen it in the loading screen) the fingers have been around for quite a while so something could’ve happened especially since there was a weapon developed later on to harm these fingers. Though there’s also the real world influence, but this post is getting pretty long anyway. I’ll post about it if you wanna hear, has to do with the split of the Greek and Latin church.

            • 11 months ago

              Quality post, please go on, you mention a lot of interesting details. Duality is a running theme in ER and frames some of what you touched on as opposites or complements -
              >order and chaos
              >gold and yellow

              If you haven't watched this, i highly recommend it. And take this from someone who doesn't watch lore videos. I saw it posted in one of these threads, started it, and watched the entire thing before I knew it

              • 11 months ago

                Great video

              • 11 months ago

                It mostly has to do with Russia actually, but the root of it was the first splitting of the christian church around the 1000s.

                When Constantinople fell, Orthadox Christianity moved to Moscow under a seemingly new "roman empire" with the ruler taking the name Caeser (which is the source of the double eagle in russian coat of arms), This became fairly isolated from outside groups of Christianity because of its location, so in this isolation some small distinctions took root. One of these was how the sign of the cross was made, the Russians would use two fingers for this opposed to the three fingers in the outside world, to symbolize the holy trinity. This is because of perspective and the religious imagery they had on display. Instead of picrel, they'd have iconography for the sign of benediction more clearly showing two fingers, so they'd just do that. This led to accusations of heresy from the outside world, and eventually the caeser started indoctrinating the use of three fingers instead to conform. This led to a rebellion as the local people didn't want to give up their methods, claiming the three fingers was blasphemy and the reason Constantinople fell. Elden Ring portrays this with a bit of inversion as the two fingers are the more prominent one, but the three fingers is seen as blasphemy and heresy that will bring about the fall of the world.

                I still need to watch that video, probably will tonight actually, but check out this guy's videos. It's where I heard about the real world influence of this, and his channel is more of a history lesson than a souls lesson but he talks about it really well.

                Don't think he made a video on it but there's also the Kabbalah being parallel to Marika and Radagon, I like that one and trying to fit the demigods into each node.

              • 11 months ago

                as someone who was raised eastern orthodox I was halfway through your post wondering wtf u are talking about because you cross yourself with 3 fingers in a point, or 2 fingers and a thumb or whatever
                interesting though

            • 11 months ago

              kid named finger

  8. 11 months ago


    This is a bait trap but for those in interested in the strongest style of FROMSOFT environmental story telling, I highly recomend watching this video for their strongest showing. TLDW; Basically the entire story of Sekiro explained and compressed into 5 mins worth of reading and the rest is pure environment, boss placements etc.

  9. 11 months ago

    >Female streamers react to Maliketh's reveal and squealing calling him beautiful

    • 11 months ago

      2bh he's a based design and his armor is baller

    • 11 months ago

      He is a handsome lad. Great voice too. 10/10 would pet and tell him he's a good boy who did his best.

  10. 11 months ago

    I cried when I realized Godefroy is actually Godrick. So powerful and heartbreaking.

  11. 11 months ago

    ok someone give me the qrd who the hell is maliketh and why should i feel sorry for him? (and yes, i know he is a boss, i beat the game already and still dont know who he is or what the frick is Destined Death and why it is so important)

  12. 11 months ago
  13. 11 months ago

    He's such a hot twink. .

    • 11 months ago

      Furries are subhumans

    • 11 months ago

      I really wonder what his model in-game actually looks like without the helmet. Is his face actually there, or is it just a void when removed?.

  14. 11 months ago

    Wait until you find out the Viletroonyblood..

  15. 11 months ago

    My Consort, Blaidd the Half-Wolf.

  16. 11 months ago

    Wait... you're telling me that the boss I didn't care about and the weapon I didn't use are actually related?!? Miyazaki-sama I kneel... even though my heart is broken...

  17. 11 months ago

    So, is that really it? Maliketh's just an emo loser?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes and fujos think they can fix him. They all love dogs.

      • 11 months ago

        The comparison to Artorias in Maliketh's design and cutscene are obvious but the reason why Artorias works as a fallen hero rather than as a loser is he motivations were easier to understand. Seeing him at the start of the DLC and the hero of legend is basically a zombie is surprising and tragic. Maliketh on the other just really gave up and mopes in a corner, despite being one of the most powerful figures. I was hoping this article would give more insight as what he really went through and why but lmao lol

        • 11 months ago

          >but the reason why Artorias works as a fallen hero rather than as a loser is he motivations were easier to understand
          And you here about him throughout the base game enough to make the player interested. It was kind of like Fume Knight Raime and Velstadt.

          • 11 months ago

            yeah and for Maliketh, he really being carried by his visual design alone.

            • 11 months ago

              His armor kinda looks like Artorias too, just black.

              • 11 months ago

                too be his helmet is kind of ugly but the the night's cavalry helm (altered) is a great replacement

        • 11 months ago

          His entire reason for living is being a loyal servant to Marika. All she needed him for was to seal away the Rune of Death to create the current Elden Ring and the deathless Golden Order. Then he suffers the double whammy of death being stolen and unleashed and Marika herself shattering the Ring. It's not hard to believe that both his failure of being a guardian and his master schizo-ing out and destroying everything they worked to create would break him.

  18. 11 months ago

    This was the moment I lost all faith in the game, it's literally just a shittier version of Ludwig

    • 11 months ago


  19. 11 months ago


    >ER is high fantasy
    ER is generic fantasy garbage, Miyazaki shot his wad with Demon's Souls

  20. 11 months ago


    >ER is high fantasy kinography
    yeah i agree, shit looks like its from a tolkien's book
    doesnt change the fact that the "story" is literally the fricking same as every other soul game ever made

  21. 11 months ago

    Meanwhile at from:
    >Yeah that guy looks cool, put him in the game. Satowashi-san can you write some gibberish for the item description when you beat the boss.

  22. 11 months ago

    I pay zero attention to the lore in any DS game. Could not care less.

  23. 11 months ago

    Never forget those that help you along your way

  24. 11 months ago

    Shit open world
    Shit magic
    Shit ranged
    Shit horse
    Same old souls shit so it gets a pass.

    btw Why is it that Radagon and Godfrey are the best bosses?

  25. 11 months ago

    >100+ replies to a lazy clickbait headline

    TOTAL nu-Ganker DEATH

    • 11 months ago

      Did we bumped of the catalogue one of your BBC threads? Sorry for discussing video games.

      • 11 months ago

        Did I give you permission to reply to me? Did you sign the form, ESL monkey?

        • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          >t.esl monkey
          My English Is Goodest

  26. 11 months ago

    Why does From hate giving NPCs happy endings?

    I mean really would it kill Miyazaki to let even one of my waifus triumph

    • 11 months ago

      >I mean really would it kill Miyazaki to let even one of my waifus triumph
      He did though.

      • 11 months ago

        She is dead, she has no flesh, she will never be a real woman

        Does anyone have good theories as to why Melina and Ranni both have the one shut eye thing? What is their connection?

        it's the mark of an empyrean whose power has been sealed for one reaosn or another

        • 11 months ago

          But she won.

  27. 11 months ago

    Does anyone have good theories as to why Melina and Ranni both have the one shut eye thing? What is their connection?

    • 11 months ago

      >Plan on seeing Three Dogg in the sewers,head for the kiln first, go deep, real deep, get a hug, burn it all. hear about what happens if you burn yourself.

      apparently shes the gloam queen of the apostles and such purple eye and all, ranni no clue personally

  28. 11 months ago

    It was really fricking stupid.

  29. 11 months ago

    >I cried when I realized
    So did Maliketh

  30. 11 months ago

    I'm not gonna lie, by the point I got to maliketh I saw so many copypasted bosses a la
    >godefroy and godrick
    >margit and margott
    etc that I honestly just assumed that this beast cleric guy is a new NPC and they just reused his model

  31. 11 months ago

    So do you think we'll get resolution for the frenzy ending in the DLC (a conditional story branch/encounter that requires you to have seen the Frenzy ending where Melina survived) or will they be saving that for the sequel?

  32. 11 months ago

    >Marika's companion was a dog

  33. 11 months ago

    >reddit ring thread

  34. 11 months ago

    The hack seriously couldn't come up with any original names, huh?

    • 11 months ago

      I actually only just realized it's spelled Maliketh and not Malekith.
      Marvel had a character named Malekith first though.

    • 11 months ago

      The fat man used all his creative energy coming up with 'The Lands Between'

  35. 11 months ago

    imagine if From Software had to actually write a story instead of having people make it up for them.

  36. 11 months ago

    >Eceleb(they/them) makes a youtube video datamining the game files to reveal that the Knight of Zanzibart is actually a leftover enemy from another game and that their npc id code is a reference to a dev interview from a french game magazine
    Holy frick the lore is so rich and deep...

  37. 11 months ago

    I beat ER and I have no idea who maliketh is, what he did and who his other persona is. Some goes for every boss really

  38. 11 months ago

    >shazamtroonies pretending they got a W when in actual reality the game broke records, is still selling like crazy and is loved by the majority of people
    Shazamtroons can't stop losing lmao

    • 11 months ago

      >when in actual reality the game broke records
      Because it's a FromSoft game, no other games released around it and streamer shitters shilling to their audience. The "Souls series" attracts morons that believe the game is extremely difficult when it isn't.

  39. 11 months ago

    >No story
    >Barren open world
    >No challenge
    >Dualwielding makes the game even more trivial
    >Input reading
    >Magic is overpowered
    >No mimics
    >Just summon ashes to win, bro!
    >Bosses are easier to stagger now, meaning the game is even more casual friendly
    >Most weapon abilities trivialize the game
    >Like 75% of the game is optional
    >No solo invasions
    >No covenants, meaning that PvP has no point
    >4 endings are the same (kek)
    >Intro is a powerpoint slideshow
    >"Altering costumes" system is the dumbest idea ever
    >Fast travel
    >They changed Malenia's white VA to some Black person for woke points (OH NO NO)
    >All big bosses are garbage
    >Cuck shit
    >Feminist shit
    >Simp shit
    >Furry shit
    >troony shit
    >Gay shit
    >Pedophile shit
    >You have to simp for a woman in order to access some of the game's content (lmao)
    >Paid DLC
    >Final boss is a troony and a giant fish instead of kino old man battle like in literally all previous games
    >Skyrim dungeons (that have no rewards)
    >Boss reuse
    >Asset reuse
    >Worst camera ever
    Is Elden Ring the worst game of all time?

    • 11 months ago

      No, but it's hardcore normie bait who just enjoy bright colors and "good graphics". The boss fights in ER require very little thinking as the boss screams at the player and flies across the room and attacks in 2 frames.
      They think this is a good thing.

  40. 11 months ago

    Shazamtroons lost

  41. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Use fire incants. Don't try to melee him.

    • 11 months ago

      literally just fight on torrent and its ezpz

  42. 11 months ago

    >shazamtroon still malding

  43. 11 months ago

    >when you're fricking a white girl and she suddenly turns into an irish dude

  44. 11 months ago

    Bloodborne was the peak of FromSoft storytelling and lore.

  45. 11 months ago
  46. 11 months ago
  47. 11 months ago

    To this day I wonder how and why of all games Elden Ring is the one that completely annihilated the mental and emotional integrity of this board. Not Mass Effect Andromeda, not KH3, not Halo 5 or Infinite, not the endless remakes we get or even Warcraft...it was Elden Ring.

    • 11 months ago

      It went downhill long before.
      Before gamersgate even.
      It was the newscoverage on anonymous that made them flock to this place and shit it up.

  48. 11 months ago

    >dilator used
    >hrt taken
    >programmer socks on
    yup it's elden ring time

    • 11 months ago

      I wish I had a boyfriend like that

  49. 11 months ago

    Are we back to pretending ER even has lore? All of the bosses are just meaningless and you go through the game without any motivation on why you are doing anything at all except wanting to do a killing-spree.

    • 11 months ago

      >I'm a literal moron who cannot read simple text
      Tanks for confirming

  50. 11 months ago


    >only problem with the game's lore is that Mitsubishi tried to be extra autistic with his cryptic storytelling this time around for shit and giggles, so some stuff basically isn't said or fully cleared.
    That would be bloodborne
    At least in ER you have a direct goal that is given to you, kill shardbearers and earn the title of lord
    Meanwhile BB just fricking drops you somewhere and tells you to find a paleblood
    The frick is that? No fricking way of knowing

  51. 11 months ago

    I had literally not a single idea of what was going on in any Souls game

  52. 11 months ago

    Most people i've seen didin't even realise he and the beast cleric are the same guy

  53. 11 months ago

    Imagine crying for vidéo games the lowest kind of humans

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