I miss Deus Ex

I miss Deus Ex

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Palworld success is a symptom of society going into the same way Deus Ex

    • 4 months ago

      Palworld is a spiritual successor to Warcraft mods kiddo.

  2. 4 months ago

    its better off dead. can you imagine if they made a deus ex game now? ugh.

    • 4 months ago

      I dunno.
      With AAA flaming out surely some smaller studio could pick it up from the ashes of Embracer and do it justice.

    • 4 months ago

      I had some hope that Eidos Montreal minus SquareEnix would be a good thing.

      Unfortunately Embracer just killed everything they bought.

      • 4 months ago

        Square was never the problem. I worked there during the Mankind Divided days and they gave Edios 5 years and a mountain of cash to do anything they wanted and Edios failed to deliver. There was never the SE boogieman to begin with. They agreed to take on projects like Guardians because they thought it'd be a fun change of pace, and they knocked that project out of the park. Embracer was always going to be suicide. It's too bad we didn't at least get remasters of all the past Deus Ex games on modern platforms before things died

        • 4 months ago

          Nope. The problem was with Square


        • 4 months ago

          >I worked there during the Mankind Divided days

        • 4 months ago

          Weird larp but okay.

        • 4 months ago

          Square is ALWAYS the problem. I don't care how many years your dad worked at Nintendo.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Blame Square (publisher), not Eidos (developer)

      • 4 months ago

        >in a world dominated by ruthless megacorps, buy day 1 singleplayer MTX
        10/10 never been more immersed

      • 4 months ago

        Literally where Do Sex died for me.

  3. 4 months ago

    HR was so good. Shame about the sequel.

    • 4 months ago

      HR's central conflict never sat right with me, like people are getting their arms amputated and replaced with robo arms, so they can... pack Amazon boxes faster at cost of having to constantly dealing with rejection and it pisses people off? and it happen often enough so that there is hate crime and protest against augmented people but not enough for it to be normalized? the suspension of disbelief never lifted for me on that point alone

      • 4 months ago

        You might just be a midwit if "stupid thing becomes popular" and "people hate on popular thing" are unbelievable.

        • 4 months ago

          do you know that zoomer trend where they would get crowns for their perfectly healthy teeth? I just can't see blm tier "protest" over it

        • 4 months ago

          you might be a moronic NPC. in fact you definitely are if you like the dumbed down in every single aspect consolized sloppified deus ex HR

      • 4 months ago

        the riots are astroturfed
        you can find some evidence on the roof of the gas station where the guy sells you guns
        they also have an AI run media that deliberately provokes people and shapes their worldview

    • 4 months ago

      MD was better than HR though

      • 4 months ago

        MD was better overall

        nta but aint no way. HR was smooth with the gameplay and level design. Updates fixed the bosses too. MD looked way better but the quests and levels were less interesting gameplay wise imo

        • 4 months ago

          >MD looked way better but the quests and levels were less interesting gameplay wise imo
          IMO the main plot was far less interesting in MD but the sidequests carried the game
          Such a strange game where the most interesting plot points(serial killer who lost all memory, mystery AUGs, "Jensen Clone" etc.) are all optional
          Not to mention the most interesting sidequest, if Jensen was a clone or not

          • 4 months ago

            >side content is better than the main quest
            Bethesda virus, not sure if there's a cure for this

          • 4 months ago

            That's clearly what they were implying, there's literally no other explanation why His Sarif Augments don't have the same serial numbers as before It also makes it less unbelievable that he managed to survive Pangaea exploding and lost so much time and has no real memories of Alaska, that side quest is just to let you know that the tech does exist, so it's not a complete asspull in the sequel.

            • 4 months ago

              that resolution dialogue where you try to piece with Serif who the frick you are is the best part of the modern Deus Ex games. Such a shame it had to end on a cliffhanger but at least it went out on a high note

        • 4 months ago

          >and levels were less interesting gameplay wise
          The frick? The dormitory in Golem City has some of the most complex level design I've ever seen in an immersive sim. There's so many routes through that area it's ridiculous

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, actually I was going to comment the same thing, I've only been to Prague and Golem City so far but I was seriously impressed with the dormitory there, insane variety of routes through including some I couldn't even use. I felt my post was long enough though. While we're on the subject of Golem City, can the guy at the end actually be saved? I thought beating the dialogue checks meant he'd come peacefully but as soon as I saw him drinking from that bottle I knew he was doomed anyway

            • 4 months ago

              No, that always happens. Only thing it changes is how it goes down and a couple people's reactions, it makes no difference what you choose.

            • 4 months ago

              No, Rucker always dies. Marchenko organised his death using the orchid chemical agent after Page ordered the hit.

              • 4 months ago

                Ok, well, I'm not even a little surprised Marchenko is behind it, that was my first guess. But I don't know what Orchid is and I'll just keep it that way.

              • 4 months ago

                >he hasn't broken into Palisade's vaults yet
                Do it. NOW

              • 4 months ago

                Well, not the corporate ones because I couldn't, but I did clean the place out before I left for Golem City. It was a fricking hoot too, I just hacked all the robots and let them go to town. I picked up a TYM corporate card so I was just waiting for a sidequest to send me back there or something so I could put it to use. Doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks and unable to play. In fact I should be sleeping to get ready for that trip right now but I'd rather shitpost on Ganker

              • 4 months ago

                >I just hacked all the robots and let them go to town
                ah yes, I did that as well

              • 4 months ago

                Same thing with the drones at the end of Golem City, I always max hacking quickly. It's just too fun. So as a yes/no, is there a main/side quest that will send me back to Palisade or should I just go there whenever

              • 4 months ago

                NTA. Main quest can take you there, it's a clear fork-in-the-road moment.

          • 4 months ago

            more =/= better

            • 4 months ago

              Except in this case it works on every level. There's many nuances to the routes such as laser grids, electrical discharges, increased numbers of troops, elevators, ladders, sub-floors only accessible by augmentation powers, vents etc. that the entire sequence is almost flawless and supports every playstyle imaginable. I don't think HR has a comparative level. HR also has this annoying habit of locking you out of the rest of a level after you've progressed to a certain degree whereas MD never does that. You can always go back to previous areas.

              • 4 months ago

                All of those things are present in HR

              • 4 months ago

                No where near to the same degree of that level was my point. Routing is pretty limited in HR, often to two or three ways through except for maybe the Singapore level which goes slightly further. Did you ever play the Criminal Past DLC? Absolutely nothing that open ended in HR.

              • 4 months ago

                >Did you ever play the Criminal Past DLC? Absolutely nothing that open ended in HR.
                Great DLC worth it for the final scene alone

              • 4 months ago

                >"You know, Guerrero was right"
                >"About what?"
                >"The third game, it never happened"

              • 4 months ago

                prison was kino
                palisade blade was kino (carried by god tier soundtrack and permadeath playthrough)

                this game has flaws that makes me think its worse than it really was. good fakin game man too bad not enough white people to buy them anymore

              • 4 months ago

                mankind divided was the third game
                the fall was the second

    • 4 months ago

      MD was better overall

    • 4 months ago

      MD has a terrible first level. but it gets better

    • 4 months ago

      I'll forever defend that Prague under curfew is the peak of the series. Everything good about the genre and the rest of MD culminates in this one section where the hub you've explored and gotten to know like the back of your hand the past 15 hours is suddenly a forbidden zone where you're shot on sight by cops and flying cameras, so you get to use all the shortcuts and rooftops from before but with a new context and under heavy rain at nighttime as you see civvies detained and executed left and right. And holy shit the unexpected continuation of the serial killer sidequest you posted
      >stalking around corners wondering how I can get from point A to B
      >suddenly contacted by random girl from 5 hours ago
      >"Adam he's outside my door, HELP"
      Fricking amazing way to rise the stakes, not to mention the way the quest concludes depending on player intelligence and intuition. Frick Square, man.

      • 4 months ago

        This is elevated by Prague feeling so handcrafted. Everywhere I go I look and then start admiring, how intricately the devs built the city. And the graphics engine and art direction looks great too. It all combines so well. It hurts even more that we're not getting a Jensen 3, assuming they'd build on top of Mankind Divided's software.

        • 4 months ago

          this game was the reason why I wanted to visit poland

        • 4 months ago

          They were gonna ditch dawn engine for ue5 slop, I'm kinda glad that they canned the sequel, it would've been full of leaf woke propaganda and that would ruin any good moments the game could've delivered.

      • 4 months ago

        >you get to use all the shortcuts and rooftops from before but with a new context and under heavy rain at nighttime as you see civvies detained and executed left and right.
        Before curfew, i always kept low key, never engaged with cops or drones. I was a good goy. Meanwhile I auged the living frick out of myself. When the curfew hit, i said "frick this" and holy shit did I go full terminator mode; literally wiped out every fricking cop, drone, bot in sight. The augs just made Jensen into a terrifying technological monster, a machine of god. Arguably one of the best power trips I had in a game for a long time.

        • 4 months ago

          I tried sneaking around only to miscalculate the power of the fully charged P.E.P.S. and sent the first exosuit I saw flying over the cars into the fountain

        • 4 months ago

          >The augs just made Jensen into a terrifying technological monster, a machine of god.

          >I've done it Sarif. I've truly become Deus Ex.

  4. 4 months ago

    Outside the story the half of MD that we got was better than the equivalent content amount in HR

  5. 4 months ago

    I think we should count our lucky stars. This day and age, IPs are run into the ground if they're not force-fed through the wood-chipper of modern day writing.

    We had three excellent games with DE, HR, and MD (yes, I'll absolutely defend MD). And IW was an alright game. A world filled with great writing, gameplay, world building, characters, and ideas that asked the audience what they value and what mankind's future should be.

  6. 4 months ago

    It was really bittersweet to play 2077's DLC and there's a single conversation that's basically a bargain bin version of DXHR/MD's conversation boss battles
    man I miss those games

  7. 4 months ago

    None can touch the greatness of the original.

    • 4 months ago

      Do you have a single fact to back that up?

    • 4 months ago

      Oh muh feels!

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I just don't get why Deus Ex didn't set a standard for game design. This game happened, ecerybody was blown away because they had never seen something like it before, and then everyone just went "well that was cool huh" and continued on designing ganes the same way they used to. As a result it still feels like revolutionary game design 20 years later. Even the later games in the same series didn't have shit like killing Anna on the plane. Instead of building on the shit that made this game so amazing, it was streamlined out.

      It just bothers the frick out of me that videogames could be so much more than they are ar this point, but they just aren't. The vast majority of what we get is just streamlined versions of what has been there for ages. There's barely any REAL innovation and artistry in game design.

      • 4 months ago

        The concept of immersive sims just blew my mind when I was a kid (around the time DX came out), but I guess the vast majority of players don't care about reactivity all that much

      • 4 months ago

        its like with system shock, there are so many ripoffs like bioshock and prety and a thousand others and they are all basically worse retellings with worse rgameplay than the system shock originals from the 90s

        • 4 months ago


          I just don't get why Deus Ex didn't set a standard for game design. This game happened, ecerybody was blown away because they had never seen something like it before, and then everyone just went "well that was cool huh" and continued on designing ganes the same way they used to. As a result it still feels like revolutionary game design 20 years later. Even the later games in the same series didn't have shit like killing Anna on the plane. Instead of building on the shit that made this game so amazing, it was streamlined out.

          It just bothers the frick out of me that videogames could be so much more than they are ar this point, but they just aren't. The vast majority of what we get is just streamlined versions of what has been there for ages. There's barely any REAL innovation and artistry in game design.
          >its like with system shock, there are so many ripoffs like bioshock and prety and a thousand others and they are all basically worse retellings with worse rgameplay than the system shock originals from the 90s

          • 4 months ago

            I liked Prey and think it's a better Deus Ex successor than HR and MD design and gameplay wise. It's a shame Arkane fell off lately because for a bit it looked like they were going to carry the torch for the immersive sim genre.

            • 4 months ago

              its just yet another inferior system shock retelling. not a bad game but its worse than the games its aping after, despiet those games being from 94 and 99

              • 4 months ago

                Prey still innovated rather than ride the System Shock coattails. The Mooncrash DLC did something new with its roguelite elements. Immersive sims suffer from savescumming and power creep discouraging experimentation and that solved both problems so I'm hoping any new immersive sim learns from this.

              • 4 months ago

                the dlc maybe but not the main game

            • 4 months ago

              Prey was good but it needed more everything to hold a candle to system shock
              more enemy types, more areas, more skill checks, more combat/avoidance options, more powers, more skills, more plot, more subplots, more dialogue, more choices, more weapons gadgets tools grenades food injuries treatments the list goes on
              Prey was in what i assume to be in dev hell so we got maybe 1/8th the game it could have been

      • 4 months ago

        Well, yes and no. Games have become more systematic over time as console hardware has become more powerful allowing for better simulations, and that has led itself to games like BotW or MGS5 which are pretty fun to screw around in, so the imsim design philosophy isn't quite dead. As far as story-gameplay integration or freedom in gameplay goes, though, nothing has managed to peak DX for me yet. That game managed to sell me its world through constantly giving me choices in its gameplay and the occasional choice in its story, and having the game respond back to me in interesting and fun ways. It manages to take an already well-written and smart story and improve it with its interactivity and no game that has come out after it has topped it even though you'd think it'd be an amazing source of inspiration for modern day story-focused games. It's completely baffling to me.

        • 4 months ago

          people who call botw an immersive sim has never played an immersive sim. its a great game tho, i would give it 9/10. it has a few immersive sim elements but it also has rpg elements yet nobody would call botw an rpg

          • 4 months ago

            You sound 12 years old. Shut the frick up.

            • 4 months ago

              go back to plebbit stupid Black person

          • 4 months ago

            who call botw an immersive sim has never played an immersive sim
            I didn't say it was

        • 4 months ago

          >It manages to take an already well-written and smart story and improve it with its interactivity and no game that has come out after it has topped it even though you'd think it'd be an amazing source of inspiration for modern day story-focused games. It's completely baffling to me.
          a big reason why the story is so strong is because it tokk so many things from real life, non-pc schizo facts, and then extrapolated on them even more. no other game has done this. there is no other game talking about the rothschilds and rockefellers by name, and the bilderberg group and taxation for centralization etc. and if such a game would be made today they would call it right wing extremist

      • 4 months ago

        >I just don't get why Deus Ex didn't set a standard for game design
        It was a successful game, but also very niche. The PC gamer demographic back in the 2000s was heavily nerd centric, so this kind of gameplay was very marketable to them. Today, casuals make up a big chunk of the market, releasing this game would be more financially risky. This is evident by the HR and MD titles later: lot of praise from fans, but financially it did not do as good as accounting would have hoped. Apparently one of the reasons why the franchise is on ice right now.

      • 4 months ago

        You probably need to have some sort of bordering OCD condition to enjoy the detailed exploration (I'm talking about players that spend 15 hours in MD before starting the first mission).
        Average players prefer big empty words instead (GTA, Skyrim, CP2077).
        Making a detailed world is just a waste of resources in the most cases really.

        • 4 months ago

          mexicans maybe. the probleme with md is that the looting is laggy and slow, you can loot empty corpses, and there is way too much loot and stupid bullshit everywhere. you re right that this type of game takes more resources. i wouldnt qualify bethesda games as particularly empty though

      • 4 months ago

        Open world games are the ones that have taken on the mantle to some extent. Finding multiple ways to cross a river on Death Stranding and solving a puzzle in the sky in Tears of the Kingdom are closer to the spirit of Deus Ex.

  8. 4 months ago

    the boss that fricks up your UI/gadgets if you get the vaxx was pretty cool I remember feeling super smart for not getting it thinking it was a trap

  9. 4 months ago


  10. 4 months ago

    I'm getting desperate, bros..

    Is pic really as bad as people say?

    • 4 months ago

      It's worse.
      Just play Black Parade

      • 4 months ago

        graphic design is their passion

    • 4 months ago

      It's great do people really say it's bad? Not as good as the originals games but highly enjoyable.

    • 4 months ago

      It's worse than a bad game trying to do things right and failing. It's a mediocre game trying to do the wrong things and succeeding. It's not a 0/10. It's lower than that.

    • 4 months ago

      Not everyone hated it when it first came out, however he had to put out a video shortly after defending his position.

  11. 4 months ago

    Kind of glad it's done. I wasn't happy with direction of the franchise. But I'll still miss it because I do like dystopian sci-fi.

  12. 4 months ago

    I guess I should ask this again. Which will suck the least out of the indie successors?
    >Core Decay probably dead because lmao3drealms but I really hope not
    >Corpus Edax
    >Fortunes Run

    • 4 months ago

      Fortune's Run is pretty good

    • 4 months ago

      Fortune's Run is not like Deus Ex.
      Corpus Edax is not like Deus Ex.
      Deep State (which you didn't mention, but I've seen then grouped) is not like Deus Ex.

  13. 4 months ago

    I loved HR and replayed through it so many times.
    I played mankind divided once or twice and never got quite the same feeling.
    Decided very recently to replay it, just finished the golem city mission and I think I'm able to better see the flaws that mankind divided had compared to H.R.

    First things first, everyone always likes the Hub of Prague, but I honestly find it too big at times. Because of the way my brain works I was trying to do as much side mission stuff before advancing the story, but I was ending up sort of subverting the mission structure just by exploring too much. Take the NEON drug missions, its quite a large one, unfortunately the main base is right under Henson's apartment, and is one of the first things I stumbled across, so I shut it down and then kept running into story beats related to it, but then instances wouldn't get triggered. Never got to go to the rave for instance.
    Microtransactions is a HUGE issue, and worthless at the same time, like you can pay money for credits, meanwhile the game throws weapons at you and you can just run to the shops and sell them and make a huge profit.
    And then the gameplay, I found for me at least, even though I wanted to go combat oriented I still want to read story stuff on computers, so I upgrade hacking, and find it's just so much easier to just quickly stealth around levels and taser enemies. I took out all of golem city like that. Meanwhile if I pulled out my guns I'd usually get taken out rather quickly unless I spammed health items.
    Finally, for now at least, fricking achievements that are directly tied to that awful breach mini game, and the fricking collectable software for it too. Just absolutely terrible.

    • 4 months ago

      Single use DLC items were a cancer idea too

    • 4 months ago

      >First things first, everyone always likes the Hub of Prague, but I honestly find it too big at times. Because of the way my brain works I was trying to do as much side mission stuff before advancing the story, but I was ending up sort of subverting the mission structure just by exploring too much.

      To be honest, i didn't find it too large, more like the levels were kinda hard to navigate around and was more challenging to build a mental map. The city layout felt like a rabbit warren at times. I didn't mind getting lost that much, as i liked exploring the frick out of it. I think the minimap system was a bit shit though. I wish it was more like a straight forward mapping system like google maps.

      • 4 months ago

        I always ignored smart vision but then I went for NG+ and took it because I couldn't really spend the Praxis anywhere else. Literally
        >at last I truly see
        Helped a lot with navigation

  14. 4 months ago

    It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here...

  15. 4 months ago

    A lot of people at /vr/ do too.

  16. 4 months ago

    >blasted HR soundtrack on repeat while studying for finals the semester i played it
    >atleast a grade point higher than the rest of semester's average on all of them somehow
    frick that shit was so good

  17. 4 months ago

    nuDeus Ex was shit for these same reasons THIAF was shit. Moviegame that shat all over originals

    • 4 months ago

      They aren't shit, you're just a bitter old homosexual.

  18. 4 months ago

    Deus Ex misses you.

    • 4 months ago

      Deus Ex wishes you had Augmented Your Pre-Order

  19. 4 months ago

    Only the original game was good
    If you think the latest two were anything above mediocre your standards are pathetic

  20. 4 months ago

    >square enix killed deus ex to produce marvel slop
    I will never forgive them

    • 4 months ago

      considering the state of gaming today... maybe this was for the best
      I'll never forget when early builds of Human Revolution were leaked and Ganker was shocked it was actually good

  21. 4 months ago

    I was making a game like Deus Ex but now I am not so sure I should continue.

  22. 4 months ago

    How do I learn to play like this?

    • 4 months ago

      Play Dishonored a lot

  23. 4 months ago

    I'm playing through MD for the first time just now, having just got through Golem City. I had always got the impression it was much worse than HR but honestly I enjoy it a lot. I have some stability issues and some big gripes especially where collision detection is involved, but it feels like a very worthy sequel and I like some of the additions and improvements, the game also just looks fantastic.
    I like that I can make my battle rifle semi-auto, but I hate that the pistol doesn't have AP anymore. Adam also doesn't pull back on the slide when he unholesters it so we don't get that satisfying clicking noise, which is truly unacceptable. I like that smart vision feels like it's worth using now. I like that you can do takedowns from behind cover now and pull enemies over the cover although that may have been an HR thing that I just never knew about.
    Of course, I get all my opinions from Ganker so I need someone to tell me why I was supposed to dislike it, please indulge me

    • 4 months ago

      >Of course, I get all my opinions from Ganker so I need someone to tell me why I was supposed to dislike it, please indulge me

      there's Black folk

      • 4 months ago

        So? HR starts in Detroit, that's not an MD-specific criticism. Although you did remind me of another gripe, Czech is a clown language, there's not enough fricking vowels so I can't remember where anything in Prague is supposed to actually be

        • 4 months ago

          Do you get to the Čistá Čtvrť district very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.

    • 4 months ago

      The gameplay is a general improvement but the story and characters just suck ass
      I replayed HR and MD back to back a couple weeks ago and the difference is insane
      I couldn't remember a single character from MD before I started and I think I've already forgotten all their names, and the entire game ends in Act 2 of the story.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah I can barely remember anyone from MD, it's a real problem. TF29 to me feels like a huge wasted opportunity, you never really get a good feel for your coworkers there like you did with the people at Unatco. There aren't any missions where you team up with other people, there's no silly but fun stuff like Gunther's infamous lemon-lime conspiracy, there's not really any coworkers clashing with each other like between Paul and Anna and shit like that. The most developed character in TF29 is your boss but he's still not as memorable as someone like Manderley

        • 4 months ago

          The gameplay is a general improvement but the story and characters just suck ass
          I replayed HR and MD back to back a couple weeks ago and the difference is insane
          I couldn't remember a single character from MD before I started and I think I've already forgotten all their names, and the entire game ends in Act 2 of the story.

          Adam is as an aug so it makes sense for there to be distance between him and his co workers considering where he works. They don't get on as well as the HR characters but it fits what the game is going for.

          The real issue is with Vega imo, she's just as dull as the TF29 people but feels like she should have more rapport with Adam.

    • 4 months ago

      MD is generally the better game than HR. The genuine reason it's criticized is the insane marketing campaign of Square Enix. Also the ending leading to a sequel that will never exists but that's middle entry syndrome

      • 4 months ago

        Was there a marketing campaign? I honestly can't remember.

        • 4 months ago

          Deus Ex if he israeli BLM movement

        • 4 months ago

          That "aug lives matter" shitshow and the pre-order bullshit kinda overshadowed the game itself so no surprise there.

          • 4 months ago

            that stuff ended up being a deep state sponsored protest

            • 4 months ago

              Take your meds.

              • 4 months ago

                In the game?

                Take it back to plebbit.

                the game has a conclusion that the "Aug Lives Matter" shit was being financed by the illuminati; unironically

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, in-game. Yeah sure, although the game kinda handles it sloppily

              • 4 months ago

                Defnitely real life BLM as well.

              • 4 months ago

                BLM is openly sponsored by several large companies till the point where its co-founders have million dollar mansions. It's hardly a conspiracy if it's this blazenly open, at least in DX they try to keep this shit hidden.

                Doesn't make for a very effective plot though. No matter how many people might say MD's plot filters brainlets, the truth of it is that it mostly explores aug discrimination as a metaphor for racism and barely touches upon more interesting themes like psyops and media coverups. What a shame

              • 4 months ago

                >It's hardly a conspiracy if it's this blazenly open
                its absolutely a conspiracy that is regularly denied and saying what youre saying will get you shunned in many places

              • 4 months ago

                >google "black lives matter sponsors"
                >google "black lives matter co-founder mansion"

                You're seriously telling me that people deny this shit when it's so easy to find? Good God people are more moronic than I thought. I want off this gay earth

              • 4 months ago

                Not that anon but a conspiracy these days is just any event or claim that is not reported on or is refuted by mainstream media, it doesn't take common sense or logic into the equation.

              • 4 months ago

                conspiracy just means that 2 or more actors are secretely planning or doing for their own benefit at the cost of the victim(s)

                if u and i are sitting in ur basement planning a bank robbery we are conspiring against the bank

                israelites and glowBlack folk have for the longest time to brainwash people into thinking "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory" are synonyms, which is itself a conspiracy

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah I'm not disagreeing with you, shit's fricked and there's no clear way out that the majority are going to be on board with, the conditioning has been going on for too long.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't agree with this, but the pacing in MD is pretty fricked. If you play it normally it's about as long as the other games (shorter if you ignore all the side-content but why would you), but you spend most of the story dicking around in Prague. It doesn't really feel like a big world-trip or a forward-moving plot, which is why the game feels shorter than it really is. It blends together.

                >if you play the game and explore a lot and pay attention you'll realize that that's a psyop
                Why do people keep bringing this up? This is factually true but it's practically irrelevant with how little the game actually discusses psyops. It's a game that discusses racism through a metaphor with augmented people, but it's a dumb metaphor that quickly falls apart and yet it's such an incredibly pervasive theme that it makes the entirety of the game feel dumber by association. It doesn't really discuss psyops and media influence in the same way the original DX discussed class warfare, it's just there as an easily missed plot point.

                >. No matter how many people might say MD's plot filters brainlets, the truth of it is that it mostly explores aug discrimination as a metaphor for racism and barely touches upon more interesting themes like psyops and media coverups.

                That's exactly how it filtered the brainlets. It's nowhere near as fun if they just made like the first 2 missions about racism and then made the rest of the game about the conspiracy. Most of the game is about dealing with the fallout of the psyops, while the main story is directly related to the illuminati.

                >It's a game that discusses racism through a metaphor with augmented people, but it's a dumb metaphor that quickly falls apart and yet it's such an incredibly pervasive theme that it makes the entirety of the game feel dumber by association.

                Dumb how? Because you personally don't like it? I thought it was kinda dumb when the game released, but now after seeing vaxdrones irl because of COVID, and after seeing people hating on whites for so long? Now I buy the antiaug war in the game. Either you're really mad at being filtered, or you're just on the side of the cucks irl (anti whites, people against the choice of getting the vaccine and wanting it to be forced, etc) and you can't see the paralels.

                >I don't agree with this, but the pacing in MD is pretty fricked. If you play it normally it's about as long as the other games (shorter if you ignore all the side-content but why would you), but you spend most of the story dicking around in Prague. It doesn't really feel like a big world-trip or a forward-moving plot, which is why the game feels shorter than it really is. It blends together.


              • 4 months ago

                This tells me you're a moron who can't read, so I'm not even going to bother responding to the rest of your points. I don't know why I bothered.

              • 4 months ago

                >ad hominem
                >non sequitur
                Why even bother posting if you're just going to shit on the floor and yell?

              • 4 months ago

                huh I didnt know that because i never played the game. i saw the ads and thought it was gonna be BLM propaganda slopfest

              • 4 months ago

                >i saw the ads and thought it was gonna be BLM propaganda slopfest
                on the surface it is until the player finds out the news is being manipulated by an AI. It would never be made today

            • 4 months ago

              In the game?

              Take your meds.

              Take it back to plebbit.

          • 4 months ago

            Deus Ex if he israeli BLM movement

            Are you fricking serious? This would have been like 2015-2016 right? How do I not remember this? Hell, that was around the last time I played HR through so it should have been somewhat fresh in my conscience

        • 4 months ago

          MD got just about every form of israeli trick shoveled into it
          >full price game
          >pre-order for early access FOMO
          >pre-order in-game item bonuses but you can't actually get all of them
          >entire quest + level removed from base game, can only play if you pre-order
          >single-use, consumable microtransactions in a single player game
          >denuvo on PC
          It was a disgrace, and if MD was a success we'd be monkey paw'd into getting another DX game with even more israeli tricks

          • 4 months ago

            Well, when you think about it, israeli corpo tricks are very on-brand for Deus Ex, aren't they? Maybe it was intentional.

          • 4 months ago

            Human Revolution had quite a bit of DLC and it was given a free pass. So they decided to triple down on it with MD.

    • 4 months ago

      MD is fricking great. Here's the sum of Ganker's complaints:
      >NOOOOOOOO THE GAME IS ABOUT BLMMMM (if you play the game and explore a lot and pay attention you'll realize that that's a psyop, perfect for a game like Deus Ex)

      Anyways, enjoy, game is fricking amazing. Make sure to play the DLCs too if you like the gameplay, ESPECIALLY A Criminal Past.

      Hell, watch the intro (this DLC happens before MD's main story, by the way):

      • 4 months ago

        I don't agree with this, but the pacing in MD is pretty fricked. If you play it normally it's about as long as the other games (shorter if you ignore all the side-content but why would you), but you spend most of the story dicking around in Prague. It doesn't really feel like a big world-trip or a forward-moving plot, which is why the game feels shorter than it really is. It blends together.

        >if you play the game and explore a lot and pay attention you'll realize that that's a psyop
        Why do people keep bringing this up? This is factually true but it's practically irrelevant with how little the game actually discusses psyops. It's a game that discusses racism through a metaphor with augmented people, but it's a dumb metaphor that quickly falls apart and yet it's such an incredibly pervasive theme that it makes the entirety of the game feel dumber by association. It doesn't really discuss psyops and media influence in the same way the original DX discussed class warfare, it's just there as an easily missed plot point.

  24. 4 months ago

    Frick Embracer

    • 4 months ago

      Frick Square for mishandling every western IP they owned

      • 4 months ago

        They can't even handle their own homegrown IP

        • 4 months ago

          SE really is the EA of Japan.

  25. 4 months ago

    then go play it
    >by deus ex I actually meant my poorly thought out "prequels" made only to milk cash

  26. 4 months ago

    should i play deus ex, metro, deathstranding, or cyberpunk first?

    • 4 months ago

      If you're going to play Metro then avoid the Redux of 2033 at ALL FRICKING COSTS. It is absolutely inferior to the original

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe DS so you'll be a fresh but not burnt out when DS2 comes out?

      • 4 months ago

        but DS2 isn't coming out for PC

        If you're going to play Metro then avoid the Redux of 2033 at ALL FRICKING COSTS. It is absolutely inferior to the original


        • 4 months ago

          DS1 was a PS4 only title for a while but then it was later brought to PC 1 year later

          • 4 months ago

            1 year is a long time anon, i dont think i can live for that long

    • 4 months ago

      Gameplay-wise, Cyberpunk actually works as a decent substitute for the next DX game we're never getting thanks to Embracer. You could play it after you're done with all the DX games if you still have a craving for the formula, or you could just play it like a regular game at any time.

  27. 4 months ago

    oh yes, nu-deus ex. those games were totally great and absolutely not 4/10 moronslop with awful level design

    • 4 months ago

      >literally show vs tell

      • 4 months ago

        literal youtoooobing slopBlack person

      • 4 months ago

        2001 was a meme tier pedo garbage

      • 4 months ago

        That's an advise for movies.

    • 4 months ago

      >those games were totally great and absolutely not 4/10 moronslop with awful level design
      I agree that HR and MD weren't as well-written or well-designed as the original, but they still came the closest out of all other modern games in the past 15 years. They still scratched an itch no other game could scratch for me.

    • 4 months ago

      i wonder if there were any significant world events going on in 1945 that could have influenced that figure

      • 4 months ago

        It took decades for taxes to be cut to current day levels, and they were some of the most prosperous years in world history

  28. 4 months ago

    I actually think that MD was pretty good but not worth the original $60 it was sold for.
    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  29. 4 months ago

    If you know, you know.

  30. 4 months ago

    I can always play the original or mod it even, Jensen's games are alright but with Square's directions the next game is going to be filled with garbage and microtransactions. Kinda sad, really.

    • 4 months ago

      Square sold dx ip to embracer, embracer bought it just to fill own portfolio to get bought by arabs, arabs refused to get scammed, embracer canceled next nuDX and fired most of staff

      • 4 months ago

        IP got pulped to a crisp.

  31. 4 months ago

    Deus Ex is too dangerous for another game to be allowed.

    • 4 months ago

      Theres no way this kind of thing would make it past the ESG censors.

    • 4 months ago

      This game was made 24 years ago.

      Do you believe in coincidences?

    • 4 months ago

      Theres no way this kind of thing would make it past the ESG censors.

      This game was made 24 years ago.

      Do you believe in coincidences?

      When I played these games, i was kinda blown away how much of the themes, conspiracies and politics echoed present day events. It's as if someone went back with a time machine and wrote the script for the entire franchise. It's a testament how situational aware writers were at the time, probably had academic knowledge of human nature, politics, and technological advancement. And they didn't shy away from controversial themes either.

      • 4 months ago

        You should check out Arcanum.

  32. 4 months ago

    Best way to play dude sex in 202x?

    • 4 months ago


  33. 4 months ago

    >be Adam Jensen
    >become cyborg
    >become clone cyborg
    >series gets shelved

    • 4 months ago

      >tfw we'll never get the game that bridges Mankind Divided and Deus Ex 1

  34. 4 months ago

    >posts fake zoomer Deus Ex

  35. 4 months ago

    >Human Revolution is set in 2025.

    • 4 months ago

      2027 actually

      • 4 months ago

        >gamergate was 10 years ago

  36. 4 months ago

    I've had Deus Ex The Fall sitting on my hard drive for 10 years, unplayed. I just fired it up and good LORD those are some potato graphics.

    • 4 months ago

      It's like a HR prototype, and only the tutorial + first level, and shrunk down to mobile. It's 99% reused assets from HR, too. And the usage of height is extremely limited (you can't even jump).
      I kinda enjoyed it but I know it's mediocre. I'd only recommend it as an interesting piece to someone who loves HR. Also I liked the design of the two main characters.

  37. 4 months ago

    Invisible War's ammo system and how it interacts with its own finale is one of the funniest things I have ever seen, it's as if the designers were beating the shit out of each other while they were making the game

    • 4 months ago

      >Invisible War's ammo system and how it interacts with its own finale

      • 4 months ago

        Every weapon uses the same ammo
        To balance this the larger weapons use more ammo, so theoretically you can't just use an infinite ammo rocket launcher
        Except the final act of the game, in an attempt to scale up, has nearly every enemy wielding rockets and flamethrowers
        Meaning you do have infinite ammo for the rockets, which you are pretty much coerced into using given the enemies are using said rockets against you as well
        It is a hilarious trainwreck

  38. 4 months ago

    Tried playing MD again, with combat focus since I already played it once with stealth, but the combat feels like shit. Weapons sound like they're firing rubber bullets, enemies seemingly try to shoot at you through walls and cover
    turned it off at the Dubai thing when I failed to save whatshisname and the fricking NPC treats Jensen like a dog even though he's the highest tier soldier they could possibly get.

  39. 4 months ago

    Prey may be in my top 3 games ever
    I know it's not as deep as SS2 mechanics wise but something about Prey's atmosphere just hits me hard

    • 4 months ago

      >Prey may be in my top 3 games ever
      stop it
      just stop
      you're being a silly goose, and i want you to sit down and think about what you post before you post it next time

      • 4 months ago

        My opinion is well-founded

  40. 4 months ago

    what if adam had a gloo gun

    • 4 months ago

      he would gloo everywhere and say "i never gloo'd this" when he saw something he hadn't gloo'd and then he would gloo it

  41. 4 months ago

    Has anyone paid attention to talk show radio in the background while playing HR (also MD)? It was fricking hilarious. It's as if the cooker himself, Alex Jones, was voice acting the whole thing. All the conspiracy bullshit on the show were laughably moronic... then as plot thickened in the game, some of that conspiracy shite actually turned out to be true. Those little details, so easy to miss, but when you notice, a true holy shit moment.

    • 4 months ago

      Lazarus is one of my favorite parts of HR and MD.

  42. 4 months ago

    Ive been putting off Mankind Divided. Enjoyed HR a lot and Missing Link, should I get the DLCs for MD?

    • 4 months ago

      >should I get the DLCs for MD?
      Criminal past was great. The other one was alright.

  43. 4 months ago

    so which company is capable of saving the franchise this time?

    • 4 months ago

      Imagine if it went to Take 2 or Ubisoft.

      • 4 months ago

        >Bioware Montreal proudly presents

    • 4 months ago

      Microsoft. I unironically think they are the only ones who can buy out the studios and this franchise. Especially since Eidos are working on the xbox IP.

      • 4 months ago

        saving != buying
        Microsoft can't even save their own ips

        • 4 months ago

          They brought back Age of Empires, that franchise was even deader than deus ex.

          • 4 months ago

            no game released in a while doesn't mean a franchise is dead, AOE 2 still had a sizeable playerbase by the time they released the definitive edition. They didn't save shit, they just didn't ruin it.

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely think that Eidos Montreal are the best single player devs on the planet, all the need is to be given enough budget/leeway and its a guaranteed masterpiece

  44. 4 months ago

    Yeah, the real Deus Ex

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