I'm just gonna say it, Vanilla WoW is almost perfect. The only issues are:. >Racials. >The Ranking System

I'm just gonna say it, Vanilla WoW is almost perfect. The only issues are:


>The Ranking System

>Loot is almost perfect but it could be tweaked but idk how

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    TBC did it better

    • 11 months ago

      Frick off. TBC introduced all the worst things in current MMOs and the class balance was even worse

      Vanilla WoW is shit, because it got balanced by butthurt raiders from another MMO who heavily favored their classes, and were very aggressive in making the classes they hated bad. There's a reason warriors are gods. That homosexual Tigole wanted his main class good, and hated all hybrids, so made sure they all turned out shit, despite the fact paladins and druids are one of, if not the most, popular class in Warcraft. Imagine if WotLK was released with DKs being meme tier like vanilla PvE druids/paladins. That's what would have happened had DKs been a vanilla class, because can't have Tigole's favorite classes be overshadowed by hybrids. Otherwise, yeah, vanilla is perfect. Racials are fine, people barely play Horde as is, let the homosexuals have their PvP racials. We need some one to play the mudhut no shoe Black person monsters.

      >Popular in Vanilla
      lmao @urlife

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >the class balance was even worse
        lmao come on, stop lying

        That being said, I absolutely despise flying mounts and what they have done to MMOs.

        • 11 months ago

          running around isn't gameplay.

    • 11 months ago

      As a Paladin enjoyer I have to agree
      >because the game was set to the final patch, right out the gate Prot Paladins could do everything
      >prot was the go to heroic tanks, aoe raid tanks, raid main tanks after p1 (I mt'd everything from phase 2 onward)
      >holy was still good but i never touched it
      >ret with seal twisting could top the meters
      I think classic+ with TBC talents would rule. I'd play it for sure. I'd even just settle for a rehash of classic TBC. Frick doing vanilla again though

      • 11 months ago

        im not sure what expansion you were playing where ret was topping the meters, but its definitely not TBC. TBC only brought a single ret paladin to their raids

  2. 11 months ago

    vanilla wow has the same issue as every other MMORPG. the game isn't about playing, its about farming gold and paying people to play for you.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh yeah reagents too

      • 11 months ago

        you literally aren't allowed to raid or pvp in wow unless you're boosting. people will say i'm wrong, but these people have never been to nax, and they've played less than 20 arena matches this season, most likely they haven't even played one.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not sure what you mean also I never went to naxx in 1.12

          • 11 months ago

            you should check out trade chat on any popular server. its just people selling services like m+ carries or GDKPs. its funny because most people are skilled enough to do this stuff, they just aren't allowed to play unless they're paying.

            • 11 months ago

              Are you talking about on retail or 1.12?

              The girl on OP's pic fricks orcs btw

              No she doesn't that's my character and she only fricks Draenei and Night Elves

              • 11 months ago

                both, all MMO's of today are offering boosting services en mass. for the regular joe, their option is to pay real money, or farm in game currency if they want to do anything resembling end game content. i predict solo queue will be much more popular in the coming years, as its the only way to prevent this sort of monopoly on content. its also just way easier. even pro gamers like swifty complain about trying to find teammates and prefer to queue solo in unranked.

              • 11 months ago

                Didn't know you were allowed to talk about boosting in non retail

              • 11 months ago

                they call them GDKPs in classic. its a boosting service.

              • 11 months ago

                >dark skin
                >white hair
                >human female
                ahh, a man of TASTE

        • 11 months ago

          if you tank or heal you can do whatever the frick you want.

    • 11 months ago

      you literally aren't allowed to raid or pvp in wow unless you're boosting. people will say i'm wrong, but these people have never been to nax, and they've played less than 20 arena matches this season, most likely they haven't even played one.

      this is a modern gaming phenomenon and not a fault of the game design
      Blizzard should just start banning enough that it goes back to being a small underground scene instead of being the main way to the play the game

      To tell the complete truth, it's the quality of the players that has gone down dramatically.
      Nobody is looking to have fun or play a game, people just treat the game like some kind of "Do or Die" endeavor and that's why Classic got destroyed by these 3rd world loonies.
      The main cause of this is that people aren't allowed to shame and bully each other anymore. In 2004 when WoW released, if one of your friends caught you paying people to cheat your way to better gear or to level faster they'd never let you hear the end of it, some guild masters might even kick you from your guild (seen this happen myself), now it's not even considered cheating.
      MMOs will never heal unless people claim back some sense of integrity and are allowed to bully and harass each other into being better people.

      • 11 months ago

        It's zoomers and, as you say, thirdies. China cheats at everything, the goal of a game to them is not to have fun, but to win. Therefore they remove all parts of the game and focus only on winning, despite an MMO not being a binary win/lose game.

      • 11 months ago

        the game has become very transactional. there are still some people out there who want to make friends but it feels like a lot of people mega autistic and only care to further their own interest.

  3. 11 months ago

    >horrible graphics, it looks like an N64 game
    >pvp is actual shit
    >quests are a dead game mechanic that nobody really enjoys, but level 60 accounts cost like $500
    its still the best mmo on the market sadly. at least its not a movie pretending to be a game like these other mmos (BDO, FFXIV)

    • 11 months ago

      >movie pretending to be a game like these other mmos
      BDO is literally just mob grinding from level 1 to finish

      • 11 months ago

        i played for 2 hours and they had me sneaking through a poorly programmed stealth level, talking to an endless amount of npcs and riding a horse. that was it, there was no game. not interested.

  4. 11 months ago

    The girl on OP's pic fricks orcs btw

  5. 11 months ago

    Vanilla WoW is shit, because it got balanced by butthurt raiders from another MMO who heavily favored their classes, and were very aggressive in making the classes they hated bad. There's a reason warriors are gods. That homosexual Tigole wanted his main class good, and hated all hybrids, so made sure they all turned out shit, despite the fact paladins and druids are one of, if not the most, popular class in Warcraft. Imagine if WotLK was released with DKs being meme tier like vanilla PvE druids/paladins. That's what would have happened had DKs been a vanilla class, because can't have Tigole's favorite classes be overshadowed by hybrids. Otherwise, yeah, vanilla is perfect. Racials are fine, people barely play Horde as is, let the homosexuals have their PvP racials. We need some one to play the mudhut no shoe Black person monsters.

    • 11 months ago

      why don't you just play warrior? its because you ENJOY PLAYING THE SHIT CLASS, you think it gives you street cred or something.

      • 11 months ago

        Not him, but warriors are fricking boring as shit to level and rely HEAVILY on items. I always played Druid because I liked having the choice of being Tank/DPS/Healer all in one class and being good/decent at all 3 roles. TBC was when Druids and Paladins were just the best.

    • 11 months ago

      i'm assuming he liked mages then because nothing is as fun as playing a vanilla mage
      >inb4 muh frostbolt spam

  6. 11 months ago

    Nothings perfect.
    And WoW ripped off another MMO.

    • 11 months ago

      EQhomie you on Oakwynd dawg?

  7. 11 months ago

    redpill me on classic.

    are their individual vanilla, TBC, and WOTLK servers?

    • 11 months ago

      theres a vanilla server, a wotlk server, and dragonflight. there wont be a new fresh server anytime soon, so if you're interested in playing just play on the most active server. lots of people around, but not in an annoying way. take your time, endgame is just farming gold and paying people to give you loot. thats your only option.

    • 11 months ago

      Wotlk is a joke, TBC servers do not exist (not Blizzard's at least), Vanilla has issues but a surprisingly good population. That said, Hardcore servers are coming out (death is permanent but when you die you can transfer your dead character to a "regular" Vanilla server and resurrect there)

  8. 11 months ago

    vanillagays are coping because at the time they were teens with hopes and dreams and possible futures. its always been a shit game.

  9. 11 months ago

    the problem is with the mentality of the players.
    it's no longer an adventure, it's an xp-grind to level cap then pre-bis then bis then parselogging.

    in pve it's non-issue if you aren't queer. rolling a human rogue for sword spec when you wanted to roll a nelf is b***hboy behaviour. Rolling a dwarf priest when you really wanted to shadowmeld-mind control people off bridges is the same.
    pvp racials are all over the place, but I prefer the flavor to not having them at all

    >The Ranking System
    yeah no argument here.

    >Loot is almost perfect but it could be tweaked but idk how
    i always though it was fine.

    also your character looks like she fricks ogre mages

  10. 11 months ago

    >Vanilla WoW is almost perfect
    It's either perfect or it's not. Once you start changing shit you don't stop and then it's no longer vanilla.

  11. 11 months ago

    >pops wotf and free kills your priest/warlock
    yeah the racials are fine
    >resists your kidney shot
    not broken, just flavor

    • 11 months ago

      The game isn't and never should be balanced for 1v1. The bigger difference comes from paladin and shaman, and they're actually a pretty dynamic balance where you xan't really say one is definitely better than the other except pve where paladin blessings are broken

  12. 11 months ago

    Correct opinion.
    (Also world buffs a bit too powerful)

  13. 11 months ago

    wotf, stoneskin and orc stun resistance need little nerfs but other than that whats the issue

  14. 11 months ago

    that pancake ass

  15. 11 months ago

    what's the problem here? They make the races unique.
    >The Ranking System
    ok that is a valid point, but that got fixed or is getting fixed
    >Loot is almost perfect but it could be tweaked but idk how
    I think classic loot is perfect.

    • 11 months ago

      >what's the problem here? They make the races unique.
      Eh, the problem is really the Human/Orc Sword/Mace/Axe +skill level bonus racial. +weapon skill is an unbelievably broken good stat in classic and very rare on gear, particularly in the earlier patches. To the point where you have to gear non-human/orcs differently (or pay exorbitant prices for edgemasters, essentially throwing away your glove slot) to make sure you hit weapon skill soft cap so you do full damage to Boss level enemies. without it you're performing only like 90-95% of the DPS on the same fight.

      • 11 months ago

        +Weapon skill and Dwarf Priest Fear Ward are basically the only racials in the game with raiding appliance. They're objectively the best racials for their use, and there isn't really an argument. For PvP it's more nuanced, because there's different team comps and different use cases and basically every racial has their uses. Some are more versatile and powerful than others, but they can all be useful when used correctly and there's way more variables in PvP encounters. That's why the PvE differences are more glaring.
        I think every race should have access to some +weapon skill racial to give a flavorful distinction between warriors and rogues of different races, or they should be removed/severely nerfed. I think it would be cool if Gnome Rogues were more incentivized to go dagger spec, and Human Rogues to go sword for example. It's not going to be perfectly balanced, because in different tiers some weapon classes don't have equivalent weapons, but I think you wouldn't feel too bad for rolling a NElf warrior if you'd get axe spec or Tauren Warrior if you got maces for example.
        Racial Priest skills should also be modified so that the Priests of other races can do quests in the other race's capitals that enable them to learn their racial Priest skills. Maybe those quests are only obtainable at max level and/or when you have reached a certain threshold in that race's reputation. It's a fun distinction that different races have different faiths, and thus different Priest skills, but for Alliance especially it often feels like you're pigeonholed into being a Dwarf

  16. 11 months ago

    >vanilla wow
    >posts hellfire peninsula
    what did OP mean by this?

  17. 11 months ago

    classes are imbalanced, over a half of specs are useless and every class that's not a 100% dedicated dps is forced into healing

    • 11 months ago

      good. Name some useless specs.

      • 11 months ago

        arms warrior, any non combat rogue, arcane and frost mage (fire in first two tiers), any not destruction warlock, any not holy priest, any not resto shaman, any not holy paladin, any not resto druid, any not marksman hunter

        • 11 months ago

          >pvp specs
          >somehow useless
          what also arms warrior can rek in raids

    • 11 months ago

      you can probably do naxx with 'bad specs' only
      blizzard has always done the balancing carousel to make people level alts and switch mains ,but it's never been imbalanced to the point where it's unplayable

      • 11 months ago

        You’re wrong. Naxx is only easy because it’s been minmaxxed to hell. Unless your group is already in naxx gear you’re gimping yourself by bringing in something like a balance druid who is doing a 3rd of a mage’s damage.

      • 11 months ago

        you can, but everyone is sweaty as frick and they'd rather go do naxx with 37 people than take an enhancement shaman or retribution paladin

        >every class that's not a 100% dedicated dps is forced into healing
        I always, ALWAYS had 1 spot for a spriest in my raids.

        t. Warlock full naxx bis before Classic ended

        I saw a guild fall apart, because a guy was allowed to bring his spriest to a raid.

        • 11 months ago

          The private servers had plenty of Ret Pally's in Naxx raids, some of them pulled good DPS had god tier gear.

          Classic was a bit more sweaty with no fun allowed!

          • 11 months ago

            Fairly sure pservers had bad spell coefficients (particularly on Consecration) on top of overall wrong values

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah that is true, even nost wasn't that accurate.

          • 11 months ago

            I was asked to bring my ret over my warrior in Naxx in classic, because I had crazy damage on trash packs, was able to emergency heal on loatheb and could tank 4 horsemen better (I had better tank gear than on my warrior). Suited me, because I got the ashbringer.

    • 11 months ago

      >every class that's not a 100% dedicated dps is forced into healing
      I always, ALWAYS had 1 spot for a spriest in my raids.

      t. Warlock full naxx bis before Classic ended

      • 11 months ago

        Nobody brings a dps shadow priest, larper. They bring in a healing priest specced into shadow vuln. Their job is to keep it up while healing not dpsing.

        • 11 months ago

          Nah, I brought a full on Spriest.
          There's no need for that Shadow weaving heal priest meme shit

          you can, but everyone is sweaty as frick and they'd rather go do naxx with 37 people than take an enhancement shaman or retribution paladin
          I saw a guild fall apart, because a guy was allowed to bring his spriest to a raid.

          We had 3 Warlocks and 1 Spriest increased all of our damage dramatically.

          • 11 months ago

            There's no need for a shadow priests when a healer doing it was more effective than bringing a meme spec
            That's how bad vanilla balance is

            • 11 months ago

              The best argument about how vanilla balance is, is that it was all fixed in TBC and no one ever complained about it. Turned out every spec can be useful.

              • 11 months ago

                warriors cried all of TBC classic, as did the rogues not getting glaives
                classes dont become passable until Wrath, vanilla is an actual embarrassment of class design and balance

              • 11 months ago

                Nah they had their own niche and usefulness. They just weren't making 40% of the raid anymore.

                Nobody actually rolled a paladin dude, if you believe that you're as moronic as them. Every server is 50% warriors, 30% mages and 20% cucks who settled on being healbitch.

                I did, but I also had a warrior, because I knew how it will end.

              • 11 months ago

                >is that it was all fixed in TBC
                TBC class balance in PvE was worse than vanilla
                rogues was the biggest meme class, warriors were tank only and every raid was stacking locks and shamas

              • 11 months ago

                TBC objectively had more useful specs than vanilla

              • 11 months ago

                This is objectively true, because objectively, there were more classes to play with.
                But at same time also made min-maxing homosexualry even more supreme, making some specs not optimal > useless.

              • 11 months ago

                why don't you like min/maxxing? is it because you suck and cant parse? its okay, the game is actually pretty hard.

              • 11 months ago

                I wish i could bother to give you a serious response but i can see you can't try to either.

              • 11 months ago

                thats the only reason i can think of. you dont like the competition because you aren't skilled enough to win. i get legendary parses on every fight

              • 11 months ago

                I don't mind min-maxing. I've done most of the old-school content with Warrior, rogue, and Hunter.
                My argument was that even if TBC has ""more specs"", most of them are not optimal - therefore they fall into the same category as in vanilla boomkins or whatever.
                So it's kinda apples-to-oranges argument comparing TBC to Vanilla in that sense. I think 40men raids are so lenient (and easy) you can definitely pack easily 10 guys in nonoptimal.
                At the end of the day its just preference - i don't do raid-leading stuff and i don't care if you play suboptimal, in the end, the raid is a group effort.

              • 11 months ago

                what spec was useless in tbc?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                an optimal raid setup did bring a ret paladin

              • 11 months ago

                Optimal raid set ups don't bring a ret. Prot paladin can bring all the ret utility and still perform their role.
                most guilds did run 1 ret though because most guilds weren't optimal or didn't speedrun

              • 11 months ago

                TBC doesnt have more specs
                It has more VIABLE specs
                Even beyond just the specs you want at least 1 of in a raid, the gaps are also substantially smaller than vanilla where warriors and rogues were head and shoulders above other specs
                >I think 40men raids are so lenient (and easy)
                totally irrelevant, everything before WoD mythic is so easy comp is irrelevant. But that doesnt change player mentality of bring the best and players not wanting their spec to be dogshit

              • 11 months ago

                Of course, it has more specs, it has 3 more specs total, it is just objective truth.
                VIABLE is kinda a non-argument, since every spec was viable in vanilla too. There was always an edge-case scenario. This doesn't mean you can bring 20 survi hunters or whatever. No one is preventing people to do stupid decisions of course.
                >totally irrelevant, everything before WoD mythic is so easy comp is irrelevant. But that doesnt change player mentality of bring the best and players not wanting their spec to be dogshit
                Its my opinion, not objective. There are always people who like to play the underdog and people who want to just make things as optimal as possible, this changes no matter game you play - you can only choose who you play with.

              • 11 months ago

                No it doesnt you moronic monkey, the non-healer paladin and shaman specs already existed and already sucked ass in vanilla, TBC massively improved them so you had useful shaman DPS and pally tank
                >This doesn't mean you can bring 20 survi hunters or whatever.
                then obviously its not viable as a DPS, since its failing at its role. A class could do literally 0 damage and still get carried through a raid, that doesnt make it viable

              • 11 months ago

                Did you play vanilla? Elemental and Enchantment were both viable.
                Anyway, we can split hairs forever - they got improved to TBC but at same time it was away from someone else.
                >then obviously its not viable as a DPS, since its failing at its role. A class could do literally 0 damage and still get carried through a raid, that doesnt make it viable
                I think you're just arguing for arguing sake cuz that's literally what i was saying.

              • 11 months ago

                >Elemental and Enchantment were both viable.
                No they werent moron
                > they got improved to TBC but at same time it was away from someone else.
                irrelevant, the power was taken away from the top and distributed throughout the raid group, thats called balance. Its not an issue that warriors were no longer overpowered, it WAS an issue that boomkins were a dead spec in vanilla

              • 11 months ago

                You sound like you repeat what you heard someone say about vanilla.
                Anyway sorry for trying to have 'serious' conversation and wasting my time.

              • 11 months ago

                nice cope moron, luckily everything is heavily logged in 2019 and we both know youre lying
                Sorry your favorite game was shit in 2004, shit in 2019 and will always be shit

              • 11 months ago

                min/maxxing makes half the classes in the game irrelevant. It's boring and simply highlights how braindead zoomers are and how bad at balance blizzard was.

              • 11 months ago

                not optimal specs were already useless in vanilla, tbc didnt create this
                TBC gives benefits to bringing 1 or 2 of more specs than vanilla you would never touch, the balance is objectively better

              • 11 months ago


                I don't mind min-maxing. I've done most of the old-school content with Warrior, rogue, and Hunter.
                My argument was that even if TBC has ""more specs"", most of them are not optimal - therefore they fall into the same category as in vanilla boomkins or whatever.
                So it's kinda apples-to-oranges argument comparing TBC to Vanilla in that sense. I think 40men raids are so lenient (and easy) you can definitely pack easily 10 guys in nonoptimal.
                At the end of the day its just preference - i don't do raid-leading stuff and i don't care if you play suboptimal, in the end, the raid is a group effort.

              • 11 months ago

                >balance means that only classes that deal damage matter, classes that bring utility don't
                Man, it is almost like you morons didn't actually play the fricking game.

              • 11 months ago

                nobody fricking cared
                roll lock or at least sham or gtfo

              • 11 months ago

                Yep. nobody cared about bringing a shadow priest so those warlocks deal like 10% more damage. Nobody cared about moonkins, who were mandatory in each warlock group because 5% crit is a big deal. Nobody cared about rets bringing the best debuff in the game. Nobody cared about hunter stacking and bringing warriorsrogues so they can put on sunders.
                Shut the frick up, moron.

              • 11 months ago

                >in TBCC raids

              • 11 months ago

                don't warglaives rogues shit out dps?

              • 11 months ago

                yes, but don't tell the warriors that

              • 11 months ago

                yes, but they need to suffer before getting them
                in my guild people refused to invite rogues even in normal 5ppl

              • 11 months ago

                Dedicated Expose Armor bot, please understand.

                don't warglaives rogues shit out dps?

                Yeah, but warriors do it better.

              • 11 months ago

                Bullshit, pretty much all specs were at least able to get a raid spot, in vanilla it was max one meme class, who was more of a morale increase chewtoy.
                Also it shows that you never played TBC much, if there was one meme spec that really was useless it was the warrior tank, Druids were the best for taking punishment an Paladins were the preffered choice for aggro (not by much) and AOE (by a lot).

  18. 11 months ago

    >just want a warrior waifu on classic that I can healbawd for

    Dream never comes true.

    • 11 months ago

      not with that attitude you b***h

  19. 11 months ago

    >Loot is almost perfect
    Loot is extremely bad.
    Tons of awful gear with very low amount of drops per boss for 40 man raids

  20. 11 months ago

    Racials are cool, wow toned them down drastically from previous mmos. Race should matter in an rpg.
    I love seething paladin players crying about orcs though. Little pansies.

  21. 11 months ago

    >Loot is almost perfect but it could be tweaked but idk how
    strength on cloth is perfect? i love vanilla and hate the expansions but some of the gear was just bizarre
    it's sad they did away with the wonky items though like "chance to summon a demon on hit"

    • 11 months ago

      You can't have insanely memorable gear without having some items that are bizarre and seem really bad. When you start out, you'll get greens that have +stats, but they can be next to useless, like +spirit on mail or +strength on cloth. As you get higher and higher levels, the items get better and better stats, like +spell power, +spell crit/hit, +attack power and +hit/crit and the stats trend to be better for the armor type. There's also items like White Bandit Mask, that gives good +str and +agi as a cloth item. It's bad for casters, but physical classes can use it just fine, it will just give less survivability than leather/mail counterparts.

      If every green quest reward cloth item had +int +stamina, you'd never get excited for random green drops, because quests already give you really good gear. It's supposed to be serviceable, but it'll always feel like there's room for improvement and it feels great when you get a "perfect" item even while leveling when your other items feel lacking.

  22. 11 months ago

    vanillagays are just warrior mains who want to have their shot at parsing on 15 year old content while having an aneurysm when they see a hybrid not in healing gear

    • 11 months ago

      I had tier 2.5 on my ret when naxx hit and some handout gear from older raids like accuria and I was being told to kms by people who inspected me while I was holding the instance of DMN open for world buffs.

    • 11 months ago

      I had tier 2.5 on my ret when naxx hit and some handout gear from older raids like accuria and I was being told to kms by people who inspected me while I was holding the instance of DMN open for world buffs.

      this is you

      • 11 months ago

        I also raided with a warrior, also who loses 1v1 against a warrior as a ret? It's literally impossible.

      • 11 months ago

        >someone spent time creating this

        • 11 months ago

          It is an accurate description to the average Ganker tard at the time when Classic just came out. Shame about wojakniggetry.

          • 11 months ago

            Nobody actually rolled a paladin dude, if you believe that you're as moronic as them. Every server is 50% warriors, 30% mages and 20% cucks who settled on being healbitch.

            • 11 months ago

              Plenty of people rolled paladin. Human Male Paladin was literally a meme in any serious guild, making fun of players from that image. I know you only believe what you actually read here but try playing a game for once.

              • 11 months ago

                I played WoW when it released, I have no need to play it again. If you look at any raid it's got the proportions I listed. Maybe 1 or 2 paladins who cucked into holy.

          • 11 months ago

            kys you frickin b***h queer

    • 11 months ago

      i play hunter actually. its the only class that doesn't instantly die or go oom in pvp

  23. 11 months ago

    >he hasn't done secrets of naxx

  24. 11 months ago

    >I'm just gonna say it, Vanilla WoW is almost perfect. The only issues are:
    Reminder that vanilla WoW back in the days was the perfect equivalent of what Fortnite is today
    >Cartoony game
    >aimed towards kids
    >99% of the players are young kids
    >everyone else in the gaming community made fun of it and the players
    The only reason people here think it was a good game is because you played it as a kid or young teenager, you WERE the fortnite kids back in the days.

    • 11 months ago

      Almost all the people I played with were boomers back then who came from other older mmos. My entire guild was 30-40 in vanilla.

      • 11 months ago

        >Almost all the people I played with were boomers back then who came from other older mmos
        No it wasn't. Every single kid in school played WoW, when you talked to someone it was nearly always a young kid playing. Then you had the super casual dads that also played it, but that was far a minority.
        One of the reasons you think only old people played it is because most kids didn't bother at all with the raiding stuff and voice chat, the few people that actually did that was the older players.

        You played it yourself back in the days you say, then you know that WoW had the exact same stigma that Fortnite has today.

        • 11 months ago

          >You played it yourself back in the days you say, then you know that WoW had the exact same stigma that Fortnite has today.

          I did play it back then and no that was no the case because video games were the nerd hobby back then.

  25. 11 months ago

    Ugh, I wish human females in black mageweave were real bros.

  26. 11 months ago

    >is that a.. hybrid? not paying the hybrid tax?? aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHH IM GOING INSANE SAVE ME AFRASIABI
    average w*rrior player

    • 11 months ago

      so why arent warriors paying the hybrid tax?

      Almost all the people I played with were boomers back then who came from other older mmos. My entire guild was 30-40 in vanilla.

      its not surprising that geriatrics would like a game with 1 button rotations

      • 11 months ago

        it was those darn milk thieves who made warrior so good! i swear!

      • 11 months ago

        Because tigol was a whiny little homosexual

  27. 11 months ago

    >Vanilla WoW is almost perfect.
    Wrong since wow was shit from the beginning.

  28. 11 months ago

    The other issues you forgot

    >Game is literally baby tier easy
    >Class balance for pvp and pve is none existent

    Up the difficulty for raids by about 10 times and then it's worth playing.

  29. 11 months ago

    >the monumental level of salt early classic TBC from warriors when they found out they werent the best anymore by virtue of bad game design
    >mass suicides/rerolls to paladin/hunter/lock
    >apes and their ilk disband and stop streaming because they can't be le ebin parserino fury warriors anymore
    >turns out warriors were still really fricking good, just not as good at tanking
    god, what a time it was

    • 11 months ago

      >tfw our gm just announced "reroll into hunters/locks/mages or ill kick you out"

      • 11 months ago

        our warriors pretty much all rerolled into shamans, of had a hunter alt ready, they even did a funny thing when they deleted their warriors and posted screenshots
        same warriors they had aneurysm over when some rogue got a BIS dagger.

        >in TBCC raids

        the GM was allowed to keep his rogue in TBC.

  30. 11 months ago

    The fact that horde racials especially orc one is far superior making the whole raid essentially get +10-15k dps as a whole minimum making alliance struggle to compete is a bit fricked up. Sure there's still a frickton of alliance speedrun guilds doing amazing as well as a frickton of pink even gold parsers, but it's still nonsense that you have to fight with at least a 2% DPS deficit.

    >t. pink parsing enhancement shaman.

    • 11 months ago

      Alliance get their revenge in Wrath when Humans are handed a fricking pvp trinket as a racial.

      • 11 months ago

        oh I was talking about Wrath, I wonder if there's any balancing in Cata/MOP on that side of things, i've never played those expansions.

  31. 11 months ago

    At the time, when 95% or more of the player base was trash at the game, vanilla was really good and the balance felt okay. These days it's really not the same because the game has long since been solved by autists who minmax everything and have memorized broken setups and/or (the comparatively shalllow) optimal decision trees for each class encounter. TBC is even worse because there are so many broken setups and classes (e.g. rogue, shaman, hunter) which leave a defender almost no chance unless there is a significant gear disparity. Wrath is unfortunately the first playable solved expansion, which sucks because it introduced many of the elements which eventually ruined the game.

  32. 11 months ago

    >If you tried hard to play the game you were the issue with the game
    If you believe this you're mentally moronic. If you cry people figure out a game you're just b***hing because you want to be some special boy or a complete brainlet to not be able to see the best in spells, abilities, items, ect.
    Simple as.

  33. 11 months ago

    WOTLK is best

    • 11 months ago

      >rehashed casual naxx
      >death knights demolishing everything
      >wintergrasp and its tenacity garbage
      >strand of the ancients was so bad it was deleted from the game
      >the tournament and everything associated with it but especially the dailies
      >dungeons are a complete joke even on heroic
      nah it was pretty shit. Even ulduar can't save it

  34. 11 months ago

    >bland taste casual normie shitter's first mmo
    >almost perfect

    • 11 months ago

      what is the "hardcore" mmo you play tranime poster.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          >troonscape and tranimeposter
          all adds up.

          • 11 months ago

            You have to go back

            • 11 months ago

              isn't it your dilation time?

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