Is an arcade stick the best?

I'm learning sf6 and having such a hard time with the inputs on classic. I've tried hitbox, keyboard, and pad. Only thing I haven't tried yet is stick. I hear it's a more satisfying experience to play on stick and it's a lot more clean since there is such mechanical feedback using the stick for directional inputs. Thoughts?

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  1. 12 months ago

    i don't know about SF, but i struggled a LOT in doing overdrives in strive on controller, but found it much easier on keyboard

  2. 12 months ago

    Play on what is comfortable to you. Generally most players (Who were not raised in arcades) play on controllers or hitbox.

  3. 12 months ago

    >I'm learning
    the input doesn't matter all that much. Play with whatever is comfortable

  4. 12 months ago

    arcade stick is arguably the worst peripheral for fighting games these days, most games have good leniency on inputs, and the travel time of the stick makes it actually slower than a controller/keyboard/hitbox, the only reason to use a stick is if you are genuinely interested in using one because of how it feels or because you are used to it, it is fun to use but completely unnecessary

    • 12 months ago

      >arcade stick is arguably the worst peripheral for fighting games these days
      unless you provide proper data showing that pad/hitbox/keyboard is indeed faster than stick I'd call bullshit on this one
      >b-but it feels faster
      yeah frick off

      • 12 months ago

        Why would you need data to know hitbox/keyboard are faster? Pad vs stick is more of a debate though.

      • 12 months ago

        use your fricking head you inbred, if you need to dash what is it faster on? a peripheral with actual travel time, or one you can press a button twice?

        • 12 months ago

          okay but does that actually make you any better at the game anon
          do you even play the game very often

          • 12 months ago

            >does flawless EWGF/IADs/wavedashes make you actually better??????
            bait or genuine midwit leverless player

            >what is a stronger spring to reset to neutral faster
            >what is inputting dashes at the tip of the lever's deadzone
            again, you need proper metrics to measure this kind of stuff and 'your feelings' isn't one of them

            you dont need a physics expert or kinesiologist to tell moving your wrist requires more effort and dexterity than a button tap, therefore less frames in-between.

            • 12 months ago

              >does flawless EWGF/IADs/wavedashes make you actually better??????
              that is literally what I was asking, yes, so I guess the answer is no

              • 12 months ago

                i guess youre just moron then if (once) high level tools dont matter

              • 12 months ago

                what games do you compete in?

              • 12 months ago

                whats your fightcade? do you even play good games or just modern tranime?

              • 12 months ago

                what number am I thinking of right now?

              • 12 months ago

                the number of times a non related female touched you: zero

              • 12 months ago

                but really anon, do you think that using a hitbox has made you meaningfully better at fighting games, and do you compete in any games? I'm just so skeptical of what I read from people like you online about this stuff

            • 12 months ago

              >you don't need a proper methodology to verify a hypothesis
              miss me with that flat earth science bro

              • 12 months ago

                the methodology is called open up literally any emulator, toggle inputs and frame data, see literally 4-5 frame gap for stick to travel from 6 through 5 to 4.
                hitbox literally only requires holding 4 and letting go of 6 to get frame perfect blocking, 1 frame gap if the cheatbox SOCD is altered to accommodate capcom's new ruleset.
                how is this board this fricking casual

              • 12 months ago

                talking about fighting games on Ganker is a good way to get annoyed if you take it seriously, I only give advice to newer players and anytime some absolute moron from here tries to start an argument I just ignore them because 99% of the time its some homosexual who watches streams exclusively or think playing smash means I should care about his opinion on fighting games

              • 12 months ago

                >open up literally any emulator
                >toggle inputs and frame data
                >see literally 4-5 frame gap for stick to travel from 6 through 5 to 4
                which tools did you use to measure this delay? please specify

        • 12 months ago

          >what is a stronger spring to reset to neutral faster
          >what is inputting dashes at the tip of the lever's deadzone
          again, you need proper metrics to measure this kind of stuff and 'your feelings' isn't one of them

    • 12 months ago

      there are stick techniques that are harder to do on pad like double tap and pianoing and at least one which is physically impossible unless the pad has microswitches which is hajiki screw. The only advantage pad has really is simultaneous inputs in some games by using both dpad and analog stick but that's more of an unfair exploit than anything
      The order has always been hitbox > stick > pad

    • 12 months ago

      Travel time differences are a meme, you're using parts of your body that move faster to move an extra couple millimeters. The real disadvantage is inertia and absolute cardinal precision in games that want strict discontinuous inputs which become worse the "tighter" the stick is, which if you're playing SFII you won't give a flying frick about and appreciate hitting all the diagonals on an LS-32, but has become more and more of an issue in the last 10 years or so as 2D games adopt more 3D style inputs and overlapping inputs you'd never see in the past while valuing correct circle motions less and less.

      Pads are not necessarily a solution for all of this, SF6 Chun is a ridiculous pain on DS4 (just using it for WT and messing around in training mode at 2am) because I get quarter circle motions from the d-pad rocking side to side when I do SBKs and for some god forsaken reason they have higher priority.

  5. 12 months ago

    Hitbox/keyboard will always be the best method because directions are not coupled like stick and controller which means inputs are much more precise

  6. 12 months ago

    I'm trying to learn stick right now after exclusively using pads for my whole life and i can already tell this is gonna take such a monumental effort to relearn everything. At this point I think I'm just gonna go back to pad. I will say that inputs feel more consistent on stick, but I'm having a hard time with muscle memory of the buttons. I'd buy some cheap shit to try first.

    • 12 months ago

      buying a cheap stick is a terrible idea, yes they are huge investments, but you wont get an accurate feel of what a stick will feel like with the shit parts in a cheap stick, try to test one at a local or something if you want, but do not waste your money on some 100 dollar piece of shit, you will regret it

      • 12 months ago

        100 dollars on a stick and then another 50 on sanwa parts isnt that big of a deal. buying a 400 dollar stick though, thats some "i bought a 3090 to play Rimworld" type shit

        • 12 months ago

          no way someone just wanting to start out on stick is going to want to swap parts, just buy an obsidian or something and be done with it

          • 12 months ago

            i bought my first stick and immediately hated square gate, then bought a new lever, octagonal gate and buttons but im an autist and artist so it was mainly a custom project

          • 12 months ago

            i bought my first stick and changed the stick and buttons a month later, it was a huge difference (the stick in particular)

          • 12 months ago

            stick customization is easy. anyone who has built a pc can switch out button

        • 12 months ago

          Or you could get the Monoprice Dark Matter which has sanwa parts for like $130

    • 12 months ago

      >monumental effort to relearn everything
      It takes a day of casual play to "relearn" everything if you're not a moron

      • 12 months ago

        You're full of shit. The concept of performing a motion on a lever is completely different from stick. Just hitting the down input in order to do a fireball is very hard for a first timer, and that's not a thing you can learn "in a single day"

        • 12 months ago

          If you know the directions needed to do a fireball on a keyboard/pad you can also do it on a stick unless, like I said, you're a moron

          Stick is fun and leverless is for homosexuals

          >leverlessgay insecure about his sexuality
          Like pottery. Next you're gonna remove the stick from your body I bet lmao

        • 12 months ago

          lmao you are a fricking mongoloid moron if you can't learn it in a day. I bet everyone back in the 90s spent WEEKS training in the arcade just to throw a single fireball lmfao

          • 12 months ago

            Being able to do the basic inputs and having 1:1 muscle memory are not the same thing

      • 12 months ago

        Takes way longer than that to learn a 6 button set up. Everything is completely different

        • 12 months ago

          >completely different
          It's 8 directions and 6 buttons no matter which controller you use

          • 12 months ago

            Yes... But the layout is completely different. You are using your fingers instead of thumb. You are using whole hand for movement. It's different, crazy to argue otherwise

            • 12 months ago

              "different", sure. But it doesn't take ages to get used to like you're implying. At least if you're an adult with functioning brains

    • 12 months ago

      It will take time to learn completely new muscle memory. I say don't give up until you've given it a solid few months of true consistent practice

  7. 12 months ago

    They're objectively the worst but I play on them just because of ergonomics and how durable they are. Also they're not hard at all to learn, you frickers just give up after one hour.

  8. 12 months ago

    I have a stick and I enjoy it
    I would suggest trying someone's stick first before committing to it
    and if you think you'll magically play better on a stick, you're in for a rude awakening

    • 12 months ago

      >I have a stick and I enjoy it
      This is it. Play the thing that's fun, not the thing that's optimal.

  9. 12 months ago

    I play on arcade sticks because I grew up playing on arcade. If you didn't then there's no reason not to use pad, unless you plan to get into SFIV where plinking requires that you have your buttons laid out on a flat surface. Saturn controllers work thoug

  10. 12 months ago

    the main strength of stick, its accuracy, has been muted by input leniency, if you were seriously trying to get into sf2 I might say go for it but in a modern fighter there's really very few inputs where it'd be relevant, might help with kbd in tekken. so no in sf6 a stick will just slow you down. get a controller with a decent dpad and stick with it(NOT AN XBOX CONTROLLER). also shoryukens and supers within combos are not supposed to be easy gimmes, they're supposed to be high execution optimized damage

  11. 12 months ago

    It's satisfying sure however sticks have no clear advantages over hitbox and pad.
    Hitbox has a clear advantage if you can get accustomed to it and learn the inputs required.
    Pad naturally, due to the placement of buttons and the button options, allow for execution of things you can't normally do on stick. Some say allows for faster reactions slightly as well.
    Stick does have its advantages over a few things but it's no longer common in modern games. Example piano inputs is no longer a thing in SF6.
    Play whatever you find most comfortable unless you want a advantage with a hitbox.

  12. 12 months ago

    stick isn't worth it. pad for cheap option, snackbox or keeb brawler otherwise

    • 12 months ago

      Stick is fun and leverless is for homosexuals

      • 12 months ago

        Have fun rubbing your knob, homosexual

  13. 12 months ago

    What inputs are you having trouble with? For me hitbox has made most inputs feel easier, but wityh some games I'd prefer stick on, maybe its a muscle memory thing. Its all about comfort man, try it out and worst case you return it. None of this technical shit matters if you hate how the thing feels. I never quite felt right with pad, and ever since I got a stick I never looked back because it was just the right fit for me. I would reccomment a HORI Fight commander 4 if you ever wanna use pad, but hate regular controllers.

    • 12 months ago

      Supers, wake up super, cancelling into super. In game I can get it like 10% of the time. Hitbox works well but within 5 minutes it fricks my hands, I'll literally be in pain

      • 12 months ago

        >cancelling into super
        this is supposed to be hard.

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe you need to stretch your fingers more? I suppose a stick would remove the need to use your left hand in such a way, but what's to say it won't bring up other finger related pains?

  14. 12 months ago

    Controller hurts my hand to do dp's on so yes

  15. 12 months ago

    It's fun how 30+ years of stick snobbery led to the current day reality where everyone admits its inferior to either gamepads or keyboards LOL.

    • 12 months ago

      every fighting game has been neutered for the sloppiness of dpad inputs, that's why they aren't outclassed.

    • 12 months ago

      thats because games execution requirements have been dumbed down significantly and hitbox is literally a cheating device, stick still has its place in games like tekken though

      • 12 months ago

        That's another pro, if you buy and learn stick now you can play sf6 then be ready to kick some ass in Tekken when it drops

  16. 12 months ago

    Honestly, Pad is surely the best if you're not familiar with Stick and Leverless (Hitbox).

    If you're like me (Pad player for like 24 years), you'll perform better on Pad due to muscle memory, even for Charge characters. The problem is that there isn't really a great Pad so far (except DS4). Once we get a clean pad with back paddles, good software etc, it'll be highlight for real.

    • 12 months ago

      It does seem like most the pros use ds4

  17. 12 months ago

    heres your controller bro

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Looks neat. Is it a DIY kit or something?

        • 12 months ago

          some guy is selling these for 99 bucks on etsy

          • 12 months ago

            >99 bucks
            >for that
            Jesus fricking christ

            • 12 months ago

              99 bucks is nothing are you poor

              • 12 months ago

                >99 bucks for a few keycaps and a cheap board
                Pay up goy

              • 12 months ago

                make your own then

              • 12 months ago

                I have, multiple times

              • 12 months ago

                sounds like you've got it all figured out

              • 12 months ago

                99 bucks is 99 bucks even if you're rich. That thing looks like it might be worth $60 if I'm being generous.

              • 12 months ago

                That's fricking garbage for 99. Put in 55 more and get this

              • 12 months ago

                direction and face buttons are too far apart
                cant do electric with them

              • 12 months ago

                "Electric" isn't a mash input anymore moron

    • 12 months ago

      You didn't hand me anything though

      Being able to do the basic inputs and having 1:1 muscle memory are not the same thing

      Muscle memory doesn't matter. It's a completely different method of input and piece of hardware. This is like playing baseball your whole life then complaining your golf swing sucks because you're "used to baseball."

  18. 12 months ago

    Up to you, cheatboxes have unfortunately taken over.

    • 12 months ago

      They are quite painful to use for me but it could be the size of my controller. I use a fightbox and it seems like the buttons are smaller than the ones I see on arcade sticks

  19. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      anon these days its just 33

    • 12 months ago

      You do 323, actually.

    • 12 months ago

      i really wanna get a hitbox because its harder to frick up input in it but people consider that cheating...

      i used to the Z input is hard but then when i started taking sf6 seriously its not really that hard

      idk if i got better or they made it easier

  20. 12 months ago

    Is it a good idea to learn fighting games on a controller, which is what I'm used to playing all games with, and then moving to an arcade stick once I'm not a flailing button masher?

    • 12 months ago

      no choose what you want to use now and then stick with it. Just get a hitbox or knock off because it gives you advantages when you get used to using it

      • 12 months ago

        But I like the feeling of a stick, but my fricking hands get so sweaty immediately and my inputs just come out wrong. Whereas I have instant muscle memory for a control pad, but I'm new to playing fighting games.
        Not getting a hitbox, at that point I may as well just play on keyboard.

    • 12 months ago

      Switching controller will not make you any better at the game, and you shouldn't look at a pad as a controller only good for mashing buttons. You need to get good, not buy more gear. Buy an arcade stick if it's something you want to use to play the game, not because you think it's what people good at the games use to play them.

      • 12 months ago

        I will say if you have the money you should try all the different options to see what you like the best

  21. 12 months ago

    I think if you really want an arcade stick that you can't go wrong with owning one. If it looks fun to play on then you'll probably get your money's worth. It will not, however, make you any better at the game. Especially not this one. It was designed specifically to cater to control schemes other than an arcade stick.
    Have you ever tried a pad with six buttons, like a Saturn pad? I personally hate playing these kinds of games on anything but a six-button pad or an arcade stick.

  22. 12 months ago

    Instead of trying hitbox, keyboard and pad, if you had stuck with one you would be way better
    Instead you stayed shit at three different types
    If a guy can play with his mouth, you can play any of them

    • 12 months ago

      Doing option selects on pad was too hard for me without changing my button layout so I switched to cheatbox

  23. 12 months ago

    you can hold two directions at once on keyboard/hitbox so its goated

    • 12 months ago

      You can also do this on keyboard or a pad with analog sticks. It hardly matters since you can't hold 2 directions at the same time in modern games

  24. 12 months ago

    I've been playing on stick for over a decade now but thinking about switching to hitbox. What's the best brand?

    • 12 months ago

      the one that's in stock

    • 12 months ago

      Snackbox micro for me personally, but I'm a bawd for how portable it is. If you're just playing at home then you might prioritize differently.

  25. 12 months ago

    Sticks are better because you can put a picture of your waifu under the faceplate

    • 12 months ago

      That's what I did and it does make me enjoy it more

  26. 12 months ago

    Is the pic related Mayflash F500 Elite with Sanwa Buttons and Sanwa Joysticks a good first stick pick? It looks cool because it compatible with literally everything

  27. 12 months ago

    If you wanna drop money on a stick then by all means give it a shot. In the end just use what you like any difference in speed or shortcut usage won't matter unless you're playing at a very high level.

  28. 12 months ago

    The reality is there is a learning curve no matter what you use
    Whatever you use you just have to stick (lol) with it and eventually it will feel natural and comfortable
    That being said controller is definitely the hardest for traditional 2D fighters and I wouldn't recommend it for 3D fighters especially Tekken it's not bad

  29. 12 months ago

    >all the memebox shilling itt
    they're really paying you guys overtime after capcom banned them, aren't they?

    • 12 months ago

      >Banned them
      they only banned ones that didn't have a simple firmware update

      • 12 months ago

        After which they'll just ban them again since the firmware update introduced more exploits. Capcom doesn't want leverless controllers in their tourneys

  30. 12 months ago

    I have the SF6 Fight Stick with an Octagate installed, and the button placement makes more sense on the Fight Stick. It feels more natural to match the shape of a hand.

    • 12 months ago

      Here is a review of the SF6 Fight Stick.

      • 12 months ago

        I have the SF6 Fight Stick with an Octagate installed, and the button placement makes more sense on the Fight Stick. It feels more natural to match the shape of a hand.

        Frick off, shill

        • 12 months ago

          I have it, its nice that’s why I mentioned it.

          • 12 months ago

            Are the button connectors gator clips?

            • 12 months ago

              Not sure, its the first stick I’ve ever bought. I was going to get a drone then add sanwa but this review swayed me. That’s why I posted it.

              Here is a review of the SF6 Fight Stick.

              • 12 months ago

                230 for your first stick is pretty big imo. Hope you like it nonetheless, getting a stick makes fighting games a lot more interesting and fun.

            • 12 months ago

              No, they're fitted connectors. They slip over.

    • 12 months ago

      >Octagonal gate on SF
      Why anon?

      • 12 months ago

        It’s closer to what I used in the arcade playing SF2 as a kid.

        • 12 months ago

          Cool, as long as you enjoy it. Sticks are for fun, them sweating homosexuals use keyboard caps on a cutting board to play.

  31. 12 months ago

    Stick is literally the worst. No one plays on stick anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      no one besides the majority of the top players lol

      • 12 months ago

        What top players that play stick? Go watch CEO. Almost nobody plays stick.

        • 12 months ago

          who is using what is a product of their time period, sf5 era pros all use pad, sf4 is a mixed bag, anything before that or japanese is on stick

  32. 12 months ago

    shill thread
    sticks have been made almost entirely obsolete and are only propped up by the fact hitboxes are banned in tournament play
    until those poor stick manufacturers sell out their stock of obsolete toys, expect to see stick threads on the daily from here on out

  33. 12 months ago

    Stick is the most fun peripheral and learning it will allow to you play on actual arcade machines if you ever come across one.

  34. 12 months ago

    Stick seems like the true and pure way to play fighting games. Like flyfishing is the most pure way to fish. Sure other rods work and you can catch fish, but using a stick is what the more pure gods use for the love, cultural beauty and tradition of 1v1 battle.

    • 12 months ago

      it's also the arcade standard which I guess pisses off console pad purists and keyboard PC purists. It's similar to arcade racing where some autists swear that pad is the better controller over wheel. Really bizarre.

  35. 12 months ago

    This channel has a review of every joystick, and how to mod them. I found it because I originally wanted to get a Drone and add Sanwa parts and it had a guide. It has a review for tons of other joysticks too.

  36. 12 months ago

    Stick is great for certain characters that require particular inputs such as those with negative edge (holding buttons down) and rotations (like 360 and 720 motions). You can make it work on other controllers by moving some face buttons to shoulders and the like however for example on pad.

  37. 12 months ago

    Who here /homebuilt/?

    • 12 months ago

      I built this the other day, did the wiring from scratch
      Help me decide on art, I want to do something stupid
      It looks all dicked up because the film is still on the underside of the acrylic

      • 12 months ago

        What console is it for?

        • 12 months ago

          It has a brook universal so any console. I'm using it on PC but have friends with all sorts of consoles

  38. 12 months ago

    This is my opinion after reaching Master and playing on a Razer Panthera
    Between pad, leverless and traditional stick (w/o aditional buttons), stick is by far the worst on a competitive level

    Pad is the best for motion characters (less finger travel distance + finger always on DI and DR) and leverless is the best for morons and SOCD comp.

    But arcade stick is the most fun you can have in FGs

    • 12 months ago

      How long have you been playing fgs? Master seems impossible

    • 12 months ago

      >stick is by far the worst on a competitive level
      agreed but even then i think the disadvantage is so marginal that it's not even worth caring about, having a stick vs a hitbox is almost certainly not going to be the difference between winning or losing a match

  39. 12 months ago

    >mfw I make it out of EVO pools with my USB neuralink adapter in 2036

  40. 12 months ago

    OI i need a crown stick for a sanwa hole, any hispanics know where i can get one.

  41. 12 months ago

    can someone shill me a fight stick that's actually in stock

    • 12 months ago

      qanba has a 20% off sale because of CEO right now, check their website

  42. 12 months ago

    I've gone from playing with keyboard to a stick back to playing with a keyboard. It just feels more comfortable since you don't need to move a big box with buttons around every time you want to play a fighting game. The only problem is 720 inputs

    Also anyone looking to buy a decently cheap stick I got the Venom arcade stick for PS4 and PC for around 80 euros if I remember correctly

    • 12 months ago

      what buttons do you use for keyboard

      • 12 months ago

        AWSD and 789 for punches 456 for kicks

        • 12 months ago

          what about di and parry?

          • 12 months ago

            I just press 8 and 5 for parry and 9 and 6 for DI, but you could assign them to a key if you prefer it

  43. 12 months ago

    any arcade stick for Steam Deck without needing to have a shitty firmware update to do on windows ?

  44. 12 months ago

    No, stick is hard to learn if you're starting from zero, unless you're playing zangief I don't recommend it

  45. 12 months ago

    If you're not used to playing on stick there's no reason to get one for any fighting game made in the last 10 years. Modern fighting games are made with pad in mind.

  46. 12 months ago

    No, a pad is better. Only boomer who think arcades are still a thing and can't move on still play in those overpriced garbage. Hitbox is also better and don't strain your wrist so much in the long run.

    • 12 months ago

      >Hitbox is also better and don't strain your wrist so much in the long run.
      Is this even true? I still see players face similar wrist issues even if they used hitbox or stick. Plus there's a bunch of hitbox players that play on tiny shit like this

      and I can't even see how that'd be better for your wrist.

  47. 12 months ago

    >I'm learning sf6
    >I hear... it's a lot more clean

    I don't know where you've been but literally everyone, including pros, have been complaining about how they're either not getting inputs or getting the wrong ones even while playing on stick. That aside, modern fighting games are made with both pad and stick in mind. Unless you end up wanting to play older fighting games, which were designed with arcade hardware in mind, I wouldn't worry about it.

    • 12 months ago

      >doesn't do her flower kick

  48. 12 months ago

    Sup brehs, I bought this plastic piece of shit but it seems half way decent. I still drop inputs all. the. time. But I think it's mainly a skill issue. The pad is pretty stiff but will hopefully loosen up in time(like your mom, heh)

    • 12 months ago

      No when the pad "loosens up" it'll just stop reading inputs correctly like every memepad. There's a reason why every pro just uses DS4 or xbone

      • 12 months ago

        Ah shit

        • 12 months ago

          It'll still last 3-6 months but I'd save it for playing retro games

  49. 12 months ago

    Honestly, how do you wake up super in this game

    • 12 months ago

      You buffer the input

      • 12 months ago

        doesn't work

    • 12 months ago

      Sf6 that is

  50. 12 months ago

    Stick is worse than pad/hitbox at this point. The people still using stick are doing so because it's what they grew up with and are used to. Sticks are slowly phasing out in favor of hitboxes.

  51. 12 months ago

    Is the consensus that DualShock 4 is the best pad?

    • 12 months ago

      That or the wired xbone with a real dpad (core fusion wired is a good clone.) Depends mostly on if you like a lighter controller (DS4) and which dpad placement you prefer.

  52. 12 months ago

    stick is most fun and comfy, especially for SF and other games with special move motions
    keyboard / shitbox that isn't overpriced is more optimal, imo way better for tekken / dash and mash games

    but I wish tourneys had to use stick so there is reason to continue the larp. of course you can use whatever at home but it cheapens the competition when people p2w with controller

    • 12 months ago

      Isn't pad the most winning controller at EVO the last 5 years?

    • 12 months ago

      >but I wish tourneys had to use stick so there is reason to continue the larp
      would be moronic forcing everyone to play on a certain device that usually costs $200-300

      • 12 months ago

        Within a given console generation if you play fighting games the entire time you will spend more on replacing pads. Never mind my sticks are from PS360 era still.

        The way to do it is a standard stick as part of the setups the same as the monitors though.

  53. 12 months ago

    >frame perfect blocking
    holy shit lmao people still pretending like hitbox is magic and not just a keyboard with big buttons

    • 12 months ago

      It's a keyboard with big buttons in a more ergonomic layout that doesn't brick when you plug two of them into the console/PC

  54. 12 months ago

    I just grabbed old used arcade sticks off local craigstlist-like market and modded them.

    1) Old XBOX HORI something.
    Modded with Sanwas, kowal octopus gate and oversized actuator, phreakmods link, 2lnb spring (tho you can stretch the spring to be more stiff)

    • 12 months ago

      2) HORI something for PS4 - samducksa buttons, again kowal octopus + oversized actuator + 2lnb spring + phreakmods link

      Doing a third one - ordered an empty case off Ebay to do a leverless hitbox like with removable lever. Got two kids with whom i enjoy duking out arcade games on the sticks + it will serve me as a hitbox for my fightans.

      A third one is a sally box from aliexpress (mini hitbox with keyboard switches for when im on the run and want to play on steam deck)

      • 12 months ago

        I just grabbed old used arcade sticks off local craigstlist-like market and modded them.

        1) Old XBOX hori something.
        Modded with Sanwas, kowal octopus gate and oversized actuator, phreakmods link, 2lnb spring (tho you can stretch the spring to be more stiff)

        I'm learning sf6 and having such a hard time with the inputs on classic. I've tried hitbox, keyboard, and pad. Only thing I haven't tried yet is stick. I hear it's a more satisfying experience to play on stick and it's a lot more clean since there is such mechanical feedback using the stick for directional inputs. Thoughts?

        All in all - if you had to ask me - playing on stick is the most fun, tactile way. It's easier to remember combos too, than on a pad.
        Tho I've played on a gamepad since GG #R years and only recently switched to stick (cant get my Sol Badguy game up to par, but ive played on a PS2 pad so much I developed a thicker skin on a side of my left thumb lol - hitbox might be the answer my guess, but lever is just more fun).

        • 12 months ago

          Great, thread fricking died, just when i joined.

          • 12 months ago

            but the thread is still here

    • 12 months ago

      2) Hori something for PS4 - samducksa buttons, again kowal octopus + oversized actuator + 2lnb spring + phreakmods link

      Doing a third one - ordered an empty case off Ebay to do a leverless hitbox like with removable lever. Got two kids with whom i enjoy duking out arcade games on the sticks + it will serve me as a hitbox for my fightans.

      A third one is a sally box from aliexpress (mini hitbox with keyboard switches for when im on the run and want to play on steam deck)

      Looks really cool. That's one fun and awesome part about fighting sticks, you get to customize and mod them

  55. 12 months ago

    Finally, an Arcade Stick thread! Generally yes, its preferable over pads, but WHICH stick you get will matter a lot
    >what about hitbox/stickless
    Assuming you have a version that is not a cheat enabled thing with SOCD that gets you banned from tournaments and most these days even online won't allow those inputs, its not necessarily "better" than someone playing on a lever ; its more of preference. Personally I think you get more general usage out of a lever design rather than a buttonless only, so unless you're a really high tier player who only is into certain fighters, its not a very good idea.

    However, if you're going to buy or build a stick, its good to find those that are modular and let you do what you like by swapping different panels. Yes they're more expensive but if you're in that tier its worth it anyway. Also, there is a new generation of " lever AND extra buttons" style stick layouts

  56. 12 months ago

    Personally, the things I value are just weird on stick for me. Double tapping directions for a dash/airdash feels slower with a stick. I also tend to get stuck at a diagonal when I try to do a motion input, I remember playing Persona at a cab and a lot of my quarter circle inputs didn’t go through because I kept stopping at the diagonal. But that’s more on me, it’s what I get for having pansy ass wrists.

  57. 12 months ago

    Couple of things about Arcade Sticks that may help new anons
    >Do you care about modern consoles, retro consoles w/o using an emulator, or just PC?
    This will depend on what kind of "brain" your stick needs in its PCB. While there are some RasPi based cheap boards, if you want a full featured PCB the best boards are generally made by Brook - they are firmware update capable, have multiple option for SOCD cleaning and can support tons of inputs etc. Also you generally want the version that has all the pins/connectors pre soldered unless you have a very specific reason to do it yourself; the version you have to solder is NOT cheaper or anything really. The Latest models is the new big dick Universal Fighting Board FUSION which works even on PS5 with a single PCB now.
    >Focus Attack and ArcadeShock
    These are two of your vendors for FGC arcade stick building FA is East Coast based, AS is West; they both do things the other doesn't in some cases, but havea lot of crossover. They also do stuff like professional prints for artwork for your stick and more.
    >Prebuilt off the shelf, prebuilt custom, case/kit, or just throw it together
    There are a lot of options so depending on how much you want to spend, if you're opening to modding and more you can take a step forward here.
    >Layout, modular, feature, lever type and mods, button types and mods etc.
    It depends on your stick how much variation you can do easily but there's a lot to cover depending on your interest.

  58. 12 months ago

    Back in the glory days of 4 I bought a stick (hori rap vx-sa) for like 200 because I wanted to get good, never been an arcade player
    I ended up being legit worse then when I played on a controller for 1-2 months as I learned how to use it, but the $ I spent encouraged me to keep using it and now I can't picture playing 2d fighters on anything else, still using it to this day

    At the end of the day just use whatever you're comfortable with, If you're trying to be optimal hitbox is probably the best but it doesn't really matter, luffy won an evo on 4 with a ps1 pad for example. Just pick one and stick with it, changing controllers constantly is going to frick with muscle memory

  59. 12 months ago

    arcade stick is best if you plan on travelling to japan to beat up japanese chainsmoking salary men at arcades.
    hitbox is best if you want to goon with troonyfurries on the meltyblood discord and larp as core for prolapsing each other in bathrooms at homosexual game community majors.

    • 12 months ago

      except japs use hitboxes and modern arcade cabs have inputs to hook up your own controller

      • 12 months ago

        Okay kiddo go take your DualSense and plug it into that CPS2.

    • 12 months ago

      nice, what about pad though?

  60. 12 months ago

    i swapped from stick to pad for sf6.
    trying to instant dr on stick is hell.

    • 12 months ago

      What pad ya using? I just bought a ds4 from the info I gathered in this thread

  61. 12 months ago

    Anyone building or buying a custom-grade/kit stick anytime soon, keep an eye on pic related. Don't spend big cash on the old Universal and/or old Universal + UFB-UP5 sub-board if this is coming out. In july the version with the pre-soldered headers will be available, so keep your eyes open.

    • 12 months ago

      I fully expect this board alone to cost more than my 7th gen sticks did.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm just going to make my own from scratch and open source the firmware. There's no reason anyone should be charging $60+ for these stupid boards.

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