Is Shadowrun easier to learn than D&D 5e?

Is Shadowrun easier to learn than D&D 5e?

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  1. 8 months ago

    No, but it's far more worth the effort.

    • 8 months ago

      fpbp; absolute truth

      God no. Shadowrun is unbelievably crunchy with an enormous amount of moving parts. Not to mention it's basically two systems in one, you have to learn meatspace AND matrix rules. Also astral rules but the astral is simple enough to not be a whole system.

      >Shadowrun is unbelievably crunchy
      Shadowrun isn't crunchy. The layout is labyrinthine. The actual "crunch" is actually very light.
      >you HAVE to learn meatspace AND matrix rules!!
      You're actually moronic.

      • 8 months ago

        >you HAVE to learn meatspace AND matrix rules!!
        You don't "have" to, but there's going to be a player that wants to make a hacker, guaranteed. So either you say 'no, frick you' or learn the matrix rules.

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    I haven't played D&D in ages. 1st & 2nd edition, TSR era. Yeah, I'm old. How old? Elminster only had a goatee. Vecna's greatest threat wasn't death, it was acne. Strahd had a summer cottage. Lolth was still wondering what to do with all those annoying Drow. And Grimtooth? Well, the less said about him, the safer.
    But I digress. Shadowrun was my fallback when I burned out on the aforementioned editions & dropped some birthday cash o. The Big Blue Book. It's been a study in addictive compulsive behavior ever since.

  4. 8 months ago

    God no. Shadowrun is unbelievably crunchy with an enormous amount of moving parts. Not to mention it's basically two systems in one, you have to learn meatspace AND matrix rules. Also astral rules but the astral is simple enough to not be a whole system.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Learn + 5e
    What? Children can learn the harder games, 5e is dumbed down for non-tabletop gamers as an entry game. I can just point to the stats on the side of the page and say this is what you roll, this is all that matters and that's 5e explained, enough to get started. Do you have dyslexia or have trouble reading, counting, doing grade school math?

    Oh wait. I know what your problem is, you're just new. There's lots of games other than D&D and most of them are better if you really enjoy D&D because they're not entry level to the hobby. You learn games by reading books. You aren't going to know what's inside the book or if it's right for you til you open it and read it.

  6. 8 months ago

    Outside of the truly moronic and ridiculous systems like FATAL, Shadowrun is probably the crunchiest, hardest to learn tabletop system out there. It's pretty much the sole reason I can't be bothered to run or play it, it's so fricking cumbersome.

    • 8 months ago

      Dude you have not heard of rolemaster

      • 8 months ago

        > Rollmaster.

        You haven't heard of hackmaster when played straight.

  7. 8 months ago

    It's not that hard to learn. The caveat is that several character are severely kneecapped if your try to run them without splats. Riggers in particular get fricked with every new edition.

  8. 8 months ago

    Played it for the first time when I was 13. If you can't learn it, consider suicide.

  9. 8 months ago

    hahahahahahahaha no

  10. 8 months ago

    No. There are harder systems than Shadowrun out there but D&D 5E is extremely easy to get into compared to most other popular RPGs. And the Shadowrun books have never been well-organized in terms of rules.

  11. 8 months ago

    Dear fricking god no. The gear autism alone makes it harder.
    Of course a lot of things are harder than D&D5E. Like drawing a circle.

  12. 8 months ago

    First post is best post. It's more complex but gives you more freedom to do stuff. My first TTRPG was Shadowrun 3e and I still think it's my favorite ttrpg. I get bored with D&D 5e, but it is easier to pick up and learn.

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