I've watched four le ebin girl bitch streamers play this and they ALL do the following things:. >play as femshep

I've watched four le ebin girl b***h streamers play this and they ALL do the following things:

>play as femshep
>tease bi-romance with Liara but don't actually do it because in their real lives they probably claimed to be bi at one point but are not and never were
>kill Ashley because le ebil space wacist bad 🙁
>spare Rachni queen
>play Paragon at every turn
>spare anyone they can because they're such good people even though Shep mows down hundreds of people in-game
>cure the genophage and don't even consider the consequences because the krogan are so heckin cute and chonky bois :3
>even though if a group on Earth was as plentiful and as ruthlessly violent as the krogan they would want that group wiped out (and rightfully so)
>NEVER try out different parties, Garrus in party at ALL Times across all three games, and either Tali, Liara, or Jack (nothing wrong with any of these characters but it's boring to have the same people with you every time)
>hate on Miranda because typical female insecurity
>get mad at the Samara storyline because they don't see anything wrong with Morinth living a carefree hedonist life because in their personal lives that's what they do and how they live and they're insecure about being criticized for it
>get mad when their actions have consequences and blame the game instead of themselves for not paying attention or being dumb
>choose synthesis

Why are they like this? They ALL do this. So predictable and boring.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why would you subject yourself to such torture?

    • 2 years ago

      Because I fricking hate myself.

      • 2 years ago

        Just self-mutilate then.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon if you genuinely went through watching 1 streamer play 3 games, which you fricking hated overall, why the frick would you do it 3 more times? That's way beyond hating yourself and more just an obsession to feel mad about something.
        The other explanation is that you did it just so you could then have a thread about it, which is just, do I even need to tell you how fricking sad that is?
        Jesus man, why.

        • 2 years ago

          I said I hate myself. I do things that make me mad, knowing it'll make me mad. I can't help it. I'm fricked up.

          • 2 years ago

            The frick are you even here for man? Are you really that obsessed with validation from Ganker's Ganker?

            • 2 years ago

              I'm bored and wanted to express myself.

              • 2 years ago

                I'd suggest you play a videogame on the videogame forum, but if you were so bored that watching upwards 100 hrs of b***hes on twitch playing the same game, then I don't think you're capable of having fun with videogames anymore unless someone gives you a (you) for it.

              • 2 years ago

                I watch them while I play games myself, don't worry.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, man, sure.

  2. 2 years ago

    Because women are NPCs, far more than men being NPCs. They didn't even think about any of those choices. Welcome to life. Have a drink.

  3. 2 years ago

    >kill Ashley because le ebil space wacist bad 🙁
    >spare Rachni queen
    >play Paragon at every turn
    >spare anyone they can because they're such good people even though Shep mows down hundreds of people in-game
    >cure the genophage and don't even consider the consequences because the krogan are so heckin cute and chonky bois :3
    >even though if a group on Earth was as plentiful and as ruthlessly violent as the krogan they would want that group wiped out (and rightfully so)
    >NEVER try out different parties, Garrus in party at ALL Times across all three games, and either Tali, Liara, or Jack (nothing wrong with any of these characters but it's boring to have the same people with you every time)
    >hate on Miranda
    ok that's just most streamers regardless of sex.
    And Miranda is shit and the Rachni don't deserve to die.

  4. 2 years ago

    Liara is shit and lesbianism is boring.

  5. 2 years ago

    Not only do you waste your time watching e-celebrities, but you think anyone else gives a damn about your opinion on your favorites. Frick off kid.

  6. 2 years ago

    I let Ashley die as she doesnt have magic powers like Kaiden. Shes just a random grunt so easily replaceable

    • 2 years ago

      Kaiden is defective and will probably die of complications.

      • 2 years ago

        Reave is OP

        • 2 years ago

          That's true. Ashley got fricked in that regard, fricking NuBioware.

    • 2 years ago

      Who's the better character in ME3 in terms of story? Kaiden or Ashley?

      • 2 years ago

        They both get butchered.

      • 2 years ago

        Kaiden tried to be gay with me despite me never saying anything gay to him

      • 2 years ago

        Kaidan is less butchered if you have a locked-in romance before talking to him post-coup. Ash's whole character is getting drunk and telling you she wishes the Reapers kill you and win.

        • 2 years ago

          >she wishes the Reapers kill you and win
          b***h always put her own issues before the bigger picture so I don't see this being out of character for her. That's why she always gets the nuke, and it really is a mercy: gets to die a hero, redeems her family name and avoids getting bogged

      • 2 years ago

        Ashley isn't even the same character, she's some weird skinwalker. I'm a man, I like sexy stuff, but it's like Ashley got hit by a particularly bad porn artist.

      • 2 years ago

        ME2 completely fricked both characters so who cares?

        • 2 years ago

          tbf ME2 completely fricked everything

      • 2 years ago

        Both are sidelined then butchered characterization wise so it really doesn't matter

        • 2 years ago

          How is Kaidan butchered? Just have sex with any woman and you wont have him be gay at you.
          Sidelined? Sure. That's the curse of being the tutorial mission character of a scifi franchise.

    • 2 years ago

      Does kaiden essentially have brain aids because of the shit he had to go through to get his powers?. I let him die a hero because the alternative is much more cruel

    • 2 years ago

      I Let kaiden die because girls have more value over boys. i wasn't even romancing her :^)

  7. 2 years ago

    Out of curiosity I checked out a dozen or so different playthrough's last half hour and I was surprised at the lack of Destroy endings. Most were Synthesis and a couple Control. Like, are people really that conditioned to think in terms of red = bad that they don't even realize what they've been trying to achieve for three games? Bonus points for the one girl that did get Destroy but apparently didn't have enough EMS to have Shepard survive.

    This and everyone bringing Garrus every single fricking time is obvious as frick, talk about sheep mentality. What's wrong with people and their lack of immersion and roleplay.

    • 2 years ago

      A chunk of the game is dedicated to hammering into the player's head that geths dindu and ED is a good girl who loves organics. Destroy throws all of that away, so most normies won't even humor the option because "people I like dying is bad".
      Synthesis also gels well with the current SJW mentality of forcing people to agree with you.

      • 2 years ago

        Personally I just find Destroy fricking nonsense. I can sooner buy something that destroys life on a genetic level, but this magic AI-killing pulse is just nonsense horseshit to me. So are the other endings, but Destroy gets a special mention not because dindu, but because it just throws the effort and investment you had right out the fricking window. If there was an actual conversation with the geth at the end where they realize how bad things are and you can hear their reactions to this proposal, I'd accept it much more readily, but as it is, ME3 ending is just bad in every single configuration.

        • 2 years ago

          >Legion literally says the Geth will follow (You) to earth to defeat the Reapers, even if it will likely be the end of them
          Stop being a pussy and going,
          >”uhhh I got to ask each Geth before doing it!!!!!!!!”
          They knew the risks and said that death would be preferable to being controlled by the reapers.

          • 2 years ago

            Except that time when death was not preferrable to being controlled by the Reapers.

          • 2 years ago

            >Stop being a pussy and going,
            >”uhhh I got to ask each Geth before doing it!!!!!!!!”
            That's not what I said, but go sperg out I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          The high EMS destroy ending is also moronic because everything quickly goes back to normal like the other endings when the only reason that's the case for Control and Synthesis is because the reapers are still around to fix all the mass relays.

      • 2 years ago

        But the Geth didn't do anything wrong

        Except that time when death was not preferrable to being controlled by the Reapers.

        Because the Quarians attacked them. If you're gonna die either way you might as well pick the option that'll also kill your enemy in the process

  8. 2 years ago

    Wash your dick you disgusting incel freak

  9. 2 years ago

    >tfw you will never be a defeated and annexed humanity being a client race with your israeli volus brothers to help the turian empire rule the stars..

  10. 2 years ago

    > Op watches streamers

  11. 2 years ago

    Watch Schaly's let's play on youtube. She's completely heterosexual.

  12. 2 years ago

    The chad Renegade Shep choosing to unleash the Rachni AND the Krogan on the Reapers because if we go down then those machine buttholes are going to have to spend an entire millennia doing nothing but fighting off the bugs and lizardbros.

  13. 2 years ago

    >cure the genophage and don't even consider the consequences because the krogan are so heckin cute and chonky bois :3
    >hate on Miranda because typical female insecurity
    >get mad at the Samara storyline because they don't see anything wrong with Morinth living a carefree hedonist life because in their personal lives that's what they do and how they live and they're insecure about being criticized for it
    >get mad when their actions have consequences and blame the game instead of themselves for not paying attention or being dumb
    other than these, i think i just learned that i play Mass Effect like a girl and i'm kinda flattered. thanks OP. lol

  14. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Ashley was proven completely right in ME2 and ME3 and that only a small minority of players actually played femshep outside of the fandom full of troonys and sex perverts

  15. 2 years ago

    A reminder to everyone.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem with FemShep is that she basically behaves like Captain Janeway at her most insane. Male Shep is the same character throughout, and there's a relatively smooth transition from Paragon to Renegade. Fem Shep just comes off as a schizo unless you stick exclusively to one side.

      • 2 years ago

        Femshep being insaneway is her best feature. I would never be able to take a sensible woman in power seriously, and I'm not alone in this. Joan of Arc was a literal schizo and she's sanctified as the savior of France.
        The trick is to make the crazy endearing and not "men bad, have sex incel" and also to get some logical victories under your thong strings, too.

      • 2 years ago

        Of course she's insane, she's a woman
        The only way to play femshep is as a femshep who goes into hysterics every five minutes and is Terra Firma in the streets but an alien fetishist in the sheets.

  16. 2 years ago

    >I've watched four le ebin girl b***h streamers play this
    Which ones? You can tell us, OP. This is an anonymous board after all.

  17. 2 years ago

    why did you type this out like a reddit homosexual?
    >actually watched streamers
    oh ok. makes sense.

  18. 2 years ago

    Wait a second. What's wrong with women picking a female character to play as lol. You presented it like a bad thing. Its no different than me wanting to play as a dude.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, it's the least annoying thing on the list, I just wanted to list all the major things that they ALL did.

      • 2 years ago

        >Well, it's the least annoying thing on the list, I just wanted to list all the major things that they ALL did
        >playing as a female character when you are a female human is a annoying thing
        Bro do you hate rpgs?

        • 2 years ago

          Women have no right to play video games after all the things they've done to this hobby. In fact, women have no rights at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Op and his friend are literal homosexuals
      See guy who geys angry overvfemshep

  19. 2 years ago

    >tricolour effect

  20. 2 years ago

    I only play Renegade FemShep and Paragon Sheploo and I always kill Ashley cause she's an annoying b***h that thought she had a say on who I let on my ship
    I don't give a shit that she hates aliens

    • 2 years ago

      This. Ashley is a literal nobody who thinks she has the right to have opinions. Same with Jacob. At least James sits his ass down after the first chapter of the game, but he grated on me in the beginning too.

    • 2 years ago

      >Renegade FemShep and Paragon Sheploo
      Based and playing the game right

  21. 2 years ago

    Reminder that you are a cuck if you don't put your fellow man above other species. In real life you probably also don't put your race above other races.

    • 2 years ago

      You're still not getting that station timmy

    • 2 years ago

      White or not, I wouldn't trust a single one of you frickers not to stab me in the back for the slightest gain. The whole lot of you are so gun-ho on wishing death on everyone, do you really think I wouldn't expect to be on the chopping block one day too?

      • 2 years ago

        Just don't be a traitorous dog and you wouldn't have to worry.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, how long until it becomes "everyone who disagrees with me or has something I want or I personally dislike" = "traitorous dog"?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Negative 10 years. How long will it take for you to not commit treachery? Don't bother answering, redditor. You're already on the list.

          • 2 years ago

            5 minutes

        • 2 years ago

          Your definition of 'traitorous' is not something I'd put any stake into. Anyone, anywhere can invent some new method by which to identify 'the enemy' and once you're on the warpath of killing 'the enemy' whereever you see, adding to that list is hilariously easy.


          You say that as if the French Revolution hadn't been that exact thing.

          • 2 years ago

            The French Revolution was not a racial solidarity movement/struggle to create an ethnostate.

            • 2 years ago

              It runs on the same idea and the fact that you don't realize that is fairly good indication of how your little revolution would go.
              The very first thing that'll happen once you create your ethnostate is that you'll start looking into the exact racial background of every person and start filtering people out, based on a "you must be X% white" quota. Which will just keep increasing more and more. But hark, that's where the problems start coming in! So one of your valiant warriors has a wife who turns out to be 15% something you don't like. Naturally, this means she must go, but at that point you're asking your soldier to murder or get rid of someone he perhaps dearly loves. If he does it, that's a signal to everyone that potentially ALL of their loved ones are in danger. If he doesn't, then your glorious new nation is already showing its first cracks. Better yet, what if you, the leader of this shebang turn out to fall out of the quota? Will you have a nice day?

              • 2 years ago

                >But hark
                You sound like an identified homosexual. Get in the oven and don't make a scene, please.

              • 2 years ago

                And there we go, already managed to expand the list, not that I think you understand what you're doing.

                >blah blah blah and that’s why you should live with moronic murderous aliens because you’ll have a nice day if you don’t
                This fan fiction doesn’t make any sense, you’re moronic.

                >just kill everyone until we run out of enemies
                You'll always have more enemies to fight, that's the best part. As soon as something doesn't work out, you'll need to find a new enemy who is behind all the problems.

              • 2 years ago

                >expand the list
                All communication is a series of Shibboleths to separate our side from their side in a never ending Struggle. There are no exceptions.

              • 2 years ago

                >uhhhh if you kill the murderous Xenos then they win!!! You won’t be happy, okay?????
                You know you would be the first to go, don’t you.

              • 2 years ago

                The initial post had nothing to do with whether the xenos are murderous or not.

                Nah, anyone who looks white can stay in the ethnostate as long as they aren't israeli and they demonstrate in-group preference for Whites.

                Your ethnostate in which all whites are welcome, but I can't help but notice that Person A is much closer to the ideal white than Person B. Are we sure they aren't trying to secretly undermine this new utopia?

                >expand the list
                All communication is a series of Shibboleths to separate our side from their side in a never ending Struggle. There are no exceptions.

                I guess the only perfect world is the one in which only you exists then.

              • 2 years ago

                >Your ethnostate in which all whites are welcome,
                You are a disingenuous, White-hating leftist. Give it up. If anything you said was true nobody would criticize Whites today or attack us for our "privilege" or supposed crimes because they too would never be able to define what White is. You're a liar to your core.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, I just come from a country that already had a glorious revolution that just so happened to always have these pesky counter-revolutionaries that ruined everything, resulting in the majority reporting each other as the enemy out of fear. Forgive me if I just plain don't believe that you or anyone else on this site wouldn't revel in the idea of killing anyone and everyone you don't like, rather than adhere to your ideals.

              • 2 years ago

                You're from Seattle, Stephen.

                Stop embarrassing yourself.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >perfect world
                Ask not how the world can become perfect. Ask only how you can become perfect for the world. The natural order demands blood and Struggle. It requires enemies and their deaths. The world is already perfect. It's nature. Nature demands your death, betamale.

              • 2 years ago

                >he says, typing smugly on Ganker, self-assured in his superior masculinity
                Come on now.

              • 2 years ago

                My masculinity is assured by the Greatest Man who Ever Lived. Who do you have in your corner? Your prostitute mom, her black bull, your cuck divorced alcoholic dad and some fricking israelite on tv?

              • 2 years ago

                >the Greatest Man who Ever Lived
                Ah, a fellow Andrew Tate conossieur.

              • 2 years ago

                I really wish I could reach out and help young misinformed men like you but sadly it never works. I hope you like jacking off to feet and the eventual BBC pics and screaming into the Internet your whole life OP, because it's the path your on

              • 2 years ago

                >no argument
                >just pornographic israelite psyop
                As expected from a traitorous dog.

              • 2 years ago

                That was my argument. You might think your life path is filled with riches and woman cos you donated money to a bald rapist but your real path I just laid out infront of you.

              • 2 years ago

                My life needs only the blood of the slain. The women belong to greater men, the Leaders. My objective is to be born and to kill and die. That is what purposeless cucks like you don't get. You serve the israelite, I give my life for my race because it deserves the heroic sacrifice and its enemies must be destroyed.

              • 2 years ago

                >the woman belong to the greater men
                So you're a cuck then? Gotcha.

              • 2 years ago

                A cuck is a simp for women, leftism, a coward that lusts for women and enjoys the sight of them being fricked by men.
                I enjoy the glory of Great White Men fricking women because it is the Great White Man's destiny and right by might. You and I are not the same. I will be your end.

              • 2 years ago

                >the woman belong to the greater men
                >my objective is to be born and die
                So yeah, your a cuck, you should start jacking off to censored hentai feet trust me it will feel amazing.

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you have this shit saved bro?

              • 2 years ago

                Because it feels soooo good to waste your genes for feet!

                >no argument again
                >resorts to weebisraelite pornographic psyop
                It won't work. Don't you understans? I am redpilled. And you are dead.

                GIVE UP. YOUR GENES END HERE

              • 2 years ago

                How are you going to try and talk down to redpill Tate larper here when you have these images on your hard drive? Get a hold of yourself

              • 2 years ago

                >no argument again
                >resorts to weebisraelite pornographic psyop
                It won't work. Don't you understans? I am redpilled. And you are dead.

              • 2 years ago

                >The woman belong to the greater men
                Lol OK cuck

              • 2 years ago

                we dont belong to anyone.
                i'd prolapse your femboy poop chute with my 2 foot long dragon strap-on you wannabe eugenics expert moron.

              • 2 years ago

                breasts or gtfo

              • 2 years ago

                post your little femboy clitty first and i'll timestamp

              • 2 years ago

                You’re getting btfo by

                My life needs only the blood of the slain. The women belong to greater men, the Leaders. My objective is to be born and to kill and die. That is what purposeless cucks like you don't get. You serve the israelite, I give my life for my race because it deserves the heroic sacrifice and its enemies must be destroyed.

                , not a good look Gankerro…

              • 2 years ago

                >dude it’d be like the French Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!

                >be rich French dudes
                >want to be in more power
                >convince plebs to kill nobility and ruling class to guarantee equality and gay sex for all yadda yadda
                >take control as head of the party
                >purge potential dissidents from plebs to cement control

                Xeno Revolution
                >kill anything that isn’t human
                >you did it, there is no next step

              • 2 years ago

                >blah blah blah and that’s why you should live with moronic murderous aliens because you’ll have a nice day if you don’t
                This fan fiction doesn’t make any sense, you’re moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                The guy doesn't even grasp that killing the aliens is just a bonus, the important part is killing people like him. How conceited do you have to be?

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, anyone who looks white can stay in the ethnostate as long as they aren't israeli and they demonstrate in-group preference for Whites.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anyone, anywhere can invent some new method by which to identify 'the enemy' and once you're on the warpath of killing 'the enemy' whereever you see, adding to that list is hilariously easy.
            That's the whole point of being a living man, you libsoc fenceshitter. Life has NO meaning but to identify enemies and destroy them, even and especially when that leads to giving your own life heroically to destroy your enemies! That is what a selfish little shit like you can't understand, man exists to act heroically and there is nothing more morally corageous than to die while slaying enemies! Look, Ganker! LOOK AT THIS PATHETIC KEK FROM R******* AND LAUGH, FOR HE SHALL BE DESTROYED IN THE GREAT CULTURE WAAAARR ARRGHHHHHHH I'M WARRRRRRRIOOORRIIIING!!!!

            • 2 years ago

              Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.

    • 2 years ago

      Most of the main human characters range from completely boring to insufferable.
      Kaiden, Ash, Varga, Jacob just to name a few. I don't think there's a single fan of any of these characters.

      • 2 years ago

        I like Kaidan, Miranda and to a lower degree Jack and Zaeed. Vega is ok. My main sense of character preference is if the character is helpful in the games that they are on them.

        • 2 years ago

          holy shit i forgot this guy even existed

      • 2 years ago

        I like kaiden he cooked me a nice steak

      • 2 years ago

        I liked Vaga as long as you shut down his Loco nickname at the beginning of the game. He's great as a fish out of water character, basically a low level grunt getting to play with the big kids, so he's always like "frick the reapers"and " what the frick is that shit". Where as everyone else is just yawning at the reapers. Gives a bit of weight to the reaper invasion

  22. 2 years ago

    tali sex

    • 2 years ago

      Only correct post

  23. 2 years ago

    >mfw have garrus in party across all 3 games too

  24. 2 years ago

    >I've watched four le ebin girl b***h streamers

    but why

    • 2 years ago

      He wishes he was one but he will never be

  25. 2 years ago

    anyone they can because they're such good people even though Shep mows down hundreds of people in-game
    >shoot your way through the Citadel and gun down dozens of mercs
    >You are the aggressor even
    >Lecture Garrus at the end that killing is bad 🙂

  26. 2 years ago

    There's nothing wrong with watching streamers but why watch four different playthroughs of the same game?

  27. 2 years ago

    Name the streamers.

    Guaranteed you're larping for (you)s.


  28. 2 years ago

    >implying the grass isn't the same on the other side
    Simply replace Garrus with Tali wank, hating Miranda with Garrus contrarianism because girls like him, and being mad at Samara because they can't frick her and it is literally every bro player ever.

    • 2 years ago

      Not a single person in the planet plays like this

  29. 2 years ago

    Most chuds play Paragon and bring Garrus and Tali at all times.

  30. 2 years ago

    Dude, spoilers.
    Anyway, who watches streamers? Get a life.

  31. 2 years ago

    What were the writers thinking during this scene?

    • 2 years ago

      >Just get the sequence rolling who cares if it makes sense

    • 2 years ago

      They were thinking of new ways to subvert white culture and to destroy our race, because that's all they are ever thinking off. We must respond with resolute force and eliminate all RPGs from this website. Our political experts have discerned that the writing is pozzed and Ganker central has declared these media as harmful subversive israelite demoralization propaganda tactics. It must all be removed.

      • 2 years ago

        You're really gotten to over being called a cuck huh? Keep postin. Let it all out, honey.

      • 2 years ago

        You sperging out since someone made fun of how gay you type, traitor?

      • 2 years ago

        A little too on the nose, man.

  32. 2 years ago

    >play as femshep
    nothing wrong with playing as your actual sex
    >tease bi-romance with Liara but don't actually do it because in their real lives they probably claimed to be bi at one point but are not and never were
    white women, what are you gonna do?
    >Kill Ashley because le ebil space wacist bad 🙁
    both Kaidan and Ashley are shit but the logic is meh
    >spare Rachni Queen
    ME3 makes this the best choice
    >play paragon at every turn
    nothing wrong with that
    >spare anyone they can because they're such good people even though Shep mows down hundreds of people in-game
    the characters you can spare are useful individuals to the galaxy, faceless cerberus grunt #10645 is not.
    >cure the genophage and don't even consider the consequences because the krogan are so heckin cute and chonky bois :3
    frick the galaxy I hope the krogans wipe out the moron alien c**ts out
    >even though if a group on Earth was as plentiful and as ruthlessly violent as the krogan they would want that group wiped out (and rightfully so)
    it's almost like there's a disconnect between fiction which has no effect on your life and reality
    try out different parties, Garrus in party at ALL Times across all three games, and either Tali, Liara, or Jack (nothing wrong with any of these characters but it's boring to have the same people with you every time)
    these are objectively the best members though
    >hate on Miranda because typical female insecurity
    Miranda is a dumb b***h and she'd still be a dumb b***h if she wasn't caked
    >get mad at the Samara storyline because they don't see anything wrong with Morinth living a carefree hedonist life because in their personal lives that's what they do and how they live and they're insecure about being criticized for it
    he who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones, anon

  33. 2 years ago

    >I watched a stream, now here's my blog about why I don't like women.

    • 2 years ago

      >he wants to be unique
      Gay. This is a heterogenous ethnostate gamer website. Go back, then have a nice day.

  34. 2 years ago

    >not only did OP watch MULTIPLE playthroughs of twitch grill gaymers to work this shit out
    >he also typed all this insane incel babble speak in a giant ass post

    Literally touch grass man, think of all the shit you could of done instead.

    • 2 years ago

      >I watched a stream, now here's my blog about why I don't like women.

      These. OP for the love of God either go outside and do something or unironically have a nice day it must be torture PURPOSEFULLY making yourself mad over woman

  35. 2 years ago

    >don't cure genophage the galaxy loses it's strongest warrior race while facing extreme adversity
    >do this because they're a moderate threat
    >stopping the Krogan breeding dramatically increases the power of the real threat
    yeah no frick off
    If there was ever another war the Krogan would get teamed on and raped anyway moronic idea to make them infertile

    • 2 years ago

      >Cure the genophage
      >Krogans don't give you more shock troops because breeding, gestation and maturation take too much time
      >Stop reapers with red, green or blue button anyways

      Enjoy your overrun galaxy krogancuck

  36. 2 years ago

    pretty much all me, except I play as male shep and love miranda's fat ass

  37. 2 years ago

    >autistic girls are autistic

  38. 2 years ago

    I wish I could physically attack everyone on this thread. Speaking realistically, some of you are probably stronger than me. But in that same vein, some of you are probably weaker. I'd love to butcher some weaker enemies even if it meant being slaughtered by the strongest. That's what it means to be a hero and not a selfish coward. That's what it means to be a man.

    • 2 years ago

      Better get it all out before dad gets home, edgelord.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'll watch 4 separate playthoughs
      It's worse, it's 12 playthroughs because he ostensibly watched all 4 of them play the entire series, sans Andromeda.

  39. 2 years ago

    >hmmm what should I do today?
    >go outside?
    >learn a new skill?
    >maybe apply for a job?
    >perhaps I should start working out?
    >God forbid, maybe, just maybe I should play video games?
    >NO! I've got it! I'll watch 4 separate playthoughs of the most popular and basic white woman girl gamers ever and then post a giant rage post about it on a website where the post will dissappear and be forgotten in around 4 hours!
    have a nice day. You're the reason why our race is dying you fricking Black person. It's not globohomo, it's not the SJWs, it's cucks like you who decide to waste there life screaming into a incel echo chamber instead of doing fricking literally ANYTHING else.
    Please man I beg you.

  40. 2 years ago

    My brother and I both did around 80% of that shit. Nothing to do with X chromosomes.

  41. 2 years ago

    Well duh, Mass Effect is a chick-game, of course they’d do the optimal route.

  42. 2 years ago

    Op most of these choices bar choosing femshep are the most selected choices seriously look it up. It's got nothing to do with holes or dicks it's just what the majority picked. So realistically you wasted so much damn time watching those playthoughs AND typing this out lol

  43. 2 years ago

    >hmmm what should I do today?
    >go outside?
    >learn a new skill?
    >maybe apply for a job?
    >perhaps I should start working out?
    >God forbid, maybe, just maybe I should play video games?
    >NO! I've got it! I'll go onto Ganker and yell at random people and tell them to kill themselves! I’ll write entire paragraphs telling them to do so, even though my giant rage post is on a website where it will disappear in 4 hours and will be completely forgotten!
    have a nice day. You're the reason why our race is dying you fricking Black person. It's not globohomo, it's not the SJWs, it's cucks like you who decide to waste there life screaming into a incel echo chamber instead of doing fricking literally ANYTHING else.
    Please man I beg you.

    • 2 years ago

      >hmmm what should I do today?
      >go outside?
      >learn a new skill?
      >maybe apply for a job?
      >perhaps I should start working out?
      >God forbid, maybe, just maybe I should play video games?
      >NO! I've got it! I'll watch 4 separate playthoughs of the most popular and basic white woman girl gamers ever and then post a giant rage post about it on a website where the post will dissappear and be forgotten in around 4 hours!
      have a nice day. You're the reason why our race is dying you fricking Black person. It's not globohomo, it's not the SJWs, it's cucks like you who decide to waste there life screaming into a incel echo chamber instead of doing fricking literally ANYTHING else.
      Please man I beg you.

      No. You have to kill me first. Fight me in glorious battle.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine unironically telling someone to kill themselves after ranting about neckbeards doing the same thing

      • 2 years ago

        >hmmm what should I do today?
        >go outside?
        >learn a new skill?
        >maybe apply for a job?
        >perhaps I should start working out?
        >God forbid, maybe, just maybe I should play video games?
        >NO! I've got it! I'll watch 4 separate playthoughs of the most popular and basic white woman girl gamers ever and then post a giant rage post about it on a website where the post will dissappear and be forgotten in around 4 hours!
        have a nice day. You're the reason why our race is dying you fricking Black person. It's not globohomo, it's not the SJWs, it's cucks like you who decide to waste there life screaming into a incel echo chamber instead of doing fricking literally ANYTHING else.
        Please man I beg you.

        >hmmm what should I do today?
        >go outside?
        >learn a new skill?
        >maybe apply for a job?
        >perhaps I should start working out?
        >God forbid, maybe, just maybe I should play video games?
        >NO! I've got it! I'll go onto Ganker and yell at random people and tell them to kill themselves! I’ll write entire paragraphs telling them to do so, even though my giant rage post is on a website where it will disappear in 4 hours and will be completely forgotten!
        have a nice day. You're the reason why our race is dying you fricking Black person. It's not globohomo, it's not the SJWs, it's cucks like you who decide to waste there life screaming into a incel echo chamber instead of doing fricking literally ANYTHING else.
        Please man I beg you.

  44. 2 years ago

    Everyone plays paragon, anon
    Only something like 5% of players do renegade runs

  45. 2 years ago

    >I've watched four le ebin girl b***h streamers play this
    not even reading the rest sounds like a colossal waste of time

  46. 2 years ago

    >I've watched four le ebin girl b***h streamers
    If this site had usernames, I would never take you seriously again on any topic
    didn't read any further, you're worse than they are no matter what your whiny virgin complaints are

  47. 2 years ago

    >The only way OP was able to get a decent ME discussion was baiting a bunch of moronic Black folk by referencing "muh girl strimmers"
    Sad state of affairs

    • 2 years ago

      >this thread
      >decent ME discussion
      Are you high? Every Batarian Dies threads have good discussion every time, this thread is fricking shit.

  48. 2 years ago

    Has OP outed himself as someone who's watched close to 30 let's plays of the ME trilogy?

    This is beyond mental illness.

  49. 2 years ago

    >bang everyone
    >kill Ashley because Kaidan's a bro not a hoe
    >kill the Rachni effectively genociding an entire race because why not lol, lmao even
    >never fully paragon or renegade, choose what feels best for the situation
    >spare who I want, kill who I want
    >don't cure the genophage, humanity's interest come first, sorry space turtle Black folk
    >never the same party member twice in a row
    >frick Miranda, she's got the best ass in the whole franchise
    >frick Morinth die trying
    >face the consquences of my actions because I'm not a fricking crybaby
    >choose destroy

    Almost forgot

    >Name: John Shepard
    >Origin: Earthborn
    >Reputation: War Hero
    >Class: Soldier

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >kill Ashley because Kaidan's a bro not a hoe
      It really is this simple

      • 2 years ago

        Kaidan is gay.

    • 2 years ago
  50. 2 years ago


  51. 2 years ago

    Frick, the glowis got him frens

  52. 2 years ago

    I tried looking up ME streamers on twitch but all I get is Russians or men with dyed hair.

  53. 2 years ago

    I didn't realize female streamers were so based.

  54. 2 years ago

    War with reapers can potentially take decades
    In that time Krogans realize they still can't breed
    If a literal miracle happens and you survive the reapers, and the Krogans become uppity again, you can simply make another genophage.

  55. 2 years ago

    Islam is right about women

  56. 2 years ago

    Why are you watching other people play games?

  57. 2 years ago

    Kaidan never had much personality in ME1. And it's almost all locked behind FemShep romance route. Basically he just punched a dude with his mind and it freaked him out a bit when he was young.
    Kaidan in ME3 puts some homosexual moves on MaleShep. Aside for how bioware was absolutely flinging homosexuals at you in that gayme, he just seemed to have become a bit more competent with experience.

  58. 2 years ago

    >Garrus in party at ALL Times across all three games
    Nothing wrong with that, the rest is cancer though

  59. 2 years ago

    Sheploo posters are all gays
    if you keep Kaidan alive you're a gay

    • 2 years ago

      It's not my fault Sheploo is the only good looking face in the trilogy

  60. 2 years ago

    >Mogs the male version of the main protagonist in every way

  61. 2 years ago

    I’m male and chose all those things except letting Miranda die and diff party members.

    • 2 years ago

      Oops meant Ashley not Miranda

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