Just played 2 hours of this game what do I think of it

Just played 2 hours of this game what do I think of it

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  1. 10 months ago

    what game is this btw?

    • 10 months ago

      Silent Hill

  2. 10 months ago

    Only you know the answer to that.

  3. 10 months ago

    Eileen shaving

  4. 10 months ago

    You better be playing it in the dark on high volume.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        good man.

    • 10 months ago

      I played it for the first time on an OLED at 3AM with noise cancelling headphones
      When the elevator grew a "4" button the hair on my neck stood up

      • 10 months ago

        That's a great moment. The weight limit elevator part in 2 scared the shit out of me, not because of the alarm sound or anything, but because I thought there was someone in there with me.

  5. 10 months ago

    just marathoned 1-1 what did i think of it

  6. 10 months ago

    You think it's one of the most atmospheric and engaging games ever made.

  7. 10 months ago

    Is it worth to play 1 before 2?

    • 10 months ago

      If you wanna see the insane advancement in technology, sure. Lorewise it's irrelevant since 1 and 3 are connected, 2 is its own thing..

      • 10 months ago

        Still better to play it properly. If you can't handle dated games, it's going to be even harder if you started with 2 to come back to 1 to understand 3

        • 10 months ago

          >If you can't handle dated games, it's going to be even harder if you started with 2 to come back to 1.
          But they literally play exactly the same? I really don't get what could turn people off in SH1 if they can handle 2 and 3. Besides "muh graphix", which too are great and super detailed + atmospheric for a PS1 title.
          It's the amazing audio that crowns all the games in the series, starting with the very OG 1999 game.

          But yeah, play SH1 first. The games are numbered for a reason.

          • 10 months ago

            2 only has slow enemies. People who play 2 then 1 really struggle to deal with the dogs/birds/rompers.

            • 10 months ago

              I just ran past everything and ended up with a surplus of supplies

      • 10 months ago

        I mean to ask if 1 is a good enough game to justify playing it over 2. Don't really care about the connecting lore, as much as just finding good games to play.

        >Is it worth to play 1 before 2?
        It's a MUST.
        SH1 is not only the very foundation of the series, but also THE best game in the franchise.

        >2 is its own thing..
        No, it is not. Frick anyone spewing this ancient meme. If anything, SH2 is just a standalone next-gen DLC to SH1.

        It's the one and only game really worth playing. Perhaps THE scariest to boot.
        I must have finished it over 50 times by now. Yes, really.

        Thanks anons. You convinced me.

        • 10 months ago

          >I mean to ask if 1 is a good enough game to justify playing it over 2
          It is. It's the best game in the franchise, and one of the most influential games in history.

    • 10 months ago

      >Is it worth to play 1 before 2?
      It's a MUST.
      SH1 is not only the very foundation of the series, but also THE best game in the franchise.

      If you wanna see the insane advancement in technology, sure. Lorewise it's irrelevant since 1 and 3 are connected, 2 is its own thing..

      >2 is its own thing..
      No, it is not. Frick anyone spewing this ancient meme. If anything, SH2 is just a standalone next-gen DLC to SH1.

    • 10 months ago

      It's the one and only game really worth playing. Perhaps THE scariest to boot.
      I must have finished it over 50 times by now. Yes, really.

      • 10 months ago

        1 is fine but 2 is a masterpiece

        they have identical gameplay but 2 is slightly improved. however the STORY is what elevates 2. Especially how all the monsters are reflection of James' guilt, whereas in 1 they're just dumb pteradactyls and monkeys

        • 10 months ago

          Sorry kid, but you just outted yourself as yet another YT lore video staring neo-SH2 homosexual.

          If there's one masterpiece, it's SH1.
          Superior gameplay. Superior world design. Superior pacing. Superior scares. Superior replay value. And yes - deeper, superior story to boot.
          Everything SH2 gets praised for, SH1 coined and did first.
          Those "pteradactyls and monkeys" have exactly the same symbolic, psychological root as Jimbo's titty nurses. The only difference is the perspective and the tied emotions.

          • 10 months ago

            Is Harry ourguy?

            • 10 months ago

              Harry's your daddy.

          • 10 months ago

            I jsut replayed the first one and I gotta disagree. take it easy

            • 10 months ago

              (You) just played the game ONCE (1x), and didn't get a single thing.
              This is why SH2 is a fricking normie-bait today: it's spoonfeeds you everything during a single run, and really has no surprises nor content left afterwards.
              SH1 demands multiple runs and actually piecing together hints to get the whole picture.

              >its another episode of seething SH1 moron has a melty
              Calm down little guy, you should be getting mad at people who think the Wii SH is a superior retelling of the first game, SH2 is out of your league and always has been

              No kiddo, how about YOU chill and actually play the games. Again.
              And stop samegayging.

              >Wii retelling
              It's not a retelling of anything. It's a meta-level tribute, unrelated to OG canon.

              • 10 months ago

                Now that's some impressive cope

              • 10 months ago

                And that is just disappointing lack of arguments.

          • 10 months ago

            >its another episode of seething SH1 moron has a melty
            Calm down little guy, you should be getting mad at people who think the Wii SH is a superior retelling of the first game, SH2 is out of your league and always has been

        • 10 months ago

          >identical gameplay
          lmao, SH2gays are so delusional.

    • 10 months ago

      It's worth playing 1 and then stopping.

  8. 10 months ago

    The real Lisa may have been a druggie prostitute but the Lisa we met was as pure and good as Alessa wished her to be and Harry wouldn't even console her in the end

  9. 10 months ago

    I think all the jap SH mainline games are worth playing and a unique, irreplaceable piece of videogames.

    But SH1 is too special to me. Sure SH2 went to very interesting places with the plot and settings, i like it a lot aswell. But all the heavy lifting was done by SH1 and it is somehow creepier. Being on severely dated hardware only gives it even more merit and compliments it for helping blurr what needs to be blurred to be unnerving. It is just a masterpiece of creative intent in vidya:

    >insane attention to detail and realism in interiors
    >sound design out of this world
    >intriguing plot
    >sound design
    >all the tricks it uses to disorient the player
    > sound design

    The sheer tension of visiting alchemilla for the first time:
    >music andd ambient sound suddenly gone, just your footsteps
    >everything being too quiet
    >going downstairs to power up the generator
    >the humming of the machine invades the atmosphere
    >doing the elevator thing

    I remember playing it in 2015 for the first time and being kind of jaded with videogames, it brought me back and had the epiphany that they just dont make them this good anymore.

  10. 10 months ago

    What sort of idiot even considers skipping entries in a story heavy series just because its a bit old anyway

    • 10 months ago

      The average ADHD zoom zooms.
      It's always "yo what games can I skip?" or "lol is there a remake of this *old* game (with a PC port/emulation options) ?? :^)" to them. They don't really care about the games themselves, they just want to be part of "the buzz" online.

      • 10 months ago

        Playing devil's advocate here, but i think it can be reasonable to ask where to start in a series in order to enjoy it the best and acquire a taste for it.

        Like, if someone askes me where to start playing Zelda game and i told him tl star with the first NES, he most likely will drop it or finish it and never come back to the series. There's just too many games avaliable now, and each one takes hours to complete, and some of the older ones are kind of slow and dont get really good until you have some patience and hours of gameplay.

        T. 32yo boomer

        • 10 months ago

          Zelda isn't story heavy, even the newer ones
          Hell there's barely any continuity unless you're one of those continuity schizos

          • 10 months ago

            As a 35yo elder fart, I find many of those statements just bizarre.

            >some of the older games are kind of slow
            And you use Zelda as an example?
            Holy macaroni, it's perhaps one of the finest examples of games slowing down the MORE recent game you pick!
            The modern AAA shit especially is notorious for their slooow ass starts with obligatory tutorials and numerous roadblocks. Kudos to Nintendo for actually cutting most of that crap off in BotW and ToK, allowing players to truly freeroam and experiment.

            I'd say the same about SH1. The first 5 minutes are some of the strongest vidya kino in the history of the media, where as SH2 takes forever and ever to even start ticking. It's a prime example of the sequel using the OG game(s) as their "tutorial" and as the base context to build up from: you know to expect shit to hit the fan, aaany moment now, after playing the SH1, which makes the quite slow and meh start of #2 feel more exciting than it actually is.

            Plus SH1 and 2 were released just 2 years apart from each other. Sans visual fidelity, there really wasn't massive innovations and alterations between the games at that point.

            I remind you im playing devil's advocate. I personally think there's enough info on the internet nowadays to make a decision for yourself about which game catches your eye.

            In any case, i generally agree with what you said about Zelda, but the nes ones, as direct and quick to play are, filtered me as a kid, and never got around tl enjoy it until i was an adult.

            I agree that SH1 is a game that particularly stands the test of time like few of that era, and i would recommend that one as the first one always and in any case. I personally think the sequels are mostly enjoyable if you play SH1 first because of the presentation improvements, but if you go to SH1 after playing the rest, the graphics might throw you off, which is less likely to happen if you play it the first one. Gameplay evolves very little controls-wise, so its mostly about how old you can tolerate games to be.

        • 10 months ago

          As a 35yo elder fart, I find many of those statements just bizarre.

          >some of the older games are kind of slow
          And you use Zelda as an example?
          Holy macaroni, it's perhaps one of the finest examples of games slowing down the MORE recent game you pick!
          The modern AAA shit especially is notorious for their slooow ass starts with obligatory tutorials and numerous roadblocks. Kudos to Nintendo for actually cutting most of that crap off in BotW and ToK, allowing players to truly freeroam and experiment.

          I'd say the same about SH1. The first 5 minutes are some of the strongest vidya kino in the history of the media, where as SH2 takes forever and ever to even start ticking. It's a prime example of the sequel using the OG game(s) as their "tutorial" and as the base context to build up from: you know to expect shit to hit the fan, aaany moment now, after playing the SH1, which makes the quite slow and meh start of #2 feel more exciting than it actually is.

          Plus SH1 and 2 were released just 2 years apart from each other. Sans visual fidelity, there really wasn't massive innovations and alterations between the games at that point.

          • 10 months ago

            >where as SH2 takes forever and ever to even start ticking
            kek I almost returned it after 10 minutes of running through shitty fog and experiencing the "bad" voice acting/dialog
            granted I was a moronic adhd teen back then
            glad I stuck with it til the apartments

  11. 10 months ago


  12. 10 months ago

    You're probably pretty confused and wandered around a lot.

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