Kingdom Hearts

I am getting filtered by the cringe. Does it get better?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >he pays attention to the cutscenes

    • 8 months ago

      Not like there's much to the gameplay.

  2. 8 months ago

    The cringe gets worse with each game.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I am getting filtered by the cringe. Does it get better?

      >cringe gets worse every game
      >but the setpieces and bossfights get crazier
      >Also get satisfying payoffs
      You either live with the cringe or you don't, the only one that doesn't outright have extensive levels of cringe is 2.8 I think, mainly due to shortness and focus on gameplay

      • 8 months ago

        >satisfying payoffs

        • 8 months ago

          There are some really good payoffs by the time 3 happens

          >Sora with his zoo of dream eaters
          >Jack Sparrow world
          >Roxas and Ventus get a happy ending
          >beating up the old man 20 times in one game
          >Data Org in 2 and 3
          >The soundtrack
          >Yozora's entire fight

          Honestly, some of those are worth going through the cringe entirely, but it depends on what your priority is for why you play these games

          • 8 months ago

            man, i wanna play the data fights in 3, but i'm entirely unwilling to play through 3 again.

      • 8 months ago

        >setpieces and bossfights get crazier
        no they peak at KH2.
        by KH3 there's not even half as much boss fights in the main story and they're pretty much all horribly designed besides marshmallow.
        reaction commands were removed in favour of sora jumping into a tea cup or some other lame shit.

      • 8 months ago

        >satisfying payoffs
        Not a thing after KH2. Which is where OP should stop giving a shit about the story anyways.

  3. 8 months ago

    nope. play 1 and then quit before you get terminal cancer.

  4. 8 months ago

    >getting filtered by kino

  5. 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    no, it gets much worse. you play the game for the crazy boss battles and ignore the plot and writing.

  7. 8 months ago

    Alright champ, what exactly is filtering you?

  8. 8 months ago

    If you couldn't make it through KH 1 without cringing stay away.

  9. 8 months ago

    You have to let it take over anon. Quit if you can't enjoy it for what it is.

  10. 8 months ago

    If you can't handle the cringe you don't deserve the kino

    • 8 months ago

      I don't even understand how people can cringe at Kingdom Hearts. It's just constant cool anime bullshit happening. I only think shit like Borderlands 3 is cringeworthy enough to make me stop playing, KH is just a wild ride

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        swim this way we'll dance and we'll play

        • 8 months ago

          Fair point, if the singing actually sounded good it would be less bad

        • 8 months ago

          Isn't it the same singer from the movie? It doesn't even sound that bad. There's much worse games with musical set pieces out there

          • 8 months ago

            >There's much worse games with musical set pieces out there
            Are there any that you would recommend? I actually really like musicals

            • 8 months ago

              Well it's not a very good game, but the first game that always comes to mind is Secret Agent Clank. All of the Quark sections have him singing as background music

              • 8 months ago

                The only Rachet and Clank game I never played

                Actually just thought of a couple okay ones. Epic Mickey 2 and the Nightmare before Christmas PS2 game

                Thanks, did not know Epic Mickey had that

            • 8 months ago

              Actually just thought of a couple okay ones. Epic Mickey 2 and the Nightmare before Christmas PS2 game

          • 8 months ago

            Also the same singer.

            A talented singer can sing whatever you ask them to, and do it well. If the directing is bad, the singing will be bad.

        • 8 months ago

          Still preferable to the absolute garbage that was KH1 Atlantica

          • 8 months ago

            Atlantica is dogshit in any game it's in
            even CoM where you don't have do deal with any underwater movement or rhythm minigames that do not follow a rhythm or are sung well, you still gotta deal with Ursula being a garbage boss

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair, you can skip Atlantis in both games.

        • 8 months ago

          >swim this way we'll dance and we'll play now
          It's very easy come on in just take a chance and shake a fin

      • 8 months ago

        As much as I actually like the scene, Sora crying like a b***h when he reunites with Riku in KH2 is around that area. That and I guess a lot of people will never get around Mickey Mouse using a keyblade

      • 8 months ago


        >I am getting filtered by sincere kino
        Let me guess: American?

        women. women are children that still watch disney animations so they will never grasp the cringe that is kingdom hearts.

        • 8 months ago

          Boomer detected

          • 8 months ago

            zoomer was my initial guess. I should've said that.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm surprised you even know how to use the internet.

        • 8 months ago

          >Being such a bitter jaded person that you can't enjoy something as simple and wholesome as classic disney movies anymore
          sounds more like you have issues.

          • 8 months ago

            you still watch disney channel, nick, and cn, don't you?

      • 8 months ago

        You know the actual source material of Disney mostly isn’t cringe but the way it’s told in kingdom hearts just makes the entire cast seem like they have Down syndrome.
        Then when they get back to the anime bullshit, they act normal again

      • 8 months ago

        Because sometimes you gotta take a step back and realize that Mickey Mouse just watched Goofy die, looked angry, said "they'll pay for this", removed his hoodie in a single movement, pulled out a giant key and ran his silly ass running animation towards the crevasse, where Leon, Yuffie, Tifa and Cloud are fighing a bunch of black creatures.
        It's a bit much.

        • 8 months ago

          >Because sometimes you gotta take a step back and
          You only have to do this if you're a jaded homosexual who can't let himself get into things if they're silly.

          • 8 months ago

            Do not misunderstand, I love it to death and I was genuinely pumped when that moment happened and I played through for the first time as a 12 year old, but it is a very silly series when you think back on it

            • 8 months ago

              >That's because I'm you.
              >No, I'm me.
              >"I'm me," he says.
              The funniest shit
              All that aside the way Repliku was handled in Riku mode was actually really good and him wondering where he'll go when he dies given he's just a copy was genuinely well done

            • 8 months ago

              this shit would have slapped if it didn't have gay disney shit in it.

              this guy

              You know the actual source material of Disney mostly isn’t cringe but the way it’s told in kingdom hearts just makes the entire cast seem like they have Down syndrome.
              Then when they get back to the anime bullshit, they act normal again

              makes a great point, it's like the game is telling two isolated stories at once, disneyvacation and kingdom hearts and the disney stuff is just shoehorned in making the kingdom hearts characters interact with a bunch of disney characters and waaaaay too many. Donald and Goofy were pretty gangster as f tho fr fr

              • 8 months ago

                >it's like the game is telling two isolated stories at once, disneyvacation and kingdom hearts and the disney stuff is just shoehorned in making the kingdom hearts characters interact with a bunch of disney characters and waaaaay too many
                that's every game after 1 (and DDD, kinda), it comes to the point that the fanbase is split between disneygays and OCgays
                KH3 was very egregious with this, I think the price for getting pixar in the game was that the pixar worlds would be 100% loyal to the original movies so the distinction between disney vacation and original story was enormous

              • 8 months ago

                >KH3 was very egregious with this, I think the price for getting pixar in the game was that the pixar worlds would be 100% loyal to the original movies so the distinction between disney vacation and original story was enormous
                but the pixar worlds were the only good ones in kh3

              • 8 months ago

                Toy Box and San Fransokyo, yeah
                Arandelle, Corona and Monstropolis not so much

              • 8 months ago

                monstro was nice if not the best place to run around in
                also I realized I haven't actually seen pixar shit in probably decades so I didn't remember those 2 were pixar

              • 8 months ago

                >San Fransokyo, Arandelle, Corona
                You know those aren't Pixar right

              • 8 months ago

                kek i thought that any 3d animation from disney was pixar my bad then

        • 8 months ago

          It's the complete sincerity in which a scene like that is directed that makes it likable and easy to engage with. There's genuinely nothing else like it.

        • 8 months ago

          This is peak 2000s drama though, zoomers wouldn't understand, yes we know it's cringe by current standards but it was kino to see scenes and crossovers like those back in these days.

        • 8 months ago


          L U D O

        • 8 months ago

          I feel like people forget at times why Mickey Mouse is funny.

        • 8 months ago

          Donald being a nazi is just fine, but mickey mouse having a key sword? Unconscionable.

          • 8 months ago

            NTA but Mickey being a keyblade wielder is fine, but him being a kickass and mysterious master of it is not. Mickey is supposed to be the every man, a hapless schmuck who gets in adventures over his head, kinda like Sora is in a way, it why people don't like the 50s shorts because he was too boring and safe.

            It's part of why I don't like people jerking off Donald as this all powerful super mage, or why they even gave him a zettaflare of all things which looked pretty weak compared to other spells we've in in FF canon despite being one of the top offensive spells that could nuke planets, but I digress,
            Donald's supposed to be someone who fate decides to frick with every now again and loses his temper because of it. Not to say he shouldn't be powerful in this point of KH canon, but not THAT powerful

            • 8 months ago

              mickey has been at this shit for 10+ years at the start of kh1, and Donald died casting zettaflare, i don't really see the problem.

        • 8 months ago

          I disagree, in fact it's perfect. It's pure, unfiltered anime camp. people who can't enjoy silly things hate KH because they want everything to be super serious or ironic, when KH is very sincere in it's absurdity.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know how anyone can't love this

          • 8 months ago

            they think they're too mature for sincerely silly things

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Because sometimes you gotta take a step back and realize that Mickey Mouse just watched Goofy die, looked angry, said "they'll pay for this", removed his hoodie in a single movement, pulled out a giant key and ran his silly ass running animation towards the crevasse, where Leon, Yuffie, Tifa and Cloud are fighing a bunch of black creatures.
        It's a bit much.

        I forgot to attach my image
        Ignore the homosexual in the bottom right corner, it's the first result I could find on google

        • 8 months ago

          >implying that shit's not so ridiculous it wraps back around to funny and endearing

          • 8 months ago

            that's exactly what I'm implying, but some people just can't embrace the fun it seems

            • 8 months ago

              >Lifetime passes to Disney Town
              >He said to-he said to take two grownups
              ventus WRECKED

      • 8 months ago

        After at certain age you stopped finding these 'cool stuff' cool and just left with cringe.

      • 8 months ago

        Some people grow up lil bro

        • 8 months ago

          More like you're just a pussy. If you watch any anime at all its the same shit.

          • 8 months ago

            It isn't tho

            • 8 months ago

              You're right. It's better

        • 8 months ago

          >Grow up, KH is for kids
          >Why yes I am a 35 year old man who loves Card Captor Sakura! How could you tell?
          Get real

          • 8 months ago

            I don't know what that is

        • 8 months ago

          >some people grow up
          you're in the wrong place

        • 8 months ago

          Then stop playing games and leave this website, you fricking normalhomosexual

      • 8 months ago

        While I agree with some things being cool; "constant cool anime bullshit" usually translates to preschool-level writing, constant anime grunting and moaning, and taking itself too seriously (

        Because sometimes you gotta take a step back and realize that Mickey Mouse just watched Goofy die, looked angry, said "they'll pay for this", removed his hoodie in a single movement, pulled out a giant key and ran his silly ass running animation towards the crevasse, where Leon, Yuffie, Tifa and Cloud are fighing a bunch of black creatures.
        It's a bit much.

        ). If you can't see how Kingdom Hearts embodies this concept, may god have mercy on your soul.

        • 8 months ago

          >taking itself too seriously
          have a nice day. I am so sick of games having to be self-referential because of people like you kneecapping writers' confidence in letting silly situations be taken seriously in-universe. KH is fantastic specifically BECAUSE it never does any garbage "wink at the camera" bullshit.

          • 8 months ago

            nomura is terminally autistic so of course his writing has no self awareness. he genuinely thinks it's deep.
            that doesn't make it good. it makes it embarrassing.

            • 8 months ago

              >HELP ME WHEDON-SAN

              • 8 months ago

                Is Nomura the most misunderstood auteur director in the industry?

              • 8 months ago

                He needs to chill on the in game commercials

              • 8 months ago

                Legitimately, yes. Nomura's just a designer who likes modern fashion and storyboarding cool action scenes, and everyone misrepresents him as this pretentious jackoff.
                The dude's just a chuuni who's damn good with a pencil and allegedly great at organizing a devteam.

              • 8 months ago

                It's Nomura's earnest approach that can make something like KH work to begin with. Any western director would be too irony-poisoned to treat a concept like this as anything but a joke.

              • 8 months ago

                He's also a big cinephile, a fact most people don't pick up on.

              • 8 months ago

                It's Nomura's earnest approach that can make something like KH work to begin with. Any western director would be too irony-poisoned to treat a concept like this as anything but a joke.

                >earnest approach
                And that my friends is why Nomura's vision of Versus 13 would have failed in the US. Too earnestly dark and serious (if people hated 12 then an even more political game like Versus 13 would net Square death threats). The combat system would probably be praised though.

              • 8 months ago

                >why Nomura's vision of Versus 13
                Wait, is this about 15?

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, Verum Rex is a highly advanced shitpost about XV and Versus 13. You can sort of tell Nomura is still malding, but its hard to blame him considering it was his passion project and then they rape its corpse

              • 8 months ago

                nomura raped its corpse

              • 8 months ago

                At least it would make the characters *slightly* more tolerable.

              • 8 months ago

                you shouldn't be confidant when you're literally one of the worst writers in media. KH is a joke because of that.

              • 8 months ago

                You're too moronic to acknowledge any domain of writing that is not the two shitty ends of making everything too quirky and making everything too serious.

          • 8 months ago

            Try taking KH less seriously and you'll probably be a bit happier. Maybe even engage in less false dichotomies and talk with less chips on your shoulder.

          • 8 months ago

            Funny enough, there are some moments where KH shows self awareness in its writing, but it's never a wink and nudge to the audience outside of the Lea scene in 3.

        • 8 months ago

          >taking itself too seriously
          May Jack Garland have mercy on your soul.

        • 8 months ago

          >taking itself too seriously
          A thousand times more preferable than being drowned in irony.

          • 8 months ago

            Such a moronic canned critique.
            Le heckin irony is bad, anything that isn't insanely childish moronation is le irony.

          • 8 months ago

            Not really. They're both just as bad.

      • 8 months ago

        It's just the dialogue that is cringe. Honestly if they just brought an actual writer that can write human dialogue, the story would get a massive jump in quality

        • 8 months ago

          Thank god they didn't so we can continue to get memorable line kino instead of boring natural sounding dialogue.

      • 8 months ago

        I have a friend who can't stand the series, but his only real experience with it is the oney let's play.
        He said he tried it once, but I don't think he got beyond destiny island.

        • 8 months ago

          Not the first time I've heard of that happening. I remember one guy making a thread saying he watched the Oney walkthrough and started sharing stupid criticisms.

        • 8 months ago

          It's one of those games that unironically gets good after a few hours with dark Destiny Island being a great experience
          It isn't for everyone though, given that it's an anime game but even then it's a disney anime game with very bombastic clothing

          • 8 months ago

            I love KH1 but even the FM version of the original game has kinda trash melee combat, so I could understand why people slide off of it. magic however is extremely fun, but having to menu navigate in a live combat setting isn't for everyone.

            • 8 months ago

              The melee combat is alright, there are much worse games. It's very slow and deliberate, but it's pretty well designed as a whole and kind of redeemed by the techniques you unlock and the magic, that being said though the strong parts of 1 are more like the ambiance, exploration, the environments, stuff like that. I wouldn't play 1 for the combat for sure

      • 8 months ago

        >cool anime bullshit
        I'm not a child sooo

        • 8 months ago

          your behavior suggests otherwise

    • 8 months ago

      >hyped out of my goddamn mind
      >expect to have a show of a boss fight where you get LW's moveset from KH2 and go absolutely ham on Xehanort
      >instead it's just your normal Terra moveset with no grunts

      • 8 months ago

        It's a really wasted opportunity in 3
        like most of the game

        • 8 months ago

          I"m talking about BbS here but it also applies for KH3

  11. 8 months ago

    wait... this still isnt on steam?

    • 8 months ago

      tony hawk pro skater remastered is out today on steam which makes it 3 years and 1 month exactly. could be the same for KH, which would mean ~April 2024 iirc.

  12. 8 months ago

    >I am getting filtered by sincere kino
    Let me guess: American?

  13. 8 months ago

    yes, at least until III

  14. 8 months ago

    go play nuGOW or some shit

  15. 8 months ago

    These games have cut scene skipping now a days. You don't have to pay attention to the writing. You can consult the journal if you don't know what to do next and it's your first time playing.

    • 8 months ago

      Would not recommend for KH because the cutscenes are genuinely enjoyable and you get invested and motivated by the story

    • 8 months ago

      This. Also if your game is better when you skip half of it, it's probably a bad game.

  16. 8 months ago

    It's cringe because you didn't start it when you were younger. KH1 came out in 2002, I was 10-11 when I first played it, and I've stuck with the series for basically 20 years now. If you're in your 20's or even older just now getting into KH then I can understand why you'd find it in cringe.

    In 2006 KH2 came out, and I was barely in high school, but it was the hottest shit among weebs.

  17. 8 months ago

    Just download randomizer for 1 or 2 and play that.

  18. 8 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts is pure uncut cringekino.

  19. 8 months ago

    2.5 is as good as it gets man. Sorry. 3 was a total snoozefest.

  20. 8 months ago

    >I don't even understand how people can cringe at Kingdom Hearts. It's just constant cool anime bullshit happening. I only think shit like Borderlands 3 is cringeworthy enough to make me stop playing, KH is just a wild ride

    • 8 months ago

      blunderlands is unironically more cringe than anything in KH

      • 8 months ago

        people actually acknowledge how cringe borderland is.
        but kh fans deny the cringe and scream "n-NO! IT'S COOL!" as they sob at a characters "death" while hugging their axl body pillow.

        • 8 months ago

          Wow, you're so cool anon!
          I'm sure you have lots of friends and are loved by your family!

          • 8 months ago

            yes, all of that is true.

  21. 8 months ago

    KH is the game that you can only play when you're 16.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Nah, 16 is when you're peak edge when you think Elfen Lied is the craziest anime ever made and want to be Light, Lelouch and Sephiroth.

    • 8 months ago


      >Become older than 16
      >No longer have the ability to experience this kino ever again
      what do I play now

      • 8 months ago

        now you play what Ganker tells you to.

    • 8 months ago

      I am 26 and I fully enjoy playing the entire KH series
      Cry more, homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        >Become older than 16
        >No longer have the ability to experience this kino ever again
        what do I play now

        O O F

        • 8 months ago

          You're either underage and think that enjoying certain things is childish, or you're a boomer who enjoys absolutely nothing in life.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't think it's childish, I just think that I'm way too self aware now to play it.
            I would absolutely not get the same experience like if I played it as a teenager and took the writing seriously.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, that's just like, your problem, man.

            • 8 months ago

              >I just think that I'm way too self aware now to play it.
              What does this even mean? You're too much of a big boy to reminisce on when times were easier?

          • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Who are you trying to impress by acting too cool for KH

  22. 8 months ago

    >eueuueehehe darknesssss
    >eheueueuueeue lightttttt

  23. 8 months ago

    KH is the last relic of Disney's past and true self and should be preserved just for that.

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn't say that, if anything the series shows how Disney has changed as a company over the years

      • 8 months ago

        What do you mean?

  24. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      which one butthole, you've got like six in there

  25. 8 months ago


  26. 8 months ago

    Tell me this dialogue isn't pure unfiltered cringe

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly, it's cringekino with how much ham the VA puts up for Ansem, Xemnas too is extremely cringe with his word choice

    • 8 months ago

      there's way worse examples - that's a fine line given the context of darkness being an actual literal thing in kh universe

    • 8 months ago

      That's a fantastic scene with incredible voice acting. All those actually cringe scenes you could have posted, yet you chose that one. Seems it might be you who is cringe.

    • 8 months ago

      Darkness is literally a physical element in Kingdom Hearts.
      That aside, if you can't enjoy Billy Zane hamming it up as a big dickhead villain boasting to a 14 year old with a giant key, you have no soul.

    • 8 months ago

      No matter how cheesy or "cringe" the dialogue is, a good delivery ALWAYS sells it. Billy zane as ansem fricking sold every single line of his dialogue so hard, you have no idea.
      Epcar is great as his replacement, but just not quite as good.

      • 8 months ago

        KH's voice work is genuinely some of the most fantastic English dubbing in all of vidya. Every single Disney-related actor is giving it their all; fricking Paul St. Peter as Xemnas is legitimately one of the best villain performances in any game.
        Too bad it makes the dogshit performances like Aerith and KH3 Riku stand out way more.

        • 8 months ago

          Eh, most of of it anyway, KH3 voice action was fricking dogshit. And not even the fun kind, the kind like nobody who worked wanted to be there, I know people meme and praise the Woody scene, but goddamn but that was some of the most lifeless acting I've ever heard. especially from SE and Disney.

          • 8 months ago

            >KH3 voice action was fricking dogshit.
            I dunno, all of the villain characters did a decent job. Sora sounded good, too. It was mostly just Riku and Terra/Aqua/Ventus dragging the whole thing down. Riku's performance was especially shitty because David Gallagher normally does great as Riku, but he was just fricking WOODEN in KH3 for some reason.

            • 8 months ago

              Sora sounded fine, but if your only flex for your JRPG is your MC wasn't the one who sounded bad, then you're some fricking rough shape. I guess Donald and Goofy aren't bad either, they sound like they always do, but again if the best is the bare minimum for any KH game, then it's really not a good sign.

              • 8 months ago

                >but if your only flex for your JRPG is your MC wasn't the one who sounded bad, then you're some fricking rough shape
                Did you not read my post? Genuinely, nobody sounded bad aside from Riku and TVA. Old Xehanort was definitely a downgrade from Leonard Nimoy until the DLC but it wasn't a bad performance by any means, and everyone else ranges from decent to great.

              • 8 months ago

                I did, and I don't agree with it. Most of the acting in game was shit and I won't budge on that.

            • 8 months ago

              Vanitas and crazy Riku had some outstanding VA work

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah I don't understand what happened. Is bad voice direction to blame? The writing wasn't great in 3, but that still doesn't explain the actor's poor execution.

              • 8 months ago

                The acting is consistently soiled by a few things, probably to the incompetent direction of Nomura
                >speaking between characters is ALWAYS divided by 1 second of silence
                >dialogue is never interrupted, overlapped, or whispered
                >99% of the time, characters express their emotions through obvious cues such grunts and vivid posing as opposed to facial animation, subtle posture changes, or fidgeting
                >characters rarely speak ironically, sarcastically, or figuratively

              • 8 months ago

                rarely speak ironically, sarcastically, or figuratively
                oh noooooooooo, the HORROR

              • 8 months ago

                your only exposure to irony, sarcasm, and metaphor is the internet and hollywood and this tells me you're probably unreasonably moronic

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not the one who uses a sarcasm-o-meter as a metric for how good a piece of work is

              • 8 months ago

                but you're moronic enough to think I did

              • 8 months ago

                and you're moronic enough to reply

              • 8 months ago

                the more bumps I give this thread the less credibility KH fans will get

              • 8 months ago

                You do recognize that those modes of expression can exist within a piece of fiction and are not necessarily used reflexively to undermine the work itself? KH1 Riku has a lot of snark but all of it is aimed at other characters, not at the fact Donald Duck is there.

              • 8 months ago

                >Only on Ganker will you find a person stupid enough to use hyperbole and sarcasm to say that hyperbole and sarcasm are bad

              • 8 months ago

                I'm speaking your language here, don't you love those

              • 8 months ago

                yes, keep seething

              • 8 months ago

                You realize that scene with frey was her being 100% sincere exactly like in kh right?

              • 8 months ago

                Those are some good points. KH3 in particular was very stilted to watch probably due to all of the above. The grunts in particular are hard to ignore.
                Even this scene from KH1 feels much more natural and charming compared to anything in 3.

                Nomura directed both, so what changed?

              • 8 months ago

                Nomura took the writing credit in KH3,
                Nojima being responsible for the writing of 1 and 2.

                nah man, 1 is the least cringe out of the whole series. it works as its own little thing, about a guy who gets separated from his friends before they all go out on an adventure together. sora gets to team up with donald and goofy travelin' through worlds to find muh friends. so it kinda makes sense that most of what comes out of sora's mouth involves friendship.

                it's fricking weird when you boot up CoM and Sora is even more hyper fixated on Riku and Kairi from the getgo. like his whole fricking life revolves around friends. they don't have anything in common, or hobbies, or anything else. it's just the concept that they are indeed friends and sora is fricking obsessed with it. there literally isn't a single scene that doesn't revolve around sora and how important his friends are to him. it's genuinely eerie. it was toned down in 2, because Sora gets distracted in each world's plot which is great. but left to his own devices, he continues to solely only talk about friends and how friends are friends doing friends friends friends.

                The later games show more of Sora wanting his friends than than they show Sora actually spending time with them, or growing as a person. KH1 does a frickton of heavy lifting for the series, in so that it actually shows Sora, Riku, and Kairi playing, talking, and teasing. That level of meaningful character development shows up increasingly rarely on later games. You can kinda see it happen in BBS and in the phone game, and I'm sure the new casts of characters were helpful in that regard.

              • 8 months ago

                >The later games show more of Sora wanting his friends than than they show Sora actually spending time with them
                fricking this. I've said this before about KH3, but if you wanted to end on the romance of Kairi and Sora, Kairi should've went WITH Sora on his journey to train, instead of being stuck in the hyperbolic time chamber. this way you could have their dynamic as Keyblade wielders established, and have their feelings grow more naturally as they encounter the myriad of romantic events that occur within the story. of course this would give Kairi agency and a character, and that's not allowed in any game past 1.

              • 8 months ago

                >Kairi joins Sora as he rids the worlds of darkness
                >she's clumsy and inexperienced so its up to Sora to show her the ropes
                >sometimes she feels frustrated
                >in the end they grow closer through their experience, eventually ending 21 years of blueballing for gaming's most climatic kiss
                The more I think about the scenario the more I think Nomura is the biggest hack in the entire world.

              • 8 months ago

                the writers hate kairi I'm convinced. it's such an easy setup too but instead they opted to make her the out of reach vague not girlfriend character.

              • 8 months ago

                It's crazy how they basically wrote what KH2-onwards Kairi should have been in a different game.

              • 8 months ago

                Better. Nomura was so shocked with how he turned out, he added Ishibashi to KH4. Some say that even NEO's battle director will replace the Osaka team guys that went back to Tokyo. still hoping for Mitsunori Takahashi, Yuji Abe or Masanori Sato but all three are still on the 7 Remake team

              • 8 months ago

                Since this thread is already going full Stellagay, why isn't anyone talking about how Soraya Saga would be a great benefit to KH? Nomura is still talking to her, I'm sure.

              • 8 months ago

                >Soraya Saga

              • 8 months ago

                In 2016...
                >Nomura: Soraya-san remember what happened to you and Taka-sempai in 2005? That happened to me too

                Are you new?

                >Nomura: Soraya-san remember what happened to you and Taka-sempai in 2005? That happened to me too
                Someone explain.

                About that, more on Nomura and Xeno (pic related)
                >Xenogears Perfect Works is to Takahashi and Soraya as Versus XIII is to their eldest son (loljk but you all know what I mean) Nomura. Takahashi said Xenoblade 2 was supposed to show "if you just change your thinking a bit, there's such a colorful world out there." This was to his kids, I'm sure, but I also wonder if he was also trying to cheer up his eldest son after his Square mismanagement took away his project (kek). People theorize this is why Verum Rex exists in KH3.

                >The Xenogears and Xenosaga comparison exists in Stellagay Writeup, Side Black because Tetsuya Takahashi and Soraya Saga are the most similar to Tetsuya Nomura in style among other former and current Square developers. Takahashi and Soraya are themselves two of Nomura's closest friends which is why Nomura said yes to working on Xenoblade 2. ... and Stellagay using it helps us understand what Nomura felt when he was taken off the project.

                >Takahashi had the lowest self-esteem of his life and Soraya lapsed into suicide ideations that started with an unrelated incident after online harassment [faulted] her for being fired from her project along with her husband, one they co-created. Nomura was depressed enough to buy 2 cats after he was removed from Versus 13 but he was still furious enough for his anger to explode when Square made him change engines for KH3's development from Luminous to Unreal Engine 4.

                >Years have gone by, and you're right anon they're a lot happier now. In fact Takahashi seems to have done some self-reflection on his part. I don't have the specifics down since I never played it but he uses the Zohar and various reflections on creating virtual worlds as the Architect in the ending of Xenoblade 2. It's likely Nomura played Xenoblade 2 and then was so moved by the ending the Versus Epic came back within him or maybe Takahashi was speaking to Nomura through the game since he knows exactly what his fellow Tetsuya felt.

                >Takahashi and Soraya have their eldest son in Nomura
                >Soraya's character moments and design skill + Takahashi's extensive lore and worldbuilding
                >has all of their best and worst tendenceis in a single dev
                Why do I agree with this

                Since this thread is already going full Stellagay, why isn't anyone talking about how Soraya Saga would be a great benefit to KH? Nomura is still talking to her, I'm sure.

                I could've sworn the g in Saga was capitalized at some point.

              • 8 months ago

                >Soraya SaGa

              • 8 months ago

                >Nomura works with Kawazu never ever

              • 8 months ago

                In 2016...
                >Nomura: Soraya-san remember what happened to you and Taka-sempai in 2005? That happened to me too

                >Soraya Saga

                Are you new?

              • 8 months ago

                >Nomura: Soraya-san remember what happened to you and Taka-sempai in 2005? That happened to me too
                Someone explain.

              • 8 months ago

                About that, more on Nomura and Xeno (pic related)
                >Xenogears Perfect Works is to Takahashi and Soraya as Versus XIII is to their eldest son (loljk but you all know what I mean) Nomura. Takahashi said Xenoblade 2 was supposed to show "if you just change your thinking a bit, there's such a colorful world out there." This was to his kids, I'm sure, but I also wonder if he was also trying to cheer up his eldest son after his Square mismanagement took away his project (kek). People theorize this is why Verum Rex exists in KH3.

                >The Xenogears and Xenosaga comparison exists in Stellagay Writeup, Side Black because Tetsuya Takahashi and Soraya Saga are the most similar to Tetsuya Nomura in style among other former and current Square developers. Takahashi and Soraya are themselves two of Nomura's closest friends which is why Nomura said yes to working on Xenoblade 2. ... and Stellagay using it helps us understand what Nomura felt when he was taken off the project.

                >Takahashi had the lowest self-esteem of his life and Soraya lapsed into suicide ideations that started with an unrelated incident after online harassment [faulted] her for being fired from her project along with her husband, one they co-created. Nomura was depressed enough to buy 2 cats after he was removed from Versus 13 but he was still furious enough for his anger to explode when Square made him change engines for KH3's development from Luminous to Unreal Engine 4.

                >Years have gone by, and you're right anon they're a lot happier now. In fact Takahashi seems to have done some self-reflection on his part. I don't have the specifics down since I never played it but he uses the Zohar and various reflections on creating virtual worlds as the Architect in the ending of Xenoblade 2. It's likely Nomura played Xenoblade 2 and then was so moved by the ending the Versus Epic came back within him or maybe Takahashi was speaking to Nomura through the game since he knows exactly what his fellow Tetsuya felt.

              • 8 months ago

                Just how many of these shitty writeups are there?

              • 8 months ago

                Not sure, but there are a few discord-gays who post this garbage everywhere. One of them is also a janny or mod.

              • 8 months ago

                >Takahashi and Soraya have their eldest son in Nomura
                >Soraya's character moments and design skill + Takahashi's extensive lore and worldbuilding
                >has all of their best and worst tendenceis in a single dev
                Why do I agree with this

              • 8 months ago

                I miss sassy brat Kairi

              • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Too bad KH3 was terrible in that regard. They told Tony Anselmo to calm his voice down and it sounds terrible

        • 8 months ago

          KH3 Riku was pretty phoned in, which makes his performance as Repliku in Re:Mind so much better. Even if it's just battle dialogue.

      • 8 months ago

        Hence why KH1 will always be the best.
        It might not be as refined as KH2, but you can damn near every one who worked on it, from both Japan, and the west, put everything they had into that game.

        • 8 months ago

          >every one who worked on it, from both Japan, and the west, put everything they had into that game.
          This. I'm always impressed at how well crafted KH1 is each time I play it again. Nobody knew it would be any kind of success either, but it still had tons of heart poured into it.

          • 8 months ago

            Early Kingdom Hearts concept art is so cool. I was always bummed the series really dropped the cartoony visual style significantly after KH1.

            • 8 months ago

              Does Square even do traditional paintings like this anymore?

              • 8 months ago

                after the mana series, no

              • 8 months ago

                Nomura still does a lot of the KH-related artwork on traditional media. Pretty sure most of the recent stuff is all colored pencils.

      • 8 months ago

        This. Ansem and Xemnas both have fantastic voice work that sold me on the characters, even if I didn't give a frick about their motivations. Their final boss gauntlets are made better for it.

    • 8 months ago

      Billy Zane was amazing. I wish he returned

      • 8 months ago

        No matter how cheesy or "cringe" the dialogue is, a good delivery ALWAYS sells it. Billy zane as ansem fricking sold every single line of his dialogue so hard, you have no idea.
        Epcar is great as his replacement, but just not quite as good.

        >Billy Zane would have returned but SE never approached him

        • 8 months ago

          Billy Zane never returning was actually a Disney issue, not a SE issue. He starred in a foreign film with some anti-American themes relatively soon after 9/11 (within a couple years IIRC) and basically got soft-blacklisted by Hollywood for a decade because of it.

    • 8 months ago

      >he has a heart outside his thoracic cavity exposed to light constantly
      sux 2 b u lmao darkness is the only environment a heart can flourish in

  27. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      the series used to have unironically good writing. you will not see a scene like this post 2. they even fricked this up by bringing replica Roku back to life

      • 8 months ago

        i think both 358/2 days and back cover also have good writing but i might be misremembering
        bringing repliku, roxas and xion back was very bad

        • 8 months ago

          >358/2 Days
          The funniest line ever out of context but actually pretty poignant in context because that's basically all they know of friendship

          • 8 months ago

            >that's basically all they know of friendship
            >Nobodies are just autistic

            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              >nobodies either have no sense of awareness, or no sense of the real world around them

              Makes sense to me at least.

          • 8 months ago

            Days was awful, but I still loved it. I still have fond memories of playing through it one winter and enjoying every second.
            Pity about the missions being so repetitive.

          • 8 months ago

            I actually almost cried at that scene (only scene that did that to me on the entire series), but after i found out that it was a meme in the community it thought it was funny that i almost did that
            I think people think this scene is a meme because they haven't played the original game, the impact might be lessened when you're watching through the collection

            • 8 months ago

              It helps that in the game, that's an important tradition for them that repeats after a mission almost every day. In the movie you don't see the missions themselves so you don't really get it.

          • 8 months ago

            It's the line delivery. For whatever reason they completely fricked it up. I have to guess it's something with the lip flaps.

        • 8 months ago

          Roxas being brought back was perfectly justifiable because Roxas was clearly his own person to anyone with half a brain and there's no way Sora would have been okay with letting him just stop existing. The way in which is was brought back was fricking lame, make no mistake, but him coming back wasn't a bad thing.
          Xion is a little less justifiable. I like the idea of characters slowly piecing together her existence through circumstantial evidence, maybe figuring out that Sora's got her too after a couple games, but KH3 (again) rushed it way too hard and ruined any potential it could have had.
          Repliku coming back was an absolute mistake, even if it was just as Riku's schizo hallucinations.

          • 8 months ago

            yeah you're right about roxas and xion but i think that bringing them back kinda makes all of the ending "act" of 358/2 days pointless, but i fell like that's more detrimental for what happens with xion than it is for roxas
            xion was supposed to be forgotten forever but nomura actually managed to create an viable excuse to that with all the time travel shit from DDD (i still hate DDD with a passion though)
            all of the thing with having a spare body for everyone in 3 was kinda moronic imo
            you can also argue that xion and roxas coming back could be traced back to blank points but the point i'm trying to make is that this fricks with the ending of 358/2 days

    • 8 months ago

      Every major character in kingdom hearts that dies starts getting surrounded in sparkles, starts giving a speech, and only fully succumbs to their sparkle death after finishing their speech and answering any questions

    • 8 months ago

      one whole minute to die

  28. 8 months ago

    the cringe is part of the charm

  29. 8 months ago

    Heh... It's quite ironic, if you really think about it. That which the fool dubs "cringe" is--and always has been "kino".

  30. 8 months ago

    The story of KH peaks on the original game. Everything after it is just worse story wise. KH2 is mostly carried by it´s awesome combat. Story is acceptable except for the the parts when they try to create their own scientific explanations regarding the hearts. That´s super cringe. BBS is also somewhat ok story wise but it leans too much towards the soap opera side of things. Combat is ok but not nearly as good as KH2.

    The rest are just a terrible convoluted mess story wise with subpar combat.

  31. 8 months ago

    Kh1 isn't that bad. Anything after the organization 13 is pure bs.

  32. 8 months ago

    KH might be cringe, but it's soulful cringe.
    The kind of cringe that could only come from someone who genuinely loves the source material
    at least until DDD, where the soul slowly gets drained and replaced by Disney shilling machine, which was always there, but is so much worse in KH3 than the previous games.

  33. 8 months ago

    Idk who kingdom hearts is but I jerked off to the Aqua b***h a lot I hope she isn't underage.

  34. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >Collect the crabs bro!

    • 8 months ago

      Post your favorite world bros

  35. 8 months ago

    every character who isn't inside sora's heart is xehanort

  36. 8 months ago

    >Half of characters in this franchise are just re-colors
    Why did we let this happen?

    • 8 months ago

      Literally the only characters that look identical to eachother are Ventus/Roxas and Vanitas/Sora, and that's a deliberate story thing.
      No, the different Xehanorts don't count because they're literally the same fricking guy engaging in time travel shenanigans.

      • 8 months ago

        Kari, Xion, and Namine all look the same too, just with different hair colors. And all the OrgXIII characters are just themselves two, maybe three different times, and we all have to act like they're different people because something something hearts.

        And no, being explained away in the story does not fix that we still have most of the cast being different versions of the same people.

        • 8 months ago

          >Kari, Xion, and Namine all look the same too, just with different hair colors
          gee i wonder why

          • 8 months ago

            Again, just because the plot explained it away doesn't make it not lazy or bullshit

            • 8 months ago

              >the plot explained it away
              you make it sound like some kind of retcon or post-hoc excuse when those three being connected was the intention from the beginning and their designs are foreshadowing the reveal

              • 8 months ago

                When did I imply that? I'm just saying it's lazy and an easy way out of character deisgn. If you wanna talk retcons, Roxas deffinitely was, being explictly Sora's nobody, and yet only barely kinda looking like Sora, which gave the initial impression nobodies look slightly off from the people they were orginally, until nope that wasn't the case Ventus was just in Sora's heart because reasons.

                Which by the way, wasn't Kairi literally in Sora's heart too?

  37. 8 months ago

    >redesign riku so he looks like noctis just to do yozora
    i miss his kh2 design

  38. 8 months ago

    The cringe is eternal. You play these for the nostalgia if you grew up with the movies but mostly because of the crazy postgame bossfights.

    Just beat Yozora from KH3, amazing.

  39. 8 months ago

    My boy Xemnas has a 10/10 voice and delivery. Like imagine this dude ordering take out

    • 8 months ago

      >HELLO THERE, I'd like one order of...NOTHING

      • 8 months ago

        can I pay Paul St. Peter to read out Big Jon's order

        • 8 months ago

          If you could contact him and upload it onto YouTube, it would be kino.

  40. 8 months ago

    KH lost a lot of its chuuni coolness with 3 and i hope 4 will change that

  41. 8 months ago

    Get over your own ego and learn how to engage earnestly without hiding behind layers of irony.
    I promise you that nobody in the real world is going to care if you think a scene from Kingdom Hearts is cool.

  42. 8 months ago

    >old xehanort
    >young xehanort
    who has the highest power level? i feel like it should be terranort

  43. 8 months ago

    I got filtered by the "not dubbed" in my language despite all the previous game being and all the shity new square game also having one out of nowhere.
    This industry is really full of moronic people.

  44. 8 months ago

    >got the jab

  45. 8 months ago

    I know Disney is intrinsic to the series but with how much original shit is happening, I'd like a game (or two) to resolve the Quadratum, MoM, and box storylines. 3 really didn't need any of the worlds to propel the plot and it shows

    or maybe lower the scale of Disney by doing shows and adapting a couple of iconic and essential episodes

    • 8 months ago

      >3 really didn't need any of the worlds to propel the plot and it shows
      I think there's a lot of ways they could have used Disney worlds to keep the plot going in a more natural way, but KH3's dev cycle was fricked and it's clear Disney management is/was set on keeping the OC stuff and Disney stuff as removed from eachother as possible. The result was that KH3 ends up feeling cleanly divided into "Disney Filler" and "Plot dump" sections rather than intermingling the two like KH1 did, but without the justification KH2 had (where Sora generally didn't actually have any urgent goals beyond "look for Riku" for the first half of the game)

      • 8 months ago

        It does make it sting more that the entire KH3 plot is "Sora isn't allowed to try using the power everyone swears he doesn't have but has to learn, and somehow it's vital that he in particular does this while all his allies talk shit about him for feeling stuck".

        • 8 months ago

          doesn't riku also know the power of waking anyways? why was it such a big deal for sora to get it

          • 8 months ago

            Well, the out of universe justification is that Sora has Ventus's heart in him, so he has to be the one to wake Ventus up.
            Of course, absolutely fricking nobody besides Riku could possibly know this, and Riku never really tells anyone, so the actual answer is "shut up Disney made us rework the Frozen world for the 5th time and we had to delay the game by another six months".

            • 8 months ago

              >Of course, absolutely fricking nobody besides Riku could possibly know this, and Riku never really tells anyone
              but Re:Coded ending is literally naminé telling data sora and mickey that sora's heart has many people's hearts too and then mickey sends a letter to real sora telling him that (KH2 ending)

          • 8 months ago

            No fricking clue. My rough understanding is it's the same weirdness where Sora's keyblade is a "true" keyblade or some shit and so it's more important than everyone else's, so there's some stuff only he can do, but every time Sora tries to have agency or advocate for himself in 3 he's told to piss rocks for the grave crime of *checks notes* walking into a trap that Yen Sid delivered him into for Xehanort on a silver platter, despite the fact they apparently have a time-stasis training dimension.

      • 8 months ago

        Ironically it was the xehanort phone game that had the best integration of the disney stuff and plot since kh1.

        • 8 months ago

          As much as people shit on the phone games, writing-wise I think they're a really good sign for the series. KH3 felt like Nomura desperately wrapping up all the shit slapped together over 20 years of games to make room for something more structured.

  46. 8 months ago

    The cringe is the best part.

  47. 8 months ago

    Only positive I can say for this game is that despite disney it isn't actually woke.

  48. 8 months ago

    what the frick were the thinking

    • 8 months ago

      GBA CoM is a blatant TWEWY prototype.
      God I hope h.a.n.d. is working on KH4

      • 8 months ago

        h.a.n.d. had nothing to do with CoM or the original TWEWY, though they did work on Final Remix and NEO.

        • 8 months ago

          IIRC a lot of people from Jupiter who worked on COM/TWEWY went to h.a.n.d.

    • 8 months ago

      Bro your Fire deck?

      • 8 months ago

        not my deck, when i played all i did was spam sonic blade though

    • 8 months ago

      The GBA version is better and more soulful.

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually piss easy precisely because of this system.
      >line your deck up with spells you can spam or sonic raid
      >have a couple of 0s at the end you can scroll to at any time to interrupt big attacks
      >do this until the enemy dies
      Riku's story at least shakes it up.

  49. 8 months ago

    >Abandoned by his mother in Scala ad Caelum
    >Raised by Player's reincarnation to be The Chosen One™ that will banish the remaining Darknesses and restore the Light
    >Gets manipulated and corrupted into the Darkness by Luxu disguised as one of his friends
    >Spends his entire life fricking around with teenagers wielding giant keys
    >Dies and reborns a few times
    >Time travels a few times
    >After all the suffering he caused he's finally defeated by a teenage boy, a duck and a dog
    >Gets pardoned and leaves to heaven with his childhood friend
    >Will have a redemption arc in Kingdom Hearts 4

    Is Xehanort, dare I say, the most based individual in the story of fiction?

    • 8 months ago

      >>Will have a redemption arc in Kingdom Hearts 4
      It didn't occur to me until you typed this out that Strelitzia or whatever her name is specifically calls Quadratum an afterlife.
      We're never getting that bald frick out of the plot, are we?

      • 8 months ago

        >The afterlife is Star Wars

    • 8 months ago

      None of what you posted is true

  50. 8 months ago

    Aqua got norted

  51. 8 months ago

    no it gets worse

  52. 8 months ago

    So what the frick was up with the mobile games? Are those all resolved now?

    • 8 months ago

      2 hour movie in full 3D remake.

    • 8 months ago

      If you mean Chi/Dark Road, that shit literally, unironically is just about to be addressed in this new saga.

      i.e., KHIII ends with the foretellers and Luxu about to begin their plans. Shits just getting started

  53. 8 months ago

    I just hope KH going forward focuses on new shit instead of fricking up old shit

  54. 8 months ago

    Kingdom hearts is even more kiddyslop than tendo games

  55. 8 months ago

    Only play 1, COM, and 2. Ignore everything else.

    • 8 months ago

      frick off, Re:Coded's combat is the shit

      • 8 months ago

        It's a shame the majority of the game is made of awful minigames and copypasted system sector rooms

        • 8 months ago

          yeah but damn it plays good
          if BbS was even half as good as Re:Coded is then I wouldn't rag on the game so hard

  56. 8 months ago

    I said the same in 2003, and ended up finding it charming. The sequel changed the tone though, and after that one I gave up the series. 3 was mediocre, imo.

  57. 8 months ago

    >this still hasn't been ported to Steam

    • 8 months ago

      They're fricking PS2 games, just emulate them

      • 8 months ago

        just pirate it

        the hd re-releases play better and have achievements

        • 8 months ago

          just pirate the re-releases

    • 8 months ago

      just pirate it

    • 8 months ago

      Epic basically paid a good bunch of money to Square to be able to do PC ports of the game afaik (which were already running in Unreal anyway), so it may remain exclusive to their store, just pirate it though, I doubt it's getting any more updates.

    • 8 months ago

      Blame whatever curse Uncle Timmy made Square sign up, maybe with the new CEO we'll see some action in that regard

  58. 8 months ago

    >guaranteed KH4 worlds
    Return of the Jedi
    Olympus/The Underworld
    100 Acre Wood
    >very likely KH4 worlds
    The Incredibles
    Inside Out
    >dream KH4 worlds
    James and the Giant Peach
    Return to Oz
    The Great Mouse Detective

    • 8 months ago

      Every KH thread I'm forced to remind you all, Disney is very autistic about their live action/aquired IP mingling with their other IP. most of the worlds in KH4 are going to be live action, whether any of us like it or not

      • 8 months ago

        >tfw no indiana jones world

        • 8 months ago

          Why bother? It would obviously be based on that piece of shit Dial of Destiny.

    • 8 months ago

      >more nu-disney slop
      i'm good.

    • 8 months ago

      There must be some kind of in-joke for the staff that it needs to keep being added.

      • 8 months ago

        I think it's just a convenient place to have the JRPG obligatory tournament

      • 8 months ago

        Nomura probably really likes it. I've heard Hades is involved in Dark Road but I haven't watched those videos yet. Personally I've always headcanoned that it'd supposed to represent Sora's desire to be a hero and be strong.

  59. 8 months ago

    >Still pretty great
    >Kind of mediocre
    >Please stop
    Everything else

    • 8 months ago

      >BBS above days
      opinion discarded

      • 8 months ago

        all days has is a good main plot, the rest of the game is dogshit.

        • 8 months ago

          Nah, your attacks in Daysgenerally feel responsive and solid (unlike BBS) and the grid system is way the frick better than Command Deck. Days's only major issues are lategame flying HP sponges and peoples' incredibly subjective views on the mission system.

    • 8 months ago

      You forgot Re:coded, which is ultra-kino.

    • 8 months ago

      >Days below DDD and KH3

    • 8 months ago

      KH3 is total slop

  60. 8 months ago

    I fricking love this series. It's cringekino at it's peak. The secret video in KH1, the soap opera shit beginning in Days and BBS, and it all led into and peaks with the Yozora boss fight in 3 and Nomuras revival of Ver.XIII. Sorry for those that didn't make it.

    • 8 months ago

      is that fricking Michael Jackson

    • 8 months ago

      Boss battle aside, Yozora is part of the problem with KHIII

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, Yozora is potentially a cool as hell concept. Time will tell if it's executed right.

        • 8 months ago

          What concept? We don’t know anything about him besides the fact that he lives in Quadratum

          • 8 months ago

            In case you havent noticed KH fans take their headcanons as fact.

      • 8 months ago

        Dollars to donuts, one of the many reasons KH4 is going to be pushed to hell and back is because Disney is gonna sniff out Nomura trying to pull fast one on them with the Yozora shit and either tell him to frick off or take his characters from him by force

  61. 8 months ago

    all i ask is that kh4 not have a single fricking world based on the "live action" ""remakes""

    • 8 months ago

      It will.
      There is 0% of KH4 not being a steaming pile of dogshit.

    • 8 months ago

      You're getting a Lion King 2019 world with Seth Rogen Pumbaa as a party member and you're going to fricking LIKE IT

    • 8 months ago

      >Hey Sora I heard something weird was going on in the pride lands, let's go check on simba to make sure everything is ok!
      >End up in weird cgi land

  62. 8 months ago

    The series is pure SOVLcringekino. I think you had to be around during that time to get it. Zoomers get filtered easily by shit these days.

    • 8 months ago


      Nah, it was painfully cringe even 20 years ago.

  63. 8 months ago

    Only 1 and 2 are really worth playing. CoM (GBA), 358/2 and re:coded if you grave for more, but different.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Imagine being butthurt by generated pixels

  64. 8 months ago

    I think people are doomposting a little too much about KH4. Disney's been pushing their IP in crossover stuff way more recently compared to how restrictive they were being around the time of KH3's development with shit like MvCI. We just had that racing game come out, not to mention that fricking weird, terrible "mirrorverse" gacha, and the Animal Crossing clone.

    • 8 months ago

      Disney has always been harder on third parties than on the ones they keep a closer eye. Not to mention Disney is full panic mode right now after all the flops they've had and the parks not pulling in as much as they'd like. Now that either means KH4 is being less hands on, of they're fricking strangling SE with a whip over if Iron Man as the right amount of chin hairs or someshit.

      • 8 months ago

        Disney and KH should just go back to the classics, nobody cares about the 3D CGI crap.

        • 8 months ago

          Wreck-It Ralph or Meet The Robinsons would be kino

      • 8 months ago

        it's definitely the latter

      • 8 months ago

        >Not to mention Disney is full panic mode right now after all the flops they've had and the parks not pulling in as much as they'd like.
        wasn't that why they let KH1 and 2 be made in the first place?

        • 8 months ago

          Eh, sorta. Video games have never been a market Disney has had any luck with, and Iger spent of most his time the 90s trying to win over the teenage/young adult market. KH was bascially a way to kill two birds with one stone and see where it goes. After KH1 was a certified hit they wanted to milk it for all it's worth, hence why KH2 had shilling for Chicken Little of all things.

          • 8 months ago

            >hence why KH2 had shilling for Chicken Little of all things.
            oh yea i forgot he was in there
            if only that was the worst we had to think about for 3

  65. 8 months ago

    DO NOT

    • 8 months ago

      358 days remake where you have to play all 358 days; a drakenguard-esque delve into the monotony of evil while Larxene calls you a b***h and Demyx asks if you know how to fix a bop-it that has knives jammed in the speaker

  66. 8 months ago

    KH should go back to KH1 and KH2 art style. Forget that anything after those happened and use only old disney content. There's still great disney stuff like:
    The Emperor's New Groove
    Dalmatians (they were only side quest in KH1)
    Lady and the Tramp
    The Aristocats
    The hunchback of notre dame
    Dumbo (only used as summon)
    The fox and the hound
    The sword in the stone
    Treasure planet
    The jungle book

    • 8 months ago

      >The hunchback of notre dame
      This was in DDD and my favorite world.

      • 8 months ago

        >DDD has the best disney worlds but worst story
        was it worth it?

        • 8 months ago

          Nomura's Tron boner gave us realistic Jeff Bridges. It was amazing.

          • 8 months ago

            Japan and China really like Tron for some reason.

            • 8 months ago

              maybe because it contains no substantial dialogue nor story. it's just a light show on a screen, like present day hong kong

              • 8 months ago

                Japan and China really like Tron for some reason.

                It's aesthetic, orientals are some of the ultimate style over substance enjoyers and even then Tron's pretty easy to understand without paying attention

              • 8 months ago

                how old are you? sincere question

  67. 8 months ago

    Joyless adult. You are dead inside. Kys.

  68. 8 months ago

    if you cringe, it's just not for you

  69. 8 months ago

    Cringe and kino live side by side, both require sincerity, and one can slip to the other very easily. Most modern games can never reach the heights of KH because they are too cowardly to take themselves seriously.

    • 8 months ago

      This is precisely why Strangers of Paradise worked. It was genuine through and through.

  70. 8 months ago

    No. The cringe literally never stops. You had to be there in 2001/2005 when kh 1 and 2 came out. It wasnt cringe back then and I cant explain why. It just wasnt.

  71. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Aqua is not only hot but her voice makes me diamonds.

    • 8 months ago

      I miss my b***hy bdsm dominatrix wife so freaking much it's unreal

      • 8 months ago

        my head canon is that she raped demyx

      • 8 months ago

        >the sounds she makes in her data fight in 2

    • 8 months ago

      Can't not choose Kairi. She literally was my sexual awakening. But Aqua is the hottest.

  72. 8 months ago

    No, just play kh2fm on the hardest difficulty and skip the cutscenes. Don't play any of the other games.

    • 8 months ago

      These games have cut scene skipping now a days. You don't have to pay attention to the writing. You can consult the journal if you don't know what to do next and it's your first time playing.

      >still spamming this
      you can't pull this meleegay-tier shit with kingdom heart by saying "play it for the gameplay", they're plenty of better action games you insecure little homosexuals. If someone can't enjoy the "cringe" they should play it period.

      • 8 months ago


  73. 8 months ago

    kingdom hearts has lots of cringe

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, the side characters in Pirates of the Caribbean's romance was cringe and is a disgrace for Goofy to be there

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know how you can't laugh at things like this. it's great, it's so funny seeing Goofy just glassy eye'd staring off into the distance during realistic human character melodrama.

  74. 8 months ago

    The Sora Smash Bros trailer is the best KH content we've had in years

    I dare you to convince me otherwise

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think many people would disagree. The stage looked great too. Sakurai is clearly a KH1chad

  75. 8 months ago

    1 and 2 are the only ones that matter, the rest is just a waste of time.

  76. 8 months ago

    Kill the part of you that cringes
    Kingdom Hearts is pure kino if you stop taking yourself so seriously

  77. 8 months ago

    You aren’t built for it anon, get out, you aren’t strong enough

  78. 8 months ago

    >kh3 soundtrack was worse than anything that came before and the good songs were made by yoko shimomura
    >kh4 might be "real life" because it will have the live action movies
    at least everything story-wise from this new saga is building up to be good... right?

  79. 8 months ago

    >xehanorts heart possessing terra is a complete personality shift
    >sora having and losing 5 hearts doesn't change him at all

    • 8 months ago

      Sora didn't have those hearts take control of his body, he was just carting them around inside of him. Xehanort straight up body jacks Terra.

  80. 8 months ago

    Half the people put off by the cringekino would think twice if the dialogue was just a bit less stunted. 1 was the only game that averted overwhelmingly bad dialogue.

    • 8 months ago

      honestly never understood the "cringe" it's just disney shit with an anime character, there are a lot cringier games out there

    • 8 months ago

      2 isn't that bad in that regard, still. It has more ridiculous scenarios but the dialogue doesn't make you want to blow your brains out like every game after it.

  81. 8 months ago

    >nobody's don't have emotions
    >all they do is b***h and cry that they don't feel anything

  82. 8 months ago

    >zeus standing outside of a huge arena in kh3
    >not an optional boss fight

  83. 8 months ago

    nah man, 1 is the least cringe out of the whole series. it works as its own little thing, about a guy who gets separated from his friends before they all go out on an adventure together. sora gets to team up with donald and goofy travelin' through worlds to find muh friends. so it kinda makes sense that most of what comes out of sora's mouth involves friendship.

    it's fricking weird when you boot up CoM and Sora is even more hyper fixated on Riku and Kairi from the getgo. like his whole fricking life revolves around friends. they don't have anything in common, or hobbies, or anything else. it's just the concept that they are indeed friends and sora is fricking obsessed with it. there literally isn't a single scene that doesn't revolve around sora and how important his friends are to him. it's genuinely eerie. it was toned down in 2, because Sora gets distracted in each world's plot which is great. but left to his own devices, he continues to solely only talk about friends and how friends are friends doing friends friends friends.

  84. 8 months ago

    People can talk shit about KH3 all they want, but the combat is just as good as kh2. It's one of the best action rpgs ever made.

    >world's are full of detail and massive, literally combines KH1 and KH2, beautiful
    >snappy combat, mid air guard, lots of options to use, keyblade switching, form saving, critical mode adds new abilities like extra damage of you guard at the last second, gets rid of attractions for form changes, etc etc
    >the 14 boss DLC , if nothing else, saves the entire game for how well done the fights are , best action bosses ever made
    >music is obviously top tier
    >we already knew what the story would be before it released, it's about the journey, and the journey was amazing
    >Gummi ship section done by an entirely different team that knew what they were doing

    • 8 months ago

      Nice bait

    • 8 months ago

      KH3's combat is only good when you have the Remind abilities equipped, Sora's base keyblade moveset is straight dogshit otherwise. KH3 magic is also lacking in anything but different flavors of damage, the exceptions being Aero and Blizzard which put you into the way more nerfed flowmotion state. Attractions were also shit, too strong for what little interactivity they provide, but again like the keyblade moveset stuff you can toggle them off with the Remind update stuff. I like KH3 but the game is only good NOW, on launch it wasn't amazing.

    • 8 months ago

      >but the combat is just as good as kh2.
      Anon, I say this as someone who thinks KH2 is a deeply flawed game that people jerk off entirely too much:
      No the absolute frick it is not. The DLC may be pretty great, but it's in spite of the main game, not because of it.

    • 8 months ago

      >but the combat is just as good as kh2
      this is true, but only if you use the mod "improved movement" and disable the disney ride shit
      improved movement does wonders to the gameplay

      • 8 months ago

        What improved movement mod?

        • 8 months ago

          this one

          here's a youtube video showing what it does

          you can also customize everything to your liking anytime mid-gameplay

          • 8 months ago

            this mod might be good too but I'm learning about it now, so I haven't tested it

          • 8 months ago

            not that anon but that looks pretty good. I like that it's modular so I can toggle off those faster dodges with cancel frames, that shit seems a bit too OP for the game that's already pretty easy outside of the DLC.

            • 8 months ago

              yeah you can customize by changing the numbers too so you can set to be just a bit faster if you prefer that
              I haven't played the entirety of the game with it to know if it makes it too easy but it was pretty fun

  85. 8 months ago

    No it doesn't so frick off. I don't want you in the fandom. The more we gatekeep the series the sooner it will start healing

  86. 8 months ago

    I genuinely miss the style of writing in KH. Its such a blowback to a distant, more desireable past (I didn't have KH as a kid, but its got 2000s written all over it) and it makes me so, so sad that its gone. What we have in its place now is a bunch of shit.

  87. 8 months ago

    the first one is the best game out of the lot, It works as a stand alone story. Then the story gets convoluted.
    If you only care about gameplay and not story then the 3rd one is fun.

  88. 8 months ago

    Do you think Kingdom Hearts has a future? Disney has been shit for years and Square Enix seems like they are one step closer to dying worse than Sega.

    • 8 months ago

      KH survived the garbage handhelds. garbage handhelds are more profitable. the osaka team also improved their shit ass gameplay to be a little closer to kh2 level.
      so yes, kh has a long future.
      that said, both disney and square enix are soulless versions of their former selves. it will never be the same

  89. 8 months ago

    It's one of like 5 vidya series with an actual running storyline that gives time for the characters to breathe and develop over the years.
    I wish there were more but I'll take what I can get.

    • 8 months ago

      >It's one of like 5 vidya series with an actual running storyline that gives time for the characters to breathe and develop over the years.
      In theory anyway. A shame most of that time is just expostion dumps, and jerking off Disney, instead of actual character development.

  90. 8 months ago

    You are not qualified to play Nomura KINO. Stop playing now.

  91. 8 months ago

    Someone should post the writeups and summaries

    • 8 months ago

      >the writeups and summaries

      • 8 months ago

        Someone should post the writeups and summaries

        Why does it always have to fall to me to be the responsible one in every Square thread? Ah then again, I'm already half-Stellagay so I guess it can't be helped.

        • 8 months ago

          >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Green (Part 1)
          >The green image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 1 (picrel) talks about the events in Square Enix that caused Versus XIII to turn into XV. Crystal Tools and mismanagement turned XIII and XIV raging dumpster fires that almost killed the company under Wada, forcing the Versus team to be split across any and all Crystal Tools games to make development easier.

          >It mentions the Crystal Tools graphics engine and how it affected development. It also talks about how trying to get mass-market appeal affected gameplay (changing from a more complex KH2 like battle system to the simpler one we see in FFXV).

          >Nomura's team was constantly taken away to finish XIII, then XIV and then help again with ARR. His game was never in constant development like some morons think it was, because more than half of the time he didnt even have a team. With no team or deadline he thought of new ideas like any director would in that time to keep the ball rolling. Square restructured like 3 times during that period and in an effort to fast track production; they told Nomura to start working on both Kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 Remake. All the production work done thus far was given to Tabata with Nomura overseeing the transfer. Tabata who unfortunately was a layman of a director and a mediocre one at that.

          >Tokyo Team anon's comments
          >I'm surprised Stellagay didn't pick up on this but other KH2FM/Versus team devs worked on XIV or under Yoshi P during Endwalker apart from Ohdachi and how many other KH2FM devs that weren't former FFXI team members also worked on Parasite Eve 2 when all of them were known as Square's Osaka Team. Yes, even the guy who (note, no longer) works at DeNA for Pokémon Masters after wasting his battle design talent in XV after KH2FM and early Versus is from Osaka, everyone's former favorite battle director Yuichi Kanemori

          >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Black (Part 2)
          >The black image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 2 talks about why changes were made to pander/appeal to the Western (North US American) market and how they ensured success and the longevity of the FF brand along with how Nomura felt about these changes.

          >Nomura was incredibly pissed that the original, dark and chuuni as frick Versus 13 was dumped for making a product with mass market appeal thanks to changing sensibilities in the western market, as such, he included links to the corporate politics that led to it in Kingdom Hearts 3 via Verum Rex, an in-universe video game. Stellagay speculates the next game will be Verum Rex and it'll be a retelling of how the internal corporate politics of square that led to the downfall of his baby (Versus).

          >Stellagay says that Versus 13 was decringed into 15 to save the Final Fantasy brand at the cost of removing everything Nomura wanted to put in it in terms of story and gameplay like the Kingdom Hearts combat and all the dark shit you saw in 2000s anime which became cringe in 2010 so it could sell outside of Japan and save the Final Fantasy brand. It made Japanese games semi okay because it saved Square financially but Forspoken is now the fruit of Nomura's pain and suffering.

          >XIII turned off a lot of consumers, it was expected to be a BIG success and a lot of money went into the trilogy. Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure. XV was made readily appealing to FF fans and fans in general and overall it separated itself from XIII. But the sales were not good enough and consumers didn't stick around while long time fans felt the game was lacking. Elements of Versus got recycled into KH3 and Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.

          Who is Stellagay?

          • 8 months ago

            >be a normal anon poster
            >post like it's a phpBB forum in 2005
            >discuss Square RPGs and Xeno, and sometimes Sonic/SEGA games and Fire Emblem on the side
            >someone won't stop comparing said RPGs unfavourably to FF15 and threatening other Nomura fans
            >it's Barry
            >try to reason with him after he calls The World Ends With You a QTE game
            >Barry won't change
            >is somehow called based in TWEWY and Xeno threads
            >expose a fake Versus leaker by entering his Discord
            >out him as a Nazi
            >get called the same name as the Nazi because they are associated with Versus
            >begin namegayging
            >Barry posts gorn and cp so jannies can quickly archive a thread
            >they don't
            >remind Barry a few days later he did that and ask him why he isn't in jail
            >remind Barry he threatened to rape an FF fan who also likes Stella
            >more bickering
            >be so fed up with Barry's lies and slander against flawed but innocent Square Enix devs
            >do an ungodly amount of research
            >make a bunch of headcanon writeups
            >post them a few times for fun before SoP and NEO launch
            >gets excited for SoP and NEO
            >fights Barry again
            >realize Barry isn't worth it and then fricks off
            >but then says 7R needs Gambits because his favorite FF, FF12 used it to improve party AI before he disappears
            >the headcanon writeups take off with a bunch of autists (and I am not-Xigbar) called the Whispers of Stellagay
            >those same autists ruin discussion of the Gambit system
            >FF16 is said to have political intrigue mixed with dark anime tropes
            >this appeals to the namegay's tastes directly almost 1:1
            >Tokyo Team involvement
            >FF16 launches
            >FF15 fans are shown to have the same opinions as Barry and hate 16
            No wonder he doesn't post anymore. You triggered him, Barry. You triggered Stellagay.

            But Toriyama is subservient, Tabata excised, Nomura and Yoshida ascend, 7R gets Gambits, 16 is Versus 2.0, SoP is kino. In time, Stellagay won.

            He must not be forgotten. I kneel to the namegay, for he did nothing wrong.

            I'm already half-Stellagay.

            • 8 months ago

              Nta but he's a guy? Stellagay was a guy the whole time?

              >taking itself too seriously
              A thousand times more preferable than being drowned in irony.

              I too enjoyed SoP.
              Please tell me you enjoyed it too though

              • 8 months ago

                Weren't you in the 16 threads? He even asked why people kept saying 'hurr durr Stellagay is a woman hurr durr'.

                >taking itself too seriously
                A thousand times more preferable than being drowned in irony.

                You two should also play 16.

      • 8 months ago

        >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Green (Part 1)
        >The green image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 1 (picrel) talks about the events in Square Enix that caused Versus XIII to turn into XV. Crystal Tools and mismanagement turned XIII and XIV raging dumpster fires that almost killed the company under Wada, forcing the Versus team to be split across any and all Crystal Tools games to make development easier.

        >It mentions the Crystal Tools graphics engine and how it affected development. It also talks about how trying to get mass-market appeal affected gameplay (changing from a more complex KH2 like battle system to the simpler one we see in FFXV).

        >Nomura's team was constantly taken away to finish XIII, then XIV and then help again with ARR. His game was never in constant development like some morons think it was, because more than half of the time he didnt even have a team. With no team or deadline he thought of new ideas like any director would in that time to keep the ball rolling. Square restructured like 3 times during that period and in an effort to fast track production; they told Nomura to start working on both Kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 Remake. All the production work done thus far was given to Tabata with Nomura overseeing the transfer. Tabata who unfortunately was a layman of a director and a mediocre one at that.

        >Tokyo Team anon's comments
        >I'm surprised Stellagay didn't pick up on this but other KH2FM/Versus team devs worked on XIV or under Yoshi P during Endwalker apart from Ohdachi and how many other KH2FM devs that weren't former FFXI team members also worked on Parasite Eve 2 when all of them were known as Square's Osaka Team. Yes, even the guy who (note, no longer) works at DeNA for Pokémon Masters after wasting his battle design talent in XV after KH2FM and early Versus is from Osaka, everyone's former favorite battle director Yuichi Kanemori

        • 8 months ago

          >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Black (Part 2)
          >The black image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 2 talks about why changes were made to pander/appeal to the Western (North US American) market and how they ensured success and the longevity of the FF brand along with how Nomura felt about these changes.

          >Nomura was incredibly pissed that the original, dark and chuuni as frick Versus 13 was dumped for making a product with mass market appeal thanks to changing sensibilities in the western market, as such, he included links to the corporate politics that led to it in Kingdom Hearts 3 via Verum Rex, an in-universe video game. Stellagay speculates the next game will be Verum Rex and it'll be a retelling of how the internal corporate politics of square that led to the downfall of his baby (Versus).

          >Stellagay says that Versus 13 was decringed into 15 to save the Final Fantasy brand at the cost of removing everything Nomura wanted to put in it in terms of story and gameplay like the Kingdom Hearts combat and all the dark shit you saw in 2000s anime which became cringe in 2010 so it could sell outside of Japan and save the Final Fantasy brand. It made Japanese games semi okay because it saved Square financially but Forspoken is now the fruit of Nomura's pain and suffering.

          >XIII turned off a lot of consumers, it was expected to be a BIG success and a lot of money went into the trilogy. Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure. XV was made readily appealing to FF fans and fans in general and overall it separated itself from XIII. But the sales were not good enough and consumers didn't stick around while long time fans felt the game was lacking. Elements of Versus got recycled into KH3 and Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.

          • 8 months ago

            >>XIII turned off a lot of consumers, it was expected to be a BIG success and a lot of money went into the trilogy. Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure. XV was made readily appealing to FF fans and fans in general and overall it separated itself from XIII. But the sales were not good enough and consumers didn't stick around while long time fans felt the game was lacking. Elements of Versus got recycled into KH3 and Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.
            Oh god why do I remember this? Was it really that bad?

            • 8 months ago

              i wanted XIII verus so bad. we got birth by sleep but that should have been 3

              • 8 months ago

                Osaka volunteered to make it too.
                Do you know how much normies liked 15? I wish I could remember it but all I know is that they stopped caring after Episode Gladio.

  92. 8 months ago

    It's not cringe, just don't be a socially awkward pussy that "cringes" at anything and everything that is remotely out of the realm of ordinary

  93. 8 months ago

    You're supposed to start playing it when you're 6

  94. 8 months ago

    Do a lot of people really not like 358 days? That was what go me into Kingdom Hearts in the first place. Playing it from Roxas’ point of view and not knowing any of the lore made me empathize with him and Xion more.

    Never got to do multilayer though since I didn’t have any friends

    • 8 months ago

      days story was good, gameplay was complete garbage

  95. 8 months ago

    The cringe is a projection from within yourself, look the cringe in the face until you don't feel it anymore and finally enjoy life again.

  96. 8 months ago


    Nomura really wanted to explore the influence of religion in Versus XIII. He was also responsible for the FNC concept but left it to Nojima and other devs as per usual. Maybe it's their eldritch/incomprehensible nature to human minds or something.

    • 8 months ago

      >Maybe it's their eldritch/incomprehensible nature to human minds or something.
      In other words angels = power lmao

  97. 8 months ago


    >This isn't Kid Icarus Uprising where angels and gods are real.
    I mean they kinda are if the Disney worlds are anything to go by

  98. 8 months ago


    >This isn't Kid Icarus Uprising where angels and gods are real.
    Did you forget about 3D or what

    • 8 months ago

      DDD's TWEWY world makes me hope that KH4 has Sora in the same Shibuya as Rindo and Neku. 104 is there. Make it happen, Nomura.

  99. 8 months ago

    The person to blame isn't Nomura. Or Riki's english voice actor basically doing dead line readings. No, above all of them is the cutscene director and dialogue editor and neither are Nomura. This person tanked Kingdom Hearts since the PSP era, it's unbelievable the cutscene director doesn't cringe at his stuff since KH:BBS on the PSP.

  100. 8 months ago

    So, I have the collections and I have my DSi I can use to replay Days and play Re:coded.
    But what the frick do I actually do about the phone games? Do I find some offline APKs or something? Is there some app complication update? I don't want to just watch the movie.

    • 8 months ago

      The phone game is now an offline cutscene viewer, but just youtube the cutscene compilation movies.

  101. 8 months ago


  102. 8 months ago

    he's here

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day already stellagay

      • 8 months ago

        Only that half-Stellagay weirdo is here though...?

  103. 8 months ago

    The SNES and PS1 eras of Square were so good, and then KH felt like a culmination of their mastery. What the frick happened?
    Only TWEWY and some other Nomura stuff seem to be the outlier, everything else has nothing left of the grandiose classical timeless style and storytelling mixed with exploration of new technology and production capabilities Square were known for. When and how did SE drop the ball? Is there any way to go back?

    • 8 months ago

      Tech is too hard to explore now, so.

      • 8 months ago

        Tech is powerful enough to not warrant further exploration (unless some tech companies come out with an actually new and useful technology that won't just drag everything down like RT). What you need is competent staff to make the most of what we have within reasonable timeframes, which seems to be lacking.

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