Mekton Zeta

Does it hold up?

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  1. 8 months ago



    • 8 months ago

      Have any other mecha RPGs surpassed it since?

      • 8 months ago

        >inb4 commie-

        Just use the rules and ignore the setting.

        • 8 months ago

          Are the rules really that good? What makes it better than Mekton Zeta? Honest question as I've only heard of Lancer on /tg/ and the book covers for the settings unironically killed what little interest I had, but I'm willing to give it a second look. I also heard Lancer is more miniature-oriented which put me off as well.

          • 8 months ago

            It's d20, which is either a plus or a minus depending on your views
            Fluid non-simulationist combat, modular mech-creation, feels pretty videogamey ngl which while not everyone's cup of tea, it makes it much easier to play.
            Ultimately what makes it is comp/con, a browser app that effectively allows one to make entire mechs, campaigns and even maps on your computer without having to fumble thousands of things, also obviating the need for minis.

            I guess a Mektonhead won't really like it but it does at least avoid several of Mekton's many pitfalls (no god stat, for one)

            • 8 months ago

              Sounds interesting. I'll give it a look. Cheers.

          • 8 months ago

            It;s a videogamey tabletop skirmish game with some light roleplay mechanics.

            It's trash

          • 8 months ago

            It is D&D 4e with a wet-tissue thin layer of window dressing
            It is trash

        • 8 months ago

          Lancer's setting feels very baked into the rules.

          • 8 months ago

            If you mean the licensing instead of money you can always handwave that. There is no game mechanic that forces you to be a black queer, you even have a full space neonazi faction that's pumping the space fascism on all cylinders all day erry day in scenic space argentina. The lore frames them as THE bad guys, but the rules don't block you or penalize you in any way for using their shit, nor do they encourage you to join or use the quirky posthumanist space rebel hackers' models.
            You can very easily shave the gay off Lancer and play Armored Core or even space RaHoWa if you so damn please, the diversity patrol won't hunt you down for it.

            • 8 months ago

              >There is no game mechanic that forces you to be a black queer
              What the actual frick are you even babbling about? Are we playing different Lancer games?

        • 8 months ago

          It is fricking outstanding under two caveats. You have stat micromanagement autism, and you are a weeb. If you tick those two boxes it is the best mecha game out there.

          Lancer's problem isn't the ~~*Poeple*~~ who made it, not the bad baked in setting. While those are problems, its real issue is how bare-bones makes pbta look crunchy the game is outside of mecha square dancing..

          • 8 months ago

            >Lancer ~~*People*~~
            The most disgusting community full of histrionic gender weirdos I have ever seen.

        • 8 months ago

          Lancer doesn't hold a candle to mekton, and mekton isn't shackled to some homosexual woke setting

        • 8 months ago

          I did, it still sucks.

          We played it with a sci-fantasy mecha setting of our own creation but the combat was clunky and unfun. Unironically felt like playing someone's 4e game with a bunch of homebrew tacked on.

          If you recommend Lancer you might as well recommend playing 5e with a mecha refluff. I'm not saying that's a good thing to do, but you're getting the same level of ttrpg quality.

      • 8 months ago

        Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles were both better.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't even know those had RPGs. Neat. How are they better?

          • 8 months ago

            Oh, also, should I read Heavy Gear 2E or wait for 4E? Is there enough info on 4E yet to answer such a question?

            The Silhouette system from Dream Pod 9 is a pretty good RPG system. Game worlds are fleshed out but leave a lot of room for GMs to fill in the blanks. Heavy Gear is more down-to-earth in scale with smaller scale mechs. All the action is centered around one planet with a war between coalitions of northern and southern states separated by an equatorial desert. Jovian Chronicles is more Gundam-sized and clearly heavily influenced by it. Typical various planets of the solar system colonized by Earth but now in cold war sort of scenario.

            • 8 months ago

              Font is tiny though

            • 8 months ago

              is it worth waiting for heavy gear 4e? i see 2e has a shitload of content and it even has a book for eden which is the place i'm most interested in within the setting

              • 8 months ago

                4e is coming out soonish and should be cross compatible with 2e resources so neither option is a bad one. 2e iirc has some wonky balancing with it's attributes but 4e is looking to have none and replacing it with "skill domains". It remains to be seen how 4e will fair. Also 4e would incorporate the new Blitz units of the colony worlds like Eden where as the old 2e books might feel slightly scarce on content for them outside of Terra Nova and Caprice.
                Btw what happened to mecha monday? I haven't seen it for 2 weeks.

              • 8 months ago

                >4e is coming out soonish and should be cross compatible with 2e resources so neither option is a bad one. 2e iirc has some wonky balancing with it's attributes but 4e is looking to have none and replacing it with "skill domains". It remains to be seen how 4e will fair. Also 4e would incorporate the new Blitz units of the colony worlds like Eden where as the old 2e books might feel slightly scarce on content for them outside of Terra Nova and Caprice
                cool, thanks for the info dude. will keep an eye on 4e
                >Btw what happened to mecha monday? I haven't seen it for 2 weeks.
                no idea, honestly

            • 8 months ago

              By Silhouette you mean the first Silhouette system or SisCore? Which one is best anon?

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but the skill system in SilCore is completely fricking moronic. The best iteration would be SilCore with the older edition’s skill mechanics ported over.

        • 8 months ago

          Oh, also, should I read Heavy Gear 2E or wait for 4E? Is there enough info on 4E yet to answer such a question?

          • 8 months ago

            Wait for 4e the pdf will be out this month hopefully.

            2e is 90s as frick as has 15 vital stats and 75 skills to choose from.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not sure if you'd mind if I asked you this here, but wouldn't you happen to have the PDFs?

          • 8 months ago

            I have Heavy Gear 1e and Jovian Chronicles 2e, but it's a lot of pdfs bro

            • 8 months ago

              i see, its ok

          • 8 months ago

            look for the Dream Pod 9 repo in the PDF share archive anon, join us

        • 8 months ago

          Dream Pod 9's Heavy gear and Jovian Chronicles systems were further "refinement" of Mekton's Mekton Zeta - the Movie system in the Mekton Tactical Display referee's expansion pack. The downsides to DP's system? One, it was way too deadly which they refused to do anything about it until 3rd edition which at that point their RPG was pretty much forgotten Every player was one fumble away from death. The other two side is that the math behind the cost point for mechs could be hugely misleading to how good or terrible a mech was.

          • 8 months ago

            The threat value of all the gears is based off the wargame which has been made pretty damn good.Like almost every mech that costs 6TV or less has a pretty basic stat line of 4 Gunner 4 pilot 6 Electronic warfare. The damage code is really only what weapon they’re holding. Those stat lines are all pretty well balanced so that the light version does a base of 5-7 depending on the type and then the Medium and Heavy versions go up by 1 dmg per level. Cheap gears can’t usually hold weapons better than light and maybe medium and most can’t carry the really powerful stuff like particle accelerators (causes haywire status on hit) usually the TV for a hunter or jager is 6 and then the variants are like 7, the North and South especially have a bunch of random army fillers that mostly do the same thing as a hunter/jager but slightly better or worse

            The middle tier of gears being jaguars and black mambas they both have better skills ratings and weapons load outs, but can’t carry heavy weapons mostly.

            From what I’ve read your TV increases with things like
            -gear traits
            -weapon traits
            -armor rating
            -G P and EW ratings
            -action points, gears with more AP are usually expensive

            It’s pretty clear now what gears are strong, you just check the damage code and then see how many extra dice they get to attack with from their traits, take a look at your armor rating and that gives you a good idea of what kinda weapons you can tank and what kinds will flatten you.

      • 8 months ago

        Battle Century G.

        • 8 months ago

          Honestly, this seems like a much better suggestion than Lancer. For all of the cope in this thread, Lancer's setting is *EXTREMELY* baked into the rules.

          I tried to create a homebrew setting for Lancer mainly because I dislike galaxy spanning space operas. I wanted to write a more Expanse-esque world centered around a distant solar system colonized by a generation ship and Lancer had basically no support for homebrewing new Mechs.

          I am currently using Mekton but I'll check out Battle Century G.

          • 8 months ago

            >Battle Century G.

            It had an update.

            • 8 months ago

              I think G Remastered added the Z stuff in there. I do remember it adding other tidbits like guidelines on custom weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm reading Remastered and it seems pretty complete.

              • 8 months ago

                Any PDFs shared?

          • 8 months ago

            This post doesn't make sense. The lancer setting is no more baked into its rules than most other RPG's. Reskinning the mech manufacturers is all you need to do and set it wherever you want. If you demand currency be involved in the mech leveling process there are rules for that in a supplement, but you could easily handwave the "licenses" as purchases if you wanted.

            Homebrew mechs for lancer are not uncommon at all and the modular nature of the game makes creating new weapons/systems/frames not difficult at all other than balancing which is not something you can make hard rules for. Also every mech in the book will end up different over the course of a campaign because there are so many ways to outfit a mech and the pilot's talents will also radically change their gameplay. So the base game already provides a lot of room to make your mechs however you want.

            • 8 months ago

              Lancers rules are more suited to role playing a hero shooter than anything resembling a proper Mecha series. You can use it to play Overwatch, or LoL, or some other nonsense of that nature, but for mecha?

              The rules are just not good for making giant robots feel and fight like giant robots, they're just superheroes who kinda resemble robots.

              • 8 months ago

                Adding to this, Lancer IS customizable, that's true.

                The issue is that it's customizable in all the wrong ways.

                You don't build a mech from disparate parts, components, and logistical concerns with many different mechanical considerations to keep in mind and potential vulnerabilities.

                You have a 'Hero' unit. You customizable this hero unit with 'Equipment' and 'Skill Unlocks'.

                It's just, fundamentally, not a Mecha game. It's a Pen and Paper MOBA game that's trying to pretend to be a Mecha game.

              • 8 months ago

                Tell me why equipping your mech with disparate parts, systems, and talents with different strengths and weaknesses in Lancer is different from what you describe.

                Lancers rules are more suited to role playing a hero shooter than anything resembling a proper Mecha series. You can use it to play Overwatch, or LoL, or some other nonsense of that nature, but for mecha?

                The rules are just not good for making giant robots feel and fight like giant robots, they're just superheroes who kinda resemble robots.

                What would you say about other mech systems makes them "feel" more mech? I am actually curious.

              • 8 months ago

                I suppose, if I had to pin down the ultimate issue with Lancer, it's that it's constantly clashing against what it wants to do.

                There are two broad genres of Mecha, Super robot and Real robot, and both have their strengths and weaknesses.

                Lancers issue is that it's trying to be a Real Robot game when it's mechanics support being a Super Robot game instead, and those genres don't play well together.

                In a real robot game, the 'how' the Mech was built, assembled, and the logic of its creation is all very apparent. You get to see the bones that go into it's stat block. It's mechanically fiddly, yes, but that's one of the core appeals. Even if you simplify it a lot, it needs this wider assembly system to feel like a proper design process. This way you can infer information about unknown mechs immediately through nothing more than systems knowledge. This is important.

                Lancer doesn't do this though. Each mech is a unique entity, mechanically. Each one is built according to logic that you don't get to see, with tools you can't understand. You can only infer potential upgrades, but if a brand new mech appeared before you, you have almost no way of telling what it can do. There is no wider system to grasp.

                This would be fine if the game was revolving around one-off super robots fighting against each other, where such is the norm and expected at times. But they don't do that.

                All of the fluff text and the way it's presented is trying to sell the idea that these robots are mass-produced warmachines that operate according to an understanding of semi-coherent rules and mechanical logic. But you don't get to see any of that. So you can't grasp the real robot nature, because it's all arbitrary magic.

                And I know they weren't trying to make a super robot game, because there's no ham and cheese dialogue. They were trying to present real robots, but these robots don't have any wider mechanical design system to understand, so you can only memorize them individually.

              • 8 months ago

                There is a way to do both like SRW does but that requires you to handle them like superheroes. The best mech systems have more in common with Champions than D&D.

              • 8 months ago

                But Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles are both Real Robot systems and have the same thing occur?

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, what do you mean by this? Heavy Gear has an autistic as frick tech manual that goes into detail about why Gears are the way they are. I'm not the other anon that dislikes Lancer, I find it alright myself but the two games handle their mecha quite differently.

              • 8 months ago

                The tech manual give Gears a lot of grounded flavour but has no bearing on the rules. Gears still can do anything the game designers want them to do at any point (doubly for the non-TN mechs) and the game rules have to accommodate that. The way I saw the poster was someone wanting something like GURPS vehicles for mecha, when of course GURPS mecha mostly clings to the super-robot side.

              • 8 months ago

                >Gears still can do anything the game designers want them to do at any point (doubly for the non-TN mechs) and the game rules have to accommodate that.
                I suppose but that doesn't make it a super robot wannabe like the one anon was saying. I think that's just more necessary of TTRPGs. Players expect the imagination to do actions that you could never do in a mechanically defined video game, as such you can't have a GM box them into only making choices that are realistic to make 100% of the time. PCs are going to make their OC duelists do crazy things. But Heavy Gear hardly reaches the near magic feel of Lancer imo. Something that stuck out to me with what the other anon was saying
                >This way you can infer information about unknown mechs immediately through nothing more than systems knowledge.
                Seems alot easier to do in Heavy Gear, You almost know exactly what you're getting when a squad of 4 Jagers role up (lots of Rocket Packs). When an enemy squad of Everests show up it could be nearly any type of mecha, are they artillery? are they duelists? are they stealth commandos? are they all three? I personally disagree that Lancer wants to be super robot because of that but I can see what the other anon was saying in that Lancers mecha lean a lot more into the superhero personality feel of Super Robot than the famous variant feel of Real Robot mecha that I think Heavy Gear leans into more. A Jaguar could be seen as Terra Nova's M1 Abrams, my Tortuga is going to be seen as Iron Man.

              • 8 months ago

                I think the disconnect happens because Lancer embraced the Shadow of the Demon Lord/D&D 4E game paradigm that the player characters don’t work the same way as NPCs.

                Players get to customise their chassis, npcs are only grouped by narrative role and what mechs or vehicles they are using are up to narrative fiat.

                The NPCs can be using a mixture of Everests and Shermans with a few motorised rocket batteries. But gameplay-wise they are a mixture of Assault-types, a Witch to represent a EW variant made locally the GM names on the spot as a Radiant-Class, Everest-Pattern Government AC and a few Grunts Bombards with the Vehicle Tag to represent the newly named Super-Katyushas since they are supposed to be weak to being shot.

              • 8 months ago

                This is another important point as well. It's a bit weird that the PC mechs are described as existing around the galaxy, but they will never fight another one except perhaps as a special homebrew boss. But it makes running the game as GM much easier because the PC mechs have so many things to consider and react to that the NPC enemies need to be simpler to facilitate gameplay.

              • 8 months ago

                Always loved this art.
                Its both obviouslly "hey, this is UC gundam"
                but its also like "but we are still going to make it distinct from UC gundam too"
                The forground mech is obviously a federation sort like a GM or Jegan, and the background obviously a zaku like thing. But its not just a lazy slightly modified to not get copywrite shit, they actually did unique interpretations of both styles. The federation like one has a sweet retro hotrod thing going on , while the german world war look of the Zion is taken to a nice retro wolfenstein look to it.

                >I think the disconnect happens because Lancer embraced the Shadow of the Demon Lord/D&D 4E game paradigm that the player characters don’t work the same way as NPCs.

                Thats always been a slight system pet peive of mine to. I can understand it, but then it gives this weird implication that some of the fiction is less real then other parts in a hammy way. dont get me wrong, having more bare bones refrences for mooks is great for streamlining, but I like seeing more fully formed entites too when they arent just background fodder.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah but the game designers show a lot of restraint in what the basic terranovan gears can do, with the exception being Nucoal who have hover abilities.The gears only have three skills, pilot, gunner and electronic warfare, those are very broad skills that let you make skill tests on a wide range of things but you can’t like, hijack someone’s gear with electronic warfare, mechs don’t fly through the air, they can punch and attack each other with melee weapons but you can’t declare “I do luminaire” or even gears that can jump or hover I don’t think you can even attack in mid air.

              • 8 months ago

                I cannot speak for them, that may completely true or it might not be. I haven't played either, so I can't provide input on them.

                I have played Mekton Zeta, Battletech, and Lancer. I have heard good things about Heavy Gear and Jovian chronicles, but that's about all I can definitely say. Perhaps that disqualifies me from the discussion, even so.

                Lancer doesn't feel like a real robot game, because the mechanics don't feel like they support underlying mecha design understanding. It doesn't feel like a real robot game because the mechs are treated as characters rather than tools. It doesn't feel like a real robot game because a lot of it's fluff text is handwaved with 'paracausality'.

                Lancer just doesn't feel like a real robot system, and I'm not sure if I can properly articulate why.

              • 8 months ago

                Any suggestions on what is a good mecha rpg?

              • 8 months ago

                Battle Century G.

              • 8 months ago

                Interesting, I've skimmed the pdf I found online, what do you like about it?

              • 8 months ago

                I like Battletech, it's popular for a reason. Although you'd want to play one of the Mechwarrior variants most likely.

                I like Mekton Zeta, even though it is an aged system. If you can handle the mechanically fiddlyness of it all, then it's excellent. If you can't, then probably look elsewhere. I like it the best myself because through it I can fill out a lot of human scale rules with cyberpunk 2020 rules and concepts, albeit with slight homebrew required. There are even porting rules. It's massively complicated overall, but in terms of sheer amount of content it's hard to beat.

                I have heard good things about Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles, but I can't confirm if they're good or not personally.

                I believe there was an RPG called Battle Century G that was good, but I'm not sure.

                If you want a super robot game, you're probably best looking for a superhero game and stating our mechs in it instead. Mutants and Masterminds might function the best for this, but make sure to read the rules.

                I dislike rules light systems, so I can't recommend any for you. Sorry friend.

              • 8 months ago

                Cyberpunk to Mekton is a little bit more of a pain because different books keep moving the HTK to HP ratio around.
                Generally do you like going with 1 Hit = 10 HP/SPD like MII, 1 Hit = 20 HP/SPD in MZ or 1 Hit = 40 HP/SPD like in Maximum Metal/MZ+

              • 8 months ago

                Ye, it's very fiddly, but it does open up the possibilities of using effectively all the content from two ttrpgs at once, which is hard to beat in terms of scale for sci-fi and especially Mecha ttrpgs

              • 8 months ago

                >Only two
                Rifts chads rise up

              • 8 months ago

                I like using the Psychic Powers from MZ+ to get the more esoteric half of the Cyberpunk genre.

              • 8 months ago

                Thank you for the detailed reply. The only thing I really disagree with other than pure taste is the last part of your post. I feel like Lancer is pretty explicit in that every mech is a custom job by their Lancer and they are capable of extraordinary things. It uses science fantasy explicitly as well with paracausality and NHPs. So I don't see how they aren't going for super robots.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, I suppose it's possible that I completely misunderstood what they were going for, but it doesn't feel anything like I'd expect a Super Robot game to feel like.

                Typically, in Super Robot shows, the conflicts are less about the actual morality of war and ideologies, but rather conflicts of good and evil with the respective robots being vessels that represent a great amount of power bestowed upon the individual used to defend what they consider good.

                I suppose I can see that in vague terms, but the games of Lancer are set in border regions, usually working for megacorporations or large governments to suppress terrorists and dirt farmers and whatnot. Often you fight against people of opposing factions but there's not a moral juxtaposition.

                ...Well, I can see that too with how the writers are, but even ignoring that part, it's just narratively dissonant.

                When I engage in a Super Robot series, I'm not expecting mud and grit and morally dubiousness and such. I'm expecting shine and bold colors and battles of willpower, not guns.

                I suppose they were going for a Super Robot game, but the default areas that battles take place don't feel like Super Robot situations.

              • 8 months ago

                That was early on in the playtests. Now you by default work for the Space Government, a generic Federation-esq superstate that tries to enforce some sort of Human Rights and legal accountability among the corps and frontier worlds. Of course there is nothing stopping people from playing as the corps, NGOs, terrorists, pirates and planetary authorities.

              • 8 months ago

                Aren’t Lancer’s mechs just there for morale? That goes against everything mechs represent in super robot stories. Super Robot stories are about mechs and their pilots being the only things holding back the enemy because they are the only ones able to do it. Hell even in Real Robot stories mechs obsolete conventional weapons.
                I think that boils it down to the actual issue. It’s a Real Robot game pretending to be Super Robot but mechs have no real to exist because they are obsolete. That would piss off any mecha fan.

              • 8 months ago

                I haven't read it, but I'm not at all surprised that commies decided to subvert the expectations of the audience and that it turned out crappy.

              • 8 months ago

                >I haven't read it, but...
                Average anon on /tg/ talking about Lancer

              • 8 months ago

                This. I don't believe for 1 second that all the Lancer shills have ever read that trash.

              • 8 months ago

                Definitely a possibility, but I'm honestly asking for good RPG suggestions.

              • 8 months ago

                No in Lancer, the Lancer characters themselves are the best of the best and their mechs the best war machines around for what they do. This is repeated constantly.

                I mean, I suppose it's possible that I completely misunderstood what they were going for, but it doesn't feel anything like I'd expect a Super Robot game to feel like.

                Typically, in Super Robot shows, the conflicts are less about the actual morality of war and ideologies, but rather conflicts of good and evil with the respective robots being vessels that represent a great amount of power bestowed upon the individual used to defend what they consider good.

                I suppose I can see that in vague terms, but the games of Lancer are set in border regions, usually working for megacorporations or large governments to suppress terrorists and dirt farmers and whatnot. Often you fight against people of opposing factions but there's not a moral juxtaposition.

                ...Well, I can see that too with how the writers are, but even ignoring that part, it's just narratively dissonant.

                When I engage in a Super Robot series, I'm not expecting mud and grit and morally dubiousness and such. I'm expecting shine and bold colors and battles of willpower, not guns.

                I suppose they were going for a Super Robot game, but the default areas that battles take place don't feel like Super Robot situations.

                I see where you are coming from, I was thinking of more of a hard/soft sci-fi distinction not so much theming. The other anon who responded to you is correct in that Lancer puts a lot of emphasis on the Star Trek-esque utopian Union that is pretty much good, but there is still a definite amount of grey.
                I feel like it is understandable the game is not what you enjoy and feels muddled to you, but to me I didn't enter into it with the same expectations. I don't love the setting of Lancer, but I don't think it's terrible and I certainly don't think it ruins the game. I don't mind being in a super powered special mech and then getting out of it and dealing with some moral grayness.

              • 8 months ago

                I guess that's why I threw out a good half of the setting and went full SRW with my campaigns. Made the game a lot more enjoyable.
                Playing theme songs when core powers are activated is a mandatory rule when running it this way.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol that unironically sounds fun, you frickin nerd

              • 8 months ago

                I would say that because in Lancer your characters are the mechas, not the pilots that it feels less mecha.

                When I'm running a mecha game I want my players changing their loadout and mecha every other sorty. Maybe this time they are going with the high-mobility mecha for this interception and next time they will go with the underwater models to strike at that port base.

                There are rumours of a Big Zam equivalent on the battlefield so they know they won't be able to hurt it with particle weapons so they need to equip appropriately.

                This is what I search for in a Mecha game and it is something that Lancer can't give me.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's a "battletechtard claims his is the only flavor of mecha that exists"
                booh I hate that one

      • 8 months ago

        The officially licensed Transformers RPG.

      • 8 months ago

        I just played Apocalypse Frame for the first time this week and thought it was fun. Really breezy and fast but fun.
        I've never played Heavy Gear and Mekton was too crunchy for my friends though I still love my mech from it.
        Lancer....I really wanted to like lancer. The problems came from none of my players wanting to play the target lock support b***h and thus everyone missing all the time. In Apocalypse Frame every player is a fricking monster and it's more about the party spending resources efficiently to not get worn down.
        Apocalypse Frame is cheap, rules super light, and d6 entirely. That said it had enough options and customization that I'm looking forward to playing next week.

  2. 8 months ago

    It's okay, I played some back in college. Fuzion rules for character but it has it's own mecha rules for mechas. Robotech RPG was more my beach since it used the standard Palladium system combat for the mechas too.

  3. 8 months ago

    >competitors are lancer, beam saber and heavy gear
    It's the straighest mecha RPG by far.

    • 8 months ago

      Is Heavy Gear pozzed?

      • 8 months ago

        That really depends on your definition of "Pozzed."

        Heavy Gear has always portrayed a very open LGBTQ friendly future. Terra Nova is a society where gay marriage is normal and accepted. It's a society where the biological sex of parents is irrelevant because medical technology can create artificial sperm and ovum from tissue samples. Two women can have a child, or two men, or a Cis Man and a Trans woman. Gay couples are out in the open and no-one bats an eye. Extreme body modification is normalized in many city states. So are Trans people.

        Everything I just mentioned? This was all written in 1996.

        • 8 months ago

          Christ almighty. Well, thanks for the heads up.

          • 8 months ago

            I have read like 4 books already and haven’t gotten to whatever shit he’s talking about. All the lore is just battles and inventions.

            • 8 months ago

              It's because it's only very slimly brought up. The CNCS has like one lesbian on it's council. Most of it is muh religeon, muh clan, and muh capitalism which sounds like textbook conservatism to me.

  4. 8 months ago

    Play Lancer, only an absolute homosexual would care about any of the setting's gay trans or whatever characters unless this somehow comes into conversation with your DM, then you gotta ask him what's the narrative necessity of knowing that if you're not going to frick the other pilots literally (at least i hope that's not the focus of the campaign lmoa)

    Lancer is /very/ videogamey which can put some people off, but hey, it's Tabletop Mech RPG XCOM, and it works exactly as intended.
    Devs are cowards who don't add talents to Superheavy Guns (only Superheavy Melee) but other than that it's pretty good.

    • 8 months ago

      I’d rather play a good game.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Lancer shill force is back

    Shouldn't you homosexuals be bumping your "general"?

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    Is Titanfall a super-robot or real robot game?
    Those are self-aware mechs that can be taken out with 3/4 rocket shots but also have energy shields they can project to block even mecha-sized rounds and some have swords. Piloted by enhanced super-soldiers.

    Lancer is just Titianfall but with Destiny space-magic as well.

    • 8 months ago

      Technically I'd say that both Lancer and Titanfall are Real Robot. Real Robot isn't defined by how realistic the mecha actually are, but are defined on how the mecha are made so to speak. Gundam has tons of stupid bullshit in it that make some Super Robot mecha look realistic by comparison, but Gundam was the fore father to the Real Robot genre by making the mecha a common warfare tool akin to navy fleets or tanks rather than one unit being designed by a mad scientist.

    • 8 months ago

      That team adamantly tried to distinguish themself as “real robot” game designers and where boarderline xenophobic about the term “mecha” and especially were trying to avoid the label of “western mecha”

      • 8 months ago

        Actually they were trying to avoid the term “mech” specifically because of its associations with the Mechwarrior games and their robots being viewed as slow, plodding, walking tanks.

    • 8 months ago

      Titanfall is Real Robot. You're kinda making a mistake on what makes that different from Super Robots.

      Real Robot series treat robots as tools or machines. Robots carry guns that use ammo, or laser rifles with scopes. They're big metal tank-slash-infantry usually fighting a big metal war. Like a science fiction series, there's usually plausible explanation on their power source, why they're used, and technology and innovation drives the prototype 'cool new thing' used on the front-line.

      Super Robots on the other hand are vaguely magical. Maybe the robot is discovered, or suddenly appears. It fires beams and lasers and you shout out its attacks to defeat monsters. Maybe it's formed of a bunch of smaller robots, or it transforms with little regard to mass or how a combination would occur (or even if it makes sense logically to have a fighting vehicle split or recombine). Maybe the robot is a living creature that talks.

      The fundamental difference is how the setting treats the existence of robots. If robots are built, have crews maintaining them, drop in teams with other soldiers, have logistical needs and so on, those are Real. If the robot teleports in when the hero needs it, fires lasers from its mouth or chest when the pilot shouts its name, fight in a magical other dimension or in frozen time, etc, etc, that's Super Robot to a T. Some series will feature robots that blur the line, or even have super robots and real robots coexisting, but the point is that it has nothing to do with how near to reality the technology is. A really high-tech near-magical sci-fi setting could still be Real Robots.

      • 8 months ago

        >Maybe the robot is a living creature that talks
        Is Optimus Prime a Super Robot? Transformers in SRW when?

        • 8 months ago

          Well yeah, I think pretty clearly he is.

  8. 8 months ago

    Mekton Zeta is the D&D 3.5 of the genre with all that entails. If you like autisticly building robots and don't mind the actual combat being kinda meh, then you'll love it.

  9. 8 months ago

    So, from what I've gathered, it's either Mekton Zeta or play as a black transwoman?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, because RPGs are known for forcing identities on you. Maybe I'll make a black transwoman character for Mekton.

      • 8 months ago

        Feel free to do so, but I definitely won't be GMing for you, and I doubt anyone in their right mind will either.

    • 8 months ago

      Not married to a shitty setting. Does it’s best to avoid having god stats. Easy plug and play point buy mecha construction that avoids being convoluted and math heavy like MZ+ and doesn’t tie abilities and progression to a shitty Not!Class system like Lancer. Tactical play that doesn’t get bogged down in pointless minutia as terrain effects, resources, and conditions are way easier to keep track of. Ability to customize your mecha any way you want from a well rounded generalist to a one trick pony. Ability combos that feel oh so satisfying when you manage to pull them off.
      Faction rules and weapon construction guidelines in the paid version of the book.

      Lancer doesn’t hold a fricking candle to BCG but it never got the traction it deserved because it wasn’t lucky enough to get tied to a webcomic artist with a large and rabid fanbase, and the lack of controversy and the game just working properly out of the box means there’s nothing spicy to keep people talking about it.

      • 8 months ago

        Is "Remastered" the version to get?

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >Transhuman themes and character options, from hair of a leafy green color that absorbs sunlight to changing your biological sex at will.

            • 8 months ago

              Just like the magic rules, the transhuman rules are a completely optional add on in the back of the book.

              • 8 months ago

                I'll give it a look.

            • 8 months ago

              Feel free to do so, but I definitely won't be GMing for you, and I doubt anyone in their right mind will either.

              So, from what I've gathered, it's either Mekton Zeta or play as a black transwoman?

              Christ almighty. Well, thanks for the heads up.

              Is Heavy Gear pozzed?

              It's funny how these things weren't a problem before 2015. Are you sure you're not an election tourist?

              • 8 months ago

                I'm very sure. Any other stupid questions you'd like to ask?

              • 8 months ago

                The people calling Lancer commie and gay look at this shit and go "wow so trad" or some shit, i don't know what zoomers are up to nowadays.
                "The setting included in this book presents an environmentalist, inclusive and transhumanist society opposing an industrialist empire with the looming threat of kaiju mechabeasts on the horizon. It is inspired by the likes of Turn A Gundam, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Dune and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri."

                INSPIRED BY THE TURN-A FRICKING GUNDAM, with notoriously straight and manly Loran Cehack, the trve savior of the west.
                Man, i'm starting to think people here don't actually fricking play games.

              • 8 months ago

                >a bunch of ~~*communist*~~ ~~*subversives*~~ force moronic shit into every single movie and game for 20 years
                Yeah, because it wasn't happening quite as obviously and constantly 20 years ago.

              • 8 months ago

                They basically all are. Us oldgays mostly ignore them.

      • 8 months ago

        >Lancer doesn’t hold a fricking candle to BCG
        >to BCG
        Hope you crack the shell one day, hon

        • 8 months ago

          >He posts a picture from the game he's defending as not woke trash
          >The picture has a brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes as the focus with the mech only serving as a backdrop for the brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes to use as a mirror
          Fricking hell dude

        • 8 months ago

          Battle Century G is a better mecha game than Lancer.

          • 8 months ago

            You aren't wrong, but that honestly isn't saying much.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't much care for BCG/Z's rules. It's a bit too light (lazy), and your character's abilities aren't just limited by your mechanism stats but defined by them. A guy who has never sat in a mech using a powerful machine simply isn't threatened by the best pilot out there in an inferior one because aside from character talents, all that matters is how good the mecha is.

        Also I dislike 'zones' and the way they're defined in BCG/Z is super lazy. "Just do whatever maaan"

    • 8 months ago

      "I wake up, i think about trans people and their wieners, i am very normal"
      Straightest /tg/ user. A lot of the hate about Lancer's setting comes from weirdos who can't stop thinking about wiener in a mech game, which tells more about them than the setting i suppose, considering like shit like Canopus exists in Battletech and i don't see anyone batting an eye.
      LANCER as an RPG is good, you pick a Frame, pick some licenses to expand your gear/hacks, pick some talents (just extra abilities), and a Core Bonus (you get rewarded for sticking with the same manufacturers), you can get a LOT of mech building done from the Comp.con App , you Print the mech and just go.
      It's pretty good, designs are cool, the rules are easy to understand.
      The game also rewards a lot of cross license bullshit for any role imaginable, but talents wise, there's more cool shit for Melee than there is for Heavy/Superheavy ranged weapons, which is a bit of a shame but alas, the weapons and frames are good enough, fricking love Drake, love Monarch, love Barbarossa, Superheavy Ranged is my favorite.

      I would say that because in Lancer your characters are the mechas, not the pilots that it feels less mecha.

      When I'm running a mecha game I want my players changing their loadout and mecha every other sorty. Maybe this time they are going with the high-mobility mecha for this interception and next time they will go with the underwater models to strike at that port base.

      There are rumours of a Big Zam equivalent on the battlefield so they know they won't be able to hurt it with particle weapons so they need to equip appropriately.

      This is what I search for in a Mecha game and it is something that Lancer can't give me.

      You can literally do all of that on Lancer dumbass, you can swap all your Licenses for another on Long Rests, reprint your mech, swap weapons and even if you couldn't, you can just talk to a DM to get the "Correct feeling" of the campaign right.
      There's no 008th MS Team RPG, you have to work to get your specific feeling of mech going.

      Not married to a shitty setting. Does it’s best to avoid having god stats. Easy plug and play point buy mecha construction that avoids being convoluted and math heavy like MZ+ and doesn’t tie abilities and progression to a shitty Not!Class system like Lancer. Tactical play that doesn’t get bogged down in pointless minutia as terrain effects, resources, and conditions are way easier to keep track of. Ability to customize your mecha any way you want from a well rounded generalist to a one trick pony. Ability combos that feel oh so satisfying when you manage to pull them off.
      Faction rules and weapon construction guidelines in the paid version of the book.

      Lancer doesn’t hold a fricking candle to BCG but it never got the traction it deserved because it wasn’t lucky enough to get tied to a webcomic artist with a large and rabid fanbase, and the lack of controversy and the game just working properly out of the box means there’s nothing spicy to keep people talking about it.

      Skill issue, if it didn't have good enough art. marketing, setting or gameplay to get noticed, and it lost to the guy who made Kung Fu Lesbians, it deserves what it gets.

      • 8 months ago

        Who are you quoting? You say I'm preoccupied with wiener, meanwhile you're playing the designated troony mecha game.

        • 8 months ago

          You, homie, unless you decide to read this ONE page on the DM-only book, that has the authors basically say "We are not gendering anything teehee" theres literally nothing that makes the game a "troony game".
          It's all on your head moron, stop seeing the boogeyman wherever you look.
          It's a game about big mechs shooting the shit out of whatever the DM decides is the enemy of the week, pirates, an evil government, a corporation, mercenaries.
          I mean look at this image by James Stokoe, its fricking sick, goddamn, mechs fricking rule.
          If all you can see in this is troony shit, that's your loss.

          • 8 months ago

            The covers of the setting books are littered with black trannies. I am not wasting my time reading a system made by these people. Shill elsewhere.

            • 8 months ago

              Still thinkin about wiener, anon

              • 8 months ago

                >no u

            • 8 months ago

              What do you mean black trannies, you looked a black guy with a sword and thought "hmm he definitely has a pussy" and a black woman with a pipe and thought "hmm she definitely has a wiener"
              Do you realize how gay that sounds.

              • 8 months ago

                You thinking any of those "women" look feminine is more gay than anything I've said ITT. Look inwards for once and come to terms with your homosexuality.

              • 8 months ago

                Thinking about wiener again, anon, be careful

              • 8 months ago

                >no u

          • 8 months ago

            The limbs are too spindly and feet too small for these big robots.

            • 8 months ago

              It looks like a cool blacklight coloring book, but not like a cool mech game

              • 8 months ago

                It looks like a gonzo sci-fantasy thing. I prefer a bit more meat on the bones of my mecha, these lads are big metal skeletons.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, and that guy being disemboweled on the left looks a whole lot like Tone from Titanfall 2

              • 8 months ago

                Like, I don't believe these things are strong enough to support their own weight.

                Yes yes, 'bringing realism in my giant robot game' or whatever, but it's important that the giant robots look convincingly designed. They should look like it's believable that they can support their own weights.

                These lads just don't have limbs thick enough for me to believe that. They're spindly and thus look unappealing unbelievable.

                That image doesn't look like two mechs and some power armor squaring off as humans run around their feet. It looks like two golems or human-scale robots facing off as goblins and faeries run around at their feet.

                The scale is fricked yo.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean the game has big meaty mechs, weird schizo ones, squarey Battletech mechs, and EVA inspired way too human looking ones, hence the 4 manufacturers
                The big lad with a Zaku eye, IPSN Drake, Old reliable.

              • 8 months ago

                >Those designs
                Kinda bordering on ripoff territory...

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, it's more original than Heavy Gear's "Not-Votoms™" or Battletechs literal Tomahaw- I mean Warhammer. But while I find Heavy Gears Votoms fanboy kinda endearing, Lancer should have taken more design pages from Titanfall imo. I like some of the designs but I feel like I could like them more.

              • 8 months ago

                To be fair they’re one of the only manufacturers where most of the mechs actually look like mechs.

          • 8 months ago

            That looks genuinely awful. It's a busy, indistinct mess.

          • 8 months ago

            there's a dm only book? which is it?

      • 8 months ago

        Not that anon but honestly? No you cant do all of that in lancer. Sure, yes, you can swap out your licenses and shit but it doesnt really make a difference it feels like. For context ive been in a laser game for a few months now and its....just been boring. Everyone else is looking at the licenses as bright eyed children, meanwhile im looking at them and i see absolutely fricking nothing i want. Its all fricking sidegrade hero shooter shit, theres no upgrades to the basic LL0 shit at all. Like why on gods green earth are there basically no fricking assault rifles beyond the standard one?

  10. 8 months ago

    Christ, these Lancer shills can't even hold their tongues when in a Mekton thread of all places. What happened to your general (containment thread)?

    • 8 months ago

      One anon suggested Lancer and the moronic Black folk in this thread went ballistic about semantics

      >He posts a picture from the game he's defending as not woke trash
      >The picture has a brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes as the focus with the mech only serving as a backdrop for the brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes to use as a mirror
      Fricking hell dude

      >The picture has a brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes as the focus with the mech only serving as a backdrop for the brown disabled girl wearing boy's clothes to use as a mirror
      Holy shit, anon, do mental gymnastics you need to hate on the game, but there's no need to come end up sounding moronic

      >a bunch of ~~*communist*~~ ~~*subversives*~~ force moronic shit into every single movie and game for 20 years
      Yeah, because it wasn't happening quite as obviously and constantly 20 years ago.

      Nice dubs, you're still a dogfricker, nonetheless

      • 8 months ago

        You're the one who posted the picture you fricking looneytroon discord groomer, you could have picked absolutely anything else

        • 8 months ago

          >looneytroon discord groomer
          You trying to reach your buzzword count of the day or what?
          Here, enjoy one with both a trans woman and a trans man on the image

          • 8 months ago

            It's still weird that odd looking people are the focus of your mech pic but at least the snowflakes in this one aren't using the mech as a fricking mirror

            • 8 months ago

              >Odd looking people
              >A woman with big breasts and dyed bangs
              This man gay as hell holy shit, I hope your parents accept you one day.

              Don't reply to yourself, it's pathetic. Just post art from your game that showcases the mechs, preferably the mechs fighting.

              Assuming there's only one deranged moron on this thread, and he is both people I'm replying to, here's one, although, the James Stokoe art above literally depicts mechs as the front and center.

              • 8 months ago

                >A woman
                Eh, I guess I'll just chalk that man face up to shit art then

              • 8 months ago

                That looks alright I guess. How does missile combat work in the game?

              • 8 months ago

                Superior AI art coming through, feels good that I can do better than a professional artist in ten seconds. Learn to code dipshit!

              • 8 months ago

                That looks like shit pajeet. Better than lancer but that bar isn't high at all.

              • 8 months ago

                I dunno, I kinda like it.

              • 8 months ago

                homie that's just Battletech with less sauce, pathetic.

                That looks alright I guess. How does missile combat work in the game?

                Missiles are usually either Line of Sight ignoring, Cover Ignoring, or AoE, sometimes all these things at once, so the main play style is to just Itano circus the entire map as required.
                Missiles are also my favorite archetype in the game with the mech depicted here the Monarch.

                Not that anon but honestly? No you cant do all of that in lancer. Sure, yes, you can swap out your licenses and shit but it doesnt really make a difference it feels like. For context ive been in a laser game for a few months now and its....just been boring. Everyone else is looking at the licenses as bright eyed children, meanwhile im looking at them and i see absolutely fricking nothing i want. Its all fricking sidegrade hero shooter shit, theres no upgrades to the basic LL0 shit at all. Like why on gods green earth are there basically no fricking assault rifles beyond the standard one?

                Because this isn't Final Fantasy with Fire, Firaga, Firaja and Firaga Forte, if you want to use an 8 Range Main Rifle as your best weapon, you pick the GMS one, stick some Walking Armory and Combined Arms / CQB Trained talents on it, Overpower Caliber and go to town, so now you get a main weapon with heavy damage AP without reloading.
                Or better yet, you pick a heavy machine-gun and give it Stabilized Hardpoint to suppress the inaccurate quirk and get a better deal for a mount in the same range band.
                Every weapon is specialized, so you don't need two weapons that do the same thing in the same game.

                Like, I don't believe these things are strong enough to support their own weight.

                Yes yes, 'bringing realism in my giant robot game' or whatever, but it's important that the giant robots look convincingly designed. They should look like it's believable that they can support their own weights.

                These lads just don't have limbs thick enough for me to believe that. They're spindly and thus look unappealing unbelievable.

                That image doesn't look like two mechs and some power armor squaring off as humans run around their feet. It looks like two golems or human-scale robots facing off as goblins and faeries run around at their feet.

                The scale is fricked yo.

                Just about the same proportions of a Ronin in Titanfall lmao, or many of the light mechs in Battletech, like a Whitworth or Javelin.
                Besides, the scale is smaller than a Gundam, bigger than a Halo SPARTAN essentially.

              • 8 months ago

                Ehh... the mech on the left looks around 20-25 meters tall judging from the size of the person next to its foot friend, that's solidly Gundam territory and bigger than most Battletech mechs, taller at the very least.

                The mechs with thin limbs you mention are all closer to 10 meters. And they're still a bit bulkier proportionally. The Ronin was something like 5-7 meters tall from what I remember, even shorter.

                It's just too thin for something that tall, the inconsistent art style through the rest of the book doesn't make it any better. I can't really find myself believing in it.

              • 8 months ago

                And if it's supposed to be shorter, I can't tell due to the angle of the art. It looks around that tall, and the limbs are too thin to convince me that it supports something that big.

              • 8 months ago

                Skill issue tbh, as if Gundam or Battletech are any more "believable"
                Because Mechs are not fricking realistic in the first place.
                Bipedal movement sucks shit in real life
                A "realistic mech" would be that Tank Treads guy from Armored Core, or the 4 Legs

              • 8 months ago

                You ignored my initial post
                It doesn't matter if it is believable.
                It has to LOOK believable.

                Citing skill issue is just going to make me shrug and ignore your game from now on.

              • 8 months ago

                My guy you just conveniently forgot that "looking believable" that comes down to your subjective preferences, personal biases and the extent of your suspension of disbelief, as mechs are not fricking real.
                They wouldn't exist and be supported in any meaningful way.
                Gundams only exist because of Minovsky/Ahab particles, 'Mechs only because a star league ton is something that doesn't exist and makes no fricking sense and synthetic muscle myomer exists.
                I get it, you didn't like the aesthetics, but muh realism is just a lack of imagination, because your "realism" is supported on thin legs of imagination and science fiction.
                Pic somewhat related, Nachthreier is based

              • 8 months ago

                I suppose subjectivity kills another conversation.
                Very well, it's clear Lancer isn't for me. I'll looks elsewhere.

              • 8 months ago

                Nta, but I'm kind of curious why the official artwork would matter at all for the actual system.

              • 8 months ago

                Art sells books.
                The rules are what brings you back.

                A system with art I don't like means that their design sensibilities are too different from mine to want to engage in their product.

              • 8 months ago

                You know, i didn't actually think to ask him such an obvious question.
                Maybe he can't imagine a mech so he needs to see exactly what he wants on his player-side mech?
                God only knows
                Not like its hard to go to Retrograde and build your own.

                Hilariously, his reply implies he hasn't read the actual rules, the shit you use to play the game proper, but what can you do eh

              • 8 months ago

                Being passive aggressive and insulting me while replying to someone else is immature and dishonest. You should be fully aware of this.

                You get into settings for the setting, the fluff text. Fluff which is in Lancers core book.

                If I wanted to play a setting agnostic real robot mecha game, I'd play Mekton. If I wanted to play a setting agnostic super robot game, I'd play a superhero setting.

                The only unique draw of Lancer is it's setting, which does not appeal to me. So why would I have any reason to get into it?

              • 8 months ago

                Moreover, you have insulted me multiple times in response to me giving my opinion on the art. With a fan that is willing to engage in such behavior, why would I expect anything more than insults from the rest of your community?

                You can do better than this if you try, I know you can.

              • 8 months ago

                That anon is being nice compared to most of the Lancer fanbase, honestly.
                Regardless of the game itself, the Lancer community is a toxic cesspool.

              • 8 months ago

                Yet when asked how art direction effects looking into a game, indirectly or otherwise, you started on setting and fluff instead. Regardless of other options available it comes off in a way you don't plan to check it out anyhow. So why bother replying at all?
                Nta, just got here. And I've never understood the types to be held down by art, fluff, setting, or any of that for a system.

              • 8 months ago

                Art Direction IS Fluff. The two things are not separate. Everything that is not purely mechanical in nature about your game is fluff.

                I replied because snide comments like he made about me to someone else is irritating and rude, and deserves to be called out as such.

                And If I have to create my own setting to play your game, then I'll just play something I'm already more familiar with.

              • 8 months ago

                No thats the dumb thing, all the weapons have worse range than a bog standard AR and give you fricking heat for some reason. Its stupid as frick.

              • 8 months ago

                Man I really fricking hate how small the ranges for weapons in mech games are

          • 8 months ago

            Hey don't forget the mech, the mech is red, red equals communist, and possibly also trans.

            • 8 months ago

              Don't reply to yourself, it's pathetic. Just post art from your game that showcases the mechs, preferably the mechs fighting.

          • 8 months ago

            >Odd looking people
            >A woman with big breasts and dyed bangs
            This man gay as hell holy shit, I hope your parents accept you one day.
            Assuming there's only one deranged moron on this thread, and he is both people I'm replying to, here's one, although, the James Stokoe art above literally depicts mechs as the front and center.

            Honestly I would probably hate Lancer slightly less if Peyton Gee was in charge of the art instead of that melty face webcomic scribbler.

  11. 8 months ago

    Lancer doesn't have any hot-blooded men with thick sideburns, so I can't care about it as a mecha game

  12. 8 months ago

    >see this thread has doubled in size
    Oh good, mecha rpgs must be gaining hype or something
    >it’s just two morons talking about trannies
    Someone needs to kill themselves here it might be me.

    • 8 months ago

      Im only here cuz the monday threads seem to have died, and i need my mech fix. Mekton, lancer, bcg, don't matter.

      • 8 months ago

        Good thing this thread isn't mecha monday. I would hate to have a /mechm/ thread drowned out by more lancer b***hing.

        • 8 months ago

          Better it died a slow death as a glorified heavy gear general? If people could just discuss a topic and move on this stuff wouldn't happen.

          • 8 months ago

            >Better it died a slow death as a glorified heavy gear general
            Yes, actually. I’d rather look back on Mecha Monday’s demise as an unfortunate tragedy than as a desired outcome.

            • 8 months ago

              I would use avoidable over unfortunate, but whatever.

          • 8 months ago

            That's not exactly my favorite thing either and I say this as a Heavy Gear fan. But rarely would anyone bring up other mecha tabletop outside of Lancer and Heavy Gear. Things were at least looking more diverse with Mechastellar getting some love. The fact of the matter is that Heavy Gear and Lancer are the most well off tabletop mecha that isn't the monster Battletech that can carry its own consistent general. And Lancer for whatever reason makes people really asshurt so I guess I'm not surprised that mecha monday turned into a soft Heavy Gear general. I was really hoping for Obsidian Protocol to have dropped already to add some varied discussion but it just hasn't yet. Other mecha stuff is simply too niche to even be brought up regularly for mecha monday. Mekton is simply dead and Battle Century and Beam Saber are a niche within a niche within a niche that it rarely got brought up at all. I don't want mecha monday to be dead, it had a pretty good run all things considered with 3 years since its inception but I don't know what the solution would be to fix things. imo Heavy Gear is just not strong enough to be divorced from Mecha Monday and thrive in its own general like Battletech is. Lancer tried that and it just wasn't sustainable. But I can understand the frustration of having a niche title you like be drowned out by the more popular one. You could try to soft ban Heavy Gear from mecha monday but I don't think it would turn out well.

            • 8 months ago

              >Obsidian Protocol
              Dear god, just give me the minis at this point! Everything else can wait. I just want my plastic.

            • 8 months ago

              I was part of the Mechastellar force keeping things up, but then thanks to background issues I became Nogames for a few months straight so I didn't have much to offer.

              • 8 months ago

                What the frick is Mechastellar?

              • 8 months ago

                Simply put its a homebrewed wargame for mecha. Started with Gundam then other mecha like Escaflowne, Getter Robo and a bunch of other series were added in as well to get a comprehensive all out mecha war game.

              • 8 months ago

                Mechastellar's main issue is that it's incredibly reliant on making do with everything from models to gacha to pencil sharperners to get the right mechs in the right scale.

              • 8 months ago

                >getting the mechs to scale

                This sounds like a bad idea and an exercise in madness. Like isn't "I don't want to FRICK with the scale issues" one of the main reason SRW mostly uses SD designs

              • 8 months ago

                SRW made a GBA game exclusively for the smaller mechs at one point. They are somwhat aware of the scale issue.

              • 8 months ago

                It's more a basing problem. It's one thing for small things to be fitted onto the same sized bases but bad if things frequently are too big, like some Gunpla and model kits.

              • 8 months ago

                I just stick with 1/400 and standees. Works well enough but I can certainly understand the issues. Would be nice if they made an actual set for all mecha for a wargame but it is as it is.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah, so its SRW the game. That sounds fricking batshit insane.

              • 8 months ago

                Simply put its a homebrewed wargame for mecha. Started with Gundam then other mecha like Escaflowne, Getter Robo and a bunch of other series were added in as well to get a comprehensive all out mecha war game.

                >You need to-scale battleships for the game

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah it's pretty much SRW. It's fun regardless and its all free to look up.

  13. 8 months ago

    Other other things that is nice is that the mecha part of MZ is only loosely tied to the Mike Pondsmith's character system. You can swap over to Unisystem for example. As long as you are rolling something similar to 1d10 + stat (1-10) + skill (1-10) against someone else's 1d10 + stat (1-10) + skill (1-10), then it can pretty be used in its place. heck, you could probably even use GURPS. You would just be seeing how much you could roll under your skill vs the other person.

  14. 8 months ago

    Me and my bros had a laugh about the emergency ejection table a few weeks back. I don't know about playing it, but it's got the right vibe.

  15. 8 months ago

    Obsidian Protocol was just a chink scam and they only throw out occasional “updates” to keep the wool over the dumbass gweilo’s big round eyes.

  16. 8 months ago

    Anyways, can we go back to talking about those damn trannies ruining tabletop games?

    • 8 months ago

      Troons are disgusting and smell horrible but just like nigs the problem solve itself as soon as we stop funding israelites

    • 8 months ago

      No, I will keep talking about giant robots instead.

      • 8 months ago

        What vehicles with legs already exist that could be used to make a mech by armoring the existing platform and putting some gun on it?

        • 8 months ago

          Well I recall seeing a forestry quad bot, that would probably be the easiest machine to slap some guns on it and have it qualify as a mech. But to me the Method-2 bot and Kuratas seem the most promising for a real life mecha that comes from the hearts of /m/en to really exist.

          • 8 months ago

            But yeah something like this you could slap some guns on.

            • 8 months ago

              What's what I'm talking about, someone needs to killdozer one of these up pronto.

            • 8 months ago

              It's already got a "bed" in the back. Technical time.

          • 8 months ago

            Pretty good AI art there

            • 8 months ago

              It's not AI, I don't think that particular image is real but Method-2 is a real money pit to throw cash at.

              • 8 months ago

                Neat. Not too far off from the aliens power loader, assuming that whole demonstration wasn't outright faked.

            • 8 months ago

              The pic in question's CG. It was made well before generative image AIs became a thing. The actual robot it refers to can't move like that.

  17. 8 months ago

    Absolutely not. Its fundamentally broken by even the most lenient metric.

    Combat is a game of rocket tag governed by one god stat that rules everything on both the mecha and human scale. The game runs on exploding 1d10s that explode both ways with contested attack rolls which makes it incredibly swingy and random.

    Character creation is broken, you either pick a character that gains x2 xp or a character that already has all of his skills maxed out (assuming you didn't roll like shit, you can randomly lose stats).

    Mech creation is very in depth but also hilariously broken with incredibly vague descriptions of how parts work open to multiple interpretations. A lot of the cool things are so expensive that they're basically worthless.

    Combat is 90% moving into range to shoot and then rolling to shoot twice. There's very little strategy as your only real options are shoot gun and swing melee and melee is incredibly risky as it leaves you open to getting shot in the back.

    There are almost zero GM resources so prepping anything is a huge pain in the ass.

    There's no real mechanical benefit to having legs or arms so the optimal mech is just a big fast box with guns and thrusters strapped to it. Ditto for having a head.

    It can be fun if you have the right group and its probably the """best"""" system to run a Gundam game in but I'd never recommend it because its clunky as shit.

    t. Ran it several times

    If you want a mech game that actually works play Battle Century G

    • 8 months ago

      I've been looking over the BCG pdf but it looks to me like it doesn't really have anything in it, is there a bunch more material in other books or something?

    • 8 months ago

      What if I want a game with very customizable mechs?

      • 8 months ago

        Unironically BCG.

        Mekton is the crunchier game, you can design a mech down it its individual parts, you'll know exactly how durable, and how much armor, and how much punching power each of your weapons have. But in practice the gameplay is going to feel very similar, the differences between mechs are their effective ranges and how much damage they do when they get into them. Some mechs might be more durable or faster than others but there isn't much you can put on them to change the basic move and shoot gameplay.

        BCG has weapons which all do different things, you might have a sword that fires shockwaves in a line, an exploding hammer that damages everything in an AOE, a gigantic anti ship sword that does huge damage but leaves you open. You can really zero in and tailor your attacks to what suits you. Defensively you have several options from just giving yourself a basic defense boost to shielding your allies, absorbing your enemies attacks and using them to make your own attacks stronger, reflecting shots back at their user etc

        You can make support mechs that focus on buffing allies with drones, rain artillery strikes down on your enemies, fry their systems to stop them from using energy without damaging themselves

        There's a tension system where as each turn passes attacks get stronger, and there are weapons and upgrades that key in on that, gaining even more of a bonus as the fight drags on. You could build a mech that constantly spams the finishing moves that other mechs can only use once, or unlocks its own super mode once enough time has passed.

        There are multiple types of combining robots, from the traditional megazord kind to the getter style to the gundam style support mech that hooks up to other mechs like a backpack.

        I'll freely admit that mekton has approximations for some of this stuff but none of it works anywhere near as well.

        • 8 months ago

          This is sounding a lot like 4th edition being put into a positive light. Is Battle Century G based on 4e?

          • 8 months ago

            I don't really see how its similar to dnd, you're probably thinking of Lancer.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't know anything about it, it just sounded from what you described like a lot of specific wargame-y or video game-y template powers, which reminded me of 4e.

              • 8 months ago

                There's only two ways it could go, either a bunch of overly specific template powers, or a bunch of handwavium, sounds like the latter I guess, can anyone confirm?

              • 8 months ago

                BCG is an evolution from Giant Guardian Generation which was explicitly based on Super Robot Wars, a series of games about giant robots fighting each other and which draws from many many many giant robot anime (real and super). By stripping out the licensed material and tweaking some things, it's now one of the best (if not the best) mecha RPGs on the market.

              • 8 months ago

                Can you describe how to plays though? That's the real question.

              • 8 months ago

                Mechs have attack defense and hp stats, and then speed energy and systems.

                You attack by rolling a d10 (with the ability to roll another d10 and keep the highest for each advantage you have or add +2 to the roll) you compare the number to the enemy defense and for each point over you do damage. Every turn you get an additional +1 to your damage roll up to +10 on turn 10.

                Weapons don't modify your attack stat directly but instead give you conditional advantages or give your attack additional properties like aoe, increasing your defense, letting you attack two enemies etc.

                You can move into someone else's zone when you attack and it creates a "duel", melee attacks get an advantage in a duel, and if your duel opponent tries to make an attack that doesn't include you you get to attack them for free. Instead of moving normally you can make a contested speed roll at the start of your turn when you're in a duel and the winner gets to move both participants in the direction they want.

                You can increase your defense by spending an action to add your systems or speed to your defense, or by spending energy in response to an attack to use an active defense, which vary from just giving you a +5 bonus against a specific type of attack to giving you a +3 and also reflecting back damage or pushing back your opponent etc.

                Characters have genre powers that are activated by a pool of points equal to their power level. They're similar to spells and can do anything from restoring HP and letting you tank lethal damage to powering your next attack by damaging yourself or creating a wall of cover.

                The other big mechanic is maiming, your HP is split up into 4 layers and every time you lose a layer a portion of you mech is destroyed along with any upgrades or weapons that are stored in there. You also get a genre point to spend when you lose a layer which imo makes battles more dynamic than they would be if you just had all the point upfront.

              • 8 months ago

                Interesting. Thanks for that rundown!

              • 8 months ago

                Interesting. Thanks for that rundown!

                Don’t forget about Tension, a universal bonus to rolls that everyone on the field gets and increases the longer a battle goes on, both shortening combats and making battles more dangerous the longer they run.
                There’s a good number of weapons and upgrades that play with the tension bonus, and since it’s a number that increases gradually that means triggering those features is a matter of selecting the right timing.

              • 8 months ago

                Hmm, neat.

    • 8 months ago

      >Game is bad if you autisticly minmax instead of building cool robots

    • 8 months ago

      I mean the exploding D10's is unironically the best part. You havent lived until you'd had a turn last 10 minutes cause you and the enemy ace pilot keep dodging and countering eachothers attacks. Its fricking kino.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds fun

    • 8 months ago

      Damn I was hoping for a minute you meant actual rockets, because I love me some dogfights.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh if you want dogfights mekton can get fricking stupid. Since space in your Locations (arms, legs, head, etc) counts for both stuff inside the limb AND bolted onto the limb seperately, you can have a frickload of missiles AND fire all of them at once if you link em up. I had a guy accidentally give himself 22 tons of missiles that, if he fired, would have 17 of them hit per burst value. It was fricking stupid.

        • 8 months ago

          That sounds incredibly fun. Are there ammo explosion rules?

          • 8 months ago

            Oh you fricking bet there is. So, when you attack, you roll to hit, enemy can roll to dodge. If you hit and get 5 above their roll, you get to roll on the crit tables. Theres 3 of them. You start on the first and go up one if you get a 10. if you roll +10 above their roll, you get to pick the table.

            The inverse is also true, if the enemy rolls +5 above your attack roll, they get to counter attack. The tables involve shit like hitting the wienerpit, blowing up ammo racks, weapons, etc. You can also just make their thrusters not work, knock them backwards, all that jazz. This is all on a basic attack. There is also the option of specifically aiming for locations such as arms and legs, AND aiming at sublocations like thrusters, ammo racks, etc, with a - to your roll.

            • 8 months ago

              Sounds fun as frick

              • 8 months ago

                Thats cause it is. Granted, i was in a gundam game that was theatre of the mind with a couple tweaks, but the basic game is still as fun regardless. The only craveat is that you have to make relfex your biggest stat but if thats not a problem then you can have so much fricking fun.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm going to assume there was some kind of homebrew in your game because there's 3 hit location tables and it works like this:

              Land a hit with 1-4 over their dodge roll- hits a limb head/torso on the enemy mech. Location 10 takes you to the next chart (special hit)

              special hit chart- random assorted effects from hitting weapons, to sensors to the wienerpit (basically a one shot in most cases) . If you roll an 8 or 9 you go down to the cinematic chart

              Cinematic chart- A bunch of random status effects from making random limbs useless, making every action someone takes -2. The 'best' one is probably hitting the reactor and shutting down the mech.

              If you beat someone's roll by 5 or more you pick which table you roll on. If you beat them by 10 or more your attack ignores armor. 5 over is pretty common so a lot players will "fish" for one of the more potent status effects by taking the lower tables if their attack has a long TTK on the enemy machine.

              You can aim at specific servos and even the smaller bits like the wienerpit but with the penalty ranging from -3 to -5 to your roll its really just not worth it unless you're a lot better than whoever your shooting at.

              Melee attacks are always targeted at a servo and basically just ignore this system entirely.

              • 8 months ago

                Nah, there was no homebrew when it came to the crit tables, its just been like 2 years since ive played and misremembered. Thanks for the correction.

              • 8 months ago

                It's always a little disappointing when metagaming something like charts is more important than what actions you're taking in games. I'd rather the charts be tied to what you were aiming at or what weapons you are using in game.

    • 8 months ago

      Why the frick are you working backwards with the mech creation?

      You don't look at game stats to build the mech, and then justify it in universe. You build the mech in universe and do you best to make stats that represent it in the game. Moreover, players should not be the ones designing any new mechs, so the only way absurdly broken mechs gets built is if the Ref allows it by deliberately trying to make one.

      The optimal mech according to the mechanics is secondary to the optimal mech the people in-universe make. Working the other way around is an objective error.

      • 8 months ago

        Hey I'd totally agree that the GM making all the mechs himself is for the best. You'll find a good many people who understandably think that it sucks that there's no good way for players to make their own mechs without it becoming an unbalanced shitfest when the game has an entire 150 page book dedicated to making mechs.

        "The optimal mech according to the mechanics is secondary to the optimal mech the people in-universe make. Working the other way around is an objective error."

        Shit I agree with this but there is literally a point buy system in place that weights the value of every component and naturally makes certain builds better than others. Throwing all of that out is IMO the way to go but at the same time it is one of the game's core mechanics and it being unusable sucks.

        I didn't much care for BCG/Z's rules. It's a bit too light (lazy), and your character's abilities aren't just limited by your mechanism stats but defined by them. A guy who has never sat in a mech using a powerful machine simply isn't threatened by the best pilot out there in an inferior one because aside from character talents, all that matters is how good the mecha is.

        Also I dislike 'zones' and the way they're defined in BCG/Z is super lazy. "Just do whatever maaan"

        I had this same opinion until I ran the game and yes, the character and the mech are divorced, but what that really means is that your character doesn't have to be built a certain way to pilot a certain kind of mech. It actually opens up more freedom instead of limiting it. The "mech" is not just the straight performance of the mech, you can explain the sniper model upgrade that buffs ranged attacks by saying the machine has a super advanced targeting system or that the pilot is just that good. The enemy ace is piloting a standard mass production model but his guard and might are +2 compared to his grunts because he's just better. The system is wholly accepting of that logic.

        You can be really lazy with zones or you can just make a map, that's what most people do. A zone *can* be anything, including just a set size area.

        • 8 months ago

          >what that really means is that your character doesn't have to be built a certain way to pilot a certain kind of mech
          Nice, I like it.

        • 8 months ago

          Characters in Mekton are also separate from their Mecha, but they still need to have the skills to use their machine to its full potential. BCG/Z doesn't really do that because anyone can pick up and get the full performance of the machine at the drop of a hat. To me, this doesn't make sense unless the mecha is actually doing all of the work for you, in which case why even bother with pilots? Now obviously there are some things that mitigate this - talents carry over regardless of what you're piloting, and the GM can just say 'this guy is better than his buddies' like you said, but this isn't the case in general.

          The problem with zones is that 'long range' weapons have a set range in zones. If a missile launcher has six zones of range, and the scale of each battlefield changes at the whims of the GM, 'range six' can either be a couple hundred meters or a couple hundred kilometers. Very unpleasant way to handle distances in a combat situation.

          • 8 months ago

            PC power is tied to their power level, even if they get a fancy new mech, it isn't going to be any stronger than the one they had before; it might have a different loadout than their old one, but if a power level 1 pc hijacks another mech its still going to be power level 1.

            All its doing is fully divorcing what your character can do outside of a mech and what they can do inside of a mech. You are encouraged to make the flavor match up as much as possible, but it isn't a hard coded rule of the system. In mekton pcs that are pilots are all going to end up with very similar builds because they need to invest in the same stats. In BCG its all separate so you can do whatever you want with your character without having to worry about not being able to play the mech you want. It really only gets incongruous when you have a high systems support unit being played by an low int fitness lord, but there's no way you can't waive that away by saying it has really good on board AI or they just do it on instinct or whatever. At its heart its a super robot wars style game and it isn't trying to be hard scifi.

            The problem you listed with zones is easily fixed by just giving them a set size. You *can* play fast and loose with ranges (like many, many mecha shows which the system is explicitly emulating) or you can just say each hex is 50m like Mekton does.

    • 8 months ago

      "I mean the exploding D10's is unironically the best part. You havent lived until you'd had a turn last 10 minutes cause you and the enemy ace pilot keep dodging and countering eachothers attacks. Its fricking kino."

      A turn isn't going to last longer because someone dodged an attack, so I'm going to assume you meant a combat. A mekton turn is basically the equivalent of a bunch of dnd martials swinging at each other twice except there's no opportunity attacks, no real terrain that matters.

      Eventually someone hits and so long as the damage goes through armor it can instantly kill from a number of the game's random crit tables. If you don't have any particular attachment to your character you might find this fun.

      The real reality though is that whenever someone important looking shows up someone just blows their luck pool to aim a shot at his wienerpit/reactor and chances are he's dead.

      There's also a knockback mechanic that basically works like this - if an attack does 7 kills or more of damage, the defender loses an action on hit. Every 2 more kills adds more effects until the attack essentially just stun locks you. This is still applied even if you have a shield and block the attack.

      With exploding d10s the chances of you having this kind of cinematic encounter with an enemy ace are very low, its much more likely that one of you is going to make the other explode- remember you can roll two attacks per turn.

      >"Game is bad if you autisticly minmax instead of building cool robots

      Rarely will someone in a game set out to make something broken, it just kind of happens when your concept turns out to be really good under the rules. A classic would be the typical gundam style build- energy melee weapons, a beam weapon, a shield, some small burst fire guns in the head etc etc. Then another guy just wants to have a big gun and the points he spends on one or two weapons end up going much father. Or he thinks having afterimages would be cool.

    • 8 months ago

      >Combat is 90% moving into range to shoot and then rolling to shoot twice.
      Beam rifle! Beam rifle again!

      • 8 months ago

        Buster rifle! Buster Rifle! Buster Rifle.. Wait no thinking of Gundam Battle Assault 2.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          WIND TUNNEL! Wait. Stupid bees again. Well, have fun!

  18. 8 months ago

    I remember Mekton Zeta to be really bare bones. Had to create tons of stuff myself and in the end I just switched to D20 Mecha instead.

  19. 8 months ago

    Is there any RPG with mech customization on par with Mekton Zeta?

    • 8 months ago

      Probably the battletech ones, but they almost don't count as they use the battletech wargame rules for all the mech stuff

    • 8 months ago

      Heavy Gear’s Technical Manual, which are the same vehicle construction rules as Silhouette Core. The only significant difference is DP9’s vehicle rules don’t consider spaces and weight for various equipment, and locations/location damage is baked into the combat mechanics instead of the construction system.
      Guardians of Order’s d20 Mecha rules are basically a d20 mirror of Heavy Gear’s vehicle construction rules. Problem is they’re 3.x d20 based. Despite that it’s actually not a terrible system. I really liked that Military Vehicles book White Wolf put out that uses the d20 Mecha book to build a bunch of military vehicles from around the world. Got a lot of use out of it back in my one-system-itis days.

      • 8 months ago

        I'll have to check it out, which of those two have the best mecha content to build with?

        • 8 months ago

          I’m not sure what you mean.

  20. 8 months ago

    Worse than RIFTS, better than FATAL apparently.

  21. 8 months ago

    Someone brought up the Robotech RPG earlier, I've zero experience with Palladium shit but I know it's the kind of thing where if you're into its vibe, you can enjoy it and if you don't you don't. Anyone here who's personally played it, though? And is it actually modular with other Rifts stuff? I was wondering how easy it'd be to convert it into a late Macross-ish setting with some changed names and added social mechanics.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I've played it a fair bit. It plays fine with Rifts stuff. There are some later Robotech RPG books that have more content than the base book as well. Once you get a feel for how the Veritechs are statted out you could easily stat out anything else you wanted from a Macross series.

  22. 8 months ago

    kek this thread has convinced me that lancergays are obnoxious gay c**ts. The comparison to their game and 5E makes a lot of sense.

    • 8 months ago

      Lancer attracted a lot of shills, what did you expect.

      • 8 months ago

        Not to mention that one of the devs behind is a massive Twitter sperg

        • 8 months ago

          I just checked, my god does this guy ever shut up

          • 8 months ago

            I guess not, American Politics has permanently rotted the brains of most game devs

            • 8 months ago

              Aha, you weren't complaining about devs posting on Twitter back in 2003, checkmate election tourists!
              I hate this argument so much it's unreal.

              • 8 months ago

                As with anything else useful idiots say, it's pure projection straight out of Rules for Radicals. We're all lucky they can't help but out themselves.

  23. 8 months ago

    Speaking of weird mecha systems. Has anyone tried out Armour Astir Advent? It uses the Blades in the Dark system and that's all that I know.

  24. 8 months ago

    Question, how many of these alternative mecha games let you do Mellowlink shit? I know Mekton has anti mek rifles and Lancer TECHNICALLY has out of mech shit but it seems like it means nothing, what about the rest?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Heavy Gear absolutely does, they even have the anti-Gear rifles.

      • 8 months ago

        HG makes sense, after all, isnt that just a VOTOMS but at home game?


        Never heard of this though, hows it work?

        • 8 months ago

          Rifts is an RPG by Palladium books. One of the central themes is high technology human augmentation, so there are lots of infantry units that can take out the mechs that are prevalent in the section. You can definitely hide somewhere and carefully target mech weakpoints, deploy mines and so on. Here's the first google result for a pdf of the main book, but there are probably 50 more expansion books, with more mechs, more guns to kill mechs and a lot more of other stuff. If Rifts has anything going for it in particular, it's the amount of sheer stuff in the game.

  25. 8 months ago

    Pour one out for Mekton Zero

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