Most disgusting thing you've heard in a game

>Campaign has been ongoing for five in-game years (six real-life months)
>The adorable orphan the PCs adopted after a siege has grown into a lovely young woman, crushing on my Cavalier
>Follows him around, moons over him, uses her sorcerer powers to mess with other women and play pranks
>Female player goes: "Well, time to send her off to Magical College to get an elf boyfriend, help her get her Elektra complex out of her system."
>Nods and agreements all around
I won't lie, it was pretty much the most appalling thing I've heard the whole campaign, literally "Send her off to get fricked".

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  1. 3 months ago

    lmao get fricked

    • 3 months ago

      I mean I'm just kind of disgusted that was the solution they came up with.

      • 3 months ago

        your fault for just letting it happen like a cuckold

      • 3 months ago

        >A girl is being overly sexual with her father figure
        >Get the two away from each other and let her meet other men
        Why is this bad?

    • 3 months ago

      Driver Nephi, I killed you with Bloody Mess, how the frick are you still posting.

      • 3 months ago

        Fiends never die, they just get high.

  2. 3 months ago

    This did not happen and you don't play any games, you just wanted to post that Blue Archive picture and write about your fetish.

    • 3 months ago

      this guy needs a schizo name since he's been screeching up threads about nogames while contributing nothing for a while now

      • 3 months ago

        If it's short and talks about obviously fake stories it's b*mpgay
        If it's long winded and mentions mechanics it's 2hu
        Both use anime pictures, but 2hu's replies will more often than not add to the thread (even if it's insufferably autistic) and the other will just make stupid questions.

  3. 3 months ago

    >"All right guys, at the beginning of everything…" *cue extensive hour-long infodump about setting fluff that has nothing to do with the game* "…so now let's work on your characters' backstories. Who's first?"

  4. 3 months ago

    I’m of two thoughts
    >lmao your matchmaker railroad didn’t work homosexual
    >this is her villain origin story

    • 3 months ago

      It's the PC whose mad since his barely-legal daughteru is going to outgrow her crush on Daddy.
      Grooming is wrong and OP is a pedo

  5. 3 months ago

    >literally "Send her off to get fricked".
    Well, if the girl has grown up to the age where she's become interested in men and is crushing on your, you either have to send her off to find a man, or you have to marry her yourself.

    You can't just keep the horny young woman as a pet forever.

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much, she's going to frick someone eventually.

  6. 3 months ago

    That's the most disgusting thing you've heard in a game? Get her a boyfriend before she tries to bang a father/older brother figure? No quests into the sewers or otyugh lairs? No visceral descriptions of brutal, bloody combat? No PCs raped by fungus infested undead and described in ways that were clearly the DM's magical realm? No handholding?

    • 3 months ago

      lmao get fricked

      I mean I'm just kind of disgusted that was the solution they came up with.

      He's just disgusted because it's not him she's fricking.

      • 3 months ago

        well obviously who wouldn't be but more seriously it is kind of fricked to be forced to have your daughter shipped off to get fricked by potentially some deadbeat or c**t. However OP is a homosexual for letting this happen and not putting his foot down, should have told him that she's being taken as a squire under him and implicitly that she'll only be with someone you approve of instead of her whoring around

        >Campaign has been ongoing for five in-game years (six real-life months)
        >The adorable orphan the PCs adopted after a siege has grown into a lovely young woman, crushing on my Cavalier
        >Follows him around, moons over him, uses her sorcerer powers to mess with other women and play pranks
        >Female player goes: "Well, time to send her off to Magical College to get an elf boyfriend, help her get her Elektra complex out of her system."
        >Nods and agreements all around
        I won't lie, it was pretty much the most appalling thing I've heard the whole campaign, literally "Send her off to get fricked".

        Imagine allowing yourself to be pushed into making your daughter prostitute herself out. What a pussy.

        • 3 months ago

          Your daughter ain't gonna frick you man
          She ain't in a Muslim household, where a girl only stays a virgin as long as she's faster than her father and brothers

          • 3 months ago

            It's ok if she's adopted though. Porn told me so.

  7. 3 months ago

    The most disgusting thing I've heard while playing was my friend sharting his pants.

  8. 3 months ago

    >Magical college
    Absolutely fricking disgusting. Sorcerers don't need to bother with any of that fancy learning shit. What you should do is immediately declare that the orphan is your Cavalier's squire so he can raise her as a proper gish. Then when your character eventually gets killed, have her multiclass into something close to cavalier to avenge her father figure. It'll be worth it.

    • 3 months ago

      Nevermind this is the new most disgusting thing I’ve heard.

      • 3 months ago

        1991 called, Pic rel

        • 3 months ago

          man i wish that was what we were talking about, i bought it on cassette when it came out

  9. 3 months ago

    Kind of weird how everyone here is just assuming OP wants to frick this orphan girl. It's just weird for the party's "solution" to her acting like a normal teenager is to abandon her and have her get plowed. Who the hell talks like that? Just rebuff her affection like a normal adult.

    • 3 months ago

      They're not abandoning her, they're sending her off to tertiary education.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah and so is sending your stepson off to military school

    • 3 months ago

      I mean that's just childrearing?

      Your kids are gonna leave the nest at some point, frick someone, and get married. I mean sure, most parents get teary-eyed at the prospect, but what's the alternative? Lock her in a chastity cage?

  10. 3 months ago

    College is for soft fricking pussies. Your average college kid would get his shit pushed in if he went to the pen.

  11. 3 months ago

    Most disgusting things I've heard in a game have been in a couple of Lamentations of the Flame Princess modules I've played in. I don't remember the name of the module, but there was an adventure with a town literally full of shit, pig-human hybrids wallowing in said shit, and twin brothers in the middle of a power struggle, both of them weird sex fiends. That was pretty disgusting as a whole. Outside of modules, in obe campaign I ran the players made a deal with a spirit of leprosy to help them with an invasion they were planning by starting an epidemic in a city they were planning to conquer. I though that was pretty disgusting, too, even though it made perfect sense in the context in a ruthlessly pragmatic way. I don't think your example sounds disgusting at all, though, OP.

  12. 3 months ago

    Only thing I can recall is my malkavian being forced to suck blood from the feet of his superior (opposed to his actual sire), a real dommy mommy type as they say

    It was weird and disgusting and frankly I'm all for it, I thrive on uncomfortable situations and it only made my character look even more powerless and pathetic, which is what you are when you're playing a freshly embraced kindred

  13. 3 months ago

    I don't know man, this is pretty much how everybody raises their kids. They run into shit that makes them personally uncomfortable, throw 'em at a specialist and hope they don't go splat.

  14. 3 months ago

    *hits pipe*

    • 3 months ago

      I agree, but I think cigars are worse.

  15. 3 months ago

    Saori is a precious student, worthy of being pampered. I will now hijack your dogshit thread, OP.

    What would be a good system to run a Blue Archive game?

    • 3 months ago

      >What would be a good system to run a Blue Archive game?
      The rope.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd start by looking for a a system that focuses on anime schoolgirl shenanigans and modifying it. Maybe the MAID system if your really twisted it?

    • 3 months ago

      Modified Blades in the Dark, where you're a gaggle of criminals who got kicked out of a real school.

    • 3 months ago

      clicked for OP image and was disappointed. I get that youre a BA player, but dont be THAT kinda BA player, baka

      my friend made a blue archive game after i rigged a vote lmao

      I've been running a mini-campaign in it the past few weeks; it could use some editing here and there, and its missing a couple things here or there so I've had to use some homebrew I wrote up, but its otherwise serviceable.

  16. 3 months ago

    what's the matter anon, can't frick your adopted daughter anymore?

  17. 3 months ago

    Why did you let that happen? You could have taken the responsibility to raise her by your own without the party support. Also, like someone else said, sorcerers don't need magical college stuff. They just need to practice in order to control her magic

    Whether you bang her or not is up to you but the thing is you shouldn't abandon her on her own. Is an orphan after all. What she needs the most is a family

  18. 3 months ago

    Of course it's the female that suggested it.

  19. 3 months ago

    >Female player
    Found your problem

  20. 3 months ago

    This is just playing with normalgays. They'd be appalled if they thought you wanted to frick her because that's grooming to them.

    • 3 months ago

      It literally is grooming in OPs case.

      • 3 months ago

        >a girl being attracted to an older man is grooming
        Real virgin hours.

        • 3 months ago

          Tbh "well the young girl wants it" sounds like a pedo excuse.

          Besides, wanting to send the traumatized and questionably adjusted teen magic wielder off to a school where there are better adjusted people her own age to interact with and professionals who handle questionably adjusted teen magic wielders as their job is entirely reasonable.

          • 3 months ago

            >Besides, wanting to send the traumatized and questionably adjusted teen magic wielder off to a school where there are better adjusted people her own age to interact with and professionals who handle questionably adjusted teen magic wielders as their job is entirely reasonable.
            You know they didn't think that deep on the question and you're lying to yourself if you think they did.

        • 3 months ago

          >Raising a girl to be sexually attracted to you
          That’s the definition of grooming

  21. 3 months ago

    What's wrong with this scenario, it's an NPC, not a porno.

  22. 3 months ago

    They wanted rpg not erp, so they needed to ditch the annoying girl. Do you think your fellow players want to deal with you and the DM flirting with each other as you two fap under the table to emotional-incest porn when they just want to kill goblins or whatever?
    Then you complain that she's shipped off instead of killed off? Youre "that guy" OP.

    • 3 months ago

      found the female player

  23. 3 months ago

    >Blue Archive poster
    >pitchblack NTR shit
    Like clockwork.

  24. 3 months ago

    This is most likely Pathfinder, not Secret of Blue Water. The rest of the party has had her in the group just as long. They don't want to watch the girl they've raised get an electra complex for a father figure.

    • 3 months ago

      >They don't want to watch the girl they've raised get an electra complex for a father figure.
      Pretty much

  25. 3 months ago

    I've mentioned this guy on /tg/ before. When I was in my late teens in the 90s I was in a group that was exclusively made up of various flavors of That Guy (including myself in my cringey weeb phase). But the most disgusting was Ken the Furry. This was before the internet was readily available so no one really knew about furries. Ken's fursona was a giant blue dog that pissed acid, not a dog anthro, just a dog like a proto-sparkledog. We played GURPS in those days so Ken could full on indulge in his degeneracy. Ken often paired up with the super-racist guy in our group who got off on enslaving captured enemies. Their worst incident was when they invented fairy Butt-Beads. These weren't anal beads made for fairies they were anal beads made from living fairies. They had captured a bunch of fairies and decided to make them into butt-beads for the Joe the Giant's (who always played Giant characters, mostly giantesses) Giant Amazon Woman. They enchanted the rope they tied them up in with a spell that let them breath without air so they could survive the horrifying experience. Joe the Giant was just as degenerate as the rest and they derailed the session into an anal vore ERP. This sort of shit happened all the time.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's a staler pasta, sir, but it checks out.
      >I was about to dub them.

  26. 3 months ago

    Carmen Electra lmao

  27. 3 months ago

    In a Digimon game when a guy described his fat nerd character making an abomination of foodstuffs.

  28. 3 months ago

    dont play with normie women

  29. 3 months ago

    OP be like:

  30. 3 months ago

    >character found a fish at the start of the game
    >puts it on his bag
    >forgets about it for weeks
    >weeks later the character remembers about the fish and the GM goes into detail on how it rotted away and was basically smelly goo with bones at the bottom of the bag
    >character has natural immunity due to species trait
    >proceeds to smear the rotten goo on the face of the bandits fighting us and wins the battle by making them vomit themselves unconscious
    Light stuff compared to most, but this was the most disgusting thing that ever happened in our super vanilla games

    • 3 months ago

      that's literally Garum (or Worcestershire Sauce, depedning on era and fish used)

  31. 3 months ago

    >female player
    You fricked up right then and there

  32. 3 months ago

    >Female player

    every time

  33. 3 months ago

    Female player secretly wishes that was her and got jealous and went into sabotage mode

  34. 3 months ago

    >Campaign has been ongoing for five in-game years (six real-life months)
    That’s so fricked to me. Our campaign has been going for six in-game months and two real-life years.

  35. 3 months ago

    I feel like a cuck reading this, I'm going to imagine you stopped this from happening OP and never come back to this thread

  36. 3 months ago

    Sounds like you're a possessive creep who wants to groom and frick his adoptive daughter.
    This visceral negative reaction you're having is because you view it as getting cucked. Okay, that's a natural reaction to getting cucked, but it's fricking weird that you find the joking prospect of your daughter being into other guys to be the trigger for these feelings.
    >My daughter has a BOYFRIEND???
    Porn addiction. You're acting like a fricking freak.

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