>My God, Project Shadow

>My God, Project Shadow

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    God, i really hope the voice actor for shadow in this movie is Keanu Reeves

    • 5 months ago

      Everyone wants him

    • 5 months ago

      I hope it's just Ben trying to sound edgy

    • 5 months ago

      I'd want Christian Bale, but not with his Batman voice, just a more serious version of his Patrick Bateman voice.

      • 5 months ago

        Came here to post this.
        >There is an idea of a Shadow...I am simply not there...

    • 5 months ago

      Careful with Shadow VA speculation, it killed
      Gilbert Gottfried

      • 5 months ago

        I thought Wilburgur killed Gilbert Gottfried by requesting the "I'm Gilbert Gottfried, and I'm dead," Cameo.

        • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Imagine they brought back David. Alas, he's a swim instructor now.

      • 5 months ago

        good. frick that annoying israelite

    • 5 months ago

      Personally, I'm betting on Adam Driver, but Keanu would be fun.

      • 5 months ago

        >Shadow to Tom's wife: Keep driving you black spear chucking peace of shit ni-*redacted*

        • 5 months ago

          disgusting black creature. get out of my sight

        • 5 months ago

          >>Not calling her a chaos spear chucking disgusting black creature

    • 5 months ago

      >Keanu Reeves
      epic wholesome 100 chungus, fellow redditor!

    • 5 months ago

      Jason Griffith maybe? I mean he did tweet this out


      • 5 months ago

        Griffith does anime and foreign TV dubs, he's not being the voice of the lead new character on a big movie.

    • 5 months ago

      This is the big meme answer but honestly I'm kinda hoping they get Robert Pattinson for it
      Not only does it have Meme Man Actor Guy potential, but Pattinson's voice work has been legitimately great and I think he'd unironically bring his A game for the role

    • 5 months ago

      If he tried to sound like his younger self he would be perfect.

  2. 5 months ago

    People are relentlessly going to compare sonic 3 to the Mario movie.

    • 5 months ago

      Mario will make more money because it's Mario but at least Sonic 3 wont' be Illumination slop.

      • 5 months ago

        >"Le epic Alvin and the chipmunks movie 8: the shadowquel better than toddler minion slop"
        God aren't you special?

    • 5 months ago

      Hopefully the Mario movie showed the fricking studio execs that people want music from the games and will respond to it more than the same 50 licensed songs that show up in every movie on Earth.

    • 5 months ago

      It's gonna be fricking SOUL.

      Who cares at this point, Sonic got 2 movies the fans loved even if there was a lot of cringe, and Mario got a weirdly successful movie that didn't really take any risks so there wasn't much worth criticizing.
      In fact I doubt they'll be compared because of the time gap between the two.

      • 5 months ago

        >didn't really take any risks
        Yeah, good on the director taking the risky move of putting a dance competition in a kids flick

    • 5 months ago

      Hopefully the Mario movie showed the fricking studio execs that people want music from the games and will respond to it more than the same 50 licensed songs that show up in every movie on Earth.

      Writer said they're mostly taking from Adventure 2 but with a few elements from his own game. Director fricking loves Shadow so I unironically can see him wanting to set up the Black Arms.

      Johnny Gioli said Sega commissioned him and Jun to make some songs/remixs to present to Paramount so we'll see.

      They just need City Escape, Live and Learn, Etc.

      Even Movie 2 teased Emerald Hill in a Trailer but they never used it


    • 5 months ago

      Sonic's critic score wasn't that much better than Mario. Fans say 2 was better than one and was a better Sonic movie, but most critics preferred 1.
      The truth is: there's never going to be a real balance between catering to fans and non-fans. Sonic 3 could be the biggest love letter to Sonic, but critics won't really get Shadow or his storyline.

      • 5 months ago

        actually movie critics aren't as moronic as game journalists, if there was ever a shot at redeeming shadow this is the one.

        • 5 months ago

          I trust the director of these movies. He already has a nice conflicting dynamic involving FAMBLY
          >Sonic 1 - Sonic loses his first family, thinks he's better off alone, but gets a new family to be part of
          >Sonic 2 - Meets Knuckles, who has a toxic relation with his own father and feels that he has to SERVE his family, not be part of it. Sonic shows Knuckles the real way a family should be
          >Sonic 3 - Shadow had his only family taken from him, and believes family is a weakness that only holds Sonic back. Also, the throwaway line about Robotnik being an orphan gives his relation with Gerald a new meaning(since the games NEVER even explored it)

          As for the Mario movie, its funny how people were expecting it to a meta, self-hating film becuase the directors made Teen Titans Go, but they flat out said they wanted to make the movie a love letter to Mario.

          • 5 months ago

            it's about family, and that's what's so powerful about it

    • 5 months ago

      They were already comparing the previous ones. Mario wasn't memorable, Sonic was. Hard to believe mario movie isn't even a year old, feels like it came out a decade ago.

      • 5 months ago

        mario was fine
        the only major flaw i can think is that they never showed some reflections of lakitu as the cameraman in the movie

        • 5 months ago

          Where is that in pastaland?

          • 5 months ago

            long after you travel the peperonni sea you can see the flat mountains of brooklyn

        • 5 months ago

          >wait, Mario, you're telling me the sentient, speaking turtles who are bowsers citizens, some of them his own infant children free will, and are only against us because their king is, aren't evil in your world???
          >Yeah, they're actually our pets, come over I'll buy you one
          >maybe I will ;*~~*~~)

          what the FRICK did they mean by this

          • 5 months ago

            She wants to enslave turtles.

          • 5 months ago

            CLEVER writing!!!! 🙂

      • 5 months ago

        I barely remember anything from the Mario movie....but I remember the Super Sonic scene vividly, hell even Sonic and Knuckles beating the shit out of each other in the temple place.

  3. 5 months ago

    Will the film makers be autistic enough to include the plotline about whether Shadow was a clone of the original Shadow who was sent flying to earth by Maria and was unfound?

    • 5 months ago

      That shit got dropped by Shadow's game and the director is too much of a Shadow autist to imply the one we follow isn't Sonic's equal.

      • 5 months ago

        That was actually a huge story point all throughout Shadow the Hedgehog. In the true ending final boss, Shadow proclaims that he's the real Shadow for reasons I don't remember, but I think it's still left up in the air as to whether or not that's actually true. Past that point lol I don't know any more Sonic lore.

        • 5 months ago

          No anon that was from when Shadow fell in SA2 final battle, The SA2 plotpoint was from when he fell 50 years ago and may not be the same one who is the villain in SA2

          • 5 months ago

            Hmm, I don't recall Shadow thinking or saying anything about clones in SA2 (then again, it's poorly translated and I haven't played with the revised subtitles). The closest I can think of is that Shadow says something about Biolizard being his prototype. In SA2's final battle, Shadow says to Sonic something like "Could it be that you (Sonic) are the ultimate life form?" And when he falls to earth he says "Maria... This is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you." That's all I've got for SA2. It's been much longer since I played Shadow the Hedgehog so now you've got me doubting my memory.

            • 5 months ago

              It's not even in the game but it is intended info. Check

              However, there was only one miscalculation in this operation: when this operation was carried out, Pr. Gerald had already almost completed the ultimate life form "Shadow" using another base body. When the GUN Special Forces raided the research institute, the fleeing Gerald entrusted it to his granddaughter Maria, and it is confirmed that an escape capsule was ejected toward the surface at that time. (The whereabouts of the capsule at that time are still unknown to this day.)

              As a result, Gerald was subsequently captured by Special Forces and imprisoned on Prison Island, where he was eventually forced to continue his research on the ultimate life form, "Shadow," apparently under orders from GUN. Now that Shadow the Hedgehog is no more, there is no way to know whether the Shadow sealed on Prison Island was a replica created by Gerald or the real Shadow that was ejected toward the surface and recovered...

              ~Excerpt from Rouge's final investigation report on Project Shadow~

              This explains that awkward scene when Rouge questions if he's even him or how Gerald was able to work on him to begin with. Sonic X even added a bit where he says "I AM SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!" before sacrificing himself, for all we know, OG Shadow died in the crash

              Sonic X also covers that information as well, They just didn't put it in SA2 but when Rouge talks about Shadow not even being real or being a tool created by gerald for revenge, thats what she means

            • 5 months ago

              Replay the Dark Story, we got a scene of Rouge saying she went though the Project Shadow file and didn't find a lick of infomration about Shadow himself so who the frick is he?

              • 5 months ago

                I think we both need to revisit SA2's revised fan-translated English dialogue since SA2's translation is very butchered. There could very well be a mistranslation or even missed bits of info. As it stands, if Shadow isn't Gerald's project, yeah wtf is he?
                This mod will do the trick, though subtitle timing is desynced in most cutscenes.

              • 5 months ago

                He is Geralds creation but whether he was the same one sent to earth or a copycat made while Gerald was under GUN Supervision to take revenge on the planet was up in the air at the time of SA2.

              • 5 months ago


                People are fixing the cutscenes up now so it's possible that, A.I voices, and Windii's translation's will get us a fixed localization.

                God I love how Adventure 2 has an army of autists dedicated to cleaning it up two decades later but Heroes trash isn't worth picking up.

              • 5 months ago

                Heroes doesn't really have anything major, it's just metals being a shit go stop him.
                SA2 is the one that has major chunks of the story not even being told

              • 5 months ago

                In reality, it's because Heroes problems are too fundamental. 90% is the level design which is hard to fix on a mod but I'm surprised I've never seen people saying to just install mods that make the special stages easier or make it so you only need to beat one story and get the emerald's to unlock the final boss.

        • 5 months ago


          Nope, same one from SA2. SA2 raised the possibiltity that the playable Shadow was a back-up clone of the original/Soinc was the real Ultimate Life-Form with Shadow being a rushed out hackjob under G.U.N but that was all dropped.

          • 5 months ago

            No anon that was from when Shadow fell in SA2 final battle, The SA2 plotpoint was from when he fell 50 years ago and may not be the same one who is the villain in SA2

            Oh! Wait— I thought in SA2 Shadow was just asking Sonic if he was the ultimate life form was just some strange compliment. It's possibly Sonic was actually Gerald's creation or some shit? I missed a whole section of plot?

            • 5 months ago


              Again, all this shit has been dropped in game canon.

              • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      So, will this be a rehash of Sonic Adventure 2 or what?

      • 5 months ago

        Yes. Director said this about it
        >He’s a match for Sonic, but like with such a different personality. And not like Knuckles, who is sort of mislead. Shadow is driven by anger and revenge, you know? I almost feel like Sonic, when he encounters Shadow, he’s like: “Well, I’ll just teach him about the power of friendship like with Knuckles, bada bing bada boom,” but that not going to work on Shadow, you know? This is like, Sonic’s never had to deal with someone as emotionally damaged as Shadow but he has with Robotnik.

      • 5 months ago

        Writer said they're mostly taking from Adventure 2 but with a few elements from his own game. Director fricking loves Shadow so I unironically can see him wanting to set up the Black Arms.

        Hopefully the Mario movie showed the fricking studio execs that people want music from the games and will respond to it more than the same 50 licensed songs that show up in every movie on Earth.

        Johnny Gioli said Sega commissioned him and Jun to make some songs/remixs to present to Paramount so we'll see.

        • 5 months ago

          >Johnny Gioli said Sega commissioned him and Jun to make some songs/remixs to present to Paramount so we'll see.
          What? Wouldn't it break some NDA for him to say that? I also think I would've heard if this happened. Can you source me?

          • 5 months ago

            >What? Wouldn't it break some NDA for him to say that? I also think I would've heard if this happened. Can you source me?
            He said it on the Crush 40 Discord, Johnny's a big boy so I'm sure he got the okay.

        • 5 months ago

          >Johnny Gioli said Sega commissioned him and Jun to make some songs/remixs to present to Paramount so we'll see.
          this is the best thing I've heard recently

        • 5 months ago

          Source on the Johnny/Crush 40 stuff?

          • 5 months ago

            Somewhere in the Crush 40 Discord archives, it's ran by some Zoomer but Johnny pops in every so often.

        • 5 months ago

          holy shit

          what dark ritual did CWC conduct over his mother's helpless body to bring Sonic fans such undeserved kino?

      • 5 months ago

        That's gonna be really hard if jim carrey really retired

        • 5 months ago

          Jim said he's semi-retired. If he gets a golden script then he'll consider it. There's a reason movie 2 didn't show us a body despite Jim hating doing sequels.

          • 5 months ago

            I remember reading that the main issue he had with sequels stemmed from doing Ace Ventura 2 and being bored with doing the exact same shtick as the last film. It feels like the Sonic screenwriters knew about this and planned around it, with Robotnik being characterized quite differently in the progression of his madness and thirst for greater power in each entry.
            They can probably get him on board by saying this is when he finally wears a fat suit.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      That's not the plotline. The Shadow launched by Maria was always the Shadow in SA2. Heroes introduces the idea that the Shadow Rouge uncovers in Eggman's base is potentially just one of the many Shadow androids Eggman was working on in between games.

      • 5 months ago

        Well time to redpill you anon, i don't blame you for not knowing this but this is canonical info added in the Sonic Adventure 2 Perfect Guide.
        (Also Sonic X)

        During my latest undercover operation, I obtained through the security hole at GUN classified jurisdictional data of the President of the Federal Government at the time, which appeared to be related to Project Shadow. A top-secret letter from thirteen presidents ago to Pr. Gerald requesting research. The letter stated succinctly as follows.

        "Begin research on the eternal and ultimate dream of mankind: immortality."

        At first, Gerald stubbornly refused the request, claiming that it was beyond human capacity. However, it was Gerald's beloved granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, who (ironically) gave him the opportunity to make this project, which should have ended as mere delirious ramblings from the powers that be, a reality. Maria had been suffering from NIDS (neuro-immunodeficiency syndrome), a disease that even today is considered difficult to treat, and although she continued to receive treatment at the ARK's medical research facility, there was no hope for her recovery. Gerald, frustrated by this, decided to overcome her intractable disease by researching immortal life. The research was conducted in secret even within the ARK, and it is recorded that it was named "Project Shadow" from the irony of creating a shadow (thing that cannot exist in this world).

        What everyone at first thought was a far-fetched project was not entirely a pipe dream for Pr. Gerald's genius mind. Based on the research results of the Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Drives, his attempt to apply the boundless energy to life was successful, and the project soon resulted in the completion of a prototype. Focusing on its self-healing ability, the "ultimate life form prototype," which was created using a lizard as its base body, showed signs of amazing growth, self-healing, and self-propagation, much to the delight of researchers.


        • 5 months ago

          However, their joy was short-lived, as the prototype's capabilities soon exceeded their expectations to such an extent that they began to have trouble controlling it, and even within the research community, there began to be doubts about the continuation, significance, and safety of the research. Perhaps it was an insider who saw the prototype run amok who first leaked information about the project to GUN, but the truth is not clear. However, the danger of the project was somehow brought to GUN's attention, and GUN's top brass, which at the time was hostile to the uniqueness of the ARK research institute, took this as an opportunity to plan the closure of the ARK itself. This was an unofficial operation called "Operation ARK Shutdown."

          A biohazard suddenly broke out at the ARK research facility, and all colony residents were to be rescued from the disaster, and the colony was to be sealed off. This was the ostensible objective of the operation. The real objective, of course, was to shut down the ARK research facility, erase Project Shadow, and hold Pr. Gerald responsible for the disaster. The operation was carried out on a scale never seen since the founding of GUN, and within seven days of the start of the operation, all ARK residents were moved to the surface, all ARK facilities were frozen by GUN, and all Project Shadow personnel except Pr. Gerald were declared victims of this disaster. The operation was completed with the sealing of the "ultimate life form prototype" found in the deepest part of the colony.

        • 5 months ago

          However, their joy was short-lived, as the prototype's capabilities soon exceeded their expectations to such an extent that they began to have trouble controlling it, and even within the research community, there began to be doubts about the continuation, significance, and safety of the research. Perhaps it was an insider who saw the prototype run amok who first leaked information about the project to GUN, but the truth is not clear. However, the danger of the project was somehow brought to GUN's attention, and GUN's top brass, which at the time was hostile to the uniqueness of the ARK research institute, took this as an opportunity to plan the closure of the ARK itself. This was an unofficial operation called "Operation ARK Shutdown."

          A biohazard suddenly broke out at the ARK research facility, and all colony residents were to be rescued from the disaster, and the colony was to be sealed off. This was the ostensible objective of the operation. The real objective, of course, was to shut down the ARK research facility, erase Project Shadow, and hold Pr. Gerald responsible for the disaster. The operation was carried out on a scale never seen since the founding of GUN, and within seven days of the start of the operation, all ARK residents were moved to the surface, all ARK facilities were frozen by GUN, and all Project Shadow personnel except Pr. Gerald were declared victims of this disaster. The operation was completed with the sealing of the "ultimate life form prototype" found in the deepest part of the colony.

          However, there was only one miscalculation in this operation: when this operation was carried out, Pr. Gerald had already almost completed the ultimate life form "Shadow" using another base body. When the GUN Special Forces raided the research institute, the fleeing Gerald entrusted it to his granddaughter Maria, and it is confirmed that an escape capsule was ejected toward the surface at that time. (The whereabouts of the capsule at that time are still unknown to this day.)

          As a result, Gerald was subsequently captured by Special Forces and imprisoned on Prison Island, where he was eventually forced to continue his research on the ultimate life form, "Shadow," apparently under orders from GUN. Now that Shadow the Hedgehog is no more, there is no way to know whether the Shadow sealed on Prison Island was a replica created by Gerald or the real Shadow that was ejected toward the surface and recovered...

          ~Excerpt from Rouge's final investigation report on Project Shadow~

          This explains that awkward scene when Rouge questions if he's even him or how Gerald was able to work on him to begin with. Sonic X even added a bit where he says "I AM SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!" before sacrificing himself, for all we know, OG Shadow died in the crash

          • 5 months ago

            I mean Sonic has a brief moment of dwelling on Maria's name implying he was the OG while Shadow was a hastily made knock-off but all this shit has been dropped. Shadow is the one and only ultimate life form and Sega has banned Sonic from having a back story.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah i mean nowadays it's not happening, i get that. Still it's fascinating to think that at one point they went this fricking crazy with the story to imply that sonic was the OG lifeform

          • 5 months ago

            We already know from the Devil Doom battle that Shadow is the original that Gerald created, and that Eggman rescued him with his robots.
            See here.


            Or see here.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, duh. That was after SA2. Originally it’s very heavily implied Sonic was the Ultimate Lifeform that Maria saved and Shadow was just a replica for revenge.

              • 5 months ago

                >it’s very heavily implied Sonic was the Ultimate Lifeform that Maria saved and Shadow was just a replica for revenge.
                I wouldn't go that far. That's mainly just for Sonic X
                The Shadow Maria saved burned up in the atmosphere

              • 5 months ago

                I’m not so sure about it just being X. Maybe I’m misremembering I recall hints of it in Sonic’s behaviour towards the end of the game. There’s also Shadow declaring Sonic to be the true Ultimate Lifeform if you take too long, which can both be Shadow acknowledging Sonic and also a nod to him being the original.

                There’s also just the general weirdness of Sonic and Shadow being identical in-universe. Yeah people theorise it’s from Gerald copying a mural but that wouldn’t get anywhere as fricking close as near-identical twins.

              • 5 months ago

                There's hints like Rouge's mission from the president in SA2 being to investigate Project Shadow and seeing if Shadow is the true ultimate life form and when digging through the files, she finds no reference to Shadow himself, only the Bio-Lizard, as if Shadow wasn't made on the ARK. Granted considering she dug enough to find the Lizard, it's easy to headcanon that Gerald initiated a system purge starting with the final results when the raid hit but G.U.N cancelled the purge ASAP.

                I remember reading that the main issue he had with sequels stemmed from doing Ace Ventura 2 and being bored with doing the exact same shtick as the last film. It feels like the Sonic screenwriters knew about this and planned around it, with Robotnik being characterized quite differently in the progression of his madness and thirst for greater power in each entry.
                They can probably get him on board by saying this is when he finally wears a fat suit.

                Yup, he said in movie 1 interviews that he agreed to a sequel because he was promised significant character evolution.

              • 5 months ago

                >There’s also Shadow declaring Sonic to be the true Ultimate Lifeform if you take too long
                >There’s also just the general weirdness of Sonic and Shadow being identical in-universe.
                That doesn't imply that sonic was made in a lab. Even without getting into Shadows game, Things like Sonic being described as a god in s3&k, and the theme of sa2 being Natural vs Artificial, have me believe that sonic IS an ultimate life form, but one that just came to be
                Shadow and Sonic are near identical because Gerald was just smart enough to engineer godlike perfection, and godlike perfection looks like Sonic the Hedgehog
                I thought I read something about the true shadow burning up in the atmosphere, but i cant find it. It probably was left intentionally vague as to Whether or not sonic was made in a lab

                Sonic uses chaos control with the fake emerald

                Because hes a fricking chad

              • 5 months ago

                He recently destroyed a planet buster, i'm pretty sure Sonic is the definition of a natural ultimate life lifeform

              • 5 months ago

                Sega has literally banned Sonic from having a backstory so I doubt they have anything internally. Wiether he was made in a lab, just happened to be born with the perfect genes, or is an avatar of a primordial God that simply appeared one day, we don't know and never will. Sonic doesn't give a shit how many prophecies call him a legendary being, he just sees himself as some guy who fricks with Eggman for fun.

              • 5 months ago

                Who says Gerald made the original Ultimate Lifeform in the first place? Isn’t it possible the original WAS natural and was simply being raised and experimented with on the ARK to cure Maria?

              • 5 months ago

                Considering Gerald died before Sonic was born, no.

              • 5 months ago

                Go back up the chain of posts and get the context.

              • 5 months ago

                Sonic uses chaos control with the fake emerald

              • 5 months ago

                Eh, that's a bad way to go, and they were right not to commit to it.
                Sonic is supposed to have a soft naturalist theme, with Sonic protecting nature from Eggman's oppressive industrialization. It makes more sense for Sonic to just so happen to be the real "ultimate lifeform" attuned to chaos energy from simple evolution, juxtaposed with Shadow being an artificial being engineered to emulate what an "ultimate lifeform" might be.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                How can Shadow be the replica when he was created 35 years before Sonic existed?

          • 5 months ago

            Then how would the Shadow in the present of SA2 have the memories of what went on on the ARK 50 years prior?

            • 5 months ago

              Same way he had the fake memories of Maria asking him to kill humanity.

              • 5 months ago

                He didn't have fake memories, they were just fragments he misinterpreted. All the pieces he remembers before Radical Highway are things she actually said but he got the context wrong.

              • 5 months ago

                No, the game was very clear that Gerald was fricking with his brain in ways he wasn't supposed to and that's why G.U.N pulled him from working on him in prison and killed him.

              • 5 months ago

                blocking out specific memories != implanting false memories
                it's just a false interpretation of an incomplete memory

          • 5 months ago

            It's not even in the game but it is intended info. Check[...].
            Sonic X also covers that information as well, They just didn't put it in SA2 but when Rouge talks about Shadow not even being real or being a tool created by gerald for revenge, thats what she means

            >Amy is the third Ultimate Life Form in the old canon that was dropped later
            Mother of God.

            • 5 months ago

              In the Archie comic there was a character named Jun Kun, the Ox King, who was super-strong and invulnerable and absolutely wrecked everyone who tried fighting him hand-to-hand. Amy would consistently body him with her hammer every time they fight.

              • 5 months ago

                I know they're not canon but the old Archie Sonic comics were a lot of fun. Schlocky and hilarious at worst, hardly ever boring. There's always a weird fricking surprise whether it's in the writing or the art, especially in the middle-later years. I would certainly not have minded a few key things from it ending up in canon. As it is now I can't really care about Sonic lore because Sonic Team didn't care if either (or at least their new writers and directors don't).

                I'm not a big fan of the IDW comics because they don't feel weird enough. My favorite media is all 4/10 – 7/10 stuff where the creator put their whole weird-ass vision into it. Having serious flaws makes media stick with you longer, unless it's a genuine 10/10 masterpiece which very few things ever are. A 9/10 piece of media playing it safe & cynical feels like I'm consuming nothing at all.

        • 5 months ago

          However, their joy was short-lived, as the prototype's capabilities soon exceeded their expectations to such an extent that they began to have trouble controlling it, and even within the research community, there began to be doubts about the continuation, significance, and safety of the research. Perhaps it was an insider who saw the prototype run amok who first leaked information about the project to GUN, but the truth is not clear. However, the danger of the project was somehow brought to GUN's attention, and GUN's top brass, which at the time was hostile to the uniqueness of the ARK research institute, took this as an opportunity to plan the closure of the ARK itself. This was an unofficial operation called "Operation ARK Shutdown."

          A biohazard suddenly broke out at the ARK research facility, and all colony residents were to be rescued from the disaster, and the colony was to be sealed off. This was the ostensible objective of the operation. The real objective, of course, was to shut down the ARK research facility, erase Project Shadow, and hold Pr. Gerald responsible for the disaster. The operation was carried out on a scale never seen since the founding of GUN, and within seven days of the start of the operation, all ARK residents were moved to the surface, all ARK facilities were frozen by GUN, and all Project Shadow personnel except Pr. Gerald were declared victims of this disaster. The operation was completed with the sealing of the "ultimate life form prototype" found in the deepest part of the colony.

          However, there was only one miscalculation in this operation: when this operation was carried out, Pr. Gerald had already almost completed the ultimate life form "Shadow" using another base body. When the GUN Special Forces raided the research institute, the fleeing Gerald entrusted it to his granddaughter Maria, and it is confirmed that an escape capsule was ejected toward the surface at that time. (The whereabouts of the capsule at that time are still unknown to this day.)

          As a result, Gerald was subsequently captured by Special Forces and imprisoned on Prison Island, where he was eventually forced to continue his research on the ultimate life form, "Shadow," apparently under orders from GUN. Now that Shadow the Hedgehog is no more, there is no way to know whether the Shadow sealed on Prison Island was a replica created by Gerald or the real Shadow that was ejected toward the surface and recovered...

          ~Excerpt from Rouge's final investigation report on Project Shadow~

          This explains that awkward scene when Rouge questions if he's even him or how Gerald was able to work on him to begin with. Sonic X even added a bit where he says "I AM SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!" before sacrificing himself, for all we know, OG Shadow died in the crash

          >Sonic Adventure 2 Perfect Guide.
          was this written by sonic team

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Eggman says that if you waste too much time. It's just a ploy to get you to actually fight when he thinks you have doubts.

          • 5 months ago

            That's the kind of shit where you're overthrinking it like the post I saw once claiming Sonic is stronger then Shadow because Shadow was panting harder after their first fight.

    • 5 months ago

      I always interpreted it as Shadow's memories being fake and implanted onto him by Gerald to be sure he'd destroy the world.
      Regardless they dropped all of that with Shadow The Hedgehog

      • 5 months ago

        >Regardless they dropped all of that with Shadow The Hedgehog

        Let me break it down for you

        >SOUL era

        Sonic Adventure 2
        >Introduce character
        >Market him as a big new villain
        >Game comes out and character is given context and is revealed to actually just be misguided and angry, not evil
        >Character (that was meant to be a one-off) completes his arc, redeems himself, and dies

        Sonic Heroes
        >OOPS turns out we made the most popular character our company owns aside from our literal mascot
        >Revive him
        >Spend all game explaining how and why he survived
        >Give character friends and a new purpose in life so character has more room to grow

        >EDGE era

        >Be SEGA
        >Make dogshit decisions
        >Listen to fans that want Sonic to have a gun

        Shadow the Hedgehog
        >Get rid of the writer responsible for making the character beloved (Shiro Maekawa)
        >Replace him with soulless company man Takashi Iizuka
        >Chase trends of the day
        >End up with the first truly horrible Sonic game

        This is the point of no return

        >Character becomes associated with company's downfall
        >Chimpanzees like Arin Hanson and countless others place blame on character
        >Iizuka becomes more involved in company and thus more projects turn to rushed garbage

        Sonic 06
        >Character is actually portrayed surprisingly well
        >Probably on accident
        >Character gets to drive the plot forward and actually behave similarly to how he behaved in the SOUL Era
        >The game was Sonic 06 so literally none of that matters

        >Shelf character
        >Time passes
        >People that loved character originally start becoming more vocal compared to non fans like Arin Hanson
        >Be SEGA
        >Make dogshit decisions
        >Associate character with downfall of the franchise
        >Too scared to bring him back in any meaningful capacity
        >When character is allowed to appear, they must be written with strict mandates in effect
        >No character development allowed for ANY characters, let alone the one that "ruined" the franchise

        • 5 months ago

          >Spend all game explaining how and why he survived
          They didn't really explain anything. They hinted at it at best.

        • 5 months ago

          Iizuka wasn't a random soulless company man at all. He did level design for S3&K, SA1, SA2 and Heroes (being in practice the only one working on Heroes' levels because the other guy was always on sick leave), and directed SA1, SA2 and Heroes. Him writing Shadow's game was indeed his first role as writer, but still.

          Shadow was well written in 06 because Maekawa wrote the game's story.

        • 5 months ago

          It makes me sad because Shadow's original story is a tale of him overcoming trauma from violently losing his only friend and family, and then learning to find a new purpose in life by using his powers to help humanity.
          He goes on a journey that evolves him as a character, that gets tossed out to him being "HEH, I'M THE COOLEST!!!!!!"

          Knuckles goes through a similar arc from Sonic 3, Sonic Adventures 1 and 2, culminating in Sonic Heroes.
          He goes from being an easily manipulated loner who genuinely believes that he can only rely on his own strength to do the one thing he was born to do: protect the master emerald. Then he goes to realizing he can rely on his friends to help him.
          Which then gets tossed out to him being the series' class moron.

    • 5 months ago

      maybe in sonic 4 cause this is a reteling of adventures 2 and adventures 1

      • 5 months ago

        Sonic 4 will be an 06 adaptation,

  4. 5 months ago

    Is he soft?

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    I can't wait

  7. 5 months ago

    surely we'll get crush 40 this time instead of random pop song x, right?

    • 5 months ago

      >Live and Learn intro
      >I Am All of Me mid fight
      >All Hail Shadow end credits
      >all in one movie

      • 5 months ago

        >Knuckles TV series has Unknown from ME with Idris Elba doing Dred Fox's part in the credits

        • 5 months ago

          Hope that fricking show ends with a voice reveal.

    • 5 months ago

      >random pop song popular in 2015
      >Live and Learn
      Place your bets.

      • 5 months ago

        We need a Leyley edit of Sonic and Sonia or Cream and Vanilla

  8. 5 months ago

    >Sonic movie promoting WMBF couple
    >Mario movie promoting feminist Peach
    Holowood has found the next capeshit. Prepare to watch all your favorite video game franchises be turned into propaganda machines.

    • 5 months ago

      >Sonic Media has WMWF couple
      >Media is unsufferable
      >Sonic Media has WMBF couple
      >Media is significantly better
      You lost.

      • 5 months ago

        sex with all three

    • 5 months ago

      Little Kids are not gonna give a frick about that and will just enjoy the movies like normal human beings

    • 5 months ago

      movie promoting WMBF couple
      Holy Based
      movie promoting feminist Peach
      Still fricking cringe, frick that movie

  9. 5 months ago

    Cast him.
    I hope he's like his Sonic X version

    • 5 months ago

      Jim with grey hair.

    • 5 months ago

      Bryan Cranston

      • 5 months ago

        I'd actually kneel and watch these kiddy ass looking movies if they did

    • 5 months ago

      John Noble

    • 5 months ago

      might be Christopher Lloyd since he's in the knuckles series

    • 5 months ago

      haven't watched sonic x. what changed with sa2?

      • 5 months ago

        He's just better developed in general at least in the Nip version, the english version is sterilized for children

        • 5 months ago

          >the english version is sterilized for children
          Uh... Sonic X's nip version is more or less the same SA2's in either language. The gunshot is absent from SA2 though.

          • 5 months ago

            Look, the 4Kids version is sterilized all over the place, not just the content.
            They even removed Live and Learn from the finalhazard

            • 5 months ago

              >the 4Kids version is sterilized
              Sonic X's? Yes. SA2 isn't. I just watched the scenes in both languages, dumbo.

              • 5 months ago

                The point is 4kids managed to sterilize something that already pretty tame.

    • 5 months ago

      Christopher Lloyd

      • 5 months ago

        No, Christopher Lloyd will be Xehanort when the KH movie comes out.

    • 5 months ago

      Mike Pollock

    • 5 months ago

      I'll play him. I'm already bald so I just need to grow a moustache.

  10. 5 months ago

    Live and Learn or we riot.

    • 5 months ago

      this is the backbone of the entire movie
      this is mandatory
      use whatever slur you want
      if theres no live and learn it might as well not even exist

    • 5 months ago

      I'm going to fricking break out singing at the movie theater.

    • 5 months ago

      this is the backbone of the entire movie
      this is mandatory
      use whatever slur you want
      if theres no live and learn it might as well not even exist

      I'm going to fricking break out singing at the movie theater.

      If you don't sing along to it in the movie theater, you never really were autistic. Simple ass.

    • 5 months ago

      this is the backbone of the entire movie
      this is mandatory
      use whatever slur you want
      if theres no live and learn it might as well not even exist

      Check out this SNES Version of it with the Megaman X Soundfont, does it work? I think it does!


    • 5 months ago

      they have to use it when sonic and shadow unite to fight chaos

      • 5 months ago

        Chaos requires James Camereon tier budgets.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Mephiles the Dark will be the main antagonist of a Hollywood Blockbuster in your lifetime
    Sometimes clown world is fun

    • 5 months ago

      I know, it's going to be great.

    • 5 months ago

      >Mephiles the Dark

      Nope, his brother will be.

  12. 5 months ago

    >movie opens the same as the Hero Side in SA2
    >but it plays some random pop song instead of Escape from the City or they play some of the generic Sonic X action music as the reference instead

    • 5 months ago

      >play some of the generic Sonic X action music
      If it was the dub music, I'd be pissed. If it was the Japanese OST, I'd be pleasantly surprised like when Sonic meets Shadow.

      • 5 months ago

        Posting the GOAT

    • 5 months ago

      If they actually put City Escape into that movie I think there will be an actual non-zero death toll from Zillennials freaking the living frick out in the theater.

  13. 5 months ago

    >release date is December 20, 2024
    Man, I don't want to fricking wait 350 days......

  14. 5 months ago

    >we've left the era of Ganker adaptation movies too far from the original source material
    >and we're moving to Ganker and Ganker adaptation movies too close to the source material
    We trade one villain for another.

    • 5 months ago

      I mean 95% of Sonic stories revolve around Sonic to the point they can't possibly output as much shit as the MCU so quantity should stay down. Movie 2 had to combine game 2 & 3 together because you can't make a movie out of "Sonic 1's plot again but Tails is also here".

      • 5 months ago

        I was baffled by people saying they should've held off on Knuckles until the third movie.
        Black person, how many Sonic movies do you think are going to be made here? We would've ended at 1 if execs got to keep their mandated freak sonic design.

    • 5 months ago

      Too close? Both this and the mario movie are way off of the fricking source material.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but then you look at shit like One Piece and holy frick don't try to just port anime to live action it's a bad idea

        • 5 months ago

          I thought OP gays were alright with the show since Oda banned Netflix's bullshit.

          • 5 months ago

            OP is shit, so them directly porting OP to film without accounting for differences in medium was even worse.

  15. 5 months ago

    >mfw watching the mario movie and seeing the sonic movies get btfo every step of the way
    Movie 3 BETTER step it the frick up. I enjoyed movie 2 but it really has next to nothing to do with sonic

    • 5 months ago

      Mario movie was shit so that says a lot. It had no black wedding but man oh man it was bad

      • 5 months ago

        It wasn't CINEMA or anything but it had 9 times more shit from the games than both sonic movies combined, and in the end thats all I want

        Really? I felt that way about the first movie but I thought the second one felt enough like Sonic.

        Movie 2 is a definite improvement, tails, knuckles and eggman are more or less in character, But theres still no music from the games, barley any game locations, and Sonics character is still wildly inaccurate. Although i don't know how you would fix that last one at this point

        This sounds really stupid but i would honestly include the humans (at least his dad) in the film and i know the perfect way to do it
        Toms dad is the one who shot Maria, Shadow goes apeshit and tries to kill Sonics dad

        That would actually be fricking kino

        • 5 months ago

          >Sonics character is still wildly inaccurate. Although i don't know how you would fix that last one at this point
          You build it up across the movies. Game Sonic is personality locked, his character's job is to change others like how he tempered Shadow's ego by being his match.

          Tom and Stone fist fight on the space colony will be cool.

          Donut Lord is gonna be a dead ringer for his grandpa that shot Maria.

          I was baffled by people saying they should've held off on Knuckles until the third movie.
          Black person, how many Sonic movies do you think are going to be made here? We would've ended at 1 if execs got to keep their mandated freak sonic design.

          Classic style games are too insubstantial plot wise to carry a movie individually. Amy appearing in this movie is a given so maybe Metal will be thrown in as well to get CD out of the way.

          • 5 months ago

            >You build it up across the movies. Game Sonic is personality locked, his character's job is to change others like how he tempered Shadow's ego by being his match.
            I agree. My issue is that movie sonic's personality is just less interesting than game sonic's. I don't know why Hollywood loves "rebuilding" characters instead of just giving us the character
            On a semi-related note what the frick was that dance off scene? that was lame even for movie sonic

            While the shadow posting good, thoughts on Shadow reloaded(STH Mod that reworks the game)?

            >Got rid of almost dead
            Its shit

        • 5 months ago

          >still no music from the games

          Imagine this

          >barely any game locations
          That Temple they were in is clearly based on Labyrinth Zone, there’s even a scene where Sonic nearly drowns and finds a big bubble to get air, sounds like you need to rewatch the movie sir.

          • 5 months ago

            >That Temple they were in is clearly based on Labyrinth Zone, there’s even a scene where Sonic nearly drowns and finds a big bubble to get air,
            Yeah, its just that, and mushroom hill for 4 seconds at the start of the movie. I want MORE!

        • 5 months ago

          >But theres still no music from the games
          They'd need to get the individual licenses from Sega or Crush 40 and no way in hell were thry doing that for the first film, they had literally zero faith in it until Fowler and his team were brought on. The 2nd film had more leeway, but they still didn't want to take the risk of acquiring all the song licenses (because excessive licensing already killed ANOTHER Sonic continuity).

          It's like how the Monsterverse only barely uses most of Godzilla's rogues gallery and instead made new Titans - they'd need go pay for every individual license and Toho would charge them astronomical sums for each of them.

          >barley any game locations
          Labyrinth Zone is literally featured in 2.

          >and Sonics character is still wildly inaccurate.
          You mean like every continuity's Sonic? Because if you're complaining about him not acting like Game Sonic, then no other Sonic does. Game Sonic doesn't work outside of the games because he's a static cardboard cut-out who hasn't been able to properly emote for decades and wasn't allowed to express himself again until Frontiers came out.

          • 5 months ago

            >They'd need to get the individual licenses from Sega or Crush 40
            Thats completely fair, but its still a mark on the film

            >Labyrinth Zone is literally featured in 2
            Thats not ENOUGH. I want MORE of that instead of it taking place in Montana or wherever the frick

            > if you're complaining about him not acting like Game Sonic, then no other Sonic does.
            Yes but other sonic's have more in common with sonic's core. Movie Sonic is true sonic's direct antithesis

            >I would rather the sonic movie be safe "I CLAPPED WHEN I RECOGNIZED IT" than the generic snooze-fest it is now
            And it would fricking bomb and you'd never get another film again. You can only have your fricking notion of multiple Sonic films because Fowler and the rest of his team understand that nobody gives a shit about Sonic's poorly built world outside of diehard Sonic autists. A full Sonic film in the style of the Mario movie with the environments and references galore not only wouldn't take like the Mario movie did, it would probably bankrupt whoever tried it. You'd need an Avatar tier budget to even do it convincingly and nobody will approve that for fricking Sonic of all things.

            Would rather one movie like that then three movies of mediocrity

            That and,Game Sonic's world does not work and can never work in a film. Even ignoring the budgetary constraints that would occur trying to put even half the locations in the games into the films, there is no actual world or background they can develop for the setting that would in any way entice people. Opening with Sonic fighting Eggman and nothing else would lead to an empty theater and reviews bombing the shit out of the movie - people would not care. And trying to do even bare minimum set-up would piss off game autists. Sega hasn't provided shit to even give people a baseline to work off of if you want a 1:1 recreation of the games and what little they have given is either completely contradictory and lacks internal consistency or gets retconned whenever some bored senior executive decides to change it.

            Sonic as a film can literally only work in the Sonic X format of them being stranded on Earth, with the introduction of game elements being gradual over time. Trying to dive headfirst into the wider Sonic stuff will always fail because there is no hook to entice people and we are well past the era where Sonic media had enough good will to coast-by on simple word of mouth alone.

            That and,Game Mario's world does not work and can never work in a film. Even ignoring the budgetary constraints that would occur trying to put even half the locations in the games into the films, there is no actual world or background they can develop for the setting that would in any way entice people. Opening with Mario fighting Bowser and nothing else would lead to an empty theater and reviews bombing the shit out of the movie - people would not care. And trying to do even bare minimum set-up would piss off game autists. Nintendo hasn't provided shit to even give people a baseline to work off of if you want a 1:1 recreation of the games and what little they have given is either completely contradictory and lacks internal consistency or gets retconned whenever some bored senior executive decides to change it.

            • 5 months ago

              >Thats completely fair, but its still a mark on the film
              No, not really. Nobody sane disses the Monsterverse films for not getting EVERY Toho kaiju, because there wouldn't be a film if thry had to pay millions upon millions of dollars for every license. It's not a "mark on the film", it's a mark on shitty companies extorting people by charging for each individual license.

              >Thats not ENOUGH. I want MORE of that instead of it taking place in Montana or wherever the frick
              And you'll get it. But you certainly aren't getting them in the first fricking film. The fact thry even used Labryinth Zone in the first means they're already doing what you're asking.

              >Yes but other sonic's have more in common with sonic's core.
              No thry fricking don't, and you'd know this if you interacted with any of the Sonic media outside of the games. To elaborate:

              >Manga Sonic/Nicky
              Literally a normal preteen child living his life, whose future self timetravels and replaces him when he needs to save the day. We have little idea what Manga Sonic's grown personality is like, but Nicky acts NOTHING like Gamenic. At all.

              >Archie Sonic
              Adventurous, but has a family and yearns for a normal life where he isn't wasting his entire life on a constant war. He is also completely loyal to the Kingdom of Acorn and its royal family, actually deferring to their authority on most matters which is completely the opposite of Game Sonic's personality.

              Not only is he a perpetually stone-faced dour bastard, but he is the only Sonic who takes his duty as a hero 200% seriously - his duties and responsibilities as Mobius' protector comes above all else, which again, goes against Game Sonic being a freedom loving hero. Also has deep regret and resentment over turning his best friend into Robotnik.

              >IDW Sonic
              Is a literal sociopath and the end result of turning Gamenic's freedom philosophy up to 11.

              >Prime Sonic
              Is a himbo who makes Boom Knuckles look like the smartest character ever.

              • 5 months ago

                >Nobody sane disses the Monsterverse films for not getting EVERY Toho kaiju... It's not a "mark on the film", it's a mark on shitty companies extorting people by charging for each individual license.

                This isn't the same as having shoving in more characters. I can handle a drip-feed of characters as long as it means they all get time to shine (not to the sonic movies extent though). Its a mark because its an adaption that lacks one of the things that made the original great. It doesn't help that the music that's in the movie is lame. its a mark on shitty companies extorting people by charging for each individual license, BECAUSE it hurts the film.

                >But you certainly aren't getting them in the first fricking film
                The films should have simply had better setups that allow for more game locations

                >Manga Sonic/Nicky
                Nicky is a different character than sonic. Manga Sonic is damn near 1 to 1 with game sonic

                >Archie Sonic
                Even with him saying shit like he wishes Robotnik came back to life so he could do more, hes definitely the farthest from Game sonic's core. Hes more an adaptation of Satam sonic than anything. but he still has more in common with game sonic, even if that's only because hes had a longer runtime to showcase it

                Hes still puts action above finding a family. He has game Sonic's short temper and he still has the "Get it done now" Attitude that was Sonic's inspiration.

                >IDW Sonic
                You said it yourself, hes the end of turning Gamenic's freedom philosophy up to 11. He has something in common with game sonic even if hes written like shit

                >Prime Sonic
                The only one who has less in common frick this Black person

                Desu, If they make movie sonic take after Tom, that would be a surprising improvement.

                >That and,Game Mario's world does not work and can never work in a film.
                Disgusting false equivalence. Mario scored an animation studio whose claim to film is that thry do remarkably well at animating environments, characters, and worlds with tacked on cookie-cutter plots which is Illumination's bread and butter. Not only would their dpecific style run into problems with a Sonic film (namely, nonsense like "not being 'shonen' enough" or some such), but it would please nobody - the average person can find a dime-a-dozen movies with similar or better animation and diehard Sonic autists wouldn't tolerate anything below Night of the Werehog tier animation for a film. That, and the Mario series already has more developed character identities for most of its supporting cast and more consistent lore than Sonic ever has because that stuff was allowed for them, unlike Sonic - it's the bare minimum, but it's better than literally nothing. The Mario movie's success literally comes down to having more global brand appeal than Sonic does, and certainly doesn't come from the myriad references that nobody but Nintendo fans will get or being more "game accurate".

                What you are asking of Sonic - a total recreation of the games - isn't at all possible in a film medium. In a long-form animated series with little to no restrictions? Maybe. But not a film.

                Yeah, I get why the movie ended up like that. Doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't want a total recreation, I just want an adaptation with more reverence for the source
                The pg-13 sony version would have been better

              • 5 months ago

                >The films should have simply had better setups that allow for more game locations
                Which we will probably get later on and HAVE gotten in the films already, with Labryinth Zone.

                >Nicky is a different character than sonic. Manga Sonic is damn near 1 to 1 with game sonic
                Nope. They're explicitly the same person - Sonic is Nicky's 16 year old self from the future.

                >Even with him saying shit like he wishes Robotnik came back to life so he could do more, hes definitely the farthest from Game sonic's core. Hes more an adaptation of Satam sonic than anything. but he still has more in common with game sonic, even if that's only because hes had a longer runtime to showcase it
                The only thing Archie shares with Game Sonic is a love of adventure, but that's it.

                >Hes still puts action above finding a family. He has game Sonic's short temper and he still has the "Get it done now" Attitude that was Sonic's inspiration.
                Gamenic has never had a serious temper outside of Unleashed. Not even in Frontiers, where it would be logical for him to get pissed off. And you're acting like Game Sonic "not caring about a family" is a defining trait - it isn't. It's also wrong because he still views Tails as his little brother. He just isn't the sort of guy who cares about having parents or a consistent place to live.

                >You said it yourself, hes the end of turning Gamenic's freedom philosophy up to 11. He has something in common with game sonic even if hes written like shit
                Yes, and that's his one trait. Not even Game Sonic fellates the freedom thing so hard and he'd be disgusted at IDWnic essentially turning into a sociopath because of it. What defines Game Sonic is a rejection of authority and his love of adventure, which the freedom stuff only partially ties into.

                I'll also mention that Boom Sonic and AOSTH Sonic are other examples. Boom especially, given he's a lazy dumbass who doesn't really care about adventure outside of goofing off.

              • 5 months ago

                >Which we will probably get later on and HAVE gotten in the films already, with Labryinth Zone.
                Even if you HAD to stick with the generic Hollywood formula, they could have struck a better balance.

                >Nope. They're explicitly the same person -
                There written as if they are different characters. when Sonic appears he does not share any of Nicky's traits

                >The only thing Archie shares with Game Sonic is a love of adventure, but that's it.
                The fact that there are times when Archie has been a renegade put him more in line with gamenic

                >Gamenic has never had a serious temper outside of Unleashed. Not even in Frontiers
                His idle animation and stern look in the classic games?
                Adventure? Adventure 2? Black Knight?
                Granted, this is something that has been phased out a bit over time, with the only modern instance of it i can think of being when he kicked the conch in lost world, but it was still a part of his character.

                >And you're acting like Game Sonic "not caring about a family" is a defining trait - it isn't
                One of the few things we know about his past is that he ran away from home.

                >It's also wrong because he still views Tails as his little brother.
                And even then, months pass without them seeing each other

                >Yes, and that's his one trait.
                Yeah. IDWnic has more in common with Gamenic because of that and the fact that he doesn't wanna be employed by the restoration

                >Desu, If they make movie sonic take after Tom, that would be a surprising improvement.
                They're already doing this, with him taking Tom's lesson to heart in the second film and said film's ending. I'd advise that you rewatch the film.

                >Doesn't mean I have to like it.
                No, but it also makes almost all of the complaints baseless unless you have a viable way to actually adapt the games into a film.

                >The pg-13 sony version would have been better
                It really fricking would not have.

                >They're already doing this, with him taking Tom's lesson to heart in the second film and said film's ending.
                They also Implied that Eggman would be fat in the ending of film 1

                >The complaints baseless unless you have a viable way to actually adapt the games into a film.
                Make the road trip of film 1 include more game locations via warp ring shenanigans. Make Eggmans machines more recognizable. Done.

                >It really fricking would not have.
                Granted, all I know about the pitch was that it was pg-13, but it being more edgy would align itself more with the franchisees appeal

              • 5 months ago

                >Even if you HAD to stick with the generic Hollywood formula, they could have struck a better balance.
                No, not really. The primary setting is Earth and if you started throwing in all of the Sonic wackiness like mobius strips, literal floating islands, mushrooms as whole biomes, etc then the film would have been torn apart by critics and normalgays. You need to slowly introduce that ahit over time.

                >There written as if they are different characters. when Sonic appears he does not share any of Nicky's traits
                Yes, because Nicky is a little kid and his future self is 16. Moat people are very different from, their kid years into their teens.

                >The fact that there are times when Archie has been a renegade put him more in line with gamenic
                No, because even then, Archie Sonic was still doing it for the sake of the kingdom or some higher authority. Game Sonic wouldn't care either way and would just do it because it's the right thing to do.

                >His idle animation and stern look in the classic games?
                I don't really equate that with having a serious temper. Game Sonic is not an active butthole to people around him like Fleetway is.

                And if we're really counting those, then we'd have to count Movie Sonic/Wachowski being the only Sonic to ever be willing to flat out murder his Eggman in cold blood if given the opportunity.

                >One of the few things we know about his past is that he ran away from home.
                We know he was born on Christmas Island but that's it. And for all we know, Sega changed that.

                >And even then, months pass without them seeing each other
                It still counts because he's usually around Tails in some way or some form and they still see themselves as brothers. He'll also crash in Tails' home whenever he has the time - he just doesn't live there full time.

                >Yeah. IDWnic has more in common with Gamenic because of that and the fact that he doesn't wanna be employed by the restoration
                He barely has anything in common with Game Sonic outside of that.

              • 5 months ago

                > then the film would have been torn apart by critics and normalgays
                You really think The movie would have made less money because they replaced SOME of the generic locations with ones that they might actually recognize? It would have done the opposite.

                >Yes, because Nicky is a little kid and his future self is 16
                OK. and? in the end the one known as sonic is similar to the sonic of the games

                >I don't really equate that with having a serious temper.
                Serious Temper ≠ Short Temper

                >we'd have to count Movie Sonic/Wachowski being the only Sonic to ever be willing to flat out murder his Eggman in cold blood if given the opportunity.
                Game sonic has attempted this several times. Its one of the few things that Movie sonic has in Common with game sonic

                >We know he was born on Christmas Island but that's it. And for all we know, Sega changed that.
                The location was retconed
                The fact that he ran from home was not

                >It still counts because he's usually around Tails in some way or some form and they still see themselves as brothers.
                I never said he doesn't see him as a little brother, but family has never been a core part of game sonics identity as evidenced by the month long breaks between them seeing each other. Family was a poor central theme for an adaption of the character

                >He barely has anything in common with Game Sonic outside of that.
                And movie sonic has even less in common with game sonic, due to his yearning for stability and a family life.

              • 5 months ago

                >Game sonic has attempted this several times.
                No, he hasn't. Game Sonic has never attempted to directly kill Eggman - he just leaves him to suffer from the results of his own schemes blowing up in his face, that he somehow inexplicably survives.

                The only Sonics to have ever attempted to directly kill their Eggmans are Movie and Archie during Endgame.

                >Family was a poor central theme for an adaption of the character
                Family has benefits the core of Sonic in four continuties at this point: AOSTH, Archie, Underground, and Movie. It's arguably a bigger aspect of him as a consistent multimedia character than moat of the shit the games have been doing post-Colors.

                >And movie sonic has even less in common with game sonic, due to his yearning for stability and a family life.
                As do all of the other versions mentioned in this thread. None of them have much in common with Game Sonic and they never will. Different continutiies means different rules.

                You're also posting a ton of Sonic X images, and the Sonic in that series literally fricking sleeps 99% of the time and barely does anything until the end of a given episode. You are complaining that Sonic is different in various continuities whilst using false premises to single out the Movie Sonic yet you're posting one of the most different Sonics of all.

              • 5 months ago

                >Game Sonic has never attempted to directly kill Eggman - he just leaves him to suffer from the results of his own schemes blowing up in his face, that he somehow inexplicably survives.
                And Movienic tipping over the death egg Robot is different than Sonic doing pic related how?

                >Family has benefits the core of Sonic in four continuities at this point: AOSTH, Archie, Underground
                These all have Rebellion as a bigger core motif than family

                >As do all of the other versions mentioned in this thread.
                None of them do besides Archie. Your getting "keeping the ones i love safe" and " yearning for a Family life " mixed up

                >None of them have much in common with Game Sonic and they never will.
                I already went over why your wrong

                > yet you're posting one of the most different Sonics of all.
                Are you fricking stupid? Sonic X sonic is by far one of the most accurate adaptions. Look at the arc where Eggman "fixes" the moon for example.
                Sonic not doing shit until the end of the episode is true to the source. Notice how Eggman has time to build city sized fortresses during each game? he doesn't outright hunt Eggman. He does his own thing and stops Eggman when fate makes them cross paths

                >OK. and? in the end the one known as sonic is similar to the sonic of the games
                Manga Sonic acts more like AOSTH Sonic than anything. The games didn't even HAVE a portrayal of Sonic that informed hao the character behaved at that point due to the manga predating most media in the franchise at the time.

                If anything, Game Sonic is similar to the Sonic of the manga.

                Id imagine they based the manga off the STH Technical Files. Game sonic is based off those too, but there isn't much time to show it in a genesis game

              • 5 months ago

                >And Movienic tipping over the death egg Robot is different than Sonic doing pic related how?
                That gif obviously wasn't intended to flat-out murder him. What Wachowski did was 100% an intentional desire to kill.

              • 5 months ago

                >That gif obviously wasn't intended to flat-out murder him
                He shoots him down while hes fleeing. Its way more needlessly leathal than when Wachowski tipped over the death egg or sent him to a planet that he knew was compatible with life

                >None of them do besides Archie.
                Boom has nothing in common with Gamenic, Prime has nothing in common with Gamenic, AOSTH DEFINITELY has nothing in common with Gamenic, Fleetway has nothing in common with Gamenic, etc.

                You keep insisting that you're right and anyone disagreeing with you is wrong and it's obnoxious as shit. Just accept that different continuities have different interpretations of Sonic and be fricking done with it. Don't go full ESL just because people disagree with your shit takes.

                >Boom has nothing in common with Gamenic
                >Prime has nothing in common with Gamenic
                Both correct. Thats why there shit, with prime sonic arguably worse than movie sonic, but these two outliers don't make movie sonic any more accurate

                >AOSTH DEFINITELY has nothing in common with Gamenic
                His temper is short, but hes still clever. Hes the worlds most famous hedgehog. His home is never shown or mentioned, hes constantly on the move
                He has more in common with Gamenic than Archie sonic

                >Fleetway has nothing in common with Gamenic
                Already went over why that's incorrect

                >You keep insisting that you're right and anyone disagreeing with you is wrong and it's obnoxious as shit.
                I only insist that because its true. Movie Sonic is unknown to the masses, Does not travel, Fears being alone, and has the stock speedster hyperactive attitude ontop of being much younger than any incarnation of the hog. These traits exist in other versions of the character, but Wachowski sonic is one of the few to have all of them at once, witch makes him far from the core of game sonic.
                Genuinely the only thing he has in common with gamenic is the fact that he has no issues with offing Eggman. Cope and seethe

                Bros, realistically, how will they handle Rouge? Do you think she will have full booba, will they be heavily deflated, or no cleavage at all? Will they just cover her in fur so she fits in with the others better? unfortunatley, i think that's the most likely

                The directors are both big fans of her, So I'm hoping They'll push for her straight up having massive breasts. This is somewhat of a pipe dream, but hey, ertain sectors of Hollywood havent forgotten that know that sex sells

              • 5 months ago

                >He shoots him down while hes fleeing. Its way more needlessly leathal than when Wachowski tipped over the death egg
                It really isn't. Game Eggman survives worse all the time, Movie Eggman is a normal human being who as far as Wachowski knows CANNOT survive a 700 meter drop. That and the very beginning of the film nearly had Wachowski cave his skull in with a furious punch until Knuckles intervened.

                >or sent him to a planet that he knew was compatible with life
                The only thing the Mushroom Planet had was breathable air. As far as we knew, it didn't even have food or water.

              • 5 months ago

                >Game Eggman survives worse all the time
                How do you think sonic knows this? He knows it From previous attempts on eggmans life.

                >The only thing the Mushroom Planet had was breathable air. As far as we knew, it didn't even have food or water.
                How the frick do you think he intended to survive on it in the first movie then? You really think long-claw told him to go there without her knowing if it was survivable?

              • 5 months ago

                >How do you think sonic knows this? He knows it From previous attempts on eggmans life.
                You mean something he's never done? He only knows that Eggman can inexplicable escape his own bases blowing up or getting hit really hard. He's never directly sttempted to kill him in the games and never will.
                >How the frick do you think he intended to survive on it in the first movie then? You really think long-claw told him to go there without her knowing if it was survivable?
                It probably wasn't meant to be a long-term thing. Just him leaving Earth after stocking up then staying on the Mushroom Planet for a short period before leaving again. Just from what we see in the Pre-Quill comic, the planet is basically a shithole where the only 'food' items are psychedelic mushrooms. It's also very much unsafe because there are giant man-eating mushrooms there, so I doubt Longclaw did much of a survey.

              • 5 months ago

                >He only knows that Eggman can inexplicable escape his own bases blowing up or getting hit really hard.
                This counts as trying to kill him in my eyes. Theres not a significant difference in durability between the humans of the movies and the games, so how was sonic supposed to know that Eggman would survive it the first time?

                >It probably wasn't meant to be a long-term thing. Just him leaving Earth after stocking up then staying on the Mushroom Planet for a short period before leaving again.
                He would have to live there to avoid constantly being hunted, and his warp rings taken. Longclaws survey may have been flawed, but the point is that sonic thought the planet was inhabitable. Just lonely and desolate

              • 5 months ago

                >This counts as trying to kill him in my eyes.
                Not really. Maybe murder by inaction, but that's it. Somebody never actively tries to kill Eggman in the games, but he also never tries to save him either.

                >Theres not a significant difference in durability between the humans of the movies and the games
                Eggman specifically is explicitly stronger (and larger) than most humans. You even cited Sonic X as being more "game accurate" and the differences between him and the average human are outright called out. His hand alone is larger than a grown man's head.

                >He would have to live there to avoid constantly being hunted, and his warp rings taken. Longclaws survey may have been flawed, but the point is that sonic thought the planet was inhabitable. Just lonely and desolate
                Longclaw also told him to always keep moving. So I definitely don't think Sonic would have stayed for long before having to leave again, especially with Knuckles chasing him.

              • 5 months ago

                >None of them do besides Archie.
                Boom has nothing in common with Gamenic, Prime has nothing in common with Gamenic, AOSTH DEFINITELY has nothing in common with Gamenic, Fleetway has nothing in common with Gamenic, etc.

                You keep insisting that you're right and anyone disagreeing with you is wrong and it's obnoxious as shit. Just accept that different continuities have different interpretations of Sonic and be fricking done with it. Don't go full ESL just because people disagree with your shit takes.

              • 5 months ago

                >OK. and? in the end the one known as sonic is similar to the sonic of the games
                Manga Sonic acts more like AOSTH Sonic than anything. The games didn't even HAVE a portrayal of Sonic that informed hao the character behaved at that point due to the manga predating most media in the franchise at the time.

                If anything, Game Sonic is similar to the Sonic of the manga.

              • 5 months ago

                >The films should have simply had better setups that allow for more game locations
                Which we will probably get later on and HAVE gotten in the films already, with Labryinth Zone.

                >Nicky is a different character than sonic. Manga Sonic is damn near 1 to 1 with game sonic
                Nope. They're explicitly the same person - Sonic is Nicky's 16 year old self from the future.

                >Even with him saying shit like he wishes Robotnik came back to life so he could do more, hes definitely the farthest from Game sonic's core. Hes more an adaptation of Satam sonic than anything. but he still has more in common with game sonic, even if that's only because hes had a longer runtime to showcase it
                The only thing Archie shares with Game Sonic is a love of adventure, but that's it.

                >Hes still puts action above finding a family. He has game Sonic's short temper and he still has the "Get it done now" Attitude that was Sonic's inspiration.
                Gamenic has never had a serious temper outside of Unleashed. Not even in Frontiers, where it would be logical for him to get pissed off. And you're acting like Game Sonic "not caring about a family" is a defining trait - it isn't. It's also wrong because he still views Tails as his little brother. He just isn't the sort of guy who cares about having parents or a consistent place to live.

                >You said it yourself, hes the end of turning Gamenic's freedom philosophy up to 11. He has something in common with game sonic even if hes written like shit
                Yes, and that's his one trait. Not even Game Sonic fellates the freedom thing so hard and he'd be disgusted at IDWnic essentially turning into a sociopath because of it. What defines Game Sonic is a rejection of authority and his love of adventure, which the freedom stuff only partially ties into.

                I'll also mention that Boom Sonic and AOSTH Sonic are other examples. Boom especially, given he's a lazy dumbass who doesn't really care about adventure outside of goofing off.

                >Desu, If they make movie sonic take after Tom, that would be a surprising improvement.
                They're already doing this, with him taking Tom's lesson to heart in the second film and said film's ending. I'd advise that you rewatch the film.

                >Doesn't mean I have to like it.
                No, but it also makes almost all of the complaints baseless unless you have a viable way to actually adapt the games into a film.

                >The pg-13 sony version would have been better
                It really fricking would not have.

            • 5 months ago

              >That and,Game Mario's world does not work and can never work in a film.
              Disgusting false equivalence. Mario scored an animation studio whose claim to film is that thry do remarkably well at animating environments, characters, and worlds with tacked on cookie-cutter plots which is Illumination's bread and butter. Not only would their dpecific style run into problems with a Sonic film (namely, nonsense like "not being 'shonen' enough" or some such), but it would please nobody - the average person can find a dime-a-dozen movies with similar or better animation and diehard Sonic autists wouldn't tolerate anything below Night of the Werehog tier animation for a film. That, and the Mario series already has more developed character identities for most of its supporting cast and more consistent lore than Sonic ever has because that stuff was allowed for them, unlike Sonic - it's the bare minimum, but it's better than literally nothing. The Mario movie's success literally comes down to having more global brand appeal than Sonic does, and certainly doesn't come from the myriad references that nobody but Nintendo fans will get or being more "game accurate".

              What you are asking of Sonic - a total recreation of the games - isn't at all possible in a film medium. In a long-form animated series with little to no restrictions? Maybe. But not a film.

        • 5 months ago

          >But theres still no music from the games
          What are you talking about anon? Both movies have Green Hill Zone music. That's all the fans want, right? There's also the music from the intro of Mania and like 3 seconds of the drowning theme in 2.

          • 5 months ago

            >like 3 seconds of the drowning theme in 2.
            Don't forget the fact that its barley audible

            >There's also the music from the intro of Mania
            When was this?

            This reminds me that the trailers for 2 had an orchestral arrangement of emerald hill zone. Why was that not in the movie? Is it easier to license shit like that for trailers than it is for the actual film? I gave the film a bit of lieutenancy for its lack of genesis music but its not like Dreams come true is impossible to work with, given the fact that both films have GHZ

            • 5 months ago

              >This reminds me that the trailers for 2 had an orchestral arrangement of emerald hill zone. Why was that not in the movie?
              My guess is that it was
              >Uhmmm, we need music that people will recognize
              >Uhmmm, my ~~*music artists*~~ need more royalties

    • 5 months ago

      Really? I felt that way about the first movie but I thought the second one felt enough like Sonic.

    • 5 months ago

      >We get some scene of Tom getting his girl pregnant which causes some drama
      I can already see it, and I'm scared.

    • 5 months ago

      Mario Movie was references galore it even had stuff like NES Classics along with Punch Out, DK Arcade, F-Zero and even Mario playing Kid Icarus

      And I love both movies.

      • 5 months ago

        The frick more do people want from a Mario movie? Like yeah, Mario's motivations were pretty lazy, but its goddamn basic plot of the game. The fact that were even allowed to do an origin story is more story than any of the games.
        And no, the fricking storybook in Galaxy does not count.

        • 5 months ago

          duh, how about introducing the rest of the cast, wario yoshi daisy? and yes rosalina, a mario galaxy movie would be incredible. They could also adapt super star saga or mario rpg, or luigi's mansion.
          Is not hard to come up with a decent sequel.

    • 5 months ago

      The Mario movie was so fricking safe that I can't even say much about it - it looks pretty and that's it. It's a Nintendo love letter and made more money, and if that's all you care about then it's fine.

      • 5 months ago

        Why do people cry about this "safe" meme so much? Do you want another Mario 1993, or another movie that has dick-all to do with the games?

    • 5 months ago

      The Mario movie was bad though. Breakneck ADHD pacing with no real character development and teeming with nostalgic memberberry bullshit. I have no desire to see the sequel in theaters because of it, but I'll probably give the third Sonic movie a matinee viewing a few weeks after its initial release.

    • 5 months ago

      I fricking hated the Mario movie with a passion, Sonic Movie 2 was fricking amazing.

    • 5 months ago

      The Mario movie was ass

  16. 5 months ago


    Johnny worked with a fan to make a new Shadow theme.

    • 5 months ago

      Fricking sucks.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            They shouldn't have cut this as the final boss theme

            • 5 months ago

              It just goes to show how cursed the entire project was where the developers lost track of artists for the music of their own game and couldn't include it lmao

    • 5 months ago

      Fricking sucks.

      Both are shit.

      This will always be Shadow's theme to me.

  17. 5 months ago

    I think they'll use Undefeatable, not Live and Learn

    • 5 months ago

      >Movie helmed by hardcore Shadow Chad
      >Using game music in Shadow movie that doesn't tie into Shadow.

      Paramount knows they'll be riots if they use any game song other then Live & Learn for this.

  18. 5 months ago

    you'll get shitty generic pop music and rap, and you'll enjoy it

    • 5 months ago
  19. 5 months ago

    >"Is that Sonic.EXE?"

  20. 5 months ago

    This sounds really stupid but i would honestly include the humans (at least his dad) in the film and i know the perfect way to do it
    Toms dad is the one who shot Maria, Shadow goes apeshit and tries to kill Sonics dad

    • 5 months ago

      Tom and Stone fist fight on the space colony will be cool.

    • 5 months ago

      why the frick would a cop from bumfrick nowhere have to shoot a little girl on a space colony

      • 5 months ago

        His grand dad did, he said in the first movie that someone in his family has been protecting the town for 50 years, too specific a number for this franchise. Grandpa shot Maria and PTSD caused him to retire to be a small town cop.

    • 5 months ago

      Sage is a so cute and underrated in Sonic Threads

    • 5 months ago

      Nah. If you really want to include them, have either Tom or his wife be the one who talks Shadow into stopping the ARK.

      • 5 months ago

        no cause they have to bring amy into the series

        so that job is her's

  21. 5 months ago

    Do we have confirmation if Jim Carrey is back as Eggman?

    • 5 months ago

      No word yet. Movie's filming now so maybe that will leak in a month.

      • 5 months ago

        I'd be fine with Agent Stone succeeding him as the new Dr Eggman, but not yet. If we're dealing with Shadow's story, then we still need the same Eggman as the previous movies for the connection with Gerald and Maria.

        • 5 months ago

          This, it's the one film you can't cut him from

          • 5 months ago

            Absolutely. Jim Carrey can retire after he's done with this one. Please.

  22. 5 months ago

    >Paramount TMNT and Sonic films
    >Crossover Film
    >Ralph & Knuckles

  23. 5 months ago

    Coming out at the end of this year, I'll be an old man by then.

  24. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      The only real Shadow theme is



  25. 5 months ago

    The only real Shadow theme is


    • 5 months ago

      The only real Shadow theme is

      • 5 months ago


  26. 5 months ago

    While the shadow posting good, thoughts on Shadow reloaded(STH Mod that reworks the game)?

    • 5 months ago

      Haven't played it but I did use the mod that cuts mission objectives to only needing 70ish percent which was a huge improvement.

    • 5 months ago

      What was the idea here? Having an edgelord version of sonic? What was Sega thinking of at the time?

      • 5 months ago

        Jak 2 was good, lets make that with sonic (actual reason)

  27. 5 months ago

    shadow is so fricking cool

  28. 5 months ago

    >the director of this movie is who we have to thank for the gif of Shadow wienering an SMG

    • 5 months ago

      Guaranteed weapons-grade POW-tested kino

  29. 5 months ago

    I hope that rumor about a Sonic & Shadow team up game ends up being true.

    • 5 months ago

      Made by who?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't know, but it was talked about last month.

        Off topic though. I saw some comic of Dark Sonic confronting Shadow. I was like hey that's cool. I check out other art from the artist... it's all Sonadow...

        • 5 months ago

          I can fix her.

    • 5 months ago

      i would be surprised if shadow isn't heavily involved in the next game, they're probably anticipating him becoming hugely popular again after this movie so they're probably already working on something

      • 5 months ago

        Hopefully we can get shadow kino again, it's been over 18 years of shadow slop

      • 5 months ago

        Shadow never stopped being popular, that's why he still gets as much merch as everyone else. The only reason he vanished after 06 was because of swarms of idiots saying Sonic's friends are the reason that game is shit and the games should be classic characters only.

  30. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      You're not even good enough to bI'LLMAKEYOUEATTHOSEWORDS

  31. 5 months ago

    I don’t know why, remade Movie Sonic looks fine to me but Shadow’s design feels really weird without the two pupil monoeye

    • 5 months ago

      There to cute. Conjoined eyes are edgier looking. The model at the end of movie 2 was just a placeholder though. I hope he has a more obvious patch of white fur in the middle of his eyes to give off the illusion of a mono eye

    • 5 months ago

      It's not final, Tails looked off too

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          >Super Mario Movie 2 after-credits
          >"my god... Project Wario"

          >well-endowed kemoshota SEXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    • 5 months ago

      Both Jeff Fowler and Tyson Heese admitted that model is a hastily resprayed Sonic and he'll get a real model for 3.


      See, the new design has clasps on the inhibitor rings for the inevitable scene where Sonic thinks Shadow will be a easy 3v1 only to get his shit stomped after they come off.

  32. 5 months ago


  33. 5 months ago

    Why does everyone but the hedgehogs look decent in this? Sonic's redesign is certainly better than the first one but he still looks weird.

  34. 5 months ago

    >Aoi Yuuki thinks Shadow is sexy
    Will she watch Sonic 3? She voices Sticks in the Japanese version by the way.

    • 5 months ago

      Who doesn't? Even lesbians admit Shadow is hot.

  35. 5 months ago

    One day Mickey Mouse will genuinely say "Stopza!" in a movie and on that day we will have reached the promised land.

    • 5 months ago

      We will go beyond that! He'll go "Ultima!"

    • 5 months ago

      I do think I'd genuinely soiface if I saw this scene with a CG film quality budget.

    • 5 months ago

      More like Slopza!

  36. 5 months ago

    >It's just 3 horus of NON STOP Big the Cat autistic fishing KINO


    • 5 months ago

      He was supposed to cameo in 2 as a skeleton. I don't know if that means the film makers don't like him or if he's a lock for a cameo in 3.

      • 5 months ago

        Big has more mandates than even Shadow, going by what the Boom writers had said. Getting him in would have been obnoxiously difficult and they wouldn't have been able to do much with him if they had. Even in Prime, he's mostly just there to fill space.

    • 5 months ago

      Soon my fellow Big Chad, soon.

  37. 5 months ago
  38. 5 months ago


  39. 5 months ago

    Predict the Post-credits scene.
    >GUN holding the Scepter of Darkness

    • 5 months ago

      Pic related

      >Shadow falls to Earth
      *credits role*
      >3 months later
      >It shows him asleep in a base
      >Deeper into the base are a bunch of Shadow Androids

      Nah, army of robots are boring cliff hanger, Metal Sonic at best.

      • 5 months ago

        This is what I was thinking. A Silver tease seems the most like, and knowing Flynn, Silver will be Shadow's descendant to complete the Goku-Vegeta-Trunks (or the Dante-Vergil-Nero) thing.

        • 5 months ago

          Flynn has nothing to do with the movies beyond being a lore consultant at best. Sega can mandate a few rules like the director confirming in the commentary track that Sega has banned Sonic from having a back story, (thus adopted by a different species) but Paramount controls the bulk of it.

      • 5 months ago

        Hmm, who should play Elise?

        • 5 months ago

          Elise might get dropped as a character entirely.

          • 5 months ago

            I mainly said that as a joke. No way are they using Elise.

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago


          turns out amy was a runaway princess from another kingdom

      • 5 months ago

        >Metal Sonic
        We'd need Eggman for that and we don't know 100% as to what's the go there. Unless they have Agent Stone try and make him.

    • 5 months ago

      We need ShTH first so Shadow's 06 arc of being good even if he's feared or doubted makes sense

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This based homie shows up. Setting up the heroes stuff and team dark into the movies

      Would be based beyond belief

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Sonic.EXE cartridge delivered to the human guy Sonic's friend with.

  40. 5 months ago

    >Shadow falls to Earth
    *credits role*
    >3 months later
    >It shows him asleep in a base
    >Deeper into the base are a bunch of Shadow Androids

    • 5 months ago

      >Deeper into the base are a bunch of Shadow Androids
      I was going to talk shit about how much of a stupid idea this is but then I remembered this is what Heroes did. I hope they never make a movie based on it.

  41. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      One of the extremely few "speedster runs on water" scenes where it accurately portrays that the sea isn't flat and has violent waves that can make it hard to run.

  42. 5 months ago

    AMY WHEN!???

    • 5 months ago

      We're fighting tooth and nail for bat cleavage and you're still stuck on that bubblegum b***h?

      • 5 months ago

        >bubblegum b***h
        Fricking RUDE of you.

        In the trailer come May or so.

        You really think it'd be that early? I'd honestly wager the trailer would be more around the August-ish time period.

    • 5 months ago

      In the trailer come May or so.

    • 5 months ago

      You know what'll probably happen? There'll probably be some miscellaneous quick shots/flashbacks of adventures with Sonic thwarting villainous plans, Stone or Eggman(if Carey reprises) will show up with Metal Sonic trying to get revenge, Amy shows up and gets kidnapped, Metal is easily thwarted, and when Stone/Eggman see this they'll look for a BETTER alternative and stumble upon Shadow's data.
      This'll be the first 20-30 minutes of the movie.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't really care for Amy or Rogue but both are pretty critical to Shadow's character development in SA2 so I hope they're both in.

  43. 5 months ago

    >hehe, whats the matter shadow, was hot topic closed?
    >shouldnt you be trying to get my chemical romance tickets right now
    >whoa dont cut yourself on that edge man

    remind me why i should be excited for this slop again? im a turbo SA2 autist and i thought the second movie was even more unwatchable than the first

    • 5 months ago

      If Sonic actualy said shit about KMFDM and Hot topic or something to shadow that would be based. Instead hes gonna call him Eddie Brock
      Out of curiosity, why was the second movie worse to you? For me its the opposite

      • 5 months ago

        the first movie felt different enough that even though i didn't like it i thought it was cute enough and could see it being enjoyable if i was a kid and not obsessed with sonic. the second had more sonic content but without any of the charm that I like the series for, when they introduced a more traditional sonic story it became more apparent that it lacked the attitude, the tryhard 90s cool stuff, shonen drama etc that i love the series for.

        it also didn't hit the "trying to adapt weird old 2d games with minimal story into a movie" vibe that the OVA or like the mario movie have which is at least unique and charming even when bad. the ova and the satam cartoon both have weird OC interpretations of the series and I liked them, this just doesn't do it for me.
        The humour also just didn't land for me, stuff like "donut lord" just feels like boring standard quirky kids movie writing. sonic calling a human guy dad also just feels like deviantart fanfiction to me.
        not a big fan of the live action sonic design either.

        also sick of every one of these animated movies having a scene where everyone dances, because dancing is funny i guess. it just feels lazy. oh the minions movie had a scene where everyone danced so we have to do that too, oh the mario movie had a scene where the bad guy sings which is funny cause he's the bad guy, lets do the exact same joke.

        • 5 months ago

          Understandable. For me it was always apparent that the movies lacked the true soul of what I enjoy the franchise for, and the humor and writing of both movies are on the same level, so movie 1 just ended up being more bland. Even if movie 2 was still just Sonic in name only, at least it had more of the name

          He recently destroyed a planet buster, i'm pretty sure Sonic is the definition of a natural ultimate life lifeform

          I hate Ian. The End should have been way more than a fricking planet buster that shit is small-time

          Sega has literally banned Sonic from having a backstory so I doubt they have anything internally. Wiether he was made in a lab, just happened to be born with the perfect genes, or is an avatar of a primordial God that simply appeared one day, we don't know and never will. Sonic doesn't give a shit how many prophecies call him a legendary being, he just sees himself as some guy who fricks with Eggman for fun.

          Shadows game Semi debunks Sonic being made in a lab, because of how it says that Gerald was unable to "complete" the project without the aid of black doom. I Enjoy that mandate because I prefer the theory that he just appeared one day as the ultimate life form

          Who says Gerald made the original Ultimate Lifeform in the first place? Isn’t it possible the original WAS natural and was simply being raised and experimented with on the ARK to cure Maria?

          Theres nothing to prove that, but nothing to DISPROVE that either.

        • 5 months ago

          >oh the mario movie had a scene where the bad guy sings which is funny cause he's the bad guy
          i bet this was because jack black would die if he can't be the center of attention doing his stupid singing gimmick

  44. 5 months ago

    The Mario and Sonic movies being liked on here proves most of this site is fine with slop as long as it features fanservice pandering garbage that appeals to their sensibilities.

    • 5 months ago

      The Mario movie was meh and that's coming from someone that buys every non-sport Mario game.

    • 5 months ago

      What can people like that wouldn’t be defined as slop by you?

  45. 5 months ago

    Sonic heroes
    Sonic heroes
    Give us a reason
    And we're on our way

    • 5 months ago

      Lancer: There they are!
      Gilgamesh: The mongrel's Servants!
      Archer: Leave them to me, Lancer!

  46. 5 months ago


  47. 5 months ago


  48. 5 months ago

    Rouge will either not be in it or her breasts will be nerfed so I do not care.

  49. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      shouldn't it be sonic disliking snake then, unless snakes VA hates his dad IRL?

      • 5 months ago

        They had issues IRL so Kojima forced them to meet for MGS4 to reconsile (Snake's VA's dad voices Big Boss) but it's purely "Snake is related to Eggman without knowing it so he instinctively hates Sonic".

    • 5 months ago

      shouldn't it be sonic disliking snake then, unless snakes VA hates his dad IRL?

      I don't think people in Japan care enough about the VA to notice this joke. I'd rather the joke just be about the food chain.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, VA are famous in japan

        • 5 months ago

          >VA are famous in japan
          and not by choice. VA work pays peanuts for most people, so they have make do as idols or find another occupation on the side.

          • 5 months ago

            The point is that in Japanese know the VA first and the characters second, so the joke about snake being eggmans kid is not lost on the average Japanese

  50. 5 months ago

    think they will reference Shadow using guns

    • 5 months ago

      They'll probably have him give em a try but find them junk compared to Chaos Spear.

      • 5 months ago

        Surge did that recently

  51. 5 months ago

    Hope they take inspiration from this and combine the three songs for the climax

  52. 5 months ago


  53. 5 months ago

    I don't get how this is supposed to make sense with the games plotline. I guess the story for the first two movies doesn't either so whatever.

  54. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Man, the Twilight guy sounds sexy.

  55. 5 months ago

    Who will be the "real baddie" of Sonic Movie 3 though?
    1 - Biolizard? Somehow I doubt Hollywood would agree to that.
    2 - Metal Sonic?
    3 - Mecha Sonic?
    Or something else entirely? Can't be fricking Perfect Chaos.

    • 5 months ago

      No idea beyond Bio-Lizard. Metal is a big fat jobber so Sonic and Shadow against him is an instant stomp.

    • 5 months ago

      It could be Gerald Robotnik assuming that Jim Carrey's Robotnik is actually dead

      • 5 months ago

        >Movie 3 only having Gerald Robotnik but no Ivo Robotnik
        Honestly I like the sound of that. Not a bad idea if Carrey really has retired.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe Brian Cranston can do it and they can justify it as him freezing himself as well.

    • 5 months ago

      Metal Sonic appearing in the movies is less "if" and more "when", so the odds of him appearing in Sonic 3 are extremely high.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't know. Would they really make a movie with two fake Sonics? Either Metal Sonic would be redundant or he'd steal focus from Shadow and ultimately neither would have a satisfying character arc.

        • 5 months ago

          I just don't see Metal because the OVA exists and Metal's just a goon now.

          Someone remind me how many endings Shadow the Hedgehog has.

          326 routes + last story.

        • 5 months ago

          If the chucklefricks at Hollywood can add Mechagodzilla to a film called "Godzilla vs. Kong", they sure as shit can make Metal the final boss in a Sonic vs. Shadow movie

          • 5 months ago

            Still say it should have been Bagan instead of Mechagodzilla, same with Godzilla x King and Skar King.

            • 5 months ago

              Bagan wasn't an option for the Monsterverse at the time of Godzilla VS Kong due to Toho being artistically restrictive of him. He's only recently debuted in something that isn't the old Super Godzilla game in Godziban.

              • 5 months ago

                And he got an animatronic/puppet for tours as well.

              • 5 months ago

                That too.

    • 5 months ago

      We either skip Adventure 1 and get Chaos or skip Heroes and get Metal Overlord

    • 5 months ago

      Shadow and we have an epic super sonic vs duper shadow fight that's essentially wizards fighting.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think we're getting Metal Sonic yet, we gotta take our break from Eggman or he'll feel like a gag slapstick Tom & Jerry antagonist too much.

    • 5 months ago

      It will probably be either their take on Chaos or Gerald hijacking the big bad role.

  56. 5 months ago

    All these silly people wanting Live and Learn, All Of Me, All Hail Shadow when we all know the REAL music that has to be in the movie or we riot....

  57. 5 months ago

    What was your reaction to playing LAST for the first time?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't remember, I was 8 and I repressed my childhood from memory.

    • 5 months ago

      The underwater shit with knuckles was really hard because I didn't get the underwater necklace thing.

    • 5 months ago

      Pic related.

      Up until the first movie released in 2018, I've only ever played Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, CD and Rush. But the 1st movie actually got me back into Sonic after years of not touching that franchise, and it made me play Adventure 1, Adventure 2 and Rush Adventure. I also played Heroes but never beat it (yet).

      The underwater shit with knuckles was really hard because I didn't get the underwater necklace thing.

      >I didn't get the underwater necklace thing.
      Same here, that shit made me want to pull my hair out especially since I have this policy of "no FAQs or guides for first playthroughs".

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I watched the Sonic X adaptation first, so not much

    • 5 months ago

      It was SOULful. It may have been cheesy and over the top, but it was a game made in 2000 for kids. It definitely felt like a proper ending to the game and it was hype as hell. But looking back on it, it makes me cringe a bit. I don't like the dialogue at all during the fight.

    • 5 months ago

      that's really fricked up
      also, frick the knuckles segment was kinda hard (didn't have the gills, some bubbles don't respawn)

  58. 5 months ago

    >I am on the cutting edge of Cumming and Getting
    What did Jimbotnik mean by this?

  59. 5 months ago

    Okay call it. Are we getting the original Shadow or the modern edgy one?

    • 5 months ago

      Original, director loves Shadow and the writer said he's mainly pulling from Adventure 2 and those two fixed Knuckle's.

      • 5 months ago

        >those two fixed Knuckle's.
        ...fixed Knuckle's what

        • 5 months ago

          Knuckle's is back to being tough and at worse, ignorant of modern society due to being raised on an island outside society instead of a brick brained moron.

        • 5 months ago

          Knuckle's is back to being tough and at worse, ignorant of modern society due to being raised on an island outside society instead of a brick brained moron.

          I think he was referring to your punctuation. It's <Knuckles'> not <Knuckle's>.

      • 5 months ago


        QRD on every scene from the Hero Side, Dark Side and Last story.

        >Eggman learns about a secret weapon and breaks into a facility to retrieve it.
        >Turns out the weapon is Shadow.
        >Shadow tells Eggman about the Space Colony ARK and to meet him there.
        >Rouge and Knuckles are fighting over the Master Emerald and it gets broken when Eggman shows up to try and take it for himself.
        >Eggman/Shadow/Rouge all team up and most of the plot is them trying to gather the chaos emeralds.
        >Eggman's motivation is word domination, Shadow wants revenge for his friend(Maria) getting murdered, Rouge is just a gem thief.
        >Eggman threatens the world with the planetbusting space cannon on the ARK which sparks the whole race for the Emeralds, etc.
        >The villain team essentially wins and the cannon is about to go off, but they're shown the manifesto of Gerald Robotnik who explains that GUN staged a coupe on the ARK which was a research facility, dedicated to finding a cure for a disease his daughter has, as well as other beneficial things for humanity.
        >GUN went up on the ARK in secret and killed everyone up there, Maria included, and it was covered up.
        >Shadow as the ultimate lifeform was an example of such progress as he's immortal or whatever.
        >Robotnik was forced to work for GUN, and Shadow was captured. But right before Robotnik died, he was able to brainwash Shadow, essentially programming him as this sleeper agent who will enact his doomsday revenge plot should he ever be woken up.
        >This is actually what Shadow did. Loading up the cannon with the Emeralds triggered Robotnik's trap of sending the ARK crashing to Earth to destroy humanity.
        >Everybody except for Shadow scambles to work together to try and counteract this plan. Que hero/villain alliance while Shadow just stands by a window and waits for it to happen.
        >Amy appears and actually makes a crucial contribution to the story by talking to Shadow about his motivation/revenge, and convinces him to help out.

        • 5 months ago

          >Shadow's memory gets unfricked by Amy, and he remembers that Maria didn't want him to get revenge, she wanted him to help humanity and make them happy.
          >The prototype of the ultimate lifeform is this gigantic lizard(Biolizard) which is guarding the Master Emerald on the ARK.
          >Shadow goes down to right/distract it so Knuckles(?) can get to the Emerald and stop the sequence.
          >The Biolizard, being the prototype of Shadow, uses Chaos Control to attach itself to the outside of the ARK to force it to crash into Earth as a last resort.
          >Sonic and Shadow go super and fight it until it gets too close to Earth, requiring them to use Chaos Control to put the ARK safely back into orbit.
          >Shadow's super form ends and he falls to Earth and the game ends.

          What was your reaction to playing LAST for the first time?

          Absolute kino.

        • 5 months ago

          Why was Amy on Prison Island?

          • 5 months ago

            She caught a ride with Tails.

            • 5 months ago

              Amy was already on the island before Tails saw her with Eggman

              • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            didnt she get shadow mixed up with sonic? maybe she followed him there?

    • 5 months ago

      Original, director loves Shadow and the writer said he's mainly pulling from Adventure 2 and those two fixed Knuckle's.

      QRD on every scene from the Hero Side, Dark Side and Last story.

  60. 5 months ago

    >Please! They're killing Maria!

    • 5 months ago

      Superman vs Batman is such an unintentionally hilarious movie in hindsight.

  61. 5 months ago

    Someone remind me how many endings Shadow the Hedgehog has.

  62. 5 months ago

    The only reason these shitty live action films keep making any money is because their associated with popular brands. Take that away and people would not give a single frick about the stories, acting, visuals ect. Its all because the consumers saw a familiar character in a trailer.

    • 5 months ago

      The first movie was entirely carried by Carrey though.

      • 5 months ago

        Jim Carrey is arguably a brand too

    • 5 months ago

      Congrats anon, you cracked the code

  63. 5 months ago

    >Space Colony Arc in December.
    I'm ready

  64. 5 months ago

    Silver in the 4th movie or we riot

  65. 5 months ago

    4th movie's plot leaked

    • 5 months ago

      I feel Sonic battle did a better job of continuing SA2's plot than Heroes did.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel Sonic battle did a better job of continuing SA2's plot than Heroes did.

      >I feel Sonic battle did a better job of continuing SA2's plot than Heroes did.


      • 5 months ago

        Sonic Battle adds some lore to Shadow's creation and rounds out his character arc. His story acts as kind of an epilogue to SA2.

        • 5 months ago

          How many games are connected to SA1 and SA2?

          • 5 months ago

            Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog.

          • 5 months ago

            Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog.

            And 06

  66. 5 months ago

    I really need Coldsteel in the next sequel

  67. 5 months ago

    I wonder how deep into this Sonic's role into the ultimate lifeform thing will go. chaos energy isn't entirely unique to him as knuckles has it. But gerald made Shadow into a hedgehog specifically. I hope they explain why movie gerald did that and where he even got the alien hedgehog dna from to even make shadow, along with the black doom dna he added too.

    • 5 months ago

      Hope they finally go with my shizo theory of Gerald making Shadow based on the mural in Angel Island

      • 5 months ago

        >your schizo theory

      • 5 months ago

        Would be cooler if he saw the hydrocity statues tbh. They actually look like Sonic. And who knows if the island is a thing in them. If it was, its not on earth probably. Most likely be another hidden owl place on the planet

      • 5 months ago

        its not schizo its canon

        • 5 months ago

          Where did they ever say he saw that mural?

          • 5 months ago

            an anon on this very same board told me about it, hes probably in this thread right now even

    • 5 months ago

      Why is Sonic's peel-out running just so cool?

    • 5 months ago

      Tails also has the weird trail of colored light behind him when he starts moving super fast, though he hasn't displayed the arcs of energy yet.

    • 5 months ago

      Would they even want to touch Black Doom? The Shadow game's story was such a mess that I don't know if they'd want to touch it. I could see Doom being the twist villain if Carrey is gone.

  68. 5 months ago

    post yfw they give shadow his own slow down time scene where he does cool shit to cool music

  69. 5 months ago

    >Make Shadow the Hedgehog movie.
    >All the edge is removed from it and they add Team Dark kino.
    >Completely redeeming what the game did.

    • 5 months ago

      >Sonic 1
      Sonic and Eggman
      >Sonic 2
      Tails and Knuckles
      >Sonic 3
      Shadow and Rouge

      Who will be in Sonic 4 and Sonic 5?

      • 5 months ago

        4 is Silver and Omega
        5 is Blaze and Marine

        • 5 months ago

          4 will be Silver and Blaze.

          • 5 months ago

            Stop pairing Silver and Blaze. c**t.

            • 5 months ago

              Dont let the shippers hear that

              I want Shadow to be as fricking angsty as it comes.
              His story is how he wants to burn the world for killing Maria, and he is fine being Gerald's tool for doing so. And it's not until he remembers her final wish that he decides that her will was more important than punishment

              I think its funny and cool both Sonic and Shadow this time around really are similar with their backstories. I hope they play into that

              • 5 months ago

                >I think its funny and cool both Sonic and Shadow this time around really are similar with their backstories. I hope they play into that
                If it involves even the slightest hint as to where Sonic came from, Sega will block it.

              • 5 months ago

                Well this is paramount who can have more of a say with things and a different universe so who knows. Either way I hope its done well

              • 5 months ago

                Jeff literally said in the 1st movie's director commentary Sonic had to be adopted by a different species because Sega doesn't want Sonic to have an origin story.

              • 5 months ago

                Sonic has an origin story, he was created by Doctor Kintobor

              • 5 months ago

                SoA bullshit that has been dropped.

              • 5 months ago

                any other big popular characters that don't have origin stories?

              • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >Sonic 4
        Amy and the Chaotix
        >Sonic 5
        Silver and Blaze
        Also Big will be there somewhere

    • 5 months ago

      The ending credits will be Doom's Eye having rescued Shadow instead of Eggman

      • 5 months ago

        >This is not your grave... but you are welcome in it.

    • 5 months ago

      What if Shadow gets a tv show like a Knuckles?

      • 5 months ago

        >Implying Jeff The Mad Lad Fowler won't adapt Shadow The Hedgehog into an apocalypse movie.

  70. 5 months ago

    Bring to me /sthg/'s strongest
    Bring to me /sthg/'s fastest
    and lastly Bring to me the /sthg/ user who is a licensed pilot
    I will end them here and now

  71. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              SIMPLE CURIOSITY
              TRY TO TAKE MY ENERGY
              LET ME SHOW YOU JUST

              • 5 months ago


  72. 5 months ago

    I wonder how team dark would even form in the movies if it happens. would olive garden guy make it a thing?

  73. 5 months ago

    >You are a watchful shadow over the world

  74. 5 months ago

    I want Shadow to be as fricking angsty as it comes.
    His story is how he wants to burn the world for killing Maria, and he is fine being Gerald's tool for doing so. And it's not until he remembers her final wish that he decides that her will was more important than punishment

  75. 5 months ago


  76. 5 months ago

    Does Blaze show up in Silver's movie or does she get her own?

    • 5 months ago

      Considering Blaze is Silver's sidekick I don't see why she wouldn't show up in the inevitable Sonic '06 movie.
      Also the final boss should've been Silver vs Mephiles, since he's the literal symbol of all of Silver's suffering. A full-on Trunks killing Future Cell moment.

    • 5 months ago

      she'll be paired with shitver unfortunely

      • 5 months ago

        >It's no use

        • 5 months ago

          lol. But seriously, would be terrible to see her first appearance in them with that rat instead of the better rush stuff

  77. 5 months ago

    >No Amy

    You would think they would want to add her for a girl power feminist icon

    • 5 months ago

      She'll be there, Sega's pushed her too hard these last few years.

      • 5 months ago

        I could see them merging Rouge and Amy roles in the story

        • 5 months ago

          Amy's entire role in this story is to remind Shadow of Maria's last wish.
          That could be accomplished by anyone.

        • 5 months ago

          Amy's entire role in this story is to remind Shadow of Maria's last wish.
          That could be accomplished by anyone.

          What were the themes, morals and messages of SA1, SA2 and 06?

    • 5 months ago

      Rouge is cooler

  78. 5 months ago

    Is the logo soul?

    • 5 months ago

      Pure Unadulterated Soul

    • 5 months ago

      It is now.

  79. 5 months ago

    But what is going to be the wedding scene of movie 3?
    How are they going to force the human characters into the story?

    • 5 months ago

      Probably the same way they did in Sonic X. With an added fight scene between Tom and someone.

  80. 5 months ago

    Just SA2?
    >Biolizard is lame.
    >Black Doom will be in Shadow's movie.
    Who the frick is the final boss?
    >Mecha Sonic? (both?)
    >Metal Sonic?
    >Fricking Chaos?

    • 5 months ago

      You don't understand SA2.
      Gerald is the antagonist, not some fricking lizard.
      He orchestrated the end of the world from beyond the grave by sealing Shadow away and manipulating his memories to compel him to destroy the world. Shadow is the villain right up to him activating the collision course with Earth, then Amy reminds him what Maria what really wanted, and then he stops it from happening.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah that's fine, pseud post me later.
        Who the frick is going to be the final boss as far as fighting goes?

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not pseud posting anything, this is literally the plot of the game, you dialogue skipping moron.
          The final boss is stopping the space colony from crashing into Earth since the Biolizard has been designed by Gerald to take over the space colony and kamikaze into earth. That's why it's the final boss, they have to kill it to take over the station again.

  81. 5 months ago

    >had a friend since middle school that was huge into Sonic and Shadow specifically
    >Hung out with him on and off for almost 15 years doing a lot of gaming and other stuff
    >Talked a bit less as we grew up but I still tried to stay in contact here and there
    >Last message I sent to him before he suddenly disappeared for good was me telling them I was gonna play the old Shadow the Hedgehog game that he loved
    >have no idea to this day why he ghosted me or where he went off to
    Wherever you are Connor, I miss you bro, and I'll be thinking of you when I watch Sonic 3.

    • 5 months ago

      >that was huge into Sonic and Shadow specifically

      Why is this so common? Why Sonic and Shadow?

      • 5 months ago

        What I mean is that he was part of the Sonic fandom, but his favorite character by far was Shadow.

  82. 5 months ago

    Amy should have been playable for one mission in the last part of SA2. A mission where she has to get to the room Shadow is in or something, since she's playable in the multiplayer.

  83. 5 months ago

    This scene is inevitable.

    • 5 months ago

      The boss fight would have been so much cooler without all the back and forth banter and eggman coming in on the radio(?) that they aren't holding or wearing an ear piece. Especially considering they are in the vacuum of space. Just music and explosion/laser sounds.

  84. 5 months ago

    Sonic fans have such shit taste. Only good thing about the movies was Jim Carey. These movies could've just been fully animated and cut out all the stupid human bullshit besides Eggman. The second they made it a cgi/live-action fish out of water story with real humans should've set off enough red flags, but no. We are stuck with this shit because Sonic fans are low, they would probably watch the Yogi Bear movie if it was repackaged as a Sonic spin-off of another character be none the wiser. The Mario movie sucked ass, but at least Nintendo has the common decency to not cheap out completely and have it fully animated.

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't just Sonic fans, no one has standards any more. All these stupid fricking video game movies, Dragon Ball, Pokémon... so much abject garbage that people lap up without a second thought.

    • 5 months ago

      >Only good thing about the movies was Jim Carey
      Way to expose yourself as the normie NPC Carey was hired to bring in, fool.

    • 5 months ago

      im a huge sonic fan and i thought the movies were unwatchable, especially the second.even live action could've worked if they cut out the shitty characters like donut lord and used the regular modern models instead of the weird furry sonic

  85. 5 months ago

    I dont think I can stand a third sonic movie. I have no idea why people enjoy them, the humans ruin everything to the point where its like a live action sonic x
    I cannot fricking wait for the scene where shadow decides to undo his actions and help the good guys, but instead of amy its the loud screaming black women who just blast into the room with some kind of forklift with a sci-fi weapon attached. and who can forget the dance scene?
    every kids movie needs a song and a dance scene

  86. 5 months ago


    >getting wienery after losing in the first place
    Fricking b***h, he'll regenerate and behead you.

  87. 5 months ago

    How the hell are they going to explain Gerald Robotnik creating something that looks exactly like Sonic? Is the Biolizard going to be in as well? Are we gonna see Black Doom giving Gerald some genetic samples of a being from Mobius?

  88. 5 months ago


    I like to think that maria raped shadow

    The Mario movie was so fricking safe that I can't even say much about it - it looks pretty and that's it. It's a Nintendo love letter and made more money, and if that's all you care about then it's fine.

    I would rather the sonic movie be safe "I CLAPPED WHEN I RECOGNIZED IT" than the generic snooze-fest it is now

    • 5 months ago

      >I would rather the sonic movie be safe "I CLAPPED WHEN I RECOGNIZED IT" than the generic snooze-fest it is now
      And it would fricking bomb and you'd never get another film again. You can only have your fricking notion of multiple Sonic films because Fowler and the rest of his team understand that nobody gives a shit about Sonic's poorly built world outside of diehard Sonic autists. A full Sonic film in the style of the Mario movie with the environments and references galore not only wouldn't take like the Mario movie did, it would probably bankrupt whoever tried it. You'd need an Avatar tier budget to even do it convincingly and nobody will approve that for fricking Sonic of all things.

    • 5 months ago

      >I would rather the sonic movie be safe "I CLAPPED WHEN I RECOGNIZED IT" than the generic snooze-fest it is now
      And it would fricking bomb and you'd never get another film again. You can only have your fricking notion of multiple Sonic films because Fowler and the rest of his team understand that nobody gives a shit about Sonic's poorly built world outside of diehard Sonic autists. A full Sonic film in the style of the Mario movie with the environments and references galore not only wouldn't take like the Mario movie did, it would probably bankrupt whoever tried it. You'd need an Avatar tier budget to even do it convincingly and nobody will approve that for fricking Sonic of all things.

      That and,Game Sonic's world does not work and can never work in a film. Even ignoring the budgetary constraints that would occur trying to put even half the locations in the games into the films, there is no actual world or background they can develop for the setting that would in any way entice people. Opening with Sonic fighting Eggman and nothing else would lead to an empty theater and reviews bombing the shit out of the movie - people would not care. And trying to do even bare minimum set-up would piss off game autists. Sega hasn't provided shit to even give people a baseline to work off of if you want a 1:1 recreation of the games and what little they have given is either completely contradictory and lacks internal consistency or gets retconned whenever some bored senior executive decides to change it.

      Sonic as a film can literally only work in the Sonic X format of them being stranded on Earth, with the introduction of game elements being gradual over time. Trying to dive headfirst into the wider Sonic stuff will always fail because there is no hook to entice people and we are well past the era where Sonic media had enough good will to coast-by on simple word of mouth alone.

      • 5 months ago

        Not the anon your replying to, but Sonic's world can work - just not for movies. It's a perfect fit for series though, and has shown success numerous times in the past.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't get how people can say stuff like this, and have always said stuff like this, when the criticism of anything trying to adapt Sonic to TV and Film were that they weren't enough like the games. I don't think anyone watched Sonic X for Chris, and I doubt anyone went to the movies for the humans in the Sonic movies.
        Personally, I think that the Sonic Adventure games could absolutely be adapted into movies with minimal changes, but it's just a case of budget for CGI these days.
        Anyway, as for this movie's big bad, I imagine Black Doom/Black Arms aliens are going to appear and chuck their comet at the earth, which will kinda take the place of the space colony doing the same at the end of SA2. I don't expect anything after the third movie, given most movie franchises seem to peter out by the third, and then go straight to streaming/home release if they carry on after a third, along with a noticeable drop in quality. I imagine the director must know that, and would therefore want to put everything he can into this last Sonic movie.

        • 5 months ago

          >I don't get how people can say stuff like this, and have always said stuff like this, when the criticism of anything trying to adapt Sonic to TV and Film were that they weren't enough like the games.
          And the can't be like the games because nobody cares about the games' 'setting' enough to do so.

          > I don't think anyone watched Sonic X for Chris
          Most people didn't watch Sonic X, even in the West.

          >and I doubt anyone went to the movies for the humans in the Sonic movies.
          Almost all of the non-diehard autists actually enjoy the humans in the movies. This is just about the only place that endlessly b***hes about them.

          >Anyway, as for this movie's big bad, I imagine Black Doom/Black Arms aliens are going to appear and chuck their comet at the earth, which will kinda take the place of the space colony doing the same at the end of SA2. I don't expect anything after the third movie, given most movie franchises seem to peter out by the third, and then go straight to streaming/home release if they carry on after a third, along with a noticeable drop in quality. I imagine the director must know that, and would therefore want to put everything he can into this last Sonic movie.
          Jeff Fowler absolutely won't toss in the Black Arms into the third film and I have no idea why that would be your first thought. It will lost likely be Chaos or the Biolizard.

  89. 5 months ago

    >Sonic and Shadow have their climactic fight outside the ARK
    >both are worn out, winded, and near collapse
    >a shadow falls over them and the station
    >they look up
    >cut to the sun being eclipsed, revealing this

    How would you feel?

    • 5 months ago

      Not going to work outside of a big culmination big bad across multiple films. It would be blowing their load too early.

  90. 5 months ago

    My sources tell me it's going to be Kevin Hart. Do with that info as you will.

    • 5 months ago

      Probably for motion capture reasons

    • 5 months ago

      Meant for

      God, i really hope the voice actor for shadow in this movie is Keanu Reeves

  91. 5 months ago

    >Metal Sonic appears
    >this starts playing

  92. 5 months ago

    So they're going to combine Perfect Chaos and the Biolizard into the same entity, right? This story is going to be SA1 and SA2 combined.

    • 5 months ago

      God I fricking hope not
      I'm praying that the Knuckles TV show will be an adaptation of Adventure 1, but i doubt it.

  93. 5 months ago


    >Check the artist
    >He has a fetish for super heroines murdering male heroes with their boobs and asses
    Why can't they draw stuff like that as a joke?

  94. 5 months ago

    This movie is going to flop. Imagine not going with Sonic’s best rival.

    • 5 months ago

      Shadow is the most popular character in the entire franchise. Using Metal over him is financial suicide.

    • 5 months ago

      You already got a movie. Don't be greedy

  95. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      LOL how do you know what Sonic.exe is but not Shadow?

      • 5 months ago

        Gen Alpha grew up with tablets and youtube as a babysitter. Makiplier and bam.

  96. 5 months ago

    Bros, realistically, how will they handle Rouge? Do you think she will have full booba, will they be heavily deflated, or no cleavage at all? Will they just cover her in fur so she fits in with the others better? unfortunatley, i think that's the most likely

    • 5 months ago

      Rouge will most likely appear in the Knuckles series first.

      They have no real reason to deflate them, but if you're watching these movies to goon, you'll probably be disappointed anyway.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm more so wondering how Rouge would be explained in the movie. All the furries so far have been aliens but by SA2, they were supposed to be coexisting with humans. I love the idea of the US government trying to recruit a super animal like Sonic and going with the one that had the fattest breasts.

  97. 5 months ago


  98. 5 months ago

    >most of the thread is a moron failing to understand why this multimedia franchise has different versions of the character
    >endlessly praises the games which have been terrible for fricking decades and are only just now redeeming themselves
    Yep. It's a Sonic thread all right.

  99. 5 months ago

    Cast Maria

    • 5 months ago

      Chloe Moretz

    • 5 months ago

      >cute teenage blonde white girl
      Not happening.

    • 5 months ago

      what the frick is wrong with human girls in sonic verse, they seem to have an affinity for the 'hog

      • 5 months ago

        >Implying its just in sonics verse

        • 5 months ago

          Me? Far left

          • 5 months ago

            Send me your contact information

      • 5 months ago
  100. 5 months ago

    >grown men are unironically excited for blue rat pedo movie
    it's beyond pathetic

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, b***h boy

  101. 5 months ago

    Post some cringy edge 2000's kino

  102. 5 months ago

    big fat bat tats or we riot

  103. 5 months ago

    Female spinoff when?

  104. 5 months ago
  105. 5 months ago

    I never realized Shadow has old man eyebrows

    • 5 months ago

      It's literally a re-sprayed Sonic. Wait for the 3 model before thinking that.

      • 5 months ago

        Fair enough, but then I will say Shadow as he appears in 2 has old man eyebrows.

  106. 5 months ago


  107. 5 months ago

    >shadow when he sees sonic "extended family"

  108. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


  109. 5 months ago

    >first film: Sonic 1
    >second film: Sonic 2/3 and Knuckles
    >third film: Adventure 2/Shadow the Hedgehog(apparently)
    what would even be done for a fourth film? I feel like Perfect Chaos would be a better fit for that Knuckles TV show(that was supposed to come out last year, has it been cancelled?)

  110. 5 months ago

    Maybe the movie will solve the jet shoes argument by having Sonic disable them only for Shadow to reveal they're powered by his Chaos Energy so slowing him down only increases his physical strength. Would tie in nicely to 06 slowing him down in place of more combat powers.

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