New WoW expansion leaked

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    dead game

  2. 12 months ago

    Looks like K'aresh as predicted.
    But I honestly don't care anymore.

    I...I'm finally free.

    • 12 months ago

      I walked into the maze of my own volition 6 months ago after not playing for over 10 years

    • 12 months ago

      How can a place look like something you've never seen?

      • 12 months ago

        Because it has an ethereal in one of the shots, it's obviously not Azeroth and it's been foreshadowed for 3 expansions.
        I hate that I know this.

        • 12 months ago

          >it's been foreshadowed for 3 expansions.
          Now you're just making shit up lol

          • 12 months ago

            Forgot the whole Alleria chapter on Argus at the end of Legion and building up the Void Lords as the big bad behind the Old Gods?
            Xal'atath in BfA?

            • 12 months ago

              What's that have to do with K'aresh?

              • 12 months ago

                So you did forget the whole Alleria chapter on the existence of Void Elves?

            • 12 months ago

              >space-faring ghost nomads exist
              >the void exists
              >this foreshadows that we're going to a planet that's entire canon boils down to "has 2 suns" and "was scoured of all life except for the people inside a small handful of warded cities"

              • 12 months ago

                Also don't forget planet got shat on by some trash mob 3-4 people in green equip can beat.

              • 12 months ago

                >"was scoured of all life except for the people inside a small handful of warded cities"
                and will somehow be full of hundreds of quest mobs and dungeon trash and raid bosses

    • 12 months ago

      >another shitty planet with 5 zones and everything else is completely irrelevant
      this is why retail sucks and will never recover

    • 12 months ago

      congrats, anon. I'm hoping my brothers can break free soon.

      Ethereal home world that was partially consumed by the Void.

      I've always liked ethereals, but there's no way I'm ever coming back to WoW at this point.

    • 12 months ago

      what took you guys so long? wod was the one that set me free

      • 12 months ago

        WoD almost did too. But then in legion I had fun again and then with BfA I thought it was going to be the "good expansion bad expansion" cycle.

    • 12 months ago

      it's all so bland, every zone looks like 5 or 6 other zones i've already seen before

  3. 12 months ago

    It's dead, Jim.

  4. 12 months ago

    did dragonflight end already? who was the final boss?

    • 12 months ago

      It's ending next year. WoW's next expansion is being announced soon though.

    • 12 months ago

      They started doing roadmaps of future content early into Dragonflight, with smaller content releases every 2-3 months to fill in the gaps around the big patches. They've held to their schedule so far, and the current roadmap goes out to 10.2 releasing at "Winter."

      Of the four big elemental dragons, we kill the air one at the end of 10.0's raid, just after she frees her kin. The fire one absorbs Deathwing's corrupting flames from a stockpile deep underground, kills a bunch of friendly moles, and fricks off while we raid Deathwing's underground lab. The earth one is going to do a bunch of time bullshit in the megadungeon in the next patch (but the Adventure Guide description already says he survives the fight there); reasonable theories point to his goal being to resurrect Galakrond, rip Galakrond from the past before he died, or learn the secret of Galakrond's power (cannibalism) and using it himself. Ice b***h has done absolutely nothing yet. So, all three are prime candidates for an end-of-expansion boss.

  5. 12 months ago

    >more black green demon shit
    Who actually enjoys this aesthetic

  6. 12 months ago

    What is K’aresh, I don’t remember

    • 12 months ago

      Ethereal home world that was partially consumed by the Void.

      • 12 months ago


  7. 12 months ago

    Why does this game look so shit now, legion and BFA had some amazing looking environments, then it's like they started using some different lighting engine or something, everything looks so cheap from Shadowlands onwards

  8. 12 months ago

    who fricking cares, Dragonflight is a massive flop and im pretty sure they are going to WoD its 10.3 patch and finish the fricker early. the game needs a reboot to bring in new players and desperately upgrade its engine, not just for coomers but for everything

  9. 12 months ago

    dont care

  10. 12 months ago

    Is there more than just the images, did the leaker say anything about the premise of the expansion?

  11. 12 months ago

    tell me again why people care about wow lore post wrath of the lich king and why people care about wow gameplay systems in 2023 when its fomo hamster wheel as frick.

  12. 12 months ago

    >new zones!
    >new dungeons!
    >new enemies!
    >new raids!
    >new mounts!
    they just do the same thing every time over and over, they are incapable of innovation

    • 12 months ago

      You'd b***h if they didn't add those things

      • 12 months ago

        I think he's saying just that alone is insufficient, it's the bare minimum to even be considered an expansion.

      • 12 months ago

        I haven't played in years, it's just obvious to any outsider looking in that they're just going through the motions, making a barely serviceable product to rake in money from the people that buy every expansion to play for 2 months then quit every 2 years.

        What they should have done is around the time of mists of pandaria is make a second dev team and start work on a massive overhaul of the game, I don't mean like cataclysm, I mean like making a game of the scale of the original classic WoW while the first team kept making expansions, then after 5-6 years of development, drop the new thing they've been cooking up that's more than 5 questing zones 8 dungeons and 3 raids. It's too late now though, this game will never have a resurgence and it's because the people making it just don't care, they're OK with just making the same old safe shit over and over again to sell to an ever dwindling playerbase. If they ever make an effort to make it a real MMO and not a game where all the content is in instances like they've done for the past 15 years maybe they'll have my attention.

        • 12 months ago

          >What they should have done is around the time of mists of pandaria is make a second dev team and start work on a massive overhaul of the game, I don't mean like cataclysm, I mean like making a game of the scale of the original classic WoW while the first team kept making expansions, then after 5-6 years of development, drop the new thing they've been cooking up that's more than 5 questing zones 8 dungeons and 3 raids.
          They tried that and got Overwatch as their end product.

          • 12 months ago

            why couldn't we just get another actual mmo? everybody wanted World of Starcraft and they frickin' blew it

            • 12 months ago

              because the actual talent that built the original world of warcraft has long since scattered to the winds and what is left at modern blizzard are fresh college grads that can't tie their own shoes unsupervised

        • 12 months ago

          Vanilla wow had less than 8 endgame dungeons and its raids had the depth of a puddle
          Why the frick you anyone want just more terrible fetch quests in throwaway content when we could instead have actual endgame?

          • 12 months ago

            you are the cancer that killed the game, this game was at its peak when the endgame represented a much smaller percentage of the total play time. See what happened is because the game got massive it drew in a bunch of people who don't even like RPGs, they just want to do group simon says puzzles (modern wow bosses) over and over, and since this is the easiest content to provide blizzard leaned in and just starting focusing totally on that when the average player actually does not like engaging with that type of stuff other than checking it out once or twice. Vanilla isn't about the endgame, it's about playing an actual mmo RPG where you level up, unlock spells, make the character you want, get better gear, make friends doing things you can't do on your own, explore the game world and then at the end of it all you can do some end game if you really want to keep playing. WoW since like, cataclysm has been all about rushing to the max level (the devs also know this which is why going from the starting level of an expansion to the max level of an expansion takes about 10-15 gameplay hours) to get to the boring end game and then stop playing after a few months. If they made the leveling process long, you would have your type of player complaining that it's boring because they're not doing simon says with a boss, blizzard listening to players like you who don't like rpgs yet are playing an mmorpg unironically killed the game and I think it's hilarious. Now the only people playing it are players who are just there for more simon says boss fights and the game has lost any sort of mass-appeal it used to have.

            • 12 months ago

              Endgame was ALWAYS the vast majority of your playtime
              If you took 9 months to level in vanilla you still spent more time at cap
              And for people who actually played the game instead of idling in a 3d chat room you hit cap even faster
              Exploration was worthless in vanilla, you couldn't even try to fight off higher level mobs and stepping into a zone with skull mobs was just a death sentence with no payoff
              It wasn't an RPG. You have near 0 agency or influence in the world
              WoW never had sustained mass appeal. Even at its height it was just a revolving door of new players joining and quitting, the devs were very clear that the majority of accounts never even hit cap. The players were getting bored and quitting during the dogshit leveling phase

              • 12 months ago

                average player back then:
                >wow this game is some fun escapism, I can run around level a character do some leveling dungeons make friends level up trading skills etc
                >puts however many hours into the game
                >all right that was fun but time to move on and do other things with my life, might come back and play it later if I feel like it

                then and now endgame obsessed players:
                >wow this game desperately fills a hole in my life
                >I am going to pour my entire being into this game and play it every hour I'm able to
                >3 months later
                >blizzard acquiesces
                >the never ending loop of dungeons raids mythic plus mount cheevos continues

                average new player 5 years ago:
                >This game is kind of a mess, the leveling sucks because you blaze through levels at an insane pace and everyone is already max level so the entire leveling portion of the game is garbage
                >I can boost to max level? All right, this game is all about the end game right? Might as well do it and start having fun
                >What do you mean the only thing to do is these same 8 dungeons and a raid? And you're telling me if I want to play the real version that isn't just going afk for 10 minutes I need to commit to a schedule? No thanks

                New player now:
                lmao there aren't any, enjoy your simon says simulator wowbucks, maintenance mode within 2 years.

              • 12 months ago

                Thanks for admitting vanilla had no content or staying power
                Not sure what the rest of your cope is about, some people actually want to play the game, which is why it gets real content now

              • 12 months ago

                I played vanilla through the whole thing. They added fun things like new leveling zones/dungeons making creating alts actually fun, plus they added a new BG and it was actually rewarding to do BGs since you could get an epic mount just from playing them. They don't even bother to add BGs anymore. I didn't even touch a raid in vanilla WoW, and found it very fun.

              • 12 months ago

                There was not a single new leveling zone added in vanilla, there wasn't a single post launch zone period.
                Nice try just making things up moron

              • 12 months ago

                They added many new quests to desolace when they released mara making is actually useful to go to. Also silithus was empty on release and was added at the end which was very good for leveling the last few levels.

              • 12 months ago

                dire maul is post-launch

                they did it with winterspring too right? well, that's your rotten brain on nu-wow, the guy

                There was not a single new leveling zone added in vanilla, there wasn't a single post launch zone period.
                Nice try just making things up moron

                is totally clueless but speaking as if he has total authority and knows everything. I suppose this is what happens when your pour yourself into a soulless game, you become soulless and brainless as a result

              • 12 months ago

                dire maul is post-launch

              • 12 months ago

                And is a dungeon, not a zone

                they did it with winterspring too right? well, that's your rotten brain on nu-wow, the guy [...] is totally clueless but speaking as if he has total authority and knows everything. I suppose this is what happens when your pour yourself into a soulless game, you become soulless and brainless as a result

                And I do know everything, because so far you morons have named a dungeon and multiple zones that were in at launch
                The first time WoW got a patch zone was IoQD in TBC

              • 12 months ago

                a dungeon is a type of zone you mongoloid

              • 12 months ago

                I did not admit to that, vanilla/bc/wrath had way more staying power than anything that came after it. Objectively. Go look at the graph of player count through time, it grew every month during vanilla as well as BC, flatlined in wrath and has been going down ever since, up until it got so bad they just stopped giving the numbers out of shame. The reason for this is they decided to let the casual, rpg experience languish and die to focus on making more raids! more dungeons! 5 new zones! new mounts! to appeal to people who having nothing going on except WoW, which is why the game is dead. Every expansion after wrath has had this same trend: people give the game a chance on launch of an expansion, it pathetically fails to retain them because it only focuses on raid bosses, mass player drop off after a month or 2, the thing that is obvious is that less and less players come back every time. It's quite funny how wow went from being the biggest game in the west where even if you weren't a gamer you couldn't avoid it, to being something no one ever thinks about, with the average reaction to it being "that game's servers are still up?" "they're still making expansions for that game?"

              • 12 months ago

                Sub chart isn't proof of staying power you fricking tard
                What part of majority quit before even hitting cap isn't clear? The players WERE NOT STAYING
                WoW had over 100m accounts by the time MoP came and clearly never came anywhere near those numbers for retention. 80-90% of players never stuck with the game in the early expansions

              • 12 months ago

                it's not healthy to cope with your dead game by getting mad anon

              • 12 months ago

                classic has no staying power despite growing every month during its lifetime, having a thriving private server community (that blizzard was afraid of and shut down the biggest server at the time) and the playerbase successfully bullying blizzard into finally making classic servers after they adamantly said no for years compared to the new expansions that lose 75% of their players in 2 months and all the players that remain to the end are the same autists year after year.

                You will notice no one is asking for cataclysm, mop, warlords etc servers because nobody gives a shit about those games, literal 0 staying power, as you say.

              • 12 months ago

                10k Brazilians who can't afford a sub is not a community lmao
                There is literally a MoP Pserver up right now you moron, but unsurprisingly that's a bit too hard for 3rd world favela monkeys who worship vanilla

              • 12 months ago

                The private server community frequently asks for those servers, they just not very common because it takes a real fricking long time to develop one whereas open source vanilla/wrath servers are in such a good state any idiot can open his own server.

  13. 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    It's really telling of the state of Blizzard employee morale currently that we're getting fricking expansion leaks less than halfway the current one.

  15. 12 months ago

    >The entire expansion was the base expansion and 1/2 patches
    I will buy Warlords of Dreanor round 3 and clap until my palms bleed at the talking mouth youtubers who promise this will be the best expansion ever for real this time honest no lie totally true

    • 12 months ago

      I want to get in on the contracted shilling Blizz streamer grift. where do I begin?

      • 12 months ago

        Be trans or brown is a good start

  16. 12 months ago

    Nobody cares

  17. 12 months ago

    >Dragonflight is dead already
    So who's becoming gay?

  18. 12 months ago

    Still better than look DRAGONS you remember DRAGONS?! We might have gone over the story arc for each and one of them but here DRAGONS! on an formerly unknown ISLAND! Uh and also TITANS!

  19. 12 months ago

    Is everyone there gay too?

  20. 12 months ago

    is classic wow still more popular than retail servers? how do the devs live with themselves knowing that people are paying to play their not new content because it sucks.

    • 12 months ago

      Classic has never been close to beating retail lmao
      >it sucks
      You're trying to defend tank and spank dogshit, have a nice day

      • 12 months ago

        What the frick are you smoking? Maybe for a spike around new classic releases but otherwise retail is always way more populated.
        Well guess what, only people that don't really play mmos think it would be cool to grind the same old boring shit again instead of the new boring shit

        I remember seeing multiple images of the servers on Ganker for classic being more populated than retail like years after it came out

        • 12 months ago

          Imagine being such a dumb frick you think a screenshot of org is proof of player count
          Classic has no content so everyone just idles in cities

        • 12 months ago

          It spikes past retail whenever a new Classic comes out, but spikes downward just as hard after because none of the content lasts more than a month.

      • 12 months ago

        >tank and spank dogshit
        unironically better than the bloated raid bosses they put out in the last 4 expansions
        >okay guys so for this fight you're going to stand still up until you have to start spinning in place
        >after you have spun in place 4 tops, stop or else you wipe the raid
        >after that the boss is going to be dragged in circles around the room
        >don't forget that if you get marked with the debuff on phase 2 you have to keep spinning until you spun 6 times instead of 4 or this will wipe the raid
        >also the offtank needs to pull the adds to the other side of the room, then back to the boss in intermission phase then back to the other side of the room until the boss uses his ability then they have to be on top of the boss for the rest of the fight or it wipes the raid
        >don't forget to interrupt the adds except if they have the buff, if you do it wipes the raid
        >don't forget that on phase 2 we need 6 designated janitors that will run around picking up the corpses of the adds to toss in the garbage bin

        • 12 months ago

          >wahh wahh game too hard
          LFR is built for you, although that might still be too much

          • 12 months ago

            it's not hard, it's just not something that appeals to anyone other than actual autists, which is why the game is dead because really, this type of "gameplay" is the only thing they focused on for the last 10 years

            • 12 months ago

              I wasn't trying to make it complicated, I was making it moronic and tedious simon says shit which is what the game is. YOU think the fights in wow are complicated because you have 85iq, they're not, they're just bloated with a gorillion mechanics because this is like the 200th raid boss and there's only so much you can do with them without just making these bloated atrocities with a million little things you have to do or else you lose, also the fact that anyone in your group fricking up means you have to start over. Nobody actually enjoys playing this shit other than those who just eat up anything blizzard serves them because they sunk incomprehensible amounts of hours into the game and they can't imagine their life without playing it, and frankly, I don't think they even enjoy it, they just have nothing else.

              >i-its not hard
              Luckily this kind of cope has been completely blown out by classic
              The moment a SINGLE MECHANIC is added in T5 or Ulduar classicgays hit a brick wall and their guilds fall apart
              Anything but turreting is too hard for a classictard, which isn't surprising because you have to be extremely low IQ to tolerate tank and spank garbage to begin with

              • 12 months ago

                now you are coping, I never said classic wasn't easy, it obviously is. The "difficulty" in classic is the time investment. That is true, guess what, retail wow is still easy, and you're still a moron for thinking it isn't. Difficulty was never my point, the problem is the fights in retail aren't hard, they just suck. Having a million mechanics because blizzard just doesn't know how to design a boss does not appeal to anyone but literal autistic losers that would enjoy memorizing a dictionary. There is no execution requirement to anything in wow, it's all just about memorizing whatever move does what and what the devs want you to do about it, it's like taking school tests but for fun. This appeals to very little people, and to those it might appeal, they will just play chess or engage in an intellectual career, hence your dead game

          • 12 months ago

            Now clear mythic without WA. Heck, do M+20 without it.

            • 12 months ago

              Imagine thinking clearing a 20 without addons isn't trivial

              • 12 months ago

                Ofcourse, ofcourse. But why do people throw a fit whenever you do your own route, despite timing it? Personally I don't use WA, but this doesn't meant that you and I aren't a minority. The vast majority plays with their bing bing WAhooo addon. Raids and dungeons are designed with WA in mind. Remove that addon and the amount of CE guilds will be reduced drastically.

              • 12 months ago

                WAs has nothing to do with routing
                People don't like sudden route changes because it fricks up their cooldown management. If I'm sitting on a 3 min CD and the tank keeps doing pussy pulls of course I'm going to be upset

              • 12 months ago

                Proving my point.

              • 12 months ago

                You're b***hing about addons when they have nothing to do with player routing in m+
                There is nothing in m+ you need an addon for.

              • 12 months ago

                They absolutely have. Go plan your 100.1% route without addons.

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like an easy and plain fight, you are so moronic you can't even make up complicated shit lmao.

          • 12 months ago

            I wasn't trying to make it complicated, I was making it moronic and tedious simon says shit which is what the game is. YOU think the fights in wow are complicated because you have 85iq, they're not, they're just bloated with a gorillion mechanics because this is like the 200th raid boss and there's only so much you can do with them without just making these bloated atrocities with a million little things you have to do or else you lose, also the fact that anyone in your group fricking up means you have to start over. Nobody actually enjoys playing this shit other than those who just eat up anything blizzard serves them because they sunk incomprehensible amounts of hours into the game and they can't imagine their life without playing it, and frankly, I don't think they even enjoy it, they just have nothing else.

    • 12 months ago

      What the frick are you smoking? Maybe for a spike around new classic releases but otherwise retail is always way more populated.
      Well guess what, only people that don't really play mmos think it would be cool to grind the same old boring shit again instead of the new boring shit

  21. 12 months ago

    Inspect the images closely, I'm pretty sure these are AI generated.

  22. 12 months ago

    >Yooooooooo is that like the avengers?!

  23. 12 months ago

    thats ai

  24. 12 months ago

    AI generated frick off delete this frick off moron + very low quality

  25. 12 months ago

    >Xisters, Xisters!
    >what if we released Legion... For the fifth time!?

  26. 12 months ago

    This is an imageboard, homosexual redditor.

  27. 12 months ago


  28. 12 months ago

    >everyone loves mage tower and wants more
    >uhhh best we can do is smaller raids and some old dungeons you can run over and over.. y--you guys liked Freehold, right?
    >oh and a new zone where you farm rares for shit gear, maybe 2 of them per tier if you're lucky!

    WoW is dead. M+ is exhausted and they have no new ideas.

    • 12 months ago

      yeah mythic plus was the only thing they invented in the last 15 years that had any appeal and they have been coasting on it ever since they came up with it. Any dev that may have had any passion about the game is long gone, it's all made by people who don't care who are just doing a job so blizzard can give you a product to purchase every 2 years. Totally soulless goyslop

      • 12 months ago

        I hate M+, but as long as the raids are fun I tolerate it. The Dragonflight raids have been terrible so far. They reduced the number of bosses, which would be alright if the boss quality went up, but the quality is also going down.

  29. 12 months ago

    Obvious AI slop is obvious

  30. 12 months ago

    >Want playable Nagas
    >Realize I would have to play a kusoge

  31. 12 months ago

    >dimwits can't recognize blatantly AI generated images when they see them
    This frightens me.

  32. 12 months ago

    token price is too much gold I will not may 400k gold to play the game, paying real life money for a video game sub is out of question
    if the game is free I would play wow without any shame, make it happen blizz

  33. 12 months ago

    >10+ scripts to load images
    anyone who uses imgur is a subhuman

  34. 12 months ago

    I had a feeling this looked too good for WoW, but oh well you got me for a minute OP.

  35. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      AI images.

  36. 12 months ago

    Just kill this dead horse already. This is disgusting what became of this dead horse. Its a rotting corpse filled with maggots that hardly even resembles the pozzed versions of the pozzed versions of WoW. This just looks like overall shit. Just shut this game down and move on.

    • 12 months ago

      Agreed that they should just stop, but they won't. They get free money every 2 years from putting out shitty expansion they put together in 5 months from the "people" who are going to be playing this game in the retirement home (which given the game's age, isn't that far off)

  37. 12 months ago

    Kek AI generated "leaks" are finally upon us

  38. 12 months ago

    is it!?

  39. 12 months ago

    already? didn't dragonflight release like a few months ago?
    either way who cares, modern wow is dead and blizz as a whole is going down the shitter the last few years

  40. 12 months ago

    disney trash

  41. 12 months ago

    Thank frick its fake, the very LAST thing wow needs is an expansion that's on another planet/world. In fact
    >have it in kalindor/eastern kingdoms again
    >give leveling that vanilla feel, like every level matters again
    >rework zones (good this time please)
    >expansion bad guy is just gallywix trying to make a quick buck but he's teamed up with venture co. and the amani troll remnants for green races kino
    there saved wow

    • 12 months ago

      >like every level matters again
      lol this concept is very outside of modern wow anon

    • 12 months ago

      >every level matters
      What does this buzzword nonsense even mean?
      You can power level through all of vanilla, how does it matter?

      • 12 months ago

        If I don't get to take a talent that gives me +1% damage from my filler spell when I hit level 37, levels are worthless.

  42. 12 months ago

    am i not still seeing ads for the current expansion? is it failing that badly already?

  43. 12 months ago

    You are the uplaoder?

  44. 12 months ago

    Still here, my friend?

  45. 12 months ago

    Blatant AI look at the feet on the characters saged

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