No way this a boy

No way this a boy

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    You're a boy

    • 3 months ago

      you wish gay

      • 3 months ago

        I am gay but I don't wish for that. You are a boy, just a 20-year old boy. All men are boys, but boys aren't men

        • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      cool it with the racism

  2. 3 months ago

    Supposed to be the pinnacle of androgynous

  3. 3 months ago

    not right now you don't

  4. 3 months ago

    >No way this a boy

    • 3 months ago

      kojangles created this guy based on bill clinton, didn't he?

    • 3 months ago

      >President thought Raiden was a female assassin sent to kill him
      >Grabs at their crotch as a final act of defiance
      I really don't get this part

  5. 3 months ago

    that's marika homie shes trans

  6. 3 months ago

    He won't be after I'm done

    • 3 months ago

      Total twink death.

      • 3 months ago

        *Total troon death

        Fix it for you.

      • 3 months ago

        >Total twink death.

        Don't worry. You don't need to call for it. It occurs naturally.

  7. 3 months ago


    You're a homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      not really. infact I explicitly don't consider myself one, because unfortunately I think my taste for this stuff is superficial too. I'm not sure I really like men. Which is part of the whole problem with this thing. It feels so weird. Like there's no basis to any of this depictions or expressions of gender. Sure, I can find a feminine femboy. But they will almost never look exactly like a woman but with "boy" slapped above their head. It's only once you get into trans territory, where some are mega try harding to look like women, and have godly genes, that "peak of androgyny" or whatever morons call miquella starts to become more of a reality.

      Then there's the other part of the equation. Where you can find enough men that will have legitimately girly faces. But their bodies are distinctly male. And it's like, I think if a lot of dudes on here were to actually see them naked irl, they wouldn't be able to go through with anything. It's a completely different experience seeing it in real life, than some anime drawing. Because no matter how many morons cope with "if you take care of your skin you'll be fine!" blah blah blah. Unless a femboy is actually doing women skin care routine, then it's simply a matter of genes. The more likely fact is that like every human being, they will have blemishes, and flaws, that once seen, will affirm that they're not this "draw girl but call boy" fantasy that everybody has been obsessed with recently.

      I'm not sure exactly what it is that makes me anxious. I don't care for any relationships, so I'm not trying to appeal to anyone physically, so my weirdly jutted out hip bones are just a weird thing I don't think about often. And I'm not an attentionprostitute, so I don't care for validation for my body.

      I think it's just the fact that... honestly I don't know.

      You guys can ignore this post. People don't tend to like such outspoken openness and honesty. I expect to just get called some name. Was just thinking out loud.

      • 3 months ago

        gay, just say you either like penis vegana or both

      • 3 months ago

        Anon, it's because you have 0 sex and 0 interactions with girls. Your mind is all fricked up and craves for love. At this point just embrace what you like.

        • 3 months ago

          >Anon, it's because you have 0 sex and 0 interactions with girls.

          Lol. You know nothing about me haha. Idk why Ganker always assumes. I'm more complicated than that. So that doesn't really help. I actually think the real answer is probably not having enough intimate experiences at a young age with guys.

          >At this point just embrace what you like.

          Doesn't really mean anything. Like the equivalent of telling somebody to "be yourself" I'm not against anything. I already know what I like, atleast superficially. I just have no experience to actually test that on and figure it out. Well I do have some experience...just not the right kind.

          • 3 months ago

            If I see a man inside a gay bar, I will assume he's gay. you're not fooling anyone

            • 3 months ago

              I'm not gay. That's the point. I don't know what the frick I am And maybe that's why this gender frickery makes me anxious? Because I can't tell what from what anymore, because everything has been so mixed together to the point of being nothingness?

              I'm sure it's easy for mindless morons that just happen to stumble upon the love of their life literally doing nothing but being some desperate attentionprostitute that some dude would want to pick up.

              At least, that's how it seems based on the gay stories I've heard on Ganker.

              • 3 months ago

                listen, bro, my gay ass reasoning/narrative is that I'm enacting my right as a roman citizen to plow pueri boypussy as I see fit, but if anon says "that's gay, you homo", I'm not gonna fight it, unlesss you're memeing it, stop dillydallying with your pretexts and shut the frick up, miquella is gonna sit on my face and give a footjob UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

              • 3 months ago

                I mean a genuine anxiety is something you can only understand if you've experienced it, so yeah, I didn't exactly expect the most riveting responses. Like I said. I was just thinking out loud. Most people don't seem to care and are already bought into the thing I was talking about. I guess it's different for me. Anyway I already said you guys can ignore me. Just a random thought spurred by seeing the simping of Miquella, even though we don't even know his face lol. I find that funny for some reason. Like it would be the funniest thing ever if he just ended up looking ugly, or distinctly male, and happened to just have long hair and such.

                But fromsoft aren't exactly deconstructionists, or even that interesting or creative in most of their designs anyway so Its just a thought. They literally gave breasts to that one dude from DS1, forgot his name. So lazy.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't know what the frick I am
                Suck that dick anon, I know that makes you hard

              • 3 months ago

                just say you like cute/feminine things and want to frick cute/feminine things. Also, there is a reason why they used to call them traps until troons took over.

              • 3 months ago

                boy am i glad i figured out i like girls and feminine guys when i was 14.

              • 3 months ago

                I have to remember sometimes that this is Ganker and most people here have never touched a woman or man, so anime girls and shotas are all they need for perspective.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not about what you "are", it's about what you "do". Homosexuality is a behavior like smoking cigarettes, even though you say that you "are" a smoker, it describes your future behavior, not your being. That's a linguistic confusion that is perhaps in all Latin languages.

                Simply do what is right, free will exists, consequences from prior behavior exists, one consequence of behavior is taste, you can't develop a taste for wine if you never drink it right? Well if you behave incorrectly you'll develop incorrect taste, an attachment to something incongruent with your being, like nicotine addiction, and then you'll mistake that thing that goes against your very being as your being! Ridiculous.

              • 3 months ago

                >Well if you behave incorrectly you'll develop incorrect taste, an attachment to something incongruent with your being, like nicotine addiction, and then you'll mistake that thing that goes against your very being as your being! Ridiculous.

                Interesting take but I think it's a bit more complicated than that. I think there are certain people that will NEVER get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, or weed simply tastes bad. Some people GENUINELY value taste more than the effect of something. The idea that you can develop "incorrect taste" then. Is wrong. Feelings and Desire are arbitrary anyway. You develop whatever tastes are appropriate for the type of person you are. If you're somebody that values numbing the pain, more than the nice taste of a drink. Then you'll drink alcohol.

                I've literally tried to drink alcohol. Literally unbearable. And I never felt anything. And I'm pretty small, body weight wise, so yeah.

                Atleast you gave a more interesting response beyond "lol just like cute and feminine things!" Sometimes it feels like there are no real human beings on Ganker. Just morons that are a makeup up of vague desires, feelings, and a certain culture.

                I'm not even sure how many of these dudes have even actually tried to test their sexuality on anything that isn't anime. Maybe it's because I actually have fricked both a man and woman (and disliked both experiences) that it's more complicated for me

              • 3 months ago

                >I think there are certain people that will NEVER get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, or weed simply tastes bad.
                #1 They don't develop the taste because they never let it develop in the first place by not consuming the thing, hence avoiding the consequences.
                #2 Alcohol, nicotine, weed, sex, all of those can be used as a form of self-medication, people start relying on those because they use those to keep ignore an underlying problem that will get worse with time, hence will make it harder to quit that self-medication. But if that problem suddenly disappear, they will find quitting those addictions much easier. There are people with no problems that sometimes smoke weed and then stop without trying, it's because they don't need it to fill a void.

                You can develop incorrect taste, what is wrong with you? Feelings and desires are not arbitrary. You can develop taste that is inappropriate, again, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE WORLD?

                Just remember the subtlety of these two facts: 1) Actions fully matter because of consequences. 2) Consequences are not fully deterministic.

                You fell into the common modern cultural atheist trap of thinking that everything is determined (free will doesn't exist) which is self-destructive and insane, it's mixing the past (nothing you can do about it) for the future (the minute details of it are not set).

                Here is something that is set in stone and pre-determined: Sex is sexual reproduction, you engaged in sexual activities disregarding that fact in both cases, maybe that's why you felt something off.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >#1 They don't develop the taste because they never let it develop in the first place by not consuming the thing, hence avoiding the consequences.

                No. I'm talking about somebody who tastes it, and doesn't like it. You can't just say "well they didn't develop a taste for shit because they simply haven't tasted it enough" No. That makes no sense and is circular reasoning.

                >#2 Alcohol, nicotine, weed, sex, all of those can be used as a form of self-medication, people start relying on those because they use those to keep ignore an underlying problem that will get worse with time, hence will make it harder to quit that self-medication. But if that problem suddenly disappear, they will find quitting those addictions much easier. There are people with no problems that sometimes smoke weed and then stop without trying, it's because they don't need it to fill a void.

                Sure. But we either have to accept that "taste" then doesn't mean anything, since sexuality can just as much be something to fill the void. Honestly some of the femboys obsession is much closer to fetish than sexuality. Which is honestly an interesting conversation in and of itself, but not one I expect to have any fun with on Ganker if you haven't seen the type of mindless morons that have been responding to me. It's just kinda boring. I don't know how to communicate to some people like that, what it means to doubt ones sexuality, but eh whatever. This is what it must have felt like to depressed people before it became popular to be depressed and all mental health positivity. Like every normal moron who lucked into non depression gets to go on with their shallow lives in ignorance.

                >You can develop incorrect taste, what is wrong with you?

                Prove it. I already gave one proof that counters your assertion.

                >Feelings and desires are not arbitrary.

                They are literally by definition arbitrary. Even twins, the closest things genetically and environmentally will have different desires and feelings.

              • 3 months ago

                >"well they didn't develop a taste for shit because they simply haven't tasted it enough"
                That is what happens though, why do kids like drinking soda? Because they are only allowed to drink on happy occasions like birthday parties since it's unhealthy, making them associate it with a pleasant time, shaping their taste thus. If you just drink neutrally once, you'll won't get as much chance to develop a taste for soda drinks.
                >Honestly some of the femboys obsession is much closer to fetish than sexuality.
                How can it not be a fetish? It has to be unreasonable obsession, hence it has to be a fetish.
                >what it means to doubt ones sexuality,
                It means internal conflict, a conflict with your own constructed reactions, as if you disliked the fact that you built the reaction to move your feet onto the brake pedal while driving if you see something jump off in front of your car. Or let's say in the case of video games, the fact that you press X to dodge in Nioh and then play the Witcher 3 and you have to press O instead, making you do the incorrect actions.
                >>You can develop incorrect taste
                >Prove it.
                Cigarettes are bad taste, and even people who stopped smoking will react to the scent of cigarettes, since smell is a sense tied to memory and they smoked cigarettes so often that they have lingering desires they remember about it. Fast food is another bad taste, bad taste in music, leisure activities, etc.
                >They are literally by definition arbitrary. Even twins
                Twins are not the same, they do not occupy the same location, they do not have the same being, they can even see each other, influencing their actions, for example, wanting to be different from one another. Feelings and desires have a cause, a determined origin and a reason, they are not arbitrary. Seriously, you wish they were arbitrary, and the reason for that (because it's not arbitrary)? Probably to avoid responsibility, you find out.

              • 3 months ago

                >That is what happens though, why do kids like drinking soda?

                No. Kids drink soda, because it's some so unbelievably sweet and easy to digest compared to what you typically get to eat, which will likely just be carbs and meat. And soda doesn't have this "generic" sort of sweetness that fruits like apples and grapes do. It's literally tailor made to be delicious, with a bunch of flavours that you can choose.

                I remember when I was very very little, and I first tasted soda at a party. It was Crush Cream Soda. And I became obsessed with it throughout my childhood.

                Now? My tastes have changed. I don't enjoy cream soda as much. I enjoy something I would never have drank when I was little: Dr.Pepper, and Mountain Dew. My tastes changed. But I wanted more from the get go.

                There has NEVER been a single time in my life where I have wanted cigarettes, weed, or alcohol, especially when I have soda and candy as alternatives.

                >much chance

                Chance. That's an interesting word. But I just don't believe it. Why do people keep coming back to something? It's either because they like it. OR they think they'll like it if they taste it more. That is desire.

                >How can it not be a fetish? It has to be unreasonable obsession, hence it has to be a fetish.

                Well. I don't want to reduce it to a fetish because ultimately, my tastes are kind of similar to the mindless morons in here. But yorue probably right...and wrong. I don't think fetish is defined as "unreasonable obsession". That's probably closer to paraphilia. I think fetish is just like, a very specific and narrow sexual taste

                >as if you disliked the fact that you built the reaction to move your feet onto the brake pedal while driving if you see something jump off in front of your car.

                Sure. But I wouldn't call that Incorrect "taste". Because if it was. You wouldn't have it. You develop a habit, because it's comfortable. It's just being applied inappropriately or differently. You videogame example shows this.

              • 3 months ago

                >No. Kids drink soda, because it's some so unbelievably sweet and easy
                No it's not my reason, it's the reason you described? So there is a reason, so you agree with me. I accept your concession even though it was uncharitable.
                >I remember when I was very very little, and I first tasted soda at a party.
                Yeah, like I said, a drink associated with festive events.

                >I think fetish is just like, a very specific and narrow sexual taste
                A man narrowing his sexual attraction to a single woman is not a fetish because it's not unreasonable, it's like the people saying that wanting to make a woman pregnant is a fetish, it's totally different from foot fetish, pregnancy is the stage that follows the act of sex.

                >Sure. But I wouldn't call that Incorrect "taste". Because if it was. You wouldn't have it. You develop a habit, because it's comfortable. It's just being applied inappropriately or differently. You videogame example shows this.
                You don't get it, if the gays go out in their orgies and catch aids and die, it was inappropriate, but why did they do this in the first place? Probably to fill in the void of their father absence and trying to get male approval, that thing is not inappropriate and might even instill a feeling of such, thus they feel more comfortable acting like so and yet, homosexuality is always wrong because a man can only be sexually compatible with a woman just like a USB male cable can only function by connecting to a female USB cable, ergo inappropriate. Just like homosexuals, you ignore the whole picture on purpose to draw yourself into a more comfortable half-lie.

              • 3 months ago

                >1) Actions fully matter because of consequences.

                What. This doesn't mean anything. Just because something has a cause and effect doesn't mean it means anything inherently. Especially considering most actions exist within the context of society. Where one can be completely right, and it doesn't matter. Unless you're going for a completely circular definition of "It matters because you can be ostracized or demeaned for your opinion regardless" which just further validates my point. If you intend for something he right, and treated as right. And it isn't. Then the purpose and will behind that action, doesn't mean anything. It literally doesn't matter. It's all arbitrary.

                >2) Consequences are not fully deterministic.

                Idk what this means. Could mean anything, you'll have to elaborate, but honestly I don't want to have this conversation anymore. I'm comfortable now being alone in my problems and being right about everybody in this thread. It doesn't matter how gender is expressed from now on. All one needs for a boy to be a boy. Is to call them one. Even when clearly drawn or depicted as a girl.

                >You fell into the common modern cultural atheist trap of thinking that everything is determined

                I imagine even the average atheist probably has to cope that free will exists. Otherwise rights, and such don't mean much. The individualistic nature of modern society, and ideas of meritocracy kind of goes hand in hand with free will methinks.

                >Here is something that is set in stone and pre-determined: Sex is sexual reproduction, you engaged in sexual activities disregarding that fact in both cases, maybe that's why you felt something off.

                Nah, but there are millions of people that engage with sex for non sexual reproductive reasons and are completely satisfied and secure in their sexuality. I think those people got lucky and had the proper early sexual experience. Or idk.

              • 3 months ago

                >Nah, but there are millions of people that engage with sex for non sexual reproductive reasons and are completely satisfied and secure in their sexuality. I think those people got lucky and had the proper early sexual experience. Or idk.
                Will a tree make sound if it falls while no one is there to hear it?

                >I imagine even the average atheist probably has to cope that free will exists
                The nuAtheist rising star Alex o'Connor argues to free will doesn't exist and other atheist non-sense, you can expect to hear that again in the future even if that argument was already dated 20 years ago.

                >>2) Consequences are not fully deterministic.
                >Idk what this means. Could mean anything, you'll have to elaborate
                Even though actions determines the future, they don't fully control it, it's not 100%, it's not 0% either. Leftists cannot understand this nuance, they always mistake greater than 0% as 100% or lower than 100% as automatically 0%, they are dumb or made to be this dumb in this special way.

              • 3 months ago

                >Will a tree make sound if it falls while no one is there to hear it?

                It will emit vibrations. Or sound waves. But if there is nobody to interpret them. Then the sound might as well be meaningless. It might as well have not happened.

                An examples that better illustrates this is this:

                If you put a blind person in a room alone. And they clap. Did they make a sound?

                >The nuAtheist rising star Alex o'Connor argues to free will doesn't exist and other atheist non-sense, you can expect to hear that again in the future even if that argument was already dated 20 years ago.

                No idea who that is. Don't care. One reason I became an atheist, was to escape religion completely, I don't care for religious or areligious arguments. those type of atheists might as well be a religion of their own. An Anti religion.

                >Even though actions determines the future, they don't fully control it, it's not 100%, it's not 0% either.

                I don't understand? How are we even measuring chance? But honestly I don't really want to have a determinism debate anyway. Such an annoying concept.

                I think...maybe what makes me anxious In these threads is that it sometimes seems like a "performance" to "simp for the femboy". Like some kind of social demonstration. That removes the idea that I could ever connect to any of the people here. Let alone a boy.

              • 3 months ago

                >I think...maybe what makes me anxious In these threads is that it sometimes seems like a "performance" to "simp for the femboy". Like some kind of social demonstration. That removes the idea that I could ever connect to any of the people here. Let alone a boy.

                Anon its so far past the point of where you should have gone outside to touch grass that I have to wonder if you have ever left your house even once.

              • 3 months ago

                >How are we even measuring chance?
                By acknowledging the possibility.

              • 3 months ago

                >Homosexuality is a behavior like smoking cigarettes
                You are so fricking stupid it's unreal.

      • 3 months ago

        It's not the openess, but the homosexualry you wrapped the opinion of "wanna frick girly boys but not really"

  8. 3 months ago

    Why does japan love LGBT shit so much?

    • 3 months ago

      They invented futa, they have been LGBT from the very start

  9. 3 months ago

    that's a man.

  10. 3 months ago

    Do demigod men really?

  11. 3 months ago

    he is a god he can be whatever he wants to be
    unlike trannies in real life

  12. 3 months ago

    he's a she if I take her if you catch my drift.

  13. 3 months ago

    It's a god. Still, gods are typically described as he. This triggers the leftist though.

  14. 3 months ago

    No way this is a boy

    • 3 months ago

      lmao. my femboy bf used to b***h and moan about the patriarchy, heteronormative bigots, and all that gay shit before we started dating. i fricked his brains out for one weekend, and he turned into a submissive boywife right away. female brained individuals just need hard dick.

      • 3 months ago

        >female brained individuals just need hard dick
        its not about the dick its about being put in your place. I am very outgoing, annoying at times even. when my boyfriend raises his voice because I overdid it my brain turns into complete mush and I become the sweetest little boy. its like your lizard brain activated and told you a stronger male thats in charge of your survival just gave you a warning to not overstep your boundaries and frankly its hot as frick

        • 3 months ago

          you sound like a good boywife.

          • 3 months ago

            thanks, I try! honestly though I believe this is how relationships are meant to be no matter the sexes involved. obviously it shouldnt be violent but the man being in charge is much better for both and keeps the drama out of the relationship

            • 3 months ago

              agreed. i could easily snap my boyfriend in half, but why would i want to do that? cute boys are to be protected by strong men.

  15. 3 months ago

    I'm straight, therefore everything I frick is a woman (including Miquella).

  16. 3 months ago

    cute boys are the greatest gift in the world (no homo)

  17. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      literally me minus the mole

    • 3 months ago

      >cancer inside
      >cancer outside

    • 3 months ago

      The trailer gave me Goosebumps when mr elden ring said "gay rights" and did a r1 with the new sword. shaking rn can't wait. ms miya zackie COOKED!!!!1

      • 3 months ago

        Why do western enbies like Dark Souls anyway? It's supposed to be heterosexual warfare: manly death.

        • 3 months ago

          >genderfluid shit
          >ranni is bi
          hmmm I wonder why

  18. 3 months ago

    Are we going to marry him?

  19. 3 months ago

    If it's not a boy then explain the bussy

  20. 3 months ago

    I keep on passing this thread and the thumbnail always looks like linguini pasta with marmite.

    • 3 months ago


  21. 3 months ago

    >is that!?!??!
    >a hecking feminine boy!?!??!
    >IN MY VIDEO GAMES?!?!?!?!

    The amounnt of butthurt and seething that feminine/androgynous guys causes /misc/gays is fricking hilarious. Like how insecure are you to get this upset that someone unlike you exists?

    • 3 months ago

      I used to be a violent chud and bussy saved me from ruining my life so I am not mad at all

    • 3 months ago

      it's literally a meme for chuds to like femboys instead of trannies. You are literally mentally ill and moronic.

      I'm recently starting to develop a theory, that the type of person to so brazenly use insults like "insecure" is actually the insecure one. Because ultimately...what the frick even is the point of pointing that out because somebody doesn't like the same thing you do? Literally makes no sense unless you're I'll yourself and insecure about the thing you like.

      Fricking hate this garbage board. Filled with such unbelievably shallow people. Frick. Nobody's real.

      • 3 months ago

        >Fricking hate this garbage board
        Leave then newbie, you wont be missed, you will never fit in here, and your head is so far up your own ass that I can see how high you have gotten from huffing your own pseud copium. I am not attracted to femboys, I am not attracted to trannies, but there is nothing wrong with being attracted to either. Like seriously, why do you care so much about what other people find attractive. Answer the question. How does it effect you?

        • 3 months ago

          >Answer the question. How does it effect you?
          Bad taste is to be corrected, bad taste leads to ruin given enough time. Also, let me correct people, how does it affect you?

          • 3 months ago

            >Bad taste is to be corrected
            Ok so other people should be allowed to dictate what you are interested in.

        • 3 months ago

          >Answer the question. How does it effect you?

          Don't bother trying to pretend to have or entertain an argument when you don't. You're literally too unintelligent to even be aware of your lack of intelligence. I'm not spoon-feeding you an argument. Go read up on logical fallacies and return when you've memorized them after a year, because I guarantee you can't possibly understand anything no matter how hard you try.

          Fricking morons worthlessly replying to me. Go continue whining about people not liking your opinion moron and I'll keep calling you out as a moron.

          So many fricking people on this earth don't deserve to exist. It's ABSURD. I know the implications of the statement I'm making but fricking seriously. It doesn't have to be gays, blacks, israelites, women, or whatever that's wrong. Some people literally should be allowed to exist because they're so stupid that they poison the capacity for anything to make sense. Stupid-a-frickingworld

          • 3 months ago

            >he took this long to write this temper tantrum
            embarassing anon

          • 3 months ago

            the best part of your posts is the little histrionic meltdown at the end of each one. it's like the cherry on top.

      • 3 months ago

        Other anon is right, you don't belong here.
        Election tourist = eternal newbie
        You could stay here another 20 years and you'd still be a newbie.

    • 3 months ago

      But I am not insecure about being homophobic?

  22. 3 months ago

    do you understand why Mohg did it now

  23. 3 months ago

    >there are unironic actual christcuks on this board right now
    I love my little lolcows so much. What good goyim.

  24. 3 months ago

    >waaa why is the gayest board on Ganker so gay
    lmao holy shit

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah we know. You gays drink too much tap water and eat too much microplastics at young age. The more science that comes out the more this shows that's what makes you guys losers (homosexuals).

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Yup, eating to much microplastics also shows to have this effect. Not joking. Look it up.

          • 3 months ago

            Anon homosexuality is found all over the world even in places with no microplastics. You are a 70 IQ pseud who doesnt understand just how fricking stupid he is. There is 0 evidence that microplastics actually makes people gay.

            • 3 months ago

              He was talking about tiny pps

            • 3 months ago

              Drinking bad water isnt exclusive to America or first world countries either dip shit. Microplastics are shown to be linked with small wieners and possibly the obsession people have with gender fluid shit that started happening in the last 60 or so years. Naturally you deny reality so you'll deny science too. No one is "born gay". We'd have already found a gene associated with that by now.

              • 3 months ago

                Thank you lolcow i havent had a good laugh in ages. Please keep it coming

              • 3 months ago

                This is what denial looks like. Should be expected though.

              • 3 months ago

                Awww do you not have any more? Surely you can do better. Entertain us.

              • 3 months ago

                you don't know anything about genetics or epigenetics

              • 3 months ago

                Awww do you not have any more? Surely you can do better. Entertain us.

                >Homosexuals realizing their gay shit is due to microbes and environmental factors set in society way before they were even put in their Mama's pussies by their Fathers

                Gotta love it.

              • 3 months ago

                realizing their gay shit
                Anon I like women, not men, go project your self loathing homosexuality onto someone else.

              • 3 months ago

                >my behavior is not my fault
                Typical addict speech.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a combination of both, that's what the general medical consensus is, the markers for homosexuality show up so early in development that you might as well be born gay because it's so deeply rooted conversion therapy doesn't have positive outcomes.
                It's a combination of environment and biology but in 90% of cases you can't turn a hard gay homosexual straight anymore than you can turn a straight dude a homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                >the markers for homosexuality show up so early in development
                No it doesn't, you can't say this here while we have daily treads of people that are sexually aroused by pokémons, it might work on normalhomosexuals but not here, you are not born homosexual, you decide to act like one.

                Homosexuals can stop their homosexuality, it happens, as a matter of fact, doing so is now illegal in Canada since 2021. And you can turn a straight into a gay, that same Canadian law specify that if you take children (normally whose sexuality is not yet formed) and make them "explore" their sexuality it is legal as long as the sexuality is not heterosexual.

                Maybe that's what you fear, to think that you could be engaging in perverted homosexual actions, yes you have the potential to be a monster, the reverse is also true, that's free will.

              • 3 months ago

                >And you can turn a straight into a gay
                You literally can't.
                >Homosexuals can stop their homosexuality
                Nope all data and meta analysis disagree with you, conversion therapy simply doesn't work in 90% of cases.
                >No it doesn't
                It does sexuality is one of the earliest things that show up in development.

                >Maybe that's what you fear, to think that you could be engaging in perverted homosexual actions
                Not gay or interested in you fella I have a girlfriend.

              • 3 months ago

                Stop giving shazam trannies (You)s all of them are shitposting trannies from resetera or bunkerchan.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry, I'll stop.

              • 3 months ago

                >You literally can't.
                It's just an acquired behavior, oh but do tell me how people who jerk off to vaporeon have this full behavior encoded in their DNA, it's just that people in the past were oppressed!
                >BUT MUH DAtaÀ
                Fake & Gay
                >It does sexuality is one of the earliest things that show up in development.
                No it doesn't, sexuality is what defines adulthood, it's literally the last development. Tired of being wrong? You choose to be.

                >Not gay or interested in you fella I have a girlfriend.
                Sterile non-marital sex with women is gay-like, pseudo-gay, no wonder you are so accepting of homosexual lies, you act basically the same.

      • 3 months ago

        >he says, whining about LE GAYS on Ganker
        you will never breed

    • 3 months ago

      pol chuds would probably a lot calmer if they got their wieners milked by a gay daily

  25. 3 months ago

    he literally can switch to a woman persona (that one b***h every sleep weapon names) just like his mother

  26. 3 months ago


    Why was ALL the shit in the DLC fricking DEXPUSSY shit. Where are the new bonk sticks?

  27. 3 months ago

    >americans thinking the world was created 250 years ago

  28. 3 months ago

    That's not very 2024 of you, anon-kun
    If [he] identifies as a he, then [he] is a he
    t. self identified as a N64 cartridge, I don't need to be blown on, yet, sometimes I work when I get blown anyway

    • 3 months ago

      you are way too far behind on your clown world
      trannies have reverted back to enforcing stereotypical gender roles so that if a boy shows any feminine traits he MUST be an egg that must go on HRT immediately

      • 3 months ago


  29. 3 months ago

    >Bunckertrannies bumping the thread from page 10
    For free by the way.

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