Now that unity is dead, can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine, maybe the quality of games increases and everything won&#03...

Now that unity is dead, can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine, maybe the quality of games increases and everything won't look similar to each other due to using the same shaders.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Do you know how much time and money it would take to do that with today's standards?

    • 9 months ago

      None, do you think indie games need engine? Unity isn't even good engine. AAA studios have their own engine or use unreal.

      • 9 months ago

        AAA companies are giving up on their own in-house engines, mostly moving to Unreal.

        It takes a lot of work. And engines were often used already in the 2000s.

        • 9 months ago

          The funny thing is that there was gay on Ganker that said this around a decade ago. It was after a certain update but to paraphrase his words he basically said that unreal was going to outpace all other engines as time went on.

          Man, I didn't get it back then, but this place had the answers to everything if you knew what you were looking for.

        • 9 months ago

          Some devs have switched but plenty are still using inhouse

      • 9 months ago

        unironically how much time was wasted into dealing with unity stuff

        using a general purpose game engine implies literally nothing about how a game has to look or act except the most basic of physics and rendering capabilities. only the most specialized of "games" like SpaceEngine require custom engines in 2023

        • 9 months ago

          Just let the ignorant spread misinfo to each other.

      • 9 months ago

        As someone who worked with an internal engine(Ubisoft) it was a fricking pain. Shit barely documented, weird-ass bugs and crashes and UI.

        • 9 months ago

          anvil, snowdrop or what

          • 9 months ago

            Jade engine?


        • 9 months ago

          Jade engine?

        • 9 months ago

          The anons ITT that have 0 programming experience, let alone gamedev experience just don't understand how many layers of shit you have to abstract and solve to get to the actual game development part. If some rando dev gets hired, you don't want him wasting months not only learning about the project and understanding how the code works, but also how the inhouse "better than all other solutions before it" engine works. If you use an existing engine someone else already solved years of work for you, you are more likely tp hire people that know how said engine works and you can making the actual game far faster. Engines are you used for a reason.

      • 9 months ago

        Yes. The reason why indie games barely existed before 2010 was because there were no freely accessible pre-made engines, and if they wanted to make a game they had to make an engine from scratch, which hugely requires programming talent for a single person to do that, and programming talent doesn't always equate to talent for making a good game.
        Even if there was a rare talented person who could both program and design games, things they could do would be severely limited due to lack of manpower that's not covered by the pre-made engines. So those people often end up making a prototype, hand in the prototype at a big game company, and asks them for a funding + manpower in turn of getting hired and giving all the IP.

      • 9 months ago

        All games need an engine you dumb frick. Whether they license one or build it themselves.

        • 9 months ago

          Maybe learn how software is built before you post here. "Engine" is made up term, and is loose concept of various made-up systems forming a combined system. Most non game software call this a "core". When people say engineless, they mean the engine was designed for the game, you were not writing a engine for the sake of it. The fact people use generic engine nowadays is one of the reason games perform like shit because the devs itself lack basic understanding of rendering and simple trigonometry, in addition to shitty unoptimized shaders.

    • 9 months ago

      a team of 3 or 4 guys did the entire 8 and 16 bit library in assembly so yeah it's quite possible

    • 9 months ago

      From my point of view standards have never been lower

    • 9 months ago

      Do you?

    • 9 months ago

      Do you know that I do and I still don't give a shit?

    • 9 months ago

      2 years and a staff of 7, can be done simultaneously with pre production.

    • 9 months ago

      The same as amount as it took 20 years ago? The reason modern devs need unity is because they are monkeys with no understanding of programming, and not because it's impossible to make games in the modern era without someone else's game engine.

      • 9 months ago

        Are you moronic?
        Game engines in the 90s were way simpler.

        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago

            So no argument? You were just le pretending to be le moronic?

            • 9 months ago

              Remember always those remake threads or cyberpunk, where people post webms how the new engines can't do jack shit. Missing bullet splashes on water, no breakable doors, etc...

            • 9 months ago

              just wanted to chime in and say it's crazy how people still say "le". nobody's said it unironically for over 10 years and yet here we are

              Remember always those remake threads or cyberpunk, where people post webms how the new engines can't do jack shit. Missing bullet splashes on water, no breakable doors, etc...

              this is not related to engines at all

              • 9 months ago

                >just wanted to chime in and say it's crazy how people still say "le"
                No different than all the fake RP people do as some made up strawman liberal

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >this is not related to engines at all
                It literally is, objects and their behavior is part of such "engine". When water is not programmed to handle collision with foreign object such as bullet, it just tells how shitty modern engines are. People in this thread see pretty graphics and think that's somehow complex and can't be done anymore, when what's doing the job mostly is GPU and not the engine.

              • 9 months ago

                >when what's doing the job mostly is GPU and not the engine

              • 9 months ago

                >waah I can't draw geometry or do some basic lighting without someones else engine, boogeyman save me!

              • 9 months ago

                It should be trivial to add it into any engine made in the last 10-15 years. If a game doesn't have it, it's a developer oversight

    • 9 months ago

      What standards? All AAA games today are in a perpetual unfinished and broken beta state. 20 years ago studios managed to write their own engines and release a polished finished product with like 1/10th the staff.

    • 9 months ago

      It'll have some merit if you said that 13 years ago. Nowadays, it's watered down slop.

  2. 9 months ago

    you're moronic

  3. 9 months ago

    The whole reason many developers use existing game engines today is because of how costly and time-consuming creating an entirely new engine from scratch for every single game would be.

    Many AA and indie 3D games would never get done.

    • 9 months ago

      Indie games literallly need to only draw some sprites and shit. You can do this easily with opengl, dx, webgpu, or use some shit like raylib. How fricking moronic people have become? Big studios use unreal because the industry is artist dominated, and artist pipeline is the most important thing for them. Otherwise our games wouldn't be so poorly optimized piece of shit.

      • 9 months ago

        you have no idea at all. your "sprite indie game" takes 2 years to make with 2 people working on it full time. thats with unity as an engine

        • 9 months ago

          unironically how much time was wasted into dealing with unity stuff

          • 9 months ago

            making games is a job mate. time is only wasted if you're a fool who prices your game less than $20 and thus don't get paid at least minimum wage for each hour you put into the game over 2 years

        • 9 months ago

          making games is a job mate. time is only wasted if you're a fool who prices your game less than $20 and thus don't get paid at least minimum wage for each hour you put into the game over 2 years

          >charges 20 bucks for his pixelshit indie game that he spent all his time making instead of designing
          you have 100% only ever worked on a bunch of game jam shit or some kind of derivative platformer or you've never completed a commercial game

          • 9 months ago

            you have to charge the amount it takes to recoup costs for the hours you put in. you can't work for free mate. if you want your games for $1 then have fun in the endless sea of pajeetware. it was your mentality that caused the 1980's video game crash before nintendo swooped in and saved the industry with higher prices and quality. Same mentality caused the mobile game market to die completely in a race to the bottom where now every game has to be free so you only get crap on there despite the hardware being great.

            if you don't want to pay for your games don't b***h. those games are just outside of your price range. too good for you.

            it would make more sense for you to pirate them like we used to back in the day rather than b***h online cause you think games should be free.

            • 9 months ago

              as i said, you're delusional, and you're not going to make any money and you don't know how to design a game AND you definitely have not released a pixelshit game at a 20 dollar price point and you never will. 2 years working on pixelshit? a smart person would have bailed after 6-8 months.

              • 9 months ago

                what are you trying to say? that games made with pixelart should make devs want to quit? you do know 2d indie games sell more than 3d ones right?

                On top of that, indie games priced over $20 usd make around 10 x the amount of money games prices under $20 do. Its about visability. you compete with the sea of trash and thus people will assume your game is trash or you release your game at $20 + and people actually see it and give it a go.

                The guys like you who sit at the bottom will never leave a negative review cause they are priced out.

              • 9 months ago

                >what are you trying to say? that games made with pixelart should make devs want to quit? you do know 2d indie games sell more than 3d ones right?
                i think if you've spent more than 2 years on pixelshit with no end in sight that you're not going to finish it at all. actually programming and making the art for a pixel art game that isn't continuously getting overscoped/ or changing directions should take 2-4 months tops.
                >indie games priced over $20 usd make around 10 x the amount of money games prices under $20 do
                i saw that twitter post too, that's because there's a ton of asset flips under 20 bucks skewing your moronic statistic.
                >Its about visability. you compete with the sea of trash and thus people will assume your game is trash or you release your game at $20 + and people actually see it and give it a go.
                if you care about visibility you go for a publisher who can advertise your game off steam. if you care about good word of mouth, you want as many people to play your game as possible so it can take off.
                >The guys like you who sit at the bottom will never leave a negative review cause they are priced out.
                i regularly buy 15 dollar plus indie games, refund them and then leave a negative review to skew their visibility down. i also do it as soon as the game releases so my negative review skews the score more.

                Smells like a jealousy post

                some people on here are delusional

                i just know a lot of people like that who have gotten burned out because they did all that dumb shit and because i'm in a good mood i'm willing to prevent a complete stranger from making all these dumb mistakes. i've also seen a lot of success stories from people who didn't do that (vampire survivors, skrnx, brotato, undertale, monolith, loop hero)

              • 9 months ago

                >likes vampire survivors
                haha troony

                so mate, you are literally the person described here

                there seems to be an underclass of gamers, subgamers who don't understand this. they are defined by their beliefs"

                > graphics make the game, a game with better graphics is a better game and better coded
                >indie games should be free or under $10 usually free if its your first game
                >an asset flip is when you use free or store-bought assets anywhere in your game
                >indie games should be $1 per an hour of gameplay

                absolute morons i swear lol. I love gamers, i am one and i sided with you guys during gamergate. but the subclass of gamers i just described are absolutely not worth making a game in the price range of.

                but worse, you go in shadow boxing because you make statements like :
                >with no end in sight that you're not going to finish it at all.
                which you are obviously projecting cause nobody said anything like that here.

                you're also go on to make more delusional statements like:
                >a pixel art game that isn't continuously getting overscoped/ or changing directions should take 2-4 months tops.
                lol. this is insane. the art is a tiny part of most games. some games are tiny and take a few months, real full length games take years. you seem to have no idea and you seem to connect the art to the gamedev somehow. I bet when you first saw minecraft you scoffed at it because it wasnt COD.

                other moronic statements you've made:
                > if you care about good word of mouth, you want as many people to play your game as possible so it can take off.
                doesnt happen if nobody plays your game cause its priced the same as a fridge magnet.
                >i regularly buy 15 dollar plus indie games, refund them and then leave a negative review to skew their visibility down. i also do it as soon as the game releases so my negative review skews the score more.
                okay so then its not about these games failing, its about you being jealous like the other guy said and WANTING them to fail. got it.

                Games are a business man. not so artsy fartsy thing. Every game you make it a product. Good products take multiple years of development. You will price your product in any business at the amount it takes to recoup costs. And that statistically means pricing it over $20

                If you want to be a hippy communist arts student homosexual failure go ahead. Just dont angrily force your shit on others.

              • 9 months ago

                >likes vampire survivors haha troony
                >the art is a tiny part of most games
                >doesnt happen if nobody plays your game cause its priced the same as a fridge magnet.
                >okay so then its not about these games failing
                they absolutely do not fail because of me
                >Games are a business man. not so artsy fartsy thing. You will price your product in any business at the amount it takes to recoup costs.
                ok gordon gekko, enjoy making 10000 bucks off 500 people, best case scenario.
                >If you want to be a hippy communist arts student homosexual failure go ahead.
                the fact that you think that videogames aren't a creative endeavour and that 10k bucks is a lot of money proves that you're some kind of slav or other poor person. i now believe you're just shilling this 20 bucks shit because you are insane and not because you're trying to make a videogame.

                >Dark Engine
                >literally only heretic
                Dark Engine's for Thief 1 and 2 and System Shock 2. Nothing to do with heretic (which was running on Doom engine.) You have literally no idea what you're talking about

                oh i thought they were talking about shadowcaster, whatever. also 3 games lol.

              • 9 months ago

                Shadowcaster's on its own engine. Got nothing to do with Dark engine although it is a stop-gap engine Carmack made inbetween doing the Wolf 3D engine and Doom. You're still talking literal word salad.

              • 9 months ago

                if you can't see how someone could confuse shadow engine and dark engine you might have autism

              • 9 months ago

                But it's not called the 'shadow' engine. It's generally called the shadowcaster engine. If it were called the shadow engine you might have half a point, but it isn't. And also:

                >Dark Engine
                literally only heretic
                >doom engine
                literally only hexen

                i bet you're the same guy perpetually working on pixelshit and planning on releasing it for 20 bucks (you'll never finish it btw and i bet its ballooned in scope since you started working on it)

                This dildo thought it was Heretic for some fricking reason. Which is a different game that doesn't have 'shadow' in its name. I think you might be dumb mate

              • 9 months ago

                >oh you dont like trannies? NGMI
                kek dude.
                >oh you want to make money from your game? NGMI
                lol again, thanks for the entertainment man
                >i try to make games fail cause im jealous but they were gonna fail anyway
                so why do it? lol

                man you're pathetic. also this priceless logic break
                >500 people, best case scenario.
                kek. you know and have acknowledged games over $20 sell more copies. so your only attempt at an argument in your whole response it logically false.

                man i don't go out of my way to bully people like you seem to want to. but you've definitely got issues you need to sort out before speaking about peoples businesses and products

              • 9 months ago

                >oh you dont like trannies? NGMI
                >oh you want to make money from your game? NGMI
                why do you care since you obviously don't make games? lol
                >so why do it? lol
                because i WANT to believe that 20 dollar pixelshit is good, i just always end up disappointed
                >kek. you know and have acknowledged games over $20 sell more copies. so your only attempt at an argument in your whole response it logically false.
                if your ambition is to make 10k over 2 years then you are insane
                >man i don't go out of my way to bully people like you seem to want to. but you've definitely got issues you need to sort out before speaking about peoples businesses and products

                But it's not called the 'shadow' engine. It's generally called the shadowcaster engine. If it were called the shadow engine you might have half a point, but it isn't. And also: [...]
                This dildo thought it was Heretic for some fricking reason. Which is a different game that doesn't have 'shadow' in its name. I think you might be dumb mate

                >This dildo thought it was Heretic for some fricking reason. Which is a different game that doesn't have 'shadow' in its name. I think you might be dumb mate
                do people randomly start ignoring you irl or does it just happen online

              • 9 months ago

                Well you're literally not ignoring me, you just replied to me. So it doesn't happen online either. Again, you're actually quite dumb.

              • 9 months ago

                dude what is it you don't understand about these figures? the median sales for an indie game over $20 are around 10 x those under $20

                you sell far more copies and make far more money if you price higher

                >why do you care since you obviously don't make games? lol
                why? cause im disagreeing with your dumbass troony communist philosophies? lol. heres the thing, i do make games, so your comment is actually a compliment to me. its like putting what i do naturally on a pedastal above the reach of a normal person. thanks moron

              • 9 months ago


                >20k games below 20 bucks
                >800 games above 20 bucks
                are indie devs fricking moronic or something??? do they not understand statistics
                >why? cause im disagreeing with your dumbass troony communist philosophies? lol. heres the thing, i do make games, so your comment is actually a compliment to me. its like putting what i do naturally on a pedastal above the reach of a normal person. thanks moron
                no you don't gekkocel, you have never made a game, you just sit in the balkans feature creeping the one demo you've worked on for 6 years that you will NEVER EVER finish

              • 9 months ago

                >no you don't gekkocel, you have never made a game, you just sit in the balkans feature creeping the one demo you've worked on for 6 years that you will NEVER EVER finish
                enraged troony projection from nowhere and based on nothing thats been said kek

                >are indie devs fricking moronic or something??? do they not understand statistics
                what is the point you're trying to make? less devs release games above $20. thats why visability is better above $20 and why profits are tenfold. its why less copies of cheap games are sold than expensive games. It's why nobody will play your game if its cheap and buried among all the other crap. Thats the whole reason to price your game over $20. its not even about game quality or length its about improved sales due to visibility.

                your impotent troony rage is something else. I'm gonna keep running a business mate and you can treat games like "an art project" lol

              • 9 months ago

                >enraged troony projection from nowhere and based on nothing thats been said kek
                but you haven't released a game, have you lol
                >what is the point you're trying to make? less devs release games above $20. thats why visability is better above $20 and why profits are tenfold.
                you know what if this is your understanding of business or even reality then i'm not even going to bother suggesting you compare the revenues of the top 500 games under 20 bucks and top 500 games over 20 bucks. you can be deludional all you want.
                >It's why nobody will play your game if its cheap and buried among all the other crap.
                if you aren't going to market your game outside of steam at all then you're going to fail regardless UNLESS you go for reach through a cheap price and word of mouth
                >I'm gonna keep running a business mate and you can treat games like "an art project" lol
                businesses have actually sold something and they understand statistics lol

              • 9 months ago

                >compare the revenues of the top 500 games under 20 bucks and top 500 games over 20 bucks.
                thats not a sample size you moron lol. thats the actual market size difference. Let me repeat myself: the reason indie games over $20 sell more is because there is less of them. They thus do not compete with 10's of thousands of games but with under 1000 a games each time year. There are other factors too like percieved quality of games under that price due to pajeetware but you have no idea what that means do you?

                >but you haven't released a game, have you
                I've released 3 games, thanks. And I do quite well compared to those catering to your $1 game market

                the rest of your post is just nutty circle running. At this point I don't think there is anyone taking your side on anything so, please off yourself troony. so your parents can feel better now that their pervert son is gone and they can pretend he was a victim of depression or something.

              • 9 months ago

                >thats not a sample size you moron lol. thats the actual market size difference
                if that's the fricking case then the top 500 indie games under 20 bucks will have the same median revenue as the 20000 indie games under 20 bucks, right!!! oh wait, that's fricking insane!
                >I've released 3 games, thanks.
                ok post them and how much you've made, i need a laugh
                > At this point I don't think there is anyone taking your side on anything
                yeah because people are moronic

              • 9 months ago

                you seriously dont understand what a median is right? should i use the word average for you? would that make it simpler even though its incorrect? kek moron

                >ok post your games for me the troony who supports trannies to go attack
                okay troony kek

                >yeah because people are moronic
                you, you are moronic. i cant hazard to think how old you are and posting on her like some embittered game dev vet with a shattered dream due to not finishing a single game yourself and so projecting it on others. I wouldn't hazard to guess what you are at all but it is sad and pathetic whatever it is.

              • 9 months ago

                >you seriously dont understand what a median is right? should i use the word average for you? would that make it simpler even though its incorrect? kek moron
                are you getting confused by MEDIAN and TOP being in the same sentence??? lmao, numbers are clearly not your thing. anyone who isn't moronic is going to look at this;

                dude what is it you don't understand about these figures? the median sales for an indie game over $20 are around 10 x those under $20

                you sell far more copies and make far more money if you price higher

                >why do you care since you obviously don't make games? lol
                why? cause im disagreeing with your dumbass troony communist philosophies? lol. heres the thing, i do make games, so your comment is actually a compliment to me. its like putting what i do naturally on a pedastal above the reach of a normal person. thanks moron

                and realise a ton of devs, like you, are fricking imbeciles with no understanding of money or reality
                >okay troony kek
                yeah you've clearly made nothing, almost had me fooled. even if i was a troon, which i am not, if you actually had more than 6 reviews for your games a troon raid wouldn't matter.
                >you, you are moronic. i cant hazard to think how old you are and posting on her like some embittered game dev vet with a shattered dream due to not finishing a single game yourself and so projecting it on others. I wouldn't hazard to guess what you are at all but it is sad and pathetic whatever it is.
                i don't have a shattered dream lol, you're the one with the pathetic goal of making 500 bucks from programmer art shovelware sold for 20 bucks with 25 lifetime sales (that you have no evidence for btw). you know how i haven't said that your life is miserable and depressing outside of gamedev? that's because i'm not projecting my depressing slavic life onto someone else like you are, ivan.

              • 9 months ago

                okay dude. lol. have a good life 😉

              • 9 months ago

                hit too close to home i guess lmao

              • 9 months ago

                chiming in to say after all my long years on this site you are one of the biggest gays ive seen

              • 9 months ago

                classic projection

              • 9 months ago

                Smells like a jealousy post

                dude just write your own game engine lmao

                some people on here are delusional

      • 9 months ago

        >Indie games literallly need to only draw some sprites and shit.
        you are a worthless moron

    • 9 months ago

      >Many AA and indie 3D games would never get done.
      so where's the downside?

    • 9 months ago

      I hope they do.

      you don't have to make a new engine from scratch. just keep reusing the engine you made and update it. once it's too old then build a new one using the old one as a reference.

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, the reason is that modern game dev is full of pajeets and women who can't do anything, but corporations want a piece of that gaming industry pie so they use shit engines and have their moronic code monkeys use them.

  4. 9 months ago

    >Games were made without an engine
    The absolute state of Gankeriggers

    • 9 months ago

      >90s-00s where games were made without an engine
      Thank you for the dumbest post of 2023, see you in the roundup.

      you're moronic

      Ignorant pseuds.

      • 9 months ago

        games need an engine morono

      • 9 months ago

        here you go, you too can understand that the code that creates pixels on a screen in an engine whether you make it from scratch or use someone elses

  5. 9 months ago

    >90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    Thank you for the dumbest post of 2023, see you in the roundup.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes do you think mario used some fricking engine?

      • 9 months ago

        Do you even understand what a 'video game engine' is, or what they do?

        Fun fact, you can look at the original Super Mario Bros NES source code for yourseld:

        • 9 months ago

          Do you understand? Do you even understand the disassembly you posted. Mario 64 neither did not use any engine, it's loosely glued together utility libraries.

        • 9 months ago

          technically a game engine was originally the codebase for a game that had been stripped of assets and marketed to other developers for use as a skeleton framework. game engines like unity were built from the ground up as frameworks, but most still have their roots in an actual game. so technically unity is a game framework whereas unreal is a game engine.

          any other definition of "engine", especially to mean the trivially necessary game loop/logic, is meaningless and incorrect. that is just a codebase.

        • 9 months ago

          >anon posts source code to a singular game
          >claims it's an engine

  6. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    I know everything Ganker says about game dev is guaranteed to be moronic but you homosexuals never cease to astound.

  7. 9 months ago

    >let's extend our game's development time by 4-7 years creating a new game engine that can do what the one we've been using already does

    • 9 months ago

      lets spend 4-7 years extending or refactoring this piece of shit engine because it won't do what we want, or it stutters or can't do the thing effectively.

  8. 9 months ago

    ConcernedApe made his own engine for Stardew Valley and now Haunted Chocalatier, is he really just an outlier?
    Is it that impossible to write your own engine and then release a massively successful game on the back of that engine?

    • 9 months ago

      Those are sprite-based SNES-like 2D pixel games. Not anywhere near the level of complexity that of today's 3D games.

    • 9 months ago

      he used a framework moron. Which is basically a game engine but for the less moronic

    • 9 months ago

      No but to be fair making a 2d engine with existing libraries and frameworks isn't terrible if you can program at a lower level

    • 9 months ago

      around here, he's Eric.

    • 9 months ago

      >is he really just an outlier
      there's the devil daggers dev

  9. 9 months ago

    >games were made without an engine

    I don't think you know what an engine is.

  10. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine

  11. 9 months ago

    This is never going to happen
    You do realize this makes less sense than to just give up and use AI sooner, which would just be the same globohomosexual gray goo issues you're seething over but with zero alternative? You're fricking clueless.

    • 9 months ago

      Use AI to make a video game? You do realize how difficult that is, right?

  12. 9 months ago

    *complexity as that of

  13. 9 months ago

    >where games were made without an engine

  14. 9 months ago

    That would presume many game developers are computer programmers who want to make a video game instead of being creative writing majors who want to make a video game.
    the abyssal state of optimization in the Industry right now proves there's not many guys who know how to code making these games.

    • 9 months ago

      Well most sane programmers wouldn't go near the games industry, insane crunch and shit pay.
      The few that would be paid enough will actually work at company making the tools and not programming the games.

    • 9 months ago

      game industry doesn't pay well enough for people to join it when they could make more money for less hours elsewhere

  15. 9 months ago

  16. 9 months ago

    >without an engine

    The base tools a game uses to interface with lower level APIs such as DirectX and Vulkan is considered an engine.

    • 9 months ago

      that's graphics API you moron

      • 9 months ago

        >lower level APIs SUCH AS DirectX and Vulkan

        DirectX and Vulkan *are* the lower-level APIs I was referring to.

  17. 9 months ago

    Getting from your first line of code from scratch to something like pic related is measured in years even for a big team with hundreds of people. Imagine a smaller team of less than 50 people trying to accomplish the same thing in a reasonable amount of time.

    • 9 months ago

      Getting to the pic related needs only a good artist. Almost nothing to do with code. Nanite is a different beast, but do you need nanite?

      • 9 months ago

        there seems to be an underclass of gamers, subgamers who don't understand this. they are defined by their beliefs"

        > graphics make the game, a game with better graphics is a better game and better coded
        >indie games should be free or under $10 usually free if its your first game
        >an asset flip is when you use free or store-bought assets anywhere in your game
        >indie games should be $1 per an hour of gameplay

        absolute morons i swear lol. I love gamers, i am one and i sided with you guys during gamergate. but the subclass of gamers i just described are absolutely not worth making a game in the price range of.

  18. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    everything was made on renderware or quake 1/2 you liar

    • 9 months ago

      Also: Unreal 1 and 2, Dark Engine, Build engine, Doom engine and so on

      • 9 months ago

        >Dark Engine
        literally only heretic
        >doom engine
        literally only hexen

        i bet you're the same guy perpetually working on pixelshit and planning on releasing it for 20 bucks (you'll never finish it btw and i bet its ballooned in scope since you started working on it)

        • 9 months ago

          >Dark Engine
          >literally only heretic
          Dark Engine's for Thief 1 and 2 and System Shock 2. Nothing to do with heretic (which was running on Doom engine.) You have literally no idea what you're talking about

  19. 9 months ago

    >back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    lmao fricking come on Ganker

  20. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    What the frick are you talking about, troony?

  21. 9 months ago

    >where games were made without an engine

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, zoom zoom

      • 9 months ago

        no moron.
        any game worth while was made by devs who made their own engine.

        you can't make a game without building some sort of development, rendering, audio & input environment to process and sort all your assets.

        • 9 months ago

          >you aren't a real dev if you don't design your own processor architecture and operating system before you begin coding your game

          • 9 months ago

            you literally can't make a game if you don't have some sort of engine you fricking idiot.
            what are you going to do? code everything in notepad and type out the points for every vertex of every 3D model 1 by one?

            you don't create systems for the game without first creating systems for development.

            • 9 months ago

              you write blender exporter that writes your vertex array and index buffers into header file you include, or write your own importer and 3d model format like most sane devs do anyways to reduce load times.

              • 9 months ago

                >or write your own importer and 3d model format like most sane devs do
                congratulations you're making an engine. that 3D model format you made, the data structures and how it loads and renders is all part of it.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes and?

              • 9 months ago

                Making a custom importer/exporter would be a waste when FBX/GLTF/USD exist

              • 9 months ago

                FBX/GLTF/USD are meant as asset exchange format, they suck as final distribution format

  22. 9 months ago

    dude just write your own game engine lmao

  23. 9 months ago

    >where games were made without an engine
    you are a worthless moron

  24. 9 months ago

    Excellent bait, OP.

  25. 9 months ago

    Half of all corporations perform these corporate buybacks to inflate stock price and fake earnings. They do this to simultaneous make number go up and get more investors as well as fool regular people into pumping their stock so they can P&D the masses. These companies are literally strip mining American currency at record speed, and because their financial backers have an incestuous relationship with our govt reps, they get away with it scott free. The american people are so blind and fricking stupid its unfathomable. We really ought to be put out of our misery for allowing these fricking israelites to do shit like this without just fricking going murder hobo in minecraft.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, stock market and cryptocurrency are literally the same thing

      • 9 months ago

        not at all. Cryptocurrency doesnt have stock buybacks. If you sell crypro privately it doesnt effect the value. Corporate CEOs can trade stocks with each other privately and make their stock price inflate.

        • 9 months ago

          they are both systems that should be demolished

    • 9 months ago

      buybacks just replaced higher dividends. if buybacks went away dividends would shoot up

  26. 9 months ago

    This but uniornically. People need to start learning engines before they start making games. Jonathan Blow was right all along.

  27. 9 months ago

    Well it made development more accessible to people who weren't more skilled programmers.
    >maybe the quality of games increases
    There's no guarantees that developing their own game engine will make the game good. Back then when devs were able to pull off something good it was because AAA still had an AA section. It gave them enough funds to be able to do the r&d for their own engine among other things. Indie is still very limited to what you saw in the 90s and early 00s because there isn't as much money involved. Really the actual problem is that AAA gaming just doesn't want that section of the industry back.

  28. 9 months ago

    Huge maps are only good thing about Unity

  29. 9 months ago

    If you have ever tried programming the obsolete 2d triangle accelerators that we are forced to use, you would know why nobody programs their own engines anymore. Seriously, gpus are so horrifically terrible at rendering 3d graphics. They require huge amounts of work and horrific contortions to get anything out of them.

    • 9 months ago

      Skill issue. There's literally tons of high level wrappers over existing render apis if you can't handle them. I guess you mixed 2d with 3d in your post. But yes, GPUs suck at 2D and vector graphics is hard. That said as long you avoid overdraw your indel pixie shit will be fine even if you need to go bullet hell.

      • 9 months ago

        I meant what I said. Gpus are far better at 2d, than 3d. Common gpus have pretty much no concept of what 3d is, all they do is render triangles in the exact order you submit them. The programmer has to do all the work.

        • 9 months ago

          Okay I guess you've never done any graphics programmer. GPUs are notoriously bad at 2D, but good at spitting out triangles (especially untextured). There fricking facebook company level of research getting GPUs output vector graphics at decent speed. Even if you don't do vector graphics, you need to keep your overdraw in check, and nowadays it's faster to have holes in your geometry than use transparent textures.

          • 9 months ago

            graphics programming*

          • 9 months ago

            > but good at spitting out triangles
            Being able to render a bunch of triangles quickly does not make a gpu good at 3d. Not unless you consider ps1 tier graphics to be good 3d.

            • 9 months ago

              just go be moronic somewhere else

  30. 9 months ago

    even with needing to tweak and customize them, using an off the shelf engine like unity or unreal is far cheaper, more efficient and often downright better for quality than making your own engine.

    people did this in the 90s and early 00's because prefab engines were still limited in many ways, and even that was fading fast with the release of Half Life 2.

  31. 9 months ago

    Work smarter not harder morons
    Making a rudimentary 2d game engine would take up at least a month of development time, and would cost you more time later since you'd either need to manually do things like input the coordinates of each tile in each level, or spend even more time developing a tool to do so for you. Or I could just pay the small licensing fee and have all this shit already there without any bugs and highly optimized
    This would be like making a web forum and saying "oh I need a login in system, time to spend a month researching cryptography so I can understand and implement Sha-2 from scratch"

  32. 9 months ago

    Every game should be made with Unreal Engine because it'll just make them way better than some shitty proprietary engine.

    • 9 months ago


  33. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    This is the dumbest OP I have seen today.

  34. 9 months ago


  35. 9 months ago

    >all these morons taking the bait and bumping the thread

    • 9 months ago

      >merely pretending

  36. 9 months ago

    everyone knows back in the day devs made games in ms paint

    • 9 months ago

      mspaint graphics are making a comeback. ever since undertale

      hit too close to home i guess lmao

      thats some cope

      • 9 months ago

        >still getting (You)s
        i broke this troon nodev lmao

        • 9 months ago

          >just call him what he called you, that'll work

  37. 9 months ago

    >everything won't look similar to each other due to using the same shaders
    Why is everyone talking about "games looking the same" so consistently moronic?
    Recently a video complaining about "UE games all look the same" gone big and the moron of course included a game not made on UE as an example.
    This also regularly happens in threads about engines here since fricking UE3.

  38. 9 months ago

    >where games were made without an engine

  39. 9 months ago

    Many games were done with a third party engines in the 90s and 00s though. Build Engine, Quake, Quake 2, Unreal, Source. Granted more dengines were in use instead of just near everyone using Unity and Unreal nowadays.

  40. 9 months ago

    This thread is literally pic related and I'm not talking about OP

  41. 9 months ago

    Engines are good, just not cross series engines.

    Someone like Game Freak should absolutely stop and just develop a 2D engine for main series Pokémon but you wouldn't use that fricking engine in Mario because that's moronic.

  42. 9 months ago



    I can't fricking wait when someone finally pulls the rug on these smug frickers and exposes their shady Chinese dealings

    • 9 months ago

      >guy tries to warn you that you're on fire
      >die burning alive in complete moronation.

      That's you. That's you right now.

  43. 9 months ago

    >go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    Anon, pls.

  44. 9 months ago


  45. 9 months ago

    They were all made with an engine you esl moron. They just had to build it.

    • 9 months ago

      >t. moron who does not get the point nor knows how software is made

      • 9 months ago

        >no argument whatsoever
        They all used engines. Every single one. You just had to make it. This is not up for debate. You're a brown moron. All of you brown people are.

  46. 9 months ago

    >games were made without an engine
    i wish I was a jannie so i could personally IP ban morons like you

  47. 9 months ago

    Come home white man.

  48. 9 months ago
  49. 9 months ago

    This thread really does enforce my belief that barely fricking anyone that plays games actually knows what an engine is.
    >lmao just make a game without an engine bro
    God damn fricking hell.

    • 9 months ago

      I did that, or at least people tell me what I built isn't an engine

      • 9 months ago

        >did not write a ECS system
        >did not use data-oriented design
        >did not write rendering abstraction for directx, opengl and vulkan
        >did not write shader preprocessor and use megashaders
        >did not use virtual textures
        >did not use screen space shading
        >did not write GI

        • 9 months ago

          but I did build a game

          • 9 months ago

            No you did not, it's impossible to draw graphics or do anything without engine nowadays, it's too complex

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                NOOO IMPOSSIBLE Black personMAN SAVE MEEEE!!

    • 9 months ago

      I'd say only half a percent of people here have ever written a hello world program, let alone know how to even work with an engine like unity or UE. Bunch of fricking morons, acting like this is some death knell of Unity. The companies that actually make money for Unity probably don't give a shit and will continue to use it, rather than try and make mobile games with fricking unreal engine

  50. 9 months ago

    >can we go back to 90s-00s where games were made without an engine
    it's been a while since i've seen bait of this quality

  51. 9 months ago

    Engine is a game and game is an engine. They are the same thing. If you toss away content of any game, technically you are left with "engine". Tools like map editors are often included under engine umbrella, but they are just tools that make developer's work faster and better.

  52. 9 months ago

    That's how you get more Cyberpunks 2077.

  53. 9 months ago

    Does this change also apply to devs who use RPG Maker Unite?

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