Disturbing / controversial PC games

33 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Fortnite is dying

18 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Coast to Coast with Art bell

68 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Survival infographics thread

44 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Google is tracking incels now lmao

38 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

How do you organize your memes?

58 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Wings of Redemption thread

78 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Zoomers killed WoW Classic

38 posts · MMOs · 4 years ago

Classic dungeon crawlers!

76 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Notch sucks at playing Minecraft

34 posts · Misc · 4 years ago

Is WOW dying?

87 posts · MMOs · 4 years ago