>Fallout 3 Chads stay winning eternally

507 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

R = U

41 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

Is pirating videogames ethical?

399 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

>haha he is fat lol

38 posts · Misc · 3 months ago


530 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

You just don't get it chud.

558 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

Play Kiseki

41 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

I'm afraid it's been... 3,145 days

55 posts · Misc · 3 months ago


61 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

We need a third option for tank MMO

36 posts · MMOs · 3 months ago

What am I supposed to be doing?

35 posts · Misc · 3 months ago


37 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

Microsoft/Xbox Genshin killer

101 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

Star Wars

81 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

dragons dogma

422 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

No longer canon

551 posts · Misc · 3 months ago

Has a video game ever gone too far?

95 posts · Misc · 3 months ago