Peak WoW

Early Cata was peak WoW and I'm tired of pretending it wasnt

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  1. 9 months ago

    fax, speak your trurth, brother

  2. 9 months ago

    Nah it was unfinished dogshit made by the b-team who made a lot of poor decisions.
    The heroic dungeons were tuned similarly to TBC which was nice but that doesn't outweigh the 50 other flaws.

    • 9 months ago

      What aspects are worse than vanilla, tbc or wotlk

      • 9 months ago

        pvp was spamming dogshit and it was the first time arenas was basically "Do damage or use defensive CD". No other strategies

        • 9 months ago

          Less than 1% of players played arena

      • 9 months ago

        How about the fact that the dungeons themselves were just hallways

        Or they ruined the old world with meme quests and pop culture references

        • 9 months ago

          Dungeons became linear in TBC. We will never get anything like BRD ever again. Those vanilla maze-like dungeons were made more than 20 years ago

          • 9 months ago

            Probably all made by 1 or 2 guys

        • 9 months ago

          Literally every dungeon in vanilla is linear

          BRS is linear with branches that don't intersect
          BRD is multiple linear dungeons with distinct starting points

          • 9 months ago

            >Literally every dungeon in vanilla is linear

            • 9 months ago

              Linear with intersections is still linear

              • 9 months ago

                BRD is not linear
                BRS is not linear
                Stratholme is not linear
                Dire Maul is not linear
                Scholomance is linear

                None of these are loot hallways

        • 9 months ago

          >How about the fact that the dungeons themselves were just hallways
          This is exactly how I remember every dungeon from hellfire ramparts to halls of reflection

  3. 9 months ago

    It was a slow leap down from WotLK. About as good as Panda was at least. Too much effort on remaking the world meant the game suffered.

  4. 9 months ago

    What they did for Cata was huge. They almost remade the entire old world AND they gave us like 6 new zones. Also, it had more dungeons at release than any modern exp

  5. 9 months ago

    Now that Classic has destroyed the rose colored glasses w.r.t vanilla-wotlk, do you think people will think Cata is better than what the consensus is?

    • 9 months ago

      do blizzard even have plans for cata classic?

    • 9 months ago

      Everyone with a brain knows Wrath is garbage. Its THE "log to raid then quit" exp
      Cata had 2 new races, new race/class combo, new profession, new guild system, new bgs, etc

      • 9 months ago

        wow was always raidlogging

      • 9 months ago

        every expansion is raid logging. i played the entirety of tbc classic and i pretty much just raid logged.

    • 9 months ago

      Considering Wrath Classic is literally and I mean literally completely dead and the rose tint wore off within 1 week of launch for 90% of the fanbase I'd say Cata would be hated within not even 3 days if it were to release now

    • 9 months ago

      Vanilla wow continues to survive. Turtle wow is massive and hardcore brought it back to offical blizzard servers at least for a while. All classic did was teach us that tbc isnt just an improved vanilla and wraith really was just hype that if it didn’t feature northrend would be unredeemable dogshit

      • 9 months ago

        > All classic did was teach us that tbc isnt just an improved vanilla and wraith really was just hype that if it didn’t feature northrend would be unredeemable dogshit
        This, and it's what I've been saying for years before classic.

        There were so many TBC cultists around before, claiming how wow was at its best then, probably because they either started playing then, or had better social experiences then than during vanilla (happened to find a good guild or friends). I always thought that it ruined several things that made vanilla good, and I couldn't even be bothered to play for most of the xpac (quit in 2.2, started again in wotlk).

        Now that TBC flopped in classic and managed to kill most of the servers, I've been proven correct. The only good period of wow is vanilla. And even that had its highs and lows, with later patches turning it into a bad direction.

        • 9 months ago

          TBC is still the most polished, content rich and actually finished expansion imo. BUT it sits in an awkward space inside the original trilogy.
          Wrath attracts the normies for how casual it is and it's when a good chunk of the players actually were able to get raid gear and obviously Vanilla is the OG experience and doesn't have a lot of the shit changes people don't like later on like the old world being outdated, flying, arena, dailies etc.

          • 9 months ago

            Not even close.
            TBC has bad balance and progression.
            Mythic+ is the best thing WoW has introduced since the base game.

            • 9 months ago

              >bro just spam dungeons every single patch for 7 years bro it's the best thing ever bro

              • 9 months ago

                Better than Vanilla/TBC

                >TBC has bad balance and progression.

                Ragnaros was killed in under 48 hours on Classic

                Who cares about Classic? I'm talking about Vanilla

                Vanilla was peak. Anyone who disagrees wasn't there

                Nah, people were moronic in Vanilla. Legion was better.

              • 9 months ago

                >Legion was better
                Opinion invalid. can we stop saying this? Nobody liked artifact power

              • 9 months ago

                I played Vanilla to Dragonflight (barely any WoD or DF). Artifact Power was fine unless you were sweaty.

              • 9 months ago

                >it was only bad if you actually played the game instead of treating it like a lobby
                Hot take

            • 9 months ago

              >TBC has bad balance and progression.

              Ragnaros was killed in under 48 hours on Classic

              • 9 months ago

                meanwhile TBC classic shut down because the balance and progression is so bad that nobody who actually played it wanted to keep playing it.

            • 9 months ago

              TBC's progression is better than retail. Retail has too many difficulty modes that are just filler to keep the MAU's higher.
              Attunements were also a great moron check instead of and warcraft logs to check if that person is allowed in your group.

          • 9 months ago

            An expac can never hope to compete with vanilla to the point its almost not fair.
            Vanilla with its many years of dev has a very full 1-60 filled with dungeons journy, 40ish zones i think, 3 bgs which mist is the only expac to release the same amount and 6 cities
            Expacs have 5 or 10 levels bolted on with 5-6 zones and 1-2 cities. The only thing expacs match with is raid quantity but if you don’t raid WHICH A LOT OF PEOPLE DONT BTW its going to feel like theres far far far less stuff to do in the game. This wouldnt be an issue except wow isn’t built like RuneScape, when a new expac releases that is the only part of the game that matters since everything is scaled out

          • 9 months ago

            Those might be good things in something that wasn't an mmo. Vanilla was badly balanced, especially early on where some specs were completely worthless (even more worthless than some were in 1.12). A lot of the zones screamed unfinished. But these weren't particularly relevant, because the more important parts were great.

            People have a habit of overstating the importance of balance, like

            Not even close.
            TBC has bad balance and progression.
            Mythic+ is the best thing WoW has introduced since the base game.

            . Insisting on perfect balance does little more than homogenize everything, and that's the direction where we went. Balance is not that important.

        • 9 months ago

          Flying ruined the entire game. Remove flying mounts and force everyone to ride a 60% speed horse and 90% of the games problems are fixed

          • 9 months ago

            flying was effectively removed for the last 10 years and that didn't fix the game's problems

          • 9 months ago

            The galaxy-brain take is that increasing the level cap ruined WoW. Every expansion invalidating the last fricked up the game.

            • 9 months ago

              >20 years of running Molten Core

              This is why I'm glad you're not a game designer

              • 9 months ago

                It would be too hard to balance 20 years of base game + expansions if everything was relevant

                What's the point of a level cap if we do level squishes, and stat squishes? From Legion to BFA, we factually got weaker, but the level numbers still went up. At this point, level bumps are just content resets, and limit what relevant content there is in the game.

                Level bumps every couple of expansions make sense, but I could totally have seen a version of WoW where vanilla through Wrath were all level 60.

              • 9 months ago

                homie have you never been in the pserver scene. gays love running molten core for 20 years, its the only explanation on why i keep hearing about freshie fresh. Also not really there would still be catchup raids and shit like that just now you have multiple choices years down the line on a fresh 60 instead of the single raid that’s out unless thats not a catchup than you have to pug the first raid of the expac for awhile or hope your guild still runs it

            • 9 months ago

              It would be too hard to balance 20 years of base game + expansions if everything was relevant

            • 9 months ago

              It made sense to increase the level cap the first 2ish times. It still invalidates a large part of the game sure, but least it took a while if you didn’t know what to do to do 60-70, and 70-80.
              Modern wow I genuinely don’t understand the point of the level cap increases. You don’t get a talent point a level, and you level so quickly that its not even a journey though the new zones so its like throwing larges parts of the game away for zero reason except for morons to think they got stronger even though the last 3 expacs all of your strength came from equipment that deactivated at the end?

            • 9 months ago

              I don’t understand why they didn’t just make it so that if you were a super hardcore raider, you can essentially skip the level grind and go straight to the first new raid of the expansion. Level 60 Naxx Gear that people spent ages to get shouldn’t have been made irrelevant by greens. Hell, make it so that Heroic Dungeons are when you start replacing the gear. The greens should’ve just been a catch-up mechanic.

              • 9 months ago

                fully enchanted Naxx gear isn't being replaced by greens
                Maybe just the weapons and specific pure spell/attack power cloth and level 68 blues

              • 9 months ago

                in 2.0 Tier 3 could be better than Kara and Heroic blues, later on they buffed Kara gear for a small bit of catch up. It's Wrath when they made previous best in slot gear be replaced by 78 greens and then doubled down with removing progression altogether with 3.2.

          • 9 months ago

            Flying was a big part of it. The biggest things that we lost were the social aspects and the world, the two things that I consider to be the cornerstones of mmorpgs.

            Flying killed a lot of the interaction in the world. You would run into fewer people, you could easily escape from anywhere. Towns lost their meaning for the most part. A bunch of towns in vanilla actually had activity in them because of flight paths, ships, services. In TBC, they served as quest hubs, with little other purpose. I hardly remember seeing other people in towns in TBC, while something like booty bay? Always people around.

            TBC allowed you to retreat into your own little cave to a much higher extent, and that's where the direction kept heading afterwards. Less forced interaction with other players.

            One of the biggest surprises for me in classic was the effect of world buffs. I had a fairly negative opinion of them from private servers, and to some extent during entirety of classic, but the things they did for player interaction in the world was massive. While people often commented that having to get them and then being forced to log out to preserve them wasn't exactly great because you couldn't play on your main, the 'having to get them' part caused masses to actually leave cities. ZG buff, DMF, songflower, and DM buffs to a smaller extent. They added actual danger to the world because people took parsing so seriously. You generally wanted other people with you because it was safer (and for summoning obviously). It forced people to try to be creative with hiding spots, etc. It created a bunch of drama. It's exactly the kind of content you (I) want in an mmo. Brings some people together, and creates rifts between others.

            • 9 months ago

              I didn't enjoy flying either but it is nothing compared to the garrison from WOD, made me feel like I was playing a single player game.

        • 9 months ago

          >Now that TBC flopped in classic and managed to kill most of the servers, I've been proven correct.
          Bullshit, TBC classic died due to greed of the Activision motherfrickers that started introducing paid shit like level boosts and having to pay shit to keep the character on both vanilla and TBC. There was also issue with bots thanks to that. The other controversies surrounding Activision in general didn't help either.

          In conclusion TBC itself didn't kill the classic servers, but fricking Activision themselves.

          • 9 months ago

            >paid shit like level boosts
            I don't know a single person who bought a level boost.
            >having to pay shit to keep the character on both vanilla and TBC.
            Nor did I know people who cared about keeping their character in classic era.
            >There was also issue with bots thanks to that
            Bots probably had a bigger impact pre-TBC, as the world was more relevant. Overall, they had some effect on the economy, but I don't consider it a particularly big deal. Maybe if you frequented GDKP runs. But again, that's a small part of the game.

            TBC just isn't very good if you like mmos.

            • 9 months ago

              >I don't know a single person who bought a level boost.
              Literally EVERY FRICKING BOT
              >Nor did I know people who cared about keeping their character in classic era.
              I did, I wasnt playing at that time and I've lost my classic character, as it was moved to tbc era alongside with all the relevant items from classic era that was making me rich on vanilla.
              >Bots probably had a bigger impact pre-TBC, as the world was more relevant. Overall, they had some effect on the economy, but I don't consider it a particularly big deal. Maybe if you frequented GDKP runs. But again, that's a small part of the game.
              The thing is they would get fricking banned before they would even reach the first dungeon and even if they did somehow get close to level cap, the banned bots would have to take another hundred or so hours to reach that point.

        • 9 months ago

          >I always thought that it ruined several things that made vanilla good
          What exactly did TBC break compared to vanilla? Every time I ask people just list either vague shit or stuff that amount to masochism, but maybe now that vanillagays got to refresh their memory with classic they might give a more understable answer.

          • 9 months ago

            Level cap increase and outdating the old world by making only Outland relevant. Arena eventually led to classes being gutted for balance reasons. Doubling down on the grinds with dailies. Bit too much bloat with needing to enchant nearly every piece of gear and throw in 2-3 gems. Linear hallway dungeons. Flying. Blood elves ruined Horde's aesthetic.

          • 9 months ago

            TBC forced you into Outland which was fricking tiny compared to EK + Kalimdor. It started the trend of fricking off to some little island for an entire xpac and abandoning the huge world the game started with.

          • 9 months ago

            Some issues I listed here

            Flying was a big part of it. The biggest things that we lost were the social aspects and the world, the two things that I consider to be the cornerstones of mmorpgs.

            Flying killed a lot of the interaction in the world. You would run into fewer people, you could easily escape from anywhere. Towns lost their meaning for the most part. A bunch of towns in vanilla actually had activity in them because of flight paths, ships, services. In TBC, they served as quest hubs, with little other purpose. I hardly remember seeing other people in towns in TBC, while something like booty bay? Always people around.

            TBC allowed you to retreat into your own little cave to a much higher extent, and that's where the direction kept heading afterwards. Less forced interaction with other players.

            One of the biggest surprises for me in classic was the effect of world buffs. I had a fairly negative opinion of them from private servers, and to some extent during entirety of classic, but the things they did for player interaction in the world was massive. While people often commented that having to get them and then being forced to log out to preserve them wasn't exactly great because you couldn't play on your main, the 'having to get them' part caused masses to actually leave cities. ZG buff, DMF, songflower, and DM buffs to a smaller extent. They added actual danger to the world because people took parsing so seriously. You generally wanted other people with you because it was safer (and for summoning obviously). It forced people to try to be creative with hiding spots, etc. It created a bunch of drama. It's exactly the kind of content you (I) want in an mmo. Brings some people together, and creates rifts between others.

            As for other things:

            The game started moving towards more timegating. While this existed in vanilla to an extent (raids and their lockouts), TBC introduced it to reputation grinds, heroics, professions, etc. Obviously the intent behind this is mainly to not allow players to progress through content too fast which is not a bad thing in itself, but it causes two harmful things at the same time.

            First, it limits your freedom. In vanilla, you might've wanted to run a dungeon multiple times in a row. You already had your group that you got along well with, you're in the area, and there are still things your group needs from the dungeon. Might as well run it again. For heroics? Nope. Find a different dungeon instead. Made slightly worse by daily HC, since rewards for that were better than for other ones. Feel like doing some reputation grinds (even though they mostly sucked in vanilla)? Feel free to grind as long as you want (Zandalar, AQ stuff being exceptions really). In TBC? You're done with your dailies. Do it again tomorrow.

            The second, probably the worse thing, is that it causes this psychological effect where you feel you need to do the dailies or you're missing out. With no restrictions, it doesn't matter if you skip a day. You can just do it twice as much the next day if you feel like it. With dailies, each day you skip is a day lost. As a result, it starts to feel like work. I absolutely hate how the daily system plagues gaming these days. They're good for player retention (apparently), but I don't know a single person who actually likes them.

            I was supposed to list more but I'm already approaching character cap after only a single point.

            • 9 months ago

              Based post. I dislike how the game has become more of a chore than an actual game. I miss playing 2-3 days a week without feeling left behind

    • 9 months ago

      wotlk was when wow was peak normie

    • 9 months ago

      obviously, wrath is the biggest pile of dogshit.

    • 9 months ago

      >muh consesus
      frick off sheep I always liked Cata hell I discovered private server because of MoP

    • 9 months ago

      I love vanilla to wrath levelling experience without heirlooms, without exp boosts and all that shit, just take a few zones and do all quests in them before moving on, doing those classic dungeons, all that good shit, BUT after reaching endgame I just default to raid logging because I don't think there's anything to do in WoW if you don't pvp, and coming from FFXIV that is more PvE focused and the PvE content is harder I am extremely excited for Cataclysm because that's when raids are starting to get harder and more in-depth. Ulduar was a let down but TOGC and ICC are more fun.

      • 9 months ago

        >Ulduar was a let down but TOGC and ICC are more fun.

        This better be bait

        • 9 months ago

          Ulduar is overrated, ICC is definitely better, TOGC is a fun quick dungeon with fun goofy ass bosses like NB, FC, Anub.

          • 9 months ago

            ICC is easily the most overrated raid there is because so many normies got a boner for Arthas. Naxxramas feels much more like a Scourge stronghold than THE scourge stronghold. No Nerubian wing but instead 2 fart bosses and a fricking farnsworth reference.
            Players not being able to walk up the peak of the citadel like Arthas did was also a missed opportunity.

    • 9 months ago

      Absolutely. The raids will show everyone how wrong they were. Really fun T11 and T12 bosses, and also hard, but not buck-breaking hard because Blizz will roll out 4.3.4 patch with phased content. Every class is like 30% stronger. Casuals who kissed squirrels will be obviously filtered, but tbh there is not much of the old world that has been destroyed or redone.

      do blizzard even have plans for cata classic?

      Yes they have sent the surveys before. Cata Classic™ might very well come.

      Early Cata was peak WoW and I'm tired of pretending it wasnt

      That is correct, casuals were in flames

      It was a slow leap down from WotLK. About as good as Panda was at least. Too much effort on remaking the world meant the game suffered.

      It was "slow leap" because of Dragon Soul mediocre raid that lasted forever T11 and T12 was kino af, Ragnaros is the best boss fight I have ever played (I beat all TBC Classic bosses and some of the WotLK except ICC).

      Cata was severely underrated and a clear improvement on Wrath, even in the later stages of the expansion. But not peak.

      That is true, there are some flaws. The biggest argument wrathbabbies had is that Cata has gutted the talent trees and reduced build variance. In reality WotLK has very rigid talent build meta, there is 1 build for most classes with some minor variance (like Improved Lay on Hands for Holy paladins, you either take 1 point or 2).

  6. 9 months ago

    Cata was the most moronic thing to happen to WoW. It literally deleted the content that put the game on the map. Imagine deleting everything in Ocarina of Time because Twilight Princess came out. Vanilla WoW was a cultural milestone for video games, and Cata replaced it with its unmemorable shit.

    • 9 months ago


      The content literally exists for you to know how mind numbingly boring and dull and easy it is.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, it was fricking good. Did you play Vanilla Westfall, and compare to Cata? The Cata version feels like it's fricking still in beta. It's unironically insane it launched the way it did. The quest line for the zone ends with Sentinel Hill on fire, and you reporting to the king that the Defias are back. And what does he do? He goes "oh shit. That's bad. Now go to Redridge."

        Sentinel Hill never stops being on fire. Ever. It's Stratholme tier. And don't even get me started on the giant vortex in the zone that serves literally no purpose. The ONLY quest that even mentions this thing exists is a repurposed one from Vanilla, given from the ghost in the lighthouse, of all people.

        • 9 months ago

          Nobody cares about the story

          • 9 months ago

            Westfall is the second zone in the game if you play human. If I started WoW and experienced that (and many people were starting WoW in 2010 still), I would be in pure "what the frick is this?" mode. I'd keep wondering when I'd return to that town, and help it. But you never do. You go to the Deadmines, but the town there is literally on fire until the phasing breaks.

          • 9 months ago

            That's one reason why the game slowly died, because blizzard doesn't care about the story, so now no-one else does
            There's a reason people remember the old Warcraft characters, because those games had memorable STORIES

      • 9 months ago

        Cata replaced a lot of iconic quest chains and comfy zones with outdated pop culture references and memes.

        Yeah, it was fricking good. Did you play Vanilla Westfall, and compare to Cata? The Cata version feels like it's fricking still in beta. It's unironically insane it launched the way it did. The quest line for the zone ends with Sentinel Hill on fire, and you reporting to the king that the Defias are back. And what does he do? He goes "oh shit. That's bad. Now go to Redridge."

        Sentinel Hill never stops being on fire. Ever. It's Stratholme tier. And don't even get me started on the giant vortex in the zone that serves literally no purpose. The ONLY quest that even mentions this thing exists is a repurposed one from Vanilla, given from the ghost in the lighthouse, of all people.

        This too, a lot of the zone remakes were left unfinished and some of the zones were mostly untouched. It ends up having a poor end game and a half baked world revamp. Cata really needed another year to be worked on and probably needed to scrap the new zones besides Hyjal to focus on the revamp more. Or maybe just don't do a fricking remake at all.

        • 9 months ago

          >It ends up having a poor end game
          Better endgame than anything in the 3 versions prior is poor endgame?

          • 9 months ago

            Difficulty was good but otherwise the content was a bit boring (also T11 was very buggy at launch). Nefarian and Ragnaros again cmon, then ending on a very recycled final raid.

            • 9 months ago

              Wrath Naxxramas was worse than anything Cata did

              • 9 months ago

                Apparently nobody even saw vanilla naxx meaning all of those people who swore they cleared it back in 2006 or whatever lied so i dont really see the harm in now showing it to 99% of the players. The problem is now people have seen naxx 10000s times so the effect no longer works in a rerelease

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Wrath Tier 7 was dogshit too. Both Wrath and Cata are unfinished and suffer for it.

        • 9 months ago

          They could have just had deathwing destroy some zones later idk what they were thinking

  7. 9 months ago

    Cata was severely underrated and a clear improvement on Wrath, even in the later stages of the expansion. But not peak.

  8. 9 months ago

    transmog&mount collecting shit=cancer and if you disagree you're coping

  9. 9 months ago

    I was in a real guild so heroic dungeons were fun. I did pug exactly once and then never again until the nerfbat hit. After grinding for H-Nefarian and then the Molten Front and early Firelands being shit I took a hiatus until MoP though.

  10. 9 months ago

    >you will never run BoT with your friends on a friday night ever again

    Things were so much simpler then

  11. 9 months ago

    ohhh look what's coming up, classic cata

    • 9 months ago

      that'd be final nail into classic

  12. 9 months ago

    One thing i enjoyed about Cata was the prenerfed dungeons and how much it angered casuals
    Holy shit did it cause so much good seethe

  13. 9 months ago

    Why do nostalgia babs never critique gameplay, only content?

    • 9 months ago

      Cata had better gameplay than previous expansions. Its probably the second best expansion when it comes to gameplay, after Mists

      • 9 months ago

        Cata's questlines were too linear. You were tied to a fricking leash. Every zone was a guided track through every piece of content there.

        • 9 months ago

          every questline is linear

          It is called a questLINE

          • 9 months ago

            You're being disingenuous. If you played through Cata's questing you know EXACTLY what I mean. Each zone had a single questline that led into each other. No variance. Especially with the phasing. You were dragged on a leash.

        • 9 months ago

          WoW was linear even during Vanilla. Regular quests were always "go somewhere, kill 10 enemies" or "go somewhere, grab 10 apples"

          • 9 months ago

            No, those are the individual quests. I am talking the QUESTLINES. Each zone had a singular story that you followed from the beginning to the end, with a quest that had you checking off boxes as you went through the (often phasing) zone. There was no room to breath. You started at the beginning, and progressed until you got to the end, and then were given a breadcrumb to the next zone.

    • 9 months ago

      Gameplay is subjective. I hate the concept of rotations and prefer just using an attack and than other abilities/spells when i need too than pressing 1>2>3 on repeat until i get a proc than 4 or its burst phase so 5 etc rotation shit.
      People will heavily disagree with me and scream that a mage just tapping frost bolt is boring even though most people who b***h never even made it to 60 but also idk competitive Simon says just doesn’t interest me

  14. 9 months ago

    >the xpac that caused players to quit in droves was the peak
    I hate contrarian zoomies so much

    • 9 months ago

      It still managed to keep ~10 mill. And the biggest sub loss was probably during the Dragon Soul drought

    • 9 months ago

      impressive how much people left during mists
      also impressive how for a small period it gained players after a dip mid expansion

      • 9 months ago

        Mists came out in 2012. Wow was already far from the most relevant game, I don’t really blame the droppoff on anything honestly. Like people onions about wod and its orc theme being so le good and look at the numbers, it basically went right to where it was at the start of mists and near its end and right back to mid mists number at a staggering rate like all expac boosts. I think the second people hit max level and its time to start grinding for pre raid gear is when they drop off. Vanilla-wraith most wow players were like 11 and did other things than play games all day. It took months to hit 60, now homies rush to max within a week of a mmo expac launch no sleep and wonder why they no longer feel playing. Also raids are overrated. who the frick wants to spend there free time grinding dungeons or godforbid rep grinds for gear just to be able to earn the ability to babysit mouth breathers and or being yelled at by slighty more competent mouth breathers.

      • 9 months ago

        >also impressive how for a small period it gained players after a dip mid expansion
        Throne of Thunder is unironically the best content patch the game has ever gotten.

    • 9 months ago

      Ehhh everything dies eventually and what most people saw as the biggest villian being defeated seemed like a good stopping point.
      Also it went from hordes of the undead to vanilla zones being redone to have more poop themed quests put in.

    • 9 months ago

      >being a newhomosexual who fundamentally doesn't understand graphs
      Lurk moar, troon

  15. 9 months ago

    Blood DK tank for Heroic ZG/ZA dungeons was pretty fun.
    BRB soloing bosses because moronic pugs died.

  16. 9 months ago


    I came back to try WOD after quitting in WOTLK and I quit again after I saw some c**t with a power ranger outfit riding a pink rocket ride past me.

    • 9 months ago

      So you quit because you saw someone riding a WotLK mount?

  17. 9 months ago

    >winning every duel out the front of org as an enhancement shaman in patch 4.0.4
    Those were the days indeed

    • 9 months ago

      cata was when they made lava lash your nuke right?
      really was hilarious
      elemental also had moronic burst in mists despite dropping off very hard after their burst

      • 9 months ago

        yeah, but what made enh so funny was the endless healing, sub rogue vs enh shammy duels would go for 25 minutes and both players would still be full health

  18. 9 months ago

    Peak WoW was the first patch of MoP when level 80/85 twinks were doing several times more DPS than raid geared 90s

  19. 9 months ago

    the last time sub rouge made scents in battlegrounds before legion super fricked everything except titanfrogged loot

  20. 9 months ago

    Right before the social aspect of wow died, it wasn't the best of wow but it was the last time that it was good so I can see how'd you think this in hindsight.

  21. 9 months ago

    WoW needed to ban Pugging raids back in TBC, by Wrath it was 90% of /trade

  22. 9 months ago

    The elimination of true dual spec removed the RPG aspect of the game and turned it from an mmorpg to an mmo.

  23. 9 months ago

    Be honest, how many times did you die to this big guy?

    • 9 months ago

      break yourself

    • 9 months ago

      >party wipes
      >bubblehearth out

    • 9 months ago


  24. 9 months ago

    social experiences still exist it just comes with everything you'd expect from decaying nations. Instead of being a refuge for nerds it's a refuge for trannies and other mentally ill freaks.

    • 9 months ago

      Except now you don’t form bonds with anyone or friendships it’s just passive or full on aggressive homosexual shit with no funny banter from 5”4 Mexicans

  25. 9 months ago

    I don't care. Give me WoD but better this time.

  26. 9 months ago

    pre-nerf heroics were fun but the open world design of cata was fricking abysmal, I didn't want to level new characters anymore and every 80-85 zone was awful.

  27. 9 months ago

    Vanilla was peak. Anyone who disagrees wasn't there

  28. 9 months ago

    Anything post day 1 release of this disaster should be sent to the trash heap

  29. 9 months ago

    Based, frick casuals and garrosh hating sissies

    People who just hated green jesus get a pass

  30. 9 months ago

    Vanilla > MoP = TBC > Wotlk > Cata

    • 9 months ago

      This guy especially deserves a lamp post reserved

  31. 9 months ago

    im excited to try it, my problem with classic was how much of a mind-numbing slog it all was to reach current content

  32. 9 months ago

    Unironically what broke Cata for me was the fact that you always needed an introduction quest to start questing in a zone
    You couldn't just walk there and get shit done, you had to get the quest from Stormwind first
    What absolute shit

    • 9 months ago

      Just walk into the middle of the ocean

      You stupid b***h

      • 9 months ago

        It made sense for Vashj'ir and Hyjal because muh cimatic entrance and whatnot but it made no sense for Horatio Frickface to not talk to you unless you got the quest from Elwynn first.

  33. 9 months ago

    cata was so bad it made ma quit and i was in one of the top rated pve guilds through end of wotlk and playing religiously

  34. 9 months ago

    demonology during mists was honest to god fun

    • 9 months ago

      Mists overall class design was really good i messed around on stormforge for a few months. Its really a top 3 expac easily.
      Its also the only expac that truly adds tons of new things into the setting instead of just sucking of wc3 tbc wraith vanilla elemental lords non stop

    • 9 months ago

      Leveling as a tank in MoP was about the best wow experience I've ever had. I ended up leveling all 5 tanks.
      >outdps the dps
      >almost outheal the healers
      >barely take any damage
      >one shot shield slam Black folk in bgs
      >or deny them any move whatsoever as a BM monk

  35. 9 months ago

    This is one the best zones in the game. I loved all the random quests that showed up while exploring around the sunken ships

    • 9 months ago

      I've never been to vashjir I always do hyjal.

  36. 9 months ago

    Classic is literally just people wanting to experience launch wow organically cause they were busy with LoL

    • 9 months ago

      Vanilla wow is like 5 years older than lol. Half life 2 released around the time of wow releasing. But yeah classic was a way for people to experience something they didnt 15 years before, I couldn’t because i had to beg my mom and dad for a subscription and they agreed but i chose Disney’s pirates of the Caribbean mmo over wow lol

      • 9 months ago

        1.12 is nothing like 1.1 anyway, people got a heavily nerfed and basically pre TBC patch version of Vanilla.

  37. 9 months ago

    For this reason alone Cata is the best expansion

    • 9 months ago

      Friendly reminder modern WoW removed the word "b*tch" from this scene

      • 9 months ago

        Can't go and insult a character who later committed genocide.

  38. 9 months ago

    The reason why Wrath classic failed is because of the shitty legion engine and scuffed patch that the entire expansion is to be played on.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrath was always super easy and had mass GDKP runs when ICC came out.
      It's just not that great of an expansion.

  39. 9 months ago

    Are you blizzdrones starting propaganda on the next chapter of the classic Wow?

  40. 9 months ago


  41. 9 months ago

    this dog shit expansion was literally the end of WoW

  42. 9 months ago

    Its funny how WoW went from being a game for nerds to a game for normies to a game for trannies over the years

    • 9 months ago

      The same happened with Ganker

  43. 9 months ago

    The memories still remember begging my mother to buy it for me on launch day, borderline crying even though I was 16.

    • 9 months ago

      >borderline crying even though I was 16.

      A little cringe, anon.

    • 9 months ago

      >borderline crying even though I was 16.
      Extremely based, anon

  44. 9 months ago

    People in my guild keep shit-talking Cata for things that were added in MoP. I'm convinced we've been wrong all this time and Pandaland was the true cancer that killed WoW.

  45. 9 months ago

    Cata world is awful. Half the quests don't let you play your class and only throw all the reddit tier parody writing at you.
    Yeah you had bits and pieces of that before Cata, but that's the point where they removed "get 12 boar asses" quests and replaced them with quests where you're in some vehicle and have to listen to some cringey dialogue.

    • 9 months ago

      >Yeah you had bits and pieces of that before Cata

      I think some people overestimate the original references in Vanilla. The worst was that Zelda quest chain but it was very very optional. There is a big difference between a Hunter talent down the tree somewhat subtly referencing a line from Terminator and Redridge being Rambo, half of Uldum being Indiana Jones and Westfall being that stupid cop show, NCIS or whatever.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah. That said, it gradually got to that point, and the revamp meant that it was everywhere. Harrison Jones was not new, but the crunch probably meant that the zone was meant as fast as possible and the dev team had to push through the first thing that came to mind.

  46. 9 months ago

    Can a lore nerd explain to me how the Cata zones came to be? Were they always there and people in Azeroth just ignore them?

    • 9 months ago

      Hyjal was always there, even in Vanilla. Just unfinished. Deepholm was a rock elemental place no one went to. Vashj'ir was underwater, and Twilight Highlands was always meant to be there. Just unfinished.

  47. 9 months ago

    Cata was a final straw, subs never rose since then

  48. 9 months ago

    Cataclsym was Activision's first expansion and it shows. It's slop and was never worth playing.

  49. 9 months ago

    Great, we will have it early spring 2024, mark my words.

  50. 9 months ago

    >Cata classic coming 2024
    >Mists classic coming 2026
    Only 3 more years, pandabros

    • 9 months ago

      MoP fricking sucked and Classic MoP will break the nostalgia goggles of everyone who gives it blind praise.

      • 9 months ago

        MoP is great. Go play a decent pirate server and you will see its was always a great expansion

        • 9 months ago

          the pservers for MoP are all fricking dead because nobody wants to play that trash.

      • 9 months ago

        i literally just played a bunch of wow over the last 2 years on random pservers
        mop is genuinely the 2nd best expac after vanilla. it has its issues like being a tad too easy leveling like all post tbc expacs but it is what it is.

      • 9 months ago

        Everyone will quit in cata anyway

    • 9 months ago

      >survival hunter in MoP

  51. 9 months ago

    I don't like how rushed it felt. You could tell they ran out of time trying to revamp Azeroth so they just reskinned a bunch of shit from WotLK
    Wintgrasp -> Tol Barod
    Sons of Hodier - > Therazane
    Vault of Archavon -> Baradin Hold

    Not to mention half the Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms zones didn't even get finished

  52. 9 months ago

    It wasn't. Classic, TBC and WotLK all are reasonable takes one way or another but this is not.

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, chud

  53. 9 months ago

    Has cata classic been confirmed yet? Will they keep the og dungeon "diffculty"?

    • 9 months ago

      There was a survey for Cataclysm
      just like there was a survey for TBC and Wrath

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, it will be 4.3. What they might do is buff the Heroic dungeons by 20% or something but not change the reduce mobs, nerfed mechanics etc

  54. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      What does this mean

      • 9 months ago

        It means fresh 80s are gonna start queueing as tank for H+++ HoR and I'm going to begin participating in murder-suicide ideation

    • 9 months ago

      >in development
      >shit that was in the game 15 years ago

  55. 9 months ago

    Played for 15 years and quit mid BFA
    Throne of Thunder, Ulduar, Blackrock Foundry, Nighthold, and AQ40 best raids.
    Helya and Lei Shen best bosses.

  56. 9 months ago

    WoW lore has been dogshit from Classic but Twilight Hammer is still a cooler enemy faction than either Scourge or Burning Legion
    >Mutant dragons
    >freaky elementals
    >humans mutating into freaky elementals
    >Black personman Entities
    Far better and more varied than just zombies or demons

    • 9 months ago

      I think the Legion has a lot more demon races. And also, they're extremely powerful and have destroyed like 1000 planets
      The Twilight looks cool but without Deathwing or a big old god leadind them they're not so intimidating

  57. 9 months ago

    Cata was past the prime.
    I bet you didn't play vanilla at release.

  58. 9 months ago

    I hated how Cata changed the old vanilla zones. I’ll never forgive them for flooding Thousand Needles.

    • 9 months ago

      aw man the most dull questing place in the world has quests that don't require you to gather 12 bird feathers that drop 12% of the time

    • 9 months ago

      They were suppose to add boat races to thousand needles but never got around to it, which was probably the whole idea to flood it in the first place.
      it's pretty funny how they thought to remake the world 6 years after launch but 13 years later they are okay with so many of the Cata zones being unfinished and over a decade old.

  59. 9 months ago

    Anyone else feels like Cata came out not so long ago, like 5-6 years but in reality launched 13 fricking years ago? Its almost disturbing for me

  60. 9 months ago

    Beta was peak WoW.

    Everything after that went down hill really quickly in terms of actual enjoyment.

  61. 9 months ago

    Being a 15 year old kid and playing WoW 20 hours a day was peak gaymin experience for me
    Frick having responsabilities. All I need is some coffee and snacks

  62. 9 months ago

    ah yes. cata launch was so good that my whole guild quit.

  63. 9 months ago

    I absolutely loved the aesthetics, music, and storyline of the Worgen, including their comic series. I never forgave Blizzard for doing NOTHING with them after that.

  64. 9 months ago

    anything past vanilla was dog shit the mechanic of flying mounts ruined the game

  65. 9 months ago

    I liked it because feral druids were raid bosses in pvp for a while, I just casually got 2200 rating and roamed around the world killing every alliance I encountered. Good times.

  66. 9 months ago

    Vanilla was the only time the game was good. Everything after it was a slowing of growth and utter stagnation leading to decline. The only reason tbc and wotlk are seen as positive is because of the momentum from Vanilla lasting into their timelines. Those expansions did nothing to grow the game on their own.
    Every WoW expac, even TBC and WotLK, after I full clear the raid at its hardest difficulty and all that is left is to completely BiS out my character. I ask myself "Why do I want good gear" and I never come up with a good answer and just quit the game lol
    Nothing modern Blizzard produces will be a competent product. The creative teams at Blizzard are simply no longer equipped to create novel, interesting experiences. It is a focus-group-driven by-the-numbers company that emphasizes HR initiatives over creativity.

  67. 9 months ago

    my only memories of Cata release are "wow everything is broken as frick"

  68. 9 months ago

    the only good thing about Crapaclysm is the difficult heroics
    But even then they threw the playerbase in to them too abruptly
    Everything else was shit, nostalgia will not save it

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