>pic related is supposed to be OoT Link who teaches TP Link because he regrets not being remembered as a hero

>pic related is supposed to be OoT Link who teaches TP Link because he regrets not being remembered as a hero
>despite people explicitly bringing up the Hero of Time in TP
>despite knowing a song that was only in WW
>despite being freakishly more huge than Adult Link in OoT

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  1. 12 months ago

    He doesn't regret not being remembered, that is literally Historia headcanon. He regrets being unable to pass down his sword skills, which is why he promptly moves on once you learn them ("Go and do not falter, my child"). It is a parallel to Kamaro, from Majora's Mask, who was unable to pass on until he got to teach you his dance.

    • 12 months ago

      and the only Link who was previously taught skills was the hero of winds on outset island, little did we know the old man incited a tradition

      • 12 months ago

        yeah, there's no way that the hero's shade isn't the hero of wind. those rascals went off and forgot the lands that made them legend and established new hyrule.

        The Hero Shade isn't the Link from Wind Waker dumbass. There's a shit ton of evidence pointing to OoT Link being the Hero's Shade. Just from the top of my mind:
        >98% of the songs he sings, come from OoT/MM, one song comes from WW and one is original to TP
        >The game talks about the Hero of Time over and over. You have the Light Spirits talking about him, Midna also mentions him, random npcs at Telma's bar talk about him, there are stone tablets about him telliing his story, Renado (that one shaman from Kakariko) also mentions him, there are paintings of him on the walls leading to Hyrule Castle, so on and forth
        >He is TP Link's ancestor. And TP Link knows Epona's Song, a song only avaiable in OoT/MM. That and he already starts the game with the horse.
        >Webm related
        >Twilight Princess takes place after Majora, not Wind Waker
        WW Link's entire thing is that he had no relation to any Link prior, he lived in the middle of an ocean and went on to find a new continent. WW Link has no horse, has no connections to most of the songs that the Hero's Shade sings or the story of Wind Waker.

        • 12 months ago

          And that's not to mention that (for better or worse) both Historia and Encyclopedia confirm him as being OoT Link.

        • 12 months ago

          >Hero's Shade does the Z-target shuffle
          Holy shit I must've blocked this out of my memory

        • 12 months ago

          >the story of Wind Waker
          *of Twilight Princess

        • 12 months ago

          so the songs aren't admissible in court because one of them is from wind waker.
          with all the mentioning you would think the hero's shade would come forward one (1) time and they don't.
          >TP Link's ancestor
          How is TP Link playing epona song a point in your favor? it's a song horses and cows like, they link that tune, so Link plays that tune, he uses a fricking piece of grass to play that tune. he starts with a horse?!
          he STARTS?! with a HORSE?!
          holy shit, hero shade is Ocarina of Time Link confirmed?!

          next time how about you shutty if all you got is nuttin, if I wanted nuttin I would play a game with Midna.

          • 12 months ago

            >so the songs aren't admissible in court because one of them is from wind waker.
            One. A singular one is from Wind Waker.
            >The very first song he plays is from Majora's Mask. The Song of Healing, only OoT Link and the Happy Mask Salesman know this song.
            >The next song is Requiem of Spirit, from Ocarina of Time. Again, a song that ONLY OoT Link, Zelda and perhaps Nabooru knew.
            >Then you have Prelude of Light, also from Ocarina of Time.
            >Next, you have Goron's Lullaby, that only 3 people from Termina, an alternative dimension, and OoT Link, knew.
            >Finally and ONLY THEN, you have a singular song from Wind Waker, the Ballad of Gales.
            >The final song is the main theme from Twilight Princess
            There is an obvious pattern here. You have 6 songs, 4 of them come from OoT/MM and are songs that ONLY the Hero of Time could logically know. 1 is an outlier and one is a new song and the main theme of the game.
            The individual pieces of the Triforce (Wisdom, Power and Courage) can be passed down through lineage, which is why the Triforce of Wisdom is commonly found with the Royal Family.
            TP Link inherits the Triforce of Courage though his bloodline, as he starts the game with his piece already within him (much like Zelda typically also inherits her Triforce of Wisdom throughout her bloodline).
            We know, as a matter of fact that, OoT Link had his piece of the Triforce still with him until the end of OoT and nothing in MM implies that he lost it.
            In contrast, Wind Waker Link lost his triforce of courage at the end of his game. Then he never even cares to get it back again, if we go by both Phantom Hourglass (a game with the same Link from Wind Waker) and Spirit Tracks (which takes place 100 years after WW/PH).

            • 12 months ago

              And that's not to mention that the Hero's Shade himself says he is related to the current hero. One of the Light Spirits also tell you that.

            • 12 months ago

              >There is an obvious pattern here.
              one of the songs is one he cannot possibly know, so the songs aren't proof they're invalidated, moron.

          • 12 months ago

            And again, what you're trying to do, just undermines what Wind Waker is about and what he tried to do. Wind Waker Link lives in the middle of the ocean. Again, he has no horse. He doesn't know any of the songs from OoT or Majora (and quite literally can't learn some of them)

            • 12 months ago

              >Again, he has no horse.
              oh god no, oh frick me sideways
              hero of winds doesn';t have a horse?!
              holy shit oh my god almighty.


          • 12 months ago

            He starts with EPONA. Not any horse, EPONA.
            He know Epona's Song, a song that was composed by Malon's mom, and that, at least at that point, only Malon, Link, Talon and Ingo (most likely) knew. That's 3, maybe four people who knew how to sing that song.
            >he uses a fricking piece of grass
            Yes, and? He still knows the fricking song, much like the Link from OoT, that is what matters. Wind Waker Link, does not know this song as he probably doesn't even know what the frick is a horse in the first place.
            And again, there are no horses in Wind Waker, nor in Phantom Houglass, the only two games where the Hero of Winds shows up, and try guessing why?
            Because there was a fricking flood of biblical proportions and now most of the world is covered in water.

            • 12 months ago

              >He starts with EPONA. Not any horse, EPONA.
              it's A HORSE

              you absolute
              haven't played the game in years

              kys, get hit by a car, die in a fire, but just perish from the earth. honorably and perhaps with gusto.

              • 12 months ago

                And you can name link anything moron, doesn't make him not link.

              • 12 months ago

                it would make him whoever you named it,lol

                but it's not the same horse, that would be physically impossible. you can forgo dying by fire that was rude of me, but you must die somehow.

              • 12 months ago

                Of course it isn't the same horse, dumb motherfricker. But it is still a horse, named Epona, and he still knows the damn song you literal moron. Which WW Link doesn't.

              • 12 months ago

                then who taught him the song, that he plays with a blade fricking grass, just because the horse likes it and comes to it

              • 12 months ago

                What about his parents? Dumbass.
                My point is that the song was passed down, same probably applies to the horse (the original Epona) and it's offspring, eventually reaching TP Epona.

        • 12 months ago

          It's the little details

    • 12 months ago

      and the only Link who was previously taught skills was the hero of winds on outset island, little did we know the old man incited a tradition

      yeah, there's no way that the hero's shade isn't the hero of wind. those rascals went off and forgot the lands that made them legend and established new hyrule.

      his sword skills are exclusive tothe hero of wind, however
      the helm splitter and the roll behind slice whatever its called, those are hero of wind moves, and that Link never taught anyone else despite having a master to teach him skills

      Ballad of the Gales is only in Wind Waker but that does not mean it was invented in the Adult Timeline
      It’s supposed to be a song by taught by Cyclos and presumably known to the royal family given he recognizes the wind waker, so OoT Link knowing could also mean he encountered Cyclos in the child timeline

      I thought he regretted that no one learned from all of the shit he did. Because everything is just happening over again.

      Holy shit you morons in denial that it's oot link. Fricking ww link hasn't even been born yet. It is so obviously oot/majora link

      He is visually a stalfos. In oot and in no other game if an adult human goes into the lost woods they are said to become a stalfos. You go into the lost woods as an adult to go to the forest temple. Therefore that link eventually is doomed to become a stalfos. The Majora's mask stages of grief theory is legit. You don't see link go back home to Hyrule. Hero of time vanishes from the timeline and is lost in termina. Some portion of his spirit eventually reaches Hyrule and can pass on his sword skills to tp link.

      One timeline theory or bust frick that gay split timeline shit. Makes no sense.

      • 12 months ago

        I didn’t say it wasn’t OoT Link, only that him knowing Ballad of Gales does not discredit him being OoT Link
        >he’s a stalfos
        He isn’t, he’s a ghost. Stalfos are skeletons, Hero’s Shade only has a skull face while the rest of his body is in tact

        • 12 months ago


          He's got exposed ribs too anon
          His arms and legs have sinewy bits on them but is still a skeleton man

          • 12 months ago

            He's a ghost, not a Stalfos. Pic related is what a Stalfos is meant to look like in TP.
            Also, he only shows up as a golden wolf in the normal world, and only turns into his humanoid "skelly" form in what seems to be the Sacred Realm.

            • 12 months ago

              Here's the Hero's Shade for comparison

              • 12 months ago

                and now OoT Stalfos

              • 12 months ago

                Yup. I don't see any bones, outside of the skull face. It's all ectoplasm limbs

            • 12 months ago

              Here's the Hero's Shade for comparison

              I mean it would not be the first time in the series that we have seen a model for one race look all the same except for a handful of notable npc's that look different. Like all the weird Ikana Stalfos in Majora's mask or variance between Dekus and Zoras in the same game. You bet your ass they wouldn't just leave a stalfos meant to be a former link looking identical to the generic enemy version. If you want proof within Twilight Princess just look at the non generic Gorons you see with the elders and patriarch or King Bulbin or Midna and Zant vs the normal Twili.

        • 12 months ago


          He's got exposed ribs too anon
          His arms and legs have sinewy bits on them but is still a skeleton man

          Your both wrong, he is a redead.

          He has the bluish zombie skin over a thin wasted away body and the one red eye like the tp redead knights have.

      • 12 months ago

        I never said it wasn’t stop projecting your insecurities homosexual.

      • 12 months ago

        >mass replier doesn't read the thread
        please, pay attention next time.

      • 12 months ago

        >Fricking ww link hasn't even been born yet.
        the hero's shade is the hero of winds, who hasn't managed to teach anyone his sword skills yet. deepwee regert

        • 12 months ago

          I would like to see your reasoning as to why it is hero of winds somehow from the future of tp's world.

          • 12 months ago

            ww takes place before tp

            • 12 months ago

              In the shitty hh timeline it is on a different timeline. But I personally don't buy into the hh timeline. I subscribe to the singular timeline theory. And one thing I easily notice in tp is that the world is not yet flooded. Making it take place before ww.

            • 12 months ago

              No, it doesn't.
              >"The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link's time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power..."
              quote by Aonuma
              Here, have another
              >"In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time."
              Fricking moron.

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty much.

  2. 12 months ago

    yeah, there's no way that the hero's shade isn't the hero of wind. those rascals went off and forgot the lands that made them legend and established new hyrule.

    • 12 months ago

      and the only Link who was previously taught skills was the hero of winds on outset island, little did we know the old man incited a tradition

      his sword skills are exclusive tothe hero of wind, however
      the helm splitter and the roll behind slice whatever its called, those are hero of wind moves, and that Link never taught anyone else despite having a master to teach him skills

      so the songs aren't admissible in court because one of them is from wind waker.
      with all the mentioning you would think the hero's shade would come forward one (1) time and they don't.
      >TP Link's ancestor
      How is TP Link playing epona song a point in your favor? it's a song horses and cows like, they link that tune, so Link plays that tune, he uses a fricking piece of grass to play that tune. he starts with a horse?!
      he STARTS?! with a HORSE?!
      holy shit, hero shade is Ocarina of Time Link confirmed?!

      next time how about you shutty if all you got is nuttin, if I wanted nuttin I would play a game with Midna.

      >There is an obvious pattern here.
      one of the songs is one he cannot possibly know, so the songs aren't proof they're invalidated, moron.

      >He starts with EPONA. Not any horse, EPONA.
      it's A HORSE

      you absolute
      haven't played the game in years

      kys, get hit by a car, die in a fire, but just perish from the earth. honorably and perhaps with gusto.

      average wwgay

  3. 12 months ago

    >because he regrets not being remembered as a hero
    You didn't play the game at all did you, you fricking moron?

  4. 12 months ago

    Does anyone else love the clear reference to Conan the Barbarian? Am I the only one who sees it?

  5. 12 months ago

    >despite knowing a song that was only in WW
    The songs are just easter eggs

    • 12 months ago

      his sword skills are exclusive tothe hero of wind, however
      the helm splitter and the roll behind slice whatever its called, those are hero of wind moves, and that Link never taught anyone else despite having a master to teach him skills

      • 12 months ago

        >game sells poorly due to poor marketing, alienating artsyle, and being rushed
        >reuse engine for next game so work on that game doesn't totally go to wastein spite of shift to realistic artstyle, and reuse some moves from that game to flesh new game's combat out.
        WW is my favorite Zelda but shut up.

        • 12 months ago

          that's not an in-universe explanation, how about you shut the frick up

    • 12 months ago

      The Hero Shade isn't the Link from Wind Waker dumbass. There's a shit ton of evidence pointing to OoT Link being the Hero's Shade. Just from the top of my mind:
      >98% of the songs he sings, come from OoT/MM, one song comes from WW and one is original to TP
      >The game talks about the Hero of Time over and over. You have the Light Spirits talking about him, Midna also mentions him, random npcs at Telma's bar talk about him, there are stone tablets about him telliing his story, Renado (that one shaman from Kakariko) also mentions him, there are paintings of him on the walls leading to Hyrule Castle, so on and forth
      >He is TP Link's ancestor. And TP Link knows Epona's Song, a song only avaiable in OoT/MM. That and he already starts the game with the horse.
      >Webm related
      >Twilight Princess takes place after Majora, not Wind Waker
      WW Link's entire thing is that he had no relation to any Link prior, he lived in the middle of an ocean and went on to find a new continent. WW Link has no horse, has no connections to most of the songs that the Hero's Shade sings or the story of Wind Waker.

      so the songs aren't admissible in court because one of them is from wind waker.
      with all the mentioning you would think the hero's shade would come forward one (1) time and they don't.
      >TP Link's ancestor
      How is TP Link playing epona song a point in your favor? it's a song horses and cows like, they link that tune, so Link plays that tune, he uses a fricking piece of grass to play that tune. he starts with a horse?!
      he STARTS?! with a HORSE?!
      holy shit, hero shade is Ocarina of Time Link confirmed?!

      next time how about you shutty if all you got is nuttin, if I wanted nuttin I would play a game with Midna.

      Ballad of the Gales is only in Wind Waker but that does not mean it was invented in the Adult Timeline
      It’s supposed to be a song by taught by Cyclos and presumably known to the royal family given he recognizes the wind waker, so OoT Link knowing could also mean he encountered Cyclos in the child timeline

  6. 12 months ago

    >despite being freakishly more huge than Adult Link in OoT
    I still love this part, his height in TP is fricking insane. I wanna see fully grown OoT Link when he was alive.

  7. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      so when they gonna do a game where all the links and all the ganons just have a smackdown brawl? seems like cheating to have two eternal heroes vs one eternal vilain

      • 12 months ago

        Oddly enough, there seem to only be two incarnations of Ganondorf himself. All of them are the same guy, with the exception of the Ganondorf in Four Swords Adventures.

    • 12 months ago

      Which Link would you say 'Dorf hates the most?

      • 12 months ago

        Has to be OoT given he's the big reason he loses in both timelines by either rating on Ganondorf's plan or beating him in combat and getting him sealed away. Double so if Ganondorf knows beating him lead to a timeline of him winning.

  8. 12 months ago

    I thought he regretted that no one learned from all of the shit he did. Because everything is just happening over again.

  9. 12 months ago

    >WWtards this desperate
    Must be rough being the worst 3D Zelda, a TPchad like me just wouldn't understand.

  10. 12 months ago

    Twilight Princess is a bad game that shouldn't be taken seriously

  11. 12 months ago
  12. 12 months ago


  13. 12 months ago

    Its a retcon.

  14. 12 months ago

    Doesn't the manga prove that it is in fact OOT Link?

    • 12 months ago

      While the manga isn't canon, yes, it makes the very obvious interpretation of the Shade's identity explicit.

      his sword skills are exclusive tothe hero of wind, however
      the helm splitter and the roll behind slice whatever its called, those are hero of wind moves, and that Link never taught anyone else despite having a master to teach him skills

      >Link couldn't possibly have learned more techniques throughout his entire post-child OoT life

  15. 12 months ago

    Twilight Princess is a good game that should be taken seriously

    • 12 months ago

      There's a lot of cool shit in TP, the problem is the progression is way too slow

      • 12 months ago

        frick no, replaying it right now and everything about the game hits right. go back to it once you're done with BotW and TotK and see what I mean.

        • 12 months ago

          are all the zeldas playable on pc with emulators now? i dont really play anymore but this thread is giving me some pretty heavy nostalgia

          • 12 months ago

            Yes easily. If you can run a switch emulator then you can play the entire series. I would steer you away from the hd versions of some of the games though.

            Oot up to you if you want og or hd but I would say you should play the PC port that is out.

            Don't touch majora mask hd, ww hd, tp hd

            Only. Play skyward sword hd to avoid the waggle.

            Get fricked emulating the ds games as they are still shitty to play and frick ugly

            Gl anon

            • 12 months ago

              nice. ty friend. have a blessed weekend

            • 12 months ago

              why is TP hd bad?

      • 12 months ago

        I hear this a lot, but i don't think it is actually true. You can get into that first dungeon in about 20 minutes if you know where to go and what to do. Not as fast as ocarina of time or Zelda one, but a hell of a lot faster than majora or skyward sword and I never see them receive the same shit for it. Tp is linear sure, but aside from a few edge cases in ocarina of lttp all the games are linear as hell. I don't really see it as a downside when even the few instances of you being able to tackle dungeons in whatever order often involve intentionally disregarding the signposting the game gives you to try and push you towards one dungeon first and at the worst times involves beating a dungeon halfway for it's item and leaving to do another. Doesn't really feel very nonlinear at that point. But here is my hot take: linear games arent bad by nature. If you think they are I dare you to go play some open world trash and reassess your shit opinion.

  16. 12 months ago

    Who beings up the hero of time? It'd be absurd because in the Twilight Princess timeline his legend was not fulfilled, he and Zelda narc'd Ganondorf before he could do anything, it is Wind Waker that references him constantly.

    • 12 months ago

      While they never call him "Hero of Time" (besides in one stone tablet found in Kakariko's graveyard) they still talk plenty about him.

  17. 12 months ago

    Isn't the reason why he's what he is, is because he couldn't stop looking for Navi?

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