Realistically, how much of the fantastic world-building and lore from ESO will be incorporated into a new Elder Scrolls game?

Realistically, how much of the fantastic world-building and lore from ESO will be incorporated into a new Elder Scrolls game? Since the game is likely to take place in Hammerfell, will they lose all sense of depth like the Nords and be turned into enlightened black Imperials without their unique Forebearer/Crown culture represented as anything more than another black/white Stormcloak v Legion civil war?

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  1. 7 months ago

    what's the point in even wondering, they've made 4 shit games in a row.

    • 7 months ago

      Expect Fallout 4.3 in fantasy land. Probably some desert settlement caravan shit.

    • 7 months ago

      >in a row
      not really. Masterpiece Oblivion was made between 4 shitty games

  2. 7 months ago

    Keep it simple stupid.

  3. 7 months ago

    Hopefully fricking none. ESOs work, especially in Hammerfell, makes me never want to touch the setting again. Redguards are the superior race and TES:A is a favorite of mine, and they took a fat shit on it.

    • 7 months ago

      How did they ruin the Redguards? They expanded on their culture quite well and gave them a lot of depth which was previously missing. Because it was non-existent.

      • 7 months ago

        ESO turned the Redguards into silly turban wearing arabs with silly durka durka names (you could argue that the ones in Skyrim were all Alik'r nomads), which outright contradicts what they weee like in previous games, and makes them more generic. Knowing how ESO writers do things, whatever new things they introduced to Redguard culture isn't worth keeping
        The shehai design in ESO is also fricking ugly as sin, as is literally every single weapon and armor design in the fricking, it's genuinely fricking impressive how incredibly talentless the people in charge of weapon and armor designs in ESO, holy shit

        • 7 months ago

          That's just one element of their culture. Not every single Redguard as a whole.

      • 7 months ago

        Redguards were literally the most fleshed out race all the way back in Redguard and Hammerfell has appeared in more games than any other province. KYS delusional ESOtroony

      • 7 months ago

        Redguards were literally the most fleshed out race all the way back in Redguard and Hammerfell has appeared in more games than any other province. KYS delusional ESOtroony

        >all the way back in Redguard
        Meant to say Daggerfall*, in fact Redguards were more fleshed out than the Bretons. Redguards were literally the first TES with any substantial worldbuilding and lore behind them.

  4. 7 months ago

    >Nords and be turned into enlightened black Imperials
    Starfield had black Russians, so yes. They took a real culture with real people and turned it into black culture.

  5. 7 months ago

    Emil's not in charge of ESO, is he? Everything he touches turns to shit, so yeah.

    • 7 months ago

      ZOS has autistic Elder Scrolls lorebeards in charge. The series is genuinely safer in their hands.

      • 7 months ago

        If bethesda is going to make elder scrolls 6, emil will obviously in charge of narrative/design, either way its over. Some anon said that todd will leave bethesda after starfield dlc, the worse case is that emil becomes a game director of TES6 and ruined everything to its core

        • 7 months ago

          beyond skyrim will genuinely be better than TES6, the lore is all there for the baseline of most of them
          the only thing is there is some shoehorned gay shit going on because gays on some teams force it in
          (bias because im working on some provinces)

          • 7 months ago

            Nah forget Beyond Skyrim. I don't see it ever getting finished aside from Atmora and maybe, MAYBE Cyrodiil since the assets are there.

            The real TES6 is Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind. The amount of content is staggering and the lore is fantastic. They're making pretty steady progress again now. Their version of Necrom blows ESO out of the water and I can't wait to see Mournhold expanded.

            • 7 months ago

              tamriel rebuilt is good but it's killed by the fact its morrowind, its great if you enjoy that kind of game but it's not for everyone.

              beyond skyrim cyrodiil is most likely to release but even that, I think other provinces could be finished before TES6. it's a good middleground, Skyrim runs perfect on modern computers and looks passable and has a bunch of mods that change combat a lot.

              TES6 is on creation engine 2, from rumours it'll be incapable with Skyrim combat mods so you'll be stuck with the base game for years.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah forget Beyond Skyrim. I don't see it ever getting finished aside from Atmora and maybe, MAYBE Cyrodiil since the assets are there.

            The real TES6 is Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind. The amount of content is staggering and the lore is fantastic. They're making pretty steady progress again now. Their version of Necrom blows ESO out of the water and I can't wait to see Mournhold expanded.

            Its sad to know that after all these years of waiting, skyrim is indeed the last tes game made by original tes team despite not all of them. I trust modders more than tes6 official devs

            • 7 months ago

              Bethesda died with this woke shit in society which made the older writers and devs move on and Microsoft buying them was the stake in the heart. the next game will be a headliner game and so xbox will force real world bullshit into it for their ESG score and mod pages will ban modders that remove it all

              • 7 months ago

                There's something going on internally at bethesda there I said it. I wish that anon who leaked starfield last year will returned to Ganker and told us what's going on in there.

              • 7 months ago

                >There's something going on internally at bethesda
                Anon. It's the same thing which has happened to every major Western AAA studio. The old talent which made them what they left. It becomes too corporate, too driven by shareholders chasing profit and ESG investment chasing a meaningless diversity score. They hire hordes of talentless millennials and zoomers willing to work for pennies and get burned out after churning out a soulless game.

              • 7 months ago

                Then why emil, the lead design of starfield and (formerly) lead narratives in bethesda game, stayed in that corporate while praising himself with his "starfield made me le push myself" twitter post. Why dont emil leave bethesda?

              • 7 months ago

                Because he's a hack, contributed nothing to Bethesda's success and went corporate? His lead roles were Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Starfield. That says it all.

              • 7 months ago

                Emil is the goodest goy at bethesda rn

  6. 7 months ago

    >how much of the fantastic world-building and lore from ESO

  7. 7 months ago

    >Jeremy Soule will not be present for the next Elder Scrolls game
    I hate it

    • 7 months ago

      >all because some prostitute made a false rape claim

    • 7 months ago

      >He was accused of rape by game designer Nathalie Lawhead.He was also accused of sexual harassment by vocalist Aeralie Brighton. He denied the accusations. Materia Collective ended their work with Soule on his symphony The Northerner in response, and Soule's official social media pages were taken down.Soule's music distribution platform DirectSong, and his Bandcamp page were also seemingly taken offline around this time. A 2022 article in Journal of Sound and Music in Games analysed the accusations in the wider context of the #MeToo movement and sexism in the games industry, commenting simply that "not much has been heard of Soule since".
      God this makes me so fricking mad. All it takes to ruin a mans entire career is an accusation. No proof, no trial, no conviction, no nothing. Just saying "This male raped me!" and you lose everything. Frick this.

      • 7 months ago

        Even if he didn't get canceled, he probably wouldn't have been working on TES6 anyway. Bethesda got mad at him after he complained about them doing a live Skyrim orchestra without consulting him, IIRC.

      • 7 months ago

        >Jeremy Soule will not be present for the next Elder Scrolls game
        I hate it

        frick men. They should all lose their jobs and be castrated

        • 7 months ago

          >t. femcel

  8. 7 months ago

    ESO is fricking dogshit lore lol

    MMOs always destroy lore and story because they have to come up with a stupid amount of content for the grind autists who play them

    • 7 months ago

      Play ESO beyond the vanilla MSQ and then come back and call the lore shit. The only arguably weak parts are Summerset Isle. Everything they touched upon with the Bosmer, Wrothgar, the Clockwork City and especially Elsweyr and the Khajiit was golden and the best lore we've had since Morrowind.

      • 7 months ago

        Mind explaining to everyone what you mean besides "weak parts"? I think people deserve to know what ESO did to the lore.
        >In Summerset, players undertake a prominent questline entitled Manor of Masques to reunite a transgender woman with her estranged twin sister. The story deals with the difficult topics of coming out and acceptance in a way that reflects the lived reality of many transgender people today.

        • 7 months ago

          >in a universe with magic where you can literally change your race, be immortal, rewrite the laws of the universe or have the soul of a dragon, anon is surprised that some people might magically change their gender
          The horror.

          • 7 months ago

            >magically change their gender
            lol nope! The troony in this quest had top surgery to remove her breasts. The quest is about looking for a "man with scars on his chest". Nice try though, gay.

          • 7 months ago

            >magically change their gender
            lol nope! The troony in this quest had top surgery to remove her breasts. The quest is about looking for a "man with scars on his chest". Nice try though, gay.

            In addition to that, ESO finds a way to make sex changing that actually IS magical in nature homosexual and modern day troony-themed as well. They turned the Argonian male and female life-phase lore that's been present since Morrowind into something that troony Argonians with gender dysphoria do, complete with a moronic party, when in Morrowind It was something based on behavior some animals actually have irl and was meant to be one of the many aspects that make the Argonians extremely alien and animalistic compared to Tamriel's other races, blasphemous travesties of nature as the dunmer describe them.
            Argonians and the hist in general are handled awfully in ESO. The lizards are supposed to be mostly devoid of individuality and alien, the hist ominous and sinister. ESO turns the creatures that are supposed to have the most alien minds and bodies in Tamriel into just scaly people, and the sinister mysterious hivemind of trees into generic benevolent caretakers that sometimes sacrifice themselves to save what are supposed to be their expendable puppets.

            • 7 months ago

              you can safely ignore the homosexual shit in ESO. it's like crown crates and the crown store, you can disregard it all as its just a business move to make more money.
              if in 5 years time homosexual shit is shunned, you can bet every MMO will burn that shit to the ground and stop out mentions of it.

      • 7 months ago

        >with the Bosmer
        Retconning their cannibalism habits into a fringe thing only a tiny minority of them does, toning down their gender dimorphism, retconning the wild hunt into just being giant wooden animals, and occasionally implying that Y'ffre is actually Hircine in disguise because the writers got trolled by some /tg/ anon are things that I definetly wouldn't consider to be good or as good as Morrowind.

      • 7 months ago

        >Play ESO
        I'd rather not

    • 7 months ago

      Not only amounts, but also they have to shape lore around nonsense MMO mechanics and playstyles.

      Play ESO beyond the vanilla MSQ and then come back and call the lore shit. The only arguably weak parts are Summerset Isle. Everything they touched upon with the Bosmer, Wrothgar, the Clockwork City and especially Elsweyr and the Khajiit was golden and the best lore we've had since Morrowind.

      I like environments the game has, I guess.
      But it's also a pozzed mmo.
      Mmo part is self explanatory, it's GaaS the genre and therefore bad.
      Pozzed part however...
      The Aldmeri quest line has some really degusting and hypocritical pozz to it, I just can't stand playing it because of that.

      AD questline is disgusting. You basically brainwash a woman from Veiled Heritance to become a pseudo dryad queen and this is seen as ok, because we are muh good guys.

  9. 7 months ago

    You are a troony for playing ESO, and TES6 will never come out.

  10. 7 months ago

    Is Yokuda just Japan?
    Also what's on Pyandonea?

    • 7 months ago

      >Is Yokuda just Japan?
      No, moron. That's where redguards come from

      • 7 months ago

        Yokuda is where the Redguards came from. It sank which led them to migrate to Tamriel.

        Pyandonea is the homeland of the Maormer who are basically "Sea Elves". They fricking hate the Altmer with a passion and worship a living God-King called Orgnum and are arguably the coolest Elvers at the moment since they can ride Sea Snakes and shit.

        oh so Yokuda is Africa
        got it

        • 7 months ago

          redguards in lore are omega based and racist. Hamerfell is the only region to shit on both the empire and the aldmeri dominion

        • 7 months ago

          Yokuda is not Africa. For one, Yokudans actually had a sophisticated culture and technology. They were an advanced race.

          • 7 months ago

            So were Africans.

            • 7 months ago

              I view Redguards as being closer to the golden age of Islam more than anything African. Minus the actual Islam stuff.

              • 7 months ago

                Only after ESO fully flanderized them into black arabs, finishing up what Skyrim started. In previous games, the only even remotely arab-like thing about the Redguards was their architecture. They were explicitly said to dress like bretons and Imperials, their main gimmick was being sailors (the desert was only there to explain why the Redguards all live in the coast), their names were not silly pseudo-arabic shit but rather english-like names meant to invoke american blacks and caribbeans, who their writer explicitly stated they were meant to represent.

    • 7 months ago

      Yokuda is where the Redguards came from. It sank which led them to migrate to Tamriel.

      Pyandonea is the homeland of the Maormer who are basically "Sea Elves". They fricking hate the Altmer with a passion and worship a living God-King called Orgnum and are arguably the coolest Elvers at the moment since they can ride Sea Snakes and shit.

  11. 7 months ago

    I like environments the game has, I guess.
    But it's also a pozzed mmo.
    Mmo part is self explanatory, it's GaaS the genre and therefore bad.
    Pozzed part however...
    The Aldmeri quest line has some really degusting and hypocritical pozz to it, I just can't stand playing it because of that.

  12. 7 months ago

    >new Elder Scrolls game
    I don't give a frick, to be honest.
    TES6 is going to be bad and woke.

  13. 7 months ago

    look at their most recent game and that's how it'll be.
    it'll play like starfield so skyrim with shit melee again and you'll use shouts or some bullshit and be called the blackborn because -born is the new name for heroes in their games.

    there will be a great war in the distant past that has some veterans about to give halfassed lore and an underlying or active conflict going on.

    seriously, ESO will be better mechanically, lore wise and in general than the next game. Bethesda only has Todd and Emil left, Todd is the moron that made Cyrodiil inspired by LOTR trilogy and Emil is his friend that can't write coherent quests, lore is off the table.

    expect to see some queer shit shoved in to maximise woke points.
    it'll run like shit and look shit.

    • 7 months ago

      >Todd is the moron that made Cyrodiil inspired by LOTR
      And ESO devs were the morons that made the Summerset Isles inspired by LOTR and every single race inspired by pozzed nu-DnD. I'd take Todd over them any day, hell I'll even take Emil.

      • 7 months ago

        aside from Khajiti ESO fricked the races up but they still gave us an actual look the different provinces that we would never get otherwise. without ESO we would know nothing about South of Cyrodiil

  14. 7 months ago

    to be quite honest, the only thing i want in tes 6 is the ability to marry khajiit girls. if they fail to deliver, i will not return to the series

    Don't fail me now, Todd "Pretty Kitty" Howard. On your last game, i expect you to go out with a bang

    • 7 months ago

      I got you bro. you can marry a Khajiit and have sex with her!

      She's an Ohme though.

      • 7 months ago

        >She's an Ohme
        Even better.

        • 7 months ago

          You know an Ohme is just a Human but with face markings right?

          • 7 months ago

            Pretty sure "Ohmes" is singular as well

  15. 7 months ago

    >frickhuge continent is neatly divided into a few equally large kingdoms

    • 7 months ago

      So technically that's not true. These are just provinces of the Empire. For most of Tamriel's history it has been divided into numerous petty kingdoms. High Rock for instance is made up of like 10 Kingdoms such as Daggerfall, Camlorn and Wayrest. Argonia is made up of numerous tribes of Argonians. Morrowind is divided up between the 5 major Great Houses, alongside the various Ashlander tribes and the Tribunal itself. Valenwood is a series of petty Kingdoms ruled by the different branches of the Cameron dynasty. At various points in its history, Cyrodiil has been divided between various kingdoms as well, only becoming a unified body during the different Empires. In fact only really Alinor has been a consistently unified Kingdom throughout all of its history.

      • 7 months ago

        High Rock has a lot more than just 10 states, in Daggerfall alone there were over 40 petty feudal states all over the Iliac Bay. After the Warp in the West, that number wss reduced to four, but there's still probably hundreds of petty statelets and tribes all over High Rock. It's kinda the Bretons' entire gimmick.

        • 7 months ago

          >but there's still probably hundreds of petty statelets and tribes all over High Rock.
          Outside of the Illiac Bay region that is

    • 7 months ago

      It isn't. Those borders are just the provinces when the whole continent was owned by one huge Empire. In practice, all of them are divided into several smaller kingdoms, city-states and tribes, except the Summerset Isles.

  16. 7 months ago

    I am a massive fan of Elder Scrolls lore and my opinion is that I don't fricking care because Bethesda has released 4 dogshit games in a row.

    • 7 months ago

      yep. I'd have to be a bigger moron than I already am to care about TES and Fallout lore anymore.

  17. 7 months ago

    I have to say I really like how they made orcs in Elder Scrolls
    They aren't whitewashed. They aren't made to be mindless barbarians. They're just tribalistic isolationists who sometimes go into civilization and become city orcs.

    • 7 months ago

      Elder Scrolls races in general are pretty unique examples of their respective fantasy tropes
      >Altmer are High Elves who are evil eugenicist nazis instead of the humans' slightly prouder sidekicks, and are currently on the rise instead of declining
      >Bosmer are wood elves but their plant obsession actually leads to some unique cultural traits, like the cannibalism and the wild hunt and their material culture being all bones and stuff
      >Argonians are primitive tribals who instead of being child-like and spiritual 'muh honor' morons, are intelligent, cold and calculating and the one race besides the Dwemer that doesn't worship any deity
      >Imperials are expansionistic imperialists who are also extremely tolerant and cosmopolitan

      • 7 months ago

        The Dunmer are the most unique for me. Their culture and history is so utterly unique and it's hard to really "pigeon" hole them under any one singular trope due to how diverse they are. You have everything from selfish backstabbing ancient wizards to honour-bound warriors of faith to mercantile slavers to tribal Elves living in an Ashen hellscape. There's a reason so many TESfans are obsessed with the Dunmer, love or hate them.

        • 7 months ago

          What the hell are those daedra they're fighting against

          • 7 months ago

            CRAB BATTLE

            • 7 months ago

              That's the giant crab in the middle of Ald'Ruhn

          • 7 months ago

            oh shit you're right, I was just looking at the giant enemy crab. some ash spawn maybe?

        • 7 months ago

          And their raspy voices in Morrowind were cool. I wish they kept that voice in later games.

    • 7 months ago

      >love mining
      >love smithing
      >love fighting
      >live in isolated mining strongholds
      TES Orcs are pretty much classic fantasy Dwarves, while the actual TES Dwarves are something else entirely.

      • 7 months ago

        They even ally with Men often and their armor is so good tons of non-orcs use them (until Skyrim fricked up that aspect of theirs)

  18. 7 months ago

    >fantastic world-building and lore from ESO

  19. 7 months ago

    >Realistically, how much of the fantastic world-building and lore from ESO
    ESO lore is shit, the new Daedric prince should've shown you that

  20. 7 months ago

    >fantastic world-building

  21. 7 months ago

    ESO is a terrible mmo wearing the skin of elder scrolls. it has the superficial appearance of skyrim in terms of gameplay but its still mmoshit. you have a hotbar with a few skills, can swap the skills based on the weapon you have but you still have to spam LMB to attack light/heavy.
    seriously, do not bother with the game, its like Elder Scrolls: Bored Housewife edition. its for people with nothing better to do, who desperately feel like they need to exist in a version of tamriel 24/7, no matter how terrible and uninspired. The writing is bad fanfiction tier, the game is janky and dated, the graphics are terrible, the micro-transactions are everywhere. seriously, do not touch this game. it is the counterpart to fallout 76.
    All that needs to be said about ESO really is this: in ESO, lootboxes are canon and new lore is regularly made up for store items and cited in ESO lore discussions. Not to mention they invented as literal Mary Sue of a daedric prince simply for more content.

    • 7 months ago

      >Realistically, how much of the fantastic world-building and lore from ESO
      ESO lore is shit, the new Daedric prince should've shown you that

      What's this seethe over a new Daedric Prince? Almost next to frick all is known about them except that Hermaeus Mora retconned their ass out of existence so clearly they aren't as "Mary Sue" as you think if ol' squiddy beat their ass. And going by the mainline entries that didn't change.

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