>retail so dead we're getting a expansion for classic

>retail so dead we're getting a expansion for classic


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  1. 9 months ago

    Classic is dead too though

    • 9 months ago

      WoW Classic/HC is the most played mmorpg right now.
      Retail and OSRS are place 2 and 3.

      • 9 months ago

        >WoW Classic/HC is the most played mmorpg right now
        there's no way you actually believe this, right

        • 9 months ago

          name 1 thats bigger, ff14 and retoilet isn't bigger btw.


          you quoted me 3x homosexual, and i havent even TOUCHED HC myself. I don't like the idea of it, never have, its not my thing, but its clearly the hottest servers on the entire classic realms, the only ones with consistent queues, and the next season of mastery is incoming so that'll be popular too.

          gold buying doesnt really affect you unless you're actually doing GDKPs or you like to farm ore+herbs in the open world. Then its aids. It only affects you if you are too lazy to do a round of dailys to afford your raid consumes+materials, or you're just a moron.

          why are you soo angry about wow? if you dont play it, why are you sperging out here?

          • 9 months ago

            >retoilet isn't bigger
            holy frick there's no way you actually believe this lmao are you moronic?

          • 9 months ago

            >gold buying doesnt really affect you
            this is the IQ of a classic player on display
            utter subhuman morons, all of you

      • 9 months ago

        >WoW Classic/HC is the most played mmorpg right now.
        They only have 2 servers per region for hardcore classic. Meanwhile retail has over 10 servers that are full alone, not counting the other 20 servers that are mid-low tier.

        But classic hardcore has more players.

        • 9 months ago

          there's no arguing with classic hc players because you will never meet a more mentally ill group of people in your life, every single one of them is sick in the head somehow

        • 9 months ago

          Have you been into Valdrakken on a ‘full’ server recently? They are very far from ‘full’. I wouldn’t be surprised if classic HC servers have more players than several ‘full’ retail servers combined

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah I'm sure the server listing is telling the truth on hardcore but not on retail you fricking moron.

            • 9 months ago

              Why are retail servers ghost towns then? Where are all the people? Doesn’t ‘full’ mean several thousand players concurrently logged in? At least I can see other players running around the world on classic HC. Retail I can’t see any other players in the world, yet the server is supposedly ‘full’

              • 9 months ago

                You understand what an instance is, right brownskin?

              • 9 months ago

                Players are going to be in cities between instances and yet cities are dead af. There is no explanation other than server capacity labels are false. I get that it’s hard to admit retail is on life support but it’s obvious that it is simply by hanging out in any game city

              • 9 months ago

                >people are going to be in cities between instances
                Why would you back to the city when you can teleport to the next dungeon?
                I don't need to spam in trade chat for a group, I have no reason to return to the city

              • 9 months ago

                Nice mmo where everyone is locked inside an arbitrary box LOL

              • 9 months ago

                >coping this hard
                come on now shiteater, just relax, admit you're a junkie and you're shilling retoilet because you have buyers remorse and you want to drag other people down into the sewer with you.

                Sorry, nobody here's eating shit but you and whoever else is shilling retail.

              • 9 months ago

                >Why are retail servers ghost towns then?
                uuuuh probably because unlike classic the endgame isn't just standing around in org waiting for world buffs?

              • 9 months ago

                Its standing around in val'drakken waiting for a group that isn't a carry to show up in group finder

              • 9 months ago

                >Why are retail servers ghost towns then?

              • 9 months ago

                >Why are retail servers ghost towns then?
                But they aren't, you don't even play the game you homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh wow, ten other players. There’s Destiny 2 servers more populated than this

              • 9 months ago

                That's more then ten you blind moron. Yeah you don't even play the game, knew it.

              • 9 months ago

                I was logged in this evening and there were five people in my full servers Orgrimmar. There’s a point at which only an actual moron would believe the server population labels

              • 9 months ago

                >there were five people in my full servers Orgrimmar

              • 9 months ago

                You are a moronic homosexual that doesn't even play the game dude, move on and stop making yourself look like a homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                >FULL SERVERS
                troonyflight players are fricked in the head

              • 9 months ago

                Same amount of people in org on hardcore.

          • 9 months ago

            >I wouldn’t be surprised if classic HC servers have more players than several ‘full’ retail servers combined
            kek this is honestly the most delusional cope I have read in months

          • 9 months ago

            Anon you know retail has actual content to play right?
            I know it's unthinkable coming from classic, but you can actually do more than 1 MC run and then stand afk

          • 9 months ago

            nononnoooooooo full means full even with 5 players :^)

  2. 9 months ago

    ill play it

  3. 9 months ago

    are they going to create new servers for this and let us go through mc, bwl, opening of aq again etc?

  4. 9 months ago

    >we're getting a expansion for classic
    this is completely made up, btw.

    • 9 months ago

      dude trust me

    • 9 months ago

      Yes sure, blizzard will voluntarily decide to not make millions from releasing classic + when they can literally just copy paste some old assets, write a few paragraphs of text for quest text and be done.

      You are living in peak idiocy if you think classic + wont happen. It would be so damn easy to make, the bar is so low to make some wow classic content in 2023.

      Compare to trying to fix diablo 4 or overwatch.
      Wow classic has such a clear easy path what to do, will cost almost nothing and is certain money.

      Even blizzard can figure this one out, wow classic is more certain and easy money than fixing overwatch or diablo. Therefore we will be getting classic +

      • 9 months ago

        Nuclear cope.

      • 9 months ago

        Holy shit, do you really believe that people will buy some cheap asset flip? People won't play "seasoned wow" without heavy rewards

        • 9 months ago

          I mean look at overwatch 2. Thats all you need to know about blizzdrones.

          • 9 months ago

            >look at game so fricking dead even the knob gobbling subreddit for it barely has any engagement at all

        • 9 months ago

          They've already been making remastered versions of classic assets since 2018, this has been planned for a while

          • 9 months ago

            Hogger bros not like this

            • 9 months ago

              yeah a furry fetishist artist got put in charge of the remaster, sorry hoggerbros

          • 9 months ago

            I don't think people understand what an unbelievable frick you this was or is, I think at this point Blizzard still wasn't full mask off we're not turning WoW into a furhomosexual simulator after diaper gnomes and shit and then BLAM they drop this giant steaming fursona shit right in people's open mouths, I had an absolute blast memeing and laughing about this shit when it first started circulating, I mean I'm fricking schizo enough to believe that the backlash from this shit is what caused the breast milk kerfuffle, absolutely shameless furhomosexual pandering, retail wow publicly died here imo

            • 9 months ago

              Dracthyr also look like some degenerate deviantart fetish shit

              • 9 months ago

                They're a carry over from a cancelled mobile game aimed at the Chinese market, hence why they look so ill-fitting.

              • 9 months ago

                that makes a lot of sense, but do you have a source?

              • 9 months ago

                not even the chinks are that dumb
                then again maybe thats why it was cancelled

              • 9 months ago

                This makes me so mad when we already have cool strong chad drakonids ingame but we get some fursuit perverts with giraffe necks

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah the stupid tumblr dragons sank that ship for me immediately. God damn.

            • 9 months ago

              i kinda feel like pandas were the great impetus for this furhomosexualry shit infesting the game. a whole expansion based on shallow and generic chinese aesthetics with moronic stereotypical kung fu panda people. it went completely against the tone of Warcraft to me and thats why i dropped the game in the middle of that expansion almost completely for good. i came back for legion and had some fun with that and then quit again in BfA as that expansion was fricking shit and sucked and havent looked back since. i feel completely free now and its great. i would advise the rest of the wowbucks in this thread who are still addicted to truly challenge themselves to just unsub and stop playing for like 2 months and then the itch will mostly go away.

              • 9 months ago

                game was so well compartmentalized at this point that the arenahomosexuals and raidhomosexuals could sit in their versions of the game and ignore the absolute lameness of it

          • 9 months ago

            Dracthyr also look like some degenerate deviantart fetish shit

            This really did hurt. Gnolls look like a furry version of the hyenas from Lion King, while Dracthyr are fricking gender neutral stick figures with visage forms covered in skin cancer. That artist was a fricking mistake.

          • 9 months ago

            I swear if they pull the disney shit on classic wow

        • 9 months ago

          >Holy shit, do you really believe that people will buy some cheap asset flip?

        • 9 months ago

          People paid 100 dollars for Starfield, 90% of which is literally empty planets with the same exact assets copy pasted to infinity.

          You underestimate just how braindead modern gamers are.

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, classic has like x10 more players then retail.

          • 9 months ago

            >classic has like x10 more players then retail.

            • 9 months ago

              Just check how many people are watching hc/era/wotlkc on Twitch compared to troonyflight lol

              • 9 months ago

                >Highest classic channel viewers: 5.3k
                >Highest df channel viewers: 1.3k
                oh no no no

              • 9 months ago

                Pretty much all of that is HC and people enjoying the reactions to people dying to stupid shit
                Classic pop really isn't that big

              • 9 months ago

                Fricking cope lol
                You are so clueless

              • 9 months ago

                But like almost every channel in the directory is classic HC. There's only two retail streamers above 300 viewers right now. Nobody seems to give a frick about retail any longer

                No one cares about retail anymore
                Keep coping

                Wrath servers are dead as shit and Classic has 3-4 alive server with 2 of them being HC ones

              • 9 months ago

                Wrath has much higher raid activity than retail

              • 9 months ago

                Wrath dropped off a cliff after Naxx, when people got their nostalgia fix.

              • 9 months ago

                >mythic numbers vs easy Black person mode
                Of course the classicBlack person is using numbers without understanding the context.
                Retail still has more unique characters, keep coping about your number of parses dumb Black person
                You can do the same for Legion, are you going to tell us wrath classic has more players than Legion?

                You Black folk are legit braindead

              • 9 months ago

                >random Twitter post
                Tick tock retoilet troony

              • 9 months ago

                >castle nathria
                did you just wake up from a 3 year coma?

              • 9 months ago

                >Still Coping with the fact that individual characters doesn't count as Single accounts
                wowg drones every1 the butt joke of Ganker

              • 9 months ago

                People really can't discuss retail without mentioning the weeb game huh

              • 9 months ago

                That person tracks logs for XIV and WoW

              • 9 months ago

                And that's relevant to what?

              • 9 months ago

                >Have to use Nathria as basis of comparison because every raid since then 3 years ago has been a complete disaster

              • 9 months ago

                Post current Numbers dragontroon
                Hc+era+wotlkc combined and troonyflight recent raid

              • 9 months ago

                >Naxxramus - you'll usually only reach this point of the game with one main
                >FFXIV - playing alts is litteral cancer (MSQ) and your main can play every class anyway so the only reason to play alts is for ERP

                >Retail WOW is fricking made for altaholics, especially in the expansion where you needed 4 just to unlock all the cosmetics in a reasonable time from the gay covenant system

              • 9 months ago

                >castle nathria
                >the patch where you needed 4 characters just to unlock all the sets has less than 4 times the players of classic

                This is possibly the most blatant discord raid yet.
                Nobody is making 4 alts to rush farm cosmetics that are available forever and nobody is running raids on alts they're using for cosmetic farming

              • 9 months ago

                It's common to any population calculation in WoW to assume 2-3 alts per account

              • 9 months ago

                >make retail troonycraft all about collecting skins for your armor and mounts
                >"nooooo they don't do this!!!"

              • 9 months ago

                Sorry anon but

                An expansion / expansion theme won't change anything, Dragonflight launched and people went OHHHH I WANNA PLAY! But if you ask them, so you wanna do M+? no raid? no pvp? no. So people showed up, leveled up, and quit within a month or two of release.
                >M+ is for MLG/MDI
                >arena is for MLG/MDI
                >class balance is for MLG/MDI
                >raiding is for MLG/MDI
                The end game content isn't built for the players so your average player stears clear of it. FUN FACT HUNTER BROS! You know why the pet spec change was removed after Legion? Cuz in arena the players wouldn't know which spec the pet would come in as making it "random" and you cannot have "random" things occur in MLG/MDI.

                said wow is all about raiding, m+ and pvp
                So which is it?
                And even if it was about cosmetics why would they be running Nathria instead of farming anima to buy cosmetics? Your whole story makes no sense (because it's just a cope)

              • 9 months ago

                MLG/MDI is dead, Esports in America are dead, M+, raiding, and pvp are MLG/MDI / Esport content so yes it is dead as well. Since Dragonflight releases they have done monthly content patches adding massive cosmetic chases. If I where to pull numbers out of my ass 90% of the players still playing do cosmetic chases and 10% still do raiding, pvp, and arena. To give an example, during BC classic Sunwell, more Warlocks raided Sunwell then all of players raiding in retail together.

              • 9 months ago

                They actually ran MDI this year, only two months ago. The finals got 200k view total over the entire 6hr period it ran, not concurrent. There's unpopular classic HC channels that did better numbers. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1903933700

              • 9 months ago

                This is the state of retail raiding
                >weekly for a month and a half will be timewalking
                >timewalking weekly rewards heroic raid gear
                >basically get heroic raid geared doing timewalking if you don't miss a week.

              • 9 months ago

                Timewalking is also so weirdly undertuned you end up facerolling the dungeons. The biggest challenge is trying not to fall asleep or lose interest before completing the quest

              • 9 months ago

                The biggest challenge is hoping your tanks knows this fight and if not hoping they speak english.

              • 9 months ago

                retail wow is all about your account roster now, not just about your one character
                it's very gay

              • 9 months ago

                You have no idea how dedicated boosters operate, do you?

              • 9 months ago

                it's amazing the mental gymnastics you will throw yourself through to dismiss legit criticism...almost like you're a troon.

              • 9 months ago

                >valid criticisms of shitolands
                >discord raid
                jesus blizzard shills are so pathetic and lazy

              • 9 months ago

                >castle nathria
                >the patch where you needed 4 characters just to unlock all the sets has less than 4 times the players of classic

              • 9 months ago

                No one plays retail
                Keep coping
                No one cares about a sodomite expansion

              • 9 months ago

                But like almost every channel in the directory is classic HC. There's only two retail streamers above 300 viewers right now. Nobody seems to give a frick about retail any longer

              • 9 months ago

                WoW classic carries google trends too, but the retail copes will continue.

              • 9 months ago

                Every sane person knows this
                Only retoilet junkies are still coping
                Sunk cost fallacy

              • 9 months ago

                People playing retail aren't right in the head, it's the bottom of the fricking barrel.

                Need to make Warcraft cool again.

              • 9 months ago

                >Dragonflight 11% as popular as classic
                holy shit

              • 9 months ago

                Gay centaurs and tumblr dragons didn't appeal to the Warcraft audience? What the FRICK, dude?!

              • 9 months ago

                It's a related topic, so it's not really what you think. The "World of Warcraft" search topic which that is based on probably mostly passes through to retail since it's still the default.

                The disparity between searches specifically for DF and classic still points to classic driving way more interest and probably being more popular still, just not as badly as that makes it look.

              • 9 months ago

                No one cares about retail anymore
                Keep coping

              • 9 months ago

                >two servers
                >retail 100 servers

              • 9 months ago

                >twitch viewers
                huh? we're talking about people playing the game.

              • 9 months ago

                Keep coping 😉

              • 9 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 9 months ago

                I accept your surrender.

              • 9 months ago

                >2 hc servers
                HRT is destroying your brain little troon

              • 9 months ago

                has like x10 more players then retail.
                >CHECK TWITCH VIEWS
                You must be a moronic asmongold viewer

                >instant retoilet seethe
                I accept your surrender troonyflighter

              • 9 months ago

                has like x10 more players then retail.
                >CHECK TWITCH VIEWS
                You must be a moronic asmongold viewer

          • 9 months ago

            Buying the giant nostalgiabait is not the same as being forced to play the same game again for no reward.
            What I'm saying is: They need to add something substantial.Heavy shit like original Kara + upside down sinners dungeon, and of course, shit like new armors/mounts.
            Players can't be this moronic...

            • 9 months ago

              They really should build on classic, they won't survive if it runs out of steam, retail is fricking tiny and won't carry a profitable enough Warcraft.

              "you think you do but you don't" stupid motherfricker, classic the reason most of them still have jobs.

              • 9 months ago

                Essentially repeating the same thing, including the exact same mistakes of rushing Naxx and pushing through to TBC far too quickly killed classic for me.

                Did literally everything, this time round. Not going back. The game is dead for me.

            • 9 months ago

              dude figure out how to fix the problem we have as the further we get along in the expansion cycle the gayer the fricking game looks, then we can talk

        • 9 months ago

          >do you really believe that people will buy some cheap asset flip?
          lol do you?

        • 9 months ago

          >Holy shit, do you really believe that people will buy some cheap asset flip?

        • 9 months ago

          Nintendo has fans that'll buy cardboard. I'm sure Blizzard bootsuckers will buy an asset flip.

      • 9 months ago

        So how many WoWs do people expect Blizzard to run? Retail, classic, and classic+?

        • 9 months ago

          diablo 2, diablo 3, diablo 4, diablo immortal. Blizz is already doing it.
          They will also no doubt run classic, classic +, retail wow and in there dreams prob a couple of mobile games.

          • 9 months ago

            Those are different games and they're not MMOs.

            • 9 months ago

              MMOs are not hard to run, only develop.

              4 gays ran a better vanilla server before they got shut down, hosting 10k+ players on a single realm, blizzard can't even run a server with 2k before the servers choke and die from all the backend bloatware like battle.net 2.0 and phasing/sharding

              • 9 months ago

                It's kind of disgusting that a fan reverse engineering of official servers runs more performantly than the original code is was based on. Modern WoW servers are such garbage they can't even run Ashran or Wintergrasp without the game turning into a slideshow

              • 9 months ago

                Because all the technical developers at blizzard today are commiefornian techbros who don't understand that the end product needs to be usable by the consumer and not something they really want to see.

                All the technical shit under the hood of WOW is impressive, but ultimately it actually ruins the fundemental experience. Kind of like how "UX designers" have ruined the basic functionality of modern day user interfaces because they want to throw in a billion bells and whistles to make it look better, when all I fricking want is jpeg buttons to click on to navigate a website

              • 9 months ago

                It's kind of disgusting that a fan reverse engineering of official servers runs more performantly than the original code is was based on. Modern WoW servers are such garbage they can't even run Ashran or Wintergrasp without the game turning into a slideshow

                Because all the technical developers at blizzard today are commiefornian techbros who don't understand that the end product needs to be usable by the consumer and not something they really want to see.

                All the technical shit under the hood of WOW is impressive, but ultimately it actually ruins the fundemental experience. Kind of like how "UX designers" have ruined the basic functionality of modern day user interfaces because they want to throw in a billion bells and whistles to make it look better, when all I fricking want is jpeg buttons to click on to navigate a website

                Nost had rubber banding after 6k people. I was an UD Priest doing the gnoll quests north of Brill, I had killed a number of gnolls and suddenly it was like a 5 minute rewind and none of the ichor I collected (nor the small pouch I had equipped already) evaporated.
                Okay, whatever, bugs happen. Kinda weird it rewound time, so I do it all again.
                No pouch dropped, so the server basically soft reset live. Anyway the next 5 hours while world chat loses its mind about player metrics the server simply got shittier and shittier.

                Now if you played in Teldrassil or Dun Morogh the server ran pretty good, fewer players in those areas compared to places like Tirisfal or Elwynn. And at night the servers did a lot better but around 9-10am when people woke up and got on the server started rubber banding again.
                And no it wasn't an issue on my end, plenty of people were talking about it, but everybody wanted to jerk Nost off.

                Also Wintergrasp during actual Wrath was a shitshow for months. I played on one of the biggest servers in the game during WoW's absolute peak where the factions were 55:45 split. We had queue times to log in even at night for like 2 weeks after a new patch, and some Tuesdays queue times still happened weeks in. If you played on some medium pop server WG ran fine, but anybody on a High-Full server knows the truth.
                Frick, the Dark Portal during TBC caused so many crashes they gave us half a level of rested exp for free as an apology. Dalaran lagged BAD for months after Wrath launched.
                OG Vanilla ran okay until BWL opened and then Eastern Kingdoms took a nosedive cause you had so many players in Searing Gorge, Badlands, Burning Steppes, Blackrock Mtn doing LBRS/UBRS/BRC/MC/BWL simultaneously.
                AQ Gate Opening actually caused a data center to crash, I think it was Battlegroup 3 out of Chicago simply couldn't log in.

                All you fricking zoomers who didn't play just repeating shit you read from boomers with rose tinted glasses.

              • 9 months ago

                Wintergrasp worked great at launch on my server, little to no perceivable lag. Replaying it in Wrath classic, the lag was appalling and largely unplayable. They've done something disastrous to the server architecture since 2008 and despite CPUs becoming vastly, exponentially more powerful from 2008-23, the servers can no longer handle 80 players in the same vicinity any longer.

      • 9 months ago

        Actiblizz is right at the finish line of the merger with MS. Bobby has spent the last 24 months rushing everything out the door and cutting long term expenses so he can collect dividends and extra shares before the sale completes and leave them with an empty husk of a company.

        I guarantee you Blizz has nothing in development outside of the next regularly-scheduled retail WoW expansion.

        • 9 months ago

          How do you know this little about one of the biggest game devs? Why are you even here?

        • 9 months ago

          Pretty much this. I don't know why people underestimate this man. There's a good reason why he's been a CEO for 32 years. An unheard of run for many major publishers.

      • 9 months ago

        wow that is a GREAT post!

        you are SO RIGHT!! IT WILL happen ++ classic wow is awesomesauce.

        the blizzard patriots are in control

    • 9 months ago

      if the leak is true it makes perfect sense, blizzard has been coping and seething since classic vanilla was relaunched and in all liklihood retail has significantly less active players than classic, they tried very hard to lure in more suckers into that terrible game and have largely failed.

      If you look at the twitch streams for wow, 90+% of them, almost every single one, are for HC classic, its simply the most popular variant of the game overall, the numbers for it dont lie, if they make content for it, its an easy win for them.

      I didn't think they'd ever do it because the company makes frickwit calls all the time but i guess the numbers finally convinced those dirty klkes to throw a bone to the cryboomers who only play vanilla.

      • 9 months ago

        The fact that Dragonflight is constantly on 50% sale says it all

      • 9 months ago

        plus, people have been asking for Classic+ ever since classic was announced

      • 9 months ago

        >If you look at the twitch streams for wow
        kys zoomer

    • 9 months ago

      We've already have an expansion for classic. It's called The Burning Crusade.

    • 9 months ago

      Cope harder you colossal fricking homosexual, Metzen is back which already proves leaker anon

    • 9 months ago

      >leak is false
      >SEE!!!!! I TOLD YOU SOO!!!!!!
      >leak is true
      classic, xd

    • 9 months ago

      they should... it's literally the only thing that would bring me back to the game

  5. 9 months ago

    >comparing seasonal game to something that is consistently low pop

    Oh no no no!

  6. 9 months ago

    MMOs really were a product of its time. An era such as vanilla WoW where nobody knew what the frick they were doing and had to find out stuff as they went along will never come to be again, so to me the genre has basically run its course.

    Even new ones that pop up just come and go, because people know what to expect and get bored. It's always the same, just with a different lick of paint.

    • 9 months ago

      This is true, but you can still enjoy new elements of an old formula that worked. Classic was even fun for a bit. Will it never be the same? Yeah definitely, but I think you can enjoy it.

    • 9 months ago

      What about Project Gorgon?

    • 9 months ago

      I think its doable but as a dev youd have to keep everything VERY close to your chest. No early access. No streamer beta invites or some HEAVY ass NDAs.
      But even then everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame now so youd get Youtube vids of BROKEN GEAR FARM IN NEW AZSHARA ZONE (NOT CLICKBAIT) within a day of launch because of how ubiquitous and cancerous Youtube/social media is now.

      • 9 months ago

        I think this is the opposite of what needs to happen there needs to be more transparency holy shit blizzard needs to be put under a microscope to find the infection sabotaging all their fricking games, obviously there's a fricking person or group there fricking all the shit up how did they go from Diablo 4 is going to have a much darker story to hiring sensitivity consultants, get those people making those decisions out of the fricking company

    • 9 months ago

      this criticism applies to ALL genres of games though. MMOs were just always shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >An era such as vanilla WoW where nobody knew what the frick they were doing and had to find out stuff as they went along

      thats literally happening in HC vanilla right now, the staggering number of idiots dying to known traps and pitfalls is hilarious.

  7. 9 months ago

    it's woke.

  8. 9 months ago

    Going through classic and then having new content in the style of classic is the best thing that could have happened except for some kind of balance shake up so that people didn't already know everything about the game before it started.

    • 9 months ago

      regardless of how good it might or might not be, it'll be flushed because 90% of the classic playerbase is moronic boomers and millenials (and zoomers pretending to be them) who legitimately think vanilla wow's shitty mechanics have absolutely anything to do with why the game was fun or successful, and they will shit their diapers if anything is changed.

      Even the smaller portion of the playerbase that will at least try it out, will see the new content and have 0 nostalgia for it, and instantly realize how fricking awful it is, and proceed to shit on Blizzard because that's also very easy.

      If anyone at Blizzard had any fricking sense left, they'd know the only thing left to do with WoW is pull the plug and make a sequel. But that's a massive risk, so they never will, they'll just keep leeching off classic morons for as long as they can until it gets too ironic even for classicgays and they realize they're playing Legion Classic or some shit, and then the well dries up for good.

      • 9 months ago

        Vanilla WOW's mechanics were simple, not shitty.

        A vanilla WOW frost mage is significantly more interesting and better designed than retails because it actually has a niche and function, while retail's is a DPS turret, like the 25 other DPS turret specs in the game.

        Sure a vanilla frost mage only spams frostbolt, but guess what, that frostbolt actually does damage, and inflicts a powerful slow that lets you kite, in retail frostbolt does dick for damage and is only there to proc 3-4 different flavors of frostbolt buttons to be actionable, such as fast frosbolt, many frostbolt, and passive frostbolt, and the slow is pathetic and meaningless when spell pushback isn't really a thing and the only time you care about taking damage the mob is either immune to the slow or runs at 500% player movespeed so you can't kite anyway.

        • 9 months ago

          this. id rather have fewer spells that actually do something than a "rotation" added arbitrarily just to have one

        • 9 months ago

          >Vanilla WoW's mechanics were simple, not shitty
          No, they were shitty. There is nothing fun about hitting a training dummy for an hour, or farming murlocs for 20 quest items with a 5% drop chance, or farming the same endgame raids that everyone can do with their eyes closed for percentile damage increases, or talent trees that are almost entirely percentile damage increases. Even shit that's debatable like LFR just means you have to sit in town for an hour spamming chat to make a group. Riveting fricking gameplay.
          There are things vanilla had that were better than more modern expansion, such as the writing or itemization, but most of the gameplay is literally fricking atrocious.

        • 9 months ago

          There is absolutely nothing interesting about Vanilla frost mage
          Vanilla is the one that's just a dps turret identical to other classes. Spam frostbolt, spam shadowbolt, spam lightning bolt, spam starfire, spam fireball, it's all identical turret gameplay.
          The only reason you like frostbolt doing higher damage is that you're shit at the game and would frick up your rotation if it wasn't a single button
          And your cope about slows and Kiting is even more laughable, classic doesn't have endgame level content where you can kite, everything is already trivial. Meanwhile m+ exists in retail and kiting is more relevant than ever

      • 9 months ago

        >who legitimately think vanilla wow's shitty mechanics have absolutely anything to do with why the game was fun or successful
        hello schizo, welcome to reality where every mmo that has been good has had slow paced combat for a reason: it is the only kind of combat that actually facilitates the mmo. you know what doesn't? mashing 1 button then 14 reactive proc popups and maintaining a 'rotation' so that you can't actually engage in the part of mmos that make them good: chilling, chatting, shooting the shit, all WHILST playing. and every modern mmo is bad, for many reasons one of which is that they are desperate to include combat for adhd homosexuals with a 2 second attention span. meanwhile every mmo from the 90s to the mid 2000s - the only time any good mmo existed - had slow paced combat and cool shit like ffxi's combo system which only works and is usable in a slow paced system.

        • 9 months ago

          you are half right, the socialization is what made the game good, but stretching that and extrapolating that it means you need slow, braindead combat is a massive reach and you're a dumbfrick
          the combat doesn't need to be slow or fast, it needs to be interactive, thought has to go into it, that's it

      • 9 months ago

        Absolutely moronic take.
        >who legitimately think vanilla wow's shitty mechanics have absolutely anything to do with why the game was fun or successful
        Its responsive combat and good character movement, along with easy solo play, absolutely was a factor in its success.
        >Even the smaller portion of the playerbase that will at least try it out, will see the new content and have 0 nostalgia for it, and instantly realize how fricking awful it is, and proceed to shit on Blizzard because that's also very easy.
        Vanilla+ servers are currently in huge demand in the private server scene.
        >If anyone at Blizzard had any fricking sense left, they'd know the only thing left to do with WoW is pull the plug and make a sequel.
        I am laffin

        • 9 months ago

          A sequel probably would genuinely revitalize the game, provided it was made by non-morons. COD had fallen into a slump prior to MW2019. They remade it from scratch with a new engine and it was one of the most successful entries in the series, ever.

      • 9 months ago

        Yes. You are right.
        No amount of jank will bring back the environment PC gaming being a loner hobby and the internet not being a dead husk

        • 9 months ago

          And most importantly, it's no longer possible to make an MMO for 100k people, it needs to be millions or bust

      • 9 months ago

        We already got "no changes" classic with in 2019. People are ready for classic+ as evidenced in the private server scene. You're listening to the vocal minority of autists who can't handle change, if you believe that

    • 9 months ago

      It is the best thing that could have happened, except for the fact that modern day Blizzard will we creating the content.
      Also balance changes would be nice, but they'd be simmed out very quickly.

  9. 9 months ago

    >Falls for ages old leak that was used as a retail leak and now classic leak

  10. 9 months ago

    I hope they're making WoW 2 instead, I'm so sick of the old shitty gameplay.

  11. 9 months ago


    The past 15 years of world of warcraft has been a blight on the genre.

    Retail is unsalvagable, if you fixed retail now, you won't bring back all the players you alienated with dogshit updates like group finder, raid finder, M+, ect by removing them or making them obsolete, and in turn you'll drive away all the homosexuals who do play WOW like a second job and buy all the MTX keeping the company afloat, and anyone who actaully liked Warcraft would be alienated as frick by the current story and gay furry troony shit everywhere

    The only hope is to pull a runescape, Retail becomes generic WOW, or "WOW2" while classic becomes OSWOW with its own branching paths. The problem is they'd have to bring back everyone who made vanilla WOW to make a vanilla scale expansion and rework, otherwise they're going to run into the same exact problem retail WOW has today and will eventually devolve into the same problems of seasonal game design.

    And if that fails, guess what, it kills WOW and blizzard, and that means that every publisher who forces their MMO to become another bullshit gay WOW clone like Amazon did with New World will think twice about trying to implement WOTLK trash into their games.

    • 9 months ago

      >m+ bad
      You're just shit at WoW lmao
      >group finder, raid finder
      Both are totally irrelevant

      • 9 months ago

        M+ is dogshit
        >oh boy I can't wait to run a dungeon I cleared week 1 of an expansion for the 500th fricking time for my weekly gacha box
        >oh darn my weekly gacha box gave me offspec bracers again :~~*((

        M+ enjoyers should go back to diablo 3, it already has grifts.

        • 9 months ago

          M+ is the entire game now, the only people left playing are the M+ enjoyers. All other endgame activities have been overshadowed by M+.

          • 9 months ago

            No one enjoys m+

        • 9 months ago

          Coping buzzword. Shitter confirmed
          WoW has always used rng loot

          • 9 months ago

            >Kill boss
            >Get Loot
            >Kill new boss
            >Get different loot
            >get item I want from boss
            >stop raiding that bosss
            >Run dungeon with +600% health and damage under 20 minutes
            >get a chance next week at an item upgrade
            >get full bis after 5 months
            >new season, same dungeons
            >get same chance at same item upgrade next week with bigger number

            The gacha vault is your best source for upgrades but is pure 100% RNG and its fricking turbo aids, not to mention fricking boring.

            • 9 months ago

              It's not 100% RNG though. Devs have long admitted to their own skewed reward system which is buggy as frick and supposed to help you if you've had a long RNG bad luck streak.

              • 9 months ago

                Ah yes, the bad luck protection

                Know what made dungeons fun before? Running them until you got your pre-raid BIS and moving onto the next dungeon

              • 9 months ago

                Yep, doing UBRS runs until your war had his set. So much fun with friends. Time to let it go.

                Never happened

                Now THIS is cope.

              • 9 months ago

                Never happened

            • 9 months ago

              >dont like troony mode? well you are fricked . go run it

            • 9 months ago

              >new season, same dungeons

              Actual lie. It's been rotating dungeon pools for multiple years, nearly half of M+s lifespan.
              The point of doing the content and keys and pushing it is the content itself, playing the video game, which is why rewards cap out. Classic players genuinely bewildering me with the fricking monumental levels of cope they huff every thread. The "new season same dungeon" shit is blasting me holy shit. You're not just wrong, you're doing the EXACT same content 19 years later how is that a point lol

            • 9 months ago

              >stop raiding that boss
              Have you never raided in WoW before? You don't stop clearing a boss on farm just because you got your item
              Raid drops are pure 100% rng. There is no difference. Killing a raid boss is only a chance at an upgrade as well.
              >new season, same dungeons
              >get same chance at same item upgrade next week with bigger number
              Vanilla is literally 4 tiers of tank and spank bosses
              99% of items in WoW are just generic stat sticks you replace with generic stat sticks that have more stats, even in vanilla when their itemization was moronic. Getting new tier in retail is more impactful than anything in classic

              • 9 months ago

                >Have you never raided in WoW before?
                you are wasting your time talking with a bot
                ignore the Black person

              • 9 months ago

                >new season, same dungeons

                Actual lie. It's been rotating dungeon pools for multiple years, nearly half of M+s lifespan.
                The point of doing the content and keys and pushing it is the content itself, playing the video game, which is why rewards cap out. Classic players genuinely bewildering me with the fricking monumental levels of cope they huff every thread. The "new season same dungeon" shit is blasting me holy shit. You're not just wrong, you're doing the EXACT same content 19 years later how is that a point lol

                these shit eating junkies sperging out at people who are using a bit of hyperbole to expose how dogshit awful and brutal retoilet is to gamers who have standards and self respect, the sheer SEETHING lmao.

                Your second job is abusing you and you are deeply mentally ill, both of you, literally the only man i know who enjoys retail irl is a bipolar manic depressive who uses it to escape his own mind, he also tries to quit it like a drug and fails periodically. I consider him far saner than either of you, because he'd never cope and seethe online over people who dont want to play it and think its bad.

              • 9 months ago

                >i-it wasn't a lie it's just hyperbole
                Blizzard hating shills got blown out multiple times for blatantly lying, you don't have standards you're just in an eternal cope mode because you aren't good enough for WoW but every time you try to defend your cope you only embarass yourself further

            • 9 months ago

              >Monster Hunter vs KMMOs

        • 9 months ago

          sincerely, morons who think m+ is good gameplay are the monkies who cried for all the other features and dogshit that ruined the game over time. M+ is one of the worst game modes in any game ever let alone MMOs. They took dungeon achievements in WotLK that were meant to be a fun side challenge with friends and tied it to gear making it almost mandatory. Braindead

          • 9 months ago

            >WAHHHHHH my gear isn't spoonfed to me and I have to learn to push my buttons
            Please anon. Just stop being shit at video games for once in your life

            • 9 months ago

              join the 41% troony

            • 9 months ago

              My dude, M+ is the definition of spoonfeeding. And you're a dipshit if you think a stat check isn't fricking piss easy.

              Keep eating Ion's regurgitated human centipied dogshit subhuman.

              • 9 months ago

                >stat check
                But we're talking about m+, the thing with actual mechanics that you can't do, remember?

              • 9 months ago

                >muh mechanics
                you morons always out yourself, no one cares but you, whatever veneer of god gamer status you think you have, it is am illusion and when you log off the game you are still a gigantic homosexual IRL

              • 9 months ago

                Stop replying to him, the only 'mechanics' in M+ is giving mobs a stacking bleed or stacking fart, they're not 'mechanics' as much as making the healer actually have to do something compared to the base dungeon where they're kind of useless because new dungeons don't have fricking mechanics.

            • 9 months ago

              lmao he thinks his m+ is good because its hard, as I said before same braindead monkies who ruined raiding. At least dungeons were still good when raids started to blow, but you homosexuals had to destroy that too. OOO OO AAA AA ME HAVE BIG DICK ME RUN DUNGEON FAST ME GOOD PLAYER


              • 9 months ago

                >m+ is good because its hard
                M+ was good because it gave us something mildly challenging to grind after we were all on hiatus by the end of WoD. At this point, M+ has burned out every sane player.

              • 9 months ago

                They took the challenge mode in MOP and turned it in the standard endgame and destroyed the relevancy of any of the casual endgame modes like heroic dungeons. The average player doesn't want to do this stressful shit

              • 9 months ago

                >The average player doesn't want to do this stressful shit
                I sure as frick don't. It doesn't bring players together, it divides them. You get SEVERE troony autists doing M+ now. They're all obsessed with their score and making sure you don't frick it up.

                Just obscene. The most progressive people in game now are also the most offensive. I just won't play it.

              • 9 months ago

                They turned dungeons into high level arena, and it attracts all the same kind of antisocial nutcases, so dungeons went from being a relaxed way to improve your character to a hurtbox crucible of misery

              • 9 months ago

                You're right, and this is coming from an antisocial nutcase that hit rank 1 back in '07. Still, my psychosis was contained among my friends and I never played with randos or took my frustration out on them, in fact I basically quit arena altogether because all the good players quit, and by that I mean people who I spent years meshing with before arena was even a thing.

                I tried arena again before I quit and Blizzard couldn't decide on what they wanted to do with tanks, which is what I had been focusing on, so they shafted us and I had even less reason to keep playing.

              • 9 months ago

                Modern M+ you're grouping with randoms who forgot basic social graces and have severe anger issues. Games are meant to be enjoyable but these people missed that memo

              • 9 months ago

                yeah, that's where all the real "toxic" behavior went. not the public chat channels, it's the M+ turbo autists.

              • 9 months ago

                It's fine for them to all congregate in some sperg containment away from everyone else, but M+ is not containment, it's the main endgame. If you want to progress, you have to associate with these people

              • 9 months ago

                yeah, if not you have to deal with PvP which itself isn't bad but the reward system is deeply skewed towards a higher skillcap and not a time investment, which I don't really get why people would dislike so much.

                if you have time to spend months farming gear that will be useless in a year, who gives a shit? good players are still going to roll you over anyways. some priority misplacements going on there by their balancing team.

              • 9 months ago

                I've heard arena isn't in great shape either with rating inflation, where people get 2800 rating but due to low population they still don't get gladiator so that isn't a great option either

              • 9 months ago

                You being shit is the unenjoyable part
                The only reason you have people angry is because you play like dogshit

              • 9 months ago

                I'm perfectly capable of playing well, I just don't want to spend my gaming time doing stressful content. It defeats the purpose of gaming for relaxation. It's the same feeling as queueing for ladder in Starcraft 2 - it's masochism, most people don't enjoy that shit

              • 9 months ago

                You certainly aren't or you wouldn't be crying about m+
                >stressful content
                Nothing about m+ below 25 would be stressful if you were good, but thanks for outing yourself

              • 9 months ago

                I can't imagine why Dragonflight might be having popularity problems with players as charming as you to play with. Heaven forbid people play games for fun instead of being a tryhard esports homosexual like yourself

              • 9 months ago

                What's fun about being bad anon?
                But nice try pivoting from pretending you're good

              • 9 months ago

                No you spergy homosexuals make it unenjoyable for everyone, you have no anger control, you foam at the mouth the second someone doesn't do the most basic inconsequential action the exact way you would have and then justify being passive agressive or an outright piece of shit to someone who just wants to play a game. I blame Blizzard more for forcing you cretins on us sane people

              • 9 months ago

                This is just coping. You aren't making tiny insignificant mistakes, you are repeatedly making massive obvious ones because you're dogshit

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not because I haven't tried M+ since BFA and after completing it for 1 week never did it ever again because I didn't need more than 1 week to know it was one of the worst game modes ever introduced in any game. Enjoy it though anon, you are mommies big boy!!

              • 9 months ago

                They turned dungeons into high level arena, and it attracts all the same kind of antisocial nutcases, so dungeons went from being a relaxed way to improve your character to a hurtbox crucible of misery

                Exactly, autistic "challenges" like this always attract the worst people who make their entire personality their gearscore or achievements, it's sick. Games used to be fun as a whole, now most multiplayer games are trash because you never know when you will get stuck with some headcase social reject who is terminally online.

              • 9 months ago

                It's really telling just how terrible you are at WoW that you think basic competency checks are autistic

              • 9 months ago

                >ur le bad
                Imagine having to constantly justify how good you are at games in every facet of your life. Unlike you I got out of my try hard pro gamer phase when I was 16, I'm sure any minute it will all pay off for you lol

              • 9 months ago

                I'm calling you bad because it's the root of all your issues, yet you can't accept that you're the issue
                People love having good players in their groups, it makes the game more fun, when you keep getting complained about the issue is that you haven't figured out how to play WoW after almost 20 years and are dragging down others.
                You don't have to be a try hard pro gamer to clear all the keys you need for gearing, but keep trying to cope

                I'm not because I haven't tried M+ since BFA and after completing it for 1 week never did it ever again because I didn't need more than 1 week to know it was one of the worst game modes ever introduced in any game. Enjoy it though anon, you are mommies big boy!!

                Sure you did bro you totally did well and then just stopped because....uh....

              • 9 months ago

                What part of some people don't enjoy high pressure gameplay do you not get? Do you have learning difficulties or something? Timed dungeons were not a thing for the most successful period of the game's life by subscriber count. The majority of people who liked this game at any point in its lifecycle did not do timed dungeons.

              • 9 months ago

                Makes everything unneccessarily stressful.

              • 9 months ago

                What part of +20s isn't high pressure to anyone above room temp IQ are you not getting
                M+ poses a mild challenge and you're so fricking terrible that you see it as a huge obstacle. You just suck anon, you played the game for years but suck impossibly hard at it, have you considered being checked for a learning disability instead?
                >Timed dungeons were not a thing for the most successful period of the game's life by subscriber count.
                Dungeons were worthless content pre Legion, you outgeared them after 2 days and then they sat worthless for the next 2 years. People run dungeons 100x more right now because of m+, if you actually liked dungeons (which you dont) you would be excited.

              • 9 months ago

                >Dungeons were worthless content pre Legion
                Congrats on revealing you have no idea how dungeons worked prior to Legion

              • 9 months ago

                MOP and WOD dungeons were pretty pointless though, LFR was already in the game and you could get valor cap doing dailies in MOP (and you had to do dailies anyway to unlock valor vendors), and in WOD garrisons dropped better loot than dungeons. I can't speak for cataclysm because of IRL problems and I couldn't be assed with how fricked up pre-nerf groupfinder was, but in WOTLK dungeons were a faceroll thanks to overpowered paladin tanking, and you only ran them to get badges for welfare tier gear.

              • 9 months ago

                The difficulty doesnt come from the dungeon itself but from the players, who sperg out about anything. Even 20+ can be enjoyable but your green/blue parsing shitters ruin it with their nevernding lectures and insights. Not to mention the leavers once a minor hiccup occurs or you dont do the way the guide says.
                >t. tank

              • 9 months ago

                Exactly and moron pro gamer anon can't grasp this

              • 9 months ago

                >Dungeons were worthless content pre Legion
                to you, I always enjoyed dungeons in every version of WoW no matter my gear level.

              • 9 months ago

                Timed dungeons were a thing, but they were a one and done thing, such as 45 minute baron, scepter questline, and Karazhan/SSC attunement.

                Its Ion's speedrunning esport autism thats the problem, its ruined the entire pacing of the game, everything is streamlined to rush you into end game as soon as possible, where you'll be doing the same dungeons/raids you clear day/week one of a patch. There is no progression in modern WOW anymore except at the mythic level, and mythic raiding is straight up CBT waiting for billy the guild moron to understand all 5 of the instant wipe mechanics so you can kill the same boss that was trivial as frick on heroic.

              • 9 months ago

                Tell me anon, what progression was there in classic?
                You clear all dungeons on your first visit
                You clear all raids in 1 shot because they're a joke
                Meanwhile it takes months to chew through mythic raids in retail
                It seems pretty obvious what has progression and what doesn't

              • 9 months ago

                Progression is the leveling and adventure with your bros, not those overtuned raids which are designed with WAs in mind.

              • 9 months ago

                >progression isn't progression its killing bears to collect bear asses x10
                >with your bros
                A defining feature of vanilla is questing being solo friendly. Raiding is the content you actually play with your bros

              • 9 months ago

                There are multiple elite quests in each zone that you need friends to down. Also there's multiple dungeons per level range.

              • 9 months ago

                Multiple elite quests you skip
                >and dungeons
                Guess what? Retail has the more complete dungeon content. But it's amazing how not even 1 post in you pivot away from questing

              • 9 months ago

                There is more content in fricking black rock mountain than the entire end game dungeon experience of shadowlands

                adding a timer is not content

              • 9 months ago

                >Skipping content means there is no content.
                Move the goalposts again

              • 9 months ago

                Nta. But
                >Wrath 12m players
                >Retail 1m players
                M+ is such a success!

              • 9 months ago

                solo friendly doesn't mean playing with friends was bad

                You didn't kill mobs in 2-3 globals in classic like you do in retail, playing with friends in classic is still an advantage, easier to run dungeons, easier to kill mobs, when mobs die faster, there is significantly less down time so less eating/bandages/drinking, in retail you're boosted to 60 and having a friend join you will cut your EXP gains so hard that its just not fricking worth it

              • 9 months ago

                you're never going to take a hint that people don't actually want hard raids or ultimate spergworks parsegayging, they don't even really like boss mechanics they just like to pump damage and this fact so thoroughly broke your mind we're gonna have to suffer your moronic whining for all coming time, again why do you exist to make everything we like shitty thank you, people actually liked going out into the world and getting buffs and even hiding their locks to summon in special spots in the map, it's that autistic shit people crave it makes things exciting and fun by being fricking annoying and having other people suffer with you, bring back the dispell meta

              • 9 months ago

                >people don't like parsing
                >b-but muh world buffs
                World buff autism was all FOR parsing you stupid homosexual. What you mean is you and other subhumans (let's be very clear, you and your ilk are not people) don't like is parsing being skill based

              • 9 months ago

                yes but it should be refined and somewhat regulated so people can't summon off the map or in unreachable spots and it should reward raids with more loot if the dungeon is completed in a timely matter with the world buffs and there should be a difficulty setting raid leaders could increase to make it more challenging which in turn would mean you get a chance at more specific or rarer items that don't usually drop or are in higher demand, it's not hard to make the game decent while keeping the organic things players found to do with it, world buffs got people out into the world and that's what the game needs, you could even make it so the buffs can't be raidlogged for an entire week like they fall off after a certain time you're logged out and have to spend a certain time online to keep them so you're still vulnerable to being dispelled or you have to get them within 24 to 48 hours of the raid if you want to be a b***h and raidlog for a few days but not the entire week like the raging sperg homosexuals you are

              • 9 months ago

                minmaxing epeen homosexuals are truly the lowest form of life in the mmos

              • 9 months ago

                >Clear all dungeons on your first visit
                Thats cool, but you still revisited to get items
                >clear all raids in one shot because they're a joke
                Because classic has been a solved game for 15 years with way more boss mods playing the game for you?
                >meanwhile it takes months to chew through mythic raids in retail
                Big fricking doubt, a mythic raiding guild that can't clear mythic within a month of the WFR ending and all the nerfs rolled out, it falls apart as anyone worth a frick looks for a new guild

                Just because you didn't play classic doesn't mean there wasn't progression, also doing the same raid 4 fricking times also isn't progression if we're going to use arbitrary concepts of what 'progression' means

              • 9 months ago

                >Thats cool, but you still revisited to get items
                So exactly like retail, but without any depth to the content. Got it.
                >Because classic has been a solved game for 15 years with way more boss mods playing the game for you?
                The frick are boss mods (which already existed in vanilla btw) doing when the boss has 1 mechanic? Why are you totally incapable of admitting the bosses were undertuned and badly designed?
                >Big fricking doubt, a mythic raiding guild that can't clear mythic within a month of the WFR ending and all the nerfs rolled out, it falls apart as anyone worth a frick looks for a new guild
                You absolutely have never raided and it couldn't be more obvious. This tier it took over a month for Hall of Fame to close (late June, raid dropped early May). 90+% of CE guilds take months to clear you actual larping moron

              • 9 months ago

                >Badly designed
                MC bosses and Onyxia for that matter stumped EQ players for a long while. People still wipe on Onyxia in wrath classic regularly and she's tauntable in that version.

              • 9 months ago

                People still wipe to Nagafen and Vox too

              • 9 months ago

                >exactly like retail

                >Kills boss, boss might drop item, run boss until you get item
                >when you get item move onto different content
                >run M+, EOD chest might drop item
                >run M+ again, EOD chest might drop item
                >Eventually EOD chest doesn't drop items anymore, only weekly gacha vault

              • 9 months ago

                >badly designed
                WoW literally pioneered the boilerplate design for tab target raid mechanics. Absolutely no mmo in 2004 had anything like Ragnaros. Games like anarchy and FF11 were absolute slogs to play with their 20 hour bosses you fought with drool dried to your chin.

                Classic bosses are easy in retrospect, specifically because they're the core baseline for what games like retail and FFXIV iterated on.

              • 9 months ago

                Raiding in classic lvl 60 raids is a lot more fun than retail mythic raiding, poopsocking and wiping 100s of times on a boss is not fun. I used to think it was but then I grew up

              • 9 months ago

                The crazy part is, I actually do enjoy high stress, high stakes gameplay sometimes, my job is even high pressure, I live it literally everyday. I just don't want to be subjected to homosexuals like that other sperg and enjoy high end gameplay in an environment where it can be serious but also fun. The biggest issue for me is M+ is essentially a requirement, and turned dungeons into mini LFR with an even higher skill cap. To your point dungeons were always a chill way to enjoy the game even if you didn't need the gear, farm mats, help friends or lowbies, etc. My other issue is I've never had IRL gamer friends who liked playing at the level I did so I've always relied on meeting people online. My online groups have long since disbanded and the thought of pairing up with the insufferable tryhards still doing that content is enough for me to just elect not to bother.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm pretty much exactly the same, I raid led through several expansions, people aren't friendly like they used to be during that period though and M+ pugs have profoundly repellant playing them

              • 9 months ago

                found the troony

              • 9 months ago

                Too be fair MOP dungeons were also mindless trash and were obsolete since you had to do dailies, which gave you your weekly valor point cap, just to unlock the valor vendors in the first place, and LFR was already in the game so there was no reason to do them.

                Challenge mode was the only thing that made them relevant, but the dungeons themselves were fricking garbo, and the same thing happened in WOD.

              • 9 months ago

                The average player loved M+ in Legion because it was novel and the dungeons were honestly pretty good. Its shelf life was one expansion for most of the playerbase and now it has either mindbroken most people or driven them to quit from burn out.

              • 9 months ago

                Average player doesn't play retail homie.

              • 9 months ago

                Classic wasn't out in Legion.

      • 9 months ago

        M+ is bad though. Blizzard replaced group cohesion, guild camaraderie and "fun" with gear grinds, dungeons and affixes, new boss abilities etc. They took player interaction OUT of the game. You can do full dungeon runs, every dungeon, with ZERO fricking communication.

        It's a job, not a game now. No fun. Not an MMO. Add to that if you DO feel like saying anything, you will be reported instantly for virtually anything. You can say;
        >hey what's up man
        and be suspended because someone claims you misgendered them. Yes this happens.

        Blizzard hired too many gays and trannies, lesbians and feminists. They killed their own game.

    • 9 months ago

      > still crying about group finder

      • 9 months ago

        matchmaking is a blight on multiplayer gaming and has been since its implementation in every game

        group finder is just one example of the dogshit that matchmaking brings

    • 9 months ago

      wow in general has fricked the industry over and we largely have blizzdrones to thank

      • 9 months ago

        i too blame the chinese

  12. 9 months ago

    Taking the OSRS route is honestly the best hope for them at this point

  13. 9 months ago

    So the leak was correct

  14. 9 months ago

    Do you guys really think they could archieve vanilla again?
    How would it be different from retail?
    I want to believe but even if they bring back the old team it wont make a difference.
    Its the players who are the biggest morons and discuss shit like taylor swift in the general chat and it takes the immersion of every other player.
    If they really want to succeed they need to hire alot of gm's to deal with the shitty community

    • 9 months ago

      dude you shouldn't think this way you should think in terms of adding cool and interesting aspects of expansions that don't diminish the game, like completing some unfinished areas, reworking things so the world feels more alive and gets you out into it, just fricking simple shit like giving trolls and orc shamans appropriate looking racial totems to restore some good fricking will lmao it's not that fricking hard lmao

    • 9 months ago

      Frick no, the people who made Vanilla WoW fun are long fricking gone. The only thing Blizzard has been consistently decent with is music. Everything else has fallen off, hard.

      • 9 months ago

        Why, out of all things video games related, has music remained an unpozzed asset? Every new game these days has pozzed artwork, pozzed lore, pozzed gameplay, but never pozzed music. Why is that?

        • 9 months ago

          >Never pozzed music.
          Fighting Games have been using Rap for ages.

        • 9 months ago

          The original composer left a while back and regretted ever participating in the game. The modern music is fairly unremarkable, it's the elevator music of fantasy orchestral soundtracks

        • 9 months ago

          Because you need talent and years of dedication to make music, you don't need anything to dye your hair blue and say "diversity is our strength".

    • 9 months ago

      >ts the players who are the biggest morons and discuss shit like taylor swift in the general chat
      WoW chat was always like that, though. 90% the time it was people just trolling to get reactions. Stuff like "anal x" or asking for priest ports.

    • 9 months ago

      The only way any company will ever achieve a vanilla WOW level of experience again is to create something completely new from scratch instead of trying to copy WOW.

      When you use WOW as a template, half your work is cut out for you, and the other half is mostly streamlining and rounding corners, but the roughness of vanilla WOW is what gives it its charm, and all MMOs their charm, when players can play the MMO, experiment, try new builds and new classes with wholely different playstyles.

      Vanilla WOW was a clusterfrick, patches and expansions streamlined it into the gay raid grinder it is today, and honestly, i'd rather like to see new MMOs come out without dungeons and without the boring trinity and to evolve the genre past the combat system every MMO has been using since everquest.

      • 9 months ago

        WoW right now has more non raid content than Vanilla did, this is just coping
        GW2 already did no trinity and it sucked ass moron

        • 9 months ago

          >He thinks killing a 'rare' spawn once a week for a 0.01% at a mount or battle pet is 'content'

    • 9 months ago

      No you can't ever have vanilla again
      The internet itself and the people playing MMOs are not the same
      Half of the game's immense success and allure was from the time it existed in. There's no going back.

      • 9 months ago

        Nonsense. I enjoyed original vanilla and then classic 15 years later. It was great.

      • 9 months ago

        so at least they can go back to wotlk right?
        only LFG only 2 difficulties and remove troony mode and LFR

        • 9 months ago

          You can never go home again, anon.

          • 9 months ago

            i didn't liked wotlk but hell it was a lot better than 4 difficulties . and troony mode

            • 9 months ago

              WoW still had relatively good guild communities back then.

              Almost nothing now, and what is there is not organic; basically Discord-forced memberships.

  15. 9 months ago

    bro they literally had to pay metzen to come back

    game is so dead even vets like me cant take the woke shit; we made the game and community. without us, it's just a fricking gayfest no diff than FF

  16. 9 months ago

    It's hilarious how you tards are trying desperately to convince everyone and yourselves that classic+ is happening, when the company wouldn't even think about releasing a fourth version of WoW they'd have to have a team for and servers for while waiting to see if they get brought by Microsoft.

    • 9 months ago

      its not hilarious ist just sad. and classic + is coming you idiot. the MS deal will seal it moron

      • 9 months ago

        You're never gonna get to relive your childhood bro.
        Give up chasing the dragon

        • 9 months ago

          can you read moron? its coming but it will be shit. what the frick

        • 9 months ago

          I did in 2019 when classic launched
          Magical time 😉

  17. 9 months ago

    why did WoW die now rather than later?

    • 9 months ago

      classic split an already weakened playerbase
      they needed a remake or a sequel, but they decided to keep milking it instead

  18. 9 months ago

    I'm down for it, refuse to buy or play retail, it's secular blasphemy.

  19. 9 months ago

    It'd be fun if they did a parrellel reality wow that continued wow classic but there's no way they'd do that because 1) there current design ideologies are opposed to what made original wow 2) they can just rerelease further expansions for basically no dev cost, MoP Classic, WoD Classic it can go on forever. Then you can get WoW Classic Classic in 2030

    • 9 months ago

      They could reverse so many moronic story and mechanical decisions:
      >Blood Elves part of the Horde
      >Kael'thas a villain
      >Illidan a villain
      >Vertical progression instead of horizontal
      >Draenei being space goats/Protoss

      And so on.

      • 9 months ago

        >Blood Elves part of the Horde
        fricking this, frick these homosexual looking elves shits, give me two-headed ogres or nagas instead

        • 9 months ago

          You can thank Asians for this. Blood Elves became part of the Horde ONLY because over 90% of Asian players played Alliance. Those soulless bugmen cannot fathom playing anything that doesn't look like pretty boy animoo.

          • 9 months ago

            I hate azns and weeb culture so much, fricking homosexuals. AUUUUUGGGGHHH HE EESA RITERARY ME

  20. 9 months ago
  21. 9 months ago

    A rettcon of all the expansions followed by WC4 is unironically the only thing that can save the franchise at this point.

    • 9 months ago

      Just restart using Classic, shit, they've even got that patented AI shit to mimic classic wow textures, the slowest part of their dev, sunset retail gracefully and feed the couple of morons there mounts and gay shit to keep them quiet.

  22. 9 months ago

    >we changed timelines again

    frick off Titor

  23. 9 months ago

    (copypaste from the other thread)
    Frick em. Blizzard will take the easy and wrong route as usual. They didn't learn from previous expansion mistakes and simply released them again. They've had a chance to do better this time.
    >Keep things in azeroth, no more continents.
    >Too hard of a gear and level progression, it should've been soft/unique gear progression
    >Stop favoring the horde, elves should've never joined horde and just because horde bgs were fricked you should've helped alliance instead
    >No flying mounts, no arena, no op racials
    >Stop homogenization of classes

    • 9 months ago

      >Stop homogenization of classes
      This is what killed retail, why play any other class when Druids can do it all?

    • 9 months ago

      >STILL mindbroken about elves

  24. 9 months ago

    what kills me is that wow still has the best gameplay out of most other mmos out there
    FFXIV is a complete snorefest
    GW2 has no real quests or classes or anything really
    Runescape is old and solved, and just a numbies grindfest these days
    ESO has moronic pseudo action combat that ruins the whole thing
    BDO is just shit in every regard

    • 9 months ago

      You go and play Lord of the Rings online.

      • 9 months ago

        I really wish I would. But I can't bring myself to play MMOs with borderline no population. Defeats the point.

        SWTOR, LOTRO, DDO and probably a bunch of other MMOs have interesting gameplay or stories but the playerbase is non-existent so you feel like your effort is going into the ether since the games will never expand.

  25. 9 months ago

    but how will i know what to think of this without my favorite streamer reacting to the rumor?

    • 9 months ago

      I mean, not much to talk about until we know if Blizz is going to keep going at retail or restart from scratch with classic.

  26. 9 months ago

    If they do do classic plus, at least keep the classic servers as they are too. I have 3 literally perfect T3 chars. Don't want them messed up by changes. Just allow transfers to classic plus servers. Or fresh start, don't care, but don't bugger up classic.

    • 9 months ago

      I can't get fresh vanilla classic because of people like you, why do you exist

      • 9 months ago

        Why not? Just make a fresh server?

        I can't get back to where I am without literal years of playing. I'm not that precious about it like some people but I do plan to play again at some point and it will be awesome to use those characters again. They were decked out beautifully.

        • 9 months ago

          I just want to play the version of the game I enjoy the most, why do you exist to gatekeep me from that, how does this happen, I'm not even asking for seasonal fresh vanilla servers

          • 9 months ago

            I don't understand what you think I'm doing. I have no control over what blizzard does with their servers. The same as you.

            • 9 months ago

              I bet you're one of those people who said more than a decade ago we couldn't have WC4 because WoW lore exists

              • 9 months ago

                After reforged I don't want Wracraft 4

                They could have done Warcraft 4, easily
                >Anthology of Warcraft 1 2 and 3
                >uses Warcraft 3's hero RTS as core design, thus lothar in warcraft 1, turalyon in warcraft 2, blackhand in 1, doomhammer in 2, ect
                >expansions are anthology campaigns of book series from warcraft's past, such as War of the Ancients, War of Three Hammers, Troll Wars, ect

              • 9 months ago

                I never played played WC4 so I'm definitely not anything.

                You however definitely are one of those people going around accusing random people for the percieved sins of gaming companies. You should sort yourself out and stop acting like a moron.

              • 9 months ago

                Firstly I don't even know what that first line means but that double space means you're furious on that phone of yours

              • 9 months ago

                You have brain problems. I'm not even remotely mad. if anything I'm mildy amused by your insane ramblings.

  27. 9 months ago

    200% fricking fake as shit. I know this for a fact because Blizzard would NEVER, EVER, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, let people play as Ogres. Ever.

    • 9 months ago

      >play as Ogres

  28. 9 months ago

    >WoW Classic story re-direction from retail

    This is what Classic b***hes have wanted from the start but continually denied.

    • 9 months ago

      Do you think the franchise can handle more Dragonflight?

      • 9 months ago

        I think Blizzard should move on to World of Starcraft.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you think this franchise could handle Archlight Rumble? They're veering close the edge in my opinion. Wokey dopey goofy pixar bullshit way too much lately.

        • 9 months ago

          >WTS Xel'naga Temple+69 carries, 6000k vespine bitcoin, visit wdubbyaw DOT carryjerks DOT c OH m

          • 9 months ago

            IN SPAAAAAACE!

            Do you think this franchise could handle Archlight Rumble? They're veering close the edge in my opinion. Wokey dopey goofy pixar bullshit way too much lately.

            idk man, i just think they have to let WoW retire gracefully instead of more pozzed injections.

            • 9 months ago

              They should cancel Archlight Rumble outright, it'll erode Warcraft's image entirely. There's a lot of fricking work that needs to be done there, great franchises easily dies if you're full of directionless spineless moron blue hairs.

              • 9 months ago

                It's Blizzard's image that is at stake; their IPs are just branches from whence the rot extends. They need to purge the woke out of their company.

                >He thinks killing a 'rare' spawn once a week for a 0.01% at a mount or battle pet is 'content'

                This dude took so much shit for Assram, and I don't know if it's because I was addicted or the content was actually good but I eventually began to like it.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd like to see Warcraft go for PG16, think last time that happened was WOTLK, think that could fix a lot of problems and targeting PG13 and under is fricking moronic, honestly, horrible fit for Pg13.

              • 9 months ago

                Won't happen in today's social climate sadly. It was virgin territory at the time of launch, MMOs not really gone mainstream even with RS and EQ; these were niche experiences exclusive to the biggest geeks.

              • 9 months ago

                When I saw Dragonflight and that Archlight Rumble thing I immediately knew the people who understood Warcraft's appeal and target audience were long gone from leadership positions.

                Instead of growing up with the fanbase they just went full moron Benjamin Button and erased so many years of relevancy.

              • 9 months ago

                Part of it has been the desperation to keep the game a cash cow, and today this means pandering to the current generation of gamers. Unfortunately, Blizzard is no longer a bleeding edge content creator and Activision forces them to bend the knee to whatever the social climate looks like. I'm surprised there aren't BLM protests to burn down Goldshire for being too Elvish by now.

              • 9 months ago

                The entire tone of new Warcraft is so fricking wrong, boomer Activision saw fortnite and demanded everything be made for 11 year old timmy frick face, compound this with irrational ESG chasing and youve built franchise poison.

              • 9 months ago

                I wouldn't know. I bought DF like an idiot and finished all the early races flying around and then quit. It didn't have any charm. Had some cool ideas but even the way the writers discarded Arthas' spirit at the end of the last xpac just left me feeling like it was finally over.



              • 9 months ago

                Yeah most people there today probably hates Warcraft and just do their time to apply at Riot for huge increases. Grim.

              • 9 months ago

                >and demanded everything be made for 11 year old timmy frick face
                That's what WoW literally was in 2005 lmao. It was the kiddy version of Everquest.
                t. some 39 year old who spent his sophomore summer year in college in 2003 with guild in EQ going through Tier-3/4 raid content in PoP.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes and you're older now with even more disposable income, amazing. Targeting PG16 makes more sense, little timmy has fortnite and an ocean of shit made speficially for his age, he doesn't give a frick about Warcraft.

              • 9 months ago

                >a new generation of 11 year olds dont care about an almost two decade *old thing*
                No way.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah man no waaay, go tell that Mike Ybarra.

              • 9 months ago

                >Targeting PG16 makes more sense,
                16 year olds aren't playing WoW either.

              • 9 months ago

                You are one dumb fricking 39 year old, Jesus.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not the guy you were replying to.

              • 9 months ago

                WoW was popular because it was the Fortnite of MMOs. Easy, colorful, simple. Do you really think if WoW was as hard as say - Final Fantasy 11 to really get into - that it'd be popular?

              • 9 months ago

                Hearthstone already did "Warcraft but le wacky" and was successful for a long time

              • 9 months ago

                WAS, keyword is WAS, fricking bigbrain over here.

              • 9 months ago

                A game doesn't need to last forever for it to be a success, anon. It made them a lot of money and thats all they care about. Arclight Rumble will also make money despite tarnishing the visual legacy of Warcraft, because normies dont really care about that. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they prefer the new style. The reason WoW is dying has nothing to do with that, its because MMOs are a genre for boomers that nobody wants to play anymore.

              • 9 months ago

                Hearthstone being the whacky in universe comic nonsense was fine

                Its when they started implementing hearthstone style aesthetic into WOW that the cancer started to take hold.

              • 9 months ago

                >make diablo mobile game
                >it plays like a diablo game
                >big $$$
                >make a wow mobile game
                >it plays nothing like wow
                >instant flop
                what the actual frick where they thinking? hearthstone being a success for it's first 2-3 years really gaslighted Blizzard into thinking any LE WACKY SILLY warcraft game could sell.

  29. 9 months ago

    Reminder that blizzard can't even run their own fricking game anymore while private servers can actually implement server upgrades and tech that actually matters to the MMO experience.

    • 9 months ago

      how could a private server fit way more players in 1 layer and have it work and not disconnect but blizzard can't? i miss it so much despite having 300 ping to the server for being an aussie.

      • 9 months ago

        Honestly, considering all the technical blunders of modern blizzard I think all the people who did all their actual coding/programming have left the company decades ago and interns are struggling to bootstrap everything

      • 9 months ago

        because classic runs on bloated retail client while nost was on the original client. Competency crisis is a very real thing

  30. 9 months ago

    blizzcucks tongue my anus

  31. 9 months ago

    Classic+ isn't gonna save WoW, it won't bring in a big surge of new players which the game sorely needs nor will it bring back veterans that are simply tired of the same old shit. It'll just be more content for oldgays that are still hopelessly addicted to this game.
    This isn't just about WoW, they've gotta save the entire MMO genre from stagnation. In order to do that they actually have to reinvent the wheel, a new game with a fresh approach to things that is new and exciting to new players while still being familiar to veterans. They need to make WoW2 and reignite the flame.

  32. 9 months ago

    I will play it, every so often Blizzard gets something right, they are due.

  33. 9 months ago

    >Blurry photo and bad angle
    Every fricking time. Phones are way better at taking photos than that.

  34. 9 months ago

    >Cata was datamined
    >Cata survey was sent out
    >"it's classic + guys!"

    Lol, turtle wow is your only option for classic+

    • 9 months ago

      Thought they'd have time to make a new wow but Dragonflight and that Archlight Rumble shit is speeding up irrelevancy big time. They'll probably have to do something with retail, frick knows what, though. It's a creative mess.

  35. 9 months ago

    >Almost 20 years later and I finally get to see the killer of the MMO genre
    I been waiting for this day for a long time.

    • 9 months ago
  36. 9 months ago

    I unironically hope it will be successful. Imagine the anal pain that retailgays will feel if this outnumbers their subs.

    Actually, scratch that. The suits saw that classic has more numbers than SL/Dragonshite and decided to go with classic. There's no other explanation for this.

  37. 9 months ago

    >classicBlack person coping some more after wasting 18 years coping for classic+
    You guys told us that blizzard is so bad they cant even make good games anymore but classic+ is going to be better?

  38. 9 months ago

    If done well it can save WOW and the genre by showing how fricking bad retail WOW is and how you shouldn't copy Ion Hozzikotas's speedrunning esport autism in a genre made for fricking casuals.

    A vanilla WOW expansion has to focus on open world content and adding content to the core experience, if they do another generic WOW expansion as a "what if" marvel scenario, it will absolutely fricking fail.

    A successful classic+ would need
    >1-2 BRD style dungeons with even more branching paths and quest based progression unlocks and challenges similar to diremaul tribute
    >more spells to the base classes, specifically utilities for classes who are under performing specs, such as giving paladins crusader strike baseline
    >mechanics updates, such as debuff limit removal
    >New raids for each tier that offer alternative spec sets
    >finish all the unfinished zones and questlines and unreleased dungeons/raids, such as hyjal, jaedenar questline, azshara raid and quests, timbermaw raid, ect

    From there they can do anything, and it would be in their best interests to keep it a 1-60 experience, just expand the game, not make it obsolete

    • 9 months ago

      Keep in mind though that old wow had fricking god tier devs and leadership. They don't have much of those around anymore. Riot etc sucked Blizzard dry.

    • 9 months ago

      >such as giving paladins crusader strike baseline
      Skip this, give them holy shock and consecration baseline.

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, one of the problems with paladin is they lacked an active attack

        Holy shock is perfectly positioned in the 'caster' spec of paladin, adding crusader strike, but making it interesting, such as giving it a proc based on which seal is currently active would make playing paladin significantly more interesting.

        >classic+ expansion
        fricking yikes. just give me Season of Mastery 2 phase 1 fresh classic blizzard, you chooms.

        >seasonal garbage
        into the trash you go

        • 9 months ago

          what you dont like auto attacks? here's this talent that makes you auto attack 20% faster! lmao

        • 9 months ago

          what you dont like auto attacks? here's this talent that makes you auto attack 20% faster! lmao

          Paladins are for lazy mf who listen to podcasts and watch movies while they play.
          It's really fun to just auto attack while watching star trek TNG, zone out and not have to think.

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, one of the problems with paladin is they lacked an active attack

        Holy shock is perfectly positioned in the 'caster' spec of paladin, adding crusader strike, but making it interesting, such as giving it a proc based on which seal is currently active would make playing paladin significantly more interesting.

        >seasonal garbage
        into the trash you go

        Just let exorcism be usable on everything with a bonus to undead and demons, rets can use TBC style crusader strike as a talent to replace refreshing judgements and holy can play around with holy shock and go for more a stronger spell focus if they're not healing, the real question is what to do with the seals, seal of the crusaders only purpose is to be judged, seal of justice only exists to annoy people with stuns and be judged to annoy people trying to run away and to stop enemies running to pull more enemies, and seal of light/wisdom don't do a good job restoring health/mana.

        • 9 months ago

          >seal of justice only exists to annoy people with stuns and be judged to annoy people trying to run away and to stop enemies running to pull more enemies,
          Which is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with some niche abilities. The seal system is actually a pretty solid core, it just needs a bit more work. After that Paladin's need one or two more things to press in between judgements. Which could be easily sorted out with a universal exorcism, baseline holy shock, HoW no longer resetting melee etc.

          • 9 months ago

            auto attack resets is something that can just be taken out of classic and the game would be better for it

          • 9 months ago

            My real problem is seal of the crusader which has no use as a seal other than the tiny niche of leveling weapon skills faster and seal of justice not being much better, personally I'd roll judgement of justice's effect into judgement of the crusader and have seal of the crusader increase holy spell damage as well as attack power and either lower the damage penalty or lower the speed boost and remove the damage penalty all together. Seal of the crusader could then work better as a start of fight with the initial damage boost to abilities before judging and switching to another damaging seal while up close and attacking, as for seal of the crusader working as a damage dealing seal with the attack penalty changed I don't know but someone could experiment and see how it works out.

    • 9 months ago

      >If done well it can save WOW
      No one but moronic Black folk wanna waste their time playing fricking vanilla+

      • 9 months ago

        >waste their time
        You're in a thread about an MMO, anon...

      • 9 months ago

        It's a better idea than doubling down on retail where increasingly less people give a frick enough to even talk about.

        • 9 months ago

          >It's a better idea

          • 9 months ago

            Bro, I'm serious, building on whatever direction Dragonflight took will result in mass layoffs and the death of Warcraft.

            • 9 months ago

              If you go on plebbit, Dragonflight is the best the game has ever been, surely they wouldn't lie or exaggerate?

              • 9 months ago

                DF's positive reception is just because SL was a massive filter for anyone who could possibly be critical of retail WoW. All that are left are completely brainrotted blizzdrones.

              • 9 months ago

                I had a theory that something like this was the reason. SL was inadvertently a massive culling of anyone with any standards

              • 9 months ago

                How many times can blizzard hype up a playerbase only to blueball the frick out of them with no content.

                WOD's launch was hype as frick, and died a litteral month later because all you did is sit in your garrison all day

                Shadowlands marketing was also hype as frick, but all you did was sit in fricking Oribos all fricking day

                The problem with retail WOW is pacing, and anyone with half a brain just quits when they run out of shit to do, and without timegates WOW has nothing to offer, and the moronic morons who keep praising shit like multiple raid difficulties and M+ as 'content' gaslights blizzard into focusing more and more repetition and streamlining for those repetitive systems instead of sitting down and actually making a fricking video game.

              • 9 months ago

                >WOD's launch was hype as frick, and died a litteral month later because all you did is sit in your garrison all day
                Versus what, sitting in Shat, Dal, SW/Org or Shrine all day?

              • 9 months ago

                It's a humiliation ritual

              • 9 months ago

                >anyone with any standards
                But the destination for a lot of the people quitting was FF14, a game built for the PS3 that has leveling that is the antithesis of WoW. To their credit, at least they appropriately treat PvP like a minigame.

              • 9 months ago

                WoW started development in the PS2 era, lets not go down that road

              • 9 months ago

                WoW wasn't designed around a controller and wi-fi connections.

              • 9 months ago

                WoW was designed around the earliest, most primitive broadband connections which is why they had stuff like spell batching. This is a dumb argument. WoW started out more primitive than XIV ever was

              • 9 months ago

                WoW's gameplay is smoother than XIV because it's not designed around console limitations. XIV is lucky it gets away with it because people wanna play dress up and do social shit, but the gameplay is a huge downgrade compared to WoW.

              • 9 months ago

                lets be real. people only quit WoW to try FF14 because Asmon tried it. The moment big streamer man stopped playing they all stopped too.

              • 9 months ago

                Everyone who has any complaints about WOW in 2023 left the game in shadowlands or BFA and gives zero fricks about dragonflight.

  39. 9 months ago

    >hahaha current has 1k less players
    >both together still dont amount to even 500k hahaha
    Your shit fricking game is dead Lizzardcuck

    • 9 months ago

      It's fixable. A moron could turn it around.

    • 9 months ago

      >source: trust me bro
      Black person

  40. 9 months ago

    Retail is fun

    • 9 months ago

      It’s just a single player open world with an economy and a multiplayer arena while classic is a multiplayer open world

  41. 9 months ago

    How the frick are there people stupid enough to think that copy pasting a dungeon with % modifier is content.

    What the frick is wrong with you.

  42. 9 months ago

    It's all good senpai. WoW lives on today still, on my desk. It had a good run, a great run. I won't give money to a company that supports pedos though.

  43. 9 months ago

    Metzen could fix the franchise but he'd have to delete social media and get bodyguards, troons be crazy, yo.

  44. 9 months ago

    >classic+ expansion
    fricking yikes. just give me Season of Mastery 2 phase 1 fresh classic blizzard, you chooms.

    • 9 months ago

      Can't rely on classic forever, it's going to run out if steam then suddenly you're spending more on salary than profits.

  45. 9 months ago

    No goblin earpussy, no buy

  46. 9 months ago

    Knowing woke culture they'll keep doubling down on this insane out of touch gay shit till the Warcraft division silently dies.

  47. 9 months ago

    >turtle wow has hyjal as a 60 zone and gilnaes as a 40 zone, emerald dream raid, lower karazhan, human hunters, all coming next week
    >people still wanna wait for blizzard to never do classic + and keep subbing in hopes of it

    They are doing cata classic, deal with it

    • 9 months ago

      turtles 1.12 is a scuffed laggy pos client
      Project Epoch is the final fresh/vanilla+

  48. 9 months ago

    does Ganker being angry about wow actually mean its a good game? cause it seems like people only get angry over games that are worth playing.
    also being angry about a game != making fun of it like with starfield/cyberpunk

    • 9 months ago

      subjectively: i dont care
      objectively: the hardcore classic wow curve is currently level 20 and that is the most populated

    • 9 months ago

      It's more frustration than anger.

  49. 9 months ago


  50. 9 months ago

    >Take out portrait
    >leave in model
    lol, lmao

    • 9 months ago

      looks like a victory for trannies

      >THAT'S A MAN

    • 9 months ago

      Shocked some of those ancient models are still floating around ingame

    • 9 months ago

      Shocked some of those ancient models are still floating around ingame

      That's because the reactionary twitter troglodytes don't actually play the games they complain about. Of course they wouldn't even know about any of it outside of "topical outrage moment of the week"

      • 9 months ago

        lel "your game" has been colonised by the twitter troglodytes and will remain so. And all you can do whinge. WoW is no longer based and metal-pilled Lars, get grenaded.

        • 9 months ago

          tell me this isnt a real fricking screenshot oh my good god

          grandma sure as frick isnt having grandchildren if her own kids are troons lmao

      • 9 months ago

        go back /r/wow troon

  51. 9 months ago

    Are they going to fix classic wow problems? Like dead servers except for 2 per region and bots? Will they ban people who buying gold for real money and use it for gdkp leaving all activities dead except for gdkp raiding?

    I don't think so.

  52. 9 months ago

    For me it's warmane pte

  53. 9 months ago

    the only way to make wow great again is to remove all instanced content
    remove raids, remove dungeons, remove arenas, remove bgs, remove everything that no take place in openworld

  54. 9 months ago
  55. 9 months ago

    At what point Wow ''Classic'' is no longer classic?

  56. 9 months ago

    Groupfinder, and Matchmaking in general is a cancer that ruins every single game it touches.

    In MMOs, you're supposed to make friends, but how the frick are you going to do that without communication. WOW's group finder content has never needed communication, and the few times it did (Occulus, pre-nerf cata heroics) people just plain didn't do them, even after occulus added a fricking raid mount into the drop pool for completing occulus, people still didn't do it, and as a tank in cataclysm, you could form a PUG group curating who joins and who kick rocks, you're not subject to RNG to dictate how fast your run is going to go, so non-tanks were stuck with 60 minute queues where the tank would leave after a single wipe and get an instant queue after a 30 minute leaver penalty.

    In other games, like shooters, like MOBAs they are also cancer, back in the day you just jumped into a lobby, joined a team, and had fun, now you sit there for 5-10 minutes finding a game because of gay background hidden matchmaking stats, then you are forced to sit there for a 10-20 minute game of getting your shit kicked in or stomping noobs because of the RNG of matchmaking, then you'll never talk to the social moron mic spamming children ever again.

    This is the problem with modern MMOs, especially WOW. Its turbo autism "GO GO GO GO GO GO GO" homosexuals that these systems cater to, when the reality is the people who can afford a $60 box price +$15 sub are people who go to a fricking job for 8 hours a day, come home, and just want to sit down and relax with a game where they can grind with friends, and why would you play modern WOW over litterally anything else on the market that is cheaper to buy, and doesn't have a sub, like deep rock galactic, like path of exile, like battlebit, ect. WOW caters too hard to people who play video games as a fricking job like gay streamers and gay fansite operators like Wowhead.

    • 9 months ago

      Everyone seems to blame matchmaking for the downfall of WoW when it's actually all the timegates they've added. If you play retail every form of progression tells you to "frick off come back next week". The Vault is the actual worst thing ever put into the game.

      • 9 months ago

        Fun fact, you're responding to the guy who made that meme my friend

        And yes, timegates are also a cancer, but so is group finder.

        But I don't think Ion hozzikotas can design himself out of a paper bag, let alone create dungeon content that is casual, engaging, and fun, without forcing timers and timegates to force artificial difficulty and hamstring progression so morons don't eat all the carrots too quickly.

        • 9 months ago

          This Elmer Fudd Piece of shit is the reason of why vanilla's development was so fricked up the moment he hired his EQ buddies while metzen and co were occupied with warcraft 3.

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago


            And i am talking about Tom "Elmer FUDD" Chilton
            Ghostcrawler at least tried to salvage the entire fricking system in wrath, for a miracle everything was "balanced" even with shadowmourne wielders all over the place

            Chilton sabotaged WoW since Day 1 post pre-alpha.

      • 9 months ago

        WoW has always had timegates you tard, what do you think a raid lockout is

      • 9 months ago

        timegates are a problem, but anon was right when he said groupfinder was the real problem

  57. 9 months ago

    I have never played wow
    I don't understand what the point of classic is if they're updating it with expansions. i thought it was supposed to be the vanilla game without expansions.

    • 9 months ago

      Same reason why OSRS eventually started getting updates, people run out of things to do, but would much rather play a classic version of the game with new content than run another gay speedrun hallway

      • 9 months ago

        >gay speedrun hallway
        aka 'classic'

    • 9 months ago

      Cataclysm was a soft reboot/overhaul of the entire game. People just want wotlk which is considered the peak of optimization, art style and gameplay.

      Cataclysm ruined the overworld, took awake class quests. Leveling was 90% of everyone's experience with the game. Endgame was always for poopsocking losers. Cataclysm took leveling away and focused 100% on end game.

      • 9 months ago

        >Wrath gameplay was so good
        >people just didn't actually play enough to get to endgame
        If you actually liked the game you would have hit cap and found you had nothing to do unless you did endgame content, but you didn't actually play the game did you?

  58. 9 months ago

    >trust me bro retail is dead for sure this time
    >check the twitch views and asmongold video
    just lmao

    • 9 months ago

      this board is full of unironical midwits
      probably the only dumber board is /misc/

      • 9 months ago

        This board is a solid 20 IQ points higher on average than /misc/. /misc/ makes /b/ look like Nobel prize winners

  59. 9 months ago

    Does it have WoW tokens?

  60. 9 months ago

    Don't care. I only cared about Diablo but they somehow fricked it up. Blizzard is dead.

  61. 9 months ago

    >idiots ITT think that something can "revive" wow
    nothing will fix 2023's playerbase which will sim and optimize everything and then speedrun all content in a couple weeks

    • 9 months ago

      Encrypt all the game files and ban addons, problem solved. They will never do this though because the game is run by sim/spreadsheet morons

      • 9 months ago

        >ban add ons

        Nah, it's one of the big things keeping them from dumbing it down for consoles.

  62. 9 months ago

    >full paid expansion
    >made from reused assets from 10+ years old expansions
    Nice leak bro. Try better next time.

  63. 9 months ago

    >Nu blizz making a classic expansion
    It'll be trash, or they will include a bunch of pozzed shit out of sheer spite

  64. 9 months ago

    An expansion / expansion theme won't change anything, Dragonflight launched and people went OHHHH I WANNA PLAY! But if you ask them, so you wanna do M+? no raid? no pvp? no. So people showed up, leveled up, and quit within a month or two of release.
    >M+ is for MLG/MDI
    >arena is for MLG/MDI
    >class balance is for MLG/MDI
    >raiding is for MLG/MDI
    The end game content isn't built for the players so your average player stears clear of it. FUN FACT HUNTER BROS! You know why the pet spec change was removed after Legion? Cuz in arena the players wouldn't know which spec the pet would come in as making it "random" and you cannot have "random" things occur in MLG/MDI.

  65. 9 months ago

    cant wait for seething """purists"""

    • 9 months ago

      no need to wait I'm already here

  66. 9 months ago

    Play hardcore classic and have a blast

    Forget about retail

  67. 9 months ago

    >99% of the thread filtered because XIV trannies.


    • 9 months ago

      can you blame them? it's not like they have a game to actually play

  68. 9 months ago

    I never played Classic on retail servers, I played during BC and WOTLK but endgame raiding was always super boring to me and I didn't like having to be part of a guild to do anything real.

    I played Classic on a private server and levelled a rogue to 60 like 5 years ago or something, that was a REALLY fricking good experience, of course most players know whats good after so many years, but it was still really fun just being able to explore that big, beautiful world during levelling and do some impromptu world PVP raiding in big groups.

    One thing I didn't like was how autistically 24/7 protected and farmed all the end game mobs that drop materials for BIS gear are though, cross faction collaborating groups camping literally 24 hours a day was so pathetic to watch, all so someone has to pay hundreds of gold to get the gear they need to start raiding/endgame content.

    It was really really fun overall though, the way classic is was designed really encouraged some organic experiences and made people really interact with each other, even if the PVP was totally fricked and the balance was nonexistant, damn was it fun, I love the world in WoW so much, frick everything past classic, it will have private servers until the end of time I imagine.

    • 9 months ago

      >all so someone has to pay hundreds of gold to get the gear they need to start raiding/endgame content

      huh? You don't need anything to start raiding. Just 40 semi warm bodies. I agree with most else of what you said though. Most of the fun in classic is leveling and low level dungeons.

  69. 9 months ago

    So if this does come to past, answer me this. How certain are you that the shit they've been adding to Retail, won't eventually make its way into this alleged classic expansion?

  70. 9 months ago

    >People constantly talk about Classic and how cool it'd be if they decided to go the route of OSRS where they expanded upon it in a different way
    >Possibility of this suddenly happens
    >Suddenly people start shitting themselves over it and saying that no one will care for it or that they're wasting time doing this instead of focusing on retail
    I don't understand

    • 9 months ago

      Two different groups of people, retail degens getting worried their game is going to get abandoned if classic+ gets popular, everyone else hoping classic+ does get popular and retail gets abandoned

      • 9 months ago

        >if classic+ gets popular
        actually lmao
        retail dead since WoD
        Go to any capital on retail on most popular server its a ghost town, go to Dala on Gayhenass, your pc will crash

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah I know my 'full' retail server is dead as frick, like 2-3 people in org, 15-20 in valdrakken at any given time. At a certain point, you realize these capacity labels are lies to keep shareholders from realizing the truth

    • 9 months ago

      You think you do but you don't.

    • 9 months ago

      Blizzard will frick it up by adding level 70 and making a new island that makes the old world irrelevant.

      • 9 months ago

        My dream would be if they make the world progress as you lvl up.

        Instead of new areas when you hit certain lvl, you'd go back to old areas that now are different bc of your and have new treaths, or are rebuilding, or are now rebuilding. Have old npc progress and evolve.

    • 9 months ago

      I wanted them to expand on the world originally but they added TBC instead, abandoning azeroth. It made no sense to me other than they preferred to work with a clean slate.
      This is an answer to your query.

      lel "your game" has been colonised by the twitter troglodytes and will remain so. And all you can do whinge. WoW is no longer based and metal-pilled Lars, get grenaded.

      The playerbase is so insufferable, it's just not fun anymore. Most people are so dead inside, they can't be riled to do anything fun.

  71. 9 months ago

    >People think Classic+ is a ridiculous concept when OSRS proved its viable and mogs the shit out of Runescape 3

    • 9 months ago

      nope we have no faith blizzard could pull it off, we actually expect another reforged where they make something so repulsive and then they delete or lock you out of the better original, try again homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        It's more that Blizzard is just going to frick it up anyway with trying to be money grubbing homosexuals about it especially with how OW2/D4/WoW ended up being

        Fair enough. Theyre definitely too proud to go Jagex's voting model which at least makes SOME attempt at letting players voice their concerns in making the game balanced and fun.

    • 9 months ago

      It's more that Blizzard is just going to frick it up anyway with trying to be money grubbing homosexuals about it especially with how OW2/D4/WoW ended up being

    • 9 months ago

      Blizzard is a lot more corporate and has Activision meddling.
      The OSRS team was a small project that higher up's said okay too and Jagex was owned by some Chinese mining corp/investment firm who didn't at all meddle as long as it was profitable.

      Activision wants to focus on games as a service and will give a shoestring budget to anything that can't be monetized. This is why WC3 Reforged got it's budget cut. Classic only happened because Morhaime pushed heavily for it before he left.

      Microsoft might be a little different but i still don't know if internally Blizzard want to do a Classic+. They seem very content with focusing on retail and re-releasing old expacs.

      • 9 months ago


  72. 9 months ago

    Any idea of what the storylines they would pick up? If it's post Vanilla would it be no dark portal?

    • 9 months ago

      It would essentially be cata with the adding the unfinished zones that are visible on the map and sometimes accessable through terrain exploits. Grim Batol could be a very large raid for example, instead of a shitty pointless dungeon.

    • 9 months ago

      >What storylines would they pick up
      Just off the top of my head they could do Emerald Dream related. Maybe Karazhan. They could actually finish Azshara which itself could provide tons of content.
      Theres lots of zones and storylines in Vanilla that were release unfinished or barely started.

    • 9 months ago

      hopefully stuff like ashbringer

    • 9 months ago

      You'd find hardpressed to find any major beat left from WC1-Vanilla that hasn't been touched by retail already. Biggest problem of classic+ from a narrative point is it'll just end up feeling like a retred of expansions at some point.
      Emerald Dream? Done in Cata, Legion and Dragonflight
      Karazhan? TBC and Legion
      Hyjal? Forefront of focus in Cata.
      Ion's already admitted the biggest issue that the Warcraft team is having is finding anything left to use from WC3, so they're having to make up their own unique stories now.

      • 9 months ago

        Do you think it would be ok for some frickery to make appealing content then? Not saying they should do Bronze Dragonflight messing but maybe more Old god stuff and the rise of Naga?

        • 9 months ago

          There's always the option to basically just say, this is an alternate timeline where XYZ never happens, instead ZYX happens.
          But the biggest problem with that is the writing of the Warcraft universe keeps pushing about timelines and AU's for the past decade.
          Unless it's the core timeline of retail, then everything else is just a redundant timeline dead set for failure.

      • 9 months ago

        but all this shit is done so fricking poorly it's not even memorable, I mean pick some stuff you think is cool out of the stuff you mentioned to really impress me, I bet I'd think it's total dogshit but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt

      • 9 months ago

        That sounds like cope on his part honestly. You can use familiar characters and beats but have them told differently.
        Hyjal and the Emerald dream, for example, were barely touched until recently. Hyjal was a shitty "back to the past" raid in TBC and was a crappy levelling zone in Cata.
        The Emerald Nightmare was a crappy throwaway raid in Legion.
        I Know we got a dream raid in Dragonflight but by that point the storys gone so far off the rails with OC nuRaces and shit its become its own beast.
        They can absolutely present the content in a unique narrative way, they just dont want to to have an excuse

        • 9 months ago

          They could do a lot very differently. Quel'Thalas was suppose to be overrun by the scourge and Zul'Aman it's own zone separated by a giant river.
          Mark Kern and David Fried were a bit shocked when they got into the TBC friends and family alpha and saw how disneyfied they made Silvermoon. David mentioned he designed the mission in WC3 were Arthas goes around and fricks up all of Quel'Thalas, just not some straight path of death to the Sunwell. He went full 1488.

      • 9 months ago

        There is a bit they missed and heavily cut down.

        Old World.
        Undermine and Barrow Deeps are the big ones they haven't really done. Tel'Abim, Plunder Isle and Hiji come to mind also, they were probably planned for a South Sea's expansion many years ago. Metzen even mentioned South Sea's as one of the ideas they were always thinking about at Blizzcon. I guess BFA somewhat became this?
        North of Lordaeron is also still there but not exactly official canon wise.

        Spider Kingdom (Azjol'Nerub) Azjol'Nerub zone/raid was cut and made into 2 dungeons.

        Farahlon and Goria. A small part of Goria was obviously merged into Nagrand late into WOD development when they decided to cut the expansion short.

  73. 9 months ago

    you know blizzard is fricking dead and rotting when they made legion, arguably one of THE BEST fricking expansions in 20 god damn years and then abandon the post-plot, big fricking sword sticking out of Azeroth and start pushing troony shit.


    • 9 months ago

      Honestly shocked how they even made Legion all things considered

      • 9 months ago

        They had to abandon WoD halfway through in order to focus on Legion. That's how.

  74. 9 months ago

    If Blizzard do this "Classic+" shit and frick it up by
    >releasing only max-level dungeons
    >releasing only max-level zones
    >doing barely anything else
    they will fail. Turtle WoW was able to rebalance vanilla classes to make some of the boring and/or useless ones more fun. Turtle WoW created brand new leveling areas with new quests for a revitalized leveling experience. Turtle WoW added new low-level dungeons. Turtle WoW would be their biggest competition, and I imagine they will be worried if Classic+ is announced. However, I think Turtle WoW could legitimately outlast an official Classic+ if they're just treating Classic+ as the usual WoW expansion pack.

  75. 9 months ago

    Retail is such garbage. If I understand it correctly you have to beat the same hard as frick dungeon three times in a row to be able to advance to the next hard as frick dungeon that you'll also have to beat three times. If you don't do that you'll barely be able to get a group together even inside of your own guild because that's how the meta works for people going for the loots.
    No thanks, I'd rather needlessly die an avoidable death in vanilla hardcore and lose weeks of progress.

    • 9 months ago

      >Retail is such garbage. If I understand it correctly
      you are just lying.

      • 9 months ago

        I think its impossible to lie about retail being garbage.
        Any hope of that game coming back was lobotomized and raped between the laughably bad story that is now heavily relying on Member Berries to stay relevant, and the absolute cancer that is M+ and its community.
        Oh and lets not forget fricking timegated professions introduced in DF.
        Frick retail, its a cruel joke.

        • 9 months ago

          >timegated professions
          You mean like mooncloth crafting you stupid ape

          • 9 months ago

            Daily cooldowns like mooncloth/arcanite bars have fricking NOTHING on DFs modern system where you cam only progress your fricking profession by a couple babysteps each weak with "profession knowledge" or whatever that bullshit was called.
            Not even fricking close. Stop being a retail apologist.

            • 9 months ago

              >t-that timegating doesn't count because...it just doesn't okay!
              A cap on how much you can craft is timegating, plain and simple.

              • 9 months ago

                Timegating for endgame gear and timegating to PROGRESS YOUR FRICKING PROFESSION are two totally different things.
                Stop being a fricking bootlicker.

              • 9 months ago

                The profession is for endgame gear you actual dumb Black person

      • 9 months ago

        I just heard that that's how guilds operate these days. I dropped WoW long before they introduced this shit.

  76. 9 months ago

    You again you homosexual
    Couldnt you at least clean the AI mess in the left and right side of the logo, you lazy fraudulent loser

  77. 9 months ago

    After the Diablo 4 fiasco I am pretty certain that shiteaters will gobble up any new attempt of an MMO from Blizzard, despite nearly two decades of hard incompetence.

  78. 9 months ago

    >Had the tech since vanilla for locked doors and alternative routes like tribute runs
    >Had the tech for hard modes and uber bosses
    >Had tech for rare spawns and patrols
    >Had tech for different phases, thus different encounters in the same path
    >Have tech for class based solutions to dungeon problems, such as court of stars
    >refuses to use any of it to make dynamic mega dungeons with shifting layouts, dynamic boss spawns, unique encounters, hard modes, weekly quests, rare encounters, where you and your bros can spend hours exploring, killing shit, and looting chests
    >instead just make the same generic as frick hallways copy pasted 50+ times

    • 9 months ago

      while i adored BRD and wailing caverns, the idea of running a large dungeon in an MMO built like your pic looks like a truly horrifying prospect, you'd run out of inventory space long before you got within 5 miles of the finish, and imagine the runbacks after you die....thats for tabletop nerds only sorry.

      • 9 months ago

        that guy is an autist that needs filler content to sink his useless time into. vanilla dungeons the highlights of vanilla, best part of the game bar none

      • 9 months ago

        The point is that the content would be less autistic speedrun and more doing it for the sake of doing it.

        Also flex difficulty, the thing that WOW, and modern MMOs in general lack is a reason to get together with your boys and do shit without it becoming a fricking mindless chore that the linear, fixed speed run dungeons have become.

        And i am talking about Tom "Elmer FUDD" Chilton
        Ghostcrawler at least tried to salvage the entire fricking system in wrath, for a miracle everything was "balanced" even with shadowmourne wielders all over the place

        Chilton sabotaged WoW since Day 1 post pre-alpha.

        >Ghost crawler tried to fix it
        Ghostcrawler didn't fricking do shit but try to hyperbalance the fun out of the game and he fricking succeeded.

        Ghostcrawler is the reason we have the tank-healer-dps gay trinity today and why class niches are non-existant and why the modern team thinks that the only way to give a class a niche is a unique buff only they provide, and not an entire playstyle that counters mechanics in an interactive way, such as warlock tanking in TBC or hunter kiting in vanilla.

  79. 9 months ago

    So metzen is back to do absolutely nothing, or maybe write some cringe bullshit quests?
    Do these people really have that extreme selective memory that they forgot about the Thrall fiasco?

    Its truly don't ask questions just consume product, then get excited for next product.

    • 9 months ago

      His role is Danuser tard wrangler, he's Danuser's boss, so at least some of the insanely dumb narrative ideas will be properly vetoed before they enter the game now. Not that I have any hope that retail can be salvaged, but at least it won't get worse.

      • 9 months ago

        >it won't get worse
        He's a literal walking AD at this point. Reaching out to him just proves that the only people still play this shit are like


        these shit eating junkies sperging out at people who are using a bit of hyperbole to expose how dogshit awful and brutal retoilet is to gamers who have standards and self respect, the sheer SEETHING lmao.

        Your second job is abusing you and you are deeply mentally ill, both of you, literally the only man i know who enjoys retail irl is a bipolar manic depressive who uses it to escape his own mind, he also tries to quit it like a drug and fails periodically. I consider him far saner than either of you, because he'd never cope and seethe online over people who dont want to play it and think its bad.

        mentioned. Metzen is a burned out boomer who has frickall to do with gaming anymore, nor does he give a frick, as he's just Blizzard's Todd. Once he was great, but holy shit people are extremely delusional if they legit believe he can do anything at this point.

        The point is that the content would be less autistic speedrun and more doing it for the sake of doing it.

        Also flex difficulty, the thing that WOW, and modern MMOs in general lack is a reason to get together with your boys and do shit without it becoming a fricking mindless chore that the linear, fixed speed run dungeons have become.

        >Ghost crawler tried to fix it
        Ghostcrawler didn't fricking do shit but try to hyperbalance the fun out of the game and he fricking succeeded.

        Ghostcrawler is the reason we have the tank-healer-dps gay trinity today and why class niches are non-existant and why the modern team thinks that the only way to give a class a niche is a unique buff only they provide, and not an entire playstyle that counters mechanics in an interactive way, such as warlock tanking in TBC or hunter kiting in vanilla.

        its actually impressive that all the people who sucked the fun out of WoW like Holinka, Tigole, ghostcucker and co are worshipped by the community, WHILE they continue b***hing about things becoming so bad.

        • 9 months ago

          >Metzen is a burned out boomer who has frickall to do with gaming anymore, nor does he give a frick, as he's just Blizzard's Todd.
          entirely possible, however, the circumstances over his return could mean something different. In the most optimistic possible scenario it went something like;
          >oh hey metzen everyone hates being leader of wow do you wanna do it
          >frick no, UNLESS *rubs soibeard*
          >let me actually do what i want and stop the klkes and king klke kotick from cucking me with funding or saying "no ship it incomplete" halfway through the plans, and pay me lots c**ts
          >fine goy.

  80. 9 months ago

    Is hardcore worth playing?

    • 9 months ago

      It's the exact same Vanilla experience you played in 2005 or 2019. It's very active like a fresh server, so that's nice. Other than that, pretty fricking frustrating when you accidentally pull two mobs and get clapped and you wonder why you wasted time on this meme game mode.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, but only do the challenge self-enforced on a regular classic server. There's a lot of bullshit like DCs that aren't even the player's fault and now you have to waste a ton of time b***hing to the jannies to undo that bullshit death.

  81. 9 months ago

    so which leak do we believe one is pretty early on metzen being back.

    • 9 months ago

      however this one is true with the hearthstone stuff oblivious cata classic is happening if we don't get classic+

      • 9 months ago

        The only thing I don't believe is that Diablo Inthetrash is popular and retaining players. The rest is pretty common considering the state of Blizzard.

    • 9 months ago

      >will reuse assets from BC/Wrath/Cataclysm to maintain the visual aspect of the classic era
      One of these things is not like the other

    • 9 months ago

      >one leak says cata classic isn't coming
      >this one says it is
      it's all bullshit larps

      • 9 months ago

        Ganker defines reality one larp will be real.

      • 9 months ago

        The leak yesterday said Metzen was coming back and Hearthstone was in trouble and hey presto, Metzen comes back and Hearthstone announces layoffs

        • 9 months ago

          it seems like that is indeed the real leak, in which case no cata classic. that leak didn't say anything about this "awakening" expansion though so we'll see

        • 9 months ago

          Metzen's been back since December and has been known working at a top position of the Warcraft team since at least the start of the month.
          HS team being next on the purge list was also an easy guest as team members were already leaving weeks prior.

  82. 9 months ago

    Do people actually think we're getting official Classic+

  83. 9 months ago

    Can an anon explain what the difference is between farming Hand of Justice for 30+ runs vs doing 30+ runs of M+?
    I sincerely don't understand the difference.
    The timer is generous if you're not doing the 0.01% difficulty.
    Is this one just a another classic case of Ganker being very VERY bad at video games?

    • 9 months ago

      >Can an anon explain what the difference is between farming Hand of Justice for 30+ runs vs doing 30+ runs of M+?

      I get HOJ, and I stop doing angerforge/emp runs, there is no BRD +15s, So there is no alternative better version of HOJ with +35 AP instead of +20

      M+ is only worth doing for the vault, which caps out at 10 runs per week for 3 rolls, though I can just do 1 a week for 1 roll, its all RNG anyway.

      But I can run BRD on my weekend as many times as I want until I either run out of time or get HOJ.

      The main difference though is once im done farming HOJ from angerforge, I can then move on to farming Dal'rends and Draconic Defender or go mining to get arcane crystals for my lionheart helm and devilsaur leather for my pants and gloves, im not running BRD 10 times a week every week for 6 months, only for the next season to come out and im back to farming BRD 10 times a week every week for 6 months for the same exact items, except this time BRD+15 drops HOJ with +40 attack power instead of +35

      • 9 months ago

        But all of this applies to m+
        People farm until they get their trinket or weapon like cut of death or puzzle box, and then they move on
        Not sure why you hate dungeons having relevance past pre-raid gearing, the fact that you don't touch dungeons after T2 just means the game has less content, either way you're just farming raids on a weekly lockout for a sword with 5 more AP than your current one

        • 9 months ago

          Are you fricking moronic or something?
          >but it makes dungeons relevant
          No it doesn't, it makes them fricking repetitive and the copy paste nature of mythic+ robs development time away from making actual new content.

          The fact you keep sucking Ion's wiener over M+ means that we're going to keep getting dogshit speedrun dungeons.

          • 9 months ago

            >makes them fricking repetitive
            Welcome to every dungeon loot grind since 2004?

          • 9 months ago

            >actually our p2w is better because we get no content updates
            lmfao. Imagine if WoW released only 3 raid tiers in 10 fricking years
            Old school Runescape is full of power creep, their content release is just abysmally slow

          • 9 months ago

            Literally everything you said is wrong
            Yes, dungeons having drops you want is exactly what makes them relevant.
            >it makes them repetitive
            It's a fricking mmo moron, farming BRD or MC is just as repetitive
            >copy paste nature
            It's literally the exact opposite, M+ is tightly tuned versus just slapping down the same mobs over and over
            >takes time away from actual content
            M+ IS actual content. Before m+ all we had was fricking raidlogging. Vanilla and Wrath didn't add a single new zone as patch content and TBC had a tiny island. We have more content than before in expansions with m+ and more relevant content at endgame

      • 9 months ago

        Doing keys at the lvl that drops the highest gear is not hard. It's really not difficult at all, every MoP challenge mode dungeon was far more difficult.
        >Weekly vault
        A 3 or 5 item lvl upgrade is not worth stressing over, it makes very little difference.

        >BRD 10 times a week every week for 6 months
        I've farmed specific m+ gear on multiple characters, it takes less than 2 weeks at the worst rng.

  84. 9 months ago

    i cant wait for this, just like the retail pirate expansion, yay metzen!

  85. 9 months ago

    yeh leak is true 100%

  86. 9 months ago

    The biggest insult of all about retail WOW is you're paying a $60 box price, $15 sub fee, they still shove a frickton of microtransactions into the game, including the WOW token they copied from EVE which doesn't work in WOW because WOW doesn't have an economy that can support a tradable sub time token like EVE and OSRS can.

    They demand all that fricking money out of you, and they can't even provide enough content per expansion, not patch, fricking expansion, to keep you engaged without abusing the frick out of timegates
    >Oh boy I can't wait to log in and play WOW
    >play for an hour
    >Sorry kid, comeback next week to progress more

    • 9 months ago

      >trying to defend bonds but complain about the wow token
      WoW players can't buy M Sark gear straight off the AH like runetards can.

      • 9 months ago

        Difference is that gear in OSRS actaully has value

        Your M Sark gear is fricking vendor trash in a single patch replaced by M+ dogshit

        • 9 months ago

          Mythic Sark loot means you can steamroll Heroic of next tier and don't need to frick around with Normal

  87. 9 months ago


    cry more retoilet I'm sure the new expansion will save your game for 1 week

  88. 9 months ago


    >bla bla bla bla
    Tick tock retoilet your game is dead

  89. 9 months ago

    Posting in a sovlless thread

  90. 9 months ago


    I just logged into Stitches, the most popular EU Hardcore server, reminder there's more players on EU than NA. This is also prime time hours too.
    Where are the bots?

    • 9 months ago

      >reminder there's more players on EU than NA
      kek it would be peak eurocuck to love paying blizzard to die to DCs, it honestly doesn't get more european than that

      • 9 months ago

        Where are the bots?

        • 9 months ago


  91. 9 months ago

    I can't imagine the level of brainrot it must take to do mythic dungeons in WOW, there are hundreds of new games coming out every single year, and you want to spend $15 a month to run fricking Ulduman for a fricking gacha box every single week.

    Even free 2 play trash isn't this fricking lame.

    • 9 months ago

      >gacha box
      Discord troony buzzword

      • 9 months ago

        Only trannies like gacha shit, which is why they made fox furries and scalies for them.

        Modern WOW and WOW clones in general are dying because people don't need to spend $60 and $15 a month for an experience that is worse than fricking gacha.
        >B-but you can't p2w in WOW to buy more vault rolls!
        Yeah, blizzard instead timegates the FRICK out of you to keep you subbed longer cuck and you keep running the same shitty dungeon every fricking week

        • 9 months ago

          >y-you repeat an instance weekly for a chance at loot
          Damn...WoW had totally never done that before...

  92. 9 months ago

    >retail wow servers will merge with ffxiv in the new expansion
    >hearthstone will become a physical card game, all cards you own in the game can be printed off via a Blizzard printer they will sell using a subscription service
    >overwatch is officially cancelled
    >heroes of the storm reboot which will have characters from other activision and microsoft properties
    >diablo 4 expansion that has diablo in it

    just wait and see.

    • 9 months ago

      >retail wow servers will merge with ffxiv in the new expansion
      (W)est (W)(o)lves

      • 9 months ago

        >est lves

  93. 9 months ago

    >tfw I said WoW would stop making new retail and just start a new "timeline" expansion continuing off of Wrath and what not

    Fricking called that shit.

  94. 9 months ago

    Can you honestly look me in the face and tell me classic plus is not going to be woke? Wow fans I’m asking if you can say that with a straight face.


    Stop, you know *exactly* what I mean

    • 9 months ago

      >straight face
      no one who still plays this shit is straight

  95. 9 months ago

    Very genuine thread. Totally no shills or shitskins in here.

    Dragonflop is bussin and WoW is super alive!

  96. 9 months ago



























  97. 9 months ago

    >twitch numbers don't count
    >parse numbers don't count

    Why are retoilets like this?

    • 9 months ago

      Because Taliesin and Evitel told me the game is healthier than ever!!!

    • 9 months ago

      >actual WCL dev says that classic is just padded to hell by the content being easy and retail has more unique characters
      >classicgays literally will not hear this

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago


          >mythic numbers vs easy Black person mode
          Of course the classicBlack person is using numbers without understanding the context.
          Retail still has more unique characters, keep coping about your number of parses dumb Black person
          You can do the same for Legion, are you going to tell us wrath classic has more players than Legion?

          You Black folk are legit braindead

          It was right here in this thread bro, the classic logs are just because easy content generates more logs than hard content

          • 9 months ago

            ok post actually source right now not bullshit from 2 years ago.

          • 9 months ago

            >posting 3yo data
            have a nice day retoilet

            • 9 months ago

              ok post actually source right now not bullshit from 2 years ago.

              >d-doesnt count
              Naxx was the most classic ever had and it still fell short, your meme game is dead and it's time to move on

              • 9 months ago

                Retoilet has less players than classic
                It is time to move on retoilet dragontroony

        • 9 months ago

          Parses count per boss as far as I know. So you're comparing 16 bosses vs 8, that's already a discrepancy of double. Then look at parses per kill. For classic it seems the most popular specs are assa and SV. No matter which boss you look at, assa as ~133k parses and SV has ~122k. If you look at retail you see a sharp drop off the the last bosses. People are doing full clears in classic, they're not fully clearing the raid in retail. On top of that, retail has LFR which is used by a load of people but is far less likely to be logged and uploaded.

          So yeah, the classic numbers are artifically inflated 2-3x vs retail and the retail numbers don't include LFR.

          • 9 months ago

            absolute giga cope

            • 9 months ago

              >how logs actually work is cope
              Sis...your brain is completely gone isn't it

      • 9 months ago

        Are you actually trying to defend the writing in retail?

      • 9 months ago

        Classic has more players than retoilets and there is nothing you can do about it
        Classic+ will happen and there is nothing you can do about it

      • 9 months ago

        WCL dev says that classic is just padded to hell by the content being easy and retail has more unique characters
        every sweaty homosexual retoilet raider has like 10x max level alts they swap between to get the best meta comp for each M+/raid. Retoilets raid completion rates are a fraction of classics aswell. WCL was made by retail players, they aren't going to go "LOL its DEAD", they're as deep in denial as you are.

        >gold buying doesnt really affect you
        this is the IQ of a classic player on display
        utter subhuman morons, all of you

        explain how it affects me that badly then? i don't condone it, i'd happily purge every paypig and botter on every server if they paid me, but i haven't noticed too many problems, the only issues i've faced is certain items can't be farmed because of botters, and gold farmers occassionally cuck me out of a herb or ore when im farming (i make the vast majority of consumes i use myself, as a matter of pride, and i have an efficient system so it doesnt take too long), but they can also be controlled on price by AH speculators, i have 3 of them in my guild that will buy 100k+ worth of consumes to control the market with. I play wrath btw.

  98. 9 months ago


  99. 9 months ago

    >retoilets are Black folk, hispanics and homosexuals
    That explains everything

  100. 9 months ago

    Chris Metzen will save us!!!!

    He will come on stage and we all line up to get a fresh load of shit into our mouths!

    Don't forget your phone!

    • 9 months ago

      Even if it flops and sucks donkey dick, attempting a Classic+ is objectively a good thing in the off chance it succeeds

      • 9 months ago

        The only good chance is when a sturdy rope tightens around your neck you fricking homosexual

        • 9 months ago

          You will never pass retoilet troony

          • 9 months ago

            have a nice day shit eating blizzard waste.

            • 9 months ago

              Kys filthy dragon sodomite

            • 9 months ago

              I will play Turtle WoW and if Classic+ happens and is fun I will play that. Die mad troony

        • 9 months ago

          lol imagine being this mad over something that might happen

  101. 9 months ago



























  102. 9 months ago

    I will be playing classic+ next year thanks to project Epoch
    Frick blizzard israelite

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