>tfw I like solo rpgs. >99.9% of rpgs are party based

>tfw I like solo rpgs
>99.9% of rpgs are party based

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  1. 3 months ago

    Plenty of solo RPGs plus many party-based ones let you play without party members. Unless you exclusively play JRPGs?

    • 3 months ago

      they don't make 'em anymore

      was Underrail the last of its kind?

  2. 3 months ago

    Plenty of ARPGs where you play solo. Witcher, Gothic, VTMB, System Shock 2, E.Y.E. Pretty sure KC:D too, though I haven't played it yet. Also Diablo-likes and Souls-likes. I hesitate to call Vagrant Story an ARPG, but it's not really turn-based either, it has such a bizarre combat system.
    It's solo turn-based RPGs that are much rare. Off the top of my head when it comes to the new releases you've got Underrail and Black Souls 2. I think Age of Decadence and FF13-3 too, but I haven't played them yet.

    Oh, and of course you've also got roguelikes, though not everyone likes them.

    • 3 months ago

      You can solo dos2 and bg3 and ToEE and Kingmaker and WotR in turn based mode, off the top of my head

      • 3 months ago

        Sure, but they're not exactly designed for a solo playthrough. Maybe except DOS with its lone wolf perk, but I'm pretty sure it's more of an afterthought. All the combat encounters were designed around a full party.

        • 3 months ago

          You’re correct, but it is possible
          >t. did it

  3. 3 months ago

    >solo rpgs
    There are plenty of point and click adventure games. Come back when you are ready to play a big boy crpg

    • 3 months ago

      >he needs people to get him anywhere

    • 3 months ago

      A large majority of party based RPGs can be cleared solo.

  4. 3 months ago

    Just make your other paty members naked and unarmed. Dont level them up and force them to retreat.
    Yes I hate babysitting my party too

  5. 3 months ago

    >take your turn
    >wait for 30 other creatures to take theirs before you can do anything again
    Single character RPGs are trash.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds like bloated encounter design

      • 3 months ago

        >plot can never be more important than a petty dispute or else the fact the PC is never massively outnumbered starts to become extremely detrimental

        its regular encounter design. the more you strip away from and make excuses for normal design being "bad" the worse the game becomes. Have you not learned from Bethesda, the company who has made a name for itself making worse and worse games by using boardroom talk to excuse designing tons of intricate stuff and then deciding their audience is too dumb to like it

    • 3 months ago

      >take your turn
      >perform 9001 actions per turn
      >enemies each act only once
      Solo RPGs make for the ultimate power fantasies, with the MC clearing entire rooms of enemies alone.

      • 3 months ago

        What game lets you do this?

        • 3 months ago

          Underrail (especially with a temporal manipulation dip)
          Divinity: OS 1 & 2 (lone wolf perk)
          Black Souls 2 (just stack extra action rings+covenant)

          The following are party-based but also let you manipulate the action economy:
          W40k Rogue Trader (officer is broken, unless Owlcat nerfed it since release)
          Bravely Default + Bravely Second (though the enemies can manipulate the action economy too)

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know why turn-based games can't make the animations for enemy turns all happen at once. It's a computer it can calculate all that shit in a microsecond so why are the only options really a long sequence and fast-forward but still really long.

      If it's hard to parse what happened in big battles that's a feature not a bug.

      • 3 months ago

        some of them do but the issue with that is if one enemy buffs another enemy or has magic effects that require them to be cast first- and the game makes enemies primarily use the same rules as the player, then its an entirely different system. If a group of 6 enemy mages can all buff their warrior at once then thats an ass encounter

        RTWP games like Dragon Age can get away with it but something turned based is going to be a mess

      • 3 months ago

        Larian is the worst offender here, the #1 reason why I don't play their games. Who wants to wait for each of the 50 tar sludges to individually cast its slow casting animation and then slooowly shuffle over from the corner of the map with the camera following it as I wait for it to complete its individual turn so tar sludge #49 can get its turn and proceed to waste another 40 minutes of my time

        some of them do but the issue with that is if one enemy buffs another enemy or has magic effects that require them to be cast first- and the game makes enemies primarily use the same rules as the player, then its an entirely different system. If a group of 6 enemy mages can all buff their warrior at once then thats an ass encounter

        RTWP games like Dragon Age can get away with it but something turned based is going to be a mess

        This is why RTwP has always been superior

        • 3 months ago

          i will admit ive had more fun with my first playthroughs of BG1 and 2 recently than i did with all fo the CRPGs ive played in my life combined except maybe Wasteland 2 and 3, but even then my enjoyment didnt come exclusively from the combat

      • 3 months ago

        What you're describing is called simultaneous turn-based, and works differently. Every character/player would issue their orders at the same time, and they would all then be executed simultaneously. See: Paradox grand strategy games, with each day/hour being a turn.

        Usually when people talk about turn-based they mean alternating turn-based, which approximates the flow of time by arbitrarily breaking it up into discrete turns of "I go, you go", with the order decided by some type of speed or initiative statistic, to approximate quicker units getting the drop on slower units.

      • 3 months ago

        turngays believe advancing past 1980 in any way is for casual console tards

  6. 3 months ago

    >inb4 the “then you’re just playing Diablo” schizo

  7. 3 months ago

    Just play an RPG where they're optional like New Vegas and just never use them.

  8. 3 months ago

    Tsugunai: Atonment

  9. 3 months ago

    I like it when you can make a solo character party and you level up faster

    • 3 months ago

      I once tried going solo in a certain game.
      Then I hit the level cap and realized a single character at max level was nowhere near enough to beat the game.
      Couldn't go back to weaker areas either, so I pretty much soft locked myself.

  10. 3 months ago

    >tfw I like human based rpgs
    >99.9% of rpgs are filled with fantasy race shit

    • 3 months ago

      Just play as humans exclusively, anon.

  11. 3 months ago

    I hate nu RPGs like Cyberpunk or RDR2 that force you to play with an npc companion to "tell a story". And the game becomes all about that NPC, and youre just a spectator, push A when told, oh look its a combat arena you get to play for 5 minutes, click here, no click here, whoops cutscene time, another cutscene, more dialogue, another fight but the NPC is stealing my kills, look I can just stand here in the corner and put down the controller and watch the NPC kill everything. A game that plays itself. Push A to watch next cutscene

  12. 3 months ago

    >99.9% of rpgs are party based
    this is not true you moronic weeb troon

  13. 3 months ago

    A lot of the party based ones can be soloed, arguably soloing makes all of the infinity engine games easier except for vanilla Icewind Dale 2.

    • 3 months ago

      If you alter the “xp as a function of CR relative to level” tables, forget the name, MONCRATE.dat? You can end up pretty overpowered soloing iwd2 as well. I tried that years ago, was pretty hilarious. I think my paladin was level 17 after the goblin fortress and by the ice temple I had ran out of interesting feats to take. Got bored around the duergar tunnels.

      • 3 months ago

        I soloed it with the EE mod as a Drow Fighter/Wizard(with the Kensai starting feat) recently, going through the goblin fortress was miserable but once I got past that it felt fairly easy to moderate outside a few fights. Once I got the greatsword of the soulless in the severed hand I was almost invincible.

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