The only rts I play is Age of Empires 2, it's nice but I think I am missing if I don't try other titles.

The only rts I play is Age of Empires 2, it's nice but I think I am missing if I don't try other titles. Tried spellforce 3 reforced, great game but the MP is kinda dead. Recommend rts please and discuss various mechanics of rts in general

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  1. 6 months ago

    Age of Mythology is better than AoE in every way

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      except physical
      [drops crocos in your production]

    • 6 months ago

      Retold never ever

    • 6 months ago

      >in every way

    • 6 months ago

      Dont fall for this meme OP. not that AOM it's a bad game, its fricking great. But it's too similar to AOE to really give you a fresh experience.

      Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
      It's aged really well, multiplayer is still alive (FAF), and it's the most intuitive RTS you'll ever play.
      Shame about the sequel though.

      This is a great recommend and will feel completely fresh to you, sci-fi, different engine, crazy scale. I made the exact same switch to subcom after a 1000 hours of aoe2 and it was great

      • 6 months ago

        Playing Norse or Atlanteans makes it rather unique in comparison.

  2. 6 months ago

    Wh40k Dawn of War
    Rise of Nations
    Stronghold Crusader
    Empire Earth 1

  3. 6 months ago

    Most RTS worth playing are 10+ years old so their multiplayer will likely be kind of dead, or filled with people who played the game for longer than the average Ganker user was alive, so unless you have friends of roughly equal skill level, you'll likely not have a very good time of trying to play multiplayer in older games
    AoE2 is an anomaly where the game inexplicably aged so well all a remaster had to do was update the engine & the graphics, which drew in a lot of both new and old players to revive the multiplayer scene. Not so with most other games, such as WC3 reforged being a disaster where pmuch only people who already liked and played WC3 for 20 years still continue to play it.

    The only other RTS multiplayer that is genuinely 'alive' is starcraft but it's filled with sweats. Total War titles probably have their niche community but they've been going full morons with DLCs. Paradox games (CK2/EU4/VIC2/HOI4) definitely have their playerbase but I'm not sure I'd classify them as RTS, even though unlike many games in 4x / global empire management niche they are real time with pause rather than turn based.

    • 6 months ago

      If it's multiplayer against randoms you want, you're going to be extremely short on options. There are a few major titles whose gravity is so massive that other games don't get to thrive for long and everyone eventually ends up playing the likes of Starcraft or FAF where there are more people with more varied skill level. I hear some minor games have Dis*ord servers where people set up games when it's convenient, too.

      Thanks guys, don't know how I didn't realize that I wouldn't really have a MP for most games

  4. 6 months ago

    RTS got btfo'd by RTT.

  5. 6 months ago

    >discuss various mechanics of rts in general
    I really liked Dawn of War's teching up for Tau. You can build one of two buildings which give you access to different units and upgrades. Except only one of them gives you upgrades and they're really good... Thought that was a huge shame on top of no other race having such a choice.

    But then I realized AoM is completely based on such teching up choices. Game ends up being incredibly strategic when you make a plan and adapt based on 1. which units you'll be making 2. which upgrades you want and 3. which god power will benefit you the most. And it's up to three times per match.

    I hope future games will have something like that to make each match distinct and add more variety to playing any one race.

    • 6 months ago

      mmm... feet of the jackal...

      • 6 months ago

        Anubites are pretty neat RTS units

    • 6 months ago

      >Anubite core with Slingers support (offensive), plans for myth units on age 3
      >Spearman core with Snake support (defensive), plans on booming until age 4

      • 6 months ago

        Serpent Spear and Electrum Bullets are swapped in that image for some reason

        • 6 months ago

          Serpent Spear is most definitely a Ptah upgrade, it even shares the icon on the snake from the god power.

          But is that from an update? I think I remember Ptah using shifting sands and Eclipse being a Sphinx god power.

          • 6 months ago

            Actually Anubis has the Plague of Serpents god power, Eclipse is on Bast, and Ptah has Shifting Sands

            Must be like an early promo image or from the beta

  6. 6 months ago

    If it's multiplayer against randoms you want, you're going to be extremely short on options. There are a few major titles whose gravity is so massive that other games don't get to thrive for long and everyone eventually ends up playing the likes of Starcraft or FAF where there are more people with more varied skill level. I hear some minor games have Dis*ord servers where people set up games when it's convenient, too.

  7. 6 months ago

    I have been playing retro commander. It is a very simple RTS, but is fun to play as a very bad/casual RTS player.

  8. 6 months ago

    Starcraft 2
    Thats the only modern alternative
    Although warcraft 3 is also being played yet despite blizzards efforts

  9. 6 months ago

    Surprised no one mentioned Warhammer total war series. Has a great multiplayer scene. If you have to have old school Warcraft/C&C/Dune 2 resources-base-units, this isn’t it, but if you’re looking for strategy in real time, there is a ton of depth there with the dozens of different armies and comps, decently high skill ceiling, but relatively low barrier of entry. I’m no pro gamer but have defeated top guys who stream and enter casted tournaments and did so using off meta strats.

    Haven’t played in a while, but enjoyed time I spent with the MP scene there.

    • 6 months ago

      That's interesting anon, the "Warhammer series" doesn't mean anything to me so could you point out specific games?

      • 6 months ago

        Multiplayer is going to be much more slimmer pickings compared to AoE, and are arguably going to be even more brutal to get into. Still, even for mucking around do consider:

        >Warcraft 3 (not Reforged)
        >Red Alert 2 (if you could only play one C&C)
        >Dawn of War (+ xpacks; Soulstorm is skippable but decent for skirmishes)
        >Supreme Commander

        All good picks.

        He means the Total War games based upon Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The IP technically has a few settings (40k, AoS, etc) but Creative Assembly has only covered that one.

  10. 6 months ago

    Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
    It's aged really well, multiplayer is still alive (FAF), and it's the most intuitive RTS you'll ever play.
    Shame about the sequel though.

  11. 6 months ago

    Is there a way to inverse camera scrolling in AoEII? It's backwards-ass way of moving in the direction your mouse is instead of just really click&drag is doing my head in.

    • 6 months ago

      Tried pic related and felt very similar but either is not properly optimized or needs a good pc because it made my GPU work like it was mining bitcoin or something. I was able to play it smoothly I just didn't want that

      You can click and drag but is the right mouse button. I prefer using the mouse pointer and just making it faster

  12. 6 months ago

    Cossacks is what I play. Unfortunately the remake is shit. There is a mod for the original that adds A LOT of nice features called the imperia mod. Good luck getting people to play MP with you though.

    • 5 months ago

      Why is bad? Is the original on steam?

  13. 5 months ago

    WC3 is the best RTS ever made

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